Zelda - Ocarina Of Time - Master Quest

Zelda - Ocarina Of Time - Master Quest

17.10.2013 22:05:39
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%%%%%%%%%######%%%%%%%%%%%###%% - O C A R I N A O F T I M E -
%%%%%####################%% - M A S T E R Q U E S T -
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ASCII By: Atom Edge

= Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest =
= =
= FAQ/Walkthrough =
= Authors: BurningFox and nm14 =
= =
= Version 1.3 (12/25/03) =
= Size: 154 KB =
= =

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Table of Contents
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Note: To find something quickly press Control + F to bring up a search box
and type in what you need.

II..........................Version History
IX..........................Heart Pieces <--- Not Done
X...........................Side Quests <--- Not Done
XI..........................Legal Information

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Hello all gamers in need of help for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Master Quest. This game was released as a present for the wait of the Wind
Waker. It is a demo-disc containing both Master Quest and the normal Ocarina
of Time. The Master Quest version is similar to the normal version except
that it has different dungeon layouts. They are supposed to be more of a

This walkthrough was created to help people in the Master Quest version of
Ocarina of Time. If you are not playing the Master Quest part, don't read
any further and do not use this walkthrough. The walkthrough will contain
everything needed to complete this game. In addition to that, you will get
many extra parts of the game. The Heart Pieces and Side Quests will be
listed for additional gameplay.

If you are interested in contacting us about certain parts of the
walkthrough or side parts, simply e-mail us questions. I love E-mails, and
hate mail is my bread and butter :).


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Version History
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Version 1.3: I'm nice so nm14 is part of the FAQ again :)

Version 1.2: Removed nm14 from the picture, and added some information.

Version 1.1: Some information updated :).

Version 1.0: The Walkthrough is now complete! A few changes here and there too.

Version 0.9: Walkthrough is not yet complete, nm14 quit on the FAQ though so
updates will be slower. Some info here and there added.

Version 0.1: We have the walkthrough through the spirit temple. It is nearly
done. It should be completed by the next update. Also, there are some items and
side quests. Expect more.

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These are the controller controls:

A button: This is the main action button. When you are near certain objects,
--------- the A button will display a certain command. You can roll if you
are running or push and pull objects if you are near a block. You can
climb or jump when L-Targeting.

B button: This is the attacking button. You can swing your sword using the B
--------- button. If you are standing still, you will swing horizontally. If
you are moving forward you will swing vertically. If you hold the
B button down, you will do a spin attack.

R button: This allows you to use your shield manually or in L-Target mode.

X button: When you are in the start menu, you can press X to select the item
--------- for use.

Y button: When you are in the start menu, you can press Y to select the item
--------- for use.

Z button: When you are in the start menu, you can press Z to select the item
--------- for use.

L button: This is the famous targetting button. It allows you to lock onto
--------- an enemy so that you can automatically hit them. It is like lock
on mode. Use it whenever you are facing an enemy. It is helpful as
you can do certain moves only in this mode.

Combat Strategy
When you are in the middle of fighting a normal enemy, try to lock onto it
first off using the L-Targeting button. Then ask Navi about some
information on the weaknesses of the enemy. If it helps at all, use that
information. Just make sure that you are locked on the whole time. Also, use
the dodging mode to dodge enemy attacks. While locked on, press A back,
left, or right. Left and right result in a side jump. If you press back and
A, you will do a backflip dodge. All of these are helpful when fighting
certain enemies.

Next, always go for the counterattack. In a lot of enemies, you will need to
keep you shield out for an easy block. Make sure you are in L-Targeting the
whole time. Now, once the enemy attacks, counterattack for an easy strike.
This will keep you invincible from the enemies.

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Link: Link is you, or whomever you name your character. He is the hero of time
who must stop the evil madman Ganondorf from causing the world chaos.
Armed with a sword, shield and items he picks up along the way, he will
stop at nothing to defeat Ganondorf.

Navi: Navi is your dinky little fairy. She may not seem like more than a little
orb floating around you, but she can remind you what to do, give hints on
what to do, and tell enemy info.

Ganondorf: Ganondorf is the evil Gerudo king. He's so bad even some of his
own kind hate him! Armed with magician like powers and even more
powers will discover along the game, he's one mad man to be
reckoned with!

Kokiri: The Kokiri are forest dwellers, they live in protection of their
leader, the Great Deku Tree. Kokiri's never age from when they're a kid
and I don't believe they die for a very long time either.

Gorons: Gorons are the stupidest race in the Zelda world. What lacks in their
brain they make up in muscle though, they are the strongest race too.
Gorons are rock creatures that live on Death Mountain content, eating
rock from Dodongo Cavern.

Zora's: The Zora's are wise water creatures. They live in Zora's domain, but
are often found in Lake Hylia. Zora's are also expert divers and
fishers. Even though they are very wise they often seek advice from
Lord Jabu-Jabu, their leader.

Gerudo's: The Gerudo's are a band of female bandits. They have one male born
every 100 years, and in this lifetime it happens to be Ganondorf.
This looks like the end for the Gerudo's though because their evil
leader could care less about them.

Sheikah: The Sheikah are a supposably extinct race of people. They used to live
at Kakariko Village until their numbers became little and they allowed
the public to live there, no one knows much else about the Sheikah.

All other creatures/people/things are either in the monsters and bosses section
or are irreverent.

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A dark time is approaching in Hyrule. The storm clouds of evil are gathering
over the land, and malevolent forces are poised to strike at the most sacred
and powerful artifact of all, the mysterious Triforce. The only thing standing
between chaos and destruction are two youths, an elfin boy from the magical
Kokiri Forest, and the young princess of legend, Zelda. Do you have what it
takes to guide the intrepid hero, Link, from his secluded forest home to the
final confrontation with the ultimate evil force?


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= Koroki Forest =

[ ] Get Kokori Sword
[ ] Get Deku Shield
[ ] Visit Deku Tree

After the cut-scene (movie) ends talk to Navi (the fairy) and leave the
house (western side has the exit). Immediately your friend Saria will call
you. Climb down the stairs and talk to her. After talking to her head west
up the hill and you'll see a sign saying " Forest Training Center." Follow
the path and you'll see a hole, go up to it and press the "A" button to go
through. When you immerge from the hole, head left then up watching out for
the rolling ball until you see a treasure chest. Open the chest with the "A"
button and receive the legendary Kokori Sword. Press "start" now and equip
it from your menu! Now leave the area through the hole you entered in.

From here, you must get the Deku Shield, but you need 40 rupees to get it.
Getting 40 rupees isn't really that hard. Throw things slash up things, and
Mido's houses treasures should get you up to 40 rupees fairly quickly. If
you're having trouble, enter a house and leave, this will replenish all the
items for the most part. Here are most of the ways to get rupees too:
- Rocks (throwing)
- Weeds (slashing)
- Mido's House (treasure)
- Bushes (inside)
- Platforms by shop (jump across all of them without falling)

After collecting 40 rupees head to the shop (the house with the girl on the
roof). Inside buy the Deku Shield and equip it from your menu. Now you're
ready to go talk to the Great Deku Tree! Head to the eastern side of the
forest now; talk to the guard (Mido) for permission and head to the Great
Deku Tree. On your way to the Deku Tree, evil plants will attack you; these
are baku-baba plants, which are best defeated by L-targeting then using a
jumping slash or two. baku-baba plants also drop Deku sticks (a breakable
weapon/torch). Talk to the Deku Tree when you reach him and enter him.

= Deku Tree =

[ ] Get the dungeon map from chest
[ ] Collect slingshot
[ ] Jump from very top down to the web on the floor breaking it
[ ] Defeat the enemies in right, left, middle order
[ ] Destroy Boss
[ ] Collect heart piece and leave

Immediately as you enter you'll notice some attacking Baku-Baba's (plant
type enemies). Take them out quickly with jumping slashes then move west and
you'll see a ladder. Go up the ladder; move across the platforms carefully.
Jump as you go while watching out for an enemy bat. Soon you'll see an egg;
the egg will hatch revealing an enemy, slash it up and another enemy will
appear, slash that one up too. After killing the two enemies open the chest
to reveal the Dungeon Map! After getting the map use a rolling attack (run +
A) into the nearby barrel revealing a spider. This is a special type of
spider called a Gold Skultulia, slash it with your sword a few times and
collect the token for killing it.

Climb up the vines where the box was and drop on either platform at the top.
Run around the platform you're on until you see a switch. Step on the switch
and go through the newly opened door. In this room you must kill all the
enemies. Use the switch to make platforms appear that will help you move. If
you can't destroy one of the eggs go underneath it and the egg will hatch.
After you kill all the enemies collect your prize, the fairy slingshot;
equip it and leave the room. Jump down to the bottom now, light a Deku stick
and go onto the web ducking, this will destroy the web.

DON'T GO DOWN YET! Instead go up to the second level and you'll see a torch
thing. Light your Deku stick on it and head right, over to the web. Light
the web on fire now to open a new room. Kill the enemies inside this room
and then shoot a seed (from your slingshot) at the eyeball above the closed
door, opening it. In this room get to the treasure chest, open it and get
the compass, then shoot the ladder behind you, knocking it down, allowing
you to leave the room.

Now it's finally time to go down, jump down and through the hole in the
ground. When you reach the bottom, climb up the second highest platform and
press the switch on it, lighting a torch. Now go to the platform with the
torch, and light a Deku stick. Use the lit Deku stick to burn the web, in
the newly opened area step on the switch. Go back to the second tallest
platform and open the newly appeared treasure chest.

After getting the treasure go back down the lower platform and shoot the eye
above the blocked door, opening it. Go through the door and there will be
three enemies, quickly dispose of the eggs then defeat the other enemy by
L-targeting it, deflecting its attack with your shield and then slashing
it. Quickly go back a room and light a Deku stick then go back and light the
two torches by the blocked door, opening it. In the next room press down the
switch then run as fast as you can with a Deku stick, light the stick then
jump onto the moving platform, and duck to prevent getting hit. When you
reach the other side, light the torches opening the door, then move to the
side of the spider and peg it with the slingshot until it dies. After
defeating the spider, climb up to the door and proceed on.

In your next room destroy all the enemies to get to the next room (that's
pretty easy, huh?). In this room it is very important to destroy the bats
before pressing down the switch. Light your Deku stick on a torch and
destroy the webs. It is very important that you needed to go through the
little crawl area not the door.

When you immerge from the crawl area destroy the enemies then push the block
down into the water. After pushing the block down run over to the torch and
light a Deku stick. If you jump correctly your Deku stick won't go out and
you'll be able to climb up the block and torch the web on the floor. When
you stop falling walk over and three enemies will appear. Defeat them in
right, left, center order (3,1,2) to open the path to the boss!


As you walk in you might be stunned. Where is the boss? Well, just look up
and you will see an eye. Then with a small cut-scene the boss will begin.
The key to defeating the queen is to shoot the eye, stunning her, then
swinging your sword at the stunned eye. So, L-target to the eye. Sling shot
it. Now go up to the eye and swing the sword at the eye. Now it will climb
the wall to the ceiling. It will drop eggs. Just hit them with your sword
before they hatch. If they do hatch, just keep hitting them. Once all the
eggs are dead, the queen will come back down for you to repeat the process.
Yea, it will take about 4 times to kill the boss. This boss is very easy in
my opinion. Quickly defeat her and move on. After defeating her, grab the
heart piece and go to the blue thing in the center to warp yourself out of

= Kokiri Forest =

[ ] Get the Kokori emerald from the Deku Tree
[ ] Leave and get Saria's ocarina

Immediately after being warped the Deku Tree will begin to talk to you.
Listen to his story about the black hooded man and the origin of Hyrule.
After he is done he'll give you the Kokori Emerald and die. After he dies
you'll appear in the forest. Head south and leave the forest. While leaving
Saria'll confront trying to leave you, she'll give you her ocarina, and now
it's off to Hyrule Castle!

= Hyrule Field -=

[ ] Get to the castle

Head forward until you meet a great owl by the name of Kaepora Gaebora. He
Will tell you a few tips and tell you to go to Hyrule Castle to meet the
Princess. Now head forward and follow the dirt path all the way to the
drawbridge of the castle. No be careful, if it is nighttime, the drawbridge
will close. Just wait until it turns light again. Then enter the castle.

= Hyrule Castle =

[ ] Sneak past the guards
[ ] Find Princess Zelda

Yes, this is the busy market of Hyrule. All the people are hanging around
here as well as many shops. Talk to the people for some general information
and take a look around the shops for anything you might want. Once you are
done with all of that action, head towards the exit of another large castle.
This castle is where Princess Zelda really lies. Enter there.

As you move a few steps forward, Kaepora will then tell you about the time
flows. He says that time flows when you are out at the field or in Lon Lon
Ranch. When you are in the market, on the other hand, the time will stop at
whatever you came in with.

Now, look right and climb the vines here. Once on top, head down the path
and then jump over the gate to get to the other side. Your goal, now, is to
sneak past all of the guards. Head towards the boulder blocking the hole and
then turn left. Head on the grass to avoid the two soldier blocking the
path. Now head all the way over to the back wall. Climb the stones that seem
to appear on the wall. Before you go any further, get caught by a guard. Now
you will see a girl named Malon near the vines. Talk to her and she will
give you the Weird Egg to deliver to her father. Now head back to those
stones the same way as before. Now jump into the moat and swim to the
corner. Here, jump out. Now head left over to a man who is sleeping. Wait a
few days for you egg to hatch. Now put it on the C button selections and
then use it to wake Talon, Malon's father. He will then hurry back. Now,
push the blocks over to the water ledge. You will notice that there is a
hole in the back of the castle for you to climb on. Push one block off, then
another. Then make the last block stand on top of the second one you pushed
off. Jump over to the hole. Now, if it is night, go back and wait until day
to come back in. If it is day, you will need some stealth in sneaking past
the guards. It is not too hard, just take your time. At the end is Zelda.

Zelda will tell you some things about the evil Ganondorf and what he is
doing. For now, just head to the Kakariko Village as she has given a letter.
To get there, head back to the Market and then head out to Hyrule Field.
Then head left from there and cross the small bridge that crosses the
stream. Go up the stairs and into the village.

= Kakariko Village -=

[ ] Find Death Mountain

Ok, welcome to this busy village of Kakariko. There seems to be millions of
carpenters running around, but just ignore them. You can check out the
village and do a few mini-games. For more information, check the mini-game
section. For now, go back to the entrance and then look for the stairs to
the left. Head up and then go to the guard that is blocking a gate. Show him
the letter from Princess Zelda. Now, he will tell you about a famous mask.
If you want, head back to the market and into the Happy Mask Shop. Buy the
mask and sell it to him. This will come in handy later on in the game. Also,
go to the Bazaar and buy a Hylian Shield, as the soldier promised a
discount. After you do those, head onto the trail.

= Death Mountain Trail -=

[ ] Head to the top to Goron City

This is not that hard. Head up the mountain trail, avoiding the Tektites.
You can kill them if you want, but it is not worth it. Once you reach the
top with the table of stones, head into the door after the table. This is
the entrance to the Goron City.

= Goron City -=

[ ] Find Darunia
[ ] Head back to the Lost Woods

This is the famous Goron race. They are the ones that like to eat those
rocks in the caverns. Head around and look for a Goron nearby. They will all
tell you that Darunia is the one who holds the next Spiritual Stone. This is
what you need, so we must find Darunia in this place. Drop to the complete
bottom of the room and head up to the door at the end. Play the Zelda's
Lullaby to gain access to the chamber of Darunia.

Darunia is not so happy with your arrival. He will tell you to play a song
from the mountains. So, we must head back to the Lost Woods, branching off
of Kokiri Forest. Head back to Kokiri Forest in the same way that you got

= Kokiri Forest =

[ ] Get to the Lost Woods

As you enter your homeland, head to the left and behind the house. You will
notice some vines here. Climb up them and then turn left from the top. Now,
enter the tunnel to get to the Lost Woods!

= Lost Woods -=

[ ] Find Saria
[ ] Learn Saria's Song

Now, you will be encountered with a bit of a maze. The key to this maze is
to listen to the music. If you can hear the music as you approach one of the
tunnels, that is the correct path to go. If you just want to be lazy and
need the directions, here they are...

Right, Left, Right, Left, Straight, Left, Right

As you enter the final right, you will then be in the Sacred Forest Meadow.
As you enter, two Wolfos will appear. L-Target them and wait for them to
attack. Make sure that you keep your shield up. Once they attack, counter as
fast as you can. Kill the other the same way. Now follow the path all the
way to the end. There are a few Deku Scrubs, but nothing big. Just dodge
them and head up the stairs at the top north. Now go up to Saria on the tree
trunk. Talk to her and she will teach you the Saria's Song! Now head back to
the Goron City and back to Darunia.

= Goron City -=

[ ] Find Darunia again
[ ] Play Saria's Song to Darunia
[ ] Head to the entrance of Dodongo's Cavern

Head into the city again and then back to Darunia. Play Saria's Song right
in front of him. He will be happy and will love the tune! He will then hand
you the Goron's Bracelet! This allows you to pick up the bomb flowers all
along the city. Now, if you want, light all the torches on the bottom floor
with a stick and watch the vase spin. Then get to a higher level and throw
bombs into the opening of the vase. Now, do this until you receive a Piece
of Heart! Now, head over to the Death Mountain Trail. Look ahead for a bomb
flower. Pick it up and throw it over the fence. This will destroy the
boulder to the second dungeon! Head in from the lower part.

= Dodongo Cavern -=

[ ] Use a bomb flower to get into the main room
[ ] Get the Dungeon Map
[ ] Get the Compass
[ ] Light the torches with the Skulltula near them
[ ] Destroy the Lizalfos
[ ] Collect the Bomb Bag
[ ] Find the hole to King Dodongo
[ ] Destroy Kind Dodongo

In the first room, take a bomb flower from the side and throw it or drop it
at the wall. This will allow you to enter the main room in the entire
Cavern. Now head straight to the rising and lowering platforms and then jump
to the center circle. Now look carefully at the timing of the platform that
moves up and down to your right. When you see it will go up, take a bomb
flower and jump onto the platform. Then jump to the left on the second floor
and throw the bomb at the door. This will blow it up and reveal a chest.
Open it for the Dungeon Map!

Now head back to the center platform with the bomb flower on it. Take the
Bomb and jump to the northeast of the huge statue head. Blow the boulder up
in this direction. Then step on the switch that is revealed. This will cause
one of the platforms to rise very high into the air. Head onto that platform
and then cross the bridge to the other side. Step on the switch here, and
then drop down to the newly opened door. Enter it.

Now, first off, use one of the many bomb flowers to destroy the Beamos in
this room. Then take the silver rupee under it. Break the crates on this
floor as well to get a few more. Make sure you take out the Beamos on the
other side of the room. Now, take a bomb flower at the end of the room, and
drop it in the middle of the row. This will create a domino effect, causing
the entire room to collapse into a large stairs. Make your way up, breaking
the crates. Make sure you go up both sides. Then get the last rupee on the
fence at the end. Now go into the door.

There will be several Baby Dodongos in this room. Just take them out by
Hitting or shooting their tail with a weapon. Once all of them are killed, a
chest will appear. The Compass! Now enter the newly opened door. Now cross
the bridge to the other side of the room and enter the door.

Now, find the boxes below in the room, and push one under each torch. Then
light a Deku stick with a nearby-lit torch. Now jump up to one of the blocks
and light a torch. Now, jump to each of the other blocks and then you
will light have to light the rest. After all three are lit, a door will open.
Head over to that door and enter it.

First, go right and roll at the box. Then kill the gold skulltula. Now, take
out the rest of the spiders in here. Now open the chest for a blue rupee. To
me, a waist of time, but head back to the three torches.

Now, head to the north end of the room to see a block inside the wall. Pull
it out of the wall and hop up to the platform. Then jump over to the lit
torch behind you. Take out a Deku stick and then jump to the small tunnel
you were just at. Then, quickly light the torch here. Then attack the
skulltula ahead. Now, quickly take out a Deku stick and light it again and
go forward and light the second torch. I know this seems really hard, but
after a few tries it will be rather easy.

Now, head down to the bottom floor and look for the block in the corner.
Take it and pull it all the way to the platform at the north end. Hop up to
that platform and take out the Skultulla. Now head through this tunnel and
look out for the certain enemies. Keese can be taken out using the
slingshot. Once they are all done, take a Deku stick and light it. Then head
down the hall to a bomb flower on the wall. Swing at it. Now quickly pick it
up and throw it at the wall at the end. This will reveal the path to the
next room.

This part can be frustrating. Just be patient. There are two Lizalfos in the
room. Just stay on the platform you are on right now. One will come at a
time onto the platform and challenge you. L-Target the Lizalfo the whole
time. Also keep your shield out the whole time. Counterattack after each
time they hit your shield. This way you will never get hit. Do the same for
the second Lizalfo. Remember that they might fluctuate in challenges before
you kill them. Just keep repeating the process until they both are dead. Now
the door will be unlocked. Enter it.

Now, head down to the base of this room and take out the Keese. I am pretty
sure that there are two, so make sure you get both of them. Then roll into
all of the boxes throughout the room. Head back to the first platform you
were at and shoot the yellow switch on the northwest. Now jump into the
center platform to see a bomb flower in a small section in the wall. Jump to
that and head to the northeast. Throw the bomb at the boulder. Now step on
that switch under the boulder. Then head to the first platform and shoot the
crystal switch. Now, head all the way across the room.

In this tunnel, take one of the bomb flowers and blow away the boulders.
Then take another and jump down. Look to your left at the cracked wall. Set
the bomb there and continue on to the next room.

In this tunnel, head to a white platform to your left. Jump onto it and then
take the bomb flower. Jump back down and blow up the two boulders at the
base of the room. Then, look for the new bomb flower under one of the
boulders. Take it and throw it at the wall with the bomb flowers. This will
create a domino effect again. Now, there will be an eye that is glowing.
Shoot it out with a Deku seed. This will, then, unlock the door. Head in.

In this long hallway, are a lot of baby dodongos. Take them out using the
slingshot. Remember that their tail is their weak spot. Now, once they are
all dead, continue on to the next door.

There are two Lizalfos again. Just use the same procedure of holding your
shield out and then counterattacking after they strike. Now head into the
next room.

This room is dark and has a lot of Poes in it. They can be killed using the
Deku seeds. Now, go to the back of the room and look for a row of bomb
flowers. Ignore the first row at the present time. Now, use a bomb flower
near by and do the domino effect once more. This will open the locked door.
Head through to the next room.

Now, you will be rewarded for all of your hard work. Head forward and open
the chest. You will then get the BOMB BAG! This allows you to carry bombs
without needing to have a bomb flower around! Now head out and go into the
elevating platform to the second floor. Then cross the bridge and drop bombs
through the bridge holes. They should land in the skull eyes. Once they are
both bombed, the mouth of the skull will open. Head through the mouth to the
next room.

Head left and then get to the gravestones. Kill the Lizalfo that is here
just like you did for any other. Pull the last gravestone and then hop onto
it. Then, throw a bomb over the flame wall and it should trigger a switch.
This will blow away the firewall for a short time. Quickly head past it.
Now head around the corner and stay on the platform above. Use bombs and
throw them at the Armos Knights. Once you have killed them all, head through
the opening to a gravestone. Pull this and then step on the switch. Now
enter the unlocked door. In here, set a bomb in the middle and then drop to
the lower floor to fight the boss.


This is certainly the easiest boss in the game. Anyone can beat him in one
try. Well, the goal is to wait until the King is about to open his mouth and
Breathe a large breath of fire. As he prepares, which is quite a long time,
you will need to throw a bomb into his mouth. Once you do that, you will
need to swing your sword at him as many times as you can.

Now for a little more in-depth detail, you have two options as the King
Starts to roll along the room in the beginning. If you have the Hylian
Shield, now is the time to use it. Take it out so that you are under it.
Then, the King Dodongo will just roll over you without hurting you! If you
do not have the shield, just stay at the edge towards the lava. Now, once it
rolls past you, it will crash into the wall. Then head up to it. Now, it
will start to charge up for a long breath of fire. Throw a bomb in his
mouth. Now, it will explode and give you a change to hit him with your
sword. My suggestion would be to L-Target him and press A. This will do a
jump attack for twice the damage! Just repeat this simple process for a
victory! Now take the heart container and then head into the portal.

= Death Mountain Trail -=

[ ] Climb the mountain
[ ] Get the magic meter upgrade
[ ] Ride down the mountain with the owl

After you defeat King Dodongo the Goron leader will give you the Goron Ruby
and make you a "sword brother"(whatever that is). After some more talking
you'll gain control of Link. Begin heading up the mountain, soon you will
have the choice to go up or to go to Goron City, go up. Soon there will be a
bunch of boulders blocking your way, simply destroy them with bombs and move
on. Death Mountain Trail is pretty easy, when you get to the falling rock
portion make sure you roll, it will help avoid them, other than that it's
pretty straightforward. At the top bomb the funky looking rock, opening a
path to the Great Fairy. In the Great Fairy Fountain play Zelda's Lullaby on
the triforce symbol, which will call her. Get her power of the magic meter
then leave and get a ride down the mountain with Mr. Owl.

= Kakariko Village -=

[ ] Get heart piece from cow's pen
[ ] Leave town

After getting a ride from Mr. Owl you'll appear on a housetop. From the
Housetop carefully jump down onto a shed like thing. Walk through the door,
grab the heart piece, go back outside and leave town. Pretty short, nothing
really to do here.

= Zora's River -=

[ ] Follow the river to Zora's River
[ ] Enter Zora's Domain

From Kakariko Village follow the river to Zora's River or I call it Zora's
Waterfall. As you arrive at the river Mr. Owl will talk to you, after he's
done bomb the rocks blocking you and continue on. Zora's River is pretty
easy, use the cuckoo (chicken) to cross-rivers. In some places you may need
to throw the cuckoo then pick it back up. At the end of the area where the
waterfall is use the cuckoo to glide across the platforms getting the heart
piece. At he place where the water actually falls use Mr. Owls advice and
play Zelda's Lullaby opening up Zora's Domain.

= Zora's Domain =

[ ] Get the Silver Scale
[ ] Warp to Lake Hylia and get the sunken bottle
[ ] Show the bottle to the king
[ ] Get a fish from shallow water
[ ] Give the fish to Jabu-Jabu

Run up to the King's Chamber then take a left. Talk to the Zora and play the
diving game. Get all five rupees to win the game then go up and talk to the
Zora again. He'll give you the Silver Scale, which makes you able to dive
lower. Jump off the waterfall again (like playing the game) and swim over a
bit. You should see a door in the water, five down and go through it. You'll
appear in Lake Hylia. You should see a bottle in the lake, dive down and get
it. After getting the bottle go back through the door to Zora's Domain.

Now go show the bottle you found to the King. He'll allow you to access
Jabu-Jabu. But, instead of going to Jabu-Jabu, go to the shallow water by
the shop. Capture a fish your empty bottle and now head back to Jabu-Jabu.
Feed Jabu-Jabu the fish and he'll eat you.

= Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly -=

[ ] Get the Dungeon Map
[ ] Shoot the cows
[ ] Shoot the cows to get treasure
[ ] Get the Compass
[ ] Follow Princess Ruto down to Basement Floor #1
[ ] Get Ruto to let you carry her
[ ] Get the Boomerang
[ ] Destroy the tentacles
[ ] Bring Ruto to Zora's Saphhire
[ ] Fight Mini Boss
[ ] Fight Boss

As you enter the first room you'll notice some enemies and a rock in the
middle. Quickly defeat the enemies then bomb the rock in the middle. A
switch will appear where the rock was, step on it and a chest will appear.
Walk over to the chest and opening it, receiving the Dungeon Map! After
getting the Dungeon Map shoot the two cows lodged in the wall getting some
treasure and the privilege to the next room.

Quickly dispose of the enemy jellyfish in this room. After killing the
jellyfish shoot the cow on the wall making a treasure chest appear. Jump
down to the bottom and grab the treasure now, after doing that shoot the
submerged cow. After shooting the underwater cow swim over to it and dive
below it. If you dive correctly you'll appear in a new area. Get the
Treasure Chest (the compass) then step on the switch, giving you the
privilege to the next room. Proceed back to the top of the room now and
head on to the next room.

In this room there is really nothing to do. Princess Ruto will immediately
begin to talk to you. After she finishes she'll fall down to basement #1,
Follow after her by falling down the hole too.

As you fall down you'll see Ruto, talk to her twice, convincing her to let
you carry her. Grab her and jump down onto the floor, you should see a
switch on the floor, step on it. You'll now be levitated in the air by
water, jump onto the platform with another switch and put Ruto down on the
switch giving permission to let you go to a room. Leave Ruto on the switch
and press the water levitation one again and from ontop of the water jump
onto the platform with the open door and proceed through it.

Defeat the enemy snake warrior that will attack you as you enter with some
sword swipes and then proceed on. Jump into the the water then destroy ALL
the enemies creating a treasure chest. Press the switch in the water, raising
the water allowing you to climb up the vines on the side. After you climb up
the vines open up the chest and you'll receive the treasure of a boomerang!
After getting the boomerang proceed on to the next room.

In this room ride the elevator platform up and head on to the room you saw
Ruto first in. Bomb the rocks on the southern right side with a bombchu and
shoot a seed with your boomerang at the cow behind the rocks. After shooting
the cow the door forward will open up, use your boomerang to stun the
electrifying enemy in your way and head on.

This room is a main hall with many little rooms, head to the left then up to
enter the only available room. Ping the cows on the walls of this room making
enemies come down, defeat both enemies that come down and a torch will
light. Light a Deku stick on it and leave into the main hall and torch the
web on the room to the south-left of the past room, then enter it. Inside
this room there is a giant Tentacle hanging from the ceiling, L-target it
and then whack it with your boomerang. When it goes back up to the ceiling
go up close to draw it back out then whack it again, repeat this process until
you defeat it. After you defeat it exit the room into the main hall and go
into one of the two recently opened up rooms. One of the rooms is irreverent
and the other has a tentacle you should destroy. After you destroy the
second tentacle go back into the main hall and go into the direct center.
Destroy the enemy then bomb the rocks revealing a switch. Go over and find a
small crate and put it on the switch opening up a door, inside destroy the
tentacle and then leave the main hall and go back to where Ruto fell to.

Pick up Ruto then jump down to where the water-lifting switch is. Step on
the switch and become levitated in the air. Jump onto the highest platform
and you'll notice that the thing that blocked you from the door is gone, go
through the door and proceed on.

In this room Ruto will asked to be thrown up to the sapphire so throw her up
there. After she is thrown up she will be captured and a mini boss will
appear. To beat this boss L-target it's face then when it's coming toward
you whack it with your boomerang. It will become stunned, after returning to
normal it will spin around, quickly whack it with your boomerang, if your
lucky its back will show, revealing a green blob, which you should slash, if
not repeat until you see the green blob on the back, repeat this four times
to win. After defeating the mini boss ride up the platform to the next area.

When you arrive in the next area walk over to the right side and you will be
moved over to the second room of the dungeon, walk over to the newly
accessible door and continue on. In this room you'll see two cows, whack the
one on the right three times with the sling shot to open the path to the
boss up, after opening the pass up continue on to the boss.


This boss provides somewhat of a challenge. It consists of a main body and
jellyfish bodyguards. It will spin around. Just dodge it and shoot your
boomerang at the main body by L-targeting. It will stun it. Now L-target the
jellyfish body guards and destroy as many as you can with your boomerang.
Repeat this until you destroy all of the jellyfish. Once you destroy them
all, you will have another set of bodyguards. Do the same thing. After you
kill all of these bodyguard jellyfish. He will be without any guards. Now is
your chance to hit him. Stun him like you did before with the boomerang. Now
go up to him and swing your sword like crazy. He has measly little wave
attacks. Nothing to worry about. Just dodge them and continue the process.
He will die soon enough. Watch the cut-scene and get the third and final
stone, the Zora's Sapphire.

= Hyrule Field -=

[ ] Get Ocarina of Time
[ ] Get the Light Medallion
[ ] Become an adult

Back here. Now that we have the three spiritual stones, head through the
field and over to the castle. You will be hit with a cut-scene as you enter
the castle. Well, you will see that Zelda has thrown the Ocarina of Time, so
head to the moat and pick it up. Now you will learn the Song of Time and
will need to play it at the Temple of Time. Head over there by going into
the castle and through the market to the church like section. Then head into
the door there. Now, play the song of time next to the black pedestal to
open the Door of Time.

Head forward to the Master Sword and pick it up. Now, you will be in a deep
sleep and a sage named Rauru will give you the Light Medallion! This is the
first of six medallions. You will suddenly become an adult and then the
real journey begins! Now head back out to Hyrule Field and then to Lon Lon
Ranch to get your horse, Epona.

= Lon Lon Ranch =

[ ] Obtain Epona

Ok, head to the back of the ranch and talk to Ingo. Pay ten rupees to ride a
horse for fun. Now, when you are in, play Epona's Song to call for Epona.
Now, practice with her until the time expires. Now, pay another ten rupees
and call Epona one more time. Talk to Ingo while riding Epona. He will
challenge you to a little race. Pay up 50 rupees and then race him. Now, the
race is one time around the track. You will see some carrots at the top of
your screen. The way to do this is to use all your carrots in the beginning
except for one. Then use one carrot every time you receive one more. Once
you beat him, he will challenge you one more time. If you beat him this
time, you will get the horse!

Just use the same strategy. Now, he will try to lock you out. Just gather
top speed and you will jump the fence. Now Epona is all yours and you can
call her anytime you want. Now head to Kakariko Village.

= Kakariko Village -=

[ ] Learn the Song of Storms
[ ] Obtain the Hookshot

Head to the windmill at the back of the place. Then head inside the door.
Now show the man with the box the Ocarina of Time. He will then teach you
the Song of Storms. Now leave. Head down the walkway and left to the graveyard.
Now head to the left and pull the grave with flowers right next to it. Hop into
the hole. Now, the graveyard keeper's ghost will challenge you. He wants you
to follow him to the end. Just follow him and watch out for fire. Rolling
might make you go faster as well. Now, follow him to the end and claim the
Hookshot! Now we can access the Forest Temple. Head to the Lost Woods.

= Lost Woods -=

[ ] Get to Mido
[ ] Play Saria's song to Mido
[ ] Hookshot to the tree
[ ] Enter the Forest Temple

Now, go the same way you did to get to Saria. The directions are Right,
Left, Right, Left, Straight, Left, Right. Before you enter though you will
meet Mido, an old friend from Kokiri Forest. Play Saria's Song to get passed
him and then head through to the Secret Forest Meadow. Now, wait for the big
monsters with spears. Shoot them with the Hookshot. Make it all the way to
the end, killing all the monsters. The last one just involves some dodging.
Once you get to the end, look for the tree branch ahead. Hookshot to it.
Then enter the Forest Temple.

= Forest Temple =

[ ] Collect the small key
[ ] Watch the Poes leave
[ ] Boss Key
[ ] Fairy Bow
[ ] Dungeon Map
[ ] Compass
[ ] Kill all four ghosts
[ ] Kill Phantom Ganon

In the first room, go up onto the vines on the right. Then head onto the
long tree trunk here. Kill all the skultullas so they are all out of your
way. Now, head to the next branch and press the switch here. This will
reveal a chest with a Small Key! Now head into the door at the north side.

In this small hallway, take out each of the Skulltulas (3) to move onto the
next door. Make sure you look up near the door for an easy skulltula. Now
you can head through the door to the main room.

Now, right as you enter, a cut-scene with four Poes will spread into
different directions. You must kill each Poe and then you will be able to
fight the final boss. Anyway, head across the room forward to the next door.

Head forward and then you will be facing two Stalfos. They are basically the
same as Lizalfos. Just hold out your shield the entire time, while
L-Targeting, and then counterattack after they hit you. Once they are both
dead, a chest will appear. Take the Small Key and head into the main room.

Now, head right to the door on the eastern part of the room. In the hallway
to the next room is a Stalfos. Simply kill it the same way you just killed
the other two. Now, head through the door into the next room.

Head to the left and kill the Skultulla behind the wall. Ok, head up this
ladder and then the next one that proceeds. Now head around the corner going
left twice and pull the blue block as far as you can. Now get to the other
side of this block, ignoring the third ladder. Push this block all the way
to the end. Now head back to the ladder down the hall. Go up and to the
right to get to a redish block. Pull it all the way as far as you can. Now
head back down the ladder and over to the blue block that you pushed down
into the floor. Jump onto it and then to the right. Head around to the red
block here. Push it as far as you can. Then step on the switch here. This
will unlock some targets. Ignore them for now and up and to the right. Kill
the Bubbles using your shield. Then enter the locked door with your small

Head down the twisted path. You will be cautioned about the Monster That
Hangs From The Ceiling. That is the Wallmaster. At the end of the hallway,
drop down to the colorful chest. To be careful, keep moving around. The
Wallmaster will try to pick you up. If it gets you, you will be taken to the
beginning of the dungeon. Try to dodge it and then attack it. This will make
it easier to navigate the rooms without it. Anyway, open the colored chest
for the Boss Key! Now head down the small hole in the floor.

In here is a Floormaster. These are a bit easier. Dodge its attack anyway
you want. Then attack it a few times. It will split into three smaller
hands. Kill them one by one quickly. They can regroup into the big one if
you are too slow. Once they are dead, head through the opened door.

In this room, head to the right. The second door is your next destination.
Head through to meet a zombie. Slash it to death and then take the chest
with a small key. Now head back out. Now head right and go through the door.
Step on the switch here and Hookshot across the platforms. Make your way
down the twisted hallway. Then jump forward and then right. Open the door
with the key.

Head down the stairs and through the door at the bottom. In here, you will
have a tougher fight. There are two Skeleton Warriors. You need to kill both
of them quickly. If you do not kill the second one in time, the first one
will become alive again. Just do it as fast as you can and make sure you
have fairies. Once they are dead, a chest will appear. Inside is the FAIRY
BOW! This allows you to shoot long distances like the Slingshot. Nice! Head
back to the stairs and look for Poe paintings on the wall. Shoot them out
from a distance. Once all three paintings are shot, head to the bottom. Now
you have to fight the Poe in person. Shoot it with an arrow everytime it
appears. Once it is dead, the light will light and you will get the DUNGEON
MAP! This is the first of four. Now head back to the Skeleton room. Head
through the door across the hall. Take out the Poe here using the same
process. You will also receive the COMPASS. 2 down and 2 to go.

Head back to the main room with the four torches. Go northeast and find the
yellow eye at the top. Shoot it with the arrows. Then head through the door
here. Head left and over to the well. Shoot the yellow eye here and head
down the well. Go down the tunnel and collect the Small Key! Now head back
up on the otherside of the room. Look at the entrance and Hookshot the
target. Then play the Song of Time to reveal some blocks. Jump over them.
Kill the Skulltulas before you jump to the vines. Then head on them and take
the Small Key at the top. Now shoot to a target around and enter the door.

Head to the torch. Shoot it to the web to burn it. Then enter the door. Head
to the stairs with the second Poe. Enter the locked door at the top. Jump to
the right and enter the hallway with the Green Bubbles. Ignore them and open
the locked door at the end of the hallway.

Take the box to the right and jump to the middle platform. Then look for a
switch on the outer perimeter. Drop the box on it. This ignite a fire on the
torch. Now head to the middle platform and aim an arrow through the fire and
onto the frozen eye. If you are successful, take the box off the switch and
exit the door. Enter the hole in the floor.

This checkered room is odd. Shoot out all of the Skulltulas from a distance.
Head to the end of the room. Watch out for the holes to keep you safe. Now,
step on the switch here and then head to the beginning. Then head right and
through the door. In here, drop down and collect the Small Key. Then use the
Song of Time to get back up using the blocks. Head through the checkered
room and to the back again. Now, enter the door that is locked here and to
the next room.

This part is hard for some people. Shoot an arrow at the Poe. Now, blocks
will drop and you have a minute to rearrange them to a matching puzzle. If
you are right, it will come out and you have to kill it like you would do
for any other. Then collect some arrow ammo and head out the door.

The final Poe is waiting in the center of the torches. Head up to it. It
will split up into four identical Poes. They will all spin around you.
Carefully look at which one spins first. This is the real Poe and you have
to shoot it to count as a hit. Do it a few more times and you win! All of
the Poes are captured. Now, an elevator will turn up. Head down.

In this puzzle, keep pushing the walls counter clockwise. This will end up
with some switches. Hit the switches and the final eye at the end. Head
through the door to the boss room.


Weird, you think that this is really Ganondorf in the beginning. Well it is
not luckily. There will be paintings around the room. This is what you
should concentrate on for the first part of the battle. Always have your bow
out and looking around at the pictures. There will be two Ganon's on horses.
They will be charging towards you! Don't worry there is hope. Look closely
at the Ganon's. One of them is lighter. That is the REAL one. Keep your
arrows pointed towards that painting. When he starts to come out shoot the
arrow at him. He will go back in as you have hit him. Repeat this 2 more
times. If you get hit don't panic, just repeat the process of looking at the

Now for the second part of the boss. After you hit him three times, he will
come out of the painting and fly like a fairy in the air. His only attack is
shooting a ball spell at you. L-target him at all times. When he shoots the
ball at you, deflect it by swinging your sword at the ball. Be careful! He
can deflect the ball again at you. Just repeat this process. Sometimes you
will hit him. Then he will fall to the ground and you can hit him with your
Repeat this 3-4 more times. When he dies you can pick up the forest

= Various Places Across Hyrule -=

[ ] Get to Goron City

After a long talk with Saria and the Deku Tree Sprout exit Kokori Forest. Now
head to Kakariko village, when you reach to Kakariko Village go through quickly
and head to Death Mountain Trail. Head up the path and it's on to Goron City.

= Goron City -=

[ ] Get Goron Tunic from Link Jr.
[ ] Go through secret passage in Darunia's house to Death Mountain Crater

As you enter Goron City you'll notice it's completely empty. Well it looks like
that, but it's not exactly empty. On one of the floors there is a goron rolling
around, When the goron approached plant a bomb and hope it explodes when the
goron arrives. If you do this correctly the Goron will come out of his shell,
so talk to him. This Goron, Link (or whatever your name is) Jr. is the only
Goron left, the rest have been captured, he will be you the Goron Tunic, and
wish you good luck. Equip the Goron Tunic and jump down to Darunia(the goron
kings)'s house. Inside you'll see a huge platform totem pole thing in the
middle, push it to the side and go through the newly opened door.

= Death Mountain Crater =

[ ] Learn Bolero of Fire from Sheik
[ ] Enter Fire Temple

As you enter the crater you should see a broken bridge. Head over to the broken
bridge, you should see a wooden pole above the other side of the bridge, use
your Hookshot to pull you toward it. Continue on and Sheik will teach you the
Bolero of Fire. After learning the song head on and go down the ladder into the
fire temple.

= Fire Temple =

[ ] Defeat the "gauntlet" of enemies (stalfos, armored knight and fire dancer)
[ ] Get Megaton Hammer
[ ] Get Boss Key
[ ] Free all the gorons
[ ] Get Compass
[ ] Knock platform down allowing access to boss
[ ] Defeat Boss

(note: throughout this temple you will need a lot of magic, it is important to
refill you magic when ever you can)

As you enter you'll notice that a wall of fire blocks the stairs. You'll have
to use the side to get up. When you reach the top you should notice three
statue's, but only one lighted. Use the magic Din's Fire to light all three
then go down a bit into the stairs and use Din's Fire again lighting two
torches. This will cause a chain reaction opening a door, go through the door
and continue on.

As you enter this room the goron leader will talk to you, after you finish
talking to him head right jumping over platforms. When you reach the last
platform on the right side you'll have to use the Hookshot to cross. Smash all
the crates on the platform your on now until you see two unlit torches, use
Din's Fire to light them both then shoot an arrow through one of them until
you light the torch on the left side. When all three torches are lit it will
open up a area on the left side that has a small key, get the small key and
leave the room.

Go to the bottom ride side of the room that you're in now and open up the
locked door and proceed on. In the next room destroy the bats and Stalfos and
continue on.

This room is one of the hardest in the game. As you enter five pieces of the
ground will attack you at different times, just keep your shield up until they
stop coming. Now for the hard part, slash up all the barrels until you get 20
bombs and also bottle the fairies. After bottling fairys and getting 20 bombs
go up to the knight on the throne and slash it. It will now awake. L-target it
and begin avoiding it's axe slashes and throwing bombs at it. When it turns
berserk (starts moving faster) wait for it to slash with its axe and slash once
quickly with your sword, repeat this until it dies and move on.

This is the last room of this small gauntlet. The enemy in here is called a
fire dancer. These guy's are easy, L-target it and hit it with the Hookshot
revealing its true form. Now things are easy, slash it up until it goes back
into the fire, then repeat. After you beat it get your prize of the Megaton
Hammer and leave back to the fire room of the dungeon!

In here smash the totem pole that is on the top right portion of the room
revealing a door, go through the door and enter a huge hallway.

Well this hallway is stupid, but I'll get right to the point. Head to the very
left of the hall by platform jumping and you'll get to a door, open the door
and go into the room. Inside this room free the goron then find the golden
skultulia and destroy it, receiving a token, then go back into the hall. Here's
where the fun begins ;). Head as far right as you can onto a moving platform
that moves by a ring of fire. Notice the torch, these type of torches can be
hookshoted, so do your best to Hookshot the torch, this may take a few tries.
When you reach the platform you'll see bricks on the side of a wall, bomb the
bricks. After bombing the bricks a door will appear! go through the door now.
Inside this place you'll notice one lit torch and one non-lit torch, use dins
fire to light the non lit torch freeing the goron. Grab the chest where the
goron was, getting a small key and leave the mini room. Remember the torch that
got you up here? Dins fire it, lighting it. It will make a bunch of Hookshot
things appear, go back to the left side and Hookshot up to a locked door.
Light the torch there with din's fire (see how boring this temple is) opening
the locked door. Go through the door into a mini room.

Ya! another boring puzzle in the most boring temple in any Zelda game! There is
a wall of fire protecting the boss key, but somehow if you Hookshot the torch
on the other side you can travel through fire, well do that and collect the
boss key. There is a torch on the other side of the fire wall, Hookshot it and
leave the room. Back in the huge hall, go to the center and open the locked
door with the small keys you found from saving one of the Gorons.

Well this room isn't quite as boring as some previous ones, but I still hate
it. Slide down into the cage like thing and climb the fence on the inside. When
you reach the top walk over and then jump onto one of the platforms. Wait until
you block comes back down and count to four, after counting to four quickly
jump off the platform and you should be levitated by the box up in the air.
Quickly get off and go through the door.

Another room requiring din's fire, what joy! Climb up to the big bulky torch
and light it on fire with Din's Fire (I never expected that coming). After
lighting it a Hookshot thing will appear, Hookshot ontop of it and jump from
it to a higher platform. Climb up another platform then climb up the ladder and
leave the room.

This room doesn't require din's fire, but it's still a pain. Well basically
what you need to do is kill the enemies while slashing the wall with your sword
trying to find a different sounding spot. When you find one of the two
different sounding spots bomb it then find the other (the other one will be
near by). Once you've bombed both of the weird sounding walls find the one with
a rusty old brownish switch and smash it with your megaton hammer. This will
make a bunch of Hookshot things come up, allowing you access to the higher
levels of this room. Hookshot up and find a sort of cracked bottom on one of
the higher platforms. Use a bomb and place it on the cracked ground, it will
destroy the ground and send you falling down.

You'll fall in a sort of cage with a bunch of crates, smash all the crates to
reveal a rusty old switch, bash it with the megaton hammer. Doing this will
allow you to exit the cage and get the treasure (a compass). After getting the
compass go back and climb up the vines to the room you fell from.

Back in the huge room again, stay up ontop and find a diamond type thing behind
a cage. Use an arrow to hit the diamond, opening the cage. Go to the opened
cage area and grab one of the mini crates and jump down to the bottom with the
crate. Now go find the area you bombed that revealed to have a unopenable door
and a blue switch, but the crate on the blue switch and go into the door which
should have opened by putting the crate on the blue switch.

Inside this room you'll need to save the Goron. Step on the switch opening the
cage then talk to the goron. After the Goron leaves go find the chest which
will contain a small key and leave the room.

You'll never have to see this room again in a few seconds (well hopefully not),
Hookshot up and go through the locked door (newly accessible do to your small

You're almost done with the temple! This is the last "real" room! Ok, so you'll
see a fence that leads to a cage type thing, climb the fence and jump into the
"cage" from the cage, Hookshot onto a box allowing you to access a higher level
to the north of the cage, get a small crate from there and with the crate jump
back in to the "cage". Put the crate on the blue switch and Hookshot back up
out of the "cage". Now go over to where the torches lighted and stand behind
one. You should notice a third lit torch above the cage thing, shoot a flaming
arrow (arrow through the torch) just below the fire, lighting yet another
torch. This time it will open a door, Hookshot to the door by a barrel and head
through the door.

Go through this hall and head on. You should appear in a vast room, but all you
need to do is hop on the midair blue block and jump onto the thing with a face
on the ground. Pound the face and you'll be sent flying down, this will let you
have access to the boss, so head on to the boss now!


The second of the Temple bosses. I would say it is a little bit easier then
Phantom Ganon. Jump on to the small platform and then to the main one. You will
see a cut-scene. The dragon will go into the ground. As you can see, it will
come out of one of the holes in the ground. Go up to it and slam its head with
the megaton hammer. Then use your sword to hit it. Now it will go back into the
ground. A few seconds later it will fly back up. Just dodge it and wait for it
to return into the ground. The ground is when you repeat the attack cycle. So,
it goes back into the ground. Then it pops back out. Slam its head and hit it
with the sword. The third stage is Volvagia going high up to where you can't
see it. It will slam boulders at you. Use your shield and point it up. It will
block some of them. In a bit the dragon will come back down. Wait until the
head comes out and slam it. Repeat once more and it is history! You get the
Fire Medallion as a token. Yea! You've finally beat the worst temple in the

= Death Mountain Crater =

[ ] Get double magic meter

Now that you have the Megaton Hammer you can break the rocks that are
reddish. At the wall edge are three red rocks. Break them to reveal an
entrance to the fairy fountain. This fountain, after you play the Zelda's
Lullaby, allows you to have twice the magic you had before. Now head to
where Jabu-Jabu was and enter the huge looking cave for a mini-dungeon. We
need an item here to get into the water temple.

= Ice Cavern -=

[ ] Get Dungeon Map
[ ] Get Compass
[ ] Get Serenade of Water
[ ] Get the Iron Boots

Head through the small tunnel and avoid the moving boulders by heading into
a small vent in which you cannot be hit. Then proceed into the main room.
Kill the ice blowers and other enemies here. Now, look to the right from
where you came in and shoot the switch with your Fairy Bow. This will unlock
a passage. Now head through the melted ice and kill the enemies here. Then
head through the new passage.

Right as you enter here, there will be two ice Wolfos. They are the same as
normal Wolfos except that they are white. Use the counterattack method and
take them both out. Now, take the blue flame in you empty bottle and pour it
onto all of the red ice in the area. You will come across a chest with the
Dungeon Map inside as well. Collect as much blue flame water as you can and
exit to the main room.

Head up some platforms on the north side of this room and melt the ice. Make
sure you only use one share of the blue flame. You do not want to waste it.
Now head through the passage, dodging the boulders. In here, head to the
middle of the room. You will notice a crystal switch popping out of the floor
in the middle. Bomb it to make the ice around a Heart Piece disappear. Head
up and collect that piece of heart and then bomb the path of ice blowers.
Head across the platforms and up to a chest. Open it for the Compass. Now
head back to the main room once again.

Look for the last red ice in this room. Use blue flame on it and enter the
passage. As you enter, kill the enemies. Make sure you shoot all of the tops
of the icicles as there is some invisible Keese in here. Go to the blue
flame and play the song of time. Now head back to the entrance and shoot the
switch. Head onto the block and burn the red ice. Head through the tunnel
and into the next room. In here is a mini-boss. Really, it is a normal
Skeleton, and is simple to kill using the counterattack method. Kill it and
learn the Serenade of Water and collect the IRON BOOTS! These allow you to
sink into water. Make sure you have a bottle of blue flame before leaving.
Now, head back to where you just fought the mini boss and enter the water
pit. Put the Iron Boots on and transport to Zora's Domain.

= Zora's Domain =

[ ] Unfreeze King Zora.
[ ] Obtain the Zora Tunic

Head to King Zora from here. Use the blue flame I told you to get and
unfreeze him. He will thank you a lot and will reward you with the Zora
Tunic. This allows you to stay underwater forever! Now you can walk
underwater with the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic without drowning. Play the
Serenade of Water and transport to Lake Hylia.

= Lake Hylia -=

[ ] Head into the Water Temple

Right as you enter, head into the pit of water. Then put on your Zora Tunic
and your Iron Boots. This will sink you to the bottom. Look for the temple
and look for a blue diamond on the top of the entrance. Shoot it with the
Hookshot, as it is the only weapon you can use underwater. Now, head into
the Water Temple.

= Water Temple -=

[ ] Obtain the Dungeon Map
[ ] Obtain the Compass
[ ] Obtain the Longshot
[ ] Obtain the Boss Key
[ ] Kill Morpha

Right as you enter, head to the main room with the large structure in the
center. Then, put on your Iron Boots and make sure the Zora Tunic is always
on, and sink to the bottom. Look for the passage to the right and enter it.
You will meet Ruto here again! She will tell you to follow her. Head up to
the room and use Din's Fire to light all of the torches. Head through the

In here are three Skeletons. Take them out one by one by using the
counterattack method. Once they are all dead, look for the panel at the
wall. Hookshot it to create a chest. Open it for the Dungeon Map. Now head
back to the room before and play the Zelda's Lullaby when you see the
triforce. This will lower the water to the ground level.

Jump down to the floor one and use the Din's Fire to light all of the
torches. Now enter the door. Now, kill the metal ball first by hookshotting
it and then hitting it with your sword. Now, go up to he Lizalfos and kill
them the same way. Once they are all dead, you will get the Compass! Head
back out and notice the new targets. Right away, look up and shoot the
target to get to the second floor. Now head into the room and Hookshot the
panel on the wall. This will reveal a chest with the LONGSHOT inside! This
allows you to reach enemies and targets twice as long as the Hookshot!

Now, head out of the room and back to the main room with the central
structure. Head in the door ahead. Longshot up the targets and use the
triforce to raise the water level. Now, head through the door here. Now look
up for a target to the third floor, still on this structure. Then look on
the far wall and notice a Triforce picture again. Hookshot it and play the
song to higher the water. Get to the second floor of the structure using the
Iron Boots and enter the door here.

Head up to the third floor here and play the song of time. Now, head up the
blocks of time and do Din's Fire. Now, put the Iron Boots on and sink to the
middle of the bottom base. Head through the small hole. Now, head to a block
and stand on it. Hit the switch and Longshot to the new gap. Head to the
panel, hit it and take the Small Key! Now head to the third floor of the
tower and look for a locked door. Enter it from the outside.

Right as you enter, head to the edge. Now look up and notice a switch. Hit
it with the Longshot. Now, jump down to the moving platform below. Look all
the way to the left. The top most left target is the one you should hit. If
you do, you will fall directly below to a new target. Now hit the panel on
the far wall and this will give you a main target. Hit this target and head
through the door.

Now, head down to the base of the floor. Then kill all of the skeletons and
head up the platforms using the certain targets. Get across the room and
over to some pots for some fairies. Now, head over to the door and enter it
to the next room.

In here, it is Dark Link against you. I find there are two easy methods in
killing Dark Link. Use Din's Fire constantly. This should kill him. If it
doesn't kill him, manually hit Dark Link with a normal hammer shot. This
will easily finish him off. Head to the panel on the wall and hit it. Now,
head down the hole. Longshot from target to target to get to a new room.
Avoid falling.

Head down the water pit and through the water tunnel. Then head back up to a
small alcove. Use Din's Fire to light the torches and head to the opened
door. Now, head through and look down. Get onto the water geyser. Now, look
up and hit the switch. Once it reaches its peak, use Din's Fire to light the
torches. Now take the BOSS KEY from the chest! Head back to the main room.
Look for a statue. Shoot to it and then head through the door. Time for the


This is a harder boss. I really hate it. Let us get by it fast, ya? Don't
worry it's not as bad as I make it sound. Anyway, watch the cut-scene and the
boss taunt blah blah blah. Go by the door so you can avoid the spikes along
the wall. Stay on the outside, never on the middle platforms.

It will throw one attack at you but will multiply (which gets annoying). The
attack is sucking a gel like arm and grabbing you. This takes about 5 hearts
so stay away from it. Always be moving. When is charges up for the attack,
dodge it and wait for the ball to come up. Long shot it to throw the ball at
Now swing your sword at it. This is the way of hitting morpha.

After a while it will have a backup gel arm that you have to worry about.
Yes it is annoying to worry about two but you have to. So repeat the process
with one eye on the ball's gel arm and one on the backup arm. It takes about
10 hits. It isn't as hard as we thought! Pick up the heart container and the
water medallion.

= Lake Hylia -=

[ ] Obtain Fire Arrow

Basically go find a tomb on the little area in the middle that will say
something about morning sun, jump onto it and play the sun's song making it
just morning, when you see the sun on fire in-front of you shot an arrow at it,
a fiery arrow will appear on the ground, go up to it and receive the fire

= Kakariko Village -=

[ ] Learn Nocturne of Shadow
[ ] Receive warning from a head inside Shadow Temple

When you enter Kakariko Village a huge cut-scene will begin. After the cut-
Scene is over Sheik will teach you the Nocturne of Shadow. After Sheik leaves
play it and be warped to the shadow temple. Inside the temple lit all the
torches with Dins fire opening the door and Hookshot across the gap. You'll now
be warned by a head saying unless you can see the truth you won't be the temple
or something similar to that. So leave the shadow temple and head to the Temple
of Time.

= Temple of Time -=

[ ] Put Master Sword back

Inside the Temple of Time go to where the master sword was and Sheik will teach
you a song if you haven't already learned it. After Sheik teaches you the song
put the master sword back in and go back in time seven years to Young Link.

= Kakariko Village -=

[ ] Empty the well
[ ] Enter the bottom of the well

Head back to Kakariko Village and enter the WindMill. Remember the guy that
complained about the kid who messed up the windmill seven years ago? Well it's
time for history to be true ;). Play the song of storms in the WindMill making
it go really fast while draining the well. After the cut-scene ends go down the
drained well.

= Bottom of the Well -=

[ ] Drain the remaining water
[ ] Get Dungeon Map
[ ] Defeat Mini Boss
[ ] Get Compass
[ ] Receive Lens of Truth

As you enter it will look like there is nowhere to go, but look closely, there
is a little crawl space, crawl through it and enter the real place. This is
just an annoying room they make you go through now, slide down the ladder and
play the sun's song. Yes, play the sun's song, it will stun the re-dead
allowing you to pass by into the major room of this place.

You're now in the biggest room of the mini dungeon, immediately begin searching
for a triforce symbol on the ground. Once you find the triforce symbol on the
ground (by the way the triforce symbol looks like 3 triangles together to form
one big triangle) stand on it and play Zelda's Lullaby opening up the middle
area of this room. Don't head to the middle area yet though, use your slingshot
to ping the diamond like thing on the face that should be in front of you
draining all remaining water. Now head toward the middle portion, open the
treasure chest (it's in the very middle of the room in front of the X like
thing) getting the Dungeon Map.

After getting the dungeon map leave the middle of the room and head back to
where you entered the huge room, once you reach there you'll notice that the
water is indeed drained, jump down to one of the area's now accessible and
there will be a crawl space, crawl through it, climb up the vines and enter the

Now it's time to fight the mini boss! this thing is pretty easy, basically
slash up the hands and wait for the body to come up when the body comes up
slash the head until it retreats, repeat this until it dies, after it dies
collect the Dungeon Compass from the chest and head to the top left corner of
the room. In this corner you'll see a pile of dirt surrounding the pillar, bomb
it and collect the key that will appear. After getting the small key leave back
into the main room of the dungeon.

In this room head to the top left area this time and go through the crawl space
(what's with the crawling in this place) to enter a little mini room. Inside
here you should see just a tiny bit of a grayish diamond in the face, ping it
with the slingshot opening the door. In this new room quickly run by and open
the locked door with a small key.

It's the end of the line now, kill the two spiders and bomb the mound of dirt
in the little section, bombing the dirt will reveal a switch! Step on the
switch making a hole appear in the middle of the room so head there now.

Like said above head to the middle of the room and behind the X like thing
should be a hole, go down it and you'll be on a wooden platform. On the
platform press down the switch making a Treasure Chest appear, head to the
treasure chest (your compass should lead you there). Just before the chest a
minor obstacle will face you, around eight re-deads. Now you can do it the
brave way of killing them or the wussy way like me, stun them with the Sun's
Song, open the chest getting the lens of truth and use the Prelude of Light to
warp outta there before the re-deads become unstunned.

= Temple of Time -=

[ ] Go forward in time seven years
[ ] warp to shadow temple

Nothing much to do here, I shouldn't of really made a whole section for this,
basically take the master sword out warping you to adult link then play the
Nocturne of Shadow warping you to the Shadow Temple.

= Shadow Temple =

[ ] Get Dungeon Map
[ ] Get Dungeon Compass
[ ] Defeat Mini Boss
[ ] Get Hover Boots
[ ] Get Big Key
[ ] Defeat Dungeon Boss

Some advice, don't play this temple with a room that has a lot of glare. This
temple is very dark and glare will make it very difficult to see things...
Anyway....on with the show! err.... FAQ! err.... Walkthrough!

Well first of all you have to enter the temple, the torches shouldn't have gone
out so you won't have to light them again to enter the temple. When you enter
the actual temple Longshot across the gap and ignore the warning from the head.
Use the lens of truth and you'll see that the face is transparent, so go
through it.

In this room there is a statue in the middle, go up to the statue and I'll will
say some riddle. The riddle basically means if you point the statue head to the
wrong direction you'll fall down, lucky you have this FAQ! Push the statue so
the head is facing all the little crates lighting a bunch of torches opening
a door. You can't reach the door yet, pull out your fire arrow and you should
see who unlit torches to the side of the door. Light them both with fire arrows
making a platform appear. This platform will make it able for you to cross and
go through the door so do so.

In this room there will be a laser enemy, defeat it with a bomb or two then
equip the lens of truth. You'll notice that two of the three dirt things are
transparent, go to the right one. Defeat the re-dead mummies by using the suns
song stunning them, then slashing them up. After killing them a chest will
appear, get the small key out of it and leave.

Now go to the left one of the transparent dirt mound things. Collect the five
rupees in the room to get the dungeon map then go to the top left indent and
fall down. Use the lens of truth to kill the enemy down here and to reveal the
treasure of a small key! Go back up now and leave the room. Now you've gone to
both the right and left so the only place to go is up, bomb the dirt mound and
open the locked door with one of your small keys.

Now you're in a huge room, in this room avoid the enemy and the guillotine
assaults and soon you'll be into a huge hallway.

Avoid the guillotines (the sharp metal blades that come down) while going
forward. Soon you'll be at a area with two laser enemies, destroy them with
bombs and equip the lens of truth. It will reveal some platforms to your left,
cross the platforms and reach the door.

Inside here collect the silver rupees, one of them you'll need to play the
song of time to create a block making you able to reach it. Once you've
collected them all a passage to a treasure chest will appear, get the treasure
then get the invisible chest containing a small key with the Lens of Truth then

Equip the Lens of Truth again to see the platforms, jump on them until you're
On one before the laser enemies, you should see an eye with ice around it, use
dins fire to burn the ice and close the eye. After doing this a bunch of blocks
will appear, go across them to another part of the room. You should notice a
bunch of silver rupees here, collect them to get some treasure. After you
collect the rupees go over to the cage with a diamond behind it. Slash the
cage, it will hit the diamond opening up and head into the room.

In here equip the Lens of Truth to see a block in the wall, pull it out a bit
and unequip the Lens of Truth. Don't worry the block will be visible now, use
the block to stop the spikes from hitting you until you can't push the block
anymore. Go around the block and climb up onto the top of the room. Use the
top of the spikes to move around and get the small key.

After getting the small key go all the way back to the room where there was the
statue that you needed to push three to the left and shoot the torches with a
fire arrow. Equip the Lens of Truth in this room to find a dirt wall. Bomb the
dirt wall and go through the locked door.

There is a couple things to do in the maze, the first is to find a hole in the
wall leading to a door. Go into the door and defeat the re-deads and get the
treasure of the dungeon compass! Leave the little area now and find a block in
the wall (you'll need the Lens of Truth). Once you find the block play the Song
of Time and it will lift it up allowing you access to the other part of the
maze. In this new section find three closed eyes, when they open to shoot fire
at you peg an arrow at it, only once, If you get the right one, you'll open
a door. Once you hear the puzzle unlocking sound head up and through the door.

This is where you'll fight the mini boss and get the dungeon treasure. The mini
boss is the same as from the Bottom of the Well, but tougher. Basically avoid
the hands and slash the head when the body comes up, after several hits it will
die and a treasure chest will appear. Open the treasure chest up to receive the
Hover Boots!

Now time to head back to the room you were before with all the guillotines and
go past the guillotines, the laser enemies, down the ice stairs and to the sign
that says "only one who has the sacred feet can cross the valley of the dead"
equip the Lens of Truth there to see some platforms behind the guillotine. Jump
onto the first platform and switch onto the moving one where you should equip
the hover boots. get a running start and "hover" across and open the locked

Inside here kill the re-deads first of all to receive some treasure then
collect all the silver rupees. Some of the silver rupees will need the Lens
of Truth to get and some even the Hover Boots, after you get all of them a door
will unlock, go to it.

Defeat the two Stalfos in here when they pop up then grab the treasure of a
small key I believe and leave. When you re-enter you'll notice that there is a
bunch of ice things blocking your way to the locked door, so you need to
Hookshot ontop of one of them and jump onto the platform where the locked door
is and go through.

In here use the iron boots to cross all the fans without being blown away. At
the end there is a door, open it. Inside this mini room kill the re-dead then
use the Lens of Truth to find a small key. After finding the small key leave.
Now your back out with the fans, equip the lens of truth (and iron boots) and
find a passage in the wall, when the fan blowing you go's off equip the hover
boots and "hover" to the passage and through the door. Inside this room kill
the re-dead mummies, get their treasure and open the locked door.

You're almost done with the dungeon! Push the huge block over to the face on
the ground then climb up on it and up again. From here jump onto the boat and
play Zelda's Lullaby ontop of the triforce symbol to keep moving. When the boat
begins to sink jump off and hit the bomb flowers across the gap with your bow
creating a bridge, cross the bridge and go over to the blue block. Play the
song of time making it disappear and hit the eye that comes up with a arrow.
This should make some Longshot targets come up, hit the very top one with your
Longshot hooking you up then down near a target, step on the target opening a
door and go through it.

In here use the Lens of Truth to see which walls are transparent and go through
the left one. In here find a small key and go back into the previous place. Now
go up and open the locked door with a key. In here kill the bats with some
arrows then use din's fire to destroy the traps. Go forward and open the chests
one of them will have a boss key, now go back two rooms and into the only room
of the dungeon you haven't been to (besides the boss room). Use the lens of
truth in here to see the platforms, use the platforms to key to the boss door
and open it up.... Time for the dungeon boss!


Ok, first of all, it is very annoying to get bumped up by the drum but you are
going to have to bear with me. This boss is hard but can be made so simple it
is like killing a normal enemy. If you have the biggoron sword you will have
this boss killed in a second. If not it will be a pretty good challenge. Ok, to
start off, pay attention to the hands. Right in the beginning shoot one of the
hands. Right away shoot the other hand. This must be done as a one-two process
to work. After you stun both hands, put your lens of truth on. You will get the
picture of his eye. Fire an arrow at the eye. Now it is like the Queen Gohma.
Go up to the eye and hit it like mad with your sword. Now if you have the
biggoron sword you might kill him right here! If not, you will have repeat this
a few more times. Nothing to worry about. Just shoot both hands without any
delay. Don't wait for him to do anything. After 2-3 more series of hits he will
die. You get the shadow medallion and you have saved Kakiriko Village!


Equip the Ice Arrows (previously thought to be useless) and fire them at one
of the hands, much like a Longshot or regular arrow. The Ice Arrow,
however, freezes the hand. The other hand now tries to break the first hand
out of the ice. Now, take the Lens of Truth and turn it on, then find the
eye which became visible to the Lens when the hand got frozen. Shoot it
with the Longshot (or Arrow), then, if you got a good angle (sometimes you
wind up behind Bongo Bongo when you do this), stab him like normal. The eye
doesn't even move towards you using this method.

= Hyrule Field -=

[ ] Get into Gerudo Fortress

Ok, welcome back from the creepy Shadow Temple. In Hyrule Field, head to the
right side of it(west). Now, head through the tunnel. Go full speed across
the bridge and Epona will jump the entire thing! Now, head into the

= Gerudo Fortress =

[ ] Save the Carpenters
[ ] Get into the Haunted Wasteland

Now, head forward and walk to the Gerudo women. She will catch you can throw
you into a jail cell. It is stealth time! Now, Longshot to the wood board on
the ceiling. Now, don't fall. Shoot down all of the guards from here. Once
they are all dead, head to the ground. Stay to the wall and go midway down.
Head to the cross section and turn right.

In here, head to the right and up the ramp. This will lead you to the second
floor outside. Kill the guard ahead and head into the door. Talk to the man
in the cell. He will say junk and then it is fight time. A Gerudo is
sneaking up on you! Kill them the same way you did a Lizalfo or Stalfo. Make
sure that you do not get hit by there special moves or you will be caught
and put back into jail. Now, once she dies, take the key and save the
Carpenter. Now, head up the pathway. In here there will be a lot of guards.
Take them all out and head across the platforms to the otherside of the
room. Head out. Now, jump into the gap to the ledge below. Enter the door.

Talk to the Carpenter and kill the Gerudo again. Save him. Two more to go.
Now head back from where you were. Outside again, drop like you did before,
to get to the ground level. Head into the door. Kill this Gerudo and save
the Carpenter. Now, head back out and all the way to the end. There will be
on more door with a Carpenter in it. After you kill this one, the Gerudo
will give you a Gerudo's Membership Card! Now, they accept you as one of
them. Feel free to walk around and play some games in the back. Also, if you
want the Ice Arrows to get all of the items in the game, head into the door
near where the last Prison was. They are not mandatory, but are cool. All
you have to do is kill enemies in certain amounts of time. Anyway, assume
you did it or didn't head to the beginning of the fortress.

Head over the gate here and over to the Haunted Wasteland to reach the
Spirit Temple.

= Haunted Wasteland =

[ ] Get into the Spirit Temple

Now, it is really sandy! You can't see well either. So, look for the red
flags all around. Make sure you only follow those. Also, watch out for some
quick sand. It can be crossed using the Longshot. Now, head all the way to a
structure. Head to the top and take out the Lens of Truth. You will see a
Poe and it will tell you to follow it. Follow it all the way to the Spirit
Head into the temple. Now head back out. Sheik will be there. He will teach
you the Requiem of Spirit.

Now, head back to the Temple of Time and become young link. Now, play the
song you just learned and warp back to the Spirit Temple. Head in again.

= Dungeon #7 Spirit Temple -=


[ ] Talk to Nabooru
[ ] Head into the hole
[ ] Get Dungeon Map
[ ] Kill the Anibus
[ ] Get the Compass
[ ] Kill the Armored Knight

Ok, time for some temple action! Look to the right and you will see Nabooru
after the stairs. She will be a leader in the Gerudo tribe, but she hates
Ganondorf! Cool, anyway, answer "Nothing Really" for her question. She will
then ask you to get the Silver Gauntlets for her. Tell her that you will.
Now, head back to the middle. Bomb the rock using bombchus in the chest.
Now, take the Small Key. Go into that small hole now...

In here are some fire dudes. Stun them both with a Deku Nut. Now, jump
attack them until their death. Now, head into the left door. There are two,
so enter the left. Get the dungeon map in the chest right here. Nothing more
to see, so quickly exit before trouble comes. Back here, enter the right

Now, head kill the mummy and pull the gravestone to uncover a switch. Now,
look to the left wall and blow the boulder with a bombchu. Then use the gap
in the fencing to get a bombchu to blow the boulder at the other side. Now,
hit the eye switch to knock the bridge down. Head to the other side and take
out the mummies. If you want, play the Sun's Song to stun them. Once they
both die, head into the room here.

Head onto the rotating platform and meet up with a Stalfo. Take it out
easily by stunning it with your boomerang and then attacking with a jump
attack. Any method will work though. Head through the door at the other

Now, this is the room where you got the Dungeon Map. Kill all of the Keese
from a distance. Make sure you get them all. Now, go to the Anibus. Kill it
with Din's Fire. Now, take the Small key and head back to the main room. The
last place to go here is in the small hole in the middle.

Place a bombchu in the hole to break the boulder in there. Now, crawl
inside. Use the key on the door ahead and enter. Hit the switch and climb up
the wall. Then, take out the Like Like and the Lizalfos up here. Bomb the
rock in the wall with a bombchu. Now, enter the locked door as there is
nothing we can do in the present state.

Now, head to the bottom of the room and shoot the eye of the statue. Then
take the Compass from the chest. Now, head to the middle of the room. Shoot
the frozen eye with a fire arrow. Now enter. In here, check the pit for an
eye. Don't jump into the pit though. Then, take the chest with the small key
in it. Head back to the main room you were just in.

Now, head to the left and over to some vines. Climb them up to the top. Then
look down below. Now, look for a block of time with a crate on it. Jump all
the way down to it. Now, grab the crate and jump to the stairs. You should
land on the otherside of the stairs. Now, head back up to where you just
were. Set the crate down and play the song of time. Now, jump to the block
with the crate and then to the next platform. Look below to see a hand with
a switch on it. Jump to it and place the crate onto the switch. Now, head to
the unlocked door.

Use the Longshot on the ceiling to get passed the fire. Now head into the
next door. In here, there is light in the back of the room. Your goal is to
get two blocks into the light. So, watch out for the fire and get the blocks
there. Now, head up the blocks in the corner and hit the switch. Now, head
through the door.

In here is the mini boss for young link. It is the Armored Knight. All you
have to do is L-Target and get close to him. Then, quickly jump back. He
will swing and miss. Then, hit him while he is stunned for a moment. Repeat
this. If you get hit, you will lose 4-8 hearts! I know it is a lot but there
are plenty of hearts in the pillars around the room. Just have him swing
those out. Once he is dead, head to the door. Then, head up to the chest and
claim the Silver Gauntlets!!!! Watch the short cut-scene. Now, head back to
the Temple of Time and get into adult mode. Return back here and enter the
Temple for the second part.


[ ] Get the small key
[ ] Kill the Armored Knight
[ ] Get the Mirror Shield
[ ] Get the Boss Key
[ ] Light the three torches
[ ] Defeat Twinrova

Ok, adult time! Now, bombchu the rock above after the steps on the ceiling.
Then, look for the target near there and shoot to it. Now that you have the
silver gauntlets, you can push the big block ahead. Push it all the way
down. Now, open the door. This is the same big room. Head to the left and
into the door. This is the room with light in it. Longshot to the chest to
the right. Take the small key there. Then head down one more flight and
smash the switch with the Megaton Hammer. Head back to the main room.

Head up the stairs as you did before. This time, look for a torch with a
Floormaster on the other side. Longshot to the torch. Then, ignore the enemy
and head into the locked door. Now, use the target on the ceiling to get
over the fire. Head into the next room.

In here there are several Beamos. Take them all out with bombs. Once they
are dead, go to the Block of Time. Now, sing the song of time. Head to the
two blocks on the other side of the room. Sing the song again. Do this a few
times until the box is reachable. Take the crate and place it on the switch.
This can be frustrating but the crate will appear eventually. Anyway, head
into the door.

Kill all of the Lizlafos here. Then, open the chest! No, it is a trap. Kill
the Lizalfo anyway. Now, enter the door ahead. Now, there is an invisible
Floormaster in here. Simply put on the lens of truth and kill it like you
did before. Head through the door now.

Again, there is a mini-boss. The same one too! Just take out the Armored
Knight. Now, you get a new shield. The Mirror Shield! Now, head back to the
room with the Lizalfos for the Boss Key.

Kill all of the Lizalfos again. Then, sing the song of time to move the
block of time. Then, use the Mirror Shield to reflect, manually, to the sun
picture. Now, play the song on the block. Then enter the door. Then play the
Sun's Song. Kill all of the stunned zombies. Then, take the Boss
Key!!!!!!!!!!!! Now head back to the main room.

In here, light the three torches around the statue. You have to that
quickly. Then, head into the opened door. In here, kill all enemies before
doing anything else. Then, reflect light onto the suns. Then head into the
door. In here, smash the rusty switch. Then collect all of the white rupees.
Then, head across the geyser and collect the others. There are some in the
boulders near the stairs. Then, take the small key! Now, head back to the
other side of the geyser.

Back here. Enter the locked door. Smash the rusted switch with the Megaton
Hammer. Then, enter the ledge and play Epona's Song because of the cow. This
will open a new ledge. Use the pictures as keys for what song to play. Then,
enter the door that opens at the north end of the room.

Now this part sucks! Warp back to the Temple of Time. Change to young link.
Head back here. Crawl through the hole and take the small key in the chest.
Now, become older again. Head back to the Spirit Temple. Shoot up and enter
the big room again. Then, enter the door with the blocks of time and the
beamos. Enter the door.

Now, kill all of the enemies. I believe they are almost all Keese. Then,
head to the top by climbing. Make sure you time the changing walls well so
you don't fall. Good luck with that!!! Anyway, enter the door at the top.
Play Zelda's Lullaby at the triforce. Then, head through the door. Break the
crates and smash the rusted switch. Head through the door again.

In here, kill the enemies so they cannot bother you. Then, shine light onto
the sun above. This will cause light to shine of the mirror. Quickly...RUN
to the next mirror. Push it to the left! This will cause light to shine to
another room. Head back to that room. Stand on the platform and fall to the
bottom. Now, kill the wallmaster, but DO NOT FALL OFF! Once it is dead,
shine light onto the statue face. Yes, the big statue. It will start to
crumble after a while. Now, enter the door.

In here, kill the Armored Knight again! Yes, they are easy and a waist of
time. Now, head into the boss door to fight Twinrova!


This is a tricky boss full of strategy. Using this guide is a HUGE help. There
are two witches to start off. One of them will get ready to shoot a magic spell
at you. Quickly L-target that witch and deflect the magic. You are hoping for
the magic to deflect onto the other witch. If it does not, repeat the cycle. If
it does, wait for the next spell and deflect it onto the witch by L-targeting
the witch that you want to hit. This will cause damage. Do this two more times
to cause the witches to turn into their second form. The second form are the
witches combined. Yikes! This is easier! Hold your shield out. The goal is to
absorb three of the same spells in a row. Once you have gotten all three, the
magic will deflect back at Twinrova. Now go up to it and hit it with your sword
(preferably the biggoron's sword). Do this 2-4 more times. It will finally die!
The last boss of the Temples is dead! Now get out of here and never come back!
You will get the final spirit medallion!

After you defeat Twinrova that should of been incredibly easy, despite my thing
saying they were all tough, get the Heart Container then go to the blue
light warping you into one last Chamber of the Sages visit ^_^. Talk to the
Gerudo Lady and get the last medallion! Time to go beat up Ganondorf, w00t!
Warp back to the Temple of Time with the Ocarina Song (Prelude of Light of
something like that's the name).

= Temple of Time -=

[ ] Find out Sheik's real identity
[ ] Get the Light Arrows

As you enter the Temple of Time you'll start talking to Sheik. He'll start to
talk then a movie will start, watch it (it's about the triforce) then there
will be some more talking. Sheik will then turn into............ ZELDA!!!!!!!!!
Zelda will tell her story to you and give you the Light Arrow magic. Utoh... as
you receive the light arrows the ground will begin to shake and Gannondorf
will imprison Zelda. Now head to the evil kind Ganondorf's castle for one last

= Ganon's Tower =

[ ] Destroy the seals
[ ] Get the Golden Gauntlets
[ ] Get the toughness upgrade
[ ] Defeat the Evil King Ganondorf

Head to the tower and the Six Sages will create a bridge leading you inside.
Cross the bridge, head inside then head down the stairs taking out the enemies
by hook shooting them then slashing em' with your sword. Once you reach the
bottom defeat the Iron Knight, it does a lot of damage, but 8 or 9 jumping
sword-slashes will defeat it. Proceed to killing the stone soldiers on the
blocks and head on.

~ The Forest Seal ~

Immediately head left into the door with the green thing ontop (the forest
seal). In this next room defeat the Stalfos with some sword slashes and move
on. Continue on in the new room by going "platform hopping" killing enemies.
After you've cleaned the room of enemies head to the northeastern most
platform then play the Song of Time twice(equip the iron boots so you don't
fly off too) making a stone block come down. This stone block will push down
a switch allowing you access to another room. As you enter this room you'll
see a strange pod, equip your light arrows and shoot one at it; 1 seal down,
five to go!

~ The Spirit Seal ~

Enter the hallway again and head to the right into another room. As you enter
you'll notice the enemies, take out them out then shoot the closed eye above
the door where you came in making an Iron Fist appear. Destroy the Iron Fist,
but make sure it takes out the bricks in the middle, they hold a switch that
will unlock the next door. After you smash the switch and beat the Iron Fist
move on into the next room. Kill the enemy in the new room, then open the
treasure chest getting some bombchu's. Use a bombchu to hit the diamond
across the gate and go through the door. Take out the enemies as you move west
into a place with a bunch of sun panels. Use a fire arrow to destroy the web on
the roof and use your mirror shield to destroy the sun panels getting some
hearts, a small key, and the Golden Gauntlets! After you've destroyed the sun
panels aim some light at the sign above the barred door opening it up. Destroy
the barrier in the next room and now 2 seals down, four to go!

Exit the castle for a second now. Go across the bridge to the right and lift
up the rocks. Continue on until you get to a HUGE rock, now lift it up (thanks
to your Golden Gauntlets), chuck it like 50 feet and enter the Great Fairy
Fountain. Inside play Zelda's Lullaby on the triforce symbol calling the fairy.
She will come out and enhance your defense power making you twice as tough! Go
back into the castle now, and into the room with all the passages to the seals.

~ The Water Seal ~

Head down the stairs on the right into a door with a blue thing ontop of it.
Go to the North-East portion of the room and slash the hand sticking out of the
ground a few times lowering the water. Grab some of the blue fire and use it
to melt the red ice in the northern portion of the room. After you've melted
the red ice head through the door. In this next room take out the bats, collect
the silver rupees (to get some you'll need to move the platforms around, use
the hover boots etc.) then move on into another room. Destroy the pod with a
light arrow and you're half done!

~ The Shadow Seal ~

Continue on by heading up into the door with the purple thing ontop of it.
Start out by killing the enemy then shoot a fire arrow at the bomb plant on
the right. This will cause a chest to fall; Hookshot to the chest, open it,
then equip the lens of truth. Jump to the invisible platform (visible with the
lens), get the silver rupee then jump to the small platform where the bomb
plant is. Get the silver rupee then jump back onto the invisible platform. Use
your hover boots to "hover" back then "hover" over to the platform with the
laser-eye thing on it. Kill the laser-eye thing, get the silver rupee then use
Din's Fire to light the torch on the ground making a crossing block appear.
Jump onto the block, turn around and you should see a eye, hit it then cross
fully. Kill the two eye-laser statue things and continue on by equipping the
lens of truth to see the ice paths. Once you've collected all the silver
rupees the door will open up. In the new room shoot the seal with a Light
Arrow, breaking it; four down, two to go!

~ The Fire Seal ~

Head left some more and enter the room with the red. thing about it. As you
enter equip the Goron Tunic so you don't fry. Start off by jumping down to the
moving platform and jump around until you find a platform that goes up. At the
top of this platform there is a Silver Rupee, do a back flip to get it then
jump down onto a platform to the north. Rid the platform to a little area with
a Bemos, kill the Beamos the throw the huge black pillar and get another Silver
Rupee. After you get the Silver Rupee jump back to the platform. Jump across
some more platforms westward until you see a thing that you can Longshot
yourself over to. Shoot it with your long shot then find a nearby Silver
Rupee. Jump south to a south-moving platform that will lead you to another
Silver Rupee. Jump left, kill the enemies then throw the boulder over. Longshot
over to the pad then proceed to getting the last Rupee. The door will open so
go through. Shoot the seal with a Light Arrow, only one seal left!

~ The Light Seal ~

Head south into the last seal room. Kill all the enemies in the first room then
move on into the next. Move along into the next room and play Zelda's Lullaby
on the Triforce symbol making a chest appear. Continue on and there will be a
Beamos, long shot up and kill it with a bomb or two. Equip the Lens of Truth
and you'll see a strange wall, use your sword to attack the fire opening the
path to destroying the final seal. Use a Light Arrow to destroy the seal and
the path to Ganondorf is open!

Head up into Ganondorf's tower now, kill enemies as you make your way up to the
evil king. Once you finally reach him you will see him playing his Piano/Organ
thing and the battle will soon begin!


This is a fairly easy part of the last boss battle. You will be using the same
strategy as the Phantom Ganon boss. Ganondorf will shoot the magic energy balls
straight at you. Although you can not L-target, deflecting the balls with your
sword will still deflect them right at him. After a few, he will be stunned.
Now, shoot a light arrow right at him. Then pull yourself at him by using the
Longshot. Swing you sword at him as many times as you can. He will then get
back up. This time his attack is trickier. Although it is tricky, it is not at
all hard. He will shoot multiple energy balls at you. Don't worry! Use the
almighty spin attack by holding down B. This will deflect every last one of the
energy balls right back at him. Repeat this a few more times. He will again be
stunned. Shoot a light arrow and Longshot up to him. Swing like crazy. Repeat
this a few more times until he is dead! You did it! Right? Escape from the
castle now making sure to keep Zelda close with you, you should have enough
time to escape. Once you leave the castle you'll you'll encounter... Ganon!

Ganon has revived into a second boss. Right when you though you had beat him!
Do not worry at all. This is the easiest final boss I have ever fought in my
life. First of all, you do not have a master sword. It was knocked off as you
probably already know. So you must use one of the two, biggoron's sword or the
megaton hammer. The only weak spot on Ganon is his tail. The minor difficulty
is that he always faces you. This is not a problem. Now that you can L-target,
L-target him. Get in close to him. This will make him want to attack. You on
the other hand want to dodge his attack, so you must backflip (back+A). He will
be stunned in a way leaving you the opportunity to roll under his legs and
swing at his tail. Repeat this until he collapses. Now you can go pick up the
master sword as it is the only weapon that can finish off the poor helpless
Ganon. With the Master Sword you can use the same strategy of rolling between
his legs and attacking his tail. Before you know it he is DEAD! You will have
now completely beaten this game! Enjoy the ending as it is a very good one.

CONGRADULATIONS! You beat The Legend of Zelda: Master Quest!

.:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:.
':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:'

Deku Tree Boss: Gohma

As you walk in you might be stunned. Where is the boss? Well, just look up
and you will see an eye. Then with a small cut-scene the boss will begin.
The key to defeating the queen is to shoot the eye, stunning her, then
swinging your sword at the stunned eye. So, L-target to the eye. Sling shot
it. Now go up to the eye and swing the sword at the eye. Now it will climb
the wall to the ceiling. It will drop eggs. Just hit them with your sword
before they hatch. If they do hatch, just keep hitting them. Once all the
eggs are dead, the queen will come back down for you to repeat the process.
Yea, it will take about 4 times to kill the boss. This boss is very easy in
my opinion. Quickly defeat her and move on. After defeating her, grab the
heart piece and go to the blue thing in the center to warp yourself out of

Dodongo Cavern Boss: King Dodongo

This is certainly the easiest boss in the game. Anyone can beat him in one
try. Well, the goal is to wait until the King is about to open his mouth and
Breathe a large breath of fire. As he prepares, which is quite a long time,
you will need to throw a bomb into his mouth. Once you do that, you will
need to swing your sword at him as many times as you can.

Now for a little more in-depth detail, you have two options as the King
Starts to roll along the room in the beginning. If you have the Hylian
Shield, now is the time to use it. Take it out so that you are under it.
Then, the King Dodongo will just roll over you without hurting you! If you
do not have the shield, just stay at the edge towards the lava. Now, once it
rolls past you, it will crash into the wall. Then head up to it. Now, it
will start to charge up for a long breath of fire. Throw a bomb in his
mouth. Now, it will explode and give you a change to hit him with your
sword. My suggestion would be to L-Target him and press A. This will do a
jump attack for twice the damage! Just repeat this simple process for a
victory! Now take the heart container and then head into the portal.

Jabu-Jabu's Belly Boss: Baninade

This boss provides somewhat of a challenge. It consists of a main body and
jellyfish bodyguards. It will spin around. Just dodge it and shoot your
boomerang at the main body by L-targeting. It will stun it. Now L-target the
jellyfish body guards and destroy as many as you can with your boomerang.
Repeat this until you destroy all of the jellyfish. Once you destroy them
all, you will have another set of bodyguards. Do the same thing. After you
kill all of these bodyguard jellyfish. He will be without any guards. Now is
your chance to hit him. Stun him like you did before with the boomerang. Now
go up to him and swing your sword like crazy. He has measly little wave
attacks. Nothing to worry about. Just dodge them and continue the process.
He will die soon enough. Watch the cut-scene and get the third and final
stone, the Zora's Sapphire.

Forest Temple Boss: Phantom Ganon

Weird, you think that this is really Ganondorf in the beginning. Well it is
not luckily. There will be paintings around the room. This is what you
should concentrate on for the first part of the battle. Always have your bow
out and looking around at the pictures. There will be two Ganon's on horses.
They will be charging towards you! Don't worry there is hope. Look closely
at the Ganon's. One of them is lighter. That is the REAL one. Keep your
arrows pointed towards that painting. When he starts to come out shoot the
arrow at him. He will go back in as you have hit him. Repeat this 2 more
times. If you get hit don't panic, just repeat the process of looking at the

Now for the second part of the boss. After you hit him three times, he will
come out of the painting and fly like a fairy in the air. His only attack is
shooting a ball spell at you. L-target him at all times. When he shoots the
ball at you, deflect it by swinging your sword at the ball. Be careful! He
can deflect the ball again at you. Just repeat this process. Sometimes you
will hit him. Then he will fall to the ground and you can hit him with your
Repeat this 3-4 more times. When he dies you can pick up the forest

Fire Temple Boss: Volvogia

The second of the Temple bosses. I would say it is a little bit easier then
Phantom Ganon. Jump on to the small platform and then to the main one. You will
see a cut-scene. The dragon will go into the ground. As you can see, it will
come out of one of the holes in the ground. Go up to it and slam its head with
the megaton hammer. Then use your sword to hit it. Now it will go back into the
ground. A few seconds later it will fly back up. Just dodge it and wait for it
to return into the ground. The ground is when you repeat the attack cycle. So,
it goes back into the ground. Then it pops back out. Slam its head and hit it
with the sword. The third stage is Volvagia going high up to where you can't
see it. It will slam boulders at you. Use your shield and point it up. It will
block some of them. In a bit the dragon will come back down. Wait until the
head comes out and slam it. Repeat once more and it is history! You get the
Fire Medallion as a token. Yea! You've finally beat the worst temple in the

Water Temple Boss: Morpha

This is a harder boss. I really hate it. Let us get by it fast, ya? Don't
worry it's not as bad as I make it sound. Anyway, watch the cut-scene and the
boss taunt blah blah blah. Go by the door so you can avoid the spikes along
the wall. Stay on the outside, never on the middle platforms.

It will throw one attack at you but will multiply (which gets annoying). The
attack is sucking a gel like arm and grabbing you. This takes about 5 hearts
so stay away from it. Always be moving. When is charges up for the attack,
dodge it and wait for the ball to come up. Long shot it to throw the ball at
you. Now swing your sword at it. This is the way of hitting morpha.

After a while it will have a backup gel arm that you have to worry about.
Yes it is annoying to worry about two but you have to. So repeat the process
with one eye on the ball's gel arm and one on the backup arm. It takes about
10 hits. It isn't as hard as we thought! Pick up the heart container and the
water medallion.

Shadow Temple Boss: Bongo Bongo

Ok, first of all, it is very annoying to get bumped up by the drum but you are
going to have to bear with me. This boss is hard but can be made so simple it
is like killing a normal enemy. If you have the biggoron sword you will have
this boss killed in a second. If not it will be a pretty good challenge. Ok, to
start off, pay attention to the hands. Right in the beginning shoot one of the
hands. Right away shoot the other hand. This must be done as a one-two process
to work. After you stun both hands, put your lens of truth on. You will get the
picture of his eye. Fire an arrow at the eye. Now it is like the Queen Gohma.
Go up to the eye and hit it like mad with your sword. Now if you have the
biggoron sword you might kill him right here! If not, you will have repeat this
a few more times. Nothing to worry about. Just shoot both hands without any
delay. Don't wait for him to do anything. After 2-3 more series of hits he will
die. You get the shadow medallion and you have saved Kakiriko Village!

Spirit Temple Boss: Twinrova

This is a tricky boss full of strategy. Using this guide is a nice help. There
are two witches to start off. One of them will get ready to shoot a magic spell
at you. Quickly L-target that witch and deflect the magic. You are hoping for
the magic to deflect onto the other witch. If it does not, repeat the cycle. If
it does, wait for the next spell and deflect it onto the witch by L-targeting
the witch that you want to hit. This will cause damage. Do this two more times
to cause the witches to turn into their second form. The second form are the
witches combined. Yikes! This is easier! Hold your shield out. The goal is to
absorb three of the same spells in a row. Once you have gotten all three, the
magic will deflect back at Twinrova. Now go up to it and hit it with your sword
(preferably the biggoron's sword). Do this 2-4 more times. It will finally die!
The last boss of the Temples is dead! Now get out of here and never come back!
You will get the final spirit medallion!

Final Boss: Ganondorf/Ganon

This is a fairly easy part of the last boss battle. You will be using the same
strategy as the Phantom Ganon boss. Ganondorf will shoot the magic energy balls
straight at you. Although you can not L-target, deflecting the balls with your
sword will still deflect them right at him. After a few, he will be stunned.
Now, shoot a light arrow right at him. Then pull yourself at him by using the
Longshot. Swing you sword at him as many times as you can. He will then get back
up. This time his attack is trickier. Although it is tricky, it is not at all
hard. He will shoot multiple energy balls at you. Don't worry! Use the almighty
spin attack by holding down B. This will deflect every last one of the energy
balls right back at him. Repeat this a few more times. He will again be stunned.
Shoot a light arrow and longshot up to him. Swing like crazy. Repeat this a few
more times until he is dead! You did it! Right? Escape from the castle now then
you'll encounter... Gannon!

Ganon has revived into a second boss. Right when you though you had beat him!
Do not worry at all. This is the easiest final boss I have ever fought in my
life. First of all, you do not have a master sword. It was knocked off as you
probably already know. So you must use one of the two, biggoron's sword or the
megaton hammer. The only weak spot on Ganon is his tail. The minor difficulty
is that he always faces you. This is not a problem. Now that you can L-target,
L-target him. Get in close to him. This will make him want to attack. You on
the other hand want to dodge his attack, so you must backflip (back+A). He will
be stunned in a way leaving you the opportunity to roll under his legs and
swing at his tail. Repeat this until he collapses. Now you can go pick up the
master sword as it is the only weapon that can finish off the poor helpless
Ganon. With the Master Sword you can use the same strategy of rolling between
his legs and attacking his tail. Before you know it he is DEAD! You will have
now completely beaten this game! Enjoy the ending as it is a very good one.

.:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:.
':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:'

[S W O R D S]

|%%%** This is just the basic sword that you get in the beginning of the game.
|%%%** You can only be young link when using it. It is not very powerful.

|%%%** This is twice as strong as the Master Sword. It can only be used when
|%%%** you are an adult. It is taken from the Temple of Time. It is the key to
\***** the past.

|%%%** Well, this is an optional sword, but it is awesome! This is two times as
|%%%** powerful as the Master Sword. I would recommend using it for bosses. It
\***** cannot be used with the shield.

[S H I E L D S]

|%%%** This is the shield that you start out with. It is not very protective.
|%%%** Also, it is wood, so it can be burned by fire easily. It can only be
\***** used by young link.

|%%%** This is the more stable shield. Made from Hyrule, this can be used by
|%%%** young link and adult link. It is a bit too heavy for young link. It can
\***** not be burned though.

|%%%** This is the final shield only for adult link. It can reflect light from
|%%%** the normal sun to trigger switches. It works just as well with defending
\***** as they Hylian shield does.

[T U N I C S]

|%%%** This is the green default tunic that you start with. Nothing special
|%%%** about it. It can be worn using young and adult link.

|%%%** This is the red tunic. You can get it from the Gorons at Goron City. It
|%%%** allows you to withstand heat. Also, you can walk in lava. Only adult
\***** Link can wear this.

|%%%** This is the blue tunic given to you by the Zoras. It allows you to stay
|%%%** under water forever. You can only use it when you are adult link. Mostly
\***** in the water temple.
[D U N G E O N I T E M S]

|%%%** This slingshot is found in the Deku Tree. When using the slingshot you
|%%%** go into 1st person view where you aim your slingshot at a target.

/***** BOMB BAG
|%%%** This bag made out of the stomach of a Dodongo is found in Dodongo's
|%%%** Cavern. Holding up to twenty bombs, this bag allows you to use bombs
\***** whenever you need them.

|%%%** This weapon is found inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly. The boomerang is a V
|%%%** shaped item that hits enemies stunning or hurting them, then comes back
\***** to you.

|%%%** This powerful bow and arrow is found in the forest temple. Using this
|%%%** item you can attack enemies and objects from far away, without worry of
\***** being hit.

|%%%** The powerful ancient weapon of the goron. You find this massive hammer
|%%%** in dodongo's cavern, it's so big you must use two hands to pound with
\***** it. Legend has it, this hammer was used to seal Volvolgia ages ago.

|%%%*decent length. Anyway this item is found in the Water Temple and is
\***** basically a long Hookshot, see the Hookshot farther below for info.

|%%%** You can see the truth with this thing, yippie; I like illusions better
|%%%** ^_^. Anyway it's found in the Bottom of the Well and when you equip it
\***** it drains your magic basically, o ya it allows you to see the truth too
\**** like anyone cares about "the truth" though.

|%%%** The silver is found in the spirit temple and the golden is found in
|%%%** Ganon's Tower. As adult link they allow you to pick up bigger rocks, the
\***** gold allows you to pick up HUMOUNGOUS rocks.

[R A N D O M I M P O R T A N T I T E M S]

|%%%** The musical instrument this game is named after. Basically you use the
|%%%** C-stick and A to play different notes to play songs. You'll need to use
\***** this item A LOT of times throughout the game.

|%%%** A bottle! You can store many things inside these, from fairies to poes.
|%%%** This item comes in handy a lot more than it sounds.

|%%%** This letter from Princess Zelda to the Guard of Death Mountain allows
|%%%** you passage to Death Mountain. Even though the guard thinks Zelda is
\***** just playing games he lets you go.

|%%%** Given to you by the Gorons when you are a kid this item allows you to
|%%%** pick up bombs from bomb flowers. Though I don't know how a bracelet can
\***** enchant strength it works somehow.

|%%%** Given to you by the zora's this scale allows you to dive down six
|%%%** instead of three. I don't know how though. It just works.

/***** POTION
|%%%** Depending on the color a potion heals a part of you. Green is magic, Red
|%%%** is health, and blue is health and magic. You can find small green
\***** potions from enemies and slashing up stuff too.

[M A G I C S P E L L S]

/***** DIN'S FIRE (Six MP)
|%%%** This is not only a damaging spell, but a defense and a torch lighter.
|%%%** Use this to create a ring of fire around you attacking all nearby
\***** enemies and destroying nearby things.

/***** FARORE'S WIND (Six MP)
|%%%** Farore's Wind surrounds Link's body with a green light, creating sort of
|%%%** a warp. Use it again and you'll go back to the place you first used it.
\***** You can also dispell the warp if you want to create a new one.

|%%%** A blue thing surrounds link making it so he cannot take damage for a
|%%%** short time. It also makes it harder to swing your sword at an enemy
\***** though.

[T H E L E F T O V E R S]

/***** DEKU NUT
|%%%** A nut that will explode blinding enemies when you throw it. I hate this
|%%%** item, don't use it, it's a waste.

|%%%** It's a torch, it's a weapon, it's a Deku stick! It acts as a torch and a
|%%%** breakable weapon, but only for young link, what a shame.

|%%%** These items are explosives. Bombs are simple, set it down or throw it
|%%%** and it will explode there. Bombchu's have a life of their own though,
\***** often wandering off.

|%%%** Buyable from a man at Zora's Lake overtime it will grow into a massive
|%%%** plant. You can only buy these as Young Link.

.:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:.
Heart Pieces/Gold Skultulia's
':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:'

.:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:.
Side Quests
':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:'

The Biggoron Sword:
Note: You will need Epona and have unfrozen king zora to do this quest, follow
these 10 things to get the biggoron sword, most are timed :(.

1. Go to Kakiriko Village and to the lady with the cuckoos. Tell her you will
take care of the pocket cuckoo.

2. Now go to the house near the front of the village and use the item to wake
up talon.

3. Go back to the lady that gave you the cuckoo and get the blue one named

4. Now go to the lost woods. From the start turn left. Use Cojiro to wake the
man on the log up. He gives you an odd mushroom

5. This is timed so watch out! Don't worry, just go back to Hyrule and get
Epona. Ride off to Kakiriko Village. Then climb up the ladder in the center
and Hookshot to the man on the house. Go to the fenced off area and into the
potion shop. Give the witch the odd mushroom. She gives you the odd potion.

6. Relax...Now go to the lost woods in the same place you went before with the
skinny man. There is a small kokiri. She tells you that the man is lost.
Anyway give the odd potion back to her and get the poachers saw.

7. There is a worker across the bridge in gerudo valley. You have to go there
from hyrule field. Now get speed and jump the broken bridge. Talk to the
worker and get the almost useless broken sword.

8. Take this to the top of the Death mountain. Now where the Goron? Man, I
couldn't find him for ages! Well, he is to the right of the entrance to the
crater! Not hard. he tells you to go to King Zora and gives you a

9. Take the prescription to Zora's Domain and to the king. He will give you the
famous eyeball frog. This can spoil so take it to the professor in the
beginning of the Hyrule lake. You will have 3:00. Use Epona and go across
Hyrule. He will make the eyedrops and yet again you will be timed.

10. Take these back to the biggoron. Keep playing the sun song until he gives
you the most powerful weapon in the game, the biggoron's sword.

Bottle #1: The Cukko Mini Game:

This will tell you how to get the first secret bottle, the only thing you'll
need to have for this is 10 rupees and to have talked to Zelda. If you have
done/have these easy things then head to lon-lon ranch. Inside go to the left
door and head inside. In the left room that you should now be in you'll see
talon (the ranch owner) lying down asleep. Talk to him and agree to play his
game and pay the 10 rupees. This game is relatively simple, the "super cukko's"
are easy to find, here is a map showing around where each one should be:
| | The numbers denote where a super cukko is, you have
| #1 Talon | 30 seconds to get the three cukko's, keep these three
| | locations in mind and the cukko hunting will be
| | simple. If you're really not good at this, throw all
| #2 #3 | the cukko's in the room into one corner then talk to
|______________________| Talon, the super cukko's will be the only out of the
corner cukko's! Talon, obviously is Talon.

Bottle #2: The Lost Cukko's:

The second of the secret bottle's the Lost Cukko's! This quest requires to have
nothing done except being Young Link like the first one. Go to Kakariko Village
and find a lady next to a empty pen and talk to her. She will tell you that her
seven cukko's have run away and she need's your help to get them back, this is
a tedious quest, but it will end in a empty bottle!

Cukko #1: The first cukko is easy, go back to the entrance of Kakariko Village
with the work boss guy thats sitting down and a cukko should be there, pick it
up and take it back to the pen.

Cukko #2: The second cukko is also pretty darn easy to get. Go over to the
house in the middle of town where the cursed people live and a Cukko should be
on a fenced out area, ping the Cukko with the sling shot knocking it off the
fenced off area, grab it and take it to the pen.

Cukko #3: Another easy cukko, go up to the entrance to Death Mountain and a
cukko should be around, pick it up and take it to the pen.

Cukko #4: Go up to around where the graveyard entrance is. Smash all the crates
around there with a roll (run + A) one of them will reveal a cukko, when you
find the cukko pick it up and take it back to the pen.

Cukko #5: There is a cukko wandering around near the lady, pick it up and put
in the pen.

Cukko # 6 and #7: grab one of the old cukkos and go to the where the windmill
is, climb up the stairs and run across the ground and jump off, you should
glide along, as you're about to hit the cage throw the cukko propelling you
over. Behind you should notice a cukko right off the bat, grab it and chuck it
out of this cage like thing. Now go up the ladder to some higher grass, grab
the cukko here and run off, gliding past the fence, collect all three cukko's
and put them back in the pen one at a time.

Ya! you've gotten all seven cukko's talk to the lady now to get an Empty

Bottle # 3 Ten Big Poes:

The last bottle requires you to catch the ten big poes as adult link. Go to
the house to the side, just out of the remains of Hyrule Castle. Inside there
should be a crazy man talking about poe stuff. Now go outside of Hyrule Castle
into the Field and call Epona. Get on epona and pull out your bow, as poes
appear hit them with arrows. When they die grab their soul in a bottle and
take it to the old man, repeat this until you've captured ten poes for an
empty bottle!

Great Fairies of Hyrule:
Throughout the world of Hyrule there are several Super Powerful fairies called
great fairies. If you manage to find a great fairy lair play Zelda's Lullaby on
the triforce symbol to get the ability from the great fairy, this section will
tell you where all the great fairies are:

#1 (Young Link): At the top of death mountain, bomb the weird looking wall and
go in to get the Magic Meter.

#2 (Young Link): In Hyrule Castle Courtyard, climb up the vines and past the
gate, find the huge rock and bomb it. Go in and get the magic Din's Fire.

#3 (Adult Link): In death mountain crater after you've gotten the megaton
Hammer, bash the rocks blocking some sort of exit which will lead to the a
Great Fairy Fountain, go in and get the Magic Meter Enhance Upgrade.

#4 (Adult Link): Go to the place where the Ice Cavern is, but go to the right,
bomb the rocks there and go in to get the magic of Farore's Wind.

#5 (Adult Link): In the Desert Colossus find a crack in the wall, bomb it and
go in to receive Nayru's Love.

#6 (Adult Link): After you get the Golden Gauntlets in Ganon's Tower leave and
pick up the huge rock outside. This will reveal a Great Fairy Fountain, go in
to receive an upgrade that make's you twice as tough!

The Masks of Trade:

This is a rather worthless side quest, but it can be fun to do even though it
costs rupees. Go to Hyrule Castle and talk to the man in the Happy Mask Shop
(you must be Young Link to do this quest). Agree to do his quest and buy the
Fox mask. If you remember correctly the guard at Kakariko Village wanted this,
so head there. In Kakariko Village head up to the Death Mountain entrance and
give the Mask to the man, now head back to the shop.

You're back at the shop, now go buy the Skull Mask (what a hideous thing) and
leave. Now you're predicament is where to head, head to your home, Kokori
Forest! In the forest head up to the lost woods. When in the lost woods take a
left and you should see the skull kid. Give him the mask and head back to the
Happy Mask Shop.

Here at the Happy Mask Shop they make you buy your freaking masks!!!! so buy
the Spooky Mask. Head to Kakariko Village now. Inside Kakariko Village go over
to the Graveyard. If it's nighttime then play the sun's song, but if it's day
go up to the kid and give him the Spooky Mask. Now, beat Jabu-Jabu's belly if
you haven't already. After you beat Jabu-Jabu's belly head back to the mask

La La La, we're the happy mask shop, you help us out, but we make you pay for
masks!!!!!!! Anyway buy the bunny hood and go out into Hyrule Field. Now here's
the tough part, you have to find the jogging man in the Field and give him the
mask, when you do, you'll have completed the quest so go back to the Happy Mask
Shop, now you can use some fun masks!!!!!!! and the mask of truth, which allows
you to talk to Gossip Stones (the stones that tell time).

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Legal Information
':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:'

Version: 1.3
Authors: BurningFox (PikminWorrior@aol.com)
nm14 (bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com)

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