Space Quest

Space Quest

18.10.2013 00:26:41
Space Quest I : The Sarien Encounter(EGA)
Walkthorugh by Nikolay Kaleyski
Version 1.05

Space Quest I is a really good adventure game, but not because of great
graphics and excelent sounds and music. It's simply a good adventure - the
puzzles are logical and a little difficult at times, the game is a little
short(which is not so bad) and it's easy to play. In other words, if you like
adventure games, you'll like this one too.

First, a few standard adventure game hints :
-pick up everything, you will need it
-save often
-explore the area you are in
-make a plan and organise your goals

Second, here are the controls :
-you move your character with the arrow keys.
-to stop your character, just press the arrow key with his current direction
-special actions are done by typing them(example : "take the book")
-to bring up the menus, press the ESC key
-for further help, press F1

And finally, don't use walkthorughs too often!

Note : I have divided the game into several parts. There is no such thing in
the game itself.

You start on board the Arcada. Enter the left door. Leave the room through the
left door and go back in. Wait for a wounded scientist to come in. Examine
him when he falls on the floor. He'll give you some useful information and the
name of a cartridge. Go over to the console and examine the scree. Enter the
name the scientist told you : "astral body". Get the cartridge and leave the
room through the left door. Go to the left until you see a body. Search it and
get the keycard. You should have seen an elevator. Use it and go right until
you see another elevator. Use it. Go one screen to the right and stand in
front of the console. Press the "open bay door" button. Go another screen to
the right. Insert the keycard in the slot and use the elevator. Go over to the
console and press the "airlock" button. Go to the two closet doors and press
the left and the right buttons. Get the gadget and the suit and go through
the airlock. Press the "platform" button on the console and enter the pod.
Close the door, fasten the seatbelt, press the "power" button and pull the
throttle. You'll fly away from the Arcada. Once in space, press the "autonav"
button and you'll land on Kerona.

Unfasten the belt and get the survival kit. Open it to get an army knife and a
can of dehydrated water. Exit the pod and get a piece of glass. Go to the
right until you reach a path leading up a cliff. Go up the path.
NOTE : If you get a message saying you're getting thirsty, drink water.
Follow the path to its end where you'll see two halves of an arch. Stand
beneath the arch and you'll descend into a cave.
NOTE : A sarien spider droid should have dropped on the surface by now. Don't
worry you'll take care of it later.
Get the rock and go left. There is a monster under the grating, so stick to
the wall. Put the rock in the geyser and go through the newly opened door.
Find your way through the tunnels. You'll come to a barrier of laser beams.
Put the glass in them to destroy them. Continue along the path. You'll come
to a room where drops of acid drop from the roof. Get between them. Proceed
along the path. Turn on the gadget and continue following it to the end. A
giant holographic head will appear and give you a task - to get rid of Orat.
Go back to the natural bridge. Wait for the spider droid to appear and push
the rock over it. Go down the path and then north. Enter the cave(in case you
didn't smash the droid, make sure it follows you and hide behind the rock)
and throw the can of water to the Orat(make sure you get a drink first, you
may need it). Get the Orat part and go back all the way to the cave with the
holographic head. Drop the Orat part when asked to do so. Enter the door.
After the dialogue, go to the console and insert the cartridge in the slot.
Read the text and note the code. Get the cartridge, enter the skimmer and
turn the key. Avoid the boulders and you'll get to Ulence Flats.

Get the key and get off of the skimmer. A man will offer you 30 buckazoids
for it. Refuse. Go in the bar and give the coupon to the barman. You'll get
5 buckazoids and a beer. You need to get 214 buckazoids for a ship plus 36
for a droid. Go outside. The man will offer you 30 buckazoids plus a jetpack.
Say yes. Buy and drink beer until you hear about the Deltaur in sector HH.
. Go play slots until you win 250 buckazoids. Go outside, one screen left
and one screen up. Tiny will come and tell you the ship's prise. Buy it. Go
two screens right and enter the "Droids-B-Us" store. Give the coupon to the
owner and buy the small white one. Go to the ship, enter it, press the "load"
button and select sector HH. When you arrive, get on the jetpack and leave
the ship. Fly to the door, open it and fly inside.

Stand on the right or left side of the door. When the droid goes out of it,
go in. Open the chest, put the backpack in it, close it, push it, climb it,
pry the vent with the knife and climb in it. Go up the ladder and into the
tunnel on the right. Kick the vent, open it and climb in. Open the door of
the laundry machine and get inside. You'll now be in a sarien uniform. Look
in the pockets for an ID card. Go through through the door and into the left
elevator. Go left to another elevator. On the second floor, go all the way
right to the weapons droid. Show him your ID. While he's gone get a grenade.
He'll come back and give you a pulseray. Go left and drop the grenade on the
guard below. Go all the way to the elevator. You'll trip and lose your helm.
Enter the elevator.
NOTE : If you see sariens, SHOOT!
NOTE : If you see a cleaning droid, go back one screen to get rid of it.
Go all the way right to the Star Generator. Search the guard for a remote and
press the "off" button. Go to the generator and look at the panel. Enter the
code from the cartridge : 6858. Go one screen left and take the elevator.
Go in the right elevator(shoot the door if it's jammed), get in the pod and
press the button.


As I said before, the game is very good. I'd also like to add that the little
music it's got is also good. The bad thing is that people don't like these
games(adventures) today because nobody likes to think anymore. The best thing
about this game is that it's a perfect example of one of Sierra's earliest
games and also an example of a great adventure. Because unlike the all the
VGA versions of Sierra's games, this(EGA) can run on any computer and is
much more fun to play because you can't really pass a puzzle by accident.

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Copyright 2004 Nikolay Kaleyski

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Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Wo bekommt man die Punkte ?
Engl. Hinweise

10.Oktober 2013
Für die VGA-Version
Engl. Lösung

12.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

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