

16.10.2013 14:57:22

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Draft List
4. Copyright information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 10th Nov, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Loom is a wonderfully imaginative game from Lucasarts that features Bobbin
Threadbare as an apprentice in a village of magic praticers known as Weavers.
Only one item is found througout the entire game: A distaff that makes a series
of musical notes appear at the bottom of the screen. As the player progresses
through the game, magical drafts are learnt which can be used on the numerous
objects and characters throughout the world.

One of the first puzzles requires an egg to Open. By looking at the egg Bobbin
receives the Open draft, which can then be used to open any object in the game.
Other drafts range from Disappearing drafts so Bobbin can sneak undetected
through certain parts of the game, Light drafts, Heal drafts, and drafts that
can be cast in reverse to have the opposite effect on an object. Overall, Loom
is a short game that can be completed easily, but the atmospheric locations and
original interface make this an incredible game.


2. Walkthrough



At the start of the game, Bobbin will be standing on top of the mountain. Walk
left along the path to the village, and enter the tent at the left side of the
area. Walk through the arch at the right side of the tent, and continue right
along the hall with the tapestries to find the elders of the village. After the
long cutscene, the elders will leave the tent to chase after the swan. Get the
distaff, and musical notes will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Look at the egg to get the Open draft. Cast the Open draft by clicking the egg,
then entering the notes for the draft by either selecting them with the mouse
or typing them with the keyboard. After the egg opens, walk left along the hall
and exit the tent. Walk up the path to exit the village, then walk left along
the top-left path to find the graveyard in the woods. Walk to the right side of
the woods and look at the four holes in the tree to find the Light draft.

Exit the forest. Return to the village and enter the middle tent. Look at the
darkness and cast the Light draft. Look at the wheel to find the Straw to Gold
draft. Use this draft on the straw to change it to gold, then exit the middle
tent. Enter the right tent. Look at the dye-pot to find the Dye draft, and look
at the flask on the table to find the Empty draft. Use the Dye draft on the
wool to dye it green. Exit the tent and walk up the path to exit the village.

Walk right along the path to return to the top of the mountain. Cast Open on
the sky, which causes a boat to sail to the dock. Walk left along the path and
select the dock at the left side of the village. Walk off the end of the dock
to land in the water, then select the boat to sail away from the island. We
next find Bobbin near a big waterspout in the ocean. Look at the waterspout to
learn the Twist draft. Use the reverse Twist draft to make the waterspout
vanish, and continue across the water to the beach.


Walk to the forest at the top-left corner of the area and walk left down the
path to meet the shepherds, who cast the Appear draft to become visible. The
shepherds ask Bobbin to prove that he is a wizard, but ignore them for now and
walk north down the path toward the city.


Walk to the right side of the city to see two workers up in the tall tower.
Cast the Appear draft on them, and they are now unable to see Bobbin. Enter the
tower and listen to the conversation.


Mandible explains that he would like to use the sphere to see eight hours into
the future. Walk up to the top of the steps after the conversation, and use at
the crystal to transport up to the top level of the tower. Look at the scythe
to get the Sharpen draft, then use the bell at the left side of the room to
transport back down to the first floor. Look at the sphere to get the Vision
draft, which shows Bobbin scaring the shepherds by transforming into a dragon.
Use the bell to return to the room with the scythe, use the bell at the right
side of the room, and walk through the door to exit the tower.


Walk up the path at the left side of the city to return to the forest. Walk
left along the path to meet the shepherds again. Look at the shepherds and cast
the Vision spell on them. After they run away, walk left along the path to the
field. Look at the sheep to get the Wake draft. Walk to the left side of the
field and enter the barn with the smoking chimney.

Look at the lamb and the Shepherd will appear. Look at the lamb again to get
the Heal draft. Exit the barn. Look at the sheep and cast the Dye draft to dye
them green, which will hide them from the dragon. When the dragon swoops down,
she will pick Bobbin up instead to take him back to the cave.


Cast the reverse Straw to Gold draft on the gold, then cast the reverse Wake
spell to make the dragon fall asleep. The dragon starts to breathe fire on the
straw as she sleeps, which reveals a hidden tunnel at the back of the cave.
Walk through the tunnel and cast the Light spell on the darkness. Go through
the first tunnel on the left, then follow the path to the tunnel at the right
side of the area to enter a room with steps leading down. Go down these steps
to return to the maze, and continue up the small path to the fork.

Enter the left tunnel and continue to walk left along the path to drop down to
a room with the pool. Look at the pool to get the Reflect draft. Cast the Empty
draft on the pool, then look at the sphere two times to get the Human to Swan
spell. Walk around the right side of the pillar to exit the area. Walk through
the first tunnel on the right to arrive on the top path. Go right along the
path to exit the cave. Cast the reverse Twist draft on the steps, and walk down
the long set of steps to the thorny area at the bottom. Cast the Wake draft on
the boy to wake him up and use the Reflect draft on him when he falls asleep.


Walk right toward the castle and go through the front door. Walk around to the
left side of the wall to arrive on the path in the background, then continue
right to find Mr. Stroke, who locks Bobbin in a room. Use the straw, and after
the cutscene Bobbin will find that his distaff has been returned to him by
Mother Hetchel. Get the distaff and cast the Open draft on the door, then walk
through to the room on the other side. Go down the steps and look at Mandible.
When he asks how the sword is doing, Edgewise will raise it. Quickly look at
the sword and cast the reverse Sharpen to dull the blade. After the cutscene,
we next find Bobbin in a cage in Mandible's castle.


Cast the Open draft on the door of the cage and Bobbin will jump out, only to
have his distaff stolen by Mandible. Look at the sphere to defeat Cob. Exit the
room and talk to Mandible, then get the distaff from the floor. Return to the
castle to find that the green monster from the bottom-left cage has escaped.
Walk back out the door, and the monster will push Bobbin out through the hole
created by Mandible. Look at the hole and cast the Heal draft on it.

Enter the hole on the left to talk to Rusty, then cast the Heal draft on him.
Go back through the hole and cast the Heal draft on it. Go through the next
hole on the left to arrive in the shepherd's field. Cast Heal on the shepherds,
then return to the hole and cast the Heal draft on it. Float into the green
hole on the left and talk to Goodmold.

Float out of the hole and cast the Heal draft on it, then continue left to the
pond to talk to the swans. Go left past the pond and enter the final rift to
return to the graveyard on Loom island. Walk right to enter the elder's tent in
the village. Go through the arch at the right side of the tent and look at
Loom. Mother Hetchel will appear, chased by Chaos. After Hetchel has been
silenced, look at Loom to get the Silence draft.

Cast the reverse Silence draft on Hetchel. After she starts to talk again,
Chaos will cast the Roast draft on her. Look at Loom to get the Roast draft,
and cast the reverse Roast draft to bring her back to normal. After Chaos turns
Hetchel into a feather, look at Loom to get the Rift draft. Cast the Rift draft
to open the rift, leaving Chaos on the other side. Walk into the rift and then
cast the Human to Swan draft on Bobbin to complete the game.


3. Draft List


Found by meeting the shepherds in the forest. It is cast on the workers up in
the green tower.

Found by looking at the dye-pot in the right tent in the village. It is used
on the wool in the right tent, and is also used on the sheep in the field to
disguise them from the dragon.

Found by looking at the flask in the right tent in the village. It is cast on
the pool in the maze after the dragon's cave.

Found by looking at the lamb in the barn. It is used to heal the rifts near
the end of the game. It is also used to heal Rusty and the shepherds.

Found by looking at the sphere twice in the area of the maze with the pool.
It is cast on Bobbin in the elder's tent at the end of the game.

Found by looking at the four holes in the trees in the graveyard. It is cast
in the middle tent, and is cast used in the area behind the dragon's cave.

Found by looking at the egg in the elder's tent. It is cast on the egg, on
the sky at the top of the mountain, on the door in the castle after Hetchel
returns the distaff to Bobbin, and also on the cage in Mandible's castle.

Found by looking at the pool in the maze behind the dragon's cave. It is used
on Rusty so that Bobbin can enter the castle.

After Hetchel has been turned into a feather at the end of the game, this
draft is found by looking at the Loom. It is cast on the rift in the tent.

After Hetchel has been cured of Silence in the tent at the end of the game,
this draft is found by looking at the Loom. It is cast in reverse on Hetchel.

Found by looking at the scythe at the top of the green tower. It is cast in
reverse on Mandible's sword.

After Hetchel first appears in the tent at the end of the game, this draft is
found by looking at the Loom. It is cast in reverse on Hetchel.

Found by looking at the wheel in the middle tent in the village. It is cast
in reverse on the straw in the dragon's cave.

Found by looking at the waterspout in the ocean. It is cast in reverse on the
waterspout, and also in reverse on the spiral steps after the maze.

Found by looking at the sphere on the first floor of the green tower. It is
cast on the shepherds in the forest.

Found by looking at the sheep in the shepherd's field. It is cast in reverse
on the dragon, and is also used on Rusty.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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