Laura Bow 2 - Dagger Of Amon Ra

Laura Bow 2 - Dagger Of Amon Ra

17.10.2013 21:50:53
Version 1.04 ~ December 10, 2003
Copyright 2003 Victor Silvestri
By: ScorpioVS (

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-- IMPORTANT NOTICE ---------------------------------------------------

By accessing this file and/or using the information provided, you hereby
agree to the laws and regulations of the international copyright law. You
will NOT use this document to gain profit and/or plagiarize and call it your
own. This unofficial document is for GameFAQs use only and should not be
distributed to any other party.

-- NOT JOYSTICK APPROVED ----------------------------------------------

This FAQ/Walkthrough is for gamers who are using a mouse and keyboard (not a
joystick). There will be no explanations on how to use the joystick with the
game and what each joystick button is used for. If you have a joystick, and
are wondering how to use it with this game, this is not the place to be.

-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------

1.1 About the Game
1.2 Characters
1.3 Getting Acquainted
1.4 Saving and Loading

2.1 Act I: A Nose for News
2.2 Act II: Suspects on Parade
2.3 Act III: On the Cutting Edge
2.4 Act IV: The Museum of the Dead
2.5 Act V: Rex Takes a Bite Out of Crime
2.6 Act VI: Coroner's Inquest

3.1 FAQ's
3.2 Deaths
3.3 Contact Me


-- A LITTLE ABOUT THIS FAQ --------------------------------------------

Welcome, one and all, to my very first FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, covering all the
nooks and crannies there is to now about the phenomenal game, Laura Bow II:
The Dagger of Amon Ra. Being my first FAQ, I decided to choose a game that I
was familiar with and that I have played through a few times. I believe that
Laura Bow II was an excellent pick. It is challenging and can keep you
thinking and yet have you on the edge of your seat. Laura Bow II: The Dagger
of Amon Ra has truly amazed countless gamers.

This FAQ/WALKTHROUGH has quite a wealth of information. As a matter of fact,
it has it all! So make sure that you don't read this all the way through like
a book. It completely takes away from the value of the game. Consider this as
an aid. If you're really stuck on one area, or have no idea what to do, then
simply find out here. This is only to help you, not to act as a study guide.

However, this isn't just a place to find out what to do next in the game. It
also has a list of characters, items, and ways in which you can die! Yup,
that's right folks. You CAN die. And it ain't pretty. Believe me, I had to
find out the hard way. But all in all, I would say that this is a pretty
formidable FAQ and that it will definitely help you on your way to becoming a
better gamer. Well, at least I hope so.


1.1 About the Game

-- THE PLOT -----------------------------------------------------------

Well, Laura's done it again. She's managed to find herself in yet another
life threatening situation. I mean, you'd think she would have had enough at
the colonel's mansion, but here she is, once again, swimming through dead
bodies and fleeing from a faceless murderer. Some people just never learn,
will they? But the question is, whodunit?

Thus, the scheme of Laura Bow II: The Dagger of Amon Ra. You play the
character of young Laura Bow (hence the title), who is striving to be an
expert reporter. And what luck! You've been given a job at the New York Daily
Register News Tribune. (Say THAT three times fast!) So now, she's leaving her
quaint hometown of New Orleans to come to the big apple!

Laura's first story that she has to cover is that of the remarkable Dagger of
Amon Ra. It was stolen from the Leyendecker Museum and has stirred up quite a
crowd. Sound simple enough? HA! That's only the beginning...

-- GETTING AROUND -----------------------------------------------------

Remember, above all, this game is a mystery. Getting around isn't as easy as
most games, and continuing on your way isn't always a breeze. But that's just
the thing that makes Laura Bow II such a unique game. You are an intrepid
newspaper reporter. Now, start acting like one! You HAVE to be nosey in this
game if you want to get anywhere! You can't succeed by just walking around.
You need to pick up evidence, examine everything, and interrogate everyone
(sometimes more then once)! Hey, no one said this job was easy.

The evidence you collect and the information you find out will be crucial to
finding out just who is going around killing everyone. You need to think
quickly when the time comes to it and you have to put together clues in order
to make sense of this giant puzzle that involves masses of dead bodies,
blood, sex, scandals, theft...Hmm, this may not be such an uninteresting game
after all.

1.2 Characters

-- LAURA BOW ----------------------------------------------------------

Ah, the main character. And what a fox! Um, ahem. Anyway, this redheaded
beauty is the heroin of the game. She's wise! She's brave! She's resourceful!
Well, heck, she's YOU! You control Laura in her many encounters with dead
bodies, mysterious characters, and that infamous masked murderer! What fun!

Laura comes from New Orleans in search of a new career. You'd think she'd
become a detective after all that mayhap in the Colonel's Bequest, but no,
she'd rather be a reporter. Who'd want to write about a murder mystery rather
than solve it? Laura is your eyes into the world of Laura Bow II and she's
the one that you have to constantly watch after. If she dies, you die! So be

-- STEVE DORIAN ------------------------------------------------------

Ou, what a hunk! Steve is the all-around nice guy. He's the person who just
CAN'T be the murderer. Or can he? Steve is the carrot topped stevedore that
Laura sort of runs into at the docks. After that encounter, he stalks
maybe not STALKS, but he DOES follow her to that super hoity-toity ball that
Laura is attending, which isn't always a good thing.

Steve is sort of Laura's counter part. (I mean they both have red hair!) He's
the innocent guy who likes to paint in his spare time and can't afford a nice
pair of shoes. But heck, look how cute he is. Would you actually turn down
those puppy dog eyes? Yea, I didn't think so.

-- DETECTIVE RYAN HANRAHAN O'RILEY ------------------------------------

Whew, talk about hotheaded. When it comes to hard boiled, I'd say this guy's
about 5 minutes! Ok, that was a horrible metaphor, but the point is, you
don't want to upset this guy. Though you WILL have to put up with him
throughout the game. Believe it or not, he's the detective covering this

O'Riley is the unpleasant Irish man who was assigned to examine the theft of
the dagger of Amon Ra. Little did he know that he'd have to investigate a
serial murder as well! Although sometimes he can be a pain in the neck,
O'Riley is a relief to see walking around the museum. I mean that guy's got a
gun! If I were Laura, I'd be hanging around with him for the time being.

-- DR. ARCHIBALD CARRINGTON III ---------------------------------------

Meet Dr. Archibald Carrington III. He's the president of the Leyendecker
museum, however no one really knows too much about him. He's an Englishman
who just came from abroad on the Andrea Doria (the steamboat in the
Introduction). He is a snobbish man but he's quite dignified. But he doesn't
seem too upset about the dagger theft...

So I guess it's time to actually get to know Dr. Archibald Carrington. Well,
Carrington is a Libra and likes playing volleyball. He enjoys long walks on
the beach, and romantic candlelight dinners. Dr. Carrington also loves
Mexican food and watching sunsets with that special someone. Did I mention
that he is a Libra?

-- DR. PIPPIN CARTER --------------------------------------------------

Talk about obnoxious. Dr. Pippin Carter is someone who thinks he's all that
AND a bag of chips. Stuck up, conceited, and self-centered are a few words
that can describe him. He's just the perfect victim that everyone's dying to
kill. No pun intended.

Dr. Pippin Carter claims he was the one that discovered the Dagger of Amon
Ra, and he's probably the most upset about its disappearance. The Egyptians
gave him a lot of trouble for taking the dagger, but he didn't let them stand
in his way of basking in the glory of his magnificent find.

-- YVETTE DELACROIX ---------------------------------------------------

Ou la la. What a woman. Although a major hottie, Yvette isn't one to be
trusted. She's a very promiscuous woman who's "fond" of many people...and not
JUST men. As a French woman, Yvette is a very sensual and romantic
individual, even when the time may not call for it. Humph, I swear, those men
will probably be the end of her...

Yvette is the assistant of Dr. Archibald Carrington III, the president of the
Leyendecker museum. She can usually be found in the office rooms around the
museum with some, "company." Well, at least she gets free laundry from Lo
Fat, the laundry guy. I wonder why he does her clothes for free...

-- DR. OLYMPIA MYKLOS ------------------------------------------------

Wow, talk about creepy. Dr. Olympia Myklos is one of those people who give me
the heebie-jeebies. But, aside from the fact that she's eerie, she's a very
learnt woman and knows much about reptiles. In fact, she loves them. She's
especially fond of her pet snake, Barney.

Dr. Myklos is an anthropologist and paleontologist in the museum. She's a
middle-aged Greek woman who enjoys examining men's scars. Maybe it's a hobby.
Either way, Dr. Olympia Myklos sure plays the part of a villain, but can she
really pry herself away from her reptiles long enough to kill someone?

-- DR. PTAHSHEPTUT "TUT" SMITH ----------------------------------------

Dr. Tut Smith is the representative of the Cairo Museum. He's extremely
ticked off about the disappearance of the dagger, but even more upset that it
was taken from Egypt in the first place. I mean this guy will do ANYTHING in
order to claim the dagger and return it to where it belongs...

Tut Smith has this growing animosity towards Dr. Pippin Carter (the one who
snagged the dagger from Egypt) since the beginning of the game. He just won't
agree with the fact that 'finders keepers, losers weepers'! Dr. Tut Smith is
an Egyptian fanatic who always wears his ankh medallion...

-- COUNTESS LAVINIA WALDORF-CARLTON -----------------------------------

Ah, the countess. She is a very eloquent lady who speaks the Queen's English.
She's always trying to make an impression on everyone, even though some of
them aren't always good. The countess is a snobbish woman who is widowed to
her former husband, Sterling Waldorf-Carlton, the ex-president of the
Leyendecker Museum. What a pity. It seems the countess is just torn about her
husband's death, but she appears to be pretty content rolling in all that
dough from his life insurance...

The countess is one of those women who have to look good, even if it means
spending thousands of dollars (which she got from life insurance) on a
wardrobe. She's basically a snob and walks around as if she owns the world.
She's very close to Dr. Archibald Carrington III, the NEW president of the
Leyendecker Museum, however seems to deny her relationship towards him...

-- LAWRENCE "ZIGGY" ZIEGFELD ------------------------------------------

Lawrence "Ziggy" Ziegfeld is basically a rat. He owns the speakeasy (which is
disguised as the Flower Shop) but the police don't close him down because of
all the information he provides them with. He has "connections" everywhere
and can contain some valuable information...

Ziggy is, in essence, a creep, and many people feel the same. He's dangerous
and a low-life, someone you'd want to stay far away from. You never know who
might be after him, since he squeals on mostly everyone he knows.

-- RAMESES NAJEER -----------------------------------------------------

The accountant of the Leyendecker museum, Rameses Najeer isn't seen too
often, walking around the museum like most of the suspects. (Hmm...) Well,
although we hardly see Najeer, there is some important information about him.
Like the fact that he wears glasses! What's that all about?

Rameses Najeer may be called a "square" man, but who knows what kind of
parties he throws when certain people aren't invited! Like the special sun-
worsh- wait. Never mind. I'll let you find out on your own...

-- ERNIE LEACH --------------------------------------------------------

One of the nicer characters, Ernie Leach is the janitor of the Leyendecker
museum. His office is located in the lower floors of the museum, near the
preservation lab. Maybe that's why he always reeks of alcohol. Whew, I
thought he was just a drunken bum!

Ernie, although pretty open and noticeably pleasant, MAY have a darker side.
Finding out more about this character is recommended. Not only does it
provide some enjoyment to the game, but because it will definitely clear up
some things that may seem a bit fuzzy. At least it did for me. Or maybe I'm
just stupid and I can't catch on quick. Either way.

-- WOLF HEIMLICH ------------------------------------------------------

What a character! Wolf Heimlich, or sometimes-called Wolfie, is a hotheaded
German who's as nice to you as far as you can throw him. Heimlich is head of
security at the Leyendecker museum, and LOVES interrogation and torture of
the Third Reich! This guy is certainly someone you want to stay very clear

It seems that whenever Wolf Heimlich is around, it's when a new body has been
discovered. And he's always accusing YOU of doing the dirty deed. I'd say
Wolf has some definite trust issues that he needs to work on quickly. I mean
wouldn't it make sense to accuse someone with a weapon! You know, kind of
like the gun Heimlich is always carrying around...

-- WATNEY LITTLE ------------------------------------------------------

Uh oh! It seems someone has escaped from the Dartmoor penitentiary! And his
name is Watney Little! Little is by far a dangerous, cold-blooded criminal
who's been convicted of fraud, conspiracy, and larceny! Oh, but don't get me
wrong. This guy wouldn't hesitate for a second to murder someone that stands
in his way.

So, how come we never see this Watney Little in the game? Well, it maybe
because of the fact that he is an EXPERT at the art of disguise. In fact, he
just might be camouflaged as one of the party guests at the Leyendecker
museum under a different name...

-- CRODFOLLER T. "RHUB" RHUBARB ---------------------------------------

A fellow reporter for the New York Daily Register News Tribune, Crodfoller T.
Rhubarb was previously assigned to the case of the stolen Dagger of Amon Ra.
However, since you had a one up with Sam Augustini, the chief editor for the
newspaper, he was re-assigned to a different case, while you were stuck with
the dagger theft!

Crodfoller T. Rhubarb is a nice, 'chatty' man who can provide plenty of
information at the beginning of the game. It's often a good idea to return
back to him with more information to find out if he knows anything more.

-- SAM AUGUSTINI ------------------------------------------------------

The chief editor of the New York Daily Register News Tribune, Sam Augustini
is basically a perfectionist. Because he is a friend of your father, you were
able to get the job as a reporter for the newspaper. Um, not that you, err,
couldn't get the job anyway!

As your first assignment, Augustini gives you Crodfoller T. Rhubarb's (a
fellow reporter) previous case. You get to cover the disappearance of the
Dagger of Amon Ra! What fun!

-- JOHN BOW -----------------------------------------------------------

John Bow. John Bow? Boy, that name sounds so familiar. Hmm, maybe because
he's your father! John Bow is a kind man who is a friend with Sam Augustini
(the chief editor of the New York Daily Register News Tribune). That's how
you got the job there. Your father is a retired New Orleans police officer,
and him and Sam met while Sam was covering a story in the area.

John Bow, being a retired cop, taught Laura everything she knows about
detective work. Well, not only that, but he taught her everything she knows.
Period. John's wife (your mother) died while you were still too young to
remember her. He's had to raise you by himself all these years. And I'd say
he's done a real knock up job! Who wouldn't want their daughter masquerading
with a bunch of lunatics and a masked murderer?

-- HENRI LE MORT ------------------------------------------------------

There really isn't much about Henri Le Mort. He's not a main part of the
game, but he IS the coroner who you need to tell your theory to. You know,
the theory about who killed everyone! But that's not all. You also need to
inform him about some side information, completely irrelevant to the murders.
So pay close attention throughout the game!

Henri Le Mort is a veteran police official. After doing autopsies on the
bodies, and speaking with the police, the happenings at the Leyendecker
museum are pretty aware to him. If Laura can tell him the information he
needs, then maybe she could become the world's best reporter!! YAY!! (happy
ending...happy ending)

1.3 Getting Acquainted

-- THE TOOLBAR --------------------------------------------------------

Meet your new best friend. This is the toolbar, which everything revolves
around in Laura Bow II. Access this menu by scrolling your hand over the top
of the screen (or by pressing the ESC button), and a long bar, then,
stretches across the screen with several icons. These icons allow you to
examine things, pick up things, talk to people, interact with people, use
your items, and many other things. Of course, you don't need to constantly
scroll up to the top of your screen every time you want to look at something.
By simply pressing the TAB key or right clicking your mouse will enable you
to scroll between icons.

From left to right, the toolbar is as so:
(These tools will be described more in detail next.)

-- THE ICONS ----------------------------------------------------------

Well, it's time to learn the basics about the icons and what they do. Knowing
this is basically all you need to know about playing the game so pay close

This is the icon that looks like a little guy doing the disco (or the
Egyptian dance, whichever you prefer). This is a very important icon because
this allows you to walk around your environs. When you click the Walk Icon in
the toolbar, the cursor will change to the walking person. Place the feet of
the figure at the destination in which you wish to move Laura and click the
left mouse button. If possible, Laura will kindly comply.

The Look Icon is used when you want to examine something.
Coincidently, it looks like an eye (with something protruding under it). The
Look Icon is quite useful in order to inspect something specific or to find
out more about a certain object. When you select the Look Icon, your normal
arrow cursor will miraculously change to an eye. Place the eye at the desired
area that you wish to observe and click the left mouse button. If something
is to be seen in this place, you will hear a brief description about it.

The Action Icon is a crucial icon in Laura Bow II. This icon is the one that
looks like a hand waiting for a handshake. This icon is used when you want to
pick up, open, push, feel, poke, and many other things. When selected, your
cursor will turn into a hand that looks like its pointing up. Bring the hand
to wherever you want to use an action on. (Ex: person, thing, door) and click
the left mouse button. The necessary action will be performed, unless there
is no action, of course. If that's the case, you'll just here a very brief
message from Laura's conscience giving you a brief explanation on why you
can't do something with the desired area.

This icon, the Talk Icon, is used to, um, talk! This usually is used to
initiate a conversation with other characters. You can't ask questions with
this icon, but you can find out some important information by using it. I
recommend using this icon followed by the Ask Icon (explained later). This
icon looks like an exclamation point inside of a talk bubble. When you select
it, your cursor changes into the appropriate cursor, and once it does you can
bring it over to any character and left click. If the conversation is
possible, the character will talk, or a conversation will begin.

* * THE ASK ICON * *
The Ask Icon is used when you want to ask another character a question. This
is specifically helpful when you need to find more clues in the
investigation. This icon looks like a question mark inside a talk bubble.
Once selected, your cursor will change to the corresponding cursor. Next, you
need to bring it over to any character (other than yourself) and left click
on your mouse. A close up of you notebook will then appear.

Once the notebook is accessible, use the Action Cursor (explained earlier) to
circulate through the notebook in order to click and highlight something you
wish to ask. After the topic you wish to discuss is highlighted, use the
toolbar to access the Exit Icon (the one that says EXIT) and left click. The
notebook will then disappear and Laura will ask the character the topic you

The Inventory Icon is used when you need to open up that purse of yours in
order to check out all those items you greedily swiped from different areas.
You can only access the Inventory Icon and it does not transform your default
cursor to an inventory one. It's simply a menu you can choose in order to
access all of your possessions. This can be helpful for examining your
belongings more closely. You can also use one item that you've picked up with

If you wish to use an item (example: you want to listen through a door with a
glass), you simply access the inventory menu and select which item you wish
to use. Once selected, your cursor will change into the item you desire to
use. Bring the cursor to anywhere you would like to use it, and left-click.
If possible, an action will occur.

This icon is not so much an icon, as a sub menu. If you need to adjust your
game's speed, volume, speech, detail, and to save and load games. To adjust
the game's speed, click and drag the dagger on the bar to the desired area.
(Top = Faster. Bottom = Slower.) This same method works with the game's
volume (Top = Louder. Bottom = Quieter) and detail (Top = Max detail. Bottom
= Min Detail).

You can also turn off the speech in this game. Simply click the button that
is marked SPEECH, and it will turn to TEXT, making any spoken text, to now
written text. This also works if you would like to turn off the text, and
turn on the speech. The game detail adjusts the amount of non-essential
animation in the game. If your game is running too slowly, you may want to
adjust the game detail.

Now, for all you people who were too lazy to read all of the above, there is
an Info Icon made especially for you. If you need to be reminded what the
various icons (which were described above) do, simple access the toolbar,
left-click on the question mark looking icon, and pass the question mark
cursor over the other icons in the toolbar to see what they do. Or you could
just scroll up and take a look at all the info I took so much time to type
out. *Smile*

1.4 Saving and Loading

-- SAVING -------------------------------------------------------------

Let's face it. There's no way to play this game without taking a break
(unless you're one of those computer nerd game junkies who HAS to beat it in
one night). So, if you find yourself in the middle of an all out chase
between you and that darned masked murderer, just inches away from being the
next victim on his list, and your mom calls you to come eat dinner, there's
only one solution to get out of this mess! Save! Any good reporter would know

When it's time to save, and that time's whenever you want, simply access the
Controls Icon, located in the toolbar. The Controls sub-menu will pop up, and
one of the buttons on it reads: Save. Left click the save button, and simply
type in a name that you wish to save the game as, or highlight an already
saved game, and save over it. It's that simple. And remember, SAVE OFTEN!
Nothing's worse then playing for hours on end and forgetting to save, only to
find that you touched the sword hanging from the ceiling, which fell on top
of you bringing your career to an end, and forcing you to redo all the things
that you have done.

-- LOADING ------------------------------------------------------------

So, you just can't wait to delve back into puzzle solving action can you?
Well, simply start up the game, click the Play Saved Game, and select your
file. Or if your already in the game, and need to get out and play on a
different file, access the Controls sub-menu (found in the toolbar) and left-
click on restore. Select the name you saved your game as (if you saved your
game, that is) and you will be clue sniffing once more from wherever you left


-- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------

This is the almighty walkthrough section. This will provide all the necessary
things to do in the game to move on and it will also give out some major
spoilers. It is highly recommended that you do NOT read this walkthrough from
beginning to end. Simply use this as a desperate measure. If you find
yourself truly stuck in one area, see if you can't find the answer here. But
make sure not to ruin the game for yourself. It's much more fun to find out
whodunit on your own.

-- INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------

Before playing the game, it is suggested to view the introduction to get a
feel of the game, and have a little background information. Basically, all
that happens in the introduction is as follows:

The introduction starts out on a steam ship, in a bedroom, at night. A figure
walks into the bedroom and strangles whomever it may be that is sleeping. The
murderer then takes the body and places it inside a trunk, locking it, and
walking out of the room. The next morning, people have begun to exit the
steam ship and enter the bustling metropolis of New York City. On the way, we
meet certain characters, such as Dr. Pippin Carter, Dr. Ptahsheptut "Tut"
Smith, Steve Dorian, and Dr. Archibald Carrington III (with his surprisingly
heavy trunk *grin*).

Once the parade of characters is over, we then see Laura and her father,
bidding each other a fond farewell as Laura takes off for the big apple.
She's beginning her job at the New York Daily Register News Tribune. Her
father is dreadfully worried and informs her to make sure she has some spare
money in her shoe, and never to talk to strangers. Laura boards the trains
and shoves off.

On the way to New York, Laura makes friends with a polite young woman who
tells Laura how her first trip to New York City was terrible. She was telling
Laura about how she got mugged the second the woman stepped off the train.
And she didn't even have money in her shoe! You'd think this would teach
Laura a lesson. Later, Laura gets off the train and, while she is foolishly
not watching her suitcase, her luggage is snatched. If that's not enough,
Laura then decides to lend some money to a homeless man searching for a dime.
Heh, little did she know this was not an everyday homeless man. He grabs
Laura's wallet, and runs off laughing at the poor woman. Why didn't she just
leave money in her shoe?

However, Laura still has a smile on her face and is not letting this horrid
turn of events ruin her day. She hurries to her new office building to start
her job, and she couldn't be happier. (What's wrong with this woman?)

2.1 Act I: A Nose for News

You begin in one of the working offices in the New York Daily Register News
Tribune. (Say that 5 times fast!) After the dialogue with Crodfoller T.
Rhubarb, look inside the wastebasket next to Laura's desk. (I wonder what
Crodfoller'll think when he sees Laura sniffing through the garbage). Take
the baseball that you find in the trash and then examine your desk, which is
the one next to Crodfoller's. (Basically, the only other one there.) Touch
the black lower right-hand corner of the desk blotter to reveal a key. Take
the key and unlock the drawer of your desk. Open it up and reveal your prize!
Your very own...PRESS PASS!! (*applause*). After you take your brand new
press pass, (*applause*) talk to Rhubarb repeatedly. Ask him all the
questions you can, using every topic in your notebook. But no matter what you
ask him, be sure you ask him about the Flower Shop, in order to find out that
it's really a Speakeasy! Next, ask Crodfoller about the Speakeasy and he'll
inform you of a man named "Ziggy". After acquiring the new information,
there's not much else to do. You can look at the bulletins on the left board,
or torment your fellow workers. Oh, and don't try to enter the GENTS lounge.
(You sick minded reporter, you). When you're finished here, exit the office
by bringing your mouse to the bottom of the screen, and clicking the arrow,
which comes up.

Once outside, left click (with your hand icon) on the taxi sign to call a
cab. It's not suggested to go running into traffic. These crazy New York
drivers will run you over in a heart beat. Literally. When you finally get a
taxi, you can examine the driver's license. His name is Rocco, and seems to
be in EVERY cab that you call. You'd think he'd find it weird that you're
always in his cab, but I guess he's very forgetful. Anyway, if you want to
get anywhere, you're going to need to show Rocco your press pass (or pay him,
but seeing that Laura didn't put money in her shoe...). First stop, the
Leyendecker Museum.

When you arrive at the Leyendecker Museum, scale the steps (like Rocky!) to
the top. You cannot enter the museum just yet, but you CAN examine the sign
that hangs right next to the doors. It simply states that there will be a
party being thrown at 7:00 PM sharp. This just might be the shindig you want
to attend, considering you're writing the case on the theft of the Dagger of
Amon Ra. And this IS where the dagger was stolen from...

When you're through at the museum, call another cab and ask Rocco to take you
to Lo Fat's Laundry.

Outside Lo Fat's Laundry, notice the three kids happily burning ants with a
magnifying glass. It's a good thing an ace-reporter (like yourself) doesn't
need a magnifying glass. Or does she? Talk to the kids if you want, but in
the end, you should trade them the baseball you found in the trash for their
very useful, ant-torturing device. I mean, the magnifying glass! Yay...

Well, now that you have what every good detective needs, enter Lo Fat's
Laundry and begin to talk to Lo Fat. If you want, you can ask him all the
questions from your notebook, to get some amusing answers. But, be sure to
ask him about the Leyendecker Museum because he will provide you with three
important names that will show up in your notebook for future questioning:
Wolf Heimlich, Dr. Olympia Myklos, and Yvette Delacroix. It's recommended to
ask Lo Fat about those three characters as well. You may get some interesting
results from him about Yvette... Examine the store if you want, but be sure
to look at the clothing rack behind Lo Fat. One of those dresses may just
come in handy for that fancy ball that you should attend...

Once you're through at Lo Fat's, exit the building and call a cab. (Rocco
once again...what's up with this guy?) Ask him to take you to the Police
Station. When you arrive at the Police Station, examine the sleeping man on
the sidewalk. (Typical New York.) Try poking at him to wake him up with the
hand icon. He simply ignores you and turns over, to sleep some more. (Kinda
rude if you ask me.) When you're through with this guy, enter the Police
Station and try talking to the desk sergeant. Apparently, this guy's not
going to be ANY help. All he can do is complain about not eating...What a

Ignore the discourteous clerk and knock on the private door in the back. This
just so happens to be the office of Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley. This guy
isn't the nicest person in the world either. (Well, it's good to know New
York has some of the friendliest Police Stations.) After Laura asks for the
report of the dagger theft, he reluctantly gives it to her. The one page
report isn't really that much of any help anyway. (VAGUE!) After being
screamed at by the head detective about how the city's filled with criminals,
crime is at an all time high, and the corner store is out of grapes, Laura is
kicked out of the office, and is not allowed back in. What's with this Police
Station anyway?

Not much else to do here. You can check out the bulletins on the column for
fun, or you can torment the desk clerk some more, but there's nothing more
here to advance the plot. Exit the Police Station, and onto the sidewalk once
more. Remember that bum who was on the sidewalk earlier? Yea, well he's gone!
Good riddance too. Anyway, look at the newspaper he left and retrieve the
coupon for a free sandwich from Luigi's. Call a taxi and head for the

Why, snakes alive! It's Luigi! And he's selling tantalizing Italian
sandwiches on the streets of New York. Shucks, it's too bad you don't have
money because if you did you could grab a nice, mouth-watering sandwich, take
a long break on a New York bench, and pig out...But, alas, Laura forgot to
put money in her shoes and - wait a smidge! Didn't we pick up a coupon for a
free sandwich from Luigi's just a little while ago? Why, yes we did! What a
coincidence. This day is looking up after all.

Talk to Luigi and show him your coupon. After he gripes a little bit about
advertising in the newspaper, he reluctantly hands you the sandwich. Pick it
up, and place it in your purse. And now, we feast. But wait, can't we
remember somebody else who was awfully hungry, and could probably provide us
with a heck of a 'lotta information if we fed him? Why of course, silly! That
rude, undeserving desk sergeant at the police station who ignored us and
shooed us away! Maybe he'd like this sandwich. Summon a cab, and head to the
Police Station.

At the police station, hand the sandwich to the desk clerk. He'll be quite
content with your generosity, and will tell you anything you need to know.
Start asking him all the questions you want to that you think you should
know. He may provide you with some interesting information to help you piece
clues together later on. Above all, make sure to ask him about the Speakeasy
in order to get the password needed to enter - Charleston. Once you're
finished interrogating him, head to the ever-infamous Speakeasy.

NOTE: Around this part of the game, you may notice that when you get into a
cab, Rocco is no longer the driver. (What a surprise!) Instead, Bob replaces
Rocco, and his cab is less then trashed. In fact, you are pretty much forced
to sit in a pile of garbage for the remainder of the ride. But, while you're
lounging about in a pile of waste, take this time to filter through the
rubbish. (Seems that trash picking is Laura's past time.) Use the hand icon
to click and drag the trash that Laura is sitting directly next to in order
to find yet another coupon. Instead of a free sandwich at Luigi's, Laura
finds an old laundry claim ticket. This may come in handy, so make sure you
take that. Now, inform Bob where you want to go.)

Once at the "Flower Shop", approach the doorway on the side of the building
rather quickly. If you wait around too long outside the Speakeasy, you never
know what kind of maniacs you might run into. Knock on the door using your
hand icon, and when the dialogue menu comes up, tell them that you 'know the
secret word'. Your notebook will then come up, so simply scroll to
Charleston, which should be found in the Misc. section, and you're in!

Well, welcome to the hot spot in New York City. Pretty jazzy place, don't you
think? If you want, you can talk to all the people in the Speakeasy, but the
man you're looking for is Ziggy. He's the one sitting at the table on the
right, smoking the cigarette. Although this guy's a stool pigeon, he won't
tell you anything unless he knows who sent you. So, when your notebook comes
up, simply click on Crodfoller T. Rhubarb, and Ziggy will try and answer all
of your questions that you feel like dishing out.

You can ask Ziggy all kinds of questions, but there are a couple essential
things that you need to find out from this gossipmonger. First, ask Ziggy
about Egyptology, and he'll begin to talk about somebody named Rameses
Najeer. He'll also tell you a very important riddle that you may want to
ponder as you progress through the game. The riddle is as follows: "What is
the room you leave without entering? And what is the room you enter without
leaving?" Once Ziggy is finished talking about that, ask him about this
Najeer character. He may have some useful information about this individual.

When you're finished with Ziggy, continue into the door that is near the back
of the Speakeasy. This leads to a bathroom, which is nicely decorated with a
sofa. This sofa also comes with a flapper, who seems to be...rubbing herself?
Anyway, start talking to this flapper and she'll eventually ask you about the
Countess Waldorf-Carlton, whose name just so happens to show up in your
notebook. Ask the flapper about the Countess, and take note of the dressing
partition in the corner of the room. The flapper has no other vital
information, so make like a tree and leaf.

Hmm...Not too many other places to visit. Call a cab and ask the driver to
escort you to the 12th Street Docks. At the docks, a strong, (and might I add
drop dead gorgeous), young man approaches Laura pushing a large crate. He
will immediately start a conversation with Laura, and allow her to ask him
anything that she wants. Start asking Steve all the questions in your
notebook, but be sure to ask him about the Leyendecker Museum last. Once you
ask him about this, he takes the liberty in leaving. Once you're done picking
apart Steve's brain, hail a cab. It is suggested, although not essential, to
go back and ask all those, who you have previously met, the new information
that you have accumulated in your notebook. Some of these people would
include Crodfoller T. Rhubarb, the Police Station desk sergeant, Ziggy, and
Lo Fat. When you think you're ready and you have all the information you
desire, head on over to Lo Fat's Laundry.

Present the laundry claim to Lo Fat, and he will gladly hand over the teal,
and rather outdated, dress. When you have the gown, hop back into a cab, and
head over to the Speakeasy once more. Walk into the bathroom, and use the
dress with the changing partition. With a few remarks from the quite
'friendly' flapper, Laura will begin to change into the gown. When you're
done with that, call one last cab and the game will automatically take you to
the Leyendecker Museum.

2.2 Act II: Suspects on Parade

Well, you've made it. You've discovered a wealth of information and even
nabbed yourself a dress to wear to the banquet. However, you've only touched
the surface of this game. Here on in, things will get much more hectic,
mysterious, shocking, and even creepy. Welcome, to the Leyendecker Museum.

NOTE: From Acts II - V, you will be spending your time in the Leyendecker
Museum at all times. That's right, no more prowling around the streets of New
York for you. From here on in, it's 100% museum, baby. Take it from me. By
the end of this game, you will be rather familiar with the layout of the
Leyendecker Museum.

Start this act by walking up the steps of the museum to the front entrance.
There, Wolf Heimlich will greet you. He's a rather pleasant character, don't
you think? He makes it known that no one is entering the museum without
showing him an invitation. But we, my friend, work for the press, which means
we can do whatever we want! Show him your press pass, and he'll let you in.

My, that sure is a large statue of a head. Anyhow, once inside the museum, it
is highly recommended to interview everyone, yes everyone, at the party about
everything, yes everything, that you have in your notebook. Yes, it may be
tedious and rather boring work, but it will provide you with a ton of
information. After interrogating the party guests, it's also recommended to

Now for the fun part! It's time for Laura to finally start acting like a
reporter and eavesdropping on some juicy gossip-filled conversations. Once
you've finished questioning all the characters, start listening in on their
discussions with each other by simply walking behind the group that their in.
There are three sections of the rotunda that circle around the huge statue:
the center (where the large statue of the head is), the left section (left of
the statue) and the right section (right of the statue). I've listed the
conversations in order, where they are found, and who is partaking in them:

1. CENTER: Ziggy, Dr. Carter, Yvette, Rameses, and Dr. Carrington
2. CENTER: Ziggy, Dr. Carter, Rameses, and Dr. Carrington
3. LEFT: Yvette, and Detective O'Riley
4. LEFT: Detective O'Riley and Dr. "Tut" Smith
5. CENTER: Rameses and Countess Waldorf-Carlton
6. CENTER: Ziggy and Countess Waldorf-Carlton
7. RIGHT: Ziggy and Yvette
8. RIGHT: Yvette and Dr. Carrington
9. RIGHT: Detective O'Riley and Ziggy
10. CENTER: Yvette, Rameses, and Dr. "Tut" Smith
11. LEFT: Yvette, Dr. Myklos, and Countess Waldorf-Carlton
12. LEFT: Dr. Carter and Yvette
13. LEFT: Dr. Carter and Dr. "Tut" Smith
14. CENTER: Steve and Yvette

(Check out JAllred's FAQ/Walkthrough for a similar list)

While listening to the conversations, pay close attention. Many of the
characters accidentally let some important information slip. Also, notice how
the characters behave around one another, and things that they insinuate.
This will also help piece clues together later on in the game.

Have Laura saunter over to one of the buffet tables, which is so finely
decorated with glasses. Oh, wait...maybe they're for use. Anyway, have Laura
grab a glass (you never know when you may get thirsty) and continue over to
the right section of the rotunda. Walk through the door which is located on
the far right wall, and you'll find yourself in the Gift Shop!

This seems like an interesting place. There are just so many antiques. Let's
take a look at all the magnificent merchandise with your Look Icon. Also,
make sure to check out those Dagger of Amon Ra duplicates. They are just so
finely crafted. Maybe we could've purchased one if Laura had just remembered
to put money in her shoe. Oh well, let's continue searching. Start to use
your magnifying glass on the daggers. You never know what kind of fascinating
things you'll find in display cases. All the daggers seem to have "Made in
Pittsburgh" labeled on them...except for one...closer to the back! Oh heavens
to Betsey! That can't be the Dagger of Amon Ra, could it?

Well, before you get too excited, Wolf Heimlich goose walks into the Gift
Shop and questions your presence. Seems as if you'd better leave before he
pulls some major jujitsu moves on your ass.

Once you've been so rudely kicked out of the Gift Shop by Heimlich head
towards the center area of the rotunda. Hey, is that Steve from the docks?
And are those work boots on his feet? Well, in any case, you and him will
share a, um, "pleasant" time outside walking in the moonlight. Seems as if he
likes you in a way no one suspected. Not even by a super top-notch reporter
like you. After you and Steve are finished you'll be brought back inside, and
Steve will, um, walk away from Laura...leaving her all by herself. (Some

Now some of the museum's exhibits should be open, for all those who are
interested to examine the fine gallery of sculptures, paintings, and other
fancy crap. Start by heading through the large doorway in the back of the
rotunda. This will bring you to the mastodon exhibit. (And might I add, this
museum has some of the largest mastodons that I have ever seen.) Next, go
east into the room with the hanging pterodactyl, and then head north in the
large T-Rex thing...

You can press the button next to the T-Rex if you want to her him talk, or
you can be more rebellious and steal the dinosaur bone being displayed on the
table. (Hmm, decisions, decision...) Well, believe it or not, you should snag
the dinosaur bone and head back to the pterodactyl exhibit. From here turn
into the door on the west wall, which should bring you into the medieval
armor exhibit. Explore if you want, but be sure to head north to the ancient
Egyptian exhibit. Look around, but be sure not to touch anything! We wouldn't
want you knocking down that gorgeous, crystal, um, pyramid would

Eventually head west where you will find three coffins, a large stone on the
wall, and some ketchup that was foolishly spilled. First, take notice of the
large stone, which is called the Rosetta stone, with your magnifying glass.
This will ensure that all the hieroglyphics that you find on the Rosetta
stone will be transferred to your notebook (which you will definitely need in
order to complete the game).

Next examine the ketchup with your magnifying glass. Hmm, something tells me
that this isn't ketchup after all. You know what? I think its blood!! *GASP*
And there's a footprint in it. Seems to be a high heel. Who do we know that
was wearing high heels?

Also, take notice of that shiny, gold thing that is found right on top of the
blood. Looks like a medal of some kind. Actually, it kind of looks like that
ankh medallion that Dr. "Tut" Smith was wearing earlier. If you use the
magnifying glass on the medallion, you just may find the initials P.S.
engraved on it.

Ok, it's time to find out where exactly this blood is coming from. Open the
coffin, which the blood is right under. Johnny, tell her what's behind
sarcophagus number one!!

EEK! Oh my goodness! It's Dr. Pippin Carter! What on earth is he doing in
there? seems that he's, um, bleeding. You know, if I didn't know
better, I'd think he was dead...

Ok, well maybe he is dead, and it's apparent because there's a large dagger
sticking out of his chest. Close examination shows that this dagger was, too,
made in Pittsburgh. Make sure to search the body for clues, no matter how
nasty it may seem. Be sure to grab the notepad that can be found in Dr.
Pippin's breast pocket. Although you can't read it, keep it in your purse.
You never know when it will come in handy. That's pretty much all you can do
with this corpse. Exit out of the screen, and Detective O'Riley should come
and wrap up Act II...

2.3 Act III: On the Cutting Edge

Now that you've successfully completed Act I and Act II, it's time for; you
guessed it, Act III!! Be warned, that this is the longest Act in the game, so
just grin and bear it. With me by your side, what could possibly go wrong?

After meeting with Ernie Leach and having that little chat with Detective
O'Riley, accompanied by the ever-harsh Wolf Heimlich, go back into the
exhibit area. From the mastodon room, go left into the Old Masters gallery.
Take a look around. Try touching some of the paintings, too. Hey, every good
reporter has to get into the nitty-gritty of things...Wait a second! Are some
of these paintings still wet? Hmm, that's strange.

Next, look at Bosch's "Heartwarming Story" painting hanging on the east wall.
There seems to be a sparkling glint on the painting. Use the magnifying glass
to examine it at a better angle. Once you get a close up, use the same method
on the little glint to see a REAL close up of a skeleton key. I wonder why
someone would want to superglue a key to their painting...

Unfortunately, you cannot pry the skeleton key loose with just your bare
hands. Just remember that the key's here, for future reference. Continue
going down the Old Masters gallery until you enter the museum with Rodin's
"Thinking Man" statue, resting in the center of a round room. Soon, you
should hear muffled voices coming from Yvette Delacroix's office. Remember
that glass you swiped earlier? I think now would be the best time to use it.
Pull it out, and use it on the door. You'll soon hear a conversation between
Yvette and Dr. Myklos. I'm sure you'll hear some 'interesting' things...Oh

Once the conversation is over, head south, into Dr. Myklos' quite bizarre
office. Take a look around at the odd decor of the place. And make sure you
don't mess with Dr. Myklos' pet snake, Barney. He's being held in the cage
found in the top left corner of the room. Take into notice the cloth that is
lying on the ground. It's rather obviously covering something. Pull the cloth
to find a slab of a stone, which has markings engraved in it. Examine the
stone with your magnifying glass to find that it's in fact the other half of
the Rosetta stone. Using your magnifying glass, you can read the other half
of the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet. How nice.

** NOTE: It is absolutely crucial for you to have acquired both sets of
hieroglyphics. One set is found on the westernmost wall of the Egyptian
exhibit, where Dr. Pippin Carter's body was found, and now the other half
rests in Dr. Myklos' office. This is key to finishing the game.

Once you have both sets of hieroglyphics, you can translate the writing that
can be found on the blackboard in Myklos' office. (See the FAQ's section to
find out what it says.) When you're finished in Dr. Myklos' office, try to
take the snake oil, which is found on Myklos' desk. Before Laura can snatch
the bottle, Dr. Myklos walks in and seizes it for herself. She then warns
Laura about a few cobras on the loose in the museum. Oh dear. This place is
just full of surprises.

Return to Yvette's office, which should be empty by now. The first thing you
should do is check in the trashcan for a piece of carbon paper. Examine it
closely to find that there are actually some typed words imprinted on the
paper. Hold the carbon paper up against the lamp in order to read it. When
you're done reading the paper, turn off the lamp and get a good look at
Yvette's office. Note her sharp paper cutter. Seems like a hazard to me.
Someone could put out an eye with that thing...

Now open the door in the back of Yvette's office. You should find yourself in
Dr. Carrington's office. Rather cryptic if you ask me. Soon you should hear
some more muffled voices. Whip out you water glass to hear Yvette making some
moves on Rameses Najeer. She also says something about secret ceremonies too.
Seems like everyone has something to hide in this place. When they're
finished talking, examine Carrington's office. Everything seems pretty
normal. Hey, nice porcupine!

Turn your attention to Dr. Carrington's desk. There's a notepad, open. You
know what that means, right? Yup, we're just gonna have to read it. Hmm, it
states something about a meeting with Ziggy and the Countess Waldorf-Carlton
at 1:00 am in the medieval armor display. Better check that out later when
the time comes. Next, open the phone book and check out some of the names and
numbers. Take special note of the number associated with B. SAYFF.

Now take a look at that lovely painting of Sterling Waldorf-Carlton, the
former president of the museum, hanging above the fireplace. Move the
painting to reveal a remarkably obvious safe. Aha! Laura also gets a close up
view of the lock! Remember B. SAYFF's number? Think we should call him? Well,
we could invite him over, order a few pizzas, watch some football...wait,
what am I saying? I don't think B. SAYFF is a person at all! I think that his
number could quite possibly be the code to unlock the safe. Well, give it a

On the safe's lock, click on the 0. Then on the 5. Then 2. And lastly the 7.
The safe should open. (And if it isn't, you did something wrong.) Take the
diary from inside the safe. Now, I know that diaries are personal records
written for only the author's eyes, which mainly contain rather large secrets
that no one really should know about. But, heck! The guy's dead anyway. Let's
have a look see! Mainly, the diary holds a few accounts about Sterling and
his widowed wife, Countess Waldorf-Carlton. I'll let you see what it says for

Once you're finished with Sterling's diary, notice the fireplace. Inside,
there is a large piece of charcoal. Pick it up, and place it in your purse.
Next, use the charcoal with Dr. Pippin Carter's notepad, which you found
inside the pocket of his dead body. It turns out that it contains all
Carter's appointments for that night. It reads:

Yvette at 8:00 p.m. in Egyptian Room
Dr. Tut Smith at 10:15 p.m. in Egyptian Room
Dr. Carrington at 11:00 p.m. in office

Hmm, it was around 8:00 p.m. when you found Dr. Carter's body in the Egyptian
room. That's weird. Seems like it was the same time he was supposed to meet
Yvette. Well, anyway. When you're done reading Dr. Carter's appointments,
check out the master intercom unit on Dr. Carrington's desk. There is a long
row of buttons with two more buttons above this row on each end. Click the
top left button to turn on the intercom. Now click on each of the buttons in
the long row, starting with the left most button. The buttons are a pain to
try to press, but just keep trying. (If you still have trouble with the
buttons, take a look at the FAQ's section.) As you press the buttons, you
should start to overhear several strange conversations that are taking place
in various areas of the museum. After hearing three conversations, leave Dr.
Carrington's room. The light bulb in Yvette's lamp should now be cool, so
make sure you grab that. (Look at the lamp to see a close up, and then use
the magnifying glass on the lamp to see the light bulb. Pick it up and place
it in your purse.)

Exit Yvette's office and go examine Rodin's statue. Take special notice of
the sculpture's head. Touch it and watch the sculpture lose its head! As the
head moves backward, a distinct noise can be heard in the background. Head
north from the circular room. Oh my! The wall has revealed a secret
passageway to a lower level! Unfortunately, the light bulb just blew out,
making it almost impossible to climb down the stairs without stumbling. It's
a good thing that you have Yvette's desk lamp light bulb! Replace the old
light bulb with yours. Let there be light! Now, head down the stairs to the
basement level. Once down there, notice the left wall with a glass case,
containing a lantern for emergencies. That lantern just may come in handy, in
this creepy, spine-chilling museum filled with dark twists and turns.
Remember that dinosaur bone that you illegally stole from the T-Rex exhibit?
Well, put it to good use and break open the glass case! If Wolf Heimlich
suddenly walks in on you, you'll be forced to leave the basement, without the
lantern. Don't worry, though. Just go back down the stairs and try getting
the lantern again until you finally succeed. Wolfie can't keep his eye on you
all the time, now can he?

When you finally get your hands on the lantern, head north into the door.
This leads into Wolf Heimlich's office. Feel free to look at his rather, um,
pleasant collection of weapons and, uh, other torture devices...Oh, but don't
touch them. You just may suffer the consequences of Wolf's strict security
measures! Prying your eyes away from the bizarre arsenal hanging from the
wall, you may notice a mousetrap, lying on the floor, with a delectable piece
of cheese resting on it. Now, I know, you probably have that uncanny, greedy
impulse to take the cheese, but try and remember whose mousetrap this is.
Instead of trying to grab the cheese with your bare hands, first spring the
trap with your dinosaur bone. Yikes! I sure wouldn't want to be the poor
mouse who stumbles over that mousetrap! Whew. Now that the coast is clear,
take the cheese. Once you have it, let's take a look at the bookshelf. Pretty
nice collection Wolf has here. Take a careful look at the books just left of
Laura's shoulder (Right side of the third shelf from the bottom). Seems like
one of the books has been put in the wrong way. The pages' edges are showing
instead of the book's spine. Let's examine that book, shall we? Is that a
garter? Oh boy! Take it and examine it. Looks like Yvette has a special
"rendezvous" with Wolfie at 3:00 a.m. in the preservation lab. Well, that
Yvette sure gets around.

During your visit in Wolf's office, you should receive a little message over
the intercom from Dr. Myklos about a meeting in the armor room at 2:00 a.m.
Hope you've been keeping track of all these little appointments! It'd be a
smart idea to check up on them later.

Leave Wolf's office and head east, into the preservation lab. Uh oh! More
muffled voices! Listen in on the east door to hear Ernie and none other then
the rather infamous Yvette, having a somewhat steamy conversation. (What else
would Yvette be talking about?) Let's leave them be for now and get to the
back door. Here you should find Dr. Myklos, who needs some time alone to find
her ferret in that storage room. Once you are forced out of the storage room,
walk into Ernie's office, where you may find a somewhat surprising scene.
(Well, not really surprising.)

Once your shooed out of Ernie's office as well, leave the preservation lab
and head back upstairs. There seem to be more muffled voices coming from
Yvette's office again. Listen in on her and Detective O'Riley. (Wasn't she
just downstairs with Ernie?) Walk in and find out just what's going on! Oops!
Seems like Yvette's not letting this morbid turn of events at the museum get
in her way of having a little fun. Well, it's pretty close to 10:15 p.m., and
if I remember correctly, Dr. Tut Smith was supposed to have an appointment
with Dr. Carter. Head to the ancient Egyptian exhibit and wait until 10:15
p.m. arrives. Once Dr. Tut enters, talk to him. Ask him about the ankh
medallion if you'd like. (Also, if you pass the Countess, you can ask her
about Sterling's diary.)

Check on the mummy coffin where Dr. Carter was found. That's odd! It's empty!
Next, go to the medieval armor room. Open the helmet of the middle armor
statue. Egad! Is that Dr. Carter? Who stuffed him in that suit of armor?
Examine him if you'd life. When you're done checking out Dr. Carter, head
into the pterodactyl room. Eek! Is that Ziggy? It's kind of hard to tell,
considering he's headless!

Examine Ziggy's body, especially the wires. They just may come in handy
later. Seems like you'll have to think of a way to snag a piece later. But
for now, let's try and think where exactly Ziggy's head can be. Wasn't there
an exhibit that had life masks? Yes, I believe they did! Just south of the
medieval armor display! Go there now and check out the head located in the
northwestern Asian continent. (It sort of stands out among the other masks.)
Is that...Oh my! It's, it''s definitely Ziggy's head! Examine it. Soon,
O'Riley and Wolf will come in and have a word with Laura.

Once they leave, head downstairs into the basement. The game will not let you
know that Laura hears muffled voices, however if you use the drinking glass
on Wolf Heimlich's office door, she can hear a conversation going on between
Dr. Myklos and Rameses Najeer. They seem to be speaking about Dr. Myklos
saving Najeer from being beheaded and him having feet tattoos. Now, have
Laura enter the preservation lab and return to the outside of Wolf's office.
Once again, use the glass on the door to hear Dr. Myklos and Wolf Heimlich
talking. Wolf states that he would kill the Countess next time he saw her.
Dr. Myklos, unbothered by this statement, tells him that she would like to
find the body. Wolf then tells her that this can be arranged...

Once you're done down here, head into Yvette's office and then into
Carrington's office. Oh my goodness! Dr. Carrington's dead as well! These
bodies are really starting to pile up! Examine his body. Hmm, seems like
Carrington wrote C and P to stand for something. What on earth could he have
wanted to say? A book perhaps? He sure a lot of them. Look at the right end
of the middle shelf to find the novel, Crime and Punishment. Open it up to
find a police report on a mysterious Watney Little. He seems to be a very
dangerous man! But why would Dr. Carrington have it?

Grab the police report, since it just may be extremely important evidence
later on, and continue out of Carrington's office, down into the basement,
and into the preservation lab. Hopefully Ernie and Yvette's little meeting
has ended. Open the door and enter. Take the snake lasso on the floor and the
wire cutters from the toolbox. You should soon hear Dr. Myklos' voice crackle
from Ernie's intercom. She says something about a jammed release valve in Vat
#13. Once she's done talking, look in the Preservation Lab Book to see what
exactly Vat #13 contains. It seems to hold warthogs. Exit the office and find
Vat #13. Poke around in the vat to find...oh my! Could it really be? Yes! It
has to be! It's the real Dagger of Amon Ra!! *Heavenly chorus plays*

Well, just because Laura has found the missing dagger doesn't mean that her
job is over. Laura's now involved in a serial murder, and she has to find out
who exactly is going around killing everybody! (And how exactly she's going
to get outta this mess.) Even if it endangers herself! Because the alcohol
fumes from the vats are getting a bit strong for Laura to take, head back
upstairs into the Old Masters gallery. Remember that shiny key pasted onto
the painting? Well, let's try and use the dagger (or Ernie's wire cutters) on
the key in order to get a hold of it. Let's just make sure that no one is
around to see.

Okay, now return to Carrington's office. Yep, you guessed it! Muffled voices,
once again! Yvette seems so busy tonight! After listening to her talk with
Dr. Tut Smith, go to the medieval armor room and hide behind the large
tapestry to wait for the Countess. She was supposed to have a meeting with
Dr. Carrington at 1:00 a.m., remember? Ziggy lost his head, so he obviously
can't make it. Sure enough, here comes the Countess, but what's she carrying?
Are those paintings? Rush out from behind the tapestry and approach the
Countess. So it seems that she's been forging paintings, huh? No wonder those
paintings in the Old Masters gallery were still a bit wet! Now would be a
better time then ever to ask her about Sterling's diary (even if you've asked
her before). When you're done with the Countess, head back to the
preservation lab. Hopefully, Dr. Myklos is not in the storage room anymore.
Enter and take the snake oil bottle, which she clumsily left behind. Next,
open the top cooler and grab the slab of meat you find inside. Yum! Sometimes
Dr. Myklos' ferret, Daisy, emerges and starts sniffing at the locked steamer
trunk, under the table. Whether the ferret comes to sniff at it or not, you
should eventually pull the trunk from under the table, and unlock it with the
skeleton key you acquired earlier from the Old Masters Gallery. At this
point, the moment Laura opens the trunk; you must immediately throw in the
meat. Otherwise, a pack of beetles will emerge from inside and make Laura
their supper. Once the beetles take the meat and scurry off, look inside the
trunk to find the skeletal remains of an anonymous person. Examine the bones
closely to find a watch. Take the watch and examine it. Wait a second. It's
Dr. Carrington's! Hmm, so if the skeleton is Dr. Carrington, then who was the
man who attended the party and died in Carrington's office?

Leave and go back up to Yvette's office. Muffled voices (surprise, surprise).
Listen in as usual. Ouch! Seems like things are getting ugly between Yvette
and O'Riley! It's almost 2:00 a.m. now, and Dr. Myklos wanted to meet her
Wolfie in the medieval armor room. Go hide behind the tapestry again. After
their peculiar conversation, go into the mastodon room. Oh no! Ernie! How did
he get all the way up there? Examine his body and take the animal hairs. (I'm
not really sure how Laura grabbed the hairs, considering Ernie's all the way
up on a mastodon.) It seems like he's been dumped into one of the alcohol
vats. Poor Ernie. Once you're finished examining his body, head into the Old
Masters gallery to find O'Riley and Wolf Heimlich talking. Tell them about
Ernie and rap up Act III.

2.4 Act IV: Museum of the Dead

Welcome to Act IV. Well, after Act III, this should be a breeze. Ok, once you
start out, go to Yvette's office, and speak with her. Exit the room and you
should meet Steve Dorian (where's he been all this time, anyway?) and Dr.
Myklos. Oh no. No Steve! Don't enter Yvette's office! Why, oh, why, Steve?
Well, you know what you must do. As a top-notch reporter, you're just gonna
have listen in on the man you adore even though it has nothing to do with the
case...Or does it?

Listen in on the conversation. Soon, Laura becomes out of control and barges
into the room unannounced. Well, seems like you've got to the bottom of this
one. Time to let off some steam. Head down into the basement, and then into
the preservation lab. It should be 3:00 a.m. now. That's funny. Weren't
Yvette and Wolf supposed to meet about now? I wonder where there are. Oh
well. While you are down here, look at the jar on the table near Ernie's
office door. One of the jars has snake oil contained in it, so if you find
yourself running out of the stuff later, just come back here and fill your
bottle up. It's as easy as that. *Grin*

Anyhow, there's not much else you can do down here, so head upstairs into the
pterodactyl room and use Ernie's wire cutters to cut off a section of the
wire of the left wing of the fallen pterodactyl. You need to have a close up
screen of the pterodactyl and Ziggy in order to cut off a piece. Now that you
have a piece of the wire, perhaps you can use it to strangle Yvette,
considering she tried to take your man. Everyone else is dropping like flies!
Why not her? Oh wait! Seems like someone beat you to it. Check out Yvette's
office to find the place a mess. (You'd think an elegant woman like Yvette
would be able to straighten up a little.) Wait. Something tells me that there
was a struggle. Anyway, examine the desk with the magnifying glass for some
incriminating evidence: Yvette's shoe, a piece of fabric, and red hairs. Take
the shoe. Now, I wonder where Yvette could possibly be...

Okay, let's head on over to the Old Masters gallery. Hmm, that's strange.
There seems to be a new statue here. Has the Countess gone into forging
sculptures as well? Wait a second. This statue looks oddly familiar. Examine
it. It seems to be made of some sort of fragile plaster. It can probably be
broken open, too. Take out that ever-trusty dinosaur bone (which you stole
from the T-Rex exhibit, remember?), and give it a good whack! Oh my! It's
Yvette. And she doesn't seem too happy. Examine her body closely to find some
bifocals and more red hairs. (Red hairs? Hmm.) Take them both. Seems like
someone wanted Yvette done for more than you did! Well, either way, she's
gone. *Hooray*

Continue into the armor room. Hey, isn't that Steve's boot near the armored
dog statue? Now why in the world would Steve be walking around with just one
shoe on? Doesn't make sense if you ask me. Grab the boot, and examine it
closely. Also, note the bloodstain on the floor. This isn't looking too good.
Maybe Dr. Myklos or the Countess will know what's going on. Let's head on
over to Dr. Myklos' office now, shall we? (Soon, you'll witness a frightening
scene involving the Countess and Dr. Myklos.) You meet Dr. Myklos, but she
leaves before you can ask her more questions. Wonder how bad the Countess'
condition really is. Enter Dr. Myklos' office and, uh oh! Barney is on the
loose! Now what?

Well, I hope Laura knows how to hog tie a poisonous cobra with a snake lasso.
Hey, don't we have some snake oil? Yes, I believe we do! Pull it out and use
it on Barney. You need to make sure you use the oil on the snake three times
in order to get him cornered. Now whip out the snake lasso and show that
little sucker who's boss. Oh yea, the Countess! Maybe we should check up on

Oh my. This is awful! She's tied up, is completely blue, and not to
mention...dead! Examine her closely to find a box of smelling salts in her
pocket. (Wonder why she has those...) Also, take a look at her ankle. Seems
like a snakebite brought this unpleasant end to the Countess' paint forging
days. Grab the random grapes next to her body, and get the heck outta there!

2.5 Act V: Rex Takes a Bite Out of Crime

Okay. This act is very fast paced so keep moving at all times and try to stay
on your feet. If you haven't noticed yet, this act starts out in the mastodon
room, with a scary, shadowy, masked murderer hot on your tail! As of right
now...RUN! Quickly hurry into the pterodactyl room as fast as possible, and
shut the door behind you by clicking the hand cursor on it. Remember that
wire you plucked from the pterodactyl earlier? Well, now would be as good of
a time as any to use it. Wrap it around the door in order to lock it
temporarily. This should help slow down the murderer and buy us some time.
Next, run into the medieval armor exhibit, shut the door, and slide the bar
across it. Another clever scheme to help slow down the killer! Hurray. But
you're not done yet! Hurry north to the door that reads "Employees Only".
Notice the chair resting next to the door as well. Let's confuse the
murderer, shall we? *Grin*

The "Employees Only" door is locked, so have Laura slide the chair in front
of it. Stand on the chair, and open the window above the door. Next, get down
from the chair and rush into the ancient Egyptian exhibit. Hide in the empty
mummy case. Soon, the killer will enter the exhibit, look around, not see
you, and head for the locked door. Thinking that you climbed in, the murderer
will foolishly break down the door, and give us the entry we need.

Now head for the now open door and enter. You find yourself in a large crate
room, with boxes piled up everywhere. Quickly move the swing to maneuver the
large, hanging crate towards the door. When it's positioned, use the wire
cutters or the dagger to cut the wire on the swing, causing the crate to
plummet in front of the doorway. Although this seems like it will make sure
the murderer can't get through, he will break down the crate if you wait long
enough. So don't dilly-dally!

Move the right-most crate in the room to reveal a small elevator. (Hope
Laura's not claustrophobic.) Get inside and move the lever in order to head
down into the mummy storage room. (What fun!) Inside the mummy storage room,
snag the mummy from one of the cases and prop it up against the door to the
elevator. Now, look around the room. Notice anything suspicious? Well, one of
the upright mummy cases on the left wall (nearest Laura) has a little snake
figure atop it. Whip out your trusty snake lasso on the figure in order to
open the case, revealing yet another secret passage! Quickly exit through the
mummy case into the next room.

Oh my! What in the world is this place? Well it seems to be a Sun Worshipper
Ceremonial Room, that is most likely for the Amon Ra Cult. (Duh!) Take into
notice the beautiful scenery. My, isn't it nice down here. Nice architecture,
gorgeous statues, creepy chanting...hey! Oh no! Seems like Laura was spotted
and is now in the custody of...Rameses Najeer? Man, this just keeps getting
weirder and weirder...

Soon, Najeer will take you to the Amon Ra altar and ask you two riddles. (You
guessed it! The same two riddles he asked Ziggy. Remember the ones Ziggy told
you about in the Speakeasy? I hope you took my advice and thought long and
hard on those questions.) The first question is "What is the room you leave
without entering?" Well, if you think about it, you're born into a uterus and
then leave without ever entering it again. So, the answer has got to be: Womb

Next question: "What is the room you enter without leaving?" Hmm, this one's
hard. Well, you die. Then there's no coming back. And some are immediately
taken to a crypt. The answer would most likely be: Tomb

In order to answer these questions, you'll need to be able to spell them out
with the hieroglyphics found in your notebook. (I hope you remembered to
collect both sets of hieroglyphics.) Once answered, the worshippers, who seem
delighted that someone has finally answered their horrible riddles, will lead
you into the furnace room for safe keeping. Seems like they'll do anything to
keep you from getting killed by that darn masked murderer. Inside the furnace
room there are many odd things. Like...that shovel! How odd. Wait a second!
Do you see what I see! Are those feet sticking out of the coal bin? And is
one of those feet missing a boot? Hmm, who could be missing a beat up, old
boot? Steve!!

Wipe the coal from Steve's face with the hand icon. Now, use the smelling
salts you found in the Countess' pocket and use them on Steve. IMMEDIATELY
place the boot on Steve's foot. If not, he'll stub his toe and be completely
useless, and believe me you need Steve! He's absolutely crucial in escaping
the murderer. (If you forgot to take Steve's boot from the medieval armor
room in Act IV, don't worry. Steve's boot can be found directly next to the
coal bin on the ground.)

Ok, with Steve now awake, the odds have heavily increased, although Steve
isn't one to result to violence. (Great...) If you notice the sun symbol on
the right wall, you'll find that it can be moved. And with Steve's bodacious
bod and amazing muscles (*swoon*), you'll be able to push that sucker to the
side revealing yet another secret passage! What is with this place and secret
passages? I wonder if every art museum has them.

Do not enter the tunnel until you have turned on your lantern. Once on, enter
the tunnel and you'll soon find yourself face to face with some nasty cobras.
Aha! We still have some snake oil left from earlier! (At least I hope you
do!) Quickly use the rest of the bottle on the snakes in order to get them
outta your way. Once they are gone, continue up the path. Oh great. Another
obstacle. Rats! They're rats! (*grin*) Hmm, I wonder what rats like. Uh, duh!
Cheese! Hopefully, Laura didn't decide to quit her diet and devour the cheese
that she found earlier in Wolf Heimlich's office. If she're pretty
much screwed. But if she didn't, toss the cheese over the rats' heads through
either one of the openings at the top of the tunnel. (NOTE: Do not throw the
cheese directly at them!) Soon, watch the rats plummet to their death.

Once the rats are gone, continue past the first opening, and through the
second. Laura and Steve will soon emerge out of T-Rex's mouth! (Wow...what an
exit! I give it a 7! *applause*) Once you're outside of the dinosaur's
intestines, quickly have Laura push the button to make T-Rex talk! Soon, the
murderer will try and make his way out of the dinosaur's mouth, but to no
avail! T-Rex crunched the murderer! (That's surprising. He really did take a
bite outta crime.)

2.6 Act VI: Coroner's Inquest

Well, you've done it! You've found the missing dagger, apprehended the masked
murderer, and made it out of the Leyendecker Museum with your head still
attached! That right there deserves a pat on the back. Go ahead, bask in the
glory of the feats you have accomplished, but just remember that this isn't
over yet...

It's time for Laura to speak with Henri Le Mort, the coroner in charge of the
bodied found at the Leyendecker Museum. He's pretty much summed up what has
happened at the museum and now needs you to answer a series of questions in
order to solidify a case against the murderer. Paying attention throughout
the game would easily provide you with the answers to Le Mort's questions,
but if you are unsure about the answers, I have taken the liberty of finding
them out for you! I know, I know. You can thank me later...

"Who murdered Dr. Pippin Carter?"

Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley was the one that brought about the end for
this cocky and stuck up individual. The motive behind this was simply for
financial gain. O'Riley was pretty much behind the dagger heist. Getting rid
of Dr. Carter eliminated his biggest obstacle preventing him from getting
away with the theft and cashing in on his loot. Yvette's bloody footprint and
Dr. "Tut" Smith's ankh medallion found at the scene of Carter's murder were
nothing more than red herrings.

"Who murdered Lawrence 'Ziggy' Ziegfeld?"

Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley was also the one who took out Ziggy. This was
simply to cover up another crime. Ziggy was murdered because of his
involvement in the art forgery. The bloody paper cutter, which could be found
in Yvette's office after Ziggy was murdered, blatantly points out Yvette,
however O'Riley was the actual culprit.

"Who murdered Ernie Leach?"

Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley killed Ernie simply to cover up another
crime. In Act III, Ernie tells Yvette that he saw something he wasn't
supposed to see. When he said this he was referring to the dagger theft. The
alcohol and warthog hairs found on Ernie's body reveal that he was murdered
while trying to move the dagger from its hiding spot so he could later fence
it to pay his gambling debts.

"Who murdered Yvette Delacroix?"

Jealousy or revenge was the motive behind this murder. Detective Ryan
Hanrahan O'Riley took Yvette out about Yvette's numerous affairs and killed
her in a jealous rage of revenge. You can hear them arguing with each other
in Act III. The red hairs and bifocals found with her body belong to O'Riley.

"Who murdered the Countess Lavinia Waldorf-Carlton?"

In order to cover up another crime, Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley made sure
the Countess did not breathe another word. The Countess was the one who aided
Watney Little in smuggling stolen paintings out of the museum and replacing
them with fakes. She's the one who provides one of the biggest clues in the
game when she uses her last words to inform Dr. Myklos who poisoned her.
Also, the grapes found near her dead corpse are a favorite snack of
O'Riley's, as he tells Laura in Act I, and as Wolf Heimlich reveals towards
the end of Act III.

"Who was the skeleton found in the steamer trunk?"

The skeleton was Dr. Archibald Carrington III. The pocket watch, which was
found with the skeleton, lets us know this, since it has Carrington's name
engraved on it.

"Who murdered Dr. Archibald Carrington III?"

Watney Little was the one who killed Dr. Archibald Carrington. This is shown
to us in the beginning of the game (at the introduction) aboard the
steamboat, Andrea Doria, and he then tucks him away in the trunk found in
Carrington's room.

"Who impersonated Dr. Archibald Carrington III?"

Watney Little disguised himself as Dr. Archibald Carrington. This is evident
if you found the police file and book found in Carrington's office. Add that
with Carrington's remains and the clues simply fall into place.

"Who murdered Watney Little?"

Detective Ryan Hanrahan O'Riley also killed Little in order to cover up
another crime. O'Riley had to make sure he covered his tracks. In an effort
to expose O'Riley, Little offers a valuable clue by writing the letters of
'C.P.' in his own blood before dying. The letters refer to the book 'Crime
and Punishment', in which Watney Little's police file is kept.

"Who actually stole the Dagger of Amon Ra from the ancient Egypt exhibit?"

Watney Little was the one who performed this deed. Disguised as the president
of the museum, Little had no problem accessing the dagger, and hiding it for

"Who manipulated Little into stealing the Dagger of Amon Ra?"

Detective Hanrahan O'Riley was the one who made sure Watney Little stole the
dagger. O'Riley had aided Little in his escape from prison, however, in
exchange, Little would have to help O'Riley with the dagger heist. Yvette
confronts O'Riley about this in Act III.

"Who was the woman involved in stealing paintings from the Old Masters

Countess Lavinia Waldorf-Carlton. She confesses this crime when you
catch her, red handed, at the medieval armor exhibit.

"Who was the man involved in stealing paintings from the Old Masters

Watney Little. When confronted in the medieval armor exhibit, the Countess
exposes that Dr. Archibald Carrington III, also known as Watney Little, as
her partner in her forgery scheme.

"Who was the middleman who provided forged paintings for the Countess and
sold the real ones for her?"

Lawrence "Ziggy" Ziegfeld is the middleman behind the painting-forging
scheme. During the party, Ziggy refers to a 'deal' in his brief conversation
with the Countess. He was also scheduled to meet with her and Dr. Carrington
at the medieval armor display that night.

"Who is the high priest of the Amon Ra Sun Worshippers?"

The high priest is none other that Rameses Najeer. He is easily recognizable
while Laura is being chased by O'Riley in Act V. Yvette also reveals his
involvement with the cult during a conversation with him in her office.

"Which museum employee runs a fencing operation as a sideline business?"

Ernie Leach is the one who runs the fencing business. The carbon paper found
in Yvette's wastepaper basket reveals this.

With this information, Laura should have successfully solved the case of the
Dagger of Amon Ra, as well as the countless murders at the Leyendecker
Museum. Laura, it seems you have faced death once more, and laughed in its
face. Or, at least, screamed...Well, either way, I'm sure you're father would
be proud!



3.1 FAQ's

1. What exactly does it say on the chalkboard in Dr. Myklos' office?

The chalkboard in Dr. Myklos' office is written in hieroglyphics and, for
some, is a crucial part in finishing the game. The translated hieroglyphics
simply give the answer to the riddle Rameses Najeer asks Laura towards the
end of the game. It states:

"I pay homage to thee ye lords of eternity Ra strong is thy in the wind as
thou sailest over the lake of fire in the underworld behold Shu the mother
creating the gods. In silence from her womb quicker then greyhounds and
fleeter than light let me not be consumed let me not perish as my mummy lies
prostate in my tomb."

2. I can't push the buttons to the intercom in Dr. Carrington's office!

This is pretty tricky. However, it is possible. You just need to keep going
at it. Once you have the hand icon out, try using the tip of the pointer
finger on the darkened side (not the top) of the button. Doing that, you
might find that you have more of a change of actually pressing the button. I
know they're a pain, but just keep trying.

3. How do I get a good look at the shining skeleton key on that painting in
the Old Masters gallery?

Once again, this can be a nuisance also. Use the upper left-hand edge of the
magnifying glass to click a bit southwest of the glint. For some reason,
clicking directly on the glint doesn't work. Once you finally get a close up,
click (using the left-hand edge of the magnifying glass once more) on the
little glint to get a better view of the skeleton key. That's pretty much all
I think you can do to get a hold of it. Just keep clicking! *Grin*

3.2 Deaths

There are many ways to die in Laura Bow II: The Dagger of Amon Ra. Believe
me, I had to find out the hard way. So, I have taken the liberty in listing
all the ways that Laura can meet her grueling end. Hope these help!

1. Walking across the city streets without looking both ways.
2. Lingering outside the Speakeasy for too long.
3. Giving the Speakeasy guard the Press Pass.
4. Walking down the steps of the museum without replacing the light bulb.
5. Touching Dr. Myklos' pet snake, Barney.
6. Failing to capture Barney.
7. Searching the alcohol vats three times.
8. Getting caught by the masked murderer.
9. Getting devoured by the beetles found in the steamer trunk.
10. Getting consumed by rats.
11. Being bitten by snakes.
12. Entering a wrong secret passage door.
13. Entering a secret passage without a light.
14. Trying to take the cheese in Wolf Heimlich's office.
15. Trying to take the sword in Heimlich's office.
16. Fail to answer the Amon Ra worshippers' riddle.
17. Fail to activate the T-Rex at the end of the chase.
18. Entering the furnace where Steve is found.

Well, there you have it! Those are pretty much all the ways that poor Laura
can buy the farm. If you know any more that I don't have listed, please e-
mail me and let me know. Thanks.

3.3 Contact Me

Did you notice something that's missing in my FAQ/Walkthrough? Well, if so,
e-mail me and tell me what exactly I forgot to put in this document. I need
all the input from you, the readers, that I can get in order to make this
FAQ/Walkthrough the best it can possibly be. Just e-mail me at! I can use all the info as possible. Thanks in

4. Closing

Well, that's it. My very first FAQ/Walkthrough is finished. Everything I want
in here is here and everything that you need to finish the game is in here as
well. However, just because this FAQ/Walkthrough is finished, it's not
COMPLETE, and I'm sure there will be various updates in the future. Yet, now
that I know what it's like to make my very own FAQ/Walkthrough, I just may be
doing some more, so you'll probably see more of me.

I know as well as you do that, although this FAQ/Walkthrough gets into the
nitty-gritty of the game, there's much more to this game than what I have
written about. I'd be more than pleased if you'd send me your questions,
suggestions, or things that you know and I don't, and I'll be more than
content with sticking them in here with all the credit given to you! And
speaking of credit, special thanks to Sierra Planet, from where I pretty much
got all my information! I couldn't of done it without you! Thanks again for
reading and I hope this helped. Until next time...

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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