Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy

Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy

16.10.2013 21:29:10
Jedi Academy Walkthrough - by Rathwell

Copyright Info
Level 1-2
Padawan Missions
Level 8-9
Apprentice Missions
Jedi Knight Missions
Known Issues/Game Bugs

I finished this game in two days. So I decided to write this
I played with the human female, and followed the light path, Sort of.
(Kinda like Kyle).
I play these games for the combat aspects thus I have no intention of
finding the secrets. Hey someone will.

A little bit about the Game: This apparently is the last of the DARK
FORCES games. Though we are sad, we must realize that this game could
start a new series. (Like Star Trek Nemisis). All the old plots were
revisited in some way and we met up with pretty much every bad guy that
Kyle hadn't killed yet. Also, the ability to choose your path and to
customize force powers could lead to TWO new games if LEC wishes to
proceed Linearly with this franchise. So be of good cheer, and may the
force be with you!

This Document is Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew Naselli
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
By their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This Walkthrough/FAQ may not be copied or posted anywhere, without the
permission of the author.
Authorized FAQ sites:; IGN; Computer Underground;;


First select your difficulty level. Next create your character and
your saber. Click Begin Game?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
The classic Star Wars opening music blares and the scrolling words:

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Ten years after the battle of ENDOR, The IMPERIAL
REMNANT continues to be driven back by the
NEW REPUBLIC, forcing the Imperials to adopt increasingly desperate
tactics in the ongoing struggle.

Meanwhile, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
moves to restore the Jedi to their formal
place as peacekeepers of the galaxy,
at his Jedi Academy on Yavin 4.

Jaden Korr a promising young student
from Coruscant is en route to the
academy after achieving the impossible:
Creating a lightsaber without any formal training....

A cinematic cutscene sequence will ensue. In which the students on the
transport are talking. Rosh Pennin introduces himself to Jaden and is
asking about your saber when the ship is hit. They crash in the jungle.
The scene switches and we see Luke talking to the Shuttle Commander via
Comlink. We then see a Red Tw'lek sneaking in to Luke's room and
stealing something...

Level 1 - No Mission Briefing Available
Objectives: Find the Massasii temple with Rosh
Enemies: Howlers, Storm Troopers, Cult Member

At level load turn right and cross the water. Rosh will suggest that
you cut down a tree to make a bridge. Go up right bank and cut down
nearby tree. Rosh will run across. Two howlers will attack from down
stream. Kill them and proceed. Take a right, a cut seen will ensue. Go
through door and turn left. Kill howler. Follow path along ravine to
stone bridge. Cross bridge turn left kill howler and run along the
river. Cross at low spot, Rosh will once again suggest cutting down a
tree for a bridge. Cut down tree cross it and go to the left. Turn
right and kill howler. Continue forward along path between big trees. A
cut seen will ensue. run forward and kill storm troopers and then kill
the cult member another cut seen will ensue.

Level 2 - Report to the Training area with Master Katarn and Rosh
Objectives: Complete the Training Course
Enemies: Training Remotes, Training Droid
Kyle will give instructions. go though door on the left watch cut seen
and listen to every thing Kyle says go through the next door destroy
all 5 remotes in this area when you finish Kyle will give more
instructions then go through next door Kyle tells you to jump across
the gap go forward take a right on to bridge jump across at the right
side continue forward Kyle gives instruction use push on wall ahead
enter next room cut seen will ensue kill training droid run forward cut
seen will ensue after cut seen tern right use pull on switch behind
bars go through door and run down hallway turn right and go through
the door. Go down the stairs and into the next room. Kyle will tell you
to use force sense to see the way out. Pull the blocks marked with the
funky symbol and jump up to the next storey. Go left down the hall and
through door turn right and go through the door and down the hall.
Cross the bridge and enter next area. In the next room turn right and
go through the door on the left. Down the hall Kyle will give you
instructions. Walk to the door. When it opens all the way, hit speed
and run to the right hand corner. Roll to get through the doorway in
time. Go forward to the platform thingy and turn right. Go through his
door. A cut scene ensues.

You now have Force Powers.
You will receive instruction from Luke and Kyle.

Padawan Missions

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine
Droid Recovery - Tatooine
Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel
Emergency Assistance - Bakura
Cult Investigation - Corellia

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine
Level 3 -
Objectives: Eliminate the Mercenary Threat, Disable the Tractor Beams
holding the Ravens Claw, and Disable the Tractor Beams holding the
Millennium Falcon, Get Back to the Millennium Falcon
Enemies: Mercs, Rodians, Weequays, Trandoshans, Cult member.

A cut scene starts this level. After the cut scene, run forward and to
the right. Kill all the enemies in this open area before you proceed.
Chewie may help. After the fight go through the door on the left side
of the center bay. Enter and kill the Trando on the left and the Merc
on the right continue forward and kill the Rodians. Exit and go into
the next area where the two Mercs are discussing the relative
creepiness of Rodians. Kill them both. Exit into the bay with the Cargo
Haulers. Kill the Trando to the right. There are two mercs to the left
and another across the bay. There is a trando in the corner and two
more mercs come out when you kill him. Kill them and a cut scene
ensues. Two mercs a trando and a gran come out. Kill them and go
through the door they opened. Turn left and kill the Trando and the
merc. Exit through the door on the right, into the bay with the Raven's
Claw. Cross the bay to the other side and a cut scene will ensue (are
you tired of that word yet?). Kill the two mercs and exit through the
door in the corner. In the next area there are trip mines across the
middle of the room. Kill the Trando and the Rodians and exit up the
stairs. Kill the Gran. Continue up, round the corner and kill the two
Weequays and the merc. Exit and cross the open wall top (try to dodge
the Disruptor fire until you can kill the Rodian). Go into the next
area and kill the two rodians. Take the elevator up and use the switch
in this room to disengage the Tractor Beam on the Falcon. Go through
the door and kill the Cultist. Then use the Switch to disengage the
Tractor Beam from the Claw.
Take the elevator down and run around to the door with writing above
it. Wait for Chewie to open the door and run through. Go down the Hall
and out the door on the right into the bay with the Falcon. Kill all
enemies and a cut scene will play.

Droid Recovery - Tatooine
Level 4 - A moisture Farmer on Tatooine recently overheard a group of
smugglers talking about a sith cult in a local bar and had his R5 droid
record the conversation. Unfortunately, he became afraid and sold the
droid to some jawas before leaving Tatooine. We need to get a hold of
that droid before the jawas wipe its memory. You are to locate the
jawas, purchase the droid and return to the academy.
Objectives: Locate the missing sand crawler, eliminate the Tusken
Raiders, Retrieve the Droid from the sand crawler
Enemies: Tusken Raiders

A cut scene starts this level. (In fact almost all the levels in this
game start with a cut scene!). After the cut scene run towards the
Tuskens and start chopping. (Just like Anakin in Ep2, but do you feel
bad?). Follow the sounds of the Tuskens and you'll always go the right
way in this very confusing level. Continue forward and kill some more
Tuskens. Follow the path forward. Kill some more. Go left and enter the
buildings and follow the tunnels, killing as you go, until you emerge
on top of the plateau. Kill the Tusken to your left and the five of six
others that attack you. Cross the natural bridge and kill more Tuskens.
Go into the tunnel opening in the far corner and follow the tunnel back
down to the sand crawler. Kill all the Tuskens around the sand crawler.
Enter the sand crawler. Use pull to lower the minicrawler and climb
aboard. Ride the lift up to the top and jump to the deck of the sand
crawler. Kill the Tuskens here. Use pull on the cart in the corner.
Find the tallest stack of boxes close to the rail and jump up. Kill the
raider. Use the switch at the end of the walkway to activate the lift.
Take the lift up and exit. Kill the raider. Go through the door and
cross the melting pit using the pipe along the left side. Enter the
next area and (guess what!) kill some more Tuskens. Don't get fried by
the burners. Go around back and wait for the burners to go off. Run
past and turn right. Use the switch in the corner to shut off the
flames. Return to the lift and take it down. Kill the Tuskens in this
area. The R5 you're looking for is in the far corner behind a cart.
Activate it with use and it will open the lift for you. Drop down and
kill some more Tuskens. A cut scene will play.

Merchant Rescue - Blenjeel
Level 5 - The academy has received a distress call from a merchant ship
that crashed on the planet Blenjeel. They were pulled from hyperspace
when they crossed paths with an interdictor cruiser. The imperials,
apparently not wanting their presence known, fired on the merchant
ship. The merchants managed to make it to the planet surface and call
for help. As far as we know the planet is uninhabited.
Objectives: Find and bring back to your ship: a power coupling, an
energy cell, a damper, a power converter. Only one part may be carried
at a time. Return a part to the ship in order to retrieve another.
Enemies: Sand Burrower
Of course this level starts with a cut scene. Ok well we don't want to
be eaten, so let's see... first off, stay off the sand. As much as is
possible we want to jump from rock to rock. You can look for the pieces
in any order, but this is the order I did it in. Energy Cell: From your
starting position, hit speed and run straight to the red rock. Jump up
onto the large rock and look down on the right side. Return by the
straightest route. Remember to use speed to escape the Sand Creature.
Next, the Damper: Run out and to the right. Jump over the engine and
run across the sand area. Jump onto the rocks and go around to the
left. The Piece is in the sand at the far end. Return it to your ship.
Next, the Power Converter: It's inside the Merchant ship, so run to the
merchant ship and jump inside. Find the box on the right and jump up
onto the walkway. Go into the cabin, and the piece is in the floor.
Return it to your ship. Last, the Power Coupling: Go towards the
merchant ship but run around it to the right. The piece is between the
two large metal objects in the sand. Return to your Ship.

A cinematic plays in which Rosh is complaining that Kyle is holding him
back. He asks Jaden for an opinion but they are interrupted by Kyle.

Emergency Assistance - Bakura
Level 6 - Officials from the planet Bakura have requested our
assistance. An unknown party has taken control of a power station up in
the mountains. They sent a team to investigate, but they haven't
reported in. Their concern is two-fold: they want to stop whoever has
taken over the station, and more importantly ensure that the station
itself remains undamaged. The station is built over a dormant volcano,
and if the facility is destroyed, the volcano could destroy a heavily
populated city. The Bakurans' need someone to infiltrate the facility
and thwart the group's plan.
Objectives: Disarm the Five (5) bombs the imperials have placed. Get
back to your ship.
Enemies: Stormtroopers, Shadow Officers, Officers,

A cut scene will open this level. After it plays, head for the main
building. Enter and go to the right. Use the view screen to see what is
happening. Some stormies will come out. Kill them and go through the
door they opened. Go up the stairs and through the door. Kill two more
stormies. Take the left hand passage. Kill two Shadow Officers.
Continue forward and kill two stormies in a control room. Go down the
hallway with flames and destroy the assault sentry. Go forward and jump
the trip mines. Kill the Stormies and officer. Take the security key.
Go up the stairs and through the door. Kill two more Shadow Officers.
Disarm Bomb No. 1 by hitting the USE key. Return to where you destroyed
the assault sentry. Kill three stormies on the way. Kill the Shadow
Officer. Use the security key. Exit and kill two Stormtroopers. Cross
the bridge and take a right go all the way around the walkway. Kill a
Stormie. Go through the door at the end. Kill three Stormtroopers and
an officer. Take his security key. Proceed down the hall from which
they came, and kill a Shadow Officer. Use your key card to unlock the
door. Go through the short hall. You are now back where you started,
but you cannot return to your ship yet because the door is locked. Go
through the door opposite you and back up the stairs. This time go
straight up the ramp and through the trip mines. (Shoot them out
first). Run out the door and disarm Bomb No. 2. Return down the ramp
and go right. Through the hall, right again and through the control
room. Continue through the hall with flames and go down the ramp and
out the door. Cross the bridge and go left. A wall will explode above
on the right. Run around the corner and kill the Stormie on the turret.
Go through the building behind him. Kill two shadow officers and go
into the next building. Kill two stormies. Go out and kill another
officer and two shadow officers. Take the security key. Disarm Bomb No.
3. Return the way you came to a locked door on the left. Open it and go
in. Kill the shadow Officer and take the lift in the corner up. Kill a
Stormie and a shadow Officer. Go through the door and take the lift
down. Go through the door into a large room. Destroy the Assault
sentry. Disarm Bomb No. 4. Kill the Shadow officer and take the lift
up. Jump the angle and Kill another shadow officer. Go through the door
behind him and kill everyone in the two halls behind. Return to the big
room and jump back. Kill a shadow officer and go through the door.
Disarm Bomb No. 5. Return and kill two stormies. Exit and head back to
your ship. Kill two shadow officers and five Stormtroopers. Go out and
kill two more stormies and two shadow officers. Cross the bridge and
two stormies will come out. Kill them and another shadow officer. Go
left through the hallway with flames and into the control room and kill
three more stormies. Exit and kill another Stormie. Turn left and kill
another Stormie in the hall. Go right and down the stairs. Kill three
more stormies. Exit and kill four more stormies and run to your ship.

Cult Investigation - Corellia
Level 7 - The city of Coronet on Corellia has had numerous reports of
activity by the Disciples of Ragnos. However, it's not clear if it's
really the Sith cult or if the locals are just being paranoid after
hearing about it on the Holonet. Go to Coronet and determine the truth.
Objectives: Make your way to the front of the tram. Disarm the bomb.
Stop the Tram from reaching the station.
Enemies: Mercs, Cultists, Weequays, Rodians.

(This level is the Star Wars version of the famous Cowboys and Train
Robbers Fight on top of a runaway train scene that's in all the real
old westerns.)
The level starts with a cut scene. After it plays you will find
yourself at the back of the tram. Go to the left or right and jump up
onto the roof. Don't fall off. Run forward and kill a merc and a
Weequays. Slide down the front of the car and go inside. Kill the mercs
and flip the switch to turn off the power surge between the next car
and this. Go out and walk across on the steel beams. Don't fall off. On
the next car, jump to the roof and slide down the other side. Jump
across to the next car and run to the right. Jump up on the boxes to
reach the rim-like roof. Kill the Weequays and the Rodian. Jump across
and kill the merc. If you land on the lower half of this car, you'll
have to jump back to the previous car. Don't fall off. Kill the Cultist
on the roof of the next car and break the glass to fall through. Kill
two mercs and jump out using the pipes at one end. Jump to the next
car. Go inside and kill two mercs and a Rodian. Exit and jump to the
next car. Turn around and kill the Weequay on the roof of the last car.
Go forward and around to the other side. Kill the merc. Jump to the
next car. Kill the Weequay and run around to the right. Kill the merc
and go inside. Kill two more Merc's in here. Get on the lift with the
yellow box. Ride it up to the second floor. Cross the room and destroy
the red boxes on the wall to open the force field. Kill the Rodian and
Weequay. Jump up and break the glass. Jump out on to the roof. Cross
the pipes and Kyle will destroy the ship ahead. Run forward and cross
the pipe. Jump down and kill the Weequay and the merc. Jump across to
the next car and run up the ramp. Kill the Rodian. Jump the gap and
kill the merc. Jump to the next car. Kill the Weequay and the Rodian.
Go inside. Kill the cultist. Disarm the Bomb. Kill two mercs. Exit and
jump to the next car. Kill two more mercs. Jump to the next car and
kill two mercs, a Rodian, and a Weequay. Jump to the next car. Kill two
mercs, a Weequay and a cultist. Go inside and hit activate the control
panel to stop the tram.

Luke has summoned all available Jedi back to the academy.

Hoth - Investigation
Level 8 - Investigate the site of Luke's vision of Obi-wan in the
wastelands of Hoth to determine if the cult of Ragnos has been there.
Objectives: Investigate the site where Luke had his force vision, Find
a way into Echo Base,
Enemies: Snowtroopers, Wampas

After the cut scene, grab a Ton-ton and head into the cave behind you.
(Does this look familiar?). Kill the Wampa. Return to your ship and
follow the beacons. (The coolest move in the game, the mounted saber
attack is now available for as long as your on the Ton-ton). Kill all
the Snowtroopers. Go through the cave. Kill the Wampa and follow the
beacons. Kill all the Snowtroopers and continue until you reach an area
where an AT-ST is patrolling in front of a barricade. Jump over the
wall and kill the Snowtroopers. Destroy the probe droid and go through
the door. Kill all the Snowtroopers in here. Take the lift up and kill
two Snowtroopers and an officer. Use the switch. Return down the lift
and take the other lift down. Kill three Snowtroopers. Go through the
door you just unlocked. Kill three more Snowtroopers. Go through the
door. Kill four Snowtroopers. Go through a hall and down the ramp. Kill
five more in the big twisty room. Exit and kill two more. Take the lift
up. Kill three more Snowtroopers up here and go through the big door.
Follow the beacons. Kill all the Snowtroopers (use the turret if you
want). Continue to the ruins of an AT-AT. Kill three Snowtroopers and
destroy the probe droid. Go behind the AT-AT and break the wall with
your saber. Go in and kill the Snowtroopers. Drop down and kill some
more. Drop into the hole to end the level.

Level 9 - Discover what the Imperial Remnant troops are doing in Echo
Objectives: Discover what the Imperials are doing in Echo Base
Enemies: Snowtroopers, Cultists, Wampa, Alora

Run forward and drop through the hole onto a container. Kill three
Snowtroopers on the ground. Run around to the right and go through the
big door that's green. Kill three more Snowtroopers in this hall. In
the next area kill the Snowtroopers and take the right corridor. Kill
three Snowtroopers. Turn around and kill two more. Run back and down
the left corridor. Kill three Snowtroopers and go through the door. Run
into the next room and kill four Snowtroopers. (This is a bacta room,
in case you didn't know). Go through the next room and kill two
Snowtroopers. Take the lift up and run into the next room to kill four
Snowtroopers. Continue into the next area and kill two more
Snowtroopers. Run through the door and kill three more. Exit and go
through the hall to another twisty passage where Fourteen Snowtroopers
are waiting for you. Release them and take the lift down. Kill two
Snowtroopers in the room at the bottom and six more in the hall. Run to
the end and a cutscene will play. After the cutscene kill the Cultist.
Go through the hallway and kill the Wampa. Continue along to a pair of
big doors. Go through, a cutscene will play. After the cutscene fight
Alora. You can't defeat her yet, but you don't have to lose either.
(Kinda reminds me of artus_topside from JK2). After you beat her up
another cutscene will play.

Return to the academy and report to Luke what you have found on Hoth.

You now have the Fast and Strong Lightsaber Styles.
You will receive instruction from Luke's protocol droid.

Apprentice Missions
Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta
Meet Contact - Zonju V
Covert Operation - Kril'dor
Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant
Cult Investigation - Dosuun

Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta
Level 10 - We have received word from a mining guild on Nar Kreeta that
a number of elders are held captive by the local Hutt crimelord. These
elders went to negotiate a treaty with the Hutt, but never returned.
The crimelord claims no one ever came to see him.
Objectives: Infiltrate the Hutt's stronghold and locate the prisoners;
You have freed 0-16 of 16 prisoners; Avoid the Rancor
Enemies: Mercs, Grans, Trandoshans, Weequays, Chiss, Rancor (you can't
kill it, but it can kill you!),

After the cutscene, run forward and break the grate. Crouch and go
through the tunnel to the end. (Do you ever just stop and listen to
what the bad guys say. It can be helpful). Break the grate and fall
through into the hall. Kill two mercs, two Grans, two Weequays, and two
Trandos. There is a sense of symmetry about the whole thing. Go up the
ramp where the Grans came from and follow the hall. Kill four Grans and
a merc, taking the security key. Go through the door and you'll be back
in the drop tunnel. This is very important later. Return to the hall of
symmetrical bad guys, and go up into the room where the Trandos came
from. Take the lift on the right up into a control room. Kill the
trando and the Weequay. Use the switch to open the first cell. A cut
scene will play. After the cutscene, jump out of the now open window
and run to where the prisoners are. Another cutscene will play. Avoid
the Rancor. I tried to kill it but it just re-spawns. Run down the hall
and the prisoners will give you a key card. Use this to open the locked
door in the room with the lift. Take the lift down. Kill four Grans.
Now you don't have to kill the Chiss bartender, but after Kyle's
experiences, do we really need blue people who can't even speak
properly. I always kill him. Run around to the other side of the room
and go through the door. Kill three imperial light troopers (or
whatever these guys are?), and a Gran, a Rodian and a Weequay at the
right end of the hall. Take the lift up. Kill two Weequays and a Gran.
Use the switch. More prisoners are released. Jump out through the
window and draw the Rancor away from the prisoners. Get out of the
arena and make your way back to where you killed the three imperials.
You will meet four Trandos in the bar. Kill them. Take the first lift
up. Kill two Weequays and a Gran. Use the switch. 4 more prisoners are
freed. Jump out of the window and run to the prisoners. They will start
running away. Distract the rancor. Return to the bar and kill a Gran.
Go through the door again and kill a Gran and a Trando. Run to the end
of the hall and go left. Take the lift up. Kill a Trando and a Weequay.
Use the switch. The final four prisoners are freed. Again you must run
to them and they will run away from the rancor. Distract him until
Jaden tells Kyle that you've got all of them. Exit and kill three
Trandoshans. Run to the access tunnel.

Meet Contact - Zonju V
Level 11 - A spaceport worker on the planet Zonju V may have
information pertaining to the Cult's connection with the Imperial
Remnant. The worker is hiding at an abandoned outpost three kilometers
outside of Zoronhed. Meet up with the worker and find out what he
Objectives: Meet the contact at his outpost; Escape the mercenaries and
make your way to the far city gate.
Enemies: Mercs on Swoop Bikes

You get to ride Swoop Bikes in this level. If your bike gets damaged,
just jump off and grab another one.
Drive forward and to the left. Activate your saber for close contact.
Follow the Linear path. Don't go off the edge on the bridges. When you
reach the blocked gate jump off your bike and jump up through the gap
at the top. Drop down and a cutscene will play. After the cutscene grab
a bike. Kill all the mercs. Again follow the linear path. When you
reach the large area with a large building drive up the stairs and
through the opening. Continue straight through and follow the linear
path on the other side. At the dead end make a U turn and go behind the
building. Use turbo to jump the chasm. Keep going and the level will
end at the building with closed doors.

Covert Operation - Kril'dor
Level 12 - New Republic Intelligence has recently discovered the
existence of an Imperial tibanna gas platform on the planet Kril'dor.
If the Republic can take control of the platform it would deal a severe
blow to the Imperial Remnant. General Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron
has come up with a bold plan in which he and a single ground troop
could capture the entire facility. General Antilles believes that only
a Jedi could accomplish the ground portion of the mission.
Objectives: Place targeting beacon on the roof of the Shield Generator
building. Place a targeting beacon on the roof of the hangar. Place a
targeting beacon on the roof of the barracks. Place a targeting bacon
on the roof of the communications array. Place a targeting beacon on
the power generator. Place a targeting beacon in the command center.
Disarm the remaining 4-0 bombs on the tibanna gas tanks. Return to your
Enemies: Stormtroopers, Shadow Officers, Pilots, Dark Trooper Phase 2,

Wedge will tell you what to do and where to go. Hit use when the hand
icon appears. This will place the sensors when near a transparent red
First the Shield Generator. Go through the doors ahead and kill three
Stormies and a Pilot. Take the lift in the corner up. Kill the pilot.
Destroy the turret in the corner. Take the lift up. Go through the door.
Kill the Dark Trooper. Run across and place the first beacon. Wedge will fly
through and destroy it. Next, the hangar. Turn around and run across the
bridge. Place the second beacon. Wedge will destroy the hangar. Third the
Barracks. Run around the anti-air guns and jump onto the roof of the
barracks. Place the third beacon. After Wedge destroys the barracks, head to
the communications array. This one's a little trickier. Return to the
hangar. Go through either small door. Run towards the Stormies. Time to
kill! Kill five stormies. Head around the central structure. Kill another
Stormie. Take the lift up to a control room. Kill two Officers and a
Stormie. Go back down and run out of the building. Head towards the Comm.
Array. You can't get in, because the door is locked so, go around the back
and kill three Stormies. Head to the large central building. Kill three more
Stormies around the back. Go through the unlocked door. Kill two stormies.
Don't fall through the center of the room. You'll die. Take the lift up.
Kill two Stormtroopers. Take the lift up. Kill another duo of Stormies. Use
the green switch to open the window. Throw your saber to break the glass and
climb out. Go around to the right and drop down to the bridge. (You can drop
straight down, but you may die this way. I recommend dropping from ledge to
ledge across the gap. This takes longer but you won't lose health). Run
across the bridge kill the dark trooper and place the beacon. Wedge will
destroy the Comm. Station. Take the lift down. You want to head back around
the main building with the green gas pipe in the middle. Run around and back
between the red silos' to kill a Shadow Officer and two Stormies. Return to
the central building. Go in and take the lift down. Kill the cultist. Go
through the door and kill two stormies. Run across the bridge and kill
another Stormie. Take the lift down and run around to the other side of the
building. Place the beacon. Wedge will tell you to go to the command center
next. Take the lift up. Kill the two Dark Troopers. Run across the bridge
and go inside. Take the lift back up to the main level. Run out and go to
the right around the bridges to reach the command center. Take the lift up.
Kill the cultist. Place the last beacon. Wedge will take it out and then
he'll tell you to stop the imperials from blowing up the silos. Run out and
around the bridges to the nearest tank. On the way kill two Shadow Officers
and three Stormies. Disarm the bomb. Kill three stormies and a Shadow
Officer. Next tank on the right, disarm the bomb and kill three stormies and
a Shadow Officer. Next tank, run back around by the red silos and take a
right. Disarm the bomb and kill a Shadow Officer. Run to the next tank and
disarm the last bomb. Kill two stormies and a Shadow Officer. Now to get
back to your ship. Run around the tanks and head towards the hangar. Enter
and kill the cultist. Kill four Stormtroopers. Run to your ship to end the

Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant
Level 13 - We have received anonymous information that a large number
of assassin droids have flooded the black market recently. These droids
have been banned for a number of years and no public companies produce
them. Lannik Racto, a small-time crimelord on Coruscant, is suspected
to be manufacturing these new droids. Capture Racto so that we may
determine where his factory is.
Objectives: Capture Lannik Racto; Gain Access to Racto's Office
Enemies: Mercs, Grans, Trandos, Weequays, Rodians, Assassin Droids,
Cultist, Force Acrobat

After the cutscene, run around your ship and jump off the corner onto
the next building. Run around and kill three mercs, a trando, and a
Rodian. Kill the Rodian on the Hover car. Jump across. Jump to the next
building. Kill two Weequays. Run around to the other side and kill
three mercs. Jump to the next building and kill two Trandos and three
mercs. Jump up onto the platform ahead and run around the front to
destroy the assassin droid. Go to the front left corner and jump to the
platform with the speeder. Two mercs will run out kill them and run
inside. Kill two Trandos and take the lift up. Run across the bridge
and kill a merc, two Trandos and a Weequay. Destroy the assassin droid.
Jump to the next platform. Jump the Lightsaber-proof half-walls and
kill the merc. Continue into the area with all the crates. Kill the
merc on the left. Run to the left and kill another merc. Run back and
kill a merc in the first alcove, two mercs in the second alcove, and
four mercs at the far end of the platform. Jump down to the lower
platform and destroy the Assassin droid. Turn right and jump to the
next building. Go forward and jump up onto the ledge jump down to the
platform in front of Racto's building. Enter and kill a cultist and a
Force Acrobat. Run forward and through the door on the right. The lift
will take you up to Racto's Office. Run in and a cut scene will play.
Destroy the four droids.

Cult Investigation - Dosuun
Level 14 - New Republic Intelligence has intercepted transmissions
coming from the planet Dosuun. They believe that suspected cult members
sent the transmissions from a base on the planet. Since there are no
Republic fleets in this area of the Outer Rim, they have asked us to
Objectives: Escape the Prison; Disable security locks from commander's
Office; Gain access to the docking bay;
Enemies: Rax Joris, Shadow Officers, Stormtroopers,

Alright, we have to escape. Jump out of the cell and start running!
Well, not so fast, after all Joris is hunting you. He has a concussion
rifle and he is a very good shot, so watch your back. Jump up and go
left into the control room. Exit and go left. Kill four stormies. Joris
will be shooting, so watch out! Go through the only unlocked door. Turn
right and jump over the trip mines. Go through the door and kill the
Officer and a Stormie. Take the security key and return into the hall.
Jump the low laser wall. Kill three stormies and destroy the assault
sentry. Use your key to open the door on the left. Go in and kill three
of those green suited wimpy imperial mine troopers or whatever they
are. I'll call them Imps. Kill three Imps and run up the stairs. Kill
another Imp and use the switch. Go back down and take the lift up. Run
through the rooms here and kill an Imp and three Stormies. Use the
switch on the desk to disable the locks. Run out and kill two stormies
in the hall. Go through the door at the end of the hall. Kill twelve
stormies and four Officers in this area. Go through the small door and
kill another Officer. Exit, turn right and go through the door. Take
the lift back down and run through the door at the end of the hall.
Kill an Officer and two Stormies. Run back out. Take a left and go
through the room. Use the switch to turn off the force field. Use the
turret gun to blast a hole in the door. Exit and run around the AT-ST.
destroy the explosive crates and jump through the window. Get in an AT-
ST and gun down the opposition. Destroy the other AT-ST and kill five
Stormies. Go back inside and destroy the explosive crates stacked by
the control room window. Jump through the window. Kill the Officer. Use
the switch below the window to unlock the door above the big room. Go
there and run up the stairs. A Stormie with a turret gun will attempt
to pin you down. And Joris will be shooting at you, so duck and run as
you make your way to where you can use your wand of death on the
troopers. Kill three stormies and a Shadow Officer. Go through the door
at the end of the walkway. Kill three Shadow Officers. Follow the small
hallway to the TIE hangar. Kill two Pilots a Shadow Officer and two
Stormies. Go into the control room and kill two Officers. Use the
switch to unlock the door. Go through and take the lift down. Run
across this big room and into the next. Make your way to the top of the
room. Kill Rax Joris.

Luke and Kyle want you back at the Academy

Vjun - The Big Dead Important Rock
Level 15 - Master Skywalker has dispatched the Jedi to Locations of
heavy Force Activity in hopes of catching up with the Disciples of
Ragnos. Travel with Master Katarn to Darth Vader's Castle on Vjun to
stop the cult from draining its force energy.
Objectives: Make your way to Bast Castle through the acidic rain; Find
a way to the emplaced gun and use it to destroy the TIE bombers;
Enemies: Dark Troopers Phase 3, Cultist, New Reborn, Reborn Twin

Use protection constantly, while you're outside during this level. If
you haven't got that power...I pity thee. Run forward and to the right
into the building. Kill the Dark Troopers. Go up the ramp and kill two
more Dark Troopers. Go down and kill three Stormtroopers. (Kyle may
help you). Continue forward and kill three Officers and two troopers in
the next room. Run down the next hall and kill the cultist. Continue,
killing three stormies. Go through the door with the light above it.
Kill two Troopers and an Officer. Go up the ramp on the right and kill
nine stormies and an Officer. Exit and run across the open space. Go
through the door and cross the halls to encounter another Dark Trooper.
Kill him and go through the door where he came out. Run out and down
the ramp. Turn right and get under the shelter of the overhanging
ledges. Run around the path keeping under the shelter. Run across and
three stormies will start shooting at you. Kyle will kill them if you
don't. Continue around the path. Three Dark Troopers will come up the
path. Kill them. Run around the ledge to the left. Don't fall into the
lake. Cross the bridges and take a left along the edge. Jump from
platform to platform to reach the far side. A cut scene will play. Run
forward and kill three stormies. Enter the building and kill an
Officer. Kill a Dark Trooper and exit. Go around to the left and up the
ramp. Kill four stormies and run across to the door. Enter and kill
four stormies who come out to greet you. Run down the hall and kill two
Cultists. Continue down the further hall and kill two Officers and five
stormies. Run down the hall and through several empty rooms and up a
ramp. A cutscene will play. Move around and a New Reborn will come out
to play. Set his priorities straight and exit once Kyle opens the door.
Use the Turbo Laser to destroy the TIE bombers. Take the lift down and
run around the corner. Run up the ramp and approach the door.

Level 16 - Make your way through the under works of Bast Castle to find
an entryway into the castle itself.
Objectives: Find a way into the upper parts of the castle;
Enemies: Stormtroopers, Cultist, Officers, Dark Trooper

Follow Kyle through this big room and a cut scene will play. Now you're
in a garbage pit take the left hand chute and follow it to a control
room. Kill three Stormtroopers and an Officer. Don't bother to use the
switch. It doesn't do anything yet. Run out and go left go through the
door and help Kyle kill three cultists. Follow Kyle back to the locked
door in the hall. He'll open it (how?), and you can run through. A
cutscene will play. Run around the room and use pull on the red pumps
along the wall. Another cutscene will play. Follow Kyle up the pipe and
jump through the hole in the ceiling. Destroy the turret droid and ride
the blower shaft up. Get out at the top and destroy another turret
droid. Follow Kyle into the generator room. Kill three stormies and
jump up onto the ledge above. Go through the doors and kill two
cultists and three stormies. Go up the stairs and through the door.
Kill five stormies and two Officers. Continue through the far door and
kill five stormies. Return to the control room with the green glass
window. Take either lift up. Kill four stormies and an Officer. Go out
into a long circular room and kill two stormies. Go back into the
generator shaft and kill two Dark Troopers. Jump up onto the low
building and jump on top of the crates to reach the ledge with Kyle.
Use pull on the green mirrors to overload the generator. A cutscene
will play.

Level 17 - Enter Vader's castle and stop the cult from draining its
force energy. Try to meet back up with Kyle.
Objectives: Investigate Cult activities;
Enemies: Stormtroopers, Dark Trooper, Reborn, Cultist, Force Acrobat,
Rosh Pennin

Jump up and kill the Dark Trooper three Stormies and an Officer. Go
through the unlocked door and kill two cultists. Take the lift up and
kill a cultist. Go out onto the walkway and run around to the right.
Kill four stormies. Continue, kill the New Reborn and go through the
door. Kill two stormies and destroy the turret. Take the lift up. Kill
four stormies and go through the big door. Kill the New Reborn.
Continue into the next room and kill three stormies, a Cultist and a
Force Acrobat. Take the lift up. Kill a New Reborn and a Cultist.
Destroy the explosive crate and jump through the window. Kill a Cultist
and Force Acrobat (FA) and a Dark Trooper. Kyle will talk to you over
the comm. Link. Run to the back left corner of the hangar and go
through the door. Jump up on the crates inside and onto the platform.
Kill a Cultist and an FA. Go through the door and kill the New Reborn.
Go through the door and follow the hall to a large room with four
pillars that retract as you enter. Use the button to raise them and
also let out some enemies. First two Interrogation Droids. Then two
Turret Droids then two Assassin Droids and two Saber Droids. Destroy
them all and go into the small room with the power converter. Take the
lift down. Run out and around the corner. Kill two FA's. Go through the
door and kill the New Reborn. Run up the ramp and go through the door
and up the ramps. Kill the New Reborn. Exit and run around the walkway
to the other side. Go through the door and kill the New Reborn. Exit
and a cutscene will play. First kill the two Reborn then Defeat Rosh.
Another cutscene will play.

Kyle and Luke will discuss these events. Luke will tell you to build a
new Saber.

Choose your weapon carefully. I chose a Two-Handed Saber.

Jedi Knight Missions
Cult Sighting - Chandrila
Cult Investigation - Tanaab
Dismantle Device - Yalara
Force Theft Investigation - Byss
Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell

Cult Sighting - Chandrila
Level 18 - We've received word from the Chandrilans that some cultists
have broken into an ancient tomb that is supposedly the burial site of
a Jedi Knight. Hurry there and stop them from siphoning that Force
Objectives: Tavion's Minions are preparing for her arrival. Stop them
from desecrating the Jedi Tomb;
Enemies: Cultists, Mercs, FA, New Reborn, New Reborn Master

Go forward and use push to move the boulder. This will kill a cultist.
Run forward to the edge and a New Reborn will drop down behind you.
Kill him. Run along the ledge and drop down on top of the two mercs.
Kill them. Cross the bridge and go down the ramp. Kill the Cultist and
the FA. Jump across and follow the platforms to the left. Fall through
the breaking platform onto the next one down and cross to where the
mercs and the reborn are. Kill them. Cross the bridge and kill another
merc. Take the right-hand passage down to another bridge. A merc will
blow it up as you cross, so use speed and the merc will blow up with
the bridge. Run up the stairs and down the large hall to confront three
New Reborn. Kill them. Use sense to see the symbol on the big doors.
Use pull to open them and run through. Kill the New Reborn that's
waiting for you. Go out onto the platform and kill another. Drop to the
ledge below. Jump down and kill the New Reborn. Jump down to the ledge
below on the left of the broken bridge. Follow the ledges and kill the
merc. Cross the bridge and kill another merc and a New Reborn. Follow
the ledges to the left. Go up the ramps and kill a merc an FA and a
Cultist. Go back down and jump across to the next ledge. Kill a Cultist
and an FA. Cross the bridge and go around to the right. Kill a New
Reborn and drop to the small bridge below. From here jump (use the long
jump move), across the long gap to the broken bridge below and ahead.
Kill the merc, Cultist and an FA. Use a straight up jump to reach the
ledge where the merc is. Kill him. Jump up to the next ledge on the
left and kill a merc a Cultist and an FA. Now run up the stairs and
kill two New Reborn. When you've finished enter the tomb and Kill the
New Reborn Master. Use sense to see the buttons on the walls. Use push
to activate them and seal the tomb. Hit speed and run hell-for-leather
to get out before the cave collapses.

Cult Investigation - Tanaab
Level 19 - We got word from a freighter captain that there are members
of the cult at the spaceport on Tanaab. Head over there and find out
what they are doing there.
Objectives: Defeat the Cultists; Find a way to stop the Mutated Rancor.
Weapons are useless against it.

No really, don't let this guy catch you. Make your way across this
large room to the opposite side. Since you must keep moving you won't
kill all the cultists. But don't worry your Mega Sized Rancor buddy
will take care of them. Get to the other side of the room and jump onto
the platform. Use the switch. This starts a mechanical arm raising a
large container. The exit is behind this container. Go there, kill the
cultist and FA. Run through the other door. Run around this room and
kill the Cultists and Reborn. Wait for the Rancor to break through the
big door. Go to the far end of the room under the cargo tram. When he
nears this end the locked door will open and you can go through. Kill
the New Reborn. Run across this room and kill a cultist and an FA. Use
the switch to open the way out. Turn around and jump over the
containers. Kill the cultist use the switch and run across the conveyor
belt and up the ramp. Kill the New Reborn Master and a New Reborn. Go
into the control room and up another ramp to kill the New Reborn
Master. Use the switch to start the conveyor belt and kill the Rancor.

Dismantle Device - Yalara
Level 20 - Our resident Jedi scholar Tionne recently learned of the
planet Yalara from our Jedi Holocron. The planet was once home to a
peaceful, yet primitive species that was not ready to be integrated to
into galactic society. For this reason, the Jedi Master Broden Kel
Verdox harnessed the power of the planet to create a cloaking device,
hiding the entire planet from discovery. But now someone else has
discovered Yalara. Go to Yalara and find out if anyone has been there.
If the cloaking device is in danger of being stolen, it would be better
to destroy it rather than have it fall into the wrong hands.
Objectives: Reach the top of the tower where the cloaking emitter is
located; Set the generator charges to destroy the cloak generator

Run forward and go to the door. A cutscene will play. Kill the Noghri.
Run around and go through the door into the next area. Kill two Noghri.
Take the lift up. At the top you'll find some stormies facing off
against the Noghri. Kill them all. Run through the building and kill
two more Noghri. Run out and go through the next door. Kill three
stormies and two IMPS. Go through the door and take the lift down. Kill
three stormies. Exit and kill three stormies and an Officer. Use the
switch to stop the vertical fans. Run back and take the lift up. Use
the fan shaft to get to the next floor. Don't hit the grate at the top.
Go through the next fan room and kill two Cultists. Exit and kill two
stormies. Kill four Noghri, a cultist, and an FA. Continue and kill two
more Cultists. Head around towards the fan shaft and kill a New Reborn
Master. Use the fan shaft to get to the next floor. Go through and kill
three stormies and an IMP. Exit and kill a New Reborn Master, three
Stormies and four Noghri. Go inside the building and kill a New Reborn
Master. Run up the stairs and kill a Cultist and an FA. Run up again
and kill two New Reborn. You'll hear Rosh and a Cultist talking while
you fight. Exit and kill two Cultists and three Noghri. Take the lift
up. Kill a New Reborn, a New Reborn Master and five Noghri. Use the
transparent red objects to set the bombs. A cut scene will play.

Force Theft Investigation - Byss
Level 21 - Since Rosh never completed his mission at Byss, we still
need to determine if Tavion managed to siphon Force energy from the
remains of the planet. The Emperor spent a lot of time there, so it
would be a huge source of power. If it has been taken, we'll have some
idea of just how powerful Tavion is.
Objectives: Disable the tractor beam holding the Raven's Claw in place;
Use the Laser turrets at the top of the ship to hold off the attacking
TIE fighters;

A cutscene opens this level. Run to your left and through the door.
Kill the Stormie to your right. Turn around and run down the hall. Kill
an Officer, four pilots, two Imps and three stormies. Exit and kill two
Stormtroopers and an Officer. Go into the control room and kill another
officer and a Stormie. Take the key and open the locked door. Ride the
lift up and kill nine stormies two Imps and two Dark Troopers. Go
through the door and kill two Officers. Use the switch to disable the
Tractor beam. Go through the other door and kill an IMP on your right.
Run down the hallway and go through the door. Kill three stormies, two
Imps and two Dark Troopers. Run down the blocked hall and kill another
Dark Trooper and two Stormies. Exit and kill six stormies, two
Officers, and three Imps. Go through the door and kill two stormies and
two Dark Troopers. Take the lift up and kill about twelve stormies
three of four Officers and use the guns to destroy a few TIE's. Kyle
will tell you to get back to the Claw. Kill another Stormie and run
back down the hall. Kill three Stormtroopers and an Officer then take
the lift back down. Go left and kill three stormies in the hall. Go
into the hangar and kill seven stormies and an Officer. A cutscene will

Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell
Level 22 - Information has surfaced about a large stockpile of old
weapons hidden in the wastes of Ord Mantell. Destroy the stockpiles so
they don't fall into the wrong hands. Records from the time of the
Rebellion indicate there should be seven caches hidden in the ruined
Objectives: Destroy all Weapon Caches; 6-0 weapon caches left; Return
to your ship; Defeat Boba Fett and get out of this one alive.
Enemies: Boba Fett

After the cutscene, run through the door in front of your ship. Watch
out for Boba Fett. He'll come after you but you can just beat him up
and he'll run away. Cross the courtyard and run to the left. Go through
the first door and use the transparent red object to set the charge.
Run back out and continue forward. Go through the door on your right
and follow the passage. At the top you'll find Boba Fett, ready for
another round. When he leaves, go through the door and set the next
bomb. Exit and jump down into the courtyard. Boba Fett will be
following you. Chase him away again and run around to the right. Go
around the corner and through the door. Set the charge and exit. Return
to the main courtyard. Go through the door behind your ship. Turn right
and go through the door. Take a left and set the charge at the back of
the room. Fight Boba Fett. Run back out and go through the door on the
right. Go around the walkway and take a left through the door. Set the
charge, exit and fight Boba Fett. Run to your left and follow the
hallway to the last weapons cache. Blow it up and return to your ship.
Now fight Boba Fett. A cutscene will play.

Return to the academy. Master Skywalker has summoned all Jedi back to
the Academy. He

Taspir 3 - Rosh's Repentance
Level 23 - Gain entrance into the Cult facility on Taspir III to search
for Rosh Pennin
Objectives: Gain access to the Imperial Power facility; Extend the
bridge and heat shields leading to the security override controls;
extend the main walkway to the Imperial power facility

Run across the bridge towards the building. Kill the Dark Trooper who
fly's in from above. Kill two stormies outside. Go in and kill four
more and an IMP. Exit and run down the ramps. Use the switches. A
cutscene will play. Run across the bridge. Kill the Dark Trooper. Turn
left and use the switch to extend the walkway above. A cutscene will
play. Turn around and go back across the bridge. Kill the trooper and
take the lift up. Turn left and kill an Imperial Saboteur. Kill an Imp,
two Stormtroopers and an Officer. Exit and kill a Saboteur, a Cultist,
and an FA. Cross the bridge and kill two stormies. Go inside and kill a
cultist, an FA, two Imps and two stormies. Take the lift up. Kill four
stormies, a saboteur and an Officer. Use push to move the large crate
under the hole in the ceiling. Jump up and follow the hall. Break the
grate, jump down and kill two Imps and an Officer. Go through the
locked door and kill a New Reborn. Follow the ramps behind the antenna,
down to a ledge. Kill the Dark Trooper. Follow the ledge and kill two
more Dark Troopers. Go inside and kill two Officers, two Stormies and a
New Reborn on the stairs. Go up and kill a Cultist and an FA. Continue
to the top, killing a Cultist and a Dark Trooper. Kill the New Reborn
Master and an Officer. Go through the green door and kill two New
Reborn. Go inside and kill an Officer, four stormies and an Imp. Exit
and jump across the gap. Kill a cultist and an FA. Kill the Dark
Trooper. Go along the ledges and kill two more Dark Troopers. Go inside
and kill two Stormtroopers. Go down the ramps, killing a saboteur and a
New Reborn. Kill a New Reborn Master, an Imp, and two saboteurs. Exit
and kill a Cultist and an FA. Go in and kill another of the dynamic
duo. Run across to the other door and exit. Run out onto the broken
bridge and jump to the rocks in the lava. You don't need to kill the
five Dark Troopers. Go around the left side of the lava and enter the
small door on the left. Kill the New Reborn and the New Reborn Master.
Exit and kill an FA and a Cultist. Go in and kill three Imps and two
Stormies. Exit and take the lift up. Kill two Imps, two Stormies and an
Officer. Kill the New Reborn Master. Exit and kill a Dark Trooper and a
saboteur. Go into the next room and kill two Imps, two stormies, a
saboteur and an Officer. Exit and take the lift up. Kill the New Reborn
Master. Go around and kill an Officer, a saboteur, and a New Reborn.
Exit and kill the Reborn. Cross the bridge and enter the building.

Level 24 - Look for Kyle and Rosh in the Cult Facility.
Objectives: Find Rosh Pennin;

Run forward and use the lift at the back of the room to reach the
platform above. Go through the door and kill a cultist and an FA.
Follow the hall to a control room and kill two Imps. Exit and run
around the next room. A cutscene will play. Kill the two New Reborns
and exit. Ride the lift down and run into the next area. Kill two New
Reborn and exit. Go through either door into a large generator room.
Run around the generator and jump up onto the pipes. Jump up onto the
generator and a cutscene will play. Jump up onto the walkway and kill
the cultist. Exit and follow the hall. Go outside and kill the New
Reborn. Go through the door and down the hall. Enter and kill the five
stormies. Go through the door on the right. Kill the cultist and an FA.
Run down the ramp and kill another Cultist and his Saber-less friend.
Continue down the hall and turn left. Kill the Reborn and run out the
door. Kill the Imp and use the switch to open the force field. Hit
speed and run through before it closes. A cutscene will play. Run along
the conveyor to the end and drop down one level. Run to the end and go
through the door near the force field. Take the lift up. Exit and kill
an Imp. Jump across to the conveyor and jump to the station at the far
end. Run down the hall and kill a Cultist and an FA. Go through the
door and kill another set of weakling sith and an Imp. Ride the
conveyor down to where the electricity is running. Jump through and
cross the strange contraption. Run through the force field when it
opens. Once through this danger area, kill two Imps and a New Reborn.
Exit and follow the hall till a cutscene plays. Kill the New Reborn.
Jump out of the trench and up onto the container to the right. Use this
to jump onto a moving platform. Jump off on the ledge where Alora was.
A cut scene will play. Turn off your saber to stay on the Light Side.
Attack Rosh to turn to the Dark Side. Kill Alora. Either way, another
cutscene will play.

Korriban - The Tombs (light side)
Level 25 - Travel to Korriban, burial place of Marka Ragnos to confront
Objectives: Find a way through the sith catacombs to the valley floor;

Help the other Jedi to enter the tombs. Run to the left and kill the
New Reborn. Follow the stairs down and kill two cultists and a New
Reborn. Enter the tomb. Kill a New Reborn, an FA, and a Cultist. Use
push to move the two flanking statues, causing the crypt in the center
of the room to lower. Drop down and kill two cultists and a New Reborn.
Go through the crack at the right side of the room and follow the
stairs up. Kill a New Reborn and an FA. At the top, kill a cultist. Go
down the other side and kill another New Reborn. Go up the inside
stairs to the large door. Use push on the tree identical blocks around
it to unlock. In the next area run down the stairs and kill three FA's
and a cultist. Use pull on the light-colored blocks over the door to
create a stair. Jump up and onto the central structure. Kill a New
Reborn. Jump across into the door and run down the stairs. Kill two New
Reborn. Drop through the hole in the floor and follow the tunnel. Kill
a cultist. Exit into a hall and kill a New Reborn, two Cultists and an
FA. Run up the ramp and run around the corner. Kill a Cultist and an
FA. Drop down and kill a New Reborn. Exit and kill two cultists and two
FA's. Enter the next room and kill two cultists and two New Reborn.
Kill an FA and run through the hole in the big grey door. Carefully
drop down onto the beams and into the tunnel. Kill a cultist and an FA.
Run down the stairs and into the next tomb. Kill two New Reborn. Run
down the stairs into the next small tomb. This one's filled with lava.
Jump across and run up into the next area. Kill a New Reborn, a cultist
and an FA. Continue and kill three New Reborn. Use your saber to break
the chains and the odd structure at the back of the room. A cutscene
will play. Jump up onto one of the statues and jump into the room
above. Kill two New Reborn. Jump the chasm and kill the Reborn. Go
through the door and the level will end.

Level 26 - Enter the Tomb of Ragnos to confront Tavion.
Objectives: Navigate the ancient ruins and enter the Tomb of Ragnos;
Stop Tavion from Resurrecting Marka Ragnos;

Run forward and out. Kill a New Reborn on the right. Jump down and kill
another New Reborn. Drop to the sand and run around to the right. Don't
slide into the deep chasm. Kill two New Reborns. Go to the left side of
the second pit and jump down where you can see the large shield
booster. Jump up and out. Run across the open area and kill a Reborn.
Run across the fallen pillar and kill an FA. Turn left and kill a
cultist. Drop down into the shallow pit and follow the brick tunnel.
Jump up onto the rocks and ledges to reach the top. Follow the tunnel
out. Jump across and kill ten stormies. Run across and help the other
Jedi kill five more stormies, a cultist, and a New Reborn. Run up the
steps below the statue of Ragnos. Kill the New Reborn Master. Enter the
Tomb. Run down the stairs and kill a New Reborn. Kill a Cultist and an
FA, cross the walkway and kill two New Reborn. Go through the doors. A
cutscene will play. Defeat Tavion. A cutscene will play. Defeat Ragnos.
This will kill Tavion. A cutscene will play.

You've won! You've beaten the game!

Now do it again...on the dark side! Ha, ha, ha!!!


Cultists - these guys usually use a single saber. Their pretty easy to
beat but they are usually paired up with an F.A. the Attack Kata is the
fastest way to kill them.
F.A.'s (Force Acrobats) - these guys wield the force and jump around
like monkeys, hence the name. They have no sabers though so you can
kill them pretty easy.
New Reborn - now for the tough guys...well not for a Jedi. These are
basically the same as the Reborn in Outcast. Simple and sweet is their
motto. Killing them is pretty simple; just keep hacking slicing
chopping and whacking till they die. Or, just cheese them with
Reborn - these are Desaan's Reborn who've been re-reborn. They are
probably the hardest reborn in the game. Again the attack Kata move
works well.
Tavion - Remember her? Kyle spared her on Bespin and now she's back for
Alora - Tavion's apprentice, she's out to prove herself.
Rosh - is not really an enemy, but you will fight him. Just stay out of
range and use lightning to defeat him. He will kill you, if you let
Weequay - Ugly as... never mind. These guys have not improved since thir
first appearance in Jedi Outcast, they still don't seem to grasp the
concept of running away from the dude with the saber. Oh well.
Trandoshan - they make these guys weaker and weaker. Every successive
game has seen these guys lose accuracy, and of course they don't have
concussion rifles anymore.
Gran - annoying space trash, kill them.
Stormtrooper - the grunts of the Imperial Army, these guys were once
Kyle's comrades.
Snowtrooper - Hey hooray, you know you always wanted to go to Hoth.
Wampa - Yes you can cut off their arms.
Rancor - The rancors you meet in this game are more of hazards than
enemies, as you cannot defeat them.
Dark Trooper Phase 2 - a revisited theme from Dark Forces, these dark
troopers are just stormies with jetpacks.
Dark Trooper Phase 3 - these guys are tough. Kyle destroyed most of
them in the original Dark Forces game, but I guess he didn't do a good
Imperial Saboteur - a shadow trooper without the force or a lightsaber.
Fota Betb - If you can figure this out, you can beat this bad dude! I
can't spoil everything!
Chiss - yes once again we find the worthless scum of the galaxys
cantinas: the chiss bartender! (I always kill him in Outcast, do you?)

Kyle - Your Master, Kyle will go with you on a mission or two, don't
attack him or he may fight back.
Rosh - back again, you play the first level with him trailing you.
Don't kill him!
Human Male Jedi - the final levels of Academy are similar to the final
levels of Outcast. The other Students and Masters will be there. Don't
kill them.
Human Female Jedi - of course my character of choice.
Kel Dor Male Jedi - these guys are super ugly, but they fight like
maniacs. Good to have on your side.
Rodian Male Jedi - how these guys became Jedi...anyway, don't kill them.
Even though they are creepy.
Tw'lek Female Jedi - well the famous worm heads are becoming Jedi.
Well, well, well.
Zabrak Jedi - these are the coolest looking Aliens in this game. I have
been corrected. Darth Maul, I apologize. (why?) But I'll still whip
your posterior in a duel!

+Lightsaber - Saber staff (two-handed saber) - Dual Sabers+
An Elegant Weapon for a more civilized age.
+DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol+
One of the most common firearms in the galaxy.
+E-11 Blaster Rifle (Stormtrooper Rifle)+
The primary weapon of the Imperial Forces.
+Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle+
This is the most devastating Disintegrator ever!
+Wookie Bowcaster+
This large and unwieldy weapon is not the same as Chewbacca's Cross-Bow
from the SW movies.
+Imperial Heavy Repeater with Concussion Launcher+
The big brother of the E-11, this rifle packs a punch.
+Destructive Electro Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun (DEMP)+
Excellent for use against Droids and other mechanical baddies.
+Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Weapon+
The most worthless weapon in the Galaxy, the Flechette is only good for
slowing down the game. If you use saber throw near a Flechette wielding
Stormie, your game may freeze.
+Stouker Concussion Rifle+
The triumphant return of the Concussion Rifle is a bit overshadowed by
the fact that you probably won't ever use it! It's great for taking out
the flying Dark Troopers.
+Mer-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System+
A missile launcher used widely by the Remnant.
+Thermal Detonator+
The infamous thermal detonator, made famous by Boushh/Leia in SWROTJ
+Remote Detonation Pack+
These are bombs that you can place and then detonate from a distance.
+Trip Mine+
Just what it sounds like.

Force Powers

+Neutral Powers+
Force Jump - Allows Jedi to make a tremendous vertical Leap
Force Speed - A Jedi Speeds up and the world appears to slow down
around them
Force Push - Allows Jedi to Push objects away from themselves and
defend from missile and Force Grip attacks
Force Pull - Allows Jedi to Pull specific World Objects to themselves
Force Sense - Allows Jedi to see people and Objects that are invisible
or behind solids
Saber Throw - A Jedi can throw a Lightsaber and use it as a missile
Saber Defense - Jedi can block damage with a lightsaber
Saber Offence - As a Jedi gains combat experience, their lightsaber
attack effectiveness increases

+Light Powers+
Force Absorption - Jedi can absorb dark Force power, Force Push and
Force Pull directed at them
Force Heal - Jedi have the ability to heal themselves after injury
Force Protection - Allows Jedi to decrease incoming damage from energy,
physical, projectile, and explosive sources
Force Mind Trick - Allows Jedi to Confuse and/or misdirect attention

+Dark Powers+
Force Drain - Allows Jedi to transfer the life essence of a person to
Force Lightning - Allows Jedi to hurl a devastating electrical attack
against enemies
Dark Rage - Affords Jedi protection against damage, an increase in
speed, and an increase in damage potential, at the expense of health.
The Jedi needs some recovery time after a Rage ends
Force Grip - Allows Jedi to Choke or constrict the organs of a living

+Single Saber, Medium Style+
Slash Back - Quickly spin around and slash foes behind you
Flip Attack - Flip over an enemy's head and strike down at them
Force Pull Slash - Pulls an enemy right into your saber
Medium Attack Kata - Execute a series of spinning damaging attacks
Attack Enemy on Ground - Pounce on your enemy while they're on the
ground and skewer them
Cartwheel - Flip to the side while attacking
Rolling Stab - Come out of the roll and stab forward

+Single Saber, Strong Style+
Jump Attack - Jump through the air to deliver a devastating attack from
Strong Attack Kata - Spin around to deliver a devastating saber strike

+Single Saber, Fast Style+
Stab Back - Quickly stab you saber backwards to attack foes behind you
Lunge Attack - Slash your saber upwards to surprise your enemy
Force Pull Impale - Pulls an enemy right into your saber
Fast Attack Kata - Unleash a devastating flurry of attacks

+Dual Sabers+
Flip Forward Attack - Jump through the air to deliver a devastating
attack from above
Dual Sabers Twirl - Twirl your sabers in front of you for either a
defensive shield or a devastating flurry of strikes
Dual Saber Barrier - Throw your sabers in a fast spinning fury around
Dual Stab Front and Back - Stab one saber forward and the other back
Dual Stab Left and Right - Stab one saber left and the other right

+Saber Staff+
Back Flip Attack - Flip backwards while spinning your staff over your
Saber Staff Twirl - Twirl your saber staff in front of you for either a
defensive shield or a devastating windmill of strikes
Spinning Kata - Spin across the room, kicking and cutting through your
Kick - Kick your enemies away or knock them down
Jump Kick - Kick your enemies away or knock them down. Follow up with a
forward Jump attack to finish them off
Split Kick - Jump up and do a split kick to knock away enemies on the
left and right
Spin Kick - Jump up and do a spin kick when surrounded
Flip Kick - Jump up and do a spin kick to knock away enemies in front
and back (it says split kick on the datapad, but this must be a
Butterfly Attack - Spin jump across the room while attacking with your

Force Jump - Leap to great heights. As your power increases, longer and
higher jumps are possible
Force Flip - Flip through the air
Roll - Do a quick roll to avoid attack or get under a low obstacle
Back flip Off Wall - Backflip off a wall and get a drop on pursuers.
You must be facing the wall to accomplish this
Side-flip Off Wall - Step sideways onto a wall and do a side flip off
of it
Wall-Run - Step onto a wall while running and run along it's surface.
At any time during the run you can flip off the wall
Long Jump - Make a long horizontal leap where there is little vertical
Wall Grab Jump - Grab a wall in the middle of a jump then jump away
from it
Run up Wall-Back flip - Run straight up a wall then backflip off of it
Jump Up from Knockdown - Get up quickly when knocked down
Jump Kick from Knockdown - Flip up after getting knocked down, kicking
at anyone in the way
Roll From Knockdown - Roll sideways after getting knocked down

All the old codes from Jedi Outcast work in Academy. HOWEVER, the
'setforceall3' code should NOT BE USED! Very important, this will cause
your game to stop at the force powers upgrade screen, (For obvious
reasons). You will not be able to proceed.

helpusobi 1 - Enable cheats
undying - undead mode on
notarget - disables AI
noclip - allows you to go through walls (can crash the game!)
give all - gives all items and full meter levels
saberColor (green, blue, red, yellow, orange, purple) for single saber
saberColor blade 1 or 2 (depending) same colors. For dual or double
bladed sabers

Known Issues/Game Bugs
As far as I know, there is only one bug in the game, and this has been
brought to my attention repeatedly by several people. The bug is in
level six the Emergency Assistance on Bakura level. Once you've
completed the mission objectives the main facility door won't open. The
only way to fix this problem and finish the level is to use the
'noclip' code.

If I think of anything else, or if you think I should add something, I
Help will be appreciated. Thanks to all the people who have already
made this worthwhile.


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Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Master Desann sehr stark machen

17.Oktober 2013
Force Powers/Weapons FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Zwei neue Schwerter für Jedi Academy u.a. Doppelklingenschwert zum Werfen

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Moves

18.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer & Storyline FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Lightsaber Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer Duel Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Saber Dueling Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für unendlich viel Munition, Schilde und God Mode

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer für die Machtkräfte

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Force, Munition, Gesundheit und Schutzschild

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Force, Gesundheit und Schutzschild (für die Betaversion)

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