Spellforce: Breath of Winter

Spellforce - Breath of Winter

17.10.2013 20:44:18
Final Version :

Homepage : http ://www.dimensions-sega.fr.st
E mail : advanced_knight@yahoo.fr

Version 1.0 : The walkthrough is up to the end of Tirganach campaign.
Version 2.0 : A serious upgrade to change this guide into the premice of the
ultimate one for the addon. I still need to re read the walkthrough to correct
typos and grammars errors.
Version 2.2 : The walkthrough is up to the Firefangs campaign.
Version 2.3 : The walkthrough is up to the final boss. There will be a final
version with a complete boss fight and the correction of typos and grammars.
Final Version : Correction of typos and grammars. There won't be any other

Update of the final version : I added new sections and missing informations
about the altar in nevershade (credit section updated) and the final boss.


Program :

1 Review
2 The about section
3 Description of buildings and units
4 Your Avatar
5 Patchs and versions
6 Walktrough
7 List of all main quest and side quest
8 List of all rune heroes
9 Credits

1 Review :

I was waiting for this one. Spellforce marked a real good point at his time by
mixing RPG and RTS, hitting Warcraft 3 and Neverwinter Night at the same time.
Good or bad, i said really good at the time of the Order Of Dawn even if the
game was extremely bugged and needed to be patched a lot to obtain a "final
version". After you wander in hell, this add on offers to wander in ice. I
would like to say that the idea is original, but after Battle Realms and his
Winter of the wolf, Ice Wind Dale and the Heart Of Winter and probably other
game i don't own i said it's easy. Some maps on the old Spellforce suggested
Ice Wind Dale, like Sharrow Dale, Nightwhisper Dale etc...

In this add on, you discover the legend of Aryn the Ice Dragon who is so
powerful that he can freeze the entire land. He awakes from his long sleep to
find the beautiful queen elf who was singing for him. Someone kidnapped her but
behind this kid story lies a great and mysterious plot involving the red empire
and the ice elves. The ice elves were ennemies on the original game and also
traitors like the dark elves were. It appears that they have their own reasons
and we discover that they are tormented people. Lena and Grimaud decides to
awake the rune fighter that was once able to save Fiara and fight the mage of
the circle. Nobody knows that this rune hero was killed by Young Rohen and then
that Young became old and finally was able to stop his young counterpart after
the death of the rune hero. Time has past and people only remember that peace
is here and can disappear now that Aryn roams searching for his queen of heart.

The presentation is still very good, with a beautiful design and of course an
incredible video. Ok i go a little far about the video but they are really nice
and well animated.

The graphics are better than in the order of dawn. The models and decors are
optimized and the game seems to eat less memory. My PC is very powerful but
runs hardly Spellforce, now that version 1.35 is available, the game runs
better and the add on runs very well with antialiasing. However the same poor
bug is here (cause of a radeon card and not a nvidia one), when i launch for
the second time the game i need to do alt + tab to refresh the screen so the
game can appear... i even need to do escape sometimes. Hum... well it doesn't
like ATI cards but it runs better on it after all.

The animation uses the same engine of course, you liked the first one, you will
like this one. However the same drawbacks appear. If you wish a complete view
you need to play it in 2D. If you venture in semi 3D or full 3D view you will
miss lots of informations and you won't be able to control easily the game. I
regret that this problem cannot be fixed. Think that old 2D/3D rpg have at
least a better system than this one.

The sound is as incredible as in the first episode. Old voice actors are back
and new one join the cast. In french the actors are well known with the french
actor for Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy Slayer Vampire for the women and
Tiel'c in Stargate for the men. Other actors are also known but i won't list
them all. In english it is the same thing so everyone must be happy. I simply
regret that some musics cut brutally to loop.

The controls are the same, the basic Spellforce player will be a master in this
add on. You will be troubled by the fact that some buildings has disappeared
and also by the hero system stats that you need to adapt to the fact that less
exp, armors and weapons are available than in the original game.

Breath Of winter succeeds in many points to increase the quality of the game.
However it also failed in many points and bring drawbacks that wasn't available
on the original game. Why suddenly all the creatures go to level 18/20 while
you still are level 12/13 ? because you progress quickly when you know how to do
it. Also if it is true that you can build a town quietly (i mean ennemies horde
are possible to stop) you will soon discover that it is still better to destroy
the magic fountains by yourself. The reasons are various but the main one is
that you have for some units only the low one. What can you do with low orks
against a level 12 boss ? In fact you will mostly use your troops as decoy
while the heroes and the avatar do the real job so why losing so many time. On
some map you won't be able to beat some hordes not because of the event just
because they have a too much higher level. The problem is that you need exp and
there are few sidequests. The one available are long very long and force you to
wander in all the new world. I recommend to buy this game, you won't regret it,
but the 40 hours announced are simply announced not for the number of side
quests but for the number of hours you need to find a good way to earn exp and
complete the main quest.

GRAPHICS : 19/20
SOUND : 17/20
CONTROLS : 19/20
INTEREST : 17/20

Rune Fighter ADK.

2 The about section :

This section will be in each guide i will produce from now on.

I know it's an awful one, but it's the only one i have. Correct me if you wish
that's the best you can do. I am kind enough to warn you so don't expect i
answer to hate mails or to a question like : "Is this your first language ?".
Correct me if you wish that's the best you can do.

Please write to me only for true questions. Most of the time, i know it by the
poor questions i received, you write to me just because you have seen my name
near the faq. You don't want to read my faq but you want a quick advice. Sorry
to say this but i'm tired of these mails.

This faq is basically dedicated to my own site and to gamefaqs. If you wish to
download it for your site, ask for the permission but it's not all misters and
misses webmasters. Think to update my faq because when i correct my english or
post an update with more informations, it's on gamefaqs but never on YOUR sites.

I receive questions about things that are in an update and some people continue
to ask me when i will complete the faq of Skies Of Arkadia...
Conclusion : if you download my faqs, be sure to download the updates as you do
for an emulator. It will work better for everyone.

3 Descritption of buildings and units :

This section is identical to the one in my guide of "Order of Dawn". It is here
to help people who play the add on after a long time, just like me.

Human Buildings :

Woodcutter Hut : Allow to extract the wood, cost 40 woods.
Quarry : Allow to extract the stone, cost 30 woods and 20 stones
Mine : Allow to extract Iron, cost 50 woods and 30 stones
Hunting Logde : Allow to hunt animals for food, cost 50 woods and 10 stones
Fisher's Hut : Allow to fish for food, cost 40 woods and 20 stones
Forge : Allow to recruit fighters, cost 40 woods and 30 stones
Crossbow Tower : Shot arrows to ennemy to prevent them from destorying the
camp, cost 80 woods and 50 stones
Breeding Farm : Allow to increase the food, cost 100 woods and 60 stones

Small HQ : Allow to increase the number of soldiers and workers, cost 50 woods
and 50 stones
There are 4 upgrades : once built give more 10 workers, 100 foods (15
soldiers), 200 foods (20 soldiers), 300 foods (25 soldiers), 400 foods (30

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Food Store : Allow soldiers to auto regenerate, cost 60 woods and 90 stones
Smelting Works : Allow to double iron production, cost 75 woods and 75 stones
Aria Shrine : Allow to extract Aria, cost 20 woods and 60 stones
White hand : Heal a soldier near it, cost 50 stones and 80 arias
Agricol Farm : Allow to increase the food, cost 100 woods and 60 stones

Shooting Range : Allow to recruit archers, cost 150 woods and 150 stones
1 upgrade : double crossbow, cost 300 woods and 100 iron, the marksmen fires at
2 ennemies.

Temple of light : Allow to recruit clerics, cost 40 woods and 60 stones
1 upgrade : path of light, cost 200 irons and 100 arias, cleric receives a
shield and mana regeneration is increased

Medium HQ : cost 100 woods and 150 stones
There are 3 upgrades : give 10 workers once built, 1000 foods (40 soldiers),
1500 foods (50 soldiers)

All these buildings need the Medium HQ :

Academy : Allow to recruit casters and mentalists, cost 100 woods, 150 stones
and 100 arias
2 upgrades : Shock Wave, cost 600 arias, mentalist can cast shock wave on 3
ennemies simultaneously
Clarity : cost 400 arias, enchanter increases its mana regenration and reserve.

Master Armory : Allow to recruit paladins and armsmen, cost 150 woods and 200
1 upgrade : Fire blessing : cost 250 irons and 250 arias, paladin receives a
fire sword and high resistance to fire magic.

Large HQ : cost 250 woods and 250 stones
4 upgrades : give 10 workers once built, 2000 foods (60 soldiers), 2500 foods
(70 soldiers), 3000 foods (80 soldiers)
Griffon Rider, cost 500 irons and 300 arias

Human Units :

Recruit, need a forge, cost 50 irons
Scout, need a forge, cost 40 woods and 15 irons
Marksman, need a forge and shooting range, cost 30 woods and 50 irons
Cleric, need a forge and a temple of light, cost 40 irons and 20 arias
Enchanter, need a temple of light and an academy, cost 65 arias
Mentalist, need a temple of light and an academy, cost 100 arias
Paladin : need a forge, temple of light and a master armory, cost 60 irons and
30 arias
Armsmen : need a forge and a master armory, cost 70 irons

Commentaries : The humans cost alot but their armies are strong. I regret that
the griffon rider is weak. A paladin with a fire sword is fantastic for melee.
I appreciate also the cleric who heals in battle, even if they don't have a lot
of mana to spend. The archer towers are inefficient and the archers not as good
as the one in Heroes of Might and Magic 3. This race is easy to control for a
debutant but you need aria for the best troops, and usually aria is rare. You
won't have many problems to reinforce your army with armsmen however.

Elf Buildings :

Woodcutters Hut : cost 40 woods
Gatherer Hut : Allow to extract berries, cost 50 woods
Hunting Lodge : cost 60 woods

Armory : 60 woods
1 upgrade : Shield, cost 300 woods, Warder receives a wood shield

Archer tower : cost 120 woods

Small HQ : cost 100 woods

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Lenyagatherer : Allow to extract the lenya, cost 80 woods
Forester : Allow to plant new tree in the area, cost 50 woods
Sawmill : Double the production of wood, cost 100 woods
Food Store : Allow soldiers to regenerate mana and HP, cost 150 woods
Frost Bringer : Throw iceballs to ennemies, cost 20 woods and 100 lenyas
Ailantery : Allow to recruit healers, cost 200 woods

Archery Hall : Allow to recruit windarchers, cost 30 woods
1 upgrade : Ice Strike, cost 100 woods and 200 lenyas, windarcher shoots ice
arrow and can freeze the ennemy and damage him.

Medium HQ : cost 250 woods

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Hunter's Guild : Allow to hunt for more food, quick food reserve increase, cost
150 woods

Iron Armory : Allow to recruit wanderers and protectors, cost 400 woods
2 upgrades : Frost Shield, cost 100 irons and 300 lenyas, Wanderer receives an
ice dagger, the spell ice shield and high ice magic resistance.
Aryn's Wrath, cost 100 irons and 300 lenyas, Protector receives an ice sword
and high ice magic resistance

Hall of the Ancients : Allow to recruit wintermages and druids, cost 250 woods
and 100 lenyas
1 upgrade : Elen's gift, cost 500 lenyas, Druid, Wintermage and Healer spent
less mana in forest area

Large HQ : cost 500 woods
Elf Titan : cost 700 woods and 300 lenyas

Elf Units :

Ranger, need an armory and 50 woods
Warder, need an armory and 60 woods
Healer, need an ailantery and 55 lenyas
Windarcher, need an armory, an ailantery and an archery hall, cost 25 woods and
30 lenyas
Protector, need an armory and an iron armory, cost 80 irons
Wanderer, need an armory, an iron armory and an archer hall, cost 45 woods and
45 irons
Wintermage, need an ailantery and an archery hall, cost 70 lenyas
Druid, need an ailantery and a hall of the ancients, cost 100 lenyas

Commentaries : The elves are really interesting in the way of the magic. having
a healer and a wintermage is a real plus for an army. The windarchers upgraded
are also very impressive when they form a battle line to support the front one.
Best of all you can freeze up an ennemy who use a healing spell and they are
strong enough to fight in close range, even if they are weak. The titan is also
very good. The only negative point is the fighters. They need iron to be
create, which means you need another race to extract it and supply it. With
infinitely (virtually) woods thanks to the forester you can create every
building, but the lenya is not enough to supply reinforcements.

Dwarf Buildings :

Quarry : Allow to extract stone, cost 150 stones
Mine : cost 70 stones
Moonsilver Mine : Allow to extract moonsilver, cost 150 stones

Forge : Allow to reruit militias, cost 80 stones
1 upgrade : Whirl Axe, cost 100 irons and 100 moonsilvers, allow the warrior to
throw his axe to an ennemy

Pigfarm : to obtain foods, cost 120 stones
Small HQ : cost 100 stones

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Smelting works : cost 140 stones
Food store : cost 150 stones

Stonemason's hut : Double the stone production, cost 130 stones
1 upgrade : Art of construction, cost 300 stones, dwarf buildings resist more
to ennemies attack

Moonsilver Hall : Allow to recruit Elites and Elders, cost 300 stones
1 upgrade : lightsilver, cost 400 moonsilvers, elite and elder receives more
powerful weapon and resistance to black magic

Medium HQ : cost 250 stones

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Great Armory : Allow to recruit elites, elders and demolishers cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Throwing Hammer, cost 200 irons and 200 moonsilvers, defender throw
his hammer

Sanctuary : Allow to recruit battlepriests, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Willpower, cost 200 irons, battlepriest receives a shield and high
resistance to any type of magic

Large HQ : cost 500 stones
Dwarf Titan, cost 500 irons and 200 moonsilvers

Dwarf Units :

Milita, need a forge, cost 60 irons
Watchman, need a forge, cost 70 irons
Warrior, need a forge and a moonsilver hall, cost 25 moonsilvers and 50 irons
Defender, need a forge, a great armory and a moonsilver hall, cost 30
moonsilvers and 60 irons
Demolisher, need a forge and a great armory, cost 100 irons
Battlepriest, need a forge and a sanctuary, cost 80 irons
Elite, need a forge, a moonsilver hall and a great armory, cost 110 moonsilver
Elder, need a forge, a moonsilver hall and a great armory, cost 120 moonsilver

Commentaries : The dwarf are really strong, so strong that they don't need
healers. However, you can destroy more but it can be a trap. You go so far in a
camp that sometimes it's hard to retreat and you can't wait the reinforcements.
I don't like the defender unit, these archers are weak and useless. The
demolisher, elite and elder are excellent. Usually dwarf are intelligent and
let a monument near sufficient stone resource so you can build everything. But
if your camp is attacked and destroyed you will have problems to rebuild it.
The titan is efficient but curiously less than the elf one. Supplying Iron is
usually hard and that's why i prefer the humans. You can summon reinforcements,
but you will have to manage efficiently a team because you can't really call
lots of reinforcements if your army falls. Also the pigfarm for automatic food
supplying is a cool feature.

Orc Buildings :

Woodcutter's hut : cost 40 woods
Mine : cost 100 woods
Hunting Lodge : cost 50 woods
Boar Breeding : Allow to breed boars and obtain food, cost 150 woods
Mace Carver : Allow to recruit fighters, cost 70 woods

Forge : cost 100 woods
1 upgrade : Scythespear, cost 200 Irons, Spearman receives a scythe blow that
can damage up to 3 ennemies.

Fisher's Hut : cost 50 woods
Firestarter : Throw fireballs on ennemies to defend the camp, cost 80 woods and
60 lenyas
Small HQ : cost 90 woods.

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Shaman's Hut : Allow to recruit totems, cost 110 woods
1 upgrade : Viper's Shield, cost 100 woods and 250 lenyas, Totems receives a
shield, more spell power and poisoned spear

Food Store : cost 140 woods
Croptent : Allow to extract lenya, cost 70 woods
Smelting Works : cost 200 woods

Hall of Glory : Allow to recruit drummers, cost 350 woods
1 upgrade : Glory of the Horde, cost 50 woods and 100 lenyas, drummers and
hornblowers have more influence during a battle

Medium HQ : cost 200 woods

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Blood Shrine : Allow to recruit firemasters, cost 200 woods and 100 lenyas
1 upgrade : Firestorm, cost 300 lenyas, firemaster receives a wave of fire
spell that can damage up to 3 ennemies

Dark Forge : Allow to recruit Veterans, cost 450 woods
1 upgrade : Tunderstrike, cost 400 irons, veterans receives a tunderstrike that
can cause additional damage

Large HQ : cost 450 woods
Orc Titan, cost 400irons and 400 lenyas

Orc Units :
Thug, need a mace carver, cost 40 woods
Spearman, need a forge, cost 50 irons
Totem, need a mace carver and a shaman's hut, cost 15 woods and 30 lenyas
Firemaster, need mace carver, a shaman's hut and a blood shrine, cost 20 woods
and 50 lenyas
Fighter, need mace carver and a forge, cost 30 woods and 30 irons
Drummers, need mace carver, a shaman's hut and a hall of glory, cost 40 woods
and 15 lenyas
Hornblowers, need a forge, a shaman's hut, a dark forge and a hall of glory,
cost 50 irons and 40 lenyas
Veteran, need a forge and a dark forge, cost 80 irons

Commentaries : This race is efficient in the way of construction, but very poor
when you come to the battle. The firemasters and totems are really useful if
you can form a distant line, they will be less good in hand to hand. Drummers
and hornblowers are useless and don't really fight. The spearmen are too weak
to be on the front. Fortunately,the orc titan and the veteran are corrects.
They both resist to fire magic. You will need them to collect resources and
help the trolls for example. Note that the drummers are bugged and you can
summon as many of them as you want. You will also note that when you have
enough lenya for another troops, the drummers, take 50 lenyas to be created and
not 15.

Troll Buildings :

Woodcutter's Hut : cost 30 woods and 10 stones
Quarry : cost 30 woods and 20 stones

Mace Carver : Allow to recruit Rowdies, cost 40 woods and 50 stones
1 upgrade : Heavy Club, cost 300 woods, smasher receives a bigger club

Hunting Lodge : cost 20 woods and 40 stones
Small HQ : cost 50 woods and 50 stones

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Stonecutter : Allow to recruit devastators and throwers, cost 150 woods and 200
2 upgrades : Hail of Fire, cost 400 stones, thrower bashes hot stones for
additional damage
Tunderstrike, cost 200 woods and 300 stones, Devastator receives a tunderstrike
for additional damage

Corpse Collector : Allow to increase the food reserve, cost 30 woods and 30
Food Store : cost 80 woods and 80 stones
Stone Thrower : Throw stones on the ennemies, cost 100 woods and 200 stones

Ironhouse : Allow to recruit Hurlers and Bouncers, cost 300 sotnes and 400 irons
1 upgrade : Way of the North : Bouncer receives an ice club, Hurler throw ice
ball and both resist to ice magic.

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Blacksmith : Allow to recruit destroyers and champions, cost 400 stones
1 upgrade : Chaos Weapon, cost 500 irons, destroyer and champion receive
special weapon.

Large HQ : Cost 250 woods and 250 stones
Troll Titan, cost 700 woods and 300 stones

Troll Units :

Rowdy, need a mace carver, cost 90 woods
Smasher, need a mace carver, cost 120 woods
Thrower, need a mace carver and a stonecutter, cost 120 stones
Devastator, need a mace carver and a stonecutter, cost 70 woods and 60 stones
Hurler, need a mace carver, a stonecutter and an iron house, cost 10 stones and
60 irons
Bouncer, need a mace carver and an iron house, cost 70 woods and 70 irons
Destroyer, need a mace carver, an iron house and a blacksmith, cost 80 woods
and 100 irons
Champion, need a mace carver, an iron house and a blacksmith cost 50 woods and
150 irons

Commentaries : The trolls are really stupid, you feel it as soon as you
controls them. Simple buildings, simple combinations to obtain powerful troops.
They are so stupid that in battle they will hit the ennemies but if you don't
stop them, they will attack you and then attack between each other (bug or
troll reality ?). You always need to give order and to do monitoring on the
troll army. They cost alot, it's hard to build a full troll army. The advantage
is that it's very powerful, the dwarf are helpless in comparison. They depend
also on another race, as the elves, for the iron.

Dark Elf Buildings :

Quarry : cost 50 stones
Mine : cost 80 stones
Breeder : Allow to obtain food, cost 150 stones

Forge : Allow to recruit assassins, cost 80 stones
1 upgrade : Dance of Death, cost 300 irons, The assassin can do a finishing
blow and when he dies, kill all the ennemies around him of same level or in
critical shape

Tower of Sorcery : Use a laser to defend the camp, cost 50 stones and 100 arias
Small HQ : cost 110 stones

All these buildings need the small HQ :

Onyxshrine : Allow to extract Aria, cost 80 stones
Mindbreaker : Hypnotize the ennemy, cost 50 stones and 100 arias
Onyx Tower : Allow to recruit sorcerers, cost 140 stones
Food Store : cost 180 stones

Dark Academy : Allow to recruit Necromancers, cost 250 stones and 100 arias
1 upgrade : Redemption, cost 500 arias, the warlock changes into a poisoned
spider when he dies.

Moonsilver Mine : cost 160 stones
Fungus Farm : Allow to obtain food, cost 120 stones
Stonemason : Allow to double the production of stone, cost 130 stones

Medium HQ : cost 300 stones

All these buildings need the medium HQ :

Shadowforge : Allow to recruit Deathknight, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Dark Bond, cost 400 moonsilvers and 200 arias, Havoc and
Deathknight will resist to high magic.

Moonsilver Armory : Allow to recruit battlemaster, cost 350 stones
1 upgrade : Sinister Blessings, cost 100 irons and 300 moonsilvers,
Battlemaster receives a multitude of magical effects.

Arkanum : Allow to recruit warlock, cost 200 stones and 150 arias
1 upgrade : Nor's Calling, cost 500 arias, Necromancer revives at midnight and
fight again.

Large HQ : cost 550 stones
Dark Elf Titan, cost 300 moonsilvers and 300 arias

Dark Elf Units :

Assassin, need a forge, cost 100 irons
Sorcerer, need an onyx tower, cost 80 aria
Necromancer, need an onyx tower and a dark academy, cost 110 arias
Darblade, need a forge and an onyx tower, cost 70 irons and 20 arias
Battlemaster, need a forge and a moonsilver armory, cost 50 moonsilvers and 80
Deathknight, need a forge, an onyx tower and a shadowforge, cost 80 moonsilvers
and 40 arias
Warlock, need an onyx tower, an arkanum and a dark academy, cost 140 arias
Havoc, need a forge, an onyx tower, an arkanum, a shadowforge and a moonsilver
armory, cost 110 moonsilvers and 60 arias

Commentaries : The Dark Elf is a powerful race, they don't fear the magic but
isee a lot of bad points. The titan is quick but weak, you need a lot of
different resources to recruit your troops but the most important thing to note
is that the unit are really long to create. It explains why you obtain them
near the end of the game. You need to be experimented in defending a camp,
because you need to protect a lot of buildings and sources. If you manage to
create a dark elf army with all the upgrades, you obtain a powerful army but
you don't forget that you can't summon quickly reinforcements.

4 The Avatar :

Your avatar is your main character. The first question you will ask is "Can i
use my old avatar for the add on ?" and the answer is no. Also in this add on
you will have to change your politic about increasing an avatar stats. There
are few side quests to gain "free" exp, also each time the avatar die, don't
forget it loses exp. The game is harder with less armors and weapons to find.
If you choose a fighter, be sure to specialize him in wearing heavy weapons and
armors. Forget about the magic skills, you won't have the time to learn many
spells as you need to increase drastically the skills to wear the few good
weapons and armors. Be sure to increase force and HP.

If you choose a magician, it is the same thing. Increase all his magic skills.
Forget the weapon. Be sure to increase Intelligence and wisdom.

Anyway you must gain level quickly by doing as less game over as possible. The
monsters will be hard to kill and the best rune heroes are only for the best

5 Patchs and versions :

If you have the original Spellforce, you can update it to version 1.35 without
the add on to have the best game possible. If you have Spellforce patched up to
1.14 for example, and wish to install the add on, Breath of Winter will patch
your game to version 1.30 up to 1.32 according to when you buy the game (first
release or second).

In any case, be sure to patch the add on now and play version 1.35 as the game
is already bugged in stormcleaver rocks. I won't repeat it.

This walkthrough is made for the 1.35 and higher version of the game.

6 Walkthrough :

Mirraw Thur Campaign Part 1 :

1) You begin to run in the plain and kill some goblins. 3 chests on the way.
You arrive at the camp.

2) Talk to Aedar. Then Talk to Willit. Buy and sell items then continue

3) Here you walk through a swamp and then you see a fork. On the right is a
kithar camp. I suggest you forget it for now. Go left and you will encounter a
smaller kithar camp. Destroy it. Then activate the bindstone and you will see
the portal.

4) Go back to the second kithar camp and destroy it for exp. Beware of the
Kithars level 4 and 5. I suppose you will die 2 or 3 times but you will be
rewarded with a new level.

5) Pass the portal.

Stormcleaver Rocks campaign :

1) You meet the Skergs and they ask you to save Janina. She is Dunhan
girlfriend so you decide it's ok to do it.

2) You can explore the first part of the map by yourself. You find an ork
monument and i suggest you build the first building and troops. You need a
small HQ to increase the number of troops and lenya for shamans. You will find
them later.

3) With your 10 valiant soldiers and your 2 faithful NPC go north then west to
save Janina. You learn that she is cursed and that you will find some help in
Hulu's Village. South of Janina is a dragon level 5 with good stuff. Beat him
with your 10 soldiers. Go north now. On the way to Hulu's village you find a
kithar camp on the west with a chest.

4) You can now advance to the east under some rock arcade and you will be
ambush by a kithar horde. This horde is activated once the camp to the west is
destroyed. After a possible game over come back to this path and find your way
to the magic fountain. COntinue further east to find a second kithar camp.
Destroy it. Don't forget the chest. If you go south you can find the entrance
to the Hulu's village and also some creatures to kill. There is a chest west of
the Hulu's village.

5) Enter the village. The skerg Hulu suggests you find your way northwest to
the village of Sterius. He offers help and you find a small HQ. You can also
upgrade your number of soldiers and collect lenya. Use the second ork monument
near Hulu's village to summon more soldiers and troops.

6) Don't waste your time as creatures and forest specter will attack your
workers. Also think to destory the kithar camp north of Hulu's village. It has
a growing horde that is waiting for your arrival. The more you wait, the harder
the quest will be.

7) Once done, continue north to kill a level 9 creatures named Wumpus. In order
to do this send 10 soldiers to fight him, be sure to have 15 shamans and also
let the NPC fight for you. Once Wumpus will have no more Mana to heal or to
poison your avatar, send her (him) to finish Wumpus. You are rewarded with
Wumpus tongue and some stuffs.

8) Finish the last swamp creatures and spiders to not have problems later. Now
abandon your ork units and go alone to the village of Setrius. Setrius suggests
you poison the kithars water. He gives you the poison and says to go west to
the path in the mountain. Do this, note that all other orks troops and village
are destroyed by elite kithars.

9) Follow the way, kill some rock spiders and find the root of water. You see a
blue object on the map. Poison the water then run to the door to open it . The
forester joins you. On the way to the forester i suggest you kill all the swamp
things as they can damage your new soldiers.

10) Now go to the Kithar Camp. Beware of the general, use the archer to weaken
him. Be sure to stay far of the archer tower as the fire can damage your avatar
if she (he) is not immune. Once this camp is destroyed you find some keys. Go
to the battlefield where Dunhan is. You find a bindstone here. After the scene,
collect the bindstone of Dunhan and go back to the Kithar camp. Free the 3

11) Go talk to Gruolun and he asks for an idol in a chest. He gives you a magic
stone. Talk to the other to obtain 2 other magic stone. Now Go to Wumpus Lair.
Locate the chest south of this lair in the mountain. Click on it and the heroes
will go There. Now be sure to have the forester with you and give the idol to
Gruolun. You obtain a solar coin and then you'll have to fight the other
magicians. Now you can go back to Mirraw Thur.

NOTE : I choose to help Gruolun because he is the only one to give a solar
coin. None of the three magicians is "THE GOOD CHOICE". You obtain the same
quest items and only magical scroll and part of armor change. No importance
anyway. You are free to follow me or not.

Tips by David Tan

"1) Help Renya, and you'll get Elemental Magic spells.
2) Help Zolowin, and you'll get White Magic spells
3) Help Gruolun, and you'll get Black Magic spells"

12) Back in Mirraw Thur you learn how to join Reowys. Now it's time to find him.

Mirraw Thur Campaign Part 2 :

1) Go to the Kithar camp on the right of the fork (as if you wish to pass the
portal to Stormcleaver Rocks). This time the tree are cut and you can advance.
Kill the beast men and also the ice elves you meet on the way. You will notice
to the north some of them, don't attack them now. Go south to an ork village.

2) One of the ork, Kongar claim for Wumpus death. Give him the tongue you
obtained earlier. Now exit to the east and notice a portal, an ice elf armies
behind another portal and also a hero monument. Summon Dunhan. Go north and
kill the ice elf for exp. Now go south and find the second refugie camp.

3) Talk to Aedar (by the way how did he manage to teleport here ?). Now go east
of this camp to the bindstone and the portal to the next world.

Echo Swamps Campaign Part 1 :

1) After the scene, fight Reowys. Now go west and summon the dark elves. North
of here is an ork camp without any magic fountain. Destroy it now or you will
regret it later. Meanwhile, you can build the dark elf camp. The major problem
will be the ogre teams that will come from the northeast.

2) Be sure to build the necromancian. They can summon additional skeletons and
goblins. With them you are invincible. Once your army is ready go northeast and
at the fork go north. Beat the ogre camp. Now continue east to kill more orks
and ogres. If you go south you will meet the masked man. He asks you for his
stock. You can go to the goblin camp near the mine and fight with Gitzo. You
obtain Gitzo fial and also save the apprentice. Go back to the masked man and
he will give you the bindstone of the hero goblin.

3) Continue farther in the map and by destroying some camps you will eventually
meet Hortar. He will give you the key to succeed against the dark magician. You
must find the Svera flute. It is not your lucky as you must follow Hortar to
the next monument. A horde will come from the Svera camp and it is north of
where your camp is. That's why i suggest to destroy the first part of this
camp. You will notice west of the masked man an ogre horde. Be sure to beat it.

4) Go back there asap and kill a svera soldier to obtain the flute. You can now
control the swamp creatures. You will use them to fight the dark magician elite

5) You must now inside the svera camp and find a locked door. Only the avatar
can open it with the key she (he) found on a corpse (or in a chest in this
camp). Explore the river and kill all the specters. You will find a stone and
try different combination to obtain a stellar coin and also a solar one. You
can obtain other items. Once all the specters are dead, Hortar will wait for
you near the swamp creatures cage. Give him the flute and go away.

6) Hortar will be killed by the creatures. If they didn't notice you, let them
eat all the elites. Be sure to search for the blade rune in the swamp creatures
cage. Then bring it to the masked man. You obtain a blade hero. Now continue
and finish the camp of Whorim. You obtain Reowys rune. Finish this map and
destroy everything until you meet stone golems. Then you reach the last
bindstone. Go back to Mirraw Thur.

Mirraw Thur Campaign Part 3 :

1) Now talk to Aedar. Summon the 2 heroes and then lead an army of forester to
the elf village. Kill them all. The fight will be hard and you will probably
finish this battle without any survivors. Grimaud obtained the key to the

2) Go south and open the portal. You free the prince of darkness. Elune comes
and offer you to go north to escape from the red empire. Follow her.

3) You arrive north of the map and pass the door once Elune gives the order to.
Touch the bindstone. Pass the portal to Frostfall.

Frostfall Campaign Part 1 :

1) Lena explains how to win. Talk to her, open the chest and touch the
bindstone. Now prepare to conquer an ork camp. Go to the ork camp. You conquer
it by touching the ork monument. Now send the workers to activate each building
and build also a small army. YOu rmission is to collect food to help the

2) You must destroy to ennemies camp. One to the north (with a mine) and one to
the south. By the way be sure to build some hunting lodge on a clear plain to
find more food. Hurry up as the time is precious. Don't forget to kill every
single creatures to free the way for the refugies.

3) Once they have enough food, it's time to run, leave your army and go north
in the swamp to the elf fortress. In there summon workers and troops to use
them as decoy. There is a trick now. Activate the bindstone here and go north
again. You find a hero monument. Call the 2 heroes you have and continue in the
mountain. You arrive in an ice elf camp. Touch the bindstone here and go back
to your elf camp. Now pass in front of Aedar and he will leave to the east
gate. Follow him there and let all the units you can to slow down the
progression of Dracon.

4) Once at the gate you see that it is closed. No problem. Talk to Lena. Use
your heroes and the new troops to kill the ennemies while the heroes go to the
bindstone. You teleport back to the ice elf camp and talk to the keymaster. Go
all the way back to the door, use your heroes and ice army to kill the wolves
on the way.

5) The keymaster opens the door. Now you can run to the next fortress in the
ice mountain. You have the choice to beat or not 2 low ennemies armies. But if
you do this, the timing to complete this campaign will be very short. Run to
the fortress and talk to Lena. Now run to the portal to Tirganach.

6) Your armies will be probably destroyed as you must slow down again Dracon.
But if yu can keep a part of the ice mage for the battle in front of the
portal. Dracon won't appreciate to lose and will run after you. But if you have
enough man you can choose to kill him instead of simply pass the portal to the
next campaign. Do as you wish, the campaign is over anyway.

NOTE : If you pass the portal to Shal Dun, you arrive in a small fortress with
a special rock inside. You can use there you stellar, lunar and solar coin to
obtain cool items.

Tirganach Campaign part 1 :

1) Your mission is to help again the refugies. Go left first and kill a small
skeletons horde. Open the chest. Ignore Ashgork for now and go to the door.
Lena arrives and says that the wolves have taken the key. They are south of the
door. Kill them all. Follow the road and be sure to get rid of all the ice

2) You arrive at Tirganach town. Talk to Lena, then to Elune, then to Aedar
(for a reward) and last to Aedale the ice priestess. Now wander in town to meet
old good pal Darius. He will tell you about good stories. Talk to an archer
near the priestess to discover that Ashgork can help you. Talk to Flink
(remember him ?) who is in jail. He asks you to find a book and give it back to
Darius. In some shop you can buy old rune heroes from "Order of Dawn".

3) Find the bindstone in Tirganach between 2 statues and teleport back to
Ashgork. Talk to him and you obtain a new sidequest. Go back to the town.

4) With your remaining troops go east and find the hero monument. You must kill
all the 4 wolves here. Now summon your heroes. With them and your army go west.
After you exit of the town go north to find 5 skeletons. They hold the book
Flink wish you give back to Darius. Kill them. With your heroes in front line,
the archer have just to hit the butcher. You obtain the book and also part of a
blade. Show them to the masked man. He suggest you find 2 other parts. Show the
book to Darius and he says that 3 pages are missing. Talk to Flink and he says
that they are in Frostfall.

5) If you go farther west of the town, you will find a village of dead. There
are 6 crypts to destroy. Here is a method. With only your avatar and 3 heroes
go to this town. Begin to destroy the 2 first crypt. Use your heroes as decoy
while your avatar do the job. After a first game over do this again. This time
be sure to concentrate all 4 soldiers on the main tomb. After this powerful
creatures will appear. After another game over continue to attack the 3
remainings crypts. Send your heroes on the right and all creatures will focus
on them. Your avatar will be free to destory the crypt on the other side. Again
game over, repeat the process to destroy another crypt. Scaramangir will show
himself. He hits hard, but is only level 12, meaning he is weak. Now use your
avatar to destroy the last crypt and the heroes to lure Scaramangir. After
another gameover all the crypts are destroyed. It's time to ask for help. Your
army will shoot Scaramangir while your avatar and heroes will hit the horror
specter and Scaramangir. Once he dies a new horde appear, fall back, or at
least save your army, you need it. After a last gameover come back and kill the
last horde with the heroes and avatar. Open the chests.

6) Now you must go east but 6 trolls blocked the way. Go to their village and
hide behind the statue. At the night they come to pray. You can order them to
give an artefact, to kill the monsters east of here or to die. The item is a
poor hammer so don't ask it as they will discover you. Kill them or use them
according to your remaining soldiers.

7) Now go east in the mountain. To arrive to the portal you will have to deal
with lots of dead. Begin to destroy the small waves, then the first crypt south
of the "village". Open the chest. Go north now and concentrate on the crypt and
tomb. If you manage to destroy them all the monsters won't respawn. Kill them
all (it won't be easy) and progress to the portal where a Munch level 14 must
die. He can summon indefinitely monsters. Once dead, kill the rest of the army
and open the chests. You can now pass the portal to Winterdeep.

Winterdeep Campaign :

1) This campaign begins with hack and slash. Awake your heroes and then fight
against 2 small hordes of skeletons. They guard 2 crypts. You can advance to a
small camp and talk to 2 dwarves. One of them ask for a potion to save the
wounded soldiers. Go north to find a bindstone and a dwarf monument. You will
see a skeleton camp.

2) Be sure to beat this camp, whatever it costs, without using a dwarf army.
Then attack the camp full of frozen spirits. You will have to deal with a
powerful ice golem level 18 and then a small horde of dead elves. You find the
potion in a chest. Near this camp is a mine, near this mine is a chest with a
part of the blade soldier in it. As in Order of Dawn you will have to beat a
guardian of the mosaic, but for now, you don't have any part of it, just
remember the location of the mosaic. Bring the potion to Devus and he asks you
who he must save : If you choose his brother you obtain an axe, if you choose
the elf you obtain a jewel that you must show to Huldis in the city of elf in
Tirganach. Huldis is a merchant who refused to talk to you.

3) Now you can advance with your heroes to the horde of ghost soldiers. Beat
them all, again without a dwarf army and destroy the crypts and tombs. You find
3 chests. Now you can see a horde guarding a magic fountain and full of
archers. You can beat some of them but i think it's not possible to destroy the
fountain with only the heroes and the avatar. I suggest to build an army of
dwarf even if it means, harder battles for the rest of the map.

4) Curiously, building the town won't generate more monsters. all the skeletons
will attack you and their number will decrease. You will have the opportunity
to close the magic fountain and then beat the archers. If you wish to beat the
archers of the other side of the path, you need a dwarf army. With it in your
pocket, send them to beat the fallen hero. Your avatar and his heroes will pass
in the melee and will attack the archers. Be sure to kill first the frozen

5) Advance and you will have to face the 2 bosses level 18, Garvyn and Roglas.
With an army (20 soldiers) they fall easily. You obtain a key. With it go west
and open the door. Kill Kyria and the wolf masters to obtain Kyria's essence.
You will be able to summon her if you find a rune.

6) Last finish the last skeletons to reach Fastholme.

Ok, you can go to Fastholme if you wish, but i higly recommend to finish the
side quests now. You are level 12 or level 13 and the monsters in Fastholme and
other map will be too much hard for you.

So far you need to find 1 part of the blade soldier and 2 runes (one for Kyria
and one for the blade soldier). You can go to Frostfall and search for the
missing pages of Darius book or you can go to Mirraw Thur to freed it from
Dracon Sahal and help Ashgork.

Mirraw Thur Campaign part 4 :

In this part, teleport to the bindstone near the hero monument. Summon them all
and go to the ork village where the boss level 20 is. Free the prison south to
have a bindstone near the village. Then attack the hordes one after the other
to save the village. You will do many game over. Last attack the boss and kill
him. Ashgork and his brothers will arrive in town. Talk to Ashgork and he says
that you need 3 bone weapons (buy it to 3 different merchant, one in town and 2
other in the elf city of Tirganach for example) and that you will have to chase
an ork in the Echo Swamp to obtain magic bone. You also need blood gem, but you
have found them if you kill particular bosses i indicate in the guide. Last you
will have to mix them all in an altar which is the mysterious gigantic altar
near the portal to Stormcleaver Rock.

Echo Swamps Campaign Part 2 :

The missions is simple. Build the dark elf camp again. Menawhile the hero must
run to Nazosh and talk to him, else the spectral tree won't stop respawning.
Then run to your camp and let all the orks die. Nazosh will stay alive. Build
the camp and then an army of 40 soldiers. Go to Nazosh in old Whorim camp and
kill all the spectral tree. Now talk to Nazosh and he gives the first bone part
you need. It's not over yet. South of the camp you can see the swamp creatures
that helped you to reach whorim camp. Kill them all with a new army of 50
soldiers if necessary. They are guarding a chest with a good stuff in it. Once
all these tasks are done, simply teleport back to Mirraw Thur. Talk to Ashgork
and he gives you a new assignement.

Mirraw Thur Campaign Part 5 :

Ashgork asks you to fight a spirit to the north of Mirraw Thur. Summon your
heroes and then search for this creature. The creatures is near the altar. Beat
it with your heroes and avatar. Come back to Ashgork and now you must kill him
to obtain the last bone part. As he doesn't want to die, he runs and asks for
some help from skeletons. With your heroes follow him and do a long battle to
kill him. I killed him twice (maybe a bug) and then obtain a bone part. Now go
to the altar. You can forge weapons of magic items. I choose the weapons as i
play a warrior. To complete this quest you must forge all 3 items of the
category you choose. If you look for a blue gem, a merchant in the elf town of
Tirganach has it. I think you need at least a yellow gem which you normally
don't own. You now have 2 items. You will forge the third later.

Frostfall Campaign Part 2 :

Ok, here the things are easy. Build again your ork camp. With at least 30
soldiers you need to chase 3 wolves. You find the first near the hero monument
(summon them by the way). Then continue in the mountain and you see the second.
The third appear on the map, click on it and beat it. Once you have the 3
missing pages, go back to Darius. He gives back the key to Flink jail. Free
Flink and he gives you a magic key to help you find a treasure. You will finish
this quest later. Now go to Fastholme.

Fastholme Campaign part 1 :

1) Go to the dwarf village. The dwarf you wish to see is being held captive by
a demon. Skeletons hordes attack the village you must protect it. This campaign
is the hardest i have ever scene. It's impossible to protect and build the
town, and an army because systematically 2 hordes will come to destroy
everything. Forget the town and while the skeletons attack it, explore the map.
In a chest on the south west you find a useful armor. Now go back to the town,
switch on the bindstone. Try to attack the horde in the town, but run to the
king Ragnar, he will kill them all alone.

2) Talk to Ragnar and he says that other hordes will come. He is right of
course so abandon the town and with your hero alone explore the map to find the
2 magic fountains to close. I suggest you begin to chase the farther fountain.
It is guarded by zombies. Kill them, then attack the tomb.

3) Be sure to kill every ennemies, the horde near the giant (don't attack him)
and the 2 hordes that are blocking the way to the second dwarf monument and the
bindstone. Go north and switch on the bindstone. Forget the dwarf monument for
now. It's time to go back to the first magic fountain (guarded by death spirit
and skeletons).

4) To destroy this one, try to attack then run to the dwarf statue. It will
kill all the skeletons very easily. Do this until you can reach the 3 tombs and
crypts and destroy them all. Open the chests and then go back to the dwarf
town. Now beat the horde helped by king Ragnar. Talk to him and he asks you to
find Uram. Uram appear on the map, teleport to the other dwarf monument then go
to him.

5) Open the chest to find a rune, then talk to Uram. Help him to reach the goal
by killing some skeletons. Now he destroys the path. No horde can come to
attack the town. You must now build an army and kill the giant to save Windjalf.

6) Fighting Gorg won't be easy. You need 30 soldiers, archers, priests and
fighters of the best category for each. While you fight Gorg, he will summon 2
giants to help him. The first time you won't have the time to kill him. So
retreat when the giants appear. Come back and kill the giants one after the
other. Then be sure that Gorg will run after your avatar. Then ambush him with
an army of 30 soldiers and fight him. He will summon again 2 giants, but this
time, you will have just enough time to retreat. Last kill again the 2 giants.
Send your avatar to the cave and Windjalf will appear. Open the chest to find
the last part of the blade soldier. You need a rune now.

7) Escort him to his town and kill all the wolves on the way. If you have the
opportunity beat at least one of the skeletons level 27. You can earn lots of
exp. Back in town, talk to Windjalf and you obtain a magic scroll. Go back to
Tirganach now.

Tirganach Campaign Part 2 :

1) Don't forget to talk to the masked man. He will awake Kyria for you. Talk to
Elune and she will ask you to go north to find some dark elf spirits. Maybe
they will help you. Go north and you see that the north gate is opened.
Continue north and you will arrive to a fork. On the left are a lot of dragons
level 20. You can at least killed 4 of them helped by your heroes. Actually you
can't go farther as the number of dragons and their power will be to high for
you. Come back to the fork and go right. You see Zanzaar and his guardians.
Attack them all. They are weak. You obtain a Spider Key.

2) Show this key to Elune. She says that you can go to the south gate and find
the gate south east of Tirganach to go to Nevershade Frontier. Before you leave
Tirganach talk to Aileen. She asks you to find the murderer of Aedale. Talk to
Baetha and Lithere in town. Now exit by the east gate and go to the hero
monument. Talk to Bennair and look at the body of Aedale. Come back to Aileen
and say that you have the solution. The murderer is Bennair, you must answer 3
then tell her that it is Bennair.

3) Now exit by the south gate. Helped by your heroes destroy each house of the
wolves. The magic fountains closed kill them all. Go to the closed gate. Open

4) It is not over yet. Go to the portal and fight all the skeletons. You find
very good stuff in the chest and you can switch on a new bindstone. Go to the
frozen spirits place. In order to succeed, simply use the heroes as decoy while
the avatar destroyed the magic fountains (you must do it in 3 times for each
fountain). Then kill all the spirits. You find in the chest very good stuff and
a rune.

5) Go back to the masked man and show him all the pieces and the rune. He will
make a blade soldier heroes for you. Now go to the portal to Nevershade
Frontier. This campaign is not over yet, you will have to come back to kill the
troll and the dragons in the mountain.

Nevershade Frontier Campaign :

1) When you arrive, you watch a cutscene of what to do on this map. Go south to
switch on a bindstone and go north to the human monument to find elf building
plans (?!) in a chest. Now the trick is to not awake the human monument. Go
north and avoid both urok and dark elf camp. You meet on the way a village of
human. Go there only during the day, talk to the village chief. Now go south to
talk to the blacksmith. He says he has lost 3 items, they are the key to stop
the curse. You will have to find 3 gargoyles, they have each an item.

2) Go north. You must (as north as possible) to find a small urok camp. Destroy
it (with your avatar only of course). Now advance and kill some spiders on the
way to the portal. Pass it. You arrive in a new area. First find and free the
hero monument. Summon them all. Go north to fight the first gargoyle. Go
northwest to find a giant white spider. You obtain a yellow gem (you need it to
finally complete one of the side quest). Now go south west of the hero monument
to find 3 black towers and the second gargoyle. Kill it to obtain the second
item. Go back to the hero monument and go south east this time.

3) Find your way to another urok camp and kill them all. Then you will access
to a dwarf camp. Talk to Borrondir, the boss. Then open the chest to find a
rune (useful later). Now helped by the dwarves go south west as if you wish to
kill the second gargoyle and this time stop near a door. Talk to Borrondir and
he opens it. Now find your way to the huge to destroy. Things will become hard
as a horde run to you. Avoid it.

4) You can now go south to the dark elf camp and destroy it. Continue south to
fight the third gargoyle. Then go east to the urok camp and after a very long
battle you will free the way to the portal to Shal Dun. Don't pass it yet as
there are things to do on this map. First open the chest near the swamp (if you
miss it, it is north, just before you pass under the arcade rock). Now go back
to the beginning of the map and find the first altar. Use one of the three item
on it. The second altar is east of the elf monument to the north. The third is
located south east of the elf monument. To find it, go to the skeletons camp in
the middle of the map. To complete this side quest you must leave the map and
reenter in it. It means at the end of the campaign.

5) Go back to Mirraw Thur and build the third bone weapon. Go back to Tirganach
and talk to the masked man. In one of the chests you open (or after you kill an
important ennemy) on the map of Nevershade Frontier, you obtained a part of a
prince of the blade. The masked man asks you to find the other part of the
prince and a rune (you have it) so you can obtain a powerful rune heroes. Go
back to Nevershade Frontier and pass the portal to Shal Dun.

Shal Dun Campaign part 1 :

1) Talk to the dracon Craig. He explains how to progress in Shal Dun. Talk
again to him to earn some exp. Switch on the bindstone here and prepare to
fight. Craig will give you 11 powerful fighters to help you. Don't waste them
uselessly. First go to the ork monument and conquer it. Talk to the dark elf. I
suggest you accept his offer, despite the fact you can refuse and conquer the
moon city by yourself, you will gain lots of time. You obtain the moon key.

2) Use your 11 fighters to conquer the celestial city. It's easy to win and you
can obtain the stellar key. You also free 2 portals to frostfall and Mirraw
Thur. If you have 2 stellar, lunar and solar coins use them to unlock the moon
spirit and the sun one. They will join your army and help you. If they die,
they respawn here. Kill some dark elf and talk to the Dracon. He gives you a
hand that allows you to use secret passageway to the solar and the lunar city.

3) Go south and use your 11 fighters (and your avatar) to stop the arrival of
very small and weak red empire horde. Meanwhile you must build an ork town. Be
sure to have at least 50 soldiers. You need the weak ork to travel south and to
destroy the dark elf tower that protects the way to the solar city. Once they
are all destroyed, you can advance to a troll monument and a bindstone. Now be
sure to have a small ork army and your 11 fighters.

4) With the 11 fighters go north of the ork monument and you find a skeleton
camp. Destroy it. You will have to fight some creatures too. You can advance to
a door, it is closed for now. Come back to the fork and if you choose to go to
the mountain, you will see some dark elf towers. Go away, you will come back to
them later.

5) Go back to the ork army and enter the solar city. Locate the solar city
master. Send your 11 fighters west of him and the ork army south of him. Send
the ork army on the army of the solar city master as decoy. Send your 11
fighters to destroy the monument and close the magic fountain. You can now
unite all the remaining forces to destory this weak horde. You obtain the solar
key. Now you have many choices. I suggest you build the troll town to have
powerful soldiers and use your remaining fighters to protect this town until it
is complete.

There are :
1) The lunar city dark elf towers to the north of your ork camp to destroy. The
small goblins there have maybe some items (random fact).
2) The dark elf towers in the mountain that leads to other red empire horde.
3) The remaining horde in the solar city to kill so you can talk to another

6) First beat the remaining horde of the solar city. Talk to the Arcon there
and he gives you a fire spirit. Use this fire spirit to destroy the dark elf
towers north of your ork monument. The fact is that the dark elf of the lunar
city will begin to patrol and attack you, so forget the alliance and kill them
all. The moon spirit can beat the dark elf towers that protect the horde to the
north in the mountain. Now attack this horde, you arrive in front of the door
to the crimson city. Don't pass it yet. You'll have to destroy the lunar city.
Kill them all and talk to the Archon to obtain another moon spirit.

7) Pass the portal. Beat all the fire goblins and the 2 dark elf towers. Go
north and find the hero monument. Summon them all. Now kill everyone. You
notice 2 spider nests. You find cool stuff (one is south and one is to the
north east in the city. Kill the central horde to talk to the masked man. To
the north and to the south are special hordes that are protecting magic chests.
You need solar, lunar and stellar coins to open them. Kill a dark elf called
Shal Duir, you obtain his rune and the masked man will release it for you. Be
sure to kill everyone and to free the way to the Firefangs.

8) The last thing to do is to fight Grimaud. After a scene, you will fight him
again and he dies. Craig will say that he will prepare a fire stone to open the
portal to the Abyss while you will go to the Firefangs to find the Shadow
Sword. Go to the Firefangs.

Firefangs Campaign :

1) The crimson angel will ask for help. You lure him and accept to help him.
Open the chests and kill some shadows. Touch the bindstone. I suggest you begin
to explore the map and avoid the small hordes of shadows. Now You must discover
the location of the dwarf obelisk to solve a side quest and the altar of
Zarach. Don't forget the location of the altar.

2) You will have to fight the small hordes to free some paths. Summon your
heroes at the hero monument west of the dark elf monument. You can now beat the
hordes one after the other. West of the hero monument you will fight 2 hordes
and then meet a man. He says that you can fight the shadows by finding the
shadow ring. He has the first part and you must help him to reach the second
part in his old camp.

3) To the east is a gigantic horde you cannot fight alone. Summon troops and
your heroes to beat them. They were guarding a part of the prince of the
blades. Now the way to the dwarf monument is open (it is to the far east of
this map). After the avatar read it, he (she) has a new clue about the treasure
of Tiondrie. Go south of this monument and beat 2 hordes of 4 shadows to reach
the camp. You find a bindstone and the chest. If the man died you take on him
the key and the first part of the ring. If he is alive he will help you to open
the chest.

4) Before you take the ring you must highlight some locations on the map. The
altar of Zarach, and 4 torches. Don't forget that after you take the ring lots
of shadows will attack your camp and they respawn infinitely.

5) The first torch is to the far south west, the second is to the far
northwest, for this 2 torches you will see only a stick with a jewel on it. The
two last torches are on the far north east and the middle of the map (on the
way to the Crimson Angel). You will see a stick with a jewel and an altar. If
you go north of your camp and follow a path in the mountain you arrive in a
large plain with the map of Fastholme on the ground. Read the map and you
notice a fire on the southwest part of the map. To solve a side quest you will
have to go there and then talk to Flink in Tirganach.

6) Near the torch to the south west is a chest with a rune inside. You will
find in the chest near the crimson angel the last part of the prince of
darkness. Now you just have to talk to the masked man to obtain a new rune
fighter, but you will do it later. It appears that if you leave the map now,
the 4 torches quest will bug unless you are playing the 1.35 version.

7) The strategy is hard here. You must build the dark elf camp and an army of
80 soldiers. Meanwhile, send 10 to 20 workers build dark elf tower near each of
the torch. You need 10 dark elf tower to protect the torch and 4 to 6 dark elf
tower near each dark crystal. I suggest that you take the shadow ring and look
at all the dark crystals location then reload your file and build the towers.
Send 15 soldiers and one hero near each torch (the shadows will stop respawning
after your town expand to a certain point so you will have all your time).

8) Now you have 10 dark elf towers to protect the torch, 4 to 6 towers to
prevent the shadows respawning from the dark crystal, 15 fighters + 1 hero near
each torch and also 20 fighters in town just in case some of your units need
help. Go to the chest with the shadow ring inside and open it. Now run to the
altar of Zarach and summon the fire elemental. Be sure in the same time to
fight all the shadows near the torch. the game won't be able to manage all the
sprites and the shadows will respawn very slowly. Send the fire elemental to a
torch. The second appear at the altar (if not patch the game to version 1.35).
Do this for all torches and fight. After all 4 torches are lightened, fight
during 3 to 6 minutes and the quest book will be updated.

9) I would like to say it's over but you'll have to fight the crimson angel
(level 28). He is protected by fire demons that respawn infinitely. I suggest
that you build some towers near him and create an army of sorcerer that will
fire on him (as an archer can do). This army must have at least 30 sorcerers. Be
sure that the other 50 fighters of your choice will fight the demons. Go to the
angel and try to take the shadow sword. Then he will attack you. After the
battle take the sword and leave this map.

10) Back at Shal Dun talk to the masked man to obtain the rune of the prince of
darkness. Equip yourself with the shadow sword and talk to Craig. He gives a
fire gem to open the door to the Abyss. Open the way to the portal but don't
pass it now. Go to Tirganach and talk to Flink. He says that the treasure is
protected by skeletons. They are all level 27 so the battle at Fastholme will
be hard. You can kill the Urok here now and also the remaining young ice dragon
to gain exp.

So far you need to solve the quest of Tiondrie (kill all the skeletons) and you
can pass the portal to the Abyss. Begin with the Abyss campaign.

The Abyss Campaign :

1) You arrive and Willit explains how to pass the firewall. Now switch on the
bindstone and advance. You will encounter a patrol of red soldiers. I suggest
you run for the moment. You will find on this map small fortress guarded by
weak soldiers. There are 3 of them and they generate the patrols. You meet the
first fortress by going west. Open the chest and run to the north. You will
find an elf monument and a bindstone, activate the bindstone only and run to
the east. Kill some manticore and then you find the second small fortress. Beat
it. You are in a hurry as the first patrol move toward you and a second patrol
has been generated to guard the first fortress. Run again to the north (from
the second fortress) then to the east. You find another bindstone. Go to the
east again and go to the south to find the third and last fortress. Now it's up
to you to kill the patrols.

2) You have also found near the third fortress the ork monument and the
bindstone. Activate both of them. The idea is to build an ork village to kill
the wolves of the west and then to build an elf village to beat the fire
spirits of the east part of the map. Use the avatar and Lena to protect the ork
village and build at least 30 soldiers (10 shamans minimum). Send them on the
wolf village near the elf monument (you must use a path in the mountain). Beat
this horde and the boss. Now run to the portal and go to Shal Dun. The reason
is that you won't be able to fight anymore the fire spirits.

3) Come back to the Abyss and go to the elf monument. Build an elf village with
at least 30 soldiers (10 archers, mages and druids and/or fighters). Send them
to the fire spirits that annoyed you to the east. You must kill the horde west
of the ork town first. If you still have elf (as i had) you can send them
quickly to the second fire boss. They won't reach him but they will free the
path to him. Run to the portal as the wolves will be too numerous and go to Sal
Dun. Now come back to the Abyss and kill the second fire boss without
activating a monument.

4) Now activate the ork monument and build an army of 40 soldiers (or 50 as you
have all the time to do it). Go and kill the last wolf boss who is south of the
elf monument. You ahve found many treasures by killing these four bosses.

5) Now build an elf village to the maximum of its power. 80 soldiers and also
the titan. You must penetrate the prison of Cenwen. It is heavily guarded. I
suggest you send the avatar near the bindstone north of the prison to block the
way to the scouts the empire send to destroy your elf village. Attack the first
wave. Then you will have to beat 2 magics fountains.

6) After you beat these fountains, you can beat a building guarded by fire
golem and then go south to attack the second wave. Call some reinforcements to
attack again and again until you reach the two last magic fountains and the
bindstone near it. Continue fighting until all the ennemies are dead. You can
switch on the bindstone.

7) Save your game and advance to Cenwen. The Fial Darg appears. Beat him
(forget the shadow sword and let the elfs kill him). You have now conquered
this map. Talk to Cenwen and she will ask you to go back to Tirganach. Don't do
that as you need to solve some quests before completing the game. There is one
more thing to do here. There is a nest of powerful dragon in this prison. Go to
the east to find it and attack the nest with 80 soldiers. Beat the dragon one
after the other. Then there will be the 3 last so attack them directly and pray
that you will be enough strong to win. Thsi map is cleared. Go to the bindstone
and teleport yourself to Shal Dun.

Shal Dun Campaign Part 2 :

You will notice bad guys on this map. Go to the ork monument and kill the guy
here. Craig said that an emissary of the lunar city wishes to talk to you. I
wasn't able to find him. If you have informations on this tell me. You notice
also a fountain in the solar city where soldiers respawn infinitely. It's not
possible to stop it as there is no building to destroy. Maybe a bug or maybe it
is related to this lunar guy who wish to talk to me. Teleport yourself to

NOTE : You can try to free Mirraw Thur and the Echo Swamps of their red
soldiers army but they respawn from the portal even if you have destroyed the
red empire now. Bug again.

Fastholme Campaign Part 2 :

1) Now that you are level 24/25 go to Fastholme and build the dwarf town to its
maximum power. You will have to fight horde of powerful level 27 skeletons and
also savage beasts. What's cool here is that you have all your time to build
the town and to summon an army. Don't forget also now to kill all the level 27
skeletons that are waiting near the rock you used to block the way to the dwarf
city. Before thinking to the treasure of Fastholme, think first to kill
everyone on this map. The beasts are not difficult to kill. I have found 3
small clans level 21/22. Maybe there is a fourth near the cave of the giant but
i didn't go there to check it out.

2) Now build an army of 30 soldiers to begin the battle for the treasure.
Attack from the north west. Concentrate some archers on the level 27 (at least
15 archers) and the avatar while the titan and the other dwarves will attack
the weak skeletons. After the first wave try to increase the number of soldiers
to 40. Now you must have 20 archers and 20 fighters, a titan and the avatar.

3) The main wave is lead by a bone dancer level 28. He is the one who has the
treasure. To attack this horde use your avatar to force a wave to pursue
him/her. Then send your fighters to finish this wave. When the number will
decrease drastically launch a final assault on the main guards. You will have
then to finish a small wave to the south.

4) Now increase the number of soldiers to 50. You won't have the opportunity to
upgrade more your army. Go to the level 27 skeleton horde. Use the same
technique to beat small units of the horde. You will lose numerous soldiers and
then you will face a tactical problem. There are 16 death laughter skeletons
and 8 archers. Concentrate all the power of your archers and fighters on the
laughters because they are weak (despite a level 27). Once they die finish the
archers. It will be long (at least 1 or 2 hours to finish them all).

5) Now go back to a bindstone and teleport back to Tirganach.

Tirganach Campaign Part 3 :

1) Talk to Flink. I suggest you share the treasure, you can choose to not to
but you will only gain a poor weapon and a helm that you have already found.
You gain more exp by sharing the treasure.

2) Talk to Cenwen. She says that you must go to Frostweaver Rift and fight
Aryn. The dragon is under a curse that you must break. Summon your best heroes
(don't forget to buy the best one to an elf merchant here in Tirganach). Go
north and pass the door (you remember, i suggested to use this way earlier to
kill ice dragon level 20 for exp). Before you reach the portal you will fight
other ice dragons. In front of the portal is waiting a bear level 30. Kill him
to obtain a ring and pass the portal to the final world.

Frostweaver Rift Campaign :

1) Cenwen suggests to talk to the dwarf while she prepares a song for Aryn. Go
directly to the dwarf. Talk to him. he explains that you need to warm up 6
small crystals and 3 huges to reach Aryn. Awake your heroes. Now you have to
protect the dwarf if they say : i have a fire crystal. Let them die else. They
must reach a mine and search for a fire crystal.

2) You will find very easily all the six small crystals guarded each time by
small dragons. Then go to the north and deactivate the 3 huge crystals. Now the
door to Aryn is opened. But there is a problem, a horde of creatures come on
you because you afraid them...

3) Probably a bug but this horde will give you no exp so kill them all just to
obtain the right to attack Aryn.

4) When they die go to Aryn's lair and prepare for the final fight in order to
complete the game. Aryn is a dragon level 28 but will be very hard to kill.
During the fight 2 dragons level 24 will respawn and help Aryn until you beat
him. This fight will be very hard, you need :

The rune archer Zichorias (from the chest near Aryn)
The rune mage Sondra
The dark elf Shar Arduin

20 defenders and 22 priests
9 elites and 9 elders
The dwarf titan

The avatar and 2 other rune heroes of your choice.

Place the 18 fighters near the ice obelisk of the south to fight the baby
dragon when it will respawn. Send the archer Zichorias to hit Aryn and then
retreat. Do this until Aryn does a step to hit the group of Zichorias, Sondra
and Shar. Meanwhile, the avatar, the titan and the 2 heroes will hit the dragon
the north ice obelisk. Now that Aryn has moved send the defenders and the
to hit Aryn. Aryn will focus on them. Use the spell suffer of Shar, fireball of
sondra and the archer Zichorias to finish Aryn easily.

At least Cenwen can sing again for her dragon and the peace is back.

7 List of all main quest and side quest :

Main quest :

The battle of Mirraw Thur
The curse of Janina
The echo swamps
Escape to the north
In the mountain of Frostfall
Escape to the ice
Fire and Ice
In the heart of the crimson empire
The crimson city
The shadow sword
Departure to the abyss
In the depths of the abyss
Back at Tirganach
The winter dragon

Side quest :

The 3 magicians
Wumpus hunting
The masked man
The bone sculptor
Tiondrie treasure
The value of a life
The murder of the great priestess
The beast sign

8 List of all rune heroes :

Blade soldiers :

The prince level 24
The ripper level 20
The servant level 15

Elf :

Kyra level 16

Goblin :

Gitzo level 9

Dark elf :

Shar Arduin level 22

Orc :

Gultark level 14

Fighter :

Vlad level 24
Carminia level 23
Thiderick level 15
Ragna level 14
Ylvie level 11
Reowys level 9
Dunhan level 9

Warrior :

Tilleth level 12

Archer :

Zichorias level 21
Rolfor level 13
Jahwel level 11

Mage :

Sondra level 22
Jarvis level 16
Signe level 9

Mentalist :

Morna level 16
Zoe level 14
Garbarius level 10
Iola level 8

Sorcerer :

Dragis level 16
Argento level 15
Finistra level 12
Phobor level 9

Priest :

Siobe level 22
Nova level 17
Deidra level 16
Carmelius level 13
Navide level 11
Noemi level 9
Gyllenhaal level 8

I am not sure but you can find Gareth in Tirganach.

9 Credits :

Thanks to Jowood and Phenomic for The breath of winter addon
Thanks to Ernst G. Schlechtendahl for his help for the beast
sign quest.
Thanks to Andrew Kerry for the hint about the beast sign.

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