Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime

17.10.2013 22:31:12
Art By: Atom Edge

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| FAQ/Walkthrough written by: BSalari |
| E-mail: |
| Game: Metroid Prime |
| Platform: Nintendo Gamecube |
| Version 1.9 |

Hello and welcome to my Metroid Prime FAQ/Walkthrough. This document will
hold your hand through the game and also contain the location of each and
every upgrade, energy tank etc.



I will accept any emails as long as they follow the below guidelines. If you
need further explaination in the walkthrough, go ahead and e-mail me. Please
read the following.

1. Don't e-mail me information already in the FAQ.

Seriously, if you are going to waist my time and e-mail me, it better not be in
the FAQ. That really makes it very frustrating when I have to answer questions
I have already answered. Let's just put it this way, if you have a doubt in the
game, READ the FAQ. If it is not there then please e-mail me. I would be glad
to add information given by you (credit will be given). I also have no
problem helping people on any puzzles or just one general area of the game.
I think you are starting to get the point.

2. Subject

Please, when you e-mail, place something related to this FAQ in the subject. I
am not always in the mood to check mail that looks junky so I might throw it
out. Usually if I get your e-mail I will write back to you. So if I don't write
back, I probably didn't get your FAQ. All understood?

3. Credit

Please, I encourage people to find information or alternate strategies in doing
something. I would like to build it on my FAQ and will always give rightful
credit to the one providing the information. That is something I really like to
do. Just e-mail me a tip, trick, secret etc.

Just please follow these rules and everything will go fine. I hope you are
satisfied with these conditions. Thanks for your cooperation.



~ VERSION Final ~ (12/6/03) (334K)
Update on missile expansions. Guide is Final.

~ VERSION 1.9 ~ (5/11/03) (322K)
The walkthrough is complete! The game is finished. Now, I just need to finish
some extra parts.

~ VERSION 1.8 ~ (5/10/03) (293K)
The walkthrough is near complete. I am after the Plasma Beam and getting
ready to get the Phazon Suit. That is mostly all I updated. After I finish
the walkthrough, I will finish the upgrade sections.

~ VERSION 1.7 ~ (5/09/03) (262K)
I updated the walkthrough is finished up to the Phazon Mines first Visit. It
is making good progress. Should be done in a matter of a week or so. The only
secitons I need to update are the walkthrough and the expansion sections. So,
this is going smoothly so far.

~ VERSION 1.6 ~ (5/07/03) (245K)
Worked a lot on the walkthrough as well as the catologue. I am just trying to
add all of the information needed to play this game. The walkthrough is done
up to the getting the Ice Beam. Things are going smoothley. More updates
coming this weekend.

~ VERSION 1.5 ~ (5/03/03) (227K)
Today I, again, worked on the walkthrough heavily. Up to the Chozo Ruins
on the second visit. We are obtaining the Ice Beam. I am making good progress.
The walkthrough should be done within the next two or three major updates.
Most other sections in this document are complete.

~ VERSION 1.4 ~ (5/02/03) (193K)
A lot of work has been done today. The walkthrough was updated heavily up to
Phendrana Drifts Visit #2. I also finished up the Weapons Catologue. The only
sections that I need to finish off are the walkthrough and the missiles,
tanks, and power bombs. This document is making great progress so far.

~ VERSION 1.3 ~ (4/28/03) (149K)
I finished the Artifacts section. All of the Log Book is complete as well.
The walkthrough has been updated and a lot of detailed additions have been
made all around the document.

~ VERSION 1.2 ~ (4/27/03) (130K)
I did a lot on the Log Book. I also added a lot to the walkthrough. I went
half way to getting the Morph Ball again. Again, most section have been
updated. Expect huge updates.

~ VERSION 1.1 ~ (4/25/03)

Some added to the walkthrough. I updated a lot of the Log Book and other
sections. This file is very large so far. It will continue to progress very

~ VERSION 1.0 ~ (4/24/03)

Well, so far I have the layout and a lot of the log book items. Also, the
enemies have been finished in a small aspect. The walkthrough is not much but
it will come soon. Expect big updates!

(-----------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS-------------------------------)

[v] 1: FAQ...............................................................mp_fq
[v] 2: GAME OVERVIEW.....................................................mp_go
[v] 2.1: Controls.....................................................mp_ct
[v] 2.2: Background information.......................................mp_bi
[v] 3: EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE...............................................mp_ec
[v] 3.1: Weapons......................................................mp_wp
[v] 3.2: Visors.......................................................mp_vs
[v] 3.3: Suits........................................................mp_st
[v] 3.4: Morph Ball...................................................mp_mb
[v] 3.5: Other abilities..............................................mp_oa
[v] 3.6: Important locations..........................................mp_il
[v] 3.7: The map......................................................mp_mp
[v] 4: WALKTHROUGH.......................................................mp_wt
[v] 4.1: Before you read the walkthrough..............................mp_bf
[v] 4.2: Space Pirate Vessel..........................................mp_sv
[v] 4.3: Tallon IV's evil wildlife....................................mp_te
[v] 4.4: Tallon IV: Fire and Ice......................................mp_fi
[v] 4.5: The Ice and Gravity..........................................mp_ig
[v] 4.6: Space Frigate Visit #2...................................... mp_s2
[v] 4.7: The Mines....................................................mp_tm
[v] 4.8: The X-Ray and The Flames.....................................mp_xf
[v] 4.9: The Omega and Artifacts......................................mp_of
[v] 4.10: The Final Fight.............................................mp_ff
[v] 5: ENEMIES...........................................................mp_en
[v] 6: BOSSES............................................................mp_bs
[v] 7: MISSILE EXPANSION LOCATIONS.......................................mp_me
[v] 8: ENERGY TANK LOCATIONS.............................................mp_et
[v] 9: POWER BOMB EXPANSIONS.............................................mp_pb
[v] 10: LOG BOOK.........................................................mp_lb
[v] 10.1: Pirate data.................................................mp_pd
[v] 10.2: Chozo lore..................................................mp_cl
[v] 10.3: Research data...............................................mp_rd
[v] 10.4: Artifact Locations..........................................mp_yx
[v] 11: FINAL STUFF......................................................mp_fs
[v] 11.1: If you want this on your site...............................mp_is
[v] 11.2: Disclaimer..................................................mp_ds
[v] 11.3: Credits.....................................................mp_cr
[v] 11.4: Closing.....................................................mp_cl

[v] = I have already finished this section. Go check it out!
[x] = I have started this section, but it isn't finished.
[ ] = I haven't even started this section.

***Use the codes provided on the right to search that matching topic on the
left in a very fast way.***

1 . 0 : F A Q sr_fq

Here are some of the most common questions I have seen and heard from people.
A lot of them can be surprising and obvious. Let's just get through this. It
might be a good idea to look at this also; you know, it might help.

Question #1
"What type of game is this?"

Answer #1
"Well, this is the Metroid Prime game that all people have been waiting for.
The large difference in this game is that it is first-person all put into a
large adventure. In my opinion, this is something that all people will enjoy."
Question #2
"Is there a good story line for this game?"

Answer #2
"Hmmm...There is not a huge story except for the saving the world part. I mean
it would be nice to have wording into the game, but there is not. This is one
of the downfalls of the game, but it is so fun that it hardly even matters."
Question #3
"Are the bosses difficuly?"

Answer #3
No...At least not for good gamers. These bosses are generally easy. In the
beginning, they are like pie. As you get closer to the end, you will notice a
bit more of a challenge. There are plenty of other puzzles though ;)
Question #4
"How long would it take to complete this game?

Answer #4
"Well, that depends on two things. How good you are at video games and how far
you want to complete the game. If you are decent player, probably 20-25 hours.
If you are a newb, you might take 30 hours, or a short time because you are
using this guide ;) Now, it might take you a lot of time to find all items in
the game to get a 100% completion game. (Hint: It has to do with the endings.)
Question #5
"You do not have certain things on the FAQ that I am looking for. What is up
with that?

Answer #5
Chill! I am working my butt off to get as much information into this FAQ. If
you think that I am missing a key strategy, please e-mail me or refer to the
e-mail policy section. I am willing to take any suggestions or stratigies.
Thanks for your time and cooperation.

2 . 0 : G A M E O V E R V I E W sr_go

2.1: Controls mp_ct

*** The information in this section is copied from the instruction booklet.***

CONTROL STICK.......................................................Move Samus
......................................................Look around
..........................................Aim (with the R Button)
A BUTTON......................................................Fire Beam Weapon
..........................................Lay bombs in Morph Ball Mode
B BUTTON..................................................................Jump
................................Activate Boost Ball in Morph Ball Mode
.........................................Dash sideways while locked on
C STICK.....................................................Select Beam Weapon
X BUTTON...........................Switch between standard and Morphball Modes
Y BUTTON.........................................................Fire Missiles
....................................Lay Power Bombs in Morph Ball Mode
R BUTTON...........................................................Look around
..........................................Aim (with the control stick)
L BUTTON.....................................................Lock onto enemies
.............................................Scan objects in scan mode
......................................................Use grapple beam
Z BUTTON...........................................................Call up map
CONTROL PAD......................................................Switch Visors

2.2: Background Information mp_bi

*** Just like the previous section, this section is copied literally from the
instruction booklet, because I'm to much of a lazy person to create my own
story. ***


The Chozo...Over millenia, this bird-like race of creatures made incredible
technological and scientific leaps. Traveling at will through space, they
built many marvels across the universe-technological wonders of unfathomable
complexity and cities unmatched in beauty. They shared their knowledge freely
with more primitive cultures and learned to respect and care for life in all

Even as their society reached its technological peak, however, the Chozo felt
their spirituality wane. Their culture was steeped in prophecy and lore, and
they foresaw the decline of the Chozo coinciding with the rise of evil.
Horrified by the increasing violence in the universe, they began to withdraw
into themselves, forgoing technology in favor of simplicity. Tallon IV was one
of several refuges they built - a colony bereft of technology, built of
natural materials and wedded to the land and its creatures.

The years passed, and in time a great meteor crashed into Tallon IV, sending a
massive spume of matter into the atmosphere and impregnating the land with a
cancerous element known as Phazon. This element immediately sank into the
earth and water, poisoning life wherever it bloomed. Most plants and animals
died, while others mutated into hideous forms.

The Chozo called upon all of their knowledge and technology to control the
power of Phazon, but their efforts were doomed to fail. All they could do was
build a temple over the crater at the impact site, seperate the Phazon core,
and seal it away. Believing that someday a savior would return to the planet,
the Chozo left for an unknown destination, leaving behind nothing but engraved
accounts of their time on Tallon IV.


The space pirates were interstellar nomads, technologically advanced in both
weaponry and space travel. When they plundered the Metroid population that
had been discovered by the Galactic federation on SR388, they recognized in
them massive military and energy resource potential. They immediately
invaded the nearby planet of Zebes, wiping out all life (including most of

the indigenous Chozo) and building a massive network of research facilities
below the planets surface.

Deep below the surface of Zebes, the space Pirates researched Metroid for
Many years, even as a young girl orphaned by their raid on the neighboring
planet K-2L was growing up among the Chozo. Trained as a warrior and infused
with Chozo blood, Samus Aran donned a Chozo-made power suit and cut a swatch
through the space pirates operation destroying everything in her path,
including the mainstays of the Space pirate army. She eventually made it to
the core of their base, destroyed all the Metroids she say, and seemingly
blew up the mother brain.

But the Space Pirates were far from finished. They immediately split their
survivors into two main camps. One headed to Zebes to begin rebuilding their
ravaged facility and resuscitating mother brain, Ridley and Kraid. The
second set out in search of a planet with powerful energy resources. They
didn't search far before they discover Tallon IV, which was still emanating
huge pulses of energy from the Phazon contained beneath the Chozo temple.
Entranced by the massive potential of the strange mutagen, they immediately
moved in retrofitting their laboratories, transporters and life support
systems into the Chozo ruins.

As the mined the Phazon and they found that its capacity to mutate was
beyond anything they'd ever seen, and they promptly started combining it
with native life-forms. They refined their operation: powering their
machinery with thermal-powered engines sunk in the molten depths of Tallon
Iv, they drove deep mineshafts and mined more and more Phazon, shipping it
to their two man labs in the Phendrana Drifts, where sub-zero temperatures
made specimen containment safer. Research leaped forward; by harnessing the
Phazons power, they were able to create untold horrors that soon patrolled
the dark caverns below Tallon IV's crust.

The space pirates also transported man species to their orbiting ship for
zero-G Phazon experiments, unaware that Samus Aran had finally tracked their
ship to its low orbit. As they continued with their unnatural experiments,
Samus sped towards Tallon IV, preparing to wipe them out once and for all...

3 . 0 : E Q U I P M E N T C A T A L O G U E mp_ec

Well, dear player, before you take control of Samus, everyone's favorite
bounty huntress, you might want to know what equipment you can find on Tallon
IV. That's why you should check out this hyper-cool catalogue.

3.1: Weapons mp_wp

You start the game with the Power Beam. That's right, you don't have to
walk across half the planet for five minutes of fun; you can use this weapon
as soon as you enter the planet's atmosphere. You can use the Power Beam to
get rid of the lovely flora and fauna you'll find on Tallon IV, blast open
doors, activate switches etc.
Ahh....the missile; a very popular weapon. If you don't have them you'll
soon find yourself running in circles while screaming: MOMMY, WHERE THE
HELL DO I HAVE TO GO!!!!! And we wouldn't want that, would we ^_^.
You can use these missiles to deal with some of the harder enemies or to
open doors (some doors will only open when they're hit by one of these
babies). Oh... rockets also make good nutcrackers.
Yep, this is the Wave Beam. It is used to shoot out multiple waves at other
enemies. It is not as fast as the power beam, but is much stronger. In the
long run, this weapon is probably the least of second to least weapon used.
To get them, you will have to kill the Sheegoth party, 4 small and a big
This is like a regular shotgun. It basically, shoots large clumps of ice
blocks at enemies. It will either freeze and enemy or actually destroy it.
I would use this weapon only when you are facing harder pirates. It is too
slow for normal fast enemies. You can shoot a missile after you have frozen
an enemy to shatter that enemy to pieces.
Well, this is probably the best weapon in the entire game. It is almost as
fast as the power beam and almost as strong as the ice beam. That basically
puts it on top. The beam shoots out fire from molten lava to easily destroy
enemies you once had to use missiles for. I would recommend having this out
most of the time after you receive it, which is later in the game. Sorry...
This is hardly even a weapon in this game. It is basically only used in the
final boss battle, as you need phazon power it up. It is given to you after
you have defeated the Omega Pirate. You will understand what I mean after
you get this. Don't get excited, let's just end with that.

3.2: Visors mp_vs

This is your default visor. It comes with a map, health display, radar and
lots more. Nothing real special about it, just regular vision.
You can use this visor to collect data. You will be using this for all the
information in your Log Book. For more on the Log Book, check out that
This is the visor that is similar to any regular night vision goggles. You
should use this to see enemies and doors in the dark. When turned on, you
will see a pink, yellow, and other warm colors to make navigation much
easier. You will also be anle to see heat, though creatures with the same
temperature as their surrounding will probably be hard to spot.
This is the visor that allows you to see dark rooms in black and white. It
is best when you want to see platforms in the dark. The thermal visor makes
platforms confusing, therefore this is the visor to use. The real
interesting thing about this visor is that it reveals invisible things
that no other visor can see.

3.3: Suits mp_st

This is the suit you begin the game with.
This suit is given to you after defeating Flaaghra. It allows you to
withstand heat. Reason being, is that you will be able to enter the Magmoor
Caverns without being hurt by the strong heat.
This is the famous suit found underwater. The great and special thing about
it, is that it allows you to move like normal underwater. Wow, is this so
much better. It completly changes people's opinion about underwater play.
I really like the way it looks also. Nice thing to have.
This is the last suit that you can receive in the entire game. It looks
really cool and has very postive effects. The function of this suit is to
protect you from Phazon goop. You will be able to walk in the blue Phazon
deposits, not the orange ones though. You will receive this suit once you
have defeated the Omega Pirate.

3.4: Morph Ball mp_mb
This is the mode in which you can shrink into a small ball and fit into the
small tunnels throughout the game. You will get many upgrades and are able
to set bombs anywhere you like. Go through tubes and dodge attacks using
this method.
These are the bombs that you can set by pressing B during Morph Ball Mode.
They can be used to break small doors that block certain pathways. You will
be able to shoot three in a row without reloading. They can also do double
jumps and so on.
Yep, this is the rock and roll action. You can hold down B to get a huge
boost of speed. You should watch out for half pipes around different worlds.
You can boost around them to get to high places. I would also use it to
dodge enemies that are quick and really annoying. Useful item indeed.
This is also a very useful item. It allows you to cling to the yellow and
black like tubes. You will be faced with puzzles and interesting things.
Make sure you look for these pipes, as your spider ball can get you to
secret places. I think it looks pretty cool as well.
These bombs are received way at the end of the game. You can carry a maximum
of eight power bombs, after collecting the upgrades of course. They are much
more powerful than regular bombs, as they can blow up huge boulders that
block your path. You will be faced with an electric maze to retrieve this

3.5: Other abilities mp_ao
This, if holding down A, will create a large bubble that is essentially a
charge up. It is more powerful than regular shots, but can be very time
consuming. When charged up, you can do special moves by pressing Y while
holding it down.
The Grapple Beam allows you to swing on the certain grapple points through
the game. It just makes it easier to get to certain places but can also be
something that is required in the game. This is one of the less useful items
in the game.
This is probably one of my favorite augmentations in the entire game. It
allows you to do a double jump. It really makes the game less and less
frustrating. Once you get, take advantage of it as it will help you greatly
throughout the game.
These are the additives to the missile launcer. to access the certain combos
that you retrieve throughout the game, charge fully with the charge beam and
then press Y. The certain beam combos are as follows.

|Beam Combo Name| |Function| |

Super Missiles.......Allows you to shoot a more powerful missile. It takes up
five missiles per shot.

Ice Spreader.........The combo for the Ice Beam. It shoots huge mounds of ice.
It can freeze enemies and even entire rooms! It takes up
ten missiles per shot.

Wavebuster...........The combo for the Wave Beam. It auto-seeks targets with
electric waves. It will waist missiles for as long as you
are using it.

Flamethrower.........The combo for the Plasma Beam. It will take up missiles
for as long as you are firing it. It shoots out a beam
of fire. It is most useful when you are facing several
enemies in one room.
This is a common move that you need to master in order to get some of the
special items in the game. To do this, set a morph bomb. Then, right before
you are about to jump up, set one more. As you are in the air set a third
one. Then fall down and the second bomb will boost you up to the third bomb.
This will then boost you up even higher to a second jump. Use it to get to
certain platforms in which you can only be in morph ball mode. Here is a
small little diagram to look at for easier translation.

#3, then fall to #2 | #3
^ | ^
| \ / |
*START* #1, wait 2 seconds, #2 #2--------|

#'s indicate when you should set a morph ball bomb.
To get good boost on the halfpipe, use the following diagram.

| |
| |
| |
| 1 4 3 2 |

1: When starting, start a long boost all the way along the base of the
halfpipe. Make sure you hold B down the whole time in morph ball mode.

2: This is when you should release B after the first long charge up. This will
boost you high on the pipe.

3: Right when you hit the ground of the first charge up, hold B and charge up
along the base for a second run. Becareful as you will get a lot of speed
along the runway.

4: This is where you let go of B again to get an even higher boost then number
2. Continue to do this in the same pattern to get to maximum heights. Good
3.6: Important Locations mp_il







3.7: The map mp_mp

To access the map of the world, simply press Z on the controller.

These are the button controls for the map, when pressed Z.

Control Stick..................................Rotate the directon of looking.
C Stick.........................................Move to a room of your choice.
A Button..................................Changes from world map to level map.
L Button..............................................................Zoom Out
R Button...............................................................Zoom In
Y Button.......................................Hide/Display the Key and Legend
Z Button..................................................................Exit

You will notice different icons on the map during your gameplay. This is the
key to what the symbols stand for.

Blue Square................................Can be opened with any Beam Weapon.
Purple Square................................Can be opened with the Wave Beam.
White Square..................................Can be opened with the Ice Beam.
Red Square.................................Can be opened with the Plasma Beam.
Gray Square......................................Can be opened with a Missile.
Green Square......................................................Opened door.

"E" symbol............................................................Elevator
"M" symbol....................................................Missile Recharge
"S" symbol........................................................Save Station
"?" symbol................................................................Hint

Make sure that you are always looking at the map. You should always know
which room you are in. Number one, it helps you find places better and
number 2, it makes this walkthrough a much easier document to use. Please
make sure you do this during your gameplay.

4 . 0 : W A L K T H R O U G H

4.1: Before you read the walkthrough mp_bf

The walkthrough has been divided in different sections (you can see when a new
section starts, the section headers are like this: =-=-=-=-). The first thing
you should do is to check which section you want to go to (you can find the
names of the sections here or in the table of contents). I have listed the
names of the section here (there is a codeword behind every section, type
CONTROL + F and type in the codeword behind the section you want to go to, to
go there immediately):

4.1: Before you read this walkthrough | mp_bf
4.2: Space Pirate Vessel | mp_sv
4.3: Tallon IV's evil wildlife | mp_te
4.4: Tallon IV: Fire and Ice | mp_fi
4.5: The Ice and Gravity | mp_ig
4.6: Space Frigate Visit #2 | mp_s2
4.7: The Mines | mp_tm
4.8: The X-Ray and The Flames | mp_xf
4.9: The Omega and Artifacts | mp_of

Items Obtained:

4.2: Space Pirate Vessel - Getting through the Space Vessel.
4.3: Tallon IV's evil wildlife - Getting back all of your missing items.
4.4: Tallon IV: Fire and Ice - Getting the Wave Beam and the Thermal Visor.
4.5: The Ice and Gravity - Getting the Ice Beam and the Gravity Suit.
4.6: Space Frigate Visit #2 - Collect Charge Ups.
4.7: The Mines - Collect the Power Bombs and the Grappling Beam.
4.8: The X-Ray and The Flames - Obtain the X-Ray Visor and the Plasma Beam.
4.9: The Omega and Artifacts - Obtain the Phazon Suit and artifacts.

Each section is divided in short missions.
Please note that you'll only find the things you MUST do in this walkthrough
(so no energy tanks etc.). When you enter a (new) world though, I will tell
you where you can find the missile upgrades, energy tanks and other things
like power bomb expansions in that area (I will only give the locations of the
upgrades you can reach at that point). If you want detailed descriptions on
how to obtain them, check out chapter 7,8 and 9.


- Try to save as often as you can. Believe me, it's a real pain in the arse to
play a section all over again, because you forgot to save.

- ALWAYS use the L button (lock on). You're life will be a lot harder without

- Make use of your surroundings. Hide behind a wall, jump to another platform
to avoid a painly death etc.

- Make good use of your map. Always check for save points and other
interesting rooms.

- Scan all the enemies that you come across. This includes bosses because
there can be times where you only have one chance to get a certain scan.
Just be forewarned that you MUST scan all bosses before knocking their face
off ;)

4.2: Space Pirate Vessel mp_sv

When the Space Pirates left Planet Zebes, Samus lost track of them. Now, years
later, she has found a Space Pirate Vessel above Tallon IV, one of the Chozo's
refuges. This section consists of 2 missions:



-Creature Log: Parasites, Auto Turrets, Parasite Queen.
-Pirate Data: Fall of Zebes.
-Research Data: Map Station, Save Station, Small Energy, Missile Ammo.


Woah...just look at the graphics. They were even better than I thought.
Anyway, welcome to Metroid Prime and good luck, you'll need it.

After watching the short cutscene, you're in control of Samus. You are at the
hangar of the Space Pirate Vessel and your first mission is to find a way
inside. Start by shooting those funky lights in front of you (use the L-button
to lock-on them and use the A button to fire your Power Beam). Once you've hit
them all four, you'll notice that this lights aren't just a simple decoration,
but serve as switches used to shut a force field down. Proceed down the ramp
and you'll see another set of switches to the left of you. First you have to
activate them though: switch to the scan visor (left on the control pad) and
look around until you see a red symbol located on a pillar, scan it (press
the L button). Now switch back to the standard visor and shoot the switches
(two of them are located very high, use the R button to aim). When the second
force field is down jump on the ledge (B button). Run up the ledge to the left
of you and shoot the door to open it.

There's nothing really interesting to do here. You can scan some of your
surroundings or just proceed to the next hallway.

If you're interested in watching guts splutter on your visor, shoot the
floating aliens, if not, just scan the symbol to your left to repressurize
the room. You can now shoot the door and proceed.

Just follow the hallway and open the next door.

-------------------------- seems like you've just missed the fun. There has been a huge battle
in this room and everyone in this room is dead or heavily wounded. Make sure
you scan all enemies, because sometimes you gain useful information. You can
also scan the (dead) Space Pirates in this room for some juicy details on how
they died.

Anyway, go down the stairs and scan the Parasite. Walk up the ledge on the
other site of the room and just follow the path until you reach another ledge
(you might want to kill the Parasites if you feel the need). Go down the
ledge and shoot the heavily wounded Space Pirate in front of you to end his
miserable live. Now unlock the door to your right and enter.

This corridor is blocked with a bunch of rubble. Hold the A button until the
Power Beam is fully charged and then release it...voila, the path is now
clear. You can now go through the door at the end of this corridor.

When you enter the map station, you'll see a short cutscene showing some of
those silly Parasites running through a small tunnel. Go into Morph Ball
Mode (X button) and follow them (the hole is in the wall to the right of
you). When you've reached the room they ran into press the X button to
switch back to your normal visor again and step into the hologram to download
the map of this area.
When you're done, roll back through the tunnel and enter the door to your

Scan the symbol on the wall and step into the hologram to ride the elevator
down. Open the door when it has stopped.

Apparently someone (or something...) has destroyed this hallway. Go into Morph
Ball Mode, roll through the tunnel of rubble (watch out for the
electricity) and go through the door.

In this room you'll see a big cell which contains a HUGE mutated monster (also
known as "What the hell is that?!"). There are also two injured Space Pirates
in this room...kill them as soon as you see them, because they can be a pain
in the arse. When they're down, follow the walkway and go through the door.

There's a Auto Defense Turret just around the corner, so beware. Run around
the corner, lock on the turret and shoot a missile (Y button) to destroy that
silly thing. Proceed to the next room.

There's another one of those huge cells in this room, but beware, there's a
turret behind it. Slowly strafe to the left (you can strafe using the L
button) and fire a missile into it when you see it. You can now scan the
monitors around you. Make sure you scan the monitor with the red symbol, since
it contains the first piece of pirate date (also see chapter 8.1). Walk to the
other side of the room and scan the blue symbol to activate the elevator and
use it. While riding the elevator to the top, charge your Power Beam. When the
elevator has reached the top, you'll see an injured Space Pirate sitting on
the ground, kill him. Now charge your weapon again and slowly walk forward, as
soon as you see another Space Pirate lock-on to him and shoot. Repeat this
process (there are 2 sitting Space Pirates and 2 walking) until you've reached
the door. Also make sure you collect the energy balls some Space Pirates leave
behind (they replenish 10 units of energy, you can scan them if you want).

Proceed to the next room.

There's a Auto Defense Turret to the right of you, so fire a missile at it.
Now scan the symbol to activate the lift and step into the fancy hologram to
ride the lift down. Make sure you have your weapon charged.
When the lift has reached deck Gamma, a Space Pirate will jump down as soon as
you exit the lift. If you followed my advice and charged your weapon, quickly
lock-on to it and shoot. You can also take the Space Pirate out with a
When he's dead, scan the blue symbol to the right of you, and the door lock
will be activated. First you have to insert a metallic sphere, though. Press
the X button to enter Morph Ball Mode and roll into the hologram in front of
the door to open it.
Before you enter take out the Auto Defense Turrets you can see in the next

Enter the door to your left to enter the save station and save your game (make
sure you scan the save station). Now go back to the reactor core entrance and
scan the blue symbol to activate the door lock. Just like in the previous
room, enter Morph Ball Mode and roll into the hologram to open the door.

BOSS #1 : PARASITE QUEEN (Hey, she looks like me in the morning)*
Welcome to your very first boss battle (if you play the game for the first
time, that is). It's quite easy, to say the least.

Start by scanning it (this is your one and only chance to scan it) and lock-on
to its mouth. You can only hit the Parasite Queen when you shoot through a gap
in the force field, so strafe left (press the L button and left or right)
while charging your beam and shoot the Parasite Queen when you're in front of
a'll know when you hit her; she'll flash red. When the Parasite
Queen is going to attack, quickly strafe to the left or the right and you
won't be hit.

Sometimes the force field will start spinning around...just wait until it
stops and find a gap in the force field again. Don't worry, the Parasite Queen
will go down after a few charged hits.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


-- When her royal mayesty is defeated you have 7 minutes to get your ass out
of that damn frigate before it explodes. --

Turn around and go through the door.

Just follow the path until you've reached anoter door.

Scan the blue symbol right in front of you to activate the elevator. Now step
into the hologram. When the elevator has reached the top, walk into the
hallway and scan the blue symbol in front of you to disable a turret just
around the corner. Proceed through the next door.

When you enter this room you'll see one of those cute mutants fighting with
some Space Pirates...stay where you are, watch the fight, and eventually
there'll be a huge explosion. Now run to the mutant's tank and strafe to the
left until you see a Space Pirate standing on the balcony above you, shoot
him. When he's dead walk up the crumbled stairs and kill the two remaining
Space Pirates on the balcony with missiles. Now jump into the ventilation
shaft on the other side of the balcony.

Enter Morph Ball Mode and follow the ventilation shaft (ignore the groups of
Parasites) until you reach a door, open it with a Morph Ball Bomb.

Just like in the previous set of shafts, keep rolling until you reach a door
and ignore the Parasites.

Roll to the next door.

Just like in the previous room, roll to the next door, while ignoring
everything on your way.

Two Auto Defense Turrets await you in this room, destroy them with missiles.
Go through the door in front of you when they're destroyed.

Enter Morph Ball Mode again and roll to the next area, ignoring the Parasites.

*Sigh* this is getting boring ^_^. Just like the previous 5 or more rooms,
follow the path and blast open the door.

There's a piston in this room which blocks the way to the next ventilation
shaft. Wait for it to move backwards and you'll eventually see the small shaft
which leads to the next section of the Main Ventilation shaft. Quickly roll
into it.

Heh...finally...the last section of the Main Ventilation Shaft. Just follow
the path and go through the door at the end.

As you enter this room you'll see a metallic bird (called Meta-Ridley) flying
away. When you're in control of Samus, walk forward and the game will explain
you how to use the Grapple Beam. Look up and you'll see grapple points, which
you can use to swing to the other side. Press the L button to grab a point and
release the L button when you're about to swing back. Directly press the L
button again to grab another grapple point which you can use to get to the
other side. Go through the door in front of you.

Scan the blue symbol right in front of you to disable a turret and run around
the corner. Walk to the elevator, but watch out not to be hit by the
electricity on the walls. Scan the blue symbol and enter the elevator...BOOM!
Just when Samus is about to ride the elevator down, there's a huge explosion
which causes a whole lot of your equipment to malfunction (your Varia Suit,
Morph Ball, Missile Launcher, Grapple beam and Charge beam. But, you don't
have to worry about it for now, because first you have to get out of that
frigate...if you still want your mother to recognize you, that is ^_^. Step
into the hologram and the elevator will bring you to dack Alpha.

When the elevator has stopped, run into the corridor next to you and
eventually you'll reach the Air Lock.

Hey...we've been here before. Quickly run to the left and go through the door.

Follow the corridor and go through the door...congratulations, you made it.



Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Space Pirate Vessel



* Morphology: The Parasite is an interstellar vermin that travels in swarms
and is indigenous to Tallon IV. A single Parasite is harmless
to larger lifeforms. However, they tend to travel in large
groups, swarming over potential prey.

* Morphology: Parasite female, genetically enhanced by unknown means.

* Morphology: An automatic turret that opens fire on any enemy that comes
within it's range.


Walk into a Map Station to download a map of the area Samus is in. You can
only scan this once, so, do it in the beginning!

Missile Ammunition re-supplies Missile launcher with 5 rounds of ammo.

Small Energy replenishes 10 units of energy

Step into these stations to save the game's progress and fully restore
Samus' energy.


O FALL OF ZEBES (09.992.3):
Zebes has fallen. All ground personnel are presumed dead, either killed by
the Hunter clad in metal or in the subsequent destruction of the underground
facilities. Our research frigates Orpheon, Siriacus and Vol Paragom were in
orbit at zero hour and managed to retreat. Frigate Orpheon is now docked at
Vortex Outpost. Orpheon's cargo appears to have a 100% survival rate;
Metroids are healthy but on restricted feeding schedules due to uncertain
supply status. We are ready to begin research on the Metroids and other
promising life-forms. Security status remains at Code Blue; no signs of
pursuit from the Hunter.


4.3: Tallon IV's evil wildlife mp_te

When Samus escaped from the Space Pirate Frigate, she decided to follow the
bird-like creature she saw earlier in the Biotech Research Area 2. She loses
track of him and she lands on the planet Tallon IV to investigate.
This section consists of seven missions:



-Creature Log: Geemer, Zoomer, Bloodflower, Tangle Weed, Sap Sac, Seedling,
-Pirate Data: Artifact Site
-Research Data: Gunship, Locked Door
-Artifacts: Truth

The first I thing I noticed when I saw Tallon Overworld is that the weather is
much like the weather of Holland: BAD. The second thing I noticed is that
there are a whole lot a doors, but Samus can only reach one at the moment.
When the game has asked you whether you want to save your game or not and
you're in control of Samus, look to the right and you'll see a door. Enter it.

This is a larger area. You can look around, but there is nothing you can do
without your items back. Follow the path to the end of the canyon and go into
the door.

This is another larger place. You can look around as always and be sure to
scan the creatures in this room. If you think you missed one, refer to the
checklist of new creatures in this level. Head to the end of the room and go
into the next blue door.

This tunnel has some enemies. Scan them if you choose to speed past all the
way to the next blue door. Enter that.

In here, you will notice the first large world elevator. Scan the elevator
key in front of you and hop onto the unlocked elevator to reach a new part of
the world, Chozo Ruins!



Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Tallon Overworld Visit #1

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: A plant-based ground feeder, its dorsal spines can be ejected
in self defence.

* Morphology: Plant life with basic sentience. Retracts into the ground if
threatened. Tangle Weeds are only dangerous to small
organisms. They are covered in tiny barbs designed to trap
potential meals. Tangle Weeds lack the strength to do anything
more than hinder larger lifeforms.

* Morphology: Volatile chemicals within this weed's toxic fungal cap may
explode if agitated. The poisonous flesh of the Blastcap helps
keep it from being eaten. It also detonates its fungal cap
when it senses even slight contact.

* Morphology: The Bloodflower is able to eject toxic spores. Toxins are
poisonous even to the Bloodlower itself. Three moud-nodules
protrude from the stalk beneath the flower, each with a
rudimentary brain cluster and the ability to spew toxic fumes
at anything within a reach of five meter radius. The spores
ejected from the Stigma at the center of the flower are
sufficient to kill this creature if they explode in its

* Morphology: Anchors itself to walls and other surfaces. Avoid contact with
the Zoomer's spines. A basic nerve center located directly
above the Zoomer's mandibles detects nutrients. Sharp spines
protect it from casual predators, but the lack of a
reinforced carapace makes the Zoomer vulnerable to any
indirect attacks.

* Morphology: A Geemer is a wall-crawler with retractable spikes. It is an
evolutionary offshoot of the Zoomer family. However, where the
Zoomer is fairly vulnerable, the Geemer is invincible. When
threatened, it extends its head deep into its armored

* Morphology: A chemical reaction within the sac produces a violent
explosion when agitated. Because of its irresistible odor and
sweet nectar, the Sap Sac was nearly eaten out of existence.
The evolution of an explosive chemical sac saved it, now only
brave or ingenious creatures dare to devour it.


Hunter class gunship registered to Samus Aran. Return to the Gunship to
recharge energy, reload weapons and save progress in the game.

Lock system engaged. Secure the area to unlock door.

-Creature Log: Hive, Scarab, Eyon, War Wasp, Plazmite, Ram War Wasp,
Hive Mecha, Plated Beetle, Shriekbat, Reaper Vine, Incinerator
Drone, Barbed War Wasp, Stone Toad, Venom Weed, Flaahgra
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: Large Energy, Locked Door, Morph Ball Slot
-Chozo Lore: Fountain, Exodus, Beginnings, Hatchling
-Artifacts: NONE

Just go forward up to the blue door, shoot it, and go into the next room.

As you enter this room, you will be given the warning to go to the Hive Totem
on the map. Well, you just have to go there for now and ignore everything
else, as we need to get all our items back as soon as possible! Head through
the cave and go up to the next door. Enter it.

Here, the "main room" as I like to call it. It will be the connection to many
other rooms. As you move forward, you will notice some Beetle's pop out. Scan
them, of course, and shoot them up with the power beam, which is the only
weapon you have. Notice you do not even have missiles. Now, head forward and
go up to the actual main plaza. Look left to find a blue door. Head in, as the
others can only be entered using missiles. You need to get your missile
launcher before you can get into those. Head in the door for now.

This is the famous tunnels with the famous Scarabs. Scan them as you see them.
They are small and like to sneak up on you from the corners. Do not worry,
they come in great numbers. Stay far away from them, and shoot them all down.
At the end of the tunnel is the next blue door.

This room is called the Eyon Tunnel because there are Eyons all over the place
in this room. They are like eyes that shoot beams. First of all, scam them.
Now pick one off at a time to make them stop shooting those beams. Now head
past all of them and enter the blue door at the end.

This is a room that I like a lot. Why? Well, because it has a save! You should
always save your game as you are progressing through the game, as there are
not a whole lot of times you can save. First scan the Chozo Lore on the bottom
of the room, then climb all the way up. Go right and save into the next door.
Not head back out, and scan a Wasp and the War Wasp and the War Wasp Hive. Now
enter the door all the way to the right.

This is another one of those tunnels with the, yet again, famous Scarabs.
Shoot them up and head into the next room through the door.

This room is small as well. Scan the Tangle Weed, and watch out for the floor.
It is poisonous and will deplete your energy if you stay long enough into it.
Jump across the platforms on the right and head into the next room through the

In here, scan the Plazmites as they come at you. They are easy to destroy and
hardly take off any damage. Watch out for the poisonous water and jump over to
the next blue door. Head in.

Ahhh...The room you have been waiting for. Head to the right and jump over the
certain platforms. Under you is poison water again, so watch out! Make you way
to the center platform and then go up to the missiles! Wait...The water goes
up and you need to do little fight to earn a little prize.

BOSS #2 : Hive Mecha *
Welcome to the second boss battle of Metroid Prime. Well, this one is just as
easy, if not easier than the first, Parasite Queen. You will notice a large
machine on the north side of the room. It will spit out War Wasps at first.

Now, all the Ram War Wasps, which you should scan as well as the Hive Mecha,
will all spin around you in circles. They will stop periodically and wait for
you to lock on and shoot them down. Do so to destroy one by one. Now wait, it
is not that easy. If you do not shoot the Wasps in time, they will ram at you
and cause a bit of damage. Just try to do this procedure hastly. Now, kill all
the rest of the Wasps. Once they are all killed, the Mecha will show a huge
red button on its base. Shoot it as many times as you can to inflict damage.
Now, repeat the procedure and the Hive Mecha will blow to pieces!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now head up to the place it destroyed. There will be the MISSILE LAUNCHER!


This room has one VERY useful item. Well, in the middle is an Energy Tank!
Scan it and once picked up, you will gain 100 points of health. Yeah! Now, we
need the Morph Ball before doing anything, so let's move back a few rooms to
the Ruined Gallery.

In here, go to the bottom and use a missile on the door that is hidden at the
end. Watch out for poison water and Wasps. Now, in here, is the Map Station!
Scan it, if you missed the one is the Space Frigate. Unlock the entire map for
now! Now go back to the main plaza.

Well, I told you that you needed the missile launcher to open those locked
doors. Well, now we have the launcer so open that door I was talking about and
head into the next room.

This tunnel is another one of the Scarab tunnels. Just slowly make your way
around the corners and shoot them all up from a distance. Now head to the end
of the tunnel and go into the blue lit door.

Time for a mini-boss! As you enter this room and head into the middle of the
plaza, you will first be faced with an immense amount of Beetles. They will
all pop out of the ground. Shoot them up like a mad man until they are
completly dead. Nice job, but you are not done yet. Now time for the Plated
Beetle. First, scan it for an easy entree. Now, this enemy is invulnerable
on the front. So, you must hit the back of it with your shots. The other
problem is that it always seems to face you. Now, if you stay in one place for
a while, it will charge at you. Press B and over to dodge that charge. Now aim
for the back and shoot it up. Repeat this process a few more times to destroy
the mini-boss! Claim the MORPH BALL! Now head back to Transport Access north.


This is where you got your first Energy Tank. Well, there is a spider webbed
tunnel that you can now fit in with the Morph Ball. Press X to get into Morph
Ball mode and roll through. Now there will be a maze. Use the pushers to get
up, as you cannot fall in any way here. Now go upstairs and into the new
tunnel. Now head into the blue lit door.

No, this is not another transport. Well, it is, but we are not going to use
it. We need a special suit to withstand the heat at Magmoor Caverns. Just go
into the next blue lit door.

Use the morph ball to move through the areas and puzzles. You will need to
jump into a hole. Jump up and ball into the hole. Now take this tunnel all the
way to the end and into the next room through the blue lit door.

Here, you cannot do anything now until you retrieve the bombs. Just head into
the next room.

In here, you will be faced with several of those Beetles. Just shoot them up
with the power beam and move on. At the end will be another Energy Tank! This
moves your energy 100 units up again. Now you have a total of 300 points! That
is pretty good so far. Just drop down into the plaza.

Now, make your way up the room and up to a wooden trunk bridge. Use this,
while knocking away all of the War Wasps, to get across to the other side of
the top of the room. Directly to your right is the door you need to get to.
Go inside.

Once again, there are Scarabs all over the place. I believe there are two sets
of them, so watch out. There will also be clumps of wood all over. Use the
morph ball to get under them and proceed on. Go into the door all the way at
the end.

This dark room has two doors. One straight ahead and one to the left of you.
The problem is that there is poisonous water all over and the room will get
very dark if you shoot out the Plazmites. Make your way on the right side of
the room and get to the door that was originally to the left of the entrance.
The other door involves, again, the suit that can withstand heat. Head into
the door.

Go through the tunnel and then kill the skriekbats (or scan). Then blow the
missile locked door open (and/or scan). Now head into the next room.

There will be a new enemy in this room, the Reaper Vine. Scan before doing
anything. Now, head across the platforms in which they lie. Shoot them to make
them go into the wall. Now head to the opposite side of the room and head in
the door.

Just head through the smoke. No enemies or jumps. Hit the door at the end and
go into the next room.

In this larger room there is a Save Station to the right after a missile
locked door. Finally! Save and head straight from the Save Station door. Go
to the blue door all the way across and kill the Blastcaps with the power
beam. Head in.

Head straight through and kill the skriekbats on the way. Head into the blue
door at the end.

This room is like a puzzle. There are marks called Runic Marks that you must
activate to open a certain door. To activate them you must scan them like a
normal scan. They will appear in bright red so they are easy to find. There
are a total of four in this room that you must find. First, look behind you on
the back wall and scan the first one. Now go ahead on the platforms and go
passed the Reaper. At the end is the large door with the runic symbols on it.
Scan the second one near there. On the right of that is the third one. Scan it
as well. For the last one, find the Blastcaps nearby and below them is the
final one. Scan it to activate the door. Now head all the way back up and go
up. Go to the door and scan it. Now head in and take the CHARGE BEAM! Head
back to the Gathering Hall.


Now save here again so that you have the Charge Beam. In this room, there is
a second floor. Look for a rock ledge. Blast away the blastcaps and head all
the way up to the second floor via the ledges around the room. Then ball up
and go through the tunnel at the end. Now go to the blue door at the other
side. Head in.

In here, kill all of the enemies. They are easy shriekbats. Then continue to
the next door and go inside.

This is a passageway full of Eyons. To take them out, shoot charged shots at
them. Then go into the door at the end of the hallway and go inside.

First take out the Shriekbats in the middle of the room. Now, since there are
two ways to go, go left. Ball up and go through the tunnel. Keep going through
and scan the Stone Toad in your way. Then go all the way to the blue door and
head in.


BOSS #3 : Incinerator Drone *
As you enter this room, there will be another boss battle. The Incinerator
Drone. Now to start off, it will shoot fire around while rotating. Dodge the
fire and wait for a red button to pop up at the top of it. Shoot it and it
will then shoot out Barbed Wasps. Now, you must dodge the fire by jumping and
you must shoot out all the Wasps. Once all of the Wasps are shot, you will
see that red button up at the top again. Shoot it with a missile or charged
beam shot to take the most damage off. Repeat this process a few more times
and watch out for the speed of the fire beam. At the end, when you defeated
it, you will earn the MORPH BALL BOMBS!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Follow the path with the bombs and break the end of the water hole. Then take
your first missile upgrade. This will raise your ammo of missiles to 10. It
basically increases it by 5.


Now just head back to the Stone Toad. Use bomb jumps to get into the tunnels
by pressing A to release a bomb and then go on top of the bomb to be shot up
into the hole. Now head into the door.

Go into that Stone Toad, do not forget to scan it, and then, once in the mouth
you should plant a morph ball. Then it will explode and allow you to enter the
new path created. Now there is a little time test. Go up to the little hole.
In morph ball mode, bomb the hole to activate the water lowerage. There are
now two more cores you need to activate to permenantly keep a path to the door
above the main room. Now head out with the morph ball and go to Core 2. Bomb
the activation hole here to raise three platforms. Now head over to those
platforms quickly. You don't have all day as the water will raise in a certain
amount of time. Go across the platforms and through the hall to Core 3. Now
activate the final hole and you will permantly have a path to the door. Go up
to that door and open it.

A small hall with a door at the end. Go in as there is nothing else to do in
this room.

Directly at the entrance of this room is a morph ball hole. Go in there and
at the end is another Energy Tank! This will increase your energy 100 points
yet again. You need a new item to proceed on. You can go anywhere else and
look for new items you can get using the new items you already have. Once you
are done, go back to the Arboretum.

In this large tree room, you will need to scan four Runic Symbols again. Also,
we need to get to the top of the room. The only way to get all the way up is
to scan the four Runic Symbols. To start off, go to the other side of the
room. You will seem some Venom Weeds on the ground in the water. First scan
them and then shoot them. Once they are shot and they go into the ground, scan
the first symbol below them. Now head back across the room. Now head right on
the platforms and across the wooden bridge. The second Runic Symbol is right
above there. Scan it on the tree. Now head up and go until the wall gets to
a small gap. To get throug there, use your morph ball. Bomb all the blocks
that get into your way as you move along the gap. At the end, be sure to kill
all of the War Wasps that are to your right. Also blow the Hive up so they
cannot come back. As you get out, the third Runic Symbol is directly to the
left on the wall. Then head up the steps here and go up to the next gap. The
difference between this gap and the last gap is that this one has Venom Weeds
in the middle. Quickly shoot them and roll past them to the other side. Go
on the path and up the bridge. At the end is the fourth Runic Symbol. Now go
into the newly opened door and bomb the rock to find the blue door. Hit it
and go into the next room.

In here is a small path with the Venom Weeds comepletly covering it. Shoot the
first ones and then roll past them to the small branch. Then shoot the second
bunch and roll all the way to the end where the blue door is at. Shoot is and
go into the next room.

In here, shoot the Venom Weed and the Reaper Vines that detruct your path. Go
all the way to the end and climb up to the top. At the top are boxes with ammo
and other life energy. Then go into the next door and fight the next boss.


BOSS #4 : Flaahgra *
Here is the next boss. Watch the short cut scene and get ready to start the
first challenging boss battle. You will notice that there is a dish around the
arena. Your objective is to stun Flaahgra and then hit the back of the dish so
that it moves upward. Then it will reflect light on Flaahgra giving you a
chance to harm it. That is the battle in a nutshell. Here is more detail. At
the start, shoot regular shots right at the plant. Just rapidly do it. Try to
get close to the dish when you are firing. If you hit it enough, the plant
will be stunned. Now hit the dish with a missile on the back. It will have a
red button on it. This will reflect light onto Flaahgra and allow you to go
into a tunnel on the side leading to the plant. Ball up and go into that
tunnel and at the end, bomb it. This will inflict damage. Now, if you do not
stun Flaahgra fast enough, it might claw you. If you are fast though, you will
have no problem. Now, after you hit it for the first time you will be hit with
two dishes. Again, the object of this is to stun Flaahgra and then hit BOTH of
the dishes. To do this fast enough, simply strafe using B and over to get good
speed. Then repeat and you will hit it again. You will have to do this up to
four dishes. Nothing else changes though. Just shoot as and move as fast as
you can. After the fourth you will have defeated Flaahgra!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Do not worry, you get the VARIA SUIT right when you defeat Flaahgra. Go up to
it and take it! Now you can withstand heat and go into the Magmoor Caverns!
First head out the door.


Hop into the water ahead and dodge all the enemies here. Be sure to scan the
Pulse Bombs but you cannot kill them without an electric weapon. Head across
the waters to the door at the other side.

In here, simply drop down to the bottom. Do not worry, you will not lose any
life after the drop. Then scan the Chozo Lore here at the bottom. Now, go into
the next room and take the elevator down to MAGMOOR CAVERNS!



Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Chozo Ruins Visit #1

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The War Wasp Hive is the primary dwelling for War Wasps, and
is only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. War Wasps build their
hives over existing crevices, using whatever materials close
at hand. They carry building fragments back to the
construction site with their forelegs, and glue them into
place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.

* Morphology: The War Wasp Hive is the primary dwelling for War Wasps, and
is only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. War Wasps build their
hives over existing crevices, using whatever materials close
at hand. They carry building fragments back to the
construction site with their forelegs, and glue them into
place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.

* Morphology: The Stone Toad preys on creatures smaller than itself, and is
vulnerable only from within. A Stone Toad is able to remain
still for days. It preys opon creatures smaller than itself,
inhaling them whole. Anything it finds indigestible, it
regurgitates. Stone Toads use their tusks as a last resort in

* Morphology: A powerful rock-dwelling tentacle, it appears to be part of a
much larger organism. A single eye upon the Reaper Vine keeps
a constant vigil, but its vision is limited to 10 meters. A
scythe-like appendage on its tip is honed to lethal sharpness.
The Reaper Vine will swing this blade wildly at anything that
enters its zone of perception.

* Morphology: An immobile organism that's entirely composed of ocular
tissue. The Eyon is capable of launching sustained energy
beams when active. However, the Eyon is sensitive to light and
will close shut if a bright flash ignites nearby.

O FLAAHGRA (boss):
* Morphology: This mutant plant is the source of the toxic water in the
ruins. Flaahgra's growth cycle has been radically accelerated.
As a result, it requires near-constant exposure to solar
energy to remain active. This exposure has made Flaahgra's
outer shell thick and durable. Concentrated weapon fire can
daze it for short periods, but its lower root system is
unprotected and vulnerable, however. Exploit this flaw when

* Morphology: One of Flaahgra's tentacle fills a narrow drainage channel in
the Sun Chamber. Analysis indicates that Flaahgra's central
nervous system may be located at the base of this structure.

* Morphology: Venom Weed is a poisonous plant that retracts into the ground
if threatened. Venom Weeds evolved to thrive in the habitants
of large organisms. They lure prey with brightly colored
leaves, then attack with tiny barbs that deliver a poweful
toxin. Venom Weeds rapidly decompose anything that succumbs in
their midst.

* Morphology: An airborne insect with the evolved ability to launch its
stinger at prey. The Barbed War Wasp is a highly agressive
member of the War Wasp family, this insect can propel the tip
of its stinger up to 20 meters. The stinger tip regrows
seconds after launch and contains an acidic compound designed
to predigest prey.

* Morphology: Small insects capable of storing and releasing thermal energy.
Plazmites are attracted to sources of heat, thriving on the
energy present there. They emit light when hunting, and expel
small bursts of thermal energy when threatened.

* Morphology: The Ram War Wasp is an airborne predator insect that circles
its prey and strikes with others as a group. The War Wasps are
the only species of Tallon IV to evolve a true hive mind.
Nesting in damp, dark places, Ram War Wasps emerge in small
groups when threatened and circle their enemy at high speed,
disorienting it. Striking from all sides, as a single
intelligence, they can fell huge organisms with their tactics.

* Morphology: Scarabs are exploding Parasites that can embed their bodies
into solid rock. Scarabs think nothing of sacrificing
themselves for the safety of the swarm. When a hostile
life-form is sighted, they block its progress by embedding
themselves in floors and walls. Embedded Scarabs violently
self-destruct when threatened.

* Morphology: Device schematics indicate a high risk of malfunction when
internal power core is exposed. This unit has minimal combat
programming, but can defend itself if necessary. The intense
heat blasts it shoots compensate for its lack of battle

* Morphology: Hardy member of the Parasite family. Invulnerable to to most
weaponry. A cousin to the Parasite, these creatures are known
for their amazing resilience. Field studies suggest a weakness
to Morph Ball delivered weapon systems.

* Morphology: The Shriekbat is a territorial ceiling dweller. Body
temperature peaks at 121 centigrade. Shriekbats have high
internal temperature, making them easy to spot with thermal
imaging. They roost on cave ceilings while hunting for small
prey. Fiercely territorial, they dive-bomb anything that
wanders near.


O Chozo Lore:|

At the highest point of our city lies the fountain, a wellspring of pure
water that flows throughout our civilization. It is the jewel of the Chozo,
the life-giver, and yet its waters speak of a clouded future. As we come to
understand the paths of time and space more clearly, we have begun to
glimpse rough tatters of past and future, glittering behind reality like
soft lights behind a curtain. We have seen the fountain in these glimpses,
pouring darkness instead of water, and we cannot guess what the visions
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruins Entrance.--

We Chozo are departing now, after so many years in peaceful seclusion here
on Tallon IV. When we came, this place was a refuge for our spirits, a
civilization built from native materials, bereft of the trappings of our
technology. We were linked to the land here, kindred to the plants and
animals, far away from the machines we had become so dependent on. And so
we leave it now, pristine, a testament to the mortal forms we no longer
need. We have drawn the veils of time and space aside, and are withdrawing
beyond the illusion. But we will never forget this, the most sacred of our
homes. And we will remain ever watchful.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruined Nursery.--

As we struggle with the Great Poison, something stirs at the edges of our
vision. It is the Hatchling Samus. We feel her, across the void, as she
hunts the corrupted. Will our fates again be one? As our pride shatters,
will prophecy become real? When all strength wanes from the Chozo, will it
be the Hatchling who fulfills our legacy? True sight eludes us, for the
Poison gnaws at all vision, leaving seers blind and filled with despair.
Truth's blessing may come too late.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruined Fountain.--

Our sanctuary grows by the day. We Chozo know much of technology, but we
have chosen to leave it behind on this journey. Our home here on Tallon IV
will be a place of simplicity: structures hewn from the stone, bridges
woven with branches, hallways caressed by pure waters. We build around the
ancient and noble trees, drawing from their strength and giving them our
own in return. All that is wild will flow around us here: our race will be
just one more group of creatures in the knit of nature. It is our hope that
such a state will bring with it great wisdom, a greater understanding of
the nature of the universe. Once our city here is complete, we will peer
inward and discover the truth.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Vault.--

O Research Data:|

Large Energy replenishes 20 units of energy.

Standard Morph Ball Slot. Inserting the Morph Ball into the slot and
detonating a Bomb will usually cause these slots to send electrical impulses
that can activate different types of devices.


4.4: Tallon IV: Fire and Ice mp_fi
Now that Samus has the Varia Suit, she can go into the deep and hot Magmoor
Caverns. She needs to find the special items in the Fire and Ice worlds. The
problem...Enemies to the max. This section consists of three missions.



-Creature Log: Grizby, Burrower, Magmoor, Puffer, Triclops,
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Right as you enter, you will notice a large hole. You may use the platforms
to get down or just fall, as you will not lose any damage. Now head through
the hall down here and kill the skriekbats. Then to the your right is a door.
Inside is a Save Station. This is an excellent time to save. Anyway, once you
have saved, go back out and proceed on. You will meet a Grizby here. It can
only be killed with a missile so, kill it or move on to the next room.

In here, you will notice lava all around you. Try to avoid it, and if you do
touch it, quickly get out. Take out the Grizby from a distance and then make
it across the room to a small cave. Scan the burrower here and just avoid it.
Now hit the blue door and go to the next room.

Ok, at the beginning there will be a cut scene. Then, there will be a Magmoor
right in front of you. Charge up your beam and shoot it to the max. It will
sometimes shoot fire at you. Dodge that fire and kill him. Then, scan one of
the puffers that are around. Now take them out with one regular shot. Avoid
the poisonous gas they let out after being destroyed. Now head across the
platforms to your right. Watch out for the ones that sink. Once on save
ground, kill the puffers that are left and then the last Magmoor in this
room with a few charged up shots. Now get onto the safe platform with the
boxes on it. Break the boxes and collect ammo and energy. Then look for a
rock that is cracked in the wall. Morph ball bomb it a few times and get to
the next part of this room. There will be more puffers in here, so pick them
off from a distance. Then get across the room and go into the blue door ahead.

You will notice a cage under you. First scan the Triclops under you. Now, ball
up and head under the cage. Try to avoid the Triclops from catching you and
get across the room. If they do catch you, press A rapidly to bomb them. Then
roll to the other side of the room and head into the blue lit door.

This place is very big, but you will not need to use most of it for now. Head
over to the left and look for the puffers above. Take them out one by one.
Once you have gotten them all, jump from platform to plarform all the way up
to the top of the room. Then go into the blue lit door to the next room.

There will be three big platforms moving up and down. Also, puffers will be
all around. Take them all out and then jump from platform to platform all the
way to the other side. Enter the door to the next room.

In here, you will notice a huge data station on front of you. First of all,
there will be gun turrets all around the station. Kill the three of them by
firing a missile or charged beam shots. Now head forward towards a blue lit
door. Ignore this for now and head to the right, under the station. Not head
left and over to the platforms. Make sure you take out the puffers around
here. Head up the rock like plarforsm and all the way t oa bridge. Jump over
to the bridge and head into the station. Now head left and go into the blue
door here.

In here there is a little maze. If you would like to, I would suggest you do
a double jump over the first block and up a few more. This will lead you to
yet another energy tank, increasing your life gauge by 100 points. This is,
of course, optional, but is highly recommended. Now, head all the way to the
end of the maze and go into the blue door here. Now head into the elevator by
scanning the switch. Go up to the next world.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Magmoor Caverns Visit #1

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: A tunneling insect predator, the Burrower is similar to the
Beetle, though it prefers to spend more time underground. It
seeks seismic disturbances, then surfaces to attack. It has
enough cunning to realize when something is too large for it
to handle. Beyond that, it is fairly ignorant. What it lacks
in brains, it makes up for in agression.

* Morphology: A sub-volcanic carrion feeder, the Grizby's carapace has been
fused together by superheated air. This barrier stands up to
everything but concussive blasts. Its intelligence is limited
to instinctive scavenging patterns.

* Morphology: An unstable gas-filled membrane, the Puffer ruptures on
contact. Puffers fill their bodies with lethal meta-viprium
gas and float about in search of food. If ruptured, the gas
within the Puffer is violently released. Despite their fragile
bodies, Puffers are agressive hunters. The gas cloud they
release on death is often fatal to the creature that brings
them down as well.

* Morphology: The Magmoor is a fire-breathing serpent that dwells in the
fiery depths of lava pools. Magmoors prefer extreme heat zones
are susceptible to frigid attack forms. Sightless, they
navigate the lava currents using sonar receptors. Magmoors
have a keen sense of smell, enabling them to pinpoint targets
with startling accuracy.

* Morphology: A hard shelled creature with powerful jaws. The Triclops is a
hunter-gatherer. It collects small creatures and bits of
foodstuff, then deposits them elsewhere for later consumption.
The hard tripartite mandibles it uses to move earth and rock
are quite strong and difficult to escape.

-Creature Log: Crystallite, Flickerbat, Pulse Bombu, Baby Sheegoth,
Ice Burrower
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: Cipher, The Turned
-Artifacts: NONE

Just follow the simple path until you come across some ice. Shoot the ice with
the charged beam. It will shatter and you will be able to pass to the next
blue lit door.

Watch the cut scene introduce you to the Phendrana Drifts. From here, head
across the waters using the ice platforms and go up to the cave that leads you
to a blue lit door. In the cave you will see Crystallites. Scan them and then
kill them with a missile, as that is the only weapon you have that can kill
them. Now head into the door and save your game here. Now go right when coming
out of the cave until you see a fenced off tube. Hit it with a missile and
then morph ball all the way to the end of this tunnel. Then scan the symbol
here to open the door above. Head back towards the cave. Now, you will see
platforms right here. Climb up them, and get to the door you just unlocked.

Shoot the ice ahead in the distance with a charged beam shot. Then scan the
Scatter Bombu ahead of you. Ball up and roll past him and through the tunnel
all the way to the end. Then go into the next room.

In here, you will find some Baby Sheegoths. While they are sleeping, scan
them. Now get up close to them. They will awake in a jiffy. To destroy them,
you must dodge around to their back and shoot the there. They are only
vulnerable at the back. Once both die, collect the energy they leave and head
to the platform with some boxes on it above. Make your way across the
platforms here and watch out for the holes in the ruins as you may fall. Make
your way all the way to the new door.

Ice Burrowers are crawling around here. Be sure to scan them, as they will be
gone later on in the game. Then move onto the blue door ahead and into the
next room.

You are back into the large room. Now do not fall or you will have to get all
the way back up here again. Turn left on this high ledge and make your way
up. Then enter the blue lit door at the top and go into the next room.

This is just a hallway full of Pulse Bombus. Ball up and avoid them up to the
blue lit door. Now enter that door.

First off, go left and take out the two Baby Sheegoths there they same way
you did before. Then go up and to the ruins and scan the Lore there. Now go
back to the Sheegoth place and look for a gap with the blue lit door there.
Shoot it and head into the next room.

In here, again ignore the Bombus and ball up. Head all the way to the end and
hit the blue door here. Head into the next room.

From the start, drop down to the boxes and scan the Lore here. Drop down all
the way to the bottom now and take out the Baby Sheegoths. Now head up the
snow and scan the panel to align the platforms. Now jump on the platforms in
a hast like manner. The platforms will not be there for long. Once you jump
across all of the platforms, you will receive the BOOST BALL! This gives you
a boost by holding down B when in Morph Ball Mode. Use the halfpipe here to
get out by pressing B like a Skateboarder on a halfpipe. Then make your way
all the way back to your ship on Tallon Overworld. Just look at your map for
directions to the "E" for Tallon Overworld. The walkthrough will pick up from


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Phendrana Drifts Visit #1

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Baby Sheegoth is a glacial predator with an ice shell that
protects its vulnerable dorsal area. Young Sheegoths grow a
resilient shell of ice on their backs. This serves to protect
a layer of vulnerable flesh that eventually becomes a ridge of
energy-absorbing crystal. Powerful hunters, they fire bursts
of ulta-cold gas at potential prey, then feast on their frozen

* Morphology: The Crystallite is a territorial cold-weather scavenger. The
shell of a Crystallite reflects beam weapons and can only be
cracked by a concussive blast. They hang upside down in an ice
cave during their larval stage. Moisture runs off its body and
forms the hard ice shell, which the Crystallite retains for
the rest of its life.

* Morphology: The Flickerbat is a scavenger with optical camouflaging that
renders it invisible to the naked eye. Flickerbats are
deceptive creatures. The only way to track them reliably is
with X-ray imaging. They fly ceaselessly, hunting insects and
other small prey that float on the air currents. Flickerbats
tend to fly in cyclical hunting patterns, using primitive
sonar to navigate.

* Morphology: The Ice Burrower is a hardy life form that has adapted to the
frigid climate of Phendrana. It spends most of its time
tunneling through the frozen soil, but occasionaly surfaces to
attack passers-by.

* Morphology: A life-form of raw energy, the Pulse Bombu periodically
releases explosive segments from its body. Pulse Bombus are
energy beings invulnerable to most known weapons. Electrical
energy can harm them, however. They lack any intelligence
beyond an instinctive attraction to other charged energy
sources. Pulse Bombus produce energy constantly. All excess
energy is shed, regardless of who or what may be nearby.

O Chozo Lore:|

None know if our temple, the Cradle, will prove powerful enough to contain
this evil forever. How can we Chozo hope for it to remain intact when that
which it guards writhes in the darkness, growing always stronger? The fate
of this world rests with the gathering of Artifacts we call the Cipher, but
even it is not all-powerful. It is strong, yes: an enchanted whole made of
twelve links. Still, it is finite in its reach, and we who guard it are
slowly succumbing. When our vigilance crumbles away into madness, the
Cipher will be exposed and the fate of Tallon IV will be beyond our
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts in the Ice Ruins West.--

Many Chozo have gone beyond now, and this is a mercy. Those of use who
remain suffer in dimensional flux, drifting helplessly across time and
space, guided by unseen and inexorable currents. The Chozo who cling to
sanity fight the tide, but our minds are weakening. Soon we will all be
like the Turned. Chozo who have been utterly corrupted by the Great Poison.
The Turned still hold their Chozo forms, but their minds are black with
fell intentions. Gone is their respect for life. They honor only
destruction, and seek to disrupt the Artifacts holding the Great Poison at
bay. All life taunts them, and they do not rest. Before long, they will be
all that remain of the Chozo here.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts in the Phendrana Canyon.--


-Creature Log: NONE
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Coming out of the door from the Gully, turn left and jump up the platforms
here. Up here at the top is a door. Enter it.

Right in front of you is a new weapon. Easy enough. You got the SPACE JUMP
BOOTS! These allow you to jump twice in the air. Big time helper. This is
probably my favorite item in the game, as it helps you so much. Now head back
to the Landing Site and save your game to get more ammo and life. So far we
are making good progress. Now, you can go into the last blue door in the
Now head back into the Phendrana Drifts for something even more exciting!


-Creature Log: Ice Parasite, Sheegoth, Stalactite, Ice Shriekbat, Shadow
Pirate, Space Pirate, Metroid, Ice Beetle, Sentry Drone,
-Pirate Data: Phazon Analysis, Mining Status, Security Breaches, Parasite
Larva, Glacial Wastes, Phazon Program, Contact, Meta Ridley,
Metroid Studies, Phazon Infusion, Metroid Forces, Metroid
-Research Data: Zebes, Tallon IV
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

This is, again, the main room that you entered in the first time you came
here. Head across the water to the save station and save if you choose. Coming
out of the save station, go left and space jump up to the ledge. Keep space
jumping up all the way to the top and then enter the blue lit door to the
next room.

This part is a bit tricky. Watch out for the bombus and other creatures. You
need to blast the ice away but you cannot use the charge beam because it
attracts the bombus. Shoot missiles instead at the ice to clear the path. Then
ball up and go all the way to the door. Head into the next room.

This is a larger room. You goal is the top and the only way you can make it
from platform to platform is to space jump. Follow the path by jumping in a
spiral. Be sure to take out the Ice Parasites and the Crystallites as you get
up to the top. Also, scan the Ice Parasites for a new creature. Once you are
at the top, look at the Chozo faces on the left and right. To your right, scan
the faces until you find the one made of Brinstone. Shoot a missile at it to
reveal a morph ball switch. Scan this if you have not already. Now, bomb up to
the hole and then bomb the hole itself. Now that the door is unlocked, go into
the next room around the corner.

This is another morph ball puzzle. Double bomb the block and then hit the
base of the pillar to lower it with another bomb. Do this at the next pillar
and box. Then head into the last tunnel and into the next room.

Here comes a mini boss for a new weapon. Go all the way to the weapon at the
other side of the room. It will be taken away and the boss battle will begin.

This boss consists of two parts. The first part will be the baby sheegoths.
Two will come out of the snow at opposite sides and go for you. Take them out
one at a time. Make sure that you do not use any missiles as you will need
them for later. Kill the first two baby sheegoths and then two more will come.
Destroy those last two by doding behind them and then shooting their shell
off. After all four baby sheegoths die, a cutscene will take place. The Big
Sheegoth is here! First of all scan it.

For the Sheegoth, there are two ways of killing this beast. One way is harder
than the other. First, the only thing that can hit the Sheegoth are missiles
and morph ball bombs. The harder method would be to shoot the beast when it
is breathing heavily with a missile. He breathes heavily after he has done
once of his attacks. Make sure you time it well to get a good solid hit. All
around the room are missile ammo, so use your missiles sparingly. The other
easier way of defeating the sheegoth is to roll under him and use bombs on
it. The problem with this method, though, is that you can lose a lot of
damage. Either way should work though. Once it is dead, you will get a new
weapon! The WAVE BEAM! Finally something that can shoot out electricity to
kill those Bombus. Now head back to the Ice Ruins West and kill the bombus
on the way using the Wave Beam.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


In here, head to the right where the Crystallites are at. Then space jump all
the way up to the top and find the Stalactite. Make sure that you scan it as
it may not be here again. Now jump over to the Crystallites and take them out.
Then jump over to the right and over to the purple door. Purple doors can only
be opened using the Wave Beam. Head into the next room.

In this simple hall, take out the bombus using the Wave Beam and the Scarabs
all around. Then go into the door at the end.

In this larger room, you will need to get up high. To do this, we must fill
up the lake. To do that, you must head right and up to the spinner. Scan this
for a Research. Now, activate it by boosting inside it. Once it fully
activates, two of the holes will open. Now head straight across the room to
the second spinner. Activate this one as well and the other two holes will
open up. Now space jump up to the ball hole and bomb it. This will cause water
to fall from the opened holes and then filling up the lake. Now go across all
of the snow platforms to the hole and morph ball in there to get an Energy
Tank! Now repeat this process to raise the water again. Jump from the snow
platforms all the way to the structure. Now head to the wall and jump all the
way to the top. First head right and missile the the door. Here is a Save
Station! Finally! Now save and go back out to the central platform. Turn to
the Wave Beam door and go inside.

As you come in a Turret will shoot at you. Blast it with a missile or charged
Wave beam. Then as you walk forward a Shadow Pirate will come at you. Scan it
for a new entry. Now, shoot missiles at it for any easy kill. They are rather
fast, so watch out. Now head through the purple door at the end and into the
next room.

In the distance you will see a Turret. Try to blast it out without it seeing
you. Then you will get into a cut scene. New pirates will come at you. They
are Space Pirates. Missiles are the easiest way to kill them. Once they are
all gone you can go into the unlocked door. Head into the next blue door to
get the map for this level. Scan it to unlock all the rooms. Now head back
to the Research Entrance and follow the tunnel to the blue door. Enter it
and go into the next room.

Take out the bombus here with the Wave Beam. Once they die, head into the
purple door at the other end.

Right as you enter this room, look left and scan the blue panel to disable the
forcefield. Now, Space Pirates will swarm in all directions. Well, the best
advice that I can give you, is to use your missiles and Wave Beam like mad.
Take them out with no mercy. Then, once all are done, climb farther up and
kill al the enemies. Once the music stops, you are free to explore as there
are no more enemies left. On the bottom are three Pirate Datas and the other
two are on the top most floor. Once you get them all, head into the purple
door on the ground.

In this room, watch out for the Turret to your right. Blow it to smitherenes.
Now, head down and take out all the other Turrets and blow the boxes for life
and ammo. Now head into the purple door down here and into the next room.

In this larger room, blow up all the Space Pirates all over the room. Use
missiles or Wave Beam shots. Now, once all are dead, a blue panel will be
activated. Go up to it and scan it to activate it. This will unlock a morph
ball slot. Now, bomb the slot and another one will appear. Go to that one and
bomb it as well. Now that the projector is on, scan the globes that have red
panels on it. This will give you two more Research Entries. Now head up the
room using the various platforms. At the very top of the room are the SUPER
MISSILES! These are even more powerful missiles. They take up 5 missiles if
you use one. Check the catologue for more information it. Now go through the
blue door at the top of the room.


Kill the bombus with the Wave Beam and take out the Crystallites with missiles
to clear the path. Now hit the door with a missile to unlock it and then go
into the next room.

Scan the blue panel to the right and then step into the activated hologram.
This will take you up to a purple door. Hit it with the Wave Beam and head
into the Tower.

This part can be rather annoying. There are a bunch of Space Pirates all
around. There are also Flying Pirates. Take them out with all the missiles
that you have. There is ammo in the boxes all over. Make sure you dodge their
shots and take them all out. Once they are dead, head into the purple door at
the other side.

Scan the blue panel as you did before and step into the hologram. This will
take you all the way down to a purple door. Hit it with the Wave Beam and go
into the next room.

Simply take out the bombus with the Wave Beam and then head through the purple
door at the end of the tunnel.

As you enter the room you will be in a cinematic. Then go forward and scan
your best friend, Metroid. Wait, it breaks the glass and will start to attack
you. Use missiles to kill it, and it if it attaches to you, quickly get into
morph ball mode and lay a bomb on it. This will blow it up. Then a Space
Pirate comes. Scan the Pirate Data here. Then jump to the other section of the
room and scan another Pirate Data. Now head to the bottom of the room. Kill
all of the Space Pirates in this room. There are two more Pirate Data entries
to finish them off on this floor. Now look for an Energy Tank inside a Tank
on this floor. Shoot it with a Super Missile to get it. Now head into the
Purple lit door.

In here, scan the Ice Beetle and just ignore it. Go forward and shoot the
purple door with the Wave Beam. Enter it to the next room.

Right as you enter this room, take out all of the Space Pirates and the Flying
Pirates in this room. Now head right and scan the red panel to deactivate a
shield. Now head down the path using the ramp inclines and scan the second
red panel on the monitor station. Now drop to the bottom and look for the two
defense turrets. Take them out with missiles. Now scan the third and final
panel. Now there is a new piece of equipment in the room. The THERMAL VISOR!
This allows you to see heated objects in the dark. Now head back up the room
using the Thermal Visor because the room is dark now. Watch out for all of the
Metroid that pop out. Kill them the same way. At the top is a door with a
symbol next to it. Shoot it with the Wave Beam and then go into the next door.


Scan the new enemy, Sentry Drone. Take them out with missiles and then go into
the door at the end. Now make your way back to the Ruined Courtyard. It is the
same way you got here. You do not need to worry because there are no new
enemies along the way. You may do it quickly as you will miss nothing. The
walkthrough will pick up at the Ruined Courtyard.

As you get here, save you game at one of the three doors. Now go to the door
you have not been to. Shoot the Cordite above the door with a super missile.
Now go up to the door and put on your Thermal Visor. Shoot the symbol near
the door with the Wave Beam and then go into the door.

Just kill the Bombus ahead with the Wave Beam and then go into the next room
using the door.

In here, get into morph ball mode and roll through the tunnel. Make sure you
go slowly as there are Bombus that drop bombs. You will need your life in just
a bit, so don't lose it.

Now head into the main section of this huge cave. There will be a large pile
of rocks, and yes, you have a boss battle in a matter of seconds.

To start off, scan this creature as it is the only time you can. Now put on
your Thermal Visor. Now lock onto his weak spot denoted by a bright color.
Shoot it like mad to inflict damage. Every now and then, your Thermal Visor
will be corrupted and you will need to switch to your Combat Visor. You will
still be able to hit his weak spot, but this is a good time he like to attack.
He will do a few things, roll into a ball, throw ice at you, and throw rocks
at you. For the rolling attack, dodge it by pressing B and over. He will do
this the most usually. For the ice attack, simply dodge it to get away from
it. If it does hit you and freezes you, press B rapidly to get unfrozen. Now
for the final attack, the rock throwing one, just shoot the rocks that he
throws at you and then pick up the ammo or life that they reveal. Simply
repeat this process of attacing its weak point to DEFEAT THARDUS!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Once you have defeated Thardus, simply go up to the new equipment that is
displayed. It allows you to stick to the magnetic rails in black and yellow.
It also looks really cool. Check the weapon catologue for more information on
the spider ball. Also scan the Magnetic rail.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Phendrana Drifts Visit #2

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Shadow Pirate are Pirate forces that are trained and
equipped for stealth operations. A select group of Space
Pirates have acces to sophisticated cloaking technology. This
gear drains high levels of power, however, forcing them to
rely solely on melee weapons in battle. Use enhanced detection
gear when fighting these units.

* Morphology: The Space Pirate is a sentient agressor species that is well
trained in weapon and melee combat. Space Pirates wield
Galvanic Accelerator Cannons and forearm-mounted Scythes in
combat. This species seeks to become the dominant force in the
galaxy, and their technology may help them realize this goal.
Ruthless and amoral, the Pirates care little for the cost of
their ambition. Only the results matter, and they take these
very seriously.

O SHEEGOTH (boss):
* Morphology: A glacial predator that reigns supreme in the icy landscape of
the Phendrana drifts. Sheegoths are difficult to harm, though
intense heat seems to have a lasting effect on them. Their
mouth is a weak spot, the only place on its body that can be
hit without the shots being deflected or absorbed.

O THARDUS (boss):
* Morphology: Thardus in an animated, sentient creature of stone charged
with Phazon radiation. The Phazon radiation given off by
Thardus negates Auto-targeting systems, preventing lock-on. It
may be possible to acquire alternate targets with a different
Visor. The chaotic nature of Phazon-irradiation leads to
instability in its structural integrity. Thardus can encase
targets in ice, and its colossal size and strength make it a
formidable opponent.

* Morphology: Metroids are energy-based parasitic predators. The dominant
species of planet SR388, Metroid can suck the life force out
of living things. A Metroid latches onto its prey and drain
energy, growing larger as it does. The only way to shake an
attached Metroid is to enter Morph Ball Mode and lay a bomb.

* Morphology: Ice Beetles are burrowing insects with an ice-reinforced
carapace, and they have an aversion to heat of any kind. This
member of the Beetle family has adapted to life in the subzero
temperatures in the Phendana Drifts, growing a thick ice shell
over its entire body. The ice is extremely resilient,
providing the Ice Beetle with extra protection and augmented
digging abilities.

* Morphology: The Ice Shriekbat is an ice-encased ceiling dweller. Like
standard Shriekbats, thse creatures are easily spotted with
Thermal imaging. They roost on cave ceilings, existing on a
diet of insects, reptiles, and small mammals. Fiercely
territorial, they dive-bomb anything that wanders near.

* Morphology: A simple scavenger life-form that possesses a crystalline
outer shell. Parasites are hardy creatures, able to adapt to
any environment within three generations. The Ice Parasite is
a prime example. Having adjusted to a frigid climate, this
vermin now thrives in it. Omnivorous, it can exist in areas
hostile to most life-forms.

* Morphology: The Sentry Drone is a well-armed and armored security
mechanoid. Sentry Drones have limited intelligence, but do
their assigned tasks well. Being machines, they are
suspectible to electrical attacks. When alerted, Drones
initiate a security lockdown, then attempt to neutralize the
intruder. Their electronic warfare suit can scramble Visor
technology as well.

O Pirate Data:|

We have codified the newfound energy source as Phazon, a V-index mutagen of
which we have very little reliable data. Indications point to a meteor of
unknown origin impacting approximately 100 years ago, expelling Phazon into
the environment. This material seems to possess lifelike characteristics,
mutating organic life-forms strong enough to withstand its poison. These
mutations appear promising, with abrupt evolutionary leaps appearing in
single-generation reproduction. Plans to establish a full Science Team on
Tallon IV are being finalized.
-- Phendrana Drifts--

O MINING STATUS (10.587.7):
Mining operations have begun near the crater where Phazon appears to be most
concentrated. Daily Phazon yields have increased 44%, and our mining system
becomes more streamlined as personnel and equipment flows increase. Several
incindents of Phazon-induced madness have been reported, prompting augmented
life-support regulations in the deeper chambers. Symptoms include loss of
equilibrium, erratic respiration, muscle spasms, and in the most extreme
cases, hallucinations. A timeline reassessment for the refinery operation is
recommended, as the material proves more unstable than initial analysis
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --

Most terraforming and retrofitting of security checkpoints on Tallon IV is
complete, but we continue to research the alarming epidemic of breaches by
local creatures. Door records show no unauthorized entries, so we must
presume the creatures are either slipping in undetected during daily
personnel moves or else finding their way in through subterranean tunnels.
We have found many small breaches of this latter sort and plug them wherever
we can, but it is unlikely that we will ever achieve full extermination
without our current timetable.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --

O META RIDLEY (10.891.0):
The reconstruction of geoform 187, code-named Ridley, was recently
completed. After his defeat on Zebes, Command ordered a number of
metagenetic improvements for him. Though agressive, we were able to
implement these changes in a cycle. The metamorphosis was painful, but quite
succesful in the end. Early tests indicate a drastic increase in strength,
mobility, and offensive capability. Cybernetic modules and armor plating
have been added as well. We believe our creation, now called Meta Ridley,
will become the mainstay of our security force, a job he will certainly
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether --

O PHAZON PROGRAM (10.401.7):
Phazon mining is under way. Several garrisons have been established, and
terraforming of the Chozo Ruins is under way. Security systems are
operational, and Science Team continues to make progress in their biotech
research. The Phendrana Drifts have proven to be an optimal location for
Research Headquarters, ans soon it will be joined by a fully operational
Combat base and starport. If Command's predictions are half true, we shall
rise to dominance in this sector within a deca-cycle. Truly, these are
glorious times.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory --

O PARASITE LARVA (10.515.8):
Our initial tests exposing Tallon IV's indigenous Parasites to Phazon appear
to be succesful. Increases in strength, size and aggressiveness are common
in all test subjects, as well as unforeseen evolutions like additional
poison sacs within the abdomen and the appearance of a second ring of
mandibles in several subjects. These creatures were chosen because of their
resilience, and it appears possible that, given enough exposure to Phazon,
they may one day be able to survive on any planet we transport them to. Our
methods will have to be refined; we currently have a 100% extinction rate
after the fourth infusion period, and most survivors of the third infusion
stage are so violent and uncontrollable that they have to be euthanized.
Even still, we remain hopeful that further experimentation will result in
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory --

O GLACIAL WASTES (10.664.2):
Research outpost Glacier One in the Phendrana Drifts region of Tallon IV's
mountains is operating at 85% capacity. Sub-zero temperatures have made the
Metroids sluggish and easy to control, even those well into Phazon-infusion
cycles. Cold-containment stasis tanks are sufficient for the juveniles, but
some of the larger Metroids have been moved to quarantined caves for safety
purposes. Security doors remain an issue, as malfunctions due to ice occur
every day. Large predators in the wastes are also a concern, as they
continue to kill personnel and breach secure areas. Unfortunately, it's
become clear that our containment teams cannot neutralize all of them
without a vast increase in munitions and soldiers.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --

Initial transfer of Metroids to Tallon IV research facilities has been
completed. Three were terminated in an incident at the landing site, but the
others were pacified and transported safely. Initial Phazon infusion testing
is under way. We are eager to observe the effects of Phazon on Metroids,
especially their ability to absorb and process the energy given off by
Phazon sources. Early research suggests a considerable growth in power and
size. Whether the creatures stay stable thereafter remains to be seen.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether --

O Research Data:|

Planet Zebes. Mass: 4.8 trillion teratons. Profile: Planet's crust is
primarily Urthic ore, making it ideal for subterranean construction. A class
XXX planet, Zebes is inhospitable to most bioforms. The world was considered
unremarkable until it became a base for Space Pirate forces.

Tallon IV. Mass: 5.1 trillion teratons. Profile: Ecosystem studies indicate
that Tallon IV was a biological paradise prior to the impact of an
extraterrestrial object. What remains of the biosphere is slowly fading due
to exposure to Phazon radiation. At current rate of decay, Tallon IV will be
a barren Class XIII wasteland in approximately 25 years.


4.5: The Ice and Gravity mp_ig
Now that Samus has her Spider Ball mode, she must explore the Ice and Gravity
Chambers of Tallon IV. Enemies await her as she gets closer and closer to
the actual Metroid Prime. This section consists of two missions.



-Creature Log: Puddle Spore
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Just move along the tunnel avoiding the fire that sprays from the ceiling.
Head through to the next room.

Right as you enter, you will be faced with a lot of pirates. If you have very
little life, shoot missiles at the pirates, otherwise regular shots will work.
Once the pirates are all dead, drop down to the caged area. Now drop into the
circular hole in the cage. Ball up and kill all of the Triclops here. Now go
back out and shoot the symbols while you have Thermal vision. They are next to
a door. Once you shoot them, the floor will cool. Then go back to the hole
and ball up passed the cooled surface to a small room. In here, scan the panel
again to make more land cooled. Repeat this process one more time and you will
get an energy tank! Now head to the ground level blue door.

First scan the Puddle Spore. Then shoot it to make is flip over. Use it as a
platforms to get to the other side of the room. Kill the burrowers if you
want and then go into the next room using the door.

For now, just use the Puddle Spores as platforms to get to the other side. Go
into the door here.

Go up to the lava and shoot the rocks above with a missile. This will kill the
Magmoor ahead and provide a platform to get to the other side of the room. Go
into the door.

In this two sub room place, shoot the puffers off from a distance. Then use
the rocks above to get across. Shoot them with missiles and then hop across
to a ledge with boxes on it. Then morph ball and go under the fire here. In
this room, kill the Magmoor to your right and use the rocks above it as a
platform to get to the other side. Then dodge the fire and go in the next

Go to your right on the wall and look for a hole. Ball up and use the spider
track to make it all the way across the room. Now enter the door at the other
end. This elevator here will take you to Tallon Overworld. The walkthrough
will pick up from the Furnace in Chozo Ruins.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Magmoor Caverns Visit #2

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Puddle Spore is a sentient floating lava mollusk protected
by an impenetrable shell. It opens when approached, attempting
to intimidate with its size. When opened, direct fire to its
mantle causes it to flip into a defensive position. If it can
slam shut, it ejects a spread of harmful energy globules.


-Creature Log: Plated Parasite, Chozo Ghost
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: Missile Station
-Chozo Lore: Cradle, Hatchling's Shell, Worm, Infestation, Hope
-Artifacts: NONE

Look for the morph ball track and scan it if you have missed it already. Now
get onto it and climb all the way up. You will meet a point will you need to
get to a higher ledge. Just set a bomb and bomb jump to get to the higher
platform. Now, roll across the floor and watch out as the boxes under you will
fall. Just go as fast as you can and then morph ball jump to the next
platform. Now, head through the tunnel and scan the creatures to the right.
The Plated Parasites. Now head through the tunnel and kill the Beetles that
pop out of the ground. Now, scan the Lore and head through the tunnel using
the morph ball, below the Chozo Lore scan. Now head through the door.

This is nothing special. Just a really long tunnel with a purple door at the
end. Use the wave beam to open it, now head into the next room.

Head into the large halfpipe and boost up to the right. For more information
on boosting on a halfpipe, check the special moves section. Now, here, scan
the three Chozo Lore entries. Now head across the room to the Cordite on the
wall. Blast it with the Super Missile and scan the panel that appears. Now,
get into the halfpipe and boost to the spider track that was just revealed.
Then roll to the end and bomb the switch. This creates a second spider ball
track. Boost up to that one, and then bomb it. Now head into the piston at
the end of the room and get all the way up. Now head left and collect a
missile expansion! Now head back to the Lore and head into the tunnel. At the
end is a missile locked door. Then get into the next room.

Simply shoot up the Scarabs on the floor and continue on to the next door at
the end of the tunnel.

Now head into morph ball mode and go left into the small tunnel. Then scan
the station here, the Missile Station for a new research. Now use it to get
full missiles. Then, jump down and meet the Chozo Ghost. Scan it first. Now
put on your thermal visor and take out your Power Beam. This is the only
weapon that will kill them. Just keep on shooting them and they will go down
soon. Make sure you dodge the power ball they shoot at you. Once you destroy
it, watch how the Chozo Statue's hands start to glow. Head behind him and
scan the Lore here. Now jump into its hands and get into morph ball mode. The
statue will then throw you. Hold down R, as you will be landing on a spider
ball track. Get all the way to a platforms with three colors. Shoot the purple
color, as it is the only beam we have right now. Then bomb jump into the hole
and bomb it to really activate it.

Now head back into the Chozo Statue's hand. Get into morph ball mode and have
it throw you again. Now, it will throw you forward instead of back. Now head
to the right and activate the panel. Head into the new door ahead.

Go ahead through the small tunnel and to the next room.

In here, head into the pool and to the bottom. Now, bomb the plug in the
middle of the room. This will simply drain the water. Now, boost ball up to
the Stone Toads at the top and have them swallow you. This will allow you to
reach the higher ledge. Now head to the left of the room and head into the
door. In here is the ICE BEAM! Now use it to open the new white doors. To the
other side is a Save Station. Save, as it is a good idea right now. Now go to
the Hall of Elders again.


As you enter, you will have to take out three of the Chozo Ghosts. Just use
power beam items to kill them. Once they have died out, head to the color
panels by way of the Chozo Statue. Then shoot the white panel using the Ice
Beam. Now use the Chozo Ghost again to throw you to a new compartment. In this
room, collect the Energy Tank! Now head back out to the main room. Now go back
to the Save Station 3 that you were just at.

Save your game if you want, now bomb jump up to the next tunnel. Roll all the
way down the tunnel and head into the next door. Now use the transport tunnel
to get to the Tallon Overworld. From here, head to the transport to Phendrana
Drifts. The walkthrough will pick up from there.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Chozo Ruins Visit #2

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: This supernatural entities' bioelectric field is invulnerable
to natural energies. As these entities phase in and out of
existence, the only way to track them accurately is with X-ray
scanning. They are invisible to the naked eye and can only be
seen as a wispy white spirit while they attack.

* Morphology: Hardy member of the Parasite family. Invulnerable to most
weaponry. A cousin to the Parasite, these creatures are
known for their amazing resilience. Field studies suggest a
weakness to Morph Ball-delivered weapon systems.

O Research Data:|

Step into these stations to fully reload the Missile Launcher.

O Chozo Lore:|

The cries of this dying land pulled us from our dreaming state, and now we
Chozo walk as ghosts while the Great Poison sinks into the trees and
waters, devouring all life. Some creatures survive, but their forms grow as
twisted and evil as the force that fell from the sky. The heart of the
planet will succumb soon, and so will we, even in our ghostly states.
Already many Chozo have faded and passed into the unknown. The Great Poison
is unlike anything we have glimpsed in this or any dimension. It eats
relentlessly, worming out life wherever it blooms and corrupting what it
cannot kill. It will be our undoing. Our last hope lies in the Cradle, the
temple we hope might contain this abomination. It is almost complete,
hovering over the impact site, the dark heart of the spreading evil. If we
can finish before the last of our kind drifts into madness or death, there
is a chance for this world. If we fail, we are doomed with it.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Furnace.--

The Hatchling walks among us. Are these dreams? Memories? Foretellings?
Time and reality swirl together like estuary waters, and we Chozo know not
what to believe. She appears as ghostlike as the Chozo, but at times the
mists clear. We can see her wounded eyes, and remember the child we found
so long ago. What has she become, this Newborn? Clad in Chozo armor,
wielding weapons our hands once held, does she dream of the Chozo as we
once were? Does she long for her parents, lost to the same creatures that
even now defile our sacred home? Does she still live?
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Crossway.--

More and more, our tormented minds turn to the Newborn. As the world
continues to shift into brutal, disconnected images, she remains inarguably
real: a fearless figure delving deeper into this blighted world, unmindful
of the terrors that await her. Was she this way before? When we Chozo found
her, a fledgling orphaned on a savaged planet, did a warriors pulse already
beat in her veins, filling her with righteous fury? Our hopes lie with her.
We leave these messages for her, that she may find our Artifacts and
deliver the world from its evils. Wraiths we may be, but our reach is still
long indeed. We shall fight the invaders, and the Poison they would master,
until the end.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Hall of the Elders.--

A second plague has come upon the land, dousing the last flickering hopes
of our race. Drawn by the very force we Chozo hoped to contain, a host of
marauding creatures descended from space and invaded our temple, the
Cradle. They try in vain to destroy it, but its power remains beyond them
for now. They possess some of the twelve Artifacts we call the Cipher, yet
do not comprehend their function. Ignorant creatures, they are blinded by
delusions of harnessing the Great Poison for their own designs. They walk
about as masters of the planet, assimilating the ruins of our sanctuary
into their experiments. We can but watch and wait for our doom.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Crossway.--

The prophecies tell of the coming of the Worm. Born from parasites,
nurtured in a poisoned womb, the Worm grows, devouring from within, until
the world begins to rot. The words of the seers have come to pass, for
there, in the depths of the world, the ravenous Worm lurks and feeds. From
the stars it came, blighting Tallon with its Great Poison. We can but watch
as the Worm grows, watch and wait. For the prophecies also speak of a great
Defender, the one who delivers the world from evil. The final days draw
near. Is the Newborn the Defender of which the seers spoke? We shall do all
that we can to aid her, for she bears our legacy as she bears the ancient
armor and weapons of our people.
--Found in: Crossway in the Chozo Ruins--


-Creature Log: Jelzap, Hunter Metroid, Glider, Aqua Reaper
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Look at the end of this room for a spider ball track. Now that we have the
spider ball and all, go up and shoot the white door with the new Ice Beam.
Head through the door to the next room.

In here are more bombus. Just shoot them up with the Wave Beam. Remember not to
charge or they will come towards you. Now head through the next door.

Jump down inside of the water at the bottom of the room. You will see some
long looking creatures call Jelzaps. Scan them first and then shoot them
with a missile when you see a white sphere come out of them. Now, go back to
the door you just came from and head out of the water using the platforms to
your left. Now cross the large bridges and get up to the purple door at the
end. Shoot it with the Wave Beam and head into the next room.

In here, morph ball up into the hole. Use a bomb jump by placing a bomb under
you and then letting it boost you up. Roll to the end of the tunnel. At the
end you will meet some Beetles and Scarabs. Dispose them and then head through
the following door.

As you enter, watch a new Metroid Creature come to you. Scan it first and
you will notice that it is called the Hunter Metroid. Now, shoot it with a
shot of the Ice Beam and then shoot it with a missile. This will dispose of
it. Now scan the Gliders above you on the ceiling. Now, look up at the
Stalactite and shoot them down with missiles. Head for the purple door that is
not directly across from you. Use the broken Stalactites as platforms to move
across the room. Head through the purple door to a Save Station. Save your
game and then go back to the last purple door and enter it.

Head into morph ball mode and get into the very long tunnel. Enter the door
at the end. Nothing more to see here.

As you enter, you will meet with two flying pirates. First, shoot the Ice
Beam at them and then take them out with a missile. Once they are both dead,
head to the bottom of the room in the water and go into the purple door.

Kill the bombus ahead and roll all the way down the tunnel. Enter the purple
door at the end here.

Right as you enter, look for the Stalactites on the ceiling. Take all three
of them down with a missile each. Now, head all the way to the bottom and
kill the enemies here. Now, head up the platforms on the wall. You will then
be able to reach one of the Stalactites. Get onto it and then jump over to
the purple door. Enter it.

One bombus. Take it out and head through the door. Nothing more nor less.

Walk down the hill and notice the Reapers out of the wall. This time they are
in water, so scan them. The Aqua Reapers are just the same. Shoot them out and
then walk on past them. Now look out for the Jelzap here. Take it out the same
way you did before. Just shoot it a missile when you see the sphere. Now head
along the wall and take out the enemies in your way. Climb up the steps at
the end and take the new equipment, the GRAVITY SUIT! Now head back to the
Tower Chamber to get a new Artifact in Chozo Ruins. This is optional for now.
So, if you do not want to do it, continue to follow the walkthrough. Now
head back to the Frigate Crash Site in the Tallon Overworld to pick up some
charge ups.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Phendrana Drifts Visit #3

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Hunter Metroids are adolescent Metroids that have
energy-siphon tentacles, making them increasingly dangerous.
As Metroids develop, they become more efficient predators. An
energy-draining tentacle allows them to attack at a distance.
Quick to anger, a Hunter Metroid causes troublesome prey and
attempts to ram them into submission. Cold-based attacks are
quite effective against these creatures.

* Morphology: The Jelzap is an aquatic predator made of electrically bound
skeletal halves. The Jelzap's brain is located in the upper
half of its body, while the heart and digestive tract occupy
the lower half. Linked only by electrical impulses, the two
halves somehow function effectively enough to launch the
Jelzap to the top of Tallon IV's aquatic food chain.

* Morphology: The Glider is a docile, airborne creature with unusual
magnetic properties. Gliders live a relatively peaceful
existence. They have a magnetic signature attuned to common
Grapple Beam technology; the sport of "Glider riding" involves
using a Grapple to attach to a Glider, then attempting to stay
on it as long as possible.

* Morphology: A powerful aquatic tentacle that's part of a submerged
organism. Similar in nature to the surface-based Reaper Vine,
the Aqua Reaper has adapted to a liquid environment. It shares
the poor viosion of it's rock-dwelling cousin, relying on a
crude sonar sense to seek prey. Unhindered by water, the Aqua
Reaper has considerable speed and strength.


4.6: Space Frigate Visit #2 mp_s2
Now, to get more power with the missiles and energy tanks, Samus must head to
the crashed Space Frigate for a second time. New enemies are waiting as she
gets closer to the Pirates hideout. This section consists of one mission.



-Creature Log: Tallon Crab, Aqua Pirate, Aqua Drone, Aqua Sac
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Kill all of the flying pirates by shooting them with an Ice Beam shot and then
firing a missile at them. Once they are all cleared, hop into the ship to the
right. This is the same Frigate that you cleared in the very beginning of the
game. Kill all of the wounded pirates you may see on the ground as they may
prove to be a threat later on. Head through the door at the end.

This is just a simple tunnel with a lot of Tangle Weeds. Head through the
door at the end.

In this underwater passage, head down to the base of the room. Now enter the
only tunnel. You will need to morph ball past the rock and then hit the door
at the end and enter the next room.

As you enter, there will be two turrets waiting for you. How they are still
here...I do not know. Anyway, take them out with missiles. Now get to the door
at the bottom and put the thermal visor on. Look above the door for the key to
the door. Use the Wave Beam to shoot the key above the door with the thermal
visor out. Now shoot the door and enter the next room.

In here, be sure you scan the new creature, the Tallon Crabs. Now get into the
tunnel into the water. Enter the door into the next room.

First off, drop down below water. Down here, watch out for those Jelzaps and
the Aqua Reapers. Now, head up around the room onto the first platform. Now
head up to the blue door (the only one that you can enter right now) and
notice that you need to power four of those switches, only seen by thermal
vision, to open the door. Put on your thermal visor and look for the symbols.
They will easily show up. Look right next to the door and below it before the
steps. The third is on the outer perimeter wall on the 1st level and the last
one is in the center of the room. Now head into the activated door.

In here, hit both of the switches on the door. Then head right first and save
your game. Then go forward into the large door to the next room.

As you enter, blast the rubble ahead to claim an Energy Tank! Now go back out
and put the thermal visor on. Hit the activation switch and then jump on top
of the structure from the outside. Now look for the other three activation
switches. Watch out for the Aqua Reapers that block your path. Shoot them to
get them to hide in their hole. On your way up is one on the wall and there
is one at the top next to the door. Now enter the unlocked door.

Just head forward to the next door. Nothing else here.

In here there are more switches. Put on your thermal visor once again and
shoot the switch ahead and to the right. Now move down. Blow away the turrets
on your way down. Kill the Aqua Drones but scan them first! Then shoot the
final switch at the bottom and then enter the unlocked door.

Through the hall are Aqua Reapers. Shoot them out and head into the door at
the end.

As you enter you will be looking at some Flying Pirates. They shoot slow under
water, so do not worry. Now take them out with missiles and then put the
thermal visor on. Go back to the door you came in and shoot the switch there
with the Wave Beam. Jump down and straight to find the second switch. Then
head back and hit the final switch. Now go into the power door at the top.

Another hall of Aqua Repears. Head through the door at the end.

In this long tube there will be dead pirates that will float up to the
surface. Ignore them and head down to the bottom to the door there. Enter it
into the next room. Make sure you scan the Aqua Sac here.

Morph ball up and head through the tunnel into the puzzle ahead. In here are
water jet streams that boost you. They make triple jump work easy. At the
bottom use the triple jump method to get another Energy Tank! Now head to the
door at the end.

Head through the waters, taking out the Jelzaps in your path. Look around
the corner and head up the tree roots. Then around the corner, look for the
first white door. Enter it and then go down the elevator to the Phazon


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Tallon Overworld Visit #3

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Aqua Pirate is a Space Pirate with an exoskeleton that has
been modified for underwater use. Using modified thrusterpacks
and Gravity Suit technology, the Space Pirates have armor
suits for use in liquid environments. Thermal tracking is
still very useful against these units as the Pirate engineers
have yet to eliminate the thrusterpack's high heat signature.

* Morphology: The Aqua Drone is a security mechanoid that's adapted for use
in underwater areas. The Space Pirates have adapted a number
of Sentry Drones for use in the liquid environments. These
Aqua Drones utilize an arsenal and artificial intelligence
suit similar to their cousins. The Pirates have been unable to
properly shield these drones from electrical attacks, making
them vulnerable to the wave beam.

* Morphology: The Aqua Sac is a creature that bursts when subjected to
impact or trauma. Believed to be in the same family as the Sap
Sac, this plant has similar features. It bursts when exposed
to force. This protective response keeps most creatures from
feeding on it.

* Morphology: The Tallon Crab is a crustacean that's native to Tallon IV. A
hard-shelled swarm life form that was once harvested for food,
the Tallon Crab's exposure to Phazon has seen this practice
diminish. These creatures are timid and harmless alone, but
can be a problem when travelling in swarms.


4.7: The Mines mp_tm
As Samus goes past the Frigate for the second time, she must head through the
dangerous Mines. The Mines are where the Pirates have been hiding and keeping
secret data. Time for some major action. This section consists of two



-Creature Log: Mega Turret, Wave Trooper, Power Trooper, Elite Pirate
-Pirate Data: Elite Pirates, The Hunter, Hunter Weapons, Metroid Prime,
Omega Pirate, Chozo Artifacts, Chozo Ghosts, Chozo Studies,
Prime Breach, Prime Mutations
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Head through the tunnel to the next door. Nothing else.

As you enter, you will notice some Mega Turrets to the northwest. Ignore them
for now and head to the left platform above. Head through the door and scan
the blue panel for access to the Save Station. Save for now, then exit back
to the Main Quarry. Now, scan those Mega Turrets. Then, shoot them with the
Ice Beam and then shoot three missiles at each turret. This will take care of
it. Now head over in that direction. Then turn right. Look for a blue panel
with two activation switches. Scan them both to disable the forcefield. Now
enter it and go into the door.

Now take it slow. Directly around the corner to the right are two more of the
Mega Turrets. Take them out with a super missile or three missiles each. Now,
head to the back of the room and head through the door to the next room.

Right as you enter, put on your thermal visor. Then, you will notice some
Shadow Pirates pop out. Take them out one by one. Now, after they are all dead
head to the ramp that is around the corner. Head up. Now, as you come closer
you will notice a purple pirates. These are the Wave Troopers. They are only
vulnerable to the Wave Beam, so take that out. Two charged shots should do
the trick. There will be a few more, and when they are dead, head to the
purple door on the ceiling around the corner. Head into the next room.

Charge shot the rubble in the way and then quickly put on your thermal visor
as there will be two Shadow Pirates. Take them out with a missile and then
head onto the door and into the next room.

As you enter, there will be two space pirates in front of you. Take them out
with the missiles. Then scan the panels nearby to get some Pirate Data and
to activate an elevator. Now head up some platforms to be greeted by two
Wave Troopers. Make sure you have the Wave Beam out and take them out with
two charged shots each. Then head to the next computer and scan a new
activation key to open up another set of platforms. Get your power beam out
right away and then hop up the platforms. Scan the new creature, Power Trooper
to get an easy scan. Now, these guys can be dangerous unless taken care of
quickly. So, use super missiles to take them out.

Now, head behind the computer and scan the next activaton key. Then head into
the spinner. Boost ball the spinner all the way so that the Pulse Gun is
facing the direct opposite of you. Then bomb yourself out and scan the panel
again. This will fire the gun. Now, the door will be open. If you want to,
turn the pulse gun to the left side of the room and fire it. There will be
a missile expansion! Now, head through the door at the end that you revealed.

As you enter you will notice a spider ball track. Head onto it holding R. Now,
get to the bottom and dodge the electric blades. At the end, hit the white
door and proceed on.

Right as you enter, take out your power beam as there are two Power Troopers
waiting for you. They can cause MAJOR damage so use super missiles on both
of them. Once you have take them both out, head to the back of the room to an
object that is large. Head to the back of it.

Now, bomb jump onto it and use it much like a spinner. Instead of boosting,
you just lay bombs. Now, keep bombing until the blueish track on the bottom
is facing you exactly. Then ride up the blue track and head around the
perimeter of the room to the next spinner like object.

Now, bomb the top cylinder so that the red track is exactly on the left of
you. Now head back down to the base of the room and head into the first
spinner. Line up the red cylinder on the bottom with the top one on the left.
Then take it all the way up spider ball style. Now head left and take out
your Wave Beam. Then take out the Wave Trooper. Now head into the door into
the next room.

In here is another long tube. This time, it is full of bombus. Take them out
using regular shots of the Wave Beam. Once you take them all out, head onto
the spider track or just jump to the base of the long tube. Now head into the
door at the bottom.

Scan the blue panel to activate the elevator right in front of you. Then step
into the hologram and ride it all the way to the bottom. Now shoot the white
door with the Ice Beam and then head through the door into the next room.

This room is so easy if you know what to do. Look directly up right as you
enter this room. There will be an explosive. Fire a missile at it to reveal
a missile expansion and will also kill two pirates that were hiding up there.
Head up to the missile expansion and get into morph ball mode. Then bomb jump
to the missile expansion! Now head back down and easily walk to the next door.
Enter it.

Right as you enter, you will be faced with a boss fight!

BOSS #7 : Elite Pirate *
This is more of a mini-boss, but it takes some talent. First off, scan it
because these creatures are very rare. Now, put on your thermal visor. Look
for the red spot on its back. Shoot it out with a super missile or a few
regular missiles. Now that that is destroyed, fire super missiles at its
face for easy kill. You can shoot regular missiles if you want. Soon after
that it will be dead!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, head up the ramp to the left with your thermal visor on. Then take out
all of the Shadow Pirates. Then, take out the Power Troopers the same way as
usual. Once you are certain that all of the troopers are dead, scan the five
Pirate Datas on the bottom floor and three Pirate Datas on the top floor. Now
on this top floor enter the white door on the ceiling.

In here, as you enter, there will be poison gas starting to spread. Quickly
head to the halfpipe and down to the left. Then turn right into the small
tunnel and head into the white door.

Right as you enter, there will be a Wave Trooper across the way and one to
the right. Take them both out with the Wave Beam. Now, head to the bottom
level and take out the three power troopers with super missiles. Now scan
another Pirate Data and head through the white door on this ground level.

Just go down the hall and enter the door at the end.

Right as you enter, head down to the bottom. There will be an invisible drone
at the bottom. Quckly shoot a super missile when you see a glimpse of it.
This will take it out and then open up a puzzle. Morph ball into the electric
maze. Follow the path a bomb the certain spots to open the way to the POWER
BOMBS in the middle! These are more powerful than the first type of bombs as
they can blow up big boulders. Now head into the door to the save station.


Simply save your game and then exit.

Head across the room over to the rubble in the way. Use your new weapon, the
Power Bombs. Get into morph ball mode and press Y. Now head through the new

Turn right and look for the Bendezium and then Power Bomb it. Head into the
bombing machine and then bomb it twice. Then drop to the next machine and
bomb it once. Now head onto the yellow track, and ride it all the way up to
the door. Head through the white door.

Go to the new equipment and get the Grappling Beam! Now head back to the
Great Tree Hall right after the entrance to the Mines. There shouldn't be too
much trouble. getting back.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Phazon Mines Visit #1

O Creatures:|

* Morphology: A Space Pirate armed with Wave Beam technology. Space Pirates
have reverse-engineered several weapons, including the Wave
Beam. A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to
their own Beam weapon system. These weapons are inferior to
Chozo-designed originals, but still quite potent.

* Morphology: The Power Trooper is a Space Pirate that's armed with Power
Beam technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered several
weapons, including the Power Beam. A flaw in the design makes
these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam Weapon system.
These weapons are inferior to Chozo-designed originals, but
still quite potent.

* Morphology: The Mega Turret is a perimeter defense turret that's
reinforced with energy shielding. Frustrated with inferior
armor plating on standard defense turrets, the Space Pirates
added energy shielding to a modified heavy cannon. The new
shielding and increased beam strength makes the Mega Turret
an efficient point defense weapon.

* Morphology: The Elite Pirate is a Phazon-enhanced Space Pirate. It's
incredibly strong, well-armored, and heavily armed. Elite
Pirates are potent foes. Their Energy Siphon system absorbs
Beam weapon shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma
Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them
vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. The Elite Pirate is
effective in close combat and at a distance. Their massive
size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for
evasion and quick attacks.

O Pirate Data:|

O ELITE PIRATES (11.001.9):
Initial Project Helix experiments with Space Pirate embryos were
disastrous. The Phazon-infusion process degenerated brain tissue even as
it augmented muscle mass. None of what we have termed 'Elite Pirates'
lived to maturity: the few that survived their infanthood suffered severe
psychotic breakdowns as juveniles, killing anything within their zone of
perception. Research from team Sclera made a recent breakthrough, in which
parasite studies with a Phazon strain code-named 'Vertigo' were highly
successful. Since then, we have fused Vertigo Phazon with Space Pirate DNA
with great success. The latest batch of Elite Pirates have reached
maturity successfully and are ready for field testing and training.
--Found in: Phazon Mines--

O THE HUNTER (10.023.7):
Security Command issued an all-points alert after the fall of Zebes. The
alert concerns bioform Samus Aran, also known as the Hunter. Subject is a
female hominid, and is heavily armed and extremely dangerous. Subject uses
a powered armorsuit of unknown design in battle, along with a number of
potent Beam and concussive weapons. All combat units are instructed to
terminate Aran on sigh, preferably in a fashion that will allow salvage of
her powered armorsuit and weapons. A considerable bounty will go to the
unit who delivers Aran to Command. Dead or alive, it matters not.
-- Found in: Phazon Mines --

O METROID PRIME (11.156.9):
Test subject Z-d, hereafter referred to as Metroid Prime, was recently
discovered in a cavern by mining crews. It quickly dispatched the miners,
but was eventually contained by security units and drones. Once contained,
we were able to begin studies upon Metroid Prime. The results have been
astonishing. It is genetically similar to a Metroid, albeit on a high
evolved level. It displays a limitless capacity for Phazon infusion and
shows no Phazon-based degeneration whatsoever. It continues to grow in
size, and while it has manifested some psychotic behavior, the cold field
we use to pacify remain effective. Authorization for advanced studies on
Metroid Prime have been approved.

Metroid Prime continues to feed and grow ever larger in the impact crater
caves. Its hunger knows no bounds, and it has begun to manifest unusual
mutations since its breach. These include armor plating on its epidermis
and mechanical outgrowths that generate defense screens. These screens
render it invulnerable to most weapon systems, but a flaw in the mutation
leads to increased vulnerability to certain weapons. It compensates for
this by shifting the screens quickly. This latest development concerns
Security units greatly: they feel it's a matter of time before Metroid
Prime corrects this defect and renders itself invulnerable to all weaponry.
Containment would be nigh impossible if this were to occur.

O Omega Pirate (11.232.8):
Elite Pirate Upsilon's propensity for Phazon has enabled our research team
to infuse it far beyond our safety restrictions, and the results have been
extremely encouraging. Its constant Phazon diet has increased its mass
exponentially, but it has retained all mental faculties and shows
dexterity with all Elite weaponry, including Plasma Incendiary Launchers
and the Chameleon Manta issued for cloaking purposes. Elite Pirate Upsilon
exhibits miraculous healing abilities: when injured, it seeks out
Phazon deposits and coats itself in the substance, which instantly mends
the creature's wounds. The subject, which we are code-naming Omega Pirate
based on these developments, shows potential to be a new standards for our
armies. Our only concern at this point is its potential overdependence on


4.8: The X-Ray and The Flames mp_xf
The fight to Metroid Prime is getting nearer and nearer. The last two main
items Samus needs, are the X-Ray Visor and the Plasma Beam. This section
consists of two missions.



-Creature Log: NONE
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Right as you enter, take out the Seedling and then jump to where it once was.
Now look left and shoot the Seedling and jump there. Then jump to the platform
on the wall. Again, look left and shoot the Seedling. Then jump to there
again. Now jump to the platform on the waterfall. Activate the spinner here
using the boost ball. Now jump to the platform with the Bloodflower and kill

Head over a few more platforms and then get to a spiderball track around a
tree. Now head up as far as you can. Then hold left and bomb jump over to the
next part of the track. Make sure you are holding R to cling to that part of
the track. Now ride all the way up and head through the white door.

Now, power bomb the rubble and then head through the tunnel in morph ball
mode. This is another puzzle. Head to the right and then get into a halfpipe.
Boost all the way to the top and then bomb the top to collect a missile
expansion. Then head to the right and enter the tunnel. Then enter the door
at the end.

Head to the middle of the room and take the X-RAY VISOR! This allows you to
see special things that can only be seen with this visor. Now that we have
this, we will need to head to Magmoor Caverns into the Geothermal Core. I
know it is a long way, but the way to get there is self-explanatory. The
walkthrough will pick up there.


-Creature Log: NONE
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: Grapple Point
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Look to the left and jump up to the platform. Look at the grapple point and
then swing to the platform ahead. Now, use the spinner on this platform by
boosting. At the top, turn around and jump to that platform. Now, use another
spinner on here to raise this platform. Then turn around again and jump to
the platform here. Now, turn left and jump to the platform with the spider
ball track on it.

Now, bomb jump up onto the track and ride it up. Then jump to the next part
of the track as there is a break in it. Now, fall down, holding R, and cling
to the track below you. Then, bomb jump to the next part of the track. Keep
doing this for a short while longer.

You will notice some Parasites after a platform break. Now cling to where they
are. Try to avoid them and get to the top right. Keep going on the track here.
Now, head down the incline and then hold R, as you will need to cling below.
Keep going and jump up to the second row of parasites. Dodge them the best
you can. Now, keep heading up as high as you can. Then you will have to fall
a long jump. Just hold R. Get past the final Parasites and then get onto the
platform at the end. Finally! Now, head through the white door here.

Now, go into the middle of the room and collect the PLASMA BEAM! This is the
best weapon you can get, and it is fast shooting! It is almost as strong as
a missile! Now, head back to the Central Dynamo in the Phazon Mines.


Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Magmoor Caverns Visit #3



Specific energy nodes that Samus can latch onto with the Grapple Beam. The
icon above a node brightens when it is in range.


4.9: The Omega and Artifacts mp_of
Now that Samus has a lot of her weapons and upgrades, she must get the famous
Phazon Suit to withstand Phazon. Then she can take on the final battle between
the evil and Samus. This section consists of two missions.



-Creature Log: Ice Trooper, Plasma Tooper, Omega Pirate
-Pirate Data: Special Forces
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Right as you enter, there will be several Ice Troopers waiting for you. First,
scan them for a new creature entry. Then, take out the Ice Beam and shoot them
with a charged shot. Then shoot a missile to take them out. Once they are all
dead, head to the left over to the white door you have not been to. Bomb the
rubble with a power bomb. Then shoot the door and head through to the next

Head into morph ball mode and then head right into the tunnel. Here, bomb
jump jump over to the next tunnel and roll out. Quicly scan the blue panel
to deactivate the Mega Turrets, or you can super missile them out. Once they
are taken care of, head to the purple door and head through.

Right as you enter, scan the blue panel which marks a red icon when in scan
mode. This will unleash some Metroids. It might be hard to see them, look
meticulously. Shoot the Metroids with an Ice Beam shot and then a missile to
finish them off. Now head to where the Metroids were and kill the Metroid
here. Now, approach the Phazon pit and then jump to the left over to a few

Now put on your X-Ray Visor so that you can see some platforms that are moving
over the pit below. Hop onto it and then ride across to the other side. Now,
on this side, look for Metroids. You should take them all out before doing
anything, as they can knock you off and make you start all over. Now, jump
up to a large mushroom and put on your X-Ray Visor again. Look for a new set
of platforms. Take these to the new part. Look for a spider ball track. You
can bomb a wall and get a missile expansion here if you want. For, now head
onto the track by bomb jumping. Ride it all the way down and you will see a
white door. Finally, get the heck out of here.

Take out the Burrowers in your path. I would prefer to dodge them, but it is
up to you. Now, shoot the red door at the end with the plasma beam. Now head
through to the next room.

Right as you enter, look for the blue panel at the right to activate the
elevator. Now step into the hologram and head down the elevator. Shoot the red
door at the end with the plasma beam and head through.

Right as you enter there will be a pirate ahead. Shoot it easily with a
missile. Now, jump down to find a missile expansion under one of the
mushrooms. Get into morph ball mode to head under it and then grab the
expansion. Now, quickly walk across the Phazon pit. You will lose a small
amount of energy, but nothing big. Head through the red door here.

Now, take out the Hunter Metroids from a distance, as they can knock you off
to the bottom and make you start all over. Once they are all dead, jump from
mushroom to mushroom all the way until you see a Glider in the air. Grapple
to it and jump to the white door ahead. Head in using the Ice Beam.

Power bomb the rock here, and then head through the tunnel to reach a puzzle.
Now head to the left as far as possible. You will encounter a group of boxes
over a pit of phazon. When rolling on them, they disappear. Going at normal
speed will make you fall into them. Just boost over the blocks to the other
side. Exit through the tunnel and then to the Red door. Shoot it with the
plasma beam and head through.

This is another dark room. Take out your Ice Beam as there are Metroids all
around. Take them out, and use the thermal visor for better sight. Now jump
from mushroom to mushroom. When you see a group of tiny mushrooms way in the
back under the red door, go to them and power bomb the middle. This will give
you a missile expansion! Now head back up and grapple to the glider above.
There are two doors. One is a missile reload station and one is your next
destination. Do as you please.

Right as you enter, put on your X-Ray Visor to see some invisible bombus.
Then take out the Wave Beam and shoot them out. Now jump over the mushrooms
and over to the red door. Shoot it with the plasma beam and head through.

As you enter, Plasma Troopers will attack you. Scan them and take out your
plasma beam. Take them out easily with this powerful fire weapon. Now, take
the other two Troopers from a distance. Now ride the Spider ball track and
bomb jump to the next part of it. Ride this one down to a small platform. Now
get to the right top corner of it so that you can reach the grapple point.
Grapple across to the other side and over the phazon pit. Now scan the blue
panel to deactivate the forcefield. Now, kill the power trooper and the two
Wave Troopers.

Now, look for a tank with a missile expansion. You can only see it through the
X-Ray Visor, so take that out. Then shoot the tank with a super missile and
head through. Now, scan the computer terminal to get a new pirate data. Now
head to the plasma door and head through to a save station! Finally! Now, head
back out and up the ramp to a new door. Enter it.

Right as you enter, head through the tunnel and kill the Plasma Trooper here.
Now shoot hte ice above the door and then head through the door.

Well, get ready to fight the hardest boss battle in the entire game. Even
harder then Metroid Prime, I think. Walk close enough to scan it. Then get
even closer and it will pop out, do a taunt, and get ready to fight.

BOSS #8 : Omega Pirate *
This is one hard boss. The trick to it, is to keep trying. I though I would
never beat it after how hard it was the first time I tried it. I guess it
becomes easier the more you play it. Anyway, you will see four Phazon plates
on its body. The key to the first part of this battle is to knock them off.
I would use the super missiles for fast action, but plasma shots will work if
you are low on missles. It has a few attacks. It will wave quake if you are
medium close, plasma shot if you are far, and simply beat you if you are
close. I would stay medium range. Just don't get to close.

Take out each of the four plates with super missiles or plasma shots. Once
you have taken them out, it will collapse. Then turn invisible. Now, you will
notice that there are Phazon Deposits in the room. If you turn on once of
your visors, thermal or X-Ray, you will see the Omega Pirate trying to gain
more Phazon from those deposits. Shoot super missiles at him like crazy. If
you are going to use super missiles, use them now! Also, when you hit him
twice, try to take out the pirates that he let out. Your main goal is to kill
him as fast as you can. The pirates are just distracting you. He will, again,
have Phazon Plates on him. Take them out as you did before. He will then
release more pirates. Take some out and look for him again with the X-Ray
Visor. Shoot super missiles. He might even die here, but it could take one
more. Well, you just beat the hardest boss in the game! Now, the Pirate will
fall on you and basically give you the PHAZON SUIT AND THE PHAZON BEAM! Now
you can withstand phazon material. The suit looks cool in the black as well.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now it is time to find the artifacts. I will list there locations below.



Here are the Log Book Items you should have scanned during this section of the
game: Phazon Mines Visit #2


O Creatures:|

* Morphology: The Ice Trooper is a Space Pirate armed with Ice Beam
technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered several
weapons, including the Ice Beam. A flaw in the design makes
these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.
These weapos are inferior to Chozo-designed originals, but
still quite potent.

* Morphology: The Plasma Trroper is a Space Pirate that's armed with Plasma
Beam technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered
several weapons, including the Plasma Beam. A flaw in the
design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own weapon
system. These weapons are inferior to Chozo-designed
originals, but still quite potent.

* Morphology: The Omega Pirate is the most powerful of the Elite Pirate
Forces. Omega Pirate has the ability to become invisible to
normal sight. It is vulnerable when cloaked, as all energy is
drawn from defense systems. By exposing itself to Phazon, it
can regenerate damaged tissue and organs. Considered the
pinnacle of the Elite Pirate program, this enemy should be
handled with extreme caution and maximum firepower.

O Pirate Data:|

O SPECIAL FORCES (11.269.4):
As we continue to observe the development of Project Helix's Elite Pirates,
it becomes increasingly obvious that these warriors will usher in a new era
of Space Pirate dominance. They are incredibly resistant to damage, and
their ability to transport and wield so many weapons at once makes them the
ideal mainstays of our ground forces. Though they are not as quick as
typical Pirates, it makes little difference. With a platoon of Phazon Elite
Pirates in the vanguard of an army of normal and Flying Pirates, we will
have a near-indestructible backbone that should turn the tide in any





Location: Tallon Overworld, Artifact Temple. Under the central pillar.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Warrior Shrine. In the Chozo statue's hands.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Control Tower.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Sunchamber.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Tower Chamber.



Location: Phazon Mines, Elite Research.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Life Grove.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Lava Lake. Shoot the pillar with Super Missiles.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Chozo Ice Temple.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Elder Chamber.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Storage Cave.



Location: Phazon Mines, Phazon Mining Tunnel.


Now, once you have collected all of the Artifacts, head to the Landing Site
where your Gunship is, and get read for some action!

4.10: The Final Fight mp_ff
Samus has collected all of the Artifacts of Chozo. Now it is time to go to
the temple and face the fears of Tallon IV. Metroid Prime is waiting...



-Creature Log: Meta Ridley
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Save your game and refill your missiles at the ship. Now head to the Artifact

Now, head through the tunnels and over to the central pillar where you got
the first artifact. As the power is coming, a bird comes...Meta Ridley is here
and you have to kill it for another boss battle.

BOSS #9 : Meta Ridley *
Now, this boss it easier than it looks. In fact, it is really easy. First of
all, scan it. In the first part of the battle, Meta Ridley will fly in the
air. It will hoover over you, giving you a chance to fire a super missile
at it. Its mouth and chest are its weak points. Dodge the fire and other
attacks it throws at you as it swoops. Just try to catch it when it stops to
take out energy. When it has little energy left, the wings will burn and he
will come down to face you Melee style.

This part is easy. Just, watch for two attacks. One is the charge attack and
one is the fire attack. His charge attack is one you should figure out and
you are not able to hit him. Right before he shoots fire, shoot a missile at
him. Now, just repeat this and he will be dead. He has no other attacks. Now,
follow into the portal that is created for the last part of the game!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


-Creature Log: Lumigek, Fission Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime second
-Pirate Data: NONE
-Research Data: NONE
-Chozo Lore: NONE
-Artifacts: NONE

Save your game here and then head through the red door.

Take out the new creature, Lumigek and scan it. Now head through the door at
the end and avoid the orange phazon.

I hate this room. It is probably the most annoying room in the entire game.
Well, when you see the Metroids, DON'T kill them. They are fission metroids.
Scan them and avoid them. All they do is split and keep coming back. You are
waisting your time if you are. Now, head up the teeth at the back of the
room and up to some platforms. Follow the around. If you sense that a metroid
is coming, get into morph ball mode. That way, they won't knock you off. Now
head into a red door and reload your missiles. Now head back out and over to
some more platforms. Get up those the same way, and head through the red

Head on the spider ball track and jump to the other side of the room. Now,
enter the door.

Time for the last boss in the game. Watch a cutscene and then follow it into
the next room.

BOSS #10 : Metroid Prime *
Ok, scan the Prime first. Carefully look at the veins on Metroid Prime. See
the color? That is the color of the weapon you should have out. Now, shoot
charged beam shots out of that certain weapon, or you can use the beam combos
if you want. Wait for it to be stunned once. Then the veins will change color
again. Shoot it out again and then follow it to the next room.

There will be three color switches this time, so becareful. Also, after each
time you make Prime stunned, it will charge at you. To avoid the charge, get
into morph ball mode and head into the dents. Now, hit it two more times and
then follow it into the next room.

Now, it will go through four colors. Just prey it is Ice Beam and Power Beam
as they have the best beam combos, Ice Spreader and the Super missiles. If
it turns red, don't use the flamethrower. It just waists missiles. Use normal
shot for it. Remember to use the dents to avoid the charge attack between
each color change. Follow it into the next room.

Now, this is the harder part. It has a little life left and will keep changing
colors until you deplete the energy. The other tricky part is that it changes
as often as it wants to. I would just wait for Ice and Power to easily take
him out. Once he is depleted, he will fall down a pit. Follow it...

Well, you thought you won, but there is another form. This once looks like
a squid. Scan it first, of course. Now, if you are low on life, get refills
around the room. Now, it only has two attack the whole battle. Charging and
Plasma Quake, like the Omega Pirate. I would stay farther away and jump over
the quake. Don't get to close.

Now, wait for it to deposit Phazon and two Metroids of its choice. If I were
you, I would power bomb them. Then, get into the phazon pit and notice the
words, Hyper Mode, at the top of the screen. If you hold A, you will smoke
the beast with this beam! Get a good amount of hits, and almost half of its
energy will be gone! Repeat this process one to two more times and you are
done with the game!!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Congratulations, you beat the game, Metroid Prime! You will have one of three
ending, depending on how much percent you have completed. I won't spoil them.


5 . 0 : E N E M I E S mp_en

In this section you'll find the log book entry and of every single enemy in
the game along with some cool strategies. The enemies are listed in
alphabetical order.

* Morphology: The Aqua Drone is a security mechanoid that's adapted for use
in underwater areas. The Space Pirates have adapted a number
of Sentry Drones for use in the liquid environments. These
Aqua Drones utilize an arsenal and artificial intelligence
suit similar to their cousins. The Pirates have been unable to
properly shield these drones from electrical attacks, making
them vulnerable to the wave beam.
* Strategies: Well, besides feeding this baby some electricity with your
Wave Beam, I don't have any useful strategies. The Aqua Drone
shouldn't be too hard anyway.

* Morphology: The Aqua Pirate is a Space Pirate with an exoskeleton that has
been modified for underwater use. Using modified thrusterpacks
and Gravity Suit technology, the Space Pirates have armor
suits for use in liquid environments. Thermal tracking is
still very useful against these units as the Pirate engineers
have yet to eliminate the thrusterpack's high heat signature.
* Strategies: These pirates are nothing in water. They shoot too slowly and
are very easy to kill. Just shoot them with the weapon of your
choice to destroy it.

* Morphology: A powerful aquatic tentacle that's part of a submerged
organism. Similar in nature to the surface-based Reaper Vine,
the Aqua Reaper has adapted to a liquid environment. It shares
the poor viosion of it's rock-dwelling cousin, relying on a
crude sonar sense to seek prey. Unhindered by water, the Aqua
Reaper has considerable speed and strength.
* Strategies: You cannot actually kill this enemy. Just dodge it. To get the
tenticle back into the cave, shoot it with any beam. Then go
on past it.

* Morphology: The Aqua Sac is a creature that bursts when subjected to
impact or trauma. Believed to be in the same family as the Sap
Sac, this plant has similar features. It bursts when exposed
to force. This protective response keeps most creatures from
feeding on it.
* Strategies: You can easily deal with this enemy by picking it off from a
distance. It will be useless once fired at.

* Morphology: An automatic turret that opens fire on any enemy that comes
within it's range.
* Strategies: Shoot missiles directly at them. Try to strafe behind doors
and objects to avoid the missiles that they shoot at you.

* Morphology: The Baby Sheegoth is a glacial predator with an ice shell that
protects its vulnerable dorsal area. Young Sheegoths grow a
resilient shell of ice on their backs. This serves to protect
a layer of vulnerable flesh that eventually becomes a ridge of
energy-absorbing crystal. Powerful hunters, they fire bursts
of ulta-cold gas at potential prey, then feast on their frozen
* Strategies: These enemies are hard until you have the Plasma Beam. Just
strafe behind them and shoot them until their shell breaks
off. With the plasma beam, just shoot it ;)

* Morphology: An airborne insect with the evolved ability to launch its
stinger at prey. The Barbed War Wasp is a highly agressive
member of the War Wasp family, this insect can propel the tip
of its stinger up to 20 meters. The stinger tip regrows
seconds after launch and contains an acidic compound designed
to predigest prey.
* Strategies: Use missiles on them to knock them off.

* Morphology: A burrowing insect with a resilient carapace that's extemely
agressive. Beetle's massive mouth enables it to tunnel through
solid rock at high speeds. Above ground, Beetles can cover
short distances rapidly. They attack anything that moves near
their lair.
* Strategies: These enemies just pop out of the ground. Once they are on the
ground, shoot them up with the weapon of your choice.

* Morphology: Security mechanoid equipped with phased cloaking grid. The
next generation of Drones operates fully cloaked from normal
sight. A defense shield and extra Beam Cannon increases their
combat effectiveness as well. Still they are machines, and can
be nullified with electromagnetic pulses.
* Strategies: Use super missiles on them. Be sure to stay away from them as
they can blind you.

* Morphology: Volatile chemicals within this weed's toxic fungal cap may
explode if agitated. The poisonous flesh of the Blastcap helps
keep it from being eaten. It also detonates its fungal cap
when it senses even slight contact.
* Strategies: Shoot these mushrooms from a distance to avoid their poison

* Morphology: The Bloodflower is able to eject toxic spores. Toxins are
poisonous even to the Bloodlower itself. Three moud-nodules
protrude from the stalk beneath the flower, each with a
rudimentary brain cluster and the ability to spew toxic fumes
at anything within a reach of five meter radius. The spores
ejected from the Stigma at the center of the flower are
sufficient to kill this creature if they explode in its
* Strategies: These enemies are simple. Just take them out as soon as you
possibly can. I would recommend that you use the missiles but
regular shots will do at the beginning of the game.

* Morphology: A tunneling insect predator, the Burrower is similar to the
Beetle, though it prefers to spend more time underground. It
seeks seismic disturbances, then surfaces to attack. It has
enough cunning to realize when something is too large for it
to handle. Beyond that, it is fairly ignorant. What it lacks
in brains, it makes up for in agression.
* Strategies: Best thing for these is to shoot a missile when they pop up.
You can also avoid them for safe keepings.

* Morphology: This supernatural entities' bioelectric field is invulnerable
to natural energies. As these entities phase in and out of
existence, the only way to track them accurately is with X-ray
scanning. They are invisible to the naked eye and can only be
seen as a wispy white spirit while they attack.
* Strategies: Only use the Power Beam on them. Also, have out the X-ray visor
when fighting them for a better view.

* Morphology: The Crystallite is a territorial cold-weather scavenger. The
shell of a Crystallite reflects beam weapons and can only be
cracked by a concussive blast. They hang upside down in an ice
cave during their larval stage. Moisture runs off its body and
forms the hard ice shell, which the Crystallite retains for
the rest of its life.
* Strategies: Simply shoot a missile at them and BAM!

* Morphology: The Elite Pirate is a Phazon-enhanced Space Pirate. It's
incredibly strong, well-armored, and heavily armed. Elite
Pirates are potent foes. Their Energy Siphon system absorbs
Beam weapon shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma
Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them
vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. The Elite Pirate is
effective in close combat and at a distance. Their massive
size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for
evasion and quick attacks.
*Strategies: View Bosses section.

* Morphology: An immobile organism that's entirely composed of ocular
tissue. The Eyon is capable of launching sustained energy
beams when active. However, the Eyon is sensitive to light and
will close shut if a bright flash ignites nearby.
* Strategies: Just shoot the eye out to deactivate the beam.

* Morphology: This is the Metroid with the ability to split into two forms.
The Fission Metroid is a mutant, capable of splitting in two.
This split endows the new creatures with invulnerability to
most weaponry. This effect is unstable, resulting in weakness
to a type of weapon fire. The vulnerability appears to be
random, due to the chaotic nature of Phazon Mutation.
* Strategies: Just dodge these! Seriously, they have multiple effects when
they are killed.

O FLAAHGRA (boss):
* Morphology: This mutant plant is the source of the toxic water in the
ruins. Flaahgra's growth cycle has been radically accelerated.
As a result, it requires near-constant exposure to solar
energy to remain active. This exposure has made Flaahgra's
outer shell thick and durable. Concentrated weapon fire can
daze it for short periods, but its lower root system is
unprotected and vulnerable, however. Exploit this flaw when
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: One of Flaahgra's tentacle fills a narrow drainage channel in
the Sun Chamber. Analysis indicates that Flaahgra's central
nervous system may be located at the base of this structure.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Flickerbat is a scavenger with optical camouflaging that
renders it invisible to the naked eye. Flickerbats are
deceptive creatures. The only way to track them reliably is
with X-ray imaging. They fly ceaselessly, hunting insects and
other small prey that float on the air currents. Flickerbats
tend to fly in cyclical hunting patterns, using primitive
sonar to navigate.
* Strategies: Use the X-Ray visor to kill them.

* Morphology: Space Pirates equipped with thermal jet packs. Flying Pirates
are extremely agile in the air, but the heat signatures of
their jet packs can be tracked with thermal imaging. While
their missiles are extremely potent, their jet packs can be
even more so. If the pack fails, they attempt a suicide
* Strategies: Use the plasma beam or missiles to take them out.

* Morphology: The Frozen Scarab is a glacial parasite that explodes to
protect the swarm. When a hostile life-form is near, they
embed themselves in floors and walls to block the creature's
* Strategies: Shoot them up with the plasma beam.

* Morphology: A Geemer is a wall-crawler with retractable spikes. It is an
evolutionary offshoot of the Zoomer family. However, where the
Zoomer is fairly vulnerable, the Geemer is invincible. When
threatened, it extends its head deep into its armored
* Strategies: Take them out with simple shots of any beam.

* Morphology: The Glider is a docile, airborne creature with unusual
magnetic properties. Gliders live a relatively peaceful
existence. They have a magnetic signature attuned to common
Grapple Beam technology; the sport of "Glider riding" involves
using a Grapple to attach to a Glider, then attempting to stay
on it as long as possible.
* Strategies: Shoot missiles at them, or power beam shots for fastness.

* Morphology: A sub-volcanic carrion feeder, the Grizby's carapace has been
fused together by superheated air. This barrier stands up to
everything but concussive blasts. Its intelligence is limited
to instinctive scavenging patterns.
* Strategies: Missiles are the key :)

O Hive Mecha (boss):
* Morphology: Mecha security unit that's programmed to work with predatory
hive dwellers. A design flaw makes the shielding on Hive
Mecha weak around their acces ports. These units are
second-generation combat drones, able to interface with
organic units at a higher level. They train, shelter and work
hive-dwelling predators. Unarmed, they rely on their hive
beasts to handle any threats.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Hunter Metroids are adolescent Metroids that have
energy-siphon tentacles, making them increasingly dangerous.
As Metroids develop, they become more efficient predators. An
energy-draining tentacle allows them to attack at a distance.
Quick to anger, a Hunter Metroid causes troublesome prey and
attempts to ram them into submission. Cold-based attacks are
quite effective against these creatures.
* Strategies: Quickly shoot missiles at them. They can be harmful if you do
not kill them fast enough.

* Morphology: Ice Beetles are burrowing insects with an ice-reinforced
carapace, and they have an aversion to heat of any kind. This
member of the Beetle family has adapted to life in the subzero
temperatures in the Phendana Drifts, growing a thick ice shell
over its entire body. The ice is extremely resilient,
providing the Ice Beetle with extra protection and augmented
digging abilities.
* Strategies: Use the Ice Beam to kill them.

* Morphology: The Ice Burrower is a hardy life form that has adapted to the
frigid climate of Phendrana. It spends most of its time
tunneling through the frozen soil, but occasionaly surfaces to
attack passers-by.
* Strategies: Look at Burrower but use the Ice Beam.

* Morphology: The Ice Metroid is a mutated Fission Metroid. Once split,
Fission Metroids gain invulnerability to most weaponry. A
genetic flaw leaves them susceptible to certain weapons; in
the case of the Ice Metroid, shots from the Ice Beam will harm
* Strategies: Use the Ice Beam to freeze them and then missile them down.

* Morphology: A simple scavenger life-form that possesses a crystalline
outer shell. Parasites are hardy creatures, able to adapt to
any environment within three generations. The Ice Parasite is
a prime example. Having adjusted to a frigid climate, this
vermin now thrives in it. Omnivorous, it can exist in areas
hostile to most life-forms.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Ice Shriekbat is an ice-encased ceiling dweller. Like
standard Shriekbats, thse creatures are easily spotted with
Thermal imaging. They roost on cave ceilings, existing on a
diet of insects, reptiles, and small mammals. Fiercely
territorial, they dive-bomb anything that wanders near.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Ice Trooper is a Space Pirate armed with Ice Beam
technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered several
weapons, including the Ice Beam. A flaw in the design makes
these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.
These weapos are inferior to Chozo-designed originals, but
still quite potent.
* Strategies: Use the Ice Beam to freeze them. Then shoot them with a
missile to kill them.

* Morphology: Device schematics indicate a high risk of malfunction when
internal power core is exposed. This unit has minimal combat
programming, but can defend itself if necessary. The intense
heat blasts it shoots compensate for its lack of battle
* Strategies: Look at the boss section to defeat this boss.

* Morphology: The Jelzap is an aquatic predator made of electrically bound
skeletal halves. The Jelzap's brain is located in the upper
half of its body, while the heart and digestive tract occupy
the lower half. Linked only by electrical impulses, the two
halves somehow function effectively enough to launch the
Jelzap to the top of Tallon IV's aquatic food chain.
* Strategies: When they open their mouth. shoot a missile in the middle of
the balled mouth.

* Morphology: Lumigeks are Phazon-charged reptiles. Natives of Tallon IV,
the Lumigeks travel in swarms to increase their odds of
survival. They absorb and radiate Phazon energy, making these
swarms a threat.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Magmoor is a fire-breathing serpent that dwells in the
fiery depths of lava pools. Magmoors prefer extreme heat zones
are susceptible to frigid attack forms. Sightless, they
navigate the lava currents using sonar receptors. Magmoors
have a keen sense of smell, enabling them to pinpoint targets
with startling accuracy.
* Strategies: Charged shots of anything will take the Magmoors out.

* Morphology: The Mega Turret is a perimeter defense turret that's
reinforced with energy shielding. Frustrated with inferior
armor plating on standard defense turrets, the Space Pirates
added energy shielding to a modified heavy cannon. The new
shielding and increased beam strength makes the Mega Turret
an efficient point defense weapon.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: A genetically enchanced Ridley metaform. Reborn and evolved
through Pirate technology, Meta Ridley is a fearsome enforcer.
Its armored hide is extremely resilient, save for the chest,
which has thinner plating. The Pirates have fused a number of
potent weapons to the creature, including a Multimissile
system, a Kinetic Breath Weapon, a Meson Bomb Launcher, and an
Ultrathermal Flamestrike Projector. Meta Ridley is also a
formidable melee combatant, making any sort of engagement a
risky proportion.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: Metroids are energy-based parasitic predators. The dominant
species of planet SR388, Metroid can suck the life force out
of living things. A Metroid latches onto its prey and drain
energy, growing larger as it does. The only way to shake an
attached Metroid is to enter Morph Ball Mode and lay a bomb.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: A highly-evolved Phazon-producing life form. The abberation
known as Metroid Prime is the source of Phazon, making it
immensely powerful. A genetic flaw makes it suspectible to
certain weapons for brief periods. Only its head is truly
vulnearable; other attacks are a nuisance. Offensively,
Metroid Prime has a number of natural and mechanical weapons
at its disposal. These include Ultra-frigid Breath,
Multi-missiles, Snare Beams and Particle Wave Projectors. Its
massive strength and barbed carapace make it lethal in melee
combat. Recommend maximum firepower when engaging this enemy.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

O METROID PRIME (boss; second form):
* Morphology: The core essence of Metroid Prime.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Oculus is a wallcrawler that generates electric pulses.
The Oculus expresses its single eye when active. The
electrical field that covers it is enough to deter most
predators. If the Oculus detects anything capable of
presenting a real threat, it retracts into its impermeable
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Omega Pirate is the most powerful of the Elite Pirate
Forces. Omega Pirate has the ability to become invisible to
normal sight. It is vulnerable when cloaked, as all energy is
drawn from defense systems. By exposing itself to Phazon, it
can regenerate damaged tissue and organs. Considered the
pinnacle of the Elite Pirate program, this enemy should be
handled with extreme caution and maximum firepower.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Parasite is an interstellar vermin that travels in swarms
and is indigenous to Tallon IV. A single Parasite is harmless
to larger lifeforms. However, they tend to travel in large
groups, swarming over potential prey.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: Parasite female, genetically enhanced by unknown means.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Phazon Elite is a Space Pirate infusded with energized
Phazon. The Phazon-charged Elite Pirates rely more on their
Wave Quake Generators, opting not to carry the vulnerable
Plasma Artillery Cannons normally used by Elites. The direct
fusing of their bodies provides a tremendous level of energy.
The drastically lower life span that comes with this process
is of little concern to the Pirate Research team.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Plasma Trroper is a Space Pirate that's armed with Plasma
Beam technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered
several weapons, including the Plasma Beam. A flaw in the
design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own weapon
system. These weapons are inferior to Chozo-designed
originals, but still quite potent.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Plated Beetle is a burrowing insect with an impermeable
carapace. This creature is only vulnerable in the rear
abdomen. Unlike its lesser cousin, the Plated Beetle can repel
frontal attacks. It prefers to impale its prey upon its six
sharp horns. Only surfacing when it detects vibrations above,
it then maneuvers itself so as alwaysto face its rival,
keeping its exposed abdomen protected.
* Strategies: Get behind them using dodge methods. Then shoot its back with
any beam.

* Morphology: Hardy member of the Parasite family. Invulnerable to most
weaponry. A cousin to the Parasite, these creatures are
known for their amazing resilience. Field studies suggest a
weakness to Morph Ball-delivered weapon systems.
* Strategies: Shoot them with missiles to easily dispose them.

* Morphology: A Plated Puffer is a mutated Puffer with reinforced epidermis.
Phazon exposure has created a mutant strain of Puffers on
Tallon IV. They have developed plated skin, making them harder
to burst. Concussive weapons can still do the job, however.
The gas within the Plated Puffer is just as deadly as that
within their "cousins".
* Strategies: Shoot a super missile at these babies.

* Morphology: Small insects capable of storing and releasing thermal energy.
Plazmites are attracted to sources of heat, thriving on the
energy present there. They emit light when hunting, and expel
small bursts of thermal energy when threatened.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Power Metroid is a mutated Fission Metroid. Once split,
Fission Metroids gain invulnerability to most weaponry. A
genetic flaw leaves them susceptible to certain weapons; in
the case of the Power Metroid, shots from the Power Beam harm
* Strategies: Just ignore them!

* Morphology: The Power Trooper is a Space Pirate that's armed with Power
Beam technology. Space Pirates have reverse-engineered several
weapons, including the Power Beam. A flaw in the design makes
these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam Weapon system.
These weapons are inferior to Chozo-designed originals, but
still quite potent.
* Strategies: You need to use Super Missiles to kill these pirates. Watch
out and try to kill them fast, as they can take goo damage.

* Morphology: The Puddle Spore is a sentient floating lava mollusk protected
by an impenetrable shell. It opens when approached, attempting
to intimidate with its size. When opened, direct fire to its
mantle causes it to flip into a defensive position. If it can
slam shut, it ejects a spread of harmful energy globules.
* Strategies: Just shoot their faces to make them change to a platform.

* Morphology: An unstable gas-filled membrane, the Puffer ruptures on
contact. Puffers fill their bodies with lethal meta-viprium
gas and float about in search of food. If ruptured, the gas
within the Puffer is violently released. Despite their fragile
bodies, Puffers are agressive hunters. The gas cloud they
release on death is often fatal to the creature that brings
them down as well.
* Strategies: Shoot them up with a regular shot.

* Morphology: A life-form of raw energy, the Pulse Bombu periodically
releases explosive segments from its body. Pulse Bombus are
energy beings invulnerable to most known weapons. Electrical
energy can harm them, however. They lack any intelligence
beyond an instinctive attraction to other charged energy
sources. Pulse Bombus produce energy constantly. All excess
energy is shed, regardless of who or what may be nearby.
* Strategies: You need the Wave Beam for this baby.

* Morphology: The Ram War Wasp is an airborne predator insect that circles
its prey and strikes with others as a group. The War Wasps are
the only species of Tallon IV to evolve a true hive mind.
Nesting in damp, dark places, Ram War Wasps emerge in small
groups when threatened and circle their enemy at high speed,
disorienting it. Striking from all sides, as a single
intelligence, they can fell huge organisms with their tactics.
* Strategies: Just shoot them normally but whatch out for the Ram technique
that they really like to use. It can be painful although they
are not very common.

* Morphology: A powerful rock-dwelling tentacle, it appears to be part of a
much larger organism. A single eye upon the Reaper Vine keeps
a constant vigil, but its vision is limited to 10 meters. A
scythe-like appendage on its tip is honed to lethal sharpness.
The Reaper Vine will swing this blade wildly at anything that
enters its zone of perception.
* Strategies: Shoot them with any beam to knock them back into the wall.

* Morphology: A chemical reaction within the sac produces a violent
explosion when agitated. Because of its irresistible odor and
sweet nectar, the Sap Sac was nearly eaten out of existence.
The evolution of an explosive chemical sac saved it, now only
brave or ingenious creatures dare to devour it.
* Strategies: Shoot them from a distance.

* Morphology: Scarabs are exploding Parasites that can embed their bodies
into solid rock. Scarabs think nothing of sacrificing
themselves for the safety of the swarm. When a hostile
life-form is sighted, they block its progress by embedding
themselves in floors and walls. Embedded Scarabs violently
self-destruct when threatened.
* Strategies: Shoot them from a distance to avoid charges.

* Morphology: A plant-based ground feeder, its dorsal spines can be ejected
in self defence.
* Strategies:

* Morphology: The Sentry Drone is a well-armed and armored security
mechanoid. Sentry Drones have limited intelligence, but do
their assigned tasks well. Being machines, they are
suspectible to electrical attacks. When alerted, Drones
initiate a security lockdown, then attempt to neutralize the
intruder. Their electronic warfare suit can scramble Visor
technology as well.
* Strategies: Use missile for these. Watch out, they might blind your

* Morphology: The Shadow Pirate are Pirate forces that are trained and
equipped for stealth operations. A select group of Space
Pirates have acces to sophisticated cloaking technology. This
gear drains high levels of power, however, forcing them to
rely solely on melee weapons in battle. Use enhanced detection
gear when fighting these units.
* Strategies: Use the thermal visor to see these fast pirates. Then take them
out with missiles.

O SHEEGOTH (boss):
* Morphology: A glacial predator that reigns supreme in the icy landscape of
the Phendrana drifts. Sheegoths are difficult to harm, though
intense heat seems to have a lasting effect on them. Their
mouth is a weak spot, the only place on its body that can be
hit without the shots being deflected or absorbed.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: The Shriekbat is a territorial ceiling dweller. Body
temperature peaks at 121 centigrade. Shriekbats have high
internal temperature, making them easy to spot with thermal
imaging. They roost on cave ceilings while hunting for small
prey. Fiercely territorial, they dive-bomb anything that
wanders near.
* Strategies: Shoot these bats as they charge at you with any beam.

* Morphology: The Space Pirate is a sentient agressor species that is well
trained in weapon and melee combat. Space Pirates wield
Galvanic Accelerator Cannons and forearm-mounted Scythes in
combat. This species seeks to become the dominant force in the
galaxy, and their technology may help them realize this goal.
Ruthless and amoral, the Pirates care little for the cost of
their ambition. Only the results matter, and they take these
very seriously.
* Strategies: Simply take the basic pirates out with missiles.

* Morphology: The Stone Toad preys on creatures smaller than itself, and is
vulnerable only from within. A Stone Toad is able to remain
still for days. It preys opon creatures smaller than itself,
inhaling them whole. Anything it finds indigestible, it
regurgitates. Stone Toads use their tusks as a last resort in
* Strategies: Get into morph ball mode and shoot a bomb when it sucks you
up. This will explode the entire creature.

* Morphology: The Tallon Crab is a crustacean that's native to Tallon IV. A
hard-shelled swarm life form that was once harvested for food,
the Tallon Crab's exposure to Phazon has seen this practice
diminish. These creatures are timid and harmless alone, but
can be a problem when travelling in swarms.
* Strategies: Just shoot them up. They can be harmful in bunches but that is
about it.

* Morphology: Plant life with basic sentience. Retracts into the ground if
threatened. Tangle Weeds are only dangerous to small
organisms. They are covered in tiny barbs designed to trap
potential meals. Tangle Weeds lack the strength to do anything
more than hinder larger lifeforms.
* Strategies: These are harmless.

O THARDUS (boss):
* Morphology: Thardus in an animated, sentient creature of stone charged
with Phazon radiation. The Phazon radiation given off by
Thardus negates Auto-targeting systems, preventing lock-on. It
may be possible to acquire alternate targets with a different
Visor. The chaotic nature of Phazon-irradiation leads to
instability in its structural integrity. Thardus can encase
targets in ice, and its colossal size and strength make it a
formidable opponent.
* Strategies: See boss section on how to beat this boss.

* Morphology: A hard shelled creature with powerful jaws. The Triclops is a
hunter-gatherer. It collects small creatures and bits of
foodstuff, then deposits them elsewhere for later consumption.
The hard tripartite mandibles it uses to move earth and rock
are quite strong and difficult to escape.
* Strategies: When you are caught by them, use a morph ball bomb to kill

* Morphology: Venom Weed is a poisonous plant that retracts into the ground
if threatened. Venom Weeds evolved to thrive in the habitants
of large organisms. They lure prey with brightly colored
leaves, then attack with tiny barbs that deliver a poweful
toxin. Venom Weeds rapidly decompose anything that succumbs in
their midst.
* Strategies: There is no way of killing this enemy. Just shoot the weeds to
make them go into the ground. Then you can go on past them.

* Morphology: This is a Bombu that's capable of phasing out of the visible
plane. The phased nature of the Bombu makes detection
difficult. Most Visor technology is useless when tracking
these creatures. They still shed electric charges, though they
aren't drawn to charged energy sources as most Bombus are.
* Strategies: Use the Wave Beam as usual.

* Morphology: The War Wasp Hive is the primary dwelling for War Wasps, and
is only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. War Wasps build their
hives over existing crevices, using whatever materials close
at hand. They carry building fragments back to the
construction site with their forelegs, and glue them into
place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.
* Strategies: Simply take them out with any weapon. They are hardly painful.

* Morphology: The War Wasp Hive is the primary dwelling for War Wasps, and
is only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. War Wasps build their
hives over existing crevices, using whatever materials close
at hand. They carry building fragments back to the
construction site with their forelegs, and glue them into
place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.
* Strategies: Shoot a simple missile at these babies.

* Morphology: Mutated Fission Metroids. Once split, Fission Metroids gain
invulnerability to most weaponry. A genetic flaw makes them
susceptible to certain weapons; in the case of the Wave
Metroid, shots from the Wave Beam harm them.
* Strategies: Shoot wave beam shots at it.

* Morphology: A Space Pirate armed with Wave Beam technology. Space Pirates
have reverse-engineered several weapons, including the Wave
Beam. A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to
their own Beam weapon system. These weapons are inferior to
Chozo-designed originals, but still quite potent.
* Strategies: Use the wave beam to kill it. Charged would work the best.

* Morphology: Anchors itself to walls and other surfaces. Avoid contact with
the Zoomer's spines. A basic nerve center located directly
above the Zoomer's mandibles detects nutrients. Sharp spines
protect it from casual predators, but the lack of a
reinforced carapace makes the Zoomer vulnerable to any
indirect attacks.
* Strategies: You can shoot ANY weapon at these babies. Best weapon makes
the best results.


6 . 0 : B O S S E S mp_bs

BOSS #1 : PARASITE QUEEN (Hey, she looks like me in the morning)*
Welcome to your very first boss battle (if you play the game for the first
time, that is). It's quite easy, to say the least.

Start by scanning it (this is your one and only chance to scan it) and lock-on
to its mouth. You can only hit the Parasite Queen when you shoot through a gap
in the force field, so strafe left (press the L button and left or right)
while charging your beam and shoot the Parasite Queen when you're in front of
a'll know when you hit her; she'll flash red. When the Parasite
Queen is going to attack, quickly strafe to the left or the right and you
won't be hit.

Sometimes the force field will start spinning around...just wait until it
stops and find a gap in the force field again. Don't worry, the Parasite Queen
will go down after a few charged hits.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #2 : Hive Mecha *
Welcome to the second boss battle of Metroid Prime. Well, this one is just as
easy, if not easier than the first, Parasite Queen. You will notice a large
machine on the north side of the room. It will spit out War Wasps at first.

Now, all the Ram War Wasps, which you should scan as well as the Hive Mecha,
will all spin around you in circles. They will stop periodically and wait for
you to lock on and shoot them down. Do so to destroy one by one. Now wait, it
is not that easy. If you do not shoot the Wasps in time, they will ram at you
and cause a bit of damage. Just try to do this procedure hastly. Now, kill all
the rest of the Wasps. Once they are all killed, the Mecha will show a huge
red button on its base. Shoot it as many times as you can to inflict damage.
Now, repeat the procedure and the Hive Mecha will blow to pieces!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #3 : Incinerator Drone *
As you enter this room, there will be another boss battle. The Incinerator
Drone. Now to start off, it will shoot fire around while rotating. Dodge the
fire and wait for a red button to pop up at the top of it. Shoot it and it
will then shoot out Barbed Wasps. Now, you must dodge the fire by jumping and
you must shoot out all the Wasps. Once all of the Wasps are shot, you will
see that red button up at the top again. Shoot it with a missile or charged
beam shot to take the most damage off. Repeat this process a few more times
and watch out for the speed of the fire beam. At the end, when you defeated
it, you will earn the MORPH BALL BOMBS!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #4 : Flaahgra *
Here is the next boss. Watch the short cut scene and get ready to start the
first challenging boss battle. You will notice that there is a dish around the
arena. Your objective is to stun Flaahgra and then hit the back of the dish so
that it moves upward. Then it will reflect light on Flaahgra giving you a
chance to harm it. That is the battle in a nutshell. Here is more detail. At
the start, shoot regular shots right at the plant. Just rapidly do it. Try to
get close to the dish when you are firing. If you hit it enough, the plant
will be stunned. Now hit the dish with a missile on the back. It will have a
red button on it. This will reflect light onto Flaahgra and allow you to go
into a tunnel on the side leading to the plant. Ball up and go into that
tunnel and at the end, bomb it. This will inflict damage. Now, if you do not
stun Flaahgra fast enough, it might claw you. If you are fast though, you will
have no problem. Now, after you hit it for the first time you will be hit with
two dishes. Again, the object of this is to stun Flaahgra and then hit BOTH of
the dishes. To do this fast enough, simply strafe using B and over to get good
speed. Then repeat and you will hit it again. You will have to do this up to
four dishes. Nothing else changes though. Just shoot as and move as fast as
you can. After the fourth you will have defeated Flaahgra!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This boss consists of two parts. The first part will be the baby sheegoths.
Two will come out of the snow at opposite sides and go for you. Take them out
one at a time. Make sure that you do not use any missiles as you will need
them for later. Kill the first two baby sheegoths and then two more will come.
Destroy those last two by doding behind them and then shooting their shell
off. After all four baby sheegoths die, a cutscene will take place. The Big
Sheegoth is here! First of all scan it.

For the Sheegoth, there are two ways of killing this beast. One way is harder
than the other. First, the only thing that can hit the Sheegoth are missiles
and morph ball bombs. The harder method would be to shoot the beast when it
is breathing heavily with a missile. He breathes heavily after he has done
once of his attacks. Make sure you time it well to get a good solid hit. All
around the room are missile ammo, so use your missiles sparingly. The other
easier way of defeating the sheegoth is to roll under him and use bombs on
it. The problem with this method, though, is that you can lose a lot of
damage. Either way should work though. Once it is dead, you will get a new
weapon! The WAVE BEAM! Finally something that can shoot out electricity to
kill those Bombus.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

To start off, scan this creature as it is the only time you can. Now put on
your Thermal Visor. Now lock onto his weak spot denoted by a bright color.
Shoot it like mad to inflict damage. Every now and then, your Thermal Visor
will be corrupted and you will need to switch to your Combat Visor. You will
still be able to hit his weak spot, but this is a good time he like to attack.
He will do a few things, roll into a ball, throw ice at you, and throw rocks
at you. For the rolling attack, dodge it by pressing B and over. He will do
this the most usually. For the ice attack, simply dodge it to get away from
it. If it does hit you and freezes you, press B rapidly to get unfrozen. Now
for the final attack, the rock throwing one, just shoot the rocks that he
throws at you and then pick up the ammo or life that they reveal. Simply
repeat this process of attacing its weak point to DEFEAT THARDUS!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #7 : Elite Pirate *
This is more of a mini-boss, but it takes some talent. First off, scan it
because these creatures are very rare. Now, put on your thermal visor. Look
for the red spot on its back. Shoot it out with a super missile or a few
regular missiles. Now that that is destroyed, fire super missiles at its
face for easy kill. You can shoot regular missiles if you want. Soon after
that it will be dead!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #8 : Omega Pirate *
This is one hard boss. The trick to it, is to keep trying. I though I would
never beat it after how hard it was the first time I tried it. I guess it
becomes easier the more you play it. Anyway, you will see four Phazon plates
on its body. The key to the first part of this battle is to knock them off.
I would use the super missiles for fast action, but plasma shots will work if
you are low on missles. It has a few attacks. It will wave quake if you are
medium close, plasma shot if you are far, and simply beat you if you are
close. I would stay medium range. Just don't get to close.

Take out each of the four plates with super missiles or plasma shots. Once
you have taken them out, it will collapse. Then turn invisible. Now, you will
notice that there are Phazon Deposits in the room. If you turn on once of
your visors, thermal or X-Ray, you will see the Omega Pirate trying to gain
more Phazon from those deposits. Shoot super missiles at him like crazy. If
you are going to use super missiles, use them now! Also, when you hit him
twice, try to take out the pirates that he let out. Your main goal is to kill
him as fast as you can. The pirates are just distracting you. He will, again,
have Phazon Plates on him. Take them out as you did before. He will then
release more pirates. Take some out and look for him again with the X-Ray
Visor. Shoot super missiles. He might even die here, but it could take one
more. Well, you just beat the hardest boss in the game! Now, the Pirate will
fall on you and basically give you the PHAZON SUIT AND THE PHAZON BEAM! Now
you can withstand phazon material. The suit looks cool in the black as well.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #9 : Meta Ridley *
Now, this boss it easier than it looks. In fact, it is really easy. First of
all, scan it. In the first part of the battle, Meta Ridley will fly in the
air. It will hoover over you, giving you a chance to fire a super missile
at it. Its mouth and chest are its weak points. Dodge the fire and other
attacks it throws at you as it swoops. Just try to catch it when it stops to
take out energy. When it has little energy left, the wings will burn and he
will come down to face you Melee style.

This part is easy. Just, watch for two attacks. One is the charge attack and
one is the fire attack. His charge attack is one you should figure out and
you are not able to hit him. Right before he shoots fire, shoot a missile at
him. Now, just repeat this and he will be dead. He has no other attacks. Now,
follow into the portal that is created for the last part of the game!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

BOSS #10 : Metroid Prime *
Ok, scan the Prime first. Carefully look at the veins on Metroid Prime. See
the color? That is the color of the weapon you should have out. Now, shoot
charged beam shots out of that certain weapon, or you can use the beam combos
if you want. Wait for it to be stunned once. Then the veins will change color
again. Shoot it out again and then follow it to the next room.

There will be three color switches this time, so becareful. Also, after each
time you make Prime stunned, it will charge at you. To avoid the charge, get
into morph ball mode and head into the dents. Now, hit it two more times and
then follow it into the next room.

Now, it will go through four colors. Just prey it is Ice Beam and Power Beam
as they have the best beam combos, Ice Spreader and the Super missiles. If
it turns red, don't use the flamethrower. It just waists missiles. Use normal
shot for it. Remember to use the dents to avoid the charge attack between
each color change. Follow it into the next room.

Now, this is the harder part. It has a little life left and will keep changing
colors until you deplete the energy. The other tricky part is that it changes
as often as it wants to. I would just wait for Ice and Power to easily take
him out. Once he is depleted, he will fall down a pit. Follow it...

Well, you thought you won, but there is another form. This once looks like
a squid. Scan it first, of course. Now, if you are low on life, get refills
around the room. Now, it only has two attack the whole battle. Charging and
Plasma Quake, like the Omega Pirate. I would stay farther away and jump over
the quake. Don't get to close.

Now, wait for it to deposit Phazon and two Metroids of its choice. If I were
you, I would power bomb them. Then, get into the phazon pit and notice the
words, Hyper Mode, at the top of the screen. If you hold A, you will smoke
the beast with this beam! Get a good amount of hits, and almost half of its
energy will be gone! Repeat this process one to two more times and you are
done with the game!!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

7 . 0 : M I S S L E E X P A N S I O N L O C A T I O N S mp_me

The following missile expansions are placed in the order I received in the
game. It might be possible to reach some expansions before others.


# of Missile Expansion
Location of Missile Expansion
Room in Location

Missile Expansion #1
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Gallery
Missile Expansion #2
Tallon Overworld
Landing Site
Missile Expansion #3
Chozo Ruins
Burn Dome
Missile Expansion #4
Chozo Ruins
Watery Hall Access
Missile Expansion #5
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #6
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Shrine
Missile Expansion #7
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Nursery
Missile Expansion #8
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Gallery
Missile Expansion #9
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #10
Magmoor Caverns
Storage Cavern
Missile Expansion #11
Magmoor Caverns
Fiery Shores
Missile Expansion #12
Tallon Overworld
Transport Tunnel B
Missile Expansion #13
Chozo Ruins
Main Plaza
Missile Expansion #14
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Shrine
Missile Expansion #15
Chozo Ruins
Gathering Hall
Missile Expansion #16
Phendrana Drifts
Research Lab Aether
Missile Expansion #17
Phendrana Drifts
Phendrana Shorelines
Missile Expansion #18
Phendrana Drifts
Ice Ruins East
Missile Expansion #19
Phendrana Drifts
Research Lab Hydra
Missile Expansion #20
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Shrine Access
Missile Expansion #21
Chozo Ruins
Ruined Fountain
Missile Expansion #22
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #23
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #24
Tallon Overworld
Overgrown Cavern
Missile Expansion #25
Chozo Ruins
Watery Hall
Missile Expansion #26
Tallon Overworld
Frigate Crash Site
Missile Expansion #27
Tallon Overworld
Biohazard Containment
Missile Expansion #28
Phazon Mines
Main Quarry
Missile Expansion #29
Phazon Mines
Elite Research
Missile Expansion #30
Phazon Mines
Elite Control Access
Missile Expansion #31
Phazon Mines
Security Access A
Missile Expansion #32
Tallon Overworld
Life Grove Tunnel
Missile Expansion #33
Tallon Overworld
Great Tree Hall
Missile Expansion #34
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #35
Chozo Ruins
Training Chamber Access
Missile Expansion #36
Chozo Ruins
Main Plaza
Missile Expansion #37
Magmoor Caverns
Triclops Pit
Missile Expansion #38
Phendrana Drifts
Quarantine Cave
Missile Expansion #39
Phendrana Drifts
Phendrana Shorelines
Missile Expansion #40
Phendrana Drifts
East Ruins East
Missile Expansion #41
Phendrana Drifts
Frost Cave
Missile Expansion #42
Phendrana Drifts
Gravity Chamber
Missile Expansion #43
Tallon Overworld
Root Cave
Missile Expansion #44
Tallon Overworld
Arbor Chamber
Missile Expansion #45
Phazon Mines
Metroid Quarantine A
Missile Expansion #46
Phazon Mines
Fungall Hall Access
Missile Expansion #47
Phazon Mines
Fungall Hall B
Missile Expansion #48
Phazon Mines
Phazon Processing Center
Missile Expansion #49
Phazon Mines
Metroid Quarantine B
Missile Expansion #50
Phazon Mines
Phazon Processing Center

8 . 0 : E N E R G Y T A N K L O C A T I O N S mp_et

The Energy Tanks are number according to the first possible time in which you
can obtain these pickups.
|Energy Tank #1|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Transport Access North |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #2|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Main Plaza |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #3|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Furnace |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #4|
| -Magmoor Caverns- |
| Transport Tunnel A |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #5|
| -Phendrana Drifts- |
| Ruined Courtyard |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #6|
| -Phendrana Drifts- |
| Research Lab Aether |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #7|
| -Magmoor Caverns- |
| Magmoor Workstation |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #8|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Hall of Elders |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #9|
| -Tallon Overworld- |
| Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #10|
| -Tallon Overworld- |
| Hydro Access Tunnel |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #11|
| -Phazon Mines- |
| Ventilation Shaft |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #12|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Training Chamber |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #13|
| -Phendrana Drifts- |
| Transport Access |
| |
| |

|Energy Tank #14|
| -Phazon Mines- |
| Proccessing Center Access |
| |
| |

9 . 0 : P O W E R B O M B E X P A N S I O N S mp_pb

|Power Bomb Expansion #1|
| -Chozo Ruins- |
| Magma Pool |
| |
| |

|Power Bomb Expansion #2|
| -Magmoor Caverns- |
| Warrior Shrine |
| |
| |

|Power Bomb Expansion #3|
| -Phendrana Drifts- |
| Ice Ruins West |
| |
| |

|Power Bomb Expansion #4|
| -Phendrana Drifts- |
| Phendrana's Edge |
| |
| |

1 0 . 0 : L O G B O O K mp_lb

10.1: Pirate Data mp_pd

O FALL OF ZEBES (09.992.3):
Zebes has fallen. All ground personnel are presumed dead, either killed by
the Hunter clad in metal or in the subsequent destruction of the underground
facilities. Our research frigates Orpheon, Siriacus and Vol Paragom were in
orbit at zero hour and managed to retreat. Frigate Orpheon is now docked at
Vortex Outpost. Orpheon's cargo appears to have a 100% survival rate;
Metroids are healthy but on restricted feeding schedules due to uncertain
supply status. We are ready to begin research on the Metroids and other
promising life-forms. Security status remains at Code Blue; no signs of
pursuit from the Hunter.
-- Found in: Tallon Overworld, Biohazard containment --
O CONTACT (10.299.2):
Scans of the Spiral Sector detected a massive energy spike emanating from a
Wanderer-class planet identified as Tallon IV. Scout reconnaissance was
immediately dispatched to the center of the spike, a land mass at heading
mark 40.08.02, returning with planetary samples and atmospheric imaging.
Analysis shows the energy source to be an unstable radioactive material of
enormous potential. We are unable to form an accurate risk-assessment at
this time, but we are unlikely to find an energy source this powerful
again. Analysis will continue, but currently Tallon IV appears to be a
viable secondary headquarters.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory --
O ARTIFACT SITE (10.308.0):
Field team reports are in on aged structure of alien design built on the
surface of Tallon IV. Studies show this structure projects a containment
field. This field bars access to a prime source of energy within a deep
crater. Science Team believes the field is powered by a number of strange
Chozo artifacts. We have found some of these relics and studies on them have
begun. As this field could hinder future energy production operations on
Tallon IV, we must dismantle it as soon as possible. If this means the
destruction of the Chozo artifacts, it will be done.
-- Found in: Tallon Overworld, Temple Security Station --
We have codified the newfound energy source as Phazon, a V-index mutagen of
which we have very little reliable data. Indications point to a meteor of
unknown origin impacting approximately 100 years ago, expelling Phazon into
the environment. This material seems to possess lifelike characteristics,
mutating organic life-forms strong enough to withstand its poison. These
mutations appear promising, with abrupt evolutionary leaps appearing in
single-generation reproduction. Plans to establish a full Science Team on
Tallon IV are being finalized.
-- Phendrana Drifts--
O PHAZON PROGRAM (10.401.7):
Phazon mining is under way. Several garrisons have been established, and
terraforming of the Chozo Ruins is under way. Security systems are
operational, and Science Team continues to make progress in their biotech
research. The Phendrana Drifts have proven to be an optimal location for
Research Headquarters, ans soon it will be joined by a fully operational
Combat base and starport. If Command's predictions are half true, we shall
rise to dominance in this sector within a deca-cycle. Truly, these are
glorious times.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory --
Initial transfer of Metroids to Tallon IV research facilities has been
completed. Three were terminated in an incident at the landing site, but the
others were pacified and transported safely. Initial Phazon infusion testing
is under way. We are eager to observe the effects of Phazon on Metroids,
especially their ability to absorb and process the energy given off by
Phazon sources. Early research suggests a considerable growth in power and
size. Whether the creatures stay stable thereafter remains to be seen.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether --
O PARASITE LARVA (10.515.8):
Our initial tests exposing Tallon IV's indigenous Parasites to Phazon appear
to be succesful. Increases in strength, size and aggressiveness are common
in all test subjects, as well as unforeseen evolutions like additional
poison sacs within the abdomen and the appearance of a second ring of
mandibles in several subjects. These creatures were chosen because of their
resilience, and it appears possible that, given enough exposure to Phazon,
they may one day be able to survive on any planet we transport them to. Our
methods will have to be refined; we currently have a 100% extinction rate
after the fourth infusion period, and most survivors of the third infusion
stage are so violent and uncontrollable that they have to be euthanized.
Even still, we remain hopeful that further experimentation will result in
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory --
O MINING STATUS (10.587.7):
Mining operations have begun near the crater where Phazon appears to be most
concentrated. Daily Phazon yields have increased 44%, and our mining system
becomes more streamlined as personnel and equipment flows increase. Several
incindents of Phazon-induced madness have been reported, prompting augmented
life-support regulations in the deeper chambers. Symptoms include loss of
equilibrium, erratic respiration, muscle spasms, and in the most extreme
cases, hallucinations. A timeline reassessment for the refinery operation is
recommended, as the material proves more unstable than initial analysis
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --
O GLACIAL WASTES (10.664.2):
Research outpost Glacier One in the Phendrana Drifts region of Tallon IV's
mountains is operating at 85% capacity. Sub-zero temperatures have made the
Metroids sluggish and easy to control, even those well into Phazon-infusion
cycles. Cold-containment stasis tanks are sufficient for the juveniles, but
some of the larger Metroids have been moved to quarantined caves for safety
purposes. Security doors remain an issue, as malfunctions due to ice occur
every day. Large predators in the wastes are also a concern, as they
continue to kill personnel and breach secure areas. Unfortunately, it's
become clear that our containment teams cannot neutralize all of them
without a vast increase in munitions and soldiers.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --
Most terraforming and retrofitting of security checkpoints on Tallon IV is
complete, but we continue to research the alarming epidemic of breaches by
local creatures. Door records show no unauthorized entries, so we must
presume the creatures are either slipping in undetected during daily
personnel moves or else finding their way in through subterranean tunnels.
We have found many small breaches of this latter sort and plug them wherever
we can, but it is unlikely that we will ever achieve full extermination
without our current timetable.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra --
O META RIDLEY (10.891.0):
The reconstruction of geoform 187, code-named Ridley, was recently
completed. After his defeat on Zebes, Command ordered a number of
metagenetic improvements for him. Though agressive, we were able to
implement these changes in a cycle. The metamorphosis was painful, but quite
succesful in the end. Early tests indicate a drastic increase in strength,
mobility, and offensive capability. Cybernetic modules and armor plating
have been added as well. We believe our creation, now called Meta Ridley,
will become the mainstay of our security force, a job he will certainly
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether --
O ELITE PIRATES (11.001.9):
Initial Project Helix experiments with Space Pirate embryos were
disastrous. The Phazon-infusion process degenerated brain tissue even as
it augmented muscle mass. None of what we have termed 'Elite Pirates'
lived to maturity: the few that survived their infanthood suffered severe
psychotic breakdowns as juveniles, killing anything within their zone of
perception. Research from team Sclera made a recent breakthrough, in which
parasite studies with a Phazon strain code-named 'Vertigo' were highly
successful. Since then, we have fused Vertigo Phazon with Space Pirate DNA
with great success. The latest batch of Elite Pirates have reached
maturity successfully and are ready for field testing and training.
-- Found in: Phazon Mines --
O THE HUNTER (10.023.7)
Security Command issued an all-points alert after the fall of Zebes. The
alert concerns bioform Samus Aran, also known as the Hunter. Subject is a
female hominid, and is heavily armed and extremely dangerous. Subject uses
a powered armorsuit of unknown design in battle, along with a number of
potent Beam and concussive weapons. All combat units are instructed to
terminate Aran on sigh, preferably in a fashion that will allow salvage of
her powered armorsuit and weapons. A considerable bounty will go to the
unit who delivers Aran to Command. Dead or alive, it matters not.
-- Found in: Phazon Mines --
O METROID PRIME (11.156.9):
Test subject Z-d, hereafter referred to as Metroid Prime, was recently
discovered in a cavern by mining crews. It quickly dispatched the miners,
but was eventually contained by security units and drones. Once contained,
we were able to begin studies upon Metroid Prime. The results have been
astonishing. It is genetically similar to a Metroid, albeit on a high
evolved level. It displays a limitless capacity for Phazon infusion and
shows no Phazon-based degeneration whatsoever. It continues to grow in
size, and while it has manifested some psychotic behavior, the cold field
we use to pacify remain effective. Authorization for advanced studies on
Metroid Prime have been approved.
Metroid Prime continues to feed and grow ever larger in the impact crater
caves. Its hunger knows no bounds, and it has begun to manifest unusual
mutations since its breach. These include armor plating on its epidermis
and mechanical outgrowths that generate defense screens. These screens
render it invulnerable to most weapon systems, but a flaw in the mutation
leads to increased vulnerability to certain weapons. It compensates for
this by shifting the screens quickly. This latest development concerns
Security units greatly: they feel it's a matter of time before Metroid
Prime corrects this defect and renders itself invulnerable to all weaponry.
Containment would be nigh impossible if this were to occur.
O Omega Pirate (11.232.8):
Elite Pirate Upsilon's propensity for Phazon has enabled our research team
to infuse it far beyond our safety restrictions, and the results have been
extremely encouraging. Its constant Phazon diet has increased its mass
exponentially, but it has retained all mental faculties and shows
dexterity with all Elite weaponry, including Plasma Incendiary Launchers
and the Chameleon Manta issued for cloaking purposes. Elite Pirate Upsilon
exhibits miraculous healing abilities: when injured, it seeks out
Phazon deposits and coats itself in the substance, which instantly mends
the creature's wounds. The subject, which we are code-naming Omega Pirate
based on these developments, shows potential to be a new standards for our
armies. Our only concern at this point is its potential overdependence on
O SPECIAL FORCES (11.269.4):
As we continue to observe the development of Project Helix's Elite Pirates,
it becomes increasingly obvious that these warriors will usher in a new era
of Space Pirate dominance. They are incredibly resistant to damage, and
their ability to transport and wield so many weapons at once makes them the
ideal mainstays of our ground forces. Though they are not as quick as
typical Pirates, it makes little difference. With a platoon of Phazon Elite
Pirates in the vanguard of an army of normal and Flying Pirates, we will
have a near-indestructible backbone that should turn the tide in any

10.2: Chozo Lore mp_cl

A second plague has come upon the land, dousing the last flickering hopes
of our race. Drawn by the very force we Chozo hoped to contain, a host of
marauding creatures descended from space and invaded our temple, the
Cradle. They try in vain to destroy it, but its power remains beyond them
for now. They possess some of the twelve Artifacts we call the Cipher, yet
do not comprehend their function. Ignorant creatures, they are blinded by
delusions of harnessing the Great Poison for their own designs. They walk
about as masters of the planet, assimilating the ruins of our sanctuary
into their experiments. We can but watch and wait for our doom.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Crossway.--
The congregation of Artifacts that hold the Great Poison at bay still hold
strong. Fearful of the potential within the Artifact Temple, the invaders
known as Space Pirates tried to destroy it, only to fail in every attempt.
We scattered the Artifacts across the planet for their protection, and only
a few have fallen into invader hands. Failing to understand them, they now
seek to unmake them. Again, they fail. They are right to fear these things.
Great power sleeps inside them. Prophecy calls for their union, come the
day that the unholy Worm is met by the great Defender. We can only hope the
Artifacts are not destroyed by the invader, for then all will be lost. So,
we do what we can to preserve the Artifacts, and to guide the Newborn to
them. Time wanes with our souls, yet hope remains.
-- Found in: Tallon Overworld in the Artifact Chamber.--
The cries of this dying land pulled us from our dreaming state, and now we
Chozo walk as ghosts while the Great Poison sinks into the trees and
waters, devouring all life. Some creatures survive, but their forms grow as
twisted and evil as the force that fell from the sky. The heart of the
planet will succumb soon, and so will we, even in our ghostly states.
Already many Chozo have faded and passed into the unknown. The Great Poison
is unlike anything we have glimpsed in this or any dimension. It eats
relentlessly, worming out life wherever it blooms and corrupting what it
cannot kill. It will be our undoing. Our last hope lies in the Cradle, the
temple we hope might contain this abomination. It is almost complete,
hovering over the impact site, the dark heart of the spreading evil. If we
can finish before the last of our kind drifts into madness or death, there
is a chance for this world. If we fail, we are doomed with it.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Furnace.--
Our sanctuary grows by the day. We Chozo know much of technology, but we
have chosen to leave it behind on this journey. Our home here on Tallon IV
will be a place of simplicity: structures hewn from the stone, bridges
woven with branches, hallways caressed by pure waters. We build around the
ancient and noble trees, drawing from their strength and giving them our
own in return. All that is wild will flow around us here: our race will be
just one more group of creatures in the knit of nature. It is our hope that
such a state will bring with it great wisdom, a greater understanding of
the nature of the universe. Once our city here is complete, we will peer
inward and discover the truth.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Vault.--
At the highest point of our city lies the fountain, a wellspring of pure
water that flows throughout our civilization. It is the jewel of the Chozo,
the life-giver, and yet its waters speak of a clouded future. As we come to
understand the paths of time and space more clearly, we have begun to
glimpse rough tatters of past and future, glittering behind reality like
soft lights behind a curtain. We have seen the fountain in these glimpses,
pouring darkness instead of water, and we cannot guess what the visions
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruins Entrance.--
We Chozo are departing now, after so many years in peaceful seclusion here
on Tallon IV. When we came, this place was a refuge for our spirits, a
civilization built from native materials, bereft of the trappings of our
technology. We were linked to the land here, kindred to the plants and
animals, far away from the machines we had become so dependent on. And so
we leave it now, pristine, a testament to the mortal forms we no longer
need. We have drawn the veils of time and space aside, and are withdrawing
beyond the illusion. But we will never forget this, the most sacred of our
homes. And we will remain ever watchful.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruined Nursery.--
As we struggle with the Great Poison, something stirs at the edges of our
vision. It is the Hatchling Samus. We feel her, across the void, as she
hunts the corrupted. Will our fates again be one? As our pride shatters,
will prophecy become real? When all strength wanes from the Chozo, will it
be the Hatchling who fulfills our legacy? True sight eludes us, for the
Poison gnaws at all vision, leaving seers blind and filled with despair.
Truth's blessing may come too late.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Ruined Fountain.--
The Hatchling walks among us. Are these dreams? Memories? Foretellings?
Time and reality swirl together like estuary waters, and we Chozo know not
what to believe. She appears as ghostlike as the Chozo, but at times the
mists clear. We can see her wounded eyes, and remember the child we found
so long ago. What has she become, this Newborn? Clad in Chozo armor,
wielding weapons our hands once held, does she dream of the Chozo as we
once were? Does she long for her parents, lost to the same creatures that
even now defile our sacred home? Does she still live?
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Crossway.--
We have returned to Tallon IV, borne here against our will by a great
cataclysm from the reaches of space. A meteor came, casting a dark shadow
of debris over the land with the violence of its impact. Though we
perceived this from beyond space and time, it was but a curiosity: a brief
flare in the infinite march of the universe. But the meteor brought with it
corruption. A Great Poison burst forth into the land, clawing at life with
such violence that we were ripped from our peaceful state and find
ourselves wandering as shadows of the mortal forms we left behind,
searching for why we are here.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Watery Hall.--
The world of living things feels strange to us, we who have existed so long
on the edges of time and space. It is clear now that we Chozo can never
return to our dimension, not while the Great Poison reaches even further
into the planet. It is so powerful, this creeping evil, that our wills are
crumbling and our minds beginning to fail. And so, before it is too late,
we now make our last stand. We have begun to build a temple to contain this
darkness: at its heart we will place a Cipher, a mystical lock powered by
twelve Artifacts and filled with as much power as we Chozo can harness in
our ethereal states. Even when we are done, it may be too late.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Sun Tower.--
Many Chozo have gone beyond now, and this is a mercy. Those of use who
remain suffer in dimensional flux, drifting helplessly across time and
space, guided by unseen and inexorable currents. The Chozo who cling to
sanity fight the tide, but our minds are weakening. Soon we will all be
like the Turned. Chozo who have been utterly corrupted by the Great Poison.
The Turned still hold their Chozo forms, but their minds are black with
fell intentions. Gone is their respect for life. They honor only
destruction, and seek to disrupt the Artifacts holding the Great Poison at
bay. All life taunts them, and they do not rest. Before long, they will be
all that remain of the Chozo here.
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts in the Phendrana Canyon.--
More and more, our tormented minds turn to the Newborn. As the world
continues to shift into brutal, disconnected images, she remains inarguably
real: a fearless figure delving deeper into this blighted world, unmindful
of the terrors that await her. Was she this way before? When we Chozo found
her, a fledgling orphaned on a savaged planet, did a warriors pulse already
beat in her veins, filling her with righteous fury? Our hopes lie with her.
We leave these messages for her, that she may find our Artifacts and
deliver the world from its evils. Wraiths we may be, but our reach is still
long indeed. We shall fight the invaders, and the Poison they would master,
until the end.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Hall of the Elders.--
As we have done for millennia, we Chozo work constantly on our statuary.
The statues are our sentinels: blind but ever watchful, they are, and have
always been, repositories for our most precious secrets and strongest
powers. The crafting of each is a long and sacred process, performed only
by those Chozo who have lifetimes of experience in such things. We have
left these relics on planets across the solar system. Some are merely
reminders: silent emblems of the Chozo that serve as icons of peace in
lands that know only war. Others wield subtle strengths, exerting their
influence in ways beyond the understanding of mortal creatures. Still
others are guardians of our secret ways, and these can be as terrible as
they are beautiful. Those who respect and honor these relics will know
the friendship of the Chozo. Those who deface or destroy them will know our
wrath, unfettered and raw.
-- Found in: Tallon Overworld in the Artifact Chamber.--
None know if our temple, the Cradle, will prove powerful enough to contain
this evil forever. How can we Chozo hope for it to remain intact when that
which it guards writhes in the darkness, growing always stronger? The fate
of this world rests with the gathering of Artifacts we call the Cipher, but
even it is not all-powerful. It is strong, yes: an enchanted whole made of
twelve links. Still, it is finite in its reach, and we who guard it are
slowly succumbing. When our vigilance crumbles away into madness, the
Cipher will be exposed and the fate of Tallon IV will be beyond our
-- Found in: Phendrana Drifts in the Ice Ruins West.--
The power of our temple has been enough to halt the spread of the poison on
Tallon IV, but that which remains thrives and grows more concentrated,
gnawing on itself in the dark passages beneath the planet's surface.
Whether it can ever be truly destroyed is not for our eyes to see. But
there is something else. We Chozo are drifting, tumbling through space and
time as the Great Poison eats away at our sanity. We wake in dreams. As the
veil of lunacy descends, as past and future blend and shuffle, one image
appears and flickers through the landscape, wraithlike. It is the
Hatchling, the Newborn, walking the path of corruption, a lone figure
shining in the toxic shadows. She comes dressed for war, and her wrath is
terrible. Do our eyes look backward, seeing the Hatchling as she once was?
Or does she approach even now, arriving in our race's last hour, a savior
clothed in machines crafted long ago by Chozo hands? Poisonous clouds drift
across our vision.
-- Found in: Chozo Ruins in the Magma Pool.--
The prophecies tell of the coming of the Worm. Born from parasites,
nurtured in a poisoned womb, the Worm grows, devouring from within, until
the world begins to rot. The words of the seers have come to pass, for
there, in the depths of the world, the ravenous Worm lurks and feeds. From
the stars it came, blighting Tallon with its Great Poison. We can but watch
as the Worm grows, watch and wait. For the prophecies also speak of a great
Defender, the one who delivers the world from evil. The final days draw
near. Is the Newborn the Defender of which the seers spoke? We shall do all
that we can to aid her, for she bears our legacy as she bears the ancient
armor and weapons of our people.
--Found in: Crossway in the Chozo Ruins--

10.3: Research data mp_rd

Step into these stations to save the game's progress and fully restore
Samus' energy.
There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking acces. Analysis indicates that
the Blast Shield is invulnerable to Beam Weapons. Explosive weapons may
damage it.
Walk into a Map Station to download a map of the area Samus is in. You can
only scan this once, so, do it in the beginning!
This is a standard spinner device. The generator belts of the Spinner can be
activated by rapid rotational force. Use the Boost ability of the Morph Ball
when inside a Spinner to activate the device.
Missile Ammunition re-supplies Missile launcher with 5 rounds of ammo.
Large Energy replenishes 20 units of energy.
Small Energy replenishes 10 units of energy
This hanging rock structure appears to have a weak spot near its base. Some
stalactites can be dislodged from ceiling, allowing them to be used as
platforms to cross otherwise unreachable areas.
Step into these stations to fully reload the Missile Launcher.
Electro-magnetically charged surface. In Morph Ball Mode, press and hold the
R button when close to this type of surface. Use the control stick to move
the ball along the track. Release the R button to disengage from the
surface. CAUTION: A Morph Ball Bomb will briefly disengage the ball from the
Power Beam ammunition. Re-supplies Power Bomb with 1 round of ammo.
Specific energy nodes that Samus can latch onto with the Grapple Beam. The
icon above a node brightens when it is in range.
Planet Zebes. Mass: 4.8 trillion teratons. Profile: Planet's crust is
primarily Urthic ore, making it ideal for subterranean construction. A class
XXX planet, Zebes is inhospitable to most bioforms. The world was considered
unremarkable until it became a base for Space Pirate forces.
Ultra Energy replenishes 100 units of energy.
Standard Morph Ball Slot. Inserting the Morph Ball into the slot and
detonating a Bomb will usually cause these slots to send electrical impulses
that can activate different types of devices.
Tallon IV. Mass: 5.1 trillion teratons. Profile: Ecosystem studies indicate
that Tallon IV was a biological paradise prior to the impact of an
extraterrestrial object. What remains of the biosphere is slowly fading due
to exposure to Phazon radiation. At current rate of decay, Tallon IV will be
a barren Class XIII wasteland in approximately 25 years.
Lock system engaged. Secure the area to unlock door.
Hunter class gunship registered to Samus Aran. Return to the Gunship to
recharge energy, reload weapons and save progress in the game.

10.4: Artifact Locations mp_yx


Location: Tallon Overworld, Artifact Temple. Under the central pillar.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Warrior Shrine. In the Chozo statue's hands.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Control Tower.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Sunchamber.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Tower Chamber.



Location: Phazon Mines, Elite Research.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Life Grove.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Lava Lake. Shoot the pillar with Super Missiles.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Chozo Ice Temple.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Elder Chamber.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Storage Cave.



Location: Phazon Mines, Phazon Mining Tunnel.


1 1 . 0 : F I N A L S T U F F mp_fs

11.1: If you want this on your site mp_is

If you really want this on your site, because of how good it is, you must have
an e-mail address and you must e-mail me for a request. If I somehow accept
your request, you may put it on your site. If I find it on unauthorized sites,
I will press charges. Thanks, and these are the sites, as of now, that can
post this on your web site...

11.2: Disclaimer mp_ds

This document is copyright(c) 2003 BSalari.
It may not be reproduced or retransmitted without consent from me, the author
of this guide. It may not be altered, sold, etc. Also, don't put this document
on your site if I did not allow you to.

Violation of one or more of the above terms can and will result in a lawsuit.
I will also cast the "Evil BSalari Curse" on you, which means that all your
toothpaste will change into Oprah Winfrey's bogey for the rest of your life.

11.3: Credits mp_cr

CJayC for posting this and creating an awesome site.

Gobicamel for the start of the document ;)

BSalari for creating this FAQ. Really, if it was not for me, this would not be
in your possesion.

11.4: Closing mp_cr

Thanks a lot for taking your time to read, skim, or rate my FAQ. I would
really appreciate a rating if you could. If you do not understand something
on the walkthrough or anything else, please e-mail me. My email can be found
in many places on this guide. Take care all!


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