

15.10.2013 16:59:05
Furcadia PC (DOS/Windows) - RPG
Furcadia Beginner's Guide

Document written by Lord Treant (lordmagus99@yahoo.com)
Latest Update: July 17th, 2004
Current Version: 0.7

|| Latest Update ||

July 17, 2004


W00 a long awaited update, it's minor at the moment but thanks go to Nai Rikku
for pointing out I spelled anthropomorphic wrong. I also am allowing this FAQ
to be posted on the Fairfield website.

Update Summary:

-Updated Link to Fairfield Website
-Updated Fairfield Unofficial Guild Location
-Added a Credits Section.
-Added Dice Rolling and shouting to Game Controls Section.
-Fixed Typo in Anthropomorphic
-Updated Copyright and Contact Info.



1. Introduction
2. What is Furcadia?
3. Digo Mart
4. The Basics
a. Movement
b. Game Controls
c. Maps
5. Beekin Helpers
6. Guilds
a. Guild Types
b. Guild Info
c. My Guild
7. Credits
8. Copyright and Contact Info


|| 1. Introduction ||

I've been playing furcadia since January 1999, at first I played on
and off as countless characters, til I created my main identity which
I use daily. My character on furcadia is Treant, I don't mind whispers
so if you're a new player, or someone who wants to talk with me feel free.
The only thing I ask is do NOT ask me for any of my special items
or if I can buy you a special item. The answer is NO, I got my items
the legitimate way so you should as well. I roleplay as Treant, and
you can check out my website at http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/treant
if you wish to see more of what my character has to offer.


|| 2. What is Furcadia? ||

First off let me tell you what Furcadia is. It is what most
consider to be a MMORPG. (Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game)
I consider it to be a Graphical chat client, but that's my opinion.

Basically, you create an anthropomorphic character, such as a rodent,
canine, lapine, musteline, equine or feline and then you get to roam
the world of Furcadia talking to other furres.

Furcadia offers a free service to many people over the world, what you
do on Furcadia is up to you though. You can either roleplay, or you can
use your avatar to just walk around and socialize as you would in real
life. There are countless main maps, but you can create your own little
world by using the dream editor which I'll explain later.

You can find out more about Furcadia and download the client from the
website. http://www.furcadia.com


|| 3. Digo Mart ||

As with all online games, the bandwith isn't free for thousands of
people that wish to log on everyday without being forced to wait in
line to log in. So instead of forcing everyone to pay to play, they
wanted to keep it free to the public, so they created special items,
which people can purchase for their avatar. The items are sold at a
Digo Market and they accept paypal and CCNow as payment methods, but
you can also mail them via snail mail and send a check. All items have
a time limit and need to be renewed after they expire.

The special item list includes:

Silver Sponsorship: These offer a few perks, such as color changing
while online, portrait spaces, and a few others.
This has to be paid monthly.

Roses: Purchase a rose to be displayed in a description for a week
or so depending on the color you purchase.

Portrait Space: Purchase a space to upload a personalized portrait,
each space is only good for one upload, if you wish
to have multiple portraits or change one you'll need
to buy another space.

Phoenix Morphing: Morph into a phoenix that can burst into flames.
Dragon Morphing: Morph into a Dragon that can breath rainbow breath
Gryffe: This avatar can morph into an eagle or a Gryphon form.

Wings: Give your furre wings that come in three types.
Classics: These wings are retired and may only be renewed by those
who own them already, they resemble bat wings.
Tri-Wings: These are tri-colored and look a bit like archangel wings.
Butterfly: These are butterfly wings, and look like butterflies.

All Wings, Dragons, Phoenix, and Gryffes are purchased for a year,
two years, or three years, or even for life. They can be purchased from


|| 4. The Basics ||

| 4a. Movement |

Walking: This can be done by hitting the Arrow keys, using your mouse,
using the numerical keypad, or using the home,end,page up,
and page down buttons on your keyboard.

Turning: This can be done by hitting the insert key to turn counter clockwise,
and the delete key to turn clockwise.

Laying down: This can be done by holding CTRL and pressing the L key.

Sitting: This can be done by holding CTRL and pressing the L key twice.

| 4b. Game controls |

Command Help: Hold CTRL and press Z, or press F1.
Who's on map: Hold CTRL and press W key, or hit F4.

Turn off Sounds: Hold CTRL and press P key.
Turn off Music: Hold CTRL and press O key.
Turn off Furcadia Sound Driver: Hold Ctrl and press Y key.

Scroll up: Hit F5
Scroll down: Hit F6

Use Item: Hold CTRL and press U key or hit F3.
Get/Drop Item: Hold CTRL and press G or hit F2.

View Last Posted URL: Hold CTRL and press R Key, or hit F8
Toggle Walking Animation: Hit F11

Go to the Vinca: Hold CTRL and press S key, or hit F9
Go to Allegra Island: Hold CTRL and press A key.
Go back to last map: Hold CTRL and press B.
Upload a map (Dream): Hold CTRL and press T on designated maps.

Shouting: Press the - Key and then write your text.
Whisper a furre: use the backslash key ( / ) then the furre name
and enter the message, if the furre name has a
space hit the pipebar key ( | ) for spaces.
(example: /treant hello)
(example: /treant|harper hello)

Clicking on a furre with your mouse will show their portrait,
name and description.

Other options can be played around with and changed via the
Furcadia setting program, if you're a parent and wish for your
child to be kept off of adult oriented maps, you may turn on
parental controls and password block them.

Dice rolling: roll 2d6 will show [*] Treant rolls 2d6 & gets a 7.
ROLL 2d6 will show [*] Treant rolls 2d6: (1) (6) = 7.


You may also add a reason why you're dice rolling:
ROLL 1d6 for hell of it will show [*] Treant rolls 1d6 for hell of it: (1) = 1

You can also do addition or subtraction like roll 1d1+12 will be 13
and 1d1-12 will be -11 and so on.

Also when using ROLL the max roll is 20d999 and for roll it's 999d999999
Play around with dice rolling it's easy and can be used for roleplay or
combat etc. The possibilities are nearly endless.


| 4c. Main Maps |

All maps are PG rated and OOC (out of character) unless otherwise
stated, so no vulgarity ok? :P

Welcomer Map: Most likely the first map you'll start on if you are
new player, the map is where you will be greeted and
learn the controls.

New Haven: This map may also be the first map you'll start on, right
in front of the Help desk, where helpers are to answer any
of your questions. This map contains a bar, and rollercoaster
as well.

Acropolis: This map is one of the designated maps for dream uploading.
You can socialize here, and explore it for some secret spots
overall a fun little map with a chapel and alot of water.

Vinca: This map is the heart of Furcadia with transports to nearly all
main maps. You can return to this map at any time using F9.

Challenges: This map has little games and puzzles to keep you
entertained, pretty fun the first few times through.

Allegra Island: This map is designated as a dream upload area. This was
the only map uploads were allowed til about two years
ago so it was made with the sole purpose for that, not
much here but has nice scenary and places to sit.

Imaginarium: This map is where you may find the Dragonlands and other
Roleplay only maps, the main section is persona play but
alot of furres RP here. Dreams may also be uploaded here
nearly all of them are roleplay based. Nice place to
explore but easy to get lost.

FurN: Uh oh better get mommy or daddy's permission before entering this
map, this is an R-Rated map, nearly everything goes here, from
vulgar language, to adult oriented themes, and adult clubs. This
is also a designated upload area for dreams, mostly adult guilds
here. There is also a truth or dare pool and a fire side chat.

Club Dusk 2 Dawn: This map may be found by using the transport hidden
in acropolis, meovanni, or Imaginarium. This map is
also rated R, most dark themed RP takes place here,
but the map itself is OOC default I believe.

Theriopolis: This map is a RP only map found off the shores of the
canal in Meovanni, I haven't really explored here, but it
is nice and has a dark look.

Village of Goldwyn: This map is found in Imaginarium, another RP only
map I hardly explored.

Meovanni Village: They say save the best for last, well I did. I love
Meovanni village, this was the first map ever made
for Furcadia I believe. It has things that range from
a canal, a market place, a library, a bar, a stage
and a small greenary filled park. I'm a stage furre
when not busy in my guild.


|| 5. Beekin Helpers ||

Beekin Helpers are volunteer staff members of Furcadia. They are there
to offer assistance with questions, or rule breakers. There are different
types of beekins that specialize in certain areas. You must be playing
Furcadia for a certain ammount of time before being able to apply for a

I will only list the basic beekin groups, for a full list visit the website.

Welcomer Beekins: These beekins help you by greeting you when you enter the
game for the first time. They help you learn the basic
controls and find your way around by giving you a tour
of the maps.

Desk Beekins: These Beekins sit behind the help desk in New Haven, and are
there to answer any and all questions within their power to.
They also have the power to send you a welcomer beekin if you
missed out on a tour, or wish for another.

Dream Masons: These beekins are involved in dream development, and can help
you with DS help, or dream building tips. IF you're lucky they
may even build you a dream.

Channel Beekins: These beekins watch the help channel, for help calls. If you
ever need assistance and no desk beekin is around you can
type 'Help' and whatever question you have, they will help
find you the best available helper.

Beekin Guardians: These beekins are in charge of rule enforcement, if you have
any problems with harassment, or dream blockers and other
rule breakers they're the ones to go to.


|| 6. Guilds ||

| 6a. Guild Types |

Guilds come in a few different categories.

Social Guilds: These guilds are for socializing and hanging out.
Persona Guilds: These guilds are persona play, where RP is optional.
RolePlay Guilds: These guilds are for strict RP continuity, character sheets
and such may be created, also being an official member to
effect continuity is a must.
Adult Guilds: These guilds range from clubs, hospitals, schools, bars, and the
such. All have adult themes and you enter at your own risk, being
atleast 18 or having parental permission is recommended.

| 6b. Guild Info |

What is a guild exactly? Well guilds are basically little organizations of
people that all believe or work for the same cause. With that knowledge
Furcadia Guilds came to be. Furcadia Guilds are there to offer players
something to make their stay at Furcadia more enjoyable. Players create a map
and then upload it and try to keep the same spot and draw in the crowds, they
may offer many different things such as bot sparring, orphanage, clubs, bars,
a village, kingdoms, even fast food restaurants, or insane asylums, and laser
tag arenas.

Not all guilds are Official Charted Guilds so the spot they upload in may
change regularly. If you create a guild and it gets enough visitors per day
you may want to try and charter it by visiting http://www.furcadia.com/guilds/
and following the links and guidelines.

Perks for chartering your guild include a listing on the Furcadia website,
an official dream loading spot so if someone uploads in your designated spot
you can call a guardian to unload the dream so you can load your guild map.

| 6c. My Guild |

My Furcadia mate (and my RL Girlfriend) Asphodel, wanted a dream for our
characters to call home, a dream for us to get away from the public maps etc.
So she started work on creating a small dream, but as she went along it began
to span into a village, and our friends started to come in and hang around
with us. After a while we decided to make our once private quiet place into a
public dwelling where everyone was welcome to come visit, thus Fairfield Village
was born. It started out as a small village in FurN with persona play rules.
(You with furre features or unofficial RP aspects)

The problem with this is people started applying for guild jobs and never
stepping into the guild again, or coming in and taking full credit for the
creation which indeed they did not do. People started disrespecting both me
and my mate by not even paying mind to the rules we set in place, and leaving
the room the second we entered. We did not feel the need to be outcasted from
our own creation so we decided to make it strict roleplay and moved the village
to Imaginarium, it can be found behind building 10.

Fairfield Village offers a medieval village setting, where witch hunts and
public hangings are still in effect. If you wish to apply for guild membership
or wish to visit the guild website to see more of what we're about you may do
so by following this link http://fairfield-village.com

*Note* Fairfield is now an Unofficial Furcadia Guild for the time being.


|| 7. credits ||

My thanks go to:

Nai Rikku for pointing out my typo in anthropomorphic.
Dragon's Eye Productions for creating and maintaining Furcadia.
Asphodel for being everything a guy could ask for, and for making Fairfield.


|| 8. Copyright and Contact Info ||

First off I would like to thank Gamefaqs.com for hosting this FAQ,
and to Dragon's Eye Productions for providing us with Furcadia.

This FAQ is copyrighted to me, Lord Treant. If you wish to use any portion of
this FAQ written permission is required, and all I ask is you credit me for
the parts you use. This FAQ may be saved for personal use as long as you don't
pass it off as your own. Plagiarism is bad, so don't do it. I may be contacted
on Furcadia or by email at lordmagus99@yahoo.com.

This FAQ is only allowed to be posted at the following websites:

And of course on my personal website:

(*NOTICE* I will only update this FAQ on www.gamefaqs.com, and on my website
the webmaster of any other sites permitted to host my FAQ must update it on
their own, please check gamefaqs for the most recent updates.)

If you wish to post this FAQ on any other site contact me first,
and you must use the entire FAQ. If you don't believe this FAQ is
protected by copyright laws here is a website you should read
that'll prove it is.


Big thanks to Brad Templeton for providing the Copyright facts online.

Furcadia is copyright of Dragon's Eye Productions and their respected creators.
If for any reason this Guide is in violation of any copyrights I will remove
it upon official notice from Dragon's Eye Productions.

All tools such as dream editor, ds editor, patch editor, etc are owned and
copyrighted to their respected creator. I claim no responsibility for the
tools or Furcadia itself. The only claims I make are from the dreams I've
created using the software publically released in the Furcadia installation

Furcadia Beginner's Guide FAQ © 2003-2004 Lord Treant
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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