Max Payne - The Family

Max Payne - The Family

12.10.2013 23:22:25
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|| ||
|| Copyright Rahul "Zakaloot" Goyal 2004 ||
|| The Family, Mod for Max Payne ||
|| Version 2.3 ||
|| Last revised 09/01/04 ||
|| ||

|| Table Of Contents

[1.0] Introduction

[1.1] Revision History
[1.2] Legal Disclaimer

[2.0] Basics
[2.1] Health & Shoot dodging
[2.2] Bullet Time
[2.3] Characters
[2.4] Installation

[3.0] Weapons
[3.1] Tommy Gun
[3.2] Colt 1911
[3.3] Sawed off Shotgun
[3.4] Magnum
[3.5] Molotov Cocktail

[4.0] Walkthrough
[4.1] The Prison
[4.2] The Restaurant
[4.3] The Mansion
[4.4] The Streets

[5.0] Cheats

[6.0] Final Words
[6.1] Credits
[6.2] Contact Info


|| [1.0] Introduction

Max Payne is a great game, a terrific story, memorable characters, cool bullet
time physics. I really wanted to write a FAQ for this game, but there were
already enough so I decided to do one on the Mod that I liked a lot, The
Family. This is a great mod that I suggest you download if you already haven't
The following sites have The Family for download.

Official Site-

IMPORTANT NOTE- this guide contains spoilers, albeit not big ones but spoilers
none the less, if you do not like spoilers DO NOT read ahead of where you are
in the game.

PARENTAL NOTE- This guide contains script from the game, and there is a lot of
swearing in this game so there are many swear words such as F*** and many
others. I can not be responsible for any swear words your child learns from
this guide.

| [1.1] Revision History

9/01/04 Version 2.3 - Fixed things around the guide
- Changed Contact Email Address

7/21/04 Version 2.2 - Did some formatting
- Added Some New Stuff

6/21/04 Version 2.1 - Added some new stuff

6/12/04 Version 2.0 - FAQ submitted to GameFaqs

My new version system works differently then my old one. Any FAQ with
1.xx is in pre-postage stage, meaning it has not been posted on GameFaqs, this
is only possible on my upcoming website which will have my upcoming FAQs on
it. If a FAQ has 2.xx that means it was been posted and is still currently
being worked on.

| [1.2] Legal Disclaimer

This document may not be transferred electronically without written
Permission, if you would like this on you site, email me. Use of this guide
on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Sites that can legally use this
document are:

1. Gamefaqs (

If you find this on any other site, IMMEDIATELY contact me.

I am not affiliated with Rockstar, Remedy or the The Family Mod Team,
therefore this guide is NOT official. All respective trademark and copyright
holders own all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document.

|| [2.0] Basics

This is the section most beginner will come to, I will try to explain these
as best as I can in 'noob' terms. Since this is a mod for Max Payne, looking at
the basics in the Max Payne FAQs will also be helpful.

NOTE- the name 'Max' will be replaced by 'Tony' as he is the main character in
this mod.

| [2.1] Health and Shoot dodging

Tony isn't invincible, he is not even CLOSE to invincible, he is very
vulnerable to gun fire and can't survive many head on gunfights, so either
move while shooting, use bullet time, or shoot dodge. Moving while shooting
and bullet time will be explained later, while shoot dodge will be explained
in this paragraph. Shoot dodging is when you dodge bullets by hitting [SHIFT]
at the same time as [a] or [d], which are left and right respectively. This
makes Tony jump and go in slow-mo bullet time while he dives toward one side,
depending on which key you hit, [a] or [d].

Once Tony hits the floor, the bullet time will stop, note that Tony cannot
fire when he is recovering from a shoot dodge. A good time to do a shoot
dodge would be where you land behind cover, ex: if Tony is fighting enemies,
and he shoot dodges and fires at his enemies, and then lands behind cover,
Tony will have (hopefully) killed a bunch of enemies and you have (hopefully)
escaped with zero health taken away.

Health in The Family is measured by the person located in your HUD that is
grey when you have full health, and grows in black/red ass you lose more
health. Tony cannot take many bullets before dieing so be sure to dodge as
many bullets as you unleash.

| [2.2] Bullet Time

As you probably have already heard, Max Payne (The Family in this case)
has a slick mode called 'bullet time', bullet time is activated by hitting
[Right Click] by default, using this is combination with other buttons (1.3)
will cause Tony to do different things.

Bullet time is essential to Tony's success; Tony can only survive so many
battles without bullet time. When bullet time is activated Tony moves slower
and so do enemies, but your aiming remain sat normal speed allowing you dodge
bullets and also provides for some cool slow-mo action.

| [2.3] Characters


Tony- The main character, he is a regular gum shoe working for the Don so he
can make his rent every month. He is loyal to the Don and deadly to traitors.
He has little emotion and kills in cold blood

Loud Mouth Lenny- The person you bust out of jail in the first mission. Not
much is known about him, but be sure to get plenty of surprises from him later
on in the game

The Don- The Mafia Don, what more can I say, something 'interesting' happens
in the last mission with The Don. Any more I can't say.

| [2.4] Installation

After you DL the file (mirrors above) unzip if zipped. After unzipped find
your folder with max payne.exe in it, if you didn't change it, it should be
this : C:\Program Files\max payne\, put the .mpm file in the folder stated,
and run the game. When it comes to the screen where you choose your resolution
etc, at the bottom open up the list and pick 'the family', then hit start, and
then it should boot up.

|| [3.0] Weapons

| [3.1] Tommy Gun

|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|
| |
| Clip size- 50 bullets |
| Reload time- Medium |
| Rate of Fire- Fast |
| Accuracy- Poor/Fair |
| |
|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|

This is the main weapon in The Family, which is a good thing since this gun is
pretty powerful. It can kill many enemies at once at has a great firing rate.
Unfortunately it has horrible aim and sometimes your crosshairs will be in one
place, but the bullets will go 3 feet higher than the crosshairs, which is
bad. Despite the aim problems this gun is great is almost any situation.

| [3.2] Colt 1911

|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|
| |
| Clip Size- 12 Bullets |
| Reload time- slow |
| Rate of fire- low |
| Accuracy- good |
| |
|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|

I don't use this gun much, as long as you have a Tommy gun this gun is pretty
much useless, use only if you run out of ammo for your Tommy Gun.

| 3.3 Sawed off Shotgun

|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|
| |
| Clip Size- 2 Shells |
| Reload Time- Medium |
| Rate of Fire- Medium |
| Accuracy- good |
| |
|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|

Like the colt, I don't use this much, it is great for small compact places
like the first mission and second mission but long range this gun will
absolutely suck, use a Tommy for long range battles.

| [3.4] Magnum

|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|
| |
| Clip Size- 8 Bullets (?) |
| Reload Time- Fast |
| Rate of Fire- medium |
| Accuracy- good |
| |
|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|

The Magnum is a type of powerful pistol that best used close up. The only time
you will find one of these Is in the last mission where one of the Mafia men
drops magnum, it cannot be found anywhere else in the game (that I know of)
It is very powerful close up and can kill in a single shot up close.

| [3.5] Molotov Cocktail

|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|
| |
| Clip size- N/A |
| Reload Time- N/A |
| Rate of Fire- N/A |
| Accuracy- N/A |
| |
|---------|-Weapons Stats-|---------|

The Cocktail is a bottle of Oil with a rag hanging out that is set on fire
and then thrown, this weapon appears in the Original Max Payne. This weapons
is only found once, on the last level and where it is found it does not do
much good. When thrown the initial blast does the most damage, the flames that
follow will only hurt those who got hit in the first blast but did not die,
so when throwing this you must be dead accurate, or you will be dead.

|| [4.0] Walkthrough

| [4.1] The Prison

| Legend |
| |-| |
| | | = Piece of Furni |
| |-| |
| |
| |---| = Door |
| |
| ENT = Entrance/spawn |
| of level |

Starting Room [Room 1]

| | | | Desk | | | |
| \---/ |-------------| \---/ |
| |
| |
|-- |
| | |-|
| | | | <---- Door to Room 2
| | |-|
|-- |
| |
| |
Spawn Point

Cells [Room 2]

Door 1
| |--| |
| |
|-| |-|
Cells -> | | | | <- Cells
|-| |-|
| |
| |
Lenny's > |-| |-|
Cell | | | | <- Cells
|-| |-|
| |
| |
|-| |-|
| | | |
|-| |-|
| |
| |
Door from |-| |
Room 1 > |-| |
| |----| |
| |Desk| |

|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|
| |
| Tony- "The don had me going to a Prison now... |
| |
| It was low security and it was a night job, pretty easy if you ask me" |
| |
| "I'm here to visit Loud Mouth Lenny" |
| |
| Prison Guard- "I'm sorry sir, but visiting hours are over, you will have |
| to come back tomorrow" |
| |
| Tony- "I don't think you understand, I'm here to visit Loud Mouth Lenny" |
| |
| Prison Guard- "In that case go right in" |
| |
| Tony- "Sure, Sure, Sure, Just remember the Don takes care of his people" |
| |
|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|

You will start the mission in the room with the guard, you currently have
no gun but don't worry about that for now. Walk into the next room marked in
the map as [Door to room 2] by pressing [E], you may have a animation where
Tony is standing in a crowd of a bunch of people before you get to the next
room, ignore it and continue on.

You will see behind you a desk, and in front many, many cells. Use the map
to find Loud Mouth Lenny's (its the 3rd One from the Left) go right up to
the cell and hit [E] and a cut scene will start.

|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|
| |
| Loud Mouth Lenny- "Who the Fuck are you?" |
| |
| Tony- "Lenny Silverton you Fucking shit is that you?" |
| |
| Lenny- "Yeah but you didn't answer my question, who the fuck are you?" |
| |
| Tony- "Ya Im Tony her to bust your big mouthed ass out of this joint, |
| stand back I'm gonna blow the door" |
| |
|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|

< Tip > The Desk in room 2 provides good cover and you can even fire over it
while crouching giving you extra accuracy with the Tommy Gun < /End Tip >

The game will resume with Tony under fire from the guards, quickly hit
[1] to pull out our Tommy, Lenny has a Colt so he can back you up in some
instances. Kill the guard sitting in the desk, back track to Room 1, where
there will be many enemies, kill them all. Go back to room 2 and watch door 2,
2 police men will come off those doors, kill them both, head back to room 1
kill anyone left and stand in room 1, eventually the mission will end.
Congrats; you beat your first for The Family.

| [4.2] The Restaurant

| Legend |
| |-| |
| | | = Piece of Furni |
| |-| |
| |
| |---| = Door |
| |
| ENT = Entrance/spawn |
| of level |

Level 2 [Restaurant]

| | | |---| |
| |----| Door 1 |
| |
|-| |
| | |-|
|-| | |
| |-|
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|---------| |--------|
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|--| |
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| | |-----------------------|
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| |------------------------------| |
| | ENT |

|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|
| |
| Tony- Lenny gave the on a tip, something about a big stash of cash at a |
| restaurant downtown. I wasn't given details, I'm not the kind of guy who |
| asks a lot of questions so I assumed that it was gonna be a quick in and |
| out pick up with no blood spilled." |
| |
| Tony- "The restaurant was empty, and dead quiet. I didn't like the look of |
| things." |
| |
|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|

You will start at the door of the restaurant. Pick up the painkillers in
front of you and on the table to the left of you. Once you have these make
your way to the back of the restaurant and enter the double doors. There will
be a single guy in the back room, kill him. Now you're gonna wanna prepare for

It seems many enemy Mafia Members have found about your presence and they
want you dead, you obviously want the opposite. Head out of the room and on
the other side of the two doors there will be two Mafia Members, stay behind
the wall and shoot them whenever they pop out. When they are dead make your
way out the door you came in. You are now on the streets, a cut scene will

You will be faced with two enemies, quickly pull out your Tommy and use bullet
time to kill the guy right in front of you, deactivate bullet time and kill
the other guy behind the car. Another enemy will appear from around the
corner dispose of him. Another enemy will spawn, kill him also. At all times
stay in front of the restaurant. Once you have killed all the enemies a cut
scene will start and then you will have beaten the level.

| [4.3] The Mansion

| Legend |
| |-| |
| | | = Piece of Furni |
| |-| |
| |
| |---| = Door |
| |
| ENT = Entrance/spawn |
| of level |
| |
| ^^^^ Ramp/Stairs |
| going up |
| |
| - |
| = Door |
| - |

NOTE- The Map in the game contains much more Furni then depicted here,
just saying so you don't think the room is empty when really the room is full
of Furni.

| ENT |
|--| |
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|^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^|
|^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^|
|^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^|
|^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^|
|^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^|
| |
| |

Unimportant Hallways

| | Unimportant
| | Dead End
| | |---|--|---|
| | | |
| | | |
| |----| |
| - - Continued
| in Next Room
| - -
|----------| |
| |
| |

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(Continued from |
room above |
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|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|
| |
| *Knock Knock* |
| |
| Mr. Mancini- "Come in" |
| |
| Tony- You need to see me Mr. Mancini?" |
| |
| Mr. Mancini- "Yea I got something important to tell you, there is a rat in |
| the Family." |
| |
| Tony- "A fucking rat? Tell me the name and place and I'll take care of |
| that sorry son of a bitch" |
| |
| Mr. Mancini- "You know Loud Mouth Lenny? It looks like his loud mouth |
| screwed us over this time, the little rat bastard has struck a better deal |
| with the Carrucis then what we was giving him. |
| |
| Tony- "That sneaky son of a bitch, im gonna bury that little..." |
| |
| Mr. Mancini- "Later Tony, Later, Lenny's a protected man under the |
| Carrucis, He's got info on us, and the Carrucis know he's a marked man on |
| our turf. I was thinking -" |
| |
| *Crash!* |
| |
| Tony- "What the" |
| |
| *Rat Tat Tat!* |
| |
| *Blam Blam!* |
| |
| *Tat-tat!* |
| |
| Tony- "Shit!" |
| |
|------------------------------|-Game Script-|-------------------------------|

This level is TOUGH, I had countless reloads on this level so save after
every corner, you'll be glad you did. It turns out Lenny was a traitor all
along, and you busted him out of jail, time for him to die. You will start in
a room with the Don, one guy will try to get in, but (lol) he can't get in,
and instead he will clip (partly go through) the door, shoot any limbs that
show until he hits the floor.

If you open the door, 3 enemies will be waiting at the bottom of the stair
case. This part can be hard but if you follow my strategies you
can(hopefully)get past this part with unchanged health.

First of all, grab the PK on the Don's desk, use it if you need it. As I
said before kill the guy who tries to come in to the room. Open the door,
quickly active bullet time and focus on either the guy in middle, left or
right, using bullet time unleash bullets onto your target, then shoot dodge
back wards so you are back safely in the room. If done right you should have
the same health you had when you started. Repeat this process until all the
enemies are dead. Walk out of the room, down the stairs, and open the door,
and proceed into the hallway.

Make your way through the hallway, and you should see a hilarious 'blame
Canada' poster which I find hilarious (I'm Canadian). Anyway you should come
To a room where a guy will be rolling towards you and then shooting at you, as
quick as
possible kill him before he has a chance to get up. After you kill him,
retreat back to the hallway as 3 new Mafia men have come in the room shoot
dodge sideways so that when you are
diving you are facing the Mafia Men, kill as many as possible, when you get up
kill any remaining Mafia Men. After they are all dead regain some health and
brace for a huge battle.

The upcoming fight is very similar to the one at the start of level,
except you are the bottom fighting 3 guys on the top floors and one on the
bottom. Open the door
quickly and dispose of the enemy on ground floor. For the next three enemies
use the same technique used at the start of level, here is a copy and paste of
what was previously said: Open the door, quickly active bullet time and focus
on either the guy in middle, left or right, using bullet time unleash bullets
onto your target, then shoot dodge back wards so you are back safely in the
room. If done right you should have the same health you had when you started.

After all 4 enemies are disposed of, make your way to the room on the
left, dispose of the 2 enemies and go to the 2nd room on the right to pick up
ammo. Backtrack to the main room, and this time go to the room on the right,
again kill the 2 enemies there and go to the room on the left and grab a
painkiller. Now backtrack to the room with the Don, grab any ammo and PKs
you can find since you'll need them.

In the office you will see Lenny Kill the Don, (why didn't Tony do
anything, I mean he was right there!!) anyway, time for a boss battle, using
the Tommy, just keep firing at Lenny so he has no time to fire back, and you
should be fine, he will then hit the floor, a cut scene will start with Tony
killing Lenny, and then the game ends. Congrats you beat The Family!

| [4.4] The Streets

A bonus Team Death Match Level, The streets features a mob fight with
your mob on one side and the opposing mob on the other side, with both sides
firing madly at each other. There is little strategy I can give, other than
crouch, take cover and aim for the head.

|| [5.0] Cheats

Most Max Payne cheats don't work on The Family because most are weapons
cheats, and The Family has its own weapons.

To enable the console, make a short cut of Max Payne on your desktop,
then type '- developer' with out the quotes behind max payne.exe. Then in game
hit [F12] to bring up the console, type whatever cheat you want then hit
[ENTER] and the cheat will take affect. Here is what my shortcut looks like:

| Code | Effect |
| GetAllWeapons | Get all the weapons |
| Getpainkillers | Gives Painkillers |
| GetBulletTime | Gives Bullet Time |
| God | God Mode |
| Mortal | Turns God Mode off |
| NoClip | Gives ability to go through walls |
| noclip_off | Turns Noclip off |

|| [6.0] Final Words

| [6.1] Credits

Remedy- For making Max Payne

The Family mod Team- For making The Family

GameFaqs- For being one of the best damn game sites around

CjayC- For Running GameFaqs, and posting this guide

| [6.2] Contact Info

My Email address is zakaloot [at] Gmail [dot] com

Don't send me spam, hate mail or anything of the sort, it wastes your time and
mine. Also whenever you email me regarding this guide be sure to put in the
subject line 'The Family FAQ', making the subject line 'hi' or something will
make me delete it on sight, I read all email regarding my FAQs but will delete
any suspicious looking email on sight. An another project by
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Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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