Gekka Bijin

Gekka Bijin

17.10.2013 08:47:45
Gekka Bijin 1 for the PC
FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.00
July 14, 2003
by Harold Santos

=== COPYRIGHT AND LEGAL STUFF ========================================

Copyright 2003 Harold Santos

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Gekka Bijin
(c)1998 SPEED
(c)Studio Jikkensitsu/Ichihime
(c)UltraMarine/Masaki Miyamoto/Sen Shibatu

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


=== DISCLAIMER =======================================================

Gekka Bijin is an adult hentai game. If you're under the legal
age or do not wish to play a game that involves S&M or bondage,
Gekka Bijin is NOT suitable for you. This game is a work of fiction.
The names of the characters, organization, places, and buildings
mentioned in the story are fictional. Any kind of similarity to real
people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


=== TABLE OF CONTENTS ================================================




- Introduction
- Game Summary
- Title Explanation

- Menu and Controls
- Adventure and Simulation
- Characters

- Prologue
- Miyuki
- Kiriko
- Kasumi
- Fuuka





Version 1.00
July 14, 2003 - First release of the guide
- Missing translations


There are two ways to contact me:

[a] The Gekka Bijin (PC) board at If you have
game-specific questions, I prefer that you post them on
the board instead of e-mailing me.

[b] My email address ( Please follow the guidelines
before you e-mail me:

* Have the words "Gekka Bijin" somewhere in your subject header.
* Use English or Filipino.
* Don't ask questions which are already answered in the FAQ.
* Don't ask where to get an illegal copy of the game. Use a search
engine and don't bother me if you have nothing else to ask.
* Don't ask for hacks. That will defeat the purpose of this FAQ.


Operating System : Windows 95/98/2000/XP with Japanese support
CPU : Pentium 90MHz (recommended: 100MHz and above)
Memory : 24MB (recommended: 32MB and above)
Video Card : 640x480 High Color and above
Hard Disk Space : 45MB and above
CD-ROM Drive : 2x (recommended: 4x and above)
Sound : WAVE playback, PCM sound source
Input Device : 2-button mouse
Release Date : May 29, 1998
Price : 7,800 Yen
Genre : Simulation/Adventure

SPEED homepage

Ichihime homepage

Gekka Bijin was re-released as part of the Gekka Bijin 1-2 DVD Pack.
The pack was released by SPEED last August 30, 2002. It features the first
two Gekka Bijin games, guidebook, and the Gekka Bijin anime.




Gekka Bijin is a hentai game that involves bondage - ropes, candles,
tubes and other similar objects. Of all the hentai game makers I know,
SPEED is the first one that comes to my mind when it comes to this genre.
This is your typical adventure/simulation hentai game where you play the
role of a guy who tries to win a girl's heart within a period of time.

The intended target readers of this FAQ are the non-Japanese reading
people who want to understand the game better. This document contains
translation of the story, explanation of the game system, and a guide on
how to get the different endings.

I used Japanese Shift-JIS encoding in this FAQ. To view them, you will
need to toggle your browser's settings. You can also use NJStar, KanjiWeb
or other software that lets you view Japanese characters. This FAQ was
written using JWPce.

I tried to keep the translations as close as possible to the original
text. Some of the translations and romanizations I made could be wrong.
If you have any corrections or suggestions, please contact me.

Game Summary

Seiichi, the main character of the game, has one form of recreation -
bondage. His life was completely changed when he started a relationship
with his stepmother, Rin. Seiichi discovered the happiness in his desire
and it surpassed the feeling of immorality. Several days later, Seiichi
left their house. Rin asked him to leave and stay in the place she had
written on a piece of paper. He is supposed to meet someone who will train

After Seiichi left the house, the girl who has fallen in love with
him is packing her things. She is Kiriko, Seiichi's stepsister. "Are you
waiting for me, Brother? I'd be coming over......"

The gear of fate is now slowly turning. Inside the gates of Kazahana
Inn, the flower will bloom under the moonlight. You will learn about lust,
submissiveness, shyness, and suffering...

(taken from the game's manual)

Title Explanation

Gekka Bijin (ŒŽ‰Ô”ül) literally means 'moon, flower and beautiful
woman'. Actually, there is a cactus orchid called Gekka Bijin (ŒŽ‰º”ül)
or the "Queen of the Night", Selenicereus grandiflorus. You will see
this flower several times during the game. The game intended to use it as
a symbolism or pun, depending on your point of view. The "Queen of the
Night" is used by some people as a medicine to ease pain. If you have
read the game summary, you'll know that this game will use bondage as the
central theme - pain and pleasure. Regarding the kanjis ŒŽ and ‰Ô, moon
and flower are often associated with women. The lunar cycles and the
"flower blooming at night" will be explained further in the game system

The names of the characters could also be taken as a symbolism.



Menu and Controls
The game uses the mouse as its input device. The left button is for
selecting commands. The right mouse button is for cancelling. In order to
use the "message skip" feature, you need to activate it from the menu bar.
Select •\Ž¦(V) and click on ƒƒbƒZ[ƒWƒXƒLƒbƒv‚ð—LŒø(M). There are two types
of skipping the messages.

1. Press [SHIFT] on the keyboard to manually skip messages.
2. Press [CAPS LOCK] to automatically skip messages.

Main Menu Translation
ƒCƒjƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒXƒ^[ƒg New Game
ƒ[ƒhƒXƒ^[ƒg Load
‰¹Œ¹Ý’è Sound Setup
‹À‰ƒŠÓÜ Collection
- ‰¹ŠyŠÓÜ Music
- ŒŽ‚ª~‚é–é
- —zŒõ `–ؘR‚ê“ú‚Ì’†‚Ł`
- ‰•·(love affair)
- ‰•‘(love walts)
- ŒŽ‰Ô”ül uŒŽ‚̍~‚é–év
- I—¹ Exit
- ’²‹³ŠÓÜ Training
- “V‰H@[á
- ˆÉ“Œ@–¶Žq
- ‰J‹{@‚©‚·‚Ý
- á‘º@•—‰»
- ‚»‚Ì‘¼
- I—¹ Exit
- ‚b‚fŠÓÜ CGs
- “V‰H@[á
- ˆÉ“Œ@–¶Žq
- ‰J‹{@‚©‚·‚Ý
- á‘º@•—‰»
- ‚»‚Ì‘¼
- I—¹ Exit
- I—¹ Exit
I—¹ Exit

Adventure and Simulation
Gekka Bijin's gameplay is divided into two - adventure and simulation.
The adventure part happens during the day. You can talk to the different
tenants of Kazahana or move around the place. The menu for the adventure
part is found on the left side of the screen. This part of the game is very
important because you can change the mood or feelings of a girl by talking
to her.

Œ©‚é Look
‰ï˜b Talk
ˆÚ“® Move
î•ñ Stats
‹@”\ System

The simulation part of the game happens during the night. This will
let you train the girls using your skills. The value denoted by ‹Z”\’l
indicates your character's skill point. The initial skill point is 3 and
the maximum is 15. You can increase this by taking practice lessons with
your master(ŒP—û). Take note that your skill point will also increase after
some training sessions with the girls(’²‹³). The training screen will tell
you a lot of information.

a. Character List
- This is found at the lower-right of the screen.
You can have four characters at most

b. Training Location
- The picture beside your skill point.
You can train a girl either in Kazahana Inn or in the temple.

c. Skill List
- This is found at the upper-left of the screen.
The skill list is dependent on the level of a girl and your
character's available skill point. You can only use three skills
at most per training session.

d. Character Picture
- The picture of your character indicates her training level.
Level 1: Wearing all her clothes
Level 2: Wearing only her underwear
Level 3: Naked

e. Parameters
- This indicates the stats of a girl. The parameters are:
“û–[ breast
—‰A female sex organ (vagina)
‹eÀ anus
Œûˆú mouth
”rŸ• excretion
Ž©ˆÔ masturbation
”í‹s suffering

f. Growth Phase
- This is denoted by the picture of the moon at the upper-right
of the screen. You can think of this as the experience indicator
of a girl. This picture will change from a new moon to a fullmoon
(lunar cycle). A character's training level will increase if it
reaches a full moon. It will usually take you ten trainings to
complete a fullmoon -- unless you do combos.

What are combos?

Combos are made up of two or three skills that go well
together. These are actions that actually make sense. The order
of the skills is taken into consideration. Let's take Miyuki as
an example.


The skills labelled as A and B will be considered as a
combo if you select A first followed by B (A - B). B - A is
not considered to be a combo. If you're going to use the skills
A - B - E, the game will not accept it as a valid combo even
if it's made up of two "small combos", A - B and B - E.

Combos will give faster growth rate for your characters.
A 2-skill combo will give 2 moon phases while a 3-skill combo
will give 3 moon phases. DUH!

Before going on with the list of characters, I would like to point
out that the Japanese use their surname first before their first name. In
Japan, using a person's first name indicates a great deal of familiarity,
closeness, and intimacy. Character descriptions will be short since you
will learn more about them during the game.

ˆÉ“Œ°ˆê Itou Seiichi
The main character of the game.

“V‰H[á Amou Miyuki
The manager of Kazahana Inn. She is responsible for cleaning the inn,
cooking the food, and attending to the needs of the tenants.

ˆÉ“Œ–¶Žq Itou Kiriko
Seiichi's stepsister.

‰J‹{‚©‚·‚Ý Amemiya Kasumi
One of the tenants of Kazahana Inn before Seiichi arrived. She is
currently taking up review classes for the upcoming entrance exams.

á‘º•—‰Ô Yukimura Fuuka
One of the tenants of Kazahana Inn before Seiichi arrived. She is
Miyuki's stepdaughter.

’m”O‘‰_ Chinen Souun
A monk living in a temple near Kazahana Inn.

á‘º“â Yukimura Nagi
The person Seiichi meets in town.

èÁ Rin
Seiichi's stepmother and Kiriko's mother. She is responsible for
sending Seiichi to Kazahana Inn.

•½‘ Heizou
Miyuki's late husband.

–F‰ê Haga
He is the head of the neighborhood in which Kazahana Inn belongs.




December 10

The game starts with Seiichi removing a piece of crumpled paper from
his pocket. The memo contains instructions from his stepmother, Rin, and
a map so he could reach his destination. Unfortunately, the map has already
faded. Realizing that he is probably lost, Seiichi decides to enter a store
to ask for directions. Inside the store, Seiichi sees a woman's shadow
inside the office. Seiichi tells the woman that he is looking for a
particular apartment to stay in. The woman knows the place and volunteers
to guide him.

"Are you staying in Kazahana Inn?," asked the woman. She informs him
that the apartment is somewhat old but the manager keeps it clean. Seiichi
imagines the place having bad mats, poor tables, and a lot of bugs running
around. With all the talk going on between them, Seiichi realizes that he
still hasn't asked the woman's name. She introduces herself as Yukimura

Upon reaching the inn, Nagi gives Seiichi some papers to sign to serve
as his contract for staying in Kazahana Inn. Seiichi is surprised to see
what is the beyond the gates --- the apartment is in nice condition, the
lawn is maintained very well, and the yard of the inn is spacious. Nagi
notes the surprised look in Seiichi's face.

"Miyuki-san." Nagi calls the person who is sweeping the yard. Miyuki
asks Nagi if she has already finished her work in town. Nagi answers tells
her that the apartment has a new tenant. Miyuki introduces herself as Amou
Miyuki, the manager, and welcomes Seiichi to Kazahana Inn. Nagi gives the
papers signed by Seiichi to Miyuki and leaves to return to her work in the
store. Miyuki asks Seiichi if it's okay with him if she finishes cleaning
up the yard before giving him a tour of the place. "No, it's alright," said
Seiichi. Seiichi feels strange - Miyuki reminds him of his stepmother.
Miyuki finishes her work and it is already getting late. Miyuki and Seiichi
enters the apartment.

Miyuki now gives Seiichi a tour of the place. To the right of the
entry hall, you will find the kitchen, bathroom and the manager's room. To
the left are Rooms No. 1 and 2. The other rooms are found upstairs. Seiichi
asks Miyuki where the toilet is. She informs him that the toilet is joined
with the bathroom. Miyuki apologizes for the simplicity of the inn but
Seiichi tells her that it is okay. You will now be given three places to

‚¨•—˜Cê (Bathroom)
‘䏊 (Kitchen)
ƒgƒCƒŒ (Toilet)

When you go to the kitchen, Miyuki will ask if you know how to cook.

—¿—‚·‚é (Knows how to cook)
@ —¿—‚µ‚È‚¢ (Does not know how to cook)

If you know how to cook, Seiichi will tell Miyuki his specialty.

“÷‚¶‚Ⴊ (Meat and Potato Stew)
ƒJƒIƒ„[ƒc (Kaoyatsu)
ƒJƒbƒv–Ë (Cup Noodles)

If you select “÷‚¶‚Ⴊ, Miyuki will tell you that she is not very good when
it comes to food cooked by boiling or stewing. Miyuki will admire you for
your cooking skills. Miyuki's love rating for Seiichi will increase.

If you select ƒJƒIƒ„[ƒc, Miyuki will ask you want kind of food is that.
Seiichi will explain to her that it's just barbecued duck just like Peking
Duck. Unfortunately, Seiichi is just joking and Miyuki will berate you for

If you select ƒJƒbƒv–Ë, Miyuki could not believe you. She does not consider
cup noodles as a cooking specialty since it only involves hot water.

After going to the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, Miyuki will now show
Seiichi to his room upstairs - Room Number 5. Miyuki mentions that the
occupant of Room Number 3 is out and will return tomorrow. "Is that all
your luggage?," asked Miyuki while looking at Seiichi's bag. He informs
her that he's only staying up to February and needs to pass his entrance
exams. Miyuki excuses herself because she needs to prepare the evening
meal. After fixing your things, you can:

[á‚ɂ‚¢‚čl‚¦‚é (Think about Miyuki)
“â‚ɂ‚¢‚čl‚¦‚é (Think about Nagi)
‚Æ‚è‚ ‚¦‚¸Q‚é (Sleep for a while)

You need to think about Miyuki and Nagi twice before you can rest. If
Seiichi will think about Miyuki, he realizes that the manager of Kazahana
Inn is a beatiful woman with fair complexion and long hair. He just wonders
why Miyuki is wearing a tight sweater when she has large breasts. She's
very far from the daycare worker he imagined.

Miyuki is preparing their supper in her room. Seiichi notices that
there are 3 rice bowls on the table. Someone knocks on the door and a small
girl enters the room. "Good evening," greets Seiichi. The girl is surprised
to see him and quickly leaves the room. "Hmm, the zipper of my pants is
closed. I wonder why she quickly left." When Miyuki returned with the food,
Seiichi mentions that a girl entered the room a while ago. The little girl
returned when they were already eating. "Manager, is she your younger
sister?" asked Seiichi. Miyuki introduces the girl to you as Fuuka, her
daughter. The little girl tells her complete name as Yukimura Fuuka. You
are surprised to know that Miyuki is married. "But why is the girl's
surname Yukimura? Miyuki's surname is Amou." Miyuki tells Seiichi that her
husband, Heizou, is already dead. Regarding Fuuka, she is the daughter of
her husband from a different woman. She raised Fuuka as if she were her
own daughter. Fuuka is irritated by your questions.

Later that night, Seiichi hears a squeaking noise outside of his
room. He suspects it might be a mouse. Seiichi quickly gets his headphone
stereo from his bag. Suddenly, a girl enters the room and turns on the
light. The girl asks Seiichi several questions in succession. It appears
that this girl is the occupant of Room Number 3. With all the noise coming
from the room, Miyuki and Nagi arrives to settle things down. Miyuki
introduces the girl as Amemiya Kasumi. She also tells you that Nagi is the
occupant of Room Number 2. By the way, Nagi is Fuuka's brother.

*insert flashback with Rin*

December 11

Examine your room first before leaving. Move around the apartment and
talk to the different people you will meet. When you reach Miyuki's room,
you will be given two choices.

ƒRƒ^ƒc‚ɉu‚»‚ׂé (Inspect the kotatsu)
‘—‚Á‚Ä‚¶‚Á‚Æ‘Ò‚Â (Sit down and wait)

Check the kotatsu to find Miyuki's notebook. You will be given two choices.

“Ç‚Þ (Read)
“Ç‚Ü‚È‚¢ (Do not read)

Try to read Miyuki's notebook.

December 12

Move around the apartment and talk to the different people you will
meet. After seeing the storage room of Kazahana Inn, you will be given two

ˆêŠK‚ɍ~‚è‚é (Go to the first floor)
•”‰®‚É–ß‚é (Return to your room)

If you go to the first floor, you will meet Miyuki at the entrance hall of
Kazahana Inn. Miyuki is going to visit the grave of her late husband.

•æŽQ‚è‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚­ (Vist the grave)
•”‰®‚É–ß‚é (Return to your room)

Accompany Miyuki to get a bonus to her love rating. When you return to
Kazahana Inn, move around the apartment and talk to the different people

If you decide to return to your room, you will meet an old man who
looks like a gangster. You can tell Miyuki about the man you meet when she
returns from her visit.

ƒ„ƒNƒU‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚ð˜b‚· (Tell about the Yakuza)
‚¢‚âA˜b‚³‚È‚¢•û‚ªcc (Do not tell her)

If you ask her about the Yakuza, Miyuki will tell you that he's a monk who
lives in a temple nearby.

Either way, move around the apartment and talk to the different people

December 13

Go to the yard and meet Haga. Talk to him until he leaves. After he
leaves, Seiichi will go to the storage room and takes a peek at Miyuki.
After your talk with Kasumi, the game will ask if you want to read the

‚Í‚¢ (Yes)
‚¢‚¢‚¦ (No)

Read the notebook and you'll find out that Heizou was training Miyuki.
You need to read the notebook to learn Heizou's techniques later in
the game. This is required if you want to get Miyuki's ending.

Inside Miyuki's room, you will be given two choices.

‚ ‚ A“Ç‚ñ‚¾‚æ (Ah! I've read it.)
l‚ÌŽè’ ‚ð‚Ü‚·‚© (Is this your notebook?)

If you select the first one, congratulations! You have just received the
bad ending of the game.

If you selected the second one, the game will still continue.

*insert dream with Rin*

December 14

Seiichi decides to go to the garden. The garden looks like a vinyl
sheet spread under the sun. Seiichi sees Fuuka. "Hello, Oniichan" said
Fuuka. Seiichi is happy that Fuuka now considers him as an older brother.

@ "Have you seen the manager?"

"She went shopping..." replied Fuuka. "Oniichan, do you like Miyuki?"

You will have three choices.
D‚« (I like her)
Œ™‚¢ (I hate her)
‚Ç‚¿‚ç‚Å‚à–³‚¢ (I really can't say)

If you like Miyuki, Fuuka will feel lonely. She thinks that they are
incompatible. Fuuka will tell Seiichi that she also likes Miyuki. Seiichi
reminds her that Miyuki is her mother.

If you hate Miyuki, Fuuka will tell Seiichi that she hates him. Fuuka's
love rating for Seiichi will decrease.

If you feel indifferent, Fuuka will ask Seichi how he feels for her?

D‚«‚¾‚æ (I like you)
Œ™‚¢‚¾‚Ë (I hate you)

If you pick the first one, Seiichi will tell Fuuka that he likes her very
much. Fuuka's love rating for Seiichi will increase.

If you hate Fuuka, her love rating for Seiichi will DECREASE.

Back inside Kazahana Inn, Seiichi remembers why he is here at the
apartment. Bringing out the memo, it tells him to meet a trainer at the
Seizen Temple. At the entrance of the temple, Seiichi sees a muscular
monk. He remembers this monk as the gangster who visited Kazahana Inn.
"I'm your master, Seiichi," said the monk. Seiichi is surprised that this
monk knows his name. The monk tells him that he has already talked with
Rin. The monk asks Seiichi not to stand outside and enter the temple.

Inside the temple, Seiichi tries to read the memo again just to
confirm what the monk said. "Are you, Chinen Souun?," asked Seiichi. The
monk confirms it. You will have two choices.

Žv‚¢Ø‚Á‚Ä‘Š’k‚·‚é (Believe him)
‚â‚Á‚Ï‚èŽ~‚ß‚Ä‚¨‚­ (Tell him to stop lying)

The choice really does not matter. So, let's assume you tell Souun to stop
lying. Seiichi regrets going and he should have asked the manager for the
correct directions. "Kazahana Inn's manager, Amou Miyuki, will come here
today," said Souun. This surprises Seiichi. Souun informs Seiichi that
Miyuki's late husband, Heizou, was his last student. The monk also tells
you that Miyuki's training is incomplete. Actually, he invited you to
Kazahana Inn to finish Miyuki's training. Souun tells you that you are
going to be his student until January 19, Heizou's death anniversary. You
accept. Souun warns Seiichi about overdoing it. To make your work easier,
Souun assigns an assistant to you. Seiichi's assistant is Nagi. You did
not expect Nagi to be here. "If you want to get some information, just
ask me," said Nagi. Nagi tells you that you can use Room Number 4 of the
apartment if you want to do your training in Kazahana Inn. All of Heizou's
tools are in that room. Souun hopes his new student will be devoted to

Back at Kazahana Inn, Seiichi will go to the storage room to peek at
Miyuki. She is "doing" it again with the sausage. Seiichi confronts Miyuki
in the kitchen. Seiichi tells her that her training has been continued. The
game now officially begins. You now have the option of training a girl
during the night.

If you train Miyuki right away, Souun will be happy when you talk to him
the following day.

If you do not train Miyuki and went on practice, Souun will give you a
special training lesson the following day. This will increase your skill
point by 1. After the special training, you will have two choices.

‚·A‚·‚²‚¢‚Á‚¸AŽt II (That's great, master!!)
‚Ó‚ÁA‚Ü‚¾‚Ü‚¾cc (Hmm, is that it...)

If you pick the first choice, your skill point will be increased by 1.
If you pick the second, your skill point will be decreased by 1.

In case you haven't figured it out, Seiichi will be teaching sex to
girls the hard and painful way. I highly recommend that you keep a separate
save file in order not to repeat the whole introduction. The following
character guides will only give you an idea on how to train the girls
properly. I also listed the important events you need to know and the best
reply to the girls' questions. On and after January 1, you will have an
option of giving a special training to two girls provided that their
levels are 2 and above. You only have up to January 18 to train the girls.
On January 19, you must present your best student to Souun.

== “V‰H[á Amou Miyuki ============================================

Kazahana Inn
@ @@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚`@“û–[ŒÅ’è•òŽd@@@@1@@1 @@0 @@0 @@1 @@0@ @0 @@0
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@@‚`|‚h@@@@@@@6@@2 @@2 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@4
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@@‚`|‚e|‚g @@@@10@@3@@12 @@6 @@3 @@3 @@0@@18
@@‚e|‚a|‚i @@@@12@@0@@18 @@3 @@0@@12 @@0@@12
The Kazahana Inn techniques labeled as D, G, I and K
are Heizou's techniques. You must have read Miyuki's notebook
on December 13 to gain access to these skills. On and after
December 26, ask Nagi for some information on Miyuki. The
techniques will now be available.

Seizen Temple
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚@‘OŽè“û–[Ž©‹s@@@@1@@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1 @@0
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@@‚|‚‚|‚ƒ@@@@@6@@6 @@0 @@0 @@6 @@0 @@3@@15

@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating
@@•½‘ ‚Ì‘¡‚蕨@@@@@@@@@@+1



December 12 - Visit to a Grave
After locating the storage room of Kazahana Inn, go to the first floor.
Accompany Miyuki to the grave of her late husband. See the prologue for
more details.

December 29 - Shopping
Accompany Miyuki when she is going out.
Select ˆê‚É”ƒ‚¢•¨‚ɍs‚­.

January 4~ - uƒZ[ƒ^[‚̉º‚ɂ́cv
This automatically happens the next day if you train Miyuki inside
Kazahana Inn. Miyuki will receive a vist from Yaomatsu.

January 11 - uáŽN‚µ’Ý‚èv
This is an ending requirement!
You must have used the four Heizou techniques before January 10.
Select uŠO‚ɘA‚êo‚·v. After seeing this event, Heizou's techniques
will disappear from the list.

January 17 - Miyuki's Confession
This is an ending requirement!
You must have seen the event on January 11.


== ˆÉ“Œ–¶Žq Itou Kiriko ============================================

Kiriko will arrive on December 17.

Kazahana Inn
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚`@•H“ê•Ð‘«’Ý‚è@@@@1@@1 @@1 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1
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‚d@‹t‚³’݂蟯’°@@@@6@@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@3 @@1 @@1
@@‚`|‚a@@@@@@@3@@2 @@2 @@0 @@6 @@4 @@0 @@2
@@‚b|‚c|‚d @@@@14@@0 @@0@@21 @@0 @@9 @@6@@15

Seizen Temple
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚@ŠJ‹r”é•”ŽN‚µ@@@@1@@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1
‚‚@ŠIŠJ‹r•M›j‚è@@@@2@@1 @@1 @@1 @@0 @@0 @@1 @@0
‚ƒ@‘}“üŸ¯’°Ó‚߁@@@@3@@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@2 @@1 @@0
‚„@“ñŒŠC‘äÓ‚߁@@@@4@@1 @@1 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@2
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@@‚|‚ƒ@@@@@@@4@@0 @@8 @@0 @@0 @@4 @@2 @@2
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@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating



December 24 - Christmas Eve
This is an ending requirement!
Select ‚ ‚ Aˆê‚ɉ߂²‚µ‚Ä‚â‚é‚æ to celebrate Christmas with Kiriko.
You must select Kiriko during the training. Take note that if you
turn down Kiriko's invitation or did not train her at night, she will
leave and return on December 26.

January 1 - First Temple Visit of the New Year
Select ˆê‚ɏ‰Œw‚ɍs‚­. This event will only happen if Kasumi is already
available for training.

January 13 - A Slave's Pledge
This is an ending requirement!
You will see this event if Kiriko's parameter is already enough to get
her ending.


== ‰J‹{‚©‚·‚Ý Amemiya Kasumi =======================================

Training Requirement
On or after December 19, ask Nagi for some information on
Kasumi. Train Kiriko inside Kazahana Inn and Kasumi will intrude.
On the next day, Seiichi will talk to Kasumi. Your answer will
determine what route you will take for Kasumi's story.
‡Ši‚¾‚ÁA‚±‚ê‚È‚ç“â‚à‚n‚j (Ending 04)
‚±‚ñ‚È‚¨K‚¶‚áƒ_ƒ‚¾‚Ë (Ending 03)

You can now train Kasumi.

Kazahana Inn
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚`@ãè‹sŽwÓ‚߁@@@@@1@@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1
‚a@KÓ‚߈ٕ¨Ž©ˆÔ@@@2@@0 @@0 @@1 @@2 @@0 @@2 @@0
‚b@‹Ù”›Ÿ¯’°Ó‚߁@@@@3@@0 @@0 @@1 @@0 @@3 @@0 @@1
‚c@•Ð‘«’Ý‚èãèŒð@@@@4@@1 @@0 @@3 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@2
‚d@’w偔›‚è•Ú‘Å‚¿@@@4@@2 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@2
‚e@Ž©‹sŸ¯’°Ó‚߁@@@@5@@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@2 @@3 @@0
‚f@–_ŠJ‹rãèŒð@@@@@6@@2 @@0 @@3 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@2
@@‚`|‚a@@@@@@@3@@0 @@0 @@6 @@4 @@0 @@4 @@2
@@‚b|‚c@@@@@@@7@@2 @@0 @@8 @@0 @@6 @@0 @@6
@@‚c|‚d@@@@@@@8@@6 @@0@@10 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@8
@@‚b|‚f@@@@@@@9@@4 @@0 @@8 @@0 @@6 @@0 @@6
@@‚b|‚c|‚d @@@@11@@9 @@0@@18 @@0 @@9 @@0@@15

Seizen Temple
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚@”Žì’Ý‚èK’²‹³@@@2@@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@1 @@0 @@1
‚‚@ãè–åŠg’£Ó‚߁@@@@3@@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@3
‚ƒ@Œã‚ëŽè”›‚è•ú”A@@@4@@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@2 @@0 @@1
@@‚‚|‚ƒ|‚@@@@@9@@6 @@0@@12 @@0 @@9 @@0@@15

@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating



January 1 - First Temple Visit of the New Year
Select ˆê‚ɏ‰Œw‚ɍs‚­.

January 8 - Examination
Talk to Kasumi on January 3. Select –ÍŽŽ‚ðŽó‚¯‚é to accept Kasumi's
invitation to accompany her when she takes her exams on January 8.

January 16 - Threesome
Threesome with Nagi and Kasumi. This is required for Kasumi's
Nagi-Route Ending.


== á‘º•—‰Ô Yukimura Fuuka =========================================

Training Requirement
On December 26, an event with Fuuka will happen inside the bathroom.
Select —«‚ð‚©‚È‚®‚èŽÌ‚Ä‚é. On the next day, Seiichi will talk with Nagi.
Select •—‰Ô‚¿‚á‚ñ‚𒲋³‚·‚é.@You can now train Fuuka.

Kazahana Inn
@@@Technique@@@@sk “û–[ —‰A ‹eÀ Œûˆú ”rŸ• Ž©ˆÔ ”í‹s
‚`@‹Ç•”Ž…’Ý‚è’²‹³@@@2@@2 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1 @@0
‚a@’|”w•‰‚¢–Ø”n@@@@2@@0 @@1 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@3 @@0
‚b@Œ¢”‡‚¢ŒûO•òŽd@@@3@@0 @@0 @@2 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@2
‚c@Œã‚ëŽè’Ý‚è‰tÓ‚߁@@3@@1 @@2 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@1 @@2
‚d@‹Ù”›«Œð‹¾Ó‚߁@@@4@@0 @@3 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@3 @@1
‚e@ãè–åŽN‚µŽY—‘@@@@5@@0 @@0 @@3 @@0 @@3 @@0 @@2
‚f@b’Ý‚èŒû•òŽd@@@@6@@1 @@2 @@2 @@3 @@2 @@0 @@2
@@‚a|‚`@@@@@@@4@@4 @@6 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@8 @@0
@@‚c|‚d@@@@@@@7@@2@@10 @@0 @@0 @@0 @@8 @@6
@@‚`|‚f@@@@@@@8@@6 @@8 @@4 @@6 @@4 @@2 @@4
@@‚e|‚d@@@@@@@9@@0 @@6 @@6 @@0 @@6 @@6 @@6
@@‚a|‚e|‚d @@@@11@@0@@12 @@9 @@0 @@9@@18 @@9

@@@ Answer Love Rating

@@Ž©ŽE–¢‹HI@@@@@@@@@@-- (This is an ending requirement!)

@@—D‚µ‚¢‚æ—D@@@@@@@@@@@+2 (This is an ending requirement!)

@@@ Answer Love Rating



@@@ Answer Love Rating


@@”ß‚µ‚¢‚±‚Æ‚ð‘z‘œ‚µ‚Ä‚²‚ç‚ñ@@@+1 (This is an ending requirement!)

January 1 - First Temple Visit of the New Year
Turn down Kiriko and Kasumi's invitation to go to the temple.
Select Ž~‚ß‚Ä‚¨‚­. Fuuka should have strong feelings for Seiichi.

January 11~ - Calm, Sleeping Face
This is an ending requirement!
Use the [b’Ý‚èŒû•òŽd] during the training. This event will happen
on the following day. You MUST see this event on or after January 11 -
not earlier.

January 18 - Cleaning of Ears
This is an ending requirement!
You must have seen the "Calm, Sleeping Face" event.
Go to Kazahana Inn's yard to meet Fuuka.



The ending you will get is determined by the statistics of a girl and
her feelings for Seiichi. The numbers listed are the minimum value for a
particular parameter.

01 Miyuki Happy Ending
You must have seen Miyuki's events on January 11 and January 17.

02 Kiriko Happy Ending
You must have seen Kiriko's events on December 24 and January 13.

03 Kasumi Nagi-Route Ending
You must have seen Kasumi's event on January 16.

04 Kasumi Happy Ending
Kasumi's event on January 16 should not happen.

05 Fuuka Happy Ending
You must have seen Fuuka's events on January 11~ and January 18.
During the conversations with Fuuka, you should have answered the
following: [Ž©ŽE–¢‹IH], [—D‚µ‚¢‚æ], and [”ß‚µ‚¢‚±‚Æ‚ð‘z‘œ‚µ‚Ä‚²‚ç‚ñ].

06 Miyuki Normal Ending
You have seen the required events for ending 01 but one or more
of Miyuki's stats did not reached the minimum value.

07 Kiriko Normal Ending
You have seen the required events for ending 02 but one or more
of Kiriko's stats did not reached the minimum value.

08 Kasumi Normal Ending
You have seen the required event for ending 03 or 04 but one or
more of Kasumi's stats did not reached the minimum value.

09 Kazahana Inn Ending
This is the harem ending of the game. To get this ending, all
characters must have good feelings for Seiichi, their training
levels should be at 2 or above, and have seen the six special
trainings. Select Fuuka at the end of the game.

10 Training Ending
You have the required parameters but the girl doesn't love you.

11 BAD Ending
You will get this ending if you fail to fulfill any of the
requirements. You can also get this ending during the prologue
on December 13.



CJayC (
- for hosting my guide

Glenn Rosenthal (
- for making JWPce

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