Star Fox Adventures

Star Fox Adventures

18.10.2013 03:31:46
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Starfox Adventures Walkthrough
Copyright 2003 Jim Avery or - you pick.

Table Of Contents

1 - Introduction
2 - Version History
3 - Basic Info
3.1 - Characters
3.2 - Controls
3.3 - Your Screen
3.4 - Staff
3.5 - Arwing
3.6 - Items
3.7 - Tricky
4 - Walkthrough
4.1 - Prologue: Krystal And The First Spirit
4.11 - General Scales' Galleon
4.12 - Krazoa Palace
4.2 - Our Hero Emerges
4.21 - The Staff In Action
4.22 - Save Tricky!
4.23 - Save Tricky's Mom!
4.3 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 1
4.31 - Garunda Te
4.31 - DarkIce Mines
4.32 - Returning The Stone
4.33 - The Second Krazoa Spirit
4.4 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 2
4.41 - Cape Claw
4.42 - CloudRunner Fortress
4.43 - Returning The Stone
4.44 - The Third Krazoa Spirit
4.5 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 3
4.51 - The GateKeeper's Seal
4.52 - Walled City
4.53 - Returning The Stone
4.54 - The Fourth Krazoa Spirit
4.6 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 4
4.61 - The Silent ThornTail
4.62 - Dragon Rock
4.63 - Returning The Stone
4.64 - The Fifth Krazoa Spirit
4.7 - Krazoa Palace
4.71 - The Final Spirits
4.72 - The True Enemy Revealed
5 - The Other Stuff
5.1 - ThornTail Store
5.2 - Cheat Tokens And The Game Well Maze
5.3 - Fuel Cell Locations
5.4 - Bafomdad Locations
5.5 - Staff Energy Meter Upgrades
6 - Frequently Asked Questions
7 - Thanks To...
8 - Legal Info
9 - Other FAQs By ME!

1 - Introduction

For this FAQ, I thought I'd try something different. Some information
will be listed twice in the FAQ; once for walkthrough readers, another
time for those who just need that info. Take Staff Energy Meter
Upgrades. I will include these in the Walkthrough at points where it
would be convenient to get them, but also again as a separate section
for people who just want that information. Hopefully this format will
work out well for everyone involved.

Another note: I tried to give as precise directions as possible to
minimize confusion, so don't go and decide to try something else, or
you may end up getting lost. For example, in one part of my FAQ, I say,
"Swim to the stone platforms." When I say this, do not walk to the
stone platforms, or else my other directions may not make sense.

2 - Version History

Version 1.0 - Every section in the Table of Contents is complete, which
is a lot for a version 1.0. Later I might add some more stuff, like
Bafomdad locations or something, but it's doubtful; winter vacation
ends really soon.

Version 1.01 (5:49 PM EST 1/9/2003) - Put in a couple of tips in
correspondence to a couple questions I've been asked. Also, seeing as
I'm actually being asked questions, I've changed the section 'Questions
Someone, Somewhere Might Ask' to the simple 'Frequently Asked
Questions'. Lastly, I've decided to continue updating with new
information. I have Fuel Cell locations scheduled for the next version,
so stay tuned.

Version 1.1 (7:42 PM EST 1/13/2003) - I've added Fuel Cell locations to
this FAQ. I'm also running out of things to write about, so e-mail me
your suggestions. I don't feel like putting this away just yet.

Version 1.2 - This will be the last update for a while, as Ben wants me
to give him his game back. I added Bafomdad Locations and a few other
things. Enjoy.

Version 1.21 (2:16 PM EST 2/10/2003) - Added a small section about the
staff, grammar- and spell-checked the entire thing, and made a few
other adjustments (now in mint flavor!) I also now have copyright
infringement paranoia, so I ask you, when you e-mail me regarding my
FAQ, to state which website you found this FAQ on. I'll say this again
later so you don't forget.

Version 1.22 (7:30 PM EST 3/15/2003) - My dog was put to sleep
yesterday. We'll miss you Nemo.

I put up the missing Arwing Mission for CloudRunner Fortress (where did
that thing go?). Also, I've changed my e-mail policy, and I'll start
answering questions even if they were answered in the FAQ; I'm not
getting as much e-mail as I thought, so I decided, what the hey.
Lastly, I've added an Other FAQs section for other FAQs I have, and
games I plan to write FAQs for, which I will put on all my FAQs,
because people actually ask me about that (who is da bomb?)

Update (8/27/03): I wish I could say there was more info, but there
isn't. My current FAQ e-mail,, is receiving
inhuman amounts of viruses. Every two hours, I have to clean it out
because it's so full e-mail has stopped. For this reason, I'm switching
to a new e-mail address,

3 - Basic Info

This is all the stuff you should know before you get started. So start
here. But start before you get started.

3.1 - Characters

Character descriptions come from the instruction manual, as they would
be horrible had I written them.

Fox McCloud - Eight years after the defeat of Andross, Fox McCloud has
matured as a leader and continues to be recognized as a great hero.
He's still an active pilot, and his many skills with weapons and
martial arts are often called into play.

Tricky - It's hard to believe that the mischievous Prince Tricky will
one day rule the EarthWalker tribe. And with his father imprisoned, the
future of the world looks bleak: could an unlikely partnership be the
only hope for Dinosaur Planet?

Falco Lombardi - Falco Lombardi left the team several years ago and
hasn't been seen since, though one thing's for certain: whatever the
circumstances, Falco and Fox will always maintain a strong friendship.

Krystal - The only survivor of her doomed home planet of Cerinia,
Krystal roams the galaxy in search of answers. When a distress call
draws her to a small planet in the Lylat system, Krystal suspects that
she may finally be drawing closer to the truth...

Peppy Hare - Although retired as a pilot, Peppy Hare has close ties to
fox and remains on the team as an effective advisor. Despite his
increasing absent-mindedness, he is still well-respected by everyone.

Slippy Toad - Recently Slippy Toad has been devoting a lot of time to
Cornerian Weapons R&D, though he continues to work with his good
friends in the Star Fox team. His upgrades to ROB and the Arwings prove

ROB The Robot - After several rebuilds by Slippy, ROB has now been
infused with much more personality and has gradually become recognized
by all as a full-fledged member of the Star Fox team.

General Scales - Rejected as a ruling tribe, the twisted SharpClaw and
their self-appointed leader Scales have amassed an army to overpower
all. In recent times the General's power has dramatically increased -
is he in this alone?

EarthWalker Tribe - One of two ruling tribes of Dinosaur Planet. Their
great strength and speed have helped them grow into a respected family
of Dinosaurs (though the CloudRunner may disagree).

ThornTail Tribe - These friendly creatures live amidst the foothills of
the mighty Ice Mountain. Their knowledge of the local area and the
Mysterious Warpstone make them valuable allies.

LightFoot Tribe - A spiritual and reclusive tribe, the LightFoot are
seldom seen. The appearance of SharpClaw in the area has only served to
heighten their natural suspicion, as Fox will find out for himself.

CloudRunner Tribe - The other ruling tribe of the Planet, the
CloudRunner are a proud and valiant race whose Queen becomes a valued
ally in the struggle to overthrow General Scales.

HighTop Tribe - These gentle giants are easily spotted from a distance
as they tower high over the rugged environments of the planet.

SnowHorn Tribe - Thick, woolly coats and massive endurance have seen
the SnowHorn tribe through many years of harsh living. This strength
could prove priceless to Fox in his quest.

RedEye Tribe - Flesh-eating Dinosaurs and deadly killers, the RedEye
tribe were safely under EarthWalker control until General Scales set
them loose to overrun the Walled City.

3.2 - Controls

- Fox/Krystal -

Control Stick - Move/Aim

A Button - This serves as the action button and can do many things. In
the upper-right corner of the screen is the A Button Display; whatever
it says there is what the action button will do at that time.

B Button - Cancel button. Also puts away the staff.

C-stick - This opens your inventory of items, staff attacks and
sidekick skills. Select one with the stick and use it with A.

X Button - During exploration, this triggers a rolling dodge; in
combat, it can trigger a range of flips and dodges.

Y Button - By pressing this while going through the C inventory, you
can assign something to instant access by pressing Y again later.

Start Button - Pauses the game and opens the communicator. The
communicator lets you save the game (Memory Card), exit the game (Arrow
thing), see your mission status (General Pepper), view the world map
(Peppy), or get a hint (Slippy).

Z Button - First-person view. If Fox has the Hi-Def Display Device, he
can use the C-stick to zoom in or out.

L Button - Press lightly to center the camera behind the character;
make it click to enter Sidestep Mode.

R Button - Fox only. Brings up a protective shield during exploration
and lets you block an enemy attack in combat.

D-pad/Control Pad - Fox only. Adjusts the PDA.

- Arwing -

Control stick - Move

A Button - Fire laser

B Button - Fire bomb

X Button - Brake

Y Button - Accelerate

L Button - Spin left, move left faster and deflect laser fire

R Button - Spin right, move right faster and deflect laser fire

3.3 - Your Screen

Health - Upper-left corner of screen; marked by red fox symbols. This
indicates how much more damage you can take before the game ends.

Staff power - Right below health. This indicates how many more special
staff abilities you can use.

Tricky Meter - Below Staff power. This shows how many Grubtub Fungi
Tricky has in his belly, and also how many more sidekick skills he can
use. When he is using one, it will appear next to this.

P.D.A. - Bottom left-hand corner. This will show either a world map
(which you need to buy from the store), a fuel cell locator, or
information about particular things.

Y Assign - Upper-right hand corner of screen. Shows which action is
currently assigned to Y.

A Button Display - Below Y Assign. Shows what the A Button does at that

B Button Display - Below A Button Display. Shows what the B Button does
at that time.

C Inventory - Appears below B Button Display when you are using the C-
stick. This shows the items, staff abilities, or sidekick skills you
can use, or assign to Y.

Scarab Counter - Bottom-right hand corner of screen. Shows how many
Scarabs you currently have. When the number is green, it is at its

Collectibles - To the left of Scarab Counter. Shows how many of
particular objects you have, such as Fuel Cells, Fireflies, MoonSeeds,
Bomb Spores, or Grubtub Fungi. When the number on any is green, that
item is at its maximum.

3.4 - Staff

The staff is the single most important part of Fox's inventory. It does
a great many things, such as activating switches,
Its main use is in combat. The key to fighting enemies with the staff
is combos. Press the A button repeatedly and quickly and Fox will do a
combo worth a good deal of damage. If you are holding a direction down,
the combo will vary. If you hold the control stick up, you can attack
an enemy while it's down, but the last part of the attack is rather
blockable if the opponent has a shield. If you hold it down, it does
50% more damage, but while the staff is charging up, you MUST NOT PRESS

3.5 - Arwing

Several times, Fox will board the Arwing to obtain access to another
section of Dinosaur Planet. In these missions, the goal is to destroy
the enemies while collecting a certain number of Gold Rings. To get a
ring, gold or silver, you need to fly through it; either one will give
you health. Also in these missions are laser upgrades and bombs; both
of these disappear after the mission. You get points towards your score
by destroying enemies (or rocks) and collecting rings; if you get all
10 gold rings in a single mission, you get a 200 point bonus. The high
scores are displayed at the end of the mission, if it was successful.

3.6 - Items

There are many items in this game that you will come across. Here is a
list of them, with key items omitted.

Pukpuk Eggs - Restores one fox symbol of health each.

Dumbledang Pods - Restores one half of a fox symbol of health each.

Staff Energy Crystals - Restores some staff energy. The color dictates
how much; green is least, red is next, then orange, then yellow, and
blue is most.

Fuel Cells - These let Fox travel in the Arwing to different sections
of Dinosaur Planet.

Bafomdads - When Fox dies, these can be used to revive him. You can
carry one at a time until you buy the Bafomdad Holder, at which point
you can carry ten.

MoonSeeds - Plant these in the right soil and burn them and they will
sprout, creating a climbable surface.

Fireflies - Use these with the Firefly Lantern to light dark areas.

Grubtub Fungi - These are fed to Tricky so he will perform his sidekick

Bomb Spores - Plant these in the ground and they grow. You can then
make them explode to open hidden areas.

Scarabs - Currency of Dinosaur Planet. Usually found under rocks, in
crates or in jars.

3.7 - Tricky

Tricky is your sidekick throughout virtually the entire game, although
I personally despise him. There are four main actions that he does:
Stay, Heel, Find Secret, and Flame.

Stay: Tricky will, um, stay.
Heel: Tricky will come.
Find Secret: Tricky will dig a hole in the ground or through a crack in
the wall.
Flame: Tricky will blow out flames to burn obstacles.

Take note that if you've been particularly mean to Tricky (i.e. you
frequently hit him with your staff), he will refuse to do something. In
these cases, what I do is just run away; he'll follow and start doing
stuff again. You can also play with him if you buy Tricky's Ball from
the store; if you play with him enough times, he will change colors,
which he can do many times. To perform actions, however, he needs
Grubtub Fungi. He can eat up to five at a time, and one will be used up
each time you use Find Secret or Flame; Stay, Play and Heel do not
require Grubtub Fungi.

4 - Walkthrough

The bulk of this FAQ. Enjoy.

4.1 - Prologue - Krystal and the First Spirit

Enter Krystal on a CloudRunner's back. She talks about receiving a
distress signal, and that it mentioned a mountain surrounded by a
storm. She is then attacked by a flying ship and loses her magic staff.
At this point you gain control.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.11 - General Scales' Galleon

- Battle The Flying Ship -

As a CloudRunner, use the Control Stick to aim and press A to fire. You
need to destroy the cannons that are firing at you, and the propeller
below as well. Don't worry about being hurt; you can't die here. After
these are gone, the ship turns around, and a giant head fires a
humongous projectile at you. Once you hit it enough times, you will
then board the ship.

- Your Adventure Begins -

Go forward, down the stairs and up the next set of stairs. You'll be
educated about the A Button, then press it to talk to the bird. More A
Button 411, then a door will open. Go down the stairs again and to the
right through the door. Go down stairs and through another door, then
press A next to the key to pick it up. Go back outside, then go back to
the bird. You'll see a cutscene with General Scales, and you'll be
tossed off the edge. The CloudRunner will save you, and you'll head to
Krazoa Palace.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.12 - Krazoa Palace

- Entering The Palace -

At this point you can save. Do so if you want, then approach the pad on
the ground, which is a fuel barrel generator. With the instructions out
of the way, approach the EarthWalker near the back wall. Talk to him if
you want, then go to the cell in the corner. More info, this time on C
stick, then unlock the door. Pick it up the barrel and throw it at the
flying jellyfish. Get another barrel from the generator, then throw it
at the other jellyfish. Use another to destroy the boxes (here you
learn about Pukpuk Eggs), then get yet another and go down the path.
Ignore the jellyfish if you want, and go beyond the pillars and throw
the barrel at the crack in the wall.

- Fuel Barrel Commando -

In here, go left, then right towards the EarthWalker. Pick up the fuel
barrel and throw it at the crates (pick up the Dumbledang Pods if you
want). Then leave the alcove and go right to another fuel barrel
generator. Go back to where the EarthWalker is, then go down the new
path, avoiding the fire jets, and throw the barrel at the crack in the
far wall. Go through, then go to the right and stand on the switch. The
door will open, but get off the switch and it will close again! Pick up
the fuel barrel and put it on the switch, then go through the door and
talk to the EarthWalker. After a cutscene, step towards the door, stand
on the warp, and press A to enter the Shrine.

- Krazoa Test Of Observation -

Enter the door, then climb the ladder. Go past the flame jets, jump
into the pit, then climb back out. Approach the Life-Force Door to
learn more about Life-Force Doors, then turn around, pick up the
barrel, and kill the jellyfish to make the door open. Pick up another
barrel and go through to the next area. Place the barrel on the switch,
then cross to the other side of the room, avoiding flame jets. You will
then meet a Krazoa Spirit. Approach it and press A to take the Krazoa
Test of Observation. For this test, keep your eye on which urn the
Spirit is hiding in, and don't get hit by any moving urns. Pick him out
three times and you will receive the first Krazoa Spirit.

- Return The Spirit -

Return to the EarthWalker and he will tell you more about the Krazoa
Spirits. Get on the platform on the back wall and it will rise. Go in
the new path and go to the right, then stand on the lit area and press
A to release the Spirit. You will then see a cutscene which results in
Krystal being trapped in crystal (how ironic).

4.2 - Our Hero Emerges

Cut to a scene of the Star Fox team. They receive a mission from
General Pepper; there is a world on the edge of the system on the verge
of explosion, which would be very bad for the Lylat System. Their job:
fix the planet. If they succeed, they will receive a good-sized amount
of money; this is enough incentive for them to take it on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.21 - The Staff In Action

- Arwing Mission -

Fly through 1 Gold Ring to reach Dinosaur Planet.

Rather simple. Not too many enemies, and easy-to-find Gold Rings.

Ring #1: In a rock after two giant flying rocks.
Ring #2: In the rock field right after Ring #1.
Ring #3: In plain sight after the rock field.
Ring #4: Veer to the right. In between two giant rocks.
Ring #5: To the far left after Ring #4.
Ring #6: Right after the mine field.
Ring #7: Go to the left after Ring #6. In a circular rock.
Ring #8: Very close to a rock after Ring #7.
Ring #9: In between two giant rock formations.
Ring #10: Down low and to the right.

- Get Your Staff On -

Upon landing, you will learn about the Start button and argue about
weaponry. Then go directly forward into the trees and pick up the staff
to solve the weaponry problem. Krystal will tell you about her staff.
Proceed forward into the walled area, and you will be approached by
SharpClaw enemies. Use the A button repeatedly to obtain combos and
defeat the enemies. A switch will appear above the doorway, and another
door will open up. Head towards it and go inside.

- Fire Blasting Action -

Press A next to the rock to lift it, then drop in the green hole. In
here, follow the path and jump to the island in the center, then press
A to receive the Fire Blaster Upgrade. Then, go back to the gate and
use the Fire Blaster on the switch, then go on the path, stand in the
light and press A to leave. Go back to where you fought the SharpClaw
and use the Fire Blaster on the switch to open the door. Go inside and
talk to the Queen EarthWalker, who will tell you to use the WarpStone
to go to Ice Mountain and rescue her son, Tricky.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.22 - Save Tricky!

- Warpariffic! -

Leave this area and go towards the smoking plant. Fire a Fire Blast at
it, then pick up one of the Bomb Spores that fly out. Continue to the
other side of the hollow, where you will find a rock garden. Go to each
rock and press A repeatedly to lift it and Scarabs will come out.
Collect ten, then go right to the wall. Plant the Bomb Spore in the
soil, then back up and shoot it, causing it to explode. Turn right and
head across the river, then go towards the torches and enter that area,
which is the ThornTail Store. The shopkeeper will talk to you about
buying, then go through the center curtain, approach the Rock Candy and
press A to buy it (it says 10 Scarabs, but you can pay 9). Leave the
store, then go back to the area you just bombed and enter the hole.
Follow the path until you find yourself in front of the WarpStone. Use
the C inventory to give him the Rock Candy, then he will tell you about
warping. Press left, then A to go to the Ice Mountain.

- SharpClaw Racing -

Upon arrival in Ice Mountain, go forward to watch a small cutscene,
then follow the left wall into an area with a Fuel Barrel. Pick it up,
then run to the other end of the area and blow up a stack of boxes.
Defeat the SharpClaws to make a Fire Blaster switch appear. Go to the
metal doors and shoot the switch, then enter. You'll see a small
cutscene, then you'll hop on a speed bike and race two SharpClaws. Use
A to accelerate, and cut as many corners as possible. Also make sure
you don't stay right behind them, because they tend to lay mines. When
you win, you'll fly into a hot spring.

- Enter The Tricky -

You'll then be introduced to Prince Tricky, the Jar Jar Binks of
Starfox Adventures. After a short cutscene, follow the path and go
right at the lava pool. Stun and capture two Grubtub Fungi, then feed
them to Tricky with the C-stick (from this point on, get all Grubtub
Fungi possible). Look around for a cracked area in the ground, then
stand next to it and use the C-stick to use Tricky's Find Secret
command. He'll uncover a switch that opens a gate; stand next to it,
then use the Tricky Stay! command and go through the gate, then
activate the switch. Go back to the lava pool and cross it, then
approach the crack in the wall and use the Find Secret command. Tricky
will dig a hole you can crawl through. Follow the path to the open
area. Tricky will run off and promptly be attacked by SharpClaws.
Defeat them all and you will learn Tricky's Heel command.

- Ice Field -

Search now for two cracked areas with leaves sticking out; use Find
Secret on them to uncover two Alpine Roots. Feed them both to the
SnowHorn, and he'll give you a Scarab Bag and stop a geyser, which will
give you an ice block to work with. You now need to obtain 25 Scarabs;
search everywhere, including the path you took to get here (up to the
hole in the wall, no Scarabs are beyond there). They'll be under rocks
and in crates and jars. There should be 18 in this area; if that's not
enough, there are more up ahead. Now is also a good time to get a Staff
Meter Upgrade; walk around the ice field until your controller
rumbles/your staff turns green, and look for a cracked area nearby.
Have Tricky dig it up, then drop in the hole and get the upgrade (BTW,
after coming out, the Scarabs should be back. Look around again). Now,
go to the ice block, press and hold A to grab it, then drag it towards
the platform with Fuel Cells on it. Place it in the square area next to
the cliff to climb up and get them.

- Going Home -

Now take the block and place it in the alcove next to the upper area
with torches on it. Follow the path down, passing the water, then go
towards the SharpClaw and pay him 25 Scarabs to pass using the C-stick.
Go through the path to the open area, then go through the path on the
right and go into the water. Go around the wall, then follow more path
and hit a switch at the end to return to ThornTail Hollow. Tricky will
then go to his mother, and you should follow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.23 - Save Tricky's Mom!

- The Firefly Lantern -

When you get back to the Queen EarthWalker, Fox will mistakenly
announce the end of the mission. Peppy will correct him, and Tricky
will announce that they need White Grubtub Fungi. Get 20 Scarabs, then
go buy a Firefly Lantern at the store (you can pay 18 Scarabs, but
you'll need 20 initially to obtain the option of buying it).

- The Outer Well -

Upon exiting the Store, head left to the circular structure, the
ancient well. Have Tricky dig through a crack in the wall, then go
inside, where Fox will tell Tricky to stay outside (yes!) Slide down
the ladder, then follow the path to a Bomb Spore patch (if you have
none, there is a Bomb Spore Plant towards the right). Plant a spore,
then drop down the hole and get the Staff Booster Upgrade. Go back to
the first area, and go up the ramp to a Rocket Boost Pad. Use the Staff
Booster, then follow the path to a bridge. Plant a Bomb Spore in the
center, then shoot it to make a block fall to the ground. Jump down
(roll at the bottom to avoid injury) then push the block onto the
switch. Now, destroy the nearby crate to reveal a Rocket Boost Pad; go
up to get two Fuel Cells. Jump back down and go through the newly
opened door to a ThornTail. Talk to him, and he will move out of your
way seeing that you have a Lantern. Plant another Bomb Spore, then blow
it up. Slid down the ladder to go into the inner well.

- White Grubtub Fungi -

When you get down, look around you for a White Grubtub Fungus. Get it,
then continue along the lit path to obtain some Fireflies, and to reach
a Bomb Spore Plant. Turn around and enter the first darkened area you
saw upon entering the well. Light a Firefly, then put a Bomb Spore in
the soil. Blow it up, then continue to another White Grubtub Fungus. Go
back to where you got the Fireflies, then go through a crevice into
another darkened area. Get the White Grubtub Fungus, then plant a Bomb
Spore in the soil and blow it up, lowering the column. Go back to the
Firefly area, then leave and take a right. Use the Rocket Boost Pad to
go up, then get some more Fireflies and a White Grubtub Fungus. Then go
to the next area and cross the platforms to get the last two White
Grubtub Fungi. Leave the well altogether and go back to the Queen
EarthWalker. Feed her the White Grubtub Fungi and she will be well

4.3 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 1

The Queen EarthWalker will now explain about SpellStones. The planet
has a constant magical force trying to pull it apart, and four
SpellStones were placed inside sacred temples to stop it. Scales broke
the seals on the temples and removed the SpellStones, causing the
planet to tear apart. She will then point you in the direction of the
DarkIce Mines, where Scales was last seen. She points out that the
Mines GateKeeper is Garunda Te, who lives in SnowHorn Wastes. Lastly,
she gives you a key.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.31 - Garunda Te

- Before You Leave... -

Before you go to the Wastes, go behind Queen EarthWalker and grab a
Fuel Cell. Go outside, then go to the raised areas on the left. Cross
them up to the Fuel Cell platform, then plant a Bomb Spore and blow it
up. Go inside the cave to get three Fuel Cells, then go back jump onto
the climbing wall to get the other two Fuel Cells. Also, near the
ThornTail Store is a Rocket Boost Pad. Use it, then plant a Bomb Spore
and blow it up. In the next room, hit all four switches to open up an
entrance to a Staff Energy Meter Upgrade.

- Back To The Wastes -

Go back towards the well and climb the ladder to the Wastes. Follow the
path to the water. Jump in, then get out and have Tricky stand on the
switch. Climb up the rock wall, then go and flip the switch to change
the current. Get back in the water and go around. Halfway to the other
side, stop and climb on the platform. Use the Rocket Boost Pad to go
up, and fire at the switch to open a gate to two Fuel Cells. Continue
on to the Wastes.

- Frost Weeds -

Once in the Wastes, go towards the gate and use the key to unlock it.
Climb up the hill and head towards the crack in the ice. A trunk will
pop out; talk to it and it will tell you to get Frost Weeds. You will
then be ambushed by SharpClaws. Run down to the tree and hit it with
your staff; Frost Weeds will fall out. Use the Find Secret command,
then fight off the SharpClaw until Tricky gets a Frost Weed to the
SnowHorn. Lather rinse repeat until he's out. The SharpClaw will run,
and the SnowHorn will introduce himself as Garunda Te. He will explain
how his daughter let Scales take the SpellStone to DarkIce Mines to
save the SnowHorn tribe. Scales enslaved the tribe instead of
eliminating it. Garunda Te then opens the gateway. Go back to the
Hollow and get in your Arwing to go to DarkIce Mines. The trip requires
5 Fuel Cells.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.32 - DarkIce Mines

- Arwing Mission -

Fly through 3 Gold Rings to open the Force Field.

Another rather easy mission. The rings are more cleverly placed, but
the enemies aren't too bad.

Ring #1: Towards the left during the giant rocks.
Ring #2: In the middle right after a circular shaped rock.
Ring #3: In a trench.
Ring #4: In plain sight after #3.
Ring #5: Also in plain sight, but moving from left to right.
Ring #6: Veer to the left after #5.
Ring #7: After giant rocks, shoot the X, then fly through it.
Ring #8: Moving up and down between two rocks.
Ring #9: Same as #8.
Ring #10: In plain sight. Can't miss it.

- Crossing The First Bridge -

First, follow the narrow path out of the lava area, then follow the
path to the first structure on your left. Have Tricky dig through the
crack, then follow him. Defeat the SharpClaws inside, then go through
the now-open door and press A next to the container to obtain a Shackle
Key. Go back outside, then head right and release the shackled
SnowHorn. She will ask you to look out for Belina Te, Garunda Te's
daughter, and will give you a Bridge Cog. Continue along the path, and
drop down at the river. You'll land on a platform (if not, swim to it).
Go towards the other cogs, place yours, and pull the handle, making the
first bridge appear.

- Hungry Hungry SnowHorn -

Climb back up and cross the bridge, then follow the path to a SnowHorn
being menaced by SharpClaws. Defeat them; the SnowHorn will thank you
and ask for food. He will also teach Tricky his Flame command. Go back
across the bridge, then approach the first structure on your left. Melt
the ice, then go inside and have Tricky light the pile of wood on fire.
The ice will then melt, and a hole will be revealed. Jump in and go
into the other side of the room. Have Tricky melt the ice, then go in
and have him dig up an Alpine Root. Then, take the ice block and move
it into the area you came in from, then climb out. Go across the bridge
again and into the area with the rolling snowballs. Climb up the hill,
and turn left at the end. Have Tricky melt the ice, then have him dig
up the second Alpine Root. Go back to the SnowHorn and feed him the
roots, then he will get up. He'll tell you to get on his back, so do
that by boarding the platform next to him and pressing A in the center.
On the SnowHorn, move forward to the gates. Get up right next to them
and press A to bust them open. You'll then see a cannon cutscene.

- Cog Crazy -

Get off the SnowHorn, then go towards the bottom of the hill (not the
way to the gates) and have Tricky melt some more ice. Go through and up
the ladder to your right, then use the Rocket Boost Pad to go up. Go
forward to the wooden platforms, then turn left and cross the platforms
until you reach one with a torch. Then, turn left again and follow the
path to the cannon. Beat up the SharpClaw, then a lot of SharpClaws
will come out of the building in the center of the area. Take control
of the cannon; hold A to charge up for a farther shot, then release to
fire. This will use up your staff energy, though. Once you've killed
all the SharpClaws, a Life-Force Door will open, but use the cannon to
break a wooden barricade before you leave. Go through the door below
the cannon to get a cog, and enter the SharpClaw building to get a cog.
Finally, go to where the barricade was, then follow the path and climb
the slope to the left. Go to the far wall, then have Tricky melt the
ice, and you can get the third cog.

- The Dinosaur Horn -

Go back to where the Rocket Boost Pad is, then place the three cogs in
the gears on the wall and pull the handle. Go back and cross the newly
revealed bridge, then have Tricky dig a hole in the crack in the far
wall and go after him. In here, hit the switch, then quickly have
Tricky light the four furnaces. A door will then open, so go in. Here,
try and jump toward the other side. You won't make it, but you'll land
on an invisible bridge. Cross it, them melt the ice in the next room to
receive the dinosaur horn.

- Into The Mines -

Go back to where you got the third cog. Stand on the area with a
picture of a horn on it, then blow the horn to summon a SnowHorn. Get
on its back, then wander into the storm. Keep walking toward the Alpine
Roots to keep the SnowHorn's strength up, then after you pass through
two torches, you'll notice that Tricky is gone (yes!). Have the
SnowHorn break the barricade, then get off the SnowHorn and go inside.
Defeat the SharpClaws, then follow the path and get on the bike. Bike
your way into the mines.

- Help! Fire! Help! -

Go down the conveyor belt, avoiding the flames, until you can get off.
Go right to a Rocket Boost Pad, and go up, then right into a small
hole. Follow the path, avoiding snowballs, until you get to an alcove
protected by a flame jet. Hit the switch to deactivate it, then go in
and get the Silver Key. Backtrack to the starting area, then board the
platform with spinning flames. Cross to two prison cells, then use the
Silver Key to free Tricky. Jump onto the flame platform, then go to the
first area and defeat all the SharpClaws to open a Life-Force Door. Go
through the door, then have Tricky melt the ice so you can get the Gold
Key. Go back to the cells and use the Gold Key to free Belina Te. Talk
to her, and Belina Te will get mad at her father and smash a hole in
the wall. She will then tell Fox to meet her in the bottom of the mine.

- Journey To The Center Of The Mine -

You'll notice a crack in the wall. Have Tricky dig a hole, then go in
after him. Follow the path to a water area. Use your Fire Blaster to
knock three green icicles off the ceiling, which will mysteriously make
giant platforms. Cross them to activate a switch that will put
platforms in the river. Go up the ramp and use the Rocket Boost Pad to
get yourself up. Approach the river and use the platforms to cross to
an opening in the opposite wall. When you get to the ice block, push it
into the water, then climb down the climbing wall and follow the rather
straightforward path to a conveyor belt. Get to the other end while
avoiding the flames, then travel down the spiral platform to meet
Belina Te.

- Barrels And Bridges -

Belina Te doesn't know where the SpellStone is, but you can find it. Go
counterclockwise around the pillar in front of you to find a ladder.
Climb it, then pick up the barrel and go up the walkway while avoiding
other barrels (difficult). Once up, go left across the platforms until
you find a pad to place the barrel. Place it, then climb up the ladder
and hit the switch to bring the barrel up. Pick it up, then cross the
bridge, get to the other side of the platform, avoiding fire jets, then
cross the bridge and throw the barrel at the crack in the wall.
Activate the switch to make a bridge at the top of the spiral walkway.
Go back down, then cross the bridge and follow the snowballs to another
switch. Activating this one will cause a bridge at the top of the
platforms to connect. Go all the way back up, then cross the bridge and
climb the ladder. Defeat the SharpClaw, then use the cannon to destroy
two wooden switches, raising two parts of a bridge. Go to the very
bottom of everything, then cross the bridge and warp to the boss.

- Boss Galdon -

Despite being harmless in his current form, you have to unfreeze the
giant Galdon. Have Tricky use the Flame on his foot, then he will
unfreeze. After a short cutscene, have Tricky stay to draw his fire,
then go around and hit his tail with your staff three times, after
which he will eat you. Hit the hanging thing in his stomach as much as
you can, and he will regurgitate you. Then, he will fire at you, and
sometimes will lunge his head out to hit you. Aim your Fire Blaster at
the slit in his chest, and fire when it opens up to take in air. After
three hits he will eat you again. Hit the hanging thing again, and
you'll get the SpellStone and be regurgitated, and the Galdon will die.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.33 - Returning The Stone

- "We Be Scared O' The Dark..." -

When you return to the Hollow, a ThornTail will inform you that the
SharpClaw have put out their beacons. To solve this, cross the river to
the Fire Weed Tree and get three Fire Weeds (you must first put them
out by hitting them with your staff). Head toward the well, then go up
the ramp next to the wall. Place a Fire Weed in the beacon, then have
Tricky light the beacon. Then, go into the WarpStone's garden and light
the beacon you see after crossing the bridge. Lastly, go toward the
Queen EarthWalker's area, and cross all the raised platforms. Hit the
switch at the end to raise a gate, then go through and light the final
beacon. You will receive a key in return.

- Moon Mountain Pass -

Head toward the well again, but this time take the path beyond. At the
end, plant a Bomb Spore and blow it up. Follow the resulting path until
you happen to fall through a weak floor. Go to the left, cross the
platforms, and go up the wind lift, grabbing the Fuel Cell. Don't stay
down there too long or you'll run out of air. Continue along the path
to Moon Mountain Pass. Once you reach the hill, you'll be bombarded by
SharpClaw barrels. Get to the top of the hill (grab the Fuel Cell along
the way), unlock the door, go through and enter the SharpClaw area
(grab another Fuel Cell). Kill both SharpClaw, then go through what was
the Life-Force Door.

- Volcano Force Point Temple -

Follow the path to some platforms. Wait until they retract, then appear
again, to cross. Go farther to a room with a fenced flame jet. Go to
the entrance to this; when the flame disappears, enter. Go across the
narrow platform, then use the Rocket Boost Pad on the far wall to go
up. Hit the switch on the right to open a gate, revealing a Bafomdad.
Then, leave the platform and go up the conveyor belt, and then to the
left. Follow the sign to the left; cross the gap and climb the wall. Go
onto the bridge and use the SpellStone to let you in. You'll then see
flames of varying colors and two orbs. Use your Fire Blaster on these;
when the flame is the color of the orb, fire through the flame so it
hits the orb. Then use the SpellStone on the door to enter.

Approach the Life-Force Door in this next room, then turn around and
walk towards the other side; you'll be ambushed. Defeat the SharpClaws
and the Life-Force Door will disappear. In the next room, have Tricky
light both furnaces, activating two platforms. Climb the ladder and
cross the platforms to an entryway. Cross the platforms in here,
avoiding fire jets, to the ladder; go across to another ladder, then
cross more platforms to the room you were in before. Cross a few more
platforms, then go in the next room for a Freeze Blast Upgrade. Then,
extinguish all four flames in the room to activate an elevator. Go onto
it to go to the next room.

In here, go along the path to the door. Peppy will explain more about
the Force Point Temples. After, use your SpellStone to open a door. Go
back, extinguish a flame, then go through the newly opened door. Follow
the path to another elevator.

Here, go up a ladder (either one) and extinguish the four flames to
open a door. Go back down the ladder and follow the path to the door.
In here, defeat the SharpClaw and then cross the platforms. Turns out,
however, that Tricky is too scared to cross moving platforms with fire
jets (wimp), so you have to shoot at the switches on the platforms to
stop them and let Tricky cross. Have him then light the furnace to open
the door. In this last room, grab the Fuel Cell, then enter the warp.
In here, place your SpellStone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.34 - The Second Krazoa Spirit

- Krystal's Desperate Plea -

Proceed to exit the temple, stopping in the room with the conveyor belt
to get some Fuel Cells (use the Rocket Boost Pad and a Freeze Blast to
open the gate). You will hear Krystal's cry for help, and be confronted
by a giant Krazoa. He will explain that you need to collect the rest of
the Spirits to save her, and opens a door. Go in the newly opened area
to obtain the Ground Quake Upgrade.

- Monsters And MoonSeeds -

Go back towards the temple exit, then defeat the monster (hereafter
knwon as Kalda Chom) by using Ground Quake to stun it, then hitting its
back. Do this twice to get a MoonSeed. Plant it next to the entrance to
the Ground Quake hole, then have Tricky use his Flame on it to make it
grow. Climb up the sprout, then go down the path, defeating enemies
along the way, to the open area. Go to the left and find a Kalda Chom
and a MoonSeed patch. Kill the enemy and plant the MoonSeed, then climb
it. In this next area, defeat the enemy, then plant a Bomb Spore and
blow it up. Go through to the next open area, where a meteor will fall
and block your path. Go towards the meteor and spot a flaming rock. Put
it out, pick it up, then place it on one of the first three air vents.
Find two more buried underground and place them on the other two front
vents, moving the meteor (one of them will be near an alcove with a
Fuel Cell). In the next area, plant a MoonSeed and climb it. In the
next area, plant another MoonSeed, then climb it and go up to the
Krazoa Shrine (grab the Fuel Cell on the way).

- Krazoa Test Of Combat -

Go forward and climb the ladder. In the next area, jump into the water,
avoid the whirlpools, and extinguish the flame on the other side. Climb
the wall, then slide down the ladder and go forward. Turn around and
hit the Fire Blaster switch to raise the water. Go into the next area.
In here, carefully cross the narrow platforms, avoiding the fire jets.
At the end, turn around and hit the Fire Blast switch, then go into the
next area to take the Krazoa Test of Combat. You must defeat one heck
of a lot of SharpClaws here. Ground Quake is unusually ineffective
here; Freeze Blast instead works well, by freezing enemies and then
eliminating them with one hit. After they are all gone, you'll get the
second Krazoa Spirit.

- The Path Not Taken -

Once you leave the Shrine, the Krazoa from before will tell you to go
to Krazoa Palace. Go forward off of the raised area, then pass by the
ramp to the left and go forward to some wind lifts. Pick up a barrel
and throw it through the rightmost wind lift onto the platform. Follow
it, then pick it up again and throw it through the two middle wind
lifts to another platform. Follow it again, then pick it up and throw
it through the last wind lift onto the platform. Get onto that
platform, then throw the barrel at the wall to open up a path. You'll
walk into a wind lift and be back in a familiar area. Follow the path
onto familiar ground, then go back to the Hollow (as a general rule of
thumb, at the area with the gas, always take the left path after you
fall in. Also at this point you can get another Fuel Cell after you
come back up). Once you're back in ThornTail Hollow, go to the
WarpStone and have him take you to Krazoa Palace.

- Infiltrating Krazoa Palace -

Once here, you'll notice that Tricky is gone; the WarpStone will
explain that he cannot warp dinosaurs (yes!). Go forward and kill the
two enemies with Fire Blaster, then break open all the boxes to get
five fireflies. Go up the ramp toward the Life-Force Door and you'll
face four SharpClaws. Defeat them, then go back and pick up a Fuel
Barrel, then go through the door. Crack a firefly, then go right up the
ramp, then left to the far wall, then left again to the far wall. Go
left again, then take the closest left, then take the closest left
again down a ramp. Turn right and throw the barrel at the crack in the
wall. Go in, then shoot the switch with your Fire Blaster to make the
fire jets move. Grab a barrel, go through the moving jets, then throw
it at the crack in the wall. In the next room, shoot the Fire Blaster
through the flames at the orbs when the colors are right, then, when
both orbs are lit, shoot the machine until it explodes. Go back and get
a barrel, then come back and place it on the switch to open the door.

- Releasing The Spirit -

In the next room, defeat the SharpClaw, then step on the platform and
it will rise. Go in and take a left, then step on the wind lift and be
carried to the top. Get on the next wind lift, then get on the
platform. Circle around to another wind lift, then go up (if you don't
go up, you're in the wrong one). Go up the ramp, and Fox will stare at
Krystal, and wonder about Spirits, and stare at Krystal. Peppy will
tell him to get a move on, so go back down and to the left to find a
lit area. Step on it and press A to release the Spirit. You'll be
transported back to the WarpStone.

4.4 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 2

You've got one SpellStone in; that wasn't so hard, was it? The next one
is located on the floating CloudRunner Fortress, home of the
CloudRunner. This will pose a problem where Tricky is involved...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.41 - Cape Claw

- "Ees Seexty Skahrabs To Enter Kehp Klaaw" -

Back in the Hollow, the WarpStone will tell Fox to go to the seaside,
then give him the Medium Scarab Bag. Fill it with 60 Scarabs, then head
down the path beyond the Arwing. Follow the path to the wooden posts,
then take a right, jump in the water, get back out the other side, then
go right to continue. Go past the tree area to the gold beetle, turn up
the volume on your TV, and talk to the beetle by pressing A, because
this guy has the best voice ever. Pay him 60 Scarabs and he'll let you
through to Cape Claw. In the maze, go left at the path split, then left
again at the next split, then right. Take the farthest left after that,
then continue along the path. At the hole, go down the ladder, then
turn around and go left to the next ladder and down. Here, stay on the
right fence until it ends, then backtrack for a second to the ladder.
Climb up, then continue to Cape Claw.

- Treasure Hunt -

Go down the path, and you'll see a cutscene involving something trapped
in a cage. Follow the path and shoot the switch, then turn around and
go to the wooden platform. Jump from the corner to a platform with a
Fuel Cell, then go towards the HighTop's platform. Go to the back and
left of the platform to see a Rocket Boost Pad; use it to go up. Defeat
the SharpClaw, then talk to the HighTop. He'll want you to find his
Gold Bars. Leave the platform via the ramp (the BribeClaw will let you
pass), then approach the shore. Towards the left is some digging
ground; have Tricky dig it up to find a Gold Bar. Go to the other end
of the shore, then go in the water. Swim up and left to the leftmost
shore, then have Tricky dig up another Gold Bar (it'll be under a
crate). Go back in the water and follow the left wall to another shore.
Defeat the SharpClaw, then have Tricky dig up a third Gold Bar. Have
Tricky burn the thorns, then go through and defeat the SharpClaw. The
last Gold Bar is in the pool of water; have Tricky dig it up, then
return the Gold Bars to the HighTop. He will lower a ladder for you.

- ...Need...Air... -

Head to the stone platforms, then go right and climb the ladder that
just fell. Activate the switch, them go down the ladder and into the
new door. Go into the room, circle around the structure, then try to
leave. The door will open, and blocks will move to reveal gaseous
vents. Quickly move the blocks back onto the vents and the door will
open, including a door to a cage. Leave this area, then jump down to
the shore and approach the cave. A CloudRunner will come out, introduce
herself as the Queen, explain more about General Scales, and open the
way to CloudRunner Fortress. Tricky refuses to go, since he hates
CloudRunners, so you'll be doing the next mission solo (YES!!!). Return
to the Arwing and take off for CloudRunner Fortress. The trip requires
10 Fuel Cells.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.42 - CloudRunner Fortress

- Arwing Mission -

Fly through 5 Gold Rings to open the Force Field.

This is my least favorite mission. The obstacles are everywhere and
it's harder to find the Rings.

Ring #1: Towards the right in a circular structure.
Ring #2: An X ring to the left in a circular structure.
Ring #3: After the line of guns.
Ring #4: To the left after #3, moving up and down.
Ring #5: Down and to the left after #4.
Ring #6: Moving X ring in plain sight.
Ring #7: Down low after #6.
Ring #8: Get up after #7. In the cylindrical structure.
Ring #9: To the left after #8.
Ring #10: In plain sight at the end.

- Race Through Rings -

When you land, the Queen CloudRunner will fly ahead to check if its
safe. Run forward to the end, defeating SharpClaws, then go right and
down the ladder. Dive in to the water and swim forward (from facing the
ladder) to the platform. Step on the switch, which will activate some
rings. Jump from platforms to platform through the three rings, and a
switch will appear above the main gate. Climb up the ladder, then hit
the switch with your Fire Blaster. Go in and defeat the SharpClaws,
then go up the spiral walkway, ducking behind pillars to avoid drones.
At the top, go past the gate and down the ladder. At the end of this
platform, hit the switch, then go back to the gate and go in. A
cutscene will take place involving General Scales, and at the end
you'll be in a prison cell.

- Prison Break -

You'll see a blue block in the green wall. Push on it to go into the
next cell, which conveniently has an open door. Leave the cell and
Slippy will contact you. He's got a disguise for you, but he can't get
it through the prison walls. Go to the right, then in the next room,
sneak slowly around the right to avoid the sleeping SharpClaw. At the
other end, follow the path and take a left when you can down a ladder.
In this room, pick up the barrel and put it in the middle of the wind
lift. Then, stand on the switch and the barrel will blow a hole in the
ceiling. Slippy will then send you the Disguise. Put it on (with the C-
stick), then go back to the cell room. The SharpClaw on duty will go
for a break, so go and grab your staff. Then go to the switches in the
back and open the four cages. You'll release a dinosaur, who will then
tell you to restart the generator and give you the Power Chamber Key.

- I See The Light...Gems -

Go back to the area where you got the Disguise, except go past that
room and hit the switch with your Fire Blaster to open another door.
Put on the Disguise and climb up the walls. When you get to the
courtyard, go around the rocks on your left. Get on the box next to the
ladder, then destroy the crate and hit the switch. Go up the ladder and
put out the two fires, then go out the other end. Go forward past the
central platform, then go right, then right and up the ramp. Push the
leftmost switch, then go back to where the fires were and open the
container to get the green Light Gem. Go back to the central platform
and press the middle switch, then go down the ramp and left to a stack
of boxes. Climb this, then go to the end of this platform and turn left
to get the red Light Gem. Go back to the central platform and press the
rightmost switch. Go down the ramp, then left, then left again. Go past
the pool, then turn right and put out a fire. Use the Rocket Boost Pad
to go up, then get the purple Light Gem. Go back to the stack of boxes,
then go left into the Power Chamber. Use the key, then go inside and
quickly place the Light Gems. The wind lifts will now be activated.

- Freeing The Queen -

Go past where you got the purple Light Gem, then turn left and go past
the pool into the wind lift. Go up, then right. Defeat the SharpClaws,
then approach the gate and it will close, assuming it hasn't already.
Stand on the orange SharpClaw pad, then don the disguise. The gate will
open, so go into the next area. In here, defeat all the SharpClaw to
open a Life-Force Door, then go to the wall and follow it to a closed
gate. Fire your Fire Blaster at the switch to open it, then turn around
and go left. Go in the first room on the left, then don the disguise
and pick up the barrel. Exit the room, then go into the next room on
the left and place the barrel on the pad. Climb the ladder, then stand
on the SharpClaw pad to bring the barrel up. Pick it up, then leave and
go right. Throw the barrel across the gap at the barricade, then go in.
You'll fall in to the lower level, so go forward. In here, go to the
back-right corner and stand on the SharpClaw pad. Beat up the
SharpClaw, then climb up the left ladder and go to the left to the
switch. Activate it, then go back to the central platform where the
Queen is being held. Go on the left side, then jump to the stack of
boxes, then to the switch. Activate that, then jump down to the lower
level and go through the gate. Go to the right, then right again. Don
the disguise, then pick up the barrel and go back to the gate you just
exited through. Throw the barrel across the wind lift, then jump
across, pick it back up, and throw it at the central pillar underneath
the Queen's cage.

- Little Baby CloudRunners -

Upon being freed, the Queen will ask you to find her children and give
you the CloudRunner Flute.

Baby 1: Exit this area, and you'll see the first child being tortured
by a SharpClaw. Hang a right towards the SharpClaw, then beat it up.
When the CloudRuner lands, approach it and play the Flute. If it
doesn't work, try climbing on the box next to it.

Baby 2: Go through the gate you opened earlier. The baby and two
SharpClaws are at the end of the platform.

Baby 3: Drop down, then go through the rocks blocking the passage out.
Go through the path on the left, then drop down the ladder and destroy
the crate to find a Rocket Boost Pad. Use it to go up and find the
third child and three SharpClaws.

Baby 4: Hightail it back to where the first child was, except it will
be on the left instead of the right. Defeat four SharpClaws, then send
the child back home.

Go back to the Queen CloudRunner, and she will thank you, then open the
door to the treasure chamber.

- Treasure Room -

Go down to the lower level and through the path, then right and right
again. Don the disguise again, then pick up the barrel and exit. Go
left and throw it into the wind lift at an angle so it doesn't go to
the other side. Turn around and go right, then down the ladder. Follow
the path to the treasure room. Follow the path to a wind lift, then
flip the switch to bring down the barrel. Don the disguise one last
time, then pick up the barrel and venture into darkness. Crack a
firefly, then go forward around a pillar. Throw the barrel at the crack
in the wall, then go down the ladder. Go forward to General Scales and
the SpellStone. A cutscene will play; General Scales will disappear,
the SharpClaw will leave with the SpellStone, and you must follow them.

- SpellStone Speedbike Struggle -

This is rather simple, actually. Ram each of the SharpClaw bikes until
it explodes before you run out of gas. Destroy the one with the
SpellStone and this will be over. Hit the dash pads to gain fuel; cut
corners and avoid falling objects and mines to keep up. Once you have
the SpellStone, you will return to Dinosaur Planet.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.43 - Returning The Stone

- The Krazoa Flames -

Once you return to ThornTail Hollow, head to Cape Claw (see section
4.41 for directions). Upon arrival, go down the wooden walkway to see
two SharpClaws hassling a LightFoot. Defeat them both, then talk to the
LightFoot. After giving you some lip, a cannon will convince him to
give you the Fire Gem he has. Swim to the stone walkways, then go to
the top and right. Climb the ladder, then cross the platforms to the
SharpClaw pad. Use the disguise to open the gate and go inside. In the
water room, have Tricky stand on the switch on the pillar to raise
another pillar. Use that to jump up to the platform, then activate the
switch, which will cause a waterfall to stop. Go back outside. Dive
into the water, then go around the stone platform to where the
waterfall was. Enter the cave, then go with the flow, avoiding the
whirlpools, to a ledge. Jump down, then enter the next room. Put out
the fire and grab the Fire Gem, then the room will fill up with water,
and the door to the temple will open. Go out the new opening, then go
up the stone platforms and into the temple. Place the two Fire Gems in
the two Krazoa heads; one will light, but the other will not. Turn
around and head toward the switch. Activate it to bring down a pillar.
Have Tricky stay on it, then raise it again. Have Tricky burn the
flames, then the other Fire Gem will light (even at night, oddly
enough) and the door will open.

- Entering The Temple -

Go in (wait: how did Tricky get down?), and follow the path to the next
room. Go to the left and go up the ramp to the other side, then turn
around and shoot a switch high up on the wall; the water level will
rise. Go to the left or right (doesn't matter) and follow the path to
the thorns. Make Tricky burn them, then push the block into the water.
Shoot the switch again to lower the water level, then push the block on
the switch to make the gate open; go up the ramp on your right and
through the gate. Follow the path to the area with no ceiling. Go to
the back of this room and up two ladders on the right. Defeat the
SharpClaw, then use your SpellStone to gain access.

- Ocean Force Point Temple -

Head forward into the first room. Go up the ramp and have Tricky stand
on the switch. Take a good look at this pattern, as the lit squares
indicate which of the panels you are about to cross will NOT
electrocute you. Remember: a square on the far left FACING THE WALL
corresponds to a panel on the far left FACING THE PANELS. Also note: if
Tricky is not on the switch, they will ALL electrocute you. Anyway, use
this to cross the panels. At the other end, defeat the SharpClaw, then
face left, go in the water, then enter the area to the left. Get on the
platform, then jump to the walkway (caution: slippery). Go up all three
paths you see to activate three switches and obtain two Fuel Cells. Go
out of this area, then around to the back of the big square platform.
Climb up, then go forward and collect two Fuel Cells. Then, light the
orb with your Fire Blaster and the correct color flame, then warp to
the next area.

In here, go through the big big big doors, then go left through to the
next room. In this water-filled room, head left to the platform, then
activate the switch to lower the water level. Go to the spot between
the door and the path and activate the switch to open a door. Turn
around and go left to a SharpClaw pad; use the disguise to activate it
and open up a door to a block. Go around to the other side of the
central structure, get the block and put it in the crevice on the side
to the left. Climb up and go back to the switch to raise the water
level, then turn around and go through the door to the next room.

In here, go directly left and have Tricky light the well-hidden furnace
to make the platform in the center rotate. Your next task is to use the
Krazoa heads up top to dump water on and extinguish the four flames.
Once you've done that, you'll go into the next room.

This room will have a block and pseudo-maze in the center. Go to the
back side and shoot the block with Fire Blaster, then go
counterclockwise one side and shoot it. Continue turning
counterclockwise and shooting until the block is properly in its place.
This will activate a Rocket Boost Pad in the next room.

Go back into the first room, then use the Rocket Boost Pad to go up.
Follow the path until you reach a room with a multicolor flame and an
orb. Shoot the orb with a green flame to make a bridge appear, then
cross it and warp to the SpellStone chamber. Place your SpellStone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.44 - The Third Krazoa Spirit

- LightFoot Attack -

Go back to the Hollow. Or try, anyway, because you'll be ambushed at
LightFoot Village. When you regain consciousness, you'll have a talk
with the LightFoot chief, and then LightFoots (LightFeet?) will try to
stab you with spears. A CloudRunner has come to assist you, however;
press A when the red bar is within the green area, and the CloudRunner
will burn a LightFoot. After they are all burnt, you'll be untied.

- Wood Carvings -

Turn around and jump down from the dome. Follow the wall going
clockwise until you find some digging ground. Have Tricky dig up a
circle Wooden Block Carving. Keep following the wall into the water
until you reach dry land again. Have Tricky burn the thorns, then go in
and dig up a square Wooden Block Carving. Get out of this small area,
and once again follow the wall into the water to dry land. Here, dig up
a triangle Wooden Block Carving. Go back to the platform you were on
originally (there's a ladder). Go around the edges, placing the
carvings in their respective holes to raise platforms. Once all three
are placed, go and cross the leftmost bunch of platforms. Use the
Rocket Boost Pad to go up, then follow the path to Chief LightFoot. You
will talk about Krazoa Spirits, then you will have to take the
LightFoot Tests.

- LightFoot Tests -

Chief LightFoot will give you a choice of which to do first, but you'll
need to do both anyway to gain access to the Krazoa Shrine.

-- Tracking Test: You will have to find and activate four totem poles
in under 2:30.

Pole 1: Backtrack along the paths you took to reach Chief LightFoot and
you'll find this one.

Pole 2: Go to where you found the square block carving, then use the
Rocket Boost Pad to go up to the second pole.

Pole 3: Drop down from the second pole and go left. Cross the platforms
to this pole.

Pole 4: Go to where you found the triangle carving and go left into the
water towards the tall tower. Climb it to reach the final pole.

-- Test Of Strength: Rapidly press A to try and push MuscleFoot into
the pit. This is easy if you can press A fast enough, but not too fast.
If you find the happy medium, MuscleFoot is a piece of cake. If you
don't, and he starts pushing back, mash the hell out of that button.

After both are completed, Chief LightFoot will make you an honorary
member of the tribe and open the way to the underground chamber, which
holds the Krazoa Shrine.

- Little Children Lost -

Before you enter the Krazoa Shrine, go visit the huts that were empty
before you took the LightFoot tests. Each one will now hold a parent
who has lost her children. You must go find them.

The first set of children is in a tree outside of the village. Shake
the trees with your staff until you find them. This will open up the
entrance to a hut that holds two Fuel Cells.

The second set is in the wooded area where you activated the second
totem pole. Get them off the ledge. This will make three more SharpClaw
crates appear.

The third set is in the underground dome where the Krazoa Shrine is.
Shoo them out of the entrance. This will make a Rocket Boost Pad appear
where you found the triangle carving. It leads up to a ledge with a
BafomDad, a Fuel Cell, and a well.

- Underground Dome -

In here, go around to the ladder and climb down. Turn to the left,
climb the blocks and stand on the switch to make the pictures on the
large totem pole start rotating. Use the Fire Blaster to stop the
sections at the point in which the picture faces the same way as the
section on the bottom. Once the picture is complete, the path to the
Krazoa Shrine will open. Go in and warp.

- Krazoa Test Of Fear -

Go forward and destroy the crate to the right. Use the Rocket Boost Pad
hidden underneath to go up, then go to the first area. In here, step on
the switch, then run across, avoiding the flames, and through the gate
before it closes. In the next area, step on the switch and the gate
will open; the water level will also start to lower. Quickly jump in
and swim to the other side while trying to avoid spikes. Climb the
ladder and enter the last area. Climb down the ladder and step on the
switch to open the gate. Climb up the slope, avoiding barrels, to enter
the Spirit area and take the Krazoa Test of Fear, where Fox will face
his worst fears (dinosaurs? fire? you'd think Fox was a bit more
complex). For this, keep the red line in the green area with the
control stick, which is harder than it sounds. During particularly
scary parts, the red line will veer off suddenly, so you need to fight
to stay in control. Once the nightmare is over, you'll receive the
third Krazoa Spirit.

- Pit Stop -

Exit LightFoot Village, then use the Rocket Boost Pad in front of you
to go up to the upper ledges. You can collect two Fuel Cells up here.

- Return The Spirit -

Go back to the Hollow, and have the WarpStone take you to Krazoa
Palace. This time around, you'll start out ahead of the nasty stuff. Go
forward onto the rising platform, then go forward and left. Use the
central wind lift to go to the second-from-the-top wind lift. Go onto
the platform, then go around until you find a SharpClaw pad. Don the
disguise again to activate it, then go in and release the Spirit.

4.5 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 3

You're halfway there; pat yourself on the back. Your next stop is the
Walled City, the EarthWalkers' home, which General Scales has overrun
with RedEye (read: T-rexes). Not good...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.51 - The GateKeeper's Seal

- My Eggs! -

After returning from Krazoa Palace, take note of a wailing ThornTail
mother. Go talk to her to discover some creatures are trying to steal
her eggs. Go inside and defend her eggs by hitting the creatures with
your staff; when things get really ugly, use Ground Quake. Defend them
until time runs out, and she'll open a way to get the Portal Device
Upgrade. Talk to her after getting the Portal Device and she'll tell
Tricky to go to his mother.

- The King EarthWalker's Secret -

Go to the Queen EarthWalker, and she will tell Tricky that his father
has been taken prisoner in Walled City, and that he is the GateKeeper.
He put his GateKeeper powers behind a Portal wall. Go and open the
Portal to open the gateway to Walled City. Get in your Arwing again and
head off. The trip requires 12 Fuel Cells.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.52 - Walled City

- Arwing Mission -

Fly through 7 Gold Rings to open the Force Field.

Not too hard, not too easy. Rings are in interesting places, and new
obstacles are introduced, such as the opening and shutting gate.

Ring #1: In the pillared structure slightly to the left.
Ring #2: Upward in a circular rock.
Ring #3: An X ring before the opening and closing gate.
Ring #4: In a circular rock after the enclosed area.
Ring #5: In another circular rock off to the right.
Ring #6: Veer off to the left after #5. In another circular rock.
Ring #7: To the right in the enclosed area.
Ring #8: To the right, otherwise in plain view.
Ring #9: X ring way the heck off to the left after #8.
Ring #10: X ring in plain sight at the end.

- Sun And Moon Furnaces -

Upon arriving in Walled City, head across the bridge toward the large
temple. Do not attempt to battle RedEye; that comes later. Now you must
light the Sun and Moon Furnaces. If it's day, or about to be day, start
with the Sun Furnace; likewise, if it's night, or about to be night,
start with the Moon Furnace. Seriously, it's easier this way. Anyway,
for either one, go towards the furnace (the Sun Furnace is directly
left; the Moon Furnace is right and then left), then do a Ground Quake
on the brown switch in front of it. Then, head towards the front of the
temple, then climb to the second level (for the Sun furnace, take a
first turn left; for the Moon furnace, take a first turn right),
avoiding walls that try to push you off, and enter the first entrance
(the Sun Furnace has orange flames; the Moon Furnace has blue flames).
Avoid flame/ice jets, then run up to the furnace and have Tricky light
it. The correspondence of time of day and furnace makes sure that the
paths are essentially the same. Once both of them are lit, an entrance
will open up at the back of the temple. Go inside to meet the King

- Sacred TEETH? -

The King EarthWalker does not have the SpellStone, but the RedEye King
apparently does. To reach him, you must return the two sacred teeth
(why teeth?) to the statues behind him. Go outside again, and cross the
bridge in front of you.

- River Ring Race -

Go to your left after crossing the bridge, and fire at the switch in
the tree next to the EarthWalker, lighting a fire. Go to the other end
of this area to find another EarthWalker and tree. Fire at another
switch to light another flame. Head toward the Sun Furnace and follow
the path behind it to another EarthWalker, tree and switch. The last
EarthWalker, tree and switch are near the Arwing. After hitting the
fourth switch, a ring will appear in the river. Go to the waterfall,
jump in the river and swim through the ring. This will trigger a river
race through more rings. At the end is a building that holds the silver

- Kick Some RedEye Rear -

Go back to the area where the first switch was. Go toward the right,
and have Tricky burn some thorns, then climb a wall. In the soil, plant
a Bomb Spore and blow it up, then drop down and receive the Super
Quake. You are now ready to battle the RedEye. To defeat one, use the
Super Quake, then throw a barrel at it, or hit it with your Fire
Blaster. After all four have been defeated (by what my brother calls
useless slaughter - and I'd have to agree), a Life-Force Door will
open. Go again across the wooden bridge and climb the hill to the
building to get the Gold Tooth. With both teeth in hand, head to the
King EarthWalker and place the teeth in the statues, opening the path
to the RedEye King.

- RedEye King -

To defeat this giant, you must first use your Fire Blaster on a switch,
opening a gate. Grab a Fuel Barrel and then get to a lit electricity
switch, facing clockwise. When the RedEye King sees you, it will roar;
right when it finishes (or, ideally, about a half-second before), stand
on the switch. The RedEye King will be electrocuted; after he falls,
throw a Fuel Barrel at its head, then run and hide. Wait until he goes
around once, and the panels will appear again. Do this three more times
and you'll get the third SpellStone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.53 - Returning The Stone

- Volcano Force Point Temple -

Return to the Volcano Force Point Temple and make your way through to
the lava-filled room where you use the SpellStone a third time
(everything's been done already up to there) (stop in the room with the
conveyor belt to get two Fuel Cells). In here, use your SpellStone on
the far pad, then turn around, go a bit left and drop down to a moving
platform. Cross the platforms, putting out fires, until you reach the
climbable wall. Climb it, then go left and up to a Fuel Cell, then go
through the door. Dodge the fire jets, then use the elevator to go up.

In here, climb the ladder, then extinguish the flames in this order:
blue, green, red, yellow. The door will open, so follow the path and go
through. defeat the SharpClaw to make a switch appear, so have Tricky
stand on it, then climb the ladder. at the top, put out the fire, then
activate the switch. Climb back down and go through the door you just

In this room, have Tricky stay on the switch to make the flaming
platform move. Go to where it is closest to you, then put out the fire
when it gets near. Jump on, then use the colored flame to light the
three orbs. Once that is done, go through the door. Warp to the
SpellStone chamber, then lay yours to rest.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.54 - The Fourth Krazoa Spirit

- Agh! Birds! -

When you return to ThornTail Hollow, a large amount of birds will begin
attacking the ThornTails. To save them, you need to shoot the three
birds over the heads of each with your Fire Blaster. Save all six and
you'll get the Large Scarab Bag.

- The Most Expensive Item -

Get 130 Scarabs, then go into the ThornTail Store and buy the SnowHorn
Artifact (you can get it for 110 Scarabs). Go back to the SnowHorn
Wastes, and get to the water with the floating platforms. Go to the
right before this, and hit the switch to activate another platform. Hop
across the platforms to two Fuel Cells, then continue on to the blue
SnowHorn. Go behind him and melt the ice, then give him the SnowHorn
Artifact. He will thank you and summon a Dinosaur Horn pad. He will
then ask you to take the challenge.

- The Dinosaur Horn Challenge -

Assign the Dinosaur Horn to Y to save yourself some hassle, then blow
it to start the challenge. Quickly run behind the SnowHorn to the next
pad. Blow the horn, then go right and down the hill. Fire your Fire
Blaster at the creature in the tree to knock it over, then continue
across and go left to the next pad. Blow the horn, then go right and
down the hill. At the end, jump down to the next pad. Blow the horn,
then go to the next pad at the other end of this area (near the
BribeClaw). The next pad is next to Garunda Te, so go forward, then
right through the gate, and left up the hill to the pad. Blow the horn,
then go down the hill to the end of the fence on the left. Go left and
around the fence and forward. Shoot the creature in the tree to knock
it over, then cross. Climb up the wall to the final pad and blow the
horn. A gate will open near where the third pad was. Look around the
small platform you're on for two Fuel Cells, then jump onto an ice floe
and go down the river to the end. You'll find a well, and you can
follow along the ground to another Fuel Cell. Then, go back to the
floating ice platforms where you started the challenge. Follow the
challenge path to where the third pad was, then go left and across the
river to the blue SnowHorn. Go in the cave and collect two Fuel Cells,
then warp to the Krazoa Shrine.

- Krazoa Test Of Strength -

Go forward, then up the ladder. Go into the first area and kill the two
birds with your Fire Blaster, then turn around and pick up the barrel.
Go back into the room and carefully walk across the narrow, slippery
walkway. At the end, throw the barrel at the crack in the wall. Go back
and bring another barrel across, then enter the next room. Put the
barrel down on the pad, then hit the switch. A barrel transport should
come pick up the barrel and attempt to navigate it through fire jets.
Hitting the switch will change the jets, so use it at the right times
to get the barrel through safely (rule of thumb: use it when the
transport is moving sideways). Once it's on the other side, swim across
to meet it, avoiding whirlpools. Pick it up, then throw it across the
wind lift ahead into the next room. Go across, but don't pick up the
barrel yet (if you did before reading that, put it on the barrel pad).
Go into the room and defeat the SharpClaw, then pick the barrel back up
and throw it at the crack in the far wall, timing it so the fire jets
don't hit it. Go in to take the Krazoa Test of Strength. You have to
repeatedly press A to turn the turnstyle thing 180 degrees. Although
there is a SharpClaw fighting against you, this is incredibly simple.
Once you've done this, you'll receive the fourth Krazoa Spirit.

- Return The Spirit -

Go back to ThornTail Hollow and have the WarpStone take you to Krazoa
Palace. Once there, go forward to the rising platform, then go forward
and left. Take the wind lift to the lowest of the other wind lifts. Get
on the platform, then walk around to the Portal. Use the Portal Device,
then go in and release the Spirit.

4.6 - SpellStones And Spirits, Part 4

Ok, three SpellStones down and only one to go! Problem is, it's hidden
in Dragon Rock, a mutant wasteland. Prepare for a real test of skill.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.61 - The Silent ThornTail

When you get back to the WarpStone's garden, you will talk about Dragon
Rock, and The WarpStone will tell you to go to the ThornTail with no
voice. Go to the ancient well and talk to the ThornTail. After a brief
chat, he will reveal that he is the GateKeeper and open the gateway to
Dragon Rock. Hop in the Arwing and go there. The trip requires 15 Fuel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.62 - Dragon Rock

- Arwing Mission -

Fly through 10 Gold Rings to open the Force Field.

This isn't as difficult as one would expect. Lots of enemies, sure, but
the rings are relatively easy to find.

Ring #1: In plain sight in the middle of the screen.
Ring #2: A little bit down in the cylindrical structure.
Ring #3: To the left after the opening and closing gate.
Ring #4: Go to the right side after #3.
Ring #5: X ring in the exit from the enclosed area. Impossible to miss.
Ring #6: High up and slightly left after #5.
Ring #7: After #6, close to the ground and slightly left.
Ring #8: Slightly left in the cylindrical structure.
Ring #9: Moving from left to right after #8.
Ring #10: In the center of the last cylindrical structure.

- HighTop Tower -

Upon arriving at Dragon Rock, head for the tall building you see
towards your left - HighTop Tower. Climb the ladder, but be careful of
the flame jets. At the top, go to your right, climb the ladder and
cross the platform (the flame jets won't hurt you). Climb down the
other side, follow the path, and pick up a barrel. Backtrack to a
barrel pad, set down the barrel, and hit the switch, activating a
barrel transport. Quickly climb the ladder and step on the first
switch. When the barrel has passed, run to the second switch and stand
on it until the barrel passes that as well. Follow the barrel until it
is put down, then pick it up and throw it at the wooden barricade.
Follow the path to revolving flames; avoid these, find the switch and
activate it. This will free an EarthWalker back on the ground.

- EarthWalker Rampage -

Exit HighTop Tower and go to the other side of the plain, where you
will find an EarthWalker. You will talk, then you must climb on and
destroy four shield generators for the four robots (use the Tusk Attack
with A). They are located:

1. Directly to your right as you start, there is a robot next to a
rock. On the rock is a green crack; destroy it.

2. From here, go towards HighTop Tower and enter the area to the right
of it. There is a green crack on a wall.

3. Exit here, and head toward the central tower. There should be a
green crack right in front of you, heading directly from HighTop Tower.

4. Finally, head to the robot and rock next to the Arwing. There is a
green crack on the rock.

Dismount from the nearby area, and proceed around Dragon Rock,
destroying the four robots with your Fire Blaster (4 hits each should
do it). A door at HighTop Tower should then open up.

- Freeing The HighTop -

Head back to HighTop Tower and enter the door on the right side. Once
inside the area with the HighTop, use the Rocket Boost Pad near the
HighTop's legs. Move around the platform to the HighTop's head, and
then use your Fire Blaster to QUICKLY hit all four switches. Once
you've done that, the HighTop will be free. You will then cross the
plain on the HighTop's back. Use your Fire Blaster (now with the A
button) on the incoming missiles. The staff meter has no authority
here, so fire like crazy if you so desire; at some parts (like when you
have a full 20 missiles heading your way at once), it may be necessary.
Once you reach the end, the HighTop will open a new area.

- Freeing The CloudRunner -

Enter this new area, and defeat the enemy creatures by freezing them,
then striking them with your staff (tip: if you are locked onto them,
you can move while you use your Freeze Blast). Once all three are
defeated, a Life Force Door will open, but don't bother with that yet.
Head to the back of the area and have Tricky stay on the switch, which
will make a barrel transport pick up the barrel. Quickly get in front
of the cage area (ideal shooting angle) and hit the switches to put out
the fires before the barrel gets to them. Once the barrel reaches its
destination, go towards it and climb up the ladder (if the transport
does not let go of your barrel, stand on the switch, and it will). Pick
up the barrel and face the wind tunnel. Throw it in so it reaches the
other side and doesn't hit the flames (if it doesn't make it to the
other side, jump in after it and nudge it along by moving into it). Do
this with two more wind tunnels, then pick it up, cross the bridge and
destroy another barricade. Go in and hit the switch to make the cage
start swinging. Once it's in front of the furnace, stop it again. You
must now go down and enter the area from below. Use Tricky's Flame
command to burn the cage rope. Once you do this, the cage will come
crashing down and open, they will talk, and then you can climb on the
CloudRunner's back.

- Destroying The Spires -

You will now be on the CloudRunner's back. This is very similar to
being on the HighTop's back; fire at the missiles, then, when they are
gone, fire at the red spire. You will do this for four spires. If you
don't destroy the spire first time around, that's okay, you'll keep
circling until all four are gone. You will then enter the central

- Boss Drakor -

Exactly like being on the CloudRunner. Fire your shots at Drakor. If he
fires missiles at you, destroy them; if he lays a mine, destroy it; and
if you're heading into flames, hit a switch quickly. This battle
shouldn't be too much of a problem. Once you've defeated him, you'll
collect the final SpellStone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.63 - Returning The Stone

- Locked Out -

Upon re-arrival in ThornTail Hollow, go to Cape Claw (for directions,
see section 4.41). You'll notice that the SharpClaw boarded up the
entrance to the temple while you were away. Head towards where Queen
CloudRunner used to be, then enter the small cavern on the right and
use the Portal Device, then extinguish the flame with Freeze Blast.
Then, head forward and take hold of the cannon. Blow up the barricade,
then blow up a rock near the HighTop's platform, uncovering a staff
energy meter upgrade. Once you go and obtain this, enter the temple.

- Ocean Force Point Temple -

Follow the path until you reach the area with no ceiling. Go up the
ladders, then go along the platform, use the SpellStone and enter. At
the end of the path, have Tricky stand on the switch, and then use this
as a reference to cross the path (remember: a light on the far right
FACING THE SWITCH corresponds to a pad on the far right FACING THE
PATH). After crossing, defeat the SharpClaws, then face the platform to
your left, swim around to the other side, climb up and transport to the
next part of the temple.

Head through the doors in front of you, then enter the water and climb
aboard the platform on the left. Follow the path. In the next room,
turn left and push the block forward, then push it to the left so it
fits in the small space between the raised bit and the platform. Climb
up and hit the switch to open the door. Then, jump to the platform
further left, break the box, and use the SharpClaw Disguise on the pad
to open a door with a switch. Go to the middle of the platform, then
jump to the switch and activate it to raise the water level; you can
now go through the door.

In this next room, activate the switch to make the platform in the
center rotate. You must now hit the switches to make the Krazoa water
things dump water on the flame with the corresponding color. Once this
is done, you will go onto a new path. Continue to another room with a
block and a pseudo-maze in the center. Go to the opposite side and
shoot the block, then turn clockwise one side and fire again. From
here, keep turning counterclockwise (repeat: COUNTERCLOCKWISE) one side
and firing until the block is in the correct place. This will activate
a Rocket Boost Pad.

Proceed through the small door and use the Rocket Boost Pad to your
left. Go through three tunnels, then fire your Fire Blaster through the
flame so it shoots through when it's blue and hits the orb. A bridge
will appear. Go across and warp to the SpellStone area, where you need
to place the final SpellStone. But wait...the planet's not back
together yet? Peppy will pop up and tell you there was a Krazoa Shrine
in Walled City, so that's where you'll be going next.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.64 - The Fifth Krazoa Spirit

- Of Course! The Spirits! -

Go back to ThornTail Hollow, where the Queen EarthWalker will be
waiting for you. The two of you will conclude that the Spirits are
needed, and Tricky will mention Walled City again. Before you hop in
the Arwing, though, go to the Store and buy the Hi-Def Display Device
if you haven't already (you can get it for 17 Scarabs). Then, it's off
to the Walled City!

- Return To Walled City -

After the Arwing mission, you'll arrive in Walled City again. Go
towards the temple and talk to the King EarthWalker. He will explain
why the spirits are needed, and tell you to get the Sun and Moon Stones
and return them to the temple. After the chat, head right and cross the
bridge to the Sun temple.

- The Sun Stone -

You will see an arrangement of blocks and sun symbols like so (a B
notates a block, an S notates a Sun symbol):


B4 B2

B1 S1

Push B1 into S1, then push B2 into B1, then into S2. Push B3 into B2,
then into S3. Finally, push B4 into S4. (Alternately, push B1 into S2,
B2 into S1, B3 into B1 then S3, and B4 into S4). This will cause a sun
symbol atop a tower to open, so climb up onto the path that doesn't
slant, stand on the sun symbol in front of the tower, then press A to
go to the top. Stand in the center and look through the hole, then zoom
in on a bright light. A door will then open at the bottom of the tower.

Go back down and enter the tower. Freeze the fire bats, then look at
the block problem you've been presented with. Take the block in the
middle, and pull it out onto the left path. Then take the block on the
right and place it in the now vacant center hole. Put the block that
you put on the left path and place it in the center path again, then
put the block on the left into the hole on the right. Finally, take the
final block and place it in the final hole, then advance to the next

Stand on the switch in the center, then use Super Quake to open a door
and start a timer. Go to the right and activate the switch, then go
back to the first switch and enter the doorway. Go left, then forward,
then follow the path, put out a fire, and hit another switch. Go back
and take a right as soon as you can. Take the second right and use your
Fire Blaster on the switch, then go back to the first right and take
it. Go right once more, then have Tricky burn away some thorns, then
hit the last switch and follow the path through the door. Use your
portal device, and you'll come across one more room.

This room has a rotating disk on the back wall with a hole that will
reveal switches from time to time. Hit the left switch first, then the
top, then the right. A new walkway will appear, with some fire jets.
Cross, then get the Sun Stone and leave.

- The Moon Stone -

Upon leaving, go to the other side of the big temple and cross the
bridge to some more blocks, arranged like so (M notates a moon symbol):

M3 B3

B4M1 B1

Push B1 into M1, then B2 into M2, then B3 into M3. Then push B4 into
B3, then into B2, then into M4. (There's another way to do it, but I
forget. If you find it, e-mail it to me.) A moon symbol will open on
top of a tower. Climb onto the unslanted platform, then step on the
moon symbol in front of the tower and press A to go up. Stand in the
center and look through the hole, then zoom in on the bright light. A
door will open on the bottom of the tower, so go back down and in.

In this next room, hit the switch to make a door open, but gates will
start rising and lowering, and now the platforms will fall. Wait until
the first gate is down, then go through and slowly walk across
platforms until the gate goes down, remembering to leave a path to the
gate clear. Do the same for the last gate, then go through the door.

Here we have a seemingly empty room, save a switch in the center. Once
you use Super Quake, though, the door will open, and you'll find
yourself in a maze with invisible walls! Here is a rough outline of the

| _________ |
|_____ | ______|
| _____|____ |
| | You | |
| | ________| |
|___| ______|

After you get through, use your Portal Device again and enter the next
room. Again, there is a rotating disk and switches. Hit the left, then
the top, then the right switches. Cross the walkway and avoid the ice
jets, then collect the Moon Stone.

- Almost There... -

Go back to where the King EarthWalker was on your first trip to Walled
City. Place the Sun and Moon Stones in their respective places, then
climb to the top of the temple and enter the Krazoa Shrine.


- Krazoa Test Of Intelligence -

Go forward, then climb up the ladder and enter the first area. Step on
the switch, then cross the jets of air, avoiding the fire jets, and go
through the door. In the next area, cross to the platform, then
extinguish the fires. Go to the other side, then turn around and fire
at the switch to open the gate. In the last area, step on the switch,
then cross the air jets, avoid the spinning flames, and go through the
gate to take the Krazoa Test of Intelligence. Here, you must match the
items with the area from which they came.

1 4
2 5
3 6

1 = Walled City - Goes with Gold Tooth
2 = DarkIce Mines - Goes with Dinosaur Horn
3 = Space - Goes with Meteor
4 = Moon Mountain Pass - Goes with MoonSeed
5 = LightFoot Village - Goes with Totem Pole Section
6 = CloudRunner Fortress - Goes with Flute

After getting this Spirit, you'll need to say goodbye to Tricky (free!)
and return to Dinosaur Planet.

4.7 - Krazoa Palace

The end is near, you can smell it in the air. Prepare to be dumbfounded
as the plot twists and the true enemy is revealed...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.71 - The Final Spirits

- Returning The Fifth -

You'll land on top of Krazoa Palace instead of in ThornTail Hollow. Go
down the wind lift away from the Arwing, and drop down to the second
floor from the top (excluding the roof). Go around to your right until
you meet a passageway. Follow the path, cross the wind lift, continue
to an outdoor area, defeat the SharpClaw, and release the spirit.

- Battle General Scales -

Go back to the roof, and then go into the newly opened gazebo-type
structure and warp. Go through the door, which will then shut behind
you with a life force seal. Climb on the platform and go into the
center. General Scales will then appear and challenge you. Strike him
once with your staff, and then a cutscene will take place. A mysterious
entity will demand that Scales give up the final Spirit, and General
Scales, ambushed by his own SharpClaws, has no choice. Fox gets the
last Spirit, General Scales apparently dies, and you go back to the

- Revive Krystal -

Back on the roof, go and release the final spirit.


The six spirits will then enter Krystal's body, then into the large
Krazoa statue. Krystal will be released, and the head of the Krazoa
statue will begin to fly and name itself leader. Krystal takes her
staff back and uses Fire Blaster, but Fox decides to get bigger
ammunition. He hops into his Arwing and flies after.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.72 - The True Enemy Revealed

Fox will now be in space, chasing the head, when it turns around and is
revealed to be Andross! He then turns around again, and you shall
battle him. First, he will fire a circular beam from his mouth. Fire at
his eyes and at the diamond in his head. Once those are gone, he will
turn around. He will swipe at you with his hands, then try to crush you
between them; shoot at the diamonds in the center of them. He will next
exhale meteors at you; destroy them, and fly through the silver rings.
Then he will inhale; keep turning hard left or right and spinning. If
you get eaten, you'll be spit out the Krazoa side and it'll start
again. Once his hands are destroyed, he will turn around again.

This time, in addition to the beam, he will fire missiles at you after.
Keep shooting his eyes and the diamond in his head. He will turn around
once more; he swipes again, but after he inhales, he will shoot a
circular beam from his hands.

He will then inhale and you can't get out of it. Falco (where did he
come from?) will then shoot a bomb at him. He'll say hi, then the
battle continues. He'll exhale, then fire missiles, then exhale again.
During the second exhale, Falco will supply you with a bomb. When
Andross inhales, shoot the bomb in his mouth, then fire at his brain.
Continue until he is defeated. Congratulations, you've beaten the game!

5 - The Other Stuff

This section is anything that didn't get mentioned in the walkthrough.
Or maybe it did. Either way, it is referenced again here in case
someone just wanted this information.

5.1 - ThornTail Store

The ThornTail Store is a key area in the game, as you need to buy
several key items. You will be able to negotiate prices with Shabunga,
the storekeeper. There are three main rooms in which you purchase

Blue room - Perishables
Buy: Bomb Spore, Dumbledang Pod, Dumpledang Pods, Firefly, Fuel Cell,
Grubtub Fungus, Pukpuk Egg, Pukpuk Eggs

Red room - Special Goods
Buy: Bafomdad Holder, Cape Claw Map, Dragon Rock Map, Firefly Lantern,
Hi-Def Display Device, Krazoa Palace Map, Ocean Force Point Map, Rock
Candy, SnowHorn Artifact, Tricky's Ball

Purple room - Maps
Buy maps of: CloudRunner Fortress, DarkIce Mines, LightFoot Village,
Moon Mountain Pass, SnowHorn Wastes, ThornTail Hollow, Volcano Force
Point, Walled City

I have a price guide posted on GameFAQs (and there should be one on, too) that lists listed prices and lowest prices for all

Also in the ThornTail Store is the Scarab Room (entrances on either
side of the exit). In here, you wager up to 10 Scarabs, then Shabunga
will throw them on the ground, along with an equal number of regular
bugs. Grab all the Scarabs in the time limit without touching the other
bugs and you'll win that many Scarabs; fail, and you'll lose that many

5.2 - Cheat Tokens And The Game Well Maze

Scattered about Dinosaur Planet are exactly eight wells. Into each one
you can throw in 20 Scarabs in exchange for a Cheat Token. These can
then be dropped into the Token Well in the WarpStone's Game Well Maze,
and you'll get cheats. Four of the wells give you clues about later
stages in the game; the other four will provide cool cheats to make the
game more fun; none of them make the game easier, however. Here is a
list of the well locations.

ThornTail Store: Right in the middle of the center area. This Cheat
Token will open up a credit-viewing option.

Ice Mountain: Warp here and go to the other end. Plant a Bomb Spore and
blow it up to open up an area with a well. This Cheat Token will open
up the Sound Test.

Moon Mountain Pass: On the ramps leading up to the Krazoa Shrine,
you'll see a MoonSeed patch. Plant one and make it grow, then climb up
to this well. This Cheat Token will allow you to see Dino Language
words in cutscenes instead of just - Dino Talk -.

Cape Claw: When you're able to take the cannon, shoot at the piece of
wall underneath the wooden walkways heading out of Cape Claw. You'll
open up a cave that leads to a well. This Cheat Token lets you view the
adventure in a sepia tone (browns and whites).

The following wells give you hints about future parts of the adventure:

SnowHorn Wastes: At the end of the river.

LightFoot Village: Use the Rocket Boost Pad where you found the
triangle carving after saving the children. It will be on this

Volcano Force Point Temple: The second time you go, before you go on
the bridge that requires you use the SpellStone the first time, go down
to the left and make a MoonSeed grow. The well will be up here.

Ocean Force Point Temple: The second time you go, after you cross the
electric panels, go to the right until you reach the Portal. Use the
Portal Device, and the well will be just beyond.

When you receive (a) Cheat Token(s), go to the WarpStone and choose to
enter the Game Well Maze. To reach the Token Well in here, go down the
ladder, then go the following directions at intersections: forward,
forward, left, right, forward, left, right, left, left. Throw the
Tokens into the well to activate cheats.

5.3 - Fuel Cell Locations

There are 78 Fuel Cells in the game, excluding what you can buy at the
ThornTail Store. You will need a total of 42. Take note that there are
no Fuel Cells on the floating worlds, seeing as ROB transported them to
the planet. That said, here they are.

-- ThornTail Hollow --

Climb up the platform to the right of the Queen EarthWalker's
residence, then, at the end, plant a Bomb Spore next to the wall and
blow it up. An area will open up with 3 Fuel Cells.

Get on the platform mentioned above, but jump across to the next, then
turn right and jump to the rock to find 2 Fuel Cells.

In the small area with the ThornTail just before you head for LightFoot
Village, there are 2 Fuel Cells on the ledge.

Behind the Queen EarthWalker is a lone Fuel Cell.

Go all the way around the WarpStone's garden to a Bomb Spore patch.
Plant a spore and blow it up, then go in to get 2 Fuel Cells.

There is a Bomb Spore patch underneath the waterfall. Plant one and
blow it up, then go in to get a total of 4 Fuel Cells.

To the right of the entrance to the ThornTail Store is a Rocket Boost
Pad. Use it to get on the ledge, then go left to 2 Fuel Cells.

In the well, in the room before the ThornTail, use a Rocket Boost Pad
to boost yourself up to 2 Fuel Cells.

At the ThornTail Store, there is a massive supply of Fuel Cells for
sale. Buy them for 8 Scarabs each.

-- Ice Mountain --

At the far side of the Ice Mountain area, there is a weak wall and a
Bomb Spore patch. you can use a Bomb Spore to break the wall, but a
Fuel Barrel will work just as well. Inside is a well and a Fuel Cell.

In the area where you start the bike race, there are 2 Fuel Cells.

-- SnowHorn Wastes --

In the ice field, there are 2 Fuel Cells on a ledge. Push the ice block
underneath to reach them.

To the right of the floating ice platforms that lead to the blue
SnowHorn is a switch. Activate it to raise a platform that gives access
to 2 Fuel Cells.

After going down the slope to the area with the BribeClaw, turn left to
a crack in the wall. Have Tricky dig through to open up a path to a
Fuel Cell.

Halfway through the water cavern leading to ThornTail Hollow, climb
onto the platform and use the Rocket Boost Pad to go up. Shoot the
switch, then go through the gate to 2 Fuel Cells.

At the end of the river is a Fuel Cell.

At the end of the river, follow the path up the slope to reach 3 Fuel

2 Fuel Cells await you when you finish the Dinosaur Horn Challenge
(sec. 4.54).

There is a Fuel Cell next to the Krazoa Shrine warp.

-- Moon Mountain Pass --

In the gaseous area right before Moon Mountain Pass, there is a Fuel
Cell along the edge of the top of the rising wind lift. There is also
one in the same location leaving.

When you're climbing the hill with the falling barrels, there is a Fuel
Cell to the right in some pink plants.

Before entering the SharpClaw barricade building, turn left to see a
Fuel Cell.

In the area with the fallen meteor, there is a ledge near the canyon
edge that you can climb up with a MoonSeed. A Fuel Cell waits at the

Going up the final slopes before the Krazoa warp, you'll see a MoonSeed
patch. Climb up to a well and a Fuel Cell.

Right before the Krazoa warp, go right to see a Fuel Cell.

-- Volcano Force Point Temple (1st Time) --

Before the grate bridge, climb down below via one of the ladders and
grab a Fuel Cell.

In the area with the warp to the SpellStone chamber, there is a Fuel
Cell on a narrow path going towards the wall.

While leaving, in the room with the conveyor belt slope and falling
barrels, use the Rocket Boost Pad to go up to the ledge, then put out a
fire to open a gate. Grab the 2 Fuel Cells.

-- Cape Claw --

In the underground cavern on the way to Cape Claw, there is one Fuel
Cell on the second to last level, and two on the bottom level. To get
there, go down the first two ladders, then jump off the ledge behind
the one leading to the seaside. Jump down the other end of this ledge,
then finally, carefully jump down to the bridge to get the first. For
the other two, climb down the ladder and look around.

Jump off the wooden platform near the entrance to land on an island
with a Fuel Cell.

Another island is near the bridge you have to extend. Jump down to a
Fuel Cell.

To the right of the Queen CloudRunner's prison is the path to the
SharpClaw cannon, but in the room with the water, there is a Fuel Cell
buried underground. Have Tricky dig it up.

When returning to place the second SpellStone, go in the room with the
gas and the blocks you went in your first trip around. There are 2 Fuel
Cells in the far-right corner.

-- Ocean Force Point Temple (1st Time) --

In the area with the three sloping pathways, there are 2 Fuel Cells on
the end of the right pathway.

In front of the warp to the second area are 2 Fuel Cells.

In the second area, after going through the giant doors, there are 2
Fuel Cells on a platform at the far end of the room.

-- LightFoot Village --

Right after entering the area in front of the village, turn left to a
Rocket Boost Pad. Boost up to a ledge that has 2 Fuel Cells.

In the village, go to where the second Totem Pole was from the Tracking
Test (sec. 4.44). Go left along the ledge to a Fuel Cell.

After shaking the children out of the trees outside the village, a hut
will open up, giving you access to 2 Fuel Cells.

After getting the children out of the dome, go to where the triangle
carving was and use the Rocket Boost Pad to reach a well and get a Fuel

-- Volcano Force Point Temple (2nd Time) --

In the room with the conveyor slope and the barrels, go up to the ledge
via Rocket Boost Pad and use the SharpClaw Disguise to obtain access to
2 Fuel Cells.

After the grate bridge, turn left and climb down the climbable wall. Go
along the path, then plant a MoonSeed in the patch. Climb up to a well
and 2 Fuel Cells.

In the room where you originally obtained the Freeze Blast, climb up
the ladder and cross all the platforms to get a total of 3 Fuel Cells.

In the lava room with the platforms down below, there is a Fuel Cell on
a ledge you can climb up to. Once you get up to the door, go left. On
the other side of this same ledge are 3 Fuel Cells.

(Note: After you go to Dragon Rock, Fuel Cells lose their importance,
so there are no more after that point.)

5.4 - Bafomdad Locations

Because life is not fair, there is a limited number (33) of Bafomdads.
You can carry one at a time before getting the Bafomdad Holder from the
store, at which point you can carry 10. Here they are, in chronological

-- Krazoa Palace (Krystal) --

In the area at the bottom of the first ramp, there is a ladder on the
far edge towards the left. Slide down, cross the platforms and climb
the next ladder to a Bafomdad.

-- ThornTail Hollow --

Close to the river is a buried Bafomdad.

A Bafomdad is buried to the right of the Queen EarthWalker's residence.

Another Bafomdad needs unearthing in the area before the path to Cape

-- SnowHorn Wastes --

In the area where the BribeClaw is, there is a crack in the wall
opposite said BribeClaw that leads to a Bafomdad.

In the area mentioned above, there is another buried Bafomdad.

On the far side of the river is a small cave with a buried Bafomdad.

At the end of the Dinosaur Horn Challenge (sec. 4.54) is a Bafomdad.

-- Volcano Force Point Temple (1st Time) --

In the room with the conveyor slope, use the Rocket Boost Pad to go up
to a ledge. Hit a switch to open a gate and get a Bafomdad.

When leaving, go to the ledge mentioned above and freeze a flame to
free a trapped Bafomdad.

-- Moon Mountain Pass --

On a ledge near a Kalda Chom, there is a Bafomdad.

In the area with the meteor, there is a Bafomdad atop a ledge.

When heading up the slopes to the shrine, there is a MoonSeed patch.
Plant, grow and climb to a Bafomdad.

-- Krazoa Palace --

At the end of the dark maze, there is a Bafomdad to the right.

-- Cape Claw --

On an island in the middle of the lake, there is a Bafomdad buried.

In the area with the gas and the blocks, there will be a Bafomdad after
you return from CloudRunner Fortress.

-- CloudRunner Fortress --

After escaping your cell, you should see a Bafomdad in the cage across
the hall.

After you get your staff back, you can free a Bafomdad from the cages.

On the outer ledges of the fortress, you will see a Bafomdad on a stack
of boxes.

On the narrow ledge heading towards the treasure room, there is a
Bafomdad on a hanging platform.

To the left of the entrance of the darkened area of the treasure room,
there is a Bafomdad on an elevated section.

-- LightFoot Village --

Outside the entrance to the village is a Rocket Boost Pad. Use it to go
up to some ledges, on which will be a Bafomdad.

After getting the LightFoot children out of the dome, use the newly
created Rocket Boost Pad to rocket up to a Bafomdad.

-- Walled City --

Behind the Arwing is a buried Bafomdad.

Behind the Sun furnace, where you find an EarthWalker, there is a crack
in the wall. Use a Bomb Spore, or perhaps a fuel barrel, to open it up
and get a Bafomdad.

Across the wooden bridge and to the left is another buried Bafomdad.

Near the Bomb Spore Plant is a cracked wall. Blow it up to get a

-- Volcano Force Point Temple (2nd Time) --

In the room with the conveyor slope, get up on the ledge and use the
SharpClaw Disguise to get a Bafomdad.

After crossing the grate bridge, go to the left, drop down and plant a
MoonSeed to go up to a Bafomdad.

Right outside where you found the Freeze Blast, there is a Bafomdad.

-- Dragon Rock --

In the bottom level of where the HighTop is being held, there is a
Bafomdad next to the right wall.

After you destroy the cracked wall while freeing the CloudRunner, go
right along the ledge to a Bafomdad.

-- Ocean Force Point Temple (2nd Time) --

On the final ledges on the upper level, there is a Bafomdad. You can't
miss it, it's in your way as you go to the SpellStone chamber.

5.5 - Staff Energy Meter Upgrades

There are three staff upgrades in the game that increase your staff's
energy meter, and here they are:

In the SnowHorn Wastes, on the ice field with the SnowHorn that gives
you the Small Scarab Bag, there will be a place for Tricky to dig up
the entrance to an upgrade.

In ThornTail Hollow, there is a Rocket Boost Pad next to the entrance
to the ThornTail Store. Use it to go up, then plant and blow up a Bomb
Spore. In here, shoot the four switches to make the entrance appear.

In Cape Claw, when you have the cannon, destroy a rock near the
HighTop's platform. Go to what remains to find a BafomDad and the

6 - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Tricky fell asleep. How do I wake him up?
A: He should just follow along if you run off. If that doesn't work,
give him a good whack with your staff.

Q: A key dinosaur fell asleep! How do I wake HIM up?
A: The only way is to wait until morning, as it should be night if a
dinosaur is sleeping.

Q: Sometimes your FAQ tells me to jump off a ledge, but when I do, I
get hurt! Why do you make me suffer so?
A: To avoid getting hurt after most falls, hold down the X button
before you land and you'll roll when you hit and take no damage.

Q: I'm locked out of LightFoot Village! How do I get back in?
A: When entering the LightFoot Village area from ThornTail Hollow,
you'll see three trees with bulls-eyes on them. Hit the closest one,
then the furthest one, then the middle one, and the gate will open.

Q: Dino Language is so cool! How do I speak it?
A: There is a section in the instruction manual, paraphrased here:

Step 1
Rearrange vowels:
English: A E I O U
Dino: U O A E I

Step 2
Leave all M's the same.

Step 3
Change all Y's to O's.

Step 4
Rearrange remaining letters like so:
English: B C D F G H J K L N P Q R S T V W X Z
Dino: R S T V W X Z B C D F G H J K L N P Q

Take note the names of people and places are not affected, as they ARE
Dino, essentially...

Example: 'Starfox Adventures' becomes 'Jkuhvep Utlodkihoj'

Q: I've beaten the game, but when I look at my save file from the main
menu, it only says 99%. Where did the other 1% go?
A: The last 1% comes from beating Andross, but since you cannot save
after this, and it does not save automatically, the game will have no
record of you beating it. At 99% it shall stay.

Q: You forgot to mention this./I have a tip for doing this./How do I do
this, because it's not in your FAQ?
A: E-mail me concerning any of the above situations; if it's good
information or if I forgot something, odds are I will put it in my FAQ.
Remember to say where you saw this FAQ.

7 - Thanks To...

GameFAQs for posting this on their website. for posting it on their website (or for asking,
anyway - where is it?) for putting it on their website. for posting this FAQ.

My friend Ben for lending me the game.

Rareware for making the game.

8 - Legal Info

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

9 - Other FAQs By ME!

FAQ/Walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest
FAQ/Walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Mini-Game FAQ for Mario Party 4
FAQ/Walkthrough for Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue
Store Price FAQ for Starfox Adventures

Coming Soon:
Hard Mode FAQ for Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

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