Lurking Horror

Lurking Horror

12.10.2013 12:31:56
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| Lurking Horror - The Solve |
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| Solved By: |
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| Dr. No & Robin Hood |
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| Thanks To: Forgotten One |
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| Distributed By: The TraxSter |

Ok, everyone, I've been instructed by one said Robin Hood, who
incidently has been courteously testing this thing on one of his transwarp-
equipped machines, to write a 'witty introduction.' Now, your guess is as
good as mineas to what he might mean by a 'witty introduction.' According to
mr. webster here, witty is defined as: "having or showing wit; cleverly
humorous." Now,all truths told, very little of what I say is ever considered
to have or show wit, and the only thing I've ever seen that might be called
cleverly humorous would have to be some of Robin Hood's programming attempts
for the ForbiddenZone. All such formalities aside, I've also been instructed
to comment on the problem posed by the urchin's tendancy not to stay put
(you'll see what I mean later) so just keep this in mind. If you've made a
typo at any point inexecuting this solve, the urchin may not be where Robin
Hood and I found him.In this case, be ABSOLUTELY sure that you do not drop an
object that you willneed later in the same room as the urchin. If you do, you
may not see it everagain. Almost enough. There's only one more thing I've
gotta say to ya'll. What pleasure do people derive from solving these things
this way? I'm certain it's exciting in the same vague way as cheating at
AD&D. I'll never know.Quite enough said. On with the solve...
Dr. No
The Computer
[Turn Pc On], [Type 872325412], [Type Uhlersoth], [Click Edit], [Click
Paper],[Read Text],
[Click More], [G], [G], [G], [D], [Z], [Get Stone], [Z], [Z],[Z], [Z], [Z], [
Z], [Turn Pc Off] ------------------------------------------------------------
------------------- The Hacker---------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- [S], [W], [Op
en Fridge], [Get All], [Open Oven], [Put Carton In Oven],[Close Oven], [Type 4
], [Type 0], [G], [Type Start], [Drop Bones,Assignment],[Z], [Z], [Open Oven],
[Get Carton], [E], [N], [Trade Carton For Master Key],[Give Carton] ---------
The Altar-------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ [S], [Press Down], [Z], [Z], [S], [Open P
anel], [Get Light], [Press Open],[N], [D], [D], [E], [Get All], [Wear Gloves],
[U], [Turn Light On], [Get All],[D], [W], [W], [Get In], [Turn Forklift On],
[E], [E], [E], [Move Junk], [G],[G], [G], [E], [Turn Forklift Off], [Get Out],
[Pry Manhole With Crowbar],[D], [N], [D], [Get Knife] -----------------------
The Steam Tunnel-----------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- [U], [S], [U], [W], [W], [W],[Drop All But Crowbar,
Light,Key], [W], [W], [D],[Nw], [Unlock Lock With Key], [Open Hatch], [D], [E]
, [Z], [Z], [Z], [Z],[Open Valve With Crowbar], [G], [Close Valve], [E], [E],[
Pry Wall With Crowbar], [G], [W], [W], [W], [U], [Get Lock], [Se], [U], [E],[E
] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Floor Waxer------------------------------
------------------------------------------------- [Get All], [W], [W], [U], [S
], [Get Container], [E], [Z], [Z], [Z], [E],[Open Container], [Pour Container]
, [Z], [E], [Break Glass], [Get Axe], [W],[Cut Cord With Axe], [Z], [Z], [Z],
[Z], [Z], [Z], [Z] -----------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- The Great Dome------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- [U], [Clim
b Rope], [Drop All], [Get Ladder], [Lower Ladder], [Open Door],[Get All But Co
ntainer], [N], [U], [Get Plug], [Drop Plug], [Get Paper], [D],[S], [Close Door
], [Open Coke], [Drink Coke], [G], [G], [G], [Drop Coke] ---------------------
The Professor----------------------------------------------------
--------------------------- [D], [D], [E], [E], [S], [Knock On Door], [Z], [Sh
ow Paper To Professor], [S],[Z], [Z], [Cut Line With Knife], [Get Out], [Move
Bench], [Open Trapdoor],[D], [Open Trapdoor], [U], [Get Hyrax,Vat], [N] ------
Brown Building-------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ [Open Door], [N], [N], [N], [D], [S
e], [Drop Axe,Knife,Flask,Lock],[Get Boots], [Wear Boots], [U], [U], [Unlock D
oor With Key], [Open Door], [W],[U], [Dig In Earth], [Get Hand], [D], [Throw S
tone At Creature], [E],[Close Door], [Put Hand In Vat], [Z], [Z], [Put Hyrax O
n Hand], [Get Hand],[Drop Vat], [D], [S], [Get Stone] ------------------------
The Urchin---------------------------------------------------------
---------------------- [N], [D], [Get All], [Nw], [U], [S], [W], [W], [W], [W]
, [N] At this point, you will have to go and find the urchin. He's usual
ly around in the basements somewhere. Once you find him, you have to [Show Ha
nd To Urchin], [Get Cutter]. Then you have to get to the Basement and continu
e with the solve. ------------------------------------------------------------
------------------- The Elevator--------------
----------------------------------------------------------------- [U], [U], [P
ress Down], [S], [Press 1], [Z], [Z], [Z], [N], [D],[Wedge Door With Crowbar],
[D], [Get Chain], [Wrap Chain Around Rod],[Lock Chain With Lock], [U], [Hang
Chain On Hook], [Get Crowbar], [U],[Press Up], [S], [Press 3], [Z], [Z], [Z],
[Z], [N], [D], [D], [D] ------------------------------------------------------
------------------------- Muddy Tunnel--------
----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Wedge
Door With Crowbar], [D], [N], [W], [W], [W], [W], [W], [W], [D],[Cut Wire Wit
h Cutter], [D], [N], [D], [S], [S], [D], [Open Flask],[Pour Flask On Curtain],
[Drop Flask,Knife,Cutter], [Unlock Door With Key],[Drop Key], [Open Door] ---
Inner Lair------------------------------------
------------------------------------------- [S], [Open Box], [Remove Coaxial C
able], [Reach In Water], [Get Line],[Cut Line With Axe], [G], [G], [Get Line],
[Put Line In Connector], [Z],[Throw Stone At Creature], [Get Stone]

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