Spider-Man: The Movie

Spider-Man: The Movie

15.10.2013 23:30:44
Spiderman the movie walkthrough by Aaron Ismail Sutton

1. Introduction
2. Goblin controls (when you are playing as green
3. Level walkthrough
4. Golden spiders walkthrough
5. Emailing me
6. Cheat codes
7. Secret store
8. Copyright
9. General/level hints
10. History of Updates
11. Training
12. Boss walkthroughs

If you’re having trouble finding golden spiders check out
the golden spider walkthrough. Also if you’re having
trouble completing the levels check out level/general
tips section and if you’re still having trouble email me.
For more info about emailing me check out the section
emailing me. If you’re having trouble getting the bonuses
check out the secret store section and if you’ll still
stuck email me. This walkthrough is made for easy mainly
but there isn’t too much difference between the
difficulty levels. Other than the strength of baddies and
you loose more health quicker. Also on the levels with
guards there will be more guards on higher difficulty

2.goblin controls

While off the glider

Pumpkin bomb – L2+square
Rocket pumpkin bomb – L2+circle
Homing pumpkin bomb – L2+triangle
Multiple pumpkin bomb – L2+x
Two homing pumpkin rocket bombs – L2+triangle
Turbo speed – triangle (hold and press forward)
Summon razor bats (only five at once)
Getting on glider and off –R2
Destroy razor bats –L2+R1
Punch - square
Kick - circle
Jump – x

3.levels walkthrough

1.search for justice

Golden spiders:
1.Field gold underneath one of the eagles at the start.
2. Web Hit From the start Go behind the starting building
swing one building right turn so there is a shiny building
in front of you. Go to top of shiny building that is
orangey. Swing one building forward Swing one building left
swing two buildings forward. Jump over the first wall, turn
left follow the passage through to get the golden spider

Starting place reference

Once you swing on to the activision building swing to the
building in front of you travel to the other end of the
building and you will see a gap between 2 buildings. Go
through the gap to find the starting place.

Bonuses: secret bonus walkthrough
Drop down to one ledge below turn left swing to building
climb up turn around (half turn) so you’re facing a shiny
building. Swing to it climb up jump over a low wall. Beat
the two thugs up swing on to an orange shiny building. Climb
up (if yon need to). Swing one building forward turn right
swing one building. Swing one building forward to find the
purse. Then go back the way you came (to the building where
you beat up the thugs). Then follow your compass to a
building that has to bad guys on it with a pick up. Then
follow the compass after beating up the two baddies. Then
watch a cut scene. Now climb up building your on swing one
building left, swing 1 building right swing three buildings
forward. Swing one building right, 1 building forward and
one building right. Climb to the top. Turn left run forward
{off the building). Run forward and collect the item to
complete the level.

Combat bonus: you need to beat up all the thugs on this
Combat bonus walkthrough.
From where you start, drop down to one ledge below turn left
swing to building climb up turn around (half turn) so you’re
facing a shiny building, swing to it climb up jump over a
low wall. Beat the two thugs up. Swing on to an orange shiny
building. Climb up (if yon need to). Swing one building
forward turn right swing one building. Swing one building
forward. Beat the two thugs up here. Go back to where you
started the level. From here follow you’re compass to a low
building use your height metre to help you find this
building. Beat the two baddies up that are on this building.
Turn around so you’re facing a activision billboard. Go onto
the right hand side of the building beat the baddie up there
then go to the back of the building, beat the baddie that is
there. Now go back to the front of the building, now turn so
you are facing the building your on. Now swing a few
buildings right and there will be a building with two
baddies on beat them up. Then you should see another ledge
on the side of the same building there are two baddies on
that building beat them up. Then go to the activision
building a few buildings opposite it is a building with a
maze on the top of it. Search the building for two baddies
beat them up. Now go back to where you started the level. Go
behind the starting building swing one building right turn
so there is a shiny building in front of you. Go to top of
shiny building that is orangey. Swing one building forward
Swing one building left swing two buildings forward. Jump
over the first wall, search this building for two baddies
beat them up. Now follow you’re compass to a building with
two baddies on beat them up. Now finish the level.
Style: Use every combo you got.
Perfect: don’t loose any health

Super quick walkthrough no bonuses other than if you get the
style bonus.

Just follow your compass that will lead you to the baddies.
When your compass isn’t pointing that means you are nearly
if the right place you just need to drop down. Once you see
the cut scene here’s how to get to the end of the level.
Climb up building your on swing one building left, swing 1
building right swing three buildings forward. Swing one
building right, 1 building forward and one building right.
Climb to the top. Turn left run forward {off the building).
Run forward and collect the item to complete the level.

2.warehouse hunt

Golden spiders: backflip kick in the first hallway can’t
miss it
Stealth: when you go into the first room zipline up onto the
ceiling and from there web yank and impact web all the
baddies to get this bonus.
Secret: when you beat all the baddies in the first room and
then you go through the roller now beat all the thugs now
when you beat all the thugs around the corner as well. You
will see boxes to your left go up them and the is a gap in
the top left box go through it to get the secret.
Style: Use backflip web hit and field gold. Also use your
web gloves for good style and when you are surrounded use
web dome.

Go through the door that is closed, it is not the door at
the back of the room. Go down the steps collect the golden
spider keep going when you get into a big room immediately
zipline up to the ceiling from here use web yank and impact
web to kill the baddies. Once they are all killed go through
the metal roller with a wooden door on the right. Beat up
the baddies in this room. Climb up the crates on the left
hand; go through the gap on the top left hand side of the
crates. Go to the health inside this secret area even if you
don’t need it. The message you found a secret area. Go
through the roller door at the back of the room. Kill the
baddies inside here. Look for a big truck (opposite where
you entered this room). Go to the back of the truck and go
forward as soon as your spider sense goes on. Immediately
zipline up because a thug that is driving on a forklift will
try to crash into you, if it does crash into you it CAN TAKE
TONS OF YOUR HEALTH DOWN. Go to the place where the forklift
came. Zipline up the air vent. Keep going forward stop when
you see them stop. Look for a passage on your left go
through it drop down at the end of the passage. Press the
switch that is inside room you just entered. Press square to
switch the switch on; this will turn off the lazers that
were in the air vent. Go back up the vent and take the
passage where the lazers used to be. Go to the end of the
passage drop down (when you come to the end of the passage
in the air vent). Behind you there should be a door enter it
if you can’t find it look carefully it is wooden it opens
when you run into it. Beat up the two baddies. Go through
another door on the left hand side. Beat the baddie up. Turn
left go forward and you should see a hole in the wall to
your right. Go through this hole follow the passage through.
At the end of the passage there is a room with a switch in
it press it. Go back through the hole and follow the passage
through back to the room go through the door that is already
open. You should see air vent zipline up it follow the
passage through. Drop down at the end. Beat up the baddie
here. Go to where the baddie died and you should collect a
fuse. Go back through the air vent and go to the end of the
passage drop down. Go through the door opposite the air vent
you just went through. Put the fuse in the machine at the
back of the room. (Press square to put the fuse in). Zipline
up the air vent that is right next to the machine. Follow
the passage through DON’T TURN KEEP GOING STRAIGHT. Drop
down at the end of the passage. Turn to make sure you are
facing the fire go through the passage right in front of you
beat up the baddies then more will come beat them up as
well. Now go to the front bit of the truck turn so you are
facing opposite the truck. Go into the place that is in
front of you go (Where the first lot of baddies came from).
Go through here there is a open door to your right go
through it to end the level.
Note: the door will only be open if you beat the last two
sets of baddies.

3.Birth of a hero

Secret: You must be undetected by the guards in the first
room and go in to the door on the left of the big blue
question. It will say you have found a secret area. The room
has a golden spider in it.
Time: finish this level fast
Style: Use hanspring in the big room and use web dome and
web gloves.
Golden spiders

1.Advance web dome you must be undetected by the guards in
the first room and go in to the door on the left of the big
blue question. It will say you have found a secret area. The
room has a golden spider in it. If you get spotted before
you entered the secret room the golden spider won’t be
there. If you don’t get advance web dome here you can get it
in corralled a level later on.
2.hanspring after the steam vents near the entrance to the
main room.

Go up the air vent in front of you. Follow the passage to
the end and there’s a place you can zipline up do that and
follow the passage through. DON’T DROP DOWN WHEN YOU HAVE A
CHANCE TO. Instead zipline up and here is how to get the
golden spider and the secret bonus. Crawl down the vent not
too far down or else the guards might see you. From the vent
use web yank or impact web. To get some of the guards you
may have to crawl quite down or you may have to crawl onto a
different side of the bit your on.
Note: this bonus isn’t that important and you don’t need it
to complete the level. Drop down once all the guards have
been killed, drop down and go to the left hand side of the
room. Go forward until you are next to a question mark and
enter the room on the left. Now collect the question mark.
Zipline up to the ceiling and crawl past the steam. Follow
the passage through and collect the golden spider, then
enter the main room beat up the baddies in the main room use
hanspring here. Once they’re all dead look for a key it will
be in the places where you killed a baddie. The baddie that
was wearing a red jacket drops the key once you kill him. In
one of the corners is a closed door with a flashing red
light above it go through that. Follow the passage through,
and then go up the stairs, been careful of the steam. Once
you have got to the top of the stairs follow the passage
through. The boss isn’t that strong, use impact web and web
gloves. When he throws a grenade that makes a lot of light,
use web dome beat the boss to end the level.

4.oscorps gambit

Perfect: don’t loose any health it’s quite tough try to keep
swinging and use camera lock to help you get perfect.
Style: Use web swing kick a lot with impact web.

Defeated hks: On super hero and on hero there are these
little purple spiders kill them all to get the bonus.
Swing forward then turn in the air and keep swinging. Now
use camera lock mode press L1 to camera lock mode the
balloon swing towards the balloon. Now use camera lock again
and use impact/lazer web on the balloon and swing to the
balloon, now follow you compass; that will lead to a spider
collect it. Now use lazer web or impact web to the mech (the
green flying thing). Now you will need to beat another 12
use the same strategy.

5. The subway station

Golden spiders
1. Scissors kick from the start opposite the start are some
staircases go to the one on the right DON’T GO UP THE
STAIRS. Jump over the low wall on the right and the golden
spider is there it is in the air a bit.
2. High web hit – go to the same stairs on the right that
you used to get the first golden spider (opposite the
start). Now slightly more left, the is a mini passage that
leads to a closed black gate. Go right next to the closed
black gate. Zipline up and crawl to the top left bit of the
ceiling to get the golden spider.


Time: this is very tricky to get it complete the level fast.

Perfect: don’t loose any health

Style: Try to use every combo you’ve learnt so far.

Level Hint: watch the cut scenes and you’ll now where you
need to go next on this level.

Note: the cut scenes are in this level occur after you
finish beating up all the baddies that are attacking a
certain guard.

Go and help the security guard beat up the baddies, more
will come just beat them up. Now follow your compass to a
place where you need to help the guard beat the baddies up.
Now don’t follow you compass once you have beaten up some
baddies near the guard. Turn around so you’re facing the way
you came to get here and you should see a opening on the
left, go through there and beat up the baddie inside. Now
follow your compass and beat up the two baddies that your
compass will lead you to. Follow you compass after beating
those baddies up it will lead you to a man, press square to
pick him up and follow the compass to a spider patch thing
when you are on it and near the centre of it press square to
put the person down. Now beat up the baddies that will come
to attack you. Then follow your compass; it will lead you to
some baddies and the two guards you need to protect. Beat up
the baddies near the guards and beat up all the other
baddies that come to end the level.

6.chase through the sewer

Time: complete the level fairly quickly

Secrets: get the advance web gloves golden spider

Combat: defeat all the guards in this place

Style: Try to use all the web gloves a lot plus other combos
you know.

Golden spiders
1.dive bomb on top of the pipe that shocker went through
2. Advance web gloves how to find this is in the
3. Advance impact web. In the hole near the end of the
level, there are some doors one has a golden spider in it.
If you don’t get advance impact web here you can get it on
escape from Oscorp.

Go forward beat up the two baddies. Now go forward and once
you have gone forward enough you will see a baddie on your
left beat him up collect the key he drops. Go to the closed
door that is right of the entrance run to it and it will
open. Go into the water turn right and go forward now on
left and right you will see some land. Go onto the land, not
the land with the health pack on it, the one opposite of
that. Go forward until some two baddies attack you, beat
them up. Turn so you are facing a pick up that is quite far
away. Run down the passage beat the baddie up that attacks
you. Now drop down to the bottom of this place. Beat the
baddie that is down there. Then climb up one level higher,
beat the baddie up and press both switches on this level.
Then drop down to the bottom again and look for a opening
that had just been opened. Run forward and beat up the
baddie and go into the water, turn right, go forward a lot
and on your right there should be some land go on to it. Run
forward and you’ll see a cut scene, beat up the two baddies
that attack you, then go into the room opposite the
entrance. Look through the maze for a baddie that isn’t in a
blue outfit beat him up and collect the tap, the baddie

Note: for the combat bonus you will have to find all the
baddies and kill them.

Follow your compass, it will lead you out of the maze, as
soon as you get out of the maze, turn left and go forward
and your right you should see a flashing light put the tap
in the place underneath the flashing light, press square to
put it in. Now the pipe will be drained. Collect the golden
spider that gives you the dive bomb. Now go through the
pipe, don’t go into the other pipe in front of you, beat up
some baddies that come. Then stand a little in front of the
first pipe (the one you went through). Now zipline up the
ceiling and crawl left you should see an opening on the
ceiling, it has a shut door go to it and it will
automatically open, press the switch inside. Now go back to
the room where you put the tap in the thing. Now climb up to
the top of the pipe where you collected the golden spider,
now drop down onto the ground below. Go into the water (you
may need to turn around to see the water you need to go in).
Search in the water carefully to find a opening it is left
of the pipe, in the water. Go through the opening to find a
golden spider which gives you advance web gloves + the
secret bonus. Go back through the pipe into the room. Near
the end of this room on the right is a opening, go through
it beat up the baddie that comes to attack you. Follow the
passage through when there is a turning option (where you
can turn left or right). Turn left. Go forward to the end of
the passage, go into the water and opposite the locked gates
in the water, is a place you can go through. Go through it
and watch the cut scene. Beat up the baddies in the water
and the one at the top. Then more baddies will come, beat
them up. Opposite where the baddies entered there is a big
rectangular hole. Zipline up to the ceiling and drop down,
to a small platform with a baddie on it. If your having
trouble finding the baddie use camera lock. (Sometimes the
baddie will be in the hole.) Beat up the baddie, collect the
key he drops drop down into the hole and there will be shut
doors on your right and left they will automatically open
when you run to them. One door has a golden spider in it,
(it will only be there if you are using enchanted controls);
another has a switch in it, press it. Zipline up to the
ceiling find a small platform with a closed door on it. Run
to the door to end the level.

7. Showdown with shocker


Time: Beat shocker fast

Perfect: don’t loose any health

Secrets: Get the golden spider

Style: Block shocker’s blast at the start using web dome and
once you get into the proper fight use impact web to make
shocker go in to a tornado, then he’ll be dizzy and then use
web gloves

Golden spiders
1. Uppercut after the cut scene at the start, once you’ve
press the switch on the left to move the train and you go
through the passage into the water and the golden spider
will be floating along.

Go forward when shocker’s blasts come, use web dome and when
the top part of shocker’s blast hits the web dome break it.
Keep doing this and once you get near enough to shocker, you
can watch a cut scene. Now go forward and on your left there
is a lever, pull it and it will move the train, revealing a
passage go through it. Follow the passage through and go
into the water and get the golden spider if you are quick
enough. Go down to the right hand side of the river, you
should see some land, go onto it, follow the passage
through on your right. There should be a gap, go through it
and follow the passage through to some golden gates that
will open when you run into them; to beat shocker use impact
web to make shocker go in to a tornado, then he’ll be dizzy
and then use web gloves. Beat shocker to end the level.

See boss walkthrough for help.

8. Vultures Lair


Perfect: Don’t loose any health

Time: complete the level quick

Golden spiders:
1. Gravity slam follow the walkthrough and it will lead you
to the golden spider.

Now look for a place to go through it will be on the
opposite side go the room you started on and it is on the
left or right. Go through it and go forward until you can
see some stairs. Go up them and you should see some more
stairs keep going up the stairs soon you’ll come to a cut
scene. After that keep following the passage look out for
the metal thing that swings. There are two pairs of broken
swing from one end to another to get past them. Once you’ve
passed the broken two stairs go up to sets of unbroken
stairs. Then go through a hole on your right and then look
for another hole that is upper right. Go through that and go
up one pair of broken stairs. Then you should see another
pair of broken stairs in front of you drop through the hole
in that pair of broken stairs. Follow the passage through to
get the golden spider. Look for a hole above you go up it.
Then go through another hole on your right. Look behind you
(so turn around) and it is on your left or right. Go up the
stairs, follow the passage through and there should be a
high up hole to go through, go through that hole now look
for another hole (on the left of the hole you just went
through). Once you find the other hole go through it. Go up
the broken and from there keep going forward for quite a
long time to end the level.

9. Vulture escapes
Time: complete the level quickly
Perfect: don’t loose any health
Vulture Proximity: Stay near vulture for the whole of this

Use camera lock on vulture so you know where he is. After a
while you’ll need to repair a billboard web that up. Then a
bit later you’ll have to repair a water tank. If you fall to
far behind twice you’ll to repair a beam suspended on a long
chord that is damaged and about to break, and you have to
repair the rope. Once the things have been repaired follow
vulture to end the level.

10. Air duel with vulture
Perfect: don’t loose any health
Time: Beat vulture fast
Style: In the air use lazer/web and when vulture crashes on
to the building use web gloves.

Golden spiders: 1. Sting on the building with the concrete
things sticking out underneath them are corners on one of
them is where the golden spider is.
2. Dive kick at the very top of the building vulture lands
on. Get it when vulture lands and to climb quicker press R1
and forward

In the air use lazer/web and when vulture crashes on to the
building use web gloves. Don’t stand on a building you’re an
easy target try to keep a fairly long distance against
vulture. Beat vulture to end the level. See boss walkthrough
for help.

11. Corralled
Secrets: Go to the second level of the parking lot and there
should be a tunnel leading to the third level of the parking
lot. Once the message on the screen comes up you have found
a secret area.
Protected Scorpion: depends how much life scorpion has left.
Style: use web dome

Golden spiders: 1. Advance web dome Go to the second level
of the parking lot and there should be a tunnel leading to
the third level of the parking lot. The golden spider is
inside the tunnel. The golden spider won’t be here if you
got it on birth of a hero.

Beat the number of spiders you need to on
Easy 10
Normal 20
Hero 30
Super hero 40

12. Scorpions rampage

No pickups used: don’t use any pick ups.
Style: Use tackle and web gloves.

Golden spiders: 1. Tackle at start swing left and you should
see it floating above something.

On this level use tackle a lot and you can finish it of with
some impact web or web gloves. Web yank Scorpion off the
walls. For more info see boss walkthrough.

13. Coup d ‘ etat

Time: complete the level quick
Perfect: don’t loose any health
Style: Use web and try to ride goblin twice or more.

Golden spiders: 1.Low web hit it will be in one of these
three places.
1. On top of the building you start on. 2. On the helipad
building left of where you put Mary Jane down. 3. East of
the start (on the small building with a metal box).

Swing on to the big floating bear that is in front of you.
If you can’t find it follow you compass. Pick up Mary Jane
(press square). Then follow your compass it will lead you to
a spider patch. Put Mary Jane down there (press square). Now
get down a little less than a quarter of goblin’s health
down. Then goblin will say “spider man you’re boring me”.
Follow goblin use camera lock and your compass. Once you’ve
followed him for a while there is a cut scene and follow
you’re compass to get to the building where goblin did some
damage. Then once you are on the building use camera lock
(nothing to do with goblin). This will show you the things
you need to web up. There is one in each corner of the
building all on the same ledge. Once you have done that the
timer will go off the screen. Then get a bit more of goblins
health. Then green goblin will start flying away follow him
using camera lock mode and your compass. After a while there
will be a cut scene. You need to go to the bit underneath
the bridge, when you are quite near the bridge use camera
lock this will so you the thing you need to web up. Web it
up from a very small platform. Then web up the thing on the
opposite side and there is a small platform there as well.
Now the timer would have gone off the screen. Now beat
goblin to end the level. See boss walkthrough for help.

14.The offer

Time: Complete then level quick
Perfect: Don’t loose any health
Ride goblin: Use ride twice or more
Style: Try to ride him twice and use tackle when goblin’s
on the ground.

Golden spiders: 1.Flip Mute In the first building goblin
lands, in front of two red doors.

As soon as you start this level, use lazer web or ride. Keep
using lazer web and sometimes ride. Once goblin’s health is
halfway down goblin will drop into a building. Use your
compass to find the building and go through the hole in the
roof. Collect the golden spider that is in here. Keep your
distance from goblin and keep using lazer/impact web. There
are some health pick ups in here if you need them. Once
nearly all of goblins health is gone he will get his glider
back and escape somewhere go through the open doors goblin
escaped through. If you’re having trouble finding goblin use
your compass. Now keep using impact/lazer web and ride. When
goblin’s health is nearly all gone. He’ll escape and drop
down into another building (if you can’t find the building
use you’re compass). Drop down through the gap in the roof
and finish goblin off with a couple of blast of impact web.
Beat goblin to end the level. See boss walkthrough for help.

15.race against time
Time: Disarm the last bomb with 5 seconds or more left.
Perfect: Don’t loose any health

Note: On this level stay away from the lights because if the
lights spot you tons of mechs will attack you (the green
flying things). Also you can web them up (the green flying

Straight away swing forward follow your compass press square
to disarm the bomb follow your compass and look for a gap in
between two buildings and the bomb is in there disarm it and
follow your compass to disarm the bomb. Now keep following
your compass to disarm the next three bombs. Once you’ve
disarmed those three bombs, follow your compass to disarm
the last bomb, which will end the level.

16. The razor’s edge
Remaining health: have three quarters of your life left
at the end of the level.
Pick ups used: Only use two pickups at the most.
Style: Use advance web dome.
Razor bats killed: Kill a load of extra razor bats.

Kill 50 razor bats follow that compass and it will lead
you to a building with a crane on it drop to the lowest
part of that building and follow you compass. It’ll lead
you to a red and blue spider; collect it to end the

17. Breaking and entering
Time: complete the level fast
Perfect: don’t loose any health (if nobody spots you
wouldn’t have any health down).
Secrets: in the second room the one with the first camera in
it go to the last elevator on the left. Press square near
the switch to open it; go into it to get the secret bonus.
Stealth: Don’t set off the alarm once.

Golden spider 1.High stomp in the first computer room,
halfway in the room on your left or right.

Go through the gap in front of you follow the passage
through and there will be a cut scene. After that zip line
up to the ceiling and keep going forward. Once you come to
some doors drop down go through then. To get the secret
bonus go forward stop when you are near some lifts. Go to
last one on the left and press the switch to open it and go
through it to get the secret bonus. Now go back to near the
doors you went through and go into the shadow left of the
entrance in front of you there is a green lazer camera. When
it moves away from a door go through the door up the stairs.
WATCH OUT FOR THE LAZER CAMERA. Once you are up the top of
the stairs. Go through the doors and watch a cut scene.
After that zip line up to the ceiling and crawl right of the
entrance. Take out the guard though. Then go to the last
computer the on the left, (on the far side of the room).
Press square near that computer and wait until the code
finishes downloading. The computer has a light coming from
the screen. The golden spider is in this room it is around
halfway in this room on your left or your right. Now there
are some stairs at the back of the room go up the stairs.
Move to the left and go forward, passing a lazer. After a
while of going forward on your right is a computer room go
into the computer room. Zipline up to the ceiling. First
beat up the baddie. In the first computer section on the
left, is a computer the screen is lit up. Press square near
the computer and wait till the code finishes downloading.
Now go to the last computer section on the right, press
square near the computer wait until the code finishes
downloading. Face the computer screen and on the right is a
camera lazer guarding the door area zipline up to the
ceiling when the lazer camera moves away from the door drop
down and go through the door. Go up the stairs AVOIDING THE
LAZER CAMERA. Then go through the door at the top of the
stairs. As soon as you go through the door LOOK OUT FOR THE
LAZER CAMERA IN FRONT OF YOU. When it moves away from the
entrance of the door enter and zipline up. Kill the guard
that is in this room. The computer you need to use is in the
first computer section on the right. (In the section where
the lazer goes in that is near the entrance of the room).
When you drop down into the computer section wait until the
lazer moves, then drop down press square near the computer
(it’s screen is lit up). Wait until the code finishes
downloading. Go to the last computer section on the right
and go to the computer that screen is lit up. Press square
near the computer wait until the code finishes downloading.
Now follow you’re compass if will lead you to a door with a
lazer in front of it. When the guard comes, beat the guard
up zipline onto the ceiling and then crawl above the door
and drop down and you’ll be in a shadow so the lazer can’t
see you go through the door and inside there is a lazer
door. Press square near it. Now you need to enter the right
code. Use you’re directional buttons to select a piece of
the code and press x to put it in. Now first put in the blue
one that has no straight lines, then put in the other blue
one. Now put in the pink one. Now put in the yellow one with
straight lines only and then put in the last one to end the

18. Chemical Chaos

Time: Complete this level quickly.
Perfect: Don’t loose any health.

Note: For this level to open nearly every door you will have
to press the switch next to the door.

Golden spiders: 1.Palm once you pass the room with the
lazers and cameras keep going forward, until you get next to
a door, on the ceiling above the door is the golden spider.
2.hammerhead Go into the door opposite control room d and
search the room carefully to find the golden spider.

Go through the door in front of you there will be a cut
scene. Now once you’ve gone through the door zipline up to
the ceiling and follow your spider compass. (When you see
guards take them out). Now go through the control room, your
spider compass leads you to. To get past the lazers in this
room use R3 mode and when the lazers move you can zipline
past them. Then zipline up onto the ceiling crawl past the
cameras, now you can see some lazers on the ceiling you can
get past them by crawling through the gaps on the ceiling.
Now keep going forward to a door don’t go through the door.
Instead zipline onto the ceiling and the golden spider is
there. Then follow your compass it will lead you to control
room A press the inside there and then follow you’re compass
to control room B press the switch inside there. Now in
between control room b and a there is a door. It
automatically opens and in front of that door is another
one, go through that. Then only press the switch on the
right. Now go back through the entrance and into the
corridor, looking out for the camera lazer. Go back to the
door that was near the golden spider and go through that
door. Go onto one of the bookcases. Not the bookcases that
are near the lazer grid the book cases behind them. Use R3
mode and zipline to the bookcase in the right corner of the
lazer grid. Then press R1 when you are on the bookcase in
the right corner of the lazer grid. Now climb up the book
shelf your on from here use R3 mode and zipline to a door.
Go through the door and follow your compass to another door,
go through that door. Now get past the lazers without
touching them. Now zipline on to the ceiling follow your
compass to control room d try to enter it and it won’t open,
now go into the room opposite room d search the room, for
the golden spider. Now when dr Rue comes beat him up. Take
the pass card he will drop and enter room D press the switch
inside there and look out for the super soldiers. Now follow
you’re compass to control room c and press the switch inside
there. Now sneak back to the room in between room b and this
time press the switch on the left. Use the shadows to sneak

19. Oscorp's ultimate weapon
Time: complete the level quick
Perfect: Don’t loose any health
Style: Use impact/lazer web to destroy the generators. To
take out the robot go to the part you need to, use web

As soon as you start, look for two generators close together
on a platform on your left. Kill them. Stay on the platform
and turn around so your facing a generator (in the corner),
get rid of that one. Then turn around so you are facing
opposite the generator you just killed and in the corner
there will be another generator kill it. Now there are four
generators on top of the robot destroy them. Now destroy the
last to generators that are on the mouth bit of the robot.
Now to destroy the robot use camera lock near the robot and
that will show you which part of the robot that you need to
go on. Go on that part and use your web gloves or a combo.

20. Escape from Oscorp
Perfect: Don’t loose any health
Super soldiers killed: kill 10 super soldiers (tackle works
well on super soldiers).
Style: Just mix it up, (use lots of combos).

Golden spiders: 1. Haymaker Go forward from where you start.
2.Advance impact web you need to playing the enchanted
controls.(see golden spider walkthrough).

Go forward from where you start collect the golden spider
and then turn left and go forward to the end of the
corridor. Then turn right so you are facing a door go
through it press the switch inside. Now go back through the
door you came through and turn left so you are facing the
opposite side of the corridor. Now go to the other end of
the corridor (right to the end). Then turn left so you are
facing some doors, go through the doors press the switch
inside. Now go back out the doors turn right so you are
facing the opposite side of the corridor. Then go forward
until you can see some stairs on your right, go down them.
Now follow you’re compass and press the switch it will lead
you to. Then go through the doors opposite the switch. Then
go down the stairs and go through the door at the bottom of
the stairs. Now press the switch near the door and it will
open slowly. Go through the door and keep going forward to
end the level.

21. Mary Jane kidnapped

Perfect: Don’t loose any health
Time: Complete level quick

Keep following green goblin to complete this level camera
lock mode will make this level a lot easier. Goblin often
does a lot of U turns. Also unlock goblin and use him for
this level. Check cheats section to see how to unlock

22. Face off at the bridge

Follow you’re compass to Mary Jane pick her up (press
square). Then follow the compass to the spider patch put
Mary Jane down (press square). Now web swing above goblins
glider press X to break the web then hold X to do the ride
move on goblin. Press square well you’re on goblin lots of
times to punch him. Only do the ride move twice. Tons of
goblin’s health will be down and soon his glider will have
gone and you can beat goblin on the ground. To finish him
off use impact web continuously. See boss walkthrough for
help. Also look out for when gobby’s glider automatically
attacks you.

4. Golden spiders walkthrough

1. Field Gold in search for justice.
Underneath one of the eagles on the ledge you start on.
The eagles are on your left and right.

2. Web hit – on search for justice.
From the start Go behind the starting building swing one
building right turn so there is a shiny building in front
of you. Go to top of shiny building that is orangey.
Swing one building forward Swing one building left swing
two buildings forward. Jump over the first wall, turn
left follow the passage through to get the golden spider.

3. Back flip kick on warehouse hunt, from the start.
Go through the door that is closed, it is not the door at
the back of the room. Go down the steps collect the golden

4. Advance web dome on birth of hero. You must be undetected
by the
Guards in the first room and go in to the door on the left
of the big blue question. It will say you have found a
secret area. The room has a golden spider in it.

5. Hanspring on birth of a hero. After the steam vents,
before you enter the big room.

6. Scissors kick on the subway station. Go to the set of
stairs opposite the start of the level, jump over the wall
on the right and search the area you are in at the moment.

7. High web hit on the subway station.
Go to the stairs opposite the start of the level and in
between the staircase right and the staircase of the left is
a very small slope. Go down there, then zipline up to the
ceiling and then crawl into the top left corner of the

8. Dive bomb on chase through the sewer.
It is above the pipe shocker goes through.

9. Advance Web gloves
Once you drain the pipe and go through it. Zipline on to the
ceiling and crawl left of the entrance and you’ll see a door
go through it, press the switch and go back through the pipe
and drop down to ground level and then go into the water and
look for a place to go through. Go through that place to
find the golden spider.

10. Advance Impact web on chase through the sewer. Note: you
need to be playing enchanted controls.
Near the end of the level when you get the gold key, go into
the hole (area with no water). On you’re left and right
there are doors one of them has a switch inside and the
other door has the golden spider inside.

11. Uppercut on showdown with shocker.
Once you move the train and go through the passage there
will be some water. Go into that and the golden spider will
be in the floating in the water, collect it. You have to be
very quick to get this golden spider.

12. Gravity Slam on Vulture’s lair, from the start.
Now look for a place to go through it will be on the
opposite side go the room you started on and it is on the
left or right. Go through it and go forward until you can
see some stairs. Go up them and you should see some more
stairs keep going up the stairs soon you’ll come to a cut
scene. After that keep following the passage look out for
the metal thing that swings. There are two pairs of broken
swing from one end to another to get past them. Once you’ve
passed the broken two stairs go up to sets of unbroken
stairs. Then go through a hole on your right and then look
for another hole that is upper right. Go through that and go
up one pair of broken stairs. Then you should see another
pair of broken stairs in front of you drop through the hole
in that pair of broken stairs. Follow the passage through to
get the golden spider.

13. Dive kick on air duel with Vulture.
At the very top of the building vulture lands on, get it
when vulture lands and to climb quicker press R1 and

14. Sting
On the building with the concrete things sticking out
underneath them, are corners; on one of them is where the
golden spider is.

15. Advance web dome on corralled, (if you didn’t get it on
birth of a hero).
Go to the second level of the parking lot and there should
be a tunnel leading to the third level of the parking lot.
The golden spider is inside the tunnel.

16. Tackle on scorpion’s rampage.
Swing left of the start and search the area that is on the
left hand side of the start the golden spider his quite high
up floating above something.

17. Low web hit on Coup de etat.
It will be in one of these three places.
1. On top of the building you start on. 2. On the helipad
building left of where you put Mary Jane down. 3. East of
the start (on the small building with a metal box).
18. Flip mute on the offer.
In the first building goblin lands, in front of two red

19. High stomp in breaking and entering. In the first
computer room around halfway in to the room on your right or
left is the golden spider.

20. Palm in chemical chaos.
Once you get past the lazers and the cameras in first big
room and in front of you is a door that you can’t go through
yet, on the ceiling above that door is where the golden
spider is.

21. Head hammer in chemical chaos
Enter the room opposite room d and search that room for a
golden spider.

22. Haymaker in escape from Oscorp.
Go forward from where you start.

23. Advance impact web in escape from Oscorp, if you didn’t
get it from chase through the sewer. You need to be using
enchanted control.

5. Emailing me
If you need help on the levels ect email me, my email
address is AARONPAULCUP@aol.com. Also if you have any
hints/tips and strategies tell me about them and your name
will be in the walkthrough and I will give full credit to

6. Cheats codes

Enter these codes at the Cheats menu on special.

GIRLNEXTDOOR play as Mary Jane

HERMANSCHULTZ play as the shocker

SERUM play as scientist

KNUCKLES play as thug 1

STICKYRICE play as thug 2

THUGSRUS play as thug 3

CAPTAINSTACEY play as helicopter pilot

FREAKOUT play as matrix spidery

REALHERO play as police officer

ORGANICWEBBING unlimited webbing

KOALA all fighting controls unlocked

IMIARMAS unlock all levels

DODGETHIS matrix attacks

JOELSPEANUTS bighead enemies

SPIDERBYTE mini spider man

GEOSTOYOURHEAD Bighead and big feet Spiderman

UNDERTHEMASK 1st person mode

CHILLOUT coolant for goblins glider

HEADEXPLODY unlock bonus training levels

UNDERTHEMASK first person view

ROMITAS level skip then pause the game now and then select
the select the option menu at the pause screen and then
select the next level thing.

How to unlock goblin the easy way.

First enter the cheat, ARACHNID or IMIARMAS to unlock all
levels. Start a new game and select the hero difficulty.
Once the level begins, pause the game and select exit to
main menu. Go to the Level Warp, and select Conclusion.
After the Conclusion FMV finishes, press Circle to go back
to the main menu again, this time go to the secret store,
and you will have unlocked all secret costumes, including
the Green Goblin. Now, turn the Green Goblin costume on, and
begins you will be able to play as the Green Goblin, without
having to have beaten the entire game on HERO difficulty.
Also this would have unlocked other costumes in the secret
store and to turn on green goblin you have to go to the
secret store.

7. Secret store

Bonus points thing Unlocked

10,000 Pinhead bowling

20,000 Shocker movie: animation test

30,000 Vulture movie: animation test

50,000 Unlimited Webbing

Beat easy to unlock Peter Parker costume and Bonesaw

Beat normal to unlock Alex Ross Costume.

Now here’s the secret character

It’s Green Goblin! To unlock him beat hero or super hero.

There’s an easier way to unlock him here it is.

First enter the cheat, ARACHNID or IMIARMAS to unlock all
levels. Start a new game and select the hero difficulty.
Once the level begins, pause the game and select exit to
main menu. Go to the Level Warp, and select Conclusion.
After the Conclusion FMV finishes, press Circle to go back
to the main menu again, this time go to the secret store,
and you will have unlocked all secret costumes, including
the Green Goblin. Now, turn the Green Goblin costume on, and
begins you will be able to play as the Green Goblin, without
having to have beaten the entire game on HERO difficulty.
Also this would have unlocked other costumes in the secret
store and to turn
on green goblin you have to go to the secret store.

Information about the main bonuses.

Secrets: there are secret areas or you need to collect a
golden spider to get the secret bonus.

Stealth: Going through the whole level or a bit of a level
without getting spotted or sometimes not razing the alarm.

Combat: Beating all the baddies in the level.

Style or combat style: Mixing up your moves combos as much
as you can don’t forget you’ve got attacks that are not on
your combo list like web zip attack, web swing kick, web
swing punch, web yank and cannonball kick. Also it is how
effective the moves were on some levels.

Level completion: I don’t mention this one in the level
walkthrough because all you’ve got to do is complete the

Perfect: Don’t loose any health.

Now one thing about bonus points is if you’ve got 1,000
points on one level and then you replay that level to get
another 1,000 points you won’t get those 1,000 bonus points.
Also let say if you’ve got 200 bonus points for style on one
level, then you replay the level and you get 500 bonus
points for the style bonus this time, 500 points will not be
added on 500 – 200 will get added on which is 300.

The total of the bonus points ON next pages.

Level Number Total Total Total Total
of bonus bonus bonus bonus
bonuses points points points points
level level level level
Easy Normal Hero Super
1. 5 2500 3500 5000 5000
2. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
3. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
Birth of a
4. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
5. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
6. 5 2500 3500 5000 5000
the Sewer
5 2500 3500 5000 5000

8. 3 1500 2100 3000 3000

Vulture 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
10. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
Air Duel

11. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000

Level Number Total Total Total Total
of bonus bonus bonus bonus
bonuses points points points points
level level level level
Easy Normal Hero Super
12. 3 1500 2100 3000 3000
13. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
Coup D
14. 5 2500 3500 5000 5000
The Offer
15. 3 1500 2100 3000 3000
16. 5 2500 3500 5000 5000
17. 5 2500 3500 5000 5000
3 1500 2100 3000 3000

19. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
20. 4 2000 2800 4000 4000
21. 2 1000 1400 2000 2000
Mary Jane
22. 0 0 0 0 0
Face Off
at the
Grand 81 42000 58800 81000 81000

Note: That if you got 500 bonus for style on easy then you
get 700 points for the same bonus on the same level but this
time on normal difficulty level. You will not get 700 points
added to your score instead you will get 700- 500 added on
to your score, so you get 200 bonus points added on for that
bonus in total.

8. Copyright

I have not copied anyone else’s work for this walkthrough
however it is not to make money what so ever. Don’t copy
this walkthrough or send it off. I will give you no
permission to. This document is non-copyright. Copyright-
Aaron corporations.

9. General/level hints

General: Use web dome when you get surrounded. When you’re
searching for some think, using your spider compass and your
spider compass has a red outline. Also the spider in the
middle of the compass has no arrow in it. That means that
you are very close to where you need to go. Sometimes you
can be to high up or low down. Then use your height metre to
tell which height you should be at. The red bit on your
height metre is your height and the blue bit on the height
metre is where you’re height should be. Frisbee trick press
circle near a pile of tyres that are on some levels and you
will use them as a Frisbee.


1. Search for Justice

To get the perfect bonus keep your distance from the thugs
and use impact/lazer web.

2. Warehouse hunt
Use web dome when you are surrounded by baddies.

3. Birth of hero
Use hanspring when tons of baddies are attacking you. Also
against the killer, use web dome when the killer uses his
flash grenades. Use hanspring and web gloves against the

4. Oscorp’s gambit

Use web swing kick a lot against the mechs, (the flying
things). Also use impact/lazer web and web swing punch and
cannonball kick.

5. The subway station

Use hanspring and web dome when you get surrounded by

6. Chase through the sewer

Web yank the baddies into the water with a fast current, for
a straight KO. Also use web gloves.

7. Showdown with shocker

When you get down some of shocker’s health down he’ll go
into a tornado and then once the tornado stops shocker will
be dizzy, then you can use your combos and web gloves. Also
while shockers in a tornado throw something and it will go a
lot further than usual this will get down some of shocker’s
health. To get the perfect bonus keep web swinging and then
keep use lazer/impact web.

8. Vulture’s Lair

Use goblin turbo run to go up the staircases quickly. To get
up the broken stairs use goblin’s glider. Once you get to
the last part of the level where there are tons of traps,
use the glider there. This is a good way to get the perfect
and secret bonus. Stay on the ceiling to avoid grenades.
Also when the spiders come. Let them come to you then move
so they only self-destruct themselves.

9. Vulture escapes

Use camera lock mode and follow the green trail as well as
holding R2. Use your height metre.

10. Air duel with Vulture

Use lazer/impact web, web swing kick, web swing punch, ride
and cannon ball kick. Then when Vulture lands on a building
use combos and web gloves.

11. Corralled

Twirl yank the spiders off the walls.

12. Scorpion’s rampage

Use tackle a lot and use web yank to get scorpion off the

13. Coup ‘d eata

Web up goblin’s bombs and ride goblin also use lazer/impact
web, web swing kick, web swing punch, ride and cannon ball
kick against goblin. Also to get the perfect bonus stay away
from goblin and use web a lot, Web up goblin’s bombs.

14. The offer

Try to ride goblin twice and in the air use lazer/impact
web, on the ground use tackle. Web up goblin’s bombs.

15. Race against time

Hold R2 down to go faster and look out for the lights.

16. The razor’s edge
Use web dome a lot.

17. Breaking and entering

Web up the guards and beat them up. Also if the alarm goes
off hide in a shadow then wait until the super soldiers go.

18. Chemical Chaos
Use the shadows and kill the guards.

19. Oscorp’s ultimate weapon

Use the catwalk above the robot.

20. Escape from Oscorp

Use goblin and use goblin’s turbo run to speed past the
super soldiers. Use tie up webbing on the super soldiers.

21. Mary Jane kidnapped
Use camera lock mode.

22. Face off at the bridge

Use ride and impact/lazer web. When goblin is on the ground
use tackle. Web up goblin’s bombs.

10. History of Updates
No updates yet

11. Training

1. Basic training

Use your height metre and compass to find the question marks
also listen to the advice you are given and make sure you so
what it tells you to do to complete the level.

2. Basic combat

You are in bonesaw’s wrestling ring. You’re health won’t get
refilled here. If you beat enough thugs here you will get to
fight bonesaw, beat him to complete basic combat. Hint: stay
on the ceiling they won’t get you!

3. Basic air combat

Follow your compass and take out the targets, (you have to
take out all the targets). The aim of it is the speed; see
if you can beat the times already set.

4. Target switching

Use camera lock mode to lock onto the targets. Fire impact

5. Basic swing training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to get to the end
of the maze. See if you can beat the best time.

6. Advance swing training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to get to the end
of the maze. See if you can beat the best time. See if you
can beat the best time.

7. Expert swing training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to get to the end
of the maze. See if you can beat the best time.

8. Basic zip training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to find the end
of the maze. Use R1 to zipline. See if you can beat the best

9. Advance zip training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to get to the end
of the maze. See if you can beat the best time.

10. Expert zip training

Follow the green arrows and the green line to get to the end
of the maze. See if you can beat the best time.

11. Swing rings

Swing through rings that appear you must go through them in
order. See if you can beat the best time. Use your compass
and height metre to find the rings.

12. Platforms

Swing onto the red round platforms. Use your compass and
height metre to find the platforms. See if you can beat the
best time.

13. Big Brawl

Beat a set of baddies the amount you need to defeat in the
top right corner. There is three different sets of baddies.
You have to beat each set of baddies within a time.

14. Obstacle course

You need to get through this place. Use a lot of spidey’s
zipline and web swinging abilities. If you land on something
time will be added onto your score. See if you can beat the
best time.

15. Pinhead bowling (unlock in the secret store).

From where you start web swing (press R2 straight away, on
the ground). Then web swing to the end of the bowling lane
and use web swing kick at the end of the bowling alley.
Don’t land on the ground of the bowling alley and don’t web
swing on the ceiling. You can play it with the 1, 2, 3 and 4

12. Boss walkthrough

1. Uncle’s Ben’s killer

Use the ceiling from; there use web zip attack. This will
knock down the killer. As soon as he is knocked down drop
down to the floor and use hanspring straight away repeat
this. Also sometimes you can use your web gloves after
you’ve used web zip attack. The killer cannot shoot you if
you are on the ceiling. Also web dome will knock down the

2. Shocker

Once shocker goes in a tornado throw items at the tornado
this will harm shocker. The things will go a lot further.
Once the tornado is gone shocker will be dizzy you can use
some combos against him. Also hanspring works well.

3. Vulture

In the air ride is very effective also use web swing kick
and impact/lazer web. When vulture land use combos.

4. Scorpion

Scorpion is good at hand to hand combat. So try to keep your
distance from him and use web or you can use tackle on
scorpion, which will make him fall down, and is very
powerful. When scorpion is down you can use another tackle
attack. Note: When keeping your distance from Scorpion look
out for his lazer tail attack. If you look carefully you can
see it charging up. Also you can web yank Scorpion off the

5. Green Goblin

In the air ride goblin use web swing kick also use
lazer/impact web and other air attacks. Also you can on
goblin’s bombs and grenades use tie up webbing to get rid of
them. When fighting him on the ground, keep your distance
from him, (he is very good at hand to hand combat) and then
fire web at him. Or you could keep using tackle on him. Use
web dome if goblin comes close to you.

The updated versions of this walkthrough will be at
www.gamefaqs.com I do check my emails more than once a day
every day.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.3)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Secrets and other handy stuff

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

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18.Oktober 2013

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