Evolution Worlds

Evolution Worlds

10.10.2013 06:00:45
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Evolution Worlds
FOR Nintendo GameCube
GAME BY Sting/ESP/Ubisoft





- T a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

1. Introduction

2. Review

3. FAQ

4. Walkthrough
A)Pannam Town
a)First Dungeon
b)Second Dungeon
c)8th Imperial Army Ship
a)Blaze Ruins
b)Forest Depths
c)Crypt Maze
d)Pine Village (Bandit Hideout)
e)Society Dungeon
f)Tower of Despair
g)Top Hunter Mode

5. Bosses
d)Storm Bird

6. Items
a)Appraisal items
b)Valuable items
c)Regular items
e)Cyframe parts

7. Party Members Skills & Talents
A)Mag Launcher
B)Linear Cannon
C)Gre Nade
D)Chain Gun
E)Pepper Box

8. Tips/Secrets

9. High Scores

10. Credits/End

1. -= I N T R O D U C T I O N =-
Hi ! This is my second FAQ and I hope it will be of some use. I'm warning you
first that this FAQ may spoil you so be careful and don't complain that I
spoiled you, you have been warned. This FAQ is for all of you who need help so
if you want me to add something that isn't in the FAQ, just send me a mail and
I'll probably add it there.
Well, good luck on all of your adventures.

2. -= R E V I E W =-
Well you can find my review of the game on the reviews page for Evolution
Worlds on GameFAQ (Role-Playing Beyond Imagination? 's the title) and well
that's about it.

Story: 70%
Graphics: 70%
Music/Sound: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Longevity: 60%
Overall: 70%

3. -= F A Q =-
This is the frequently asked questions section. If you have any questions
about the game, send me a mail (wishingtikal@hotmail.com) and I'll add it
there unless you don't want to (tell me if so) or if your question makes no
sense. (Could happen you know) I'm waiting for your questions!

Q: Is there any reason not to combine artifacts as soon as possible?
Are there any artifacts that can be combined more than one way?
A: The more Appraisal Items you have, the more combinations you will be able
to do so it's better to wait before combining your Appraisal Items as you
will get Appraisal Items that are worth more money. I don't think some are
mutually exclusive but I can't be sure since I haven't seen yet all the
possible combinations.

Q: How do I get Carcano ?
A: Carcano will become one of your possible party members after you fight him
in Pine Village. You have to go and sleep at the hotel after and then go
to the Society Museum. Mag will ask help to Carcano for rescuing Linear so
Carcano will then join you.

Q: Where is Pepper in Museville ?
A: You'll be able to use her as a party member only after you clear Blaze
Ruins. You can find her in the restaurant.

Q: How do I defeat [Enter name here]?
A: Look in the Boss section.

Q: Where do I find this Cyframe parts ?
A: Look in section 6.e)

4. -= W A L K T H R O U G H =-
Complete walkthrough of every places in the game and all what there is to get.

A)Pannam Town
You start the game in the Suns Temple in a battle against two low-level
enemies. Rude beginning, huh? Just attack them with Mag and Linear until you
beat them. You can't die in a such easy fight. You will them be shown a
cut-scene to introduce you to the game. You will meet with all the characters
-Mag, Linear, Chain, Gre and Pepper-. No need to tell the cut-scene since
you're supposed to watch it anyway. You'll then get an assignment from Nina at
the Society and be now ready to leave on your first adventure. You can wander
around in the town but I recommend you to keep your money (you start off with
1000 Dinales) and not buy anything since you will find the same items in the
dungeons for free. Before going on your first adventure, make sure to invite
a friend to come along with you. Gre is next to the clock in Mag's house,
Chain is near the entrance of the town next to the bus and Pepper is in front
of the restaurant. Take whoever you want to be with you. Mag and Linear have
to be in your party anyway. When you're ready to leave, go to the Airfield
near Mag's house and press A next to the Sea Otter seaplane in the middle.
You'll be ask to leave or not. Well, we came here to leave anyway so let's
leave to the first dungeon.

Dungeon Name: Blind Relics
Type of Dungeon: Random Dungeon
Difficulty level: Very Easy
No. of Floors: 6F

Special Items: Cyframe parts (random)

Enemies: Claymore(Lv7)
Redback Widow(Lv9)
Popo Tribesman(Lv10)
Big Ben(Lv8)

Notes: This dungeon is really easy so no need to tell you anything that isn't
already there. The stairs appear randomly in one of the room so just
look carefully to find them. Try to get all the chests and be sure to
fight enough enemies so you can be at the right level to beat the boss.

Top Floor Boss: Mandaskus(Lv10) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Easy
Item given by the dungeon boss: Santa Maria
Reward from the Society: 1500 Dinales

Ruins Cleared !

When you're done with the first dungeon, you'll be given your reward and can
then return home. There is no need to buy anything. It's really important to
keep your money as you will need it to power-up Mag's Cyframe parts later on.
Once you enter Mag's house, you will be shown a very long cut-scene. Be sure
to have pop-corn with you. You will meet with the 8th Imperial Army leader,
Eugene. After a long discussion with him, the cut-scene will finally be over.
You now get a new assignment from Nina and are ready to leave for this new
adventure. Just be sure to store your items in the big chest in the Warehouse
in Mag's house since you will need to have place for new ones. Keep all your
Naolin in the chest and sell the other items if you want more money. Now,
on to the Landing field for the second dungeon.

Dungeon Name: Heaven Relics
Type of Dungeon: Random Dungeon
Difficulty level: Easy
No. of Floors: 11F

Special Items: Cyframe parts (random)

Enemies: Redback Widow(Lv9-12) Peripatus(Lv11-12)
Popo Tribesman(Lv10-12) Archaeopteryx(Lv12-15)
Gambus(Lv12) Bacterio(Lv12-15)
Aysheaia(Lv10-11) Protocalus(Lv13-15)

Notes: This dungeon isn't hard but rather long. The enemies are easy to beat
so fight with A LOT of them or you won't be able to defeat the boss.
Be sure to find lots of chests to collect the more Naolin you can. After
you beat the boss, you should be around at least LV17. This is the last
dungeon before your fight with Eugene so it's time to level-up and gain
TP to learn good skills.

Top Floor Boss: Rafrecian(Lv16) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Medium
Item given by the dungeon boss: Santa Maria
Reward from the Society: 2500 Dinales

Ruins Cleared !

After receiving your reward, you can return home. Surprise! Guess who is home?
Eugene. Watch the cut-scene and then the nice FMV. Linear has been kidnapped
so you now have to go after Eugene. Go to the Warehouse and take ALL the
Naolin, Herbs, Naolin+, Naolin Gold, Mokana Ampoule and other healing potions
with you. Then, go to the town and into the Cyframe Shop. It's now time to
power-up Mag's Cyframe parts. Since you don't have a lot of money, only
power-up Mag's Cyframe since he will be your main attacker. Power-up his Hand
parts and/or Hammer parts. Be sure to equip your characters with the best
equipment you found in dungeons. You can also buy some in the Adventurer's
Hut is you have some money left. You are now ready to leave. Gre is waiting
for you in the Airfield so let's go rescue Linear.

After a nice FMV and a nice crash... Here you are. Kronprinz. It's now time to
build your party to beat Eugene. Make sure to take Gre with you as he will
become the main healer since Linear isn't with you anymore. You can then
choose either Chain or Pepper. Get inside the ship and save. You'll then
face four enemies.

Enemies: Infanty Soldier(Lv13) Rifle Soldier(Lv14)
Heavy Firearms Soldier(Lv15) Bomb Soldier(Lv16)

Once you're done with the four soldiers, return to the seaplane to refresh the
party. Save and return in the ship. Now is a tougher enemy to fight.

Mini-Boss: PkwIII(Lv18)
Difficulty level: Medium
Attacks: Smash
Machine Gun
Charge up -> Fire up

Strategy: You should been around LV17. Have Mag using Mach Punch or Strike
Hammer. Gre should use his Cheer Up healing skill to heal injured
party members. Chain/Pepper should be used to attack the enemy.
Try not to use healing items as you NEED to keep them for the fight
with Eugene. Gre should be enough for the healing part. Keep
attacking him with Mag and Chain/Pepper and he should go down

After the enemy is down, make sure to return to the seaplane again as you will
need to be refreshed. Save your game and return to the ship. Now, on to the
fight with Eugene. You will be shown a cut-scene with Eugene before he finally
dares attack you.

Boss: Eugene(Lv18) *See bosses section for more info*
Difficulty: Medium

After you win the fight against him, he will escape. You can't return to the
seaplane but anyway, all the party is already refreshed. Follow Eugene
downstairs and you will watch another cut-scene. A soldier will fire on the
footbridge, breaking it, so you will have to find another way of reaching
Eugene. Cross the footbridge and save your game on the save point. Cross the
other footbridge and enter the ship. Mag will find Linear but Eugene will
then attack you by behind in a machine.

Boss: Prince Eugene(Lv20) *See bosses section for more info*
Difficulty: Hard

After you defeat him, Mag will escape with Linear. They will then find a
lifeboat but somebody will shoot Mag. Eugene will then arrive and tell
Linear to come with him but Linear wants to stay with injured Mag.
Eugene will want to shoot Linear but Mag will save her with his Cyframe
by sending Eugene in the sea. The ship explodes but Linear is now high
in the sky, in her true form of Evolutia, holding Mag, who she just
healed, in her arms.

A mysterious character is whispering Linear's name... Mag will then make a
little résumé of what happened previously so you may or not listen to it.
Then, you'll watch a cut-scene showing Mag being late and running behind the
train. He'll make a successful jump and land behind the train with Gre and
Linear. Nina will talk to you about Museville and you will then hear an alarm.
Go the first part of the train and you will come face to face with Chain.
False alarm. But then it's real, a bandit is attacking the train.

Mini-Boss: Carcano(Lv15) + 2 Bandit henchman(Lv14)
Difficulty level: Very Easy
Item dropped: Red Viper

Strategy: Do you really need one ? Just use Mag's Dive Punch and you'll
get rid of these bandits.

Return to Nina after defeating Carcano. She'll tell you about this bandit and
you'll then arrive in Museville. Nina will leave you for the Society and Gre
for the hotel. Now it's time to look around this new city. There is a Item
Shop, Cyframe Shop, Adventurer's Hut and a Lottery Shop. There is also some
hidden items around the city.

-Press A on a crate next to the restaurant in front of the hotel to find
a Naolin.

-Press A next to a tree between two houses with red roofs behind the
restaurant to find another Naolin.

-In the Train Station is a Venomol and Purol hidden in crates.
(If you found others, tell me and you'll get credit)

When you're done exploring the city, come back to the hotel. Talk to the
receptionist to store your items and then take a nap. The next morning,
Gre will tell you that Nina came earlier and asked if Mag could come to the
Society Museum. So leave the hotel for the Society Museum. There are some
items hidden around the Society museum.

-Right to the entrance of the museum is 4 bushes. The third one has a Naolin+
hidden in it.

-Inside the Society garage to the right of the museum is 3 blue barrels. Next
to them is a crate. There is a Mokana Ampoule in it.

-Next to the blue truck filled with barrels is a crate containing Musty Herbs.

-In the barrel next to the black/yellow stridden thing is another Naolin+.

-In between two building there is a small gap. Press A on the gap and you
will get a Red Viper. Make sure that you press A on the gap, not the windows
next to it. (Thanks to Taylor Kostal for this one)
(If you found others, tell me and you'll get credit)

You can now enter the Society Museum. Go up stairs to the last room of the
hallway. You will then meet with Prof. Whitehead and he will give an
assignment in Blaze Ruins. He will also give you 1000 Dinales so you can make
your preparations. Keep that money since you don't need to buy anything right
now. You can store your items at the hotel before going to Blaze Ruins. Don't
forget to invite a friend to come with you in your new adventure. Go down the
street and leave Museville. Select Blaze Ruins on the map (you can't go
anywhere else anyway...).

Type of Dungeon: Predefined Dungeon
Difficulty level: Very Easy
No. of Floors: 5F

Special Items: Appraisal items (random)
Cyframe parts (random)
Map of Blaze Ruins [valuable]
Old doll [valuable]
Upgrade Kit [5F]

Enemies: Escargoid(Lv12)
Flying Mouse(Lv13)
Panzer Beetle(Lv11)

Notes: Short and Easy. That's what is a fun dungeon. You can break the pillars
you see in the dungeon (with Mag, press A button next to it) to reveal
hidden chests. You will get a lot of Prehistoric Coins, keep then as
you may want to use them as tokens in the Lottery Shop or you can also
sell them for a nice 100 Dinales each. On 3F, jump in the hole you will
see in one of the rooms and you will find Map of Blaze Ruins, a
Valuable item on 2F. Jump in the other hole on 2F to find 100 Dinales
and Old doll, a Valuable item on 1F. On 5F, jump on the switch to open
the door to the dungeon boss.

Top Floor Boss: Storm Bird(Lv16) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Easy
Item given by the dungeon boss: Santa Maria
Reward from the Society: 3000 Dinales

Ruins Cleared !

The boss isn't dead yet as you may have though but Pepper will show up and
take care of him. You can now find Pepper at the restaurant across the hotel
if you need her. Mag will then take the artifact and have a mysterious vision.
You are then back in the Society Museum and Mag gives the Lapis Orb to Prof.
Whitehead. Go downstairs to claim for your reward of 3000 Dinales. You can
now leave the museum. You can go sell or store your items. You should buy
a Lottery Ticket from the Lottery Shop for 5 Prehistoric Coins.

-=Trading your Old Doll for a Dowsing Stone=-
Bring the Old Doll found in Blaze Ruins to the Adventurer's Hut and the
shopkeeper will trade it for a Fashionable Chain. Take the Chain to the
Item Shop and the shopkeeper will exchange it for a Meissen Ornament. Bring
the Ornament to Anita in the Lottery Shop and she will trade it for a
Dowsing Stone, a Valuable item.
[Points to breakable walls within dungeons][Uses Rumble System]

Don't go sleep to the hotel yet, there is still one more thing to do. Invite
a friend to come with you at the Tower of Despair. You should only be able
to go to level 10 in the Dungeon right now. So enter the Tower.
*See Tower of Despair for more info*

Once you've cleared Blaze Ruins and 10F in Tower of Despair, you can go spend
the night in the hotel. You will see a cut-scene showing Linear playing her
ocarina at night on the hotel's balcony and Gre talking about Linear's past
to Chain. In the morning, while Linear is in the hotel's courtyard, Yurka
will meet her for the first time and then leave her as a feather in the sky.
Then, go the Society to talk with Prof. Whitehead and he will give you a new
assignment in Forest Depths. Don't forget to invite a friend with you.

Type of Dungeon: Predefined Dungeon
Difficulty level: Easy
No. of Floors: 10F

Special Items: Appraisal items (random)
Cyframe parts (random)
Map of Forest Depths [valuable]
Upgrade Kit [9F]

Enemies: Escargoid(Lv16) Totem Pole(Lv22)
Crawfish(Lv12) Statue(Lv18)
Man Eater(Lv14) Ostwind(Lv16)
Poison Flower(Lv18) Lynx(Lv20)

Notes: On 6F is a chest containing 200 Dinales in one of the rooms. There is
also an Upgrade Kit on 9F. If you find the secret passageway using the
Dowsing Stone on 9F, you will find Map of Forest Depths and other good
items in the secret room. On 10F, there are two chests containing Red
Viper and Naolin+ before going to the beat the boss. Each time you will
return there, there will be a Naolin Gold in the chest.

Top Floor Boss: Blocker(Lv25) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Easy
Item given by the dungeon boss: Upgrade Kit
Reward from the Society: 5000 Dinales

Ruins Cleared !

Mag will have another vision as he takes the Selene Orb. You will then be with
Prof. Whitehead and Mag will give him the orb. You can then go downstairs to
take your reward of 5000 Dinales. As you leave, Yurka will visit Prof.
Whitehead. The professor is asking Yurka the locations of the remaining keys
(orbs). Soon the seal will be broken... says Yurka as he leaves.

You should now go to level 20 in the Tower of Despair or else you will miss
the special item on 20F. *See Tower of Despair for more info*
Don't forget to store your current items and invite a friend!
After all this, you can return sleeping to the hotel.
Once again, Linear will be playing ocarina on the hotel balcony. Yurka will
come and take off the life of a flower so Linear will give life to many other
flowers. Yurka tells her that he needs her power but Mag will then come as
Yurka leaves. Mag is worried about Linear catching a cold if she stays there.
The next morning, go see Prof. Whitehead to get your new assignment. He will
also gives you an Adventure Backpack.

Before going to Crypt Maze, go in Valeria's House and talk to her kid. He
will ask you a quiz which its answer is "Anita". You will get a Naolin or a
Coconut for answering the right answer. (Thanks to Golden Mystic and PurpleCow
Lauren for this)

Type of Dungeon: Predefined Dungeon
Difficulty level: Medium
No. of Floors: B15F

Special Items: Appraisal items (random)
Ice Blast parts [Pepper]
Map of Crypt Maze [valuable]
Upgrade Kit [B2F B7F]

Enemies: Conodont(Lv19) Havoc(Lv22) EX Monitor(Lv33)
Massdont(Lv22) Hind(Lv29) Rhinoceros(Lv32)
Chestnut(Lv20) Shadow(Lv25) Super Horn(Lv36)
Rocknut(Lv24) Monitor(Lv30)

Notes: What a long dungeon... On B1F, if you go right, a stair leads to B2F
and to a room containing an Upgrade Kit. You will often see crates and
pillars you can break to reveal treasure chests*. On B5F, you will
need to take the Warp pad to find the stairs to B6F. On B6F, a stair
leads to an empty room on B7F but there is a secret passageway there
which lead to a huge hidden room and then a Warp pad that lead to
another Upgrade Kit. On B7F, one of the room is containing a chest
with 500 Dinales in. On B9F, there are 3 staircases. Two are leading
to B10F in a huge room full of enemies and good items hidden under
crates and pillars. The real staircase leading to B10F is on B9F in
front of the one leading to the huge room. On B12F, you can find the
Map of Crypt Maze in one of the room hidden in a chest under a crate.
On B14F, there is 100 Dinales in a room behind a pillar blocking the
way. On B15F, before the boss, there is a breakable wall leading to a
room containing a Prehistoric Coin.
*(To break crates, pillars and breakable walls, press A with Mag.)

Top Floor Boss: Pomornik(Lv37) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Medium
Item given by the dungeon boss: Special Viper
Reward from the Society: 10000 Dinales

Ruins Cleared !

Mag has another strange vision when he takes the Amber Orb. He will then
give the orb to Prof. Whitehead and you can take your reward downstairs.
You should now go in the Tower of Despair after selling and storing your
items. Then, go back to the hotel to take a nap. In the night, Linear
will be on the balcony once again, waiting for Yurka. Linear promises
Mag that she'll introduce him to his new friend, Yurka. In the morning,
go see Prof. Whitehead at the Society Museum and he'll inform you that
all the orbs you've collected have been stolen by the bandit you met when
you first arrived in Musevillle, Carcano. So you now have to go to the
Bandits' Hideout in a place called Pine Village.

You can look around this new "town" if you'd like to but it's useless right
now since there is nothing in at the moment. The only thing you may want to
get now is the NAOLIN+GOLD hidden in a crate next to a ladder fixed on a
wall, leading to a door. Go up the ladder and enter the door. You'll be
face to face with Carcano himself and his henchmen. After a little rude
speech, he'll open a trap in the floor and you'll fall in a dark hole
which is Bandits' Trap, a mine.

Type of Dungeon: Predefined Dungeon
Difficulty level: Easy
No. of Floors: B3F

Special Items: Appraisal items
Recovery Parts[Pepper] (or Mind parts[Mag])
Map of Bandit Hideout [B2F]
Bandit's Key [B1F]

Enemies: Burgessia(Lv26)
Paldian Lobster(Lv30)
Death Mushroom(Lv32)

Notes: This is more of a walkthrough for Bandits' Trap than some notes...
There is a save point in the room right in front of the one you start
in. On B3F, there is a locked blue door but you need the key so don't
mind it. There is also a locked purple door but you can't go in now
so continue your way to B2F by climbing the ladder in one of the rooms.
On B2F, there is a chest containing Map of Bandit Hideout and a hidden
room with 4 Prehistoric Coins (You gotta have the Dowsing Stone to find
it, see Valuable items section if you don't have it). There is also a
room with 4 crates which you can break using Mag (press A button).
You'll see some holes on this floor but don't jump in any of these !
There is 500 Dinales in one of the rooms too. The back room contains
an appraisal item (break the crate using Mag). Find the ladder to B1F
and climb it. Don't jump in the hole you'll see on B1F neither. In the
last room of this floor, you'll find Bandit's Key to open up the
blue door on B3F. Go back to B2F using the ladder. On this floor are
two big holes and one small hole in the rooms. Jump in the small one
and you'll fall in the room blocked by the locked purple door on B3F.
Open the chests to find a Cyframe part and a Prehistoric Coin. Jump on
the green switch to open the door leave this room. Before going to open
the locked blue door, you can save your game at the save point. Then,
use your Burglar's Key on the blue door to open it. You'll find two
chests in one of the rooms containing two appraisal items. Climb the
ladder to B2F in one of the rooms. Break all the crates you see on this
floor for good items. In the last room, climb the ladder to B1F. Once
on B1F, save your current game at the save point and climb the ladder.
You'll be in Carcano's room and the bandit doesn't want to give back
the appraisal items he stole so you must fight with him.

Top Floor Boss: Carcano(Lv35) + 2 Bandit henchman(Lv34)
*See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Very Easy
Item given by the dungeon boss: Prehistoric Coin X 2
Reward from the Society: 12000 Dinales

Ruins Cleared ! (uh well these are not ruins but still... it's cleared..)

Once you defeat Carcano, he'll give back Mag the stolen items. Carcano wants
Mag and Co. to stay in Pine Village for the night but Mag doesn't seem to
agree. Mag then hears a voice calling him in his head so he decides to go
out and look around outside. You now have control of him so go down to the
fortress entrance. Mag will then meet with this mystery guy who tells him to
stay away from Linear. Linear will then show up and tell Yurka to stop. Mag
can't believe this guy was Yurka, the friend Linear told him about. You then
return in Carcano's room and the next morning, he'll give you a Bandit Symbol
and a Bandit Backpack.

You can find a Musty Herb in the crate in Carcano's room. Then you can go to
the shops in Pine Village and buy whatever you want.. there are 2 Appraisal
items to buy that you won't find in other dungeons. Leave Pine Village and
you'll see Mag giving back the orbs to Prof. Whitehead. You can then go
downstairs to claim your reward of 12000 Dinales. As you leave the museum,
Yurka will go visit Prof. Whitehead and have a little conversation about
Prehistoric secrets. You can now go in the Tower of Despair if you want to.
Then, it's really important (well if you're low on money...) that you take
off ALL of Linear's equipment before going to sleep at the hotel. Why? well,
for selling them and get money.. why? because you'll never use Linear anymore
after sleeping at the hotel tonight... why? watch the cut-scene.. Early, on a
rainy morning, Yurka comes and tells Linear that she's a burden to Mag.
Linear likes Mag and doesn't want to be a burden to him so she believes in
Yurka and leaves with him. The only thing remaining of her is her ocarina on
the balcony. Later in the morning, Chain tells Mag that she saw Linear
walking toward the Society Museum with someone. You now have Gre, Chain and
Mag in your party. Leave the hotel and you'll see a cut-scene showing Yurka
and Linear warp themselves into a warp pad with the four keys. Now go to the
Society Museum. Make your way to the front door and Mag won't be able to open
the door which is locked and he doesn't want Chain to break it so he'll go to
ask Carcano for help. Carcano will use his Cyframe to get inside the museum
and will open the front door for you. You can now use Carcano as one of your
party members. Enter the Society Museum. (You should take Mag, Pepper and
Carcano in your party.) Go in Prof. Whitehead's office and jump into the warp
pad. You'll be warped into the Society Dungeon.

Type of Dungeon: Predefined Dungeon
Difficulty level: Medium
No. of Floors: 25F

-=Floor 1 to Floor 15=-

Special Items: Upgrade Kits [1F] [3F] [12F]
Cyframe parts (Homing Blast, Propeller, Vacuum)
Cute doll (act the same way as Santa Maria)

Enemies: Patroller(Lv36) Gangut(Lv45)
Bomb Pod(Lv38) Staghound(Lv46)
Hummer(Lv40) PressArm(Lv49)
Gun Pod(Lv42) BigArm(Lv50)

Notes: You can break (with Mag) the green/black/red pillar things to reveal
hidden stuff. There is an Upgrade Kit right on your way on 1F in front
of the stairs. There are 2 Prehistoric Coins in a hidden room on 2F.
There is another Upgrade Kit on 3F. On 4F, you'll see a white pole
before a hole. Don't jump in the pole. Instead, use Carcano and stand
between the pole and the hole, standing face to the pole. Press A and
Carcano will use his Cyframe to reach to other side of the hole. There
you'll find 2 chests containing Shoulder Pads and Propeller parts
[Carcano]. Jump on the switch to open the door. There is a Prehistoric
Coin in a hidden room after the door (4F and 5F). On 6F, do the same
as for 4F with the pole to find 2 chests containing Homing Blast parts
[Pepper] and Cute Doll. On 8F, a staircase leads to 7F and there is a
Prehistoric Coin there. On 11F is a secret passageway on one of the
moving blue walkway leading to a hidden room with a chest containing
Vacuum parts[Carcano]. On 12F is another Upgrade Kit. On 14F is
another hidden room with a Prehistoric Coin. On 15F is a lot of hidden
good stuff under the pillars and in a secret room.

15F Boss: Yurka(Lv59) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Hard
Item given by the dungeon boss: Special Viper

-=Floor 16 to Floor 24=-

Special Items: Map of Mystery Dungeon [23F]
Upgrade Kit [23F]

Enemies: Ornithosuchus(Lv48)
Giant Spider(Lv60)

Notes: Never jump in the big hole in the center of the floors or you'll fall
down the 16F. On 18F, there is a Prehistoric Coin in a hidden room.
To cross the big hole and go to the staircase the other side, you'll
have to stand close to the edge of the hole and wait until a small
platform comes. Jump on the platform and wait until it's at the other
side. Then jump when you're at the other side. On 21F, there is
another Prehistoric Coin in a hidden room. On 23F, you'll find Map
of Mystery Dungeon near the edge of the big hole in the center of the
floor and also 4 Prehistoric Coins in another hidden room. On 24F,
stand between the white pole and the hole with Carcano facing the pole
and press A. Carcano will cross over the hole with his Cyframe and
you'll find a chest with Mecha-phage Armor in.

25F Boss: Ulticannon(Lv65) *See bosses section for more info*
Boss difficulty level: Hard
Item given by the dungeon boss: *friendship*

Linear will try to heal Yurka's wounds but Yurka will tell her that she
can't heal him, since her power of regeneration is uneffective against him,
who has the sole purpose of destruction. Yurka will tell her to stop crying
and to smile and you'll see Yurka smiling for the first and.. last time.
Mag will offer him his frindship and Yurka will accept but he will then
Yurka wasn't so nasty after all but well, it's too late now. They'll all be
friends the next time they meet anyway... The train can now leave Museville
to Pannam Town so you'll have to go and bring Linear to the Train Station
since she stayed at the hotel. You'll find her in the hotel courtyard. Mag
will give her her birthday present which was the reason he was late to take
the train the day they arrived in Museville. I would have like to know what
was in the gift box but I guess we'll never know. Linear will hug Mag.
_______ __ _______ __
| | | |--. .-----. | _ | .-----. .--| |
|.| | | | | | -__| |. 1___| | | | _ |
`-|. |-' |__|__| |_____| |. __)_ |__|__| |_____|
|: | |: 1 |
|::.| |::.. . |
`---' `-------'

Enjoy the nice ending.
No, wait... you now have a debt of 300,000 Dinales to repay to the Society
through your second game to get a special item which is the Comet Booster.
[Boost ALL parameters slightly] Yeah... you replayed this game all over
again only for... that...

You should always go to the Tower before returning to the hotel after a
dungeon or else you will miss the Special item on the floor you are currently
able to go to. The enemies in this special dungeon give little EXP but nice
TP. It's useful if you want to be able to learn some more skills. On the top
of the Tower is a boss and your reward for beating him will be 25000 Dinales
from the Society. This dungeon is a random dungeon and the levels of the
enemies vary depending on yours. The Underground levels are only accessible
through the second time you play the game. There are lots of Appraisal items
in this dungeon so it's a good place to complete your list.

Level 10
1F to 10F
Enemies: Redback Widow
Big Ben
Popo Tribesman
Special item on 10F: Upgrade Kit (may vary)
Level 20
10F to 20F
Enemies: Gambus
Tatar Tribesman
Special item on 20F: Cyframe parts (random)
Level 30
20F to 30F
Enemies: Rhamphorhynchus
Special item on 30F: Recovery parts Lv1[Pepper] (may vary)
Level 40
30F to 40F
Enemies: Hoom
Special item on 40F: Cosmo Gun[Gre] (may vary)
Level 50
40F to 50F
Enemies: Metal Calinoid
Shadenisks 2
Boss: Izmail(Lv50) *See Bosses section for more info*
Item dropped: Source of Attack
Reward from the Society: 25,000 Dinales

Underground Level 10
B1F to B10F
Enemies: Redback Widow
Big Ben
Popo Tribesman
Special item on B10F: Cyframe parts (random)
Underground Level 20
B10F to B20F
Enemies: Gambus
Tatar Tribesman
Special item on B20F: Prehistoric Ribbon (may vary)
Underground Level 30
B20F to B30F
Enemies: Rhamphorhynchus
Special item on B30F: Custom booster B [Boost Attack + Defense by 30]
Underground Level 40
B30F to B40F
Enemies: Hoom
Special item on B40F: Murasame parts Lv1[Chain] (may vary)
Underground Level 50
B40F to B50F
Enemies: Metal Calinoid
Shadenisks 2
Bosses: *See Top Hunter Mode section*
Items dropped: Source of Attack/Upgrade Kit/Special Viper/
Health & Spirit Source
Reward: Hunter Booster [Boost all parameters]

Accessible through the second time you play the game, next to the Tower of
Despair. This is the same thing as the 50F of the Underground level in the
Tower of Despair. You'll get a Hunter Booster the first time you clear Top
Hunter Mode and then 20,000 Dinales each time you clear it another time.
This is usuful for repaying your debt to the Society since you can do Top
Hunter Mode as many time as you want.

First Boss: Izmail
Level: LV50 or + (varies depending on yours)
Difficulty: Medium
Attacks: Prehistoric Cannon
Hell Shower
Item dropped: Source of Attack
Strategy: *See Bosses section*

Second Boss: Storm Bird
Level: LV38 or + (varies depending on yours)
Difficulty: Easy
Attacks: Mystery Sound
Wind Breath
Item dropped: Santa Maria if you use Carcano's Talent
Strategy: *see bosses section also*

Third Boss: Blocker
Level: LV35 or + (varies depending on yours)
Difficulty: Easy
Attacks: Spiral Upper
Chest Beam
Smoke Bomb [May cause blindness]
Item dropped: Upgrade Kit
Strategy: *see bosses section also*

Fourth Boss: Pomornik
Level: LV37 or + (varies depending on yours)
Difficulty: Easy
Attacks: Vice Press
Freeze Volley
Auto-Repair Function
Item dropped: Special Viper
Strategy: *see bosses section also*

Fifth Boss: Navarin
Level: LV62 or + (varies depending on yours)
Attacks: Prehistoric Missile
Heaven Shower
Item dropped: Health & Spirit Source
Strategy: *See bosses section*

Reward for clearing TOP HUNTER MODE: Hunter Booster [Boost all parameters]
(Then you get 20,000 Dinales each time you clear it another time)

5. -= B O S S E S =-
Everything you want to know about all the bosses in the game.

Dungeon: (first) Blind Relics [6F]
Difficulty: Easy
Item dropped: Santa Maria
Enemy's Attacks: Earthquake
Enemy's Level: LV10
Enemy's HP Value: 700 HP
Strategy: I was at LV8 when I beat this boss but he wasn't so hard so I guess
you could also be at LV7 or less. Place Mag in the front rank and
Linear in the back rank. I recommend you having Mag using his Crash
Hammer or Magna Combo and Linear healing the party with A Little
First Aid. If you have Gre with you, have him help Linear to heal
the party or help Mag to attack. If you have Pepper or Chain, you
can also attack the enemy. Try not to use any items since it's an
easy boss, keep them instead. Mandaskus shouldn't be a big deal.

Dungeon: (second) Heaven Relics [11F]
Difficulty: Medium
Item dropped: Santa Maria
Enemy's Attacks: Tentacle
Paralysis pollen [May cause paralysis]
Remove potion [May cause blindness]
Recovery [Enemy recovers 125 HP]
Suck In
Enemy's Level: LV16
Enemy's HP Value: 1,500 HP
Strategy: I was at level LV17 when I first beat this boss. Place Mag in the
front rank and Linear in the back rank. He will try to paralyze you
so you can use Mobiol if you have some. Have Mag using his Strike
Hammer to do big damages. Rafrecian have some good attacks that
damage everyone in the party so have Linear using Serious First Aid
which will restore HP to everyone. She can also be use to cure but
keep her FP for healing. Gre can also heal and Chain and Pepper
attack. This boss isn't so hard if you keep Linear healing the
party as soon as someone gets badly hurt.

Boss Name: Eugene
Difficulty: Medium
Enemy's Attacks: Sternenhaufen [May cause sleepiness]
Ancient Light [Cancel all your effects]
Hail the Empire [Boosts Enemy's Attack]
Enemy's Level: LV19
Enemy's HP Value: 6,000 HP
Strategy: You should be at least at LV18 to beat him. You HAVE TO have Gre
with you. Mag should be in the front rank, Gre in the back rank
and Chain/Pepper in the middle rank (or anywhere else). Mag should
use Mach Punch as it's worth a lot of damages and has a little FP
consummation. Gre is there to heal the injured members with Cheer
Up and Chain/Pepper to attack Eugene with a powerful skill. Don't
wait until the last minute to heal your injured partners. As soon
as someone is badly injured, heal him with Gre. If one of your
party member is asleep, use Gre's Wake Up skill to wake him up.
You can use healing items but try to keep them for the second
fight with Eugene which is much more difficult.

Boss Name: Prince Eugene
Difficulty: Hard
Enemy's Attacks: Fire Rollin' Bomb [May cause sleepiness]
Ancient Light [Cancel all your effects]
Knock Down
Naolin 1500 [Enemy restores 1500 HP]
Autrishclaff (or something like that...)
Enemy's Level: LV20
Enemy's HP Value: 7,000 HP
Strategy: You should be at least at LV19. You HAVE TO have Gre with you.
Mag should be in the front rank, Gre in the back rank and
Chain/Pepper in the middle rank (or anywhere else). Mag should
use Strike Hammer. Keep Gre's FP only for healing! Attack Eugene
with Chain/Pepper's Cyframe. If you run out of FP, you can use
Mokana Ampoule if you have one. You can also use Naolin+ to heal
everybody at the same time if everyone is injured. Keep Gre well
healed since he must heal the others. If you have no FP restoring
items and Gre is out of FP, you can use Naolin or Naolin Gold
instead. It's a long fight but if you keep everyone well healed,
Eugene will go down without much problems.

e)Storm Bird
Dungeon: Blaze Ruins
Difficulty: Easy
Item dropped: Santa Maria
Enemy's Attacks: Mystery Sound
Wind Breath
Enemy's Level: LV16
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: This boss is very easy. Place Mag in the front rank and Linear in
the back rank. Attack him with Mag using Strike Hammer or Mach
Punch and have Linear heal everybody. Your third party member can
attack the enemy or use items. Just keep that way and he'll no
longer be there.

Dungeon: Forest Depths
Difficulty: Easy
Item dropped: Upgrade Kit
Enemy's Attacks: Smoke Bomb [May cause blindness]
Chest Beam
Spiral Upper
Enemy's Level: LV25
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: I found it to be quite easy. I had Mag at LV27 using Trip Hammer or
Magna Rave, Linear as the healer and the third member attacking him
with his best skills. He just went down so quickly I can't remember
anything else. You shouldn't have any problem at all beating him...

Dungeon: Crypt Maze
Difficulty: Medium
Item dropped: Special Viper
Enemy's Attacks: Vice Press
Freeze Volley
Auto-Repair Function [restores his HP]
Enemy's Level: LV37
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: I had Mag at LV36 but for a easier fight it's better having him at
LV37 or 38. Use his MAGNA RAVE all the time and Linear should use
First Aid or Serious First Aid depending on your damages. You can
also use items if you need. You can also use Linear's skills to ups
your defense/attack. After the boss uses Vice Press, use Linear's
First Aid on the character who was hurt and if the boss uses Freeze
Volley use Linear's Serious First Aid on everyone. If Mag is low on
FP, use Linear's skill to give another character half of her FP. Do
whatever you want with the third character. If the enemy is almost
dead (when in red) and if Mag doesn't have much FP left, you can
use Mach Punch to finish him.

Dungeon: Bandits' Trap
Difficulty: Very Easy
Item dropped: Prehistoric Coin X 2
Enemy's Attacks: Drill Attack
Wire Hook
Enemy's Level: LV35
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: You should start the battle using Mag's GIANT KNUCKLE (Hand parts)
to get rid of the 2 Bandit henchman(Lv34) helping Carcano. Now it's
between you and Carcano. As always, use Mag's MAGNA RAVE (Hand
parts) all the time until he's defeated. Linear will heal the
injured party members after one of Carcano's skills (Drill Attack
and Wire Hook). The third party member can help Mag attacking
Carcano or help Linear healing the others (if you have Pepper with
Recovery parts). Really, you don't need this strategy, he's too
easy to defeat. Pomornik was harder than him...

Dungeon: Society Dungeon [15F]
Difficulty: Hard
Item dropped: Special Viper
Enemy's Attacks: Time to Freeze Solid [May lower Agility]
Spellbound Blindness [May cause blindness]
Absorb Life [Steals your HP]
Natural Disaster [Attacks everyone badly]
Enemy's Level: LV59
Enemy's HP Value: 20,000 HP
Strategy: When I beat him, I had Mag LV50, Pepper LV46 and Carcano LV45. You
should have the same party and the same levels if you want to fight
him. I don't think it was a very hard fight, but still. I used Mag's
Magna Rave (which was powered-up at MAX) all the time and Carcano's
Tower Bringer. Pepper was always healing the injured ones or
everyone after Yurka's Natural Disaster with her Recovery Blast
(which was at MAX also). I also made Carcano use items when I needed
too. It's important to keep Pepper always well healed since she must
heal the others.

Dungeon: Society Dungeon [25F]
Difficulty: Hard
Item dropped: none
Enemy's Attacks: Sublimation of Humanity
Gravity Fee [Attacks everyone badly]
Temptation to Sleep [may cause sleepiness]
Life-Weakening Beam
Return to Nothingness [cancels all your effects]
Enemy's Level: LV65
Enemy's HP Value: 40,000 HP
Strategy: I had Mag LV59, Pepper LV53 and Carcano LV54. It's basically the
same strategy as the one for defeating Yurka. It's a good thing to
have some Purol+ with you since Ulticannon may use Temptation to
Sleep and put some of charcaters to sleep. Pepper must never be
asleep. Each time your characters are low on health, heal them. If
Pepper isn't enough to heal everybody, make Carcano use healing
items. It's nice to have Blue Moss and Green Moss with you if Pepper
is low on FP. If Mag is low on FP, you can use his Talent The Usual
and Carcano will restore almost all of his FP. Remember to always
use Mag's MAGNA RAVE. Try to have some Naolin Royal+ with you as
they can come in handy.

Dungeon: Tower of Despair [50F] or Top Hunter Mode
Difficulty: Medium
Item dropped: Source of Attack (and 25000 Dinales from the Society)
Enemy's Attacks: Prehistoric Cannon
Hell Shower
Enemy's Level: LV50
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: I beat him with Mag LV49, Chain LV40 and Gre LV39 so it was quite
hard to defeat him but I did it quickly anyway. Chain and Gre didn't
last long but by the time they were still alive, I made them use
healing items on them and on Mag. It's important to keep Mag alive
since he was the only one to fight Izmail for me. Mag's Hand parts
was at MAX and it took me only 3 or 4 MAGNA RAVE to defeat Izmail.

Dungeon: Tower of Despair [B50F] or Top Hunter Mode
Difficulty: Hard
Item dropped: Health & Spirit Source (and Hunter Booster)
Enemy's Attacks: Prehistoric Missile
Heaven Shower
Enemy's Level: LV62
Enemy's HP Value: 0,000 HP
Strategy: I used the same strategy as for Izmail. The only difference is that
I had Mag LV58, Pepper LV52 and Carcano LV53 so it was easier.
Pepper becomes the main healer so you shouldn't need to use items.
It also took me a little more MAGNA RAVE to defeat him than 3 or 4..

6. -= I T E M S =-
Items section. Right now containing Appraisal Items and Valuable Items. I may
add the regular items and weapons/armors later on but it would be long and
somehow tedious so for now, let's just let this section be that way.
Thanks to everyone who contributed in completing this huge list.
The appraisal items listed as [RARE] are appraisal items you get by combining
two appraisal items. (See Keeno the researcher at the society museum for

Thanks to CocaColaGuy03 for #188
Psion Omikron for #61,141,170,177
Zion for #125
Raymond Yan for #27,72,94,185,189

a)Appraisal Items
001.Broken plug 101.Rotary engine [RARE]
002.Broken Light 102.Thick cable
003.Pretty Stone 103.Thin cable
004.Small knob 104.Old fountain pen
005.Thin plate 105.Crab signboard
006.Broken cooking stave 106.Bird signboard
007.Blue tube 107.Musty Device
008.Small blue car 108.Round target
009.Old Opera glasses 109.Broken arm
010.Small chip 110.Glass cylinder
011.Green monitor 111.Smashed photograph
012.Color monitor 112.Foot pedal
013.Small metal rod 113.Small valve
014.Switch box 114.Large valve
015.Archaeophage fossil 115.Broken gearbox
016.Broken Cyframe 116.Broken motor
017.Motherboard a 117.Cockroach fossil
018.Motherboard B 118.Claymore's web
019.Reeled tape 119.Hoom's claw
020.Detective Novel 1 120.Statue's shard
021.Detective Novel 2 121.Fungus spores
022.Adventure Novel 1 122.Poison flower seeds
023.Adventure Novel 2 123.Self-destruct circuit
024.Adventure Novel 3 124.Gun pod part
025.Detective Novel 4 125.Olnitosks' fang
026.Adventure Novel Finale 126.Old empty cartridge
027.Adventure Novel Sequel 127.Chesnut's thorn
028.Love Story 1 128.Havoc's propeller
029.Love Story 2 129.Monitor crystal
030.Love Story 3 130.Spider bolt
031.Love Story 4 131.Two rings
032.Love Story Finale 132.Red Cloth
033.Suction Device [RARE] 133.Star-spangled cloth
034.Propane Stove [RARE] 134.Net-covered box
035.Smiley Doll 135.Wind generator [RARE]
036.Huge Glove 136.Long scissors
037.Crystal 137.Old world map
038.Frog 138.Small ship
039.Shiny disc 139.Silver platter
040.Big shiny disc 140.Mystery Cube
041.Propane tank 141.Large Bell
042.Perforated tank 142.Cat slupture
043.Small Engine 143.Broken ice axe
044.Large Engine 144.Ancient marker
045.Book on making ethane 145.Rusted rod
046.Astral projection book 146.Rusty claw
047.Plasma generation book 147.Brown aromatic wood
048.Tachyon theory book 148.Greenish aromatic wood
049.Z boson fusion book 149.Beige aromatic wood
050.Sooty pot 150.Broken camera
051.Broken hand mirror 151.Telephoto camera [RARE]
052.Black box 152.Broken cane
053.Broken Telescope 153.Broken Round Pottery
054.Crystal offering vase 154.Oblong pottery
055.Rainbow-color feather 155.Pottery shard
056.Cloudy lens 156.Clogged tube
057.Automatic calculator [RARE] 157.Round-bladed scissors
058.Automatic computer [RARE] 158.Small card
059.Pole with a net 159.Glass fruit
060.Broken Magic Book 160.TH-f3
061.Forbidden Page 161.LX-a7
062.Forbidden Magic Book [RARE] 162.V-205
063.Unexploded Shell 163.Broken Fight 182
064.Hourglass 164.Faded film
065.Backward-running clock 165.Metal pole
066.Astronomical Telescope [RARE] 166.Antique Glass
067.Spoiled canned goods 167.Antique Doll
068.Bent parasol 168.Metal-bristled brush
069.Blue capsule 169.Extinct plant seeding
070.Red capsule 170.Silver Colored Button
071.Transparent capsule 171.Jet-black plate
072.Graphite Stone 172.One-sided glass
073.Ice crystal 173.Children's book
074.Leaden mineore 174.Adult book
075.Sound recorder [RARE] 175.Broken bottle
076.Slate Shard (top R) 176.Mechanical earmuffs
077.Slate Shard (top L) 177.Wheeled Chair
078.Slate Shard (bottom) 178.Permanent light [RARE]
079.Slate Tablet [RARE] 179.Rod with buttons
080.Broken gear 180.Board with wheels
081.Seaside portrait 181.Restored Round Pottery [RARE]
082.Flowered portrait 182.Small screw
083.Golden portrait 183.Large screw
084.Pollywog picture 184.Shoes with wheels
085.Hoop 185.Paper with Black Marks
086.Small bottle 186.Gold disc
087.Pictorial Fauna Guide 187.Dark sunglasses
088.Large gun barrel 188.Clock with no hands
089.Broken trolley wire 189.Dented Can
090.Bouncy ball 190.Fish print
091.Small motor 191.Bird-men's scribbles
092.Junk board 192.Golden cup
093.Scratch'n sniff glass 193.Ruby ornament
094.Precious Necklace 194.Sapphire ornament
095.Magnetic necklace 195.Cat's-eye ornament
096.Les Paul 196.Big balloon
097.Fried-egg medal 197.Old corkscrew
098.Rounded metal triangle 198.Dirty bottle
099.Instant adhesive 199.Mythical Liquor [RARE]
100.Red/blue eyeglasses 200.O-Parts

007.Blue Tube + 008.Small Blue Car = 033.Suction Device
004.Small Knob + 006.Broken Cooking Stave + 041.Propane Tank = 34.Propane Stove
010.Small chip + 011.Green monitor + 017.Mb a = 057.Automatic calculator
010.Small chip + 012.Color Monitor + 018.Mb B = 058.Automatic Computer
060.Broken Magic Book + 061.Forbidden Page = 062.Forbidden Magic Book
053.Broken Telescope + 056.Cloudy lens = 066.Astronomical Telescope
019.Reeled tape + 052.Black box + 068.Bent parasol = 075.Sound recorder
076.Slate Shard (top R) + 077.SS (top L) + 078.SS (bottom) = 079.Slate Tablet
001.Broken plug + 098.Rounded metal triangle = 101.Rotary engine
014.Switch Box + 091.Small Motor + 128.Havoc Propeller = 135. Wind Generator
129.Monitor crystal + 150.Broken camera = 151.Telephoto camera
156.Clogged Tube + 159.Glass Fruit + 171.Jet-black plate = 178.Permanent Light
153.Broken Round Pottery + 155.Pottery Shard = 181.Restored Round Pottery
197.Old Corkscrew + 198.Dirty Bottle = 199.Mythical Liquor

Thanks to Ibobunotha for more than half of this list.
SpikeVironata for #178(Permanent Light)'s combination
Primestar for #034(Propane Stove)'s combination

b)Valuable Items
-Map of Blaze Ruins [Old map showing the Blaze Ruins]
-Old doll [Cute but slightly damaged doll]
(Trade it in Adventurer's Hut for a Fashionable Chain)
-Fashionable Chain [Decorated chain made of silver]
(Trade it in Item Shop for a Meissen Ornament)
-Meissen Ornament [A very special ornament]
(Trade it in Lottery Shop for a Dowsing Stone)
-Dowsing Stone [Points to breakable walls within dungeons][Uses Rumble System]
(to find secret passageways and hidden rooms)
-Adventure backpack [Handy backpack for adventuring][Carries 5 more items]
(ups the max items carried to 35)
-Map of Bandit Hideout [Bandit's map showing Pine Village]
-Bandit's key [Bandit's key found in the dungeon][For B3F Floor]
-Bandit symbol [Lets you into Pine Village as a friend]
-Bandit backpack [Backpack for bandits][Carries 5 more items]
(ups the max items carried to 40)
-Map of Forest Depths [Map showing the land of Forest Depths]
-Map of Crypt Maze [Map showing the layout of Crypt Maze]
-Map of Mystery Dungeon [Map of Mystery Dungeon under the Society]

c)Regular Items

Purol(+) + Somnol(+) = Purosomnol(+)
Mobiol(+) + Venomol(+) = Mobivenomol(+)
Psychol(+) + Visuol(+) = Psychovisuol(+)
Herbs + Herbs = Herbs set(2) + Herbs = Herbs set(3)
Naolin + Herbs = Musty Herbs
Naolin fragment + Naolin fragment = Lil'Naolin
Lil'Naolin + Lil'Naolin = Naolin
Naolin-like Herb + Herb = Musty Herb
Naolin Fragment + Herb = Musty Herb
Naolin-Like Herb + Naolin-Like Herb= Lil'Naolin
Naolin-Like Herb + Naolin Fragment= Lil'Naolin
Naolin(+) + Naolin(+) = Naolin(+) set(2) + Naolin = Naolin(+) set(3)
Naolin Gold(+) + Naolin Gold(+) = Naolin Gold(+) set(2) + NG(+) = NG(+) set(3)
Naolin Royal(+) + Naolin Royal(+) = Naolin Royal(+) set(2) + NR(+) = set(3)
Mokana Ampoule + Mokana Ampoule = Mokana set(2) + Mokana Amp. = Mokana set(3)
Forward march + Forward march = More Forward march
Backward march + Backward march = More Backward march
Ancient Eye + Ancient Eye = Ancient Look
Insecticide + Insecticide = Insecticide set(2) + Insecticide = Insect. set(3)
Bomb + Bomb = Bomb set(2) + Bomb = Bomb set(3)
Mega Bomb + Mega Bomb = Giga Bomb
Giga Bomb + Giga Bomb = Giga Bomb set(2) + Giga Bomb = Giga Bomb set(3)
Snow Ball + Snow Ball = Snow Ball set(2) + Snow Ball = Snow Ball set(3)
Fire Ball + Fire Ball = Fire Ball set(2) + Fire Ball = Fire Ball set(3)
Inferno Ball + Inferno Ball = Inferno Ball set(2) + Inferno Ball = IB set(3)
Wind Ball + Wind Ball = Wind Ball set(2) + Wind Ball = Wind Ball set(3)
Whirlwind Ball + Whirlwind Ball = Whirlwind Ball set(2) + WwB = WwB set(3)
Thunder Ball + Thunder Ball = Thunder Ball set(2) + Thunder Ball = TB set(3)
Fire protection pack + Fire protection pack = Blaze Shield
Lightning protection pack + Lightning protection pack = Thunder Shield
Ice protection pack + Ice protection pack = Freeze Shield
Wind protection pack + Wind protection pack = Typhoon Shield

coming soon

e)Cyframe parts
You'll usually find the Cyframe parts in the dungeons mentioned in the list
but if you miss one, you'll be able to find it somewhere else. To make sure
you get all the Cyframe parts, open all the chests in all the dungeons, some
may be hidden.

Blind Relics (first dungeon Pannam Town) - Spinner parts Lv1 [Mag]
Heaven Relics (second dungeon Pannam Town) - Axe parts Lv1 [Chain]
Blaze Ruins - Boomerang parts Lv1 [Chain] (3F)
Forest Depths -
Crypt Maze -
Bandit's Trap -
Mystery Dungeon (Society dungeon) -

7. -= P A R T Y M E M B E R S =-
To power-up the talent of each character, simply use them a lot as soon as you
can. Thanks to HyperTailsMan for the info.

Each time you power-up one of your Cyframe by 1 level, each of the skills of
this Cyframe will take 1 less FP to use.

Thanks to Jake Mongan for some of Linear's TP Needed I was missing.
Alonoforest for Mag's Tease Talent.
SpikeVironata for 3 talents that were missing.
Grinvader for Chain's last talent.

A)Mag Launcher
>Present [Getting a gift from Linear boosts Mag's Defense]
Lovely present
Adored present [A present from Linear greatly boosts Mag's defense]
>Flatter [Gre's flattery boosts Mag's Agility]
Super Cheer [Gre's super cheer boosts Mag's Agility]
Provoke [Chain's provocation boosts Mag's Attack]
Really provoke
>Cheer Up [Pepper's cheering restores Mag's HP]
Console [Pepper's consolation restores Mag's HP]
Nurse [Pepper's kind nursing greatly restores Mag's HP]
>Give Spirit [Carcano giving Mag spirit restores FP]
Give Courage [Carcano giving Mag a tough time restores FP]
The Usual [Carcano giving Mag confidence greatly restores FP]

Talent outside battles
>Give the breakable walls a punch with his Cyframe to reveal hidden rooms
in dungeons. (Press A next to the wall)
(The Dowsing Stone will rumble when you're near one of these walls)
*See Valuable items section for how to get the Dowsing Stone*
>Give crates and pillars a punch with his Cyframe to reveal hidden treasure
chests in dungeons.
(Often when you break a pillar an enemy falls on you, and the enemy is pulled
from somewhere else on the map. This happens with the traps that throw you
into battle too. So if you kill all the enemies on the map then neither of
these will work.) *Thanks to Psion Omikron for this*

b)Skills (Cyframe)
************** ************ ***************
************** ************ ***************
>Magna Hammer >Magna Punch >Magna Spin
FP Used : 23 FP Used : 19 FP Used : 15
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Crash Hammer >Magna Snap >Loop-the-Loop
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 26 FP Used : 17
TP Needed : 200 TP Needed : 12 TP Needed : 700
>Swing Hammer >Magna Combo >Pinwheel
FP Used : 33 FP Used : 31 FP Used : 25
TP Needed : 600 TP Needed : 300 TP Needed : 1250
>Strike Hammer >Mach Punch >Brain Twister
FP Used : 52 FP Used : 36 FP Used : 33
TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 900 TP Needed : 1800
>Trip Hammer >Dive Punch >Barrel Roll
FP Used : 65 FP Used : 46 FP Used : 30
TP Needed : 3400 TP Needed : 2500 TP Needed : 3000
>Bottom Hammer >Magna Rave
FP Used : 79 FP Used : 76
TP Needed : 7600 TP Needed : 5400
>Sledgehammer >Giant Knuckle
FP Used : 114 FP Used : 76
TP Needed : 9999 TP Needed : 7000
>Magna Reverse
FP Used : 87
TP Needed : 9999

*************** ***************** ************
*************** ***************** ************
>Sloth Spray >Echo Voice >Mind Sleep
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 15 FP Used : 33
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Exhaustion Spray >Startle Voice >Mind Stop
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 400 TP Needed : 480 TP Needed : 500
>Bad Luck Spray >Damage Voice >Mind Break
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 25 FP Used : 36
TP Needed : 800 TP Needed : 1200 TP Needed : 1400
>Smoke Screen Spray >Silent Voice >Mind Shock
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 40 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 1200 TP Needed : 3100 TP Needed : 3400
>Single Blow Spray >Final Voice >Mind Control
FP Used : 36 FP Used : 45 FP Used : 50
TP Needed : 3200 TP Needed : 5400 TP Needed : 7200

************* ***************
************* ***************
>Penlight >Magna Shot
FP Used : 10 FP Used : 54
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Bright Light >Great Bomb
FP Used : 20 FP Used : 63
TP Needed : 110 TP Needed : 1300
>Spotlight >Cycle Bomb
FP Used : 25 FP Used : 84
TP Needed : 3200 TP Needed : 4200
>Mirror Ball >Divine Bomb
FP Used : 45 FP Used : 110
TP Needed : 5300 TP Needed : 7100
>Angel Light >Ultimate Bomb
FP Used : 60 FP Used : 142
TP Needed : 8000 TP Needed : 9999

B)Linear Cannon
>Talk to Them [Talk to low-level enemies so they leave; EXP bonus]
C'mon, please! [Ask low-level enemies to leave; EXP bonus]
Persuade Them [Persuade low-level enemies to leave; EXP bonus]

Talent outside battles

***************** ******************** ********
*Health Recovery* *Status Restoration* *Spells*
***************** ******************** ********
>A Little First Aid >Wake Up Touch >Protection Spell
FP Used : 15 FP Used : 10 FP Used : 28
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>First Aid >Antidote Touch >Strength Spell
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 10 FP Used : 28
TP Needed : 300 TP Needed : 150 TP Needed : 300
>Serious First Aid >Unblocking Touch >Quickness Spell
FP Used : 35 FP Used : 15 FP Used : 28
TP Needed : 900 TP Needed : 800 TP Needed : 600
>Welcome Home >Refresh Everyone >Luck Spell
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 24 FP Used : 28
TP Needed : 1800 TP Needed : 1200 TP Needed : 1200
>Major First Aid >Hello Touch >Prevention Spell
FP Used : 45 FP Used : 31 FP Used : 30
TP Needed : 4300 TP Needed : 1500 TP Needed : 3000
>Welcome Home, Dear! >Energize Everyone >Super Spell
FP Used : 60 FP Used : 31 FP Used : 50
TP Needed : 6800 TP Needed : 3000 TP Needed : 4200
>Intensive Care >Restoration Touch
FP Used : 100 FP Used : 42
TP Needed : 7500 TP Needed : 5000

********* *********
*Prayers* *Ocarina*
********* *********
>I Give You Health >Sad Melody
FP Used : 15 FP Used : 15
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>You Go First ! >Inviting Melody
FP Used : 60 FP Used : 13
TP Needed : 400 TP Needed : 190
>I Give You Spirit >Shivery Melody
FP Used : 0 FP Used : 13
TP Needed : 1100 TP Needed : 500
>Give Me Spirit >Sorry Melody
FP Used : 0 FP Used : 31
TP Needed : 2000 TP Needed : 1100
>I Give You More Life >Slow Melody
FP Used : 0 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 4300 TP Needed : 3500
>I Give You Life >Boastful Melody
FP Used : 0 FP Used : 47
TP Needed : 6800 TP Needed : 6000
>Final Melody
FP Used : 73
TP Needed : 7600

C)Gre Nade
>Concentrate! [Concentration boosts Gre's max HP in 1 battle]
Do concentrate
Open Your Eyes! [Open eyes greatly boosts Gre's max HP in 1 battle]

Talent outside battles

********* ********* **********
*Manners* *Cuisine* *Store Up*
********* ********* **********
>Wake Up ! >Mushy Soup >Store Up a Little !
FP Used : 10 FP Used : 28 FP Used : 27
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Cheer Up ! >Phage Casserole >Store Up More !
FP Used : 20 FP Used : 28 FP Used : 32
TP Needed : 300 TP Needed : 120 TP Needed : 850
>Buck Up ! >Funny Veggie Salad >Store Up a Lot !
FP Used : 15 FP Used : 32 FP Used : 38
TP Needed : 800 TP Needed : 600 TP Needed : 2000
>Get a Grip ! >Escargot Pasta >Store Up Thoroughly !
FP Used : 28 FP Used : 35 FP Used : 45
TP Needed : 1600 TP Needed : 1200 TP Needed : 3700
>Sit Up Straight ! >Matango Steak >This is the END !
FP Used : 25 FP Used : 47 FP Used : 53
TP Needed : 3700 TP Needed : 3000 TP Needed : 6000
>Stand Up ! >Roasted Sea Urchin
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 60
TP Needed : 5400 TP Needed : 5600
>Perfect !
FP Used : 60
TP Needed : 7000

******** **********
*Custom* *Mag Only*
******** **********
>Boost >Encourage
FP Used : 43 FP Used : 35
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Critical >After You
FP Used : 38 FP Used : 80
TP Needed : 780 TP Needed : 900
>Special Machining >I won't Let You
FP Used : 51 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 1400 TP Needed : 1500
>Speed Up >Rouse
FP Used : 62 FP Used : 60
TP Needed : 3000 TP Needed : 3700
>Auto Charge >Incite Anger
FP Used : 85 FP Used : 70
TP Needed : 5200 TP Needed : 5000
>Energy-Saving >Morning Call
FP Used : 140 FP Used : 80
TP Needed : 7800 TP Needed : 6800
>Full Power
FP Used : 160
TP Needed : 9999

D)Chain Gun
>I've had it! [I've had it! Ups your own Attack]
Can't stand it!
Chaps My Hide! [Chaps my hide! Greatly ups your Attack]

Talent outside battles
>Press A to speed up in dungeons using her Cyframe. (Twice the normal speed)

b)Skills (Cyframe)
**************** ************* *******************
**************** ************* *******************
>High-Speed Slash >Double Blade >Once Blade
FP Used : 33 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 25
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Full Moon Slash >Line Double Blade >Line Once Blade
FP Used : 45 FP Used : 26 FP Used : 34
TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 460 TP Needed : 800
>Supersonic Slash >V Blade >Slash Blade
FP Used : 65 FP Used : 38 FP Used : 53
TP Needed : 3000 TP Needed : 2120 TP Needed : 3200
>Trashing Slash >Air Blade >Heavy Blade
FP Used : 60 FP Used : 54 FP Used : 67
TP Needed : 5000 TP Needed : 4200 TP Needed : 6500
>Saber Slash >Hyper Air Rave >Hyper Strike
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 60 FP Used : 72
TP Needed : 7000 TP Needed : 7500 TP Needed : 8000
>Mighty Slash
FP Used : 100
TP Needed : 9999

******************* ***************** ***********
******************* ***************** ***********
>Triple Blade >Rush Cutter >Front Axe
FP Used : 18 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 25
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Line Triple Blade >Moon Cutter >Back Axe
FP Used : 26 FP Used : 25 FP Used : 31
TP Needed : 500 TP Needed : 300 TP Needed : 800
>W Blade >Circle Cutter >Chain Axe
FP Used : 30 FP Used : 30 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 1100 TP Needed : 800 TP Needed : 1800
>Quick Raid >Zigzag Cutter >Front Cyclone
FP Used : 43 FP Used : 38 FP Used : 57
TP Needed : 3200 TP Needed : 2100 TP Needed : 3000
>Hyper Typhoon >Screw Cutter >Back Cyclone
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 49 FP Used : 62
TP Needed : 6500 TP Needed : 3600 TP Needed : 4200

*********** ************
*********** ************
>Dash Attack >Speed Wing
FP Used : 22 FP Used : 20
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Reverse Attack >Through Wing
FP Used : 22 FP Used : 20
TP Needed : 600 TP Needed : 500
>Dash Tackle >High-Speed Wing
FP Used : 33 FP Used : 35
TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 1600
>Reverse Tackle >Guard Wing
FP Used : 33 FP Used : 30
TP Needed : 2600 TP Needed : 2400
>Dash Charge >Eternal Wing
FP Used : 44 FP Used : 43
TP Needed : 3100 TP Needed : 5200
>Reverse Charge
FP Used : 44
TP Needed : 4000

E)Pepper Box
>Pepper Attack [All-or-nothing attack; maybe big damage to enemy]
Pepper Crash
Pepper Flash

Talent outside battles
>Press A to shoot with her Cyframe which will react the same way as an alarm
trap making the enemies notice you. Will also stops the nearby ones for a
very short time.

b)Skills (Cyframe)
****************** ****************** *****************
****************** ****************** *****************
>Wind Shot >Fire Shot >Cold Shot
FP Used : 20 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 20
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Wind Cannon >Burst Cannon >Cold Cannon
FP Used : 35 FP Used : 35 FP Used : 35
TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 1000
>Air Storm >Burning Typhoon >Freezing Tempest
FP Used : 48 FP Used : 48 FP Used : 48
TP Needed : 5000 TP Needed : 5000 TP Needed : 5000

*********************** ******************* ********************
*********************** ******************* ********************
>Plasma Shot >Smart Laser >Point Homing
FP Used : 20 FP Used : 25 FP Used : 32
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Plasma Cannon >Double Laser >Twin Homing
FP Used : 35 FP Used : 30 FP Used : 45
TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 210 TP Needed : 1000
>Electric Tornado >Triple Laser >Hyper Homing
FP Used : 48 FP Used : 35 FP Used : 50
TP Needed : 5000 TP Needed : 1600 TP Needed : 3500
>Super Beam >Random Homing
FP Used : 58 FP Used : 63
TP Needed : 5200 TP Needed : 5100
>All-Range Laser >All Homing
FP Used : 72 FP Used : 82
TP Needed : 7400 TP Needed : 7200
>Grand Beam >Homing Rush
FP Used : 96 FP Used : 120
TP Needed : 9999 TP Needed : 9999

********************** ********************
********************** ********************
>Naolin Blast >Forget Blast
FP Used : 25 FP Used : 35
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>More Naolin Blast >Snooze Blast
FP Used : 30 FP Used : 35
TP Needed : 500 TP Needed : 1500
>Naolin+ Blast >Sticky Blast
FP Used : 35 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 1400 TP Needed : 3000
>Super Naolin Blast >Confusion Blast
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 3300 TP Needed : 5200
>Viper Blast >Rollover Blast
FP Used : 50 FP Used : 45
TP Needed : 4900 TP Needed : 7600
>Super Viper Blast >Staggering Blast
FP Used : 55 FP Used : 50
TP Needed : 8500 TP Needed : 9000

>Gimme [Gimme an item the enemy has]
I'll Take That [I'll take an item the enemy has]
Smash'n Dash [Smash'n Dash grab for an enemy item]

Talent outside battles
>In the Society Dungeon, you'll notice white poles each side of some large
holes. Make Carcano stand between the hole and the pole, face to the pole.
Press A and Carcano will use his Cyframe to go from a pole to the other over
the hole.

b)Skills (Cyframe)
************* ************ **************
************* ************ **************
>Drill Attack >Wire Hook >Roller Press
FP Used : 35 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 45
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Penetration Drill >Wire Push >Double Press
FP Used : 40 FP Used : 20 FP Used : 52
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 600
>Drill Mixer >Wire Catch >Mega Press
FP Used : 48 FP Used : 25 FP Used : 64
TP Needed : 1300 TP Needed : 1000 TP Needed : 1200
>Rock Bringer >Wire Drive >Giga Press
FP Used : 65 FP Used : 25 FP Used : 80
TP Needed : 2100 TP Needed : 1500 TP Needed : 3300
>Tower Bringer >Wire Whip >King Roller
FP Used : 93 FP Used : 40 FP Used : 100
TP Needed : 4700 TP Needed : 3800 TP Needed : 6800
>Final Drill
FP Used : 130
TP Needed : 7500

************** ***************** **************
************** ***************** **************
>Act Hole >Suck You In ! >Power Draw
FP Used : 32 FP Used : 30 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0 TP Needed : 0
>Trance Hole >Blow You Away ! >Guard Draw
FP Used : 32 FP Used : 30 FP Used : 40
TP Needed : 500 TP Needed : 500 TP Needed : 500
>Black Hole >Take That ! >Speed Draw
FP Used : 32 FP Used : 37 FP Used : 54
TP Needed : 1200 TP Needed : 1900 TP Needed : 1600
>Sleep Hole >How About That ! >Life Draw
FP Used : 32 FP Used : 50 FP Used : 13
TP Needed : 1600 TP Needed : 3500 TP Needed : 4800
>Poison Hole >This Is It ! >Energy Draw
FP Used : 32 FP Used : 68 FP Used : 0
TP Needed : 2000 TP Needed : 5900 TP Needed : 7000
>Dust Hole
FP Used : 45
TP Needed : 3600

8. -= T I P S / S E C R E T S =-
Tips/Secrets section. I may add more soon as I find more. You can submit your
own tips/secrets by sending me a mail (wishingtikal@hotmail.com). Don't submit
tips/secrets about something that is already in this section. I may decide if
your tips/secrets are worth being in this section. (You get credit for them)
Thanks for all your contributions!

Saving money
When you're done with a assignment, you receive money from the Society.
However, if you had Chain/Pepper/Carcano with you when you defeated the
dungeon boss, they will take money from your reward. So from a great reward
you will end up with a little one... If you want to keep all the reward for
you, when you reach the top floor of a dungeon, save and escape the dungeon.
Change Chain/Pepper/Carcano for Gre and re enter the dungeon on the last
floor. Beat the boss and get the reward. Linear won't take any money and
neither Gre so you will be able to keep the reward all for yourself!
You can't do this in random dungeons though.

Saving FP in battle
When a skill you want to learn is in yellow, you can now learn it but wait to
be in a battle to learn it since you will be able to use in the battle
without losing any FP.

Finding secret rooms in dungeons
If you have the Dowsing Stone, (bring an Old Doll to the Adventurer's Hut and
he will trade it for a Fashionable Chain. Bring the Chain to the Item Shop
and the shopkeeper will trade it for a Meissen Ornament. Take the Ornament to
Anita in the Lottery Shop and she will trade it for the Dowsing Stone.) which
makes your controller rumble when you get past a breakable wall in a dungeon,
you can find secret passageways to secret rooms. If your controller starts to
rumble, press A next to the wall with Mag and he will break the wall with his

Finding secret treasure chests
In a dungeon, you will something come to see crates, pillars or others in your
way. You can break them with Mag's Cyframe by pressing the A button next to
them. This usually reveals a hidden treasure chest.

Free Santa Maria and Upgrade Kit
You must have access to the Top Hunter Mode in order to do this. For the
Upgrade Kit, it's simple, simply defeat the boss Blocker and you'll get an
Upgrade Kit each time you beat him. For the Santa Maria, do the same thing
defeating Storm Bird. So each time you do the Top Hunter Mode you'll get these
two items. You can do this as many time as you want. You can sell the Upgrade
Kit for 1000 Dinales and the Santa Maria for 100 Dinales (or keep it). You
must clear the Top Hunter Mode each time to keep your items though.

Unlimited Naolin Royal and Ichthyol
On the 24th lvl of the final dungeon you get these two items right by the
save point and dungeon exit. Just get them, use the dungeon exit, and go
right back in into the 24th lvl and they will be there again. Royals are
really useful for the final boss and plus you can sell them for money if
you still need to power up a little.

Submitted by SaiyanGirl

Hidden items
In Museville:
-Press A on a crate next to the restaurant in front of the hotel to find
a Naolin.
-Press A next to a tree between two houses with red roofs behind the
restaurant to find another Naolin.
-In between two building there is a small gap. Press A on the gap and you
will get a Red Viper. Make sure that you press A on the gap, not the windows
next to it. (Thanks to Taylor Kostal for this one)
In the Society Courtyard:
-Right to the entrance of the museum is 4 bushes. The third one has a Naolin+
hidden in it.
-Inside the Society garage to the right of the museum is 3 blue barrels. Next
to them is a crate. There is a Mokana Ampoule in it.
-Next to the blue truck filled with barrels is a crate containing Musty Herbs.
-In the barrel next to the black/yellow stridden thing is another Naolin+.
In the Station:
-Right to the entrance is a Venomol in one of the 2 crates.
-Next to the fence is a Purol in a crate.
In Pine Village:
-Next to the ladder leading to Carcano's room is 2 crates. One is containing a
-In Carcano's room is a Musty Herb hidden in a crate at the back.

Secret Naolin
Before going to Crypt Maze, go in Valeria's House and talk to her kid. He
will ask you a quiz which its answer is "Anita". You will get a Naolin or a
Coconut for answering the right answer. (Thanks to Golden Mystic and PurpleCow
Lauren for this)

Top Hunter Mode
Finish the game once and then restart a new one. In this new game, you will be
able to access to the Top Hunter Mode next to the Tower of Despair.

9. -= H I G H S C O R E S =-
Share your high scores !
When you finish the game for the first time, at the end of the credits, you
get your Game Data Score results. (Take them in note as you won't be able to
see them again!) Wanna share yours ?
Send them to wishingtikal@hotmail.com (your results and name/nickname)
Can you get an overall S rank...?

Overall C = Adventurer
Overall B = HotShot Adventurer
Overall A = First-Class Adventurer
Overall S = Cyframe Master

_________ _______________ _________ _________ ___________ __________ _______
|Name |Appraisal Items|# Battles|# Rescues|Clear Level|Clear Time|Overall|
|Wishing | 178/200 | 795 | 0 | 59 | 32:30:58 | B |
|Tikal | (S) | (D) | (S) | (A) | (B) | |
|Ascended | 119/200 | 1134 | 0 | 63 | 46:39:10 | |
|Pikachu | (B) | (E) | (S) | (B) | (C) | C |
|Zero | | | | | | |
|Tails64 | 151/200 | 248 | 0 | 47 | 07:35:43 | S |
| | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | |
|Frieveta | 77/200 | 544 | 4 | 59 | 29:16:38 | B |
| | (C) | (A) | (A) | (A) | (B) | |
|Jake | 105/200 | 762 | 0 | 55 | 30:29:40 | B |
| | (B) | (D) | (S) | (A) | (B) | |
|Valerie | 58/200 | 611 | 0 | 57 | 21:45:09 | B |
| | (D) | (C) | (S) | (A) | (S) | |
|Tyty | 70/200 | 538 | 0 | 57 | 20:01:01 | B |
| | (C) | (A) | (S) | (A) | (S) | |
|Cabbit | 73/200 | 628 | 0 | 62 | 24:58:55 | B |
| | (C) | (C) | (S) | (B) | (A) | |
|MagTheIn-| 88/200 | 788 | 0 | 61 | 24:19:26 | C |
|vincible | (C) | (D) | (S) | (B) | (A) | |
|Super | 156/200 | 310 | 0 | 49 | 09:00:11 | S |
|Sonic | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | |
|Katato- | 102/200 | 725 | 0 | 54 | 28:58:49 | B |
|nius | (B) | (D) | (S) | (A) | (B) | |
|Mag | 144/200 | 1024 | 0 | 84 | 24:05:54 | |
|Launcher | (A) | (D) | (S) | (B) | (A) | B |
|777 | | | | | | |
|Game | 186/200 | 798 | 0 | 71 | 09:07:46 | S |
|Junkie | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | (S) | |

congratulations to all our Cyframe Masters!

Tails64 even invites you to look at his top scores here:

10. -= C R E D I T S / E N D =-
* All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Special Thanks
Special thanks to : Sting/ESP/Ubisoft
My boyfriend for supporting me
All the people from the Evolution Worlds board
All of you for reading my FAQ
All the people who contributed to this FAQ
(they are listed in the section they contributed to)
Lon for the Ascii arts
Gameomon for corrections

Authorized sites
The latest versions of this FAQ may only be found on GameFAQ or Neoseeker

This FAQ can only appear on the following web sites :
->GameFAQ - http://www.gamefaqs.com
->GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com
->Cheat Code Central - http://www.cheatcc.com/
->Cheat Portal - http://www.cheatportal.com
->911 Codes - http://www.911codes.com
->911 Cheats - http://www.911cheats.com
->Fast Cheater - http://www.fastcheater.com
->25000 Cheats - http://www.25000cheats.com
->PC Cheats - http://www.pc-cheats.org
->Skali - http://www.skali.com
->RPG Legerdemain - http://www.rpglegerdemain.com
->Cheat Happens - http://www.cheathappens.com
->Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com
->IGN FAQs - http://faqs.ign.com
->GameWinners.it - http://www.gamewinners.it
->HonestGamer - http://www.honestgamer.com

my shall I say "crappy" web site
http://www.geocities.com/shurizken Tikal's Temple

If you see this FAQ on another site, please, e-mail me.

Contact me
Any questions ? Comments ? Suggestions ? I was wrong ? I made a mistake ?
(please, put Evolution Worlds for the subject of the mail...)
I will answer you as soon as I read your questions/comments
*do NOT send me insulting mails as I may NOT want to answer you back*

My FAQ on your site
If you want to use my FAQ on your web site there is no reason I say no but
please e-mail me first.
Note that I'm no more accepting my FAQ to be posted on personal websites.
I'm only accepting my FAQ to be posted on "serious" gaming sites.
(like the ones mentioned above)

Legal info
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

This FAQ is copyright 2003 WishingTikal
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Version 2.2
engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

10.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
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