Tron 2.0

Tron 2.0

18.10.2013 02:17:16

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Tron 2.0 FAQ

For PC/Windows

Written by Deadmeat X

Version 3.8

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 0 // Table of Contents \ 0 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ TOC0

Enter a chapter's search code without bracket in the Find window
([CTRL] + [F]) to jump to that chapter.

0...TOC (TOC0)
1...FAQ Information (FAQ1)
> FAQ Information (INF1)
> About the Author (ABO1)
> F.A.Q. (FRE1)
> Contact Info (CON1)
> Legal Stuff (LEG1)
> Version History (VER1)
2...Introduction (INT2)
3...Game Basics (GAM3)
> Controls (CON3)
> HUD (HUD3)
> Story (STO3)
> Characters (CHA3)
> Enemies (ENE3)
> Weapons (WEA3)
4...Advanced Game-play (ADV4)
> Objects (OBJ4)
> The F1 Screen (F1S4)
> Sub-routines (SUB4)
> Light Cycles (LIG4)
5...Walkthrough (WAL5)
> Unauthorized User (UNA5)
> Vaporware (VAP5)
> Legacy Code (LEG5)
> System Reboot (SYS5)
> Antiquated (ANT5)
> Master User (MAS5)
> Alliance (ALL5)
> Handshake (HAN5)
> Data Base (DAT5)
> The Root of the Problem (ROO5)
> Incompatible (INC5)
6...Version List (VER6)
7...Review (REV7)
8...Credits and Thanks (CRE8)

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 1 // FAQ Information \ 1 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ FAQ1

{ FAQ Information }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INF1

Welcome to this FAQ. This document was started on October 5th. The main
reason for me for starting this FAQ was that there weren't any walkthroughs
for it yet. The main part of this file is the walkthrough, that will tell
you everything you need to complete the game. I've also added some basics
information and tips on the various weapons and enemies. I hope you'll enjoy
reading this, and that you will find it very helpful.

NOTE: This walkthrough is written for the PC version of the game Tron 2.0.
I'm not sure about the differences between this version and the X-Box
version, but I guess there won't be much different. If you're an X-Box gamer,
you can use this FAQ too, but some parts might be slightly different (if
anyone knows the exact differences, I'd be glad to hear it).

{ About the Author }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABO1

Now for some shameless advertisement:

Other FAQ's by the same author can be found at:

{ F.A.Q }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRE1

Q: What's the highest possible version number?
A: Currently, it's at 10.0.3.

Q: Your version numbers aren't correct!
A: The version numbers in this FAQ are for version 1.042 of the game. If
they're incorrect, I suggest you download the 1.042 patch for Tron 2.0.
This will fix the version numbers.

Q: I can't transfer energy in the Main Power Pipeline!
A: This is a bug. It happens when you skip the 'Ancient Grid Arena' level.
For some reason, you can't download energy from the white Patch Routine,
and you can't activate the Bit either. The first patch doesn't seem to
solve this problem. My suggestion would be to load an older save-game,
and finish the Light Cycle part normally.

Q: I can't find Build Note #X! It's not at one of the locations you
mentioned. Where is it?
A: As I said in the walkthrough, the locations of the Build Notes vary. I
pay each level a couple of times, and I list the places where I find the
Notes. Still, there might be places I've missed.

Q: So, what should I do if I can't find a Build Note?
A: Simple: restart the level. There's a big chance that the locations of
the Notes will change. If you restart, you might find the Notes in the
places I've listed.

Q: I can't find the Optimizer in the Primary Digitizing level.
A: The Optimizer can be at two places in this level. I've only found it in
the small hallway Byte opens for you (before you drop down to the room
with the ICP's). But I've seen a screenshot of the Optimizer in the area
with Ma3a too.

Q: Where do I get sub-routine ?
A: Well, you can press Ctrl + F, and search for the name. If you want to
know in what level you can find it right away, I suggest checking out
CLU's sub-routine guide, or the Sub-routine Finder at These two guides will tell you everything you
need to know about the SR's locations.

{ Contact Info }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CON1

You can contact me by e-mail, but there are a couple of rules.

Things I want:
- Love mail
- Corrections
- Suggestions
- Additions
- Money

Things I can do without:
- Hate mail
- Death threats
- Poorly spelled e-mails
- Questions that are answered in the FAQ

And a couple more notes:
- I don't always reply to e-mails, out of sheer laziness. I read every
e-mail that I get, but sometimes, I'm too lazy or in too much of a hurry
to reply. If you don't get a reply, don't send me the mail again.
- Please don't add this adress to MSN. I never use it for MSN, and my other
adress' MSN list is already flooded with readers.

Alright then, here's my address:

evert.vanaart (at) gmail (dot) com

{ Legal Stuff }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEG1

No parts of this document may be copied and/or put on a site other than
GameFAQs without the authors permission. All rights reserved. Copyright 2003,
Deadmeat X. Copying the document or using it for any purpose other than
personal use is strictly forbidden and will result in (legal) actions.

{ Version History }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VER1

>>> 05-10-2003: Version 1.0 <<<
- Started the FAQ.
- Wrote the FAQ Information

>>> 06-10-2003: Version 1.1 <<<
- Wrote the introduction.
- 'Wrote' the story, in other words copied it from the official site.

>>> 07-10-2003: Version 1.2 <<<
- Started the actual walkthrough.
- 'Program Initialization' and 'Combat Training Arena' done.
- Started 'Program Integration'.

>>> 08-10-2003: Version 1.3 <<<
- Finished 'Program Integration'.

>>> 09-10-2003: Version 1.4 <<<
- Added 'Light Cycle Arena and Staging Pit'.
- Submitted the FAQ to GameFAQs.

>>> 10-10-2003: Version 1.5 <<<

- Two more levels done: 'Prisoner Bin' and 'Transport Station'.
- Some minor corrections to the other levels.

>>> 11-10-2003: Version 1.6 <<<
- Added the 'Primary Digitizing' level.

>>> 14-10-2003: Version 1.7 <<<
- Finished up to the 'Packet Transport' level.
- The FAQ finally got posted on GameFAQs.

>>> 15-10-2003: Version 2.0 <<<
- Added some sweet ASCII art for the main chapters (thanks to
- Added the 'Power Regulator' level.
- Added the 'Power Oculus' level.

>>> 16-10-2003: Version 2.1 <<<
- Finished three more levels.

>>> 17-10-2003: Version 2.2 <<<
- Added no less then four levels. Now at the 'Remote Access Node'.
- Minor corrections to the introduction.

>>> 21-10-2003: Version 2.3 <<<
- Added more levels.

>>> 24-10-2003: Version 2.4 <<<
- Four levels added. Now at the docking port.

>>> 25-10-2003: Version 2.5 <<<
- Finish up to the second Seeker boss.

>>> 27-10-2003: Version 2.6 <<<
- Only three more levels to go!

>>> 28-10-2003: Version 3.0 <<<
- The walkthrough is done!
- Corrected the Node/Note mistakes.
- Added some stuff to the Game Basics chapter.

>>> 30-10-2003: Version 3.1 <<<
- Added the Characters.
- Made a start with the Weapons and the Enemies.

>>> 01-11-2003: Version 3.2 <<<
- Game Basics chapter is done.

>>> 06-11-2003: Version 3.3 <<<
- Finished the Advanced Game-play section
- Added the F.A.Q.
- Added the credits

>>> 03-01-2004: Version 3.4 <<<
- Corrected the Versions.
- Added the corrected Version List (thanks to Eroz).

>>> 14-04-2004: Version 3.5 <<<
- Added the review.

>>> 11-06-2004: Version 3.6 <<<
- Changed the Contact Information.

>>> 12-08-2004: Version 3.7 <<<
- Added Quick-Search system.
- Changed Contact Info.

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 2 // Introduction \ 2 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ INT2

Welcome User,

You're reading this FAQ. This means you're connected to the internet. This
means you're behind a PC. Do you know what's inside your PC? Do you know
how much has happened on the world-wide web, just so you can read this
introduction? Do you realize that even a simple task as opening a text file
requires tons of task, thousands of bits, hundreds of calculations, all
within a millisecond?

Chances are, you don't. If you're a real wiz-kid, you might know exactly
what is going on in that computer. But if you're a normal, semi-hardcore
gamer, you don't know and you don't care. The PC is something to curse at
when it breaks, and something to love when it works. No questions asked, no
trouble at all, right?

Have I got bad news for you. You're about to enter your PC. You're about to
discover the inside, learn just how it works. You'll know the hazards of
the digital life. How? No, not at school. You're at home, and in front of
you lies a CD-ROM. Or two CD-ROMs actually. It's the game Tron 2.0. And you
are about to play it.

Enter the digital world. And survive.

Battle your way through over 30 action-packed levels, beat enemies with your
disc and several other weapons, race the light-cycle, and save the digital
universe. And this all in the unique graphical style that Tron 2.0 is
famous for.

Have a lot of fun with this game,

Deadmeat X

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 3 // Game Basics \ 3 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ GAM3

{ Controls }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CON3

Tron 2.0 is basically controlled like any First Person Shooter. If you have
experience with FPS's, the controls of this game should be no problem for you.

>>> Movement <<<
W - Move forward
S - Move backward
A - Strafe left
D - Strafe right
Space - Jump
Crtl - Crawl
Q - Lean to the left
E - Lean to the right

>>> Interaction <<<
F - Use
1-9 - Transfer file from Archive Bin (when accessed Bin)
1-4 - Select weapon
LMB - Shoot weapon
RMB - Recall Disc (when you've thrown it)
RMB - Block with Disc (when it's in your hands)

>>> Others <<<
F1 - Enter System Memory screen
Tab - Summon Tasks list

>>> Light Cycle <<<
A - Turn left
S - Turn right
W - Accelerate
D - Decelerate
; - Toggle camera lock

{ Heads-Up Display }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HUD3

The HUD is basically all that useful information you'll see on your screen.

>>> Version Number <<<
In the top left, you'll see your current Version Number. Refer to the
Advanced Game-play section for more information on the versions.

>>> Build Note Counter <<<
Beneath the Version Number you will see the Build Note counter. It shows
the number of Notes you've collected in this level, and the total number
that can be found here. For more information on Build Nodes, refer to the
Objects chapter.

>>> Current Weapon <<<
In the top right corner you will see a picture of the weapon you currently
have equipped.

>>> Equipped Utilities <<<
The 'Utility' sub-routines you've equipped will be shown under your Current
Weapon. The 'Defensive' and 'Offensive' routines won't be displayed here. For
more information on the sub-routines, check out the Advanced Game-play

>>> Defense Chart <<<
In the bottom right corner, you will see a picture of a human. The colored
parts indicate which 'Defensive' sub-routines are installed. For example,
if you install the Submask (head armor), the head of the man will become
colored (light blue). If a 'Defensive' sub-routine is infected, the part
will be colored green instead of light blue. If you're carrying any infected
sub-routines (Defensive or other), there will be a green line around the

>>> Health and Energy <<<
At the bottom there are two bars. The red one displays your current health.
If your health reaches zero, it's game over. The green one stands for energy.
If you don't have any energy left, you can't transfer files from Bins and
you can only fire the Disc.

>>> Permission Ring <<<
Between the two bars is the Permission Ring. It shows which permissions
you've already collected. The permissions you have are colored light blue.
The section at the top (at the 'one' on the clock)
stands for Permission 1, the one to the right is Permission 2, and so on,
until Permission 8.

>>> Messages <<<
New tasks, completed tasks, Build Notes, other info, it will all show up
in the center of the screen.

{ Story }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STO3

As taken from the official Tron 2.0 site (lazy me ^_^):

20 years ago, an artificial intelligence known as the Master Control
Program (MCP) threatened to take over an unsuspecting world. Only Kevin
Flynn, a computer genius, stood between the MCP and rest of humanity. Flynn
was digitized into a parallel universe inside the computer, where the MCP
pitted programs against each other in gladiatorial combat on the arena
known as the Game Grid. With the help of a security program known as Tron,
Flynn ultimately defeated the MCP and returned to the real world.

20 years later, Alan Bradley, creator of the original Tron program, has
finally replicated the technology needed to successfully digitize a human
being into the computer. The secret lies in Ma3a, an artificial
intelligence program sophisticated enough to hold within its memory the
complete genetic makeup of a human being, and the correction algorithms
required to safely restore one to the physical world.

Unfortunately, Alan's company is on the verge of a corporate takeover.
Future Control Industries (fCon) has learned of Alan's discovery and is
interested in the technology for their own nefarious purposes. By
digitizing specially trained hackers codenamed DataWraiths, fCon plans to
infiltrate the world's computer networks from the inside.

When Alan suddenly disappears under mysterious circumstances, his son Jet,
a talented young computer programmer, enters the world inside the computer
in search of answers. He discovers a sinister plot spinning out of control
that threatens to corrupt one reality and forever transform another.

Finding his father is paramount, but getting out alive is equally
important. To do this, Jet must find within himself the strength to come to
terms with his very different father, as well as overcome the otherworldly
adversaries encountered in this strange but fantastical world of Tron.

{ Characters }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHA3

>>> Jet Bradley <<<
Jet is the main hero of the game, and thus the character controlled by you.
He's a young but talented Game Programmer, but he also has a set of
'alternative skills': he's a really talented hacker, for one. He works at
the same software company as his father Alan, but in a different department.
He and his dad don't get along too well. After his mother died, his relation
with his father cooled down.

>>> Alan Bradley <<<
Alan was the one who designed the original Tron program. Since the events
from the first movie, twenty years ago, he's been working on the Digitizing
progress. He's good at what he does, but he sometimes neglects his son.

>>> Byte <<<
Byte is your guide through the digital world. In the first part of the game,
he will help you to save Ma3a. He's pretty arrogant, and a real know-it-all,
but he will prove very useful.

>>> Mercury <<<
The babe of the game. Mercury was sent by her User (an unknown guy who
calls himself Guest) to protect Ma3a. She saves Jet when he is captured
by the Kernel.

>>> Kernel <<<
The Kernel is the head of security in the server of Alan's company. He
commands the ICP's. He's very serious in fighting the corruption. Kernel
could have been a useful ally, but unfortunately he thinks that Jet is in
a league with the Corruption. This means you will very often find yourself
fighting ICP's.

>>> Thorne <<<
Thorne is the master and the source of the corruption that's infecting
the server. He appears to be really evil, but you will learn things about
him that'll change your opinion.

>>> fCon Team <<<
Mr. Baza, Mr. Crown and Ms. Popoff work for Future Control Industries, the
big company that is taking over Alan company. Driven by greed and lust for
power, they want to dominate the internet. Your goal is to stop them.

>>> fCon CEO <<<
Who is the mysterious man that gives commands to the fCon team?

{ Enemies }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #3ENE

>>> Z-Lot <<<
General Information: These green creeps are minions of Thorne. They're not
that powerful, but they often come in big groups. Their weapons can
infect your sub-routines.
Strength: They don't have any armor, and usually their HP isn't too hot
either. A single Z-Lots shouldn't be much of a problem, but a group can
be difficult.
Weapons: The Z-Lots are armed with the Ball Primitive and sometimes with
the Ball Launcher. Both weapons can do quite some damage with a full
hit, and they can deal some plash damage too. The Balls are fairly easy
to dodge though.

>>> Rector Script <<<
General Information: They look like the kind of enemies you'd find in a
horror game. These flying ghosts have very powerful weapons, good hit
points, and they can spawn more Z-Lots.
Strength: The Rectors have high HP, so you will have to shoot a couple of
times to kill them. Aiming at their head makes the fight faster.
Weapons: The Rector Script is armed with a weapon that shoots green rays of
light at you. The weapon deals big damage, and it can easily infect sub-
routines. The rays travel pretty slow, so you can dodge them most of the

>>> ICP <<<
General Information: The ICP's are security programs. Their task is to make
sure nothing unusual happens in the digital world. In real life, they're
your friend, but in the game they'll be your enemy.
Strength: The health of the ICP's may vary, but they're not too tough. A
headshot will most likely take one out immediately. Their Discs do a nice
deal of damage. Some of them even have shields, so you can't hurt them
with the Disc. When you're up against an ICP with a shield, switch to
explosive weapons, since your Disc is useless here.
Weapons: The ICP's are armed with Discs, just like you. Some have a Sequencer
too. They are VERY accurate, I haven't seen them miss a single shot on
longer ranges. The Discs can deal some decent damage too.

>>> Finder <<<
General Information: Finders are small, flying programs, that support the
ICP's in their duty. If they see an enemy, they will give its location to
the ICP's.
Strength: The Finders can be destroyed in one shot of the Disc, so it should
be no problem to kill them. Use your LOL for Finders that are far away.
Their weapons do quite big damage, so you want to take them out as fast as
Weapons: Finders will shoot rays at you. Their shots are very accurate (I
don't think they ever miss), and the damage is pretty high too.

>>> Resource Hog <<<
General Information: Resource Hogs are old programs that had so many additions
through the years that they're now hideously deformed. With their Suffusions,
they shoot at everything that moves.
Strength: The Hogs have pretty high HP. Their weapons do a lot of damage at
close range, but at longer ranges it's too inaccurate.
Weapons: All Hogs are armed with the Suffusion. If you keep your distance,
they will hardly ever hit you. Just don't get too close and you'll be fine.

>>> Datawraiths <<<
General Information: The Wraiths are humans like Jet, put into the computer by
fCon. Their task is to control the digital world from within. They might
look dangerous, but they're not too tough. They're very fast though.
Strength: Their HP is very high, so it shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 Disc
hits to kill one. They don't do much damage either.
Weapons: All the Wraiths carry Blasters. Nothing dangerous, since it does
little damage, and it's pretty inaccurate.

{ Weapons }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #3WEA

The 12 weapons in Tron 2.0 are divided in four main categories: the Disc,
the Rod, the Ball and the Mesh. All enemies use one type of weapons. In the
weapon descriptions I'll also add what enemy uses it, and how to fight it.

Almost all weapons require energy to be used. The only exceptions are the
Disc Primitive, the Rod Primitive, and the Energy Claw. Energy use increases
when you upgrade the weapon. Several Utilities will also increase the energy

The formatting looks like this:
Category: Is this weapon a Disc, Rod, Ball or Mesh weapon.
Description: General information on the weapon.
Use: Tips on how to use it.
Energy Cost: Tells you how much energy it costs to fire the weapon.
Enemies: What enemies are armed with this weapon.
Tactics: What to do when you're up against an enemy with this weapon.

>>> Disc Primitive <<<
Category: Disc
Description: This is your main weapon. It might not be as powerful as other
weapons, but it doesn't require any energy. This is a great advantage,
since if you add Utilities like Megahurtz and Corrode, the energy cost
for this weapon will still be zero. This makes it the weapon of choice
for most battles.
Use: When you throw your Disc, you can reclaim it by pressing the Right
Mouse Button. If you have the Disc in your hands, you can block other
Discs by pressing the RMB. The main thing to watch out for when using the
Disc is that is doesn't get lost. If it starts bouncing between walls, or
it flies away into the distance, it can take up to 15 seconds before it
returns. All this time you can't fire, and you can't switch weapons
either. If you see your Disc flies away, quickly press the RMB. You can
steer the Disc in its flight if you keep the LMB pressed down.
Energy Cost: None
Enemies: The Disc is the main weapon of the ICP's.
Tactics: The ICP's have great accuracy with the Disc, even on the longer
distances they'll always hit you. You can try to block their shots. If
you have Power Block installed, it will even damage them, Downside is
that the block function doesn't always work. If your accuracy on the long
ranges is poor, try luring the ICP's to a narrow corridor, and take them
out there.

>>> Sequencer <<<
Category: Disc
Description: The Sequencer enables you to throw four Discs in a row, for a
small amount of energy. The damage is the same as for the normal Disc.
Use: You can only steer the last Disc you throw. Also, you can't perform a
block until the last Disc has returned. The main advantage of the
Sequencer is that the chance of walking around for 15 seconds without a
weapon is much smaller.
Energy Cost: Low
Enemies: Some ICP's are equipped with the Sequencer. You can easily
recognize them, since their arms glow with a bright light.
Tactics: If you're up against an ICP with a Sequencer, the main thing to
remember is that he'll throw four Discs, and then he has to wait for the
last Disc to return before he can throw again. This means that if you can
avoid the four shots, you will have a couple of seconds in which the ICP
is defenseless.

>>> Cluster <<<
Category: Disc
Description: The Cluster looks like a normal Disc, but the thing with this
weapon is that you can let it explode in mid-air. It will also explode
when it hits something. It does a nice deal of damage, especially with a
full hit. Splash damage will hurt anyone in the vicinity of the
Use: Very useful against a group of enemies. The downside is the energy
cost. Timing the blast can also be quite a problem at the beginning.
Energy Cost: Medium to High
Enemies: I haven't seen any ICP's using the Cluster.

>>> Rod Primitive <<<
Category: Rod
Description: This weapon works much like a Stun Gun. When you fire it, it
will stun the enemy, and damage him. It can save you energy, but unless
you want to play the game really sneaky, you won't use it a lot. The
thing that kills this weapons' potential is the extremely short range.
Use: If you click and hold the LMB, the weapon will use energy. But you
also quickly press the LMB several times. The result is the same, and you
won't use any energy. As I said, this weapon is used for close ranges.
This makes it pretty useless, since you'd have to run to the enemy to
take him out, and all this time you'll be vulnerable to him attacks. If
you can kill an unsuspecting foe with it from time to time, don't
hesitate, but it's useless in most battles.
Energy Cost: Low to None
Enemies: No enemies are armed with the Rod.

>>> Suffusion <<<
Category: Rod
Description: If Tron was a normal shooter, this would have been the
shotgun: extremely powerful at short ranges, inaccurate at longer ranges.
The Suffusion will come in handy from time to time, just don't equip it
in big area's! It's a life-saver in narrow corridors.
Use: Remember, this weapon is crap at long ranges. If the distance between
you and your target is more then 5 meters, forget it. If you're very
close to the enemy, this weapon will often be a 'one hit, one kill'
weapon. It can be very useful for blasting your way through narrow
Energy Cost: Medium
Enemies: All the Resource Hogs are armed with this weapon.
Tactics: I can't stress the Suffusion inaccuracy at long ranges enough. So
if you're up against a group of Hogs, take some distance! They will
hardly hit you, and you can take them out with a long-range weapon like
the LOL.

>>> LOL <<<
Category: Rod
Description: This is the sniper-rifle of the game. It's really powerful, since
a headshot will most likely kill any enemy right away. The downside is the
energy cost and the very slow rate of fire. By the way, I don't know why it's
called the LOL, so don't ask me.
Use: Zoom in and out with [+] and [-] on the numeric part of the keyboard. Try
to go for headshots if you can. Otherwise you can hit enemies in the chest,
it will still do a lot of damage that way. The low speed of this weapon
makes it useless in one-on-one fights, but it's very useful for sniping an
unsuspecting enemy in the distance.
Energy Cost: High
Enemies: There are no enemies armed with the LOL.

>>> Ball Primitive <<<
Category: Ball
Description: The Ball works like a grenade: you throw it, and it explodes. It
deals a nice sum of damage, and the splash damage makes it even more useful
against a group. Aiming it might be hard at first.
Use: Throw it with the LMB. It will explode after one to two seconds, damaging
all enemies in the vicinity. Watch out, because you can get hurt by it too.
Don't get downed by your own grenade.
Energy Cost: Low
Enemies: Most Z-Lots will be armed with the Ball Primitive.
Tactics: The Ball can do quite some damage, and it can infect your sub-routines
too. Luckily, they are fairly easy to dodge. If you keep running, the chances
of getting hit by a Ball are slim.

>>> Ball Launcher <<<
Category: Ball
Description: The Ball Launcher is the favorite weapon of many players, and
it's not hard to see why. If the normal ball works like a grenade, the
Launcher works like a rifle grenade: you shoot it at your target, and it
will explode on impact. It does a big deal of damage.
Use: The main thing to remember with the Launcher is that you shouldn't use
it in narrow corridors. The blast of the weapon is quite big, and it can
damage you too. So if you don't watch out, you'll kill yourself. This
tactic for the Launcher works great: use one or two shots to weaken a group
of enemies, then kill them off with the Disc. This saves you energy, because
the downside of the Launcher is its energy cost.
Energy Cost: Medium to High
Enemies: Some Z-Los will be armed with the Ball Launcher.
Tactics: The Ball Launcher is tougher to dodge then the normal Ball, but it's
still pretty slow, so with some decent reflex skills you can dodge the
shots. Watch out for infection it can bring to your sub-routines.

>>> Drunken Dims <<<
Category: Ball
Description: The Drunken Dims shoots a number of small balls that will explode
on impact. It's not very accurate, so you should use it at close ranges most
of the time. Best to see it as a shotgun with explosive bullets.
Use: Very useful against a group of enemies. You can use the same tactics as
with the Ball Launcher (see above). Once again, the main downside is the
energy cost.
Energy Cost: High
Enemies: Luckily, no enemies are armed with the Drunken Dims.

>>> Blaster <<<
Category: Mesh
Description: This is like the automatic rifle of the digital world. Its
firepower isn't very high, so it doesn't do that much damage. You'll hardly
use it.
Use: Click and hold the LMB, and blast your target away. It's not a very
accurate gun, and the damage it does isn't that high. The only situation I
have found it useful for is when you want to enter a room, spraying your
guns. It can weaken the enemies in the room, and after that you can finish
them off with a better weapon. Luckily, it uses little energy.
Energy Cost: Low
Enemies: All Datawraiths are armed with the Blaster.
Tactics: Much like the Suffusion, the Blaster has quite poor accuracy on
longer ranges. Try too keep your distance. Still, since the rate of fire
is much higher, it's still a weapon to watch out for.

>>> Energy Claw <<<
Category: Mesh
Description: This handy glove can suck the health and energy of your enemies
out, and transfer it to you. This means that you will gain energy and health
when you use it. The range is quite short.
Use: It sounds like a really useful weapon, but I can't say I've used it that
much. The main problem is the damage it does: that's not so high. It's not
a lethal weapon, and that makes it too weak for the fights late in the game
(and you'll only get it late in the game). I also don't like the close
range-aspect of the weapon, but that might be something personal.
Energy Cost: None
Enemies: No enemies use this weapon.

>>> Prankster Bit <<<
Category: Mesh
Description: It has a weird name, and it creates a vortex? It's the Prankster
Bit! The last weapon you'll get in the game, and possibly the most explosive
one too. If you shoot it, keep the LMB pressed. When you release it, or when
the projectile crashes into something, a vortex will appear. It sucks in and
damages any enemies around.
Use: Don't get me wrong, I love the special effects. It's just that this
weapon requires a LOT of energy. With some sub-routines, like Corrosion and
Megahurtz installed, you can fire it once, maybe twice, and then you're out
of energy. And that sucks. It can be super powerful against a group of
enemies, but the massive energy cost kills.
Energy Cost: Very High
Enemies: Luckily, no enemies are armed with this Bit.

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 4 // Advanced Game-play \ 3 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ #4ADV

{ Objects }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #4OBJ

In the world of Tron, you will come across many different objects. It's a
good idea to read this list, so that you will know what to do when you find
such an object.

>>> Archive Bin <<<
The Bin looks like a transparent cube. Inside the cube, smaller, colored
cubes are floating. To open a Bin, you might need one or more permission
codes. To see the permission you need, aim your cursor at the Archive Bin.
You will see a ring like the one at the bottom of your HUD. It shows you the
permission you have or don't have. For more information on permission,
refer to the HUD chapter.

An Archive Bin can contain several files. Once you have opened the Bin (by
pressing F when facing it), you will see a list of the files in the Bin. If
you press the corresponding key, you will download the file. For example, if
a Bin contains 1) Email and 2) Profiler, press 2 to download the Sub-routine
Profiler. Downloading costs energy. The cost is also displayed in the list of
the files in the Bin.

There are three different types of files you can find in a bin. You can see
what files are in a Bin by the color of the smaller cubes inside it.
- Green = Email
- Blue = Permission
- Red = Sub-routine

>>> Patch Routine <<<
The Patch Routines look like floating spheres. They can recharge your energy
and your health. To use it, simply walk up to it and press F. Keep F pressed
down until you've recharged enough health. But be careful: most Patch Routines
can recharge only a limited amount of health or energy. Once the Routine is
depleted, it will disappear, and you won't be able to use it anymore. So use
them wisely. There are three kinds of Patch Routines:
- Red > Recharge a limited amount of health
- Green > Recharge a limited amount of energy
- White > Recharge an infinite amount of energy

>>> Build Note <<<
Hidden in every level are a couple of Build Notes. There's a counter on your
screen that displays the number of Notes you've found, and the total number of
Notes in this level. The Notes themselves look like orange medals. You can use
them for Upgrading yourself. Each Note is worth 2 Build Points. Refer to the
Upgrading chapter for more information.

Note that the location of the Build Notes is random. At the end of each
level, I'll include a list of where you might find the Notes. Know that there
might be locations I've missed. If you find a Build Note at a location I
didn't mention yet, feel free to mail me about it.

>>> I/O Node <<<
These white nodes are used for communication between programs. In the game
you will sometime get an I/O request. This means that another character wants
to talk to you. You should go and find the nearest I/O node, and activate it.
A dialogue will follow. Most of the time, you will get 2 build points for
completing an I/O conversation. Most I/O nodes require certain permissions.

>>> Sec Rezzer <<<
In levels where you have to fight ICP's, you'll often see these panels on
the walls. The Rezzer can be compared with the alarm button in normal
shooters: if an enemy sees you, he will activate the Rezzer, and more enemies
will appear. You can disable the things...if you have the right permissions.

>>> Optimizer <<<
In most levels, you can find an Optimizer. This small, crawling Program will
upgrade one of your sub-routines. It then deactivates, so you can only use it
once. For more information, read the following chapters.

>>> Core Dump <<<
When you kill an enemy, he leaves his Core Dump behind. You can pick these
CoreDumps up for extra health, energy, and useful files such as Permissions
and Sub-routines. Always search the Cores of your enemies, you never know
what you might find. The Dumps will disappear after a while.

{ System Memory Screen }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #4SYS

When you press F1, you will bring up the System Memory Screen. Here, you can
install sub-routines and upgrade your stats. Here's what the screen looks

>>> Chapter <<<
In the top left corner, you'll see the name of the current chapter. For
example: 'Unauthorized User' or 'The Root of the Problem'. You won't see the
name of the current level.

>>> Inactive Sub-routines <<<
There are two rings around the center. In the outer ring you can find the
inactive Sub-routines. The 'combat' routines can be found at the top, the
'defensive' at the left, and the 'utilities' at the right of the ring. To
see the current inactive combat sub-routines, simply hold the cursor over
the word 'combat'. You will see a picture of the Sub-routines. The colored
ring around it shows the version of this routine (Red, green, or gold). You
can drag the sub-routine you want to the inner ring.

>>> Active Sub-Routines <<<
You can drag sub-routines from the outer ring to the inner ring. Doing so
will install the routine in your memory, so that you can use it. For example,
to jump higher you have to drag the Y-AMP to the inner ring. Some spaces of
this ring are colored light blue. You can't install any sub-routines in
these spaces. The pattern of light blue spaces (unavailable for sub-routines)
and black spaces (available for sub-routines) will be different each chapter.
At the beginning of each chapter you will have to reconfigure the
sub-routines. Also note that Alpha sub-routines require three spaces of the
inner ring, Beta SR's require two spaces and Gold SR's require only one free

>>> Porting Procedural <<<
In the outer ring, between Combat and Defense, you'll see the Porting
Procedural. In the game you'll sometimes find 'unknown sub-routines'. This
means that your system can't identify or use the SR you've found. In order to
be able to use it, drag the Unknown SR to the Porting Procedural. Return to
the game. In the top right of your HUD you'll see a progress bar. When it is
filled, you will be able to identify and use the Unknown SR.

>>> Disinfect Procedural <<<
If you get hit by a Ball, a Ball Launcher or a Rector Script, one or more
sub-routines can be infected. This means they won't work the way they're
supposed to work anymore. You can disinfect a SR by dragging it to the
Disinfect Procedural. It can be found between the Combat and Utility fields
on the outer ring. Like porting, disinfecting takes time.

>>> Defrag Procedural <<<
Between the Defense and Utility fields, you'll find the last Procedural.
This one is used to remove Bad Blocks from your system memory. Bad Blocks
will infect your memory when you pick up the Core Dump of a Z-Lot. They're
pretty harmless; they only take up your memory space, so that you'll have
less room for your sub-routines. For some reason, you'll only see Bad
Blocks in the first part of your adventure. I think either the Viral Shield
or the Virus Scan blocks them. Or it's because of the fact that after the
first two levels your memory will always be completely occupied with SR's,
so there's no space for Bad blocks.

>>> Version Number <<<
In the center you can see your current version number.

>>> Build Notes Counter <<<
In the game there is a total of 100 Build Notes to be found. The counter in
the center of the screen will tell you how many Notes you've found in the
whole game.

>>> Status Bars <<<
Adding a bit of RPG to Tron 2.0 are the Status Bars. In the center are 5
Bars. Each one represents a different stat. Every time you gain 100 Build
Points (so the first digit of your version number goes one up, for example
you go from 1.9.6 to 2.0.1), you will get the chance to improve those
stats. You can only fill a limited part of the bars each time: you get 7
Upgrade Points each time. Since there are 9 times you can upgrade, you will
be able to distribute a total of 63 Upgrade Points. Each bar requires 20 of
those points to be filled, so you can't top off all your stats. Luckily,
two of the 5 bars are pretty useless. These are the five Bars:

- Health: How many Hit Points you have. Every time you upgrade this stats,
you will gain 5 hit points. When you've completely filled the bar, you
will have 300 HP. Health is probably the most important stat. At the
start, you want to focus on your health and energy stats.
- Energy: Improves your maximum amount of energy. If you fill the bar
completely, you will get 300 energy points. Energy is pretty important
too, since some sub-routines later in the game require more than 100
energy to be transferred from the Bin. If the Disc is your main weapon
(which it should be), energy is not as important as health. If you use
other weapons a lot, you should upgrade energy most of the times.
- Weapon Efficiency: A higher WE stat reduces the energy cost of the
weapons. As I said, I love using the Disc, so for me WE wasn't that
important. Unless you really love using other weapons, you shouldn't
start upgrading this one until health and energy are at a decent level.
- Transfer Rate: Improving this stat makes you transfer files from Bins
faster. Sounds useless? Well, it is. You shouldn't pay too much
attention to this stat.
- Processor: If your Processor stat is high, the three Procedurals will work
faster. This means you can port, disinfect and defrag faster. It's not
as useless as it sounds: in later levels, it can really help you to get
rid of all those nasty infections. Still, you should only upgrade this
one when the three first stats are (almost) full.

{ Sub-Routines }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #4SUB

With the Optimizer, you can upgrade one sub-routine (SR) at the time. The
three versions are Alpha, Beta and Gold. Upgrading it means it will work
better, less memory use, and sometimes higher energy cost. I will suggest
the best SR to upgrade in the walkthrough.

>>> Combat <<<

The Combat SR's are listed in the Weapons section.

>>> Defense <<<

Defensive SR's protect the body. All of them except for Viral Shield,
protect a different part of the body, for example: Submask protects the
head. Upgrading defensive sub-routines improves your armor, thus reducing
the damage you take.

Submask: Protects the head.
Alpha: 10% protection
Beta : 12% protection
Gold : 15% protection

Peripheral Seal: Protects the arms.
Alpha: 8% protection
Beta : 9% protection
Gold : 12% protection

Support Safeguard: protects the legs.
Alpha: 8% protection
Beta : 9% protection
Gold : 12% protection

Base Damping: protects the feet.
Alpha: 5% protection
Beta : 6% protection
Gold : 8% protection

Truncate: protects the chest.
Alpha: 10% protection
Beta : 12% protection
Gold: 15% protection

Viral Shield: will reduce the chance that a sub-routine becomes infected.
Alpha: 30% protection against infection
Beta : 50% protection against infection
Gold : 75% protection against infection

>>> Utility <<<
These SR's have various purposes. Some improve your own movement (like the
Y-AMP), others increase the damage done by weapons. You can't use these
SR's. If you install one, you will see a picture of it in the top right
corner of the screen. The Utility SR's don't use energy, but they can
increase the energy cost for other SR's.

Fuzzy Signature: when equipped, you make less noise when you're walking.
Alpha: reduces noise by 25%
Beta : reduces noise by 50%
Gold : reduces noise by 75%

Power Block: when you block a Disc from an ICP with your Disc, the enemy's
Disc is hurled back at the owner, dealing a nice deal of
Alpha: little damage done by Power Block
Beta : medium damage done by Power Block
Gold : big damage done by Power Block

Y-AMP: makes you jump higher.
Alpha: Jump height increases slightly
Beta : Jump height increases considerably
Gold : Jump height increases a lot

Primitive Charge: when equipped, your Primitives (Disc, Rod, Ball and
Blaster) will do more damage.
Alpha: Damage increases slightly
Beta : Damage increases considerably
Gold : Damage increases a lot

Megahurtz: Increases the damage done by all weapons, but also increases
their energy cost.
Alpha: Damage and energy cost increase slightly
Beta : Damage and energy cost increase considerably
Gold : Damage and energy cost increase a lot

Corrosion: Adds a 'poison' effect to your weapon. If you hit an enemy with
Corrosion equipped, his health will decrease slowly for a
limited amount of time. Time increases when you upgrade it, but
so does the energy cost of all weapons.
Alpha: Effect lasts 5 seconds, energy costs increases slightly
Beta : Effect lasts 10 seconds, energy cost increases considerably
Gold : Effect lasts 15 seconds, energy cost doubles.

Triangulate: Allows you to use the Zoom function (+/- on the Numpad)
whenever you want.
Alpha: Small zoom, crosshair sways a lot
Beta : Better zoom, crosshair is more stable
Gold : Great zoom, crosshair sways very little

Profiler: Gives you information about your target.
Alpha: Shows name and health
Beta : Shows name, health and armor
Gold : Shows name, health, armor and inventory

Virus Scan: Tells you if the files in a Bin are corrupt.
Alpha: Tells if a Bin contains corrupt files
Beta : Tells you what files are corrupt
Gold : Tells you what files are corrupt, and automatically disinfects

For a list of the locations of these Sub-routines I recommend checking out
CLU's excellent Sub-routine Guide on GameFAQs.

{ Light Cycle Races }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #4LIG

The Light Cycles play a lot like Snake for two players: you need to make
the other player(s) crash into your trail. You need to fast and smart.
Well, basically you just need to be smart, because the PC will always be
faster then you. Especially at high speeds, the opponents have an awesome
reaction speed.

On the grids you can find some power-ups:

- Turbo Boosts your speed for a limited time.
- Shield Lets you break through a wall (trail) once.
- Turbo Curse Forces every player on the field to a Turbo. Dangerous for
yourself, but a higher chance that the enemies start making
- Wall Extender Increases the length of your trail. Mostly found in races
where you start with a short trail.
- Grab Grabs one power-up from the nearest enemy.
- Wall Spike Creates two spikes on each side of your trail. Very useful
in head-to-head fights.
- Rocket Shoots a rocket that derezzes any opponent it hits. Hard to
aim at other racers. You can also use it to break the walls
in front of you.
- Forced Use Make all enemies use their power-up. Useful to disarm those
nasty rockets.
- Wall Reset Makes all the current trails disappear.

Some Basic Tips:

- Use the power-ups. Especially Shield can be really useful to escape from
your opponents' traps.
- You will often find yourself racing head to head against an opponent. This
might be a nice time to use that Speed booster. Whatever you do, don't be
foolish. Don't try to cut him of if you're really close to each other:
he'll crash into you instead of into your trail.
- Sometimes, you want to lay low for a while. Let your opponents fight it
out, then finish of the victor.

Especially the last tips can be useful. I sometimes just drive around the
main area in circles, and let the other racers take each other out in the
center. Saves you a lot of sweat. The racers often make mistakes in the
first few levels (and in all the story-levels), so even if you're left with
just one opponent, you can keep avoiding him and hope he crashes into the

Well, that's all I want to say about the Light Cycles. If you want to know
what you will unlock for completing races, check out Der Schnitter's FAQ.
I'm too lazy to do it, so I'd just copy it from his, and I don't want to
violate any copyrights.

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 5 // Walkthrough \ 5 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ #5WAL

Before reading on, I suggest you read the Game Basics chapter. I'll use a
lot of terms in the walkthrough, so you want to know what they mean first.
Okay, when you're ready to go, choose a difficulty. If it's your first time
playing, I'd suggest picking Normal. Now enjoy the opening video, that shows
Alan and Jet. Alan disappears, and Jet gets digitized by Ma3a. Let's start
the game.

_ _ _ _ _ _
| | | |_ __ __ _ _ _| |_| |__ ___ _ __(_)_______ __| |
| | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \| '__| |_ / _ \/ _` |
| |_| | | | | (_| | |_| | |_| | | | (_) | | | |/ / __/ (_| |
\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/|_| |_/___\___|\__,_|
_ _
| | | |___ ___ _ __
| | | / __|/ _ \ '__|
| |_| \__ \ __/ |
\___/|___/\___|_| #5UNA

{ Program Initialization }

A spiked ball will be floating in front of you when you arrive in the
digital world. This is Byte, he is your guide through this world. You can
choose to skip this training, but I don't recommend it. Follow his
instructions. You'll have to talk to him a few times, and then talk to a
couple of programs. Programs are those human-like creatures standing around
the room. When you've talked to the third red Program, you can access the
System Memory screen (F1) to distribute your initial set of build points.
Refer to the Game Basics for more information. After you've done that, locate
Byte. He tells you that Ma3a wants to contact you. You need to use an I/O
node. Byte will open up the room that contains this node. Talk to the program
next to the I/O node to learn something about it. If you try to use it, you
will learn that you don't have the proper permission. Talk to Byte, and
follow him to another room. Here's an archive bin containing a Permission.
Talk to the program, then talk to Byte. He'll give you PERMISSON 2. With it,
you can open the bin and get PERMISSION 3. Return to the I/O node, and use
it. Ma3a will tell you that you need the Disc. Follow Byte to another room.
There's a force field here, but the Binary Bit used to lower it is missing.
You can find it next to the Program in this room. First transfer energy to
it, it now flies to the socket. Now you can lower the force field. If you
have any problems, talk to the Program. Now enter the Data Stream.

>>> Versions <<<
0.0.0 - Initial
1.0.0 - After distributing your initial set of Build Points
1.0.5 - Get the permission from the Archive Bin

{ Combat Training Arena }

Pick up the Disc next to Byte. Now you might want to use the green and red
Patch Routines. These floating spheres will regenerate your health and
energy. Talk to the Program to learn how to use your Disc, and then step
into the ring. Kill the training Program that appears on the other side. When
you've killed it, you can search his core for PERMISSION 7. If you want you
can continue training, use the panel on the side of the ring. When you're
ready, step into the Data Stream again.

Back in the first level, things have gotten out of hand. A couple of enemies
has appeared and they are destroying this sector. You need to get out of
here. Kill the two green Programs in the first room. Now locate Byte, he's
floating near a force field. When you approach him he will lower the field,
giving you access to the circular room behind it. Kill the enemy in this
room, and step onto the platform.

Turn left, and you will see an Archive Bin on your left. It contains an
email. When you've read it, jump on top of this Bin, and onto the cube behind
it. You'll see another bin here, open it for another email. Return to the
main walkway and go left. In this room you can find a red Patch Routine and a
BUILD NOTE. Return to the platform, and now head right, to where Byte is
floating. He opens another force field for you. Talk to the Program here to
find out another Program, named Romie, has disappeared. Continue past this
Program. You'll see a force field on your right. Head left. Byte is hovering
on your right, above a higher ledge. You need to get on this ledge, but you
can't jump high enough. So you need to find a Subroutine that makes you jump
higher. Byte will new lower the force field. Before continuing past it, you
might want to use the white Patch Routine in this corridor.

Now enter the room past the force field, and head right. Enter the big room.
Here you'll find a BUILD NOTE and an Archive Bin containing an email and
PERMISSION 8. Return to the previous room, and head down the ramp. Turn
right, you're now again in the big room. In front of you is a bridge blocked
by some debris. Romie, the lost program, is trapped on the other side. Use
the panel next to the bridge to make the bridge disappear. The debris falls
down, and the bridge will restore itself. Now Romie is free. Search the
Archive Bin here. You will find the Subroutine you needed, the Y-AMP, as well
as a new weapon, the BLASTER. After downloading the Y-AMP, two enemies
appear. Kill them, they're not too though and you can use the two Patch
Routines on this level if you need. When they're gone, go to the Patch
Routines and climb some blocks to find an Archive Bin with an email and
PERMISSION 7. Also in this area you can find the last BUILD NOTE of this

Now return to the high ledge you couldn't jump onto. Two Z-Lots are
waiting for you. Kill them, and search their cores: you will find the sub-
routine PROFILER in one of them. It is corrupted, so you first need to place
it in the Disinfect Procedural (in the F1 screen). When it's done, you can
equip it. Anyway, go the ledge (Romie is standing there), and equip your
Y-AMP sub-routine. To do so, go to the F1 screen, go to the utilities bar,
and drag the sub-routine from the outer circle to the inner circle. If you
did it right, a logo of the Y-AMP will appear in the top right corner of the
screen. Now jump onto the ledge. If you still have problems with this, try
jumping and then crouching in mid-air. When you're on the ledge, you will see
an Archive Bin. It contains the Profiler sub-routine (which you might already
have from the enemy's core) and an email. Continue onto the big elevator to
end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
1.0.5 - Start of the level
1.1.0 - After completing the combat training
1.1.2 - Pick up the first Build Note
1.1.4 - Pick up the second Build Note
1.1.6 - Pick up the third Build Note
1.2.1 - Get the Y-AMP
1.2.3 - Get onto the ledge
1.3.3 - Step onto the elevator

>>> Build Notes locations <<<
- From the elevator, go left, into the room with the Patch Routine
- When you have to find the Y-AMP, go past the force field, turn right, and
enter the big room. The Note's on this ledge
- In the area with the bridge, on the side with the Patch Routines

{ Program Integration }

The game will first show a cut-scene: a Program called Kernel wants you
captured, because he believes you are responsible for the corruption that
is taking over the system.

First, check out the little thing on the ground. This is an Optimizer. It
will upgrade one sub-routine. At the moment you only have Y-AMP and Profiler.
I'd go for the Y-AMP, since you'll find an upgraded version of the Profiler
later in this level. Byte will tell you that you don't have the permission
needed to enter the Power Stream Control Centre. He then flies away, so
follow him. Get the email from the Bin. Ignore the red panel on the left.

This is a Sec Rezzer. It works kind of like an alarm button: when an enemy
presses it, it will spawn more enemies. If you have the right permission you
can deactivate it, but you don't have that right now, so forget about it. A
little further you will find another Bin with an email. Beyond that is a
slope with an enemy (sbchost.exe) on it. Kill the enemy, and Byte will open
a tunnel to your right. Ignore the Data Stream and enter the tunnel, into the

At the end, jump down and you'll have to fight 3 Z-Lots. You might
want to kill one or two from the end of the tunnel, before jumping down,
because you're rather safe there. When you've killed them, head left, and
jump over the gap. Two more enemies here. When they're gone too, search the
area for a BUILD NOTE. The location of this Note varies, but it is somewhere
in the current area. When you have it, find the Archive Bin hidden behind
some blocks and get PERMISSION 1, and the sub-routine FUZZY SIGNATURE.
Recharge your energy at the white Patch Routine, and then lower the force
field in front of the Data Stream. Enter the Stream. Return to the start of
the level.

Now open the door you first couldn't open. The Program behind it is scared
of you, he believes you are the source of the corruption. Ignore him, and head
right. There are two ICP's to kill here (sbchost.exe and spooler.exe).
Search their cores, one of them has PERMISSION 4. Talk to the friendly
Program (marco.exe). He tells you that you need to divert the Power Stream.
The Stream is lethal, so don't touch it. Instead, head right, into another

Turn left, and you'll find a Bin containing an email. You can't open it yet,
you need permission 2. Pick up the Build Note nearby, and kill the
sbchost.exe enemy. You can get the PRIMITIVE CHARGE Sub-routine from his
core. Now enter the narrow corridor where the Build Note was. You'll come to
a big gap. Jump on a box to the right, and climb onto more boxes until you
get to an Archive Bin. This one contains PERMISSION 4 and an UNKNOWN
SUBROUTINE (which turns out to be SUBMASK if you analyze it). From here,
look down, you should see another bin below you. Jump down and get
PERMISSION 2 from this Bin. Now continue to the other side of the gap.
On the other side, crawl into the low space in front of you. You're now
beneath a glass floor. Find the hole in the floor, and jump up. There's a
Bin here, it contains PERMISSION 2 (you already have it), and the
Sub-routines PROFILER, VIRUS SCAN and Y-AMP. When you have what you need,
lower the force field, and fight the numerous red enemies behind it. Continue
down the corridor, past two Patch Routines, and you'll find a button that
diverts the power stream. Before pressing it, you might want to disable the
Sec Rezzers in this area, it will save you a lot of trouble later on. Press
the button when you're ready. Now return to the power stream. A bunch of new
enemies will appear on the way, so be prepared. When you get to the Stream,
crawl underneath it, and get to the Data Stream.

You're now in a big circular room, consisting of a centre part and an outer
ring. In the outer ring there are four station, each with a control panel.
You need to transfer power to each control center. When you've transferred
power, the station becomes active, and more force field appear. Don't worry,
they won't really block your movement, since you can access any station from
the center part. Also, when you've transferred power and activated a station,
more enemies will appear, so keep your guard up. You can disable the Sec
Rezzer in the center to make things easier. Now, activate all four stations.
You will find some Patch Routines in the outer ring. Also in the outer ring,
there's a Bin containing PRIMITIVE CHARGE and SUBMASK. In the center there's
a Bin with an email. When all four stations are activated, walk into the
center beam to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
1.3.3 - Start of the level
1.3.8 - Use the Optimizer
1.4.0 - Get the first Build Note
1.4.2 - Get the second Build Note
1.4.7 - Find Permission 1
1.4.9 - Get the third Build Note
1.5.4 - Cycle the Power Stream
1.5.6 - Find the fourth Build Note
1.6.6 - Activate all four station
1.7.1 - Walk into the beam to end the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- At the start of the level
- In the sub-system, one of the rooms near the tunnel exit
- In the sub-system, near the Patch Routine
- In the sub-system, behind the Data Stream
- In the room with the two talking guards
- At the start of the narrow corridor
- Under the ramp underneath the Power Stream

__ __
\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ _ ____ ____ _ _ __ ___
\ \ / / _` | '_ \ / _ \| '__\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
\ V / (_| | |_) | (_) | | \ V V / (_| | | | __/
\_/ \__,_| __/ \___/|_| \_/\_/ \__,_|_| \___| #5VAP

{ Light Cycle Arena and Staging Pit }

A cut-scene will show Jet being captured by Kernel's ICP's. He is brought
before Kernel. Jet tries to explain that he is a User and he has got to
save Ma3a, but Kernel won't listen. When he's about to send Jet away, a
mysterious woman suggests to send him to the Game Grid instead of to
prison. Kernel agrees, and so you find yourself preparing for the Light
Cycle Races.

First of, walk straight forward to Wolfgang_587.exe, and talk to him. He'll
give you're a rod, you can use it to 'rez in' you Cycle once on the grid.
Go up the stairs, and you'll run into a Build Note. Go up more stairs.
You'll see two bins, one with just an email, the other one with an email
and two permissions. Open the last one (you don't have the right permission
to open the one with just the mail). Transfer an email, and of course
PERMISSIONS 2 AND 6. Now find the program called Elmer_144.exe. He'll open
the door to the practice arena.

Enter the data stream and follow the tutorial. The game is pretty clear
about this, but if you want a quick overview:
- A and S change the direction of the Cycle.
- W is used to accelerate. Keep it pressed down to stay on top speed.
- S is used to decelerate. Keep it pressed down to stay on minimal speed.
- The [;] key toggles between 'follow' and 'free' camera. I'd recommend the
free camera view. In follow mode, the camera takes some time to get back
into position when you make a turn. So if you make a lot of quick turns,
things can get messy in follow mode.
- Green fields give you an extra speed boost.
- Red fields slow you down considerably.
- Shield power-ups are used to break through an opponents trail.
- Booster power-ups are used to gain extra speed.
- Activate a power-up you've picked up by clicking the Left Mouse Button.
- Make your opponents crash into your trail or the wall to win.
When you're done training, ride over the exit icon.

Now you'll be back in the Staging Pit. You can find two new Build Notes
now, so search thoroughly. When you're done, enter the Data Stream to the
first race. If you can't find it, the Program Mozes_468.exe will show you
the way. Enter the race. You'll have to race against SK8 and Cody. Here are
some general pointers:
- Use the power-ups. Especially shield can be really useful to escape from
your opponents' traps.
- You will often find yourself racing head to head against an opponent. This
might be a nice time to use that Speed booster. Whatever you do, don't be
foolish. Don't try to cut him of if you're really close to each other:
he'll crash into you instead of into your trail.
- Sometimes, you want to lay low for a while. Let your opponents fight it
out, then finish of the victor.
- When all opponents are down, drive over the exit in the center.

When you've won, you'll once again be in the Staging Pit. Close to you are
two ICP's. One wants to vote on the next race, but he can't make up his
mind. Talk to him, and say the blue racer's going to win. You'll now hear a
report of the race, and of course blue wins. You will get 5 build points
for answering correctly. Again, you can find a new Build Note in the area.
Search well. Now talk to the Program Rttask.exe, he will congratulate you
and give you an PERMISSION. On the highest level of this room are several
niches with security lockers. You can open one locker with the permission
you've just received. The location of this locker is random. Inside you'll
find the Super Light Cycle Rod, which will give you a much better Cycle.
Now you can also get the email from the other Bin. Enter the second race,
versus Crom, Frog and Sim, and win, sing the above guidelines.

If you've collected all Build Notes so far, you'll now be at version 2.0.4,
so you have reached a new level. You can now go to the System Memory screen
and distribute the Build Points. Go for health and energy for now. After
that, locate the last Build Note in the pit, it's in one of the rooms with
lockers. Talk to all the programs that have something to say, and then enter
the final race.

You'll first be up against LAN. You can defeat it the normal way if you
want, but it's not necessary. On the radio you'll hear a report of what's
happening on the other side of the arena. You will hear that Mercury,
everyone's favorite, is acting strange. Shortly after that, she will
contact you on the radio and order you to get to the far side of the arena.
Now if you haven't defeated LAN yet, ignore him and drive away. Follow the
arena for quite a long time. After a while, you'll also meet 2D, your other
opponent, but you can ignore him. Continue to the end of the arena, and you
will see a ramp made out of debris. Race up it to end the level.
Jet meets up with Mercury. She tells him she has been sent by her user, an
anonymous Guest, to protect Ma3a. They decide to join forces.

*** NOTE: If you really suck at these Light Cycle Races, you can download
the patch from the official web-site. It allows you to skip the Races ***

>>> Versions <<<

1.7.1 - Start of the level
1.7.3 - Find first Build Note
1.7.8 - Finish the cycle tutorial
1.8.0 - Find the second Build Note
1.8.2 - Find the third Build Note
1.8.7 - Win the first race
1.9.2 - Answer 'blue' to the spooler.exe
1.9.4 - Find the fourth Build Note
1.9.9 - Get the Super Light Cycle Rod
2.0.4 - Win the second race
2.0.6 - Find the last Build Note
2.1.6 - Drive up the ramp to end the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- To your left at the start, before the first race
- After practicing, in the center area
- After practicing, on the highest level
- After the first race, near the rttask.exe
- After the second race, in one of the niches with lockers

{ Prisoner Bin }

Talk to Mercury, she will give you some basic instructions on using the rod.
Then she'll lower the force field, and you'll get the task to defeat the ICP
on the other side with the rod. The game recommends stealth, but if you just
charge at the enemy, and click away, you'll kill it before it even has the
chance to react. By the way, Mercury says you should click and hold the LMB
button to use the rod, but in my opinion it works better to click several
times really short. This way, you won't use up energy. Anyway, when the ICP
is gone, Mercury comes. Talk to her, she will tell you that you need to get
your disc back. Talk to her again and she will give you PERMISSION 1. Now
lower the force field blocking the door.

Quickly dash across the open space to the narrow corridor. You should remain
undetected. Turn around, and face the door you came from. After a while, you
will see an ICP there. Kill it, and get PERMISSION 5 from his core dump.
Right, now take a look around. You're in a big circular room. Several ICP's
are located around the room. On the center structure there are four Sec
Rezzers, and a Finder is flying around the center. There are a lot of cells,
and one security building (the only building that isn't blocked by a force
field). First, you should try to deactivate the Rezzers. Stay clear of the
Finder, since you can't destroy it at this time. Take on the enemies one by
one. It's hard to give any good tactics for this bit. Just try to stay close
to your enemies; you can't harm them at long distance.

When all the ICP's are gone, make your way to the security building. It's
the building opposite of the door you first came out of. Enter, and kill the
ICP inside (if you hadn't done that already). Search his core for an UNKNOWN
SUBROUTINE. When you've ported it, it turns out to be the SUFFISION, another
weapon. Put it into your system memory and equip it. Now it's time to take
out that Finder. Wait until it passes you, then walk underneath it and fire
the finder. You need to be pretty close, say 5 meters maximum, if you want to
hit it (the Suffusion might be powerful, but at longer ranges it has really
poor accuracy). When you've destroyed it, return to the security building.
There's a Binary Bit on a control panel, transfer power to it. Also, use the
health Patch Routine if needed.

Exit the building, and climb that big tower of blocks in front of you. You
will get to a bin containing PERMISSIONS 2 AND 6, VIRUS SCAN BETA and FUZZY
SIGNATUE ALPHA. Now climb the tower even further, until you can jump onto a
ledge. Walk around this big circular ledge until you get to a bridge leading
to the center. In the bin here you will find PERMSSION 3 and the PERIPHERAL
SEAL BETA sub-routine. Walk on the ledge around the center to find a BUILD
NOTE (not always, see below for possible locations). Cross the bridge once
more, and use the infinite Patch Routine to restore your energy. Walk back
to the tower of blocks, and climb down. Now find a cell you can open with the
permission 3 you've just found. It contains the Optimizer. You can once again
upgrade one sub-routine. If your Y-AMP is already at beta, upgrade it to
gold. If it's still only alpha, you should go with the Suffusion instead
(you'll find an Y-amp beta later in this level).

Now it's time to get out of here. Find ROMie, he's locked in one of the
cells. Talk to him, and then free him (if you can't, make sure you've
activate the Bit in the security building). He will now activate the Data
Stream next to the green Patch routine. Enter the stream, and use the I/O
node on the other side. Mercury tells you that you need to destroy two
encryption keys to continue. Enter the room behind the one you're in, and
quickly waste the lone ICP in there. Now find the two keys; they're stuck on
the center part. Use the Suffusion or the Rod to destroy them both. Use the
infinite Patch Routine if you need, then enter the elevator in the center.

You're now in a really big room. Some ICP's are standing around, but you
should not fight them, since you don't have any long-range weapons. Instead,
quick-save when the elevator stops, and then dash towards the ramp in front
of you. Pray you remain undetected. If not, you can load and try a different
timing. When you're in the top corridor, equip the Suffusion, and quickly
take care of the two ICP's and the Finder. Deactivate the Rezzers as soon as
possible. There are two big rooms adjacent to this corridor. Search them to
find an email, the Y-AMP BETA I told you about, PERMISSION 4 and a green
Patch Routine. You should also be able to find a BUILD NOTE in one of these
rooms. Now to take care of the enemies in the center. You're very vulnerable
on long distances, so my advice would be to show yourself to them, and then
lure them back to the corridor. This way you won't have to fight them from
afar. When you have killed all ICP's, check the Bin for PERMISSION 3 and the
SUFFUSION ALPHA. Go to the center of the room, and lower the force field
over the door there. Enter the Data Stream in the little building to go to
the observation tower.

First kill the two ICP's here. The Suffusion does wonders at close range.
Check the bin for PERMISSION 8, and the sub-routines POWER BLOCK, PERIPHERAL
SEAL ALPHA, and an UNKOWN SUBROUTINE. The unknown one, turns out to be the
LOL, a sweet sniper rifle. Equip it into your system memory. Now use the two
Patch Routines, and then grab your disc. Two enemies appear, kill them with
your disc. More enemies will keep spawning, so enter the Data Stream to get
back to the main circular room. Here you will also have to fight some
enemies, but you don't really need to, since their cores don't contain much
of use to you. So instead, you want to rush to the exit. There are two force
fields in this room: one in front of a window, the other one above a
staircase. Find the second one (you can't lower the one in front of the
window), and lower it using the console nearby. Go down the stairs and into
the Stream to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
2.1.6 - Start of the level
2.2.1 - Kill the first enemy with your Rod
2.2.6 - Transfer energy to the Binary bit
2.3.1 - Free ROMie
2.3.3 - Find the first Build Note
2.3.5 - Find the second Build Note
2.4.0 - Enter the Data Stream
2.4.5 - Use the I/O node
2.5.0 - Destroy both Encryption Keys
2.5.2 - Find the third Build Note
2.5.4 - Find the last Build Note.
2.6.4 - Retrieve your Disc
2.7.4 - End the level by entering the Stream

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- Behind one of the cells
- On the big circular ledge, near the tower of blocks
- On the center part. Walk around on the ledge from the bin with
permission 8.
- In one of the rooms adjacent to the corridor with the Finder
- In the small room with the Data Stream leading to the tower
- In the observation tower

{ Transport Station }

You'll first have a little chat with Ma3a, Byte and Mercury. The last one
orders you to access the Transport Terminal. The node deactivates, and three
ICP's appear through the Stream behind the window. The best way to go is to
bash your disc against the window to lure them to you, then kill them as they
charge towards you. Use the Infinite Patch Routine if needed. In the next
room you can also find a red one. Open the Bin here for PERMISSION 2 and
VIRUS SCAN GOLD. Now go past the Sec Rezzer, through the corridor, and into
the big area.

If you have the LOL, use it here to take out the ICP's on higher platforms.
Also watch out for the Finder that is flying around somewhere above you. When
all programs are destroyed, go right and walk up a ramp, this will take you
to the level where those enemies were. Cross the light bridge to the left,
and pick up the BUILD NOTE. In the Archive Bin here you will find PERMISSIONS
2 AND 3, VIRAL SHIELD ALPHA, and VIRUS SCAN BETA. Cross the bridge again, and
access the Bin with an email. After reading it, go down the ramp again. On
the other side of the gap you'll see a couple of bright yellow holes. Blocks
come out of them, and disappear into them. Jump on top of a block coming from
the left hole, and it will carry you up. After a while, you come past a ledge
that has an Optimizer on it, jump onto it. Use the Optimizer (upgrading the
Y-AMP to gold is a good idea), and grab the BUILD NOTE that is (probably)

Now you need to get to the other side, to that Infinite Patch Routine. Wait
until a block comes up (via the same way as the one you rode up). When it
reaches your level, it will either go to the right or to the other side. Jump
on one that goes to the other side, and jump off to the Patch. Now follow the
path of blocks, to a Bin with PERMISSION 5 and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE
(SEQUENCER ALPHA). Return to the Patch Routine, and continue to the end of
the ledge. Jump onto a very narrow ledge to the right, and then via some
darker blocks to the other side. Here you can find more moving blocks, these
will go down. Jump on one that goes down, and when you come past a big ledge,
jump on it. Activate the bridge if want, but you don't need to. When you land
on the ledge you'll get the order to find an I/O node. Use the one at the end
of the next corridor. Mercury will order you to release the Mooring Apps.

Turn right, and you'll find yourself in an area filled with blocks. There
are also some ICP's luring here, and a Finder. Take them out any way you like.
Amongst the cubes there's a Bin with an email, but you can't access it yet.
If you climb some blocks here, you can also find an Infinite Patch Routine
and a BUILD NOTE. When you've got everything from this area, go to the
slightly lower area behind the console. Another BUILD NOTE is hidden
somewhere amongst these blocks. There a Bin on top of some blocks, get an
email and PERMISSION 5 from it. Now go up the ramp to the higher part of the
room. In the center of the tower of cubes you can find another Bin, this one
contains an email and PERMISSION 1. Enter the door behind the cubes, and kill
the ICP's inside.

In the room you're in you will find two Patch Routines and a well-filled
PROFILER BETA. Now enter the other door. Another BUILD NOTE is in plain
sight. There's also a friendly program walking around, ignore him for now.
With the permissions you now have you can use the console here to release the
first Mooring App. Now return to the second I/O node from this level. You will
have to battle several new enemies on your way back. In the area with all
the blocks (with the white Patch on one of them), you can now open the Bin
and read the email. Now enter one of the corridors here to get to the
Transport Terminal. Use the two consoles here to release the other two
Mooring Apps. Now you can enter the ship. Ignore the new enemies that appear,
and cross the bridge to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
2.7.4 - Start of the level
2.7.6 - After the first I/O conversation
2.7.8 - Get the first Build Note
2.8.0 - Get the second Build Note
2.8.2 - Activate the second I/O node
2.8.4 - Get the third Build Note
2.8.6 - Get the fourth Build Note
2.8.8 - Get the last Build Note
2.9.0 - Enter the Transport Terminal
2.9.3 - Release all Mooring Apps
3.0.3 - Cross the bridge to end the level

>>> Build Notes locations <<<
- Across the light bridge in the big area
- Near the Optimizer
- In the area with all the cubes, near the Infinite Patch Routine
- In the same room, the lower area, behind some more cubes
- Near the first Mooring App release button

{ Primary Digitizing }

Right, you've finally made it to Ma3a. Mercury first suggests that you split
up. She leaves. Ma3a will contact Jet on the I/O node, and she will give him
a Ball. Now, first get into the Energy Pool to recharge your energy. Check
the Bin here for an email. Now, open the door, and kill the two ICP's to the
right. Check the Core Dumps: one of them has got PERMISSION 4. Also, you can
find a red Patch Routine here. Now you'll be attacked by a Z-Lot standing on a
bridge. Kill it, and continue to the friendly Program. She tells you that she
feels sorry for Byte, being treated like that. Climb the blocks here, and
jump to the bridge from where the Z-Lot attacked you. Here you might find a
BUILD NOTE. You can see the enemies in the area from here, but they can see
you too. Get into cover, equip your LOL, then strafe out of cover and kill
the Z-Lots. Go for headshots if you can. When you have killed all four
enemies, jump down to the next area.

More Z-Lots appear, so have your Disc or the LOL ready. When you've killed
them all, recharge your energy in the pool. To the left and right of this big
area are two rooms. Get to the one that contains two Bins. Search the Bin on
the right for PERMISSION 3. The other Bin, with the three Sub-routines,
probably have them already. Cross the area with the pool, and open the
Archive Bin with the four Sub-routines. You can ignore the PROFILER ALPHA and
which you already have too. The only thing of interest in this Bin is the
SEQUENCER BETA. Recharge your energy again, and find another Bin for an
email. Now find Byte, he's floating around in one corner. Talk to him, and
he will open a door on the other side of the area. By the way, after finding
Byte you'll probably be at version 3 or higher, so spend some time upgrading
yourself. Go for the energy and the health for now.

Enter, and head right. If you look down, you will probably see a BUILD NOTE.
Also, if you turn around and look at the doorway you just came through, you
might see the Optimizer. Drop down and kill the ICP's. You can use the two
Bins here as a shield. When the enemies are all gone, check out the Bin with
the email in it. It also contains LOL ALPHA and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE. The
unknown stuff turns out to be FUZZY SIGNATURE BETA. Check out the other Bin,
BALL LAUNCHER. Get all of it, and then go into the big room. There are three
big doors here, but only one leads to an important area, the other ones just
lead to dead ends. Open the big door, and enter the room behind it. Three
more ICP's to kill. Also disable the Sec Rezzers, so they won't give you any
more trouble. You can also find two more BUILD NOTES in this room. The
Optimizer can also be here, so check the area thoroughly if you didn't yet
find it.

Anyway, when you walk through the room Mercury will order you to destroy the
docking seals. To do this, transfer energy to the Bit in it. When you've
transferred energy to both Bits, Ma3a will be free, and you need to get out
of here. Return to the previous room to find a friendly Program. Talk to him
three times, and he'll give you a PERMISSION. With it you can call the
elevator. You can find the button for the elevator on a wall near the
Program. Ride the platform up. Now you'll be back at the start. There are a
lot more Z-Lots now, and to make matters worse, a red Reformat Wall is
approaching from the left. Touch this and you're dead. So quickly turn right,
run past the two Z-Lots (while shooting your Disc at them), and climb the
blocks like you did before. Drop down into the pool area, and cross it to
find Byte near the force field. Talk to him, he will now try to lower the
field. In the meantime, you have to fight off the Z-Lots that attack. The LOL
does wonders here, especially if you're good at making head-shots. When the
red barrier is only five meters away, Byte finally gets the field down. Run
past it.

Kill the Z-Lots that appear in your way quickly. Don't forget to absorb their
Cores: you will need the health and energy they give you. After a long path,
you'll arrive in a circular area. The Exit Stream in the center is still off-
line. Byte will try to activate it, but it will take some time, so you once
again have to fight off the numerous enemies that attack. Try to stay in
cover most of the times. By the way, if you haven't found all Build Notes at
this point yet, you might find one in one of the corridors leading to this
ring. Check quickly, because soon these corridors will become inaccessible
because of the barrier. When the red barrier approaches, go to the center.
You will now see a cut-scene: Byte activates the Stream, and Jet and Ma3a
enter it, leaving poor Mercury behind. She is erased by the barrier.

>>> Versions <<<
3.0.3 - Start of the level
3.0.5 - After the I/O conversation
3.0.7 - Get the first Build Note
3.0.9 - Get the second Build Note
3.1.4 - Talk to Byte
3.1.6 - Get the third Build Note
3.1.8 - Enter the processing docks
3.2.0 - Get the fourth Build Note
3.2.2 - Get the last Build Note
3.2.5 - Transfer energy to both Bits
3.3.5 - Free Ma3a
3.4.5 - End of level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- Amongst the blocks near Yvonne 660
- On the bridge above Yvonne 660
- In the pool area, near the red Patch Routine
- After Byte lowers the force field, go right and drop down
- In the room with all the consoles, behind one of the consoles
- In the processing dock
- Another one in the processing dock
- In one of the corridors leading to the Exit Stream-ring, near a red Patch

_ ____ _
| | ___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ / ___|___ __| | ___
| | / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ __| | | | | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
| |__| __/ (_| | (_| | (__| |_| | | |__| (_) | (_| | __/
|_____\___|\__, |\__,_|\___|\__, | \____\___/ \__,_|\___| #5LEG
|___/ |___/

{ Alan's Desktop PC }

Ah, you made it into the PC of your old man. It's time to discover a bit
about the background story, and to introduce the bad guys. Talk to Ma3a,
and open the Bin she's next to. Transfer the video file. You see Alan,
who is approached by people from the company fCon. They want to but Alan's
digitizing techniques, but Alan refuses. After that, talk to Ma3a some
more, and she'll get a call from the mysterious Guest. Follow her to an
I/O node. You can't access it tough. Ma3a says that you will first need to
activate the four programs that will then reconfigure the comport. The
four programs are in the hallway ahead of you. To bring the communication
back online, they have to operate the four stations in front of you. But
only one station is accessible, the others are blocked by a ring. Now first
talk to Program 02, he will get to his console. Now find the other I/O node.
Next to it is a panel, you can use this to rotate the rings around the
consoles. Use it once, then talk to Program 03, he can now access his
console. Cycle the rings again, and talk to 01. Finally, cycle it once more
and send 04 to his console. Now return to Ma3a, and talk. Head to the I/O
node next to the panel you used to cycle the rings, and use it. Guest will
babble something about Tron. You now need to find three parts of an email
about Tron Legacy.

Go to where the four Programs were, and head left. Around the corner you
can find a BUILD NOTE. There are three Bins here. One has got an email, the
other one contains LOL APLHA and an email, and the last one has a permission,
but you can't open it yet. Now use the button next to the force field, and a
bridge will appear. Walk on it until you come to two Patch Routines. Here,
turn left, and talk to the Program. He will get the first part of the email
for you. Now continue over the bridge (be careful of the green Finder that
is flying around). Enter the data Stream at the end. This next area is very
similar to the one you just left. One Bin contains an email and PERMISSION 5.
The other one has got TRIANGULATE BETA and an unknown sub-routine, which
turns out to be SUFFUSION BETA. Now activate the bridge and walk to the
center. Before talking to the Program, equip your LOL. Now talk, you will
have to destroy three Finders before he will get the file. Do so, and he'll
retrieve the second part for you. Also watch out for more Finder patrolling
the area around the bridge. Now head to the end of the bridge, and enter the
Data Stream. Get the email from the Bin and activate the bridge. Get to the
center, and talk to the Program there. This time you have to take out five
Finders, so keep your LOL ready. Don't be afraid to search for some cover.
Also, once again, keep an eye out for other Finders, patrolling over the
bridge. When all Finders are gone, the Program will get the last part of
the email for you.

To summarize it: Alan was working on Tron Legacy, a new version of the
original Tron Program. But then his boss put him on another project, and,
though surprised a first, Alan agreed. He put Tron Legacy away in a certain
section of the network. You've guessed it: you need to find it! Anyway,
head to the end of the bridge and use the I/O node there. Then walk onto the
elevator behind it, and go up. You'll be bear the start again. Grab the
BUILD NOTE on this side of the gap. You can't open the Bin here yet. When
you leave the elevator room, new ICP's will appear, so have your Disc or
the Ball Launcher ready. Turn right, to the part where you activated the
first big bridge. Now you can open the Bin with the permission, to get
PERMISSION 3. Return to the elevator, you can now open the Bin here. Search
email. The unknown stuff is the VIRUS SCAN BETA, but you already have better,
so ignore it. Now return to the Stream where you started this level. Fight
a handful of enemies on the way. When you're there, activate it using the
control panel nearby. Enter it to end this short level.

>>> Versions <<<
3.4.5 - Start of the level
3.5.0 - Watch the video
3.5.6 - Reconfigure the comport
3.5.8 - Talk with Guest
3.6.0 - Find the first Build Note
3.6.5 - Get the first part of the email
3.6.7 - Find the second Build Note
3.7.0 - Destroy the three Finders in the second part
3.7.6 - Get the second part of the email
3.7.8 - Destroy the five Finders in the third part
3.8.8 - Get the last part of the email
3.9.0 - Use the I/O node after the last bridge
3.9.2 - Get the last Build Note
3.9.7 - Acquire permission 8
4.0.7 - Finish this level by stepping into the Exit Stream

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- At the four Programs, turn left, and check the wall to the left
- At the end of the first bridge, to the left
- At the start of the third bridge, to the left
- At the elevator, either make the dangerous jump at the start or wait until
the end to get it

____ _ ____ _ _
/ ___| _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ | _ \ ___| |__ ___ ___ | |_
\___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ | |_) / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|
___) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | | | _ < __/ |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
|____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\___|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|
|___/ #5SYS

{ Packet Transport }

And so, Jet and Ma3a are off to find the Tron Legacy Program. We find them
on a Transport. When the train passes a security check, Jet is detected and
he must now find a place to lay low for a while.

First, let me tell you a bit about the train. It consists of three wagons,
you're currently in wagon 1. All the doors in this wagon are labeled with an
'1'. Each wagon has got two floors. You're now at the top floor of wagon one.
Also, in this car the top floor is divided into two parts. From now on, I
will call these sides 'left' and 'right'. These directions are seen from the
point where you start, so when you start you will face forward, with Left on
your left and Right on your...right. So, this means you start in the back of
wagon 1, on the second floor, on the right side. Do you still follow? Don't
worry, the level structure isn't as complex as you might think, so you'll
probably find everything with ease.

Talk to the red Program in front of you for some rather useless information.
Walk past her, and you'll come to a door. You can't open it yet. Next to the
door are two Bins: one contains an email, the other one contains PERMISSION 1
and CLUSTER ALPHA. The Cluster is an upgrade of your normal Disc. Use the Red
Patch next to the Bins if needed. Now go down the ramp in this part, and
you'll arrive in the passengers' area. Here you'll be attacked by three
ICP's. When they're all down, search their cores for some useful things:
PERMISSIONS 1 AND 3, and the PROFILER GOLD. In the passengers' area, talk to
the program named J.J. He'll tell you that you can hide out in the Recognizer
Tug, at the end of the train. Now locate the ramp upwards on the left side of
the train (to remind you: the left side here is the side on your left hand
when you're facing the doors labeled '1'). On this floor, you can find a
BUILD NOTE near the back of the wagon. Use the infinite Patch Routine here,
and download PERMISSION 6 from the Bin. Now you can open those doors with an
1 on them. Open the door near the Bin you got permission 6 from, and get the
BUILD NOTE behind it.

Return to the first floor of the first wagon. New ICP's will have appeared,
take them out quickly. Now go to the front of the wagon, on the left side.
Near the door, you will find a bunch of cubes. Hidden amongst them is an
Archive Bin with PERMISSION 2 and two UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINES. These are SUPPORT
SAFEGUARD ALPHA and FUZZY SIGNATURE BETA, so it's nothing you don't already
have. Now enter the door next to this Bin. You'll find yourself on the bridge
that connects wagons 1 and 2. You might find another BUILD NOTE on this
bridge. Enter wagon 2. This area looks like a maze, and it's filled with
ICP's and Finders. The Suffusion is a good choice here, although it's better
to take the Finders out with the Disc. Clear this area, and then find a block
that isn't as high as the other ones, so you can jump onto it. First, walk
past it, and turn left to get to two Bins. One contains an email, the other
one has PERMISSION 2. Now, return to the slightly lower block, and climb it
to get to the walkway above.

An ICP's waiting here for you. When you've killed it, check is core to find
PERMISSION 4. Continue on this blue walkway, until you see a gap to your left
(around five meters before the door). Jump down, and grab the BUILD NOTE that
might be here (random positions, remember). Destroy another Finder, and
possibly some ICP's too. Find another Bin here too. It contains PERMISSION 4,
BASE DAMPING ALPHA, and TRIANGULATE BETA. Now, enter the doors here to come
to the bridge connecting wagons 2 and 3. Enter wagon three. This car is very
similar to the first one, so behind the first door is another passengers'
area. Kill the ICP's here, and grab PERMISSIONS 7 AND 8 from their cores.
Locate the Bin in this area, it contains PERMISSION 5. You should now have
all permissions. Climb the ramp on the left side of the train. Here you'll
find a Bin with PERMISSION 7, PROFILER GOLD and Y-AMP BETA, so you don't
really need any of it. Here, walk to the back of the wagon, and open the
door. You should now be on a higher ledge above the bridge between wagons 2
and 3. On this small ledge you can find the Optimizer. Go for some weapons
now. Upgrading your LOL is a good plan.

Return to the first floor of wagon 3, and climb the ramp on the right side
of the train. The Bins here contain an email and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE, which
turns out to be SUFFUSION BETA, so it's safe to leave it alone. Also, walk
past the Rezzer, and get the last BUILD NOTE. Return to the lower floor, and
enter one of the doors at the front of the train. You will be on another
bridge, and a Program is walking on it. He'll tell you how to get to the Tug.
Enter the wagon again, and climb the ramp on the left or right side. Climb
up the ramp, and approach the door at the front of the train. You should see
an exit icon when you're near. Open the door to end this level.

>>> Versions <<<
4.0.7 - At the start of the level
4.0.9 - Get the first Build Note
4.1.1 - Get the second Build Note
4.1.3 - Get the third Build Note
4.1.5 - Get the fourth Build Note
4.1.7 - Get the last Build Note
4.2.7 - End the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- Wagon 1, floor 2, right side, near the back
- Between wagons 1 and 2, on higher ledge. Access it from wagon 1,
floor 2, right side
- Between wagons 1 and 2, on the main connection bridge
- Wagon 2, floor 1, near the front
- Wagon 3, floor 2, left side, near the back of the wagon

{ Power Regulator }

You will now probably be at version 4.0.7, so it's time to upgrade. You
should already have decent stats for energy and health, so I suggest
upgrading your Weapon Efficiency stats. Believe me, it will really come in
handy in the next few levels. Now take a look around. You're in the center of
a big room. On either side is one ICP. You can snipe these from here, or look
for some close combat. It's your choice, they aren't really a threat anyway.
Now climb the blocks you started under, and you can find a BUILD NOTE. Locate
Byte, he's circling around a force field. You can't lower it yet, so go the
other way instead. Get PERMISSIONS 5 AND 6 from the Bin here. You can climb a
lot of blocks to get to that other Bin, it contains a video about the
Datawraiths. Now get to the force field Byte's still flying around. First use
the two Patch Routines, and search the area for another BUILD NOTE. Now lower
the field around the Stream, and enter the communication core.

You will get an I/O request from Ma3a, so time to find a node. Equip your
LOL and look into the corridor on the right. You can easily snipe some ICP's
and a Finder from here. Practice your head shots. Now enter the corridor where
they were, and take down any remaining enemies. You will soon find the I/O
node on your right, but you can't use it yet, because you don't have the
right permission. Continue down the hallway until you get to a couple of
Bins. One contains three emails (with more information about fCon's
employees). The other one has got PERMISSION 2, BASE DAMPING ALPHA, and
SUBMASK BETA. Now return to the I/O node and access it. Ma3a will order you
to overpower the communication bits. Now continue to the end of the corridor,
and enter the Data Stream here. More ICP's are waiting for you in the next
area. You can use your LOL again if you still have sufficient energy. Also
watch out for the Finder. When you've cleared out the corridor, find the Bin
here. It contains PERMISSIONS 1 AND 6, and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE. This
turns out to be VIRUS SCAN GOLD, which you probably already have. From the
Bin, head left, and then take a turn to the right. You can find a red Patch
Routine here, and possibly a BUILD NOTE too. If you can't find the Note near
the Patch, it might be near the Sec Rezzer further along the corridor.

Now walk through this hallway until you get to a big, circular room. Walk
past the friendly Program, and use the two Patches if you need. Now, on the
other side of this room, two ICP's are patrolling. If you can take them out
from here (with the LOL), you can save yourself a lot of trouble later. After
that, go to the right end of the walkway. Soon, a platform will appear. It
will go counter-clockwise, to the walkway with the ICP's on it. Jump on it,
and walk along. You have to hurry, because the little bridge disappears
behind you. When you're near the end, you will also have to jump over some
gaps, so stay on your toes. When you've finally reached the other side
(phew), kill any remaining ICP's, and then enter one of the three hallways
leading away from this room. At the end of each corridor, you will find one
of the communication bits. Transfer power to all three Bits. Now you need to
get back to the other side of the room, so you once again have to ride a
moving platform. Good luck.

When you've reached the other side, Use the two patches, and then get ready
for a lot of ICP's coming your way. Kill them, and recharge again. If the red
Patch Routine gets depleted, backtrack to the other one. Now turn right at
the friendly Program, onto a bridge that wasn't there before. When you cross
the first part of the bridge, ICP's will spawn from behind, so watch out!
First take quick care of the enemies in front of you, and then prepare
yourself for the ones coming from the back. When you've finally defeated all
enemies, you can take some time to check out the Bins. One has got an email,
the other one contains CLUSTER ALPHA and FUZZY SIGNATURE BETA. You can also
find the last BUILD NOTE in this area. Now continue to the end, and you will
find Ma3a near the Data Stream. Enter it to end this level.

>>> Versions <<<
4.2.7 - Start of the level
4.2.9 - Find the first Build Note
4.3.1 - Find the second Build Note
4.3.6 - Enter the Communication Core
4.3.8 - Contact Ma3a via the I/O Node
4.4.0 - Find the third Build Note
4.5.0 - Transfer energy to all three Bits
4.5.2 - Find the last Build Note
4.6.2 - Enter the Data Stream to end the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the first area, near the force field Byte's circling around
- In the first area, on top of the blocks under which you start
- In the Communication Core, after going up one level, near a red
Patch Routine
- Near a Sec Rezzer in the Communication Core
- Just before the end, on the left side

{ Power Oculus }

So, now Ma3a and Jet need to reboot the system in which Tron Legacy was
stored. You start in a big area. Ma3a asks you to clean out the area, take
out every ICP and Finder. There are several approaches here, you can just
charge like mad and kill everything in your path, or you can take up a
strategic position near the start, equip your LOL, and kill any enemy that
charges at you with a headshot. When you've cleared out the area, Ma3a will
float to a socket. Before meeting up with her, check out the area. There are
two Patch Routines near the start. Beyond them are a couple of blocks against
the left wall, between them you might find a BUILD NOTE. Two out of three
Build Notes will be hidden in this first area anyway. Check the list at the
bottom of this chapter. There's also an Exit Stream in the area, but it's not
active. Near the Stream you will find a Bin with TRIANGULATE ALPHA, an
UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE, PERMISSION 4 and an email. The unknown stuff is
TRIANGULATE BETA. Now climb the blocks near this Bin, and you'll reach
another Archive Bin. This one contains a video. It shows fCon employees, they
talk about the digitizing code and a program called the Seeker. Get down
safely, and check out the Bin near Ma3a. It contains SUBMASK BETA, SUPPORT
She will order you to activate the Power Oculus. Take the platform that
appears downwards.

Talk to the Program, Chuckles. He thinks you're here to replace him, and he
shows you a bit about the Oculus. It seems that before you can operate the
Oculus, you have to align the lenses. Ignore the two Bins here: you can't
access them yet. Instead, cross the bridge with the blocks on it. Turn left,
and walk past the friendly Programs. In the next area, kick the behind of the
ICP. You can get PERMISSION 6 from his core (and from the cores of most other
enemies in this area as well). Now cross the bridge. Another ICP is waiting
for you, and a Finder is accompanying him. You will also see a Data Stream,
but don't enter it yet. Instead, turn left, and find the Optimizer next to
the two Patch Routines. If your Ball Launcher is still only at alpha, upgrade
it now. If not, go for a defensive sub-routine. Now enter the Data Stream.
Jump to the Bin on the left for two emails and CLUSTER ALPHA. To your right
you'll see the Oculus and the four lenses. You need to get all four lenses
down. Two are already down. You can move the lenses up and down by using the
Bit next to the lenses. There are also a lot of little platforms hanging
above the gap. Using a Bit will not only change the position of the lens, it
will also change the pattern of the platforms.

First go right, and you will see the first Bit on your right. It's
activated, meaning that the lens is down. Deactivate it, now more platforms
will appear, so you can move to the next Bit. You will find Bit 2 on the left
side. Ignore it, and jump onto the moving platform beyond it. Follow the left
wall to the end. Look on your left to find Bit 4. It's activated, but you
need to deactivate it for now. More platforms appear. Get to the other wall,
and retrace your steps to find Bit 3. Activate it. Now return, and activate
Bits 4, 2 and 1 (in this order). Now all four lenses should be down, and you
can return to the panel near the start of this section (where you met
Chuckles). Enter the Data Stream again. On your way back to the platform you
have to kill a bunch of new ICP's. when you're near the elevator, open the
two Bins with the permissions you got from the enemies you've defeated. The
first one contains an email, and both the alpha and beta version of the LOL.
Use the panel that Chuckles has shown you to activate the Oculus.

Now Ma3a will hail you, and say you need to return to her at once to protect
her from the ICP's. Take the Elevator up. Ma3a will order you to enter the
tower and take out any ICP's that attack her. Equip your LOL, and recharge
your energy. Now enter the Data Stream. You will have to fight them of for
over two minutes. To your left you will see Ma3a. You should focus on the
ground to the right of her, since all attacking ICP's have to walk over it
to reach Ma3a. If they reach her, you loose. Note that your LOL has now
become a one-hit, one-kill weapon, so you won't have to bother about making
headshots. When the timer reaches 1:40, a big wave will come. After this
wave (1:30), there will be a short pause, so quickly head to the Patch
Routine and recharge. You can also do this when there are about 40 seconds
left. Take advantage of these pauses, you don't want to find out that you're
out of energy in the middle of a wave. Just stay cool, and focus on the
ground to the right of Ma3a, and you should be fine. When the timer reaches
zero, a Finder appears. Jet draws its attention, and then jumps into the
Exit Stream. Time for a Boss Fight.

>>> Versions <<<
4.6.2 - Start of the level
4.6.7 - Kill all the enemies in the first area
4.6.9 - Find the first Build Note
4.7.1 - Find the second Build Note
4.7.3 - Find the last Build Note
4.7.8 - Align the lenses
4.8.8 - Activate the Power Oculus
4.9.8 - End the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the first area, amongst the block at the left wall
- Near the Exit Stream in the first area
- On top of some blocks in the center of the first area
- In the part with the Oculus, in the area with the two friendly Programs

_ _ _ _ _
/ \ _ __ | |_(_) __ _ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ __| |
/ _ \ | '_ \| __| |/ _` | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \/ _` |
/ ___ \| | | | |_| | (_| | |_| | (_| | || __/ (_| |
/_/ \_\_| |_|\__|_|\__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__\___|\__,_| #5ANT

{ Abandoned Test Grid }

You now have to find the Seeker boss on an abandoned test grid in the
company's old mainframe. The big purple snake has got 1800 HP. He can move
underground from one place in the grid to another. If you touch the purple
trail he makes when he's moving underground, you'll sustain heavy damage. He
only has got one attack, which is shooting purple rays at you. You'll get hit
by these, even if you keep moving all the time, but the damage they do isn't
that great.

First, set your sub-routines. Profiler is useful to check your progress.
Installing the Ball Launcher and the LOL is also a good idea. Fill the rest
up with defensive sub-routines. Now take a look at the grid. There's a white
Patch Routine on one side, and a red one on the other. There are several
transparent blocks on the grid. You can hide behind these, but the Seeker can
destroy them with his rays, so watch out. When they break, they'll regenerate
after a while. Also note that during the fight your system will sometimes
become infected or something. This means you're much slower and more
vulnerable for some time.

Time to get started. Equip your LOL or your Ball Launcher, since these do
the most damage. I prefer the LOL, since it's slightly easier to aim here. The
LOL does about 40 damage per shot (on beta), the Ball Launcher also something
like that. Now, face the Seeker and blast away. Keep strafing while doing
this, so you will dodge most of his rays. Recharge at the Patches when you
need to. After you've done a certain amount of damage to the boss, the system
will get 'corrupted'. This means the Seeker disappears, and some new enemies
appear. You first have to kill these foes (they're called Resource Hogs).
Grab their cores for some free energy. They're armed with the Suffusion, so
they can't do much at longer ranges. The LOL is your friend. When you've
killed them all, the Seeker will come back and it will start again. So there
isn't really much tactics needed for this boss: just try to keep your health
high, and blast away. Don't forget to quick-save from time to time though.
You'll get it within ten minutes. When the boss goes down, so does the grid
you're on. Jet falls down to the next level.

>>> Versions <<<
4.9.8 - Start of the level
5.0.8 - Defeat the Seeker

{ Processing Core }

Jet lands in the old mainframe and meets up with I-No, an ancient Program
that knows everything. Talk to him for a bit, and then access the I/O node
near him. Ma3a can't enter this system, because it can't handle her. Then
Byte suggests to overclock the system. And who's the man to do that? Yes,
it's Jet. Get to the force field nearby. I-No will follow you, and lower it
for you. Now you enter an area with tanks. These things are indestructible,
so don't waste your time shooting at them. There are two tanks on each side,
so four in total. You need to run over the platforms between those two sides,
and reach the other side of the room. To make it even worse, those grey
platforms will disappear when it's shot by a tank, so you have to be quick.
You're relatively safe on the brown platforms, these won't disappear. Follow
the path of platforms over the pit. As long as you keep moving, chances of
getting hit are pretty low. When a grey block in front of you collapses,
quickly turn around and run back to the nearest brown platform. Wait there
until the gray one comes back.

Eventually, with some quick-saving and –loading, you will reach the tower
of blocks on the other side. Just before that tower you will find the first
BUILD NOTE. Behind it, you will find two much-needed Patch Routines. The
Optimizer is crawling on the back wall near these Routines. Upgrade a
defensive sub-routine now. Now look at that tower of blocks. At the bottom
there's a Bin, it contains PERMISSION 3 and an email. Now you need to climb.
When you're on top of the Bin, facing the tanks, jump onto the block to your
left. From there, turn around so that you face the Bin, and jump onto the
block to your right again. Now climb up one more block, and you'll reach a
BUILD NOTE. Needless to say, you have to do the jumping very quickly, because
the tanks are still shooting at you. When you have the Note, get back down to
the ground safely. With the permission you just got you can operate the
elevator in the center of the room. Take a quick dash towards that black
structure in the center. The tanks won't hit you if you keep moving. Near the
center there are some panels, use it and the elevator will go up, bringing
you away from those darn tanks.

When you've reached the top, you first have to fight some Resource Hogs.
They're not too tough. Remember that, because they're armed with the
Suffusion, they are VERY powerful at close range, but almost harmless at
longer ranges. Use the Patch Routines here. Now operate all four panels in
the center part. It doesn't seem to work. Access the I/O node nearby. I-No
will tell you that you need to restore the power to the processor. You'll now
probably be at version 5.0.1, so time to upgrade again. Weapon Efficiency is
a good choice. Enter the Data Stream in the center. Talk to the friendly
Program for some completely useless information. Go down the flight of
stairs, and up the other stairs. Here are some Bins, but you can only access
the one with the email. Go down the stairs, and turn left. You'll be attacked
by some Hogs. Grab PERMISSION 5 and PERIPHERAL SEAL BETA from their cores.

This area consists of four stations, placed around a circular highway. Each
station has a panel. Two are already active, you need to activate the other
two. You can only travel on the highway in clockwise direction. So, follow
the arrows, and you'll be warped to the next station. More Hogs to fight
here. In this station you can also find a BUILD NOTE. You can't access the
Bin and the panel yet. Continue on the highway to the next station. Fight
some more Hogs. One of them has got POERMISSION 8 in his core. Use the red
Patch Routine here, and grab the last BUILD NOTE. Now get on the highway
again, to the next station. After fighting the Hogs (it gets predictable, I
know), go up the stairs on the left and access the Bin to get PERMISSION 6
and SEQUENCER A. You can now use the panel in this station. When you do so,
more Resource Hogs will attack. Their Cores contains PERMISSIONS 5 AND 8.
After that, step into the highway again, and you'll be back at the first
station. Get to the following station. You can now access the Bins here for
activate the panel here too. Follow the highway back to the first station
(with the friendly Program), and activate the I/O Node to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
5.0.8 - Start of the level
5.1.0 - After the first I/O conversation
5.1.2 - Get the first Build Note
5.1.4 - Get the second Build Note
5.1.9 - Co figurate all four Gate Jumpers
5.2.1 - After the second I/O conversation (with I-No)
5.2.3 - Get the third Build Note
5.2.5 - Get the last Build Note
5.3.7 - Reactivate both stations
5.3.9 - Use the I/O node to end the level

>>> Build Note Locations <<<
- In the tank area, in front of the tower of cubes
- On that tower
- In the second station
- In the third station

{ Ancient Grid Arena }

Jet meets up with Ma3a and I-No. When they're talking things over, they are
detected. The grid comes to live, and Jet has to race to survive. First,
you'll be against three opponents coming from the left. Quickly grab the
Trail Spike, and use it to finish off the cyclists that escape the confusion
of their first turn. Now the path to the next Grid opens, but it's guarded by
Tanks! Well, that sound more scary than it is. Just keep your gas pressed
down, and the shots have very little chance of hitting you. When you get to
the second arena, you have to defeat more cyclists. Don't worry if you loose
here: you will restart at the beginning of the second Grid. When you've
beaten them too, go through another path filled with tanks, to the last Grid.
Win here too, and drive over the Exit Ring to end this short but fun level.
If you have much problem with winning the races, Try practicing for a bit in
the 'Light Cycle' mode. If you can beat most races there, this level
shouldn't be much of a problem.

>>> Versions <<<
5.3.9 - Start of the level
5.4.9 - End the level by driving over the Exit Ring

{ Main Power Pipeline }

Ma3a and I-No have already found the Tron Legacy code. You now need to meet
them, but the system seems to be falling apart. After the I/O conversation,
Defeat the two Resource Hogs behind the blocks. Use the white Patch Routine
if you need to. The bridge ahead is out, so instead turn right, and into a
small corridor on the left. You will find a BUILD NOTE between some blocks
here, and a Binary Bit on top of one. Transfer energy to the Bit, then return
to the first part. Use the Bit when it has flown back to its socket. Now
cross the bridge, and kill a couple of Hogs on the other side. There's a red
Patch Routine here, and a Bin. It contains BASE DAMPING BETA, PERMISSION 2,
PERIPHERAL SEAL ALPHA. Now continue by going up the ramp. When you reach the
top of the ramp, you'll be attacked by a lot of Hogs at once. Equip you're
Ball Launcher, retreat onto the ramp, and blast away whenever one of these
Hogs shows his face. Then enter the room and finish off any remaining
enemies. To the left you will find two Archive Bins, each one contains an
email. There's also another BUILD NOTE on the path around the big pit.

Now enter the next room. It's very big, with a lot of platforms floating
around. When you enter, a three minute timer starts. You need to press three
buttons to make the timer stop and thus prevent a meltdown. Walk to the
center, and jump on a platform to the left. You need to get to that ledge
with the BUILD NOTE on it. There are several ways to go. Just remember that
falling damage seems to have increased dramatically in this room, so you
can't fall more than 2 or 3 meters without damage. Try to figure out the
pattern of the platforms, and see what platform get close to the ledge you
need to reach. Quick-save often, because a mistake is easily made. Also,
equip the Y-AMP to make stuff easier. When you've reached the first ledge,
grab the Build Note and press the button. You will now get an extra minute on
the timer. Next to where the Note was is a platform that goes up a long way.
Ride it up, and then follow the platforms to the ledge above you. This time,
the patterns are a lot easier, so it should be no problem. When you get to
the ledge, press the button. Now you need to get all the way down, the path
of platforms starts near this ledge. Getting down is no problem, but getting
onto the ledge is. You need to jump on the ledge from a small platform (two
pieces), that goes all the way down to the yellow grid, and then up a long
way. When you've reached the last ledge, press the button here too.

The platform you're on will now start to rise. Equip your LOL, and look
above you. You should see two Finders near the top of the room, take them out.
When you're at the top, walk to the center. Kill the Hogs that attack, and
then search the Bin. It contains CORRODE ALPHA, CORRODE BETA, PERMISSION 5
and an email. Close to this Bin is another one with a mail. Now enter the next
room. From the entrance, jump onto the block to the right, and keep jumping
until you get to a wall. The Optimizer is crawling on this wall. Upgrade
whatever you want, I'd recommend going for one of the stronger weapons (Ball
Launcher, LOL). Return to the entrance, and then jump over the blocks on the
left side to reach the last BUILD NOTE. To the left you will find two more
Bins, one contains PERMISSION 3, the other an email. Use the Infinite Patch
Routine here, and then approach the friendly Program. He won't let you pass.
Talk to him a few times, and the Jet will ask a question that is soooo
difficult the Program crashes. Now enter the Stream, and meet up with Ma3a
and I-No. talk to them, then go up the bridge I-No activates, and get the
Tron Legacy code. Ma3a and Jet will now say goodbye to I-No, and continue to
the Internet.

>>> Versions <<<
5.4.9 - Start of the level
5.5.1 - After the first I/O conversation
5.5.3 - Find the first Build Note
5.5.5 - Find the second Build Note
5.5.7 - Find the third Build Note
5.6.0 - Prevent a meltdown by pressing all three buttons
5.6.2 - Find the last Build Note
5.6.7 - Enter the Data Stream leading to Tron Legacy
5.8.7 - Grab the Tron Legacy code to end the level

>>> Build Note Locations <<<
- Between some blocks, where you find the Bit
- On the path leading around the pit in the room after going up the ramp
- On a ledge to the left, in the room with all the platforms
- In the room at the top, to the left of the entrance

__ __ _ _ _
| \/ | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ | | | |___ ___ _ __
| |\/| |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__| | | | / __|/ _ \ '__|
| | | | (_| \__ \ || __/ | | |_| \__ \ __/ |
|_| |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_| \___/|___/\___|_| #5MAS

{ City Hub }

Jet and Ma3a have reached the Net, and now need to find a Program that can
compile the Tron Legacy code. First talk to Tia. She offers you the beta
version of the VIRAL SHIELD. You probably already have it, but if not it's a
good idea to get it from her. You will also find a BUILD NOTE in this area.
When you have it, find the button that calls the platform. Press the button,
and ride the platform to the other side. Turn right to find another BUILD
and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE that turns out to be the VIRUS SCAN BETA. There
are also two Patch Routines in this area, and the third BUILD NOTE is found
near these Routines. When you have everything, find Angus and talk to him.
He says he can't compile the Tron Legacy program, because it's too
complicated. He hints that you may be able to find a better compiler in the
Progress Bar. Now search the Bin behind him for an email, and use the
infinite Patch Routine. Return to the area with the three blue towers.

Now, a lot of Z-Lots appear. You get two new objectives: you have to survive
the attack for two minutes, and you should defend those towers from the
corruption. The Z-Lots will throw balls at the Programs inside the tower.
If the Program becomes infected, so does the tower it operates. Try to take
out every Z-Lot as quickly as possible. This is a good place to hone your
skills with the Disc: one headshot and the Z-Lot is gone. When you approach
a group of enemies, they will target you instead of the towers. The key is
to keep running around the towers, quickly taking out any enemies. Try to
stay alive by grabbing the cores of the enemies you've defeated. If you
have Viral Shield, install it, so you won't get infected so quickly. Also,
watch out for the new enemy that appears after a minute: the Rector Script.
This floating guy does a lot of damage, and has lots of health. If you manage
to stay alive for two minutes, but you fail to protect the towers (so all
three towers become infected), you are awarded two build points. If you've
protected at least one tower (so one or more towers are still blue), you
will get 5 build points instead. It might take a few tries, so you want to
save before talking to Angus. When you've survived for two minutes, some
ICP's will appear and take care of the remaining Z-Lots.

Jet takes the elevator down, and meets Mercury. She seems to have forgotten
him, because she was erased. Now, to your left you will find the Progress
Bar, but the bouncer won't let you in without the right permission. You can
find the Optimizer crawling around in this area. Truncate and Viral Shield
are good options to upgrade to gold. Also, find the BUILD NOTE in this
area. There's a Bin next to the energy pool, but it only contains VIRAL
SHIELD ALPHA and BALL LAUNCHER ALPHA. At the Bin, turn left. There are a
lot more Z-Lots here. Snipe them from a distance with your LOL if you can.
Near the end of the area is another group of enemies, near a friendly
Program. Snipe these two, and kill the Rector Script that appears. Find the
BUILD NOTE in this area – it's either near the infinite Patch Routine or
in a niche to the left. Now talk to the Programs you've just saved, and he
gives you PERMISSION 3. Now use the I/O node for another vague message from
Guest. Head back to the Progress Bar, and approach it to end the level. It
turns out that Ma3a has the Correction Algorithms, and the leader of the
corruption, Thorne, is after them.

>>> Versions <<<
5.8.7 - Start of the level
5.8.9 - Get the first Build Note
5.9.1 - Get the second Build Note
5.9.3 - Get the third Build Note
5.9.5 - Talk to Magnus
6.0.0 - Survive the corruption's attack AND protect at least one tower
6.0.2 - Get the fourth Build Note
6.0.4 - Get the last Build Note
6.0.6 - Use the I/O node to talk to Guest
6.1.4 - End the level by approaching the Progress Bar

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the small area where you start
- After riding the platform, o the right, near the Bin
- Near the two Patch Routines
- To the left of the towers
- After going down the elevator, in a narrow alley to the left of the elevator
- On a ledge above the energy pool
- Near the infinite Patch Routine in the area with the corruptions
- In the same area, in a niche to the left of the Program you saved from the

{ Progress Bar }

This Level starts of really lame, and ends with a boss fight. First, search
the whole club. You can find the Optimizer on one of the walls. Upgrade your
defenses. Now get all four BUILD NOTES. They're not hard to see at all, so it
should be no problem to find all four of them. One of them is hidden on the
second level, you can go there via a Data Stream. Near the Data Stream you
can find two Bins. They contain very cool stuff: PROFILER GOLD, VIRUS SCAN
GOLD, Y-AMP GOLD, PERMISSIONS 6 AND 8, and an email. Go back down, and talk
to Icepick. He's keeping the Compiler busy. Talk to him again to learn that
he thinks the DJ is playing bad music. Go talk to the DJ, he asks you to ask
around to hear what song the party people want to hear. Now you have to talk
to five Programs. Two of them want to hear Track 3, three want to hear Track
6. When you've talked to all five of them, return to the DJ and tell him to
play Track 6. Now Icepick won't keep you away from the Compiler anymore.
Approach the Compiler (named Luigi). When Jet and Ma3a are discussing who
should be the host for the code, Jet gets an I/O request from Guest. Go
upstairs, and access the node there. You will see a video of Alan, who tries
to tell Jet not to compile Tron Legacy.

Then, Thorne appears. He's after Ma3a, remember? He will attack her, and you
have to protect her for three minutes. This isn't really a boss fight, since
you can't hurt Thorne at all. It's more like a 'Protect Ma3a and stay alive'
fight. Staying alive is the hard part: though Thorne won't attack you
directly, he will summon Z-Lots that can really damage you. Thorne will only
attack Ma3a with a big green ball of energy. He will take some time to create
this ball: now you can throw your disc against the ball. It will then
disappear, and Thorne has to start all over again. The Z-Lots won't attack
Ma3a, so as long as you keep Thorne from throwing his ball, she will be safe.
But you're not really safe: there will be a lot of Z-Lots (hehe) coming after
you. Best thing to do is either hide behind Ma3a, or take the Data Stream up
to the second level and kill the Z-Lots from there. You can get the DRUNKEN
DIMS sub-routine from the Core Dumps of some Z-Lots. When you succeed in
protecting Ma3a for three minutes, you will be rewarded with a cut-scene.
Ma3a, having absorbed the Tron Legacy Code, transforms and becomes evil. She
shoves Thorne aside, kills Byte, and then she's after you.

>>> Versions <<<
6.1.4 - Start of the level
6.1.6 - Find the first Build Note
6.1.8 - Find the second Build Note
6.2.0 - Find the third Build Note
6.2.2 - Find the last Build Note
6.2.7 - Tell the DJ to play Track 6
6.3.2 - Talk to Luigi
6.3.4 - Watch the video from Alan
6.4.4 - Protect Ma3a for three minutes

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- All Notes can be found in the club. All are in plain sight, and not hard to
find at all. Just keep your eyes open and you'll find them all with ease.

{ Outer Grid Escape }

Y es, it's yet another Light Cycle Racing level! First, you have to get to
the first arena. The evil Ma3a is floating over your head, taunting you.
Follow the pretty narrow corridors until enemy racers appear. Take them out
as you usually would. The arena is divided by yellow barriers, and there's not
much space to move between them, so watch out. The enemies seem to make a
lot of mistakes though, so you can also stay away from them and wait until
the others kill themselves. If you die, you'll respawn at the start of the
arena. When the enemies are all derezzed, follow Ma3a to the next arena. Here
you can choose to defeat the three other racers, but you can also just ignore
them and head to the exit icon. Either way, when you reach the exit, a Seeker
will appear and it will tear up Ma3a.

>>> Versions <<<
6.4.4 - Start of the level
6.5.6 - End the level by driving over the Exit Ring

{ fCon Lab / Retrieving Ma3a }

All the fCon levels are just cut-scenes, so lean back and watch the plans of
the bad guys unfold. It turns out that they were the ones who sent the Seeker
after Ma3a. You'd almost thank them, wouldn't you? They retrieve Ma3a, and
plan to use her to correct the digitizing progress.

{ Remote Access Node }

The levels open with a I/O conversation. It turns out that Guest is Alan
Bradley – like we didn't know that already. Alan is locked in a room in the
fCon building, and can only access the internet via a game-console there
(that explains the bad connection). He sends in Mercury to help Jet. First,
use the two Patch Routines in front of you, you're probably still banged up
from your fight with Thorne. You'll be attacked by a bunch of Resource Hogs,
kill them all. Now circle this area, defeating all the Hogs as you go.
Remember, try to keep your distance, because their Suffusions are useless at
longer ranges. There's a bin near the Exit Port (it's currently inactive)
that contains PERMISSION 1. On one side of the pit there are a lot of cubes,
and five Archive Bins. One contains PERMISSION 4 and an email. Two others
have an email. You can't access the ones with the sub-routines yet. Use the
various Patch Routines around the area to patch yourself up, and then find
the Bit. It's lying on a block, on the left side of the pit (seen from where
you started). Transfer energy to it, and then find the socket that it belongs
to. Activate it, and enter the Data Stream to go to level 2.

More Resource Hogs, as you'd expect. From the Stream, walk straight, turn
left and then right. You should now see a Bin beneath you. Climb down to it
carefully, and get PERMISSION 5 from it. Climb back up, and access the Bin
with the two other permissions: PERMISSIONS 1 AND 8. Near this Bin is another
one with an email. Collect the BUILD NOTES around this area (there are two
here), and use the Patch Routines if you need to. Now find the Bit again,
transfer energy to it, and activate the Data Stream. Enter it to go to level
3. Again you have to defeat some Hogs. There's a red Patch Routine if you
need it. The last BUILD NOTE can be found here too. In one corner there's a
big tower of blocks. Climb it to find the Optimizer. Upgrading your Sequencer
can be really useful for the next part. When you're ready, activate the
socket to remove the Security Clamp. Enter the Data Stream you came out of.

Back on level 2, some blue ICP's are waiting for you. Just like their red
colleagues, they use the Disc as their main weapon. Take them out, and take
the Data Stream back up to the first level. This time, a LOT of ICP's await
you. It's also very easy to loose your Disc in this area, so either go for
the Ball Launcher, the Suffusion, or the Sequencer. Don't forget to use those
numerous Patches if you find yourself low on health. Now remember that you
saw a couple of Bins you couldn't access before? Go there now. The one with
three sub-routines contains CLUSTER BETA, SEQUENCER BETA, and an UNKNOWN SUB-
ROUTINE that is POWERBLOCK BETA. In the other one you'll find TRIANGULATE
GOLD and PROFILER BETA. When you're all done, find the Exit Port. Mercury is
waiting next to it. Approach her, talk to her twice, and the enter the Port
to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
6.5.6 - Start of the level
6.5.8 - After the first I/O conversation
6.6.0 - Find the first Build Note
6.6.2 - Find the second Build Note
6.6.4 - Find the third Build Note
6.6.6 - Find the fourth Build Note
6.6.8 - Find the last Build Note
6.7.8 - Remove the Security Clamp
6.8.3 - Contact Mercury
6.9.3 - Step into the Exit Port

>>> Build Note Locations <<<
- Level 1, on a ledge to the right of the Exit Port
- Level 1, near the Archive Bins
- Level 1, on the right side of the pit
- Level 2, next to the Bit
- Level 2, near the Bin with the two Permissions
- Level 2, near the pit
- Level 2, behind a block
- Level 3, next to the Security Clamp

_ _ _ _
/ \ | | (_) __ _ _ __ ___ ___
/ _ \ | | | |/ _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \
/ ___ \| | | | (_| | | | | (_| __/
/_/ \_\_|_|_|\__,_|_| |_|\___\___| #5ALL

{ Security Server }

Woohoo, it's another cut-scene. The good news is, Alan is freed by Jet, who
has accessed the security server of Alan's company. The bad news is that Alan
is almost immediately captured by fCon, and digitized. He is sent to Thorne's
department, and that's where you're going too. You'll also learn that Thorne
is the head of security of your company. Well you could have known it already
from the emails, but hey, who actually reads those? ^_^
By the way, note the Tron arcade machine in the background during the
'conversation' between the two employees.

{ Thorne's Partition Perimeter }

The part you're in now is infected very badly. Alan tells jet he'll hide
away for a while. Jet has to save him. Walk straight ahead, and climb down to
the area with ICP's. DON'T attack them: they are now your friends, and killing
them will result in Game Over. Talk to the Programs here for a bit, and
refuel on health and energy. There's also a Bin here, containing PERMISSION
6, CORRODE ALPHA, and an email. Now walk on the light path. You'll soon be
attacked by a bunch of Z-Lots. A couple of ICP's will help you fight them.
New ones spawn in when they die, so you'll have a solid back cover most of
the time. Also watch out for the Z-Lots that appear on higher ledges to your
right. Don't hold back: the Z-Lots keep spawning until you destroy the Rector
Script at the end, so you won't be safe until then. Check out two Bins on the
right for BALL LAUNCHER ALPHA and PERMISSION 8. Continue down the patch,
until you see a Rector Script to your left. Destroy it quickly with your
most powerful weapons. Now the attacks by the Z-Lots will stop and you'll
have some time to breathe.

Jump over the platforms to the ledge where the Rector was floating, and
check out the Bin here. It contains TRUNCATE BETA and an email. You'll receive
an I/O request from your dad. Continue past the wounded ICP's, and you'll soon
find an I/O node. Your dad tells you he's on the same server as you, and that
you need to find Thorne. Enter the Data Stream nearby. Fight a lot of Z-Lots
here, then continue to the big ring up ahead. You can get to the ground
safely via some platforms to the left. One of them has got an infinite Patch
Routine on it. When you get to the ground safely, a fight will start. Rector
Scripts appear in the center of the tower, and you need to kill them. You
need to kill 5 or 6 Scripts in total. There's a red Patch Routine to your
left, and a couple of infinite Patches around the area. The ICP's will help
you again. This fight can be annoying, but it's not that hard. Just keep
strafing around the Rectors, shooting your Disc at them. Disc + Corrosion +
Primitive Charge + Headshots = Bye Bye Rector. When you've killed one Rector,
it takes some time before the next one appears. Use this time to kill the Z-
Lots, or to recharge. You should be fine if you keep clear of the Rector
Script's shots. When you've killed enough of them, the tower collapses, and
you proceed into the inner chamber.

>>> Versions <<<
6.9.3 - Start of the level
6.9.5 - After the first I/O conversation
6.9.7 - Find the first Build Note
6.9.9 - Find the second Build Note
7.0.1 - Find the third Build Note
7.0.3 - Find the fourth Build Note
7.0.5 - After the second I/O conversation
7.0.7 - Find the last Build Note
7.1.7 - Destroy the controller tower

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the first area with the ICP's
- Alongside the path where you are first attacked by the Corruption
- On the island where the Rector Script is
- After going up with the Data Stream, on the second level, near the tower

{ fCon Lab / Prepare the Datawraiths }

Another cut-scene. FCon decides to send in the Datawraiths. Guess what?
You'll have to fight them! Yes, take a good look at those purple freaks,
you'll soon be to busy fighting them to admire their design. After that,
it's back to you. Oh, by the way, you seem to get 10 build points for this
'level'. Easy money ^_^

>>> Versions <<<
7.1.7 - Start of the 'level'
7.2.7 - Stay awake during the 1-minute-long FMV

{ Thorne's Internal Partition }

You have reached the inner part of Thorne's server. Alan tells you that you
need to find Thorne before the Kernel does. First, take some time to
disinfect the sub-routines that became infected in the last fight. It's now
once again time to upgrade yourself. Try to max out the health and energy
stats now. Continue past the ICP, and turn right. When you approach the two
Patch Routines, you will be attacked by some Z-Lots and a Rector Script. Kill
them off, and recharge if necessary. Now continue along the path until you
see a ramp on the right, leading up. At the end of the ramp are some Z-Lots
and the Optimizer. If your Viral Shield still isn't at Gold, don't bother
upgrading it now because you'll find the Gold version of the Viral Shield
later in this level. Instead, go for defense. Jump past the Optimizer to the
infinite Patch Routine. Return to the lower part of the level, via the ramp,
and continue down the path. More enemies will appear from time to time, also
from behind, so stay sharp.

In a big open area you will encounter another Rector. Near him is a Bin with
an email. There's another Archive Bin a little up ahead, it contains
PERMISSION 8, and email, and VIRAL SHIELD GOLD. Now return to the start of
the level. To the left of the first two Patch Routines you saw are two Bins.
From them you can get two emails and PERMISSION 1. Now return to where you
found the Optimizer, and jump from platform to platform to get to a Bin with
PERMISSIONS 4 AND 6, and an email. Return to the ramp with the Optimizer once
more, and access the Bin here. There are two CORRODE BETA sub-routines in it
(one is infected), and a DRUNKEN DIMS BETA. Now you probably have found all
the Archive Bins in this level. If you're still missing a Build Note, walk
around a little and keep your eyes open, they're all in plain sight so you
should have no problem finding them. When you're done, follow the lower path
to the end, and turn left. Walk down the narrow path leading to the central
column to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
7.2.7 - Start of the level
7.2.9 - After the initial I/O conversation
7.3.1 - Find the first Build Note
7.3.3 - Find the second Build Note
7.3.5 - Find the third Build Note
7.3.7 - Find the fourth Build Note
7.3.9 - Find the last Build Note
7.4.9 - End the level by approaching the massive Data Stream in the center

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- The Build Notes in this level are all really easy to find, so getting all
five of them should be no problem at all. Since this is also a pretty
complex level, describing their position would only confuse you. Just keep
your eyes open, and you will find them all.

{ Thorne's Camber Core }

Finally, you've reached Thorne, the source of the corruption and former
Security Chief of your company. But the Kernel has found and beaten him
first. If you want to get any info out of Thorne, you first have to get past
the boss of the ICP's. First, install as many defensive sub-routines as
possible. Corrode is really useful here, and so are Power Block and Profiler.
In the first part of the fight, Kernel's on the platform with Thorne. He uses
the Sequencer against you. You can take cover from his fire behind pillars,
but he can destroy those. You also just block with your disc, it works pretty
good. And if you have got Power Block installed, it will also hurt Kernel.
Remember that because he uses Sequencer, he shoots four discs, and then he
pauses for a second. That's when you should strike. This first part isn't too
tough, just remember to seek cover sometimes. I did it with the Disc, but I
guess other weapons, like the LOL or the Ball Launcher, work great as well.

After you've done about 2000 damage to him, he gets down and challenges you
for a Disc-only fight. Well, fine with me. Corrode really comes in handy now.
You can follow the same tactics as for the first part: seek cover, block,
and throw. If you get close to him, you can keep shooting the Disc at him,
and he can't do anything back, because he's too busy with the 'taking damage'
animation. So from a distance of 2 meters you can throw your Disc five times,
and he can't hurt you if you're fast enough. This second part is even easier
than the first part. All in all Kernel's pretty weak boss that shouldn't give
you much trouble. When you beat him, Alan and Jet will talk to Thorne. He is
sorry for what he's done. He knows that Ma3a is on fCon's dedicated server,
and that there is a way around the massive Firewall protecting it: a dial-up
line. You can find the number for it on Thorne's PDA.

>>> Versions <<<
7.4.9 - Start of the level
7.5.4 - After the initial conversation
7.6.6 - Defeat the Kernel

_ _ _ _ _
| | | | __ _ _ __ __| |___| |__ __ _| | _____
| |_| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` / __| '_ \ / _` | |/ / _ \
| _ | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \ | | | (_| | < __/
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___| #5HAN

{ Function Control Deck }

Jet arrives at Thorne's PDA. The Operating System requests the password, but
Jet forgot to ask it to Thorne. The OS then order you to leave. It also seems
that Alan couldn't come in, because the PDA can only support one of them at a
time. First you need to reconfigure your sub-routines again. You don't have
much space now, but you don't need much anyway, because the combat is really
easy here. You can put your Y-AMP in, and then fill the rest up with defensive
sub-routines. Now first find the green Finder that's flying around here, and
kill it. The Finders are destroyed in one hit from your disc, so that should
be no problem. Just stay clear of the blast when they explode, because it
will damage you too. Now use the panel in front of the Stream where you
started. This will activate one of the PDA's functions. You might be able to
force the OS to help you if you activate all four functions. The problem is
that the functions can be deactivated by Finders if you go away. You should
find a really fast route, but you shouldn't worry about that yet.

There's an Archive Bin in the corner, but you can't access it. It contains
BASE DAMPING GOLD and an email, for you information. Enter the door
on the left or the right, and you'll be in a white, circular corridor. Two
Finders are patrolling here, so watch out. In the center part, activate the
light bridge. You'll find a BUILD NOTE in the center, but you can't go any
further from there. Return to the first room, and take the elevator down.
Destroy another Finder. These things respawn by the way. Use the two Patch
Routines here. Around this time you will here the Operating System say that
the Finders are activated. This means that one of the Functions you've
activated will soon be deactivated. Don't worry about that for now. Follow
the corridor out of this room, and you'll find a Bin. It contains PERMISSION
2 AND 6, and an email. At the end of the corridor you will find another
Function, you can activate it if you want, but you don't have to right now.
Instead, jump on one of the moving platforms, and ride them to the other side
of the room. Watch out for Finders: if there's one floating in the corridor
above you (the white one), it can hit you. On the other side you'll see the
third Function. Down the corridor, and you'll be in another room with an
elevator (and a Finder, of course). Use the Patches, and grab the BUILD NOTE
if it's there, then take the elevator up.

This room look exactly like the one you started in. The fourth Function is
in the back of the room. The Bin here contains PERMISSIONS 2 AND 3, and an
email. Go into the white corridor, destroy the Finders, and activate the
second part of the light bridge at the end. Now you've created a fast route
between the two upper Functions. Now it's time to activate all four of them.
As said, Finders will deactivate Functions after a while, so you have to be
fast. Start on the lower level. Activate the first Function, then ride the
moving platforms to the other side and activate the second. From here, walk
through the corridor to the elevator, and ride it up. In the upper rooms,
you'll probably have to fight more Finders, some are also near the Functions
themselves. Activate the Function near the elevator, then enter the white
corridor. Cross the light bridge, and then just run towards the last
Function. If you've activated all four of them (the bar at the top gets all
red), the OS will give up, and she'll allow you to enter the Data Stream to
fCon's dedicated server.

>>> Versions <<<
7.6.6 - Start of the level
7.7.1 - Activate the first Function
7.7.3 - Find the first Build Note
7.7.5 - Find the second Build Note
7.7.7 - Find the third Build Note
7.7.9 - Find the last Build Note
7.8.9 - Activate all four Functions to end the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the center of the light Bridge
- In the rooms with the elevators
- Near the lower Functions

____ _ ____
| _ \ __ _| |_ __ _ | __ ) __ _ ___ ___
| | | |/ _` | __/ _` | | _ \ / _` / __|/ _ \
| |_| | (_| | || (_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \ __/
|____/ \__,_|\__\__,_| |____/ \__,_|___/\___| #5DAT

{ Security Socket }

Jet now needs to take down the firewall, so that Alan can access the
dedicated server. But first Jet himself must gain access to the firewall.
Talk to Brian, he'll say that you need to reset the local Data Stream. Max
will then tell you that the sockets are filled with Resource Hogs, and that
if they knock out a power tab the socket will go down. There are a couple of
ICP's up ahead (purple ones this time). Snipe one or two of them, then go in
with the Ball Launcher to finish the rest off. One of them drops PERMISSION 5.
Read the email in the Archive Bin. Head down the purple ramp, and talk for a
bit to the Program down there. She'll warn you for the Datawraiths. Continue
past her, and past the force field. A lot of ICP's will appear, so keep your
weapons ready. When they're gone, continue to the end the corridor you're in.
Crawling on a wall to your right is the Optimizer. Go for defenses again, or
for Corrode. Now check out the Bin here for PERMISSION 2, ENERGY CLAW ALPHA,
CLUSTER BETA, and FUZZY SIGNATURE BETA. Find the Bit that's lying on the
ground in this corridor, and transfer energy to it. Return to the force field
you saw earlier. Lower it using the Bit you've just found. Now reset the
Local Data Stream Functionality (the column in the center).

Now some Datawraiths will appear. They are very fast, but their attacks
don't do that much damage. It's perfectly possible to defeat them with the
Disc and Corrode. Of course, you can use other weapons if you want too. Find
the Archive Bin in this area, it contains PERMISSIONS 5 AND 7. Now return to
the ramp, and go up. More Wraiths appear. You'll see that a Data Stream has
now become active. Enter it to go to the first Modulator Socket. This place is
filled with Resource Hogs. They're all on the lower level, you're on the upper
level. Snipe as many Hogs from above as you can, then take the Data Stream
down. Kill any remaining enemies. Use the Patch Routines, and grab the BUILD
NOTE that can be found here. Now destroy all four Power Tabs. These are those
yellow plates on the walls. When all four are broken, return to the Data
Stream. Back in the first area, more ICP's appear, and they will activate a
bridge. Fight them off, then cross the bridge. A lot more enemies await in
the next corridor and beyond. There's an infinite Patch Routine on the right.
Be careful, because you'll also get attacked in the back by two ICP's at some

After gong past the (inaccessible) exit port, you will come to a more open
area, with even more ICP's. There's a BUILD NOTE to your left, near the
Rezzer, and another to your right, on a ledge above the pit. To the left is
ALPHA. When you have all the items here, enter the Data stream to the second
Modulator Socket. This place is just the same as the other Socket. First, kill
off all the Hogs, then break all four Power Tabs. There's Bin hidden in a
niche on the lower level, it contains PERMISSION 8, Y-AMP GOLD and PRIMITIVE
CHARGE BETA. Return to the Data Stream, and exit the Socket. More ICP's spawn.
Kill them, and then retrace your steps to the Exit Port you came past earlier.
The barrier is now gone, and you can enter it to end the level. Before you do
so, however, grab a BASE DAMPING BETA and MEGAHURTZ ALPHA from the Bin next to

>>> Versions <<<
7.8.9 - Start of the level
7.9.1 - After the initial I/O conversation
7.9.3 - Talk to Max
7.9.5 - Find the first Build Note
7.9.7 - Find the second Build Note
8.0.2 - Reset the Local Data Stream
8.0.4 - Find the third Build Note
8.0.9 - Disable Modulator Socket 1
8.1.1 - Find the fourth Build Note
8.1.3 - Find the last Build Note
8.1.8 - Disable Modulator Socket 2
8.2.8 - Enter the Exit Port

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the first area, to the right of the I/O node
- Behind the big circular structure in front of you when you start the level
- Next to the Data Stream leading to the first Socket
- Inside the first Modulator Socket
- On the way to the second socket, on the left
- In the same area, on a ledge above the lower part
- Inside the second Modulator Socket

{ Firewall }

Jet has made it into the Firewall. You're now probably at version 8.0.8, so
it's once again time to upgrade. Continue maxing out your health and energy
stats, and spend any remaining points on Weapon Efficiency. There are a
couple of ICP's in the room ahead. You can snipe the first one from your
starting position, and then storm in to finish the rest of quickly with the
Ball Launcher. In this area there's a BUILD NOTE, a Bin you can't access yet,
and two Patch Routines. Find the only active Data Stream, it leads to the
first Alignment Platform. In the tunnel ahead there's a yellow barrier. It
does little damage (around 20), but it's still better to wait until it
disappears, and then run. Go past the two Programs in the center, and through
another tunnel with a barrier. At the end of the platform, use the Bit. The
first ring will now align. The yellow barriers are now gone, so it's safe to
return to those two Programs. Listen to their conversation, and then step into
the Data Stream to return to the Firewall Hub.

A new Data Stream has now been activated, so step into it to go to the
second Platform. Go through the first tunnel (watch out for that barrier),
and quickly kill the ICP here. There are also two Bins here, they contain
PERMISSIONS 2 AND 3, and an email. Now continue to the panel at the end of the
Platorm, and align the second ring. Return to the Hub, and enter the Stream to
the third and last Platform. These tunnels have two moving barriers. If you
want to avoid them, you can stand on the mark in the center of the tunnel:
the barriers won't hurt you now. In the center, there's a well-filled Bin:
(SUBMASK), PROFILER GOLD, and an email. Get everything, and then use the panel
to align the last ring. Return to the Hub. Some ICP's have appeared. Quickly
disable the Rezzer near you to prevent any more from spawning.

When the enemies are gone, check the area to find the Optimizer. Upgrade any
sub-routine that isn't at gold yet, and that is frequently used. Now you can
also open the Bin here for ENERGY CLAW ALPHA and an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE, that
is MEGAHURTZ APLHA. Enter the active Data Stream to go to the Access ring
Configuration. Grab the last BUILD NOTE. Now you have to configure the three
rings, so that the gaps are all aligned horizontally. You have three buttons
to do this: one for rings 1 and 3, one for 2 and 3, and one for 1 and 2. Press
a button and the corresponding rings will turn 45 degrees. The starting
position might be random, so you have to figure this one out by yourself. Good
luck. When you succeed, enter the Data Stream to end the level. Alan enters
the dedicated server and meets up with Jet.

>>> Versions <<<
8.2.8 - Start of the level
8.3.0 - Find the first Build Note
8.3.2 - Find the second Build Note
8.3.4 - Find the third Build Note
8.3.6 - Find the fourth Build Note
8.4.1 - Align all three rings
8.4.3 - Find the last Build Note
8.5.8 - Configure the rings so that their gaps are aligned horizontally

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- In the Hub
- There's one Note on each platform. They're impossible to miss

{ fCon Lab / Lost Alan }

A cut-scene shows that the fCon team has lost Alan. They fear he knows too
much, and they're determined to find them. Right, end of cut-scene, let's go
on with the game.

{ Primary Docking Port }

First you have to clean the area of enemies for Alan. There are two ICP's
ahead, facing the other way. You can snipe them with the LOL for an easy
victory. All ICP's in this part will drop PERMISSION 5, so grab it from one
of the cores. The Bin near the start of the level will contain PERMISSIONS 2
AND 3. With these, you can deactivate the Sec Rezzers. There are also a
couple of Datawraiths here, so watch out. The Disc with Corrosion and
Primitive Charge works really well against these fast suckers. To the left
there are two emails and PERMISSION 5 in a Bin. Near the end of the area you
will find the Optimizer for this level. You don't have to upgrade Power Block
to Gold since you'll find one very soon. Instead, go for one of the weapons
that aren't at Gold yet. You can find two Bins with a sub-routine on both
nearby. One of them contains an UNKNOWN SUB-ROUTINE that turns out to be POWER
BLOCK GOLD (see, told ya?). The other one has got a LOL BETA, so you probably
don't need it. Use the two Patch Routines to fuel up on health and energy,
and then go through the doorway. You'll see Alan and a friendly Program
talking about the Wraith's mobile server. When they're done talking they will
walk to another room, blocked by a force field. Here you can find two more
Patch Routines. Alan will instruct you to go to the Docking Tethers.

First, transfer energy to the Bit in this area. Follow the Bit to a force
field, two Datawraiths will appear on the way. When they're gone, lower the
force field. Use the two Patches, and then get on the Data Hauler. You can't
move or save while the Hauler is moving, but you can shoot. Use your LOL to
take out the two ICP's on the platforms ahead. When you reach the Tethers,
you will get an I/O request from Alan. A node can be found to the left, so
use it to receive Alan's orders. Now you can see four buttons in front of
you. You can only reach the first two. Press a button, and the Stabilizing
Bit's Access door will open. You need to hit the center part. You can easily
do this with your Disc, so don't waste any energy on it. When you hit it, it
will change color and the security clamps will be destroyed. Now Datawraiths
will attack from above. Take cover behind the two blocks behind you, then
strafe out with your LOL ready. Try to snipe them as quickly as possible.
When they're gone, use the green Patch to restore some of your energy. Now
approach the second button, and repeat the same routine. Again, some Wraiths
will appear on the ledge above you. Take cover behind some blocks again. Note
that the Disc won't work very well, because the Wraiths will dodge it.

Fill up on energy and health again, and then get back onto the Hauler. It
will take you to the third and fourth Bits. Now two Wraiths will appear on the
platform you've just left. They seem to be able to cross the gap and get to
your platform. My suggestion would be hiding behind some blocks, and waiting
for them to come to you, since they're easier to kill at short distance. There
are more Patch Routines here, and an email in a Bin. Destroy the third Bit.
Against all odds, you won't be attacked by Wraiths now, so move on to the last
Bit. Destroy it and kill the Wraiths that spawn. Get back onto the Hauler, and
ride it to the next platform. A couple of ICP's are defending this place. A
friendly Program is also walking around – be careful not to hit him. Once the
ICP's are gone, check the Archive Bin for PERMISSIONS 2 AND 7. Now use the I/O
node to receive more instructions from Alan. When the conversation ends, turn
around, and you'll probably be looking in the face of two Wraiths. Kill them
quickly, and take out the other Wraiths as well. Now locate the energy bridge.
Activate it, and cross the bridge to end the level.

>>> Versions <<<
8.5.8 - Start of the level
8.6.0 - Find the first Build Note
8.6.2 - Find the second Build Note
8.6.4 - Clear the first area of enemies
8.6.7 - Find Alan and the Mobile Server
8.6.9 - Find the third Build Note
8.7.1 - Find the fourth Build Note
8.7.3 - Arrive at the first two Stabilizer Bits
8.7.5 - After the first I/O conversation with Alan
8.7.8 - Destroy all four Stabilizer Bits
8.8.0 - Find the last Build Note
8.8.2 - After the second I/O conversation with Alan
8.9.2 - End the level by crossing the light bridge

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- To the left, near the start
- Near the Optimizer
- Next to the force field leading to the Data Hauler
- Next to the start place of the Hauler
- In the last area, with the second I/O node

{ fCon Lab / Failsafe Kicking In }

There's a lot of confusion at the headquarters of the bad guys. Datawraits
are being kicked out of the server by an unknown reason. Well, it's unknown
for them, but we know that it's Jet. They're determined to find the source
of the problem.

{ Cargo Bay Sector }

Hooray, another Seeker Boss! The basics are the same: the Seeker shoots
purple beams at you, and disappears under the ground from time to time. Don't
touch the purple trial he leaves when he's underground, because it can kill
you. There's a lot of cover around this room. The main problem with this
fight, what makes it so much more difficult then the last Seeker, are the
Datawraiths. They will keep spawning, and even though they don't do that much
damage, they're still very annoying. Try to kill them quickly before taking
on the boss again. Their Core Dumps give some free health and energy, so don't
forget to get those. There are some Patch Routines around the area. The Seeker
has high health, as your Profiler will tell you. You can use your most
powerful weapons if you want, but personally I prefer the Disc. With Corrode,
Primitive Charge and Megahurtz, it's almost as useful as the LOL and the Ball
Launcher. There's a safe spot near the white Patch Routine: the Seeker can't
hit you here, and the Wraiths have to come very close to target you. At short
range, they're easier to defeat. So when there are too many Wraiths, hide out
in this corner and let them come to you. After that, continue fighting the
boss. He's not tougher than the first Seeker, but the Datawraiths do
complicate things. When you've finally defeated the boss (it can take up to
15 minutes with the Disc), defeat the last Wraiths and then get onto the Data
Hauler. You'll now enter the Mobile Server.

>>> Versions <<<
8.9.2 - Start of the level
8.9.7 - Defeat the Seeker
9.0.7 - Board the Mobile Server to end the level

_____ _ ____ _
|_ _| |__ ___ | _ \ ___ ___ | |_
| | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) / _ \ / _ \| __|
| | | | | | __/ | _ < (_) | (_) | |_
|_| |_| |_|\___| |_| \_\___/ \___/ \__|
__ _ _ ____ _ _
___ / _| | |_| |__ ___ | _ \ _ __ ___ | |__ | | ___ _ __ ___
/ _ \| |_ | __| '_ \ / _ \ | |_) | '__/ _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \
| (_) | _| | |_| | | | __/ | __/| | | (_) | |_) | | __/ | | | | |
\___/|_| \__|_| |_|\___| |_| |_| \___/|_.__/|_|\___|_| |_| |_|

{ Assembly Level }

You've reached another chapter, so you have to reconfigure your sub-routines
again. You'll have a lot of space, and 4 or 5 slots that can only contain a
Gold routine. After a short ride you will dock. Leave the Data Hauler, and
look to your left for a Finder and a ICP. If you time it right, you can
destroy the Finder when the ICP is near, and then the ICP will be killed by
the Finder's blast. Defeat any more enemies that attack. Search the cores for
a POWER BLOCK BETA. Now go straight from the Hauler to come to an area with
two Archive Bins. The one on the left contains a lot of things: PRIMITIVE
PERMISSION 2. The unknown sub-routine turns out to be PERIPHERAL SEAL GOLD.
To the right there's another Bin with a BUILD NOTE on top of it. The Bin
contains an email and the PRANKSTER BIT ALPHA. This new weapon will create a
vortex that sucks in your enemies. Sweet, but it consumes a lot of energy.
There are also some Patch Routines in the area. Take the elevator up.

There are a LOT of ICP's up here, and they can even fly. There are two
possible tactics: either you find some good cover, and take enemies out when
they charge at you, or you charge in yourself. If you're good at making quick
kills, the last one can be better. If you want to play it safe, choose the
first tactic. Anyway, after a dozen of ICP's they'll finally stop coming, so
it's time to look around. Climb the ramp on the right side of the room.
You'll see a BUILD NOTE on top of a block, jump to it. Go down again, and go
to the end of the room, where the friendly Program is. Next to him is a
malfunctioning force field, run past it when it's down. There are more ICP's
in this next corridor, as well as another BUILD NOTE. There are also some
doors, but with the permission you have (only number two), you can only open
the door at the end. Enter, and turn left at the red Patch Routine.

This room looks pretty complex, and well, it is. It's completely empty now
(no enemies), so take some time to look around. There's a BUILD NOTE somewhere
in this room too. You now need to engage all six override circuits in this
room. From the start, head right, through the little tunnel with the white
Patch Routine, and you'll come to the first two. The first circuit's on the
right (it's that white panel). Activate it, and the Datawraiths will come.
They will keep spawning, so don't waste too much time on taking them on.
Facing the first circuit, turn around, and walk straight to the second one.
Activating it will take the energy bridges offline. Return to the entrance,
and this time, head left. You'll find two more override circuits along the
left wall. Engage them both to take the Finders offline. Return to the
entrance once more, and now head down the ramp to your left. Down here are
the last two circuits. When they're activated too, the force fields will be
gone. Now you can find a platform near the back of the room (go straight from
the entrance). Activate it to go up.

Run over this narrow walkway above the room. Wraiths will appear behind you,
so watch out. Enter the door, and you'll be in another corridor. More
Datawraiths, but luckily there are also two Patch Routines, and you can find
a BUILD NOTE here too. Enter the door at the end, and you'll be back in the
room you started in. Follow the purple blocks to the center, and kill the
enemies here. Continue to the other side of the room, you will now enter the
digitizing core. Behind this door is a small room, with some Datawraiths. Use
the Patch Routines here, and don't forget the Optimizer. This late in the
game, it doesn't really matter what you upgrade, since all the vital stuff is
probably already at gold. If anything is still at alpha, upgrade it, just to
get rid of that nasty red color. You've probably passed the 9.0.0 version by
now, so time for your last upgrade. Your health and energy should be at
maximum, use the rest of the points on Weapon Efficiency. Now go through the
next door. Alan there's with some ICP's. Quickly kill the ICP's, and then
talk to Alan twice to end the level. By the way, it's not a good idea to use
weapons with a large blast area in the fight versus the ICP's, because then
you might just hurt Alan, and he's very weak.

>>> Versions <<<
9.0.7 - Start of the level
9.0.9 - Find the first Build Note
9.1.1 - Find the second Build Note
9.1.3 - Find the third Build Note
9.1.5 - Find the fourth Build Note
9.2.0 - Activate all six override circuits
9.2.2 - Find the last Build Note
9.2.5 - Find Alan
9.3.5 - Talk to Alan to end the level

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- On top of a Bin near the start of the level
- On one of those purple blocks in the room with all those ICP's
- In the corridor leading to the room with the Override Circuits
- In the room with the Override Circuits
- In the corridor leading away from the room with the Override Circuits

{ Datawraith Training Grid }

Time for the final light cycle challenge. This one seems to be even easier
than the previous ones. The enemy racers will very often crash into each
other, or into the wall, so instead of searching fights with them, you can
just stay back for a while and let them take out each other. If you did some
of the races in the Light Cycle mode, this level should be a breeze. Anyway,
on the first Grid your best bet is to go for the Trail Spike, and use it to
take out one enemy. Then the second one should be no real problem. The second
Grid is not tough either. After the second race Mercury will appear. She says
she'll help you, but you won't even see her on the Grid. The last race
shouldn't be a problem either. All enemies will start on the other side of
the barrier in the center. If you stay on your side for a while, a lot of
them will derezz very quickly, and you can then go in to finish off the
survivors. Drive over the last Exit Ring to finish this short level.

>>> Versions <<<
9.3.5 - Start of the level
9.4.0 - At the start of the first race
9.4.5 - Win the first race
9.5.5 - Win the last race and drive over the Exit Ring

{ fCon Lab / fCon Team Enters Computer }

The bad guys are starting the panic, because they still can't find Alan and
Jet. The mysterious man behind the camera tells the three employees to enter
the computer and find them themselves. Mister Baza isn't too exited about it,
but Mister Crow and Lady Popoff convince him. They are digitized, but then
the Tech discovers that the Correction Algorithms are missing! This means
that the three people probably won't be digitized well. Oh dear...

{ Command Module }

Alan tells you that he removed the Correction Algorithms from Ma3a. The
result for the ones that were digitized was disastrous, as you'll learn in
the last level. But anyway, you still need to let the server crash. Remember
when you destroyed the security clamps of hose four Stabilizer Bits? Well,
now it's time to release those Bits. In the Bin in front of you there's a
the left. Enter the door to the right. Another BUILD NOTE is waiting in this
area. Defeat the ICP's in this area, they're not that though. Now locate the
panel in the center of the room. Activate each Bit to release all four
Stabilizer Bits. Now you need to let the server crash by steering it of its
course. Near the back of the room is a wheel you can turn. Bfore you do so,
get your health and back to the maximum. Now turn the wheel.

As you'd expect, all hell breaks loose now. A lot of Datawraiths appear, but
ignore them. In a few moments, the room of this floor will begin to collapse,
so you can't waste your time fighting off those Wraiths. Instead, dash
towards the door through which you entered. Behind it are two more Wraiths,
but again it's better to ignore them. Quickly run to the red tunnel ahead. You
will be warped to another part of the server. Phew, a little time to breath.
At the end you will find a BUILD NOTE. This should be the last one: if you
check your F1 screen, it should say that you've collected all 100 notes. If
not, well, it's too late to change that now. Head through the door. There are
a lot of Wraiths in this area, and to make matters even worse, the ceiling
is falling down. At the start, Follow the path on the right. After that head
left, and stick to the wall. Follow the wall to the end of the area. This
route should keep you safe from any blocks falling on your head. Keep
ignoring the Wraiths, you don't have time to fight them. At the end, you'll
find two much-needed Patch Routines and the exit.

>>> Versions <<<
9.5.5 - Start of the level
9.5.7 - After the initial I/O conversation
9.5.9 - Find the first Build Note
9.6.1 - Find the second Build Note
9.6.6 - Release all four Stabilizer Bits
9.7.1 - Turn the steering wheel to make the server crash
9.7.3 - Find the last Build Note of the game
9.8.3 - End the level by entering the door at the end

>>> Build Note locations <<<
- To the left of where you start
- In the room with the ICP's
- In the first room after the red tunnel

___ _ _ _ _
|_ _|_ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |_(_) |__ | | ___
| || '_ \ / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | __| | '_ \| |/ _ \
| || | | | (_| (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| | |_| | |_) | | __/
|___|_| |_|\___\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|\__|_|_.__/|_|\___| #5INC

{ Digitizing Stream }

Alan has activated the Digitizing Stream. Finally, you can get out of here.
After a tear-jerking scene with Mercury, Jet follows his dad into the Stream.
But he is immediately followed by a monster! Yes, it's one of the fCon team
members, hideously deformed after the failed digitizing. You're not there yet.
You first have to remove these three freaks from the digitizing Stream. In
other words: time for a final battle!

There's a health bar at the top of your screen, it shows you the general hit
points of this monster. Very useful, since your Profiler won't work here (so
don't bother installing it). This first boss isn't too bad. There are two
Patch Routines on one side of the central structure, use them wisely. Use
powerful weapons like the Drunken Dims and the Prankster Bit – or go for Disc
only if you want a challenge. Either way, you should seek cover behind the
center structure from time to time. The monster moves amazingly fast, so don't
be too surprised when it's suddenly breathing in your neck. He has various
attacks: from green rays that look like the Ball Launcher, to purple things
that could be the Prankster Bit. The green stuff can corrupt your
sub-routines, so make sure you have Viral Shield installed. When you've
beaten the first monster, you'll be transferred to the second boss. You can
use the time in between to disinfect some routines.

The second boss basically has the same attacks as the first one, but it's
the terrain that makes stuff more difficult. The only place with good cover is
near the white Patch Routine, but if you're hurt and you need some healing,
you have a problem. Getting to the red Patch is dangerous, and if you make it
the boss will be with you in a few seconds, so you can't stick around that
long. So if you need health, save, dash for the Patch, download 50 to 100
health, and then run back to the white Patch. Keeping yourself alive can be
tough here. Other then that, use the same weapons as in the first fight. When
you've beaten the second monster, you'll be transferred to the last arena.
This one provides little cover. You can hide behind some blocks, but he'll
soon find you. The key is to keep moving. Every time you've found some cover,
attack him from there, and move away once he gets close. The red Patch is in
a corner. The good thing of that is that it is one of the better places to
hide out, you're relatively safe here. The bad thing is that the monster can
corner you here. If it does, jump on top of the red Patch Routine, and then
on the block to the left. This way you can make a quick escape.

>>> Versions <<<
9.8.3 - Start of the level
9.8.8 - Kill the first boss
9.9.3 - Kill the second boss
10.0.3 - Kill the last boss

{ Incompatible }

After slaying the final boss, you finally escape the computer. The game will
show you your final version number – it's 10.0.3 if you've done everything
right. Then watch the lame ending cut-scene. I was seriously disappointed by
this: it's too short, too anti-climatic, and the identity of 'the man behind
the camera' isn't even revealed! A bad way to end a great game. Anyway, enjoy
the ending and the credits.


You can play the game again if you want, or you can enjoy yourself with some
light cycle races. Or you can grab a beer, go ahead, it's on me. Thanks for
reading, see you next time.

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 6 // Version List \ 6 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ #6VER

Originally, the highest Version Number you could reach was 9.8.3. However,
the developers of Tron 2.0 decided to change it, so if you've downloaded
patch 1.042, the highest Version Number will be 10.0.3. Now, to give credit
where credit is due, this next list was compiled by Dave Mass aka Eroz, who
actually took the time and effort to correct all the Version Numbers in my
FAQ so that they would fit version 1.042 of the game. Awesome work mate!

So, for those who are pretty slow, this next list is made by Eroz and it's
for version 1.042 of the game. Download the patch if you don't have 1.042
yet. If you're playing it on version 1.0, the final Version Number will be
9.8.3 instead of 10.0.3.


These version number are as of Retail Game Version 1.042. Some notes on the
difference with the first version:

- In the patch Trasport Station and Primary Digitizing now receive 10 version
point for the completion of the level.
- Program Integration only gives you 5 version points for ending the level.
BVG appearly reverse the two last version points requirments received in
this level.
- In Prisoner Bin you receive 5 version points for use of the I/O Node.
Oversight by BVG. But these 3 extra version points does give some insight to
why you end the game with 10.0.3.
- Ancient Grid Arena is considered to be the end of Processing Core. That is
why you do not receive 10 version point at the end of Processing Core.
- In City Hub you receive only 8 version point for completion of level.
Mistake by BVG, most likely.
- In Outer Gird Escape you receive 12 version points for completion of the
level. Compensation for City Hub, most likely.
- You get 12 version points for defeating Kernel in Thorne's Camber Core.
I figured it was because he was a boss, but the first Seeker level gives you
only 10 version points. What is up with this one, they (BVG) got me.

Unauthorized User

Program Initialization
0.0.0  -  Initial
1.0.0  -  After distributing your initial set of Build Points (+100)
1.0.5  -  Get the permission from the Archive Bin (+5)
Combat Training Arena
1.1.0  -  After completing the combat training (+5)
1.1.2  -  Pick up the first Build Note (+2)
1.1.4  -  Pick up the second Build Note (+2)
1.1.6  -  Pick up the third Build Note (+2)
1.2.1  -  Get the Y-AMP (+5)
1.2.3  -  Get onto the ledge (+2)
1.3.3  -  Step onto the elevator to end the level (+10)
Program Integration
1.3.8  -  Use the Optimizer (+5)
1.4.0  -  Get the first Build Note (+2)
1.4.2  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
1.4.7  -  Find Permission 1 (+5)
1.4.9  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
1.5.4  -  Cycle the Power Stream (+5)
1.5.6  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
1.6.6  -  Activate all four station (+10)
1.7.1  -  Walk into the beam to end the level (+5)


Light Cycle Arena and Staging Pit
1.7.3  -  Find first Build Note (+2)
1.7.8  -  Finish the cycle tutorial (+5)
1.8.0  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
1.8.2  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
1.8.7  -  Win the first race (+5)
1.9.2  -  Answer 'blue' to the spooler.exe (+5)
1.9.4  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
1.9.9  -  Get the Super Light Cycle Rod (+5)
2.0.4  -  Win the second race (+2)
2.0.6  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
2.1.6  -  Drive up the ramp to end the level (+10)
Prisoner Bin
2.2.1  -  Kill the first enemy with your Rod (+5)
2.2.6  -  Transfer energy to the Binary bit (+5)
2.3.1  -  Free ROMie (+5)
2.3.3  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
2.3.5  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
2.4.0  -  Enter the Data Stream (+5)
2.4.5  -  Use the I/O node (+5)
2.5.0  -  Destroy both Encryption Keys (+5)
2.5.2  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
2.5.4  -  Find the last Build Note. (+2)
2.6.4  -  Retrieve your Disc (+2)
2.7.4  -  End the level by entering the Stream (+2)
Transport Station
2.7.6  -  After the first I/O conversation (+2)
2.7.8  -  Get the first Build Note (+2)
2.8.0  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
2.8.2  -  Activate the second I/O node (+2)
2.8.4  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
2.8.6  -  Get the fourth Build Note (+2)
2.8.8  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
2.9.0  -  Enter the Transport Terminal (+2)
2.9.3  -  Release all Mooring Apps (+3)
3.0.3  -  Cross the bridge to end the level (+10)
Primary Digitizing
3.0.5  -  After the I/O conversation (+2)
3.0.7  -  Get the first Build Note (+2)
3.0.9  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
3.1.4  -  Talk to Byte (+5)
3.1.6  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
3.1.8  -  Enter the processing docks (+2)
3.2.0  -  Get the fourth Build Note (+2)
3.2.2  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
3.2.5  -  Transfer energy to both Bits (+3)
3.3.5  -  Free Ma3a (+10)
3.4.5  -  End of level (+10)

Legacy Code

Alan's Desktop PC
3.5.0  -  Watch the video (+5)
3.5.6  -  Reconfigure the comport (+6)
3.5.8  -  Talk with Guest (+2)
3.6.0  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
3.6.5  -  Get the first part of the email (+5)
3.6.7  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
3.7.0  -  Destroy the three Finders in the second part (+3)
3.7.5  -  Get the second part of the email (+5)
3.7.8  -  Destroy the five Finders in the third part (+3)
3.8.8  -  Get the last part of the email (+10)
3.9.0  -  Use the I/O node after the last bridge (+2)
3.9.2  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
3.9.7  -  Acquire permission 8 (+5)
4.0.7  -  Finish this level by stepping into the Exit Stream (+10)

System Reboot

Packet Transport
4.0.9  -  Get the first Build Note (+2)
4.1.1  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
4.1.3  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
4.1.5  -  Get the fourth Build Note (+2)
4.1.7  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
4.2.7  -  End the level (+10)
Power Regulator
4.2.9  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
4.3.1  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
4.3.6  -  Enter the Communication Core (+5)
4.3.8  -  Contact Ma3a via the I/O Node (+2)
4.4.0  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
4.5.0  -  Transfer energy to all three Bits (+10)
4.5.2  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
4.6.2  -  Enter the Data Stream to end the level (+10)
Power Oculus
4.6.7  -  Kill all the enemies in the first area (+5)
4.6.9  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
4.7.1  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
4.7.3  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
4.7.8  -  Align the lenses (+5)
4.8.8  -  Activate the Power Oculus (+10)
4.9.8  -  End the level


Abandoned Test Grid
5.0.8  -  Defeat the Seeker (+10)
Processing Core
5.1.0  -  After the first I/O conversation (+2)
5.1.2  -  Get the first Build Note (+2)
5.1.4  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
5.1.9  -  Co figurate all four Gate Jumpers (+5)
5.2.1  -  After the second I/O conversation (with I-No) (+2)
5.2.3  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
5.2.5  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
5.3.7  -  Reactivate both stations (+12)
5.3.9  -  Use the I/O node to end the level (+2)
Ancient Grid Arena
5.4.9  -  End the level by driving over the Exit Ring (+10)
Main Power Pipeline
5.5.1  -  After the first I/O conversation (+2)
5.5.3  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
5.5.5  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
5.5.7  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
5.6.0  -  Prevent a meltdown by pressing all three buttons (+3)
5.6.2  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
5.6.7  -  Enter the Data Stream leading to Tron Legacy (+4)
5.8.7  -  Grab the Tron Legacy code to end the level (+20)

Master User

City Hub
5.8.9  - Get the first Build Note (+2)
5.9.1  -  Get the second Build Note (+2)
5.9.3  -  Get the third Build Note (+2)
5.9.5  -  Talk to Magnus (+2)
6.0.0  -  Survive the corruption's attack AND protect at least one tower (+5)
6.0.2  -  Get the fourth Build Note (+2)
6.0.4  -  Get the last Build Note (+2)
6.0.6  -  Use the I/O node to talk to Guest (+2)
6.1.4  -  End the level by approaching the Progress Bar (+8)
Progress Bar
6.1.6  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
6.1.8  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
6.2.0  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
6.2.2  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
6.2.7  -  Tell the DJ to play Track 6 (+5)
6.3.2  -  Talk to Luigi (+5)
6.3.4  -  Watch the video from Alan (+2)
6.4.4  -  Protect Ma3a for three minutes (+10)
Outer Grid Escape
6.5.6  -  End the level by driving over the Exit Ring (+12)
Remote Access Node
6.5.8  -  After the first I/O conversation (+2)
6.6.0  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
6.6.2  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
6.6.4  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
6.6.6  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
6.6.8  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
6.7.8  -  Remove the Security Clamp (+10)
6.8.3  -  Contact Mercury (+5)
6.9.3  -  Step into the Exit Port (+10)


Thorne's Partition Perimeter
6.9.5  -  After the first I/O conversation (+2)
6.9.7  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
6.9.9  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
7.0.1  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
7.0.3  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
7.0.5  -  After the second I/O conversation (+2)
7.0.7  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
7.1.7  -  Destroy the controller tower (+10)
fCon Lab / Prepare the Datawraiths
7.2.7  -  Stay awake during the 1-minute-long FMV
Thorne's Internal Partition
7.2.9  -  After the initial I/O conversation (+2)
7.3.1  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
7.3.3  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
7.3.5  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
7.3.7  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
7.3.9  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
7.4.9  -  End the level by approaching the Data Stream in the center (+10)
Thorne's Camber Core
7.5.4  -  After the initial conversation (+5)
7.6.6  -  Defeat the Kernel (+12)


Function Control Deck
7.7.1  -  Activate the first Function (+5)
7.7.3  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
7.7.5  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
7.7.7  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
7.7.9  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
7.8.9  -  Activate all four Functions to end the level (+10)

Data Base

Security Socket
7.9.1  -  After the initial I/O conversation (+2)
7.9.3  -  Talk to Max (+2)
7.9.5  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
7.9.7  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
8.0.2  -  Reset the Local Data Stream (+5)
8.0.4  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
8.0.9  -  Disable Modulator Socket 1 (+5)
8.1.1  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
8.1.3  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
8.1.8  -  Disable Modulator Socket 2 (+5)
8.2.8  -  Enter the Exit Port (+2)
8.3.0  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
8.3.2  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
8.3.4  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
8.3.6  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
8.4.1  -  Align all three rings (+5)
8.4.3  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
8.4.8  -  Configure the rings so that the gaps are aligned horizontally (+5)
8.5.8  -  Send Alan through the Firewall (+10)
Primary Docking Port
8.6.0  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
8.6.2  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
8.6.4  -  Clear the first area of enemies (+2)
8.6.7  -  Find Alan and the Mobile Server (+3)
8.6.9  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
8.7.1  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
8.7.3  -  Arrive at the first two Stabilizer Bits (+2)
8.7.5  -  After the first I/O conversation with Alan (+2)
8.7.8  -  Destroy all four Stabilizer Bits (+3)
8.8.0  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
8.8.2  -  After the second I/O conversation with Alan (+2)
8.9.2  -  End the level by crossing the light bridge (+2)
Cargo Bay Sector
8.9.7  -  Defeat the Seeker (+5)
9.0.7  -  Board the Mobile Server to end the level (+10)

The Root of the Problem

Assembly Level
9.0.9  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
9.1.1  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
9.1.3  -  Find the third Build Note (+2)
9.1.5  -  Find the fourth Build Note (+2)
9.2.0  -  Activate all six override circuits (+5)
9.2.2  -  Find the last Build Note (+2)
9.2.5  -  Find Alan (+3)
9.3.5  -  Talk to Alan to end the level (+10)
Datawraith Training Grid
9.4.0  -  At the start of the first race (+5)
9.4.5  -  Win the first race (+5)
9.5.5  -  Win the last race and drive over the Exit Ring (+10)
Command Module
9.5.7  -  After the initial I/O conversation (+2)
9.5.9  -  Find the first Build Note (+2)
9.6.1  -  Find the second Build Note (+2)
9.6.6  -  Release all four Stabilizer Bits (+5)
9.7.1  -  Turn the steering wheel to make the server crash (+5)
9.7.3  -  Find the last Build Note of the game (+2)
9.8.3  -  End the level by entering the door at the end (+10)


Digitizing Stream
9.8.8  -  Kill the first boss (+5)
9.9.3  -  Kill the second boss (+5)
10.0.3  -  Kill the last boss (+10)


/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 7 // Review \ 7 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ #7REV

Here's my review about Tron 2.0, as it can be found on GameFAQs. Don't bother
e-mailing me about this: I'm not going to change my opinion.

{ A cool-looking, but pretty average game }

Once upon a time, when computers were still something cool and mysterious
(the eighties), Disney released a movie called Tron. It was about a
programmer who got stuck in the computer, and he had to find his way out,
with the help of the Tron program. I'll be honest with you: I don't like Tron
at all, it's one of the dullest movies I've seen in the past few years.
Still, the unique style, with a lot of cubes and rims in shiny colors, made
Tron an instant classic. More than 15 years after the release of the movie,
the game Tron 2.0 was released. Is it any good, or is it just as boring as the

Well, something in between the two. It's not bad - hell no, Tron 2.0 is
really well produced, fun to play, and with just a few flaws. The thing is,
it just doesn't want to stick. I'm writing this review several months after
playing it, and I can't recall any major events. When I think back of
Half-Life, there are scenes that I recall vividly: "Oh yeah, that one part,
with the night vision in the sewers, that was so cool...and do you remember
that part there and there...yeah, that was awesome...". And that's the whole
problem with Tron 2.0: it just doesn't have those moments. It doesn't do much
wrong, but there isn't anything that can lift it beyond 'just good' either.

The story is a real Disney story: Jet Bradley gets trapped in a computer, he
has to survive, he defeats monsters, and eventually the whole adventure brings
him and his dad closer to each other. Nothing shocking. Along the way, a few
of your companions will fall, but somehow, I didn't care. The characters just
aren't that great. Maybe Jet was supposed to be a cool role-model, but I just
find him a wuss with poor voice-acting (more about that later). The rest of
the characters hardly has any personality or dialogue. Some games can manage
just fine without a story (serious Sam, for example), but Tron 2.0 pretends to
have a great story, but it doesn't.

But hey, I can live without an interesting story-line. As long as it plays
good and looks good, the lack of story isn't too much of a problem. And, truth
is, Tron 2.0 does look cool. They've taken the style from the original movie,
updated it, and made it look very slick. Anyone who has seen any screenshots
knows what I'm talking about: lots of black, cubistic, bright colors here and
there...if we really could live in a computer, I'm sure this is what it would
look like. But. Yes, there's a But. See, the graphical style is great,
original, inventive...but it only works inside the computer. As soon as we
take a look in the Real World (in the various cut-scenes that (try to) tell
the story), it's just plain ugly. The game is built with the same engine as No
One Lives Forever, and the characters in the cut-scenes really look like NOLF
characters. And I'm talking about the original NOLF here: the cut-scenes look
like they're five years old. Shameful.

Then, is all of Tron 2.0 bad? No. The game has plenty of quality to score a
seven. The game play is the best part of the game. It's not really inventive:
you'll be doing stuff you already did several times before in other First
Person Shooters, only now you get to do it in the inside of the computer. The
arsenal, however, is pretty original. Most weapons are just Tron-versions of
normal weapons, but there are some real jewels, like the Prankster Bit, that
shoots a small vortex that sucks up everything in it its path. The best weapon
in the game is, without doubt, the Disc. It's accurate, it's deadly, and
making head-shots (or head-throws, really) was never so challenging. The Disc
does have one major flaw though: when you've thrown it, you won't be able to
attack or switch to another weapon until the Disc is back in your hands. And
sometimes the Disc gets stuck behind an obstacle, and you'll have to wait
several seconds for it to return. All that time, you're completely vulnerable
to the enemy's attacks. But, aside from that, the controls are very good; any
shooter-specialist will pick it up in no time.

The developers also put a nice little mini-game in: the Light Cycle Races.
Yep, you still know these from the original Tron movie. The big idea: you're
in a Light Cycle, you drive through an arena, leaving a trail of light behind.
The objective is to make the enemy crash into your trail, or into the wall.
Multiplayer Snake, so to speak. You'll have to race several time to progress
through the plot, and there's also a separate Light Cycle mode, where you can
hone your skills in some sort of championship. The game is pretty damn
addicting, so you'll keep playing, even when the computer is getting
ridiculously good (up to the point where it can make several turns so rapidly
that you can hardly even follow it with your eyes).

Last but not least, the audio. I'm not even going to talk about the music,
although it's all pretty plain, nothing that really got my attention. No, the
thing I want to talk about is the voice-acting. To put it simple, Tron 2.0 has
the worst voice-acting I've ever heard in a game. I always thought you had to
have some skills to become a voice-actor. Well, if you hear the ramblings of
our good friend Jet, you know for sure that any random idiot can do it. I
don't know how this guy managed to say everything in the worst and least
convincing way possible, but somehow, he does just that. The rest of the group
isn't much better.

So, where do we stand with Tron 2.0? On one side, it's a cool-looking,
nicely done FPS, with an above-average length. On the other side, it has
several flaws, the voice-acting is terrible, and all thing considered, the
graphics aren't THAT great either. Tron 2.0 is average at best: it doesn't
suck, it isn't really bad, but it also misses that something that makes the
difference between 'classic' and 'meh'. Tron 2.0 is one of those games that
no-one really sees, and within two months, no-one will remember it.

Graphics 7
Gameplay 8
Sound 5
Story 6

Overall score 7/10

/////// \\\\
/// /// \\ \\
// 8 // Credits and Thanks \ 8 \
/// /// \\ \\
/////// \\\\ #8CRE

Thanks a lot to Eroz for writing the corrected Version List.

A lot of credits go out to these next guides:

- The Tron 2.0 walkthrough at A brilliant guide,
very nicely done, with a lot of good screenshots. I honestly think that
I couldn't have done it without this guide. It helped me to check if I
had missed anything. To Mike, the owner of VisualWalkthroughs, I'd like to
say: Thanks a lot man, and the best of luck with your great site. All
readers: please support this site, it's really worth it.

- Der Schnitter wrote a very good FAQ for Tron. To give him the credits he
deserves: I've got most of the information of the Sub-routines from his
FAQ. All rights reserved. Keep up the good work mate.

- Lastly, CLU's Sub-routine guide, a great and comprehensive work.

I would like to thank the following people:

- Myself. Even though in the end I was too lazy to finish the job properly,
I still knock off a decent 180+ kB. I hope this walkthrough has been useful
for you.

- School. Most of the text of this FAQ was written on a PC at school.

- For the main chapter-titles, I've used their great ASCII
generator. Nice work, my friends. The only comment I have on your generator
is that you have to spell the words backwards...

- You, the reader. Thanks for reading ^_^

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