Lego Racers

Lego Racers

16.10.2013 14:51:51
LEGO Group and LEGO Media's
LEGO Racers
For The PC, Nintendo 64, and PlayStation
Written By Positive Individual
(Formerly TBO a.k.a. Gamer 12)
Copyright (C) 2004

_/Table of Contents_/
01. Updates (History)
02. Intro
03. System Requirements (PC Only)
03. Basics - Controls
-The Building Blocks
~Block Powerups
~Building Your Racer
04. LEGO Racers Menu
05. Build
06. Circuit Race
07. Time Race
08. Tips & Tricks
09. Codes
10. Websites
11. Reviews
12. Question and Answer
13. Future Game Requests
14. Needed Assistance
15. Thank You's
16. Customer Service - Tech. Support (PC Only)
-FAQ (PC Only)
17. Copyright - About

_/U P D A T E S_/

11/08/99 - vERSION 0.0: Started my third FAQ and my first for
the PC CD-ROM and a racing game. Also its the first FAQ for this game and is
still a bit uncompleted.

11/13/99 - vERSION 0.1: Changed a few things around the FAQ to make it usable
for N64, PlayStation, and PC. Also corrected the shortcut info for Desert
Adventure Dragway Strategy and found another shortcut on the Magma Moon track
as well :). Still have a few things incomplete.

11/16/99 - vERSION 0.2: Updated a few things and added more info to the build
menu. Also added a Time Race section.

11/24/99 - vERSION 0.3: Added brand new "Codes" and "Tips and Tricks" to the

11/25/99 - vERSION 0.4: Changed the previous date for the version 0.3 update.

12/10/99 - vERSION 0.5: Added notice and did some spell checking if any was

12/11/99 - vERSION 0.5a: Forgot to put the correct version of this FAQ and
corrected the previous version word "version 0.5" to "Version 0.5."

12/20/99 - vERSION 0.6: Added as much new information as I could. I still need
some help on tips for anyone who is reading this. I'd really appreciate it.

12/29/99 - vERSION 0.7: Made some more spelling corrections and put a little
bit more info, but barely enough. Still appreciate reader tips if you all have

12/31/99 - vERSION 0.8: New Years Eve Update!!! Thanks to Jeff James of LEGO
Media, I've received ALL the codes and ALL the shortcut information for the
entire game! Yeeeeeeeeeeeees! Thanks a million Jeff. You've saved me a lot of
time. Also made some race track corrections and more spelling corrections.

01/01/00 - vERSION 0.8a: New Years update! Happy New Year everyone! The
millenium is just 364 days away. Anyway, I've added a new section to this FAQ
called Question & Answer (Q & A for short). It has many questions I've asked
about LEGO Racers and what went down during and after its development. It
should also answer many of your questions.

01/03/00 - vERSION 0.8b: Second update of the year. Thanks to Lowell for the
dialogue on what King Kahuna and Basil the Bat Lord say :) I also corrected a
few names for the objects in the game and added a little more info. I really
appreciate the emails everyone! Keep them coming with more tips! Remember that
anything you find on this FAQ about LEGO Racers, was found first! (Meaning any
other websites besides the one's I have listed used my FAQ for the codes, tips,

01/05/00 - vERSION 0.8c: Third update of the year. This time, Thanks to James
Parnell for submitting his own circuit strategy for Circuit 2. He is possibly
going to send me the rest of the five circuit strategies sometime soon, so
thanks and thanks a million James!
Also forgot to change the version number at the top to "0.8c"

01/06/00 - vERSION 0.8d: Fourth update of the year. Forgot to change the date
for one of the updates. It's now 01/01. Also made any needed corrections.

01/07/00 - vERSION 0.8d2: Fifth update of the year. Added a new GameShark code
for the Nintendo 64 thanks to ( The codes let you get
ALL racers (including Veronica Voltage and Rocket Racer) and all of everything!
Thanks SilverSurfer9d9!!! Keep the codes and tips coming everyone :)

01/08/00 - vERSION 0.8d3: Sixth update of the year. I was checking out
GameSages for the codes I submitted to them (about a week ago) and they still
didn't post my own post. Instead someone else got the opportunity to post the
new codes (possibly from my previous update) [Ninten²K]. Anyway there an now
even MORE new codes (w/ one actually by Ninten²K)! They are: "Disable ALL
cheats," "Only grappling hook power-ups," and "Unlock All Hidden Characters."
So thanks to Ninten²K, Justin Credible for the new codes!

01/09/00 - vERSION 0.8e: Seventh update of the year. A minor correction to what
i said for the 0.8d3 update. The new codes were actually only "Disable ALL
cheats" and "Unlock All Hidden Characters," other than that, spell checks were
made. I almost forgot to mention that Alex Wilkes sent me in the correct
Nintendo 64 control configurations. Thanks Al!

01/22/00 - vERSION 0.9: Eigth update of the year. I decide it should finally be
version 0.9 since I didn't want to go further than the leter 'e'. I've recieved
loads of help from a lot of people, and they are (especially Alex Tsiatas,
[btw, the save game you sent me was the same one!]) Anyway he gave me his own
strategies for the circuits I don't have complete. So I will put a notice that
he did each perticular one. Sorry for the time of this update for I am updating
a majority of other FAQs and new ones I'm writing. Enjoy the update!

04/16/00 - vERSION 1.0: FINALLY! My first FAQ that has reached version 1.0 and
is considered complete!!! Yata! I only updated a few minor things. Also, check
out mu new website. The address is above and below (very end of this FAQ). It's
my Awesome Gaming Page... I won't go too into it, but please visit. Thanks.

11/22/00 - vERSION 1.1: Well well... who would have though another update? Well
this update can be seen as a minor or major update, but it doesn't matter (The
Rock :P). Thanks to for helping me update the "New Racers"
released chart. For now, this is still it everyone.
Take care and _keep on GAMING_!!

12/16/00 - vERSION 1.2: Yet another last minute update. Thanks to EmarZero for
clarifying a few of the languages used in Lego Racers... also for the history
lesson as well (I didn't know Lego is Headquartered in Denmark :)). I also
changed my email address... it is now OFFICIALLY *****, so if you email
me at my old address for ANY of my old/new FAQs I will not reply. Sorry...

01/06/01 - vERSION 1.2a: Happy New Year! I hope your new year is going fine.
Anyway, I have two things to say. One being that I removed that annoying notice
at the begining of this guide. I kept on forgetting to remove it after this faq
was basically complete. Thanks to everyone that's sent in their own personal
saved games, even though I never tried them or could have :/
Second, being about my email address change. This is the last time i'm going to
say it, my email address is now *****, so if you email me at my old
address with game questions, comments, etc. It WILL be ignored.

01/18/03 - vERSION 1.5: Another Happy New Year! Two of them at that! It's been
two years since my last update, and not much has changed in this FAQ.
This won't be the final FAQ though, that's for sure.
Until I get my own copy of LEGO Racers again, this will not be complete.
What has been updated are copyright information and contact. Enjoy...

01/26/03 - vERSION 1.6: Yet another Happy New Year! I'm still in search for
my own personal copy of Lego Racers. Also, as I did last year, I updated the
opyright information and removed any remnants of my old email address. Enjoy...

_/I N T R O_/

"You build your Lego from scratch. Adding a yellow block here, and neon green
antennas to the back of the Lego car. You pull out your Lego Island set and
begin to build that. Now you're ready... Vrrrooom! You pass the coconut
plantations and the dark hidden caves and just up ahead you see the finish
line. But wait, what's that? It's the Island monster and it's racing against
you too!? As well as that strange woman named 'Joan of Kart' you met earlier
on... well they're gonna have to finish after you do! So you grab a green-block
powerup and as soon as you hit the last turn, you JET! Congrats, you've won...
but on this race and not the circuit..."

As weird as that sounded, its all possible in this fun, zany, and wacky racing
game LEGO Racers. Similar to Mario Kart in some aspects, you get to choose from
a range of characters based on LEGO building sets. "But hey you say its Lego!"
you say. "Can't I build?" The answer... YES!! You can customize and build YOUR
own racer in this game! Here's the game description, straight from the

[( Description )]
Customize your own unique LEGO Car and LEGO Driver, then challenge up to five
other drivers in landscapes based on four LEGO SYSTEM themes. A unique power-up
system provides players with numerous ways to gain the upper hand. Discover
hidden short cuts and secret pathways that will help you defeat your Champion
challengers and become the best in the ultimate racing test.



Computer required: 100% Windows 95/98 DirectX 6.1 Compatible Computer Game not
compatible with Windows NT, OS/2, Linux or Windows emulated
operating system.
CPU: Pentium 166 MHz required.
Memory: 32MB RAM Required.
Video: 4MB PCI or AGP Direct3D compatible graphics accelerator card.
CD-ROM: Quad speed (4x) or faster CD-ROM / DVD drive required.
Sound Card: 100% Windows 95/98 DirectX compatible 16-bit sound card
Input Device required: 100% Windows 95/98 compatible joystick, mouse and
Joystick/Gamepad: Recommended.
DirectX (version 6.1+)

Installation requires 210MB free hard drive space (Uncompressed).

_/B A S I C S - C O N T R O L_/

|L E G E N D|

([ Keyboard Controls (( For PC )) ])
|Keyboard (1)|
Turn Left.............................Left
Turn Right............................Right

Use Powerup...........................Enter
Change Camera View....................Right Control
Toggle Display........................M
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Spacebar
Look Backwards........................Right Alt

|Keyboard (2)|
Turn Left.............................A
Turn Right............................D
Use Powerup...........................Left Alt
Change Camera View....................Q
Toggle Display........................E
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Left Shift
Look Backwards........................Z

|Keyboard (3)|
Turn Left.............................Numberpad 4
Turn Right............................Numberpad 6
Accelerate............................Numberpad 8
Brake.................................Numberpad 2
Use Powerup...........................Right Shift
Change Camera View....................Numberpad 3
Toggle Display........................Numberpad 7
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Numberpad Enter
Look Backwards........................Numberpad 9

([ Microsoft Gamepad Controls ])
Turn Left............................. x
Turn Right............................ x
Accelerate............................Button A
Brake.................................Button B
Use Powerup...........................Button C
Change Camera View....................Button X
Toggle Display........................Button Y
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Button Z
Look Backwards........................Button L

([ __My__ Microsoft Gamepad Controls ])
*Note: This is the configuration I use myself, which makes it easier to perform
tasks in the game. You can choose whether or not to put in this configuration.
It's all up to YOU!!

Turn Left............................. x
Turn Right............................ x
Accelerate............................Button A
Brake.................................Button B
Use Powerup...........................Button L
Change Camera View....................Button R
Toggle Display........................Button Z
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Button X
Look Backwards........................Button C

((For Nintendo 64))
Use Powerup...........................Z
Change Camera View....................C-Up
Toggle Display........................C-Right
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............R
Look Backwards........................C-Down

((For PlayStation))
Use Powerup...........................Triangle
Change Camera View....................R1?
Toggle Display........................L1?
Powerslide/Emergency Brake............Circle?
Look Backwards........................R2?

([ Basic Gameplay ])

The LEGO Racers Engine is pretty well designed. The models and the 3D worlds
are very amazing, [PC Only: If you have the right hardware and equipment (which
I don't :P)]. Here are some things to know about the gameplay and its system.

# The Building Blocks #

|Block Powerups|

Just like your basic LEGO set, you get your own blocks. But each block is very
special in their own way. Here is a list of them.

Block Action
Red Block Used to perform a projectile attack.
Yellow Block Used to perform a bombing attack (from behind).
Green Block Used to perform a turbo/speed up.
Blue Block Used to perform a Force Field around your racer.
White Block When combined with another block, it is used to
strengthen/multiply your current powerup.

Now here is a list of what happens when you have a regular block with one or
more white blocks. The maximum number of white blocks you can hold is three
Each line is a level of the powerups power (regular block is Level 1 and a
regular block with 2 white blocks is Level 3)

Block Combination Action
Red Block (Projectile) Cannon Ball
Red Block + 1 White Block Projectile attack using a Grappling Hook
Red Block + 2 White Blocks Projectile attack using a Lightning Wand
Red Block + 3 White Blocks Projectile attack using three (3) Guided

Yellow Block (Hazard) Oil Slick
Yellow Block + 1 White Block Drop an explosive Barrel of Gun Powder behind
Yellow Block + 2 White Blocks Launch a Magnetic Trap (Lasts 30 - 33 seconds)
Yellow Block + 3 White Blocks Drop "The Mummy's Curse" Behind
(It's a giant explosive head)

Blue Block (Shield) Enable Shield (5 Seconds)
Blue Block + 1 White Block Enable Stronger Shield (6 Seconds)
Blue Block + 2 White Blocks Enable Stronger Shield (8 Seconds)
(Reflect Cannon Balls and Rockets, Spin
Blue Block + 3 White Blocks Enable Strongest Shield (10 Seconds)
(reflect Cannon Balls and Rockets, Spin

Green Block (Turbo) Perform a Turbo Boost (Red Flame)
Green Block + 1 White Block Perform an Extra Turbo Boost (Green Flame)
Green Block + 2 White Blocks Perform a Flying Turbo Boost (Double Blue
Green Block + 3 White Blocks Perform a Warping Turbo Boost (Warp Tunnel)

Notes on the block combinations:
1. The heat-seeking missiles (red and 3 white) will first slowly appear from
your vehicle. If you happen to be near something that will get in their way,
one or more of the missiles will be put out. (Ex. A small cave)
2. The turbos can only last for a long time if you don't hit any walls or other
racers. If you do hit anything, it will cause *damage* to your vehicle and will
shorten the time of your turbo.
3. If you use any one of the blue powerups and get hit by either a Kart or
projectile, then the same thing applies. Your forcefield will weaken until it's
4. The level 3 yellow powerup will launch a satelite and shoot down some green
waves to any other racer that goes through it. It will in no way affect you.
Also what the green light does is knockout your opponent for a while.

|Building Your Racer|

As you beat each circuit you release more racers and more LEGO building blocks
that you can use to make new racers or edit your current one(s). And the cool
thing about it is that they are all based on the actually sets and characters!

([ Blocks ])

Circuit Blocks that are released
1. Captain Redbeard LEGO "Pirates" Theme
2. King Kahuna LEGO "Islanders" Theme
3. Basil The Bat Lord LEGO "Castle" Theme
4. Johnny Thunder ??? Unknown ???
5. Baron Von Barron LEGO "Adventurers" Theme
6. Gypsy Moth LEGO "Space" Theme
7. Rocket Racer LEGO "Racers" Theme

([ Racers ])

Circuit New Racers that are released
1. Captain Redbeard Captain Redbeard, Rob-N-Hood, Pharaohs Mummy,
Ann Droid, Governor Broadside
2. King Kahuna King Kahuka, Islander, Royal King,
Commander Cold, Achu
3. Basil The Bat Lord Basil the Bat Lord, Willa the Witch,
BlackJack Hawkins, Sam Sinister, Alpha Dragonis
4. Johnny Thunder Johnny Thunder
5. Baron Von Barron Baron Von Barron
6. Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moth
7. Rocket Racer Rocket Racer

_/L E G O R A C E R S M E N U _/


Circuit Race
Single Race
Versus Race
Time Race


([ Descriptions ])

Create and build your own LEGO Racer!!

Circuit Race:
Select from 7 different and unique circuits to challenge its champion and

Single Race:
Choose racetracks from previously beaten circuits and current circuits to
practice and widen your skills.

Versus Race:
It's head-to-head racing as player one versus player two in a split-screen
battle for first place!

Time Race:
Verse Veronika Voltage and try to beat her from the first place position!

Toggle your Game Options, Video Options, Audio Options, Player 1 & 2 Controls,
Language, and View Credits.
-Game Options: Change the number of opponents in single game (1-5) and the
versus race number f laps (1-5)
-Video Options: Select Primary Display Driver (Choose video display drive)
(PC Only)
-Audio Options: Adjust Music Volume [ =o| to =o) ] and
Adjust Sound Volume [ =o| to =o) ]
-Language: Select from English (English), Español (Spanish), Français
Deutsche (German), Italiano (Italian), Dansk (Danish), Svenska
Norsk (Norwegian/Finnish?, and Netherland (Dutch) (PC Only?)

Exit and quit game.

_/B U I L D _/

This is a detailed description of what you can do in this mode.

{{{Build Menu}}}

New Racer
Edit Racer
Copy Racer
Delete Racer
Test Drive

New Racer
Your first option when you select this is to build your driver (character). You
can select whether or not they'll have some sort of hat or helmet or hair; the
type of head you want to have, the shirt, and lastly the pants. Each head gives
your racer a different personality. For example if you choose the skeleton head
he'll sound like he's a bit evil sometimes or if you choose the head with
sunglasses he'll sound cool and have a deep voice (too deep).

After that's all done with, your headed next to your make (a) license screen.
If you have the PC version you can easily type up your name (only in capital
letters) and take a snap/screen shot of your license. If not, I think you'll
enter a screen with all the available alphabet characters. Now you have a name.

Next is the best part of this option, create your car! In the build car option,
you have a choice to first build it from scratch or automatically have it
built. Depending on the type of cart you've chosen (General/Black, Racer/Grey,
Space Explorer/Black, Medieval/Black/Brown)you'll get two different designs.

After that, you can choose to test your driver on the test track or head on to
the other competition!! Yea Haw!

Build Car Explanations
::Top-Bottom Left Images::

^ Use these directional arrows to move you're selected
\ ^^^ /
\ \ ^^^^^ / / Lego element. If it can connect. A Ghost element will

<>|<> move between the selected element and the car. Showing
###OOO|OOO!!! where it will connect. (PC Only) Click on the arrows or
< ####O#|!O!!!! >
<< ######|!!!!!! >> grab the element by holding down the left mouse button
< ######|!!!!!! >
\#####|!!!!!/ and moving the mouse around.
\#|!/ KEYBOARD: Numeric Keypad # 1-4 6-9

/ / vvvvv \ \
/ vvv \

<> <>
\ /###0|0!!!\ This arrow will rotate the selected element. (PC Only)
=>>>\ #####|!!!!!
//=>>>/ #####|!!!!! You can also rotate the element by clicking on it with
\ // #####|!!!!!
\ \####|!!!!/ the right mouse button. KEYBOARD: Numeric Keypad # 5
(PlayStation Only: Press Square)

888 <> <> This arrow will connect the currently selected element
888 /###0|0!!!\ to the car. If it can connect, a ghost element will
888 #####|!!!!! between the selected element and the car. Showing where
\ 888 / #####|!!!!! it will connect. If the element cannot connect, the
\888/ #####|!!!!! ghost element will flash above the car. Try rotating or
\8/ \####|!!!!/ moving element to make it connect. Or try selecting
V \##|!!/ another element. (PC Only) KEYBOARD: Numeric Keypad # +
(PlayStation Only: Press Circle)

^ <> <> This arrow removes the last element that you connected
/8\ /###0|0!!!\
/888\ #####|!!!!! to your car. This action can be repeated until you have
/ 888 \ #####|!!!!!
888 #####|!!!!! removed all your elements.
888 \####|!!!!/
888 \##|!!/ (PC Only) KEYBOARD: Numeric Keypad # -

(PlayStation Only: Press Triangle)

Camera ======= Use these directional arrows to change the view of your
Camera / 0000000 \
Camera |000000000| car. (PC Only) Click directly on them with the left
Camera |000000000|
Camera |000000000| mouse button. You can also change the view by grabbing
Camera |000000000|
Camera |000000000| the car with the left mouse button and moving the mouse
Camera \ 0000000 /
Camera ======= around. KEYBOARD: Numeric Keypad Arrow Keys

::Top Center Image::
<| | | |>
<<<| | Image Of Car Set | |>>>
<| | | |>

These arrows allow you to select a car set. Each car set has a different group
of Lego elements to choose from. (PC Only) Click either arrow with the left
mouse button to select your set.
KEYBOARD: Insert, Pageup

<| | | |>
<<<| | Image Of Selected Set Elements | |>>>
<| | | |>
These arrows allow you to select a Lego element to play on your car. (PC Only)
Click either arrow with the left mouse button to select the element. You can
also click directly on any element that is visible on to select it. The
currently selected element will be shown floating above your car, ready to
KEYBOARD: Delete, Pagedown

::Bottom Right Image::

| LLLLLLL (Image of your Lego car)

(PC Only) With your left mouse button you can "grab" and change the view of you
car. Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse around.

[To exit click on the man by the door at the very bottom left]

_/C U R C U I T R A C E _/

Circuit 1 (Hosting Champion: Captain Redbeard)
Captain Redbeard says: "Aar. On the high seas or on land... You are no match
for the Great Captain Redbeard. So give it up matey! Har, Har (Laughing)."

Tracks: Imperial Grand Prix, Dark Forest Dash, Magma Moon Marathon,
Desert Adventure Dragway

General Strategy

The best way to win throughout the circuit is to collect the white building
blocks and one green block. Try avoiding any other colored blocks. One trick
you can use though is if your using a green block (except for the green block
combined with three white blocks) you can collect any other different colored
block. If you collect a blue, USE IT! That way you'll be speeding and have
protection simultaneously. If you have a red save it, just in case you get hit
from behind by Capt. Redbeard or another racer (rarely). If you get a yellow
block, it is up to you on whether or not you should use I now or when ever you
want. But I would usually drop it behind/in front of another powerup Capt.
Redbeard or another racer will pick up.

Imperial Grand Prix Strategy

To be in first for the whole race, remember to simply collect green blocks and
white blocks. Save them up and use them wisely. Make sure Capt. Redbeard
doesn't have enough time to directly aim at you with his red powerup. That's
all he collects. The only times he won't collect one is at the acme of the
cave, where he will run over a blue block, immediately use it and then collect
another red one. The AI isn't stupid you know ;)
--Imperial Grand Prix Shortcut: The short cut for this track is inside the
cave/cavern. To get to it you must have a red powerup (Power level (Number
white blocks) doesn't matter). When you take the last left turn going uphill
you should see three barrels being held up by a large log or stick. Shot at
it with your powerup to blow it sky-high *hint* *hint* and now you've reach
the short cut. This short cut takes about 3-5 seconds off.

Dark Forest Dash Strategy

The same thing goes with this level. Green power ups all the way. You'll want
to watch out for the ghost after you take the short cut or the regular way. If
you make contact with the ghost, it will knockout your racer taking about four
(4) seconds before its recovery. When you're going up hill us only regular to
level two green powerups. This will help a lot to stay away from Capt.
--Dark Forest Dash Shortcuts: There is only one shortcut in this track and its
between a very large cliff right before the waterfall. The shortcut comes
after seeing the second white block (which is clearly right before the
waterfalls). The minute the grassland to the left is near take a sharp turn
for it and your there.

Magma Moon Marathon Strategy

Again... you must collect green and white powerups to be ahead of the game.
When you take your first left turn make sure YOU get the red powerup and not
Capt. Redbeard. This will ensure you'll have most of the lead throughout this
race. You can waste it there and then if needed. Just repeat it again after
you've finished that current lap. Anyway collect the white blocks in stead of
the green blocks after you take the first green block since there are enough
there for you to take. If you're wondering what the Blue and Red mini-stations
are there for, I'm about to explain them.
--Magma Moon Marathon Shortcut: O.K., this is a bit complicated. To access the
shortcut for Magma Moon, you need to follow these steps in the order they
appear. One the first lap when you pass by the moon craters going up then
downhill, immediately stay to the right and go through the blue gate. Then
goto the next red gate and then the last blue gate. If you did so correctly,
you'll hear a little jingle and the Moon Station should open up. "Inside"
you'll be able to pass through it taking some green, blue, red, and white
powerup blocks with you. This should save you at least 2-3 seconds. If you
forget in which order they are in, remember about a display just after the
transparent dome showing three colored blocks (in the arrangement blue, red,
and blue.)

It turns out there is another shortcut in this race and its right before the
red/blue gates you can pass through. When you reach that area look to your
left. You'll notice a pile of blue squares piled up together in a triangle
formation. If you have a blue powerup on currently or just have it in stock
use it. You cannot blast the opening open or turbo through it or anything
like that. You can only use a blue powerup to go through it. When you use
blue powerup, the blocks will start to glow a bit. Go towards the blocks and
you will "magically" pass through them! Inside this cave is some red and
blocks and a green block. At the end of the cave you'll end up at the Magma
Moon Space Station. If you're lucky enough and the station is open, you can
also go through that shortcut!! Amazing, that saves a lot of time
(around 10-20 seconds).

Desert Adventure Dragway Strategy

This is the most fun track in this circuit (in my opinion). The same thing
applies to win this one. Green, Green, GREEN. Make sure you watch out for all
the turns because most of them seem deceiving and uncertain at times. Also,
this is the time when you actually "see" the evil side of Captain Redbeard. He
is so much a cheater in this track. Make sure you try every possible way to say
away from him. If he's behind you try dodging and possible powerup attacks.
Because he will use one on you whenever possible From afar or from right behind
you, he doesn't care only if he wins.
--Desert Adventure Dragway Shortcut: There are TWO, count them two (2)
shortcuts in this race. Also there are paths that you can take which require
green powerups to get through quickly since they are within the sand. First,
lets start with the two shortcuts. Both of them connect to one area, inside
the tomb. The first shortcut is protected by a barrier (Carvings with the
King of the Tomb) and connects to the left side of the tomb. To open it
you'll need a red powerup (which is nearby anyway). Carefully aim and shoot
the barrier of stone to open up the hidden short cut. Within 10 seconds the
barrier will close again. Inside you'll find one green powerup you'll need
quickly blast your way up the steep hill. Once you've made it out the hill
you'll see another green power up and a white one you can use to speed ahead
and fly over the sand. The second shortcut that also connect to the tomb is
on the right side of it this time. You also need a red powerup to get
it. The entrance to it is where you see a Large statue of Anubis (I think)
and below it is a discolored wall. Carefully aim and shot at it to open up
the hidden passage. The cool thing about this is that the walls will
acidically melt away (in green) and dissolve into nothing. Inside you'll
three white powerups (two of them are in a row) and a green powerup. If you
use only the two whites and the green you'll simply fly (which I think is
better than warping in this case). Between the two shortcuts, the second one
near Anubis' statue is better because you don't have to go through a very
steep hill and you get more white powerups.

Now for the sandy paths in the track. If you go anywhere that has a large
turn or flat surface sand will be on of those places. There is one at the
beginning of the race when you are just getting up from the very step hill
(where the sand looks like its pointing forward) and there is another on
where you are about to get to the finish line. It's near where the tower
will later fall on the second lap.

Circuit 2 (Hosting Champion: King Kahuna)
King Kahuna says: "Me, King Kahuna, beat you like tribal drum... And
do victory dance. Ook-ah-ook-ook! (Continues to dance chanting 'like some

Tracks: Tribal Island Adventure, Royal Knights Raceway, Ice Planet Pathway,
Amazon Adventure Alley

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what he does.

King Kahuna likes using a level one shield. The best defense is by turboing
around him. It is very difficult to shoot at him because he is usually
protected by the shield powerup.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On this circuit I stock up on white blocks and use the warp turbo boost as
often as possible.
[End Note]
Tribal Island Adventure Strategy
This is not much of a strategy since I haven't raced on this track at all. The
only information I can provide to you is all the shortcuts, from this track and
--Tribal Island Adventure Shortcut: (The first shortcut) As you approach the
second left hand corner there is another gap for you to cut through straight
after the white obilisk on the left. Stay on the ledge to avoid slowing down.

(Second Shortcut) Just after the cave entrance is a hidden tunnel leading off
to the left.

(Third Shortcut) If you miss the second shortcut turn left almost immediately
onto a long ledge with a green powerup at the end.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Tribal Island Trail, I not only warp, but I put oil slicks behind all of
the blue powerups. There is a power plus brick in the water on the right at
the beginning.
[End Note]

Royal Knights Raceway Strategy
--Royal Knights Raceway Shortcut: After the second left hand turn Just behind
this tower and before the waterfall is a hidden passage
that cuts out a corner.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Royal Knights Raceway, on the right hand curve right
after the waterfall if you stay as far to the right as possible (on the
grass) there are 3 "power plus" blocks.
[End Note]


Ice Planet Pathway Strategy
--Ice Planet Pathway Shortcut: Drive through the archway on the left halfway
around the track for an "alternative" route. On the way pick up all the white
and green powerups for a easy time warp!

(Second shortcut) At the corkscrew spiral bends cut left over the top of the
ridge just before the stalagmite to miss the corner and save lots of time!

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Ice planet pathway I also try to warp all the time. In the time race of
this, blue powerups appear, meaning they must be used for something on that
track, but I can't figure out how, maybe it's something like the secret on
Magma Moon Marathon.
[End Note]

Amazon Adventure Alley Strategy
--Amazon Adventure Alley Shortcut: Drive through the waterfall to find a secret

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Amazon Adventure Alley, I always go through the waterfall and get a power
plus brick, then go back on the real track, get a green, and get 2 more
power plus bricks. Then after warping, get a green, and 3 more power plus
bricks, warp again, and it saves like 20 seconds off the normal lap time.
[End Note]


Circuit 3 (Hosting Champion: Basil The Bat Lord)
Basil The Bat Lord says: "Hisssss, don't expect to win, not against the
frightful powers of Basil the Batlord!"

Tracks: Knightmare-athon, Pirate Skull Pass, Adventure Temple Trail,
Alien Alley Asteroid

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what he does.

Basil the Batlord likes using the lightning wand. If you pass Basil The Bat
Lord, then you better have a shield powerup prepared for use. Then hope it
lasts long enough to get a turbo to get out of his range. The best way to do
this would be to use a Level one Blue powerup (shield) and then try getting the
closest turbo you can find.

Knightmare-athon Strategy
--Knightmare-athon: There Is No Shortcut... What!? This has been confirmed with
a contact at High Voltage who wrote the game!

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Knightmare-athon, I warp as often as I can to stay away from Basil the
[End Note]

Pirate Skull Pass Strategy
--Pirate Skull Pass Shortcut: On the final left hand bend there's a very small
shortcut under a stone block if you veer to the left.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Pirate Skull Pass, on the first right hand turn, stay as right as
possible to go on a ledge with a power plus brick. On the following left
turn, stay to the left for a power plus brick. Then there is another power
plus brick between the rocks, another one after the 2nd rock, and another
between 2 rocks on the left later on. The secret passage has 2 power plus
bricks, it's usually not worth it to go in, because there is a green if you
go the real way.
[End Note]

Adventure Temple Trail Strategy

--Adventure Temple Trail Shortcut: Right at the start of the track, there is a
hidden passage behind the right-hand stone figure.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Adventure Temple Trail, at the beginning, there is a sunken area just
after the green/yellow powerups on the left with 2 power plus bricks. At the
part where the jewel is, right before it, go right or left for 2 more power
plus bricks. The part with the big statues is hard, just be patient, and
after that, the track splits, one passage has a red and the other has 2
whites, I forget which is which. Then near the end when the track splits
into 3 paths, MAKE SURE you DON'T go in the one with the Mummy's Curse in
it, there always is one, and it can "switch places," it annoys me so much...
[End Note]

Alien Rally Asteroid Strategy
--Alien Rally Asteroid Shortcut: Just after the big lightning-throwing obstacle
the track enters a tunnel again. Where the track turns left shoot the wall to
reveal a secret route.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Alien Asteroid Rally, aliens can fly above you and make you go backwards
for a while, use shields, because they waste about 6 seconds. The secret
passage has enough power plus bricks and a green so you can warp at the end
of it and not worry about which way to go at the end of it cause often you
go the wrong way!!
[End Note]

Circuit 4 (Hosting Champion: Johnny Thunder)
Johnny Thunder says: "Hey there, I have to warn you, me and my car
are ready to race, but good luck anyway."

Tracks: Desert Adventure Dragway, Magma Moon Marathon, Dark Forest Dash,
Imperial Grand Prix

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what he does.

Johnny Thunder likes using the grapple powerup, or better known as the spear on
this guide. Again, the best defense is the shield powerup.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
The tracks are mirrored, so just to what you're supposed to on circuit 1
except switch left and right. Same goes with circuits 2 and 5, and 3 and 6.
[End Note]

Desert Adventure Dragway Strategy

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Desert Adventure Dragway, which I agree with you in saying it's a cool
track, if the 2nd secret passageway is open, get a red 1st, then get all the
power plus bricks, and right after the 3rd one, launch the missles inside
the secret passage and they will go BACKWARDS through the track to hit
racers behind you in the running order! This is so cool, try it!!!
[End Note]

Magma Moon Marathon Strategy

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
On Magma Moon Marathon, the complicated secret passage is even more
complicated. What you said, by going through red, blue, red, doesn't always
work. At the beginning of the track, there is a thingey with the colors of
the bricks, just follow them and you'll do fine. Also, when you go through
the red thing, you hear a high note, the blue things are low notes. The
jingle that you hear when you open the secret door also sounds when you go
past it. That jingle is the sounds you are supposed to make, in order. Also,
if you open the secret door, it closes afterward and the code changes. At
the triangle of blocks for the shield secret passage there is a shield
powerup hidden behind a block near there, look for it.
[End Note]

Dark Forest Dash Strategy
See Previous Dark Forest Strategy For Help

Imperial Grand Prix Strategy
See Previous Imperial Grand Prix Strategy For Help

Circuit 5 (Hosting Champion: Baron Von Barron)
Baron Von Barron says: " Aaah, zo it iz you. I, Baron von Barron, shall race
you, und I shall vin. Hmm."

Tracks: Amazon Adventure Alley, Ice Planet Pathway, Royal Knights Raceway,
Tribal Island Trail

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what he does.

Baron von Baron likes using the level three (3) shield. Hopefully you have
mastered using the warp, powerup combination, by this time. It will allow you
to get in front and stay in front of Baron and if not, then it will be
difficult to stay in the lead.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
I do the same things as circuit 2, there are also the same opponents as
circuit 2 except Baron von Barron replaces King Kahuka.
[End Note]

Amazon Adventure Alley Strategy
See Previous Amazon Adventure Alley Strategy For Help

Ice Planet Pathway Strategy
See Previous Ice Planet Pathway Strategy For Help

Royal Knights Raceway Strategy
See Previous Royal Knights Raceway Strategy For Help

Tribal Island Adventure Strategy
See Previous Tribal Island Adventure Strategy For Help


Circuit 6 (Hosting Champion: Gypsy Moth)
Gypsy Moth says: " Sooo, you think you can outrace a veteran pilot
like me? I'd like to see you try it!"

Tracks: Alien Race Asteroid, Adventure Temple Trail, Pirate Skull Pass,

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what she does.

Gypsy Moth likes using the missile powerup combination. Remember that you
should use high level turbos (any level) and a shield (also any level) at the
same time while trying to go past her. She won't miss if she shoots missiles at

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
I do the same stuff as circuit 3, but this circuit is MUCH harder. I think
it is the hardest one.
[End Note]

Alien Rally Asteroid Strategy
See Previous Alien Rally Asteroid Strategy For Help

Adventure Temple Trail Strategy
See Previous Adventure Temple Trail Strategy For Help

Pirate Skull Pass Strategy
See Previous Pirate Skull Pass Strategy For Help

Knightmare-athon Strategy
See Previous Knightmare-athon Strategy For Help

Circuit 7 (Hosting Champion: Rocket Racer)
Rocket Racer says: "At last! A worthy opponent, but if you want to be the best
you have to race me on my own track! Are you ready? I'll be waiting for the finish line!"

Tracks: Rocket Racer Run

General Strategy
I Have not raced or earned this circuit yet....
But I have an idea of what he does.

The Rocket Racer likes using the Turbo Warp powerup combo and the missile
powerup combo. The key here is to save those white powerup bricks so when you
pick up a green power up, you'll be ready for a warp turbo. Unless you warp at
least two to four (2-4) times during the race, Rocket Racer will leave you in
the dust.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
Yes, I HAVE beaten the Rocket Racer!!!!!

First, Veronica Voltage talks to your racer, and says, "Congratulations!
You've proven yourself to be a true LEGO Champion! But it's not over
yet...there's someone waiting to meet you." A door opens and Rocket Racer
appears, the words "Rocket Racer" appear on screen. He says, "At last! A
worthy opponent, but if you want to be the best you have to race me on my
own track! Are you ready? I'll be waiting for the finish line!"
[End Note]

Rocket Racer Run Strategy
--Rocket Racer Run Shortcut: Shoot "the doorway" to reveal a hidden space warp.

[Note: This Following is from Alex Tsiatas ]
if you want to win.

The manual says that you need to know how to powerslide, I still beat it
without powersliding.

Here's a bug that I found:
If you do a versus race on Rocket Racer Run, and one person warps through
the secret passage, and the other player immediately follows, the first one
through get's a white screen for that half and can't see where to go, this
has happened twice to me, I don't know if it happens to anyone else.
[End Note]

_/ Time Race _/

In this mode, you can select any beaten circuit's tracks to race on. Every
track in the beginning has no record time, so that means you have to make it.
The only possible way to make a record for the chosen track is to beat the
racer Veronika Voltage. She has a set path in EVERY track and she never changes
it. Also she is not a real racer, but rather a ghost racer (in most cases in
other race game options). If you lose her you can choose whether or not to race
again (or before/during the race you can restart). If you beat her, your
current time will be saved (on PC, it will be automatically saved, but on
Nintendo 64? and PlayStation a memory card is needed.) If you choose to race in
again in both cases you will not only racer Veronika Voltage, but yourself
also! The weird thing about racing yourself is that your twin racer will be a
ghost and WILL go through any shortcuts you took previously (that need to be
either blown up or activated), but you cannot unless you blow up/activate it
yourself manually.

(Here is a general strategy to use for racing Veronica Voltage)
Since Veronica is only played on the time trial tracks, she likes to use all
levels of turbos. It is best to try and save power bricks for the warp turbo.
It's O.K. if she gets ahead of you in the beginning of the race, but just keep
saving up turbos and white powerup blocks to warp ahead on the track and
eventually you can catch up.


The yellow powerup with 3 power plus bricks is the Mummy's Curse. It drops a
mummy head floating above some green smoke. It doesn't harm you, but other
cars who run over it will turn a shade of green, get a circling mummy head
over them, and the car will go slow down, and go out of control for about
6-7 seconds. If you have it, it is VERY ANNOYING. If you hit a car with the
Mummy's Curse, the Curse transfers from the car you hit to your car. If a
car with the Curse hits another car, the 2nd car gets the Curse and the 1st
one gets rid of it. You can sometimes get it while warping, you know this if
your car turns green in the middle of the warp, then the mummy head takes
awhile to actually start circling you.

Depending on what type of race kart or car you have, it will definitely affect
how you race. For example if you use a car like the Rocket Racer's car, then
your turns will be easier for you to perform. But this also depends on how many
blocks and how large the blocks are. If you choose a kart like the medieval
kart, then it will be easy for it to tip over from side to side, but you'll
have better acceleration. Those are just examples.

Speed Burst At the Start: To get a turbo (Green flame) at the start of the
race, wait till the time counts down. When it reaches one, look closely at the
number. When the number looks like its about to disappear immediately press and
hold accelerate. If you did this correctly you will burst with a turbo (The
equivalent to a green block + 1 white block).

Don't use your green power up (green block + 3 white blocks ) near the finish
line or inside or before a cave. Why? Because it will either warp you to a
short distance or warp you further back or in the EXACT same place you
activated your powerup! It's better to do it at around 3 to 4 turns before the
actual finish line comes up.

Use Basil the Bat Lord's Car Parts: On circuit mode beat Basil the Bat Lord's
circuit in 2nd or 3rd. Play Johnny Thunder's circuit and come in 1st. Go to
build mode. Make your driver and license as normal. Select Johnny Thunder's
chassis and go to quick build. Go to quick build again and you'll see fire at
the back of the car. Go to build then press B until all the parts are off the
chassis. Then you can change to Basil the Bat Lord's set without winning it!
(After entering the build mode do not leave until you finish building your

Using more than one code at a time: To use more than one code enter one code,
exit, start a race, quit, go back, enter the next code, and repeat until you
have all the codes you want. Using this you can have flying drivers with no
driver in the kart/car for example.

_/C O D E S_/

General Codes:
*Note: If you forget how to enter the codes (even with the description for it
below), remember to enter these codes select the Build option from the Main
Menu and then go to the Make License screen. Enter these codes as a Driver's

*Note: Enter only the letters and not the brackets "[]"

Disable ALL cheats
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ NMRCHTS ] as the driver's name. This will
not allow you to enter cheats/codes into the game (while it's on and running
that is...).

Unlock All Hidden Characters
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ HIDDNKARACTRS ] as the driver's name. This
will unlock every racer in the game!

No Slow Down
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ NSLWJ ] as the driver's name. This will make
your car NOT slow down when driving on grass, sand, and other types of ground.

Fly Mode
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ FLYSKYHGH ] as the driver's name. This will
also unlock the rocket car.

Only Shooter Attacking Power Ups Are Available
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ PGLLRD ] as the driver's name.

Only Mine Power Ups Are Available
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ PGLLYLL ] as the driver's name.

Only Turbo Power Ups Are Available
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ PGLLGRN ] as the driver's name.

Only Grapple Power Ups Are Available
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ RPCRNLY ] as the driver's name.

Rocket Racer Run Mirror Track
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ LNFRRRM ] as the driver's name. This will
make your racer race on the Rocket Racer Run track backwards.

Highest Power Up Level Is ALWAYS Activated
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ MXPMX ] as the driver's name.

Faster game
Enter BUILD Mode and create a new driver (or edit an existing one.) Go to MAKE
LICENSE and enter the [ FSTFRWD ] as the driver's name.

No Wheels
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ NWHLS ].

No Chassis
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ NCHSSS ].

No Driver
Enter BUILD mode and create or edit a driver. Select Make A License from the
in-game menu and name the driver [ NDRVR ].

Nintendo 64 Codes:
|GameShark Codes|

*Following Code by*

To get everything (car sets, players, and circuits, including Veronica
Voltage and Rocket Racer) enter:
812576D4 FFFF [As 2 seperate codes]
812576D6 FFFF [Both must be on]

*Following Codes by the Game Shark Code Creators Club*

Normal Activator 1 Quantity Digits
Quantity Digits
Button Pressed to Activate
00 ---> No Buttons
01 ---> Right Directional Pad
02 ---> Left Directional Pad
04 ---> Down Directional Pad
08 ---> Up Directional Pad
10 ---> Start Button
20 ---> Z Button
40 ---> B Button
80 ---> A Button

Multi Buttons
To use any combination of buttons, like, press Right Directional and Z to
enable the codes. Just add the two digits up for Right Directional and Z. 01
plus 21 equal 21, so 21 would enable the codes when you push Right Directional
and Z on the Controller 1

Normal Activator 2 Quantity Digits
Quantity Digits
Button Pressed to Activate
00 ---> No Buttons
01 ---> C Right Button
02 ---> C Left Button
04 ---> C Down Button
08 ---> C Up Button
10 ---> R Button
20 ---> L Button

Multi Buttons
Same as Activator 1!

NOTE: To use these codes, 'D1' at the beginning, you must have GameShark Pro
Version 3.0 or Higher for Nintendo 64!

Dual Activator Quantity Digits
Quantity Digits
Button Pressed to Activate
0000 ---> No Buttons
0001 ---> C Right Button
0002 ---> C Left Button
0004 ---> C Down Button
0008 ---> C Up Button
0010 ---> R Button
0020 ---> L Button
0100 ---> Right Directional Pad
0200 ---> Left Directional Pad
0400 ---> Down Directional Pad
0800 ---> Up Directional Pad
1000 ---> Start Button
2000 ---> Z Button
4000 ---> B Button
8000 ---> A Button

Multi Buttons
Same as Activator 1 & 2!

1M Master Bryan's Activator 1 P1 D009A488 00??
2M Master Bryan's Activator 2 P1 D009A489 00??
1D Master Bryan's Dual Activator P1 D109A488 00??
1 Have All Tracks & Building Pieces 812576D4 FFFF
812576D6 FFFF

Circuit Mode Codes
2 1st Character (P1) Points Modifier 812550A2 ????
3 2nd Character Points Modifier 812550A6 ????
4 3rd Character Points Modifier 812550AA ????
5 4th Character Points Modifier 812550AE ????
6 5th Character Points Modifier 812550B2 ????
7 6th Character Points Modifier 812550B6 ????

PlayStation Codes:

|GameShark Codes|

*Following Codes by the Game Shark Code Creators Club*

Time is 0:00:00 800B026E 2400
Unlock Everything D00687B0 4003
+ 8016ACE8 FFFF

PC Codes:

None Yet

_/W E B S I T E S_/

Check these websites related to Lego Racers and other Lego Media & Lego Group
titles. (Some sites that aren't included with a "http://" & "www." may need it)

Site Address
Lego Group
Lego Media
Secrets of The Game Sages
Cheats Code Center
Video Game Strategies
The Lego Central
LEGO Ergo Sum
LEGO Discussion Board

_/ R E V I E W S _/

A Review by godking from
Title: Lego Racers - Fun, but Limited.
Pros: Beautiful graphics, fun game, build your own car!
Cons: No multiplayer worth mentioning

LegoRacers is silly fun, and a good racing game, but make no mistake - this is
purely a kiddie game at heart.

Firstly, yes, it's true: you can build your own little Lego car in this game -
and additional block sets (Island, Pirate, etc.) become available as you
complete races. However, these designs in no way affect the speed of your car -
disappointing to say the least - you'd think they could at least include
streamlining physics so that giant square cars drive slightly slower than sleek
racers, or that tall cars tip over more than low-slung ones. Of course, this
would remove some of the fun of designing your own car - like I said, this is a
kiddie game at heart. (The irony that this game provides a more back-to-basics
approach to Lego building than some modern Lego itself is not lost on me.)

The game itself tosses realistic physics to the wind - this is essentially a
knockoff of the Super Mario Kart games, complete with the assorted powerups of
that series that are just lying around on the track. They've spruced up the
powerup system somewhat by adding in "modifier" blocks that make your powerup,
well, more powerful, each time you pick up the modifier block - my favorite is
the "speed-up" powerup that becomes a rocket engine, then two rocket engines,
then a super rocket so powerful it lifts you off the ground and flies you, and
then finally opens a spectacular-looking wormhole and teleports you forward on
the track. Still, at its heart, this is Lego Mario Kart - not a bad thing, as
the Mario Kart games are excellent examples of the best in kiddie racing.

The game looks spectacular. The hefty system requirements (I do believe this is
the first kiddie game that requires a Voodoo2 accelerator or better) pay off as
the game delivers gorgeous Lego-ish visuals. Kids will be enthralled - hell,
adults will be enthralled. I know I was. The music is chipper and non-repetive,
perfect for kids.

And, ultimately, that's all this is: a kiddie game. Not because it's Lego, not
because it's simple - neither of those are bad - but because there's no
multiplayer option. I would dearly love to kick my friends' asses with my
cooler-than-theirs Lego cars, but no dice. There's a two-player split-screen
option, but for the additional oomph this game requires in hardware
necessities, I expect a little better. Surely kids would wanna race each other
on LANs/ Nursery LANs or something/ It's a good idea!

Still, this is a fun little game - limited, and probably of short lifespan for
older kids and grown-up kids such as myself. But it's fun nevertheless, and its
cheap price makes it worth the money.


These questions were kindly answered by the Lego Media Manager, Jeff James.
They were all asked through email, so that would explain why a few of the
answers are short.

Q: Was there originally more tracks to race on in the rocket racer circuit?
A: No, not that I know of.

Q: In the movie-clip intro for the game they show a pit stop with a bunch of
LEGO men and the media. Would there have been a pit stop in the game?
A: Unfortunately, no.

Q: Is it possible to have an actual race in the test grounds?
A: Nope.

Q: [In the earlier version (development) of LEGO Racers, was] ...there a
shortcut for Knightmare-athon [racetrack]?
A: There may not be -- an earlier development version had a shortcut in the
canyon lined with giant broomsticks. Hitting a protruding boulder in that
canyon opened up a secret pathway.
I think that the track was re-designed after that, however - I don't think
there is a shortcut in the final retail version.

That's all for now. I'll add more Question & Answers in the next updates.


Here is a list of what the public would like to be on the next release of LEGO
Racers if there will be one (hopefully). This could also possibly be put as a
list for an addon pack for PC-Users if neccesary.

Better Weapons
More Building Blocks
Larger Race Cars/Karts
More than two players (Four player multi-player modes)
Online capabilities and options

_/N E E D E D A S S I S T A N C E_/

It seems that I cannot fully complete the first circuit in the "Circuit Race"
mode because I have a Pentium 133 and need a 166. So I ask that anyone who has
the game (For Nintendo 64, PlayStation, and/or PC) to help me out with other
circuit information (Released racers, Individual track strategies, etc.). All I
can do is use my friend's computers whenever I can and wait till next year for
a new computer (Which won't be until maybe summertime!). Though, Hardware
contributions ARE appreciated! ;)

[Added Request] For everyone discovering new tips for each circuit, could you
send me in the information? I really would appreciate it. I also need the
dialogue for the remaining Circuit champs (The stuff they say before you begin
racing the circuit your on.)

_/ T H A N K Y O U 'S _/

Here is a list of everyone that definitely deserving props for my FAQ/Guide:

-Lego Media and the Lego Group for inventing and/or creating such a fun way for
building blocks.
-Lego Media Technical Support (Matt R.) for helping me with my crashing
-Lego Media Manager, Public Relations & Online Development (Jeff James); for
giving me the rest of the remaining codes and racetrack shortcuts. And for
also helping me out with basic strategies for each circuit champion. Thanks a
lot J.J. ;)!
-Thanks to the Webmaster at GameFAQs , CjayC, for
holding the largest archive of videogame reference on the planet. Keep up the
good work!
-Thanks to the Webmaster and Team at "Secrets of The Game Sages" [Formerly
"Secrets of the Sega Sages"] for their constant
updates :)
-Nintendo Entertainment for *sparking* the Race Kart/Car sims.
-The GameShark Code Creators Club for their Nintendo
and PlayStation GameShark codes.
-Mandalorian for the "Fly Mode" and "No Wheels" codes.
-Joey Bush for the "Faster Game" code.
-Mystic2587 and VGMaster for the "No Chassis" code.
-Evan and Taylor for the "Use Basil the Bat Lord's Car Parts" tip.
-Peter Sauvey for the "Using more than one code at a time" tip.
-godking of for his personal review of Lego Racers (couldn't find
your email address, sorry).
-Lowell for the dialogue of King Kahuna (Circuit 2) and Basil The Bat Lord
(circuit 3).
-James Parnell for the added Circuit 2 strategy. I appreciate it!
-Thanks to for sending me in the GameShark N64 code.
-Ninten²K for the "No Cheats" code. Even thought it's a weird code to have in a
-Justin Credible for the "ALL Racers" code. Grrrrrrreat!
-Alex Wilkes for the correct N64 controls.
-Alex Tsiatas a.k.a. wonkeyzonkey for his track strategies of the ones I didn't
have. Also for the his tip on "The Mummy's Curse" powerup and the bug on
Racer Run, thanks man! for helping me updated the "New Racer" released chart.
Appreciate it!


(The following has been copied and edited from the LEGO Racers Readme.txt file
off of the CD-ROM.)


Technical Support: 800-366-6062
Fax: 860-763-7850
Support Times: Monday - Friday - 8:00am - Midnight (EST)
Saturday - Sunday - 8:00am - 8:00pm (EST)
(Excluding Major Holidays)

World Wide Web:
Mailing address: Technical Support
LEGO Media International Inc.
P.O. Box 1650
Enfield, CT 06083-1650

In the unlikely event of a software fault or incompatibility with your hardware
please return the complete package, with your receipt, to the original place of

If you do telephone, please be sitting in front of your computer and be sure to
provide us with as much information as possible. Make sure to note the exact
type of hardware that you are using in your system, including but not limited

- Speed and Manufacturer of your Processor.
- Make & Model of your Sound Card.
- Make, model and RAM of your video card/graphics accelerator card.
- Make & Model of your CD-ROM or DVD Drive
- Amount of RAM in your system.
- Any additional hardware and Peripherals.
- And the exact error (if applicable).

Note: If you have any problems in obtaining any System Information please
consult your System supplier.

|Frequently Asked Questions|

Q: How do I install the game/

A: Place the LEGO Racers CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
The installation help screen will become active after a few seconds.
Follow the instructions that are displayed and you will be informed when the
installation is complete.

Alternate installation instructions are provided in the Technical Reference

Note: If the autorun option does not active then this could be linked to the
"Auto insert notification" function being disabled on your system. See
"Troubleshooting" or the Technical Reference manual regarding this.

Q: Should I have other programs running in the background of Windows.

A: Generally, we have found that it is not a good idea to run any other
programs while running this game. Please turn off any active screen savers
while running LEGO Racers, as they may interrupt the game and cause problems.
Various video, sound, or memory issues may occur if other programs are running,
including virus-detection utilities. This includes items that start from your
StartUp folder which were added to load programs automatically when Windows is
started, such as the Microsoft Office Toolbar. Some of these programs display
icons on your taskbar. If you have icons on your taskbar, right-click on each
of them and select the option to disable or close them before running LEGO
Racers. The next time you start your computer, these items will load once more
and the icons will return. If you cannot disable them from the taskbar and you
experience problems running LEGO Racers you may want to remove the program
shortcuts from the StartUp folder. For information about how to do this, please
consult your Windows manual or your computer manufacturer.

Q: How do I run the game/

A: It is advisable to restart your computer if you have been running any other
applications, apart from the setup program. The game should always be played
with as few other applications running as possible, and it is best to wait for
hard disk activity to stop before running the game.
To run the game, click Start, Programs, LEGO MEDIA, LEGO RACERS, LEGO RACERS.
CD-ROM has to be present in the CD-ROM / DVD Drive for the game to run.

Q: How do I uninstall the game/

A: It is advisable to uninstall the game using the LEGO Racers Uninstall
To uninstall the game, click Start, Programs. LEGO MEDIA, LEGO RACERS,

Note: Any saved games regarding LEGO Racers will not be removed by using the
uninstall option. These will have to be removed manually as follows: -

Double click with left-hand mouse button on "My Computer" icon
Double click on "C Drive" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "Program Files" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "LEGO Media" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "Games" icon with left-hand mouse button
Click on "LEGO Racers" icon with right-hand mouse button
Select "Delete"
Choose "Yes" to confirm delete.


Q. How do I check that the Screen Resolution is correct for this game/

A. Place your mouse pointer on a clear area within the Windows desktop screen
and using the right hand mouse button click once. A menu will be displayed from
which you need to select, using your left-hand mouse button, the "Properties"
option. The "Display Properties" option folder is now shown and you need to
select the "Settings" tab. Ensure that High Colour 16 bit option is set with
the minimum recommended resolution area of 640 x 480. Apply any changes and
re-start your machine.

Q: My mouse does not operate within the game.

A: The game requires a Windows 95/98 compatible mouse and driver. It would be
advisable to re-install the mouse using the Microsoft drivers for the mouse
supplied with the Windows operating system or contact the mouse manufacturer
for compatible Windows drivers.

Q. Autorun installation of game not activated when LEGO Racers CD-ROM is placed
in CD-ROM drive.

A. The Auto insert notification for your CD-ROM drive must be set as active.
To check that this option is activated see the following:
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "My Computer" Icon
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "Control Panel" Icon
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "System" Icon
Select "Device Manager" Tab
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "CD-ROM Option"
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "CD-ROM drive"
Select the "Settings Tab"
Ensure that the Auto insert notification box has a tick in it.
To confirm settings click onto "OK" option with left-hand mouse button.

Q. How do I check to ensure that all of my DirectX 6.1 drivers are certified/

A. Windows 95/98 with DirectX 6.1. With DirectX 6.1, you can check for a
successful DirectX set-up by doing the following:

Double click with left-hand mouse button on "My Computer" icon
Double click on "C Drive" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "Program Files" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "DirectX" folder with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "Setup" icon with left-hand mouse button
Double click on "DXDIAG" with left-hand mouse button
(Blue circle with yellow cross within it)

The screen that appears has multiple tabs along the top. You will want to click
on the DirectX Drivers tab. All of the drivers are listed separately and you
will find a "Notes" field along the bottom. Within the notes field any problems
encountered will be listed. If one or more of the items are listed as
uncertified, this is most likely causing the problem you are having. Most
often, the drivers that are not certified are either the Primary Display Driver
and/or the Audio driver. Most manufacturers of video cards and sound cards are
releasing updated drivers for Windows 95/98 to meet the DirectX standard. You
will want to contact the manufacturer of any component that is not supported
and ask them about obtaining drivers that support DirectX.

Q: DXSetup Error -7 or -8

A: You may see the error DXSetup Error -7 or DXSetup Error -8 during the
installation of DirectX if you do not have Audio Compression, Sound Recorder or
Volume Control installed on your computer prior to installing DirectX 6.0 this
could cause this error to appear.

Adding Sound Recorder, Volume Control and Audio Compression. The Sound
Recorder, Volume Control and Audio Compression are necessary components of
Windows when using DirectX 6.1 If they were not installed when Windows was set
up, you will want to add them before installing LEGO Racers. DirectX will ask
for your Windows CD during installation if it does not find these components,
which may cause the DirectX installation to be incomplete and you may see the
error DXSetup
Error -7 or DXSetup Error -8 after changing to the Windows CD. If this happens,
reboot your computer and follow these steps.

To add these Windows components:

Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "My Computer" Icon
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "Control Panel" Icon
Double click using your left-hand mouse button on the "Add/Remove
Select "Windows Setup" Tab
Scroll down to Multimedia and select Details.
Check the boxes next to Audio Compression, Sound Recorder and Volume
Click OK, then OK again to close both of these windows.
You will be prompted for your Windows CD.

When these steps are complete, you may continue with the installation of
DirectX 6.1.

Q: What is DirectX/

A: The DirectX platform provides an environment that allows developers to use a
standardized format when programming an application. This makes it easier to
support a wide variety of different hardware features. Prior to DirectX,
developers were forced to write hardware-specific code (With a specific driver
for each different piece of hardware). DirectX is a library provided by
Microsoft to run inside the operating system and provide programmers with
seamless access to all of the hardware features available today.


We have found that some older systems may contain hardware that may not be
fully DirectX compatible. For optimum performance in LEGO Racers, your system
must fully support DirectX. Fortunately, many manufacturers are releasing
updated drivers.
If you are unsure whether or not your system will support DirectX, please
contact the manufacturer of your system for more information.


DirectDraw allows programmers to directly access video hardware and memory.
This improves performance while still maintaining compatibility with Windows.


Direct3D provides direct access to 3D hardware. Direct3D is designed to work
with the majority of 3D cards on the market, giving programmers an easier
interface to your 3D hardware. Using Direct3D with your 3D accelerator can
provide speed improvements as well as better image quality.


DirectSound is the wave-audio part of DirectX, which provides full
functionality and hardware acceleration to the sound device. This allows for
all the features of audio hardware to be used, including support for 3D
positional and interactive sound.


DirectInput provides support for input devices including mice, keyboards,
joysticks and other game controllers. Direct Input gives faster access to input
data by communicating directly to the hardware driver rather than relying on
Windows to do so.


This is the multiplayer gaming module in DirectX, which provides access to
networking functionality for gaming. DirectPlay supports direct serial
connections, modem play, LAN play and Internet Play.

DirectX Driver Issues

We suggest using the DirectX 6.1 drivers that are recommended during the
installation of DirectX unless you experience problems after installing
DirectX. The only time that this does not apply is when a section in this
troubleshooting guide that pertains to your hardware specifically tells you to
use a different driver. This is particularly true for video card drivers.

Effects of Video Card Driver Installation by DirectX

When DirectX is being installed, some video card utilities may be disabled,
such as Diamond Multimedia's In Control Tools, STB Vision95, or Creative Labs
Graphics Control utilities. You may no longer be able to access them through
their taskbar icon and the options for changing your video properties may
change back to stock Windows options.
DirectX may not recommend changing the driver for your card at all because you
may be using these utilities to customize your desktop display and removing
them may have adverse effects on your computer.


Q: What is a 3D-hardware driver/

A: Also known as a 3D-card driver, it is part of the software interface that
this game uses to communicate with the 3D-hardware in your computer. You may
need to update your driver if the game is not running properly, e.g. if you see
an error box when running the game, or the game doesn't run very smoothly, or
the graphics appear to flicker.

Q: I need the latest driver for my 3D-hardware. How do I get it/

A: The best way is to download it using the Internet. Alternatively you could
contact your 3D-hardware manufacturer, and they should be able to send you a
disk containing the latest driver.

Some sites for 3D-hardware drivers are: (for 3dfx based cards)

More site information is shown under "Web Site Addresses"


This game uses Direct3D to support most recent 3D-hardware chipsets.
All of the following 3D-chipsets have been tested:


Your card must have at least 4Mb of memory on your 3D card.
Most recent cards qualify for this, although for details you will have to refer
to your system documentation or 3D-hardware documentation.


LEGO Racers has been tested against the following graphic cards.


All of these cards had the latest manufacturers drivers installed.

See web site addresses for manufacturer Internet address.

ATI Graphics Pro (Mach 64) PCI
Cirrus Logic 5434
Tseng 4000/W32P
S3 Trio 64+
S3 Virge
ATI Graphics Xpression
Voodoo Banshee PCI / AGP 16MB
Cirrus Logic Laguna GD5465
Diamond Fusion 16MB
ViewTop Permedia 2 8MB
Asus V2740 (Intel 740i)
Matrox Productiva G100
Matrox Millenium I
Diamond Stealth 64
Matrox Millenium II
STB Velocity 128 (PCI)
Viewtop Permedia 2 8MB
Number 9 Revolution 3D
ATI Rage Fury 32MB
ATI Xpert at Play
SiS 6205
Cirrus Logic 5446
Tseng 6000
Diamond Viper 550
Matrox Mystique
Video Logic GrafixStar 700
Trident 9750 4MB
Diamond Speedstar A50 AGP
Videologic Power VR


No Networking / Internet option available within this game.


If you are having a major difficulty with the game:

1) Please make sure you have tried:

- Restarting your PC
- Closing as many other applications as possible
- Waiting for hard disk activity to stop
- Ensure that you have all of the latest drivers
- Ensure that all of your DirectX drivers are all certified
- Uninstall and reinstall the Game.

2) Please make sure you have thoroughly read the "TROUBLESHOOTING" section

3) If you are still having problems, please see the "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" section

_/ Copyright - About _/

This FAQ, Walkthrough, Startegy, Guide, and/or Movelist; along with any other
of my works, can be downloaded at ONLY. This is the only
website I actually visit when it comes to gaming help and what-not; so from now
on, anyone asking to post this FAQ on their site can get my answer... NO!
Sorry, but I honestly can't visit every gaming website for walkthroughs and

This FAQ is also Copyright (c) C.T. Unonu 1999 - 2004 and can not be altered,
modified, or used in print without my consent AND permission. That includes
being sold. It is not to be made profit off of in anyway without WRITTEN and
SIGNED permission by myself.

This FAQ made using Microsoft Notepad and/or Miscrosoft Word 97/2000

LEGO, the LEGO Logo and the LEGO Brick are registered trademarks of the Lego
Group (c)1999 the LEGO Group and High Voltage Software Inc.

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