Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

17.10.2013 22:57:51
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time FAQ/Walkthrough
Copyright 2003 Jim Avery or - pick ONE.

Table of Contents

1 - Version History
2 - Basics
2.1 - Characters
2.2 - controls
3 - Walkthrough
3.1 - The Beginning
3.2 - The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults
3.3 - "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time"
3.4 - "Had I Really Seen Her?"
3.5 - A Secret Passage
3.6 - The Palace's Defense System
3.7 - A Booby-Trapped Courtyard
3.8 - Death of a Sand King
3.9 - "I'll Try To Find a Way In"
3.A - Climbing the Tower
3.B - The Warehouse
3.C - The Sultan's Zoo
3.D - Atop a Bird Cage
3.E - Cliffs and Waterfall
3.F - The Baths
3.G - "There's Something Glowing Up There"
3.H - Above the Baths
3.I - A Long-Buried Secret
3.J - Daybreak
3.K - A Soldier's Mess Hall
3.L - The Drawbridge
3.M - A Broken Bridge
3.N - "I'll Meet You at the Baths"
3.O - Waterfall
3.P - A Cavern of Ladders
3.Q - An Underground Reservoir
3.R - Out of the Well
3.S - "What Did You Call Me?"
3.T - The Hall of Learning
3.U - Observatory
3.V - Hall of Learning Courtyards
3.W - On the Ramparts
3.X - A Prisoner Seeking an Escape
3.Y - "At Last We're Here!"
3.Z - The Hourglass
3.! - The Tomb
3.@ - "Farah! Come Back!"
3.# - Climbing the Tower of Dawn
3.$ - The Setting Sun
3.% - Honor and Glory
4 - Frequently Asked Questions
5 - Thanks To...
6 - Legal Info

1 - Version History

Version 0.7 (11:28 PM EST 2/16/2004) - The walkthrough is complete up
to, but not including, the Observatory. The rest will come in the next

Version 0.9 (11:04 PM EST 2/17/2004) - Okay, so I lied. I ran out of
time before Family Guy came on. The walkthrough is dome up through "At
Last We're Here!" Next time; it's the fun part.

2 - Basics

2.1 - Characters

The Prince of Persia - You are the nameless hero of this game. Armed
with a time-altering dagger and the skills of an Olympic gymnastics
team, you must undo your horrible mistake.

Farah - The princess of a neighboring land, Farah knows how to reverse
the effects of the Sands of Time. She will help you on your quest,
fitting into cracks and such.

Jaffar - The royal vizier of Farah's kingdom, he tricks you into
unleashing the Sands of Time, and hopes to conquer the kingdoms.

2.2 - Controls

Start - Pauses the game; brings up pause menu.

Control stick - Move; balance; change direction

Control pad - Landscape view (right)

C-stick - Change camera angle

Z - Switch to first-person view

A - Jump; roll; vault over enemy

B - Attack

X - Let go; put away sword

Y - Absorb enemy; freeze enemy

L - Rewind time (hold); slow time (tap)

R - Run along wall; run up wall; push/pull; swing on bar; drink water;
block (in combat)

3 - Walkthrough

When I say certain things, they may confuse you. Here's some lingo I'll

Beam - any unusually narrow surface that you must balance on while
walking across
Pole - you swing from them
Ledge - Anything that you can walk on, inch on or hang from that isn't
the ground
Cross the ____ - Traverse from the first ____ to the last ____ and all
the ____s in between

3.1 - The Beginning

You'll start immediately on a balcony. Walk into the room, and a
cutscene will start. You'll start telling your story, and interesting
stuff will happen. When you regain control, go towards the soldiers
with a battering ram to have a projectile destroy them. Climb up the
rocks that form large stairs, then jump to the ledge you see. Climb up
more rocks, then use R to run up the wall and get onto the wall.

Once the gap is created, jump across, then go to the door. Jump across
the gap to the right, then go through the open door. Smash the
obstacles in your way, then defeat the guard present in combat. Once
done, climb up the ladder and defeat two more guards, then go through
another door. Stand in the water and hold R to regain any health lost,
then smash more obstacles in the way.

Don't cross the gap; go down and defeat the guards. Go through another
door and follow the hall until it ends. To cross this gap, run next to
the right wall and hold R once you reach the edge of the gap; you'll
run along the wall and over it. Run along the wall to cross the next
gap, then climb the ladder.

Go through the door and replenish health, then defeat more guards in
this area. Go to the far wall, then jump up to grab the ledge. Pass
under the face while hanging from the ledge, then get up and onto the
ledge above you. Inch over to the face and pass under it, then drop to
the lower ledge, pass under another face, and drop to the hole in the

Defeat more guards in here, then drink from the fountain to regain
health. Press A to grab onto the column near the fountain, then jump to
the column on the right, then to the one in front of you. Climb to the
top of the column, then jump to the ledge on the left and go through
the curtains. You'll be asked to save.

3.2 - The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults

Run along the wall to the left to the other side, then run along the
right wall and jump to the ledge at the end. Run along another right
wall, then run up the wall on the right and jump to the ledge. Pass
through the curtains to see the Dagger of Time. Run along the right
wall, then run along another right wall and jump to the ledge.

Run up a wall of the alcove to get on a ledge, but get to the left
ledge. Run along the wall to a ledge, then along the wall again. Go
through the door, then drop down and run between the spiked poles. Run
along the left wall to a tiny ledge; inch your way to the end, then
jump to the ledge on the other side. Do the same again, and avoid the
spiked poles at the end. Run along the left wall, then jump off to a

Here, drop down to the bottom ledge, then make your way right, jumping
up and down ledges accordingly. At the end, jump to the column, then
continue across columns to the last one. Slide to the bottom and jump
off, then drink from the fountain to replenish health. Run up the wall,
then run up the low part of the statue's arm. Run up the right wall and
jump to the hand, then run up the left wall. Run up the statue's head,
then jump from wall to wall until you reach the top - and the Dagger of

You'll discover your rewind abilities here. Jump to the ledge in front
of you, then run along the left wall and jump to the ledge, then run
along another wall and jump again. Navigate through the three spiked
poles. When the five poles back away, run up and duck into the alcove;
when they pass again, run past them and drop down. Pass through more
spiked poles, then climb up to the next room.

A long cutscene will occur, and you'll release the Sands of Time, which
will take over the kingdom. You'll enter your first sand battle. After
you knock an enemy to the floor, press Y to absorb the sand it has. For
this battle, vaulting over enemies works well. Once you're done, you'll
enter the pillar of orange sand to see into the future - and save your

3.3 - "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time"

Go through the hole to the right of the gate in front of you, then
follow the girl until the rocks fall. Go through the door to the right,
then run along the wall to drop down to the other stairs. Press Y next
to the sand cloud under the stairs to absorb it, then go right and
stand under the low pole. Press A to jump up to it, then hold R to
swing. Press A at the right time to jump to the next pole. Cross all
the poles this way until you get to the ledge.

Run along the wall to a ledge, then run along the wall and jump to a
pole, then jump to another ledge. Go through the door and chase after
the girl to meet more rocks. To the left, run along the right wall to a
pole, then swing across the poles (move left or right when necessary)
to the other end of the hall. Drink from the fountain if necessary,
then go through the next door.

Run along the wall to the pole, then swing across the poles to the
other side. Run along the wall to another pole, then drop down all the
poles to the floor. Defeat all the enemies here (again, vaulting works

Look for the low pole in the corner. Run up the wall, then jump to the
pole. Turn around, then jump to the wall, then press A when you hit the
wall to jump off to a higher pole. Turn around again and jump to the
ledge, then jump into the hole and enter the save point to see your
next vision.

3.4 - "Had I Really Seen Her?"

Run to the door and smash the obstacles in the way, then run to the
sand cloud and absorb it. Go the other way, through a door and run up a
wall, then jump to the pole. Swing and jump to the ledge, then drop
down to a hole in the wall. Follow the straight path to the fountain;
you'll drink from it, then reappear outside the hole, and your health
bar will increase.

Jump down to the lower rubble and get to the floor, then cross the gap
and get the sand cloud. Drop into the gap, then run along to meet the
girl, who turns out to be the princess of the land, Farah. You'll
argue, and she'll go through a crack in the wall. For now, defeat the
bugs, then replenish health if necessary. Go to the end of the hall and
take the left door to find a sand cloud, then go back through the other

Jump to the ledge, then go through the door outside. Run along the wall
and go through the door back inside. Get on the column, then jump
across the columns until you get to the one near the ledge. Jump off
and onto the ledge, then run along the wall and jump to another column.
Slide to the bottom and defeat the bugs, then get the sand cloud.

Run along the wall and jump to a column, then cross the columns to the
ledge. Climb up the rubble (run up the higher rock), then run up the
right wall and jump to the ledge. Get the sand cloud, then cross the
columns to another ledge. Hang from the edge and inch over to the wall,
then drop to another ledge and defeat more bugs.

Run along the wall to a pole, then cross the poles to the other side.
Defeat more bugs, then jump over the side of the railing to the column
and slide down to the floor. Defeat all the enemies, then enter the
save point to see another vision.

3.5 - A Secret Passage

Go and grab the sand cloud in a corner, then go to the save point and
move the bookcase to its right aside to reveal a door. Go down the
stairs, then run along the left wall and jump to the ledge. Grab the
sand cloud, then step on the switch to open the door. Approach the
bridge and it will fall away; run along the wall you see, then jump to
the other end of the bridge. Take the box in front of you and pull it
onto the switch, then go through the door.

Pull out the lever in this room, then run across the bridge and jump to
the platform. Meet the Guy That Won't Shut Up. He'll explain how to
activate the defense system. First, step on the switch to bring out the
first axle, then turn the thing 90 degrees clockwise. Raise the whole
thing one level, then turn it 270 degrees counterclockwise. Bring it
down one level and pick up the second axle.

Bring it back up a level, then turn it 180 degrees clockwise. Take it
up two levels, then hit the switch for the third axle. Turn it 90
degrees clockwise, then bring it down a level and get the last axle.
Bring it back up a level, then turn it all 90 degrees counterclockwise,
then bring it up one more level. Cross the bridge and climb the ladder,
then press A under the level to pull it. Go back down and defeat the
enemies, then go through the door and enter the save point.

3.6 - The Palace's Defense System

Continue on past the spiked pole. See the parts of the floor with
holes? Walk slowly over them or else you'll be shish kebob. Make your
way to the other end of the room, then pull out the lever. Run up the
stairs and between the spiked poles, then run along the wall to a
ledge. Climb up and go to the other end, then jump to the other ledge
and hang down to avoid the saw. Go to the other end and jump to the

Continue, then run along the wall to another ledge. When the saws are
about to strike, jump to the other ledge, then back when it is safe. At
the end, drop down and go through the door. Defeat more enemies in this
room, then enter the save point.

3.7 - A Booby-Trapped Courtyard

Replenish your health at the fountain if necessary, then find the
switch on the wall; run up the wall to hit it. Run up the new pillar in
the center of the room, then jump up to the pole and swing to the
ledge. Jump to the small ledge sticking out to find automatic slicers.
You can either run past them or roll underneath them; I prefer the
latter. After avoiding one, run along the left wall and jump to the
ledge. Avoid the poles and the slicer here, then jump to the pole to
open the door; swing to the door and go through.

Climb on the piece of rubble, then run along the wall and jump to the
ladder. Climb up, then cross the gap, then jump across another gap
diagonally. Get the sand cloud in the corner, then get on the rubble
and run along the wall to the ledge. Get up and go to the other end,
then follow the long path to the magic fountain, where you'll extend
your life bar.

Back here, run along the wall to a pole, then cross the poles to a
ledge. Get on the other end of the ledge, then jump to solid ground.
Run along the wall, timing it so you don't hit the saw, then jump to a
ledge at the end. Run up the wall to a ledge, then inch to the other
end. Jump to a pole, then swing to the ledge in front of you. Run along
the wall again, then again, and jump to a ledge the second time.
Replenish health if necessary, then continue and run along the wall to
a switch; head back and go through the door.

Pull out the lever to open the door and start the traps. Run along the
left wall, avoiding the saw, then go past the slicer. Run up the left
wall to hit a switch, then jump to the new ledge. Run up again to a
smaller ledge, then jump up to another ledge. Jump across to another
ledge, then jump up two more. Go to the other end and jump back onto
terra firma. Run along the right wall when the time is right, then roll
under the door. You'll see Farah fighting off demons, one of which used
to be your father!

This is quite a difficult battle. First of all, you have to make sure
Farah doesn't die as well as yourself. Secondly, the blue enemies are
immune to vaulting; you'll have to use a wall attack. Get next to a
wall, then push the control stick in the direction of the wall, then
press A, then B quickly; you'll plow through the enemy, knocking them
down. For future reference, blue enemies and armor-clad ones are immune
to vaulting. Thirdly, there are simply too many enemies. If you need
health, there's water at the end of the room. To defeat your father,
wait with your guard up until he attacks, then slice away. It's
tedious, but you'll win. Once you're done, you'll enter the save point.

3.8 - Death of a Sand King

You've finally partnered up with Farah. You'll jump out a window; get
health from the fountain if you want, then go to the other end of the
ledge. Run along the wall to a ledge, then again. Run along the wall
again to ground, then defeat all of the enemies. Get some health, then
enter the save point.

3.9 - "I'll Try To Find a Way In"

Go up the stairs and right to get a sand cloud, then run past the door
and run along the wall; you'll fall to a green thing. Run along the
wall to another one, then run along to a pole. Cross the poles to
another green thing (ugh, I forgot what those are called), then turn
around and run along the wall to another ledge. Run along the wall
again and turn the switch clockwise a bunch until the door opens. Drop
down and go back to grab a sand cloud, then you'll probably be fighting
enemies. Once done, go through the door and enter the save point.

3.A - Climbing the Tower

Climb up the rubble in here and run up the wall to a ledge. Inch to the
right, then jump to a pole and cross the poles to a wall; jump off the
wall, then cross more poles to another floor. There's a fountain here
if you need health; otherwise, run along the wall past the saw to a
path leading to the magic fountain; life ahoy.

Go back to the ladder and climb it, then run toward the saws and along
the wall when the floor falls away. Do the same with the next saws;
you'll hit a switch opening the door. Run along one more wall and go
through the door. Continue here and run along a wall past the spikes,
then go down the stairs and hit the switch to let Farah in. Go back up
the stairs and toward the door; Faraf will inch through the crack and
open the door for you. Continue on to the next room.

Run down the ramp and jump to the platform; avoid the jaws of doom and
run up the wall, then jump to the lever to move the ramps. Farah will
pull a lever moving them again; go up the new ramp and through the
door; pull out the lever, then run along the path, avoiding spikes and
poles, and go through the door. Yep, you're here again.

Go forward to the entrance to the room again, then down a new ramp, and
then another. Run along the wall to the platform, then run along the
wall to another ramp. Pull the lever, and Farah will pull one as well.
You'll alternate pulling levers until you're on the same center

Go down and defeat all of the enemies, then replenish health. Step on
the switch that raises the lower pillar, then go to the mound of boxes
nearby. Go behind it and pull out a box, then put it on the switch. Go
to the other side of the room and run up the mound of boxes with the
white box on top. Push the box off, then onto the next switch. Run back
up to the platform Farah is on, then enter the save point.

3.B - The Warehouse

Run up the pillar on this platform, then run up and hit the switch to
open the door. Go through to the hall, then cross the gap, then
continue and cross another gap. You'll end up outside in the menagerie.
Grab a sand cloud on the side of the stairs, then go forward and defeat
all of the enemies, then enter the save point.

3.C - The Sultan's Zoo

Run up the rock near the save point, then climb onto the tree as if it
were a column. Climb up and jump to the higher area, then drop down to
a lower area. Jump to a tree branch, then swing to the wall. Drop down
and hit the switch to open the door for Farah. Defeat all of the birds
here (there's five), then go through the door and pull the box out to
reveal a crack. Farah will go through and open the door to the bird
cage for you.

Go into the bird cage and jump up to the low pole, then jump to the
wall and off to another pole. Cross the poles to a ledge; run along the
wall toward the right, then jump up to a pole and cross the poles to a
ledge. Run around and climb the ladder, then run along the wall to the
left twice to grab a pole. Inch to the other end and swing to the
ledge, then jump to the ledge outside. Run up the wall and jump to the
tree branch, then swing to the top of the cage. Turn the lever until
the door opens, then jump to the ledge with the save point.

3.D - Atop a Bird Cage

Drop down to the lower ledge, then hang from the edge and drop to the
pole (you have to be on the end of the ledge before dropping). Cross
the poles to the door, then run past and run up the wall, then jump to
the lever to let Farah up. Go back through the door and continue to the
room with bugs. Defeat them all, then climb up to the higher ledge. Run
along the wall, then jump to the lever to open the door.

Climb up and get the sand cloud, then pull out the box to reveal a
crack; Farah will go through and open the door outside and below the
room. Destroy the obstacles and pull out the lever, then run down the
ramp and past all the slicers. Jump across the spike pit, then run
along the wall past the saws and walk across the spikes, then roll
under the door. Jump across the bridge and enter the save point.

3.E - Cliffs and Waterfall

Jump back across the bridge and run along the wall to the ledge with
the tree. Climb up the tree and jump to another tree, then jump to the
ledge. Defeat the birds, then run along the wall to the tiny ledge.
Jump to the tree, then slide down and grab the sand cloud. Get back on
the tree and jump onto two more trees, then climb to the top of the
tree and jump to the ledge. Defeat the birds, then replenish your

Inch along the small ledge, then drop down and jump across the bridge.
Turn the lever until the door opens, then go out toward the trees. Run
along the wall and jump to the first tree, then slide down and jump to
the second, then slide down and jump to the ledge. Run toward the door,
then run along the wall to the door and go through.

Defeat the bugs in here, then go on and defeat more bugs. Replenish
health with the fountain if necessary, then continue to the hole in the
wall. Go in and defeat all of the enemies, then go to the other side of
the room, replenish health, and enter the save point.

3.F - The Baths

Go up the stairs to the switch, then pull out a vase and put it on the
switch. Go through the door and avoid the spiked swing, then drop down
to the bottom. Jump across the pit, then run up a side wall and begin
jumping up to the top. When you hit the ledge, move to the close end,
then continue to the baths. You'll see a sword. Defeat all of the
enemies, then replenish health basically anywhere and enter the save

3.G - "There's Something Glowing Up There"

Approach the statue and the switches; Farah should stand on the
underwater switch. Push the statue into one switch, then run up the
wall to hit the other. Go through the newly opened door and grab the
sand cloud, then turn the lever until the water drains. Go back to the
room entrance, then go left and find the ledge. Run up the wall to the
ledge, then jump to the pole, then to the column. Jump to another
column, then right to another pole. Inch until you change direction,
then swing across the poles to the lever.

There is another ledge on the other side of the room. Run up to it,
then jump to the pole. Inch until you change direction, then swing to
another pole. Move again, then jump to the column, then to the next
column, then to another pole. Change direction again, then swing to the
lever to fully open the hole.

Go back to where the first ledge was and push the block there through
the newly opened hole. Go back to the entrance of the room and return
to the previous room, then take the block and push it onto the lower
level, then push it underneath the ladder in the corner. Climb up and
grab the sand cloud, then climb through the hole/window.

In this room, drop down to a ledge, then climb up and inch to the
larger ledge. Go through the hole in the window, then inch along the
ledge and jump to the column. Jump from the column to another ledge,
then climb up to another ledge. Inch your way across the ledges to the
end, then jump to the pole and cross the poles to a ledge. Run along
the wall to another ledge, then run along another wall and go through
the door.

Run up the back wall and jump to the pole, then cross the poles to the
ledge on the other side. Inch to the larger floor, then run to the next
room and stand on the switch. Make your way past the slicers to the
next room and defeat all of the enemies, then enter the save point.

3.H - Above the Baths

Run up the stairs and into the next area. Grab the bookcase in the
corner and push it as far into the corner as you can, then get on and
run along the wall to the pole. Swing to a column, then jump across all
of the columns to another pole; swing to the wall to get down. Grab the
sand cloud, then run along the far wall to the platform with the new

Run back along the wall and destroy the rotting door with your sword.
In the hall, destroy the cracked wall on the side to open a path to the
magic fountain. Once your life has increased, go down and destroy
another rotting door. Back down here, go around to a cracked wall and
destroy it, then go through.

Go down all the stairs to the next room. Go to the other end of the
ledge and pull out the block, placing it in the marked area. Climb onto
it, then run up the wall and jump to the pole, then cross the poles to
the ledge. Jump to another ledge, then inch your way to the end, then
drop down twice. Inch to the end, then jump up the walls to the higher
ledge. Inch over and get on a higher ledge, then get on a higher one,
then jump to the sand cloud.

Get the sand cloud, then drop off the close edge to a lower ledge. Get
on the other side and jump to the ledge, then make your way across the
ledges to the door. Turn the lever 180 degrees clockwise, then destroy
the wall it points to to unlock Prince of Persia I. You can go play it

3.I - A Long-Buried Secret

Go back and turn the lever back 90 degrees and go through the gate.
Defeat all of the bugs, then pull out the block and Farah will crawl
through; she'll then activate platforms to use. Run along the wall, and
jump when necessary, to cross the platforms to the other side. Climb
the ladder, then go forward and defeat all of the enemies, then enter
the save point.

3.J - Daybreak

Destroy the wall and replenish health, then go forward to the door.
Turn left, destroy the obstacles and hit the switch, then go through
the door. Defeat all of the enemies; the armored ones are susceptible
to wall attacks. Once done, enter the save point.

3.K - A Soldier's Mess Hall

Go back to the rubble and climb up, then run along the wall to the
poles, then cross the poles to the ledge. Move along the ledge, then
cross another pole, then climb up more ledges. Move over to the sand
cloud, then go back and cross another pole to a larger ledge. Run along
the wall at the end, then hit the switch and go through the door.

Run along to the left (facing the bridge) and cross the poles to the
wall; jump off and onto another pole, then jump back to the ledge. Run
up the wall, then go forward, avoiding the poles. Once you get to the
spikes and poles, run along the wall to avoid it all. Run up the wall
with the symbol and jump to the lever, then go through the door.

Go down the stairs and jump to the lever to let Farah up, then go back
to the door. Farah will crawl under and let you in. Get the sand cloud,
then run up the wall and jump to the lever to let the drawbridge down.
Go out the door again and drop down to the wood thing when you see it,
then go to the drawbridge. Replenish your health, then cross it and
defeat all the enemies. Go back across the bridge to the save point.

3.L - The Drawbridge

Go back across the bridge and through the door. Turn the lever, then go
through the gate. Go up only the first flight of stairs, then run along
the wall to the pole. Go up the poles and pull the lever, then Farah
will pull another lever a few seconds later. If she doesn't, try
grabbing your lever again, then letting go. Once she gets on the
bridge, pull your lever again, then Farah will pull another lever.

Get on the rock, then run up onto the ledge, then climb up to the top
ledge. Jump to the bridge, then jump over to the hole and drop down the
other side. Go right and run along the wall to the pole, then swing to
the ledge. Go in the door and run up the wall, then pull the lever. Get
on the bridge, and Farah will turn it. Get onto the ledges and climb up
to the top, then jump to the ladder, then climb up. Run left and run
along the wall to the lever to let Farah up. Go to the door and Farah
will let you through. Cross the bridge, defeating the birds, then enter
the save point after you watch the bridge fall away.

3.M - A Broken Bridge

Hang off of the edge of what was the bridge and drop down, then move to
the right end of the ledge. Jump off to the column, then slide to the
bottom and jump to the next column. Jump off to another ledge, then
inch to the end and jump from wall to wall to the bottom. Run to the
left corner before it falls away and then run up the wall and jump to
the pole. Swing to the ledge, then run along the wall and you'll drop
to a lower ledge.

Jump up to the nook and inch to the end, then jump to the column. Go
down and get the sand cloud, then get to the top of the other pillar
and jump to the ledge. Inch over to the left, then drop down to another
ledge. Inch over some more, then get up and walk across the beam (use
the Control stick to balance). Once on the other side, get to firm
ground, then walk into an awful room. Go down the stairs, then run
along the right wall and jump to the pole, then cross the poles to a
save point.

3.N - "I'll Meet You at the Baths"

Drop down to the lower area, then walk on the beam to the right; jump
across the gap, then continue right until you're atop the door. Jump to
the other door, then continue down the wooden beam, them jump two beams
to the right. Continue to the end of this beam, then jump to the wooden
beam to the right. Go up to the lever and pull it, then go down the new
ladder and follow the left wall until you find the next lever; pull it.

Defeat all of the bugs, then grab all of the sand clouds, then find the
lever you need to pull out. Pull it out, then run back to the ladder.
Climb up, then walk along the wooden beam, then jump to the next one.
Follow it to the end (jump the gap), then jump to the next one. Line up
parallel to the big wooden doors, then jump to them. Go to the end,
then run along the wall with the newly raised gate. Pull the lever
ahead, then run along the left wall. Hit the switch, then climb down
the ladder and go through the door.

Go through the tunnel and break the wall at the end, then cross the
beam. Drop down to a ledge, then inch to another ledge. From here, drop
down ledges to the bottom. Grab the sand cloud, then defeat all of the
bugs. Climb up to the ledge, then cross the beam and drop down to the
bottom ledge. Jump across the waterfall to the ledge, then swipe away
at the bats as you cross the beam. Run along the wall to the left to
get on another ledge, then inch to the end, then jump to another
platform. Jump to another ledge, then walk across a beam, then run
along the wall to the save point.

3.O - Waterfall

Cross the beam and go through the tunnel, breaking the wall, until you
get to the end. Here, run along the wall from platform to platform
before they fall. When you reach the ledge, you can replenish your
health. Destroy another wall and continue to more rickety platforms and
more wall-running. As you inch along the ledge at the end, swipe at the
bats to keep from falling.

When the ledge falls away, climb to the higher one, then cross the
icicle as if it was a column that fell if you stayed on too long. More
rickety platforms and wall-running. At the end, jump to the icicle,
then jump across to another ledge. Inch to the end, then jump across
more icicles to the save point.

3.P - A Cavern of Ladders

Climb up to the ledge and inch to the end, then cross more icicles to a
ledge. Grab the sand cloud, then cross the bridge to some un-rickety
platforms. Run along the wall to a platform, then attack the bats, then
run along another wall to a ladder, then slide to the bottom. Run along
the wall to the left to another platform, then go down another ladder.
Run along a wall to the right, then again, then go down the ladder to
the bottom. Replenish health if necessary, then go through the large

Break the wall partway through, then, once in the large room, take a
left, then climb the rock to an alcove. Jump to the rope, then swing to
the save point.

3.Q - An Underground Reservoir

Climb up the ledges to the right to the top, then inch right until
you're above another ledge; drop down, then jump the gap between the
beams. Go around the beams clockwise until you reach a ledge with a
broken column. Climb up it, then cross the beam halfway, then jump to
the rope. Swing to the ledge with the bars, then inch around to a beam,
then jump to another rope.

Jump to the rope to the right, then swing to the door to the right.
When the jaws recede, run up to the ledge, then get to the other side
while avoiding the saws. Go through the door, then jump up and grab the
lever to open a hole. Defeat the bats, then climb in the hole. Drop
ledges when you're safe from the slicers until you're at the bottom. Go
forward and push the box out, then place it under the alcove with the
sand cloud.

Climb up and get the sand cloud, then climb up the ledge to the right.
Inch over to the other alcove, then jump across to the other ledge,
then inch over to the beam. Jump to the rope, then jump across the rope
until the camera changes so you see above the rope. Climb up that rope
to the top, then defeat all of the enemies. Enter the save point.

3.R - Out of the Well

Go into the next room, where you can replenish health, then continue to
the room with no floor. Jump to the rope, then jump off to hit the
switch, then jump back to the rope. Do the same with the yellow switch,
then jump and go through the gate. Grab the sand cloud to the right,
then go forward and pull out the switch.

Hit the switch, then run along the wall above the spikes to the
platform. Go to the other side and run along the wall, avoiding the
saw. Go up the stairs, avoiding the slicer, then go through the door.
Go down the stairs to find Farah. Go past the enemies through some
curtains; tear some walls down, then go to the end to find a lever;
pull it, then go back and go through the gate you just opened. Turn
left, then run along the wall and jump to the ledge. Go right for a
sand cloud, then go the other way and tear down more walls to find
Farah. Defeat all of the enemies, then you'll enter the save point.

3.S - "What Did You Call Me?"

Go toward the statue and move it to reveal a small hole; Farah will
eventually enter and open the door for you. Go through, then turn the
lever until another door opens; go through, then follow the hall to a
mirror. Turn it so it points into the room, then go into the room and
defeat all of the enemies; this is a difficult battle, as your main
concern will not be your life, but Farah's. Enter the save point.

3.T - The Hall of Learning

This room is truly awful, especially without a walkthrough. If you
turned the first mirror, a beam of light will be shining. Follow it to
a mirror, and pull the mirror out so it points into another half-room.
Pull the mirror in there so the light hits it, then pull it so the
light goes across the room to the other side. Pull the mirror there so
the light hits it, then move it so it strikes the weak wall. Break the
wall, then pull the mirror so the light hits it, then pull it out until
it hits the switch.

Go to the center of the room and run up the pillar, then do it again.
Inch along the ledge, then jump to the narrow beam. Follow it to the
end, then jump to the platform, then run along the wall to the ledge.
Go to the end, then jump to the pole, then cross the poles to the
ledge. Farah will pull a lever revealing a switch. Run up the wall to
hit a switch, then jump to the newly open wall, then jump up until
you're on it. Run along the wall to a higher platform, then run along
the wall again, then jump to the ladder, then climb to the top.

Grab the sand cloud, then run up the wall when the jaws recede. Jump to
the beam, then walk along, then jump to the next beam, then drop to the
ledge. Run along the wall, avoiding the saws, to the other side; break
the wall and follow the path to the magic fountain and more life. Back
out, run along the wall again. Walk along the beam, jumping the gap, to
the mirror, then turn the mirror 90 degrees clockwise. Turn right and
walk along the beam, then jump to the ledge.

Jump up to the pole, then swing to the wall and jump off to the next
pole. Move all the way to the right, then swing to the beam. Jump to
another beam twice, then drop down and kill bats. Go to the beam of
light, then pull the nearby mirror into it, then have it point the
light at the end of the ledge. Take the other mirror and move it so the
light hits the crystal, pointing it down.

Run along the nearby wall to a ledge, then drop down twice. Go to the
other side of the ledge, then jump to the pillar. Run along the wall to
the mirror, then point the mirror at the symbol to move platforms.
Cross them to the other side, then go toward the end of the ledge. The
camera will focus on a broken pillar; run up the side and grab the
ledge, then move to the other side, then jump to the rope. Swing to the
other rope, then to the ledge.

Cross the ledges until you can jump to the ladder; do so. Climb up,
then break the three walls, then pull the lever. Go back across the
platforms and push the nearby mirror into the corner, replacing it with
the farther mirror. Go back to the mirror on the other side of the
platforms and pull it so the light strikes it, then point it to another
crystal, which will open the gate to the new sword.

Go back to the ground floor and go through the gate to get your sword,
then pull out the lever and go through the door on the other side of
the room. Follow the path to some enemies; defeat them, then enter the
save point.

3.U - Observatory

Go back to the top of the stairs and Farah will push a switch, raising
them. Jump to the ledge, then run along the right wall to a pole, then
cross the poles to a rotating lever. Turn it until the large bar is
lined up with the others, then cross all the poles, and the column, to
the other side. Turn this new lever until the bar points toward the far
wall, then cross back to the column and take the new path; you'll end
up pulling a lever and switching all the planets around.

Jump off and hit the switch, then run along the wall to the left until
you get to the rotating lever. Cross all of the poles to end on a
lever, opening the gate. Drop down and slide down the ropes as if they
were columns to the bottom, then go through the gate. Go along the
corridor here, ducking under swords and jumping the gap after the log
has passed.

Walk slowly across the spikes here, then hit the switch after the
swords pass, then go through the gate. Pull out the lever here, then
duck under swords until you get past the gate. Defeat all of the
enemies in here, then enter the save point.

3.V - Hall of Learning Courtyards

Replenish health if necessary, then go up the ladder in the corner near
the entrance. Jump to the beam at the top, then follow it to its end,
defeating the birds. At the end, jump to the rope, then swing to the
beam. Walk to the other end, then jump to the pole, then swing to the
ledge. Run along the wall to a beam, then jump to a pole, then swing to
the ledge and climb up.

Defeat the birds, then run along the wall to a beam, then jump to the
rope. Cross the ropes to the ledge, then run along the wall to the much
lower ledge below. Drop down to the sort-of wall, then go to the lever
and turn it until the gate opens. Turn around and go to the gate; cross
the spikes by hanging over the edge to the right and inching along.

Go to the left, then run along the wall to the lower ground. Go down
the stairs, avoiding the slicers, then defeat the bugs and grab the
sand cloud. Continue along the path, then try to ignore the bugs you
encounter and just cross the spikes by running along the wall. Make
sure Farah gets across, she fell and died on me once.

Continue outside, and Farah will point out the Tower of Dawn. Defeat
all of the enemies, then enter the save point.

3.W - On the Ramparts

Go to the gate, then hang over the ledge to the left and jump to the
pole. Swing to the beam, then walk over to the other beam, then jump
toward the gate. Head toward the sand cloud, and you'll fall into a
dungeon. You'll wake up later and discard your shirt, I don't know why.

Climb down the ladder, then run along the wall over the switch to open
up a platform. Continue until you hit the elevator, then go down and do
it again. On this level, when you run over the switch, jump to the
platform. Continue to the end, then jump to the pole, then to the
ladder. On this last level, when you hit the switch, you'll jump to a
pole, then swing to a platform. Continue to the last ladder, then slide
down and defeat all of the enemies. Enter the save point.

3.X - A Prisoner Seeking an Escape

Replenish your health at the fountain on the other side of the room,
then go back and find the box with bones in it. Pull the box onto the
switch at the end of the room, then go through the open gate. Duck
under the swords when they pass, then run up the wall to hit a switch,
then go through the gate.

Pull out both levers in this room, then jump up the walls to the top of
them, then run up the wall and jump to the beam. Kill the bats, then
walk to the end of the beam and jump to the lower one. Here, jump to a
switch, then jump back, then do the same with the other switch. Jump up
the walls to the top, then run up the wall to the pole, then swing and
jump off the wall to a higher pole. From the pole, jump to the beam,
then walk to the end and jump to another pole; then, swing to the ledge
and grab the sand cloud.

Run up the wall to hit the switch, then jump to the new platform.
Continue this until you get to the beam, then jump from the beam to the
ladder and climb up to the top. Jump to the pole, then to another
ladder; repeat, then climb the last ladder out of the dungeon. Defeat
all of the enemies (it's good to see Farah learned to defend herself),
then enter the save point.

3.Y - "At Last We're Here!"

Go up the stairs and replenish your health, then go further up to get a
sand cloud. Go back down and hit the switch, then go down the right
staircase and run up the new pillar. Run along the wall to the ledge
and run up to hit the switch, then scamper to the other pillar, run up
and run along the wall to another ledge, this one holding a block. Push
it off and place it under the orange switch, then climb up and run up
to the switch.

Run through the gate and grab the sand cloud, then run across the
bridge, defeating the birds. Grab another sand cloud behind the door,
then go on and break the weak wall to find the last entrance to the
magic fountain. After that, continue to the room, and it will rise. You
will then begin the most difficult battle in the game. You WILL be
using Mega-Freeze at least once, maybe twice. Make sure Farah stays
alive, and use wall attacks frequently.

Once you're done, run up the wall and pull the lever, then get on the
platform to go up. Enter the save point.

3.Z - The Hourglass

Go up the winding slope, then climb onto the ledge. Continue, running
along the wall from ledge to ledge, until the camera angle changes,
then run to the window and jump to the pole, then jump to the
hourglass. In a cutscene, you'll hesitate to save the world, and Jaffar
will send you away. There will be talking in darkness for a while, then
you'll wake up.

Follow the reeeeeeally long staircase, then you'll come to a room with
many, many doors. Go in front of each door and listen for water
splashing, then enter the door with that sound. Continue this until you
find Farah. An...interesting cutscene will occur, and you'll wake up
without your weaponry.

Go past the enemies to a room with light and mirrors. Keep that first
mirror as it is, but take the mirror to the left and put it in the way
so it strikes a pillar on the other side of the room. The light should
now be pointing back toward the entrance (or to the left if it,
anyway). Go to the other side and grab the mirror to the right and put
it in the way, then grab the last mirror and place it so the light
strikes the symbol on the pedestal. Go up and grab the ultimate sword,
the one that obliterates enemies. Go back to the room before and defeat
the enemies, then save.

3.! - The Tomb

Return to the mirror room and destroy the door with your sword. Run
along the wall to the pole, then cross the poles to a group of enemies.
Defeat them, then enter the save point.

3.@ - "Farah! Come Back!"

Run up the wall in front of the save point, then climb up to the
highest ledge. Hang down and inch left, then climb up onto the large
ledge. Replenish health if necessary, then grab onto the column to the
right. Climb to the top, then jump to the next column, then right away
jump to the beam you see. From there, jump to the pole, then inch to
the left, then swing to the other beam.

Kill bats, then drop to the ledge and go through the sort-of door. Run
along the left wall, then jump up the walls to a ledge. Run up the left
wall, then jump up more to see Farah run off. Defeat all of the
enemies, then enter the save point.

3.# - Climbing the Tower of Dawn

Replenish health, the run up the right wall to a pole. Turn and jump
off of the wall to a beam, then jump up to the ledge. Walk along to the
beam, then jump to another beam. Walk to the left end, then jump to the
column, then to the next. Climb up, then jump back to the wall, tehn up
to the ledge.

Walk along the ledge to the left, then get into the alcove and jump up
the walls to another ledge. Walk to the beam, then jump to another
beam. Walk along until you're above the pole, then drop down and inch
to the right. Jump off to the wall and to another beam, then walk along
to another beam, then jump to another. Walk into the alcove, then jump
from wall to wall to the right ledge. Hang down and inch to the right,
then jump up to the highest ledge. Cross the ledges to the left, then
jump to the pole, then cross the poles to another ledge.

Hang down onto the outside, then inch to the alcove and jump down the
walls to the bottom. Walk into the door and hit the switch, then run
along the wall to the gate. Climb up the ladders, then defeat the
enemies and enter the save point to the right.

3.$ - The Setting Sun

Climb up the wall you got over to get to the save point, then get onto
the column. Jump across the poles to the last pole, then inch to the
end, and swing to the new ledge. Jump up to the next ledge, then jump
to the beam. Walk to the left end, then run along the next wall to get
across. Run along another wall, then walk to the end of the beam. From
there, jump up the walls, then go forward and run along the left wall.
Go to the gazebo and walk across the beam, then go back to the wall.

Run along the left wall, then run along another wall and jump to the
column. Climb to the top, then jump to the green roof and onto the next
column. Climb to the top again, then jump to the pole and to the ledge.
From there, run along the wall and jump to the ladder, then climb to
the top, then jump to the column. From there, jump to the room; you'll
arrive to see Farah die.

Kill all the enemies, then you'll enter the save point.

3.% - Honor and Glory

A scene will take place between you and Jaffar. He'll offer to give you
power, but you insert the dagger into the hourglass and do the mega-
rewind. You'll end up back at the beginning, then you'll go to Farah
and tell her everything. Jaffar will then come, and you'll fight.

Jaffar will make copies of himself for you to fight. Keep your guard up
until he strikes, then strike him. He'll block most of the time, so
experiment with your swipes. What I found more effective is slicing
right before he attacks. After you defeat three copies, go up to the
real Jaffar and slice him. Another short scene will take place. Swipe
away at Jaffar to kill him.

Jaffar is dead, and you've beaten the game. Congratulations!

4 - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I unlock the original Prince of Persia?
A: In Above the Baths (section 3.H), soon after you get the new sword,
you'll come to a lever you have to turn. Instead of turning it 90
degrees clockwise, turn it 180 degrees and destroy the wall it points
to. This will unlock the game; if you go through, you can start playing
right away; you'll save, and will restart from that point next time.

Q: How do I play the first Prince of Persia I level in 3D?
A: Plug a controller into slot 1 and slot 4 of your Gamecube. At the
Main Menu, start a new game; hold down B on the controller in slot 4,
then, on the slot 1 controller, hit A B Y X Y A B X at a moderately
fast pace. You'll be taken to the level. Keep in mind you can't beat it
per se; at the end, there's a room with a large picture of the
development team.

Q: In the observatory, Farah won't raise the stairs! What do I do?
A: This is a glitch in the game, and happens very rarely. Try
restarting. If that doesn't work, try restarting from an earlier save.
If that doesn't work, I'd hate to be you, because you'll probably be
starting over from the beginning.

5 - Thanks To...

GameFAQs for posting this guide.

Ubisoft for creating this game.

Jim for loaning me the game while he was away in Mt. Pleasant.

Maximum PC's review of Sands of Time for inspiring me: "Just like Tomb
Raider, only fun."

6 - Legal Info

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advanced written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

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engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

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