Police Quest

Police Quest

17.10.2013 06:17:30

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 20th Apr, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Police Quest I is an adventure game made by Sierra in 1987. The game is based
in the city of Lytton, where players control a police officer named Sonny
Bonds. Initially, the game involves cruising around the streets displayed on a
large map of the city, and solving simple cases. Things soon become far more
dangerous, as Sonny is chosen to investigate the mysterious Death Angel.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the hallway. Walk through the bottom-right doorway to enter
the locker room. "Open locker" at the right side of the chair. "Get all" to get
the ammunition, briefcase, handcuffs and revolver. "Open briefcase". "Get all"
to get the note book, pen and ticket book. "Close locker". Exit the room.

Walk through the top-right doorway to enter the briefing room. "Read paper" on
the table. "Drop paper". Walk to the left side of the top-right table to listen
to the briefing. "Write notes" after the briefing and enter any text for the
three notes. Walk to the third pigeonhole and "look in hole" to find a note
from Steve. Exit the briefing room.

Walk to the board and "get key". Walk to the table and "get radio". West. Exit
the station. Walk around the bottom-left car to complete the safety check.
"Open door". Press F4. "Get nightstick". "Close door". Press F4. Drive around
the streets until a message is received from dispatch. Drive to B2 and stop
near the green car. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. Walk over to the green car and "look man". "Look man".
Walk over to the crowd and "talk man". "Talk man". "Use radio". When Hamilton
and Dooley arrive, walk over to the car and press F4 to get in. "Close door".
Press F4. Drive until a message is received from Steve. Drive to A3 and stop
outside of Carol's Caffiene Castle. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter Carol's Caffiene Castle. "Sit" in
the chair near Steve at the left side of the room. After the coffee has been
served, the phone will ring. "Stand". "Use phone" to talk to Hamilton. Exit
Carol's Caffiene Castle. Walk to the car and "Open door". Press F4. "Close
door". Press F4. Drive around the streets until you see the red sports car pass
the red light. Press F10. Drive behind the car until it pulls over. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Use radio". Walk up to the woman in the car and "look
woman". "Ask for license". "Write ticket". "No". "Write ticket". "Give license
to woman". "Sign ticket". "Give ticket to woman". Walk to the car and "open
door". Press F4. "Close door". Drive around the streets until a message is
received about a complaint at Carol's Caffiene Castle. Drive to A3 and stop
outside of Carol's Caffiene Castle. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter Carol's Caffiene Castle. "Talk
Carol". Exit Carol's Caffiene Castle and enter Wino Willy's bar. "Move bikes".
Press F10 to use the nightstick. Walk to Marie and "ask about drugs". Exit Wino
Willy's. Walk to the car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4.
Drive around the streets until you see the erratically moving vehicle. Press
F10. Drive behind the car until it pulls over. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. Walk up to the man in the car and say "get out". "Give
test". "Cuff man". "No". "Follow me". Walk to the back door of the patrol car
and "open door". "Close door" after the man gets in. Walk to the front door and
press F4. "Close door". "Use radio". Press F4. Drive to D3 and stop in the car
park outside the jail. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Walk to the back door and "open door".
"Open locker". "Put revolver in locker". "Close locker". "Push button" at the
right side of the door. Enter the jail. "Book man for drunk driving". "Get
handcuffs". Exit the jail. "Open locker". "Get revolver". "Close locker". Walk
to the car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to C3 and
stop in the car park of the station. Press F4.


"Drop nightstick". "Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the station.
East. "Open door" at the left side of the room to enter Dooley's office. "Open
door" to exit Dooley's office. Walk through the bottom-right doorway to the
locker room. "Open locker". "Get towel". "Close locker". Walk into the shower
and "turn on shower". "Turn off shower".

Walk to the locker and "open locker". "Get keys". "Close locker". Exit the
locker room. Walk to the board and "drop key". Walk to the table and "drop
radio". West. "Write memo". "Put memo in basket". Exit the station. Walk to the
blue car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to B4 and
stop outside The Blue Room. Press F4.


"Get wallet". "Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter The Blue Room and
"sit" on the chair at the right side of Jack. "Stand". Exit The Blue Room. Walk
to the blue car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to C3
and stop in the car park of the station. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the station. East. Walk through the
bottom-right doorway to enter the locker room. "Open locker". "Get towel".
"Close locker". Walk into the shower and "turn on shower". "Turn off shower".
Walk to the locker and "open locker". "Get all" to get the ammunition,
briefcase, handcuffs and revolver. "Close locker". Exit the locker room. Walk
through the top-right doorway to enter the briefing room.

Walk to the left side of the top-right table to listen to the briefing. Walk to
the third pigeonhole and "look in hole" to find an envelope. Exit the briefing
room. Walk to the board and "get key". Walk to the table and "get radio". West.
Exit the station. Walk around the bottom-left car to complete the safety check.
"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive around the streets until a
message is received from dispatch. Press F10. Drive behind the light blue car
until it pulls over. Press F4.


"Use radio". Wait until Jack arrives in the other car. "Open door". Press F4.
"Load revolver". "Draw revolver". "Get out of car with hands up". "Lie down".
"Put revolver away". "Cuff man". "Search man". "Stand". "Read rights". "Follow
me". Walk to the back door of the patrol car and "open door". "Close door"
after the man gets in. "Get gun" as Jack walks by. "Drop gun".

Walk to the trunk of the light blue car and "open trunk". "Close trunk". Walk
to the open door of the car and "look door". "Open compartment". "Read book".
"Drop book". "Look licenses". "Close compartment". Walk to the patrol car and
press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to D3 and stop in the car park outside
the jail. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Walk to the back door and "open door".
"Open locker". "Put revolver in locker". "Close locker". "Push button" at the
right side of the door. Enter the jail. "Drugs". "Get handcuffs". Exit the
jail. "Open locker". "Get revolver". "Close locker". Walk to the car and "open
door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to C3 and stop in the car park
of the station. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the station. East. "Open door" at
the left side of the room to enter Dooley's office. Walk behind the desk and
"read memo". Exit Dooley's office. Walk through the bottom-right doorway to
enter the locker room. "Open locker". "Get towel". "Close locker". Walk into
the shower and "turn on shower". "Turn off shower".

Walk to the locker and "open locker". "Get all" to get the ammunition,
briefcase, handcuffs and revolver. "Close locker". Exit the locker room. Walk
to the board and "drop key". West. "Open door" and enter Morgan's office.
Morgan will explain that you have been assigned to the Hoffman case. Exit
Morgan's office. Walk to the right door and "open door" to enter the narcotics
office. After Laura leaves the room, walk to the file cabinet at the north side
of the room and "open cabinet".

"Read Hoffman file". "Get Hoffman file". "Get key" from the board. "Get
clipboard" near the bottom-left corner of the board. Turn to page five and "get
poster". "Drop clipboard". Exit the office. Exit the station. Walk around the
top-right car to complete the safety check and "open door". Press F4. "Close
door". Press F4. Drive to D3 and stop outside the courthouse. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Walk north and "open door" to enter the
courthouse. Walk to the window on the right and say "emergency" to the clerk.
"Open door" to enter the courtroom, where the judge will ask questions.
"Hoffman". "File". "Poster". "Tattoo". Exit the courthouse. Walk to the car and
"open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive right and stop in the car
park outside the jail. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". "Open locker". "Put revolver in locker".
"Close locker". "Push button" at the right side of the door. Enter the jail.
"Give warrant" to the jailer. Exit the jail. "Open locker". "Get revolver".
"Close locker". Walk to the car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press
F4. Drive to C3 and stop in the car park of the station. Laura will get into
the car. Press F4. Drive to B2 and stop in the car park of the park. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the park. Walk behind one of the
bushes at the back of the area and "use radio". Wait until the second man
arrives at the park. "Load gun". "Draw gun". Wait until the men start to argue.
"Use radio". "Say halt". "Put gun away". Walk up to the man and "Cuff Simms".
"Read rights". Exit the park.

"Search Simms". "Talk Colby". "Talk Colby". "Talk Simms". "Talk Simms". "Open
door". "Close door". Walk to the front door of the patrol car and "open door".
Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. "Use radio". Drive to D3 and stop in the car
park outside the jail. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Walk to the back door and "open door".
"Open locker". "Put revolver in locker". "Close locker". "Push button" at the
right side of the door. Enter the jail. "Drugs". "Get handcuffs". Exit the
jail. "Open locker". "Get revolver". "Close locker". Walk to the car and "open
door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to C3 and stop in the car park
of the station. Laura will tell you to go to The Blue Room. Press F4. Drive to
B4 and stop outside The Blue Room. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter The Blue Room and "sit" on the chair
at the right side of Jack. "Talk Jack". After Keith leaves, "stand" and exit
The Blue Room. Walk to the car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press
F4. Drive to C3 and stop in the car park of the station. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the station. "Open door" and enter
Morgan's office. Walk up to the desk. "Look phone". Exit Morgan's office.East.
Walk through the door at the top of the hallway enter the computer room. "Turn
on computer". "SW9764912". "Exit". West. Enter the narcotics office. Use the
phone and dial "555-4522". "Sonny". "Hoffman". "Drop phone".

Use the phone and dial "1-312-555-3382". "Hoffman". "Drop phone". Exit the
narcotics office. Enter the narcotics office, and Laura will say that Marie
called. Exit the office. Exit the station. Walk around the top-right car to
complete the safety check. "Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive
to D3 and stop in the car park outside the jail. "Open door". Press F4.


"Close door". "Open locker". "Put revolver in locker". "Close locker". "Push
button" at the right side of the door. Enter the jail. "Help with operation".
Exit the jail. "Open locker". "Get revolver". "Close locker". Walk to the car
and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4. Drive to D4 and stop in
Cotton Cove. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". "Move blanket". "Look Hoffman". "Use
radio". Walk to the patrol car and "open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press
F4. Drive to C3 and stop in the car park of the station. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the station. "Open door" and enter
Morgan's office. Walk up to the desk. Exit Morgan's office. East. Enter the
narcotics office. "Use phone" and dial "555-2622". Exit the narcotics office.
East. Walk through the bottom-right doorway to the locker room. "Open locker".
"Get towel". "Close locker". Walk into the shower and "turn on shower". "Use
bleach". "Rinse hair". "Turn off shower".

"Open locker". "Drop towel". "Close locker". Exit the locker room. Walk to the
table and "drop radio". West. "Open door" and enter Morgan's office. Walk up to
the desk. Exit Morgan's office. Exit the station. Walk around the top-right car
to complete the safety check. "Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Press F4.
Drive to D3 and stop in the car park outside the Hotel Delphoria. Press F4.


"Open door". Press F4. "Close door". Enter the hotel. Walk to the desk and
"ring bell". "Rent room". "Pay clerk". West. Walk to the bar and "order beer".
"Pay bartender". "Stand". "Pay bartender". East. Enter the elevator and "push
two". East. "Unlock door" and enter room 204. "Use phone" at the top-left
corner of the room. "555-6674". "Sonny". "Use phone". "555-9222". "Hotel". Exit
room 204.

Enter the elevator and "push one". West. Walk to the bar and "pay bartender".
West. Enter the poker room and "sit" at the table at the top-left corner. Play
poker until you win $1,000. Exit the poker room. East. Enter the elevator and
"push two". East. "Unlock door" and enter room 204. Wait until the three
detectives enter the room.

Walk to the man on the left and "ask for transmitter". Exit room 204. Enter the
elevator and "push one". West. Walk to the bar and say "Frank sent me". West.
"Sit" at the table in the card room and win another $300. "Stand". "Yes".
"Yes". East. Follow Frank up to floor four, and stop outside room 404. "Use
transmitter". Enter room 404 to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found in the locker at the station. It is used with the revolver.

Found in the locker at the station. It is opened to find the note book, pen
and ticket book.

Found on the board in the narcotics office at the station. It is used to run
the cadillac.

Found in the locker at the station. It is used to run the Corvette.

Morgan will give Sonny the hair bleach before he travels to the Hotel
Delphoria. It is used as part of the disguise.

Found in the locker at the station. They are used on Art, Hoffman and Simms.

Found in the file cabinet in the narcotics office at the station. It is given
to the judge at the courthouse.

Found in the briefing room at the station. It can be picked up and read.

Morgan will give Sonny the marked money before he travels to the Hotel
Delphoria. It is used to play poker.

Found in the patrol car. It is used to defend against the bikers in Wino
Willy's bar.

The judge in the courhouse will give Sonny the no bail warrant after she has
been told of Hoffman, the file, the poster and the tattoo.

Found in the briefcase. It is used with the pen to write notes in the
briefings at the station.

Found on the board at the left side of the hallway at the start of the game.
It is used to run the patrol car.

Found in the briefcase. It is used with the note book to write notes in the
briefings at the station.

Found on the table at the top of the hallway at the start of the game. It is
used to receive messages from various people.

Found in the locker at the station. It is drawn after finding Hoffman.

The clerk at the desk in the Hotel Delphoria will give Sonny the room key
when he pays for the room. It is used to unlock the door to room 204.

Found in the briefcase. It is used to write a ticket for Helen in the red
sports car.

The detective will give Sonny the transmitter pen when he enters room 204
after the first poker game. It is used before entering room 404.

Morgan will give Sonny the trick cane before he travels to the Hotel
Delphoria. It is used as part of the disguise.

The wallet is found in the Corvette. It is used to enter The Blue Room.

Found on page five of the clipboard in the narcotics office at the station.
It is given to the judge at the courthouse.


4. Point List



1 1 Open the locker.

4 3 Get all from the locker.

5 1 Open the briefcase.

8 3 Get all from the briefcase.

9 1 Get the patrol car key.

11 2 Get the radio extender.

16 5 Read the paper in the briefing room.

24 8 Sit through the briefing.

25 1 Write notes after the briefing.

27 2 Find the note in the third pigeonhole.

32 5 Safety check the patrol car.

35 3 Get the nightstick from the patrol car.

38 3 Stop near the green car.

43 5 Complete the green car investigation.

46 3 Stop outside Carol's Caffiene Castle.

48 2 Answer the phone in Carol's Caffiene Castle.

52 4 Pull over the red sports car.

59 7 Give the ticket to Helen Hots.

60 1 Use the radio.

63 3 Talk to Carol in Carol's Caffiene Castle.

68 5 Use the nightstick in Wino Willy's bar.

71 3 Ask Marie about drugs in Wino Willy's bar.

74 3 Pull over the erratically moving vehicle.

77 3 Test the man in the car (Art).

80 3 Ask Art to follow.

81 1 Use the radio.

83 2 Put the revolver in the locker at the jail.

85 2 Book Art for drunk driving.

87 2 Put the towel away after using the shower.

88 1 Get the Corvette keys from the locker.

90 2 Put the memo in the basket at the station.

92 2 Stop outside The Blue Room.

95 3 Get the wallet from the Corvette.

97 2 Attend Jack's party at The Blue Room.

98 1 Sit through the briefing at the station.

101 3 Find the envelope in the third pigeonhole.

106 5 Pull over the light blue car.

110 4 Load the revolver.

114 4 Tell the man to get out with hands up.

116 2 Tell the man to lie down.

118 2 Search the man.

119 1 Read rights to the man.

123 4 Get the handgun from Jack.

125 2 Open the trunk of the light blue car.

127 2 Look at the door.

129 2 Read the book in the glove compartment.

131 2 Read the licenses in the glove compartment.

134 3 Book the man for drugs.

136 2 Read the memo in Dooley's office.

137 1 Talk to Morgan in his office.

139 2 Get the Hoffman file from the file cabinet.

142 3 Get the undercover car keys from the board.

144 2 Get the poster from the clipboard.

145 1 Stop outside the courthouse.

148 3 Tell the clerk there is an emergency.

155 7 Get the no bail warrant from the courtroom.

157 2 Give the no bail warrant to the jailer.

158 1 Stop outside the park.

163 5 Interrupt the argument in the park.

164 1 Cuff the man in the park (Simms).

165 1 Read rights to Simms.

171 6 Search Colby and Simms.

174 3 Talk to Colby twice.

176 2 Talk to Simms twice.

177 1 Use the radio outside the park.

179 2 Book the men for drugs.

180 1 Exit The Blue Room after meeting Jack.

181 1 Talk to Morgan in his office.

183 2 Look at the phone in Morgan's office.

185 2 Use the computer to search for SW9764912.

190 5 Use the phone to talk to Detective Williams.

195 5 Use the phone to talk to Detective Taber.

200 5 Ask Marie to help with operation.

202 2 Stop at Cotton Cove.

204 2 Look at Hoffman.

207 3 Use the radio.

209 2 Talk to Morgan in his office.

212 3 Use the phone to call the Cobb residence.

215 3 Bleach hair in the shower.

216 1 Talk to Morgan in his office.

217 1 Stop outside the Hotel Delphoria.

220 3 Pay the clerk for the room.

223 3 Pay the bartender twice.

224 1 Unlock the door to room 204.

227 3 Use the phone to ring Morgan.

230 3 Use the phone to order a taxi.

231 1 Pay the bartender.

234 3 Win the first poker game.

239 5 Ask for the transmitter pen.

242 3 Win the second poker game.

247 5 Use the transmitter outside room 404.

251 4 Get the keys to city.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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