Battle Isle 3

Battle Isle 3

17.10.2013 22:47:41
::::::Battle Isle 2220 - Shadow Of The Emperor (Battle Isle 3):::::::::::::::

// FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0 \
// 02.10.03 \
// By: Aron Slotiuk ( \


This FAQ is the sole property of the author, and cannot be altered or otherwise
misrepresented for any reason. This FAQ should only appear on
- if you wish to host a copy on your site, please email me and ask my
permission. This FAQ is provided "as is" and I will not be held responsible for
any damage or loss of data you may experience via the info contained here.

::::::Version History::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

v1.0 (02.10.03)
- First version. Walkthrough is incomplete. Unit list is complete.

::::::Table of Contents::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

- Introduction
- General Game Info / FAQ
- Unit List / Stats
- Mission Walkthroughs (incomplete)
- Level Passwords
- Hints / Tips


"Battle Isle 2220 - Shadow Of The Emperor" (also known as "Battle Isle 3") is
the third game in the Battle Isle Series, published by German company Blue Byte
Software and released in 1995. The Battle Isle series is known for its
turn-based hex-mapped strategy combined with 3D battle sequences, and is a very
popular series in Germany, Sweden and Finland. The game never achieved critical
acclaim in North America, although word has it Blue Byte (now owned by UBiSoft)
is working on Battle Isle 4, which may be released some time in 2003. Other
games not directly related to the Battle Isle canon released by Blue Byte
include "Battle Isle: The Andosia War", "Settlers II", "Incubation", and
"Archimedian Dynasty".

Battle Isle 2220 is technically considered "oldwarez", and therefore should not
be found on abandonware websites (although the same cannot be said of its
predecessor, "Battle Isle 2" - another excellent game). However it can often be
found on Ebay for reasonable prices. The game comes as a 2-CD set, although I
have seen it come in other versions as well, such as compilations and boxed
sets. They are all the same as far as I am aware.

::::::General Game Info / FAQ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Battle Isle 2220 is a native Win32 application (perhaps the very first wargame
to be one!), and therefore does not have to be played through DOS, as is the
case with many games of this age.

Basic system requirements are as follows:

486 DX2 66mhz minimum (Pentium recommended)
256 color VGA, 8MB of RAM
34 MB of harddrive space (an additional 40 MB is required if you'd like to
install the unit animations to speed up the game)
CD-ROM drive (2x speed)
Soundblaster or compatible soundcard & mouse
At least Windows 3.11, Windows 95 recommended.
Supports all video resolutions of 640x480 and above.

// FAQ: \

Q: It really runs under Windows 3.11?

A: Yes. Using the WinG system extensions (included on the CD-ROM), the game is
quite playable under Windows 3.11

Q: How do I install the extra unit animations to my harddrive? Should I do

A: You have nothing to lose by doing so - it will require an additional 40 MB
of space to install the animations. This will help to speed up the game, and
even if your game is already fast, it will cut down on the CD-ROM accessing. In
order to install the animations, look in the Battle Isle 2220 program group
after you install the game. There should be a separate installer there for the
animations file.

Q: Help! The game starts and all I can see is a black screen!

A: I have observed this under Windows 95. You may hear the intro video playing
in the background, but just see blackness on the screen. After the video ends
(or you skip it with ESC), the game hangs with a black screen. As far as I can
tell, this is due to incompatibilities with Battle Isle 2220 and modern video
cards. Fortunately, there are several ways to resolve this.

- Turn down "video acceleration" inside your Display Properties (in Windows
Control Panel) to the second-lowest setting.

- Changing your desktop color-depth to 256 colors and then launching the game
seems to help somewhat and may cause it to suddenly start working.

- Do both the steps above combined.

- Disabling all video playback in the game may also help, but try the methods
above first. You need the videos during the game to see your mission
objectives! You can disable all videos in the game by opening the "sdi.ini"
file (located in your Windows directory) and setting the following options:


Q: The game loads, but I can't see any videos / videos look corrupted.

A: Battle Isle 2220 uses a very peculiar and obscure AVI format for its videos.
Check your Windows codecs (in Windows 95, go to Control Panel > Multimedia >
Advanced > Video Codecs) and see if you have any versions of Intel Indeo 3.2
installed. I would recommend AGAINST running the VFW 1.1e setup program that
Battle Isle 2220 puts on your computer if you are running Windows 95, since
this could cause serious errors. It should be safe under Windows 3.11 however.

Q: I can't hear any music.

A: Battle Isle 2220 uses MIDI exclusively for all its music. Make sure you have
MIDI un-muted and your card is capable of playing MIDI music.

Q: What's wrong with the voice actors in the videos? Their speech doesn't synch
with their mouths!

A: BAD dubbing. Very bad. Remember, this game was originally in German. Live
with it... the acting overall is pretty terrible anyway. And don't even get me
started on the costumes!

Q: The game is running too fast!!

A: It should be fine on the hex-map, but the 3D battle sequences might look
like they are on amphetamines... and since this is a native Win32 application,
a CPU-limiter like Mo'Slo won't be able to fix this. You'll just have to live
with it. Battle Isle 2 never had this problem... but then again, it was
exclusively run in a DOS environment.

Q: Is there any way I can make my own maps?

A: YES! Check out to get a freeware
copy of Jorg Richter's Battle Isle 3 Editor v.092 ... the program is well put
together, but read his documentation carefully. Battle Isle maps are complex
things, with multiple layers of terrain and events. Overall though, Jorg's
program is easy to use and attractive. I salute you, Jorg!

::::::Unit List / Stats::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Here you will find a summary of all 64 battle units in the game. I will run
down their basic stats as well as provide some general info on using them
effectively. The list is in alphabetical order. All units have the same stats
no matter who's side they fight for (allied, enemy, neutral).


Name: The unit's name in the game
Type: What kind of unit it is
# in Squad: How many of the unit make one full squad (undamaged)
Armor: Defensive value - higher is better
Weapons: Here I'll list the weapons the unit has; with power, ammo, and range
Move Range: Number of hexes it can move under ideal conditions
Recon Range: Number of hexes it can see under ideal conditions
Fuel: How many hexes it can move before fuel runs out
Energy / Build: Amount required to build one at a Factory
Materials / Build: Amount required to build one at a Factory
Special Features: Any special abilities the unit has, i.e. troop transport
Info: How to use it in battle effectively




Name: Alcor
Type: Munitions Transport
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 400
- 9mm MG, 275 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 50 units worth of ammunition.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 28
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: Can reload other units
Info: Almost as useful as Algols, you'll need an Alcor to keep your heaviest
weapons firing. Bring one with you on campaigns far away from your bases and
cities. It can defend itself with its 9mm MG, but don't expect miracles from
it. The armor rating of 400 helps it stay alive a lot longer than an Algol
usually does.

Name: Aldinium
Type: Crystal
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 50
Weapons: not applicable
Move Range: 2
Recon Range: 0
Fuel: not applicable
Energy / Build: 2
Materials / Build: 10
Special Features: Capture them for energy
Info: Not a unit per-se, but it has stats. Not allied to anyone. If you see one
on the map, send a Transport-capable vehicle to bring it back to your HQ.
You'll get a lot of energy for doing so! If you are unable to get it in time,
you can also attack and destroy them to keep your opponent from taking them.

Name: Algol
Type: Gas Transport
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 85
Weapons: none, carries 240 units worth of fuel.
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 80
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Can refuel other units
Info: Bring an Algol with you on distant campaigns. Without fuel, your best
armor will be reduced to nothing more than a glorified turret. Algols die very
quickly if they get attacked - defend them well.

Name: Anaconda Z2
Type: Armored Train
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 484
- 90mm Gun, 550 power, 8 ammo, 1-2 range.
- 30mm Gun, 360 power, 12 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 9mm MG, 270 power, 18 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 13
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 40
Energy / Build: 18
Materials / Build: 16
Special Features: Rail Unit, Ranged attacker.
Info: Lots of armor and lots of ammo with the mobility of a train. Sadly, the
Anaconda often sees limited action due to its short range and the fact it
cannot leave the tracks and fight elsewhere. Use it to escort your other

Name: Archimedes
Type: Rocket Launcher
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 135
- Surf/Surf Rocket, 380 power, 6 ammo, 3-5 range.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 35
Energy / Build: 11
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: Ranged attacker
Info: The Archimedes was one of the best artillary units in Battle Isle 2, and
this hasn't changed in Battle Isle 2220. With a range of 3-5 and a good ammo
and fuel loadout, Archimedes is invaluable behind your front lines (being
supplied) as an artillary platform. Guard them well, for the Archimedes is an
excellent unit.

Name: Atlas
Type: Truck
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 60
Weapons: none
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 6
Special Features: Can transport other units
Info: Like the Snake, but without weapons. It can however transport heavier
units the Snake cannot handle, such as Tanks and other armor. Again, if it gets
destroyed anything it is carrying is also destroyed.

Name: Axis
Type: Battle Tank
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 650
- 110mm Gun, 640 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 380 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 22
Energy / Build: 10
Materials / Build: 11
Special Features: none
Info: I have mixed feelings about Axis. It is basically just a little better
than the Samurai, which isn't to say it is a bad unit, but it almost feels
redundant. The Axis is one of the new units in Battle Isle 2220.

Name: Buggy
Type: Recon Vehicle
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 125
- Surf/Surf Rocket, 370 power, 2 ammo, 2-2 range.
- 9mm MG, 290 power, 5 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 10
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 74!
Energy / Build: 6
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Attack-Move-Attack. Ranged attacker.
Info: The Buggy is ANNOYING to fight against! However they are excellent units
and should be well protected. The Buggy is able to move, attack with its
rockets, then move again. This makes them great for wearing down other units,
and an army of Buggies can do some sick damage to almost anything. They also
have a huge reserve of fuel, and great movement range. Even their recon is
above average. One of my favorite units. Note: Buggies CANNOT capture

Name: Citadelle
Type: Mobile Bunker
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 850
- 120mm Gun, 780 power, 10 ammo, 3-5 range.
- 90mm Gun, 450 power, 12 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Surf/Air Missile, 680 power, 6 ammo, 1-5 range.
- 12mm MG, 280 power, 20 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 2
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 33
Energy / Build: 55
Materials / Build: 50
Special Features: Ranged attacker, can transport other units.
Info: Hands down the most powerful unit in the game. If you see THIS coming,
you'd be advised to run like hell! With defence from air and land assault and
the ability to strike land, air, and sea at range itself, this is the unit you
want on the front lines. As long as you can keep it supported, Citadelle has
little to fear - except perhaps repeated UX-3 strikes. Keep something fast
inside it to help defend it.

Name: Comet FP-42
Type: AA-Tank
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 305
- 2x 35mm Gun, 380 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 25
Energy / Build: 7
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: none
Info: The 35mm Gun can also be used against land-based units, but the real role
of the Comet is to provide light anti-aircraft defence.

Name: Crux
Type: Transport Plane
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 185
Weapons: none
Move Range: 9
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 33
Energy / Build: 22
Materials / Build: 20
Special Features: Air Unit, can transport other units.
Info: Use these to take your heavier units to areas they could not normally get
to, such as across water or trenches. Crux is completely unarmed however, so
make sure you escort it.

Name: Demon 131
Type: Battle Robot
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 150
- 9mm MG, 280 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 50
Energy / Build: 3
Materials / Build: 2
Special Features: Can capture buildings
Info: These are your weakest troops. Fortunately they are very cheap and easy
to replace, since you will lose a lot of them. The 9mm MG has pathetic power
against most armor, so don't even bother unless you really need to. These are
best used to attack other Demons or perhaps weakened Troll units - and of
course for capturing buildings, although other units do it better.

Name: Dolmen Z1
Type: Supply Train
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 120
Weapons: none
Move Range: 11
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 100
Energy / Build: 12
Materials / Build: 13
Special Features: Rail Unit, can transport other units.
Info: Dolmen is used to ferry units to and from the front lines. It is not
designed for combat, as its weak armor will testify.

Name: Dragon H1
Type: Helicopter Gunship
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
- Air/Air Missile, 320 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Surf Missile, 400 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 30mm Gun, 360 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 240 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 34
Energy / Build: 18
Materials / Build: 15
Special Features: Air Unit
Info: A great utility unit, the Dragon H1 has a lot of different weapons to
choose from depending on the situation. Generally you'll want to stick with the
missiles and save your guns for finishing off weakened units. The Dragon has a
good amount of fuel for an air unit. Watch out for fighters.

Name: Elixir 2
Type: Eloka SAB Squad (Radar Jammer)
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 80
- 9mm MG, 265 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 50
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Radar Jammer
Info: Elokas are fun. Whatever units are directly adjacent to it will be hidden
from your opponent's radar (even Orion radar!) and cannot be seen. This is
great for launching surprise attacks. Although the Eloka can defend itself, try
and keep it out of combat.

Name: Excalibur Z3
Type: Rail Artillery
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 154
- 200mm Gun, 900 power, 3 ammo, 4-8 range.
- 9mm MG, 270 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 10
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 22
Materials / Build: 16
Special Features: Rail Unit, Ranged attacker.
Info: Look at the size of that gun! Use it to pound distant opponents, and
remember to keep it well supplied with ammo. The fact Excalibur is a train
helps it move around very quickly.

Name: Exterminator
Type: Fighter Bomber
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 215
- Air/Air Missile, 400 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Surf Missile, 400 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 310 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 250kg Bomb, 290 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 11
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 61
Energy / Build: 20
Materials / Build: 15
Special Features: Air Unit
Info: These have SO many uses. With the wide range of weapons, you can punish
air or ground units equally. The 250kg Bomb can only be used against roads,
rails, or fortifications.

Name: Genom J1
Type: Fighter
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 190
- Air/Air Missile, 460 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 265 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 12
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 33
Energy / Build: 18
Materials / Build: 13
Special Features: Air Unit
Info: The Genom is your basic light fighter aircraft. Use them to hunt
helicopters and other Genoms, or to attack incoming Bombers. Watch out for AAA
defences though! Also be sure it doesn't run out of fuel - figure out your
range ahead of time to make certain you don't come up short.

Name: Ghost FB-3
Type: Stealth Fighter
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 220
- Air/Air Missile, 460 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Surf Missile, 400 power, 2 ammo, 2-2 range.
- 20mm MG, 240 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Air Missile, 530 power, 1 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 12
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 47
Energy / Build: 23
Materials / Build: 15
Special Features: Air Unit, Ranged attacker, can change altitude.
Info: Use this to hunt other air units - once it ascends to high altitude,
there is little that can threaten it.

Name: Golem
Type: Heavy Battle Robot
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 320
- Bazooka, 620 power, 3 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Surf/Air Missile, 380 power, 1 ammo, 1-2 range.
- 12mm MG, 300 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 1 fortification materials.
Move Range: 3
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 35
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 3
Special Features: Can build trenches.
Info: Golems are unique units. With an interesting variety of weapons and the
ability to create fortifications, they make good frontline troops. However
heavy armor can overwhelm them, so support them adequately. Remember you can
fortify for +50 defence! The SAM missile can be fired at Range 1-1, unlike the
SAM defences on the Imperator (which the Golem resembles in layout). Golems are
inexpensive to build as well. The Golem is a new unit in Battle Isle 2220.

Name: Guppi H2
Type: Transport Helicopter
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 180
- 30mm Gun, 250 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 32
Energy / Build: 20
Materials / Build: 16
Special Features: Can transport other units
Info: Very useful. Can be used to airdrop infantry on your enemy. Don't let it
get attacked though - its weapon is pretty much just for decoration.

Name: Hydra
Type: Destroyer
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 320
- 90mm Gun, 550 power, 8 ammo, 1-2 range.
- 30mm Gun, 360 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Depth Charge, 385 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Torpedo, 420 power, 2 ammo, 1-2 range.
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 6
Fuel: 48
Energy / Build: 40
Materials / Build: 40
Special Features: Sea Unit. Ranged attacker.
Info: Useful as a sub hunter, or as backup for Polaris.

Name: Imperator SP
Type: Mobile Fortress
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 600
- 135mm Gun, 610 power, 8 ammo, 1-2 range.
- 4x 20mm Gun, 380 power, 14 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Surf/Air Missile, 400 power, 1 ammo, 2-4 range.
Move Range: 3
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 20
Energy / Build: 23
Materials / Build: 25
Special Features: Ranged attacker.
Info: This is a fearsome war machine... it can take a real beating and give one
out as well. Remember you can attack at range with the 135mm Gun and avoid a
counter-attack! If you want to use the AA missile, remember to have your target
a minimum of 2 hexes away, or it will not fire. Watch your fuel supply with the
Imperator - it tends to run out quite quickly.

Name: Ionstar
Type: Gun Turret
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 580
- 120mm Gun, 720 power, 12 ammo, 2-6 range.
Move Range: 0
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: not needed
Energy / Build: cannot
Materials / Build: cannot
Special Features: Gun Turret, cannot be moved. Ranged attacker.
Info: This is Skull's big brother. The awe-inspiring 120mm Gun can hit up to
six hexes away for a lot of damage. Use it just as you would a Skull. The
Ionstar can also attack ships, making it a great harbor defender.

Name: Medusa
Type: AA Missile Site
# in Squad: 5
Armor: 160
- Surf/Air Missile, 700 power, 10 ammo, 2-6 range.
Move Range: 2
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 80
Energy / Build: 13
Materials / Build: 6
Special Features: Ranged attacker. Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: This has even greater range than the Medusa-2, but sacrifices mobility.
It does have more ammo, however. Use this to protect your units from air
attacks, and take advantage of your great range! If you have to destroy one,
send in armor or heavy infantry against it.

Name: Medusa-2
Type: Mobile AAM Launcher
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
- Surf/Air Missile, 700 power, 6 ammo, 2-5 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 15
Materials / Build: 8
Special Features: Ranged attacker. Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: Respect these! The Medusa-2 can put a heavy hit on your aircraft, and it
has enhanced recon as well. With a recon of 5 and a range of 2-5, you can get
hit by 700 point missiles just by entering its airspace! Fortunately they can
be easily destroyed with armor.

Name: Moeve SX-1
Type: E-Boat
# in Squad: 5
Armor: 190
- 2x 30mm Gun, 365 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 10
Recon Range: 7
Fuel: 40
Energy / Build: 16
Materials / Build: 15
Special Features: Sea Unit. Cannot enter deep water.
Info: This is basically like the Patrix, but for some reason it can't enter
deep ocean hexes. Not a very useful unit - Patrix does everything better except
for recon.

Name: Monolith Z6
Type: Repair Train
# in Squad: 4
Armor: 160
- 20mm Gun, 310 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 360 units of fuel, 200 of ammo, and 35 of repair materials.
Move Range: 12
Recon Range: 0
Fuel: 80
Energy / Build: 10
Materials / Build: 11
Special Features: Rail Unit, can repair/reload/refuel other units.
Info: Very useful - keep it safe from harm and you can use it to keep front
line troops in supply.

Name: Nashorn
Type: Assault Gun
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 550
- 100mm Gun, 580 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 30mm Gun, 360 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 26
Energy / Build: 9
Materials / Build: 8
Special Features: Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: The Nashorn is designed for taking on heavy armor head-on. Using a fixed
turret, it can chamber both 100mm or 30mm ammo. If you move Nashorn, it cannot
attack until next turn. Use them as mobile turrets.

Name: Nautilus
Type: Transport Submarine
# in Squad: 7
Armor: 210
- Torpedo, 420 power, 2 ammo, 1-2 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 50
Energy / Build: 42
Materials / Build: 35
Special Features: Can submerge, can transport other units.
Info: The Nautilus is useful for bringing units across seas, especially if they
are heavily guarded by the enemy. Use the submerge ability.

Name: Orca U7
Type: Hunter Submarine
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 315
- Torpedo, 470 power, 6 ammo, 1-2 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 130
Energy / Build: 50
Materials / Build: 30
Special Features: Sea Unit. Ranged attacker. Can submerge. Attack-Move-Attack.
Info: Submarines are very useful. The "submerge" ability will make you
invisible to your opponent, and in any case all that can damage a submerged
unit is either depth charges or another submarine. Make use of the ranged
attack ability, and their ability to move after attacking. Watch out for Polar
C6's and their depth charges!

Name: Orion OR-3
Type: Radar Vehicle
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
Weapons: none
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 8
Fuel: 26
Energy / Build: 12
Materials / Build: 7
Special Features: Enhanced radar range
Info: Useful for sending in with your main attack force to find any hiding
units that might be there, or to find an objective. Is susceptible to jamming!
Don't let it get attacked, as it has no weapons and is helpless.

Name: Patrix
Type: Patrol Boat
# in Squad: 5
Armor: 210
- 40mm Gun, 375 power, 10 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm MG, 270 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 6
Fuel: 55
Energy / Build: 20
Materials / Build: 20
Special Features: Sea Unit
Info: The 40mm Gun can hit other ships as well as land targets. This is
basically a reconnisance unit, and isn't designed for prolonged combat.

Name: Pterano
Type: Flying Fortress
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 350
- Air/Air Missile, 700 power, 4 ammo, 1-3 range.
- 2t Bomb, 980 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Surf Missile, 665 power, 5 ammo, 1-2 range.
- Carries 350 units worth of fuel.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 7
Fuel: 62
Energy / Build: 38
Materials / Build: 28
Special Features: Air Unit, Ranged attacker, can transport other units.
Info: A flying fortress indeed... these can lay serious damage onto just about
anything. The 2t Bomb can only be used against roads and fortifications, but
will often destroy them in a single hit.

Name: Planum 5
Type: Road Construction Vehicle
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 100
Weapons: Carries 20 units worth of building materials.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 34
Energy / Build: 7
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Can build and destroy roads
Info: Use Planum to improve your roads or destroy those of your opponent.

Name: Pluto
Type: Battle Submarine
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 400
- Torpedo, 600 power, 6 ammo, 1-2 range.
- Short Range Warhead, 950 power, 3 ammo, 5-10 range.
- Carries 8 repair materials and 20 ammunition units.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 133
Energy / Build: 60
Materials / Build: 46
Special Features: Sea Unit, ranged attacker, can submerge, can carry other
Info: Wow, these are nice to have. They are uncommon, however. Not much
strategy to these - the SR-Warhead has the second best range in the game. It
can carry other units too.

Name: Polar C6
Type: Cruiser
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 580
- 2x 120mm Gun, 630 power, 14 ammo, 1-4 range.
- 3x 50mm Gun, 390 power, 10 ammo, 1-3 range.
- Depth Charge, 365 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 2x 20mm Gun, 260 power, 16 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 72
Energy / Build: 80
Materials / Build: 70
Special Features: Sea Unit
Info: The Polar C6 is very useful, seeing as it can attack submarines, other
ships, and aircraft. The range of its main guns is useful for avoiding
counterattacks. Note that the 2x 20mm Gun can only be fired against aircraft
and Polar cannot enter shallow seas.

Name: Pulsar A3
Type: Heavy Howitzer
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 110
- 80mm Gun, 530 power, 8 ammo, 2-5 range.
Move Range: 3
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 13
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: Ranged attacker. Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: Useful for softening up tough units prior to hitting them with something
else. It can attack Ships as well. As with all Ranged attackers, they tend to
gather a lot of Experience, making them even more deadly. Weak against attacks
from just about anything though, especially aircraft.

Name: Python
Type: Rocket Tank
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 290
- Surf/Surf Missile, 600 power, 5 ammo, 1-2 range.
- 12mm MG, 320 power, 5 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 25
Energy / Build: 8
Materials / Build: 6
Special Features: Ranged attacker
Info: Like a Sting, but much bigger and better. Basically a land-based
missile-battery, and a bargain to build. Make good use of its ranged attack,
but keep an eye on your fuel. This is one of the new units that was not in
Battle Isle 2, and you can see a picture of a Python on the back cover of the
game manual.

Name: Quasar
Type: Light Artillery
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 210
- 40mm Gun, 375 power, 10 ammo, 1-3 range.
Move Range: 3
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 50
Energy / Build: 9
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Ranged attacker. Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: Not much to say about Quasar. Use it the same way as Pulsar, but take
advantage of its better recon and armor.

Name: Ranger
Type: Recon Patrol
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 130
Weapons: 9mm MG, 290 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 10
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 38
Energy / Build: 4
Materials / Build: 3
Special Features: Can capture buildings, Move-Attack-Move.
Info: Rangers are awesome! You can use them to get in quickly and capture
buildings and factories, or to harass enemy infantry. If you attack something
by accident, you can retreat after the battle thanks to Move-Attack-Move.

Name: Regio
Type: Digger
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 100
Weapons: Carries 1 building materials and 6 fortification materials.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 34
Energy / Build: 8
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Can build and destroy infrastructure. Can build trenches.
Info: Use Regio to build fortifications (+50 Defence for units, also blocks
some vehicles) and to destroy roads and train tracks. Or, you can build new
ones for yourself.

Name: Rex
Type: Repair / Transport Ship
# in Squad: 5
Armor: 202
- 2x 30mm Gun, 370 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 990 fuel units, 800 ammo units, and 14 repair materials.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 96
Energy / Build: 50
Materials / Build: 50
Special Features: Sea Unit. Can refuel, reload, and repair other units.
Info: Useful! It can repair any unit close to it, as well as providing ammo and
fuel. Has a great range with 96 fuel. It can carry other units. The 2x 30mm Gun
can only be fired at aircraft and other ships - not land units.

Name: Rune
Type: Radar Site
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 300
Weapons: none
Move Range: 1
Recon Range: 10
Fuel: not applicable
Energy / Build: 11
Materials / Build: 30
Special Features: Radar Installation
Info: This is a military-class Radar Emplacement. It cannot move normally, and
they are generally a part of buildings. If you do happen to have it destroyed,
you'll be placed at a big disadvantage - it provides 10 hexes of recon in all
directions for your units.

Name: Samurai 2
Type: Heavy Tank
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 450
- 100mm Gun, 560 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 310 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 9
Materials / Build: 8
Special Features: none
Info: This is your workhorse Tank - able to put a good hit on most other units.
As the squad loses units, however, its effectiveness drops. Like all heavy
armor, the Samurai loses a lot of mobility in snow or rain.

Name: Samurai 3
Type: Heavy Tank / B
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 520
- 105mm Gun, 595 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 350 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 26
Energy / Build: 10
Materials / Build: 9
Special Features: none
Info: An upgrade to the basic Samurai. Better in every way except fuel range,
so it can be used the same as a basic Samurai. Axis is even better!

Name: Sinus
Type: Repair Vehicle
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 110
- 9mm MG, 270 power, 3 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 24 repair materials and 24 fuel units.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 1
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 5
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Can repair and refuel units.
Info: The Sinus is a mobile repair bay. Use it to fix and refuel your units.
However, it is not very mobile and runs low on fuel, so keep it behind your
front lines. Sinus cannot defend itself very well.

Name: Skull
Type: Pillbox
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 600
- 2x 90mm Gun, 550 power, 16 ammo, 1-3 range.
- 20mm Gun, 315 power, 20 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: cannot move
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: not needed
Energy / Build: 20
Materials / Build: 35
Special Features: Gun Turret, cannot be moved. Ranged attacker.
Info: I love these things... they can take large amounts of damage and get a
lot of Experience for hitting things at range with the dual 20mm Guns. Plenty
of ammo too. You can use them as rallying points for your armies and then let
the enemy charge you while it fires on them. It is susceptible to air attacks
however, although the 20mm Gun can fire on aircraft.

Name: Snake
Type: Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 285
- 2x 20mm MG, 320 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 30
Energy / Build: 6
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: Can transport other units
Info: These are very useful, since they are able to carry infantry and other
small units to or from the front lines. Take advantage of their mobility and
enhanced recon range. They will fall quickly in combat, however. If you lose
one, all units it is carrying will be killed as well!

Name: Spectrum
Type: Tanker Plane
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 185
- 20mm MG, 240 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Carries 380 units worth of fuel.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 86
Energy / Build: 24
Materials / Build: 20
Special Features: Can refuel air units
Info: Useful for supporting your air units on far away missions.

Name: Sperber TB-4
Type: Sea Plane
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 220
- 22mm Gun, 270 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Torpedo, 465 power, 4 ammo, 1-2 range.
- Depth Charge, 365 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Surf Missile, 400 power, 1 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 10
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 40
Energy / Build: 21
Materials / Build: 16
Special Features: Air Unit
Info: Obviously, it is intended to hunt ships and submarines. But don't rule
out using it for other things as well.

Name: Sting
Type: Armored Missile Carrier
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 268
- Surf/Surf Missile, 495 power, 4 ammo, 1-2 range.
Move Range: 8
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 23
Energy / Build: 7
Materials / Build: 5
Special Features: Ranged attacker
Info: Use their range advantage to soften up tougher units. Runs out of fuel
and ammo quickly - keep them well-supplied. Unlike the Nashorn and Python, the
Sting can move and attack on the same turn. This makes it useful for sudden

Name: Stormbringer
Type: High Altitude Bomber
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
- 1.8t Bomb, 950 power, 6 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 20mm Gun, 240 power, 10 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 9
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 69
Energy / Build: 32
Materials / Build: 24
Special Features: Air Unit, can change altitude.
Info: Not as great as it looks... the 1.8t bomb can only be used on
constructions (roads, tracks). Changing altitude will put you out of the range
of most AAA defences. Kind of useless.

Name: Super Virus
Type: Mine
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 450
- Mine, 950 power, 1 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 3
Recon Range: 0
Fuel: 4
Energy / Build: 1
Materials / Build: 1
Special Features: Cannot attack and move on the same turn.
Info: Mines are useful. Place them in spots where the enemy must fight them, or
load them on transports, or hide them with Elixers, or float them out to sea...
these mines have many uses.

Name: Technotrax
Type: Light Tank
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 320
- 80mm Gun, 500 power, 5 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 9mm MG, 270 power, 12 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 3
Fuel: 32
Energy / Build: 6
Materials / Build: 6
Special Features: none
Info: A basic tank, nothing much to say about them. They are useful for
finishing off weakened units or heavy infantry. Relatively cheap to build.

Name: Thunder FX
Type: Hunting Drone
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 222
- Air/Air Missile, 600 damage, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 24mm MG, 280 damage, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Air/Air Missile, 680 damage, 1 ammo, 1-2 range.
Move Range: 14
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 28
Energy / Build: 16
Materials / Build: 10
Special Features: Air Unit, Ranged attacker, can change altitude,
Info: This is an air-defence weapon. Completely unable to attack ground units,
use Thunder to take the edge off approaching air units with its
Move-Attack-Move skill. Note that it has great movement, but low fuel - it will
likely have to return to base every two moves, unless you don't mind losing it.
They are rather cheap to build, so they can make good sacrifice units.

Name: Titan N2
Type: Aircraft Carrier
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 440
- Surf/Air Missile, 440 power, 14 ammo, 2-6 range.
- 50mm Gun, 380 power, 20 ammo, 1-3 range.
- Carries 980 fuel units and 540 ammunition units.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 76
Energy / Build: 120
Materials / Build: 100
Special Features: Sea Unit, ranged attacker, can carry other units, can refuel
and rearm units. Acts as an airbase for aircraft.
Info: Invaluable! Use it to launch air attacks from the sea. Defend it well,
for it cannot protect itself very well from sea-based attacks. Most expensive
unit in the game to build. I have no idea why it doesn't have depth charges.

Name: Troll 142
Type: Elite Battle Robot
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
- Bazooka, 590 power, 2 ammo, 1-1 range.
- 12mm MG, 300 power, 4 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 4
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 40
Energy / Build: 4
Materials / Build: 2
Special Features: Can capture buildings
Info: These are upgraded Demons. You only get two shots of the Bazooka, so
choose your target carefully. Their MG is better than what Demons get, but you
still shouldn't rely on it against armor. They can capture buildings just like
Demons can, but have a little less fuel. Load them onto transport vehicles and
drive them to where they are needed.

Name: UHU R-51
Type: Scout (Plane)
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 200
Weapons: none
Move Range: 9
Recon Range: 9
Fuel: 55
Energy / Build: 30
Materials / Build: 22
Special Features: Enhanced radar range
Info: Keep it out of combat, but use it to spy on your enemies.

Name: UX-3
Type: Medium Range Missile
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 5
- Medium Range Warhead, 940 power, 1 ammo, 5-20 range!
Move Range: 2
Recon Range: 2
Fuel: 100
Energy / Build: 50
Materials / Build: 12
Special Features: Ranged attacker
Info: This is basically an ICBM. With a range of 5-20 and the ability to hit
anything except air units, the UX-3 is a fearsome weapon indeed. It will need
constant resupplying, however - you only get one shot otherwise.

Name: Vader D1
Type: Landing Craft
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 112
- 20mm Gun, 270 power, 5 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 6
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 50
Energy / Build: 14
Materials / Build: 8
Special Features: Land/Sea Unit, can transport other units
Info: Amphibious landing craft.

Name: Vader DF
Type: Attack Hovercraft
# in Squad: 10
Armor: 300
- 40mm Gun, 375 power, 8 ammo, 1-1 range.
- Surf/Air Missile, 400 power, 6 ammo, 1-4 range.
Move Range: 7
Recon Range: 5
Fuel: 43
Energy / Build: 14
Materials / Build: 8
Special Features: Land/Sea unit, can transport other units.
Info: Improved version of the Vader.

Name: Vision
Type: Recon Satellite
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 280
- Air/Air Missile, 600 power, 6 ammo, 1-4 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 10
Fuel: 54
Energy / Build: 45
Materials / Build: 4
Special Features: Air Unit, Ranged attacker, can change altitude.
Info: A curious unit... the missiles are powerful, but the Vision can only
usually take a couple of hits before being destroyed. Keep them out of combat
if possible. Although it can change altitude to avoid attacks, it cannot
actually go into space like a proper satellite (damn!).

Name: Zenit MBS-19
Type: Battleship
# in Squad: 1
Armor: 750
- 2x 220mm Gun, 980 power, 16 ammo, 3-8 range.
- 2x 120mm Gun, 620 power, 14 ammo, 1-4 range.
- 2x 50mm Gun, 380 power, 12 ammo, 1-3 range.
- 2x 30mm Gun, 370 power, 16 ammo, 1-1 range.
Move Range: 5
Recon Range: 4
Fuel: 73
Energy / Build: 110
Materials / Build: 90
Special Features: Sea Unit, ranged attacker, cannot attack and move on the same
Info: The best ship in the game. Plenty of ammo, but should avoid aircraft.
Only the 30mm Gun can attack air units. Works best when teamed up with an
aircraft carrier.

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