Temple Of Elemental Evil, The

Temple Of Elemental Evil, The

18.10.2013 05:11:13
| The Temple of Elemental Evil Walkthrough |
| By: JaggedJim |
| Date: January 17, 2005 |
| Version: 1.4.1 |

Here is my Walkthrough for The Temple of Elemental Evil for the PC. You can
always find the latest version of this guide at:


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||E-mail Notice|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

If you have any questions, comments, or you have something you want added to
this guide then feel free to email me at “jagged_jim@yahoo.com” (without the
quotation marks, of course...) Some things to note before you email me:

-Make sure you put “ToEE” somewhere in the subject line. If you don’t I will
likely think that the email is junk and delete it.

-Please read the guide before emailing me, it is quite annoying having to
answer a question that I have already answered in this guide. (...of course
if you’re not reading the guide then what are the chances that are going to
read this warning?)

-I am notoriously bad at checking email. (...and even worse at answering it)
So if you are trying to contact me then you will just have to be patient.

-Do not, not, not, not, NOT send me ANY attachments with your email. I don’t
care what the attachment is, I won’t look at it and I will likely delete the
email immediately. (Also I will NEVER send any attachments with my emails, so
if you receive something from my email address and it has an attachment on
it, delete it, immediately.)

-Don’t send me info on the Brothel Quests. I am not going to put anything
about them into this walkthrough. (They’re not that difficult to figure out

-Please use proper spelling and grammar in your email, it’s just common
courtesy. I don’t care if it’s perfect, as long as you make the effort.
Emails with “si teh awsome” in it, however, will likely be ignored.

-A pet peeve of mine is when people replace “you” with “u.” It’s only two
extra key strokes people, jeez.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Table of Contents|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Version History [#001]

Introduction [#002]

Character Creation [#003]

NPCs [#004]

Walkthrough [#005]
-Opening Vignettes [#005.1]
-Hommlet [#005.2]
-Moathouse [#005.3]
-Return to Hommlet [#005.4]
-Nulb [#005.5]
-The Temple of Elemental Evil [#005.6]
-The Temple Quests [#005.7]
-Elemental Nodes [#005.8]
-Endgame [#005.9]

Endings [#006]

FAQs [#007]

Miscellaneous [#008]

Contributors [#009]

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Version History [#001]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

0.1 – 9/20/03
1.0 – 10/6/03
1.4 – 1/17/05 – After 8 months, 3 “micro-updates,” 2 patches, and 1 blown
hard drive I’m back with an honest to goodness, 100% genuine,
full-blown Update. Along with the usual corrections and
additions, I did a minor reformat and reordered the info to
include notes pertaining to specific Party Alignments. This
is likely the final update to this guide, as I feel like I’ve
added everything I can to this guide. It’s been an
interesting trip, and I just hope that Troika’s next
publisher will actually give them enough time to properly
finish the damn game.

1.4.1 - 1/27/05 - This is just a quick addition to the Console Command section
in the Cheat section to clear up some things.

That is all.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Introduction [#002]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

The Temple of Elemental Evil is a computer game that is based on a famous
Dungeons & Dragons module by Gary Gygax that was released in the 1970’s.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||Character Creation [#003]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||

The first thing you need to do when you start a new game is to create a party
of up to five characters. You can later augment your ranks with up to 3 NPCs
for a maximum of 8 characters.

===============================|Party Alignment|===============================

The first choice that you make is the most important of them all. The Party
Alignment you choose will not only determine what classes your characters can
take, (i.e. you can’t have Monks in a Chaotic party) but also how you start
your game and what your overall goal in the game is.

The first consequence of the party’s alignment is what alignment you can
choose for your characters to be. Here is a list of what character alignments
you can choose for each party alignment.

Lawful Good – LG, LN, NG

Neutral Good – LG, NG, CG, N

Chaotic Good – CG, CN, NG

Lawful Neutral – LG, LN, LE, N

True Neutral – NG, LN, N, CN, NE

Chaotic Neutral – CG, CN, CE, N

Lawful Evil – LE, LN, NE

Neutral Evil – LE, NE, CE, N

Chaotic Evil – CE, CN, NE


Having a Paladin in your party is a big choice, as they are the most
restrictive character class that you can choose. Not only do they have party
alignment restrictions, but they will also dictate how you play the game.

First off you need to have a party alignment of Neutral Good, Lawful Good, or
Lawful Neutral. Also you can NOT have Paladins and evil characters in the
same party, the game won’t allow it. Also you can’t have NPCs that are evil
join the party; the paladin will automatically turn them down when they ask
to join. (You could get an evil NPC to join if talk to them with a
non-Paladin party member, but doing this might cause your Paladin to become

While playing the game you also have to (more or less) adhere to the
Paladin’s code of conduct. This means that you can’t lie, cheat, or steal,
harm an innocent, and especially no drinking contests! If you do any of these
things then your Paladin will become “Fallen.” When a Paladin falls they will
lose all of their Paladin class bonuses and cannot advance in levels as a
Paladin anymore. To stop a Paladin from being Fallen you will need to pay a
priest to cast an “Atonement” spell on you. I believe that Terjon in Hommlet
can cast this spell. (There may be someone else who can do it, but I’m not


When you make a Cleric you will also have to choose which Deity your
character follows. The Deity your Cleric chooses will define them, as it not
only limits what Domains your Cleric can choose, but it also determines what
happens when your Cleric Turns Undead or Spontaneously Casts.

The alignment of the Deity your cleric worships will determine whether they
can channel positive (Destroy Undead and Spontaneously Cast Cure spells) or
negative (Control Undead and Spontaneously Cast Inflict spells) energy. As a
rule of thumb Clerics of Good Deities will channel positive energy, Clerics
of Evil Deities will channel negative energy, while Clerics of Neutral
Deities get choose to channel positive or negative energy at character
creation. (You cannot change which type of energy you channel after you
create the character.) I personally prefer to have my Clerics channel
positive energy, mainly because I find Cure spells infinitely more useful
than Inflict spells. (The main reason I don’t like Inflict spells is the fact
that you have to be next to an enemy when you use them, and therefore draw an
Attack of Opportunity. You also don’t have to waste spell slots on Cure
spells when you channel positive energy.)

=============================|The Party Spokesman|=============================

It is a wise idea to have one party member be a “spokesman,” Someone who
concentrates their skill points into one or more (the more, the better) of
the Dialog Skills.

Dialog Skills

There are 5 “Dialog Skills,” skills that will give you extra dialog options if
you have enough ranks in that skill. These skills are Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive.

Bluff – Smiling Mouth
Diplomacy – Rolled-Up Scroll
Gather Information - Ear
Intimidate – Flexing Bicep
Sense Motive - Eye

Overall I think Diplomacy is the most important of the Dialog skills,
followed closely by Sense Motive. Nearly 9 out of 10 times where you have a
Dialog there is a Diplomacy choice, and Sense Motive will help you know when
the person you are speaking to is lying. (Which is often in this game...)
Gather Information is definitely the least useful skill, as I’ve only seen a
Gather Information dialog option once or twice in the entire game.

=========================|Bringing your Party Together|========================

Alright, you’ve made a couple of characters, but if they don’t work well
together then you will have a hard time getting anywhere in the game. The
easiest way to get through the game is to use a party consisting of:

1 Warrior (Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, or Ranger)
1 Healer (Cleric or Druid)
1 Rogue
1 Mage (Sorcerer or Wizard)
1 Open slot

The Warrior will be your front-line guy who excels in the subtle art of
sticking the pointy end into the squishy parts. These are the guys that can
go toe-to-toe with your foes and come out on top. Fighters or Barbarians are
the best choice, but Paladins (If you can get them into your party...) and
Monks (provided you can keep them alive until level 5 or so...) also work
well here. Rangers make for poor front-liners, as their low hitpoints
(Compared to a Fighter) and armor restrictions will really hamper them.

The Healer is in charge of keeping your party in top form. This includes
restoring lost hitpoints and also removing any bad status effects your
characters have. Both a Cleric and a Druid fit into this role well, the main
difference between the two is spell selection. (The cleric’s spell list
focuses on helping out your allies, while a Druid’s focuses more on hindering
your foes.)

The Rogue will mainly be the lock-opener and trap-disarmer of the party. This
is a job for a Rogue and a Rogue only, as there are a couple traps that only
someone with levels in Rogue can safely disarm. That being said, there is
little need for a pure-class Rogue, as there are ways to cover for someone
with poor Rogue skills. (Invisibility spell, Sense Traps spell, Knock spell,
and... uh, having the Barbarian open all of the chests you come across...) So
the rogue is a good choice for multi-classing. My personal favorite is a
Ranger/Rogue, as a Ranger has several of the same class-skills that a Rogue
does (Hide, Move Silently, Search...) and Rangers get enough skill points to
invest in these skills along with a couple of cross-class skills. Another
build you can try is a Rouge 1/Wizard x. You start with a single level in
Rogue and then spend the rest of your life as a wizard. I personally don’t
like this build, as you will barely have enough skill points to cover the
vital skills of a wizard (Concentration and Spellcraft) and more than one or
two cross-class skills. (You will also need 18s in both Dexterity and
Intelligence in order to make this build viable.) Yet another build to try is
to make a Fighter/Rogue, where you have your main warrior draw the enemy into
combat, then have the Fighter/Rogue flank the enemy for mad Sneak Attack

The Mage will be your major source of offensive magic, along with the
occasional buff spell. Both Sorcerers and Wizards can be equally well suited
for this job, so your choice depends more on which one of these classes you
prefer. (I am NOT getting sucked into a “Which is Better: Wizard or
Sorcerer?” debate.) Try to avoid multi-classing you mages, as then they might
be unable to cast level 5 spells. (Wizards gain their level 5 spells only
when they reach level 9, and for sorcerers it’s level 10)

The fifth character slot is open to whatever class you want. If you want some
more front-line muscle then stick in another Warrior, or if you want some
more magical power then make another spell caster. A lot of people like to
put in a Bard here, as they can complement everyone else in the party.
(...and yet they can’t replace any of them very well...) One thing you don’t
want to do here is double-up on a class that is already in the party. (if you
already have a Cleric in your party then make a Druid, or make a Wizard
instead of a Sorcerer.)

================================|Sample Parties|===============================

If you are having trouble making a party then you can try out one of these.
For each character I have listed their weapons, feats, and (in the case of
Bards and Sorcerers) spell selection. Feats that are enclosed in brackets
denote Bonus Feats that are given by certain classes. Note that these feats
and spells and not set in stone. Feel free to experiment and try out your own

The Sisterhood of the Sun

All of the members of this party worship Pelor as their Deity. (...or No
Deity if the game won’t them choose Pelor)

-Party Alignment: Neutral Good

| |
| -Lawful Good Female Human Paladin |
| |
| -Weapon: Longsword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Paladin 1: Power Attack/Cleave |
| -Paladin 3: Improved Initiative |
| -Paladin 6: Great Cleave |
| -Paladin 9: Improved Critical (Longsword) |
| |
| She needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Good Female Human Ranger/Rogue |
| |
| -Weapon: Dual Short Swords |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Ranger 1: Weapon Finesse (Short Sword)/Dodge/[Favored Enemy (Goblins)] |
| -Ranger 2/Rogue 1: [Two Weapon Fighting]/Combat Expertise |
| -Ranger 3/Rogue 3: Two Weapon Defense |
| -Ranger 5/Rogue 4: Nimble Fingers/[Favored Enemy (Giants)] |
| -Ranger 6/Rogue 4: [Improved Two Weapon Fighting] |
| |
| She needs to have at least a 15 in Dexterity and 13 in Intelligence to be |
| able to select the Two Weapon Defense and Combat Expertise feats. |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Good Female Human Cleric of Pelor |
| |
| -Domains: Strength/Sun |
| |
| -Weapon: Heavy Mace |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Cleric 1: Combat Casting/Spell Penetration |
| -Cleric 3: Brew Potion |
| -Cleric 6: Craft Wondrous Item |
| -Cleric 9: Lightning Reflexes |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Good Female Human Sorceress |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Sorceress 1: Spell Focus (Evocation)/Spell Penetration |
| -Sorceress 3: Empower Spell |
| -Sorceress 6: Craft Magic Arms and Armor |
| -Sorceress 9: Greater Spell Penetration |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Magic Missile |
| Mage Armor |
| Expeditious Retreat |
| Shocking Grasp |
| Ray of Enfeeblement |
| -Level 2 |
| Knock |
| Mirror Image |
| Resist Energy |
| Blur |
| -Level 3 |
| Fireball |
| Sleet Storm |
| Lightning Bolt |
| -Level 4 |
| Stoneskin |
| Lesser Globe of Invulnerability |
| -Level 5 |
| Cone of Cold |
| |
| |
| -Chaotic Good Female Human Bard (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Heavy Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Negotiator/Rapid Reload (Heavy Crossbow) |
| -Bard 3: Persuasive |
| -Bard 6: Point Blank Shot |
| -Bard 9: Precise Shot |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Tasha’s Hideous Laughter |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Cause Fear |
| Grease |
| -Level 2 |
| Heroism |
| Rage |
| Blur |
| Shatter |
| -Level 3 |
| See Invisible |
| Haste |
| Dispel Magic |
| Confusion |
| -Level 4 |
| Break Enchantment |
| Freedom of Movement |
| |

Having a party of all female characters means that you will miss out on a few
quests and you also won’t be able to recruit a couple NPCs, (Meleny, Fruella)
so if you are someone who has to do everything you might want to swap out one
of the characters for their male counterpart.

The Rat Bastards

The name for this party comes from the fact that the game forces you to be
more of an “asshole” type of evil as opposed to true “Spawn of Satan” type of
absolutely irredeemable villains.

-Party Alignment: Lawful Evil

| |
| -Neutral Evil Male Half-Orc Barbarian |
| |
| -Weapon: Greatsword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Barbarian 1: Power Attack |
| -Barbarian 3: Cleave |
| -Barbarian 6: Great Cleave |
| -Barbarian 9: Improved Critical (Greatsword) |
| |
| He needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Evil Male Human Fighter |
| |
| -Weapon: Spiked Chain |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Fighter 1: Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)/Power Attack/[Cleave] |
| -Fighter 2: [Combat Expertise] |
| -Fighter 3: Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) |
| -Fighter 4: [Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain)] |
| -Fighter 6: Mobility/[Dodge] |
| -Fighter 8: [Improved Critical (Spiked Chain)] |
| -Fighter 9: Spring Attack |
| -Fighter 10: [Whirlwind Attack] |
| |
| For this build to work you will need to have 13+ in Strength, Dexterity, |
| and Intelligence. |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Evil Male Human Cleric of Hextor |
| |
| -Domains: Destruction/War |
| |
| -Weapon: Heavy Flail |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Cleric 1: Combat Casting/Power Attack |
| -Cleric 3: Weapon Focus (Flail) |
| -Cleric 6: Brew Potion |
| -Cleric 9: Spell Penetration |
| |
| He needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Female Elven Rogue (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Rapier |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Rogue 1: Nimble Fingers |
| -Rogue 3: Weapon Finesse (Rapier) |
| -Rogue 6: Negotiator |
| -Rogue 9: Dodge |
| -Rogue 10: [Opportunist] |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Evil Male Human Wizard (Specialized in Evocation) |
| |
| -Prohibited Schools: Abjuration/Transmutation |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Wizard 1: Spell Focus (Evocation)/Spell Penetration |
| -Wizard 3: Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) |
| -Wizard 5: [Greater Spell Penetration] |
| -Wizard 6: Craft Magic Arms and Armor |
| -Wizard 9: Craft Rod |
| -Wizard 10: [Craft Wondrous Item] |
| |

The second time I went through the game I used this Party, and I had an
easier time going through the game with this party, as I had three dependable
front-liners (Fighter, Barbarian, and Cleric) as opposed to the
one-and-a-half that I had in the first party I made. The Cleric made a
surprisingly good front-liner with his high Strength and the Heavy Flail that
he got for choosing the War Domain. (...and then he could cast Bull’s
Strength plus Divine Power on himself, then use his Smite ability (from the
Destruction Domain) to do some really sick damage) Spiked Chains are
interesting weapons; they are the only two-handed weapon that you can use the
Weapon Finesse Feat on, plus they can be used as both a melee weapon AND
reach weapon. The reason why I had my Wizard specialize in Evocation is
simple: More Fireballs equals More Fun.

Balance in all Things

This party takes the idea of Balance... TO THE EXTREME!

-Party Alignment: True Neutral

| |
| -True Neutral Male Human Druid |
| |
| -Weapon: Quarterstaff |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Druid 1: Combat Casting/Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
| -Druid 3: Augment Summoning |
| -Druid 6: Natural Spell |
| -Druid 9: Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
| |
| With his Animal Companion along with Wild Shape and Spontaneously Casting |
| Summon Nature’s Ally spells he turned out to a near one man Army. |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Good Female Dwarven Fighter |
| |
| -Weapon: Longbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Fighter 1: Point Blank Shot/[Weapon Focus (Longbow)] |
| -Fighter 2: [Precise Shot] |
| -Fighter 3: Rapid Shot |
| -Fighter 4: [Weapon Specialization (Longbow)] |
| -Fighter 6: Manyshot/[Dodge] |
| -Fighter 8: [Improved Critical (Longbow)] |
| -Fighter 9: Mobility |
| -Fighter 10: [Shot on the Run] |
| |
| She needs to have at least 17 in Dexterity for this build to work. (I can |
| just hear Power Gamer’s feeble little minds just shatter at the mere |
| thought of a Dwarven Archer...) |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Elven Wizard |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Wizard 1: Spell Penetration |
| -Wizard 3: Empower Spell |
| -Wizard 5: [Craft Magic Arms and Armor] |
| -Wizard 6: Craft Wondrous Item |
| -Wizard 9: Craft Wand |
| -Wizard 10: [Craft Rod] |
| |
| |
| -Neutral Evil Female Halfling Fighter/Rogue |
| |
| -Weapon: Shortsword + Dagger |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Rogue 1: Two Weapon Fighting |
| -Fighter 1/Rogue 2: [Weapon Focus (Shortsword)]/Combat Expertise |
| -Fighter 2/Rogue 4: [Weapon Focus (Dagger)]/Improved Feint |
| -Fighter 3/Rogue 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting |
| |
| You have an interesting choice to make when this character reaches level |
| 10. She can either gain a fourth level in Fighter and get a bonus feat, |
| (Presumably used to take Weapon Specialization in Shortsword) or gain a |
| seventh level in Rogue and get an extra 1d6 added to her sneak attack |
| damage. It just depends on whether you want to a little extra damage on |
| every attack, or a lot of extra damage whenever she pulls off a sneak |
| attack. She also need an Intelligence score of 13 or higher to be able to |
| take the Combat Expertise feat and a Dexterity score of 17 or higher to be |
| able to take the Two Weapon feats. ...Oh, and be sure to put some skill |
| points into her Bluff skill so that she can Feint her enemies effectively. |
| |
| |
| -Chaotic Neutral Male Gnome Bard (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Longsword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Negotiator |
| -Bard 3: Persuasive |
| -Bard 6: Combat Casting |
| -Bard 9: Dodge |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Remove Fear |
| Grease |
| Charm Person |
| -Level 2 |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| Glitterdust |
| Invisibility |
| Heroism |
| -Level 3 |
| Cure Serious Wounds |
| Fear |
| Good Hope |
| Haste |
| -Level 4 |
| Cure Critical Wounds |
| Break Enchantment |
| |

Munchkin’s Paradise

This is my attempt at creating a “Power Gamer’s” party

-Party Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

| |
| -Chaotic Good Male Dwarf Fighter |
| |
| -Weapon: Bastard Sword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Fighter 1: Power Attack/[Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)] |
| -Fighter 2: [Cleave] |
| -Fighter 3: Weapon Focus [Bastard Sword] |
| -Fighter 4: [Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword)] |
| -Fighter 6: Lightning Reflexes/[Improved Initiative] |
| -Fighter 8: [Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)] |
| -Fighter 9: Iron Will |
| -Fighter 10: [Great Cleave] |
| |
| He needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Chaotic Good Female Half-Orc Barbarian |
| |
| -Weapon: Greatsword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Barbarian 1: Power Attack |
| -Barbarian 3: Cleave |
| -Barbarian 6: Great Cleave |
| -Barbarian 9: Improved Critical (Greatsword) |
| |
| She needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Chaotic Good Male Human Cleric of Pelor |
| |
| -Domains: Strength/Sun |
| |
| -Weapon: Heavy Mace |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Cleric 1: Combat Casting/Power Attack |
| -Cleric 3: Brew Potion |
| -Cleric 6: Craft Magic Arms and Armor |
| -Cleric 9: Cleave |
| |
| He needs to have 13+ in Strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Chaotic Neutral Male Elven Rogue 1/Wizard x (Specialized in Conjuration) |
| |
| -Prohibited Schools: Illusion/Enchantment |
| |
| -Weapon: Longbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Rogue 1: Nimble Fingers |
| -Rogue 1/Wizard 2: Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
| -Rogue 1/Wizard 5: Spell Penetration/[Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration)]|
| -Rogue 1/Wizard 8: Augment Summoning |
| |
| |
| -True Neutral Female Human Sorceress (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Sorceress 1: Persuasive/Spell Penetration |
| -Sorceress 3: Spell Focus (Evocation) |
| -Sorceress 6: Greater Spell Penetration |
| -Sorceress 9: Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Magic Missile |
| Shocking Grasp |
| Shield |
| Chill Touch |
| True Strike |
| -Level 2 |
| Blur |
| Mirror Image |
| Melf’s Acid Arrow |
| Shatter |
| -Level 3 |
| Fireball |
| Heroism |
| Lightning Bolt |
| -Level 4 |
| Solid Fog |
| Phantasmal Killer |
| -Level 5 |
| Cloudkill |
| |

For every one of these characters I rolled their stats until they got 18s in
at LEAST two stats. (Too bad Point Buy doesn’t let you min/max so you can
have the true munchkin experience...) There are two reasons why the Warriors
are Chaotic Good; Fragarach, and Scather. The Fighter, Barbarian, and Cleric
did a good job of keeping the enemies at bay while the Sorceress and
Rogue/Wizard fling magical destruction from safety.

Penance Unlimited

Bringing redemption to sinners, whether they want it or not!

-Party Alignment: Lawful Neutral

| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Human Fighter |
| |
| -Weapon: Glaive |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Fighter 1: Power Attack/Cleave/[Weapon Proficiency (Glaive)] |
| -Fighter 2: [Dodge] |
| -Fighter 3: Weapon Focus [Glaive] |
| -Fighter 4: [Weapon Specialization (Glaive)] |
| -Fighter 6: Lightning Reflexes/[Improved Initiative] |
| -Fighter 8: [Improved Critical (Glaive)] |
| -Fighter 9: Iron Will |
| -Fighter 10: [Great Cleave] |
| |
| He needs to have 13+ in strength to be able to take the Power Attack feat. |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Dwarf Monk (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Quarterstaff |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Monk 1: [Stunning Fist]/Dodge |
| -Monk 2: [Combat Reflexes] |
| -Monk 3: Improved Initiative |
| -Monk 6: [Improved Trip]/Mobility |
| -Monk 9: Spring Attack |
| |
| He needs 13+ in Dexterity to be able to take the Dodge feat. |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert |
| |
| -Domains: Strength/Destruction |
| |
| -Weapon: Heavy Mace |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Cleric 1: Combat Casting/Spell Penetration |
| -Cleric 3: Brew Potion |
| -Cleric 6: Craft Magic Arms and Armor |
| -Cleric 9: Greater Spell Penetration |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Human Rogue |
| |
| -Weapon: Dual Short Swords |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Rogue 1: Nimble Fingers/Weapon Finesse (Shortsword) |
| -Rogue 3: Two Weapon Fighting |
| -Rogue 6: Two Weapon Defense |
| -Rogue 9: Stealthy |
| -Rogue 10: [Opportunist] |
| |
| |
| -Lawful Neutral Male Elven Wizard |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Wizard 1: Spell Penetration |
| -Wizard 3: Combat Casting |
| -Wizard 5: [Greater Spell Penetration] |
| -Wizard 6: Craft Wondrous Item |
| -Wizard 9: Empowered Spell |
| -Wizard 10: [Spell Focus (Evocation)] |
| |

The Spicy Gurlz

You know... I put WAY too much time into making this party just for a rather
dated joke.

-Party Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

| |
| -“Scared Spicy” Chaotic Neutral Female Halfling Bard |
| |
| -Weapon: Longsword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Armor Proficiency (Heavy) |
| -Bard 3: Power Attack |
| -Bard 6: Cleave |
| -Bard 9: Weapon Focus (Longsword) |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Grease |
| Identify |
| Remove Fear |
| -Level 2 |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| Animal Trance |
| Blindness/Deafness |
| Blur |
| -Level 3 |
| Cure Serious Wounds |
| Blink |
| Charm Monster |
| Confusion |
| -Level 4 |
| Cure Critical Wounds |
| Break Enchantment |
| |
| She is the Fighter of the party. |
| |
| |
| -“Babe Spicy” Chaotic Good Female Halfling Bard |
| |
| -Weapon: Short Sword |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Dodge |
| -Bard 3: Weapon Finesse (Shortsword) |
| -Bard 6: Mobility |
| -Bard 9: Spring Attack |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Cause Fear |
| Charm Person |
| Lesser Confusion |
| -Level 2 |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| Animal Trance |
| Blur |
| Calm Emotions |
| -Level 3 |
| Cure Serious Wounds |
| Blink |
| Charm Monster |
| Confusion |
| -Level 4 |
| Cure Critical Wounds |
| Break Enchantment |
| |
| She is the secondary fighter and also has the lock opening and trap-finding |
| duties. (Poor Babe...) |
| |
| |
| -“Shorty Spicy” True Neutral Female Halfling Bard |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Mace |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Combat Casting |
| -Bard 3: Spell Penetration |
| -Bard 6: Craft Magic Arms and Armor |
| -Bard 9: Dodge |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Remove Fear |
| Expedious Retreat |
| Grease |
| -Level 2 |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| Blur |
| Mirror Image |
| Rage |
| -Level 3 |
| Cure Serious Wounds |
| Dispel Magic |
| Haste |
| Good Hope |
| -Level 4 |
| Cure Critical Wounds |
| Freedom of Movement |
| |
| The Healer of the Group. |
| |
| |
| -“Pushy Spicy” Chaotic Evil Female Halfling Bard |
| |
| -Weapon: Light Crossbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Spell Penetration |
| -Bard 3: Spell Focus (Enchantment) |
| -Bard 6: Greater Spell Penetration |
| -Bard 9: Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Tasha’s Hideous Laughter |
| Charm Person |
| Lesser Confusion |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| -Level 2 |
| Hold Person |
| Suggestion |
| Calm Emotion |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| -Level 3 |
| Charm Monster |
| Confusion |
| Deep Slumber |
| Crushing Despair |
| -Level 4 |
| Hold Monster |
| Dominate Person |
| |
| Here we have the most manipulative bitch in the ENTIRE universe... |
| |
| |
| -“Trixy Spicy” Chaotic Neutral Female Halfling Bard (Spokesman) |
| |
| -Weapon: Shortbow |
| |
| -Feats: |
| -Bard 1: Negotiator |
| -Bard 3: Persuasive |
| -Bard 6: Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
| -Bard 9: Augment Summoning |
| |
| -Spells: |
| -Level 1 |
| Cure Light Wounds |
| Summon Monster I |
| Grease |
| Expedious Retreat |
| -Level 2 |
| Cure Moderate Wounds |
| Summon Monster II |
| Invisibility |
| Cat’s Grace |
| -Level 3 |
| Cure Serious Wounds |
| Summon Monster III |
| Gaseous Form |
| See Invisibility |
| -Level 4 |
| Cure Critical Wounds |
| Summon Monster IV |
| |
| The, uh, Bard Bard. |
| |

They mostly try to sing their enemies to death. (That stuff is more dangerous
than you might think...) When that doesn’t work then they tap into the
mysterious force known only as “Gurl Powa.”

The origin of this party comes from an interview with one of the developers
of the developers of the game (I think it was Steve Moret, but I’m not
positive...) where he made a comment about trying out the game with five
female Halfling Bards and seeing if he could complete the game. So, in honor
of that remark, here is the new super group that will bring Gurl Powa into a
new age, The Spicy Gurlz! (Why do I suddenly feel so dirty?)


||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||NPCs [#004]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Besides the five Player Characters you create at the start of the game with
you can augment your party with up to 3 NPCs. (and only 3, for 3 is the
number, which is not 4, and definitely not 5... Okay, I’ll shut up now...)
These NPCs will gladly join with you (for a price) and help you out, (Again,
for a price) but they all have their own reasons or motivations for doing so.
Some may want fame, (money) to help out someone close to them, (money) some
may even be spying on you, (for money) and some are just in it for the money.


One of the more annoying aspects of having an NPC in the party is the fact
that they will automatically take a part of the loot whenever you open a
chest or loot a corpse. The worst part of NPC looting is not when they take
the only good item there, it’s when they fill their inventories with so many
useless weapons and armors that they will become encumbered and can’t move at
all. (That’s why I like Elmo so much; he won’t take any junk, only money.)

If you want to stop them from encumbering themselves there are a couple of
things you can do to stop this. Probably the best way to do this is to fill
up the NPC’s inventory with potions and scrolls. (You can have your Wizard
(or any spell caster with the Scribe Scroll feat) make scrolls of Level Zero
spells dirt cheap.)

===================================|NPC List|==================================

This section will detail every NPC in the game, where they are, what you need
to do to hire them, and the price for their services.

Alignment (Thanks to zanbiexanvier for many of these): the NPC’s Alignment
Class: What character class and the level the NPC starts at
Location: Where the NPC can be found
Requirements: What you need to do before you can hire them. (Other than just
asking them “Will you be in my party?”)
Price: The cost to hire AND keep the NPC’s services
Comments: Any miscellaneous info I feel like putting in

I will also list any special events that happen while the NPC is in the party
in a special spoilers section.


The town drunk makes for a surprisingly good Arm-at-Mans... no, wait...

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter 4
Location: Wandering the streets of Hommlet drunk off his arse.
Requirements: None
Price: 200 Gold and a half share of all the money you find.
Comments: He’s great for some extra muscle despite the fact that he looks
like he’s about to tip over at any second. He will also only take
money when he loots so you won’t have to worry about him
over-encumbering himself.

Elmo is Otis’ brother. If you have him in the party when you talk to Otis
then they will have a short conversation. Nothing important comes out of this
conversation, (other then the fact that Otis is Elmo’s brother) but I’ve been
emailed about this a couple times so I’m putting it in.

-Note: Although he starts out as a Fighter, after he joins the party he will
multi-class into a Ranger.


She’s probably where the term “Ball and Chain” originated from...

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 3
Location: Inside Holten Kindlehopper’s house in Northern Hommlet
Requirements: Talk to Holten in his house, and he will mention about marrying
off his daughter Fruella. Talk to Fruella with a male character
and have him declare his love for her. She will say that she
won’t get married unless it’s a church wedding. Talk to Holden
again and tell him about Fruella’s demand to have a church
wedding and he will agree. Talk to Fruella again and she will
join the party.
Price: A full share of the loot.
Comments: Ah, the joys of married life...

Once you get her in the party she will not leave. The only way to get her out
of the party is to kill her.


Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Rogue 4
Location: On the main floor of the Welcome Wench Inn
Requirements: None
Price: A full share of the loot.
Comments: If you expose him as cheater you can get him to join for free.

Turuko (Thanks to Therumancer)

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Monk 3
Location: On the main floor of the Welcome Wench Inn.
Requirements: You need to have less then 4 members in the party and that
Kobort joins as well. You can not have him in the party if you
have a Paladin or else the Paladin may become Fallen.
Price: A full share of the loot.
Comments: He’s not all that special despite the absurd requirements needed to
recruit him.

Kobort (Thanks to Therumancer)

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 2
Location: On the main floor of the Welcome Wench Inn.
Requirements: He joins with Turuko.
Price: A full share of the loot.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Wizard 2
Location: On the main floor of the Welcome Wench Inn
Requirements: None
Price: EVERY Wizard scroll you find.
Comments: Taking him along can really stunt the growth of any other Wizards
in your party.

Zert (Thanks to the several people who emailed me about him)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Fighter 2
Location: On the second floor of the Welcome Wench Inn
Requirements: After he tells you about the Moathouse he will join up if you
ask him. You can not have him in the party if you have a
Paladin or else the Paladin may become Fallen.
Price: ?

Cavanaugh (Thanks to Ryan Wills)

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Outside the Welcome Wench Inn
Requirements: If you Intimidate him into paying his church dues during the
Zealotry quest then a few days later you will find him outside
the Welcome Wench Inn. Give him some money, then a few days
later you can recruit him if you want.
Price: ?

Meleny (Thanks to Fred)

Just how old is this girl, anyways?

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Druid 1
Location: Inside Filliken’s house in Hommlet
Requirements: First you need to help Marek to marry Meleny’s sister Althea,
and then you need to clean out the Moathouse. After doing this
you will be able to woo her with a male character with a high
(16+) Charisma and then you will be able to marry her.
Price: A full share of the loot.
Comments: Filliken will give you a Holy Longsword +1 as a wedding gift.


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Inside the Hommlet Trading Company
Requirements: Talk to Gremag or Rannos in the Hommlet Trading Company about
hiring their Man-at-Arms. They will let you use Raimol if you
pay them 180 gold. (You can use Diplomacy to lower this price
to 150 gold) You cannot have him in the party if you have a
Paladin or else the Paladin may become Fallen.
Price: 180 gold (or 150 if you use Diplomacy)
Comments: Man, this guy is WEAK!

If you attack Gremag or Rannos while he is in your party then he will
immediately leave your party and help Rannos and Gremag.


Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Wizard 8
Location: Inside Burne’s Tower in the east of Hommlet
Requirements: You have to have gone into the Temple at least once.
Price: A third of ALL the loot.

If you show him the Orb of Golden Death he will not join the party again.


Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Fighter 6
Location: Inside Burne’s Tower in the east of Hommlet
Requirements: You have to have gone into the Temple at least once.
Price: A quarter of ALL the loot.

After he reaches level 8 he will tell you that he has a prior commitment he
must attend to and leave the party permanently. If you are inside the Temple
when this happens he will wait until you exit the Temple before he leaves.

Lareth the Beautiful

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Cleric 5
Location: At the end of the Moathouse Dungeon
Requirements: When you fight Lareth and get him down to Near Death status he
will surrender and offer to show you an unguarded passage into
the Temple of Elemental Evil, but only if you take him along
with you. Accept his offer and he will join. You can not have
him in the party if you have a Paladin or else the Paladin may
become Fallen.
Price: ?

The “Secret, Unguarded” passage into the Temple that Lareth offers to show
you turns out to house about a dozen or so Brigands. He will also betray you
and attack you at this time.


Talk about your split-personalities...

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Standing around in Nulb, OR inside the Boatman’s Tavern
Requirements: You need to have a male character to recruit the Bertram
outside the tavern, or a female character for the one inside.
Either way, you will have to fight Tolub for his freedom.
Price: ?
Comments: If you talk to one Bertram it will cause the other one to vanish
from existence.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Fighter 10 (!)
Location: Inside his shop in Nulb
Requirements: You have to have gone to the Temple at least once.
Price: 175 gold and a full share of the loot.
Comments: WOW!

After you take Otis inside the Temple and then return to Nulb, Otis will
leave the party. You will be able to get Otis to agree to join your party one
more time, but the next time you return to Nulb after a Temple run he will
leave the party PERMANENTLY!

Mother Screng (Thanks to Lord of Xaos)

Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Cleric 9
Location: Inside her Herb Shop in Nulb.
Requirements: First you need to recruit Otis and take him inside the Temple.
After you return to Nulb Otis will leave the party. When you
recruit him again he should mention something about getting
help from Mother Screng. If your characters is under level 5
and have Otis in the party then you should be able to recruit
Price: ?
Comments: She is a good Cleric and well worth the hoops you have to jump
through to get her.

Hruda (Thanks to Lord of Xaos)

Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Fighter 2/Rogue 2
Location: On the second Floor of Mother Screng’s Herb Shop in Nulb.
Requirements: You need to have Mother Screng in you party.
Price: ?
Comments: She’s a decent NPC, but nowhere near as useful as her “Mother.” She
also has to deal with experience penalties.


Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Rogue 3
Location: At the Gypsy Camp in Nulb
Requirements: After you return the Orb of Sah to Mona you can purchase
Serena’s freedom for 500 gold. Then talk to Serena and ask her
to join your party.
Price: 500 Gold and a half share of the loot. (She won’t loot if you keep her
as a slave...)



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Bard 5
Location: A random encounter while traveling the World Map.
Requirements: You have to FIND him!
Price: ?
Comments: If you are looking for him then just continually travel between
Hommlet and Nulb until you run into him.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Inside a locked room on Dungeon Level One of the Temple of
Elemental Evil.
Requirements: None
Price: A full share of the loot
Comments: Argh, Matey! He be weak! Blimey! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!


Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 1
Location: In the same room that Morgan is in on Dungeon Level One of the
Requirements: His two brothers (both named Ed) join at the same time. He (and
his brothers) will only be there if you chose the “Humor”
fortune with Mona in Nulb.
Price: ?
Comments: These guys are joke characters, do NOT take them along.


Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Right next to Ted
Requirements: His brothers Ted and Ed join the party with him.
Price: ?
Comments: pH34R t3H 3Ds LolOL0l!!!!1! (I can’t believe I said that...)

Ed (the other one)

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Right next to Ted
Requirements: His brothers Ted and Ed join the party with him
Price: ?
Comments: Wow, one whole hitpoint...


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter 2
Location: On Dungeon Level One of the Temple being held captive by an Earth
Temple jailor named Turnkey.
Requirements: You have to free them before they will join. You also need six
or fewer party member to be able to get them to join.
Price: ?
Comments: His brother (?) Pintark will join the party along with Tuelk


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter 2
Location: Right next to Tuelk.
Requirements: Have Tuelk join.
Price: ?
Comments: Joins the party when Tuelk does.

Wonnilon (Thanks to Aaron)

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Fighter 3/Rogue 3
Location: In the northeast corner of Dungeon Level One.
Requirements: You need to free him and bring him his equipment. I think you
also have to show him the Gnome-Ring that Nybble in the
Moathouse gave you before he will join you.
Price: ?

Oohlgrist (Thanks to Kerensky)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Fighter 8
Location: Dungeon Level Two of the Temple.
Requirements: You need to continually Intimidate him until he joins the
Price: ?
Comments: You won’t be attacked by Trolls when he is in the party.


Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Rogue 2
Location: Inside a Prison cell on Dungeon Level Two of the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Fighter 7
Location: Inside his “Pleasure Dome” on Dungeon Level Three of the Temple.
Requirements: You will have to fight him and take off around 100-125
hitpoints. When you do this he will surrender to you, and will
join the party if you ask him to.
Price: ?
Comments: Holy [expletive deleted], he’s strong!

Good luck on getting anybody to talk with you while you have this guy in your

Prince Thrommel

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter 10
Location: Sleeping away in a secret room on Dungeon Level Three of the Temple
Requirements: None
Price: A full share of the loot
Comments: All Hail Fragarach!

Prince Thrommel will only stay in the party for as long as you stay in the
Temple. The next time you leave the leave the Temple, Thrommel will leave the
party forever.

Paida (Thanks to Recondiac)

Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Fighter 1
Location: Dungeon Level Four of the Temple
Requirements: You need to cast Dispel Magic on her before you can get her to
Price: ?

She will only stay in the party until you take her back to Valden in Hommlet.

Kella (Thanks to the hundred or so people who emailed me about her...)

Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Druid 9
Location: Disguised as a Hill Giant on Dungeon Level Four of the Temple
Requirements: You have to talk to her with a Druid or have a True Neutral
Party Alignment.
Price: ?
Comments: She has a ring that allows her (or any Druid that possesses the
ring) to Wild Shape into a Hill Giant.


Alignment: ?
Class: Fighter 7
Location: The Air Node in the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?
Comments: Although he has rather low hitpoints, he does make for a good
archer. He won’t talk to you if you have Ashrem in your party.


Alignment: ?
Class: Cleric 6
Location: The Air Node of the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?
Comment: He’s a decent enough Cleric, I guess. He won’t talk to you if you
have Taki in your party.

Ashrem is the Brother of Allrem, the High Priest of the Fire Temple. He also
wants revenge on Allrem for trapping him inside the Air Node, so I would
imagine that there would be a LOT of fireworks at any family reunion.


Alignment: ?
Class: Rogue 1
Location: The Earth Node in the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?
Comments: He has a special item in his inventory that causes fire damage to a
single enemy when used.


Alignment: ?
Class: Wizard 5
Location: The Earth Node in the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?
Comments: This guy has NO spells at all in his spellbook when you meet him.

Sargen just wants to get out of the Temple, and will offer you 5,000 gold to
escort him out. (you can use Diplomacy to raise this to 10,000)


Alignment: ?
Class: Sorceress 10
Location: The Fire Node in the Temple.
Requirements: None
Price: ?
Comments: If she is in her “true form” then she gets some interesting
bonuses, like Spell Resistance and a Natural AC bonus.

Darley is actually a Demon (Or is that Devil? I always mix the two up...) in
disguise. When you first talk to her you can use Sense Motive to get her to
reveal her true heritage. The interesting thing is that she will still join
the party afterwards if you ask her to join.


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Walkthrough [#005]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

This walkthrough tries to list all quest available from a general
perspective, along with notes detailing what happens with specific Party
Alignments. Also note that for the most part I won’t be giving specific
directions to a location. If you are looking for something just keep
exploring, you will find it eventually.

SPOILER NOTE: Although I won’t try to tell you every little detail that
happens in the plot, I will NOT go out of my way to avoid
spoilers, so if you are trying to avoid spoilers, don’t read
ahead of the spot you need help in. You have been warned.

==========================|Opening Vignettes [#005.1]|=========================

-Note: Which one of these opening vignettes you do depends on what your Party
Alignment is. You cannot do more than one Vignette.

__________________________________Lawful Good__________________________________

You start out in the middle of battle against three bandits. Kill them and a
survivor will show up out of nowhere and tell you to go and report to Valden
the Wainwright in Hommlet.

__________________________________Neutral Good_________________________________

When you start out go to the northeast to stumble upon a murder that has just
occurred. The murderer then attacks you, kill him and then a dialog starts up
that tells you that the murdered woman is Canoness Y’dey of the Church of the
St. Cuthbert in the Village of Hommlet. You decide to go to Hommlet to relay
the bad news.

__________________________________Chaotic Good_________________________________

This Opening Vignette is simply a dialog where you are tasked to find
Princess Tillahi and Sir Juffer. You are instructed to start by seeking out
Black Jay in Hommlet.

_________________________________Lawful Neutral________________________________

Head to the Northeast and the Lord Mayor of Greyhawk will initiate a dialog
telling you to go to Hommlet and help them deal with some bandits. He will
tell you to speak with Elder Kenter Nevets to get further orders.

__________________________________True Neutral_________________________________

Go Northwest until Hrudek talks to you. He tells you that he has not heard
from Jaroo in Hommlet in a while and wants you to go and find Jaroo and to
render any assistance he needs.

________________________________Chaotic Neutral________________________________

There are two doors to the northeast, one is locked and the other isn’t. Go
through the easternmost door to come to a room with a Minor Air Elemental
inside. Kill it then open the chest inside (it’s trapped) to find a key. Take
the key and return to the starting room and use the key you found to unlock
the westernmost door. Kill the pair of zombies here then continue on until
you find another treasure chest. Inside the chest is a treasure map that
points to a place called Rainbow Rock that is located near the Village of

__________________________________Lawful Evil__________________________________

Go north until the High Priest of Hextor starts a dialog. He orders you to go
and find the sword Fragarach. He tells you to speak with the monk Turuko in
Hommlet for more information and to bring Fragarach to Turuko when you find

__________________________________Neutral Evil_________________________________

You are interrupted from your church-burning fun by a Young Acolyte who
attacks you. Kill him and afterwards you decide to go to Hommlet and burn
that church too... I guess...

__________________________________Chaotic Evil_________________________________

You start this Vignette doing what Chaotic Evil people do best – slaughtering
innocent villagers. After killing them there is a dialog where one of the
villagers saying that someone named Rannos Davl of Hommlet has already beaten
you to the village’s loot. You decide to find this Rannos Davl and take back
the loot that is rightfully yours.

===============================|Hommlet [#005.2]|==============================

The first thing you should do when you get here is to find whoever you were
sent to find in the Opening Vignettes and talk to them. They will mention the
recent bandit activity in the Moathouse, which will be your next destination.
If they don’t point you to the Moathouse, you can talk to Spugnoir in the
Welcome Wench Inn and he will mark the location of the Moathouse on your map.

Woodcutter's Problem

When you talk to Tarim outside his hut He will tell you that he needs to go
to Deklo Grove to harvest some trees there, but he can’t go there because of
some Giant Spiders (*shudder*) that are currently making their residence

Offer to help him out, and then make your way to Deklo Grove where you will
be attacked by a pair of Giant Spiders. Kill them both and then return to
Tarim for a reward.

Drinking Contest

Enter the Welcome Wench Inn during the evening and talk to Tuperello who will
challenge you to a drinking contest. The rules are simple; each round
everyone drinks ale, (which causes 1-3 points of Non-Lethal damage) last one
standing wins. Win the contest to get some experience along with a really bad
hangover in the morning. (You can also loot your vanquished competitors
afterwards (thanks to Ravenclaw105 for pointing this out))

-WARNING: Winning this contest made my Paladin become Fallen. (Even though she
took no part in the contest) Don’t do this quest if you have a
Paladin in your party.

Know When to Fold Them

When you talk to Ostler in the Welcome Wench Inn he will offer you a free
room if you can prove that Furnok is cheating at gambling. Have someone with
a high Spot skill talk to Furnok and offer to gamble with him. (You can’t
gamble with him while he is in the party) After every round of gambling there
is a Spot check and if successful, you will notice that he is using marked
cards. (...or loaded dice) Tell Ostler that Furnok is cheating for experience
and free rooms. After you expose Furnok as a cheater you can get him to join
the party for free.


If you talk to Calmert about St. Cuthbert and ask him if there is any
retribution that needs to be done and he will tell you that Cavanaugh, one of
the Braumeister’s apprentices, has been slacking off on his dues, and he
would like you to go and collect them.

When you talk to Cavanaugh about his church dues he will say that he doesn’t
have the money. You can try to Intimidate him into paying and he will promise
to have the money by tomorrow. Otherwise you will have to agree to talk to
Calmert for him.

Report back to Calmert and if you used Intimidate on Cavanaugh then you can
tell him that Cavanaugh will pay by tomorrow to complete the quest. You can
also Bluff him to pay Cavanaugh’s dues of 2 gold yourself. Finally, you can
tell him that Cavanaugh can not pay, but you will be able to use Diplomacy
here to get him to overlook Cavanaugh’s dues for a donation of 10 gold.

According to Ryan Wills if you Intimidate Cavanaugh then a day or two later
you will find him standing outside the Welcome Wench sans job. (...and an
eye...) You can then convince him to join the party if you want to. (He’s
very weak, so just leave him be.)

Grain for the Church

When you talk to Myella in the Basement of the Church of St. Cuthbert and she
will complain about the lack of flour at the church. Offer to help her out
then leave the church and head out to talk to Mytch the Miller who is inside
the Flour Mill. If you use Diplomacy or Bluff here to ask him why he hasn’t
delivered any flour to the church he will tell you that as a member of the
Old Faith he is reluctant to donate to the Church of St. Cuthbert. You can
then offer to go and get advice from Jaroo, the head Druid in Hommlet.

Find Jaroo in his house and tell him about the Mytch’s predicament, then use
Diplomacy again to suggest a compromise where Mytch will donate some flour to
the Druids along with the Church. Go back and talk to Mytch who, while not
exactly thrilled about having to donate Flour to the Druids as well, will
accept the compromise. Or, you could just Bluff him without going to see
Jaroo at all.

A Ring for Black Jay

When you first talk to Black Jay, a herdsman who lives near the Church of St.
Cuthbert, he will just yell at you to get off his property. If you talk to
him again you can get him to tell you his story about his wife being dead and
how he has nothing to remember her by.

There is a lone Goblin nearby who will attack you as you approach it. Kill it
and take the ring that you find on its corpse. Take the ring to Black Jay who
will offer to trade you for it with either 20 +1 Arrows, a Cloak of
Elvenkind, (+5 to hide skill) or some Boots of Elvenkind. (+5 to Move
Silently skill) You could also just give it to him, but then he won’t give
you anything. You will be able to find a couple of other Cloaks of Elvenkind
scattered around so I would recommend taking the boots.

Black Jay's Dead Sheep

When you talk to Black Jay he will complain that his sheep are dropping dead
for apparently no reason. Offer to help him out then search his fields to
find several Hemlock plants scattered about. Take one with you and go back to
Black Jay who doesn’t know what those plants are, but suspects that Jaroo

Go to Jaroo and show him the plants and he will tell you that they are highly
poisonous. When you tell Black Jay about this he will suggest waiting until
nightfall to see if anybody sneaks into his fields.

Come back during the evening and you will find Corl, the Teamster’s son
standing in Black Jay’s fields. When you confront him he will at first claim
that he isn’t doing anything, but you can use Sense Motive or Intimidate to
get him to admit to planting the Hemlock, but will say he did it only because
someone was threatening his family. He won’t reveal who is putting him up to
it no matter what you do, so just send him on his way. In the morning tell
Black Jay it was the Teamster’s son to finish this quest.

Another Soul for Cuthbert

If you talk to Erliter, The Miller’s apprentice, inside the flour mill he
will say that he wants to convert to St. Cuthbert, but is afraid to tell
Mytch about his decision. Offer to talk to Mytch for him and he will thank
you. Talk to Mytch about Erliter converting and he will be against it, but
use Diplomacy or Intimidate here and you will be able to convince him to
allow it. Tell Erliter the good news to finish up this quest. Or, you could
just Bluff Erliter without talking to Mytch, but doing so will cause him to
lose his job.

Trader’s Courier Arrives (Thanks to Caroline)

-Note: I don’t think that you can do this quest if you have already finished
the Traders Revealed quest.

In the barn next to the Hommlet Trading Company you will find a Courier named
Rocutio. When you talk to him he will try to brush you off by saying that he
doesn’t work at the Hommlet Trading Company. If you press him he will say
that he merely helps deliver supplies to the Trading Company. Now use
Intimidate, Sense Motive, or Bluff to say that you think that he’s doing more
then just delivering supplies. After this if you used Intimidate or Bluff you
will then need to use Sense Motive (or Intimidate if you used Sense Motive)
to get him to finally admit that Rannos and Gremag of the Hommlet Trading
Company are really spies for the Temple of Elemental Evil before running off.

Go and talk to Rannos or Gremag and tell them that you know that they are
Temple spies and they will try to buy your silence. If you ask for money they
try to give you a measly 20 gold, (use Diplomacy to raise this to 200 gold)
or you could ask for a Magic Item and they will give you a Shortsword +1.
(There was also a dialog option asking for the location of the Temple, but I
couldn’t get them to show you where the Temple was)

Agent Revealed

When you talk to Burne in his tower and volunteer your services he will tell
some funny business going on with the construction of the new castle. He
wants you to pose as laborers to try and catch who is behind this. Go to the
castle worksite and talk to Jayfie there. Tell him that you are new laborers
(you will need to use Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate to get him to believe
you) and ask him about any “side jobs” that you can help with, then you can
Bluff him into letting it slip that Rannos and Gremag of the Hommlet Trading
Company are trying to sabotage the construction of the castle. Report back
to Burne and he will give you 50 gold as a reward.

Traders Revealed

This is more of a continuation of the Agent Revealed quest than a separate
quest, but oh well... After you learn that Rannos and Gremag of the Hommlet
Trading Company are behind the sabotage of the new castle you can go there
and confront them about this. You can either blackmail them for 50 gold, (you
can use Diplomacy to raise the price to 100 gold) or tell them that you are
going to reveal the plot to Burne. This quest will be completed either way.

-Note: If you are disappointed with how the –Revealed quests turn out (with
Burne just promising to talk to the council about the situation, and
Rannos and Gremag still at large) you can take matters into your own
hands. I haven’t been able to goad them into attacking you through
dialog, so you will have to start up combat and attack them yourselves.
I was able to handle them with a level one party. (plus Elmo) Fighting
them is definitely worth it; I got 1,500+ experience, Chain Mail +3,
Leather Armor +1, an Amulet of Non-Detection, (Sell it for 20,000 gold)
a pair of Shortswords +1, and a pair of Daggers +1! Best of all there
seems to be no repercussions for killing them.

One Bride for One Player

If you talk to Holten in his house he will talk about his life as a farmer,
but if you use Sense Motive you can suggest that things are not going as
great as he says. He will then say that he wishes that he could find a
husband for his daughter, Fruella. If you talk to him with a male character
you can agree to try and woo her.

If you talk to Fruella after this you can proclaim your undying love for her,
but she will say that the only way she is going to marry you is if she has a
church wedding. Talk to Holten again and tell him of Fruella’s demand of a
church wedding and he will agree to it. Talk to Fruella and she will join
your party as an NPC “Until Death do you Part!”

Terjon Wants More Followers

When you talk to Terjon about conversions he will say that he would like to
try to convert Jakk Borton, the Leatherworker, to St. Cuthbert. Agree to help
him out then go and talk to Jakk. He will tell you that he’s not going to
convert until someone Heals his brother-in-law Bing. Go back to Terjon and
ask him to Heal Bing, but Terjon will refuse. There is bookcase located on
the same level that has several scrolls and a couple of potions in it. Take
them all and identify them, (You can identify scrolls with the Read Magic
spell) one of them is a Scroll of Heal. Go back to Bing and use the Scroll of
Heal on him to cure him. (Remember that you need to give the scroll to a
Cleric or Druid to be able to use it) Talk to Jakk and he will gladly convert
to St. Cuthbert.

-Note: It doesn’t matter where the Heal spell comes from, (Scrolls, Potions,
whatever...) just as long as it’s a Heal Spell. The scroll from the
church is just the easiest way to access the spell.

-Neutral Good: While you are here, be sure to give Terjon the Canoness’
Pendant for bit of experience.

-Neutral Evil: If you mention that Church that you destroyed in the prologue
to Terjon he will attack you. (That church was Terjon’s home
church.) Be careful, he is quite powerful and can easily wipe
the floor with a low-level party. You may want to come back
later when you have powered up a bit and take him on then.

Carpenter's Dilemma

When you talk to Marek in the Carpenter’s Shop he will tell you about how he
wants to marry Althea, Filliken’s daughter, but Filliken refuses to allow
Althea marry someone who is not of the Old Faith. He wants to convert, and
wants you to ask Jaroo if he can do a conversion for him. Go and talk to
Jaroo and he will say that he will convert Marek, but only if Terjon consents
to it.

Talk to Terjon about Marek’s conversion, but he will be dead set against it.
You eventually will work out a compromise where he will allow Marek’s
conversion if you convert Jakk Borton, the Leatherworker, to St. Cuthbert.
After you convert Jakk (See “Terjon Wants More Followers” for more details)
Terjon will reluctantly consent to Marek’s conversion. (You might also have
to convert Erliter as well...) Go back to Jaroo and tell him that Terjon
consents to the conversion and he will start the preparations for the
conversion. Go back to Marek and tell him the good news.

Cupid's Arrow

When you talk to Gwynneth in her house she will tell you about how her
husband Percy and his brother Filliken are squabbling over a shared barn.
Since Filliken’ wife died he’s been throwing himself into his farming, as
such he has grown much more than what can be stored in a single barn.
Gwynneth will suggest trying to hook Filliken up with the Widow Mathilde, go
across the street and talk to Mathilde in her house and she will agree to try
to woo Filliken. She will send you off to the Carpenters to start on her
dowry. (a barn)

When you talk to Rik Linkin, the Carpenter, about constructing a barn he will
say that he won’t be able to start on building a barn for a while. The only
way to get him to start work on the barn is to help Rik’s brother Marek
convert to the Old Faith. (See “The Carpenter’s Dilemma” for more details)
After you help Marek out then Rik will agree to start building a barn for
Mathilde. Go back to Mathilde and she will be delighted. Now, you just need
to get Filliken on board...

Talk to Filliken about Mathilde and he will admit the likes her, but he
doesn’t think he’s been in mourning for his late wife for long enough. He’s
not quite sure about this, however, so offer to go speak to Jaroo about this.
When you talk to Jaroo about this he will say that Filliken has indeed been
in mourning for long enough and is free to date Mathilde. Tell Filliken the
news to complete this quest.

Stealing Farmers

Talk to Filliken after completing the Cupid’s Arrow quest he will complain
that someone is stealing from him. Agree to help him out, then wait until
evening and you will find Otello sneaking around outside Filliken’s house.
Confront him and he will admit to stealing from Filliken, but only to feed
his family. You can offer to keep his identity a secret if you want. Talk to
Filliken in the morning and tell him that you caught the thief. If you
promised to Otello that you wouldn’t reveal his identity then you won’t
identify who the thief was. You can then give Filliken 5 platinum to cover
his losses. (...or not)

Unhappy Tailor

When you talk to Jinnerth, the Tailor, he will complain that that Renton, the
captain of the town militia is refusing to allow him to join because of his
height. Go and talk to Renton in his house during the evening (I don’t have a
clue where he goes to during the day) and he will still refuse to allow
Jinnerth to join. You can use Diplomacy here to arrange a deal where Jinnerth
will provide the uniforms for the militia in exchange for being allowed to
join. Or, you could try to use Bluff to tell him that your Cleric’s God is
VERY displeased with his choice to not allow Jinnerth to join and Renton will
change his mind. (I’m not sure how this will play out if you don’t have a
cleric in your party...) Go back to Jinnerth and tell him the good news. (You
can also give him 20 gold to help cover the cost of the uniforms if it makes
you feel better.)

-Note: Several people have emailed me to tell me that if you have Elmo in your
party then there is an option that says something like “We gave your
son a chance, you should give Jinnerth a chance too,” that will also
work here. (Elmo is Renton’s son)

Terjon Searches for a St. Cuthbert Artifact

When you talk to Terjon about the Temple of Elemental Evil he will mention
that he lost an artifact during The Battle of Emridy Meadows. Offer to help
him out and he will give you a rather vague clue on where it might be. (near
a rainbow-colored rock)

Go to Emridy Meadows and near the center of the map you will find the Rainbow
Rock. When you look under it there is a Copper Stardust Pendent, this is the
artifact that Terjon is looking for. Take it back to Terjon to complete the

-Chaotic Neutral: The Rainbow Rock is also the location of the treasure that
you were looking for in the prologue. The treasure is a
magical statuette that will summon Fungi when used.

For the most part the enemies here are merely pushover skeletons. In the
southwest corner of the map there lives a REALLY nasty Hill Giant. (and his
slightly less nasty Brown Bear companion...) Your party should be at least at
level 5 or 6 before you even think of taking him on. Probably the best
strategy to use here is to trap them both in an Entangle or a Web spell, then
pelt them to death with ranged weapons.

-Michael sent in this strategy for beating the Hill Giant:
“Wait till night and sneak up on the two until you can just see them.
Then use your cleric, or druid to cast or use the scroll charm animal
(1st level spell) and I have yet to fail using it. Then use missile
attacks against the giant while the bear tears into it.”

Courtship of Eddie’s Herdsman (Thanks to Caroline)

When you talk to Laszlo in his barn about his family and he will tell you the
story about his wife’s death and the rumors about his mental stability. If
you are speaking with a female character you can suggest that Laszlo try to
court your character to stop the rumors that are going around. Laszlo says
that it might work, if you can talk his son, Eddie into going along with it.
Go and talk to “little” Eddie about this and he will tell you (in no
uncertain terms) that he is against it. Go back to Laszlo and he will tell
you to try again later. Keep trying and eventually (I’m not exactly sure what
triggers this, I think it’s when you gain levels) he will warm up to you and
accept you to finish this quest.

The Rescue of Paida (thanks to Recondiac)

If your Party Alignment is Lawful Good you can tell Valden about the attack
on the Caravan that happened in your Opening Vignette and he will ask you to
find his wife Paida. (I’m not sure if/how you get this quest if your Party
Alignment is not Lawful Good)

You won’t find any trace of Paida for a long, long, LONG time. In Dungeon
Level Four of the Temple you will run into a “Dazed Concubine,” if you talk
to her she seems rather out of it, but Sense Motive will tell you that she
seems to under some kind of spell. Cast Dispel Magic on her to break the
spell and have her regain her senses. She will tell you that she is Paida and
wants to go home to Valden. Offer to escort her out of the Temple and she
will join the party as an NPC. Return to Valden with Paida in the Party to
finish this quest.

Beggar’s Triumvirate

Depending on how you solve some of the quests in Hommlet, you can force three
people to lose their jobs and become beggars outside the Welcome Wench Inn.

During the “Zealotry” quest, if you Intimidate Cavanaugh to get him to pay
his church dues then a day or two later he will be outside the Inn.

During the “Another Soul for Cuthbert” quest, if you Bluff Erliter into
thinking that Mytch approves of his conversion when he really doesn’t, then
he will be fired and take his place outside the Inn.

During the “Stealing Farmers” quest, if you name Otello as the thief to
Filliken then you will also be able to find him begging outside the Inn.

After ruining the lives of three different people you can give them a couple
of Gold pieces to try and make amends for ruining their lives. (Or laugh in
their faces, whichever you prefer.)

==============================|Moathouse [#005.3]|=============================

As you start down the path you will be ambushed by some Giant Frogs. They
shouldn’t give you too many problems, but do remember that they can swallow
your party members if given the chance to. If anyone gets swallowed you will
have to kill the frog to release them, so do it quickly before they get
digested. (too much...) After you beat them continue on to the entrance to
the Moathouse.

Go up to the main gate and enter the tower there to fight a giant spider.
(*shudder*) After defeating the spider loot the treasure chest here and rest
if you need it, (the tower is a safe place to rest) then leave the tower and
enter the courtyard to find a small group of bandit sentries who will attack
you. After defeating them go ahead and enter the Moathouse itself.

Or, instead of entering the main gate of the Moathouse you can circle around
to the north and search around to find a secret door. Using this door will
allow you to ambush a group of bandits inside the Moathouse.

_______________________________Moathouse Interior______________________________

In the starting room there are three Dire Rats, who don’t seem to be too
interested in you. In the room to the north there is a group of bandits who
will attack you. (If you took the secret door, however, you will wind up in
the bandit’s room and end up ambushing them.) Kill them all and take whatever
treasure you find there. There is also a secret set of stairs here that will
take you down to a point that’s just past Lubash in the Moathouse Dungeon.
Return to the first room and search the rest of this floor. There is not much
here except for a Giant Python in the Southeastern room and a Giant Lizard in
the Western room. Kill them if want some experience, or just avoid them. When
you are done here take the stairs down to the Moathouse Dungeon.

_______________________________Moathouse Dungeon_______________________________

There are a couple of Green Slimes that are hiding in the starting room, but
they likely won’t show themselves until you start combat with the zombies to
the south. In the northern part of this room there are two doors. The western
one leads to nothing, but the eastern one leads to a chest with several “Eye
of Flame” Cloaks inside. Be sure to equip one of these to each of your
characters, as these will save you a bit of trouble as you go deeper.

Return to the slime room and head south and west to run into a horde of
undead. Send them back to grave and continue on to the east and south and you
will run into an Ogre named Lubash.

If any of your characters are not wearing an Eye of Flame Cloak then Lubash
will attack you on sight. If everyone is wearing an Eye of Flame Cloak then
you can try to Bluff or Diplomacy him into letting you pass. If you’re
successful he lets you pass, if not he will attack. If you end up fighting
him be careful, as he has a lot of hit points (around 50) and he can take out
many of your party members in one hit! When you defeat them search the room
to the west to find three captives. Talk to Nybble and free him, he will give
you ring that will mark you as a Gnome-friend before leaving.

Continue on down the hall (if you took the secret stairs in the bandit’s room
in the Moathouse Interior then you will come out at the top of the stairs
here) and at the fork in the road take the northern fork. The southern route
just leads to a bunch of Bugbears who will attack you on sight regardless of
what you’re wearing.

Following the northern fork you will run into pack of rather demoralized
Gnolls. They are willing to leave the dungeon if you pay them 100 gold, and
they will also mark the location of the Master of this Dungeon on your map
for another 100 gold. (You can use Diplomacy to knock 50 gold off the price)
You can also Intimidate them and they will leave for nothing, but then they
won’t mark the Master’s location on the map if you do. Or you could just
fight them...

After you deal with the Gnolls continue on to the south until the path splits
into 3. The northwestern path leads to a fight with some Ghouls. (Be careful,
these guys can paralyze you!) There is also a secret door that leads all the
way back the entrance that is located here. The southwestern path takes you
to a pool with a Giant Crayfish inside who will attack you as you approach.
The southeast path takes you to a room with two exits, the southern one leads
to a set of stairs that lead outside the Moathouse, while the eastern door
leads to one of Lareth’s Guards who will ask you what you are doing here. You
can try to Bluff him if you are wearing Eye of Flame cloaks, or Intimidate if
you’re not. If you succeed in Bluffing him the person who was speaking to the
guard is separated from the rest of the party and sent to the backroom to
speak with Lareth. If you do this Lareth will probably figure out you are not
on Temple Business and start a fight anyways, meaning that your spokesman
will start combat alone and surrounded by enemies. (Not a cheerful prospect,
to say the least...) When you Intimidate the guard he will leave, allowing
you to enter the inner sanctum. If you enter combat you will have a huge
fight on your hands, with nearly a dozen Guardsmen, possibly including Lareth
the Beautiful himself. After you are done with the Guardsmen go into the
backroom to come face-to-face with Lareth.

Talk to Lareth and he will likely attack you, in combat get him down to Near
Death and he will stop the fight and offer to surrender. In exchange for his
life he will offer to show you an “unguarded” passage into the Temple of
Elemental Evil. If you tell him that those terms are not good enough he will
also give you his gold necklace. If you accept this offer he will join your
party. If you refuse you will have to kill him. After he is dead search his
dresser drawer to find Lareth’s Diary, it will detail what is going on here a
bit, and also detail the location of Nulb, so be sure to take a look at it.

When you are done here leave the Moathouse and return to Hommlet.

==========================|Return to Hommlet [#005.4]|=========================

There’s not a lot to do here other than to sell off any junk you collected
from the Moathouse, finish up any quests that are still open here, and to
prepare to make your way to the Village of Nulb.

-WARNING: If you Spared Lareth’s life and have him in your party then it will
cause the townspeople to randomly attack your party. (Racists.)

================================|Nulb [#005.5]|================================

Nulb is more or less just a stopping spot on you way to the way to the Temple
of Elemental Evil itself. That doesn’t mean you should pass it by entirely,
as there are quite a few quests and other things to do here. If you still
haven’t found the location of the Temple of Elemental Evil itself yet you can
talk to Mother Screng, the Herbmonger and she will mark its location on the
map, or you could get a map to the Temple from Alira in the Waterside Hostel
by either stealing it or killing her.

The Waterside Hostel

Whenever you enter you enter the Waterside Hostel one of the serving wenches
named Dala will attempt to pick one of your character’s pockets. (She will
pick pocket whichever character caused the map transition between Nulb and
the Hostel) Whether she succeeds or fails the character will then get a Spot
check to determine if your character noticed it or not. If the check is
successful then a dialog will start up where you will accuse Dala of
thievery. The proprietor of the Waterside Hostel, Rentsch will then jump in
to defend Dala, and the only way to avoid bloodshed here is to either use
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or by begging for your worthless life. If you use
Diplomacy here he will offer to give you some work, which opens up the Earth
Temple quests, (see “The Temple Quests” for more info) and if you use
Intimidate, he will give you a free round of drinks to make amends. If you
got out by begging you get nothing other the chance to keep on living.

-Note: Dala will attempt to pick your pockets EVERY time you enter the
Waterside Hostel, so you will have to go through this every time you
come here.

Triple-Cross (Thanks to Christo)

If you talked to both Rentsch and Wat and got them both to refer you to the
Temple (Rentsch to the Earth Temple and Wat to the Fire Temple) you can set
them against each other if you wish. First talk to Rentsch (or Wat, it
doesn’t matter) and tell him that Wat is really a spy. Now go to Wat and tell
him that Rentsch is working for the Council in Hommlet. Go back to Rentsch
and tell him that Wat knows that Rentsch works for the Temple, and finally
talk to Wat and tell him that Rentsch knows that Wat works for the Temple to
complete this quest.

Mona’s Crystal Ball

When you first talk to Mona she will accuse you of being a thief. Use
Diplomacy and tell her that you are not a thief and she will say that someone
has stolen her Crystal of Sah. She will say that she knows that someone named
Mickey has her crystal. You can find Mickey out on the streets at night, (or
all the way back in Hommlet during the day) when you confront him he will
eventually offer to sell it for 500 gold. (according to Therumancer, you
could also use Intimidate here and he will give you the crystal for nothing.)
Take the crystal back to Mona and give it back to her to complete this quest.

-Note: Hanzii has told me that having Serena in the party will cause Mona to
stop talking to you. So if you buy Serena’s freedom before and put her
into the party before you return the Crystal then you won’t be able to
finish this quest.

Gypsy Road

If you talk to Serena she will tell you her story, apparently Mona helped her
out with some debts, but now keeps her as a slave. Talk to Mona about this
and you will be able to purchase her freedom (or just purchase her...) for
500 gold. Pay the money and talk to Serena again to finish up this quest.

After you buy Serena’s freedom you can ask her to read your future. After her
fairly obvious fortune, (you are going to the Temple, SHOCK) she will ask you
what kind of adventure you would like. You answer here will have an effect on
the game. The answers you can give are:

-“Whatever the gods may have in store for me, I am prepares.”

-“I look for challenging adventures”

-“Gold and more gold”
On Dungeon Level One you will be able to rescue some merchants who will
give you 100 platinum if you free them.

-“I seek humor in all things, even when the moment may not warrant it”
On Dungeon Level One of the Temple you will find Ted, Ed, and Ed, three
spectacularly useless NPCs that you can recruit.

-“I wish for great honor and heroics”

Preston Wetz’s Tooth of Pain

There is an old man named Preston Wetz who will yell at you if you talk to
him. You need to use Diplomacy to get him to admit that the reason that he is
in such a bad mood is that he has a bad tooth problem, and he has no money to
pay for a dentist. He says that Mona the Gypsy owes him some money, (well,
something like that...) but can’t collect it because she has been robbed.
When you return the Orb of Sah to Mona (See “Mona’s Crystal Ball” for more
details) you can talk to Preston and tell him that Mona is back on her feet
again to finish this quest.

Buying a House

When you talk to Otis the Blacksmith about finding a place to stay he will
mention that Preston Wetz is looking to sell off his house. You have to help
him out with his tooth problem in the “Preston Wetz’s Tooth of Pain” quest
before he will talk about selling the house to you. After you do this you can
buy the house for 800 gold, or use Diplomacy to lower the price down to 500
gold. You can rest freely inside the house, and there are a couple of
treasure chests here that you can use to stash any junk that you may have
picked up along the way.

A Pirate’s Life for Me (or, My Two Bertrams)

While you are exploring you will notice a Pirate dressed in purple, when you
talk to him he will say that his name is Bertram. If you talk to Bertram with
a male character there is a dialog path where your character will ask Bertram
if he would like to... “join your party.” He will say that he can not “join”
because of his “owner” Tolub.

Now, if you head into the Boatmen’s Tavern withOUT talking to the Bertram
outside you will see a pirate with a red bandanna standing next to Tolub.
Talk to him and he will say that his name is Frederick Bertram. This Bertram
has the same problem as the other Bertram, (well, maybe not the EXACT same
problem...) but you can only try to get him to “join” if you talk to this one
with a female character.

-Note: Talking to one Bertram will apparently cause the other Bertram to
vanish from existence. (regardless of whether you agreed to help him or

Either way you can find Tolub in the Boatmen’s Tavern trying to get into a
brawl with anyone who comes near him. Take up his challenge and beat him,
then ask for Bertram’s “freedom.” Go back to Bertram and he will gladly “join
your party.” (...They took out the Brothel and left this in?) (According to
Mitzrah you won’t be able to get Bertram to join if the party alignment is
True Neutral.) (T.Grahn notes that you can just use Diplomacy to get Tolub to
hand over Bertram to you.)

Eye of the Tiger

You will find the pirate Tolub inside the Boatmen’s Tavern during the night
challenging all comers to a good old fashioned brawl. If you talk to him you
can accept his challenge, the talking character will then have to fight Tolub
alone and unarmed, and if you win you will get 100 gold. (Or you can ask for
Bertram’s... uh... “freedom” instead) (EXPERT PROTIP: Use a Monk)

Therumancer argues that you would probably have an easier time by using a
heavily armored Fighter or Barbarian than a Monk. While I can see the
reasoning behind this, I still think that using a Monk here is best. A
high-level Monk has a higher unarmed damage potential than any other class
along with Stunning Blow, which will make short work of Tolub. Monks (or any
character that has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat) will also get an Attack
of Opportunity whenever Tolub attacks. You will probably do just fine using
your best warrior here, but if given the choice, I would take a Monk.

Grud’s Fish Story (Thanks to Therumancer)

When you talk to Grud Squinteyes and he will ask if you could kill a Giant
Gar located in Imeryds Run. When you first go to Imeryds Run you will be
attacked by a Giant Frog, and an even bigger King Frog. (Be sure to check the
King Frog corpse, as it has a Longsword +2 and some gloves of Dexterity +2 on
it) To the west of here you will find a Sea Hag along with five Lizardmen.
After you kill them, head to the northeast to find the Giant Gar. Kill it,
and then search the corpse to find a Giant Gar Corpse, (...) take the corpse
back to Grud to complete the quest.

Assassination (Thanks to Therumancer)

When you talk to Skole in the Boatman’s Tavern and tell him you are looking
for some danger and he might try to hire you for a job. He will tell you that
he is not the owner of the Boatman’s Tavern, but he wants to be. He wants you
to kill the owner Lodriss so that he can take over the Tavern. He offers you
a gem he says is worth 500 gold, and you can also get him to throw in a
Shield +2 with a little negotiation. Now you can talk to Lodriss and either
try to kill her, (you will end up in combat against everybody here except for
Skole and his Goon) or rat Skole out. If you ratted Skole out then Lodriss
will give you 600 gold for the info. (Vincent notes that a character with
high charisma can ask Lodriss to take a “little walk” with them and she will
accept. (she will accept even if it’s a female character that’s asking...)
You will end up on the docks outside minus one Lodriss. You can go then back
to Skole for your reward. Note that a Paladin WILL fall if they do this.)

-Note: If you agree to kill Lodriss for Skole but don’t kill her after about a
week then Skole will send some goons after you.

The Spy Who Loved Me (Thanks to Therumancer)

If you flirt with Pearl with a male character then she will say that she is
in a relationship, but use Sense Motive and she will let it slip that she
suspects that her boyfriend Wat is cheating on her with Alira. Talk to Alira
and she will admit to having an affair with Wat. Tell this to Pearl to end
this quest. (or, you could try to cover for Wat if you want)

-Note: If you pick Alira’s pockets (or kill her) you will get a map that shows
the location of the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Bribery (Thanks to Lord of Xaos)

When you talk to Sammy, Otis’ Apprentice, he will offer to tell you where
Otis keeps all his treasure. If you pay him he will tell you that Otis
stashes his stuff under the anvil in his workshop. (zanbiexanvier tells me
that you can use Diplomacy or Bluff here to get him to lower his price) If
you click on the anvil then a looting screen will come up, but if you take
anything here then Otis will attack you. (T.Grahn notes that if your
character is sneaking when you loot the anvil, then Otis won’t attack. If you
do this, be sure that the person who is holding Otis’ stuff does NOT talk to
Otis, he will recognize his stuff and attack.) (Also, Mr Pommes tells me that
if Elmo is in your party when Otis attacks then Elmo will leave the party and
help his brother to fight you.) If you talk to Otis after opening his stash
(but not taking anything) there will be a dialog path were you can ask him
where a simple blacksmith got such good stuff. (zanbiexanvier Notes that he
will only attack if you take the sword and/or armor, not the gems) After some
persistence you will be able to get him to admit that he is really an agent
of the king sent to guard an ancient evil. A rather amusing thing to note
here is that if Otis is in the party when you check under the anvil, not only
will he not attack you if you take anything, but he will actually take his
share of the treasure!

Mother Screng’s Secret

If you recruit Otis into your party, go to the Temple and return, Otis will
leave your party. When you talk to him again and ask him join your party
again he will mention something about getting help from Mother Screng when he

Go and talk to Mother Screng in her home and ask her for help. She will
reveal herself as the Canoness Y’dey, and that the Herbmonger is a front so
she can spy on the Temple. If your characters are under Level 5 she will
agree to accompany you. If you are over Level 5 she will tell you that you
can take care of yourself and she won’t join the party. Also, if you talk to
Hruda on the second floor of the Herbmonger’s shop with Screng in your party
then she will join your party too.

-Neutral Good: This revelation is especially shocking to you since the whole
reason you came here was because of the Canoness’ supposed
“death.” She will tell you that the woman that was killed was
her sister, who was acting as a decoy while the Canoness spied
on the Temple in Nulb.

====================|The Temple of Elemental Evil [#005.6]|====================

Well, here we are, the Temple of Elemental Evil itself. The Main entrance to
the Temple is blocked, but there is a small side entrance to the west that
will take you to the Main Floor of the Temple. The path to the southwest
seems to lead to a dead-end, while the northeast path leads to a ruined
tower. There is a lone sentry standing outside this tower. If you were sent
here by Rentsch you can talk to him and he will take you to Romag, the Earth
Temple leader. (Or, if you were recruited by Wat he will take you to Allrem,
the leader of the Fire Temple.) Inside the tower there is a rather large
battle with over a dozen brigands, including a Wizard and a couple of
Witches. (They use Cleric Spells against you.)

-Note: If you have Lareth in your party when you enter the tower he will
betray you and join with the brigands. You will then have to kill him
along with the rest of the brigands. If you don’t want him to betray
you then just don’t enter the tower.

There is a hidden ladder located in one of the bedrooms that will lead to the
Escape Tunnel. (See the Dungeon Level Three section for more info) There is a
key on the body of the Brigand Leader that will open the locked chest here.
When you are done here head to the Temple entrance and enter the Temple

___________________________________Main Floor__________________________________

There are no fights on this floor. (Of course, your party can still be
ambushed if they rest here...) Scattered around this level are four locked
chest that each contains robes that will identify you as a member of the Air,
Earth, Fire, or Water Temples. (How convenient...) When all of the characters
in your party are wearing one of these robes then those minions that are
affiliated with that temple will ignore you. (This isn’t foolproof; however,
some enemies like zombies will attack you regardless of what you’re wearing.
I’ve also found that if a battle starts then any nearby enemies will join in
against you regardless of their faction.) It would be wise to make sure that
everyone in the party has one of each of these in their inventories.

There is a secret staircase in the center of the map that leads to spiral
staircase. There is a secret door in there that leads to Dungeon Level One,
and if you follow the staircase down you will be dumped into the Air Temple
foyer. I would advise against going this way, however, as there is no way to
get back from that direction. The stairs on the east and west side of the map
will lead down to Dungeon Level One. Take which ever one you want, it doesn’t
really matter.

_______________________________Dungeon Level One_______________________________

This level is dominated by the Earth Temple, so you want to be wearing those
Earth Temple Robes the entire time you are on this level. If you are trying
to go down to the second level there are a couple ways to do so. There is the
main stairway down located in between the two sets of stairs up to the Main
Floor, but it ends in a hallway blocked by one of those Magically Held doors
so it’s not the best way down. Fortunately, there is a set of side stairs on
the western edge of the map that you can use that isn’t blocked with a
Magically Held door.

Merchant Rescue

Near the western flight of stairs that leads back to the main floor there is
a locked room that contains several Merchant prisoners. Also locked in this
room is Morgan the pirate, an NPC who will join your party if you want him
to. (...and you don’t want him to: he starts at level 1, he has lousy stats,
he starts out with NOTHING, and he has a cliché “Argh, Matey” pirate accent.
He is Chaotic Good though...)

-Note: If you told Mona that you were seeking humor you will find three
Man-at-Arms prisoners instead of Merchants. These prisoners, named Ted,
Ed, and Ed, will join your party if you have three open NPC slots.
Don’t worry about it if they aren’t there, you that you aren’t missing
much. (The three of them have a combined total of six hitpoints, with
one of the Eds having a grand total of one hitpoint.)

Turnkey and the Prisoners

While searching the western section of the map you will stumble upon an Earth
Temple jailor named Turnkey. I think you can talk to him (if you didn’t
forget to put on Earth Temple Robes like I did...) or attack him. After you
kill him and his Bugbear flunky you can free the prisoners if you wish. When
you talk to the two female prisoners they will ask you for 1000 gold, but
when you give it to them nothing seems to happen. (zanbiexanvier notes that
the female prisoner won’t ask for money if you talk to them with a female
character) The two Orc Prisoners, Tuelk and Pintark, will join you if you
decide to ask them after you free them.

Equipment for Wonnilon

A little bit to the north of where you found Turnkey there are several prison
cells that contain assorted undead. One of the cells, however, has a Gnome
named Wonnilon who asks you to retrieve his equipment: a Dagger, some Leather
Armor, and his backpack before he slips off to his hidey-hole on the other
side of the map. Wonnilon’s equipment can be found in the cell directly to
the north of where you found Wonnilon. Make your way to the place that
Wonnilon marked on your map and give him his equipment back.

Of Gnomish Crossbows and Magic Scrolls

When you return Wonnilon’s equipment he will notice that he is missing his
crossbow and a Control Plants scroll. He wants you to find them for him, but
he has no idea where they could be. The items are in the possession of a Hill
Giant named Scorpp on Dungeon Level Three. I think you have to kill him to
get the crossbow and scroll from him. Take these items back to Wonnilon to
complete this quest. He will also let you keep the Control Plants scroll as a

_______________________________Dungeon Level Two_______________________________

You can find the Air, Fire and Water Temples on this level. There are also a
couple of those really annoying Magically Held doors located on this level.

The Crystal Mirror

There is a room that when you enter a mysterious voice will proclaim that if
you leave ALL of your items in the room and then leave the room your items
will be empowered with holy power. If you have Sense Motive you will notice
that something seems fishy about this setup. Don’t drop any of your items on
the ground and just leave the room to the west. In the hallway beyond Search
around to find a secret door, beyond that door are a pair of Werewolves who
will attack you. Kill them (You will only be able to get past their damage
reduction if you have silver weapons (and the only silver weapons in the game
are Silver Arrows)) and loot the room.

The Littlest Troll

Hiding out in the northern section of the map is The Littlest Troll who will
attack you. I have no idea whether he is supposed to be important or not.
Just remember that if you want to not deal non-lethal damage to this guy (and
any other Troll you face) you have to hit them with either fire or acid
attacks, and to kill it you need to have someone do a Coup de Grace attack on
it after you knock them unconscious.

Countess Tillahi and Sir Juffer

In the eastern section of the map you will find a Greater Temple Bugbear
Jailor along with his Ogre buddy. Kill them both then open the northeastern
cell to find a Female Elven Prisoner. Talk to her and she will identify
herself as Countess Tillahi. She will tell you that she and her consort Sir
Juffer have been kidnapped by the Temple. If you offer to help them out they
will refuse, saying they will be fine if you just give them directions out of
the Temple. (You can give them bad directions if you wish)

-Chaotic Good: Seeing as how you are supposed to rescue them and all, you
should probably make sure that they reach their destination,

If you help them out of the Temple then about 30 days later you will have a
random encounter on the World Map with a contingent of Elves. They will thank
you for rescuing the Countess and give you a reward.

______________________________Dungeon Level Three______________________________

Scorpp’s Pleasure Dome

Directly to the east of the stairs that go up to the second floor next to the
Air Temple High Priest you will find a Hill Giant named Scorpp in his
self-described “Pleasure Dome” along with his Worg companion. When you talk
to him just about every dialog path here will result in a fight. (You can use
Diplomacy to avoid a fight, but if you talk to him again afterwards he will
attack you anyways.) When you fight him (He’s a lot easier than the other
Hill Giants you will face, mainly because he only attacks with a Crossbow for
some reason, and he doesn’t seem to be too interested in avoiding the Attacks
of Opportunities he draws when he uses that Crossbow) and after taking off
around 100-125 hitpoints he will surrender to you. You can then grill him on
what he knows about the Temple, (which ain’t much...) or you can ask him to
join your party, and he will accept. (!)

-Note: Scorpp is the one who has Wonnilon’s Crossbow and Control Plants
scroll. He is also the cause of the “disturbance” that Hendrak wants
you to investigate.

The Escape Tunnel

When you follow the route south from Scorpp’s Pleasure Dome and take the
first hall to the east you will come to an apparent dead-end. A search here
will reveal a hidden ladder. The ladder will lead to another hallway with two
rooms off to the side.

Inside the northern room you run into a lone woman named Smigmal who will
attack you. When you get her down to Near Death she will surrender and beg
for her life. She will tell you that she wad been enslaved by an evil Wizard,
but Sense Motive will tell you that she is lying about this. If you confront
her about this she will drop the ruse and attack, but if you don’t confront
her or don’t have enough Sense Motive you will spare her life. The chest in
this room can be opened with the key you find on Smigmal’s body.

-WARNING: If you spare Smigmal’s life, then leave and return, she will attack
you again. The problem here is that she will be TOTALLY invisible,
(meaning you won’t be able to target her) and there is nothing you
can do to make her visible again! (even the See Invisible, True
Seeing, or Dispel Magic Spells won’t work) The only way to avoid
this glitch is either to avoid her room entirely after the fight, or
by killing her outright during your first battle. Berlichtingen
tells me that if you do have to deal with an Invisible Smigmal you
can click on her portrait in the initiative bar at the top of the
screen to attack her. Summons will also work here.

Inside the southern room there is a Wizard named Falrinth and his Quasit
Familiar who will attack you. Kill them both (They both have Spell Resistance
and both will regenerate like trolls do, so you will have use a Coup de Grace
attack to finish them off) and take the key on Falrinth’s body. Use this key
to open Falrinth’s chest in the side room and take the loot inside. Now
before you leave here, there is a secret door on the far end of the room you
fought Falrinth in that leads to another small room with Falrinth’s Second
Chest. Inside this chest is a TON of treasure along with the all-important
Orb of Golden Death. (Peter S. Webster notes that you can just use the “Take
All” button if you are having trouble finding the Orb in all that treasure.)

Continue on and in the next room, there is a ladder to the north and a door
to the west. The ladder will take you up to the ruined tower that’s just to
the north of the Temple, and the Door leads outside to a Ruined Farmhouse.
There is nothing special in this area, other than being able to access the
World Map and travel back to town.

The Orb of Golden Death

When you first take the Orb of Golden Death from Falrinth’s Second Chest
there is short movie showing a passage to the final area being opened up on
the Main Floor of the Temple.

You can also use the Orb as an item to access a number of special abilities.
At first, you will only be able to use a couple basic abilities, but as you
find the Elemental Power Gems that are located in the Elemental Nodes of the
Temple you will be able to access several powerful abilities, from high level
spells to summoning Elementals and Demons. Each of these Special Abilities
can be used once per day. (Except for summoning Demons, those can only be
used once a week)

-Note: If you use an Elemental Power Gem separately (not inserted into the Orb
of Golden Death) it has an added effect of being able to teleport to
the Elemental Node where you got the gem. This effect is lost when the
gem is inserted into the Orb of Golden Death. (You can not remove gems
from the Orb of Golden Death, by the way.)

Here are the powers of The Orb of Golden Death and the Elemental Power Gems:

-Orb of Golden Death alone: Discern Lies

-Orb plus Air Gem: Chain Lightning
Summon Air Elemental
Summon Vrock (1/week)

-Orb plus Earth Gem: Stoneskin
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon Glabrezu (1/week)

-Orb plus Fire Gem: Flame Strike
(Thanks to Bane) Summon Fire Elemental
Summon Balor (!) (1/week)

-Orb plus Water Gem: Ice Storm
Summon Water Elemental
Summon Hezrou (1/week)

-Note: There are some interesting bugs to note when using the Orb of Golden
Death to summon Elemental Guardians. First, if a summoned Elemental
Guardian is slain, it will leave behind another Elemental Power Gem.
All summoned Elemental Guardians (except for the Balor) are permanent;
they will not go away until they are slain.

Prince Thrommel

In the western section of the map there is a small side room with a podium in
it. If you do a search here you will find a secret door to the north, go
through the door too find a Sleeping Man. (at least, that’s what the game
calls him...) Talk to him and he will reveal that he is Prince Thrommel, hero
of the Battle of Emridy Meadows. (Actually, in my game, it was Elmo who told
me this...) Offer to escort him out of the Temple and he will accept and join
your party. He’s a decent Fighter stat-wise, (except his hitpoints are kind
of low...) but what makes him such a powerhouse is his sword, Fragarach.
(Fragarach is an incredible sword! It’s a Bastard Sword +4 that does 2d6
extra damage against evil creatures, ALWAYS hits, AND automatically
counterattacks anyone who damages Thrommel!)

-Lawful Evil: You need to get Fragarach, but since Prince Thrommel is rather
reluctant to just hand over the sword you will have to kill him.
The key to surviving this battle is avoiding his
counter-attacks. Use only ranged/reach weapon and use 5-foot
steps to avoid Attacks of Opportunity and he should go down
quickly. When he is dead take Fragarach back to Turuko at the
Welcome Wench Inn in Hommlet to complete the quest.

If you want to take Fragarach from Thrommel you might have to kill him.
(Either by directly attacking him (Make sure he’s not holding Fragarach if
you try this!) or by having him die in battle.) I’ve found that you can have
Prince Thrommel die (one way or the other) then loot Fragarach from his
corpse, now have your Cleric cast Raise Dead to resurrect Thrommel. If you do
this you can then take him outside the Temple as normal.

Prince Thrommel will stay in the party for as long as you stay in the Temple.
As soon as you exit the Temple however, Thrommel will leave the party
forever. Also if you kick him out of the party before you leave the Temple,
then he will give you his Necklace before leaving to find his own way out of
the Temple.

-Note: Hanzii has told me that if Thrommel is unconscious when you leave the
Temple (either through non-lethal damage, having negative hitpoints, or
a spell) then he won’t initiate the dialog where he leaves the party.
So if you want to go back to town and keep him in your party then you
could try this. Just remember that will leave the party if he wakes up
before you get back inside the Temple.

According to Hanzii some time after Thrommel leaves the party (like 20-30
game days later) you will run into a knight and some soldiers during a random
encounter while traveling, and he will give you a reward from Prince Thrommel
for rescuing him. This reward is a Cure Serious Wounds potion, a Ring of
Protection +1, a pair of badges, (a Gold Badge, and a Silver Badge) and 2000
platinum for every party member, along with the Greatsword Scather. Scather
is a Greatsword +4 that does +8 extra damage, ALWAYS hits, and automatically
counter attacks anyone who hits its wielder. Just like Fragarach, you will
only be able to use Scather’s special abilities if the character wielding it
is Chaotic Good. This group won’t appear if you told Thrommel you didn’t want
a reward when he left the party.

_______________________________Dungeon Level Four______________________________

Hendrak’s Concubines

In the western portion of the map you will find a giant bedroom with two
women inside. You can talk to Exotic Concubine here if you want, but it’s the
Dazed Concubine you need to talk to. She seems to be more than a little out
of it, and Sense Motive will tell you that she seems to be under some sort of
magic spell. Have one of your spell casters cast Dispel Magic on her (or use
the Scroll of Dispel Magic that is conveniently lying on the floor nearby)
and you will bring her back to her senses. She will tell you that her name is
Paida and she is the wife of Valden, the Wainwright in Hommlet. She asks you
escort her out of the Temple and back to Hommlet. Agree to help her out and
she will join the party as an NPC. Take her back to Valden in Hommlet and he
will give you a magic shield as thanks for rescuing his wife.

-Lawful Good: Man, it’s about time this girl turned up, huh?

-Note: If you send your entire party into the bedroom at the same time then
the Exotic Concubine will likely attack you. She’s not that difficult
to beat, the problem is that Paida usually joins in the combat against
you, forcing you to kill her. To stop this from happening, only send in
one or two characters at a time.

Kella the Hill Giant

In the Southwestern corner of this map you will run into a Hill Giant named
Kella just standing there in the middle of a hallway. You can talk to her (or
at least try to) if you wish, but I wasn’t able to get her to say anything.
There is probably more to her, but I haven’t been able to figure it out.

Thanks to the hundred or so people who emailed me to tell me that Kella is
really a Druid (and a woman!) in disguise. If you talk to her with a Druid or
a character with a True Neutral alignment then she will reveal her true form.
You can then have her join your party if you wish.


Wandering around this level somewhere is a fighter named Barkinar. There
really isn’t that much to him, but if you get into fight nearby, he will jump
in and cause some mischief.


In the eastern section of the map you will run into a wizard named Senshock.
If you fight him you will have to deal with several Greater Temple Bugbears
and Senshock will also summon in Elementals for you to deal with. (Although
amusingly enough, for me the Elementals spent more time fighting each other
then they did me.)

-Note: If you don’t kill Senshock here, then he will be a part of the battle
with Hendrak on this level.

Hendrak, High Priest of the Greater Temple

Nearly dead-center of the map you will find the High Priest of the Greater
Temple, Hendrak. If you were sent here by one of the Temple High Priests,
then he will offer you the chance to join with the Greater Temple.

To join the Greater Temple you just have to complete a single quest for
Hendrak. This quest involves investigating a “disturbance” on Dungeon Level
Three. The disturbance turns out to be Scorpp the Hill Giant. Fight and kill
Scorpp then return to Hendrak who will induct you into the Greater Temple.

-Note: Joining the Greater Temple will complete the game. Make sure you have
done everything you can before reporting back to Hendrak.

If you were not sent here by on of the High Priests, then you will likely
have to fight Hendrak, be warned, this will be the biggest fight of the game.
You not only have to deal with Hendrak, who is a high level Cleric, but also
two Wizards, (and Senshock, if you haven’t fought him yet) two Ettins, a Hill
Giant, nearly a dozen Gargoyles, along with way too many Bugbears! There is
not much of a strategy for this fight, just be sure that every party member
has several healing potions in their inventories and do your best to whittle
down their numbers. If you manage to get Hendrak down to Near Death he may
try to use his trump card, which is summoning his God Iuz to aid him!

If Hendrak is Successful (I think there is a small chance that Iuz won’t
respond) and Iuz joins the battle, you don’t have many options other than
surviving. (Try not to let him flank you, because he can do sneak attacks)
Fortunately you only have to hold out against him for a couple of turns,
because backup is on its way, in the form of St. Cuthbert himself! When St.
Cuthbert shows up you won’t get to watch any kind of Godly Grudge Match
between the two, (darn) instead they will have a brief conversation where
they will both decide to withdraw and let the mortals fight it out
themselves. They will both leave, but not before they resurrect any dead
characters and restore everyone to full hitpoints. (Interestingly enough
anyone resurrected by Iuz will be resurrected as an undead!) The end result
in all this divine meddling is that basically you get to fight this battle
all over again! (oh joy!)

It is possible to kill Iuz. You need weapons that can do either Holy and/or
Cold damage to even scratch this guy. (Fragarach and Scather are perfect for
this) When Iuz is summoned, go all out on him and you just might be able to
take him out before St. Cuthbert arrives. He’s not carrying anything with
him, but if you manage to kill him you do get a special ending slide.

-Note: Don says that Using the Dismissal spell will work on Iuz.

Now if you manage to time it so that he dies on the same turn that St.
Cuthbert appears then an interesting bug occurs. St. Cuthbert will show up,
but since Iuz is already dead the dialog won’t occur and the battle will
continue, but since the dialog with Iuz never occurred St. Cuthbert doesn’t
know what to do and just stand there looking dumb. He will stay there for the
rest of the game, even after you finish the battle with Hendrak. You can try
attacking him if you have a death-wish, but be warned that he has absurdly
high statistics that will wipe the floor with your party easily. (70+ AC, 15
attacks per round, (!) and saves in the fifties)

==========================|The Temple Quests [#005.7]|=========================

While you are exploring the Temple you have the option to help out one of the
sub-temples in their petty squabbles with the other sub-temples. Find the
sub-temple’s High Priest and they will give you a series of three quests. If
you complete the first of the High Priest’s quests then you are considered a
“member” of that temple. This means that any minions are affiliated with that
Temple won’t attack you regardless of whether you wear that temple’s robes or
not. When you complete all three quests of one of the High Priests they will
take you directly to Hendrak, the Greater Temple High Priest on Dungeon Level

_________________________________The Air Temple________________________________

The Temple of Air has definitely seen better days; all their priests have
been killed except for Kelno, the High Priest and what’s left of their forces
are hiding out in the northwestern corner of Dungeon Level Two. In fact, when
you first talk to Kelno you will have to convince him that you are not there
to kill him.

Kelno 1

The first task that Kelno wants you to do for him is to convince a group of
Water Temple Bugbears to defect to the Air Temple. The Bugbears are located
directly to the south of where Kelno is located. Talk to the Leader of the
Bugbears (you need to wear Water Temple Robes to avoid a fight here) and ask
him to defect to the Air Temple. He will agree to this if you give him 500
gold. Give it to him and report back to Kelno for your next quest.

Kelno 2

Now Kelno wants you to defile (purify?) the Earth Temple’s Altar. This one is
simple enough. Just walk up to the Altar, open it up like a container, the
put the Holy Water the Kelno gave you to complete this quest. You won’t even
have to fight here if you wear your Earth Temple Robes.

Kelno 3

Now Kelno wants you to kill one of the other Temple High Priests, but since
he can’t decide which one he leaves the choice up to you. So all you have to
do is to go and kill one of the other High Priests and report back to Kelno.
I think Allrem is the easiest of the three, followed by Romag, and finally
Belsornig is the most challenging.

________________________________The Earth Temple_______________________________

In Nulb if you talk to Rentsch in the Waterside Hostel you can ask him if he
has any work for you. He should tell you to talk to a sentry outside the
Temple and tell him that Rentsch sent you. (Also, if you use Diplomacy to
avoid a fight when you catch Dala stealing then Rentsch will offer you work
at the Temple as well) Go to the Temple, but instead of heading inside the
Temple, go around to the north and you will find a sentry who will talk to
you. Tell him that Rentsch sent you and he will say that he will take you to
the High Priest of the Earth Temple, Romag, but first he has to blindfold
you. Agree to this (he won’t take you if you refuse) and you will end up on
Dungeon Level Two in front of Romag who will give you the first Earth Temple

Romag 1

For his first task Romag will ask you to slay a Huge Viper. The Viper is
located in the western section of the map. Honestly, this thing in no threat
to you, you should be able to slaughter it with minimal effort.

Romag 2

Now Romag wants you to deliver a letter to Rentsch at the Waterside Hostel in
Nulb. Take the letter, leave the Temple, and head to Nulb. Go to the
Waterside Hostel and give the note to Rentsch, then return to Romag.

Romag 3

Romag’s final quest is to kill Belsornig, The Water Temple’s High Priest.
Belsornig is a tough battle, mainly because of the Juggernaut that guards
Belsornig. It has around 200 hitpoints and is immune to Fire, Acid and
Electricity. After you beat him return to Romag to finish the Earth Temple

________________________________The Fire Temple________________________________

Thanks to Mitzrah for this info.

To get to see Allrem the Fire Temple High Priest you need to talk to Wat the
Bartender in the Waterside Hostel about joining the temple and he will tell
you to go to the Temple tell the sentry that Wat sent you. (I don’t think he
will recruit you if you killed Lareth in the Moathouse unless you Bluff him.)

Go to the Temple, but instead of going inside the Temple, go to the North
until you come to a Ruined Tower. There is a Sentry standing outside who will
talk to you as you approach. (This is the same guy that you came to when you
were joining the Earth Temple) Tell him that Wat sent you and he will say
that he will take you to Allrem, but first he needs to blindfold you. He
won’t take you to Allrem unless he blindfolds you so agree to be blindfolded
and you will be taken to Allrem.

Allrem 1: Oohlgrist for Fire

The First thing Allrem wants you to do is to recruit Oohlgrist, the Chief of
the Trolls to the Fire Temple. Find Oohlgrist and try to talk to him, but he
wants 1,000 gold before he will even talk to you! (You can Intimidate him
into speaking to you for free) Now you can ask him to join the Fire Temple,
but he will tell you that he won’t join the Fire Temple unless you pay him
10,000 gold. If don’t (or can’t) pay you can try Intimidating him into giving
you a Belt and Necklace and if your intimidate skill is high enough (like
10+) you can even get him to join your party as an NPC! Either way you can
report your success (or failure) to Allrem for the next quest.

Allrem 2: Operation Ogre

Now Allrem wants you to recruit a group of Ogres to his cause. Leave the
Temple and travel to the Ogre Cave. When you get there you will find the Ogre
Chief who isn’t too interested in joining with any temple, but he is very
interested in a fight. Battle him and his posse and when you win the Ogres
will relent and agree to join the Fire Temple.

Return to Allrem and he will give you his final quest.

Allrem 3: Tubal’s Collection Agency

-Note: Allrem will give you this quest only if you managed to recruit
Oohlgrist for the Fire Temple.

-WARNING: This quest can be completed before Allrem even gives you this quest.
If you do this quest before Allrem gives it to you then you will
have to do his alternate third quest instead.

Allrem will now tell you that two of his priests, Tubal and Antonio are
squabbling over a Mace and he wants you to put this argument to an end. Talk
to Tubal about this and he will ask you to win the Mace from Antonio in a
game of Three Eyed Snake. Talk to Antonio and challenge him to a game of
Three Eyed Snake and play him until you win. When you do win demand that he
give you the Mace, and he will try to weasel his way out of giving it to you.
You will have to Intimidate him to get him to give you the Mace, otherwise he
will keep trying to play. When you get the Mace from him and give it to Tolub
to complete the quest.

Alternate Allrem 3

-Note: If you failed to recruit Oohlgrist for the Fire Temple, or if you have
already completed the Tubal’s Collection Agency quest then Allrem will
give you this quest instead.

For this quest Allrem will ask that you retrieve a certain Magic Item from
the Depths of the Temple. What is the Magic Item he wants? Why, The Orb of
Golden Death, of course! If you found it you could give it to him, (you can
still complete the game if you do) but it really such a wise idea to give an
object that binds a Demon Queen to this plane to a mentally unbalanced

________________________________The Water Temple_______________________________

The forever plotting High Priest of the Water Temple, Belsornig, is the
easiest of the Temple High Priests to start working for. When you approach
him he will initiate a dialog where he offers you the first of the Water
Temple Quests.

Belsornig 1

Belsornig wants you to recruit Oohlgrist for the Water Temple. This is
similar to the Fire Temple Quest, but Oohlgrist has a higher opinion of the
Water Temple than the Fire Temple. This means you won’t have to bribe him to
be able to talk to him and you can use Diplomacy to get him to join the Water
Temple for free.

Belsornig 2

Belsornig now wants you to kill Allrem, but he wants it to appear like he was
killed by the Air Temple. To accomplish this he wants you to plant a Vial of
Poison on the body. Kill Allrem and his goons and when you loot Allrem’s
corpse place the Vial of Poison on his body. Return to Belsornig for his
final quest.

Belsornig 3

Belsornig’s final task is to kill a Greater Bugbear Jailor, but as always he
wants you plant evidence that will implicate one of the other temples for the
act. (the Earth Temple this time.) He will give you some Earth Temple robes
to plant on the bodies. The Bugbear jailor and his Ogre friend are located in
the eastern section of Dungeon Level Two. Kill them both, then plant an Earth
Temple Robe on each of their corpses.

-Note: Belsornig will NOT take you directly Hendrak after you complete his
quests. Instead, he will merely mark Hendrak’s location on your map and
then send you on your way.

===========================|Elemental Nodes [#005.8]|==========================

On Dungeon Level Four of the Temple Near where you found Hendrak there are
four portals that will take you to one of the Elemental Nodes. Each Node has
a Guardian that will drop an Elemental Power Gem when beaten.

Terry notes that the Dismissal Spell will instantly kill any of Elemental
Guardians. Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as that, as the spell will
first have to beat the Guardian’s Spell Resistance, and THEN the Guardian has
to fail a saving throw for this to work. So this is far from a sure bet,
(especially against the Balor...) but it could be worth a try if you’re

____________________________________Air Node___________________________________

The Air Node is definitely the easiest of the four Elemental Nodes. There are
very few enemies here and what is here is either easily defeated or will not
even attack you at all. If you are having troubles with this area you might
want to go level up before you even think of tackling the other Elemental

Air Guardian

To the north of the starting area is a Vrock, the Guardian of the Air
Elemental Node and Keeper of the Air Elemental Power Gem and his two Air
Elemental buddies. I found this battle to be simple. (although it wasn’t all
that challenging, it wasn’t a very easy battle either) The two Air Elementals
guarding the Vrock went down rather quickly, and although the Vrock can do a
good amount of melee damage he doesn’t really have any other tricks. (it can
summon Quasits, but these are more pesky then dangerous) Once you kill it (it
only has around 150 hitpoints) it will vanish and leave the Air Elemental
Power Stone behind.

___________________________________Earth Node__________________________________

The Earth Node is the most dungeon-like of the four nodes.

Earth Guardian

In the passage to the northwest of your starting position is the Guardian of
the Earth Node, a Glabrezu along with two Earth Elementals. When you defeat
them you will find the Earth Elemental Power Gem.

___________________________________Fire Node___________________________________

The Fire Elemental Node is hands-down the toughest of the Elemental Nodes to
complete. This is mainly because of the Fire Guardian, but those
Fireball-chucking Salamanders are no picnic either.

Darley the Sorceress

To the south of your starting position you will run into a young woman named
Darley hiding out behind some rocks. When you talk to her she will tell you
that she wishes that she was not there. If you offer to help her out she will
gladly join your party. But if you have someone with Sense Motive talk to her
they will say that something seems wrong with Darley, she will then reveal
that she is really a demon in disguise! When she reveals herself, you can
attack, or you could ask her to join the party, and interestingly enough, she

-Note: If you talk to her with a Paladin then the conversation will end in
violence no matter what you say.

Fire Guardian

To the North of your Starting location you will run into the Guardian of the
Fire Node, a Balor along with two Efreeti. I haven’t had any luck against
this guy, so I can’t really help with a strategy here. I would assume that he
drops the Fire Elemental Power Gem if you manage to beat him.

Bane sent me this strategy for beating the Balor. Before the fight starts
cast as many buffing spells (Bull’s Strength, Heroism, Stoneskin, Death Ward,
ect) as you can on the character in the party that has the highest AC. When
combat starts send your buffed Character right next to the Balor. The idea
here is not to cause damage to the Balor, but to have the Buffed character
keep the Balor busy (and preferably not die while doing so...) while the
other party members kills off the Efreeti. After the Efreeti are dead,
concentrate your might on the Balor. When you kill it, (It has around 240
hitpoints) it will explode, taking off 50 hitpoints of anyone nearby.

-Really Cheesy Strategy: If you’ve been the other Elemental Nodes and gotten
the other three Elemental Power Gems, you can just
use them to summon their respective demons, The Balor
won’t last long against a Vrock, a Glabrezu, and a

___________________________________Water Node__________________________________

The Water Node is the most annoying of the nodes, with the powerful Eyes of
the Deep and an Elemental Guardian that just won’t die.

Grank’s Bandits

In the northeast corner of the map you will stumble upon a group of bandits
that will attack you. After you take out the underlings, the leader of the
bandits, Grank, will surrender. You can talk to him if you want, you can even
ask him to join the party, (He will refuse) but that seems to be all there is
to him.

Water Guardian

To the north of your starting location you will run into the Guardian of the
Water Node, a Hezrou and his two Water Elemental goons. The Hezrou doesn’t
really have any nasty tricks, (other than some strong melee attacks) but he
does have around 450 hitpoints, so if you are not careful he can beat you
through simple attrition. When you beat him he will leave behind the Water
Elemental Power Gem.

===============================|Endgame [#005.9]|==============================

After you find the Orb of Golden Death a passage to the final area will open
on the Main Floor of the Temple. This passage is right in front of the Throne
in the northwestern edge of this map and leads to the final area. In the
final area go down the hallway to the southwest and you will come to an Old
Woman standing in front of a Throne of Gems. Be sure to save your game before
you approach her, the final confrontation of the game is coming up. Don’t
bother with exploring this area, as other than the Old Woman and a battle
with some Fungi there is nothing on this level.

Destroying the Orb

Before you approach the Old Woman you might want to leave the Temple and
return to Burne in Hommlet. When you talk to Burne after you have acquired
the Orb of Golden Death there will be a dialog option where you will show him
the Orb. When you do this he will exclaim that it is a very dangerous
artifact and you would be wise to not use it. Talk to him again about the orb
and he will tell you that if the Orb is destroyed it will significantly
weaken whoever made it. (Zuggtmoy) He will tell you to speak with his
apprentice Pishella for more details. Talk to Pishella about destroying the
Orb and she will tell you that by destroying the Orb you will weaken
Zuggtmoy, but after four days she will be banished to the Abyss. She wants
you to bring her a Masterwork Maul, a Gust of Wind scroll, a Fireball scroll,
and some Holy Water before she can destroy the Orb.

The locations of the items you need to destroy the Orb are:

Masterwork Maul – Inside a barrel on the southeastern corner of Dungeon
Level One of the Temple.

- or -

Rannos and Gremag have one for sale at the Hommlet Trading

Gust of Wind scroll – Found inside the Banshee’s Chest on Dungeon Level
Three. (...or, you can have your mage scribe a scroll
of this spell (if you have the patch) if you need it.)

Fireball scroll – To be honest, I don’t have a clue where you can find a
Fireball scroll. I just recruited Burne and had him scribe
a Fireball scroll for me here. (Note that you have to do
this BEFORE you show the Orb to Burne, as he won’t join
the party after he sees the Orb)

Holy Water – you can either buy one of these from Calmert in the Church of
St. Cuthbert or you can have a Cleric cast the Bless Water

When you get all four Items take them to Pishella and she will start the
ritual to destroy the Orb. Tell her that you will wait until the ritual is
complete, and she will destroy the Orb for you. Zuggtmoy has now been
weakened and you have four days to make it back to the Temple and kill her
before she is banished back to the Abyss.

Final Confrontation

When you approach the Old Woman she will try to get you to go away, offering
to give you the pillar of platinum that is in the center of the room if you
will just leave her alone. When you tell her that it would be impossible to
move the pillar, she will say that she can enchant it to make it light as a
feather. A Sense Motive check here will tell you not to trust her, and with
good reason – if you agree to have her enchant the pillar then she will end
up summoning the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy! Zuggtmoy will then attack you and you
will have to kill her to complete the game. (You can try to Intimidate
Zuggtmoy in the pre-battle conversation if you want, but this only seems to
piss Zuggtmoy off.) If you refuse her offer she will vanish, after she
vanishes you can then search the Throne to find a Pile of Gems inside. Take
the Gems and then Zuggtmoy will be banished (something about those gems
keeping her bound to this plane) and the game will be complete. (If you take
too long in removing the gems then Zuggtmoy will show up and attack you

If the character who speaks with the Old Woman is holding the Orb of Golden
Death this conversation will play out a little differently. The Old Woman
will try to trade you the pillar of platinum for the Orb. If you give her the
Orb then Zuggtmoy will be summoned, but this time she will turn the party
member that had the Orb into a mindless Thrall before attacking you! This
means you will not only have to fight Zuggtmoy but also your former party
member too! If you refuse to give up the orb then Zuggtmoy will still be
summoned and will try to force you into giving up the Orb. Your character
then has to succeed in a Will check and if successful they will resist
Zuggtmoy, but if they fail they will still become a Thrall. Zuggtmoy will
attack you after this regardless of what happens.

After Zuggtmoy has been killed (or banished) the ending movie will play and
then a series of slides will go by showing the results of your actions (or
lack of action) during the game. Congratulations! You have beaten The Temple
of Elemental Evil.

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-THE END-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Endings [#006]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Here I will try to list the conditions you need to fulfill for each of the
ending slides to show. I probably shouldn’t have to say that this section
will be loaded with spoilers, so read with care.

-Zuggtmoy is Banished for 66 years: Don’t fight Zuggtmoy, instead just take
the Pile of Gems from Zuggtmoy’s throne.
(I think you also get this ending if you
defeat Zuggtmoy but don’t destroy the Orb)

-Zuggtmoy is killed: Destroy the Orb of Golden Death and then defeat Zuggtmoy
in combat before four days pass.

-Iuz fears you: Kill Iuz before St. Cuthbert shows up.

-Lloth is pissed: Kill Lareth in the Moathouse.

-Prince Thrommel returns: Find Prince Thrommel on Dungeon Level Three and
escort him out of the Temple. (or have him in the
party when the game ends)

-Prince Thrommel is Missing: Prince Thrommel dies while in your party, You
kill him when you first meet him, or you just
never bothered to find him in the first place.
(Note: Even if you resurrect Thrommel after he
dies you will still get this ending)

-Hommlet prospers: Kill or Banish Zuggtmoy.

-Hommlet is destroyed: Join Hendrak, the High Priest of the Greater Temple

-Nulb is destroyed: Kill or Banish Zuggtmoy.

-Nulb prospers: Join Hendrak, the High Priest of the Greater Temple.

-Kelno escapes, is a beggar: Kill or Banish Zuggtmoy

-Belsornig escapes, still plotting: Kill or banish Zuggtmoy

-Romag escapes, but never shows his face again: Kill or banish Zuggtmoy

-Allrem escapes, becomes raving madman: Kill or banish Zuggtmoy

-Filliken and Mathilde marry: Complete the Cupid’s Arrow Quest.

-Prince Thrommel is a big help against Zuggtmoy: Have Thrommel in the party
when you kill or banish

-You and Bertram live happily ever after: Have Bertram in the party when you
finish the game

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||FAQs [#007]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

-Q: Does this game have Multiplayer?
A: No, it doesn’t.

-Q: What do those little symbols next some of the dialog choices mean?
A: Those symbols mean that the character that is speaking has at least the
minimum level in the dialog skill needed to get that option to appear.
Each of the 5 dialog skills has their own unique symbol:

Bluff – Smiling Mouth
Diplomacy – Rolled-Up Scroll
Gather Information - Ear
Intimidate – Flexing Bicep
Sense Motive - Eye

-Q: Where is Terjon? I can’t find him!
A: You won’t be able find Terjon until you talk to Calmert on the first floor
of the church and donate 10 gold. After you do that then Terjon will
appear on the second level of the church.

-Q: My character suddenly came down with Filth Fever! How did that happen?
A: Characters do not “suddenly” come down with diseases. What happens is that
when you get infected with a disease, (like when you are bitten by a Dire
Rat) the symptoms of the disease won’t show up until a few days later. So
when you come down with any disease it means that you were actually
infected a while ago

Aaron has written to tell me that there is a slight chance of coming down
with a disease if you rest in someplace “dirty.” This means that
resting in dungeon areas where you can see rats scurrying around on the
floor it might lead to one of your characters becoming sick.

-Q: How do I kill a Troll?
A: To kill a Troll you will need to hit them with a fire or acid attack (This
is the only way to cause real damage to a troll and will stop their
regeneration) and if you knock one unconscious then have someone do a
“Coup de Grace” attack on it to finish it off.

-Q: How do I Spontaneous Cast?
A: Hold down the Shift key when you select the spell to cast.

-Q: How can I get Fruella out of my party? She won’t leave!
A: Well, you know what they say, adventuring is dangerous business, and
“accidents” can happen at any time. *evil grin*

-Q: Where can I safely rest inside the Temple?
A: There doesn’t seem to be any “green” places to rest inside the Temple, (I
haven’t found any spots, at least) so I guess you will either have to
trudge back to town, or to take your chances resting in a “yellow” area.

Eric (and a couple of other people) has emailed to tell me that the secret
spiral staircase that connects the Main Floor with Dungeon Level Two of
the Temple is more or less “safe” to rest in.

Also, if you rest inside a room where the only entrance or exit is through
a door you can safely rest as long as that door is closed.

-Q: What are good Favored Enemies for a Ranger to choose?
A: The best overall choice for a Favored Enemy is probably Gobliniods, as the
Bugbears that practically infest the Temple fall under this category. Some
other choices include Humans (Those silly creatures are always up to some
sort of mischief) and Giants (Ogres, Ettins, and Hill Giants, oh my)

-Q: How do I Travel to/from [insert location]?
A: To move from place to place just open the map screen and click on the
“World Map” button. From there you just click on the location you want
to go.

-Q: How do I read Lareth’s Diary?
A: Put it in one of your character’s inventories then drag and drop the Diary
onto the “Use Item” button. A dialog will then start up where your
character will read the book.

-Q: AAAH! I can’t hit anything!
A: The first thing to do is check the attack roll breakdown to check if you
are suffering from any penalties to your attack roll. (Wearing a buckler
while using a two handed weapon, power attack, dual-wielding, ect.) If
there is nothing in the breakdown, then keep in mind is that low-level D&D
characters are notoriously inaccurate, so you will miss a lot of the time.

-Q: How can I take my wizard’s familiar out of his inventory?
A: You can’t. Familiars are only there to give a bonus in a skill to their
master and can not be used for scouting or anything else.

-Q: Hey! I got [insert evil NPC’s name] to join my party with a Paladin
without him falling!
A: The game seems to be a bit inconsistent about causing a Paladin to fall
when you have an evil NPC join the party. I’m not exactly sure if this is
a glitch, or if it’s a random chance thing.

-Q: Why do NPCs attack me when I remove them from my party?
A: This is a glitch that happens when you attack a NPC. (inadvertently or
not) When this happens, the NPC gets flagged as “hostile,” but being a NPC
will override the hostile flag. When the NPC leaves the party the hostile
flag will kick in and the former NPC will attack.

-Q: Where can I find ammo for my ranged weapons?
A: Unfortunately, after you buy out the merchant’s rather limited supply of
Arrows/Bolts/Bullets the ONLY way to get more is to take them from enemies
that you have slain. (This really sucks for Sling-users, as there are no
enemies in the game that use Slings.)

-Q: I’m going broke identifying all these magical items!
A: Tough. Identifying Magical Items will cost 100 Gold regardless of whether
you take it to a merchant or cast the Identify spell, although you can
alleviate some of the burden by casting Read Magic on scrolls or by using
a Wand of Identify. (You can find one inside the Temple...) If it’s any
consolation, by the time you reach the Temple you should have more than
enough financial resources to identify whatever you find. (Just be
thankful that Troika didn’t make you go scrounging around for pearls...)

-Q: Are you going to put anything in your guide about the Brothel Quests?
A: No. Originally there was supposed to be a Brothel in Nulb, but for one
reason or another was cut out the final game. Although the mod community
has been able to restore a portion of Brothel to the game it is still not
a part of the “official” game and therefore I won’t cover it.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Miscellaneous [#008]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

This is a section detailing anything that doesn’t fit in any of the sections


Max Stats

This nifty little glitch was submitted by Frall and Bogeyman.

While you are rolling your Statistics there is a glitch that you can use to
set your statistics to whatever you want! First roll your statistics like you
normally would, after you do this click on the “Advanced” tab to go into
Point Buy. When you go into Point Buy, notice that the column of numbers that
you just rolled will disappear, but if you click on the area where the
numbers in the (now invisible) roll column was located, you can still
manipulate the numbers. Exchange one of the numbers from the roll column with
one of the numbers in the Point Buy column and then use Point Buy to raise
the number you just exchanged up to 18. After you are done exchange the
number back to the Roll Column. Leave Point Buy and go back to normal mode.
Now go back to Point Buy and repeat this trick until you max out your stats.

There is a way to use this trick to raise one of your stats to absurdly high
levels. Start by rolling a number of times, then go into Point Buy. When you
double-click on a number it will change to the number of times you have
rolled. (say you rolled 25 times, then the number will change to 25) Drag and
drop this new number into the Point Buy column to set it. Now you can
manipulate it just like any other number. Unfortunately you can only use
this trick to raise a single stat. (special thanks to Parachot for this)

-WARNING: If you raise your Intelligence score too high (like 40+) then you
will be unable to complete the character creation because you will
end up with more skill points than you can spend.

The Command Console

This trick was shamelessly stolen from GameFAQs.

Before you can use these codes the command console must be activated with a
command prompt. The first thing to do is to create a shortcut (or use an
existing shortcut) to the TOEE.exe file, and then go into Properties. At the
end of the “Target” line add “-console” (without the quotation marks) and
launch the game through the shortcut to activate the Command Console.

-So for example the Target line should read:
"C:\...\Temple of Elemental Evil\TOEE.EXE" -console

After you have activated the Command Console you can press the Shift and
Tilde [~] key at any time during the game to bring up the console. You can
then certain commands to do different things.

Here’s a list of all the commands I have found so far.

levelup – Gives enough experience to everyone in the party to gain one level

die – Causes one of your characters to instantly go down to -1 hitpoints.

All 18’s

Again, this was shamelessly stolen from GameFAQs.

When you create a character, if you roll your stats a grand total of 99,999
times the game will take pity on you and give you 18’s in all your stats. I
haven’t tried this myself, as I’m not about to spend hours doing nothing but
clicking on a button.

All 3’s

Yet again, this was shamelessly stolen from GameFAQs.

If you have rolled enough times to get all 18’s if you press the roll button
again the game will give you 3’s in all stats instead.

===============================|The Looting Bug|===============================

People who use Windows XP and have recently installed the recent XP Service
Pack 2 have run into a strange bug that will prevent you from looting bodies,
along with some other crashes. Apparently the problem comes from a bad
version of directx9.0c that was included with the Service Pack. To fix this
problem you will need to re-install Directx9.0c, you can download it from
Microsoft’s website at www.microsoft.com.

-UPDATE: Troika has released a new patch that fixes this problem. You can find
it at:



Here are some websites that will help to expand your ToEE-playing experience.

3.5 Edition SRD


If you want to know more about the 3.5 Edition ruleset, but don’t want to
purchase the sourcebooks, you can follow the link above and download
the basic rules free of charge.

Circle of Eight


This is a fan site that is dedicated to the game. They have several utilities
and mods (Including a utility to help you import your own character
portraits, and even a fan-made unofficial fix to the game (see below for more
details)) on the site, along with a Mod forum.

Troika Chronicles


Since Eye on Troika seems to have vanished, here is another fan site dedicated
to Troika, the developers of ToEE.

Game Banshee’s Temple of Elemental Evil Walkthrough


If you are having trouble trying to figure out where something is with the
vague (at best) direction I give then try looking here. This guide has
something that my guide will never have; full, detailed maps of every area in
the game.

===============================|The Co8 Fan-Fix|===============================

Soon after Temple of Elemental Evil was first released, the fan group Co8 got
together and made an unofficial Fan-Fix. This Fan Fix was an attempt to
correct some of the more glaring bugs in ToEE. However, this Fan-Fix also
adds some stuff and changes around a few rules. Here is a quick list of some
of the changes in the Fan-Fix:

-Potions can now be identified with the Read Magic Spell.

-You can purchase Masterwork Weapons/Armor through a dialog option with
Brother Smyth in Hommlet. You can purchase every type of weapon/armor in the
game here. (Even those that couldn’t normally be found in the game, like
Kamas or Dwarven War Axes.)

-Adds Katanas to the game. (Of course these end up being little more than
glorified Bastard Swords, but still...)

-Scather has been changed from a Greatsword to a Bastard Sword. Rawr.

-Mona in Nulb now has a dialog option that will allow you to enter the
infamous Brothel.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Contributors [#009]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

-Therumancer sent me a HUGE email with numerous corrections and additions.

-Hanzii clarified the conditions that stopped Mona in Nulb from talking to
you. He also told me about the reward you get for rescuing Prince Thrommel.

-Ryan Wills told me how you can recruit Cavanaugh as an NPC

-Aaron told me that you can recruit Wonnilon and added a note about getting

-Fred told me about recruiting Meleny as an NPC

-Frall and Bogeyman told me about a glitch you can use at character creation
to max out your statistics.

-Lord of Xaos told me about the Bribery quest in Nulb and how to get Mother
Screng and Hruda into the party.

-Caroline told me about the Traders Revealed and the Courtship of Eddie
Herdsman quests.

-Mitzrah told me about the Fire Temple Quests and gave me a note about Bertram

-Recondiac told me about the Rescue of Paida quest.

-Kerensky told me about being able to recruit Oohlgrist as an NPC.

-Ravenclaw105 noted that you could loot your opponents in the Drinking
Contest quest.

-Eric emailed me about a safe place to rest inside the Temple.

-Peter S. Webster gave me a note about finding the Orb of Golden Death.

-Berlichtingen Told me about a way to deal with Smigmal if she becomes

-Bane Gave me a Balor fighting strategy and told me what Fire Elemental Power
Gem does.

-Parachot told me about a way to raise one of the stats of your characters to
absurdly high levels.

-zanbiexanvier told me about several of the NPC’s alignment and added some
notes the Bribery quest and dealing with some Temple prisoners

-Michael sent me a strategy for dealing with the Hill Giant at Emridy Meadows.

-T.Grahn added a note about recruiting Bertram and stealing from Otis’ stash.

-Christo told me about the Triple-Cross quest.

-Vincent added a way to discreetly complete the Assassination quest.

-Terry told me about a way to kill the Elemental Guardians in one shot.

-Mr Pommes reminded me that blood is thicker than water.

-Don told me that the Dismissal spell works on Iuz.

-Everybody who emailed me about Kella.
_________________________________Useless Trivia________________________________

Just a bit of useless knowledge about this game.

The Magically Held Doors

In the Original ToEE module the purpose of the Magically Held Doors are to
keep Zuggtmoy from moving around the Temple. If you manage to open them
(which I STILL don’t know how to do) then Zuggtmoy could move around and you
could run into her during a random encounter. (Which is about as nasty of a
wake-up call as I can imagine...) In the game, there is nothing special
behind the Magically Held Doors.

The Circle of Eight

In the module’s description of the Battle of Emridy Meadows says the turning
point of the battle was the arrival of the Wizard super group The Circle of
Eight. Now, sometime in 30 or so years since the original module the canon of
the Greyhawk Universe was changed so that The Circle of Eight was NOT at the
Battle of Emridy Meadows. (...in fact, The Circle of Eight hadn’t even been
formed yet.)

Flash forward ahead to 2002 and Troika decides to make a computer game based
on the Temple of Elemental Evil D&D module. In writing the game, Troika was
apparently unaware of the change in canon and used the module’s description
of the Battle of Emridy Meadows. So we have things like the eight
suspiciously circle-like Wizards in the opening cinema, Terjon stating that
the Circle of Eight saved their butts during the Battle of Emridy Meadows,
and Zuggtmoy swearing vengeance against the Circle of Eight for their
meddling in the game.

The Brothel

I’ve already mentioned this a few times already, but in the module there was
a brothel in Nulb that you could visit. The game originally included the
brothel, but it was cut out of the final game for reasons I won’t speculate
on here.

Please don’t put this walkthrough up on any website without my permission.
This document is Copyright 2003-2005 James “JaggedJim” Ramsey.

In loving memory
Mae Vanek: 1930-2002
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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