Last Express, The

Last Express, The

15.10.2013 20:49:26



This walkthrough assumes you are familiar with operating the game's user

The Last Express is not a completely linear game, so this walkthrough is
only one order of events while others will also lead to a successful game

The events in this game do not always happen at the same time or in same
place for each game played. For this reason you may find it difficult to
follow this walkthrough exactly. You may get behind schedule and miss
opportunities. Usually you will get another chance to perform critical
actions. If the game ends prematurely you can always rewind.

General Hints

1.Whenever the conductors are not at their stations take a look at their
books. One of them sketches the passengers. These pictures may provide
clues. Check this book as often as you can. As the journey progresses, you
will find more sketches in his book. The other book contains the passenger
list. 2.The newspaper in the smoking compartment contains interesting
political information. 3.Whenever the conductors' views are blocked you can
try to enter other passenger's compartments. 4.When the guard leaves his
office in the baggage car, usually to make announcements for meals or stops,
you can explore the forward baggage compartment. 5.Eavesdrop as much as
possible. 6.Engage the other passengers in conversation as often as
possible. This walkthrough will not enable you to listen to every
conversation, but you will hear most of them. 7.Follow the passengers when
they move. This may represent another opportunity for eavesdropping or
conversation. 8.This game, although mainly a puzzle solving adventure,
involves a few action sequences where you have to fight with an assailant.
The fights involve hand-eye coordination and fast reactions. They get
increasingly difficult as the game progresses. The game will end prematurely
if you lose the fight. But with practice you will win. Don't despair! 9.To
begin with you will be unfamiliar with the layout of the train. Here is the
initial configuration:

CarCompartments in Car Rear of TrainPrivate Car:BedroomConcert RoomRear
Sleeping Car:Compartments 1-9 Forward Sleeping Car:Compartments A-I
Restaurant Car:Smoking Compartment Dining CompartmentKitchenBaggage
Car:Passenger Compartment Guard's OfficeBaggage AreaEngineFront of Train

24th July 1914, Paris to Chalons

19:14 Tyler Whitney looks out from the stationary Orient Express. He is
clearly expecting someone.

19:39 The Orient Express has left Paris. Robert Cath jumps on to the moving

At this point you take control of Cath's actions. You are positioned between
the Private Car and the Rear Sleeping Car. Turn right and go into the Rear
Sleeping Car.

Find Compartment 1. This is Tyler Whitney's compartment. Open the door and
go inside. You find Tyler's dead body. You must get rid of the body or you
will be arrested for Tyler's murder! Open the compartment window. Pick up
Tyler's body and throw it out of the window. Your jacket is bloody. If the
conductor sees you like this you will be arrested, so swap it for Tyler's
jacket hanging near the window. Get Tyler's case down from the rack and open
it. Read Cath's telegram to Tyler. Take the Russian scroll. Try to read it.
You are going to need a translator!

19:40 First Service Dinner is announced.

Go to the Restaurant Car. On your way through the Smoking Compartment, stop
and listen to Sophie and Rebecca chatting.

Go into the Dining Compartment and talk with the older man sitting by
himself, August Schmidt. Tyler & August clearly had a deal! You have to find
some gold or this deal will go ahead. After August returns to his
compartment, stay in the Dining Compartment. Now talk to the younger man
sitting on his own, Alexei Dolnikov. When Alexei leaves pick up his book and
take the timetable inside it. Note he has marked the time 10:40 on the
timetable. Alexei returns shortly to retrieve his book. Listen to the
elderly gentleman and young woman chatting. This is the Count and Tatiana,
his granddaughter

Leave the Restaurant Car and walk through the Sleeping Cars, until you
encounter the child Francois Boutarel blowing a whistle. Follow Francois to
Compartment D. He will tell his mother how he saw a dead man being thrown
from the train!

Return to the Dining Compartment. When the elegant woman, Anna, enters, talk
to her.

Go into the Smoking Compartment and show Alexei the Russian scroll. He
wasn't very helpful. You will need someone else who is fluent in Russian

Return to the Dining Compartment. Listen to the Boutarel's discussion.
Listen and watch August flirting with Anna.

Leave and walk through to the Rear Sleeping Car. The conductor tells you
that you are requested to go to the Private Car. Do so.

20:30 Second Service Dinner is announced.

In the Private Car, you meet Kronos and Tahina. Kronos alludes to a very
significant exchange of something highly valuable...and a very heavy
briefcase. Return to the Dining Car.

The Count and Tatiana are leaving. Follow them. As they go through the
Smoking Compartment, Alexei confronts the Count. Talk to Alexei. He leaves.

Return to the Dining Compartment and listen to Sophie and Rebecca's

Return to your compartment, number 1, and you will be attacked by Milos.
When you win the fight by disarming him, he will talk to you.

Leave your compartment and walk toward the Restaurant Car. You should see
Tahina in the Sleeping Cars corridor searching other people's compartments
for something.

Go to the Dining Compartment and go through the curtain. The chef and his
apprentice are chatting. Return to the Sleeping Cars Corridor.

21:16 The train arrives at Epernay

You should see Tahina leaving your compartment, stopping outside Anna's then
entering someone else's.

21:19 The French police board the train. You must hide or you will be
arrested! I found the best place to hide was in the Count's washroom. Go
into Compartment A, then into the washroom. Stay here until you here the
police disembark. Go out to the corridor.

At Compartment D, Mme Boutarel, Francois and the conductor discuss the
police investigation. When Anna appears talk to her.

Tatiana goes to the door area between the Private Car and the Rear Sleeping

The guard and conductors chat at the conductors' stations.

Go to the Smoking Compartment and listen to Anna and August chatting.

21:41 The train arrives at Chalons-sur-Marne

21:46 The train leaves Chalons-sur-Marne

Return to your compartment and go to sleep.

25th July 1914, Strasbourg to Ulm

You seem to have woken up. Get up, leave the compartment then go back in.
You are having a nightmare about Tyler. You wake up.

03:38 The train arrives at Strasbourg

Go to Compartment F and talk with Anna. Go to Compartment A. The Count is
having an attack. Afterwards, listen to Anna confiding in Tatiana. She knows
her compartment has been searched, She wants Tatiana to take care of
something for her. Return to Compartment F and talk with Anna.. Anna then
goes into Tatiana's compartment then returns to her own.

Return to your own compartment and go to sleep.

25th July 1914, Ulm to Munich

When you wake up you find a scarf.

Leave the compartment. You should see Francois playing with the whistle. He
will show it to you.

Visit Compartment G. Milos will chat with you. You now know that Tyler was
to conduct an arms deal with August. He was going to exchange an item known
as the "Firebird" for gold. Then the gold was to buy the guns from August
for the Serbian resistance movement.

Back in the corridor or in Compartment D, Francois has a new game. The guard
and conductor chat about a missing master key.

Francois chats with his mother about a beetle.

Go to the Dining Compartment and talk to Tatiana. She will offer to
translate the Firebird Scroll for you. She then gets up to talk to Alexei.

Go to the Smoking Compartment, and listen to Sophie and Rebecca chatting
with August. Sit down at the table under the clock. Take the box of matches
from your pocket and remove the matches. Catch the beetle in the match box.
This may take several attempts!

Walk through the Sleeping Cars corridors until you meet August and talk with

10:18 The train arrives at Munich.

Watch August's merchandise being put on the train. Note the shape of the

10:28 The train leaves Munich.

25th July 1914, Munich to Salzburg

12:00 In the Smoking Compartment, Alexei and Tatiana play chess and chat.

Go into the Dining Compartment. You will overhear Abbot talking to the

12:12 First Service Lunch is announced.

Chat with August. Anna joins August for lunch. Return to the Sleeping Car
corridor. Boutarel and Abbot are chatting in Compartment C. The conductors
are chatting.

When Francois comes along you can show him the beetle. Return to the Smoking

Alexei and Tatiana continue to play chess and chat. Go into the Dining

The Boutarel family is chatting. Join Abbot for lunch.

12:45 The train arrives at Salzburg.

25th July 1914, Salzburg to Wels

Pay Kronos a visit in his Private Car. Read the book on the couch and listen
to Tahina and Kronos plotting. They believe Anna has the Firebird.

Return to your compartment. The Firebird Scroll with a translation will be
on the floor by the door. Return to the Dining Car.

August and Anna continue to chat. Then they move to the Smoking Compartment.
Follow them.

August and Anna continue to chat. Tatiana and Alexei are still here chatting

13:00 Second Service Lunch is announced.

The Boutarel family return to their compartments. Watch Kronos arrange a
music concert with Anna. When everyone leaves the Smoking Compartment, check
out the Dining Compartment. You may catch Sophie and Rebecca chatting.
Return to the Forward Sleeping Car corridor.

13:57 The train arrives at Attnang

Francois will trade the whistle for your beetle. Then he plays with the
beetle. August will chat with you.

Mme Boutarel complains to the conductor about Anna's dog. Then the conductor
and guard discuss Mme Boutarel's demand. The conductor talks to Anna and
removes her dog.

Return to the Rear Sleeping Car. The conductor will invite you to the music

Return to the Dining Compartment. You should hear the chef berating his

14:23 The train arrives at Wels.

Return to the Smoking Car.

25th July 1914, Wels to Linz

Sophie and Rebecca are chatting. Rebecca leaves. Try talking to Sophie.
Return to the Forward Sleeping Cars corridor.

Anna leaves her compartment, has it locked and heads for Kronos's Private
Car. Return to the Smoking Compartment.

Rebecca returns to chat with Sophie. Return to the Sleeping Cars corridor.
Tatiana leaves her compartment.

Go into Compartment A and then into the washroom. Look in the cupboard under
the sink and take the golden egg. Leave. The Count will awaken and speak to
you. Leave.

Back in the corridor at Compartment E, you hear Rebecca and Sophie chatting.

14:55 The train arrives at Linz.

25th July 1914, Linz to Vienna

Return to your compartment and leave the golden egg in the chest.

Around 15:10 go to the Private Car where the music concert is starting. Sit
down and appreciate the music. Watch Tahina. Tahina leaves the concert (to
search compartments again). Tahina returns to the concert a few minutes
later. Now it is safe to do some compartment searching yourself! Leave the

You have half an hour to an hour to complete the following very interesting
activities while several people are occupied by the concert.

Go into Compartment E. Search it and read Rebecca's diary. Exit through the
window and enter Anna's compartment. Open the trunk. In the bottom drawer is
an enlightening letter. Look at the jewel case. In the bottom of it there is
a secret compartment. Open it and take the master key.

The master key will open all the compartment and outer doors. Leave Anna's
compartment and go to the outside door area between the Rear Sleeping Car
and Private Car. Use the key to unlock the right-hand side door and go
outside. Use the ladder to climb up to the roof of the train. Turn around
and walk to the back of the train along the roof. When you get to the glass
roof of the Private Car (you should hear the concert), smash it. Jump down
into Kronos's private bedroom.

Look at the papers on the bedside table. It seems as though Tyler had the
egg when he left Paris. Find the hidden switch on the wall to the right of
the wardrobe and press it. This opens up a cabinet and reveals a briefcase.
Look at the case. It is full of gold. Take it. Leave via the door and go
into the music concert! This causes a bit of a stir. Leave.

Return to your compartment. Put the case under your bed. Retrieve the golden

Go to the Baggage Car and go though to the very end (when the guard is
elsewhere), so that you can see the engine. Open the dog's cage. Let Max
out. Deposit the golden egg in the cage.

Return to the Sleeping Car corridor. Abbot tries to talk to Alexei in the
Smoking Compartment. Alexei leaves.

Alexei's return will enable you to enter Compartment 3 using the master key.
Search August's compartment. Search his case. You will find a draft letter.
Return to the concert.

When the concert ends return to your compartment. Collect the case full of
gold. Go back out to the Sleeping Car corridor. In the Forward Sleeping Car,
Anna and August are chatting. Return to the Rear Sleeping Car.

Go to Compartment 3. Wait for August to go in. Visit August and show him the

Tahina tells you at gun point to see Kronos. Surprise, surprise! Go to the
Private Car. Kronos will reclaim the case full of gold. Return to the Rear
Sleeping Car.

Milos will chat with you. Go to Compartment G. Visit Milos and talk to him
some more.

You may hear Tatiana reporting to Anna, that the egg has been stolen! Go to
the Smoking Compartment.

Listen to Abbot and August chatting. When Abbot leaves chat with August.

Go to the Baggage Car. And go into the now open baggage area. Find the box
that was loaded on the train by August in Munich. Try to open it. Anna will
appear and you will hear her story about Tyler and the egg. Then Vesna
attacks you. Keep avoiding Vesna's attack until Anna takes control of the
situation. Take a look in the box if you get a chance.

18:00 The train arrives at Vienna.

25th July 1914, Vienna to Budapest

19:35 First Service Dinner is announced.

Visit Compartment F and chat with Anna. Return to the Dining Compartment.

August is waiting for Anna. But Anna sends a message canceling the
appointment. Leave and go to the area between the Rear Sleeping Car and the
Private Car.

Here you will find Alexei and Tatiana talking. You can only eavesdrop if you
listen from next to the guard's station so that they don't know you are
there. You should overhear Alexei planning to blow up the train! Go to
Compartment 2.

20:08 The train arrives at Poszony.

Search Alexei's compartment. Get the case from the rack and take the
detonator you find there. Abbot will walk in on you!

When you return to the corridor Alexei and Tatiana should be parting
company. Go to the Forward Sleeping Car. Claude and Abbot are chatting in
Compartment C.

20:30 Second Service Dinner is announced.

20:47 The train arrives at Galanta.

Return to your compartment. When you hear the knocking, open the door.
Tatiana visits you and asks for your help. Go to the Smoking Compartment.

Chat with a very drunk August. Return to your compartment.

Go to sleep. You dream.

22:30 You wake up

Go to Compartment A. In Compartment A, you hear Alexei's last words and
witness his death. Leave.

You overhear Abbot asking the Guard to keep the incident quiet. You should
be hearing a fairly loud ticking. Remember how Alexei had noted down the
time of 10:40 p.m. on his train timetable?

Track down the sound of the clock to the Guard's forward station panel. Open
the panel and find the bomb. Move the bomb once only. Use a cigarette on the
exposed wires to burn through the wires. Do not open the box! Turn the box
around and remove the screws from the hinges. Place the telegram between the
moving contacts to disarm the bomb. Phew! Not a second too soon!
Congratulations! Go to the Smoking Compartment.

Chat with Abbot. Follow Anna to her compartment. Although she is tired be
persistent in talking to her . . . The Serbs take over the train!

26th July 1914, Budapest to Istanbul

04:40 You wake up.

You are bound and imprisoned in a baggage compartment. Free yourself. Fight
the Serb. You must hit him a few times to win. Then free Anna. Go to the
back of the train, go outside and up the ladder onto the roof.

Go toward the engine and fight the Serb. Avoid the attacks, then grab the
bar he is using to attack you to win. Turn around and fight Vesna. Avoid
Vesna's attacks then when she ducks, you must duck too. Return to the Dining

You explain what has happened and most passengers return to their

The Count and Tatiana won't move. Chat with them. Go to the area between the
Restaurant Car and the Sleeping Car.

Open up the floor here, and de-couple the cars. August is not a happy man!
Return to the roof of the train.

Go to the engine and chat with Milos, Anna shoots Milos and tries to stop
the train.

Release the brake and the train will continue on crashing through the
Serbian barrier. Go to the passenger compartment in the Baggage Car. Chat
with Anna . . .

27th July 1914, Budapest to Istanbul

07:00 You wake up.

When Anna leaves. Go to the Restaurant Car. Chat with Kronos. Fetch the
Firebird egg from the dog's cage. Open the Firebird by clicking on the gems
according to the order in the Firebird scroll:

Australia (aqua), Denmark (blue), China (red), Island in the South Pacific
(purple), the Near East (green).

Anna will make the Firebird sing by playing the violin.

When Kronos tells you to close the Firebird, immediately use the gold
whistle on the Firebird . . . At last you understand how Tyler died.

Enjoy the closing sequences and history lesson!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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