Ty The Tasmanian Tiger

Ty The Tasmanian Tiger

16.10.2013 14:46:44
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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
(Gamecube, PS2, XBox)

By WishingTikal


version 1.00

# --------------- #
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### Table of Contents ###
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1. Intro
2. FAQ
3. Walkthrough (Thunder Eggs & Golden Cogs)

A)Rainbow Cliffs (Rainbows scales list)
B)Bli bli Station
a)Two Up
b)Walk In The Park
c)Ship Rex
d)Bull's Pen -boss-

C)Pippy Beach
a)Snow Worries
b)Outback Safari
c)Bridge on the River Ty
d)Criket's Cove -boss-

D)Lake Burril
a)Lyre, Lyre, Pants on Fire
b)Beyond the Black Stump
c)Rex marks the Spot
d)Fluffy's Fjord -boss-

E)Gate Zone
a)Cass' Pass
b)Cass' Crest
c)Final Battle

F)Bonus World
G)Picture Frames list

4. Game Basics

b)Collectible Objects and other items
c)Characters and enemies

5. Secret Stuff, Codes and Tips
6. Credits

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### 1. INTRO
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Ty's mainly for kids and I was kind of disappointed by the easiness of the
levels and the short length of the main game. It's still a great game and I
had a lot of fun playing it so I decided to make that FAQ because the other
ones I found on the net were all written in one block per level and it was
horribly difficult to read that and understand where the items were if you
didn't want to read the whole paragraph. So I divided mine into sections for
each item for better comprehension. The only problem is that it was quite hard
to describe the location of certain things but I did what I could. Have fun
with the game.


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### 2. F.A.Q.
## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Questions must be sent to wishingtikal@hotmail.com and will be answered ASAP.

Q: What do I get for collecting all Rainbow Scales ?
A: You'll get a second life meter (second paw). So 6 lives total instead of 3.

Q: How do I unlock the movie ?
A: Collect all 250 picture frames.

Q: How do I unlock the gallery ?
A: Find at least one picture frame to unlock it. Then, you'll have more images
in the gallery as you find more pictures.

Q: How do I unlock the bonus level ?
A: Finish the game to 100%. The bonus world will appear in the cave behind
the waterfall in Rainbow Cliffs.

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-1- Behind the yellow house in Blibli Station

-2- Behind the purple house in Blibli Station

-3- There's an alcove in the back of the Talisman Tower, glide from the tower
to the alcove behind for the scale inside

-4- On a ledge at the right side of the Talisman Tower

-5- From the Talisman Tower, glide in direction of the waterfall with a cave
behind it and grab the scale in mid-air on your way

-6- Behind Julius' lab

-7- Next to the wheel left of Julius' lab

-8- From Julius' lab, follow the small path to the left and get the scale in
a corner of the wall at the start of the path (look carefully)

-9- At the end of the path mentioned above, near the extra life next to the

-10- Look behind the wall at the left of the entrance of Pippy Beach for a

-11- At the right of the entrance of Lake Burril, look along the wall for the

-12- In a corner of the rock face in the area with many pillars in the water

-13- Climb on the pillars to access the upper part of the cave behind the
waterfall to find the scale

-14- Next to the wall on the land at the right of the waterfall with a cave

-15- Behind the ice veil in the tunnel leading to Pippy Beach, use the
flamerang to break it

-16- Look at the bottom of the lake (when you can swim underwater)

-17- Look at the bottom of the lake for this one too

-18- At the entrance of Lake Burril, throw the Frostyrang at the trees on fire
to destroy them. The scale is behind

-19- On the highest wooden platform in Lake Burril

-20- Go near the waterfall next to Julius' lab and take out the frostyrang.
Enter Ty's view and look down at the water. Throw the frostyrang into the
water to create an ice block on the water's surface. Jump on it and create
other ice platforms until you reach the scale over the water. (This is the
scale that requires the platform over the water that you have to hit a button
to make it move, but you don't even need it...)

-21- In gate zone, in front of the entrance

-22- Also in gate zone, turn to the right after entering

-23- At the emplacement of Julius' machine in Blibli Station after he moves
to the next place

-24- At the emplacement of Julius' machine in Pippy Beach after he moves
to the next place

-25- At the emplacement of Julius' machine in Lake Burril after he moves
to the next place

| Blibli Station |
| TWO UP |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: After the first waterfall, next to Maurie's signpost below.

Bilby 2: Next to 3 crates halfway through the level.

Bilby 3: On top of another ledge near Golden Cog #3.

Bilby 4: After the small cave, go on the bridge and jump on the land to the
left. The cage is behind the pillar.

Bilby 5: After collecting Thunder Egg #8, glide in direction of the waterfall
near the platform, the cage is behind it.

= #3 Time Attack
After getting Thunder Egg #5, return to the starting place and get the small
clock to start a mini race. Race to the finish line under 38 seconds and go
through all the rings to receive the Thunder Egg.

= #4 Glide the gap
Glide over the gap at the end (when you have 2 boomerangs) to collect the
Thunder Egg on the other side.

= #5 Rang the Frills
Kill all the 7 Frills indicated by Maurie to get the Thunder Egg and the
second boomerang.

= #6 Rock Jump
At the very start, on your way on the platform over the fence.

= #7 Super Chomp
When you arrive near the spy eggs (the flying capsules), press the Bite
button repetitively to bite all the spy eggs in a row. On the ledge at the
top is the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Lower the platforms
Before entering the cave near Julius, go on the small platform on the right
instead and jump on the higher one. Then, glide to the higher part of the path
from the platform to access a new area. Hit the 3 switches on the wall in
this new area to activate the moving platforms. Jump on those platforms to
reach the Thunder Egg on top.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 After the first waterfall, go down on the ledge below and glide to the
right on the ledge on the other side of the waterfall.

* #2 Behind the lower part of the first waterfall, in an alcove.

* #3 On a ledge near Julius' cabin.

* #4 Right next to Julius.

* #5 Before entering the cave near Julius, go on the small platform on the
right instead and then jump on the higher one with the Golden Cog on.

* #6 Before entering the cave near Julius, go on the small platform on the
right instead and jump on the higher one. Then, glide to the higher part of
the path from the platform to access a new area. Jump on the platforms over
the water and go to the left to collect the Golden Cog on a wooden platform.

* #7 In the area mentioned above, follow the path down and jump on the
platforms over the lake with the crocodile to reach the Golden Cog on the
last platform.

* #8 After going through the cave near Julius, cross the bridge and jump on
the ledge. Then, go to the left and on the other ledge. Glide to the left to
get the Golden Cog on the pillar.

* #9 After going through the cave near Julius, cross the bridge and jump on
the ledge. Then, go to the right and on the other ledge. The Golden Cog is on
a platform in the middle of some water at the right of the path.

* #10 On a platform at the left of a bridge in the area with many bridges and
a waterfall.


Extra Life : Behind the waterfall in the area with bridges.

| Blibli Station |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: In the tree trunk with the bouncing mushrooms near the turkey.

Bilby 2: When you're on the rotating tree trunk before the waterslide, drop
down from it and look behind the waterfall below.

Bilby 3: Where you get Thunder Egg 8, go to the other side of the area,
climb on the second inclined tree trunk and glide to the cage on the platform
behind the waterfall.

Bilby 4: Near the start, when climbing to the waterslide by crossing over
gaps on tree trunks, when you're on the second trunk, drop down below and
climb on the top pillar to get to the cage.

Bilby 5: On the fifth tree trunk (same area as Bilby 4), drop down and look
next to the flower for the cage.

= #3 Wombat Race
Get the small clock at the start of the level to begin a race against your
pal in the waterslides. When you arrive at the fork in the waterslide, take
the left path and you'll win the Thunder Egg if you arrive first.

= #4 Truck Trouble
Talk to Shazza next to the truck at the top of the level to play a mini
game where you must hit the enemies before they reach Shazza's truck. Shoot
the rock just a little in front of the enemy so it will hit him. If you keep
a good rhythm you should win this easily. Hit 10 Blue Tongues and Shazza will
give you the Thunder Egg.

= #5 Bounce Tree
In the area with the turkey, enter the giant tree trunk near the crates and
bounce on the big mushrooms inside to reach the top and the Thunder Egg.

= #6 Drive me batty
After the first part of the waterslide, talk to Ranger Ken to learn about the
bats in the cave he wants to get ride of. Go in the cave and go to the right
at the fork. Kill the beetle enemies when you arrive in the large room. Now
look at the ceiling until you locate the bats on it. Throw your boomerang
ONCE on them. They will change their location. Wait until they stop to a new
place before throwing the boomerang again. Only throw the boomerang once and
only when they are stopped. Repeat this 2 times until they move out of the
cave and Ken will give you a Thunder Egg.

= #7 Turkey Chase
After the 2nd waterslide, you'll see a turkey steal a Thunder Egg. You won't
catch it if you run after it, it's no use. Instead, wait until he stops
running and go around him (keep a good distance) until you are facing him.
Now run towards him and he'll start running towards you so rapidly bite him
before he turns back to get the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Log Climb
After the first waterslide, go to the left and drop down in the area below.
Climb on the pillars and jump on the first inclined tree trunk. Turn the
camera around to see a Thunder Egg on the small tree trunk at the right.
Glide to it.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 Right at the beginning, on a pillar behind where you start.

* #2 A little after the start, get on the small pillar and to the higher one
to find the Golden Cog on top.

* #3 When you cross on the tree trunks before the waterslides part, after the
2nd trunk, go on the trunk at the right and kill the beetle. You'll find the
Golden Cog in the area behind.

* #4 In same area as mentioned above, after the fourth trunk, go to the right
and kill the beetle to find the Golden Cog behind.

* #5 When you're on the rotating tree trunk just before the waterslides, drop
down from it and look behind the waterfall below to find the Golden Cog at
the end of the cave.

* #6 Behind the waterfall just before the first waterslide.

* #7 After the first waterslide, go to the left and drop down in the area
below. Use the nearby pillars to reach the wooden platform with the Golden
Cog on.

* #8 After the 2nd waterslide, climb on the pillars to get the Golden Cog on

* #9 After you go up the first slope with falling rocks, it's right on the
pillar at the top of the slope.

* #10 At the top of the mountain (where Shazza is), go in the direction of
the Opal machine and when you're on the bridge, drop down from it and look
under it to find the Golden Cog.


Extra Life : In the cavern with the bats.

| Blibli Station |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: After going through the underwater gate at the start, swim to the
left and climb on the wooden platforms until you reach the top one with the
Bilby on.

Bilby 2: After the part with the eels, go in the path at the left with the big
fishes. Go on the land there for the Bilby.

Bilby 3: After collecting Thunder Egg #6, drop down in the area below and go
on the pillars to reach the Bilby.

Bilby 4: In the area with the shipwreck, go on the mountain, but instead of
going to the top where the nest is, go to the left of the mountain, just
above the moving sand area and follow the small path along the mountain side
to find the cage at the end. (Or drop down from the area with the nest at the
left and you should fall on the path with the Bilby)

Bilby 5: Look around the base of the huge mountain where you found Elle.

= #3 Race Rex
After collecting Thunder Egg #4, return to the starting point and pick up the
clock to start a race against Rex. Don't miss any ring or time. The goal is
situated at the top of the huge mountain. Rex is faster than you in water,
but you're faster than him in running. You'll catch him back when running
around the mountain even if he outruns you while swimming. Win the race for
a Thunder Egg.

= #4 Where's Elle?
Where's Elle? Well, that's something you'll find out by following the
seahorse. At the start, hit the switch underwater to open the gate. Follow
the seahorse or the opals until you arrive in the place with sharks. Get on
the platform over the water and hit the switch on the wall next to the gate
to open it (use the zoomerang). Then go through the gate and climb around
the huge mountain in the center. You'll find Elle at the top and will get a
Thunder Egg.

= #5 Aurora's kids
After the underwater gate at the start, swim to the left and you'll encounter
a seahorse surrounded by a purple hallow. Talk to her to learn about her
missing babies. You'll have to swim around the area and find the 8 kids. They
are all underwater and not so dispersed. Find them all and bring them back to
Aurora for a Thunder Egg.

= #6 Quicksand Coconuts
Use the underwater tunnel near the area where Aurora is to access a new area.
Get on the land there but watch out for the quicksand. Go to the right
where the palm trees are. Throw your boomerang at the coconuts in the trees
and one will fall. Jump on the coconut, then aim for another one, jump on it
and repeat the process to cross to the other side. The coconuts will sink
after a while so be quick. Cross the 3 quicksand spots and reach the Thunder
Egg on the platform at the end.

= #7 Ship Wreck
In the area of Thunder Egg #6, look in the water part for another underwater
tunnel that will lead you to a large area with a ship wreck in the center of
the water. Go underwater and look around the shipwreck to find a small hole
on its side. Throw the aquarang into the hole to hit the red switch inside
the ship. This will open a door. Enter the wreck by this door to collect the
Thunder Egg inside.

= #8 Nest Egg
In the Ship Wreck area, climb on top of the mountain in this area to find a
nest at the top. The Thunder Egg is in it.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 From Rex's house, go to the left and jump on the chair to bounce up and
reach a wooden platform above. The Golden Cog is on it.

* #2 Just after leaving the sharks area, go through the gate to the area with
the huge mountain. Swim to the right from the gate door and look underwater
to find a switch behind the big rock. Hit it with your aquarang to make a
platform appear. Use that platform to reach another platform above with a
Golden Cog on.

* #3 Climb to the very top of the mountain where Elle was. The Golden Cog is
on top.

* #4 Next to the opal machine in the huge mountain area, use the bouncing
chair to reach the moving platform above. Jump to the platform with the
Golden Cog.

* #5 This one is on a small land part near the underwater tunnel leading to
the quick sand area.

* #6 After going through the underwater tunnel that leads to the quicksand
area, get into the square area surrounded by fences and stand on the Bunyip
Elder Power Up to get lifted up. Glide to the moving platform and jump on the
other ones to reach the Golden Cog on the last one.

* #7 This one is at the bottom of one of the water holes in the quicksand

* #8 In the shipwreck area, on top of a small mountain on the beach.

* #9 At the bottom of a water hole near where you found Bilby 1 (see above).

* #10 After going through the underwater gate at the start, swim to the right
and climb on the pillars to reach the Golden Cog on top.


Extra Life : In the quicksand area, on top of a pillar in the middle of a
quicksand spot.
Extra Life : At the bottom of a water hole near the quicksand area.
Extra Life : On the mountain where Elle is, on a small ledge at the back.


To beat this boss, you'll have to have him hit himself into the pillars
around the level. When he charges at you, stand in front of one of the rock
pillars and stay there until he approaches. Then, quickly move away just
before he reaches you. He won't have enough time to stop and will rush into
the pillar, loosing some health. He has two easy to avoid attacks, shock
waves on the ground (jump to avoid) and falling boulders (move away to
avoid). Repeat the process 3 times to defeat him.

| Pippy Beach |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: Before the small river with a dead tree trunk across it (halfway
through the level), go to the right and throw the flamerang to the spider
web blocking the path. The Bilby is at the end of the path.

Bilby 2: Before the small broken bridge you have to glide to reach the other
side (a little after Bilby 1), go to the left until you're at the edge of
the mountain and go left again. Throw the flamerang to the spider web and
the Bilby is just behind it.

Bilby 3: Swim in the river at the very start of the level and go to the right
until you find a cave. The Bilby is on a pillar inside.

Bilby 4: Under the bridge next to Neddy's home.

Bilby 5: Where you found Dennis for the first time, go to the left to find the
Bilby behind a tree.

= #3 Time Attack
After getting Thunder Egg #4, return to the level's entrance and pick up the
clock there to start a race against the clock. You'll have to make it to the
end under 2:18 and not miss any ring on your way. The race is pretty long but
easy. You'll get the Thunder Egg at the end.

= #4 Home, Sweet, Home
Talk to Dennis the green tree frog when you arrive in the second area of the
level. You'll have to escort him home. Follow the main path and light up the
barrels on your way with the flamerang. If you see that Dennis isn't following
you anymore, back up and light up any barrel you may have missed. Light up all
the barrels on the way to Dennis' house and he will arrive there safe and
sound. He'll offer you a Thunder Egg for all your trouble.

= #5 Heat Dennis' House
Talk to Dennis after bringing him home. He'll ask you to light up the 8 flame
pilots around the area to heat his house. To light them up, throw a flamerang
on them.
1: In front of Dennis' house.
2: Next to Neddy's home.
3: In the area with the 2 turkeys.
4: On the small piece of land where Rex is.
5&6: Near the opal machine, in the place with the 2 platforms floating in the
air, go on the nearby pillar and jump on the moving platform. Then aim for
the flame pilot with your flamerang and throw it on. Jump on the second
platform and do the same with the other flame pilot.
7&8: Find the dead tree in the water near the entrance of the huge bridge
and hit the underwater switch next to the tree trunk to activate a platform
near the opal machine. Go to that platform which is where you found Bilby 5.
Hop on it when it floats near the shore and wait until it passes near the
wall with the flame pilots. Throw your flamerang at them to light them up.

= #6 Tag Team Turkeys
Go on the section of the huge bridge leading to Neddy's domain. When you
arrive at the broken part, jump on the wooden platform hanging next to the
bridge. Then glide to the heightened island with a fence around. There'll
be 2 turkeys there and one of them is in possession of the Thunder Egg.
When you bite the turkey that has the Thunder Egg, he'll throw it to his
teammate.. So if you want to get the Thunder Egg, wait until the 2 turkeys
are near one each other, then bite the one with the Thunder Egg and
immediately run to the other turkey and bite him too before he catches the
Thunder Egg. If the 2 turkeys are bitten at the same time, you'll get the
Thunder Egg.

= #7 Ty Diving
From the Opal machine, go left in the water and swim to the island where you
will find Rex. He'll teach you how to dive. Dive into the yellow crate in the
water (jump forward + bite) and if you succeed, he'll challenge you to dive
from the Super Tower. This is so easy it's almost pathetic. Go through all the
rings while diving and you'll get the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Neddy the Bully
When on the huge bridge, don't go in the direction the arrow is pointing
(Dennis' house), but instead go straight behind the arrow. Jump over the pit
on the bridge and you'll arrive to Neddy's home at the end of the bridge.
Enter his domain to fight him. Let Neddy charge at you, then quickly move
away from his trajectory and hit his back with your boomerang. You'll need
to hit him 3 times so he'll loose his belly protection. Hit his belly once
and he'll become your friend and give you a Thunder Egg.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 After crossing the first bridge at the start, continue straight ahead to
the rock face, don't climb up to the left like you usually would do. Turn to
the right when you arrive at the rock face to find the Golden Cog.

* #2 Before crossing the second bridge near the start, go to the left of the
arrow that if near the bridge and throw your flamerang at the spider web on
the left. The Golden Cog is behind.

* #3 After passing by the big tree near the start, go up the slope then go to
the left of the dead tree trunk in the river above. Go to the edge of the
mountain and glide to the Golden Cog on the pillar next to the big tree.

* #4 After the small river with the dead tree trunk in the upper area of the
level, there'll be a place with many spiders and a some heightened ledges.
Kill the spiders, then throw the flamerang at the spider webs to climb up
on the ledges and glide to the Golden Cog on the nearby pillar.

* #5 When you reach the second area of the level, where you found Dennis for
the first time, you first go down some "stairs" to access this area. Look at
the left of this stairway for a Golden Cog hidden in the herbs.

* #6 Climb on the big tree branch at the left of Dennis' house to reach a
Golden Cog in a large tree trunk above.

* #7 In the water under the second small footbridge in the place with 3
footbridges on the way leading to the bigger bridge.

* #8 After the 3 footbridges, but before the huge bridge, go to the right and
jump on the platforms over the water to the pillar with the Golden Cog.

* #9 Hit the switch in the water next to the underwater dead tree trunk near
Golden Cog 8 to activate a platform that will start floating over the water.
Go to that platform and hop on it when it passes near the shore. When the
platform is near the Golden Cog on a pillar under the big bridge, jump to it
to collect it.

* #10 When on the huge bridge, just before entering the tunnel leading to
Dennis' house, jump on the left ledge of the bridge and glide to the dead
tree with the Golden Cog on its upper branch. (Near the opal machine)


Extra Life : In a basket near a tree in the second area.

| Pippy Beach |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: This one is really hard to find if you don't know where to look and
also very hard for me to describe its location. All I can say is that he is
before the frozen lake, if you go back up the ice slope with the tree where
Bilby 5 is. You'll find it on a small pillar on the side of the ice slope,
in a corner of the field... Look carefully as he's a pain to find even
if you know its location. (Somewhere near where you found the fifth koala,
see below)

Bilby 2: In the large area with the many rock pillars and the inclined field
(at the right along the right ice slope near the beginning), go at the end
of this area and you'll see ice blocks stacked up one over the other. Break
them using the flamerang and rescue the Bilby on the pillar behind.

Bilby 3: At the base of the mountain, choose the path on your right (the
one you climb up using the small snow platforms on the mountain's side)
and you'll find the Bilby in the area just above.

Bilby 4: Near the musical icicles cave, you have surely noticed an unreachable
Bilby on a high pillar near the rockface. Back up a bit to another pillar,
but this one is more low so you can go on it. From this one, jump on the
ice platforms in the air (hard to see but they're there) until you reach the
highest pillar with the Bilby on.

Bilby 5: Near the frozen lake, look on one of the sides of the lake to see
a ice spot (not on the lake, but next to it) with a tree in the center and
many enemies around it. Look next to this tree for a Bilby.

= #3 Time Attack
After rescuing Sheila's baby koalas, return to the starting point and start
a race against the clock. The goal is located at the top of the mountain
and you have 2:30 to get there. You'll receive the Thunder Egg if you make
it there on time and don't miss any rings.

= #4 Koala Chaos
At the beginning, Sheila will ask you to bring her back her 8 baby koalas
that lost themselves into the field. They are quite scattered...
1 to 4: In the first area where Sheila's house is, they are 4 of them hidden
under snow heaps in the field. Throw the flamerang at them to melt the snow
and liberate the children. They are in the ones surrounded by kangaroos.
5: If you go slide the right ice slope at the beginning, you will eventually
come to a snow field on your right with a path blocked by some ice bushes.
Throw the flamerang to break them and at the end of the path, melt the snow
heap to find the koala.
6&7: In the large area with the many rock pillars and the inclined field
(at the right along the right ice slope near the beginning), these 2 koalas
are on the two highest pillars. Climb on the smaller ones and glide to the
highest ones where the babies are. (One on a front pillar and the other
one on a back pillar)
8: In the area in the middle of the two ice slopes near the start (with the
pillars and the herbs/ground through the snow on the path), the last koala
is hidden in a snow heap between some kangaroos, throw the flamerang at
it to melt it and liberate the baby.
Return to Sheila to receive the Thunder Egg.

= #5 The old mill
In the mountain area, go up all 3 wooden silos that are connected to the old
sawmill and press each switch in the enclosure at the end. Each switch pressed
will raise a wooden platform near the sawmill on top of the mountain. Look
around the mountain for the 3 silos and avoid the saws in each one to reach
the top. After the 3 switches have been pressed, return to the top of the
mountain and climb on the 3 wooden platforms that appeared to reach the top
of the sawmill. The Thunder Egg is on the roof.

= #6 Trap the yabby
Go on the frozen lake and break one of the breakable ice spots to end up in
the water. Go underwater and find the Thunder Egg laying on the ground. A
lobster will come to steal it though. If you want to get it back, you'll have
to hit the lobster with your aquarang in direction of the alcove in one of the
walls. Hit him enough times until the lobster is inside the alcove. Once he's
in it, hit the stalagmites above the alcove to make them fall. This way you'll
trap the yabby and he'll hand back the Thunder Egg.

= #7 Musical Icicles
When you arrive at the base of the mountain, take the right path to climb up.
Then go up the stairs and after the stairs, go to the right and enter the cave
you'll see in the rockface. Kill the spiders inside and look at the ceiling
to see 5 colored icicles. Hit them with a boomerang in the right order to
receive the Thunder Egg. If you hit the wrong icicle, it'll fall. The right
order is : red, orange, yellow, green, blue.

= #8 Snowy peak
This Thunder Egg is waiting for you at the very top of the mountain.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 On a pillar behind Sheila's house.

* #2 Go on the right slope at the beginning and slide until you arrive in a
small area on your right with pillars set in circle, in order from small ones
to tallest ones. Climb on the smallest pillars to the top one with the Golden
Cog on.

* #3 In the large area with the many rock pillars and the inclined field
(at the right along the right ice slope near the beginning), look near the
stacked up ice blocks for a way leading to another area. The Golden Cog is
on a pillar there.

* #4 On the frozen lake, go on the small mountain in the center using the
small pillars on the other side of the mountain. The Golden Cog is in the
middle of that small mountain.

* #5 This one is over one of the breakable ice spots on the frozen lake. If
you want to grab the Golden Cog without breaking the ice, go up the little
slope near the ice spot and slide it down to get some run up. Let Ty slide to
the ice spot, don't touch any button and he'll slide over the ice without
breaking it. He should slide to the Golden Cog or almost to it. If you're
near enough, jump to it to grab it or if you think you're too far, only press
the control stick slightly so Ty will walk very slowly over the ice, that way
it won't break. Then jump and grab the Golden Cog when you're under it.

* #6 In one of the underwater tunnels in the lake.

* #7 In the lake, hit the switch at the bottom of the water in the 2nd large
room to open a gate in one of the tunnels. Swim through that gate and in the
tunnel behind is the Golden Cog.

* #8 Before going on the mountain, go up the first stairway at the base of the
mountain and turn to the left to see a small mountain of snow nearby. Glide to
it and go on top. Then glide to the pillar with the Golden Cog on.

* #9 In the area where the musical icicles cave is, look for another cave in
the rockface leading to a Golden Cog.

* #10 On one of the beams of the highest wooden silo leading to the sawmill.
Drop from the area above and glide to the beam.


Extra Life : Under a snow heap near the beginning.

| Pippy Beach |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: In a metal shed at the right of the opal machine.

Bilby 2: In a metal shed somewhere on the roadside.

Bilby 3: Behind the wooden structure at the end of the road going through the

Bilby 4: In a metal shed between 2 boulders near one of the tornadoes.

Bilby 5: At the bottom of the waterfall at the right of the cave where Ranger
Ken is.

= #3 Race Shazza
After getting Thunder Egg #4, return to the starting point to find a clock
nearby. You'll have to race against Shazza. She's pretty fast so you may
need a few tries before beating her up. Be sure to be in front of her at
the start of the race since she will outpasses you half-way through the race.
The only time when you can outpasses her is at the very end of the race (I
always win by about 1 second...). Do sharp turns at every corners of the
roads and you should make it before her for the Thunder Egg.

= #4 Emu Roundup
Talk to Shazza near the start and she'll ask you to catch the Emus for her,
with the help of your Lassorang. There are 8 Emus to catch and you have 10
minutes. They are all situated along the roads so look everywhere (roads
only) carefully. When you see one, throw the Lassorang at it and hold down B
(Gamecube) while holding the control stick down to catch it. If the emu is
too far when you catch it, the rope will break up so only throw the
Lassorang when you're near the emu. Once all 8 emus are caught, Shazza will
give you the Thunder Egg.

= #5 Frill Frenzy
Talk to Maurie at the left on the road as you leave the starting area. He'll
ask you to help Shazza to get ride of the Frills that get in her way while
she tries to drive on the road. All you have to do is drive in front of her
and throw the Lassorang at the Frills you see on each side of the road.
Defeat them all to clear Shazza's way and you'll receive the Thunder Egg at
the end.

= #6 Fire Fight
Talk to Ranger Ken near the village area. He'll ask you to help him take off
the fires in town. What you have to do is to charge into the 4 water towers
in the village to take off the fires in the houses. Once that's done, return
to Ranger Ken for the Thunder Egg.

= #7 Toxic Trouble
In the lake with the waterfalls, go to the back and enter the tunnel to find
Ranger Ken at the other side. Talk to him to start a mini-game where you have
to stop the Frills from repairing the pipes, which you have to destroy. Each
pipe takes 3 hits to destroy and there are 6. Destroy the more pipes you can
before the Frills start coming. Once they start arriving to repair the pipes,
kill 2 Frills, then hit a pipe, kill 2 other Frills, destroy another pipe,
etc. If you do it that way you should be fine. Once all 6 pipes are blocked,
you will receive the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Secret Thunder Egg
This one is in the waterfall area, at the right of the bottom of the waterfall
in front of the tunnel leading into the mountain.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 Behind a fenced area next to the road, hidden in some hay stacks.

* #2 In a hay stack behind a big boulder, near the first tornado.

* #3 In a metal shed on the side of the road near the first tornado.

* #4 In one of the 3 metal sheds on the side of one of the roads near the
second tornado.

* #5 In the village, in a metal shed near one of the houses.

* #6 In a metal shed on the side of the road near the village.

* #7 In a metal shed near the waterfalls area (on the side of the lake).

* #8 In a metal shed on the slope leading up to the mountain.

* #9 After you jump from the slope on the mountain, turn back and look at the
edge of the waterfall for the Golden Cog.

* #10 In the tunnel behind the biggest waterfall, hidden between some rocks.


Extra Life : There are 4 or 5 extra lives in metal sheds throughout the level.


This boss is cool. First, get on the wooden platforms over the water and go
near one of the food containers. Bite the food container and a fish piece will
fall in the water. The shark will come to eat it. While he is distracted, dive
underwater and hit one of the oxygen tanks at the bottom of the water with
your aquarang. The tank will float back to the surface. Quickly leave the
water and return on one of the platforms. The shark will come and bite the
tank. While he has it in his mouth, go on the nearest platform and throw
the flamerang on the tank in the shark's mouth (aim for it). It'll explode
and damage the shark. Repeat this process 3 more times to win.

| Lake Burril |

* In this level, Lenny the Lyrebird will guide you to the end, but he's a
lyar, so you'll have to do the opposite each time he tells you to do
At the beginning, he tells you to go through the right log, but go in the left
one. Then, he tells you to hit a red switch to open a door, but hit the blue
switch behind the red one (use the zoomerang to see it). Then, he'll tell you
to glide over the right bridge, but go to the left and glide over that bridge.
Finally, he tells you to bite the spy eggs at the right, but go to the left
and bite the row of spy eggs there.

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: When going up the path leading to the factory, there are 2 gaps you
have to jump over into that path. Drop down in the second one to find the

Bilby 2: After opening the door with the blue switch near the start, go
straight and drop down in the river below. Go to the end of that river,
past the path leading back up, and look for an alcove in the left wall before
the platform with the flower.

Bilby 3: After jumping over the 2nd gap into the path leading up to the
factory (see Bilby 1), go in the small path leading to the left. Kill all
the enemies on that path and reach the end to find the Bilby.

Bilby 4: Well hidden behind the huge root of the tree where Golden Cog #5
is located (see Golden Cog 5 below).

Bilby 5: Just before the waterslide, turn back and go look behind the
waterfall to find this Bilby.

= #3 Time Attack
After getting Thunder Egg 4, return to the start to start this level's race.
The race will take part on the waterslide. Press forward to go faster and
always go left at each fork for shortcuts. You should then arrive first
and get the Thunder Egg.

= #4 Lenny the Lyrebird
Enter the factory by the entrance up above, the one showed by Lenny. Wait
for a platform to come, hop on it, and enter the factory, where you'll come
face to face with a mysterious tasmanian tiger, Sly. The fight is as simple as
that: pick up the Megarang from your inventory, run around the room and throw
the megarang to Sly until he has no more energy left. Then you'll receive the
Thunder Egg.

= #5 Fiery Furnace
After leaving the room where you battled the Tasmanian Tiger Sly, hop on the
platform in the air in front of the door and wait for another platform to
come on the opposite side of the one you came from. Go on it to reach another
door on the factory's side leading to another room. Enter and inside you'll
see Lenny and a furnace. Lenny tells you to heat the furnace with the
flamerang, but since he's lying anyway, do the opposite. Freeze the furnace
with the frostyrang by hitting it a couple of times. The door will open and
a Thunder Egg will come out.

= #6 Water Worries
After the waterslide and after the rotating tree trunk, go straight on the
path and then to the right of the toilet checkpoint. Enter the log into the
wall a little further ahead. You'll end up in an area with a dry lake. Talk
to Sheila to learn about the 5 levers that could bring back the water into
the lake. So go back up to the factory and go on the catwalk. Cross it to the
end while hitting the levers along with way. The 5 levers are on this catwalk.
Then go back to the lake and talk with Sheila again to get a Thunder Egg.

= #7 Muddy Towers
This location is quite hard to describe so as a point of reference, return in
front of the tree where Golden Cog #5 was (see Golden Cog 5 below). From
there, drop down in the area just below and kill all the spiders. Then use
your Flamerang on the spider web blocking the entrance to a cave to burn it
up. Enter the cave and hit the switch on the wall to activate a platform in
an area full of mud. To get there, glide over to the other side when you come
to the broken footbridge, then go to the right on the path leading to the mud
area. Jump on the wooden platform, then use the moving one to reach the tower
with the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Granty Glide
Go on the catwalk next to the factory (not the one going up left, but the
straight one), and go to the end of that catwalk, when it stops at the wall.
Jump at the right to land of a small part of catwalk below, between 2 walls.
From there, look at the rockface above to see a tree trunk into the wall.
Jump to it and enter to end up in a hidden area. Climb to the top pillar to
retrieve the Thunder Egg.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 After going through the log into the wall at the start, bite the spy
eggs around the pillar to reach the top with the Golden Cog.

* #2 After opening the door with the blue switch near the start, go straight
ahead to the broken bridge and jump down on the pillar below. Then jump to
the other pillar with the Golden Cog on.

* #3 Drop down from the pillar where Golden Cog #2 was and go to the end of
the river. Jump on the platforms at the end and in the big red flower. It'll
launch you on a high pillar nearby. Turn the camera around to see another
pillar with a Golden Cog on. Jump on it to pick it up.

* #4 After gliding to reach the other side of the broken footbridge near the
start, go to the right and at the end of the path are 3 small towers and an
ice block on the last one. Throw your flamerang at it to break it and get
the Golden Cog inside.

* #5 Before crossing the long wooden log serving as a bridge, turn to the
left and go up the path. Enter the giant tree at the left and inside, bounce
on the mushrooms on the sides of the tree to reach the top where the Golden
Cog is.

* #6 When you come to the long wooden log serving as a bridge, go on it and
drop down to the right to land on a pillar below with the Golden Cog on.

* #7 When you reach the bottom of the waterslide, go to the right in the path
there and kill the enemies to clear the way. At the end is a Golden Cog.

* #8 When going up the path leading to the factory, there are 2 gaps you
have to jump over into that path. Drop down in the first one to find the
Golden Cog.

* #9 Go on the catwalk going up next to the factory (the one on the left) and
at the end, glide to the platform below and to the other one with the Golden
Cog on.

* #10 Go on the floating platform in front of the factory's door (the one
leading to the room where you fought Sly). Glide from this platform in
direction of the waterslide. Land on the small tower in front of it to get
the Golden Cog.


| Lake Burril |

------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: From Maurie's signpost at the start of the upper part of the level,
go straight until you come to the toilet checkpoint near Ranger Ken. From
there, turn back and go to the left. Look at the left behind a tree there
to see the Bilby in the corner. Destroy the spider web with your flamerang
and free the Bilby.

Bilby 2: From the start, go straight, right, then left (in the direction the
arrow is pointing) and continue past the toilet checkpoint to the 2 trees
straight ahead. Look at the right to see the Bibly behind a spider web. Throw
the flamerang at it and free him.

Bilby 3: From the start, go straight, right and continue straight to arrive
in the place with bushfires at the left and an opening in the rockface at
the right. Go into that cave in the rockface to find the Bilby inside, at
the right in the corner of the wall.

Bilby 4: From the start, go straight, right and continue straight until you
come to the lake. As soon as you enter the water, go to the right and there,
jump to the left, over the pit. Destroy the bushfires with the frostyrang
and continue to the left. Jump in the flower at the end to get launched on
top of a pillar. Jump in the other flower on the other pillar to land on
the pillar with the Bilby cage.

Bilby 5: From the area of Thunder Egg 8 (see below), in this very same area
is a hard to see opening in the wall leading to another area below. Drop
down in this area by the opening in the wall to find the Bilby there.

= #3 Wombat Rematch
After getting Thunder Egg #4, return to the starting point to start a race
against the snowboard bear who wants a rematch. He's pretty slow so you
shouldn't have any problems getting this Thunder Egg. Just be careful when
running on the ice to not loose your track.

= #4 Koala Crisis
Sheila will ask you once again to find her babies...
Koala 1: From the start, go straight, right and continue straight to the area
with the bushfires at the left. Destroy them all with your Frostyrang and go
at the left end corner to find the koala.
2: Go to the lake area and you'll find this koala on the platform in the
center of the lake.
3: Cross the lake to the other side, then go right, and right again. Destroy
the bushfires there to find the koala behind.
4: As soon as you reach the lake, go to the right and jump to the left over
the pit there. Destroy the bushfires, then jump in the flower at the back to
land on a platform. Then glide to the other platform with the Koala on.
5: As soon as you reach the lake, go to the right and go straight ahead,
passing into the hole. There is an area with a giant log on a pillar. Go up
the slope in this area to end up on top of the log. Destroy the bushfires on
the other side, then jump to this place to find the koala.
6: On the other side of the lake are some pillars and in the center a flower
with a Golden Cog above. Jump into that flower and enjoy the ride to a pillar
with the koala on.
7: From the start, go straight, right, right again, and right once again to
end up in an area with a spot of ice in a small area below. Go down there and
kill the spiders. Then throw the flamerang at the spider web on your left and
pick up the koala behind.
8: In the same area as mentioned above, on the pillar there.
Return to Sheila for the Thunder Egg.

= #5 Cable Car Capers
Talk to Ranger Ken in the upper part of the level. He'll ask you to help him
get rid of the Frills throwing rocks at the cable cars. So climb to the top
and hop on a cable car when one passes near you. Take the Zoomerang and zoom
in to see the Frills on top of the towers on the left side of the cables cars.
While your cable car advances, aim at the Frills and throw them the zoomerang
when you pass near them. Hit them all, then go back down and talk to Ranger
Ken to receive your Thunder Egg.

= #6 Flame Frills
Go to the top of the mountain using the cable cars, then glide down on the
other side of the mountain to end up in a very vast area. Go to the center
area with the trees to meet up with Ranger Ken once again. He'll ask you to
use his new snowball thrower machine and prevent the Frills from burning down
the trees. What you need to do is to shoot snowballs on the Frills when they
appear on the screen. The trick is to hit each Frills as soon as they appear
on the screen, this requires some precision so take your time before shooting.
After 120 seconds pass, if all the trees are intact, you'll get the Thunder

= #7 Catch Boonie
In the upper part of the level, Maurie will tell you about Boonie, one of the
koala kids that found a Thunder Egg, but he always run away when you approach
him. When you find him, don't start running after him, try to catch him by
surprise. Bypass him and get in front of him while he runs, then bite him to
make him stop and he'll hand back over the Thunder Egg.

= #8 Pillar Ponder
From Maurie's signpost (upper part of level), go straight, right and right
again while on the ice to enter a hard to see area when you go too fast. Go
straight again and drop down at the end in a small area below. You'll see the
Thunder Egg between some pillars at the left. Jump on the small pillar next
to the ice and glide to the higher pillar around the Thunder Egg. Now you
can pick up the Thunder Egg.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 From the start, go straight, right and continue straight to arrive
in the place with bushfires at the left and an opening in the rockface at
the right. Go into that cave in the rockface and go up the slope inside (at
the left) to reach the top of the tor. Then jump to reach the Golden Cog on
the ledge above.

* #2 This one is above the flower between the pillars on the other side of
the lake.

* #3 Go on the other side of the lake and continue straight, then go left
and jump on the pillars to reach the Golden Cog.

* #4 At the place with the giant log on a pillar, continue a little further
and you'll see a slope with ice blocks on. Destroy them with the flamerang
to reveal a Golden Cog.

* #5 When climbing to the upper part of the level, after the first log, glide
to the platform at the left on the other side and pick up the Golden Cog.

* #6 In the same area as Bilby 5 (see above), jump on the pillars there to
reach the Golden Cog on the top one.

* #7 In the cave at the top of the mountain, use the cable cars to get there.

* #8 When gliding down on the other side of the mountain, follow the trail
of opals and you'll eventually come to a platform with the Golden Cog.

* #9 Once at the bottom of the mountain (on the other side of it, in the vast
area), follow the trail of opals on the ground to get led to a Golden Cog.

* #10 This one is hidden under a snow heap if you continue to the right from
Golden Cog #9. Use the flamerang to melt the snow.


| Lake Burril |

Use this map and the one you get when you pause the game to locate the islands
and collectibles.

#########. ##################+
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------------------------------ THUNDER EGGS ----------------------------------

= #1 Collect 300 Opals

= #2 Find 5 Bilbies
Bilby 1: On the shore at the back of Crab Island (island 6).

Bilby 2: At the extremity of island 5, between two rocky peeks.

Bilby 3: In the water near Skull Island (island 1) are 4 pillars (near the
starting point). Jump in the flower on the top pillar to get launched on a
unreachable ledge on Skull Island, where this Bilby is.

Bilby 4: Look around island 11 for this one.

Bilby 5: On island 9, go on the Bunyip Elder Power Up to get lifted up, then
glide to the moving platform (moving around the tor) and when the platform
passes near the pillar with the Bilby, glide to it.

= #3 Race Rex
After collecting Thunder Egg #4, return to the starting point and start the
race against Rex. As always, he's fast in water, but slow on land. Don't miss
any ring and make it to the end before him to get the Thunder Egg. Always swim
underwater when you're in the water if you want to go a lot faster.

= #4 Treasure Hunt
Talk to Elle at the start of the level to begin the treasure hunt. The first
chest will be on Crab Island (island 6), on the shore. The second one will be
on the island with the anchor shaped rock (island 12), next to the anchor
rock. The third one will be on Bald Island (island 13), on the beach at the
left. The fourth one will be on Coconut Shores (island 11). Finally, the last
one will be in the shipwreck underwater between island 3 and 5. Return to
Skull Island (island 1), on the little creek at the left (indicated by number
2 on the map), where the opal machine is. Find the very last chest on the
beach there to get the Thunder Egg. (Don't forget you can use your map in the
pause menu to locate the chests that will be marked there...)

= #5 Parrot Beard's Booty
On island 1, go up the slope leading to the cave where Rex and Elle are
waiting for you. They'll ask you to get the octopus guarding the treasure
busy. Shoot the tentacles to clear their way while they go retrieve the
treasure and return. Only shoot the tentacles that appear in front of them if
you're having problems. Rex will go twice and Elle once. They'll reward you
for your help with a Thunder Egg.

= #6 Frill Boat Battle
Between islands 5 and 8, swim underwater where you see the Frills on boats and
talk to Aurora at the bottom of the water. She'll ask you to get ride of the
Frills that are annoying her. You've got 3 boats to sink. Take the Kaboomerang
from your inventory, aim at a boat, throw the rang, and the Frill will sink
into the water. After the 3 boats are sank, get the Thunder Egg from Aurora.

= #7 Geyser Hop
On the little piece of land connecting island 10 to 11, stand on the Bunyip
Elder Power Up to get lifted up to a higher one. You'll get lifted up again
so glide to the moving platform and land on it. Then glide to the other
platform and finally to the pillar with the Thunder Egg on it.

= #8 Volcanic Panic
On island 8 (the volcano), go to the side face to face with island 9, and
enter the cave there. You'll be inside the volcano. Use the Zappyrang to kill
the enemies inside, it does an one-hit KO. Go past all the obstacles inside
to reach the top door leading back outside to the other side of the island.
From there glide to the platform outside and then to the other ones on your
left. The Thunder Egg is on the smallest one.


******************************* GOLDEN COGS **********************************

* #1 On Skull island (island 1), go up the slope at the right and glide to
the nearby tor at the right once you're on top. Then glide to the other tors
until you reach the last one with the Golden Cog on.

* #2 Between island 3 and 4, on the small piece of land connecting them,
are some bouncing deckchairs. Jump on them to reach the platform moving
along the shore. Then wait for another platform to come near and glide to it.
At the end glide to the last platform which has the Golden Cog on.

* #3 Between island 4 and 11 are some pillars in the water and nearby, two
platforms floating above the water, one with the Golden Cog on. Use the
pillars to glide from the highest one to the moving platform (you need to hit
a switch in the water under that platform to make it start moving), then glide
to the one with the Golden Cog.

* #4 On island 7 are three big flowers. If you jump in the one at the back,
you'll get launched on a nearby pillar with a Golden Cog on.

* #5 On Anchor Rock Island (island 12), climb on the right side of the anchor
rock and glide to the nearby pillar. Then jump to the one with the Golden Cog.

* #6 On Bald Island (island 13), go on the tallest pillar, then use the
zoomerang to hit the red switch on top of the rockface at the left. This will
activate the moving platform. Use that platform to reach the pillar with the
Golden Cog.

* #7 Inside Volcano Island (island 8), in the lava cavern, when you go up the
first slope in the large open room, at the top, jump to the higher ledge at
the left of the path to find the Golden Cog.

* #8 Between islands 1 and 11, at the bottom of the water near the net
surrounding the level, in the middle of the sea mines spot.

* #9 Between islands 11 and 13, near the net surrounding the level, on a
corals reef at the bottom of the water.

* #10 Between islands 6 and 8, near the net surrounding the level, between
two coral reefs at the bottom of the water.


Extra Life : In the volcano cave, around the lava lake.


First phase -- Avoid his smash attack by running around him. After each of his
attacks, throw the flamerang at him to burn him up. You need to burn his legs,
arms and chest in order to defeat his first form.

Second phase -- Now that he's a robot, you can't burn him anymore so you'll
need to heat up the flame pilots by throwing the flamerang at them. Each time
you heat a flame pilot, the boss will loose some health.

Third phase -- Now only the head is remaining but he'll continue attacking.
Throw the frostyrang at the head 3 times to destroy him.

| Gate Zone |

This level is linear and easy so it doesn't require any particular
walkthrough... go through it to the next.

Extra Life : In the lake with the spy eggs above.
Extra Life : In the water behind the land at the very end.

| Gate Zone |

To beat Shadow the bat and get back the Talisman (and Shazza along the way),
you'll need to hit 3 switches throughout the level to activate the ventilation
shafts and hurt Shadow when she's on them. Then you need to stand on the shaft
to get lifted up to another part of the level.

First switch : Top of the wall behind the ventilation shaft.
Second switch : Top of wall at the right of the ventilation shaft.
Third switch : Top of wall at left BEFORE jumping over the pit to the
ventilation shaft.

Extra Life : In the first room, in an alcove underwater.
Extra Life : 2 on the pillars in the area with lava and pillars.
Extra Life : In the hole in the floor next to the third ventilation shaft.
Extra Life : In the last room, near a window.


First phase : Throw the frostyrang at the flame-throwers to freeze them, then
bite them to destroy them. Do this with all.

Second phase : Throw a rang at one of the 2 doors to break them and enter the
robot. Inside, throw the flamerang at the tubes twice (once to break the veil,
once to burn the wires). You have 16 to destroy. Don't loose your time with
the enemies in this room, they keep reappearing after you defeat them.

Third phase : Sly will lend you the Doomarang. Throw it (you take total control
of the rang) and go up into the green opening at the top of the robot. Then
you need to navigate through the tunnel without crashing anywhere. It's
pretty long and require some practice, but you'll eventually make it to the

After the credits, the ending sounds like there's gonna be a continuation to
that game...

Now head for the Bonus World !

| |
| |

To access Bonus World, go on the ledge behind the waterfall at the left of
Gate Zone, when you have 100% completed.

There are 123 picture frames to collect in this world. Some are in plain view,
others are in boxes like usual. If you want to collect them all, you'll have
to find the 4 switches hidding around the world to activate various platforms
leading to the picture frames.

1) Behind the hut at the left in the lake. Throw the flamerang at the hut to
reveal the switch behind.
2) On the ceiling at the right of the waterfall. Throw the flamerang at the
ice block to break it and reveal the switch.
3) Go near the ventilation shaft and zoom using the zoomerang in direction of
the starting point. You'll see a switch at the back of a panel.
4) High above under the platform in the sky. Use the zoomerang and use it on
the cliff where the starting point is.

These switches will activate some platforms that lets you go to the top of the
level to collect the last portraits. You also have to hit the generator in the
cave next to the lake with the Zappyrang to activate the ventilation shaft
that lets you collect some more portraits.

## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

*Use the Infrarang*


* On the shore at the right of the waterfall cave
* Above the Talisman Tower
* Near the portal leading to Cass' Pass in Gate Zone
* In Julius' lab
* Above the extra life at the end of the small path left from Julius' lab
* In Pippy Beach cave
* Above the entrance of Lake Burril
* At the entrance of Bli Bli Station
* Between the purple and yellow houses in Bli Bli Station


* Behind the starting point
* Next to the first waterfall near the start
* At the right of the third dunny, on the mound
* Between the 2 trees if you go up the hill after Julius
* In the upper area at the right of the cave after Julius, on the hill
* Above Maurie's signpost in the above mentionned above
* On a mound before the area with many bridges


* Behind the starting point
* In the bats cave, in the central room
* At the end of the cave mentionned above
* After the first waterslide, go to the left and drop down
* Behind the waterfall at the right of the bridge on top of the mountain
(in the air)
* Before the slope with the falling boulders, next to the dunny


* On Rex's house balcony
* Other side of the balcony
* Above the hut next to the pool
* On the land at the left of the first underwater tunnel near the start
* Behind the peek on top of the mountain where Elle is
* In the quicksand area, in the area at the back of the quicksands with the
* On the shore in the area mentionned above
* In the wreckship area, over the small isle in the water
* On your way to the mountain with the nest on top, go left to the edge


* After the bridge at the start, on cliff at left of the path
* At the left of the tree near the starting point
* At the right of the first huge tree (first area near start)
* On the cliff above that huge tree
* At the bottom of the waterfall below the broken footbridge
* Before the broken footbridge, at the left on cliff
* Near the opal machine, above the water puddle
* Above the wooden platform in the water near Dennis
* On the shore of the isle where Rex is
* Next to the tree before the huge bridge
* At the end of the long piece of land near the platforms floating above in
the sky (second area)
* Above the bridge leading to Neddy's domain
* Next to Neddy's domain
* To the right of Maurie's signpost near Neddy's domain, at the end of this
bridge part
* In Neddy's arena
* In Neddy's arena
* In Neddy's arena
* In Neddy's arena
* Above the bridge leading to Dennis' house
* In front of Dennis' home


* Behind Sheila's house, above the tree
* At the end of the small path left from Sheila's house
* Above a tree in the first area near Sheila's house
* Behind the pillars where Golden Cog 2 is (see walkthrough)
* On the right side of the right ice slope near the one mentionned above
* At the right of the area in the middle of the 2 ice slopes
* In the area with the ice barriers
* In the area with the pillars and the inclined field, at the right
* In the area mentionned above, behind the ice blocks
* Near Bilby 1 (see walkthrough), above the ground part
* Near Golden Cog 3 (see walkthrough), on the other side of the ice slope
* Go right from where Bilby 5 was (see walkthrough)
* At the end of the shore mentionned above
* Near the start of the start of the ice near the area mentionned above
* Between the 2 ice slopes at the bottom
* Above the right ice slope, half-way
* On the left side of the left ice slope
* Same as above, a little further from
* Just before the lake, at the bottom of the left ice slope
* On the other side of the lake, on the shore over the ground spot
* At the end of the shore mentionned above
* Near the path that goes through the shore mentionned above
* On the other side of the cliff that's on the shore mentionned above
* Above the ground part near Bilby 4 area (see walkthrough)


* A bit after the starting point
* After the door you open with the blue switch, above the broken footbridge
straight ahead
* Next to the tree with the bouncing mushrooms
* Near the dunny before the waterslide
* At the bottom of the waterslide


* Behind Sheila's house
* At the fork in the path at the start
* Near the big wooden log on a pillar
* Near area with spiders on the ice
* In the area if you jump to the left over the gap at the right of the lake
* At the other side of the lake, at the right area
* In the area at the left before the lake, above the many bushfires
* A little before the area mentionned above
* In the area where you climb to get to the upper part of the level, behind 3
trees straight ahead past the dunny
* In the same area as mentionned above, between the wall and a rock pillar
* When climbing to the upper part of the level, above the platform before the
last log
* Before the area of Thunder Egg 8 (see walkthrough), next to the
transformation warp
* Straight and left path from Maurie's signpost
* A little before the area where Boonie stands before seeing you
* In the left path near the one mentionned above
* Near the dunny that is near Ranger Ken
* At the end of the shoreline of ice near the cable cars tor
* Near the cable cars tor on the ice
* Near the cable cars tor on the ice
* Behind the small green house at the top of the cable cars tor
* In the first section of the mountain where the cable cars pass above
* In the second section
* In the third section
* In the upper section
* In the upper section
* When gliding down to the other side of the mountain, above one of the slopes
* Near Golden Cog 9 (see walkthrough), at the bottom of the other side of the
* In the area with the trees at the bottom of the other side of the mountain
(Thunder Egg 6 location)
* same as above


use the map in the walkthrough

* On Skull Island (island 1), above one of the big pillars
* On Spoon Island (island 4), on the shore
* On Spoon Island (island 4), on the shore
* On Spoon Island (island 4), on the shore
* On Spoon Island (island 3), on the shore
* On the shore of Long Island (island 11)
* On the shore of Long Island (island 11)
* On the shore of Long Island (island 11)
* On Anchor Island (island 12), on the shore
* On Bald Island (island 13), on the shore
* Near the cave leading inside the volcano on island 8
* In the volcano cave, at the bottom of the large room around the lava lake
* On the shore of Crab Island (island 6)
* On the shore of Crab Island (island 6)
* On the shore of Crab Island (island 6)
* On island 5, on the shore
* On island 5, on the shore
* On island 5, on the shore

!This makes a total of 127 portraits, the other 123 are in the Bonus World.

## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

a) Boomerangs ----------------------------------------------------------------

This is your basic ancient gum tree model. No bells and whistles, just a good,
reliable boomerang -- and mighty effective in the paws of the right Tazzy

This is the only 'rang that you can use underwater. Its hydrodynamic design
lets it slice through the water like a normal boomerang flies through the air.
Use a pair of these as fins and you yourself can zip through the deep blue
like a greased-up platypus.

How to get it : Given by Rex in Ship Rex level.

Heat things up with a 'rang o' fire! Naturally they can cut through ice, but
heard that they're also great for burning through sticky spider webs.

How to get it : Given by Julius after Bull's Pen boss.

This 'rang doesn't pack a lot of punch, but it's a great strategic weapon.
How's that, you say? You can use it to freeze enemies that are otherwise
impervious to boomerangs, then move in and give 'em a good chomp! (Throw a
Frostyrang into a body of water to create a small iceberg that you can stand

How to get it : Given by Julius after Criket's Cove boss.

The power of lightning is contained within this electrifying boomerang. Use
it when you want to give your enemies, or perhaps a piece of machinery, a
supercharged jolt.

How to get it : Given by Julius after Fluffy's Fjord boss.

This little beaut lets you do some long-distance 'ranging. But here's the best
part. Switch to TY's View (press and hold the L button). Everything looks
right? Now press the C stick UP-- it's got a built-in telescope aimer! Bonza!
If you've zoomed in a bit too far on an ugly henchmen, just press the C stick
DOWN to zoom back out.

What this boomerang lacks in quality it makes up for in quantity. Although it
not travel as far or as fast as other 'rangs, you can unleash a whole flurry of
them at once. Boss Cass' henchmen would have to be pretty quick to escape that

This boomerang lets you see as well as a wedge-tailed eagle. Listen carefully
when you're holding this 'rang. It has a built-in sonar that beeps if there's
anything "special" close by. Just switch to TY's View (press and hold the L
Button) and you'll see things you normally wouldn't with your Tasmanian Tiger
eyes. Take a look around with them once in a while. You might be surprised at
what you discover.

Julius really outdid himself on this one. This crafty lil' 'rang can actually
recognize bad guys and crates. It homes in on them and delivers a bull's-eye
knockout punch. Those bad guys will think the 'rang had their name on it --
and they won't be far off the mark!

This 'rang is made from the rare Outback element Exploderium, which is just
as spectacular as it sounds. Launch one of these rippers and watch the

Put the bad guys in a time warp! This is a great weapon to use on baddies that
are impervious to other 'rangs. Hit them with a Chronorang and watch them move
as slowly as a koala in quicksand. Then, move in for the bite.

The Doomarang is only available in the Final Battle, and boy, are you going to
need it! Just launch this seeing-eye 'rang and guide it by remote control to
those hard-to-reach places. Boss Cass won't know what hit him!

b) Collectible Objects and other items -------------------------------------

Long ago Ty's family knocked the five mystic Talismans out of Boss Cass' hands
just as he was sending them off to the Dreamtime. This caused an explosion that
scattered the Talismans across the land. Now Ty's in a mad race against Boss
Cass to get them back. Collect all five of them and bring them back to Rainbow
Cliffs, and the Tasmanian Tiger family will be free to populate the world once

These volcanic beauties are the key to powering Julius' Talisman Machine. This
machine locates and teleports the missing Talismans back to Rainbow Cliffs.
But you'll need at least 17 Thunder Eggs to get it to work. You can either find
or earn Thunder Eggs by completing tasks, solving puzzles, or completing Time

There are plenty of Opals just laying about for the gathering, but there are
a bunch more to be found, too. Try chomping open a crate! Each level has 300
Opals, in fact. Collect them all and bring hem to Julius' Opal machine and
press the Action button to add another Thunder Egg to your collection.

That nasty Boss Cass has locked up your Bilby mates in cages all over the
land -- five on each level, to be precise. If you free all five on a level,
you get a Thunder Egg. (Bilby cages are particularly resistant to boomerangs,
so try giving them a good bite.)

Your trusty boomerang has served you well, but it lacks the punch you need to
get where you're going. Collect 15 Golden Cogs and bring them back to Julius
in his lab at Rainbow Cliffs. He can then work them into his machine to make
a new techno-rang for you.

Collect all 25 of these little beauts for the Bunyip Elder at Rainbow Cliffs.

If your health meter is running low, just look for a picnic basket that might
contain some food to munch on, and your meter will boost back up.

If you come across a magnet, pick it up and make Opal collecting a whole lot
easier until the magnetic effect wears off.

This gives you one extra life, and with all the perils you've got to face,
you'll need it.

Somebody has apparently lost a few pictures from their art collection.
I've seen more than one picture frame hidden in the outback. When you come
across one, add it to your own collection and you can view it in the Gallery.
Collect them all to see some special goodies!

What with all the pressure and excitement of your adventure, you're bound to
have an accident of two while out and about. No worries, mate -- that's what
dunnies are for. If you happen to get clobbered or have a nasty fall or
something and lose all your health, when you wake up you'll be relived to find
yourself on the last dunny you passed. So don't hold back -- let 'er rip!

If you see a field of little green mushrooms, stand in the middle of them
for a few seconds. Then get ready for a little trip as you find yourself
instantly transported back to either the beginning or the end of the level!

When you see a vent of bubbles on the ocean floor, position yourself over it
for a few moments so you can breathe in the bubbles and restore your air supply.

Evidently these giant beauts don't like the taste of Tasmanian Tigers. Walk
into the middle of one and it swallows you up, but then a moment later it
spits you into the air like you were a piece of rotten 'roo meat.

This glowing green beaut is about the most mystical thing you'll see in the
land down under. Walk into the middle of it and channel the awesome power of
the Bunyip Elder himself!

c) Characters and enemies --------------------------------------------------

That's you, mate! My, you've got a fair set of choppers on ya -- Boss Cass and
those henchmen are in for it, dead-eert! Not that you go looking for trouble,
but when somebody messes with your mates, you're not one to back down from a

He is a bit of a looker himself he might say -- at least as far as sulphur-
cockatoos go. He'll be sure to keep an eye on TY during his adventure and lend a
word or two of advice when he thinks you might need it.

Strange as this chap is, be glad he's on your side. Julius is the most eccentric
Koala Ty's ever met, but he's dinky-di with the machines. Just wait until you
a hold of one of his custom-made techno-rangs and you'll see what I mean.

She's not even our species but it doesn't take another Dingo to see this is one
beaut of a girlfriend TY's got. She's a tough sheila and can handle her own,
but make sure you're available to lend a helping paw, just in case.

This awfully particular tree frog might not be the most loveable of blokes, but
he's got quite the Thunder Egg collection so you'd best play up to his
I'm not sure how anybody could get that refined growing up in such a dank, dark
billabong, but that's Dennis for you.

These Bilbies look meek, but they're strong in character. They took TY in when
he was just a wee orphan and raised him to the good bloke he is today. Now's
TY's chance to repay them by freeing them from Boss Cass' crude cages.

Most folks don't even believe in the Bunyips, those weird creatures that are
to be half beast, half spirit. But if you say you saw one, TY, that's good
for me.

If there's a meaner cassowary in all of Australia, I don't want to meet him. Not
only has Boss Cass banished the other Tasmanian Tigers to the Dreamtime realm
locked up the Bilbies in cages, he's also trying to ruin the very land itself
through pollution and destruction. You've got to stop him, TY!

These little sneaks are as nasty as they are numerous. They're no match for your
boomerang nor your bite, but watch out when they try to gang up on you.

These reptilian bullies are bigger than Frill Lizards, not to mention meaner and
tougher. They may not be the worst henchmen Boss Cass throws your way, but just
the same, I wouldn't want to meet one in a dark billabong.

I don't know why everybody thinks these yobbos are so cute! They're just
downright rotten if you ask me. Keep clear of those powerful legs of theirs or
they might kick you way out to Woop Woop!

d)Zones ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Level Environment Some bad guys you'll see
Two Up Billabong Frill Lizards, Red Kangaroos, Salties
Walk in the park Rainforest Blue Tongues, Leeches, Rhino Beetles
Ship Rex Barrier Reef Sharks, Eels, Giant Crabes
Bull's Pen Deep Outback Bull

Level Environment Some bad guys you'll see
Bridge on the Billabong Bats, Trapdoor Spiders, Cockroaches,
river Ty Skinks
Snow Worries Snowy Mountain Frills, Blue Tongues, Snow-Roos
Outback Safari Deep Outback Bike Frills
Crikey's Cove Barrier Reef Shark

How to access : Throw the flamerang at the ice wall blocking the cave

Level Environment Some bad guys you'll see
Lyre, Lyre, Pants Rainforest Tics, Lil' Neddy, Geckos
on fire
Beyond the Black Snowy Mountain Frill Lizards, Spiders, Blue Tongues,
Stump Snow-Roos
Rex marks the spot Barrier Reef Barracudas, Sea Snakes, Octopus
Fluffy's Fjord Snowy Mountain Guerilla

How to access : Throw the frostyrang at the bushfires blocking the path

Level Environment Some bad guys you'll see
Cass' Pass Rainforest Skinks, Ninja Geckos
Cass' Crest Lava Cavern Shadow the bat
The Final Battle Hideout Boss Cass

How to access : Throw the zappyrang at the generator next to the gate

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### 5. CODES
## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

During the gameplay (don't pause the game), press the following :

GCN: L, R, L, R, Y, Y, X, B, B, X, Z, Z.
PS2: L1, R1, L1, R1, triangle (2x), circle, square (2x), circle, R2 (2x)
XBOX: White, Black, White, Black, Y, Y, B, X, X, B, R, R

This will make lines appear while you're playing, all lines leading to a
specific item.

Purple line : Thunder Egg
Yellow line : Golden Cog
Green line : Opal
White line : Bilby

* Only use this code if you're absolutely stuck...

## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
### 6. CREDITS
## _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

* All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Special Thanks
Special thanks to : Krome Studios, EA Games
All the people from the TY GameFAQs board
My boyfriend for supporting me
All of you for reading my FAQ

Authorized sites
The latest versions of this FAQ may only be found on GameFAQs

This FAQ can only appear on the following web sites :
-> http://www.gamefaqs.com
-> http://www.neoseeker.com
-> http://www.cheathappens.com
-> http://faqs.ign.com
-> http://www.honestgamers.com


If you see this FAQ on another site, please, e-mail me.

Contact me
Any questions ? Comments ? Suggestions ? I was wrong ? I made a mistake ?
(please, put TY FAQ or something similar for the subject of the mail...)
I will answer you as soon as I read your questions/comments
*do NOT send me insulting mails as I may NOT want to answer you back*

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If you want to use my FAQ on your web site there is no reason I say no, but
please, e-mail me first and give me the URL of your web site.

Legal info
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

This FAQ is copyright 2004 WishingTikal (c)
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