Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 3

17.10.2013 18:53:16

Current Version: 3.0 beta

THANK YOU. ^___^

This faq is by no means finished at the current time.
I would welcome criticism and especially help with it,
of course you will be credited in full for that.

Ok, the most important content is there. Still needs some proofreading
and spellchecking and tons of feedback to be perfect, but it's useable
and even playtested. ^^
Hard mode guides to be completed tomorrow (28/05/03).

Things that are still missing:
- Ending Conditions
- Extra Weapon Conditions
- Uses for various Objects (talisman, perfume...)
- The things I'm working on right now
- Stuff I simply forgot

- If you have additional questions for the Q/A-faq, let me have them.
This thing lives of feedback.

contact me at:

Usually a walkthrough is something that gets you past an annoying little part
in a game, so you can play on happily. Just getting a passcode you need might
help you to get on with a game, but I thought it would be a nice thing to have
a guide that would help you in the same way a good buddy of yours would do,
that has already beaten the same game.

In short: This Q/A-guide will not just supply you with the solutions but
instead get you back on the track with suggestions so you can get them

(For those still stuck there's the solutions to all riddles and a regular
walkthrough, too, of course.)


Directions given refer to the position of your character, not yours. For
example: 'Take the door to your left' means to take the door on the left side
of your CHARACTER, not the left side of the screen.

'Take the door to the north' on the other hand refers (naturally) to the
position on the map. All set? Good. ^^


Q:I can't get the Bookstore open.
HINT: It's locked, you'll need a key or Mr. T.
HINT2: Mr. T is not in this game.
HINT3: Check underneath things.
A: The key is underneath a pallet in the far west room on 2F.

Q: There's a key underneath a pallet, but I can't reach it.
HINT: Get something to increase your range.
HINT2: It's not very far form where you are.
A: Get the TONGS from the Bakery.

Q: I can't get the bookstore's back door open.
HINT1: It says employees only.
HINT2: You're not an employee.
A: Refer to the riddle guide (part 5 of this document) for this.

Q: There's a bunch of bloodsucking moths in one of the corridors
and no matter how hard I whack them, I can't kill them.
HINT1: If you can't do it yourself, have something else do it.
HINT2: How would you get rid of pests in real life?
HINT3: Got any chemicals?
A: Use the DETERGENT and the BLEACH with the wastebasket and
unleash the power of Agent Orange. ^^

Q: I can't get that ladder down!
HINT1: Your arms are too short, try to enhance your reach
HINT2: A hook or something similar might be useful.
HINT3: You're in a shopping mall
A: Get the HANGER from the Clothes Shop.

Q: There's a door with a crescent and some cryptic
phrase on it. How can I get it open??
HINT1: Look for the key.
HINT2: It seems to fit that indentation on the door...
HINT3: It should be round.
A: Get the WALNUT on F2. Examine it.

Q: I got a WALNUT, but I can't get that darn thing open.
HINT1: No nutcracker around...
HINT2: Look for something that will get it open.
HINT3: Even if it is unconventional.
A: Stick it in the vise on F2 and crack it open.

Q: I got a moonstone. But it's not really from the moon and
it won't turn me into Sailormoon either... What do I do with that?
HINT1: Remember seeing anything vaguely crescent shaped lately?
HINT2: It might be a key.
HINT3: It is a key.
A: Unlock the door on F3 with it.

Q: I found a NUTCRACKER in the Subway Station. What's that supposed to be?
HINT1: It doesn't crack nuts any more.
HINT2: Or does it?
HINT3: Try and find a nut to crack with it.
A: The NUTCRACKER opens the door to platform.

Q: There's a door that's locked with a chain and a nut.
Should I bite my way through?
HINT1: No, maybe you can find some tool.
HINT2: Maybe you have to go down a bit to do so.
HINT3: -insert useful hint here-
A: Get the NUTCRACKER from the lower platform.

Q: I get pushed onto the rails and a train runs me over every time.
What do I do?
HINT1: Your mommy told not to play near the rails...
HINT2: Don't panic.
A: Just get back onto the platform. Push X to climb back up.

Q: I wanted to open a door. It's the only place I haven't been yet.
Whenever I try to open it, a subway train runs
me over. What should I do?
HINT1: Don't panic.
HINT2: Maybe you can evade the train somehow.
A: Just run back and evade the dogs. Climb back onto the platform
and you're fine, the train will stop at the station and you can board it.

Q: I know it sounds stupid, but I just can't get away
from that train fast enough. Any suggestions?
A: That's not stupid at all. Try a simple trick: approach the door
and turn around before you turn the doorknob. That way all you have
to do is run forward to reach the rails which will save you the time
for turning around. You might just have to run a little bit to the
left so as to evade the first dog.

Q: Yay. I finally managed to catch a subway train without being run over.
How can I board the damn thing?
HINT1: Look around
HINT2: Maybe there's a door somewhere.
A: Just run along the platform. Go through the door at the end of it and
you'll be able to hop in.

Q: Where can I get fuel for that generator?
HINT1: Maybe there is another thing nearby that is driven with fuel.
HINT2: You need something to put it into.
A: Take your WINE BOTTLE and get some fuel out of the kerosene heater.

Q: How can I find a container for that fuel?
HINT1: Look around in places where people usually put containers.
HINT2: It's not too far away.
A: Get the empty WINE BOTTLE from a wine rack.

Q: I can't get over that bridge in the sewers.
HINT1: Maybe you can get that thing before it gets you.
HINT2: Check the walls.
HINT3: Never dry your hair in the bathtub.
A: Get the DRYER from a nearby room, plug it in and fry some sewer monster.

Q: Whenever I jump down that hole to F4, I die. Can I learn to fly somehow?
HINT1: If you do 100 pushups... just kidding.
HINT2: Maybe you can cushion your fall somehow.
A: Push that dirty mattress down the hole to land softly.

Q: There's a drawer and I feel like whatever is
inside is very important. But it won't open.
HINT1: Maybe you can find something to force it open.
HINT2: Something that can give you a better leverage.
A: Get the SCREWDRIVER from the cardboard box on F5.

Q: How can I get down that elevator shaft??
HINT1: The opening between the doors is too tight.
HINT2: Maybe you can find something to force them apart.
A: Get the JACK from KMN Auto Parts and use it on the doors.

Q: The door is open, but how can I get down that shaft?
HINT1: What would Indiana Jones do?
HINT2: Maybe you can climb down somehow.
A: Get the ROPE from the drawer in Monica's Dance Studio and use it to get down.

Q: I'm stuck in the Alternate Office Building,
even though I have more items than ever.
HINT1: Check for a painting.
HINT2: Read the title.
HINT3: Take it to heart.
A: You need to combine some items here. Read on if you're lost.

Q: There's a painting called FLAME PURIFIES ALL.
I recon, I have to burn it down, but how can I do that?
HINT1: First of all, you'll need something to light it with.
HINT2: Then you need something that will burn.
HINT3: And maybe something to help that thing burn, too.
A: Get the MATCHBOOK, the OXYDOL and the PORK LIVER. Combine these
items to start a little bonfire in front of that picture.

Q: I have got a SILVER COIN. Will this improve my end ratings?
HINT1: No, it won't do that.
HINT2: Try it on something that will produce results when you put coins in it.
HINT3: It's not far from here.
A: Use the coin on the vending machine (duh) and get a drink.

Q: There's a monster blocking the way out. And a damn big one at that.
HINT1: Fighting won't get you anywhere here.
HINT2: There might be a non-violent solution.
HINT3: Check the surroundings.
A: Get the fairy tale from the life insurance company. Tu fui, ego eris.

Q: There's a key stuck to a wall and I can't get it off.
HINT1: Once again chemistry might be the answer.
HINT2: Can you think of a substance that dissolves almost anything?
HINT3: Many women carry it with them actually...
A: Go to the Women's Dressing Room and get the NAIL POLISH REMOVER.

Q: There's an attaches case on a bed, how can I get that open?
HINT1: You'll need the right combination.
HINT2: Try and find the guy whom it belonged to.
HINT3: The alarm clock was also one of his belongings.
A: Stop the alarm clock and enter the time into the lock.
Refer to the riddles' section for further details.

Q: There's a shelf in the basement,
but I can't get behind it and it won't budge.
HINT1: Maybe you don't have to get behind there yourself.
HINT2: Get something that will enable you to see behind it.
A: Use the POLAROID CAMERA to get a picture of
the access code to the door on F3 behind the shelf.

Q: I went down all the way and I ended up in a crematorium...
Now I need to open the oven, how do I do it?
HINT1: Look around the room, get the clues.
HINT2: It's all in there.
A: Refer to the riddle section for this one.

Q: I have found an altar with candles and all. What should I do with it?
HINT1: Examine the surroundings.
HINT2: Read Lost Memories.
HINT3: Do as you're told. ^^
A: Get some blood and follow the instructions given in the book.

Q: I have found an altar and the
book next to it says, I need a human sacrifice.
HINT1: Maybe you can find a replacement for that.
HINT2: Maybe there has already a sacrifice been made.
HINT3: Remember what the sacrifice is necessary for.
A: Get the blood from that room on F3
with the poor guy hanging from the ceiling.

Q: I need to take some blood to the altar,
but I haven't got anything to put it into.
HINT1: Look for a container.
HINT2: Look in odd places.
A: Get a PLASTIC BAG from the Women's Locker Room.

Q: There's that roller coaster and it always runs me over...
HINT1: Try to prevent it.
HINT2: You cannot evade it on the rails.
HINT3: Maybe you can stop the roller coaster running.
A: Get the key from the Souvenir Shop and power the thing down.

Q: I can't find the key for that cabin next to the roller coaster.
HINT1: Listen closely.
HINT2: You have been to the amusement park before...
HINT3: Has something been different this time?
A: Go to the back of the Souvenir Shop. Some chocolate boxes
will fall from the shelves and in one you will find the

Q: I can't get that green gate next to the SWING ROCKET carousel open...
HINT1: Look at the carousel closely.
HINT2: To open that gate, you'd need a lot of force.
HINT3: Maybe you can transfer some force from some source...
A: Use the CHAIN found near the stage on the carousel and then on the gate.

Q: I connected the chain to the carousel.
How can I connect it to something else?
A: It's still in your inventory.
Go whereever you'd like to use it next and do so.

Q: I put the DOLL HEAD in Snow White's hand.
Now what do I do with Cinderella?
HINT1: Remember the fairy tale?
HINT2: What did Snow White lose?
A: Get the RED SHOE from the stage in the Amusement Park.

Q: What can I do to solve that Cinderella/Snow White puzzle?
HINT1: Have a look at the photos at the far end of that room.
HINT2: Have a look at your inventory.
HINT3: Combine them.
A: Put the RED SHOE on Cinderella's foot and the DOLL FACE in Snow White's hand.

Q: I'm playing on HARD ACTION MODE (or even EXTREME) and that -censored-
ceiling in the Haunted Mansion squashes me every time I go near it.
Did I do something wrong?
HINT1: Don't even try and look for a hidden switch. It's hard ACTION mode
you are playing, remember?
HINT2: That ceiling doesn't come down ALL the way...
HINT3: Try crouching.
A: Just enter caution mode(R2). Walk forward, you can also merrily swing your
knife, to give you the feeling you can stop it by your mere strength
if you like. The ceiling won't hit you any more, since you are now 10cm
smaller and you can go on.

Q: Horses on Merry-Go-Round
HINT1: They look strangely alive
HINT2: You will be saved by the twelfth death.
A: Get out your favourite melee weapon
and merrily chop them horses into pieces.

Q: Oh my god. Claudia has done a terrible thing. Now I'm facing her...
What should I do??
HINT1: Keep your cool.
HINT2: Violence is not the answer.
HINT3: Sometimes, the solution is closer than you think...
A: Use the NECKLACE. If you have been attentive throughout the game
or have played SH1 you should know that the thing inside is Aglaophotis.

Some of the funny puzzles described in this walkthrough will be solved for
you, for example: you don't get to gas the moth creatures, don't need to
painstakingly search for a screwdriver or have to read any tattoos on sweaty
feet. Just ignore the hints for the other modes. ^^

- Items are written in CAPITAL LETTERS when you find and use them.
- Locations also start with capital letters to help find them faster.
- This faq will also cover the amount of items found in the game.
() stands for normal action mode
[] stands for hard action mode
The easy mode is not yet covered, just expect to find the same number
of items as in normal mode and feel happy when there's more for you. ^^

Feel free to explore things. Find various weapons in your inventory.
Basically, just go straight through the big gate, head for the Mountain
Coaster and get up on the rails. Follow them for a while. Watch the

Once you enter the Lady's Room you can save. Also take a look at the mirror.
Then exit through the window. Run down the alley and take the door to your
right. Nothing much here, just run down the hall and go on through the far
door. You're back inside the Mall. Turn left to see a Clothes Shop. Enter it.
Watch the cutscene, then pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS (2x)[1x]. Examine
everything, then leave through the back door. You may unlock the door to your
left, then go down the hall and get the SHOPPING MALL MAP to your left. Go
through the door marked with exit and head up to the second floor.

Go left and through the door. Follow that direction till you find Helen's
Bakery. Get the TONGS from there. Go back where you came from. Take a left and
take the last door to your right. There's a savepoint. Get the key from
underneath the pallet by using your tongs and also the HEALTH DRINKS (2x) and
the HANDGUN BULLETS (1x). Use the KEY TAKEN WITH TONGS to get into the
Bookstore. Solve the puzzle and go through the back door. Watch the cutscene.
Go down the hallway and board the elevator. Pick up the RADIO.

Go down the hallway in the direction you are facing till you hit a door.
Enter. Get HEALTH DRINKS (3x)[2X] and an AMPOULE (1x)[1x]. Save if you want
to. Turn left and pretend not to see those dogs, exit through the far door. Go
straight with a light drift to towards the right and down that corridor. Enter
the room next to the Ladies' Room. Pick up the OFFICIAL SILENT LIGHT

Enter the Ladies' Room next door. Do whatever you see fit and take the BLEACH.
Leave. Turn left. Go down all the way until you come upon a bent fire door. Go
through it. Enter the Clothes Shop on the other side of the hall. Pick up the
BULLETPROOF VEST and the HANGER. Go back through the bent door, run all the
way down the corridor. At the fork, turn right and enter the last door to the
right. Use the HANGER to get the ladder down. Up up and away.

Go straight and watch the TV. Turn left and go through that door. Don't let go
of that square button. Run through that room. Take a right go all the way down
the hall and enter the Jewelers Shop. Get the WALNUT. Leave through the great
doors. There's a savepoint on a TV to your right. Go up the escalators. Turn
right at once and go through the door that is a crack open. Get the HEALTH
DRINK (1x)[0x], FIRST AID KIT (1x)[0x] and the COOKED KEY.

Descend again and enter the room you found the WALNUT in. Go left down the
hallway and take the first right there is. Use the COOKED KEY on the door. Get
the HEALTH DRINKS (2x)[2x] and the STEEL PIPE. Leave. Take a right and enter
the orange doors. Get the DETERGENT. Leave. Go down the hallway. Turn off that
fan. Go through the door on your left. Don't bother smacking those mothlike
creatures with the pipe. Use Agent Orange on them. Combine BLEACH and
DETERGENT in the wastebasket. Turn the fan back on. If the sound gets on your
nerves, you can switch it off again. Moths dead, here we go. (down the
hallway) Enter the second door on your right, get HANDGUN BULLETS (3x)[3x] and
BEEF JERKY (1x)[1x]. Leave. Go further down the hallway, take a right and go
through the door on your left. Go straight through that room, exit and run

Cross to the other side and enter that door. Use the WALNUT with the vise. Get
the MOONSTONE. Save if you want. Take a right and unlock that door. Go through
it. Run around that circular place till you hit some bluish doors, go through
them. Make your way back to the escalators and go up. You might want to save
before this. Unlock the door with the MOONSTONE. Go through it.

Go down the ladder in the center of the room.


Get out of the Shopping Mall.
Watch the cutscene.

Go down the hallway. Take a right, go through the fire door. Head past the
ticket booth and turn right. Get the SUBWAY MAP. Also get HANDGUN BULLETS
(0x)[2x] from the trashbin at the far end of the room. Go straight and descend
the stairs (located on the east side of the room). Go left and down some more
stairs to Platform 1. Cross to the other side of the room and go down one more
flight of steps. Get the NUTCRACKER. Go back up and run to the other side of
the room. Descend once more and get HEALTH DRINKS (2x)[1x] and HANDGUN AMMO
Go back up all the way.

Take a right and open the door (the door to Platform 2) locked with a chain
and nut with the NUTCRACKER. Spanking good pun, huh? Go through it, down the
stairs and enter the subway train. Get the SHOTGUN and SHOTGUN SHELLS
(2x)[2x]. Go down one more flight of steps. Run along the hallway and go down
to Platform 3 (Bergen Street). If you are a person that prefers safety, go
right, unlock the door and shoot all the dogs there. If you're the sort that
never buckles up when driving, go to the end of the platform.

You'll see a door from there. Approach it, turn the door knob and be quick
about getting away again. Climb back up on the platform. Go straight down the
platform all the way and board the subway. Don't forget to pick up that HEALTH
DRINK (1x)[1x] before you leave. Aloha cutscene.

Easy. Just go straight. Shoot the enemies if you are bored, otherwise better
evade them. Pick up the SHOTGUN SHELLS (1x)[1x] and a FIRST AID KIT(1x)[0x] on
the fourth cart and the HANDGUN BULLETS (2x)[2x] on the fifth one. Oh yeah,
one more thing. Don't try and go back into a car you have already been in. ^^

Save if you need to. There won't be a map, so better follow those instructions
closely so as not to get lost.

Go straight. When the staircase turns alternate, still go straight and through
that door on your right. Now run like hell all the way straight down the hall.
Head straight for the wall opposite and turn left till you hit a blue door on
your right. Go through it. Take the first door to your right. Go down that
hallway, take the first left you can and enter that room. Get the UNDERPASS
MAP. phew. While you're at it, you can also get the MAUL.

Go down that hallway and take the first door to your right. Get BEEF
JERKY(1x)[1x], HEALTH DRINKS(0x)[2x] and an empty WINE BOTTLE. If you want to
get one more box of SHOTGUN SHELLS (1x)[1x], go down further and enter the
dead end. Then go north again and turn right. Go on and take the first door to
your left. Follow that long narrow passage. Turn right, go down all the way
and take the door at the end of that corridor. Take the second door to your
right. Fill your wine bottle with some of the KEROSENE from the heater and get
the HANDGUN BULLETS (1x)[1x] SHOTGUN SHELLS(1x)[0x] and HEALTH DRINKS(1x)[2x].
Save if you feel like it.

Go to the room left from that you just left and refill the tank with the
KEROSENE. Just switch that thing on and we're ready to go. (down the ladder)
Go straight all the way and through that door.

Take a right and go down all the way, enter that door. Go up the stairs, take
the AMPOULE (1x)[1x] and the DRYER. Go through the door on the opposite side
and take a left. Save, if you want to. Get the HEALTH DRINK (1x). Leave. Check
the walls. There's an outlet. Yes, you're thinking the right thing. Plug that
damn DRYER in and have some roasted sewer monster. Exit. Take a right and go
all the way down. Cross the channel go a bit left, go down that path and take
a right. Go through that door. Just head straight from here on and it's bye
bye sewers.

Go straight. There's a savepoint on the barrel drum. Use it if you have to. Go
inside, collect the HEALTH DRINKS (0x)[2x] and proceed through the far door.
Climb up all the way to the 5th floor. Go straight till you reach a pretty
messy room. Gather up the HANDGUN BULLETS (1x)[1x] and the HEALTH DRINK
(1x)[1x]. Push the mattress into the hole and jump after it. Leave that room
through the hole next to the window. Go left until you come to an open window
at the building next door. Enter.

Leave the room and go ALL the way down the hall till you hit a door. Go
inside, take a look around and gather up HANDGUN BULLETS (1x)[1x] and SHOTGUN
SHELLS (1x)[1x]. Go back down the hallway and take the second door to your
right (there is 'Store Front Poseables' written in violet letters on it). Go
through it and take a left, pass the elevators and take the staircase door to
the right. (it has EXIT written in red letters over it.) Go up to the fifth

Turn left, walk down the hallway and take another left. Go through the door on
your left side. Take a look at the pictures and go through the far door on the
east side of the room. Go left and get the SCREWDRIVER from a cardboard box.
Go down the hallway in the other direction and take the door on the right
side. Find the KATANA. Go back through the Art Gallery and hit the door on the
wall opposite that reads 'KMN Auto Parts'. Go down the hallway and take a
right. Go through the first door on your left. Get the JACK and HEALTH DRINK
(1x)[1x]. Hit the door on the opposite side and find yourself back in the main
corridor. Business on this floor is finished, let's head back to F3. ^^

Turn left, walk along the hallway and take the first left. Then enter the door
to 'Monica's Dance Studio'. Without further ado, go through the door on the
wall opposite. Collect your OFFICE BUILDING MAP, open that drawer with the
SCREWDRIVER from F5 and get a length of ROPE. Save if you need to. Leave. Take
a left and take the second door on the east side. Get a FIRST AID KIT (1x)[2x]
and an AMPOULE (1x)[0x] from the locker. Leave and head for the elevator with
the half-open doors. Feel like Indiana Jones? Good. Use the JACK and the ROPE
to get down to F2.

To your left there is a savepoint stuck to a vending machine. Use it, if you
feel like saving. Turn around, go down the hallway and turn right again. Go
straight and enter that door (it says 'ECHO Interiors'). Get a pack of
excellent BEEF JERKY (1x)[1x]. Leave the room. Go through the other rooms
(there's not much choice) until you come unto one with a single bathtub. Turn
the taps. Watch the disturbing cutscene.

Go straight. Get HANDGUN BULLETS (1x)[1x]. Take the other door. Turn left and
hit the door you are facing. Examine the photo and save, if you deem it
necessary. Go through the door that is not locked. Watch the cutscene. Pick up
the OXYDOL, FIRST AID KITS (2x)[2x] and HEALTH DRINK (1x)[1x]. Leave. Head for
the eastern elevator. Go down to F1.

Turn left, then go right and check out the book and what is blocking the
exit.. Do a 180 and go straight, then left. Take the door on the lefthand
side. Get the PORK LIVER and if you dare, SHOTGUN SHELLS (1x)[1x]. Head for
the elevator. Watch a beautiful loading screen. Go up to F5.

Turn left and head for the door of 'KMN Auto Parts'. Go to the left, then take
a right and enter. Get the MATCHBOOK and HANDGUN BULLETS (2x)[1x]. Leave. Go
straight down the hallway till you come upon a door with blue neon lights. Go
through it and head into the room on the other side. Save, if you feel tense.
Time for an act of cultural vandalism. (CULTural, get it? ^^) Combine the PORK
LIVER with the OXYDOL and the MATCHBOOK. Burn, baby, burn.

Go downstairs and read up on the rest of the fairy tale. Go through the door.
Run down the corridor and unlock the door with the blue neon sign above it. Go
on in that direction and take the second next door on the left. Get HANDGUN
BULLETS (1x)[1x] and FIRST AID KIT (1x)[1x]. Leave. Just go on straight and
through the door. Best unlock the second blue neon door, too and go on till
the end of the hallway. Go through that door. Take a SILVER COIN from the desk
and use it on the vending machine. Receive the LIFE INSURANCE KEY.

With this thing in our possession, we head down to F1 once more. Use the LIFE
INSURANCE KEY on the locked southeastern door. Go in, turn left and all the
way down till you reach the last door to the left. This is surely not the new
IKEA program... Read the end of the fairy tale. Head back to the monster.
(marked on your map in red monster ink with a monster icon.) Leave this
ghastly place.

Head back home. (Turn left and keep going till you find a side alley on the
left. Follow it and you're finally home.) Better use that savepoint. Check
your mailbox. Enter your apartment.


Go to Heather's Room. Pick up the STUN GUN and STUN GUN BATTERIES (2x)[1x].
Leave. Longest and coolest video sequence ahead.

Note: the notepad on the desk. Save if you need to. The map will tell you how
to get to Brookhaven Hospital. Don't forget to visit Heaven's Night Bar. Pick
up SHOTGUN SHELLS (1x)[1x], BEEF JERKY (1x)[1x] and FIRST AID KIT (1x)[1x]. ^^

Enter the Reception Room. Get the HOSPITAL MAP and a HEALTH DRINK (1x)[1x].
Save if you want to. Leave. Enter the Doctor's lounge. Get a HEALTH DRINK
(1x)[1x] and read up on the patients. Go to the Visiting Room, read Coleman's
Diary. Enter room C4. Surprise, Coleman proves to be a real Heather fan. Go to
the elevator and go up to F2.

Pay a visit to the Women's Locker Room. Get NAIL POLISH REMOVER and some
PERFUME, if you like... If you examine the magazine, you might find something
nice, too. Read Coleman's Diary in front of the East Wing door. Solve the
riddle posted next to the door. Go right into Examination Room 3. Read the
tattoo on that poor dead guys arm and foot. Read the medical record. Go to
room M4. Turn off the alarm. Set the dials on the attache case right and open
it. Get the POLAROID CAMERA. Read one more volume of Mr. Coleman's fascinating
Diarys. Enter room M5 and pick up FIRST AID KIT (1x)[1x]. Beware of the
nurses. Take the elevator and return to F1.

Go to room C4 and use the NAIL POLISH REMOVER on the wall. Get the STAIRWELL
KEY. Unlock the door to the staircase.

Go down to the basement. Pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN. Enter the eastern
Storeroom. Use the camera to see what is behind the shelf... if you dare. If
you feel you have far too little ammo for your newfound beauty of an automatic
weapon, head to the roof for two more clips. Since our trip into the basement
(and maybe the roof, too) was definitely fun, why don't we explore the 3rd
floor for a change? Head up to F3.

Enter the Special Treatment Room. No, that room is not used for what you think
it is. Enter the westmost cell and read Coleman's Diary. Now go to the
Storeroom. Collect HEALTH DRINKS (2x)[2x] and STUN GUN BATTERY (1x)[1x]. Save,
if you want to. Now punch the code you photographed behind the shelf in the
basement into the keypad. Go to room S1, get the HEALTH DRINKS (2x)[1x] and
read the mag on the bed. Also pick up BEEF JERKY (1x) from one of the banks in
the hallway. Enter room S7 and rejoice, it seems Coleman has written his last
Diary. Enter room S12. Get the phone. Watch the cutscene. Head to the end of
the hall on the 2nd floor.

This is some sort of labyrinth for beginners. Some of the fences blocking your
path will stay the way they are, others will come out of the ceiling and the
third kind will go back into it.

Here is a brief description of the way.

1st labyrinthian room:
straight. right. right. left. straight, left.

2nd labyrinthian room:
straight, right, left, turn around, straight.

Just run straight from now on. Take a glance at that large red mark on the
wall. Climb up the ladder. Pretend you didn't see all that and stay cool.
Welcome to hell. Enter room S3. Gather up HAND GUN BULLETS (2x)[1x] and save
if you feel like doing it. Go through the Day Room. Enter the Storeroom. Take
the elevator down to B3. Solve the puzzle and open the crematorium door. Get
the CREMATED KEY. Take the elevator up to F2.

Go to the Men's Locker Room to receive another phone call. Go to the Women's
Locker Room and get HEALTH DRINK (1x)[1x] and PLASTIC BAG. As much as you may
detest it, you must go back to F3 one more time. Get to Examining Room 4 and
fill that PLASTIC BAG with blood. Take the elevator down to F1.

Go to the Examination Room. Get an AMPOULE (1x)[1x], Save if you need to. Take
a trip to the Day Room through the northern door and read the book. Use the
CREMATED KEY on the Day Room's eastern entrance. Read the writing on the wall
and enter Room C1. Pick up HEALTH DRINKS (2x)[2x] and your birthday card.
Enter room. Read the book and look at the altar. Better save here. Use the
PLASTIC BAG filled with BLOOD on the altar. Descend the ladder. Watch a


Get a nifty TALISMAN Leonard was holding onto. Watch another cutscene.

Head back to Motel Room 106. Watch some more cutscenes. Follow Nathan Avenue
in north-eastern direction. If you are disappointed that SH3 doesn't offer you
more possibilities to actually explore Silent Hill, I know what you're

Having a deja  vu? This is indeed the Amusement Park from earlier. Not much
has changed aside from the fact that it is now crawling with monsters worse
than ever. So don't waste time, go directly to the Souvenir Shop. Gather up
the items there. Get a shock and turn around to find that some chocolate boxes
have fallen from the shelves. Get the ROLLER COASTER KEY from one of the boxes
and save, if you feel like it. Don't leave that AMPOULE(1x)[1x], HANDGUN
BULLETS(2x)[2x] and BEEF JERKY(1x)[1x] behind. Proceed as before to the
Mountain coaster, don't bother with the enemies. Unlock the door on the roller
coaster control cabin and turn off the power. Also take those two HEALTH
DRINKS(2x)[1x] at the far end of the room with you Head down the roller
coaster track. Now you know why your mommy always warned you of doing stuff
like that.

Watch the cutscene, then head inside the Haunted Mansion. Enjoy the scenery.
If the ceiling is giving you any trouble, go into caution mode (R2) and walk
forward. The spikes won't spear you anymore. Take the bullet vest off before
you go through the door marked with 'exit'. Run like hell. Run past the first
door, (it's locked) until you arrive at one with a couple of steps in front of
it. Be quick with that doorknob. It's not yet time to take a breather. Run on
some more. The hallways layout is almost the same as the prior one, so no need
to worry. Hooray, you're out again.

And there's a great flock of monsters to welcome you, too. Head straight and
then left towards that green fence. Take that passage. Head straight again and
take the first left there is. Go through that greenish gate. Once again, avoid
all monsters and just run straight and through that gate. Get one HEALTH
DRINK(1x)[0x] and SHOTGUN SHELLS (1x)[1x] to your left, don't forget the red
shoe that lies on top of the stage. Also take the chain with you. Read the
mascot signs on the walls for a good laugh. Head back through the greenish
gate, go straight and then right onto that SWING ROCKET-spaceship-go-round
platform. Connect the chain to the pipe sticking out from the center column,
then go over to the gate and connect it there, too. (In case you're wondering,
it is still in your inventory.) Go inside the control booth, pick up the
HANDGUN BULLETS (1x)[1x] and turn the power on. You should be able to do that
with more than just one door. ^^

Watch the cutscene. Go through the gate and then right into the Fortune house.
Get Douglas' notebook. Pick up the DOLL HEAD. Save if you need to. Head into
the Maerchen Travel building. Look at the statues.
Give Snow White the DOLL HEAD and Cinderella the RED SHOE.

Prepare to fight the lv. 78 PROP DRAGON OF DOOM.

Just kidding. Go through the door on the lefthand side. Start running. Run
straight, then take a left, turn right again and examine the notepad on the
ice cream wagon. Get the STUN GUN BATTERIES(2x)[2x] and turn left again. Run
on till you reach a ticket booth, turn left and go through that gate. Pick up
that precious FIRST AID KIT (1x)[1x] to your left. Go onto the carousel. Read
the note pinned to the horse. Start slashing the horses with your favorite
melee weapon and prepare for a boss fight.


After the fight, get off the carousel and go straight. Read the prayer on the
walls, if you like. Watch the cutscene.


Get the EYE OF THE NIGHT TAROT CARD. Save if you need to. Prepare for the most
disturbing level in the entire game. Head right to get the map hanging on the
wall. Enter the confession box. You'll have to make a choice here.
a - Forgive Claudia
b - Say nothing

The choice you make here will slightly influence your endings. Go down the
hallway. The far door is locked, so take the other one to the east, go through
that room. Try to avoid the two Insane Cancers in front of the doors and go
through the northern one first. Head all the way down the hallway. In the
middle, you'll hear crying and footsteps. Look around and follow the footsteps
on the floor, then push that painting aside. Don't go inside yet. That's the
biggest savepoint you'll ever find. Save if you need to, look at the pictures
and go back. Look at the wheelchair, then go through the door that was hidden
behind the painting.

Head down the hallway. Got to the far end of it. You'll find yourself in a
library. Read the books in there if you're interested in some background. Get
THE MOON TAROT CARD from the desk at the end of the room. Watch the cutscene.
Get back out and take the elevator downstairs (right opposite of the door you
came into this room the first time.)

Go right and take that door, then go all the way straight. You'll be in a sort
of human wastedump. Get THE HANGED MAN TAROT CARD. Also get the two packs of
SHOTSHELLS(2x)[2x]. They will come in handy soon. Exit that room and go right.
Enter the door at the end of the hallway. You are now in Harry's room... get
the STUN GUN BATTERIES (2x)[2x] and read the diary on the bed. Back in the
elevator room. Head west and enter the second last door. Go down that hallway
all the way. You're in a Child's Room. Examine the sketchbook on the bed, the
door and the notepad on the table. Then get the BRASS KEY from the wall. Save
if you feel like it. Leave this room again and go back to where you came from.

On your way, enter the last door on the right (the one after you cross that
bridge from which you can see bobble head doing something... strange). Let
those monsters play with themselves and proceed straight through. Listen to
the sounds in the hallway. Follow the footsteps on the floor and open the
hidden door. Proceed to the next room. Examine the bed. Get an AMPOULE
(1x)[2x] HAND GUN AMMO (3x)[2x] and THE FOOL TAROT CARD. Leave this ghastly
place. Go back up with the elevator.

Visit the last room on the map you haven't visited (the one with the two
insane cancers in front) and get the CASSETTE TAPE and HANDGUN BULLETS (2x)[].
Use the brass key on the door near the Confession Booth that was previously
locked. Take the first door on your left. You're in a Classroom. If you have
played SH1, check the table. If you haven't, do it anyway. Read K. Gordon's
notebook. Another old companion. ^^ Leave the room. Go straight a bit and
enter the next door to your right. You're in a Room with a Cassette Deck. Use
the CASSETTE TAPE. Read the letters on the table. Leave. Do NOT enter the room
you are facing right now unless you are masochistic. Turn right instead and
enter the righthand side door. This is Claudia's Room. Read the Diary, the
card on the desk and pick up the HIGH PRIESTESS TAROT CARD from the bed. We're
all set then, so let's go back to the Child's Room. Solve the Tarot Card
Puzzle on the door and proceed down that hallway. Watch the cutscene. I'm not
quite sure about some endings, what you can do for certain is use the
AGLAOPHOTIS inside your NECKLACE. This will have nasty consequences for all
those involved. More to come soon.



Watch ending cutscenes.

For Pete's sake do NOT turn off your PSX while the credits are rolling... This
is not all and if you leave now you are going to miss things. Please do not
send me any more letterbombs for not mentioning this sooner.

DO NOT LEAVE before the credits have finished. Save your result file.

This one is meant for printing. If you only want a document that gets you
through some way, copy, paste and print this section. Many people will find
this especially useful as speed-walkthrough or checklist, once you have
completed the game and play through it one more time.

NOTE: This shortened guide will NOT contain all item locations, only those you
pick up on your way. In order to maintain your health and keep a good
stock of ammo, I would advise you to gather up the other items as well.

-still under verification-
-needs yet to be playtested-

- Leave the Ladies' Bathroom.
- Clothes Shop: get HANDGUN and HANDGUN AMMO (2x)[1x].
- Helen's Bakery: get the TONGS.
- Room with savepoint F2, SW: get KEY TAKEN WITH TONGS,
- My Bestsellers Bookstore: get HANDGUN BULLETS(1x)[0x],open the back door.
Access Codes: random, (random), [8 3 5 2]
- Hallway: get SHOPPING MALL MAP.
- Elevator: get RADIO.

- Room next to Ladies' Room: get FLASHLIGHT, FIRST AID KITS(1x)[0x]
- Ladies' Room: get the BLEACH.
- Clothes Shop: get HANGER and BULLET VEST.
- Room with Ladder: use HANGER, go up.
- Jeweler's Shop: get WALNUT.
- Restaurant F3: get COOKED KEY.
- F2 HALLWAY: use COOKED KEY on the locked door.
- Cafe: get HEALTH DRINKS(2x)[2x] and the STEEL PIPE.
- Room with Sink: get DETERGENT.
- Mothridden Hallway: turn off fan, then combine DETERGENT and BLEACH.
- Fan Hallway: turn the fan back on.
- Torture Chamberlike Room: use WALNUT with vise, get MOONSTONE.
- F3: unlock door with MOONSTONE. Descend the ladder in the center of the room.


- Ticket Booth area: get SUBWAY MAP.
- Platform 1: get the NUTCRACKER.
- Platform 2: 'unlock' the door with the NUTCRACKER
- Platform 2: get the SHOTGUN and SHOTGUN SHELLS(2x)[2x]
- Platform 3: stop the train and board it.

- Room with MAUL: get UNDERPASS MAP and MAUL.
- Cellarlike Corridor: get the empty WINE BOTTLE, HEALTH DRINKS(0x)[2x]
and BEEF JERKY(1x)[1x].
- Room with Heater: fill BOTTLE with kerosene, get HANDGUN BULLETS(1x)[1x],
- Pump Room: refill tank with OILFILLED BOTTLE.

- Trash Collecting Room: get DRYER and an AMPOULE(1x)[1x].
- Sewage Surveillance Room: get HEALTH DRINK.
Use DRYER next door (connect to wall outlet).

- Hallway: get HEALTH DRINKS(0x)[2x].
- Messy Room: get HANDGUN BULLETS(1x)[1x], HEALTH DRINKS (1x)[1x] and
the SILENCER (optional), push down MATTRESS.

- Corridor, F5: get SCREWDRIVER.
- Canvas Store Room: get KATANA. Take on enemies PULP FICTION style. ^^
- KMN Auto Parts: get JACK and HEALTH DRINKS(1x)[1x].
- Monica's Dance Studio Office: open drawer with SCREWDRIVER, get ROPE.
- Elevator with half-closed doors: use JACK to open it, use the rope to get
down to F2.
- Room with Bathtub: turn the taps.

- Room next door to Vincent: get OXYDOL, FIRST AID KIT(2x)[2x]
and HEALTH DRINK(1x)[1x].
- Former Bar: get PORK LIVER and SHOTGUN SHELLS(1x)[1x].
- KMN Auto Parts: get MATCHBOOK and HANDGUN BULLETS(2x)[1x].
- Art Gallery: combine OXYDOL, PORK LIVER and MATCHBOOK.
- Room with Vending Machine: get SILVER COIN. Use it on vending machine.
- Locked door, F1: unlock with LIFE INSURANCE KEY, read fairy tale.
- Leave.
- Bear left and take the first side alley.

- Head for apt. #102.


- Heather's Room: pick up STUN GUN and STUN GUN BATTERIES (2x)[1x].

- Heaven's Night Bar: get SHOTGUN SHELLS(1x)[1x],
BEEF JERKY(1x)[1x] and FIRST AID KIT (1x)[1x].

- Reception Room: get HOSPITAL MAP and HEALTH DRINK(1x)[1x].
- Women's Locker Room: get NAIL POLISH REMOVER and PERFUME (optional).
- F2 Corridor: solve riddle posted nest to door.
Access codes: 4 6 3 9, (8 6 3 4), [4 8 9 6].
- Room M4: turn off alarm clock, open attaches case.
code: random, (random), [random].
- Basement Corridor: don't race in a wheelchair!
- Basement Store Room: use POLAROID CAMERA to get code from behind shelf.
- F3 Corridor: enter access code from photo.
access codes: random, (random), [random].
- Room S12: get the phone.

- 1st labyrithian Room:
straight, right, right, left, straight, left.
- 2nd labyrinthian room:
straight, right, left, turn around, straight.
- B3 Crematorium: solve puzzle, get CREMATED KEY.
Codes: none, (random, look at oven door for sequence), [9 2 7 1]
- Men's Locker Room: get the phone.
- Women's Locker Room: get PLASTIC BAG and HEALTH DRINK (1x)[1x]
- Examining Room 4: fill PLASTIC BAG with blood.
- Room XY: use PLASTIC BAG with BLOOD on the altar.



- Get back to apt. #106.
- Head northwest on Nathan Avenue.

No map here, but you should still have it in mind.
- Souvenir Shop: get ROLLER COASTER KEY, HANDGUN AMMO (2x)[2x],
BEEF JERKY(1x)[1x] and an AMPOULE(1x)[1x].
- Roller coaster control cabin: turn off the power. get HEALTH DRINKS (2x)
- Roller coaster rails: go down the tracks. don't fall off.
- Borley Haunted Mansion: enjoy yourself. ^^
- Unequip the Bullet Vest while in here.
- Stage area: get CHAIN and RED SHOE.
- Swing Rocket: attach cain to middle column and gate.
- Control Booth: power up the ride.
- Fortune House: get DOUGLAS' NOTEBOOK and the DOLL HEAD.
- Maerchen Travel Building: use RED SHOE and DOLL HEAD on statues.
- Merry-Go-Round: Slash the horses, then continue with the bosses.


- Confession Booth: choose between revenge and forgiveness.
- Long Hallway: listen to cries, follow footsteps and move painting.
- Library: read the books, get THE MOON TAROT CARD.
- Elevator: go down.
- Human Waste Dump: get THE HANGED MAN TAROT CARD.
- Child's Room: examine Sketchbook and get BRASS KEY.
- Alessa's sickbed Room: get THE FOOL TAROT CARD, HANDGUN BULLETS(3x)[2x]
and an AMPOULE(1x)[2x].
- Room with Blanket: get CASSETTE TAPE, read book on AGLAOPHOTIS.
- First Floor: unlock door with BRASS KEY.
- Claudia's Room: examine card, get HIGH PRIESTESS TAROT CARD.
- Room with Cassette Deck: use CASSETTE TAPE.
- Child's Room: use TAROT CARDS on the door.
Combinations: from the top left to the bottom right.
FOOL, empty, MOON, empty, EON, empty, HM, empty, HP.
EON, empty, MOON, HP, empty, FOOL, empty, HM, empty.
HP, EON, empty, empty, FOOL, MOON, HM, empty, empty.
- Room with Hole: showdown.

5. Silent Hill 3: Step-By-Step Puzzle Solution Guide.

How does this work?

First, there's always the riddle location, items required, if any, where to
find the clues and what sort of riddle you are facing. Then there's two pieces
of general advice that should give you the right direction to face the puzzle.
This will be followed by questions you would ask somebody else when getting
stuck. To round the thing up in the end, there will be a complete and
(hopefully) comprehensible explanation on the interpretation of the puzzle with
its solution.






Pick up the books.

First thing: Examine the books.

Second thing: Where might they have fallen from?

Put the books back on the shelf. Duh. The code you receive is random, but it's
not actually difficult to get it, so who cares.


Examine the Diary next to the door. Also examine the note on the blackboard.

Press, move 2 right;
press, move 1 up;
press, move 2 down;
press and the door shall open.

First thing: You need a 4 digit code.

Second Thing: Think graphical.

Well, simple really. (Hence the name EASY mode.) The note gives you directions
on how to move on the keypad. If you have to move two numbers to the right,
the first number can only be in the leftmost column. (numbers 1,4,7)

If your next move after that is 1 up, number 1 is out of the running. (4,7)

If your third move is to go down two more, 7 is out, too.

Hence, the first number is 4.

Going on as told in the note, the combination is:

(4 6 3 9)



Sorry guys, this riddle has been cancelled for easy mode. Just read the number
on the face of the alarm clock and enter it into the case.



I have to disappoint you again, nothing doing.
Play a higher riddle level if you want any. ^^


TAROT CARD: The High Priestess
TAROT CARD: The Hanged Man
TAROT CARD: The Eye of Darkness

First thing: Check out the sketchbbok on the bed.

Second thing: Empty your inventory a bit.

Read the Sketchbook. Look at the picture.
Chose normal riddle level next time.


ooo EON ooo

HM ooo HP



Get the books scattered on the floor. Go to the locked door at the northern
end of the room and read the note next to it.

Fair is foul and Foul is Fair,
Put these books out of order.

First thing: You need a code to enter into the keypad.

Second thing: Examining things closely will lead you to success.

Keep changing the books' order till you can read a number on their backs.
Enter this number into the keypad. Done. One of the numbers is very hard to
read as it is on one of the cracks between the books, so please stop mailing
me about it. The code has FOUR digits and you can find them ALL if you examine
the books closely.



Read the note next to the door.

The first is larger than the second.
The second is twice the third.
The third is smaller than the fourth.
The fourth is half the first.

Four of the numbers are not repeated,
Three are not in the top row,
Two are not in the right row.
One of the numbers is the final key.

Those of you that have played through Silent Hill 2 may have a déja vu at this
place. Or maybe you are just wondering why the hell they always lock that
patient wing door so tightly... Surely it must piss off the nurses to solve a
riddle every time they have to go in there to change a bedpan. ^^

This simply is another keypad puzzle. (There must be a shop in Silent Hill
that specializes in fitting keypads to doors and writing cryptic riddles as
access codes... I think I ran across it somewhere on Sanders/Neely Street...
or something like that...).

First thing: Math lessons do pay off occasionally.

Second thing: Remember what you want to know.

Equations - Ok, let's use what we hopefully learned in our invaluable math
lessons: variables. Numbers 1 to 4 are now just the letters a to d to avoid
further confusion.

a > b ;
b = 2xc ;
c < d ;
d = a/2 ;

Positioning - Well, four of the numbers are not repeated, that means there
must be at least 4 different keys to be pressed.

1 2 3 1, 2 and 3 form the top row,

4 5 6 3, 6 and 9 the right one.

7 8 9

If 2a equals d and 2c equals b, we have only a few limited possibilities: 12
24 36 48 So the solution to this riddle and the passcode that will ensure your
journey to continue reads thus:

(8; 6; 3; 4)



I'm not sure whether this is considered a riddle, anyway, I imagine it must be
more than frustrating getting stuck in this place, so here's how to get
unstuck. There is a tattooed body on a stretcher in some room, check out his

It says something like: "The starting time is my key."

Upon entering room M4 the alarm clock will go off. Shut that blasted
noisemaker up and read the time. Rewrite the time in a digital watch format.
Enter these four digits into the attaches case. Just try out the a.m. and p.m.



I'd like to thank KATANASOUL for pointing the plate out to me.

First thing: take a good look around.

Q: I did, there's nothing but a bunch of beds with numbers
and some dead people. How am I supposed to open that damn lock?!
A: Well, you are close. Take a closer look at the numbers.

Q: Ok, there's total disorder, but who cares. What are you on about?
A: Actually, there is a system. Try to be more attentive towards things
as colors and surfaces.

Q: Enough already. Out with it, what's the answer.
A: Well, next to the lock there is a plate with the layout of the room
on it. Roman numerals will show you which digit corresponds to
which bed. The number is random, so I can't include it here.
And this all you need to know to open the lock.


You might remember that door from your first visit on the Hill. And, yes, it's
locked again. But instead of getting the five uberholy items, you'll have to
gather five Tarot cards this time and then put them into the correct slots on
the door. Someone seems to have wanted to make sure that no one snuck out of
that room at night. ^^

TAROT CARD: The High Priestess
TAROT CARD: The Hanged Man
TAROT CARD: The Eye of Darkness

Now the first thing you must know,
Is that there's omething in each row.
But that is not the half of it:
Three would be too hard to fit.

The upside-down man under the ground,
to his right, to his left there is no one around
Leave him alone though his tears are profound.

The moon is up, above the sky,
Full or crescent, floating high.
Twinkling light sits like a clown
On the head of a crazy clown.

Your excellency praying to God most high
Do you think you can tell me why
You always look up at the night sky?

Do you have it now? You didn't forget?
One major point you mustn't omit.
And now at the last, before you take a whack
Here's one more hint to help you keep on track.

Scary and hateful that thing in the night
Better be careful - it's not on your right!
Turn to the left and you'll keep it in sight.

First thing: All is here, this should be a piece of cake.

Second thing: Smoking is hazardous to your health.

Well, what we know is that every row contains AT LEAST one card, but AT MOST 2

The upside-down man is the Hanged Man, he is under ground, in other words in
the last row. There is no one to his left or his right, so he is in the

The Moon is floating high, so it is in the top row. It sits like a clown on
the head of some crazy clown. So The Fool must be right underneath it.

Your Excellency means the High Priestess. She looks up at the night sky, so
The Moon must be above her. Since the Hanged Man blocks the entire lower row,
the Priestess must be in the middle row.

The scary and hateful thing in the night is, of course, the EYE OF NIGHT. it's
not on the right, but on the left.

With all these conditions, there is only two possible combinations left. The
one that will get you on is this one:



ooo HM ooo



Go to the door in the western part of the shop. You'll find it's locked and
there's a keypad on it. On the right side of the door, there is a note. Read

The full text reads as follows:

In here is a tragedy ---
art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.

The first word at thy left hand:
a false lunacy, a madly dancing man.
Hearing unhearable words, drawn
to a beloved's grave --- and there,
mayhap, true madness at last.

As did this one playing at death, find true death at last.
Killing a nameless lover, she pierced a heart rent by sorrow.

Doth lie invite truth?
Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood?
Ah, thou pityful, thou miserable ones.

Still amidst lies, though the end cometh not, wherefore yearn for death?
Will thou attend thy beloved? Truths and lies, life and death:
a game of turning white to black and black to white.

Is not a silence brimming with love more precious than flattery?
A peaceful slumber preferred to a throne besmirched with blood?

One vengeful man spilled blood for two;
Two youths shed tears for three;
Three witches disappeared thusly;
And only the four keys remain.

Ah but veryly...
In here lies a tragedy.
Art thou player or audience?
there is something which cannot become a puppet of fate or an onlooker,
peering into a cage.

First thing: This riddle gives you the sequence in which to rearrange the

Second thing: The roman numerals on the back of the books are the keycode.

This particular riddle requires a little knowledge on Shakespeare. If you have
read one or two of those books and remember vaguely what happened, you should
be fine though.

If you haven't read them but still want to find out without bothering to read
several hundred pages worth of text or worse, go to the theatre 5 times, go

Thanks to POGANIN for correcting my faulty interpretation of this toughy.

Now, here's how the verses relate to the books, of course this is all just my
version, but it works out:

1st VERSE:

The first word at thy left hand:
We start from the left side. ^^

a false lunacy, a madly dancing man.
Queen Gertrud protects Hamlet by stating he is insane.
The gravedigger/clown guy hamlet meets on the graveyard.

Hearing unhearable words, drawn
Hamlet, being called by his father's ghost

to a beloved's grave --- and there,
This refers to Ophelia's funeral.

mayhap, true madness at last.
Well, he seemed rather mad in the end.
Or it might just refer to things that happen in general,
when he battles Laertes, for instance.

As did this one playing at death,
Juliet, trying to feign her own death.

find true death at the last.
As you should know. ^^

Killing a nameless lover,
she pierced a heart rent by sorrow.
Her own, in fact.

Doth lie invite truth?
This would hold true for most Shakespearean tragedies.

Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood?
This is supposed to be about Othello,
but I can't explain why.

Ah, thou pityful, thou miserable ones.
Othello, too, can't see why though.

Still amidst lies, though the end cometh not,
wherefore yearn for death?
King Lear yearned for it, but it wouldn't come.
Instead he survived his own daughter... poor guy.

Will thou attend thy beloved? Truths and lies, life and death:
The only daughter that was truly loyal to Lear, Cordelia.

a game of turning white to black and black to white.
This would have matched Othello perfectly...
ah, well.

Is not a silence brimming with love more precious than flattery?
A peaceful slumber preferred to a throne besmirched with blood?
Like the throne Macbeth gets by murdering old King Duncan.
As Poganin points out, there is a Kurosawa movie named
'Throne of Blood' which reenacts Shakespeare in feudal
Japan. (It is, like all Kurosawa movies, (my favourite is
'The 7 Samurai') an excellent film and you should watch it
if you have the occasion.)

One vengeful man spilled blood for two;
Anybody out for revenge? Well, Hamlet for one,
to avenge his murdered father.

Two youths shed tears for three;
Matches only Romeo and Juliet and perfectly at that.

Three witches disappeared thusly;
You know, those from Macbeth:
'By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes. '

And only the four keys remain.
Nope, not the great Speare this time. ^^

So, you might wonder, what do those last lines mean?
Obviously they contain several of the aforementioned plays.
Maybe you have to do something with the corresponding numbers.

Q: I just can't solve it. Give me something to work with.

A: In detail:
The solution to this puzzle is:
Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth.
In Roman numerals IV, I, V, II, III. (Arabic: 4,1,5,2,3)

Q: Ok, that's the sequence, i'm sure of it. BUT IT WON'T WORK!!

A: There's one more verse to be taken into consideration...

Q: Right, you know-it-all... what's with all the bleeding and crying?

A: Well, since the characters that are described here are from books that
were already mentioned before, you might have to change their
corresponding numbers...

Q: And what bloody characters are those supposed to be?

A: Think now. Who was out for revenge? Someone who lost a person very close
to him maybe? Someone who would kill to get his right? Two youths. That
sound familiar? Two young people? Did they know each other? Did they like
one another maybe? Three witches. By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes.

Q: Right, I get it now. What do I do with the numbers now?

A: Rather hard to hint at that. The vengeful man spilled blood for two...
TWICE as much as that for one man. The two youths shed tears for three...
THREE TIMES as much as one alone would have been able to shed.
The witches disappeared. There were witches here.
They are gone now. They left NOTHING behind, absolutely nothing.

Q: I give up, that riddle is stupid and totally incomprehensible and the
fact that you wasted precious time and energy with it, fills my heart with

A: Strange, I felt similar about all of this. ^^
Here's the full explanation though:

So the vengeful man spilled blood for two, he should get credit for that.
Let's multiply his number with two.

2x4=8 (8,1,5,2,3)

Two youths shed tears for three? That's not fair, they should get their value
multiplied with three for that, too.

3x1=3 (8,3,5,2,3)

The three witches disappear. Well, good riddance. ^^

Now really only four keys remain:

8 3 5 2

Go for it.

III.2 Brookhaven Hospital F2 Puzzle:


The door is locked with one of those unbreakable quality Silent Hill keypad
locks (R), featuring numbers 1 to 9. (Didn't you ever wonder why in most
action movies they just have to shoot those things to get them open? Well, I
tried, but it wouldn't work for me. Guess those locks are action-hero-proof or
something. ^^) Next to the door on the west side wall you will find a long
memo, read it. The text goes as follows:

Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead---
You are always looking at me
and I am always looking at you.

Ah, you're too meek---
beautiful, unspoiled:
thus I'm so sad, I suffer---
and so happy, it hurts.

I want to hurt you
and destroy myself
What you would think
if you knew how I felt.

Would you simply smile,
not saying a word?
Even curses from your mouth
would be as beautiful as pearls.

I place my left hand on your
face as though we were to kiss.
Then I suddenly shove my thumb
deep into your eyesocket.
Abruptly, decisively,
like drilling a hole.

And what would it feel like?
Like jelly?
Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely
mix it around and around: I must
taste the warmth of your blood.

How would you scream?
Would you shriek "It hurts!
It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears
stream from your crushed eye?

You can't know the maddening
hunger I've felt in the midst of
our kisses, so many of them
I've lost count.

As though drinking in your cries,
I bring my hopes to fruition:
biting your tongue, shredding it,
biting at your lips as if tasting
your lipstick.

Oh, what euphoric heights I would
reach, having my desires fulfilled
like a greedy, gluttonous cur.

I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted
cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my
I would surely be healed,
and would cry like a child.

And how is your tender ear?
It brushes against my cheek;
I want it to creep up to my lips so
I can sink my teeth into its flesh.

Your left ear, always hearing words
whispered sweet as pie---
I want it to hear my true feelings.
I never lied, no...
but I did have my secrets.

Ah, but what must you think of me?
Do you hate me? Are you afraid?
As though inviting you to the agony
at the play's end; if you wish, you
could destroy me--- I wouldn't care.

As you wish, you may destroy me
--- I wouldn't care.

That's it. 15 verses.

First thing: Look for things that could be converted into a keypad code.

Second thing: Hard mode puzzles require a great deal of abstraction.

I admit, this one gave me a hard time myself.
We had some discussions over it on the SHF and when I finally solved it
with my patented doodling method, I was rather unsatisfied with the result.
sin1982cl however came up with a far more logical explanation for this one,
and that's why my credit goes out to him.
I had to edit it his explanation a bit, though. ^^

As often in puzzles that are about abstraction, you have to relate
two things without obvious connection to one another. Same thing here.
As you might have noticed while reading the poem, it deals with facial parts.
Now we can overlay the important areas of a face to a keypad without problems.
It looks like this:

1 2 3 eye eye

4 5 6 ear nose ear

7 8 9 cheek mouth cheek

Most of this riddle is simply fillers, what
we have to focus on is the parts of the face
that are connected with the riddlemakers mouth.
He seems to be a little cannibal.

" ...I place my left hand on your
face as though we were to kiss
then I suddenly shove my thumb
deep into your eyesocket,..."

If you were standing face to face to another person,
your left hand would touch his right side.
So this has to be the RIGHT eye.

"...I must
taste the warmth of your blood.

How would you scream?
Would you shriek "It hurts!
It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears
stream from your crushed eye?..."

"...taste the warmth of our blood..." is the important bit.
The blood is another thing we have to
watch since he has to lick it up to taste
it.Since the bloody tears are streaming
DOWNWARDS, this means we have to go
DOWN from our starting position (on #1)
and move on to #4.

"...I bring my hopes to fruition:
biting your tongue, shredding it,
biting at your lips as if tasting
your lipstick..."

"...biting at your lips..." is our next point of interest.
This can be clearly placed as the mouth
area and thus #8 on the keypad.

"...I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted
cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my

the "..cherry-tinted cheeks..." are what our flesh-loving friend is after
next, which corresponds to either 7 or 9.

"...your left ear, always hearing words
whispered sweet as pie..." the left ear corresponds with key #6.

This leaves us with two possibilities for the final combination:

4896 and

We decided on choosing the left cheek variant, because it is located between
the mouth and the left ear, so you might imagine our riddler to first bite the
mouth, lick the cheek and then bite the ear.

The sequence would therefore be 4 8 9 6, which proves to be the final


'The starting time is the key'
This is not a riddle to me, so I'll just tell you that the solution is the
same as on normal riddle mode.



Go and read the ten memos that are scattered around the room. Then proceed to
read the poem inscribed on the crematorium door. Once you've got all that, you
are ready to attack that combination lock.

The memos read as follows: (the number represents the bed on which it is
found, the titles are what the memos are called in the memo-screen):

1. Song of the Sparrow:

Who killed Cock Robin?
"The Sparrow," they said
"He wants them all dead
To him honey-sweet is their sobbin'."

2. Song of the Owl:

The Owl who forgot the sky
Resigned to his poor earthbound state
Hungry of full didn't matter at all,
He ate and he ate and he ate.

3. Song of the Thrush:

The grass the Thrush so loved to eat
Gave him sweet happiness
He sank ever deeper and finally fell
To destruction and fatal distress.

4. Song of the Robin:

Cock Robin, who hid the key away
Is ash in the oven all right.
The place he held is empty now
And the doors remain shut tight.

5. Song of the Lark:
The Lark's child lost all his words
And walled himself up all away.
Heart and mouth both locked up tight
In a cage where no one want to stay.

6. Song of the Dove:
The Dove's hope died, he chose his path
His flapping wings fell still
Drenched in scarlet there he lay
His cheeks pale white an chill.

7. Song of the Linnet:

He seeks out her soul by his own black ambition.
Frightening her out of her wits
Whispering love songs in her ear
What cruel Linnet wants, he gets.

8. Song of the Rook:

The black Rook is the praying sort
Who hears the gods in the skies
His whispered petitions go on without end
And glassy and dim are his eyes.

9. Song of the Wren:

The Wren with pure heart as yet unrefined
Makes us laugh unto his feeble lip-smacking
But still we all know he shall never grow old
And he knows not how much he is lacking.

0. Song of the Kite:

The Kite hot, crazy and panting mad
Sweet shackles that tease and excite
Death itself would drive him wild
Red blood that turns milky white.

Crematorium door:

Burn the one who knows no death
Pure, adored by those above
No prayers within, just simple love

And now the pining hunter
The flames longing for his rebirth
A distant flame within the earth.

Burn up that heavy body of his
Make it wind, dancing in the sky
That bottomless gut now a cloud, now a sigh

The sweet blood on his laughing lips
Now calls him to the gates of hell
There burns evermore that soulless shell.

Four bodies return to ashes
Thus the door is opened
Thus the door is opened

First thing: There's four numbers on the combination lock.

Second thing: There's four verses on the crematorium door.

Q:I don't see what the connection between those birds and the numbers for the
keys should be...

A:Check the environment more closely.
Especially the beds.

Q:So all I have to do this time is match the memo numbers
to the verses on the crematorium door?

A:Yes, this one is a piece of cake... though the clues tend
to be a bit mushy at times.

As mentioned before, you have to match four of the birds to the four verses of
the poem on the crematorium door.

The first one:
"Burn the one who knows no death
Pure, adored by those above
No prayers within, just simple love.",
refers to the Wren, as his heart is pure and his lip-smacking for us is a sign
of the simple love within him.

The second verse: "And now the pining hunter
The flames longing for his rebirth
A distant flame within the earth.",
refers to the Owl. A hunting bird, but bound to earth,
this matches exactly the description in the memo.

Third verse:"Burn up that heavy body of his
Make it wind, dancing in the sky
That bottomless gut now a cloud, now a sigh",
refers to the Linnet. Actually I thought this was the perfect match for the
owl at first, but then I remembered that Linnet are real gluttons and are
known for eating three times their weight in a single day. That is also where
he got his name: This peculiar bird tends to eat so much flaxseed, that it
cannot fly anymore. The old word for flax was Lin or Linnen.
(I'm not making this up, check a dictionary. ^^)

Fourth verse:"The sweet blood on his laughing lips
Now calls him to the gates of hell
There burns evermore that soulless shell.",
refers to the Sparrow. Since he loves to make the Robins suffer, there is
blood on his lips and he is smiling because he just killed one.

The final sequence therefore is:
Wren, Owl, Linnet, Sparrow.

Or in numbers:
(9; 2; 7; 1)



On the bed you will find a notebook. Read it. The text says:




First thing: Examine the cards closely.

Second thing: Note the whole thing down on paper.

Now, if you throw out all of the letters that are not roman numerals or are
too big to refer to tarot card numbers, you'll come up with this.




Remember the numerals on the cards.

HP EON ooo


HM ooo ooo


The splitworm does not require any sophisticated tactical work.
Equip your bullet vest, keep your distance to the opening he comes out from
and shoot him when he sticks his head out. 1 to 3 clips will do the trick.


There is no elaborated tactic known to me.
Anyway, a basic one will do the trick here, too.
Wait till the monster approaches you to cut you in half,
then run sideways and let him have a full salvo, preferably from the shotgun.
When he is down, give him some more to swallow and he shouldn't be doing much
damage to you.


Don't let go of that search view button. (L2)
Get any gun you like and best equip your bullet vest as well.
Follow him when he submerges and once he pops up again, quickly circle him
and make him eat lead.
There's only one thing you have to look out for: his long arms.
Stay out of his reach and he can't harm you.
One of the many advantages of using firearms.
Sounds simple, smells simple, tastes like chicken.


Well, the first 'Alessa' only brings a knife and a pretty mean punch with her.
Simply outrun her, wait till she tries to stab you and then shoot her
with the hand gun or slice her with the Katana.
The Stun Gun works to great effect also.

The second 'Alessa' packs some artillery, which makes fighting her very similar
to fighting Cibyl. You can hide behind horses and use them same tactics on her
than you did on the previous one.

Third 'Alessa' will attack you with a pipe...
She is consequently rather slow and is easily dealt with, using the evade and
shoot tactic.

Fourth 'Alessa' Packs a submachine gun... better not let her use it.
Although the SMG bursts can be evaded when running or hiding behind horses,
best stay close to her,

Ooh, a god, scary. The bastard sends homing hellfire lv. 7 after you...
No reason to break a sweat though, just stay well out of range of his
enormously long appendages and evade his fire attacks.
Once you've evaded one of the latter, shoot him a couple of times with the
handgun and when he goes down use the biggest piece of artillery you can.
Shouldn't take too long if done correctly.


Upon every consecutive clear, you will be awarded with an extra weapon.
The conditions upon which they are awarded have not yet been cleared yet,
I'll try to add this as soon as I understand them.

Here's how to find them:

BEAM SABER: The name is the game. Found as a replacement door knob
on the far west end of the 2nd floor in the Shopping Mall.

FLAMETHROWER: Found in Helen's Bakery, also on the 2nd floor of the
Shopping Mall. Read the note under it. ^^

UNLIMITED SMG AMMO: Found in the dead end alley, right after you exit
the bathroom window. No, it's not a bandana.

HEATHER BEAM: Equipped from the beginning.

Can only be used when no weapon is equipped. It has two
firing modes:

Heather Beam: Homing white balls of light that pursue
targets. Not even that weak, once you have
mastered their use.

NRJ Octagons: Octagonal (??) shaped energy formations that
need to be aimed by you. Pretty powerful and
neat to look at.

When used with the Transform Costume,
it produces other results:

Sexy Beam: Like the Heather Beam, only that it is pink
and you don't shoot 2 balls, but 8 instead.
On top of that, there's a weird shaped
energy thingy shooting out that you can aim
with the D-pad or the stick.
Simply devastating.

Eye Laser: The name is the game. Heather shoots two
laser beams from her eyes... Extremely
useful when facing enemies at a distance.

Heather and Sexy Beam can be unleashed by simply pressing
X. The Eye Laser and the Energy Octagons can be produced by
tapping forward + X on the D-pad, and then need directing.


Extra costumes can be unlocked at the Extra Costumes screen. (duh.)
They require passwords which can be found throughout the game or are awarded
with game clears. Here's an incomplete list of the costumes available.

NOTE: those passwords are case-sensitive.

HappyBirthDay : Heather shirt
TOUCH_MY_HEART : Don't Touch Shirt
LightToFuture : The Light Shirt
ShogyouMujou : Transience Shirt
BlueRobbieWin : Killer Rabbit Shirt
01_03_08_11_12 : Royal Flush Shirt
cockadooodledoo : Golden Rooster Shirt
GangsterGirl : God of Thunder Shirt
I_Love_You : Onsen Shirt
PrincessHeart : Transform Costume (un- and reequip for some serious fun.)
Shut_your_mouth : Zipper Shirt
PutHere2FeelJoy : Block Head Shirt
SH3_Wrestlarn : Game Reactor Shirt
sLmLdGhSmKfBfH : Play Shirt

About the shirts:

Heather Shirt : shirt worn by the creative team when being interviewed.

The Light Shirt : the picture is from SH1. It can be found on the 3rd floor
of Alchemilla Hospital and is titled:
'The Light illuminating the Darkness'

Killer Rabbit Shirt : yep, those are the bunnies from the Amusement Park. ^^

God of Thunder Shirt: not 100% sure about that, but I think it shows Raijin,
the ancient japanese god of thunder. The tattoos on her
arms seem to be japanese or chinese ink drawings.
I can't yet give any information about those on her hands
because I still haven't seen any screencaps.
I'll try and find out, though.

Onsen Shirt : well, IIRC, onsen means hot springs in japanese.
So this must be the fan shirt of some unknown spa. ^^
My friend Makube told me that written above the symbol
is the word 'household' and that the symbol on the bottom
stands for some bath... (I thought it was a steaming mug)
Is this an advice for hardcore gamers to take baths more
often? ^^

Transform Costume : Hm... I guess this thing should ring a bell with everyone.
In case it doesn't: sailor uniform.
Un- and reequip it for a cool cutscene. ^^

Royal Flush Shirt : As from the SHF points out, this thing has
a very interesting history of its own. I hope that,
with the help of Skyfox, I can bring it to you.

Game Reactor Shirt : Game Reactor is free gaming mag in
Norway, Denmark and Finland. Not in Germany, though.

Play Shirt : The shirt from a rather new german game mag
called (can you guess it?)'Play'.
(It says so on the shirt's back).
The front features the ever so popular winged flaming skull.
Heather goes Heavy Metal.



Known to me so far are three endings:
(Of course this does NOT mean that's all you can get.)

NORMAL : Heather defeats Claudia, who had tried to give birth to god after
Heather 'aborted' him. Having killed Claudia, Heather is once more
overwhelmed by the sadness she feels because of losing her dad,
Harry. Cut. The Amusement Park. Douglas has managed in spite of his
broken leg, to find a bank to sit on and has fallen asleep. Heather
approaches and Douglas wakes with a start. On recognizing her, he
smiles and asks her whether all is over now. Heather, holding the
knife in her hand, keeps her stony face. She approaches Douglas and
says in a tone that sends shivers up your spine: 'Not yet... You're
still alive.' Douglas' face is contorted with panic. Heather
approaches him and he knows that he cannot escape her. Suddenly
Heather leaps towards him and shouts: 'Booh.' Great relief on
Douglas' side here. ^^ Heather asks Douglas to call her by her real
name from now on: Cheryl. Douglas inquires whether Heather will also
let her hair go back to black. She answers: 'Well, I dunno... don't
you think blondes have more fun?' Credit roll. Heather kneels before
Harry's grave.

POSSESSED: Heather defeats Claudia, who had tried to give birth to god after
Heather 'aborted' him. Having killed Claudia, Heather is once more
overwhelmed by the sadness she feels because of losing her dad,
Harry. Cut. The Amusement Park. A puddle on the ground. Something
drips down and into it. Douglas is lying in a pool of blood.
The influence of Samael seems to have been too much for Heather.
As the camera pans up, you can see her bloodstained knife,
Fade to black, credits.

UFO : Don't want to spoil this for anyone, only this much:
It's not the UFO ending, it's the REVENGE ending.
Oh yeah, and it rocks. ^^

Thanks to an anonymous helper who send me those:
Thanks to Manuel, who pointed out the silencer to me.

After clearing the game once, mark the EXTRA NEW GAME option and enter:
Select the desired difficulty levels.
If done successfully, you'll receive a very... interesting sound.
Watch the cutscenes closely from now on. ^___^

When in the sewers, in the room with the monster and the outlet,
go to the edge of the water and press X. Throw in your steel pipe.
Answer all questions truthfully and you'll get a nifty extra.

When you enter the room with the filthy mattress
(fifth floor on the construction site,) in it,
bear right and examine the walls. Equip the mace and find
something really useful... well, useful for MGS fans, anyway. ^^

MAKUBE - for tireless translation efforts.

SIN1982CL - for coming up with an absolutely comprehensible
version of the 2F East Wing Puzzle.

MAPMASTER - who helped me save my skull in the Haunted Mansion.

AN ANONYMOUS HELPER - who supplied me with eastereggs and additional
costume passwords.

KATANASOUL - who helped me simplify the crematorium riddle.

MANUEL - for pointing out the silencer easter egg.

POGANIN - for correcting my faulty Shakespeare interpretation.

GUNSMITH, - for some kick'ss SH walkthroughs.

THE SILENT HILL FORUM - if you're interested in more than just beating the
game, visit it, it's worth it.

KONAMI - for making this incredible game.

THE BAKERY NEXT DOOR - who gave me free donuts when seeing
what state I was in after playing hard riddle mode.


All characters and game texts in this faq are copyrighted by Konami.
The other stuff is copyrighted by me. ^^
Please ask before you reproduce, copy, etc. any part of this faq,
don't make profit with it, don't eat it in its printed form on paper.
If you want this thing on your site, I can send you updates
or just visit one of the following sites:



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