Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

16.10.2013 19:27:02
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(ASC II art provided by Atom Edge)
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds FAQ/Walkthrough
By Vegeta19
Version 1.38
E-mail address:
System: PC
Date started: 12/9/02
Date of last update: 6/26/03
Size: 23.6 KB

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

Copywrite 2002-2003 Vegeta19

Sites that can use my guide:

GameFAQs will ALWAYS have the most up to date version, but the other sites are
good at keeping up.

Version History

Version 1.00: First version, added Introduction and walkthroughs for the first
three missions in Attichitcuk's campaign, fixed minor spelling
Size: 6.55 KB
Version 1.10: Added to Walkthrough section, fixed Attichitcuk mission three,
added Attichitcuk missions four and five, fixed format,
fixed spelling errors
Size: 10.8 KB
Version 1.11: Fixed spelling and capitalization errors, fixed format
Size: 10.9 KB
Version 1.12: Fixed capitalization errors, fixed format
Size: 11.0 KB
Version 1.22: Added Attichitcuk mission six, fixed Attichitcuk section
Size: 13.1 KB
Version 1.23: Fixed copywrite notice, added logo (I know its bad, I'll try and
fix it later), fixed various errors, fixed Objective layout
Size: 15.0 KB
Version 1.33: Added first part of Attichitcuk mission seven, added Conclusion,
added to Introduction, fixed format
Size: 18.5 KB
Version 1.34: Changed ASC II art
Size: 19.4 KB
Version 1.35: A new site is now allowed to have my guide,
Size: 19.5 KB
Version 1.36: Another site can use my guide, changed e-mail address
Size: 19.6 KB
Version 1.37: Finally finished Attichitcuk campaign
Size: 20.2 KB
Version 1.38: First two OOM-9 missions added
Size: 23.6 KB

Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2) Walkthrough
2a) Attichitcuk
2a1) Moving and Attacking
2a2) Gathering Resources
2a3) Building an Army
2a4) Researching Technology
2a5) Exploration and Transport
2a6) Allies and Jedi
2a7) The Battle for Alaris Prime
2b) OOM-9
2b1) Beachhead
2b2) Behind the Lines
3) Conclusion, Future and existing projects



Hello, and welcome to my 1st FAQ. This one is for one of my favorite games,
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. This is a RTS, and based on Age of Empires
II. So if you know how to play that, you'll feel right at home here. If you
want to contact me, e-mail me, or post on the message board at Game FAQs, and
I'll get back to you as soon as possible. My e-mail is
Put SWGB in the subject line, or else I WILL delete it. Now, on with the



I will assume you have a basic knowledge of this game, and will not be
including anything on how to play. That is what the instructions are for.
First, I will state the objectives for each mission. Then, I will tell you
how to beat said mission. Also, all missions were played on easy for the sake
of writing this walkthrough. Bonus missions will be included after all other
missions, in a separate section. With that said, on with the guide!


This part of the game serves as training for the rest of the game. Here, you
will be using the Wookies. You will be using them again later in the game.
Now, I will tell you how to beat all the missions.


OBJECTIVES: ^Follow Qui-Gon's instructions

Alright, your very first mission, and it's any easy one. Select Chewbacca and
follow the markers east, southeast, southeast, and northeast. Here, you will
find Shoran, your Wookie friend. Select them both and head north. Select the
Power Core, and then select your units and attack the Power Core. From here,
head north to your base. Meet Attichitcuk, the namesake of the campaign.
Select your units, head west, and kill the gundarks trying to destroy your
base. They go down easy. After doing this, you win.


OBJECTIVES: ^Gather 200 food, 100 carbon, 50 ore, and 50 nova

Select one worker and tell him to harvest food. Then, tell the other workers
to harvest as well. Build another worker, and tell him to move east to the
water. Tell him to fish, and build another worker. Tell this one to fish as
well. Now, activate the alert beacon to make all your workers garrison inside
the Command Center. Then, activate it again to send them back to work. If
your base gets invaded, (which it shouldn't because you are using my excellent
guide :) ) do this yourself, because your enemies should never get past your
defenses. Also, repair and heal units and buildings yourself, as it is
impossible to know which units will take how much damage in which battle. So
just do these two things yourself. Anyway, when you get 200 food, send all
your workers to harvest carbon. Activate the alert beacon (which will be
referred to AB in the rest of the guide) to avoid the gundarks from killing
your workers. Have Chewie, who recently appeared on the map, help take out
the gundarks, as his attack is better than your Command Center's. When the
gundarks are dead, activate the AB and garrison Chewie in the Command Center.
This will keep him (and any other hero unit) safe from attack. This is one
more thing you should on your own, as there are many heroes in the game, and
telling you to do that constantly would be annoying for me, so just do it
yourself. Anyway, garrison Chewie, and when you have 100 carbon, send your
workers east to harvest ore. When you get 50, send them south to harvest nova.
Get 50 nova, and you win.


OBJECTIVES: ^Build an army and wipe out the gundarks

In case you forgot what I just said, garrison Chewie (this is your last
reminder, I mean it). Tell two workers to harvest food and the other to
harvest carbon. Build another worker and build a Prefab Shelter. From now on,
build these as you need them, because it would be tedious to tell you every
time you need to build these things. Now, build another worker and tell the
two to harvest carbon. Build another worker and explore north. Find the nerfs,
and move them to your base. Only kill one for food, and leave the rest alone.
Ignore the flock of animals that runs across the screen. Build four more
workers and build a troop center. Then, build one Trooper Recruit. Tell two
of the workers to harvest food (leave the nerfs alone!) and the other two to
harvest carbon. Build a Power Core near your troop center, as it will do no
good if it is not within range of the building you are trying to power. Now,
build four Trooper Recruits and an Animal Nursery. Put the nerfs in the
Nursery (make sure it is powered) and you will have a never-ending food
supply. Nice, isn't it? If you have any inactive workers, tell them to harvest
carbon. Now, build five more Trooper Recruits. Take Chewie and your army north
and follow the path. Send the two nerfs you find back to the Nursery. After
you cross the river, two gundarks will attack you. Kill them quick, and head

OBJECTIVE CHANGE: ^Create a fighting force, then find the gundark nest and
destroy it

Because we already have a fighting force, and we are directly south of the
nest, head north. What's this? Federation troops? Let them take out the
gundarks, as some of the Federation units will die as well. Then, the enemy
will come for you! Hurry and kill them, only one or two of your own units
should die. After all Federation units are dead, you will have won the


OBJECTIVES: ^Collect 500 food and build two new buildings, then research Tech
Level 2 at your Command Center
^Chewbacca and Attichitcuk must survive

At the start of this mission, research Basic Training. Build four workers and
have them harvest food. Build a Food Processing Center near the bushes
(whenever I say to harvest something, always build that resource's processing
center near the resource, unless I saw not to). Build one Farm, and when the
bushes run out, (they won't for a while), build more Farms. Build an Animal
Nursery for the lone nerf, and add the others in when they appear. Advance to
Tech Level 2 [referred to TL2 (or TL3 and TL4) for the rest of the guide] and
build a medic and two workers. Tell the workers to harvest carbon. Upgrade to
Bowcaster Troopers, and research Irrigation at the Food Processing Center, (I
will soon stop telling you the name of the building the upgrade is located at,
but they are mostly simple to figure out) Stimulants at the Animal Nursery,
and build four Bowcaster Troopers. Go to the markers with your army and medic,
and head to the river. Cross it with caution, as Trade Federation units are
present. Heal your units with the medic as you go. Continue to head north,
and fight more Federation units. When you find Attichitcuk, heal him, and
head back to base. Make sure to keep him farther behind, as he is very weak.
Garrison Attichitcuk at your base, and activate the AB. Three destroyer droids
are coming, and they are very strong. Attack with your army, but if they die
before the droids do, and the droids are not in range of the Command Center,
send out Chewie (who should have been garrisoned the whole time) to kill the
droids. When the droids are finished, you win.


OBJECTIVES: ^Defeat the Trade Federation's army and destroy their troop center
to the north

This is the first mission in which you must destroy the enemy base. From the
start, build six workers, and (including your starting workers) have three
harvest food, three carbon, and two ore. Power your buildings, and build one
more worker. Build a Troop Center and research Basic Training. Build two
Trooper Recruits, and by now you should have enough food to advance to TL2. If
you need more buildings to get there, did you remember to build processing
centers for your resources? If not, do it now. Now, take your army north until
you reach nova, and build four workers, two for nova, two for carbon, and you
should have a worker doing nothing, have him harvest food. Research Irrigation
and Beamdrill Mining for both your nova and ore. Build a Carbon Center to the
south of your base, and research Handheld Carbon Extractor. Build a Sentry
Post near your nova. Now, build a shipyard and two Utility Trawlers. Harvest
fish with one and build an Aquaharvester with the other. Build two workers to
harvest carbon, and build a Mech Factory with two Speeder Bikes. Explore
north to find some more nova, food, and nerfs. If your ore runs out, have
those workers harvest nova. Build a transport ship and head north with the
Bikes, to the left bank of the river. Explore north to see a path leading to
the base. Take your troops back to base.

Now to build up your army. Build eight Trooper Recruits and three Dragon
Troopers. If your nova runs out, tell the workers to harvest carbon, you
don't need more nova. Upgrade to Bowcaster Troopers and Heavy Dragon Troopers.
Take your army across the river and attack the Sentry Posts. Now, take out the
gate and the units attacking you, and when the gate is down, destroy the base.
When this is done, you win.


OBJECTIVES: ^Shoran has establishe da camp nearby. Once you've found him, begin
trading with his camp
^Defend you village against Trade Federation attacks

As soon as the mission starts, send all your workers to work. Have three farm,
one on nova, one on ore, and the remaining on carbon. Now, build four more
workers, one for nova and three for carbon. Before you do anything else,
research all of your upgrades. This will make sure you are prepared on later
levels, but for right now, all it really does is help your economy. But who
doesn't need that? Now, once all of your research is complete, build a
Spaceport. Build a Cargo Hovercraft and do the research at the Spaceport. Send
the Hovercraft to Shoran's Spaceport. Every time it comes back to your base,
you'll get some nova. This is a good way to make lots of it, and you don't
have to worry about it running out. Anyway, build a Jedi Temple and build a
Jedi Padawan. Send him north, into Shoran's base, and get the Holocron.
However, before you reach it, the Trade Federation will attack your base.
Activate the AB, and don't worry, your three military units will be more than
enough to take out the attackers. Just attack one enemy at a time. Once the
enemy is dead (can robots die?) bring the Holocron back to your base. Build
eight more Bowcaster Troopers, so now you have ten, plus one Jedi and one
Dragon Trooper. If not, build more units. Now you're ready to make your

Take your entire army north to Shoran's base. From there, head east to the TF
Sentry Posts. Destroy them, and head south across the river. Now, some of
Shoran's troops will come to your aid. Keep moving south and taking out the
enemy units. As you go, destroy the Transmitters. What they do, I have no
idea. If you're having trouble finding the last one, it's on a small
peninsula. Once all the units are dead and the buildings are destroyed, you
will win the misson. Now you only have one more Wookie mission to go!


OBJECTIVES: ^All heroes, Chewbacca, Shoran, Attichitcuk, and Qui-Gon, must
^Destroy the Trade Federation fortress to the North

This is going to be one long mission. From the start, tell some of your workers
to fininsh building the Medium Wall. Make sure to put a gate by the Dragon
Troopers. Place two Turrets by the gate, and ignore any attacks on your Sentry
Post, as they are relatively useless. As a side note, you can garrison troopers
in the Turrets to increase attack, but this is purly optional, and I didn't do
it. But whatever you want. Build Turrets anywhere your walls are attacked,
which should only be one, maybe two extra Turrets. From now on, I'm not telling
you how many workers to build or what to harvest. You should have enough
experience from the first six missions. So now, build all the availiable
buildings, research all you can (execpt things you know you won't use, like
anything for Grenade Troopers and anything for ships), and advance to TL3 and
TL4 whenever you can. When you can, build two Anti-air Turrets to the NW and
SW of your base, and a Fortress by the gate. After the Fortress is built:

OBJECTIVE CHANGE: ^Qui-Gon Jinn must survive

This is just redundant, as this was already stated in the first objective. But
whatever. If you run out of nova, there is a large field N of the current one,
but it is on the opposite side of the wall. Just build a gate and go through,
you shouldn't be attacked. While you are waiting for your nova to increase,
you may recall a message about some secret grotto. It is located just N of the
nova field. But trees block the way, so get some workers to harvest the carbon
and you can get through. Take some units along the path, and you will reach
the grotto. But all it does is give Qui-Gon the ability to capture enemy

At this time, after the research is complete, you will start to build up your
army. At this point, my computer went crazy and decided to erase my save. So
this next part is from memory, so if there are any errors, let me know. Build 5
of every unit, and head N across the river. Now you could go straight into the
base, and you can easily win, but there's a better way. Head W along the river
until you can go N. This takes you to the unguarded W part of the base. Fight
off the enemy and destroy the buildings, and make your way E to the TF
Fortress. Have your Fighters and Bombers attack now (I told you to build 5 of
EVERY unit) and use your army to back them up. The Wookie Beserker is awesome
for this part. After it's gone, a transport will leave, and you will win the
mission and the campaign. Yay! Now the training is complete. And don't worry,
the rest of the guide won't be done from memory.

2b) OOM-9

The Trade Federation is the civilization you will use for this campaign. The
best part about using them is that you never need to build a house for them.
They are machines after all.


OBJECTIVES: ^Ensure that OOM-9 survives the mission
^Destroy the Transmitter at Vis
^Destroy the Transmitter at New Centrif
^Destroy the Transmitter at Parrlay

Head S along the stone path until you get to New Centrif. It is well defended,
so you should wiat for reinforcements to arrive. Until they come, continue S,
but along the dirt path, not the stone one. Follow the path to Vis. Destroy
the enemy units, then destroy the Transmitter, which is located in the E part
of the base. Its the big satellite dish surrounded by light walls. After it is
destroyed, head back to New Centrif. Kill the units outside the base, then bust
open the gate. The Transmitter is just S of the gate, but take out the few
units in the base first. Head SW out of New Centrif to Parrlay. Follow the
stone path.

I like to take out the two Light Turrets guarding the entrance, but you don't
have to. Parrlay offers the most resistence, but it still isn't much. Once the
enemy units are killed, head SE through the base to a gate. Destroy it, and the
Transmitter is right behind it. Once it is destroyed, you win the mission.


OBJECTIVES: ^Ensure that OOM-9 survives the mission
^Use your Neimoidian Technician to acquire the Droid Control
Program from the Research Center on the central peninsula

As soon as the mission starts:

OBJECTIVE CHANGE: ^Neimoidian Technian must survive

Take your units (except OOM-9) E out of your base along the path. Kill the
small group of enemies along the way, and use the Cannon to take out the
turrets by the river. Cross it, and follow it until you come to a fork in the
road. Take out the turret and head S. Use the Cannon to destroy thw two turrets
and the gate, the take back the Droid Control Program.

OBJECTIVE CHANGE: ^Bring your Technician safely back to the base to reactivate
the Trade Federation Army

Take your units back to your base the same way you came.

OBJECTIVE CHANGE: ^Establish your base and then destroy the Command Center at
Harte Secur

Food bushes are directly N, ore to thw NW, and nova to the S. You passed ore
and nova patches on the way to the Droid Control Program if you need more. Just
build up the base however you want (build every building at get all the
research, helps to be prepared). Don't forget to go to the next TL. Build 10
Destroyer Droids and 10 AATs. Also get 6 Pummels. You also need about 20-30
anti-air units. Take every units in your base(except OOM-9) to the fork in the
road, where the Droid Control Program first was. Send one unit into the base to
lure the others out, then you can just walk right in and destroy the Command
Center. Make sure you have enought anti-air units though. Their army is
nothing, but they have a very strong air force. Once the Command Center is
destoryed, you win.

More to come...


Well, I hope this guide is helpfull to you, and I have enjoyed writing it. Once
again, if you want to contact me, my e-mail is I
currently do not have any other guides up, but I am working on one for Age of
Empires. So if you need help on that, look for it soon (meaning very long
time). Until next time,

TH QJ QO DN KY QW PGN &% !@ !%

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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