

17.10.2013 22:53:15
Author: zyx21
Title: Planetside Weapons FAQ
Version: 1.6
Date: 9/22/03
~~~~~~Planetside Weapons FAQ~~~~~~~

[Section 1: Intro]
(1.1) Introduction
(1.2) Version History
(1.3) Notes
(1.4) Legal Information

[Section 2: General Weapon Stats]
(2.1) Weapon Stats Intro
(2.2) Blades
(2.3) Standard Assault Weapons
(2.4) Medium Assault Weapons
(2.5) Heavy Assault Weapons
(2.6) Anti-Vehicle Weapons
(2.7) Sniping Weapons
(2.8) Special Assault Weapons
(2.9) MAX Weapons

[Section 3: Special Weapon Stats]
(3.1) Grenades
(3.2) Engineer Explosives
(3.3) Turrets

[Section 4: Armor Stats]
(4.1) Standard Exosuit
(4.2) Agile Exosuit
(4.3) Reinforced Battle Armor
(4.4) Infiltration Suit
(4.5) MAX Armor

[Section 1: Intro]

[(1.1)] Introduction
Well, well, greetings! I created this guide in hopes that people will
use it to further their Planetside skills. By knowing the statistics of
particular weapons and armor, you can fight more effectivly. Please also
note that due to patching, numbers in the FAQ may not be 100% correct. If
you see an error, please contact me at or on AIM
my SN is sonthecell9

To navigate to a particular section, press Ctl+F then type in the section
number (like 1.1, for example).

[(1.2)] Version History
v0.1: Very Basic.... just started it. Currently have Blades done.

v0.3: Got a decent chunk of General Weapons done.

v0.5: Finished General Weapons!

v0.7: Almost done.... finished Sections 1-3.

v1.0: First finished version!

V1.1: Added an Example for how to read weapon entries

v1.5: Updated Legal Info, will begin adding weapon
strategies soon.

v1.6: Edited Notes... please read.

[(1.3)] Notes
->(ver 1.5) As stated in the intro, not all numbers are 100% correct
as of yet.
->(ver 1.6) I plan to begin updating this FAQ once I get back to
playing PlanetSide. Until then, its staying the same.

[(1.4)] Legal Information
This document is Copyright 2004 by zyx21
It is not to be posted on any other websites other than,,, or
It may not be used to profit oneself in any way, shape, or form without
direct consent by the creator. Use of this guide on any other website is
strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright. All rights
Planetside is copyright 2003 Sony Online Entertainment.

[Section 2: General Weapon Stats]

[(2.1)] Weapon Stats Intro
First off, I would like to state that these statistics are not 100%
accurate as of yet. With your help, we can make them accurate.
Please contribute if you want to see accuracy in these numbers.
Stat Block Key:
{CS} Common Pool
{TR} Terran Republic
{NC} New Conglomerate
{VS} Vanu Sovereignty
Direct: Does the Damage directly
Explosion: Damage is done by explosion
Aggravated: Does the damage continuously (aka burns)

{Faction/Common Pool} Name
Ammo Type: Type of ammo used
Rate of Fire: How fast it fires 1 clip
Accuracy: How Accurate it is over ranges
Shot Power: How much of a punch each bullet has (1-5)
Effective Range: What range it is most effective at (1-5)
Damage Type: Direct/Explosive/Aggravated
Vs. Infantry: Damage vs. infantry
Vs. Vehicles: Damage vs. vehicles
Vs. Aircraft: Damage vs. aircraft (parked or flying)

[(2.2)] Blades
All of these are the same now... but nevertheless...

{TR} Chainblade
Ammo Type: -
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 25/50 (deactivated/activated)
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

{NC} Mag Cutter
Ammo Type: -
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 25/50 (deactivated/activated)
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

{VS} Forceblade
Ammo Type: -
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 25/50 (deactivated/activated)
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

[(2.3)] Standard Assault Weapons
Rate of Fire: 4
Accuracy: 2
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 1
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm Standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 3
Vs. Aircraft: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 6
Vs. Aircraft: 6

{VS} Beamer
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 2
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: Energy Cell (Primary Mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 3
Vs. Aircraft: 3
Ammo Type: Energy Cell (AP Mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 8
Vs. Aircraft: 8

{TR} Repeater
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 2
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: 9mm Standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 3
Vs. Aircraft: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 8
Vs. Aircraft: 8

{NC} Mag-Scatter Pistol
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 4
Effective Range: 1
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: Shotgun shell (Standard)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10x6 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 0
Vs. Aircraft: 0
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shell (AP)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 5x6 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 5x6 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 5x6 pellets

{CP} Suppressor
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 4
Shot Power: 2
Effective Range: 3
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 15
Vs. Vehicles: 8
Vs. Aircraft: 8
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 7
Vs. Vehicles: 13
Vs. Aircraft: 13

[(2.4)] Medium Assault Weapons

{CP} Sweeper
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 5
Effective Range: 1
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: Shotgun shell (standard)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10x8 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 5x8 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 5x8 pellets
Ammo Type: Shotgun shell (AP)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 5x8 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 10x8 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 10x8 pellets

{CP} Punisher
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 2
Effective Range: 3
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 15
Vs. Aircraft: 15
Ammo Type: Rocklet
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 75
Vs. Aircraft: 75
Ammo Type: Grenades (See 3.1)
Damage Type: -
Vs. Infantry: -
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

{VS} Pulsar
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 4
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 4
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: Energy Cell (Primary Mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: Energy Cell (AP Mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 15
Vs. Aircraft: 15

{TR} Cycler
Rate of Fire: 4
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 2
Effective Range: 4
Ammo Amount: 4
Ammo Type: 9mm standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 15
Vs. Aircraft: 15

{NC} Gauss Rifle
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 4
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 4
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: 9mm Standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 20
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 12
Vs. Vehicles: 15
Vs. Aircraft: 15

[(2.5)] Heavy Assault Weapons

{VS} Lasher
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 4
Effective Range: 2
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: Energy Cell
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 30
Vs. Vehicles: 30
Vs. Aircraft: 30

{TR} Mini-Chaingun
Rate of Fire: 5
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 2
Ammo Amount: 5
Ammo Type: 9mm standard
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 18
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: 9mm AP
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 15
Vs. Aircraft: 15

{NC} Jackhammer
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 5
Effective Range: 1
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: Shotgun shell (standard)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10x8 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 5x8 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 5x8 pellets
Ammo Type: Shotgun shell (AP)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 5x8 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 10x8 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 10x8 pellets

[(2.6)] Anti-Vehicle Weapons
*NOTE*: The stats of Anti-Vehicle weapons should not be compared
to other classes of weapons. They are given statistics in their own

{VS} Lancer
Rate of Fire: 4
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 1
Effective Range: 3
Ammo Amount: 4
Ammo Type: Lancer cartridge
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 125
Vs. Aircraft: 125

{TR} Striker
Rate of Fire: 3
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 3
Ammo Amount: 3
Ammo Type: Striker missile
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 200
Vs. Aircraft: 200

{NC} Pheonix
Rate of Fire: 1
Accuracy: 5
Shot Power: 4
Effective Range: 4
Ammo Amount: 1
Ammo Type: Pheonix Missile
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 300
Vs. Aircraft: 300

[(2.7)] Sniping Weapons

{CP} Bolt Driver
Rate of Fire: 1
Accuracy: 5
Shot Power: 5
Effective Range: 5
Ammo Amount: 1
Ammo Type: Bolt projectile
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 100
Vs. Vehicles: 50
Vs. Aircraft: 50

[(2.8)] Special Assault Weapons

{CP} Decimator
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 2
Shot Power: 5
Effective Range: 1
Ammo Amount: 3 (literally)
Ammo Type: Built-in missiles
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 400
Vs. Aircraft: 400

{CP} Rocklet Rifle
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 3
Effective Range: 3
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: Rocklet Projectile
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 50
Vs. Vehicles: 75
Vs. Aircraft: 75

{CP} Thumper
Rate of Fire: 2
Accuracy: 3
Shot Power: 4
Effective Range: 2
Ammo Amount: 2
Ammo Type: Grenades (see 3.1)
Damage Type: -
Vs. Infantry: -
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

[(2.9)] MAX Weapons

{VS} Quasar (AP)
Ammo Type: VS Quasar (normal mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 20
Vs. Vehicles: 10
Vs. Aircraft: 10
Ammo Type: VS Quasar (AP mode)
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10
Vs. Vehicles: 20
Vs. Aircraft: 20

{VS} Comet (AV)
Ammo Type: VS Comet
Damage Type: Aggravated
Vs. Infantry: 15
Vs. Vehicles: 40
Vs. Aircraft: 40

{VS} Starfire (AA)
Ammo Type: VS Starfire
Damage Type: Aggravated
Vs. Infantry: 12
Vs. Vehicles: 20
Vs. Aircraft: 75

{TR} Pounder (AP)
Ammo Type: TR Pounder
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 70
Vs. Vehicles: 50
Vs. Aircraft: 50

{TR} Dual Cycler (AV)
Ammo Type: TR Dual Cycler
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 16
Vs. Vehicles: 18
Vs. Aircraft: 18

{TR} Burster (AA)
Ammo Type: TR Burster
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 15
Vs. Vehicles: 25
Vs. Aircraft: 50

{NC} Scattercannon (AP)
Ammo Type: NC Scattercannon
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 10x10 pellets
Vs. Vehicles: 5x10 pellets
Vs. Aircraft: 5x10 pellets

{NC} Falcon (AV)
Ammo Type: NC Falcon
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 35
Vs. Vehicles: 50
Vs. Aircraft: 50

{NC} Sparrow
Ammo Type: NC Sparrow
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 25
Vs. Vehicles: 50
Vs. Aircraft: 150

[Section 3: Special Weapon Stats]

[(3.1)] Grenades
Ammo Type: Frag Grenade
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 75
Vs. Vehicles: 100
Vs. Aircraft: 100
Ammo Type: Plasma Grenade
Damage Type: Aggravated
Vs. Infantry: 40
Vs. Vehicles: 30
Vs. Aircraft: 30
Ammo Type: Jammer Grenade
Damage Type: -
Vs. Infantry: -
Vs. Vehicles: -
Vs. Aircraft: -

[(3.2)] Engineer Explosives

{CP} HE Mines
Ammo Type: ACE
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 100
Vs. Vehicles: 500
Vs. Aircraft: 500

{CP} Boomer
Ammo Type: ACE
Damage Type: Explosive
Vs. Infantry: 250
Vs. Vehicles: 400
Vs. Aircraft: 400

[(3.3)] Turrets

{CP} Spitfire Turret
Ammo Type: ACE
Damage Type: Direct
Vs. Infantry: 15
Vs. Vehicles: 10

[Section 4: Armor Stats]

[(4.1)] Standard Exosuit
Total Armor: 50
Walk Speed: 3
Run Speed: 6
Direct Threshold: 4
Explosive Threshold: 15
Aggravated Threshold: 8
Pistol Slots: 1
Rifle Slots: 1
Inventory Space: 6x9
Base BEP Value: 100
Special: N/A

[(4.2)] Agile Exosuit
Total Armor: 100
Walk Speed: 3
Run Speed: 5.5
Direct Threshold: 6
Explosive Threshold: 25
Aggravated Threshold: 10
Pistol Slots: 2
Rifle Slots: 1
Inventory Space: 9x9
Base BEP Value: 125
Special: N/A

[(4.3)] Reinforced Battle Armor
Total Armor: 150
Walk Speed: 3
Run Speed: 4.5
Direct Threshold: 8
Explosive Threshold: 35
Aggravated Threshold: 12
Pistol Slots: 2
Rifle Slots: 2
Inventory Space: 9x12
Base BEP Value: 150
Special: N/A

[(4.4)] Infiltration Suit
Total Armor: 0
Walk Speed: 3
Run Speed: 6.5
Direct Threshold: 0
Explosive Threshold: 0
Aggravated Threshold: 0
Pistol Slots: 1
Rifle Slots: 0
Inventory Space: 6x6
Base BEP Value: 175
Special: Cloaking

[(4.5)] MAX Armor
Total Armor: 650
Walk Speed: 3.75
Run Speed: 12
Direct Threshold: -
Explosive Threshold: -
Aggravated Threshold: -
Pistol Slots: -
Rifle Slots: -
Inventory Space: 16x12
Base BEP Value: 250
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