Warcraft 2

Warcraft 2

16.10.2013 16:59:58

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Character QUOTES


Warcraft II Character Quotes
Version Final
Created by Menji76 (Nick Bryant)
Email: g0dlikeskills@yahoo.com
AIM: G0dlikeskills
MSN: hobbz_76@hotmail.com

The purpose of this guide was to add more info/FAQ to this game, since
this was a request I thought it would be fun to list all the battle phrases
everything says in the game. So Enjoy.....

If I am missing anything, UNLESS I already stated I will add it soon or If
something is incorrect, email me telling me. ALL people will be credited.


Update History:
Version 1.0 7/19/04 Added Human Quotes of: Everyone
Version 1.3 7/19/04 Added Orc Quotes of: Everyone
Version Final 7/19/04 Added NPC's/Heros/Buildings of: Everything

Minor update that dlh.net/ign.com can post my FAQ
Minor update to fix errors and change things


These are the only sites that can post this faq, if you see them anywhere
else please report to be via email as this is a copyright violation.



Table of Contents: =

V: Special Thanks
VI: Legal Info


==Section I==

Q: How do you get these quotes to be said?
A: By clicking on a character many times, he/she/it will say something.
-Note- These can be changed by having a mic and using the voice thing
in the WARCRAFT II files.

Q: How do you know these are right?
A: I clicked on them one by one until I was done... fun huh?

Q: What does BNE stand for?
A: Battle Net. Edition (Will be used throughout the guide)

Q: How can I contact you for changes?
A: At the top are all my emails/IM's and other ways to get to me.

Q: Do you play online?
A: I used to and now do not as no one does anymore


==Section II==

Human Quotes:

Anything surrounded in "* *" is a sound, not a phrase.

Archer: =

When Made)
a) I come to serve
When Clicked on)
a) Your eminence
b) My sovern
c) Your wish?
d) We must take action!
e) Time is of the essence
f) Even elder races get tired of waiting
g) Exulted one
When Moving)
a) For the Alliance!
b) Move out!
c) By your command
d) Yes!

Ballista: =

When Made)
a) Awaiting orders
When Clicked on)
a) None
When Moving)
a) *Ballista Moving*

BattleShip: =

When Made)
a) Captain on the bridge
When Clicked on)
a) Set Sail?
b) Skipper
c) Stop rocking the boat!
d) You're making me seasick
e) *Barfs*
f) Aye captain
When Moving)
a) Underway
b) Aye Aye Sir
c) Aye Captain

Dwarvin Demolition Squad: (In Scottish accent) =

When Made)
a) Dwarves Ready!
When Clicked on)
a) Ahh
b) I love blowing things up
c) Bombs are great
d) Tilt one back with me dog
e) What do you want?
When Moving)
a) Alright
b) Ok
c) Aye lad'y
d) Loat!
e) Yes sir!

Elven Destroyer: =

When Made)
a) Captain on the bridge
When Clicked on)
a) Set Sail?
b) Skipper
c) Stop rocking the boat!
d) You're making me seasick
e) *Barfs*
f) Aye Captain?
When Moving)
a) Underway
b) Aye Aye Sir
c) Aye Captain

Flying Machine: =

When Made)
a) I've got a flying machine!
When Clicked on)
a) None
When Moving)
a) Propellar spinning

Footmen: =

When Made)
a) Awaiting orders
When Clicked on)
a) Yes sire?
b) Your orders?
c) At your service
d) Make up your mind
e) Are you still touching me?
f) Don't you have a kingdom to run?
g) I do have work to do
h) Join the army, they said
i) See the world, they said
j) I'd rather be sailing
When Moving)
a) Yes
b) At once sire
c) As you wish
d) Yes my lord

Gnomish Submarine: =

When Made)
a) Captain on the bridge
When Clicked on)
a) Set Sail?
b) Skipper
c) Stop rocking the boat!
d) You're making me seasick
e) *Barfs*
f) Aye Captain?
When Moving)
a) Underway
b) Aye Aye Sir
c) Aye Captain

Gryphon Rider: =

When Made)
a) *Fluttering of Wings*
When Clicked on)
a) *Fluttering of Wings*
When Moving)
a) *Gryhon Cries*

Knight: =

When made)
a) Ready to serve my lord
When Clicked on)
a) Your majesty
b) What hold?
c) Sire?
d) I need orders!
e) Give me a quest!
f) Don't force me to run your through!
g) At your service
When Moving)
a) We move
b) In your name
c) Defending your honor
d) For the King

Mage: =

When Made)
a) Who summoned me?
When Clicked on)
a) Your request?
b) What is it?
c) I'm a busy man
d) Don't anger me
e) I WARNED YOU!!! *Lighting Bolt*
f) Do you need assistence?
When Moving)
a) Very Well
b) As you wish
c) Alright

Oil Tanker: =

When Made)
a) Captain on the bridge
When Clicked on)
a) Set Sail?
b) Skipper
c) Stop rocking the boat!
d) You're making me seasick
e) *Barfs*
f) Aye captain
When Moving)
a) *Oil Tanker Horn*

Peasent: =

When Made)
a) Ready to serve
Building Made)
a) Job's Done
When Clicked on)
a) Helloo!
b) What is it?
c) Yes?
d) Oh what?
e) Ah huh
f) Now what?
g) More work?!
h) Leave me alone
i) I don't wanna do this
j) I'm not listening
When Moving)
a) Alright...
b) Yesh me lord
c) Right'o
d) Ok

Transport: =

When Made)
a) Captain on the bridge
When Clicked on)
a) Set Sail?
b) Skipper
c) Stop rocking the boat!
d) You're making me seasick
e) *Barfs*
f) Aye Captain?
When Moving)
a) Underway
b) Aye Aye Sir
c) Aye Captain

==Section III==

Orc Quotes: (Keep in mind, I write what I hear)

Catapult: =

When Made)
a) Your command master!
When Clicked on)
a) Nothing
When Moving)
a) *Catapult Moving*

Death Knight: =

When Made)
a) I am alive!
When Clicked on)
a) Make it quick
b) Yes?
c) I'm growing impatient
d) Don't push it
e) When my work is finished I'm coming back for you
When Moving)
a) Very Well
b) *Rrroowwlll*
c) Of course! ..... master (Whisper)

Dragon: =

When Made)
a) *Dragon Screech*
When Clicked on)
a) *Dragon Call*
When Moving)
a) *Dragon Call*

Giant Turtle: =

When Made)
a) Done building ship
When Clicked on)
a) Glore Duke
b) Hrm?
c) *Gargles*
d) *Drowning*
e) *Bubbles*
When Moving)
a) Ah hoy
b) I would love to
c) You're the captain

Goblin Sappers: =

When Made)
a) We're Ready!
When Clicked on)
a) What!?
b) Who is it?
c) Yes?
d) We've got explosives!
e) Kaboom!!
h) Ahh.... It'd beautiful
When Moving)
a) Yes boss
b) Ok
c) Alright!
d) Certainly

Goblin Zeppelin: =

When Made)
a) Here I am!
When Clicked on) (Not Sure when)
a) I can see my house from here!
b) I wish I had a weapon...!" (half-singing)
When Moving)
a) *Flying Zepepelin*

Grunt: =

When Made)
a) Your command master!
When Clicked on)
a) *Hrm?*
b) *He'r He'r He'r* (Orcish Laugh)
c) Etok
d) WHAT!?!?!?
e) Look out!
f) Missed me!
g) *eeherhatoo* That tickles
h) I would not touch things if I were you
i) My tummy feels funny
j) *Burp* Scuse me
When Moving)
a) Zug zug
b) Daboo
c) Smaboo
d) Loketar

Ogre: =

When Made)
a) We're ready master
When Clicked on)
a) Yes master?
b) What is it?
c) *Burp* ME DID IT
d) Me not brainless anymore
e) What?
f) I got the brain! ....Nuh uh!
g) Yes?
When Moving)
a) Of course
b) Right away
c) Yes master

Ogre Juggernaught: =

When Made)
a) Done building ship
When Clicked on)
a) Argh
b) Yes captain
c) Aye matey
d) Who wants to sing?
e) *Daboo da gor sad* (Singing)
f) *Yeroo*
When Moving)
a) You're the captain
b) I would love to
c) Ah hoy

Oil Tanker: =

When Made)
a) Done building ship
When Clicked on)
a) Arg?
b) Who wants to sing?
c) *Daboo da gor sad* (Singing)
d) Aye matey?
e) *Yeroo*
When Moving)
a) You're the captain
b) I would love to
c) Ah hoy
Oil Platform Complete)
a) Work complete

Peon: =

When Made)
a) Ready to work!
Building Made)
a) Work complete
When Clicked on)
a) *He'r He'r He'r* (Orcish Laugh)
b) Glore Duke
c) Etok
d) WHAT!!?!?!!?
e) Look out!
f) Missed me!
g) *eeherhatoo* That tickles
h) I would not touch things if I were you
i) My tummy feels funny
j) *Burp* Scuse me
k) err?
l) huh? (Orcish grunt to it)
When Moving)
a) Zug Zug
b) Loketar
c) Smoboo
d) Daboo

Transport: =

When Made)
a) Done building ship
When Clicked on)
a) Argh
b) Yes captain
c) Aye matey
d) Who wants to sing?
e) *Daboo da gor sad* (Singing)
f) *Yeroo*
When Moving)
a) You're the captain
b) I would love to
c) Ah hoy

Troll Axe Thrower: =

When Made)
a) New troll here
When Clicked on)
a) Diju call me?
b) Jo-a-Tox
c) What'ca wan me kill?
d) Say hello to my little friend
e) I got axe for you
f) One of us.... (goes into mumbling) .... for you
When Moving)
a) Ok
b) Alright
c) You da boss

Troll Destroyer: =

When Made)
a) Done building ship
When Clicked on)
a) Aye matey?
b) Yes captain?
c) *Yeroo*
d) Who wants to sing?
e) *Daboo da gor sad* (Singing)
When Moving)
a) Ah hoy
b) You're the captain
c) I would love to

===Hero Quotes===

Alleria: =

When Clicked on)
a) What?
b) Hello?
c) Excuse me?!
d) You never touch the other elves like that
e) Do that again and you'll pull back a stump
When Moving)
a) Let's go
b) Follow me
c) Move it

Cho'gall: =

When Clicked on)
a) What is it?
b) Yes master?
c) Yes?
d) *Burp* Me did it
e) Me not brainless anymore
f) I got a brain! Not uh
When Moving)
a) Of course
b) Right away
c) Yes master

Danath: =

When Clicked on)
a) What?
b) Need something?
c) Bring it on
d) You talking to me?
e) Hands off, grabber...
f) Don't waste my time
When Moving)
a) Draw steel boys
b) Follow me
c) Step aside junior

Deathwing: =

When Clicked on)
a) What?
b) *Nraggh*
c) Do you like fire?
d) I'm full of it
e) *Roarrrrr*
f) I'm waiting...
When Moving)
a) Yes....
b) Alright....
c) *Ahhhhrgh*

Demon: =

When Clicked on)
a) Nothing
When Moving)
a) Nothing

Dentarg: =

When Clicked on)
a) Hrmm?
b) What do you want?
c) We don't understand
d) Are you opposing Shadow Moon?
e) Ner'zul will have your head
When Moving)
a) At once my master
b) We're on our way
c) For Zer'zul

Grom Hellscream: =

When Clicked on)
a) WHAT!?!?!?!?
b) Tell me what to do
c) Welcome to my nightmare!
d) What? (Different form first)
e) Yes?
g) Feelings...
When Moving)
a) Time to die!
b) Take it!
c) Slice and dice

Guldan =

When Clicked on)
a) Yessss?
b) Make it quick
c) I'm growing impatient
d) Don't push it
e) When my work is finished I'm coming back for you
When Moving)
a) Very well
b) Of course....... master
c) *Roaaroooww*

Khadgar: =

When Clicked on)
a) Hello?
b) Who's there?
c) Do you know who I am?
d) I'm very busy
e) Are you still here?
f) Yes what is it?
When Moving)
a) Alright... Alright
b) Yes
c) If I must

Korgath Bladefist: =

When Clicked on)
a) Need a hand?
b) Hrm!?
c) Stop it!
d) Youuuuuuuuuu!!!!
e) Do you feel lucky? PUNK
f) Yeah?
When Moving)
a) Yep
b) I'm on it
c) Chop Chop

Kurdan and Sky'ree: =

When Clicked on)
a) Aye?
b) What?
c) I'll fling a hammer at you
d) You got a belly full of hagess
e) Arck.. there's no hope for this lad
f) Yes lad?
When Moving)
a) Yes.. Sir
b) Ack... ok...
c) Alright

Lothar: =

When Clicked on)
a) Your majesty
b) Sire
c) I need orders
d) Give me a quest!
e) Don't force me to run you through
f) At your service
g) What ho?
When Moving)
a) In your name
b) Defending your honor
c) We move
d) For the king

Skeleton: =

When Clicked on)
a) Nothing
When Moving)
a) *Skeleton moving*

Teron Gorefiend: =

When Clicked on)
a) Greetings...
b) WHAT?!!?
c) That doesn't hurt
d) This is the reason I ended it all
e) Stop that presistent clicking!
When Moving)
a) Immiedetly
b) What ever you wish...
c) I'd be delighted

Turlyn: =

When Clicked on)
a) I am at your service
b) Orders sire?
c) Why must you torment me?
d) You think Lothar's death was my fault, don't you?
e) I challenge you! Heathen!
f) Command me!
When Moving)
a) A noble quest
b) Of course my king
c) For Lothar!

Uther the Lightbringer: =

When Clicked on)
a) What ho?
b) Sire?
c) At your service
d) I need orders
e) Give me a quest
f) Don't force me to run you through
h) Your majesty?
When Moving)
a) Defending your honor
b) In your name
c) For the king

Zuljin: =

When Clicked on:)
a) Whad'ja wan me kill?
b) I got axe for you
c) Say hello to my little friend
d) Jo-a-tox
e) Dija call me?
f) One of us.... (goes into mumbling) .... for you
When Moving:)
a) Alright
b) Ok
c) You da boss

Special Thanks/Credits: =

To the Blizzard crew for making one of the best online games of all time,
Which still has over 50,000 people each day worldwide for a very old
game. Everyone that helped me get the quotes, and use a lot of there
time, and if I forget someone, just tell me:

Legal Info: =

Copyright 2004-2005 NickWorks
Created by Menji76 (Nick Bryant)
Do not use this guide without written permission from the owner.
No part of this guide can be used or recreated without the written consent
of Nick Bryant.
This is not the official quote guide of Warcraft II B.N.E, Warcraft II Beyond
the Dark Portal, or Warcraft II Tides of Darkness and I have no affiliation
with Blizzard.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

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Character Quotes
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