Xenosaga: Episode 1

Xenosaga: Episode 1

17.10.2013 23:56:00
FAQ/Walkthrough Xenosaga Episode I : Der Wille Zur Macht
For Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System
Version : 1.6
By : SeiferMaster (Michaël Gallant)
Created : March 17, 2003
Last Update : June 20, 2003
My E-Mail : seifer_692@hotmail.com
MSN Messenger : seifer_692@hotmail.com
My nickname on the GameFAQS Board : SeiferMaster

Legal Stuff

This FAQ/Walkthrough is created for personal use only. It is prohibited to
use this FAQ on your commercial web page, magazine or game guide without
advising me. You are also not allowed to rip off any segment of my FAQ
without advising me by e-mail. I worked hard for this and I don't want to
see someone says that he has done the whole FAQ. But, you can put this FAQ
on your home page, the only condition for this is to e-mail me and TELL me
that you are putting this FAQ on your home page and you need to GIVE me the
URL. Thank you for you cooperation.

E-Mail Policy

I decided to make this section since I'll probably receive a couple of
e-mail now that my FAQ/Walkthrough has been posted.

Send me :

- I've already completed the game once, if you have any questions not
already answered in the FAQ, you can send them to me.
- If you have any suggestions to help me make a better FAQ, I have no
problems with that.
- Any mistakes or anything I forgot to mention in the FAQ, you'll get
full credit for them.
- Strategy on bosses, you'll get full credit for them too.
- Any comments about my FAQ.

Don't send me :

- Comments about how good you are at this game.
- Anything that are not related to the game.
- Questions already answered in the FAQ. Look in the Frequently Asked
Questions part of this FAQ to see if your question is there.


Hi everyone, this is actually my first attempt at making a FAQ/Walkthrough.
If you saw my name anywhere else, it was probably on the Gamefaqs board or
in StoneKOTR FAQ/Walkthrough of Final Fantasy X. I'm the one who did the
Blitzball section of his FAQ/Walkthrough. You'll find everything you need to
know about the game in this FAQ/Walkthrough. I'll do a small review of the
game, I'll explain all the basics of the game for everyone who just starts
playing it and I'll also make a brief description of the characters. Of
course, you'll find a full Walkthrough of the game and a list of all the
items, weapons, techs, Ether attack... You'll also find a Sidequest Section
at the end of the Walkthrough. It will be a long FAQ/Walkthrough to make, so
I ask for your patience. I'm new at making a FAQ/Walkthrough on my own, so I
hope you understand that a project of this size cannot be done within a
month. I'll try to put as much time as possible on this FAQ/Walkthrough in
the next couple of month. Enjoy yourself while playing Xenosaga!!!


Version 1.6 :

The walkthrough is finally COMPLETED!!! My FAQ/Walkthrough has also been
published on NeoSeeker and on PSXCodez. So you'll now be able to find it on
these 2 sites.

- Started Sidequest Section

Version 1.5 :

The Walkthrough is almost over everyone!!! I will try to finish it by next
week and after that, I'll work on the other part of the FAQ. Especially the
Mini-Game and the Side Quests section.

- Walkthrough Song Of Nephilim completed (Started Proto Merkabah)
- Added 1 question in the Frequently Asked Question section

Version 1.4 :

Another update!!! I'll probably be able to update it once every week from
now on so don't expect anything more or less than that. This update is a big
one, so I decided to make this version 1.4 instead of 1.3. I haven't been
able to update during the E3 week, but now, I'm back with a very big update
of 51 ko!!!

- Walkthrough Kukai Foundation : Second Part completed
- Continued the Items Section (Consumable not used in battles)
- Continued the Frequently Asked Question Section
- Ether Attacks Section Completed

Version 1.2 :

I told you you would see a lot more update now that I'm back at playing
Xenosaga!!! Here is what I did on this one :

- Walkthrough Kukai Foundation almost finished
- Started the Frequently Asked Question Section
- Started the Items Section
- Tech Attacks Section Completed

Version 1.1 :

It's been some time since I last updated. I've been spending time on other
games lately but now I'm back at playing Xenosaga for a while so you'll see
more updates soon :

- Walkthrough Cathedral Ship complete
- More details in the About This FAQ section

Version 1.05 :
Just a small update here :

- Walkthrough Elsa completed
- Add the E-Mail Policy Section

Version 1.0 :
This is the First Version of this FAQ, here is a list of what you'll find in
it :

- Review of the Game completed
- Basics of the Game completed
- Walkthrough Pleroma almost finished
- Characters section completed
- Started the Final Words Section
- Started the About this FAQ Section
- Started the Credits Section
- Started the In the next update... section

Table of Contents

I. Review of the game
II. Basics of the game
A) Controls
B) Field Screen
C) Battle Screen
D) Menu Screen
E) Tips
III. Characters
A) Shion
C) Ziggy
E) chaos
F) Jr.
IV. Walkthrough
A) KOS-MOS Battle Simulator
B) Woglinde
C) Pleroma
D) Elsa
E) Elsa U-TIC Invasion
F) U-TIC Battleship
G) Dock Colony
H) Cathedral Ship
I) Durandal
J) Kukai Foundation
K) Durandal Under Arrest
L) Encephalon : Miltia
M) Kukai Foundation : Second Part
N) Song Of Nephilim
O) Proto Merkabah
V. Side Quests/Secrets
A) Optional Bosses
VI. Mini-Game
VII. Items
VIII. Weapons
IX. Armors
X. Auxiliary
XI. Techs
A) Shion
C) Ziggy
E) chaos
F) Jr.
XII. Ether Attacks
A) Shion
C) Ziggy
E) chaos
F) Jr.
XIII. Skills
XIV. Bestiary
XV. Frequently Asked Questions
XVI. In the next update
XVII. About this FAQ
XVIII. Credits
XIX. Final Words

I. Review of the game

GRAPHICS : 8.5/10

This is the first installment of this 6 episodes series and let me tell you
this, Monolith Soft did really good job on the graphics. At the beginning of
the game, you'll immediately notice the beauty of the FMV sequences. They
are simply awesome. The in-game graphics could have been a little better but
that's not a big let down. Some people will probably dislike the fact that
this game is more anime style than the other RPG. Anime fans will be pleased
to see how the characters are well-designed and so are the environments.
This game is the one with the most FMV sequences ever.


Monolith Soft made a great job by adding new elements in this game that has
never been seen before. The battles are easy to understand and you need to
have a certain amount of strategy when you're about to face a boss. You have
3 kind of attacks : Far, Near and Deathblows (Techs) which can be used once
you have 6AP. The battle system might seem complicated at first but you'll
get use to it in no time. Of course, the good old character levels are back,
but you can now customize your characters a little bit more with the points
you get afte r each fight. There are 4 different kind of points you gain
after a battle : Skill Points (S.Points), Tech Points (T.Points), Ether
Points (E.Points) and, of course, Experience Points (Exp). The Exp points
are leveling up your characters. When you reach a certain amount of point,
your character's level will go up. T.Points are used to increase the ability
of your characters (Vitality, Strength...) and to boost their Techs.
E.Points are used to learn new Ether (magic) or to transfer them to other
characters. The S.Points are used to learn new skills to your characters
(Search Eyes, Anti-Poison). It might seem complicated when I explain it but
it's not that hard once you get used to it.

SOUND : 9.5/10

The sound is very well done. Even if thete isn't any in-game music, the
sound effect are quite well done. The music was written by Yasunori Mitsuda
(Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Shadow Hearts...)and was performed
by the London Philharmonic Orchestra. You don't hear a lot of music
throughout the game but everytime you do, it fits perfectly in the scene.

STORY : 10/10

You might find the beginning of the game kinda boring, but if you can get
past the first couple of hours, you'll end up with what will become the best
story in a videogame ever. It's only a prologue to the series, but you can
immediately see the great potential of this storyline. The story was the
strong point in Xenogears, Xenosaga is going in the same way. That's the
main why there are so many cut scenes. Over 8 hours of cinematics in the
entire game!!! Now you understand why the game only fits on a dual-layered
DVD. Every one who thought Final Fantasy X had a lot or even too much cut
scenes, this game will probably not be for you. If you can get past that
fact, you'll an amazing game storywise, and it's only getting started!!!

OVERALL : 9.2/10

I'm giving this game under 9.5 only because it's not a game that is open to
everyone. With the religious aspect in the game, the cut-scenes lasting up
to 40+ minutes (no kidding!!!), some people will complain about the lack of
action in the game. The game is a lot harder than the usual RPG. You must be
prepare to reset the game a couple of time or to boost your characters from
time to time if you want to get through the game. Some people will find the
game a little too short (30-40 hours) but it's still an awesome game. Every
hardcore RPG gamers should have this game, for everyone else, rent it first.

II. Basics of the game

1 Player
Memory Card (8MB for PS2) - 165 KB
Digital & Analog Control
Vibration Function

A. Controls

Quest Screen Control :

Left Analog Stick : Move Character
Directional Button : Move Character
Right Analog Stick : No Use
Circle Button : Confirm / Talk / Investigate
X Button : Cancel
Triangle Button : Main Menu
Square Button : Destroy Target
L1 / R1 Button : Select Target
R2 Button : Hold down to walk
L2 Button : No Use
Start Button : Pause
Select Button : No Use

Battle Screen Control :

Left Analog Stick : Select Target (Enemy) / Move Cursor in Battle Menu
Directional Button : Select Target (Enemy) / Move Cursor in Battle Menu
Right Analog Stick : No Use
Circle Button : Confirm / Tech Attack / Sub Weapon
X Button : Cancel / Display Battle Menu
Triangle Button : Far Attack
Square Button : Near Attack (Except for Jr.)
L1 / L2 Button : Cycle Button Control Windows
R1 / R2 Button : Boost
Start Button : No Use
Select Button : No Use

Menu Screen Control :

Left Analog Stick : Move Cursor
Directional Button : Move Cursor
Right Analog Stick : No Use
Circle Button : Confirm
X Button : Cance / Previous Menu
Triangle Button : Sort Items (in the Items Menu)
Square Button : Change Lead Character (in the Character Select Menu)
L1, R1 Button : Cycle between pages
R2 / L2 Button : No Use
Start Button : No Use
Select Button : No Use

Cinematic Events :
Start Button : Pause / Resume
Triangle Button : Skip the movie when paused

Note : Press L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Select + Start to reset the game.

B. Field Screen

The field screen might be a little different from what you've seen in other
RPG's. There are no world map in Xenosaga. You won't have to move from place
to place in Xenosaga, the game does it for you automatically. Like in most
RPG's, you'll get more and more freedom as you advance through the game. On
the field screen, you'll be able to locate yourself, the ennemies and the
NPC's (Non-Playable Characters) in the bottom right part of your screen.

Once you get far enough in the game, you'll be able to revisit previous area
with the Environmental Simulator (EVS). You'll be able to use this technique
only when you're on a Save Point (Yellow) with a blue EVS on top of it.
Since there are no world map where you can save your progress, you'll come
across a lot of Save Points and Item Plates (Gray). You save your game by
pressing the CIRCLE button on the Save Point and you can buy items by using
the same technique as for the Save Point.

In some areas of the game, you'll come across ennemies (in yellow on your
radar) that can be fought. Most of them can be avoided by using a minimum of
strategy. Be sure to watch your radar carefully if you don't want to get in
an unwanted fight. If you want to escape from a fight in Xenosaga, you'll
have to use an Escape Pack from your item list. You can't just hold a button
like in many other RPG's so be careful about it.

If you want to advance through the game, you'll sometime have to use the
Vaporizer plug-in (square button). You can blast almost anything that is in
your way with it. If you see a small cylinder shaped thing next to an
ennemy, blast it and it will affect some of the ennemy or even your stats to
make the battle a little easier.

C. Battle Screen

The battle system is very innovative in this game. They took some of the
elements of the Xenogears battle system and they improved it a little to
make it a little harder for the elite RPG gamers. The battle system is turn-
based and the battle can be long if you didn't boost your characters.

You should notice 8 important thing in the battle screen :

Active Character :

The active character is the one that is in blue at the top of the screen.
In that screen, you can see your character HP, EP, AP, Boost gauge and the
status effect your character is affected with.

Group Turn Window :

On the bottom right corner of the screen is the Group Turn Window. This box
shows you when your characters and when the ennemy will attack. The small
triangle in this screen shows your party and the ennemy formation. Only four
turns may occur per round so be careful. If the ennemy doesn't attack in the
round, they will certainly attack first the next round.

Button Display :

This one is displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen. It shows you
available attack for your character to perform. The Square button is for
near attack (except for Jr.), the Triangle button is for long-range attack
and the Circle button is for sub-weapons or for Tech attacks.

Action Points (AP) :

This determines what actions you can perform. This gauge is just under your
character's EP. Here is a list of what you can do with the number of AP you
have :

Attack (normal and Tech) : 2 AP
Attack (A.G.W.S.) : Varies depending on the weapn
Move : 2 AP
Guard : 2 AP
Use Item : 3 AP
Use Ether : 4 AP
Use W-Item : 6 AP
Use Sub-Weapon : 6 AP
W-ACT (A.G.W.S.) : 6 AP

Boost Gauge :

You can see your character boost gauge right under your AP bar. Once you
a 1 or more to the right of the bar, you can boost one of your character.
The boost will allow you to attack the next turn even if your character just
attacked. It is very useful in some boss fight. Use the boost wisely.

Status Effect :

You can see if your character is inflicted with a status effect by looking
to the right of his boost gauge.

Battle Menu :

The battle menu is available by pressing the X button and it is divided in 5
parts :

Ether :
If you have enough EP, you can perform one of the Ether you have previously
set on your character.

Item :
Use one of the item you have in your inventory.

Move :
Move your character to one of the 3 position in the back or in the front
row. You take less damage in the back row but you can't attack physically
from that position.

A.G.W.S. :
Allows you to get in or out of your A.G.W.S., but if your A.G.W.S FHP comes
to 0, you won't be able to revive it.

Guard :
Your character will take less damage this way but your character turn will
come a lot faster this way.

Event Slot :

The event slot is located to the left of the Group Turn Window. There are 4
kind of slots :

Nothing :
If the slot is empty, none of your stat is affected.

Critical Up :
If you get a red space with an UP written on it, your chance of critical hit
will increase.

Boost Up :
If you get a green space with an UP written on it, you'll get more boost
after your attack.

Coins :
If you kill an ennemy when the space has a coin and a + under it, you'll
gain 2x (65% chance), 4x (30% chance), 10x (5% chance) the normal amount of
S.Points, E.Points and T.Points.

D. Menu Screen

The menu screen in Xenosaga is standard to every other RPG game. First of
all, on the left side of the screen is your party with their current HP, EP,
level, Exp acquired, Exp needed to get to the next level and their name. On
the bottom right corner of the screen, you have characters that are in
Reserve, your play time and the money you have so far. Between the menu to
the right and your characters status on the right is the party position.

The menu on the right side of the screen is divided in 9 parts :

Items :
In this section of the menu, you'll be able to see all the different items
you've acquired so far. If you want to switch between the type of items, use
the L1 and R1 button. You can use the triangle button to sort the items by
Name, Category or Amount. While you cycle through the menu, you'll come
across your Recovery Items, Special Items, Weapons, Accessories, Ammo,
A.G.W.S. weapons, A.G.W.S. accessories and the A.G.W.S. weapon ammo.

Ether :
The Ether menu will allow you to use Recovery magic, allocate E.Points to
learn new Ether or even transfer one of your character's Ether to another
one. In order to use an Ether in battle, you must first Set it to your
character. Each Ether has some kind of weight and you must not get over 12
Ether weight. Some Ether are heavier than other so be careful when you set
them. The number of E.Points available is at the top of the screen.

Note : To transfer an Ether, you only need half the E.Points written beside
the Ether. The character transfering the Ether will keep the Ether

Tech Attacks :
As you advance through the game, your characters will learn new Tech Attacks
as they become stronger (except KOS-MOS : sent by e-mail). To use Tech
attacks, you must have 6 AP, perform 2 normal attack (square, triangle) and
then you'll have the opportunity to use a third attack (circle). This third
attack is the Tech. You can decide which Tech attack you'll use too by
setting them in the Tech Attack menu. There are 2 types of Tech, short-range
and long-range. You can set 3-4 long-range attack and 1-2 short-range
attack. You can use your T.Points to upgrade your Tech's Level, Speed and
Wait. The Level is the power of your Tech, the Wait is the time you'll have
to wait before you'll be able to get another turn and if you boost the Tech
Speed, you'll be able to set it in the higher slots (can perform a Tech with
only 4 AP).

Skills :
The skills are special abilities that you can equip your characters with.
These skills either boost your character's stats or protect them against
certain status effect. As you get more equipements for your characters,
you'll be able to Extract more skills. You can extract skills from Armor,
Hat and Accessories. You'll only be able to Extract skills that are of the
same S.Level or are lower to your S.Level. You can boost your S.Level by
extracting more and more skills. You must also have enough S.Points in order
to Extract the skill. You can see your S.Points and the S.Level on the top
left corner of the Skill Menu. Skills are not automatically equipped as soon
as you extract them. You're only able to set 3 skills for each character, so
choose them wisely. You can switch between characters by using the L1, R1

Characters :
Basically, this is the status screen. You can change the lead character (the
one displayed in Quest Mode) by pressing the square button on the character
you want to be the leader. On this screen, you'll see your characters stats
to the bottom of the screen, their T.Points, E.Points and S.Points to the
right of the screen. You can also equip or unequip different weapons, armor
and accessories by using the Equip or Unequip option. The Use T.Pts option
allows you to customize your characters. With that option, you can boost
any statistic you want (Vit, Str, EAtk....). That way, you can control a
little more what kind of character you want.

A.G.W.S. (Anti-Gnosis Weapon System) :
The A.G.W.S. screen is a lot like the characters screen except that this has
been made for the A.G.W.S.. To the bottom of the screen you see their stats
and you can see the name of the A.G.W.S. and the registered combattant in
the top right corner of the screen. You can change the equipments of your
A.G.W.S. by using the Equip or the Unequip option. What's great in this game
is that you can put any character in the A.G.W.S. (except KOS-MOS and
Ziggy). To do so, use the Pilot option.

Battle Formation :
In this menu, you can change your party formation by either replacing one of
your character or by changing their position in the battle screen. You can
change your character's position on the battle screen by selecting the
Formation option in the small menu to the right. If you want to replace one
of your character, select the Replace option, choose the character you want
to replace and choose one of the character in the reserve.

U.M.N. (Unus Mundus Network) :
I've never that kind of thing in any other RPG before. In this screen, you
can read, reply e-mail and sometimes download attachments for KOS-MOS. You
can also look in the Database. The Database has all the Gnosis you've
encountered so far and their description. You can also look in the Keywords
section to have a description of all the technical terms, characters,
ennemies... There are also some Plug-ins you'll receive as you advance
through the game. The EVS option allows you to return to previously visited
places. This is very useful if you forgot to get some items or if you want
to go back to some places to do some side quests.

Game Options :
This screen is the basic options of the game. Here are the options :

Sound Output : You can switch to Mono or Stereo

Cursor Location Memory : If you switch this on, every time you open a new
window, the cursor will be over the last option you

Vibration : Turn the vibration On/Off.

Radar Display : Turn the small radar in the Quest Mode On/Off.

Monitor Setting : Adjust the position of the screen.

Default : Reset all the settings to default.

E. Tips

I'll give you some tips on gameplay if you don't to have a too much
difficulties while going through the game.

1- As soon as you can do so, boost the speed of your Techs. This way, you'll
be able to perform the Techs even if you have only 4 AP.

2- Be sure to boost both your character's stats and your tech level.
Boosting only one of the two will lead nowhere.

3- The best place to get T.Points, E.Points and S.Points is in the
Encephalon when you go back on Miltia. When you first control Jr., get into
a fight by going under the spotlights. These ennemies will give you a great
amount of points so that you'll be able to boost your stats a lot faster.

4- When you start a fight against a boss or a tough ennemy, you should do a
guard on all your characters during the first turn. That way, you won't get
it the hard right away and you'll have the chance to perform your Techs
right away for big damage on the ennemy.

III. Characters

A) Shion :

Sex : Female
Height : 163 cm (5'4")
Weight : 48 kg (106 lbs)
Age : 22

Shion is the Chief Engineer on the KOS-MOS Project General Operation System
Research Center, Vector Industries First R&D Division. Shion is surely the
most balanced character of the game. Her weapon enables her to have strong
physical and Ether attacks. She also has the ability to heal the others,
which will be very useful during the whole game. If you boost her properly,
she can become one of the best character in your party.


Sex : Female
Height : 167 cm (5'6")
Weight : 92 kg (203 lbs)
Age : Looks about 18

KOS-MOS is a female armored battle android developed by Vector Industries to
fight the Gnosis. She is entirely made of mechanical part, which explains
her weight ;). Even if Shion is the one who created her, KOS-MOS still has
secret powers hidden inside of her. As you advance through the story, you'll
discover them one after another. She is one of the most powerful attacker of
the game but she isn't good at using Ether. She is still a great addition to
your party.

C) Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy) :

Sex : Male
Height : 191 cm (6'3")
Weight : Unknown
Age : 98 since body recycling (looks 30)

Ziggurat 8 is a combat cyborg assigned the task of recovering and protecting
MOMO, the prototype 100-Series Observation Realian. When he was human, he
died but giving his bodyto science, he was brought back to life as a cyborg.
Constantly trying to forget he was once human, he tunes his body to
eliminate every human part of his body, reducing himself from a person to a
mere object. Ziggy is a very strong attacker and can take a whole lot of
damage. He's not good at using Ether but he has a couple of good Ether

D) MOMO (Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus) :

Sex : Female
Height : 141 cm (4'8")
Weight : 36 kg (79 lbs)
Age : Looks about 12

MOMO is a prototype 100-Series Observational Realian (synthetic human)
developed to observe and contact Gnosis. Although she looks like a sweet
little girl on the outside, she can become really useful in battle
especially when paired with Jr. or Ziggy. Her healing abilities are a plus
if you get in trouble in a battle. She is without a doubt the best at using
Ether and she can also steal with the Tech Magic Caster. She doesn't do a
of physical damage, but like I said, she becomes really useful in the back

E) chaos :

Sex : Male
Height : 169 cm (5'7")
Weight : 53 kg (117 lbs)
Age : Looks about 16

A slender young boy whose true age is unknown. His perpetually melancholic
expression and the depth of his conversation give the impression that he's
not really human, more like he hails from a higher plane of existence. We
don't know a lot about this boy except his name. He definitely is one of the
most mysterious I've ever seen in a video game. This is definitely one of
best character of the game. He can deal a lot of Ether-based damage and is
really good for healing your party too. He's not as strong physically as
Ziggy but he's still a good addition to your team.

F) Jr. :

Sex : Male
Height : 140 cm (4'7")
Weight : 38 kg (84 lbs)
Age : Looks about 12

Jr. is one of the directors of the Kukai Foundation. Even if he doesn't look
like it, he's more than an ordinary human. His ability with the guns are
incredible. If you played Xenogears, you'll probably recognize Billy in this
young boy. All of his attacks are long-ranged, which makes him really strong
against flying ennemies. His Ether abilities are not as strong as his
physical attacks but he's still a really good choice in a battle.

WARNING : The next section of the guide may contain some spoilers.

IV. Walkthrough

A. Encephalon KOS-MOS Battle Simulator

Recommended Level (start) : 1
Recommended Level (end) : 3
Items : Med Kit, Revive, Ether Pack, 4x Med Kit S
Key Items : Battle Passport
Enemies : Drone M, Drone F, Attack Drone, Drone G1, Drone G2, Drone G3
Segment Address : #10
Decoder : None
Others : None

After a brief introduction to the two main characters in the game, you'll
start going through a battle tutorial. If you don't want to go through the
whole thing, just choose the Switch to Real Combat option and just beat the
Drone M, the Drone F and the Attack Drone. Once you're done with it, you'll
see yet another cut scene. You better get used to it. After that, you'll
find yourself in the KOS-MOS Battle Simulator.

First of all, go left from the starting point and climb the ladder. Fight
guards and then grab the treasure chest for 2 Med Kit S. Go back down the
ladder and go down the small slope to the right of your starting point.
Blast the truck using the square button and then go up the small stair set
to the right. Blast the door to the south for another Med Kit. Fight the 2
ennemies there if you want to and then proceed through the door to the north
into the next area. Go up the stairs until you come across an intersection.
Go south first and blast the 2 boxes in your way. Grab the Revive in the
second box. Make your way back to the intersection and choose the left path
this time and through the door. Here, you'll have to fight your first boss.

Boss Name : Drone SPX
HP : 280
Type : Mech
Weakness : Lightning

No real strategy for this boss. Guard with KOS-MOS on your first turn and
then do your R.Cannon. Shion can just guard or attack. He'll give you a Med
Kit S once you beat him.

^>From now on, the ennemies are different. If you want to boost your
characters a little, it's a good time to do so. You can save your game now
at the yellow thing if you want to. I suggest you do. Once you're ready, go
down the stairs to the right and down the ladder through the door south.
Blast the 2 boxes to the right for an Ether Pack and 2 Med Kit S. Blast the
junk in front of the door and look at the door. These red doors needs the
good decoder in order to open it. You can blast the box to the left too but
you'll have to fight 3 Drone G1. Go back up the ladder and into the door to
the right. Grab the mission key and go out of the room using the door to
the right. You can get past the ennemies if you don't make any noise. Go
down the stairs and then north through the door. You'll then have to fight
another boss.

Boss Name : Drone GX
HP : 420
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Slash

Get Shion in her AGWS and have KOS-MOS Guard the first turn. Do not attack
Drone GX when he does his Active Guard. When you have the opportunity,
attack with Shion using the square button and do a R.Blade with KOS-MOS.
Repeat until the boss goes down. You'll get an Ether Pack S after the fight.

B. Woglinde

Recommended Level (start) : 3
Recommended Level (end) : 6
Items : 5x Med Kit, 2x Frame Repair A, 3x Escape Pack, 2x Frame Repair Z,
2x 200G, 2x Veil, Revive DX, 2x Bio Sphere, 2x Ether Pack, SMP53AG,
5x Revive, Med Kit S, Ether Pack S, Coat Lightning
Key Items : Maintenance Data, Drill Passport, Segment File, M.W.S.,
Vaporizer Plug-In, Robot Part Right Arm, Crewman's Key
Enemies : Goblin, Gremlin, Manticore, Golem
Segment Address : #7, #16, #18
Decoder : #7, #18
Others : None

Before going anywhere else, you should go back into the Simulator by talking
to the person next to it (the red thing to the south). Once you're back in
the simulator, go where you fought the last boss. There should be a red box
in this room. Blast it and open the chest to get the Battle Passport. Now
the EVS point there to go back on the Woglinde.

Once back on the Woglinde, go inside the room to the right side of the
screen. After some walking, you'll receive your first e-mail. Keep following
the path and you'll eventually see another cut scene. After the cut scene,
talk to the guy near the door to the right and choose to get the
information from him. You'll receive an e-mail from him later on. Keep going
right until you get in another cut scene showing you Allen bringing some
Data to Shion. After the cut scene, walk north of the intersection and look
at the door to the right side to discover segment address #18. Continue
north and into the room to the right. You're now in Shion's quarters. Grab
the Maintenance Data on the desk and Save your game if you need to. You'll
receive another e-mail on your way outside the room. Once outside the room,
go back south and left at the intersection.

In this room, you have to talk to all the Realians before going further in
the game. Once this is done, and that you've seen the cut scene, proceed
through the door to the north. Before going north, come back in the Realian
room and you will receive an e-mail asking you some help to investigate on
a mysterious hacker. Reply the e-mail and accept the offer. Now, go back in
the room to the north. In this room, help the guy on the left side to clear
all the debris in your way. Once you've done that, you'll receive the Drill
Passport and a Med Kit. Keep going north until you receive another e-mail.
Go through the door to the north. You can save your game in the first room
on the left if you want. Continue north and left at the intersection to
receive another e-mail. Reply to it by choosing I Read Your E-Mail. Keep
going north and into the room to the right. In this room, you'll see
Sgt. Swaine. Talk to him and he'll give you the Segment File. Go to the
right a little and you'll receive another e-mail. Go back left a little and
north. Play tag 3 times with the 2 guys on the left for 3 Med Kits. Keep
going north and go left at the intersection and into the room. Talk to the
guy in orange to the right and he'll offer you to buy some stuff. You can
also fight in the A.G.W.S. Battle Simulator to gain real EXP. Go back south
and go right after that. In this room, you will see the Segment Address
#16. You can save your game in the small room while you make your way
around. Go up the elevator. After another cut scene, you'll get Miyuki's
reply with a file attached to it. Download it and then leave the bridge.
You'll receive an announcement to go to the A.G.W.S. Hangar to get a
package. Go left from where you are, north at the first intersection and
then left into the room. Talk to the guy and the left and you'll receive
your weapon (M.W.S.). Go back where the elevator was by taking the corridor
5. You'll receive another e-mail there asking to invest in a company. Do so
if you want to and take the door to the south. Don't go in Shion's room yet.
Go back in the lab where you first started the game and you'll receive
another e-mail. Go back Shion's quarter, rest and you'll be attack by the

Once outside your room, go fight the Gnosis there. You'll soon find out that
you can't go one on one against the Gnosis yet. After the short cut scene,
you'll find yourself in another room. Run to the right and press the second
red switch to block the Gnosis. After that, keep moving and hide yourself
behind the shelf on the right. Press the switch there and then proceed.
Next, make sure the next Gnosis see you and then go hide yourself in the
room with the save point. After the cut scene you can proceed in the next
room. Here, climb the ladder and press the switch to get rid of the Gnosis.
Keep going left at the intersection and into the A.G.W.S. Hangar. Get your
Vaporizer plug-in by talking to the guy to the right. Blast the box north of
the hangar to get 2 Frame Repair A, an Escape Pack and 2 Frame Repair Z.
Once this is done, attract the Gnosis trapped in the small place so that he
blast the small box. You'll get 200G and 2 Veil for you effort. Once you
have the Vaporizer Plug-In, go back where you fought the last Gnosis. Blast
the big box in the way and climb the ladder. You'll see to small boxes
there, blast them and you'll get 1 Revive DX and 200G. Get back where the
car was blocking the way and blast it. Use the same technique that you use
in the tag to get rid of the 2 Gnosis. Once this is done, you'll receive the
Decoder #7 from Sgt. Swaine. Unlock the Segment Address in front of you and
you'll get the Robot Part Right Arm. Come back in the big room and blast
everything you see. You'll get a Bio Sphere and an Ether Pack. Go through
the door to the south. After the cut scene, look at the dead body to get the
Crewman's Key. Open the door to the left and open the chest for a SMP53AG.
Leave the room and keep going south. You can save your progress in the 2nd
room. After the cut scene, you'll now have to fight a small boss.

Boss Name : Cyclops
HP : 560
Type : Gnosis/Mech
Weakness : Lightning

Guard on the first round and then attack by using combo with the Square
button. DO NOT USE the triangle button or it will counter attack with the
Spread Beam. After the fight, you'll receive a SMG99AG.

After the small cut scene, blast the 2 destroyable things on the right to
get an Ether Pack and a Med Kit. In this room, get in the room and open the
partition door. Go north and blast the big thing in the middle of the room
to get a Bio Sphere. Keep going north. In this room, blast the thing in the
middle to get 2x Revive. Go to the right until you come to a Gnosis. Pass to
the right and blast everything there to get a Med Kit S and an Ether Pack S.
Keep moving north and into the room. Blast the window and grab the chest to
get the Decoder #18. You can rest and save your game there. Make your way
south and unlock the Segment Address #18 to get a Coat Lightning. Keep going
south and go left as soon as you can. Blast the big box to the north and the
one upstairs to get an 2x Escape Pack. The other box has an enemy in it.
Keep moving south until you come across a Gnosis with black boxes beside it.
Blast them and you'll get 3x Revive. Get through the door south. After the
cut scene, you'll have to fight another boss.

Boss Name : Minotaur
Sub Boss Name : Sky Fish
Boss HP : 920
Sub Boss HP : 240
Boss Type : Gnosis
Sub Boss Type : Gnosis
Boss Weakness : Beam
Sub Boss Weakness : Pierce

Get Shion in her A.G.W.S. on the first turn and KOS-MOS guard. Get rid of
the 2 Sky Fish first. After that, unleash your most powerful attack on the
boss. Every time he's about to do his Gravity pulse, guard all your
characters. That way, you'll take a lot less damage. After the battle,
you'll receive a Skill Upgrade S or a Skill Upgrade Z (rare).

A 45 minutes cinematic is coming so you better make yourself comfortable
for some time. Time to get some pop-corn. ^_^

C. Pleroma

Recommended Level (start) : 7
Recommended Level (end) : 11
Items : Scope, 2x Ether Upgrade S, 3x Revive, Snake Hunter, 2x Veil,
3x Bio Sphere, Ether Pack S, 100G, 9x Med Kit S, Speed Stim,
Med Kit, 2x Ether Pack, Ether Pack S, Ether Upgrade Z, Thief Ring
Key Items : Master Key
Enemies : U-TIC Soldier A, U-TIC Soldier B, U-TIC Soldier X, Cyber Crab,
Mercurio A, Gardis F10
Segment Address : #4
Decoder : #11
Others : None

When you have control of Ziggurat 8, head past the guards and to the right.
Blast everything in your way there to get a Scope and 2x Ether Upgrade S.
Once you're done in the room, proceed through the door north.

After the short cut-scene, you'll regain control of Ziggurat 8 but this
time, the guards will be able to see you. You can avoid all the guards in
this place if you want to. Make your way past the first 3 guards into the
next room. Blast the big thing south of you to get 2x Revive. You can blast
the one to the north twice to open up a path. Go there first to get a Snake
Hunter. You'll also find the Segment Address #4 there. Come back down and
move to the very middle of the room. You'll find a big statue with a chest
under it. Blast it and you'll get the Decoder #11. Proceed into the next
room accross the bridge. In this room, you can either fight the Mercurio or
distract it by moving the crane to the left. You almost don't have any
chances of survival against the Mercurio so I suggest you to move the crane.
now that the A.G.W.S. is distracted, go down the ladder and proceed to the
right. After the cut scene, you'll have to fight the 2 guards. After the
fight, MOMO will tell you to find the Master Key, so that's what we're gonna

Now, head down the slope and down the stairs. Grab the chest just past the
yellow thing to get 2x Veil. Now, proceed to the right of the screen and
through the door south. Blast the boxes to the left in this room to get a
Bio Sphere, an Ether Pack S, 100 G, a Med Kit S and a Revive. The last box
to the south contains a Cyber Crab. Once you have all the items, go into the
Monitoring Room to the south. In here, you'll have to destroy the ennemy to
get to the Master Key.

Boss Name : Gardis M1
HP : 450
Type : Mech
Weakness : Lightning

Use the first round to guard and then use the Triangle, Triangle, Circle
combo to deal around 280-300 damage. You're now half-way through the battle.
You can destroy the 2 little Gardis F10 if you want to get more Exp at the
end of the battle. After that, finish the boss with another Lightning Fist.
You'll receive a Med Kit S after the fight.

Grab the chest to obtain the Master Key. Once you've done this, make your
way back to MOMO's cell. Grab the Speed Stim in the first cell and then make
your way to the left. You can also save your progress in the 2nd cell.
Before getting into any fights, put MOMO right behind Ziggurat 8. She'll be
very useful that way and she can't deal a lot of damage anyway. Fight the
Mercurio A that you previously distracted. You'll get the Decoder #4 and a
Med Kit S for this fight. Climb the ladder and head to the left. You'll see
that you can't go that way anymore. We'll have to find another way to get to
the Segment Address #4. Climb down the ladder and head for the Monitoring

After the cut scene, Ziggurat 8 will now be called Ziggy. Now, operate the
console to unlock a door. Get out of the room and go through the door just
south of your position and then climb down the ladder. Once you regain
control of Ziggy, you'll have to make your way through the sewer. The second
red object you see (the one near the door) has a Med Kit under it. Now go
through the door. In this room, blast the 2 plupits on either side to obtain
2x Ether Pack and an Ether Pack S. Grab the chest to get an Ether Upgrade Z.

Go back outside of this room and continue left until you come accross 2 red
things. You'll get a Revive from the second one. Proceed across the pipes.
Behind one of the wall, you'll find a destructible object. Blast it to get
an Ether Pack S. Keep going left and you'll eventually have the possibility
to climb a ladder. Climb it and after the cut scene, you'll have to fight
another boss.

Boss : 2x Mercurio B, Zolfo A
Mercurio B HP : 640
Zolfo A HP : 820
Type : Mech
Mercurio's Weakness : None
Zolfo A's Weakness : Lightning

Cast Sheep Beam with MOMO everytime you can on the 2 Mercurio, the Zolfo A
will then attack his own member. Keep using it until the 2 Mercurio go down.
Have Ziggy attack the Zolfo A with his Lightning Fist. This is a really easy
fight if you do like I said.

After the fight, blast everything you can to get 2 Bio Sphere and 8 Med Kit
S. Proceed through the door to the north. You can save your game in this
room if you want. Proceed through the door and go to the right. Climb the
stairs that we previously unvealed and unlock the Segment Address #4. You'll
get a Thief Ring from the treasure chest. Make your way back down and go all
the way to the left. You'll now have to fight Margulis.

Boss Name : Margulis
HP : 820
Type : Biological
Weakness : None

Note : You don't have to win this fight to continue the game. Think of
Margulis as an optional boss.

Start the fight by casting My Bodyguard on Ziggy. MOMO is there to heal when
you need to. Be aware of Margulis, he can easily deal over 80 HP of damage.
It really helps if you're at least level 10 with Ziggy. Once My Bodyguard is
cast on Ziggy, bat the hell out of Margulis. You should be able to deal over
150 damage when you have My Bodyguard cast on Ziggy. You should use the
Square-Square-Circle combo when My Bodyguard is cast on you. After 5 attacks
or so, Margulis will go down. You'll either receive a Red Ring o r a
Purple Ring (rare) for your effort.

Watch the cut scene and you'll be back on the Elsa.

D. Elsa

Recommended Level (start) : 9
Recommended Level (end) : 9
Items : Ether Pack, 3x Med Kit, 3x Ether Upgrade S, 900G,
11x Ether Upgrade A, 2x Bio Sphere, Spirit Pendant, Fiber Suit,
2x Booster Pack, Med Kit DX
Key Items : Card Passport, Disarm Key, Hazardous Area Map
Enemies : None
Segment Address : #8, #14
Decoder : #10
Others : None

Once you regain control of Shion, you have to take the meal to commander
Cherenkov, but we'll do some other things first. Start by taking the door to
the southwest and then talk to the robot to receive the Card Passport. Go
north through the door and into the dorm right in front of you. You'll
receive an e-mail about the EVS Simulator before entering the room. Search
the pink bench and you'll get the Disarm Key. Get out of this room and head
to the south-east. You'll receive another e-mail with a file attached to it.
Download the file and then head all the way north and then right if you want
to buy some stuff or left into the elevator to keep going.

After the short cut scene, make your way across the corridor. Blast the
thing to your left to get an Ether Pack. Move to the right and you'll get an
e-mail. Go north first and blast everything in here to receive a Med Kit,
2x Ether Upgrade S and another Med Kit. Get back to where you were just
before and go south at the intersection. Blast the 2 things to your left. A
secret path will open. Take it and blast everything at the end of it to get
50 G and an Ether Upgrade A. Head east and then south, blast the boxes there
and you'll receive 150 G and 200 G. Keep moving west into the next room.
Take the door to the north and blast the boxes on the left to reveal the
Segment Address #8. Check the control panel and activate it. Get on the
small bridge and take the right path. Blast the box there to receive 200 G.
Go left and blast the boxes to receive 50 G, a Bio Sphere, a Spirit Pendant
and the Decoder #10. Head back across the bridge and take the left path at
the intersection. Blast the boxes there to get a Med Kit, 5x Ether Upgrade A
and a Bio Sphere. Go back at the intersection and take the right path this
time and left when you can turn. In this room, blast everything and you'll
receive 100 G, 150 G, a Fiber Suit and an Ether Upgrade S. You'll also find
the Segment Address #14. Make your way back to the room where chaos was and
take the door to the south this time.

In this room, go down the small lift and go all the way south. There is a
Coat Beam to the south in this room. Make your way back and blast the 3
boxes on the left. You'll receive 5 Ether Upgrade A. Go up the lift to the
left and talk to Cherenkov. After the cut scenes, we'll have some more stuff
to do before advancing with the game.

Go out of the room and talk to Tony in there. Accept to help him find the
Hazardous Area Map. You should make sure you have at least 1000 G here for
the next e-mail investment. Take the lift to the right now and make your way
back up the elevator. Once you're on the first floor, go in the dorm to your
right and south into the door. Touch the top of the table and you'll receive
an e-mail. Get out of the dorm using the south door and go in the restaurant
to your south. If you move to the middle of the room, you'll receive another
e-mail. Get out of the restaurant through the door you previously entered
and just before the bridge, you'll see that the Save Point here has turned
into an EVS/Save Point. You can now play with different Passports on this
Save Point and you can use the EVS (Environmental Simulator) to return to
previously visited area. Now go to the bridge once you're done with it.

You now have to go to the Catapult Deck to check on the system and then
report to the bridge. We still have some other things to take care of first.
Talk to Captain Matthews and you'll receive the Hazardous Area Map. Move
toward the EVS/Save Point and you'll receive an e-mail asking you to invest
in a company once again. Choose the "I Will Invest in Venture Link" reply.
You'll receive your prizes later. Go into the EVS and choose the KOS-MOS

Remember the Segment Address here, you can now unlock it. Move to then north
and go up the stairs in this room. You can avoid confrontation by walking
near the ennemy since they can't see you if you don't make any noise. Once
you're upstairs, take the first door you see and you'll find yourself in a
room with a ladder. Go down this ladder and into the room to the south.
Blast the 2 boxes to the right and you'll see the Segment Address. Open it
to receive 2 Booster Pack. Go back the same way you came in. Go down the
stairs and go in the room to the left of there. You can then exit the EVS.

Now that you're back on the Elsa, use the elevator (you should be familiar
with this place now) and go into the second door you see to the north on
your way right. Go down the ladder, go through the door and go all the way
south in the room where the Save Point is. Use the door south to get to the
A.G.W.S. Hangar. Here, talk to Tony and you'll receive a Med Kit DX for
finding the Hazardous Area Map. Go back where you come from all the way to
the door with the ladder. Instead of using the ladder here, go to the left
to get to the Catapult Deck. Go to the very end of this area and press the
red switch. After the short cut scene, head back for the door you came in
and you'll receive another e-mail about the mysterious hacker. Reply by
choosing the "Cargo Ship Seems Suspicious" answer. You should now have 25
differend e-mails in your list. If you don't, you probably missed one. Make
your way back to the bridge using the ladder and then the elevator. You
should save your game now.

Note : The next section of this FAQ has the same map except that the items
are replenished and appear only during that time of the game. You
won't be able to get them later in the game. So be sure not to miss
any of them.

E. Elsa U-TIC Invasion
Recommended Level (start) : 9
Recommended Level (end) : 12
Items : 3x Ether Pack, 4x Escape Pack, Bio Sphere, 4x Antidote,
3x Ether Upgrade S, 7x Skill Upgrade A, Ether Upgrade A,
2x Frame Repair A, Skill Upgrade S, 2x Med Kit S
Key Items : None
Enemies : DOMO A, DOMO B
Segment Address : None
Decoder : None
Others : None

After the 20 minutes movie, you'll regain control of your party. Get out of
this room and go down the elevator. Blast the thing on the left to get an
Ether Pack. You'll see a small cut scene as you go to the right. Go through
the door north and blast everything in here to receive and Ether Pack, an
Escape Pack and a Bio Sphere. Proceed down the ladder. As you're about to go
through the door, you'll see another small cut scene. You'll then have
control of Ziggy and MOMO. As you go through the ennemies, blast the boxes
on the side of the room to receive an Antidote, an Ether Upgrade S, 5x Skill
Upgrade A and an Ether Upgrade A. The 2 big boxes at the end have an Ether
Upgrade S and an Antidote. Now go through the door to the right and keep
going in the corridor until you find Shion and the others.

Once you regain control, you'll have to decide which party member you want
to use. Put anyone in your party, it doesn't really matter. Go south and
then left at the intersection. Blast the 4 boxes there to receive an
Antidote, a Frame Repair A and a Skill Upgrade S. Back at the intersection,
go south a little and left immediately. Blast the 5 boxes to get a Frame
Repair A, a Med Kit S, an Ether Pack and an Antidote. Make your way back on
the small deck and go south through the door. Use the door to the right
here. Don't worry about the electric floor, they won't do you any damage,
you'll just walk a lot slower. Blast the 3 boxes to get an Escape Pack and
2 Skill Upgrade A. Go upstairs and blast the box to get a Med Kit S. Keep
moving left and blast the 2 big boxes to get an Escape Pack and to open a
new path. Go in the new path and blast the 3 boxes there to get another
Escape Pack and an Ether Upgrade S. Go all the way back to the room with the
save point. Heal your characters, save your game and then go through the
door to the south. Go down the lift and go all the way south past the 3
ennemies. You'll find yourself in a room with the boss in the middle of it.

Boss Name : DOMO Carrier
HP : 1800
Type : Mech
Weakness : Lightning

Your best party for this fight is Shion, chaos and Ziggy. Shion and chaos
have their own A.G.W.S. and Ziggy has a lightning elemental attack so he'll
be very useful in this fight. The first turn the boss will get, he will
analyze the event slot. He will save the symbol in his memory and everytime
he will get a turn with this symbol, he will do his Tremor attack causing
200+ damage so be very careful. Get in your A.G.W.S. with Shion and chaos on
your first turn and Guard with Ziggy (heal if necessary). W-ACT is your best
bet in this fight and whenever you have the chance, attack with Ziggy using
his Lightning Fist. After the fight, you'll receive an Anti-Beam Armor.

After the short cut scene, you'll have to show Ziggy and MOMO around. Start
by going in the Kitchen. After that, go in the 2 Cabins and then head for
the Bridge. Once you're done, go down the elevator. Go in the room with the
Save Point and after the dialog, run a little around the room and you'll
receive an e-mail giving you your reward if you previously invested in an
industry. Go through the door south into the A.G.W.S. Hangar. After that, go
in KOS-MOS Maintenance Lab. After that, go in the Hangar 2 to the south and
then go back to the room with the Save Point. From here, go all the way
north and left when you see a door. You'll find yourself in the Catapult
Deck. Make your way to the front side of the Cataput Deck and you'll receive
another e-mail asking you to invest. Reply to it by choosing the "I Will
Invest in Vector" option because it continues the chain of e-mail that way.
You should now have 28 e-mails. Make your way back to the first floor. You
can now Rest in Cabin 2 to keep going with the game.

It's time for some cut-scene now, go get some pop-corn!!! ^_^

F. U-TIC Battleship

Recommended Level (start) : 12
Recommended Level (end) :
Items : Antidote, Med Kit S, 4x Tech Upgrade A, 7x Ether Upgrade A,
8x Skill Upgrade A, 3x Frame Repair A, 2x Cure-All, Bio Sphere,
Coat Ice, 2x Ether Upgrade S, Tech Upgrade Z
Key Items : U-TIC Card, Card #3
Enemies : U-TIC Soldier A, U-TIC Soldier D, Cyber Crab, Gardis M1,
Gardis F10, Zolfo B
Segment Address : #11
Decoder : #16
Others : None

Once you regain control, save your game and head through the door to the
north-east. Go down the corridor and into the door to the right. Blast the
objects and you'll get an Antidote, a Med Kit S , 2x Tech Upgrade A and
2x Ether Upgrade A. In here, DO NOT touch the red beam or you'll activate
the alarm system. Go north at the intersection and blast the objects to
deactivate the first set of red beams. Keep going to the right and head
north to blast the objects to get 2x Skill Upgrade A and deactivate the
second set of red beams. Go back at the intersection and go north this time
and you'll be able to open the doors by pressing the red switch. Go all the
way to the south and enter the first door you see. Blast the box there to
get 2x Frame Repair A. Go back outside the room and head to the left. Enter
the room and press the red switch to open a new path. Go back to the big
door which was previously locked and go through it.

In here, blast the objects just south a little to get a Cure-All and a
Bio Sphere. You can save in the room to the south if you need to. Go back
north a little and proceed to the right. Blast the objects to the north to
get 2x Skill Upgrade A and 2x Tech Upgrade A. In this corridor, DO NOT enter
the doors before deactivating the alarm system. Keep moving right and blast
anything on your way. Once you blasted the second security system, head
through the second door in the corridor. You'll be attacked right away by
what seems to be a poor little U-TIC Soldier. It's not exactly what you
think. This fight is a little harder than you think because once you kill
the Soldier, he'll get in a A.G.W.S. Once the fight is over, blast the big
thing in the upper right corner of the room to get 2x Skill Upgrade A and to
reveal the Segment Address #11. Unlock the Segment Address to get a
Coat Ice. Go back outside of the room and keep moving south. Blast the
object near the door to get 5x Ether Upgrade A. Keep moving left and go
through the door here.

Get in the room to the left there and press the switch. The door to the
north now leads to the place with the Sav e Point. Keep moving south and
blast the object to the right to get a Cure-All. Go down the stairs to the
left and blast the console near the first Mercurio to get a Frame Repair A.
Do the same with the other Mercurio and you'll get 2x Skill Upgrade A and
2x Ether Upgrade S. Don't forget to grab the treasure chest for a Tech
Upgrade Z. If you blast the last console, it will alarm the guards resulting
in battle. Make your way back upstairs and head south when you can. Go
through the door to the right and blast the box there to get the U-TIC Card.
Back in the corridor, keep moving south and into the door to the left. Grab
the flashing card in the room to get the Card #3. Go back in the corridor
and make your way back in Corridor #5 (all the way north and right at the
intersection). You'll see a door on the right side of the corridor. Slide
the U-TIC Card in the card reader and move through the door. Grab the chest
to get the Decoder #16. Back in the corridor, move north and all the way
left through the door at the end. Save your game now and heal Jr A.G.W.S.
by using a Frame Repair. Go back in the corridor and get in the room with
the console you need to activate. Slide the Card #3 in the slot there and
then press the red switch. You can now proceed through the door just outside
of there. Just operate the terminal in here and you'll activate the next
scene which will lead you to the next boss fight.

Boss Name : Ambix
HP : 1800
Type : Mech
Weakness : None

Start the fight by putting Jr. in his A.G.W.S. The strategy for this fight
is really simple, Guard and then W-ACT. That's all you need to know to kick
Ambix's ass. You'll receive a Frame Repair Z or a B-MAX Circuit (rare) after
the battle.

G. Dock Colony

Recommended Level (start) : 13
Recommended Level (end) : 13
Items : None
Key Items : None
Enemies : None
Segment Address : #2
Decoder : None
Others : None

When you regain control, you'll be on the Elsa. While trying to get out of
the Bridge, you'll receive an e-mail with a new Tech for KOS-MOS.

Before going any further in the game, use the EVS/Save Point there to go
back on the Woglinde. We can now open a new Segment Address in there. Don't
worry about the ennemies there, they shouldn't be able to do you any damage.
Just keep moving north past the door. In this place, choose the right path
and move all the way to the north until you see the Segment Address. Unlock
it and grab the chest in it to get a Stim DX. Just move right a little and
go in the room there. You can go back to the Elsa from that spot.

Now back on the Elsa. In order to get outside, you need to find Ziggy first.
He's in the vacant room Shion talked about when you were showing Ziggy and
MOMO around (the room with the Save Point in the basement). Go get him and
make all your way back near the Bridge and choose the left path this time.
You can restore your HP/EP in the Dock Clinic. You can also see the weight
and height of your character in the lobby. You can buy new stuff in the
Talk To Me shop. Be sure to get them. Be sure to get Ziggy's MSP89SX here
because this is the only time in the game you'll be able to. If you're
running out of money, use the EVS to get to Pleroma. You'll find soldiers
giving you some money in there. Just spend some time boosting and you'll
soon have enough money to buy all the equipment you need. You can sell all
your Scrap Iron too to make yourself easy money. It's just a Barter Item so
you'll never use them in the game anyway. There is an EVS Plate just outside
the shop, so use it if you need some money or if you want to boost your

Now that you're already in the shop, go down the stairs to the south. Blast
everything blocking your way and you'll eventually get to the Segment
Address #2. Make your way back outside the shop and go south until you
trigger a small cut scene. After the cut scene, DO NOT move south
immediately. Go back to the Dock Clinic first. Move in the middle of this
room and you'll receive another e-mail. You can now move back to where you
were and keep moving south. Once you regain control, you'll receive an
e-mail telling you that the U-TIC Battleship map was added to your EVS. Go
back to the elevator and go up. Go talk to The Captain and choose to leave

H. Cathedral Ship

Recommended Level (start) : 13
Recommended Level (end) : 17
Items : Antidote, Nightwalker, 2x Bio Sphere, Neuro Stim, Coat Fire
3x Revive, 4x Cure-All, Revive DX, Tuned Circuit, 2x Ether Pack S
Med Kit S, 3x Frame Repair A, 10x Skill Upgrade A, 2x Tech Upgrade A
1300G, Med Kit MAX, Med Kit DX, 2x Ether Upgrade A, Clock Shield
Rejuvenator, Ether Pack MAX, Frame Repair Z,
Key Items : Flower Seed
Enemies : Cerberus, Fairy, Ogre, Hydra, Lizardman, Unicorn
Segment Address : #9, #13
Decoder : #9, #15
Others : Magic Caster (Tech), Star Wind (Ether)

Tips : Use KOS-MOS in your party.

Alright everyone, the first real challenge starts right here. This is the
first hard dungeon in the game and if you didn't buy the latest stuff in
Dock Colony, you might have a hard time getting through this one. Don't
worry though, you should be able to get through this one anyway.

First of all, save your game at the Save Point near you. After that, blast
the things in your way to get an Antidote and a Nightwalker. Just follow the
path and beat the ennemies to boost your characters. You're really gonna
need it!!! Be sure that you have Shion's Medica All Ether, it will come in
handy as you advance in the dungeon. The ennemies in here are giving you a
good amount of EXP so it's a good thing not to avoid too many fight. When
you reach the first intersection, head left first and destroy the things
there to get a Bio Sphere. Go right this time into the new area. Keep
following the path until you trigger a cut scene. When you regain control,
head north first and blast the stuff here to get a Neuro Stim. Head right
this time and at the next intersection, move right again. Go up the hill and
blast the big advertisement. Grab the treasure chest to get a Coat Fire. Go
back down the hill and move south into the next area. In here, start by
blasting the small door right in front of you at the beginning. Go up the
ladder there and make your way across the half-broken bridge. Blast
everything in there to get a Revive, a Cure-All and a Revive DX from the
chest hidden to the north. Make your way back down the ladder and go north
this time. At the end of the path, move the small elevator down and move
south from there into the next area. In this area, follow the path and go
up the first set of stairs you see. Blast the wreckage on the bridge and it
will fall down one level. Now, put MOMO as your main character and look at
the flashing spot where the 2 boxes are. You'll learn MOMO's Magic Caster
Tech and the Star Wind Ether attack (first transformation). You can now go
back down the set of stairs and across the bridge to fight an optional boss.

Optional Boss
Boss Name : Svarozic
HP : 1500
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Slash/Ice

Start the fight by putting at least one of your character in their A.G.W.S.
KOS-MOS should attack using his R-BLADE. It's very effective on this boss.
Use regular attack in your A.G.W.S. or guard one turn to use their W-ACT the
next turn. This boss isn't particularly difficult but he can deal a lot of
damage to Shion or MOMO. You'll receive either a Tech Upgrade S or a
Tech Upgrade Z (rare) after the fight.

Now grab the chest to get a Tuned Circuit. Make your way back across the
bridge and follow the path just below the stairs. Go up the 2 sets of stairs
and blast everything in your way. You'll get an Ether Pack S and a Med Kit S
on your way. Now keep going until you reach the next area. In here, follow
the path until you reach the Save Point. Save your progress, buy anything
you need and go into the next area. Blast the 2 big things in your way to
get a Frame Repair A and 2x Skill Upgrade A . Don't you think it's been a
while since we last had a little boss fight. Well here it comes!!!

Boss Name : Perun
HP : 1500
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Slash/Spirit

This is an easy fight. Just put chaos, KOS-MOS and Shion/MOMO in your party.
Have chaos and KOS-MOS guard on their first turn and get your other
character in his A.G.W.S. Just attack using KOS-MOS's R-BLADE and R-DRILL
and chaos attack with is Angel Wing. If you want a really easy fight, have
your A.G.W.S. equipped with 2 Axes, guard and then W-ACT. You'll be able to
deal over 1000+ of damage by doing so. Sweet!!! After the fight, you'll
receive an Ether Upgrade S or an Ether Upgrade Z (rare).

After the fight, go up the stairs and into the place with the broken window.
You'll have to fight the ennemy in the way in order to go any further.
You'll get the Decoder 15 after the fight. Keep going in the room and you'll
see the Flower Seed on the table. Go back in the corridor and go through the
door to the north. Go all the way around and into the door to the south.
Here, take the small elevator down and go through the door. You'll have a
lot of fun in this place. It is filled with big boxes to blast and a lot of
them have items inside. Start by killing the 2 Unicorns in here and then
collect all the items from the destructible objects. Here is the list of
what you'll get from all these objects : Bio Sphere, 8x Skill Upgrade A,
2x Tech Upgrade A, 800G, Med Kit MAX, 2x Cure-All, Med Kit DX, Ether Pack S,
2x Ether Upgrade A. In the top right corner, you'll also find the Segment
Address #13. Go back outside and up the elevator. Now, you need to head

Go down the slope to the right and keep going right from that spot. Destroy
the object in the corner to get a Revive. Keep moving to the left and you'll
eventually come near another destructible object with a Clock Shield in it.
Keep going and go left at the first intersection you see. Fight the boss

Optional Boss
Boss Name : Stribog
HP : 1500
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Slash/Fire

Once again, to make this fight easy, get in your A.G.W.S. and use the W-ACT
if you're equipped with 2 Axes. You can also use KOS-MOS R-BLADE and R-DRILL
and have chaos heal the party or attack. Heaven's Wrath works well on that
boss. After the fight, you'll get a Skill Upgrade S/Skill Upgrade Z (rare).

After the fight, grab the chest and you'll get the Decoder #9. Go back at
the intersection and move north this time. At the next intersection, move to
the left once again. Blast the door there and grab the chest to get a
Rejuvenator. Come back at the intersection and blast the big rocks to your
right. You'll obtain 500G and a Cure-All from the rocks. Move to the north
you'll activate another cut scene. After the cut scene, go through the door
to the north. Follow the path in here. In the middle of the room, there are
3 destructible objects, blast them and you'll get a Revive. Head left from
that spot and destroy the thing there. You'll receive 2x Frame Repair A.
Keep going the same way and blast the pirate there. Open the chest to get an
Ether Pack MAX. Go back in the middle of the room and go right this time. Go
through the door there and you'll be in another area.

FINALLY!!! A save point awaits you in this room. You can save your game if
you want and after that, destroy the 2 yellow things on both side of the
elevator. Once this is done, take the door to the left. Move to the right
side of the room and grab the Magical Hat in the first cubicle. Now, go
north and up the stairs to your right. Blast the yellow thing and then press
the red switch. Go back down and head to the left side of the room. Blast
the flower pot to get a Frame Repair Z and then head upstairs. Blast the
yellow thing once again and then go up the ladder. Blast the 2 yellow things
on both side of the elevator and then it will be activated. Blast the blue
thing to the right and go through the door. Unlock the Segment Address there
and grab the chest to get the Robot Part Left Arm. Make your way back down
in the room with the Save Point. This is your last opportunity to save your
game so you better do so. When you're ready, go down the elevator.

In here, go to the left and grab the Veil under the round thing on the
ground. All that's left to do is to go down the elevator to the south and
then proceed through the door. Don't forger to heal your characters, a tough
battle is coming up next.

Boss Name : Gargoyle
Sub Boss Name : Oudogogue
Boss HP : 3600
Sub Boss HP : 1000
Boss Type : Gnosis
Sub Boss Type : Gnosis
Boss Weakness : Slash/Lightning
Sub Boss Weakness : Slash

Note : Use Shion, KOS-MOS and chaos for this fight. Boost your rare item
acquisition rate for this fight.

Alright everyone, this is a tough one. Use chaos and KOS-MOS to kill the 2
Oudogogues first. Shion will probably have to heal every turn. Use her
Medica All to do so. The Oudogogue's Hell Flash will hit your entire party
by 100 or so of damage. Have chaos attack with his Heaven's Wrath and
KOS-MOS with her R-DRILL. Once the 2 Oudogogues are down, get Shion and
chaos in their A.G.W.S. and use their W-ACT every time you can. KOS-MOS use
the same attack as for the Oudogogues and heals herself when she needs to.
Your W-ACT should deal aroud 750 of damage and more than 1000 when you do a
critical. Use it often and the fight will be over in no time. After the
fight, you'll receive a Frame Repair A/Frame Repair Z (rare) from the
Oudogogues and a Silver Crown/Commander's Crest (rare) from the Gargoyle.

Note : This is the only time in the game where you will be able to get the
Commander's Crest.

Once the fight is over... Yeah, you guessed it, it's pop corn time!!! ^_^

After the cut scene you'll find yourself on....

I. The Durandal

Recommended Level (start) : 17
Recommended Level (end) : 17
Items : 2x Booster Pack, 4x Ether Upgrade A, Med Kit S, 2x Med Kit DX
Key Items : Casino Passport
Enemies : None
Segment Address : None
Decoder : None
Others : None

Once you regain control, move toward Allen and you'll receive an e-mail
saying that a new map was added to the EVS. Go through the door upstairs and
keep moving left until you find yourself in an area with 2 persons. You'll
receive another e-mail in this place. Well, we have to find MOMO but we'll
explore the Durandal a little more before doing so. The Durandal is a very
big ship divided in 6 areas : Residential Area, Bridge, Hangar, Park, Dock
and the Isolation Area. You can explore all you want but I'll only mention
where to go if you want the items. First of all, use the train to go to the
Residential Area. Head left and go through the door. Follow the path and at
the first intersection, choose the left path and enter the door at the end
of it. You can rest in this room if your energy is low. Right now, there is
a robot blocking the way so you can't blast the second door. Go back to the
intersection and move north this time. Blast everything on the right side of
the corridor to get 2x Booster Pack. At the next intersection, take the
right path and head through the door there. You can save your game there and
there is also the Casino Passport up the stairs to the right. Once you have
the Casino Passport, go back in the corridor and head all the way to the
left until you come in front of a door. In this room, blast the 2 doors and
you'll receive 2x Ether Upgrade A and a Med Kit S. Go back at the
intersection and move north this time. Blast everything in the corridor and
you'll get a Med Kit DX. Move all the way north and turn left. Blast the 3
things in there and you'll receive 2x Ether Upgrade A and an Ether Pack S.
Now move all the way to the right and into the door. In this room, blast the
doors to the left of the room to get another Med Kit DX. You'll also see
that there is a silver plate in the room, so buy the latest equipment for
your characters. If you're running out of money, you can either go back to
Pleroma and fight more soldiers or you can play Poker or Slot Machine by
using your newly acquired Casino Passport (see mini-game section for more
info). Once you bought everything you needed, go back to the train and head
for the Hangar area.

In here, go through the door to the right side of the room and you'll
receive an e-mail asking you to invest in another company. You'll need
6000 G if you want to invest this time. Choose to invest in Alkamia and then
head for the Park area. Go up the slope and through the door to the north to
activate a short cut scene. Once you have control of Shion again, head back
outside the Park and you'll receive the reply to your investment you just
made. Once you go down the small escalator there, you'll receive an e-mail
concerning the Hacker. Don't forget to download the attachment to this
e-mail. Now, head for the Residential Area and you'll receive another e-mail
as you go to the left. Head through the door and in this place, go left at
the first intersection and go into Shion's room. Rest in your bed and you'll
activate yet another cut scene. You now need to head for the Dock. As you
head right, you'll receive an e-mail with an optional weapon for KOS-MOS.
You can now go to the Dock. Talk to Jr. here and you'll now have him in your
party. If you speak to the people in the Durandal while Jr. is the on-screen
character, they will say different things. A new optional boss also becomes
available now that you have Jr. in your party but he's most likely a lot too
powerful for you now, so we'll just come back here later in the game. Go
to the right now and get in the small shuttle to activate another cut scene.

Note : look at the beautiful swimsuit Allen's wearing, it's hilarious!!!

J. Kukai Foundation

Recommended Level (start) : 17
Recommended Level (end) : 17
Items : Escape Pack, Tech Upgrade A, 2x Ether Upgrade S, 1200 G, Med Kit
Speed Stim
Key Items : Fish Detector, Engagement Ring, PM Card B, PM Card C
Enemies : None
Segment Address : #3
Decoder : #1, #8
Others : None

As you go out of the snack bar on the beach, you'll receive an e-mail from
the hacker's sister. The answer to the riddle is The Durandal. Just send the
reply and then go through the door to the right. Once outside, head for the
A.G.W.S. Part Shop (south building). Go right from here and play the game
video game there. You'll have to answer all 5 questions correctly to get the

Question 1 : TALK TO ME
Question 2 : Professor
Question 3 : Smelly-looking purple T-shirt
Question 4 : Holgar
Question 5 : Luty

You'll receive the PM Card C.

Now go to the left and talk to the girl at the A.G.W.S. shop. Buy the newest
Frames and Generators for your A.G.W.S. as well as the new equipments and
then go left and down the stairs. After you talked with the Professor, exit
the lab and come back immediately in it. If you unlocked all the Segment
Address so far you'll activate another short scene. Blast all the junk in
the lab and then talk to Professor once again. He'll made the first part of
his IN-VIN-CIBLE Robot. You'll also receive your first "super weapon" which
is actually an Ether attack (Throni Blade). Now, get out of the A.G.W.S.
Part Shop and go to City Sector 26 & 27 (middle). Talk to the person to the
far left side of the bar and she'll tell you that she lost her Engagement
Ring on Gaignun's Private Beach. For now, just go outside and go into the
hotel to the left. Buy anything you need there and Save your game if you
want to. Get out of the Hotel and go left into the next area. Go up the
first set of stairs there and go through the door there (East 6). Blast the
car to get an Escape Pack. Blast the big grey box in the top right corner
to get a Tech Upgrade A. Blast the second one but DON'T blast the pink bug
there. If you talked to Tom in the Dock Colony, Pink Bug will tell you the
secret you want. Choose Great Secret and he'll tell you that there's a
Decoder on the Durandal in the Park Area under a tree. He'll also take a
picture of you and send it to you later by e-mail. Go through the door to
the left upstairs and keep moving until you reach another house. Blast the
3 armories to get 2x Ether Upgrade S, 1200 G and to unveil the Segment
Address #3. Go south a little and look in the dryer to get the PM Card B.
Go up the stairs near the dryer and look at the costume there and you'll
get the Fish Detector. Now, exit the City Sector 26 & 27 using the archway
to the right. Just before leaving, you'll receive an e-mail. Now let's go to
the beach.

Once you're there, go in the water and the Fish Detector will be activated.
You're now able to catch the fishes there. Keep catching the fish until you
grab the one giving you the Engagement Ring. You can also get a Med Kit and
a Speed Stim from the fishes. Go back to City Sector 26 & 27 and go in the
Ironman bar. Speak to the person who lost her Engagement Ring and she'll
give you the Decoder 8. You can now go sleep at the hotel. Once this is
done, exit the City Sector 26 & 27 and go to the Launch Pad (east building).
Before doing the next section, you should make yourself at least 50 000G if
you want to buy a new A.G.W.S.. Use the shuttle to go back on the Durandal.
^>From here, take the train and go to the Park Area. If you talked to Pink Bug
in the City Sector 26 & 27, the Decoder #1 should be in the park. Just look
for it on the right side of the park. You should see something flashing.
Once this is done, take the train once again and head for the dock area.
Once you arrived at the Docks, talk to Captain Matthews and tell him that to
go back at the Dock Colony. Head for the Dock Clinic and talk to the girl in
front of the Flower Pot. Shion will give her the Flower Seed you got in the
Cathedral Ship. Head for the Talk To Me shop now and you'll be able to buy
your first optional A.G.W.S.!!! Once this is done, you can return to the
Durandal. You should buy some new stuff for your newly acquired A.G.W.S..
Once everything is done, head for the Docks and go in the Elsa. Just talk to
Allen and you'll activate another cut scene.

K. Durandal Under Arrest
Recommended Level (start) : 17
Recommended Level (end) : 18
Items : Equip Item, Frame Repair Z
Key Items : Armory Key
Enemies : Fed. Soldier A, Fed Soldier B, Gertzog FE
Segment Address : None
Decoder : #5
Others : MSS540 (ammo)

Once you regain control, head to the right and go up. At the intersection,
choose the path to the right and enter the door. Grab the chest to get back
your Equipped Items. Make your way back down the corridor and take the path
to the right. If you need to save your game, go in the room to the right.
After that, head down the corridor and left at the intersection. You can
sleep in this room if you want to. Blast the door in the top right corner
and you'll get the Armory Key. Go out of the room and proceed to the right.
Take the train to the Hangar Area. Open the door in her by using the Armory
Key you just got. Blast the boxes in here to get a Frame Repair Z, MSS540
and the Decoder 5. Get back on the train and head for the Dock Area. Head
south from where you are and fight the Gertzog FE there. Once the enemy is
down, keep moving south and follow the path there. From where you are, move
right a little and then go through the door north. Go all the way south.
Open the Segment Address Door with the Decoder #8 to get the Robot Part Left
Leg. Go through the door south now and save your game there. Keep moving
south and go down the small elevator. Go up the one to the right and you'll
activate the next cut scene.

L. Encephalon : Miltia
Recommended Level (start) : 18
Recommended Level (end) : 23
Items : Coat-Sword, 10x Bio Sphere, 5x Med Kit DX, Defense Shield
3x Frame Repair Z, Blade Soul, 12x Ether Pack S, 2x Rejuvenator
5x Revive, Guard Cleaner, Veil, 5x Neuro Stim, 6x Frame Repair A
Red Topaz, Venom Block, Blue Topaz
Key Items : PM Card E, PM Card D, S. Carrot Juice, PM Card A
Enemies : Dirlewanger, Kubel, Bugbear, Kobold, Troll, Larva Doll, Gremlin
Sky Fish, Gertzog UT, Basilisk
Segment Address : #5, #15
Decoder : #3, #12
Others : None

Alright, once you regain control, you'll have Jr., Ziggy and MOMO in your
party. Make your way to the right but be careful not to go under the
spotlights since it will actvite a battle. This is the best place in the
game to make yourself a lot of T.Points, so if you want to boost your
character's stats, it's a good time to do it. You'll also get some money and
a good amount of EXP. after each fight. As soon as you can, go south a
and you'll see a chest with a Coat-Sword in it. Blast the object just north
of you and keep moving right. At the intersection, move north and blast the
3 destructible objects there to get a Ruby Helmet, 5x Bio Sphere and 5x Med
Kit DX. You can now move to the south. Once you go through the door, another
cut scene will be activated. Once you regain control, you'll be with Shion
and chaos. Go to the left from where you start and blast the thing there to
get a Defense Shield. Go to the opposite side and blast the destructible
object behind the pine tree to get a Frame Repair Z. Once this is done, you
can head north through the door.

In this place, don't forget to save your game before going any further in
the game. Follow the path and blast the little statue to get a Blade Soul,
5x Ether Pack S, 3x Bio Sphere, a Rejuvenator and 5x Revive. One of the
statue is a Gnosis, but he's easy. Just keep using Beam and Spirit attacks.
Keep following the path and proceed south. In this place, you'll have to
fight some Bugbears and some Kobolds too. The Kobolds can be very dangerous
enemies, so be careful whenever you encounter them. The fights in this place
cannot be avoided, so you better make your party ready after each fights.
Just follow the path in here and fight the enemy on the way. You'll see a
small alcove on your way with a Kobold guarding a chest. Fight it and grab
the chest to get the PM Card E. Just come back in the path and keep moving
until you see a manhole. DO NOT go in this one yet. Keep moving left a
little and talk to the women there if you want to fight. This enemy is
special because you need to use Recovery items or Recovery Ether to hurt it.
After that, blast the object just north of you to open a new manhole. Go
down this one first. Just move north and then go up the stairs there. Unlock
door by pressing the red switch. Go down the stairs and follow the path.
Fight the enemy there and then blast the object behind it to reveal the
Segment Address #5. Unlock the door and grab the Double Buster in it. Fight
the Troll again and then go up the stairs just behind it. Unlock the door
there and go through it. Head for the door to the right and blast the panel
there to get a Guard Cleaner. Make your way back in the streets with the
manhole and go down the other one. In here, head across the bridge to the
south and blast the object to the left to get 5x Ether Pack S. Make your way
back across the bridge and follow the path. Press the switch to the right of
the enemy to release a door lock. Head across the bridge just south and move
to the right. Fight the Larva Doll on the other side of the bridge and go
down the stairs at the end of the corridor and go through the door. You'll
be back with Jr.'s party.

^>From here, go to the left and through the door there. Blast the object there
to get a Rejuvenator. Make your way back in the streets and go south. Enter
the door to the left at the end of the road. You'll now be in the subway.
Make your way through all the junk and save your game. Go up a little and
to the right through all the junk until you reach a door. Go left of the
door and blast the junk there to get 2x Bio Sphere. Move to the left a
little and blast the window. Go back right and enter the door. Move to the
left in there and you'll see the Segment Address #15. Unlock the Segment
Address to get an Angel Ring. Make your way back through the junk and at the
intersection, choose the path north first. In this room, blast the bench to
the north to get a Veil. Move to the left and go down the small stairs. Move
to the right and blast the red box there to get 5x Neuro Stim. Make your way
back where the Save Point was and choose the south path this time. If you
blast the bench in front of you, you'll have to fight a group of 4 Kobolds.
Move to the left and blast the red box in the way to get 2x Frame Repair A.
Go down the stairs and move to the left. Fight the Larva Doll there and keep
moving to the left until you can go down on the other side. Blast the
vending machine and grab the chest to get a Red Topaz. Make your way back on
the other side and keep moving to the right. Move to the right until you can
enter one of the wagon. Follow the path to the right and go up once you're
outside the wagon. Climb the ladder and move to the left. Fight the Larva
Doll and blast the red thing at the end to make it fall. Go back down the
ladder and into the wagon. Make your way back to where you enter the room
and grab the chest that wasn't available before blasting the thing on the
second floor. You'll get a Venom Block from the chest. Make your way back in
the wagon and blast the door to the left to get an Ether Pack S. Move all
the way to the left and go down the small platform to the right. Move to the
north and into the sewer.

Follow the path in here and destroy the panel when you see it to get
4x Frame Repair A. Go up the small set of stairs and climb the small ladder.
Open the door and you'll get the Decoder #12 from the chest. Go back down
the ladder and the small steps and head to the right. Climb the big ladder
there. After the cut scene, you'll regain control of Shion's party.

Save your game before going any further. Follow the path until you reach a
rock that you can blast. Blast it and go south exactly where the rock was.
When you can't go south anymore, move to the right a little and grab the
chest there to get the PM Card D. Make your way back on the path and move to
the right. In this area, you'll see a small rabbit that looks like the big
statue you saw in the park. Anyway, just follow the path and when you arrive
at an intersection, choose the path to the left. Blast the small tree at the
end of it and then blast the rock. Go into the newly opened path and go all
the way around the rock. Blast the rock with a treasure chest on it to get
the Blue Topaz. Make your way back at the intersection and go to the south
this time. Just follow the path into the next area. Go up the slope and
fight the Troll there. After the fight, blast the tree and grab the Ether
Pack S. Now, head across the bridge and you'll see the rabbit once again. At
the intersection, go to the left. Move all the way to the left and blast the
wood thing there to form a bridge. Head across the bridge and into the
cavern. In this area, move south and then right first. Blast the tree there
and you'll get 2x Frame Repair Z. Make your way back at the intersection and
move north this time. Blast the 4 giant carrots to get 4x S. Carrot Juice.

Note : The Carrots always come back but you can't hold more than 4 of them.

Go back in the cavern. Go back at the intersection but go south this time.
Place the S. Carrot Juice on the tree tronk and the rabbit will come out of
the house. To successfully do this mini-quest, you must get into Bunnie's
house before he does. The trick is, his real face is in his back. So, when
he's facing you, he can't see you since his eyes are behind his head. Once
this is done, grab the chest in the house to get the Decoder #3. If you miss
some S. Carrot Juice, you can always go back to the place where you got them
the first time. Go back at the intersection and move north this time. Go all
the way to the end of the path and you'll see Jr. and his group once you're

Now, we have to make a long trip before going anywhere else. We need to go
all the way back to the beginning of the game, in the park where you first
have the control of Shion and chaos. To do so, head all the way to the left
and then just follow the path you used to get out of the forest. Once you're
out of the forest, you need to make it across the sewer. Once outside the
sewer, you'll be in the street. Use the short cut here. Head left and go in
the manhole. You'll find yourself in the park now. Head all the way south
and you'll see a dome in the park. Put MOMO or Jr. as the lead character and
look inside the dome to get the PM Card A. Now, yes, you got it, we need to
go all the way back to where the 2 groups met. Go through the sewer and the
forest and you're there. When you arrive at the right place, head to the
right and go into the church to activate the next cut scene. After the cut
scene, DO NOT go through the door immediately. Talk to Febronia and she'll
restore your HP and EP. Now save your game and get your character ready for
one of the hardest boss fight in the game. Enter the door to the north.

Preparation : Be sure to have your A.G.W.S. equipped with weapons having the
W-ACT properties. Equip them with Guard Cleaners and Guard
Recovery. If you can't, give them AP Shields and Cockpit
Guards. Shion and Jr. should definitely have Shock Blade and
Prelude to Battle in their hi-speed slots. Equip everyone with
something preventing Confusion (Blade Soul) if possible. Equip
one of your character with something boosting your Rare Item
acquisition rate or put MOMO in your party if she has her own
A.G.W.S. and if she's strong enough.

Boss Name : Tiamat
HP : 6400
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Beam/Pierce

Alright everyone, you better be ready for a hard fight there. Your party
won't be able to take Tiamat's attacks for a long time. So, you better get
in your A.G.W.S. as soon as the battle begins. His Ruined Earth will hit
over 250 of damage to everyone in your party!!! Just killing the boss isn't
hard enough, you have to deliver 2 finishing blow in this fight. One must be
delivered by Jr. and the other one by Shion. By the way, they can't do it
while they're in their A.G.W.S.. So, you'll have to get out of your A.G.W.S.
in order to finish him off. Guard on your first turn in your A.G.W.S. and
then unleash everyone's W-ACT. That way, you'll be able to deal 700+ damage
to the boss. Repeat until the boss gets under 1000 HP. When he does, get
Shion or Jr. out of his A.G.W.S. and deliver the finishing blow with the
character. If you accidently get the boss's HP to 0 with your other
character or while you're in our A.G.W.S., the boss will heal himself by
1500 HP. Repeat the other steps and deliver the other finishing blow and the
fight will be over. Once the fight is over, you'll either receive a B-MAX
Circuit or a Revenge Power (rare).

After the fight, you'll see another cut scene and then, you'll be back on
the Durandal.

M. Kukai Foundation (second part)
Recommended Level (start) : 23
Recommended Level (end) : 27
Items : Swimsuit, Battle Gear, 2x Tech Upgrade S, Wooden Idol
3x Ether Upgrade S, 2000 G, Skill Upgrade S, Rune Chrystal, Cure-All
Key Items : None
Enemies : Bugbear, Kobold, Troll, Larva Doll, Larva Face, Basilisk, Gel Fish
Segment Address : #1
Decoder : #13
Others : None

Once you regain control, you'll be in Shion's room. As you go down the
stairs, you'll receive an e-mail. Exit Shion's room and head toward the
train and you'll receive another e-mail. Keep going toward the train. As you
go down the slope, you'll receive an e-mail from the hacker. Now, take the
train and head toward the Dock area. Get in the Elsa and go talk to Captain
Matthews on the bridge. Go back to the Dock Colony. Go inside the Dock
Clinic and talk to Luty. You'll see that the plant you gave to her grew a
little. Head for the Talk To Me shop now. Buy the new Frame for the VX-4000
and heal your A.G.W.S. FHP. Go back to the Durandal and take the shuttle
going to the Kukai Foundation. Head for the City Sector 26 & 27. DON'T talk
to Allen in the Ironman bar. Go all the way to the left into the next area.
Keep going left and go up the stairs near the exit. Go inside the cleaners
and unlock the Segment Address there to get the Robot Part Right Leg. Get
out of the City Sector 26 & 27 and go to the A.G.W.S. Parts Shop. Go talk to
the Professor in the Robot Academy and you'll get your next "summon" for
Shion. You'll also meet Assistant Scott who is helping the Professor in his
research. Once you received the Dominion Tank, head back to the City Sector
26 & 27. Just a little to the left of the Ironman Bar, there is a crank.
Turn it and then talk to Allen in the Ironman Bar. Once you talked to him, a
cut scene will be activated and the Kukai Foundation will be attacked by the
Gnosis. Head for the Docks immediately and take the shuttle to the Kukai
Foundation. Now, head for the City Sector 26 & 27.

In this place, the Mayor can sell you some items if you need them and he
also tells you how many people need to be rescued. First of all, head into
the Ironman Bar. Defeat the Gnosis in here and rescue the man in here. Now,
head inside the Our Treasure Hotel. Go behind the counter and grab the chest
to get a Swimsuit. Now, go upstairs and head right. Blast the boxes to get a
Battle Gear and climb the ladder. Look at the photo and remember the date
that is inscribed on it. Blast the box near the bed to get a Tech Upgrade S.
Go up the small set of stairs south of the room. Once outside, go all the
way to the right and blast the thing there to unveil the Segment Address #1.
Decode the door and grab the Robot Part Head in it. Head to the left and
you'll be back inside the inn. Head all the way to the right this time and
press the switch. This will activate the elevator in the Ironman Bar. Make
your way back downstairs and fight the Gnosis in front of the sealed door.
After the fight, unlock the door. The P.I.N. is the date on the photo. Enter
1028 and the door will be unlocked. Open the door and the little girl will
be saved!!! Head outside and go back in the Ironman Bar. Go where the
elevator previously was and blast the big boxes. Grab the Tech Upgrade S and
save the man there. Go right behind the counter and grab the Wooden Idol
inside the chest. Go back in the hotel, go to the second floor and then go
in the room to the left. Blast the big thing there to get an Ether Upgrade S
from it. Here you have a choice to make : continue with the level, or fight
a REALLY hard optional boss. You're probably not strong enough yet to take
on this one, so we'll come back here later to fight it. If you want to fight
it anyway, head to the right on top of the overhang and into the door. Put
MOMO as your lead character to face Mintia.

Anyway, head to the very top of the Hotel and head to the left. Fall where
the dumpster is and blast the 2 things there. You'll get 1000 G from one of
them and you'll save another person from the other one. You should have 9
left to rescue now. Head to the left this time into the next area. In here,
fight the Gnosis near the statue. After the fight, blast the statue and save
the man. Head all the way to the left and defeat the Wyrms. If they escape
before you defeat them, they won't be added to your U.M.N. databank and they
don't reappear like the other enemies. Anyway, all the way to the left and
go up the stairs into the Lavare Cleaners. Go up and defeat the Larva Doll.
Head south in the other room and talk to the women there. 7 more to go!!!
Blast the counter to the right side for 2x Ether Upgrade S and then go up
the ladder. Go all the way to the right and blast the door at the end of it.
Go all the way back down the ladder into the Lavare Cleaners. Head in the
room to the north, go upstairs and exit through the door to the south. Move
right a little and then south into the door. In this room, move to the south
a little and blast the bookshelf to get a Skill Upgrade S. Exit through the
door in the southwestern corner. Go around the corner and through the door
there. Go all the way around the U-shaped corridor and exit through the door
at the end of it. Go down the t-shaped ramp to your left and press the
switch there. Go back up the ladder and enter the middle door. Defeat the
Bugbear in the way and talk to the man after the fight. 5 more to go now!!!
Blast the wooden things in the way to get 1000 G and then go down the slope.
Move to the right a little and climb the ladder all the way to the top. Move
to the right and enter the door there. Talk to King and he'll go away. Only
4 more to go!!! Move left a little and you'll see someone in danger there.

Exit through the southern door, go down the stairs outside and go into the
door there. Blast the car in here to get a Rune Chrystal and fight the
Gnosis. Talk to Tony, but he won't leave without his loved one. Blast the
container behind Tony and talk to Mina there. 2 more people are saved, which
leaves us with 2 more to rescue. Leave the area, go up the stairs to your
right and go into the room in front of you. Head to the left and defeat the
Larva Doll there. Press the switch to your right to open a secret passage.
Go in the secret passage and fight the Larva Doll near the cat. After the
fight, talk to the cat and make your way back in East 6. Go where the Larva
Doll is and exit through the door to the left. This is where the last rescue
is!!! Go down the stairs and blast the 2 armories to get a Cure-All. Fight
the Larva Doll and then, talk to the girl. You rescued everyone!!! Go back
to the first district now and go in the Our Treasure hotel. I forgot to tell
you to get something in here, but since we have to save the game before
facing the next boss, we'll do this now. Go upstairs and climb the ladder in
the room to the right. Exit through the door the south. Move all the way to
the left and you'll see a door there. DON'T stop moving left or you'll miss
it. Follow the path there and grab the chest to get the Decoder #13. Make
your way back to the hotel and save your game on the first floor. Don't
forget to heal your characters because a boss fight is coming really soon.
When you're all ready, head to the right side and as you try to exit, a boss
will appear.

Note : Be sure to have a healer in your party and have some Slash and Spirit
attacks. I suggest you to use MOMO, Jr. and KOS-MOS for this fight.
Transfer Shion's Medica All to MOMO, boost Jr.'s Mystic Norturne as
well as KOS-MOS R-BLADE and the fight shouldn't be a problem.

Boss name : Gigas
HP : 2800
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : Slash/Spirit

Start the fight by using MOMO's transformation so that she'll be able to use
her Magic Caster to steal the Rare Item. On his first turn, Gigas will use
Power Distribution, which will cause him to divide himself in 2. Use KOS-MOS
R-BLADE to deal a good amount of damage to the enemy to the right while Jr.
use Mystic Norturne or Moonlit Serenade on the one to the left. Be careful,
the 2 enemies have really powerful attack that can deal over 300 damage. The
one on the right use Frostbite and the one to the left use Wave Blast. After
the fight, you'll receive a Spirit or a Soul (rare).

Just exit by the door to the right and head for the A.G.W.S. Part Shop. Go
talk to the Professor and you'll be able to get the next "summon" for Shion.
You're now able to perform the Seraphim Bird during battle!!! Now, head for
the Launch Pad and you'll activate another cut scene. Once you regain
control, go back to the Kukai Foundation and you'll see that MOMO isn't
there anymore. Go back on the Durandal and head for the Residential Area. Go
to the left into the next room and another cut scene will be activated.

Once again, go get some pop-corn, you'll be sitting in front of the TV for
the next 30 minutes or so.

After the cut scene, you're off to the Song Of Nephilim!!!

N. Song Of Nephilim
Recommended Level (start) : 27
Recommended Level (end) : 32
Items : Med Kit DX, Neo Armor Alpha, Cross, Soldier's Honor
Defibrillator Vest, Neo Armor Beta, Field Ring, 2x Ether Pack DX
Skill Upgrade S, Med Kit
Key Items : None
Enemies : Vive, Shot Crab, Capto Mortum, Calx, Byproduct 103, Byproduct 145
Byproduct 172
Segment Address : #12
Decoder : #2, #14, #17
Others : MOMO's Kiss (Tech), Starlight (Ether)

Before Going To The Song Of Nephilim :

Exit the Bridge and you'll receive an e-mail giving you 2 new Tech Attacks
for KOS-MOS. Head towards the train and you'll receive a new weapon for
KOS-MOS as well!!! You should now have 47 e-mails in your list. Now, it's
time for some shopping. The Silver Plate in the Residential area doesn't
any new stuff for your character so take the train to the Dock and get on
the Elsa. Use the Silver Plate next to the EVS/Save Point to buy the latest
equipment for your characters. You should also buy a couple of Med Kit DX
before heading to the next dungeon. Now, head for the A.G.W.S. Shop on the
Elsa (B2 Floor) and buy the latest stuff for your A.G.W.S. there. If you're
running short of money, play Poker or Slots. Once you bought all the stuff
on the Elsa, go to the bridge and ask Captain Matthew to take you to the
Dock Colony. Once you're there, go talk to the little girl in the Dock
Clinic. If you did as I said in the previous part of the walkthrough, the
flower should have bloomed now. You'll see that Luty is now talking and
you'll receive a Tech Upgrade Z. Now, go to the Talk To Me shop next to the
Dock Clinic. You can buy a new A.G.W.S. now!!! Buy everything you need and
you can go back to the Durandal after that. Once you're on the Durandal, go
back inside the Elsa and use the EVS to go back to the Cathedral Ship. Keep
moving until you arrive at the Warehouse. In here, go down the small lift
and go in the room with the 2 Unicorns. You should see the Segment Address
#13 in this room. Unlock it and you'll get a Samurai Heart from it. Now, go
back to the nearest Exit EVS Point (just before entering the Warehouse) and
use it to go back to the Elsa. Once you're back on the Elsa go talk to
Captain Matthews and ask him to take you to the Song Of Nephilim.

In the Song Of Nephilim :

Go save your game and go outside into the Song Of Nephilim. After the cut
scene, keep moving to the left until you arrive in the first tower. Alright,
the Song Of Nephilim is divided in 3 towers with different puzzles. In order
to solve the first one, you need to blast the boxes and then activate the
switch in the middle of the platform. Simple, not really. Depending on the
number of boxes you blast, you'll arrive at different levels in the tower.
The boxes that are double-tall or triple-wide count as the number of cube
that can fit in them.

Example : if you want to blast 9 boxes, blast 3 double-tall or double-wide
boxes and blast 3 single boxes.

| Level | Shoots |
| 7 | 18 Boxes |
| 6 | 15 Boxes |
| 5 | 12 Boxes |
| 4 | 9 Boxes |
| 3 | 6 Boxes |
| 2 | 3 Boxes |

First of all, blast 6 boxes, activate the elevator and go all the way to the
left. Blast the big box to get a Med Kit DX and then enter the door to your
left. Press the switch to the north and one the bridge taking you to the
second tower will be activated. Head back inside the Song and go all the way
around it to go back to the first floor. Back on the first floor, blast 12
boxes and go up the elevator. All the way to the left, blast the big box to
reveal a treasure chest with the Decoder #14 in it. Go back down to the
first floor. This time, blast 15 boxes to get to the sixth floor. Go to the
left and you'll see 2 doors. DON'T enter them yet. Go all the way to the end
left and blast the big box there to get a Neo Armor Alpha. You can now head
for the second tower by using the door to the north.

Save your game and from where you arrived, take the first door to the right.
At first, there doesn't seem to be anything in there, but put MOMO as the
on-screen character and you'll see something flashing. You'll then learn the
Tech MOMO's Kiss and the Ether Starlight. Exit this room and enter the door
to the north. Blast the red cylinder to the right to get a Cross. Go back to
the main room and enter the door to your left. Go down the ladder to the
right and climb the one to the right. Blast the red cylinder to get a
Soldier's Honor. Go back down the ladder and go all the way to the right.
Go down the ladder there and then move to the left but DO NOT go down the
first ladder. Climb the second one instead and go through the door to the
south. Blast the big red containers there to get a Defibrillator Vest and a
Neo Armor Beta. You'll have to fight a sub-boss here too.

Sub-Boss Name : Athra 26 Series
HP : 3000
Type : Mech
Weakness : None

Get in your A.G.W.S. on your first turn. Just use Guard and then W-ACT and
you shouldn't have any problem with this sub-boss. After the fight, you'll
receive a Revive DX and the Decoder #2.

Blast the last container to the right to reveil the Segment Address #12.
Unlock it to get the W Hammer Rod from it. Exit this place and go down the
ladder. Move to the right a little and climb down the other ladder there.
Move a little to the right and enter the door to the south. Press the button
in here to activate the elevator. Go back ouside, move to the right and
enter the door. Blast the big thing in here and go back outside. Go all the
way to the left and enter the door there. Blast the other thing and a boss
will appear.

Name : Rianon SE
HP : 5600
Type :
Weakness : Fire

Start the fight by putting MOMO in her Starwind transformation and steal the
Shield Armor on her next turn. DO NOT bring your A.G.W.S. in this battle.
The boss has a drain attack that will drain over 1000 HP from your A.G.W.S.
but only 300-400 from your characters. Be sure to have Jr. in your party
with Storm Waltz in his High-Speed slot and chaos with his Lunar Seal or his
Angel Blow in his High-Speed Slot. If the boss does the attack that disable
your boost, use chaos Purifying Storm to heal it. Use MOMO to heal your
party whenever you need to. Just avoid to get in your A.G.W.S., it will only
make the fight longer. This is a long fight, but not a hard one. After the
fight, you'll receive a Boost Pack or a Shield Armor (rare).

After the fight, go through the door to the south and press the button to
the right to activate the bridge that will bring you to the third tower. Go
to the left and go up the elevator there. Go back to the second tower if you
want to save your game and then proceed to the third and last tower. Head
through the door to the left here and go down the ladder to the next floor.
Look to the left here and blast the boxes until they are at your level.
Cross the bridge and blast the blue cylinder to get a Field Ring. Go down
the ladder once again and blast the boxes to the left until it is at your
level. Cross the bridge and blast the boxes to the left until it reach your
level. Blast the blue cylinder there to get an Ether Pack DX. Cross the
bridge again and exit through the door south. Re-enter the Song of Nephilim
and the boxes will be back the way they were. Climb the ladder in front of
you to the next level and blast the boxes to the left until they are at your
level. Cross the bridge and climb the ladder all the way up. Cross the
bridge to your right and blast the junk in the way. It will open a hole but
DON'T jump yet. Keep going to the right and blast the blue cylinder at the
end to get a Skill Upgrade S. Go back where the hole was and jumb down to
get an Ether Pack DX. Blast the door north to get a Med Kit and go through
the door. Open the treasure chest to get the Decoder #17. Blast the big junk
blocking the ladder and climb down. Cross the bridge there and go down the
ladder. Go through the door to the left and you'll be in a place with a
puzzle to solve. Head through the door to the left and you'll hear a song.
The trick is to reproduce the same sound you hear in that room in the room
with the big column. Here is the answer to the puzzle :

- Blast 4 times the red column
- Blast 3 times the blue column
- Blast 1 time the green column

Once this is done, go through the door to the south and press the button at
the end of the path to activate the last bridge and the elevator leading you
to the boss. Go through the door next to the console to go back at the
beginning of the third tower. Before going to the boss, you should go save
your game on the Elsa and prepare yourself for 3 HARD boss fights in a row.
DO NOT go down the elevator with the three colored light on it if you're not
well prepared. If you go back to the Elsa, you can now unlock another
Segment Address on the ship. It's the one located in the Catapult Deck.
You'll get Speed Shoes from it. Prepare your A.G.W.S. and your characters
properly, save your game and then go back to the Song of Nephilim when
you're ready. Be sure that your character are at least level 29 to go face
the 3 bosses. Equip all your A.G.W.S. with Guard Cleaners and Guard Recovery
(you can buy them at the A.G.W.S. on the Elsa. When you're ready to go, head
back into the Song Of Nephilim, take the elevator to the sixth floor, choose
the door leading left and then go down the elevator with the three colored
lights on. Head through the door to the bottom and you'll activate a cut
scene AND the first boss battle.

Boss Name : Simeon
HP : 8400
Type : Mech
Weakness : None

Alright, another tough boss battle now. Try to steal his Fast Circuit 25 at
the beginning of the battle and then, get everyone in their A.G.W.S.. Guard
and then unleash your W-ACT with everyone. The fight should soom be over. It
is not a hard fight if you do that. He will always attack the same A.G.W.S.
with his Aird attack. That's why Guard Recovery is important in this fight.
He also has an attack causing Slow on your A.G.W.S., and that's where Guard
Cleaners are useful. Once the fight is over, you'll receive a B-MAX Circuit
or a Fast Circuit 25 (rare).

After the fight, you'll see another cut scene and then you'll have a short
time to heal your characters and A.G.W.S. before going into the next boss
fight. You can go back on the Elsa once again to save your game and prepare
yourself for the upcoming battle. Equip all your A.G.W.S. with Cockpit Guard
and keep your Guard Cleaner and Guard Recovery equipped for the 2 next
battles. You should also equip your A.G.W.S. with long-ranged weapon such as
Grenade Launcher or Guns. When you're ready to go, head back down the
elevator and talk to the men there. After the short cut scene, you'll be
entering the fight.

Boss Name : Ein Rugel
HP : 3600
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : None

Start the fight by stealing his Master's Pendant. Get everyone else in their
A.G.W.S. and do the same with the one who stole the Master's Pendant on his
next turn. Use Guard and then W-ACT to beat this boss. Once his HP reaches
0, he will transform himself in Doppelwogel.

Boss Name : Doppelwogel
HP : 4400
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : None

Get Jr. or Shion out of his/her A.G.W.S. and steal his Gemini Clock and his
Samurai Heart. Get everyone back in their A.G.W.S. and use the same tactic
as the previous boss to beat his ass. Since it is a flying creature, only
long-ranged weapon such as Guns and Grenade Launchers can reach the boss if
you're in your A.G.W.S.. After the fight, you'll receive a Samurai Heart or
a Gemini Clock (rare) or a Master's Pendant (rare).

After the fight, you'll see another cut scene and then, exit through the
door to the south to activate another cut scene. After the cut scene, you'll
regain control of Shion and we'll be heading for the final dungeon of the

O. Proto Merkabah
Recommended Level (start) : 31
Recommended Level (end) : 40
Items : Defibrilator Vest, 2x Frame Repair A, 4x Ether Pack DX
4x Frame Repair Z, 2x Bio Sphere, 2x Med Kit DX, Rejuvenator
Dragon Rod, M Chip Guard, Chakra Shield
Key Items : None
Enemies : Delphyne, Work Droid, Demon, Xanthosis, Iosys, Armaros, Baraqijal
Segment Address : #6, #17
Decoder : #6
Others : None

Before entering Proto Merkabah :

When you regain control, exit the bridge and you'll receive an e-mail with
the last Tech Attack of KOS-MOS. Head right and you'll receive another
e-mail giving you an AWESOME reward of 200 000G!!! Keep going right and
you'll receive your e-mail #50!!! Now, we'll go get the last e-mail of the
game (I bet some of you are more than happy with that). Head for the Dock
area and take the shuttle to the Kukai Foundation. Head for the City Secor
26 & 27 and keep moving left into the next area. Just go up the stairs there
and walk behind the buildings in the alley and you'll receive the last Namco
Announcement (last e-mail of the game!!!). It's now time to go buy the
latest equipments for your characters and for your A.G.W.S.. Go in the Our
Treasure Hotel and buy the latest equipment for your characters. Head to the
Launch Pad now and go back to the Durandal. Go talk to Captain Matthews and
ask him to take you to the Dock Colony. Go in the Talk To Me Shop and buy
anything you need there. A new A.G.W.S. is also available for the cost of
300 000G!!! Go down the stairs in here and unlock the Segment Address at the
end of the way to get the Robot Part Body. You can now go back to the
Durandal. Take the shuttle to go back to the Kukai Foundation and go in the
A.G.W.S. Part Shop. You're now able to complete the IN-VIN-CIBLE Giant Robot
since you have the last part. Go talk to the Professor and you'll activate
a small dialogue. Talk to the Professor once again and he will realize that
he can't build the giant robot without Assistant Scott. Go to the City
Sector 26 & 27 and head for the Ironman Bar. Talk to Assistant Scott in here
and he'll come back to help the Professor with his research. You're now able
to perform the Erde Kaiser in battle!!! Look in the Sidequests and Mini-game
section if you want to get everything in the game and you'll be ready to go
to the last dungeon of the game!!! To get to the last dungeon, go talk to
Captain Matthews on the Elsa and ask him to take you to Proto Merkabah.

Inside Proto Merkabah :

Once you're inside Proto Merkabah, head down the stairs and go all the way
to the north. Fight the Work Droid there and blast the yellow thing after
that to get a Defibrilator Vest. Now, head all the way back and go upstairs.
Once upstairs, go south and just follow the path. You'll eventually arrive
at a door. In this room, go on the walkway and head right as soon as you
possible. Blast the 2 red things there to get 2x Frame Repair A and 2x Ether
Pack DX. The big box has an enemy in it. Go down the ladder to the right and
move to the south after that. Blast the 2 big boxes there to get 2x Frame
Repair Z and 2x Bio Sphere. Move to the left of the cars abd blast the 2 big
boxes there to get 2x Med Kit DX. Move north and go left just before you
arrive at the car. Press the 2 switches in here. Exit the small alcove, move
north and then all the way to the right. Blast the 4 big boxes there and
you'll get 2x Ether Pack DX. Head in the small alcove just north of you and
press the switch right in front of you. DO NOT press the other one. Once
this is done, move left a little and go south in the opening. You'll be back
on the walkway. Move to the left and follow the path all the way north and
use the elevator at the end of it. In here, climb the first set of stairs
and go in the door to the left. Move left a little and head through the door
here too. Look at the data on the screen and you'll activate a short dialog
between your characters. Go back to the place with the stairs and keep
climbing until you arrive at the 42 floor. Head through the door there and
do the same in that room. Look at the data once again. The destructible
object to the left contains an enemy. So don't blast it if you don't want to
fight. Head back to the place with the stairs and go up another floor. Go
through the door here and head into the first door in this place. Blast the
big red thing there to receive 2x Frame Repair Z. Exit this room and go in
the room just left of this one. Look at the holographic image of Proto
Merkabah and then you can save your game!!!

Go back in the room with the stairs and climb to the last floor of Proto
Merkabah. Head through the door here and move north. Blast the door to get a
Rejuvenator and grab the chest to get a Dragon Rod. Once this is done, move
to the left and enter the second door you see (the first one is locked). We
climbed some stairs earlier, well now we have to go down some stairs!!! Go
down to the 43 Floor and enter the door. Press the switch there and you'll
have access to the control room whenever you want to save your game!!! Enter
the door left of the switch and blast the big red thing to reveal the
Segment Address #17. Unlock it and you'll get a BLOOD9. Go back to the place
with the stairs and go down another floor. Enter the door and press the
switch to lower the window that was blocking your way on the 44th floor. Go
back to the place with the stairs and go down one floor once again. Head
through the door here and do the same in the next room. Go to the other side
of the room and exit through the door south. You'll see a treasure chest to
the right of the door, grab it to get a M Chip Guard. Now, we need to go to
the 44th floor, but I strongly suggest you to save your game in the control
room on the 43rd floor before going to the next place. When you're ready, go
to the 44th floor, move to the north and enter the passage just south of the
place with the destructible door. In this room, head to the right first and
blast the 2 things to reveal a new path. Keep going right and blast all the
things in here. One of them contains a treasure chest with a Chakra Shield
in it. Now, head all the way to the left and get ready for a boss fight.

Boss preparation : You can make this fight really easy if you want to but
some of you will think it's cheating. Just put Shion in
your party and equip her with Erde Kaiser as an Ether
attack (hits 9999 of damage). If you don't want to, put
Shion, chaos and KOS-MOS in your party. chaos should be
able to perform Supreme Judgment and you should also
transfer Shion's Medica All, Medica Rest and Revert to
chaos. X-BUSTER MUST be in a Hi-Speed slot and Rain Blade
is also good to have in Hi-Speed slot.

When you're ready, go all the way to the left and then south. Jump down at
the end of the platform and you'll be facing the boss...

Boss Name : Proto Dora
Sub-Boss Name : Schutz
Boss HP : 12000
Sub-Boss HP : 3800
Boss Type : Mech
Sub-Boss Type : Mech
Boss Weakness : Beam
Sub-Boss Weakness : Lightning

Erde Kaiser Strategy :

If you equipped Shion with Erde Kaiser, it will be a really easy fight. Try
to steal the Fast Circuit 25 and Fast Circuit 50 from Proto Dora and the 2
Schutz while KOS-MOS attacks using X-BUSTER. On his first turn, Proto Dora
will raise a Beam Shield protecting him of your Beam Attack. Keep using your
X-BUSTER and Rain Blade anyway since it does a lot of damage to the 2 Schutz
anyway. Once the 2 Schutz are down, his Beam Shield will be less effective,
so start using your X-BUSTER until the boss's HP is under 10 000. Once you
start seeing his HP, unleash Erde Kaiser and he will go down. After the
fight, you'll receive a Frame Repair Z, Frame Repair A and/or Fast Circuit
25 (rare), Fast Circuit 50 (rare).

No Erde Kaiser Strategy :

*In the next update*

You'll receive the Decoder 6 for your effort once the fight is over. Move to
the upper left corner and climb the ladder. Head through the door and move
across the corridor into the next room. You can go back to the 43rd floor by
using the door to the right in this room. Move to the right and blast the
thing blocking the ladder. Go down this ladder and go all the way around.
Blast the big orange thing to reveal the Segment Address #6. Decode it and
grab the chest in it to get a Trauma Plate. Make your way back up the ladder
and move north into the door there. Move around the platform and enter the
door to the north to activate another small dialog with your characters as
well as a cut scene. Once you regain control, keep moving to the right and
go down the stairs. Use the elevator there and save your game.

Note : This is the last Save Point in the game, so use it because you won't
have the opportunity to use it again after that.

Head in the room to the left and use the elevator there. When you use it,
you'll have to fight 4 enemies along the way. Once you reach the bottom, you
can go back up the elevator if you want since the 2 last bosses of the game
are coming next. Don't worry, you won't have to fight the enemies again. Go
back down the elevator and then put Shion with Erde Kaiser and an Angel Ring
equipped. Head south a little and then right into the next room. Once you
arrive at the end of the small corridor, open the door and head across the
corridor into the next room. Once again, head across the corridor and when
you arrive in the middle of it, a cut scene will trigger leading you to the
last 2 boss fights.

Boss Name : Albedo
HP : 7400
Type : Biological
Weakness : None

With Erde Kaiser :
This fight isn't hard at all since you just have to cast Erde Kaiser on him
and he'll be gone. Don't worry about stealing his stuff, he just has a
Revive DX and a Rejuvenator (rare) on him. You'll receive either one of
these items after the fight.

Without Erde Kaiser :

*Coming soon*

After the fight, you'll see a cut scene and you'll then have to fight the
final boss of the game!!!

Boss Name : Sophie Peithos
Sub Boss 1 Name : Jaldabaoth
Sub Boss 2 Name : Ratatosk
Boss HP : 16000
Sub Boss 1 HP : 1200
Sub Boss 2 HP : 1800
Type : Gnosis for all
Weakness : None for all

With Erde Kaiser :

Alright, this is the last battle. This is relatively easy if you have Erde
Kaiser once again. DON'T use it at the beginning of the battle because the
boss won't die immediately. Bring his HP down until he is under 10000 HP.
Just use Erde Kaiser after that and he'll go down. Pretty easy isn't it.

Without Erde Kaiser :

*Coming soon*

After the fight, go get some pop corn and enjoy the ending of the game!!!
You'll have to save your game but save it under a DIFFERENT FILE since you
won't be able to play again on that file.

V. Side Quests/Secrets

Note : This section contains some SPOILERS.

A. Optional Bosses

Here's a list of all the optional bosses you can face throughout the game
with a small strategy on how to beat them.

Optional Boss Name : Mintia
HP : 7777
Type : Gnosis
Weakness : None
Available : After the Encephalon : Miltia

How to get to her : Put MOMO as the lead character and head for the City
Sector 26 & 27 in the Kukai Foundation. Head upstairs in
the Our Treasure hotel, go left and exit through the
door south. Head all the way to the right now, blast the
thing in the way and go all the way to the right across
the awning into the door there. Make your way to the
middle of the room and Mintia will challenge you.

Strategy (with Erde Kaiser)
Start the fight by stealing her Penguin Rod and her Craft Apron. Just cast
Erde Kaiser once you did so and she'll go down.

Strategy (without Erde Kaiser

After the fight, you'll receive the Tech Dark Scepter for MOMO.

*More coming soon*

VI. Mini-Game

*Coming soon*

VII. Items

All the items you'll find in the game are mentioned here.

Consumable Items (can be used in battle) :

| Name | Target | Effect/Use |
| Med Kit | One enemy/ally/W | HP Recovery/Low (50) |
| Med Kit S | One enemy/ally/W | HP Recovery/Medium (150) |
| Med Kit DX | One enemy/ally/W | HP Recovery/High (300) |
| Med Kit MAX | One enemy/ally/W | HP Recovery/Max |
| Ether Pack | One Ally/W | EP Recovery/Low (10) |
| Ether Pack S | One Ally/W | EP Recovery/Medium (20) |
| Ether Pack DX | One Ally/W | EP Recovery/High (50) |
| Ether Pack MAX | One Ally/W | EP Recovery/Max |
| Rejuvenator | One Ally/W | HP&EP Recovery/Max |
| Revive | One Ally/W | Revives Char/Recovery Low |
| Revive DX | One Ally/W | Revives Char/Recovery Max |
| Antidote | One Ally/W | Physical Status Clear |
| Neuro Stim | One Ally/W | Psychological Status Clear |
| Cure-All | One Ally/W | All Status Clear |
| Booster Pack | One Ally | Boost+1 |
| Escape Pack | One Ally | Escape from battle |
| Stim | One Ally/W | Increase Physical Attack 25% |
| Stim DX | One Ally/W | Increase Physical Attack 50% |
| Hemlock | One Ally | HP=1 |
| Speed Stim | One Ally/W | Increase speed 25% |
| Speed Stim DX | One Ally/W | Increase speed 50% |
| Defense Shield | One Ally/W | Increase Physical Defense |
| Veil | One enemy/ally/W | Decrease Ether Defense 25% |
| Anti-Veil | One enemy/ally/W | Increase Ether Defense 25% |

Consumable Items (cannot be used in battle) :

| Name | Target | Description |
| Bio Sphere | All Allies | HP/EP full recover Save Point |
| Frame Repair A | A.G.W.S. | FHP recovery / 25% recovery |
| Frame Repair Z | A.G.W.S. | FHP recovery / 50% recovery |
| Tech Upgrade A | One Ally | T.Pts + 10 |
| Tech Upgrade S | One Ally | T.Pts + 50 |
| Tech Upgrade Z | One Ally | T.Pts + 100 |
| Ether Upgrade A | One Ally | E.Pts + 10 |
| Ether Upgrade S | One Ally | E.Pts + 50 |
| Ether Upgrade Z | One Ally | E.Pts + 100 |
| Skill Upgrade A | One Ally | S.Pts + 10 |
| Skill Upgrade S | One Ally | S.Pts + 50 |
| Skill Upgrade Z | One Ally | S.Pts + 100 |
| Scrap Iron | N/A | Barter Item |
| Junked Circuit A | N/A | Barter Item |
| Unicorn Horn | N/A | Barter Item |
| Kobold Blade | N/A | Barter Item |
| Precious Stone | N/A | Barter Item |
| Junked Circuit B | N/A | Barter Item |
| Garnet | N/A | Barter Item |
| Sapphire | N/A | Barter Item |
| Ruby | N/A | Barter Item |
| Emerald | N/A | Barter Item |
| Diamond | N/A | Barter Item |

*More coming soon*

VIII. Weapons

*Coming soon*

IX. Armors

*Coming soon*

X. Auxiliary

*Coming soon*

XI. Techs

You'll find all the Tech Attacks of every characters in this section and the
level they learned them.

A. Shion

Lightning Blast :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit/Lightning
Level : Default
Description : Lightning Attack

Spell Ray :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Beam
Level : Default
Description : Concentrated Ether Beam

Shock Blade :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Pierce/S
Level : 11
Description : Different status effects by changing cartridges

Thermal Blast :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit/Fire
Level : 15
Description : Vicious fire attack

Ether Amp :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : -
Attribute : S
Level : 20
Description : Sets Ether damage 2x bombs against B-type, G-type enemies
(1 time effect)

Gravity Well :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit/S
Level : 23
Description : Inflicts "Slow" on B-type, G-type enemies

Lunar Blade :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Slash/Beam
Level : 27
Description : Slice with a beam blade

Rain Blade :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Beam
Level : 30
Description : Rain of beam blades


Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Slash
Level : Default
Description : Attack with a sword arm

Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Beam
Level : Default
Description : Attack with a beam arm

Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Pierce
Level : -
Description : Attack with a drill arm

Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Beam
Level : -
Description : Abdominal spread beam weapon

Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : -
Attribute : Line/S
Level : -
Description : Multiple status abnormalities on B, G and M-tupe enemies *

Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit
Level : -
Description : Attack with a hammer arm

Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit
Level : -
Description : Attack with a dragon arm

C. Ziggy

Cyber Kick :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit/Fire
Level : Default
Description : Hundred kicks of fire

Lightning Fist :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Lightning
Level : Default
Description : Lightning attack from the ground

Meteor Shot :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Fire
Level : 15
Description : Fire attack from the air

Cyclone :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Slash
Level : 20
Description : A tornado-like slash attack

Cross Lancer :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Pierce
Level : 24
Description : Slash attack where the blades are crossed

Executioner :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Lightning
Level : 26
Description : Lightning attack from the sky

Hell Fire :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Slash/Fire
Level : 30
Description : Slash from above while surrounded by fire


Star Strike :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit
Level : Default
Description : Strike with a small star

Floral Tempest :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Ether
Attribute : Slash
Level : Default
Description : Slash with knife-like wind

Meteor Storm :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line
Level : 15
Description : Attack from another dimension

Star Cannon :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Physical
Attribute : Air/Hit
Level : 20
Description : Strike with a large star

Angel Arrow :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Pierce
Level : 24
Description : Attack with arrows of light

Dark Scepter :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit
Level : -
Description : Turn G-type enemies into items if used to defeat them

Magic Caster :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : -
Attribute : Line
Level : -
Description : Steal rare items (During Star Wind transformation)

MOMO's Kiss :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Beam
Level : -
Description : MOMO beam (During Starlight transformation) **

E. chaos

Angel Wings :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Hit/Spirit
Level : Default
Description : Impact created by focusing chi into one's fist

Lunar Seal :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Spirit
Level : Default
Description : A chi wave attack

Heaven's Wrath :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Slash/Lightning
Level : 15
Description : Slash enemies by changing chi into lightning

Angel Blow :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Spirit
Level : 20
Description : Giant chi impact attack

Chained Blast :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Ether
Attribute : Spirit/S
Level : 23
Description : "Pilot KO" against M-type enemies

Arctic Blast :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Ice
Level : 25
Description : Hurl down ice boulders from the air

Demon Banisher :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : -
Attribute : Line/S
Level : 30
Description : "Curse" against G-type enemies

Divine Spear :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Near
Type : Physical
Attribute : Pierce/Spirit
Level : 50
Description : Only available when an ally is KO'd

F. Jr.

Prelude to Battle :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Physical
Attribute : Line/Pierce
Level : Default
Description : Cross shot

Moonlith Serenade :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Spirit
Level : Default
Description : Attack with a spirit gun

Storm Waltz :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Physical
Attribute : Line/Pierce
Level : 15
Description : Coin shot attack

Last Symphony :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Physical
Attribute : Line/Pierce
Level : 20
Description : Concentrated heavy fire

Mystic Norturne :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Air/Spirit
Level : 24
Description : Attack with a spirit gun from above

Angelic Requiem :
Target : All Enemies
Range : Far
Type : Physical
Attribute : Air/Pierce
Level : 30
Description : Snipe from above surrounded in angel wings

Soul Rhapsody :
Target : One Enemy
Range : Far
Type : Ether
Attribute : Line/Spirit
Level : -
Description : A gun that absorbs G-type enemies

* Vs. B, G-type enemies : Slow + Dex Down + Phys Def Down
Vs. M-type enemies : Slow + Dex Down + Armor Down

** ----------------------------------------------------------
| Objects | Enemies |
| Emerald | Unicorn, Wyrm |
| Garnet | Drone G1, Drone G3, Goblin, Kobold, |
| | Manticore |
| Ruby | Basilisk, Bugbear, Cerberus, Golem |
| Sapphire | Fairy, Hydra |
| Diamond | Gigas |
| Hemlock | Lizardman |
| Frame Repair A | Ogre |
| Frame Repair Z | Troll |
| Skill Upgrade Z | Armaros |
| Holey Gloves | Delphyne |

XII. Ether Attacks

Note : Every Ether with an * besides the name cannot be transfered between

A) Shion :

Medica :
Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 40
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Analyze / Goodbye
Target : One enemy / ally
Description : HP Recovery / Low

Analyze :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 160
Weight : 1
Improves From : Medica
Improves To : Medica All / Refresh
Target : One enemy
Description : Analyze Items and HP

Goodbye :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 1
E.Pts to evolve : 180
Weight : 1
Improves From : Medica
Improves To : Boost 1 / Jamming
Target : Ally
Description : Escape From Battle

Medica All :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 240
Weight : 2
Improves From : Analyze
Improves To : Medica Rest / Revert
Target : All allies
Description : HP Recovery / Mid

Refresh :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 320
Weight : 1
Improves From : Analyze
Improves To : Safety Level / Quick
Target : One ally
Description : Clears all Status changes

Boost 1 :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 360
Weight : 2
Improves From : Goodbye
Improves To : Queen's Kiss
Target : One ally
Description : Increases Boost gauge by 1

Jamming :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 220
Weight : 1
Improves From : Goodbye
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Dexterity Down for M-Type enemies

Medica Rest :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 380
Weight : 2
Improves From : Medica All
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy / ally
Description : HP Recovery / MAX

Revert :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 420
Weight : 2
Improves From : Medica All
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Revive & HP recovery / Mid

Safety Level :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 380
Weight : 3
Improves From : Refresh
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : 1x per ally / Survive with 1 HP

Quick :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 400
Weight : 2
Improves From : Refresh
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Increases speed by 25%

* Queen's Kiss :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 4
Improves From : Boost 1
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Occasionally "Instant KO" / Steal items

* Seraphim Bird :

Type : -
E.Pts : 24
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 4
Improves From : -
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Beam / 1x per battle / Spead beam attack

* Throni Blade :

Type : -
E.Pts : 16
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 4
Improves From : -
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Slash / 1x per battle / Giant top attack

* Dominion Tank :

Type : -
E.Pts : 20
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 4
Improves From : -
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Hit / 1x per battle / Ultra heavy weight attack

* Erde Kaiser :

Type : -
E.Pts : 60
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 12
Improves From : -
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Slash / 1x per battle / Ultimate attack using combined


Mode A7 :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 100
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Down Dex / Down Force
Target : Self
Description : Focus Phys Atk

Down Dex :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 360
Weight : 1
Improves From : Mode A7
Improves To : Down Ether / Gate
Target : One enemy
Description : Dexterity down for B & G enemies

Down Force :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 480
Weight : 1
Improves From : Mode A7
Improves To : Down Ether / Gate
Target : One enemy
Description : Physical attack down for B & G enemies

Down Ether :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 520
Weight : 1
Improves From : Down Dex
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Ether down for B & G enemies

Gate :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 660
Weight : 4
Improves From : Down Dex
Improves To : Satellite
Target : One enemy
Description : Occasionally "Instant KO" / HP / 4 damage on B & G enemies

Ether Limit :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 16
E.Pts to evolve : 620
Weight : 3
Improves From : Down Force
Improves To : Des Ether Ra / Dex Ether Fa / Dex Ether Le
Target : Self
Description : Ether attack damage and cost x2

* Satellite :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 16
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 6
Improves From : Gate
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Beam attack / 1x per battle / Satellite beam weapon

Dex Ether Ra :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 720
Weight : 4
Improves From : Ether Limit
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Ice Ether attack

Dex Ether Fa :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 720
Weight : 4
Improves From : Ether Limit
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Fire Ether attack

Dex Ether Le :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 720
Weight : 4
Improves From : Ether Limit
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Lightning Ether attack

C) Ziggy :

My Guard :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 40
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Bodyguard / Recharge
Target : Self
Description : Focus physical defense

* Bodyguard :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 200
Weight : 1
Improves From : My Guard
Improves To : Ether Shift A / Ether Shift B
Target : Self
Description : Increase strength/defense when MOMO is behind

Recharge :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 280
Weight : 2
Improves From : My Guard
Improves To : Charge X
Target : Self
Description : HP recovery / Mid

Ether Shift A :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 300
Weight : 1
Improves From : Bodyguard
Improves To : -
Target : Self
Description : Focus Ether defense

Ether Shift B :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 300
Weight : 1
Improves From : Bodyguard
Improves To : -
Target : Self
Description : Focus Ether attack

Charge X :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 480
Weight : 2
Improves From : Recharge
Improves To : Red Mark / Speed Boost
Target : Self
Description : 1x only / HP & EP recovery x2

Red Mark :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 540
Weight : 2
Improves From : Charge X
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : 1x only / 80% Critical Hit rate against M enemies

Speed Boost :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 10
E.Pts to evolve : 720
Weight : 4
Improves From : Charge X
Improves To : -
Target : Self
Description : Increase Speed 50%


Life Shot :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 2
E.Pts to evolve : 120
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Miracle Star / Sheep Beam
Target : One enemy / ally
Description : HP recovery / Mid

Miracle Star :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 240
Weight : 1
Improves From : Life Shot
Improves To : Prayer / Refine
Target : One enemy
Description : Non-elemental Ether attack

Sheep Beam :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 320
Weight : 1
Improves From : Life Shot
Improves To : Junk Beam
Target : One enemy
Description : Puts M enemy pilots to sleep

Prayer :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 400
Weight : 2
Improves From : Miracle Star
Improves To : -
Target : Self
Description : A heavenly gift

Refine :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 300
Weight : 1
Improves From : Miracle Star
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Revive + HP recovery / Low

Junk Beam :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 10
E.Pts to evolve : 500
Weight : 2
Improves From : Sheep Beam
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Reduces M enemy action 50%

* Star Wind :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 10
E.Pts to evolve : 100
Weight : 2
Improves From : -
Improves To : Star Veil / Star Action
Target : Self
Description : 1x per battle / Use Star Wind power to transform

* Star Veil :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 2
Improves From : Star Wind
Improves To : -
Target : All allies
Description : Only during Star Wind / Ether effect down 25%

* Star Action :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 2
Improves From : Star Wind
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Only 1x during Star Wind / Max AP

* Starlight :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 10
E.Pts to evolve : 100
Weight : 2
Improves From : -
Improves To : Star Bell / Star Bunnie
Target : Self
Description : 1x per battle / Use Starlight power to transform

* Star Bell :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 2
Improves From : Starlight
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Only during Starlight / Non-elemental Ether attack

* Star Bunnie :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 2
Improves From : Starlight
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : 1x per Starlight / Non-elemental Ether attack

E) chaos :

Protective Wear :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 120
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Healing Dew / Ice Wings
Target : One enemy / ally
Description : Ether effect down 25%

Healing Dew :

Type : Recovery
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 240
Weight : 2
Improves From : Protective Wear
Improves To : Purifying Storm
Target : All allies
Description : HP recovery / Low

Ice Wings :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 280
Weight : 1
Improves From : Protective Wear
Improves To : Flame Wings / Lightning Wings
Target : One enemy
Description : Ice Ether attack

Purifying Storm :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 900
Weight : 2
Improves From : Healing Dew
Improves To : Best ally
Target : All allies
Description : Clear all status changes

Flame Wings :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 400
Weight : 1
Improves From : Ice Wings
Improves To : Supreme Judgment
Target : One enemy
Description : Fire Ether attack

Lightning Wings :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 620
Weight : 1
Improves From : Ice Wings
Improves To : Cataclysm / Light & Wings
Target : One enemy
Description : Lightning Ether attack

* Best ally :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 50
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 8
Improves From : Purifying Storm
Improves To : -
Target : All allies
Description : 1x per battle, Revive

Supreme Judgment :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 600
Weight : 2
Improves From : Flame Wings
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : HP recovery down (1/2)

Cataclysm :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 800
Weight : 4
Improves From : Lightning Wings
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Resets attack & wait time

Light & Wings :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : 800
Weight : 4
Improves From : Lightning Wings
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : Attack + clear all status changes

F) Jr. :

Psycho Arm :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 160
Weight : 1
Improves From : -
Improves To : Ether Flare / Dandyism
Target : Self
Description : Increase physical attack

Ether Flare :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 260
Weight : 1
Improves From : Psycho Arm
Improves To : Psycho Pocket / Chain / Misty
Target : One enemy / ally
Description : Increase Ether effect 25 %

* Dandyism :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 320
Weight : 2
Improves From : Psycho Arm
Improves To : Coin Lock
Target : Self
Description : Revive when female character is behind

Psycho Pocket :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 400
Weight : 1
Improves From : Ether Flare
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Steal items

Chain :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 4
E.Pts to evolve : 300
Weight : 1
Improves From : Ether Flare
Improves To : -
Target : One enemy
Description : Evade down for B & G enemies

Misty :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 10
E.Pts to evolve : 600
Weight : 2
Improves From : Ether Flare
Improves To : Speed Machine
Target : One enemy
Description : Disable B & G enemies' spells

Coin Lock :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 8
E.Pts to evolve : 700
Weight : 2
Improves From : Dandyism
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Block all status changes & support effects

Speed Machine :

Type : Support
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 700
Weight : 2
Improves From : Misty
Improves To : -
Target : One ally
Description : Increase speed 25%

* Magnum Joe :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 6
E.Pts to evolve : 100
Weight : 3
Improves From : -
Improves To : Buster Joe
Target : One enemy
Description : 1x per battle / Summon Great Joe

* Buster Joe :

Type : Attack
E.Pts : 12
E.Pts to evolve : -
Weight : 3
Improves From : Magnum Joe
Improves To : -
Target : All enemies
Description : 1x per battle / Summon Great Joe

XIII. Skills

*Coming soon*

XIV. Bestiary

*Coming soon*

XV. Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How good is this game?

A1. It all depends on what you like in a RPG. This game is for more advanced
RPG gamers. If you don't like to watch a lot of cinematics, then I
suggest you not to get this game. Of course, you can skip the cut scene
but you won't be able to follow the story correctly. If you're looking
for an easy RPG, this is not the one you need. This game is a little
harder than the average RPG. If you have no experience in that kind of
game, I suggest you play something else before playing this one.


Q2. Is this game related to Xenogears?

A2. The developpers of this the game said that this game IS NOT DIRECTLY
related to Xenogears. It will be more of a retelling of Xenogears since
this game was originaly supposed to be a 6 episodes game.


Q3. I missed the Commander's Crest in the fight against Gargoyle, can I get
it somewhere else?

A3. No, you can't. Sorry to tell you this, but this is the only place in the
game where you can get this item. Use MOMO's Magic Caster to get the
item or boost your Rare Item acquisition rate by equipping the Thief
Ring on one of your character.


Q4. What is the best place to get T.Points?

A4. In the Encephalon on Second Miltia. The place where you start with Jr.
has some spotlights. Go under them and the ennemies give you a good
amount of T.Points there. If you want to make it even more effective,
equip your character with the Swimsuit or the Swimsuit skill to get 25%
more T.Points after the battles.


Q5. At the beginning of the game, once you have KOS-MOS in your party, I
don't know where to go anymore. Where am I supposed to go?

A5. Head for the corridor with Shion's quarter and head all the way south.
You'll eventually find the exit and head for the next boss fight.


Q6. When is Episode 2 coming out?

A6. Monolith Soft has announced that the project is still underway and that
they are going to show us some more at the end of July. We'll have to
wait until there to have more informations.


Q7. Why can't I use W-ACT?

A7. In order to use the W-ACT, you need 2 of the same weapon equipped to
your A.G.W.S.. These weapons must also have the W-ACT in their abilities
if you want it to work (look at the bottom of the screen when you equip
your A.G.W.S.). You also need 6AP to perform the attack. If you did all
of the above, you'll be able to perform W-ACT during battle!!!


*More coming soon*

XVI. In the next update...

Here is what I'll try to do in my next update :

- I'll concentrate on the Walkthrough for the next updates.
- I'll try to start the Side Quests and Mini-Game section in the next

XVII. About this FAQ

This FAQ has been posted at :


---FAQ Stats---
76 Pages
29 454 Words
133 879 Characters
4 302 Lines

FAQ Size : 180 KO

---Game Stats---
Game Time : 42:31:13
Money : 4 097 637G

Number of E-Mails : 35 in English
0 in French

Once I finish the English version of this FAQ, I might translate it myself
in French.

XVIII. Credits

* I'd first like to thank CJayC for the amazing work he does with this site
and for putting my FAQ on Gamefaqs.
* I'd also like to thank the Monolith Soft team for the awesome game they
managed to do.
* Of course Namco for publishing the game.
* I'd like to thank NeoSeeker for putting my FAQ/Walkthrough on their site
* I'd like to thank PSXCodez for putting my FAQ/Walkthrough on their site
* Dan Birlew & Laura M. Parkinson who made the awesome official Strategy
Guide for this game.
* Francis Bilodeau (stonekotr@hotmail.com) because I took example on his
FF X FAQ/Walkthrough.

XIX. Final Words

I'm having a lot of fun doing this FAQ/Walkthrough right now. I'll try to
get it completed as soon as I can . Thanks to everyone in the Credits and to
everyone that will contribute to my FAQ/Walkthrough.

Xenosaga Episode I : Der Wille Zur Macht FAQ/Walkthrough
By SeiferMaster
Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved

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