Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

16.10.2013 02:03:38
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Copyright (c) 2004 Matt Hoffmann
Version 1.3 - Surfer stats have been added.

The Boat
Meters and Scoring
Top Score Tips

In case you are wondering, I am new to the FAQ writing scene, but I have been
playing video games since the days of Pong so I know a bit about gaming.

The following guide, faq, walkthrough, or whatever you want to call it, is
intended to help you, the gamer, onto the right track to becoming your
livingroom surfing champion.

The game and game manuals include much of what you need, although some of the
information in one contrasts the other. In general, if you notice something in
the manual that is in contrast to something in the Wave House tutorials, the
manual is wrong.

I cannot say this enough, pay attention to Kelly in the Wave House, he knows
what he is talking about.

Hopefully all of you are already familiar with the GameCube controller.
If for some reason you aren't, consult any manual for any game on the system.
I will address all buttons according to their official identifier excepting
the Control Stick and Control Pad, which I will refer to as D-Stick and D-Pad.

Also, I suggest reading the KSPS manual and playing through all 3 Wave House
Levels before continuing into the game.

Within KSPS there are four unique positions that alter the game controls.
Catching A Wave: Lying on your board at the start or after a wipeout.
The Face: Anywhere on the wave ahead of the breaking part.
The Tube: Inside the breaking part. Some waves break in sections.
The Air: In the air above the wave.

Catching A Wave
D-Stick/D-Pad - Left/Right turns surfer accordingly.
X Button - Duck Dive. Turn into the wave and hold X to dive under the wave.
Y Button - Stand. Stand before you get too high on the wave.

The Face
D-Stick/D-Pad - Left/Right rotates surfer accordingly. Up speeds up surfer.
Down performs a stall.
Face tricks depend on the D-Stick position

A Button - Jump. Release when pointed off the top of the wave to get air.
B Button - Carve/Snaps = sudden turns into or out of the wave.
X Button - Grab turns = less abrupt turning.
Y Button - Tail slide = spin move.
Floater = slide along the peak of the wave.
Z Button - Hold Z to change the camera to focus on the tube or objects.
C-Stick - Press up to cash in Special trick points.

The Tube
D-Stick/D-Pad - Hold Down to stall into the tube. Hold up to speed out.
Left/Right keeps your balance meter centered.
Tube tricks depend on the D-Stick direction.

L/R Button - Quickly cut to the left or right to gain position in the tube.
A Button - Speed up to escape the tube.
X Button - Grab Rail = improves balance while holding.
Y Button - Perform various tricks depending on Control Stick position.
Z Button - Hold to change the camera to focus into the tube.

The Air
D-Stick/D-Pad - Left/Right spins the surfer accordingly.
/C-Stick Air Tricks depend on the D-Stick direction.

B Button - Flip Tricks = flip the board while in mid air.
X Button - Grab Tricks = grab the board while in mid air.
Y Button - Exit Move. Y+Y then Y+D-Stick in any direction.

Check the "Trick Book" on the boat or in the Pause menu to get a complete
listing of tricks for a particular Surfer at a particular point in your

Pause Menu
Press "Start" to enter the pause menu. From here you can:
Continue surfing.
Retry a wave or Restart a Competition.
Check the Beach Goals.
Get tips.
Change options.
Check your Trick Book for Tricks.
End the ride.
Return to the Boat.

The Boat
The Boat is the main menu of the game. From the Boat you can select one
of several main menu choices.

Options - Change Sound, Video, and Rumble Pak options.
Free Surf - Practice your skills or go for high scores.
Multiplayer - Play against friends in one of three modes.
Extras - Check out the movies you unlock in career mode, among other things.
Career Mode - Bring yourself up through the ranks of pro surfing.

A brief note on saving
The game requires 2 files, 1 settings and 1 surfer, for a total of 14 blocks.
You can save a career over another and it will keep your progress accept that
you will not be able to return to the other career or the scrap book.
I recommend this to save space, but make sure you complete each career and
save your favorite surfer for the last spot to get the scrap book.

Returning to the Boat during career mode allows you to select new boards,
check out new tricks in your trick book, and select your personality suit
when you unlock it. You may also see your photos in the scrap book.

Meters and Scoring
There are several meters and visual indicators used in KSPS. Some are
present through out the ride, while others are goal specific or
moment specific. I will explain them in order of where they appear.

Upper Right:
Score - Keeps track of the points you earn. Linked tricks don't score until
your special meter runs out or you cash in. Don't bail!

Clock - Stop watch counts down (usually 3 minutes) until time is up.
If you bail your time is penalized. A second timer appears to track
how long your special meter has been yellow for certain goals.

Special - Perform tricks to max it out. When maxed, perform special tricks.

Lower Right:
Wave Meter - Shows wave height and breaking sections. It also shows the
next waves height, if you want to wait around for the big one.

Hazard Sign - Yellow sign flashes when objects are near.

Upper Left:
Objective Display - Tracks certain goal requirements.

Left Hand Icons:
Icons - Icons picturing moves will drop down on the left side. Complete them
to clear them from the stack. If the stack fills up before you
complete the required number, you lose.

Green Triangle = Standard Air Tricks
Purple Square = Standard Face Tricks
Red Circle = Standard Tube Tricks
Yellow Icons = Special Tricks, dependant on shape.

Bottom Center:
Trick Tracker - Keeps track of the building score of your current trick set.
You have a base score for style and a multiplier for variety.

Sloppy/Perfect - Depending on how you land an Air Trick you will be rated
either sloppy, perfect, or no rating. Perfect increases
your special meter, while sloppy decreases it.

Creating a step by step walkthrough for a game like this is more or less
pointless, because each surfer surfs his/her own way just like each player
plays his/her own way. Instead I will list the various goal types that
are encountered throughout the game and what you need to do to achieve each
goal. From there I will give you each beach and it's specific goals, what
was unlocked by completing those goals, and pointers on beach specific

Beat the Grom/Beat the Local
These are your basic "achieve this score before time runs out" goals. The
local is the higher of the two and makes it to 500,000 on later beaches.
Many of the other goals also require a certain total score, usually less
than the grom, so shooting for the grom every time is a good idea.
Read the "Top Score Tips" for a better idea of how to get high scores.

Score ## Points in Air/Face/Tube Tricks
Simply rack up the points needed on the particular part of the wave.
The score needed can be anywhere from about 10,000 to 50,000 points

Ride for ## Seconds Without Wiping Out
Don't crash, don't bail, don't wipe out. These generally require a score
total as well. The score required for it must be achieved in that time
limit. The final board requires you to ride for 170 seconds for 500,000

Max Out Your Special Meter for ## Seconds
Anywhere from 5 to 40 seconds of special. Learn to land perfect and this
becomes a lot easier. Also, dipping in and out of the tube can help this.

Collect ## Icons
Perform the tricks as the icons fall from the sky. An Icon can be completed,
but only the current Icon will ever give you the button combo, but don't
depend on it at the harder beaches. If you bail you lose any Icons you have
completed, but haven't cashed in. If you get an Icon you don't want to do,
wait for the next icon if you know the combo for it.

## of Points in # Photos/## Point Photo of a Special Trick
3 photos will be taken during the ride. Some rounds will add up the points
from all three, others will only take the best total for one photo. In
every case it is best to max out your special meter and rack up your linked
tricks until photo time. A camera focus will materialize as a timer counts
to four, at which time the photo will flash. Trick on the third beep and
know how to land when the flash goes off.

Place 1st/2nd/3rd in "Beach" Competition
Perform well in three heats. You must spread your tricks between the
required parts of the wave to place well. Wipe outs lower your score and
take time away.

Perform # Degree Air Tricks
Rotate and land a certain number of 360s or 540s. Make sure you make it
full circle or it may not count. To many rotations is fine, it still counts.
Some surfer can spin faster and jump higher, so if you are having trouble
try using the board with the best spin and air. I managed a 1260 at Currens
Point with Tiki God on his board.

Learn How to Pull Off "New Trick"
Perform the new special trick 3 times. An Icon will form in the top left
giving you Air/Face/Tube and part of the button combo. Know the special
tricks. Completing the trick adds it to your book, and usually unlocks
another new trick.

Splash/Spray/Jump/Smash "Object"
You will need to splash/spray/jump/smash 3 of these items in the round.
Objects range from a fat guy floating on a tube to a Jet skier zipping about
the waves. Splashing/Spraying means you have to zip up close and catch the
object with the spray from your board. You can usually achieve this by
carving very close. Smashing is simply running over the object. This often
counts as spraying as well, but not always. Jumping can be either a little
hop over the object as it floats out in front of you or catching air in an
arc over it as it rolls over the lip of the wave.

Top Score Tips
Rotation, Rotation, Rotation - The more rotations the more base points.
Learn to land - Perfect is still perfect backwards.
Mix the tricks - The more variety the higher the multiplier.
Use the Tube - Your base points go up every second you are in the tube.
Know your Tricks - Special tricks give high base points.
You're Special - The longer the special the higher the total.
Stay Close - The closer to the tube, the more points and higher Air.
Know the Wave - Many waves will break in front of you at points.
Over isn't Over - The round won't end until your special dies down.

With the right combination of rotations and moves, you can hit 500,000 pts
in one trick set. It's possible to get that many points in about 15 seconds
if you do it right.

KSPS has 9 Pro surfers, the best of the best in the current surfing world,
and 4 secret surfers. Each of the 13 surfers have different strengths and
weaknesses based on their statistics and those of their boards. The surfer
stats seem to make up approximately 65% while board stats make up the other
35%. This is by no means an exact figure, but should give you a solid idea
of how one surfer will perform against another. Low stats does not mean
poor performance, just less rotations in the air for the most part.

The surfer's ability is based on four stats:
spin - Their ability to rotate in the air.
speed - Their speed on the face of a wave.
air - Their ability to jump.
balance - Their ability to remain standing in the tube and when landing.

For each surfer I will give a name and their stats in the form of a percent
set "Base Stat / Top Stat"

Kelly Slater
spin - 45% / 75%
speed - 65% / 95%
air - 45% / 75%
balance - 65% / 95%

Lisa Andersen
spin - 40% / 70%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 45% / 75%
balance - 75% / 100%

Tom Carroll
spin - 35% / 65%
speed - 70% / 98%
air - 40% / 70%
balance - 75% / 100%

Tom Curren
spin - 35% / 75%
speed - 75% / 100%
air - 45% / 75%
balance - 70% / 98%

Nathan Fletcher
spin - 50% / 80%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 70% / 98%
balance - 50% / 80%

Donavon Frankenreiter
spin - 40% / 70%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 55% / 85%
balance - 75% / 100%

Bruce Irons
spin - 55% / 85%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 60% / 90%
balance - 55% / 85%

Rob Machado
spin - 45% / 75%
speed - 70% / 98%
air - 50% / 80%
balance - 70% / 98%

Kalani Robb
spin - 50% / 80%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 65% / 95%
balance - 55% / 85%

Travis Pastrana
spin - 55% / 85%
speed - 60% / 90%
air - 55% / 85%
balance - 60% / 90%

Tiki God
spin - 75% / 100%
speed - 75% / 100%
air - 75% / 100%
balance - 75% / 100%

Tony Hawk
spin - 60% / 90%
speed - 55% / 85%
air - 60% / 90%
balance - 55% / 85%

spin - 55% / 85%
speed - 55% / 85%
air - 60% / 90%
balance - 60% / 90%

For this section I will be playing through as Nathan Fletcher and Tom Curren,
but it shouldn't make any difference except which tricks are unlocked when.
The order I use is not the only order, but it is the one I have found to be
fastest when traveling the world map.

Keep in mind that some Surfers have more Special Tricks to start so they may
not gain New Tricks everywhere that these two have. Depending on the surfer,
you may be able to get new tricks at any beach.

(Press Y on the world map for a complete map Bio)

Many unlockables are goal specific so that you need not complete the entire
Beach to gain them, but for purposes of simplicity I will only list the
unlockables as I complete the entire round.

The Beach format will be as follows:
The Beach Title - Secondary Beach Title if applicable - Level Title
Approximate Wave height / Break Direction
The Main Goal
Any Secondary Goals

Special Tips

Wave House Tutorial - beginner/intermediate/advanced
8.6ft / Right Breaking
Complete Each of the Tutorials.

Sebastian - photo shoot
6ft / Right Breaking
2000 pts in 3 photos + 10000 pts.
Max Special for 5 Sec.
Beat the Grom (12500)
Beat the Local (25000)
Jump the Pier
-New Beach: Mavericks - get ranked
-New level: Trestles - falling blocks
-New Board

Jumping the Pier is hard with most surfers this early. Try to get air, land,
and then shoot right back up as you reach the pier.

Trestles - air assualt
7ft / Right Breaking
5000 pts in Air Tricks + 10000 pts.
Max Special for 5 Sec.
Beat the Grom (12500)
Beat the Local (25000)
Spray 3 Windsurfers
-New Levels: Sebastian - diving blocks
Mavericks - nu skool
-New Trick
-Air Skill Improved

This wave will break in sections, keep your eyes peeled.

Trestles - falling blocks
7ft / Right Breaking
10 Icons + 20000 pts.
Max Special for 10 sec.
Beat the Grom (25000)
Beat the Local (50000)
-New Trick

Sebastian - diving blocks
6ft / Right Breaking
10 Icons + 20000 pts.
Max Special for 10 sec.
Beat the Grom (25000)
Beat the Local (50000)
Spray 3 fat tuber guys (Fatty)

Mavericks - get ranked
18ft / Right Breaking
3rd or better in Mavericks Big Wave Competition
Perform 2 360 Air Tricks
Score 10000 pts in Face Tricks
Max Special for 10 sec.
-Spin Skill Improved
-Speed Increased
-New Board

You can't ride the tube so don't even try. Watch out for that break ahead.

Mavericks - nu skool
20ft / Right Breaking
Learn How to Pull Off a "New Special Trick" + 20000 pts.
Max Special for 10 sec.
Beat the Grom (25000)
Beat the Local (50000)
-New Beach:
-New Tricks

Still can't ride that tube.

Antarctica - frigid blocks
19ft / Right Breaking
15 Icons + 25000 pts.
Max Special for 15 sec.
Ride for 60 sec. with no Wipe Out + 25000 pts.
Smash 3 Ice Patches
-New Beach: Jaws - shacked
-New Level: Antarctica - pretty pictures

Antarctica - pretty pictures
19ft / Right Breaking
6000 pts in 1 photo (3 Chances) + 30000 pts.
Perform 4 360 Air Tricks
Max Special for 15 secs.
-New Beach: Pipeline - top two
-New Board
-New Trick
-Spin SKill Improved

Jaws - shacked
20ft / Right Breaking
10000 pts in Tube Tricks + 30000 pts.
Max Special for 15 sec.
Beat the Grom (40000)
Beat the Local (80000)
-New Beach: Teahupoo - edukashun
-New Level: Pipeline - sliding blocks
-Balance Improved

Pipeline - top two
17ft / Left Breaking
2nd or better at Pipeline Competition
Max Special for 20 sec.
25000 pts in Tube Tricks
25000 pts in Air Tricks
-New Beach: Jaws - click flash
Teahupoo - rotations
-New Board
-New Trick
-Balance Improved
-Air Skill Improved

Judged on Air, Tube, and Face Tricks so mix it up.

Pipeline - sliding blocks
17ft / Left Breaking
17 Icons + 70000 pts.
Max Special for 20 sec.
Beat the Grom (75000)
Beat the Local (150000)
Smash 3 Spongers (Belly Boarders)

Jaws - click flash
20ft / Right Breaking
7500 pt Special Trick Photo (3 Chances) + 80000 pts.
Max Special for 25 sec.
Beat the Grom (100000)
Beat the Local (200000)
-New Board
-New Trick

Teahupoo - rotations

11ft / Left Breaking
Perform 4 540 Air Tricks + 70000 pts.
Max Special for 20 sec.
Beat the Grom (75000)
Beat the Local (150000)
Splash 3 Rafters
-New Beach: Bells - descending blocks
-Spin Skill Improved
-Personality Suit

Watch that break.

Teahupoo - Evening - edukashun
11ft / Left Breaking
Learn How to Pull Off a "New Special Trick" + 40000 pts.
Max Special for 20 sec.
Beat the Grom (50000)
Beat the Local (100000)
-New Level: Bells - face lift
-New Trick

Bells - descending blocks
8.6ft / Right Breaking
18 Icons + 40000 pts.
Max Special for 20 sec.
Beat the Grom (50000)
Beat the Local (100000)
Jump 3 Kayaks

Watch out for that Break.

Bells - Night - face lift
8.6ft / Right Breaking
20000 pts in Face Tricks + 80000 pts.
Max Special for 25 sec.
Beat the Grom (100000)
Beat the Local (200000)
-New Beach
-Speed Increased
-New Trick

Currens Point - dropping blocks
14ft / Right Breaking
20 Icons + 100000 pts.
Max Special for 25 sec.
Ride for 90 sec. with no Wipe Out + 50000 pts.
Jump 3 Turtles
-New Beach: Kirra - photo op
Kirra - downward blocks

If you want Air, get it here. A perfect Air wave.

Kirra - Dusk - photo op
6.6ft / Right Breaking
15000 pts in 3 Photos + 100000 pts.
Max Special for 25 sec.
Beat the Grom (150000)
Beat the Local (300000)
-New Beach: G-Land - superiority
-New Board
-New Trick

Kirra - downward blocks
6.6ft / Right Breaking
22 Icons + 100000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (150000)
Beat the Local (300000)
-New Level: Currens Point - back of my forehead
G-Land - in the pit

Currens Point - back of my forehead
14ft / Right Breaking
Perform 8 540 Air Tricks + 110000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
-Spin Skill Improved
-New Trick

G-Land - superiority
13ft / Left Breaking
1st place at G-Land Competition
Max Special for 30 sec.
25000 pts in Tube Tricks
25000 pts in Face Tricks
-New Beach: J-Bay - no posers
Mundaka - cover shot
-New Board
-Balance Improved
-Speed Improved

Judged on Air, Tube, and Face Tricks so mix it up. Watch the Break!

G-Land - Cloudy - in the pit
13ft / Left Breaking
25000 pts in Tube Tricks + 100000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (150000)
Beat the Local (300000)
-New Level: J-Bay - maximum revolution
-New Trick
-Balance Improved

This beach has one crazy break.

J-Bay - no posers
8ft / Right Breaking
12500 pts in 1 Photo (3 Chances) + 100000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (200000)
Beat the Local (400000)
75000 pts in Air Tricks
-New Board
-Air Skill Improved

Again with the bad breaks.

J-Bay - maximum revolution
8ft / Right Breaking
30000 pts in Air Tricks + 120000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (200000)
Beat the Local (400000)
Smash 3 Spongers
-New Trick
-Air Skill Improved

Mundaka - cover shot
11ft / Left Breaking
10000 pt Special Trick Photo (3 CHances) + 150000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (200000)
Beat the Local (400000)
-New Level: Mundaka - block party

Mundaka - Cloudy - block party
11ft / Left Breaking
25 Icons + 200000 pts.
Max Special for 30 sec.
Beat the Grom (250000)
Beat the Local (500000)
Spray 3 Windsurfers
-New Beach: Cortez Bank - face off
-New Trick

Cortez Bank - face off
60ft / Right Breaking
40000 pts in Face Tricks + 200000 pts.
Max Special for 35 sec.
Ride for 90 sec. with no Wipe Out + 100000 pts.
Splash 3 Jetskiers
-New Level: Teahupoo - tiki god
-Speed Increased
-Bails Movie

Teahupoo - B.C. - tiki god
11ft / Left Breaking
30 Icons + 250000 pts.
Max Special for 40 sec.
-New Beach: Cosmos - shambala
-New Board: 14 special boards
-New Surfers
-New Trick

Watch that break. Oh, and watch the wave, it's hard to see.

Cosmos - shambala
20ft / Right Breaking
Ride for 170 sec. without wiping out + 500,000 points.
-Surfer Movie
-Super Board

Although "Perfect", this wave will break in sections from time to time.

Unlockables & Secrets
There are several sets of unlockable things throughout the game, each being
unlocked by completing different goals at different beaches. If you want to
know specifically how to unlock something read the Beaches section.

Beaches and Levels
There are 16 beaches, with additional weather conditions totaling 22 beaches,
that you progress through in career mode. Each beach has between one and 3
levels, whith its own set of goals. Once a surfer reaches the beach it becomes
unlocked in the other game modes. Defeating main goals at a particular beach
will unlock new beaches or levels.

Each of the 9 surfers have their own quiver of 9 boards of varying stats and
looks. The player begins with the weakest and unlocks the other eight by
completing various goals at various beaches.

There are 14 boards that are unlocked when any surfer beats the main goal at
Teahupoo B.C. Each of these boards has varied stats that are all at about
the same level as the top board in the standard quiver.

There is also an "ultimate" board with perfect stats that is unlocked when
you complete the career with any surfer.

All boards that are unlocked become useable in the other game modes,
although each surfer may only use the 9 boards specific to his/her standard

All movies can be accessed through the Extras Menu.

As you proceed through the career you move to new beaches. Doing so unlocks
intro movies for each beach.

Winning with a particular surfer will unlock a long version of his/her bio

Riding 90 seconds at Cortez Bank unlocks a Bails movie. You can watch your
favorite pro surfers screw up at what they do best.

Personality Suits
Each of the 9 pros has one alternate appearance that is unlocked when you
complete. The new appearance has a board that you are required to use with
the suit unless you have unlocked the extra 14 boards or the super board.
The board is not accessable if you are not using the suit. Board stats will
vary based on what board you were using when you switched to the suit.

Each surfer has a unique set of special moves, some surfers may have certain
moves that others do not. These sets gain tricks as career mode progresses,
allowing more tricks for that surfer to be used in other modes.

Gaining stats in career mode will allow you to increase a surfer's handicap
in the other game modes.

Upon completion of the Teahupoo main goal with any surfer, you will unlock
four new surfers:

Tony Hawk - Skateboarding legend.
Travis Pastrana - Motocross freestylist. He can Headstand on the Face.
Surfreak(Surffreak) - See for yourself.
Tiki God - Need I say more?

The secret surfers do not have a complete quiver. They have one custom board
with near perfect stats. They also lack a personality suit and won't even
wear a wetsuit in Antarctica. Their stats and trick books will improve with
a career, and they can use the 14 secret boards and the super board, once
unlocked at the end of the career. Their standard boards make it very easy
to complete a career with them as well as reaching top scores on beaches
early in the career.

Beach Secrets
I don't know if these secrets have a point or not, but I have not looked for
all of them to find out. Basically they are "Tricks" that appear orange on
your trick tracker and add multipliers and points. Some are obvious, like
splashing or smashing the various objects while others are more difficult
to find. An example is landing on top of the Tube or breaking through the
tube wall. If you are in search of something to do, try finding them all and
see what they do.

Input cheats into your phone in the Extras section of the menu.
Cheats appear in the form of phone numbers and are stored in your phone once
they are unlocked in game. I wasn't paying attention to my phone ever, so I
don't know when the cheats are unlocked, but here are the cheats that I have

I haven't used them and don't care to, so I don't know exactly how well they

I have unlocked:
1st Person - 877-555-3825
Balance - 213-555-5721
High Jump - 217-555-0217
Max Stats - 212-555-1776

You can't record top scores while using cheats. Something to think about.

You read the copyright notice at the beginning of the FAQ right? That means
it's mine. You are not to copy, steal, swipe, swindle, or pilfer this, or any
part of it, for any use aside from private gaming fun.

It can be posted at:

but that's it.

If you e-mail me and ask nicely, I might consider letting you use it.
If you see it anywhere else, please do let me know so that I can take the
appropriate action.

If you absolutely, positively, must contact me... Don't.
There isn't anything else I know about the game at this point and if I find
anything I will update the FAQ when I get a chance.

If you can't do something or don't know something;
Try looking in your maual, it's very complete even with it's mistakes.
Play through the Wave House a few times, it isn't hard to pick up.

What you see is what I got. If it isn't here, I don't know it.
I won't open attatchments or emails with out subjects that I might recognize
Try "Pro Surfer FAQ" if you want me to even look.
I don't want forwards, spams, or any of that other mumbo jumbo, so please
Respect me and don't waste my time, otherwise I will just stop looking.

Activision for giving me hours of surfing entertainment, but next time
I WANT A LONG BOARD!! and a create a surfer too!

GameFAQs for posting so many useful faqs, codes, and reviews.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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