Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

17.10.2013 08:05:31
December 5, 2002

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for PS 2

Walkthrough, Lost Items & Hints, Card List
Written by Suzanne Touchet, Candy Morgan, & Tina Deen

This is our first walkthrough so please bear with us. We got things as accurate as we possibly could. If you find any mistakes, please let us know, by email. We will correct them as soon as we possibly can. Any questions, please feel free to email us, and we will respond as soon as we possibly can. Hope you enjoy the following work…. Happy Playing!!!!!


I. Disclaimer
II. Menu Controls
III. Walkthrough
IV. Lost Items List
V. Hints
VI. Famous Witches and Wizards Cards List


I want to get this out of the way so I'm putting this first. As with all other disclaimers, you are allowed to look through this and print it if you want. You cannot copy this and switch my name with yours. You CANNOT post this on your website unless you have my permission. If I do allow you to post this, my name must still be listed as the author and it cannot be altered in any way what-so-ever. This walkthrough also cannot be used for commercial purposes. You cannot take sections out of this and put it in your own FAQ/Walkthrough without my permission. If I find that anyone has done anything to my FAQ/Walkthrough without my permission, I WILL prosecute you under the fullest extent of the law. You have been warned !!!

Menu Controls:

Highlight Option – directional button / left analog stick (up or down)
Adjust Selected Option – directional button / left analog stick (right or left)
Select Highlighted option / Complete Action - “X” button
Return to Previous Screen - “triangle” button

In Game Controls:

Move Harry - left analog stick
Cast spells - “square” button
**NOTE: for more information on spells, you have to learn how to assign them
to the “square”, “triangle”, and “circle” buttons. **
Action (context sensitive) - “X” button
** Context sensitive means when you get Harry up close to objects and people
the “X” button’s function changes.**
Target Spell (change targets) – Face Harry towards target, press and hold “R1”
Button (release and press again to change targets)
Take a closer look / Sneak-A-Peak in Stealth Mode - “L2” button or “R2” button
Camera ‘Look Around’ – right analog stick
Center View Behind Harry – “R1” button
Zoom - Press and hold “R3” button (right analog stick)
Pause Game / In-game Options – “START” button
Consult the Remembrall (Tasks, Inventory, Quests, and Maps) – “SELECT” button

Flying Controls:

There are two techniques you can use to Fly, your broomstick. The techniques are known as “NORMAL” (up is down & down is up) and “REVERSE” (up is up & down is down). You can switch the setting later, if you want to try the alternate technique.

Left analog stick - ascent and descent (up or down)
Accelerate - press “X” button

**To change from “NORMAL” to “REVERSE” (or vice versa) – Go to Options
menu, highlight the option you choose and hit “X” button to confirm, and then back out of menu
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
Walkthrough for Playstation 2

The Burrows
1) Before going into the barn – Flipendo everyday objects (for beans)
2) Meet Ron, Fred, & George in the barn – Flipendo the tool box on the table (can do multiple X’s, for beans), then target flour bags in the loft with the gnomes (you have to hit them 2X’s to break them), then target the gnomes in the loft and Flipendo them.
3) Head out the door to meet Ron, Fred & George in the barn yard- go outside and here is your first fight and of all things, a washing machine. Shoot washing machine when the door is open (Be Careful: it does shoot stuff at you and it charges you too) – but 3 shots & he is toast.
4) Climb the chicken coop to the left of the defeated washing machine (facing machine) to get a Wizard’s card & cast Flipendo on everyday objects in the yard before going through the gate (door) behind the washing machine, to meet Ron & brothers.
5) De-gnoming the garden – Flipendo the gnomes running around first. Then, walk over to them & pick the up, get as close to the fence as possible and hold down your “throw (X)” button and when the indicator turns “green”, release “X” button hurling the gnome way out in the field. **NOTE: IF, you hit the bull’s eyes (targets), you get a Wizard’s card. Flipendo the little bushes (trees) that the gnomes hide in—you get Bertie Bott Beans. We haven’t been able to beat Fred’s record, so not sure if you get anything or not.
6) End of Day - ****NOTE: DO NOT end the day until you have everything and have done everything you want to for that day**** Go to “Menu (select button)” (Rememberall) and you will be able to “end your day” by hitting the “X” button. Or if, you wish, you can continue exploring, etc. Until you end your day. (This is a good time to do the “lost items”. When you can get around in the day time without worrying about the Perfects catching you).

Borgin and Burkes
1) You can search 2 cabinets here, for Bertie Bott’s beans( 1- behind you and 1- in front of you (the 2 small black cabinets with the glass doors)
2) Retrieve Lumos Spell Book – Find the door, you can “OPEN.” (Big black cabinet across the room)- you’ll hide in there and get a “CUT SCENE” (with Draco & Lucious Malfroy). Then, get the book on the stand, to the left of where you are standing(you MUST sneak over there or the hand that is guarding it will send out shock waves and hit you) **BE SURE TO EQUIP THE LUMOS SPELL, WHEN YOU GET IT**
3) Use Lumos Spell to find the secret panel behind the big black cabinet - Go back to the place where you were hiding for the “cut scene” and Use your Lumos Spell and you will see, it now leads to a different place. Use your Lumos spell to find your way (secret panel in the wall). Which brings us to the annoying little gnome (imp, troll) on the wall. Use Flipendo to target gnome (imp, troll) on the wall, until it’s health meter on bottom of screen is gone. ****NOTE: Harry does not have to move from where he is standing when he enters the room—nothing will hit him there.*** Climb over the wall, use Flipendo to stun gnomes here, so you can pick them up and put them in their cages (you should receive a Wizard’s card, when you deposit the last of the gnomes (there are only 2 of them, here) in their cages. SEARCH everything here, you can. To the left (from coming over the wall) on the shelves, there is a glass jar, use Flipendo on it & you get a chocolate frog (must flipendo frog to pick it up). Then climb up on the gnome’s cage (across from where you came over the wall), go all the way to the right, around the corner and open the chest there for “owl treats” (trust me, you are going to need them), then head back to the opposite side, when you get back around the corner, there is a glass jar on the shelf to the right, you can use Flipendo on. Then continue on around to the opposite side (from where you opened the chest), until you find the “owl stand” in the circle of bright light and call Hedwig. Feed him the treats and he will fly off and drop a ladder down. Go to the ladder and climb it. BE VERY CAREFUL here; use Lumos Spell repeatedly to get through the attic (WATCH your step or you will fall through). When you reach the other side where the “crawl” space is, don’t go through yet. There is a chest on the left (facing the “crawl” space) side. Open the chest (get a Wizard’s card), then move back to the “crawl” space and go through. Go through the door and down the stairs. “Wall sneak” past the boxes and barrels directly in front of you, go down another set of stairs. There is a box here; you are going to have to move from in front of a yellow switch (button). Move box and press the button. Head back up the stairs and “wall sneak” back past the boxes and barrels and run to the right (facing the stairs) stairs, you first came down when you entered from the attic. There is an alcove here on the right. Go into the alcove. There is a chest and a yellow button here. Open the chest Wizard’s care) and press the button. Now, head back to by the boxes and barrels & go back down the stairs to the box you had to move. Move the box back in front of the switch. Now, you can go through the door.

Diagon Alley
1) Talk to Ginny and Ms. Weasley – starts “CUT SCENE”. Harry gets a sickle from Ms. Weasley.
2) Buy Standard Book of Spells (Grade 2) from Flourish and Blotts – From where Harry is, run forwards, all the way down the alley to the last shop on the right, before the hole in the stone wall, in front of you. Talk to the shop keeper, to buy the Grade 2 Spell book. **NOTE: you can search the shelves around (inside) the shop for more Bertie Bott’s beans**
3) Talk to Ginny and Ms Weasley outside – goes to a “CUT SCENE.” Then Ginny sends you to find her scales, Quill, and spellotape she has lost on the trip to Diagon Alley.
4) Find Ginny’s scales in the Magical Menagerie – Go back down the alley towards the bank and it is the last shop on the left. Take care of the small barrels on the right(entrance to hall way). Go back and open a door. “CUT SCENE” (old man will tell you that they are closed). You have to sneak (push forward gently on the control stick) to the yellow button on the wall to the right (from where you come in the gate & the way you are facing, already). DO NOT LET HIM SEE YOU !!! (We used the Flipendo cast away from me and the direction we were going, to distract him). Push the yellow button on the wall & turn to your left(from facing the switch) and run to the door, open it and go through. There is a chest (another Wizard’s card) and get Ginny’s Scales. Then head back through the door, sneak past the old man (No Need to hit the button again), FIND the gate (door) you came in and head out, back to Diagon Alley. **You can head to the end of the alley, by the bank and break the barrels in the corner on the right of bank (facing the bank doors)**
5) Find Ginny’s Quill in Gambol and Japes – When you leave the Magical Menagerie, go right and find the stairs going down, on the left side of the street. Head down the stairs and go through door, to enter the shop. Go to the dark corner (left when you enter), use Lumos spell and push the bookcase back and find a chest (yep, another Wizard’s card) and you can search the small black cabinet for, more beans. Head back out to the main shop – you can buy stink pellets(if you want too) – Enter the door to the left of the counter(when facing counter). Use Flipendo on the target (man tells you to hit) and it opens a small “crawl” space in the wall, next to target. Walk over and crawl through. Break barrels to get quill **note: if, you bought the stink pellets, you will get your money back here, so break all the barrels here, so you will be able to buy your potion vial later** Head back to “crawl” space and back out to Diagon Alley.
6) Find Ginny’s Spellotape in the Leaky Couldron – From Gambol and Japes, head left all the way down the alley and go through the hole in the stone wall at the end of the alley. Turn right, when you enter and go through the door (Leaky Couldron). **Note: can talk to the people here, if you want too** Where you enter, to the right are some barrels, break them with Flipendoand walk past them. When you see the “sickle,” run towards it, when you get there, you will fall through the floor. Find the yellow button on the wall and push it. Head out the door. Use Flipendo on the gnomes (imps, trolls) to stun them, pick them up and put them in the cages (there are 3 gnomes), when you put the last gnomes in it’s cage, you will get a Wizard’s card. Make your way up, through the rolling barrels, go right and find the door (may have to use Lumos spell to see). Go through the door. “Wall Sneak” to the side with the big box on it. Push the box off of the ledge, then jump down. Push the box to the other wall and climb up this side. Climb the stairs and through the archway (no door here) into the dark room, (Can you guess what, now ?) Yep, use Lumos spell and open the scret passage, walk through the fire place, grabbing the spellotape, on the way. You can now, head back to where you first fell through the floor and grab the sickle. Now head back to Diagon Alley.
7) Bring Ginny’s her things – head left from the Leaky Couldron, back through the hole in the stone wall and give Ginny her things. She is on your left, when you come through the hole in the stone wall. (Get a Wizard’s card). **BEFORE going back into this shop, you still need to get your potion vial**
8) Buy Potion Vial from Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary – Head back down the alley towards the bank to the last shop on the right. Go in, talk to the shop keeper. Buy your potion vial and turn around to fill it, with the potion, in the big cauldron, in the middle of the room.
9) Go to Flourish and Blotts – where you bought your Grade 2 spell book from. Head left from Mulpepper’s Apothecary and it will be the last shop on the right, before the hole in the stone wall. Enter the shop “CUT SCENE.”
10) Meet Ron in the Leak Couldron’s courtyard – leave Flourish and Blotts, go to your right, through the hole in the stone wall and meet Ron. “CUT SCENE” and you’ll be driven away in his car.

Whomping Willow
1) Ron and Harry crash into the Whomping Willow. Work your way down the tree and then around to a path upward. Use Flipendo and “wall sneak” against the obstacles on the way up. At the end of the path, fall (jump) down and take care of the small tree branches across the crawl space. **BE CAREFUL of the mushroom looking things – they shoot poisonous gas** Look around before going through the “crawl” space. There are beans (life and Bertie botts) and a chest (chocolate frog) in the area. Use Flipendo on the small branch like things on the “crawl” space, when you are ready to go through. Use Flipendo on the gnomes until the life meter is gone at the bottom of the screen) --*you do not have to pick them up or anything, you just have to keep hitting them* -- When you are done with that, find the gnome holding a mushroom on top it’s head (he is on a log (wooden gate). Get the Wizard’s card. Climb up on the log and head right, there is a chest (chocolate frog) in this area. Now, head back to the log and climb the ledge to the left (of where you originally were, when you killed the gnome here) and call Hedwig, at the “owl perch.” He will give you a note **read carefully, it will help with the next section** Now, back down to the log and head down the path that you opened up. You’ll encounter some nasty white / ghostly wolves. Keep casting Lumos Spell and making the green light from your spell, go over the wolves. After a few hits with Lumos, they’ll begin to die. Once they are defeated, you can crawl into a hole. Fight some more gnomes. Climb up to the potion cauldron and fill your vial, if you want or need to. Once the gnomes are defeated, crawl into the hole in the wall, by the cauldron, behind the small tree branches (use Flipendo on them, should have no problems). Now you have to fight the Whomping Willow. Use Lumos spell to highlight the weak spots under the hand of the tree. It’ll glow green. Then target and shoot a Flipendo at it. This will stun the tree and you can now, run up and shoot a Flipendo into the yellow eye (right below Ron) at the base of the tree (shoot 1X and get out of there). Repeat this until the life meter at the bottom of screen is gone. **NOTE: If, you come back to where you entered here and face the camera (against the wall) the tree can’t reach you and neither can the shock waves, it sends out when it hits the car on the ground** Rescue Ron. Head for the door, Go Through the door. “CUT SCENE” After the “cut scene”(Professor Snape gripes at you), You can get the first bulletin board “lost item” – head right, from where you are and all the way in the back(where the fences make a corner) is the “Potion Vial Case” (can look at menu in quests lists –2nd row, 1st space from left, looks like brief case). Now head to the entrance of the castle.
2) Meet Ron outside the Hogwart’s Entrance – From outside the entrance, you can go off in many different areas of the campus. Explore if you want to. Otherwise, head on in - **Hence – “CUT SCENE” (with Ron and nearly headless Nick).
3) Go to Gryffindor Common Room on the 7th Floor – Follow Ron. Get to the painting “CUT SCENE” (with Ron and Hermione. She’ll give you the new password for the painting) Go through the painting. Talk to Ron “CUT SCENE (get password for painting, where Fred & George Weasley’s shop).
4) Visit Fred & George’s Shop – Go through the door. **SNEAK** past Percy, to the portrait at the end of the corridor (turn left from entrance of room and go to the back wall. Open it and you will have to enter by crawling. Buy whatever, your little Wizard’s heart desires. Then, head out, through the portrait, when you came in, **SNEAK** past Percy or find the secret passage in the stalls (5th door on the right), use Lumos spell to open, then head out through secret passage and find the “crawl” space going out (***BE VERY CAREFUL – if using the secret passage, Percy has a better chance of catching you***) When you exit, head to the Common Room (should be to the left) and the bulletin board (directly to the right, against the wall, next to the door, when you enter the common room) there. “CUT SCENE” as soon as, you walk into the Common Room. Turn immediately right and “CUT SCENE” as you return the “missing vial case” to the owner. (get a Wizard’s card and 10 house points). Then read the bulletin (notice) board for the next “lost item” (refer to “lost items” section, if need help finding them).
5) End Of Day – with each end of day – you will start in Harry’s bedroom. Go to rememberall (select button) and find “tasks” – hit “X” button, to end day.

Flying Lessons
1) Look around the bedroom, before leaving, there is a chest (Wizard’s card) – done here, so head down to the Common Room, as soon as you enter “CUT SCENE”
2) Meet Ron in the Entrance Hall – Just go out the door, out the painting to the Grand staircase and all the way down to the doors to outside. When you enter the Entrance Hall “CUT SCENE” (with nearly headless Nick). After “cut scene,” meet Ron at the Entrance door to outside.
3) Flying Lessons with Madam Hooch on Flying Pitch - Once outside, take the path to the “flying pitch.” Follow Ron or take the right stone path. “CUT SCENE” – Then Madam Hooch wants you to hover (use the control stick). This test will set how you fly: Normal = up is down & down is up or Reverse = up is up & down is down. If you don’t like your designation, go into the Options menu (start button) and change it. Now, take Hooch’s test. Keep in mind, it’s OK to miss rings, just try to fly through, as many as you can. We flew through 94 and received “distinction” (highest grade possible). YES !!! You are graded in this game.
4) End Of Day – You can end your day here or explore some and work on getting some of those “lost items.” If you choose to end the day now or later – Go to menu (select button), find tasks and hit the “X” button, which goes to a “CUT SCENE” (First total of the house points – find out where you stand)

***NOTE: Remember to be able to advance to the next part of the game, you MUST end the day at some point***

Free Neville
1) Find Horklump Book – Head down to the 2nd floor and go into the Library Annex. *SNEAK* by Professor Lockhart and the Perfects and enter the Library. Run directly across the room to collect the book. Now, *SNEAK* back to the Grand Staircase and head for the Entrance Hall. Once through the door, to the Entrance Hall *BE VERY CAREFUL* there are 4 Perfects, you have to *SNEAK* by, to get to the door to the grounds (outside). Use the Flipendo spell to distract them (If, they catch you, they deduct 5 house points, each time you are caught).
2) Find Severing Charm – Once outside, head toward Herbology Center and greenhouse #3. *Be Careful, outside on the grounds are more Perfects, you need to *sneak* past. Once outside, head forward, through the little tunneled walkway and to the outer grounds. *Be Careful – there are ghostly wolves (use Lumos, if you see one). To get to the Herbology Center, head forward from the tunneled walkway and keep going. It is the 2nd set of doors from the right (you will see the tops of the greenhouses, as you near the area). Go through the doors. Two of the green houses you can get in by using the doors, so do this. Find the Horklumps and Flipendo them, pick them up and turn around and throw them. Use Flipendo on the trashcan and vase (depending on which one you are in). Then, go around to the back of greenhouse, that the door is locked on and get rid of the Horklump plants here. Crawl through the space. Here, you can fill your “potion vial”, get the severing spell (scissors) you came after and a Wizard’s card (the easiest way, without getting beat by the limbs coming out of the ground – is go around to the right (facing the room, when you enter). When you have collected, all that you came for, head out and back to Hermione. *REMEMBER* watch out for ghostly wolves, the Perfects on the grounds (outside) and inside the Entrance Hall, when you make it to the Grand staircase, you will reach the 2nd floor “CUT SCENE” (about someone attacking Nearly Headless Nick) After the cut scene, Head to Hermione and the tapestry. Target the tapestry and use your, brand new, Diffindo Spell (scissors spell) to free Neville.
3) End Of Day - **see previous “end of day” sections

Defense against Dark Arts Class
1) Head down to the 3rd floor, from Harry’s bedroom and enter Classroom 3C (defense against the dark arts). “CUT SCENE” with teacher, you will be told to go through the portrait on the wall, so you can take the Expelliarmus Challenge, so, you can get the spell book. Hit the yellow button (switch) on the wall to the right (when you walk in). Avoid the attack of the spiky balls – you can either 1) wait until they hit the floor and use Flipendo spell on them or 2) wait until they are on their way back to the circle formation and use Flipendo spell by targeting the ball. Climb up on the white box (slid out when you pressed the button) to the tapestry. Use Diffindo spell on the tapestry to reveal a door. Go through the door. Push the yellow button (switch) on the wall and head up the ramp. **DO NOT throw all the gnomes into the fire pits, as you will need them for the cages, in this room, to finish this room and exit.** Make your way around the ramp to each CEMENT block. To get the cement blocks to lower, when you get next to them, turn towards the middle of the room and target the chains on the large spiked balls and use Diffindo spell on them. **Don’t FORGET to push the yellow buttons, as you progress around this room.** Continue this process, putting the gnomes in the cages, as you go, until you reach the door. Go through the door. Turn around, use your Diffindo spell on the rope, in each corner behind you (there are 2, to sever). This will slow the 2 blades down, so you can get past them. Make your way past the spinning blades and to the door. Go through the door. There are gnomes here – Use Flipendo spell to stun the gnomes, pick them up and take them and throw them over (off) the side (edge), to the right of where you first entered this room. Make your way through the gnomes, when you can’t go any further, climb up on the wall, on the left. Use Flipendo spell on the fire-breathing statues, so you can run by them. Make you way past these statues and to the door on the right hand side. (nothing on the left path). *go right, past 1st, 2nd and 3rd statues, go left, past the 4th statue & go right past the 5th statue* Go through the door, there. Use Diffindo spell on the large spiked ball. “CUT SCENE” Jump down and go through the door that was opened, when the spiked ball, fell from the upper area. Walk straight from where you are and drop off the edge, to a lower, smaller platform. Walk the narrow, pathway to the spell book. **Make sure you equip Expelliarmus Spell** Now, you have to fight the Gargoyle. Use your newly acquired spell (Expelliarmus) and play a little “tennis” with him. Time your swings correctly and send his “fireball” attacks, right back at him. After, you get his life meter about ¾ of the way gone, he will start returning them, just volley them back and after 3 or 4 hits, he will miss and it will cause him more damage. Just keep this up and he will die soon. After you defeat the Gargoyle, climb back up the wall, where you came down from and head for the door. Go through door. Head for the door that is now straight across from you. Go through and head up the stairs and crawl back through the crawl space. You should now, be back in your classroom.
2) “CUT SCENE” (with Professor Snape) – After the “cut scene” you will be put into a “tennis” match with Malfroy. Much like the one, you just had with the Gargoyle, a few minutes ago. In this match, the first one to lose the 5 points loses the match. **you can not go any further until you beat Malfroy** **HINT: when in one of the few battles with Slytherin gang, let them make the first shot and bounce it back. Just as you do, use your Flipendo spell, with ¼ or ½ charge to knock them back. (note: BEWARE: just as you finish casting Flipendo, you may have to use your Expelliarmus spell almost immediately (depending of distance)**

Quidditch Practice at the Quidditch Pitch
**Note: If not sure, where to go, you can follow Ron – he will show you.**
1) Fly through the hoops and catch the “snitch.” The “snitch” makes rings to show you the path, to follow. Fly through, as many as possible (all if you can), just keep up with the “snitch” and you will see little white sparkles coming from the end of your broom (your broom is now fully powered for the “boost”). Press your “boost (square)” button, and you will be traveling a whole lot faster than you are use too. Anyways, you have to do this 2X’s before the seeker for the other team, does so. When, you get close enough, and it is time to grab the “snitch” – the screen will flip and IF, you were the fastest seeker, you will now have to “grab” the “snitch” To do so, you will need to hit the “X” button to grab. (*in PRACTICE, you will not have another seeker, to go up against, but you will be graded, for practice, so, try your best*). We got 54 seconds and a “distinction” (highest grade possible) for the grade.

**HINT: Once you get your Nimbus 2000 broomstick – you can fly anywhere around the school (outside), during the day. #NOTE: you can only land on grass, some areas of the roof, if they are wide enough, and stone walkways on the lakeside of the castle.**

2) End Day – Go to menu (“select” button), find “Tasks” and hit the “X” button.

“CUT SCENE” – 2nd total of House Points

Hogwarts: A History

1) Enter the Library – Go down to the 2nd floor. Work your way to the Library Annex (from where you enter, it’s the door, to the top right of screen) **BE EXTRA CAREFUL – there are Perfects here and if, they catch you – you will lose 5 points from your house points, once they have taken 15 points away, they will stop until you reach a different section with Perfects or leave and come back to the same area** Use Flipendo spell to distract the Perfects away from you and make your way past them to the door (Annex is the gold door, that’s rounded on top. Once through the door, use “wall sneak” and Flipendo spell to get past the 4 Perfects in here. Again, you need to make your way, to the back of the room, to the portrait on the wall (almost the same place as the Annex” door, in other room – little to the left. Portrait is between 2 bookshelves on the back wall). Crawl through portrait. Walk straight – “CUT SCENE” – where the bookcases close, as you pass them. From where you are, go right (all the way) and then, turn left between the bookshelves and find the ladder. **Note: you can search the bookshelves for beans (bertie bott and life beans, if you want too.) ***Be Careful while you are “wall sneaking across to other ladders, there are flying books*** Climb the ladder, then “wall sneak” across to other ladder and up this ladder, continuing up until you find the door. Go through door. Turn right; go all the way to the back wall (by the door with the green skurge) and get the “owl treats” out of the chest, there. Then make your way, all the way to the wall on the opposite side of the Library, to where the bright circle of light and call Hedwig. Feed him the “owl treats” and he will fly to the other side of the room and lower a ladder for you. Ladder is all the way on the other side, left of the chest you got the “owl treats” from (if facing the chest). Go to the ladder and climb it. Turn around, facing the ladder, but close to the wall on your left now, and jump across to the platform, over the door with the green skurge on it. From here, jump to the next platform (going the same way), then get against the wall & “wall sneak” to next platform. Target the rope across the path, use Diffindo spell, jump across and run to on the ledge to the next rope. Use Diffindo spell and jump across to platform, “wall sneak” to next platform, turn right and jump across to where Hogwarts: A History book is sitting. Get in front of the book and pick it up. Now, head for the door, opposite of where you entered the Library area. Go through the door. Turn left, go down the stairs – “short CUT SCENE” You’ll encounter a Mad Bookcase. Target him so, you will have the “dodge” option, and dodge his attacks. Just keep hitting him with your Flipendo spell until he back all the way up and falls over. Grab and pull the crate (stone block) to get it to the first (lowest bookcase in here). Once done, climb on the crate, up to the bookcase and jump from one bookcase to the other, until you reach the platform on the far wall, where you will get the Skurge spell (equip it, you are going to need it). **NOTE: when going across the bookcases, use the Lumos spell to keep the ghost away and Flipendo spell to knock the flying books down ** After, you get “Skurge” hang and drop down. Go through the door on the left. Use Skurge and go through. Once through door, turn right use Skurge (you have to hit this skurge just right or it will not go away – just keep trying). Once that is done, climb up the wall and Skurge the next glob of skurge. Go through the door. Turn left and go through the door with the skurge (next to the chest you found the “owl treats’ in, when you first entered). Use Skurge, go through door. Run down hall and through the door here. This leads to a round room with skurge doors (there is a yellow button, you need to push in each room, so, you will be able to exit this room later). When you enter the round room, from the direction you are facing: 1st skurge door on right – run, following the hallway, to the back wall and push yellow button. Make your way back to the round room. 2nd skurge door on right - *WATCH OUT* - has a ghost flying around in here. Just make your way through the skurge and push the yellow button. “CUT SCENE” (with Crabe (Slytherin boy) **BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS ROOM and go back to the round room –make sure you have Flipendo and Expelliarmus spells equipped, you are going to need them** Once done, head back to the round room. Now you have a little “tennis” match with Crabe. Use the same strategy you used with Malfroy, earlier. But now, you have to make him lose 9 points, instead of 5 points. Once he is beaten, continue to finish the Skurge doors, in here. 3rd Skurge door on the right – BE VERY CAREFUL, there is a ghost flying around in here, also. Use Diffindo (scissors) spell to cut down the 1st tapestry, as soon as you enter and turn to the left, where you will see 2 more tapestries, Diffindo the tapestry on the right (when you are facing tapestries), which you will then be able to see 2 more tapestries. Again, Diffindo the one on the right and push the yellow button. Once done, make your way back to the round room. 4th skurge door on the right – go through the 2 skurges and push the yellow button. “CUT SCENE” –BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS ROOM & HEAD BACK – make sure you have Flipendo & Expelliarmus spells equipped, for another round of “tennis” with Goyle (Slytherin jerk #3). Use the same strategy as before with the other 2 Slytherin jerks and you will be ok. Once you have beaten Goyle, go through the door, that is now unlocked (but was locked when you entered this room). Go down the stairs, use Skurge spell and go through the door. Grab the crate (block) and drag it back to where the stairs are, can put it on either side next to the wall (side doesn’t matter), but you must try to get the crate (block), as close to the railing that is broken (open) as possible. Once done climb up and turn right (if came up left side & turn left, if came up right side). Skurge the doorway, go through and skurge the lever in the room. Then run around to the other side and do the same thing here. Once you are done with both sides, you can either climb back down the crate (block) or you can just jump down. Run back through the archway (where you found the crate (block) and turn right and head to the door. Go through the door. Use Lumos spell to find the secret passage out (which leads to the reading room and the Perfects). As soon as, you come out, head for the door directly to your right (Grand Staircase). Take the stairs up to the 7th floor and head for the portrait in Gryffindor Tower ***BE CAREFUL here – there is a Perfect in the room that the portrait is in***
2) End the Day – I would suggest doing this now, since you can not go too much exploring at night, without having to worry about the Perfects catching you. Go to menu (select), find Tasks, and hit the “X” button.

Transfiguration Class
1) Head to the first floor. Go into the classroom 1B (Transfiguration). When you enter – “CUT SCENE” – You will be given the task to complete the Avifors Challenge, so you can get the Avifors spell (changes small objects into birds). After “cut scene” – you are standing on a ledge; here is where you will start the Avifors Challenge. Drop off the ledge and go either to the left or right (not the stairs, yet). Use Skurge spell on to de-skurge the round door and open the way, until you get to the switch. Then, use Skurge spell on the switch, on the floor. Repeat on the other side. This will unlock the 2 doors, between the stairs, in the middle of room. Go through the doors between the stairs. Use Skurge spell to get into the center of the area, you come too. Use Lumos spell to highlight block in the wall. Push it out. This will allow you to climb up the center part. Make the jump across to the platform that is extended and work your way around the room, to the door. Use Skurge on the door and go through. Drop down and pick up the spell book. *EQUIP AVIFORS SPELL* you have received Avifors spell. Turn around and walk the small pathway (walkway) behind you. Use Avifors on the egg looking thing on Harry’s right, climb up the block that slid down and use Avifors on the egg looking thing here. Then climb down and around to the opposite side. Once up the block that slid down the wall, use Avifors on egg rock and crawl through the hole in the wall. You should now, be back in the room, you originally entered, only you are across from where you entered the room. You now, need to make your way around each wall, using “wall sneak” and Avifors spell, when necessary, making your way to the bridge. Walk up to it and push it down. Repeat on other side. Now, you must fight the Gargoyle. You can do this from the platform, you completed with the bridges, or you can jump to one side or the other, to the lower platform. It puts you a little closer and you have more room to move around. You are now going to play a little “tennis” with the gargoyle. Use Expelliarmus spell. Once you have beaten him, head back to the classroom, using the same door, you came through, when you first entered this area. On your return, you get 40 house points and class is dismissed. “short CUT SCENE” (with Ron about Quidditch Match).
2) Quidditch Match: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff at Quidditch Pitch – Go to the Quidditch Pitch. Fly through all the rings (if possible, the more you fly through, the faster you get the “boost” to your broom, the sooner you can catch the snitch) and catch the Snitch. To grab the snitch (when you get close enough), hit “X” button.
3) End of Day - *see previous “end of day” sections for instructions, if needed*

Meet with Draco Malfroy
1) Head down to 2nd floor and find the “Girls’ Bathroom” – Go in, find Hermione. “CUT SCENE” (between Harry & Hermione).
2) Talk to Draco Malfroy – Head down to Entrance Hall (there are Perfects here, so, BE CAREFUL – the good news is, if you get caught right now, the points will come off of Slytherin’s house points, since you are disguised as Goyle), the dungeon door is to the right of the stairs (when Harry is coming down the stairs), 2ND door from the door, leading to the outside. Run around a little and find Draco (all the way in the back of the dungeon). “CUT SCENE” After “cut scene,” You need to get out of Slytherin’s dungeon, as quickly as possible, without getting caught. (there are now Perfects, in the dungeon, as well as, in the entrance hall & now if caught, the points come off of Gryffindor). Once you reach the Grand Staircase, head back up to the 2nd floor and the Girls’ Bathroom. Enter the bathroom and find Hermione and Ron. “CUT SCENE” (with Harry, Hermione & Ron).
3) End of Day - *see previous “end of day” sections – if any problems.

Charms Class
1) Head to the 2nd floor – go into the classroom. “CUT SCENE” (with teacher about the Incendio Challenge.
2) When “cut scene’ is over – it is time to start the Incendio Challenge. From where you are, jump (drop) down and go left, fight the gargoyle (same as before, play “tennis” with him – move to the back of the green circle & try to “charge up” the spell, as much as, you can before you hit it back to him, if you just tap the Expelliarmus spell button, it is not powerful enough to hurt him. So, hold it down a little and hit the spell back). Once he is defeated, go through the door behind him. Go ahead and fight the 2 gargoyles in this area. Once you defeat them, the gate near them will open, use Avifors spell on the egg looking thin, they leave behind (you will have to move these egg things, so they can activate the switches). Repeat this with the other gargoyle. To get past the fire-breathing turtles, you can Flipendo them to give you time to get to the little ledge walkway, to get around the room. Once you make your way around the room, go through the door. Get the Incendio spell (EQUIP IT). Now, still standing in the middle of room, light all 4 fire statues/urns (all have to be lit at the same time to open the gate). You have to be quick, once you get all 4 urns lit, make a run for the gate. Now you are back in the original room, you started in. Use your Incendio spell on the urns (the kind of look like garbage cans) at the base of the staircases, Go down into each room (on each side of the room, between the 2 pig statues) *Be Careful, there are 3 fire-breathing turtles in each room* You are going to go down in each room, that was opened when you lit the urns at the bottom of the stairs and you are going to have to play around with the switched in each room, until you have a clear path on either side of the room, across from each other, over the pig statues, so you can get across to the switches (yellow buttons) and push them. Now, repeat for the other side of room. You have to get to both buttons, are you will be stuck in this room, with no way out. To get the platforms (over the pig statues) to raise, you have to light them with Incendio, once lit, shoot them with Flipendo, run up the stairs and across the platforms to the other side, where the buttons are located (you have to HURRY, keep moving, don’t stop, if you do, you will not have time to make it all the way across. (This took us some doing, but we finally made. A lot of trial and error). Repeat on other side. Once you have finished both sides, go through the door that you opened with the yellow buttons (switches) and head back to classroom. **short “CUT SCENE”
3) Quidditch Match (Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw at Quidditch Pitch) – You know what to do here, play Quidditch and catch the snitch.
4) End of Day - *see previous “end of day” sections, if any problems.

“CUT SCENE” – 4th total of House Points.

Hagrid and Aragog
1) Head down the Grand staircase, leave the building and head towards Hagrid’s Hut. “CUT SCENE” (with Hagrid, getting taken off the property). Get the key, Hagrid drops and head to the Forbidden Forest. (To the left and in back of Hagrid’s Hut –facing the hut). Use the key and go through the door.
2) Follow the trail of spiders – You can kill the spiders here, with you Incendio spell. *you need to have Incendio & Lumos spells equipped* little black spiders on the ground, follow them, they will show you the path. Work your way around the forest. Use Incendio to break through the webs. Continue fighting your way through here and locate the web on the ground (there are 4 or 5 pieces before you can knock Aragon down to fight him). “CUT SCENE”- when you reach Aragon on his web.
3) Escape from Aragon – Facing Aragon, on your left side, use Incendio to break the webbing attached to the wall. Continue on – if you feel like you’re stuck, see if there is a gap you can jump through. Eventually, you’ll get to more webbing of Aragog’s that you can knock down, do so. Do a “wall sneak” and continue on. You’ll run into another piece of webbing, shoot it down. Continuing on and you’ll encounter the last piece of webbing. Shoot it down – short “CUT SCENE” – Aragog is down, but unfortunately, so are you. It’s time to fight the big, ugly spider.
4) Fighting Aragog – you can’t hurt him, while he is standing down. Wait until he raises up and when you see a green sparkle on his belly, shoot him there, with your Incendio spell. ***AVOID his attacks, watch the little spiders under him – they will attack also. There are also, things incased in webbing, that drop from the top, shoot them with Incendio, these will help with your life*** When you defeat, Aragog – there will be a “CUT SCENE” –oh no, not another one!! Nope, you are saved by Ron, in his car and you, two fly off.
5) End of Day - *see previous “end of day” sections.

“CUT SCENE” – Harry saying, he slept in and he has to get to the
Quidditch Pitch.

“CUT SCENE” – when you get to the 2nd floor of Grand staircase,
Heading to the Quidditch Pitch (with Hermione and Ron).

Quidditch Match (Gryffindor vs. Slytherin at the Quidditch Pitch
1) You know what to do here – CATCH THE SNITCH!! The Quidditch cup is on the line, here. After the match – “CUT SCENE” – awarding of the Quidditch Cup. Also, “CUT SCENE” – when you leave the Pitch – (with Ron).
2) End of Day - *see previous “end of day” sections.

“CUT SCENE” – 5th total of House Points

The Final Battle
1) Find entrance to the Chamber of Secrets – head down to the 2nd floor and the Girls’ bathroom and enter. “CUT SCENE”
2) Rescue Ginny – Now, you are going to have to fight a big snake. You’ll get a sword; wait until the snake gets away from the sword, before you go to pick it up. When the snake stops, hold down the sword button (“x”, square, or circle) and aim it’s electrical charge with your control stick. Aim from the green glow around the snake’s mouth (you’ll get the green glow after he attacks). After each successful attack, you will have to go and retrieve your sword. Just keep repeating until he goes down (4 or 5 hits and he is toast). Avoid his attacks. **when you hit successfully, the snake will speed up for about 20 seconds or so, and go all around the room, so be careful – he will slow back down and start going in & out of the holes in the wall again** Once he is defeated – “CUT SCENE”
3) After “cut scene” – you are in the Entrance Hall – talk to Ron and Hermione – enter the Great Hall – “CUT SCENE” – here, you will get the last total of House Points and the awarding of the House Cup.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Playstation 2)

Finding Lost Items:

There are 2 ways to get lost items to search for, for extra house points and also an easy Wizard’s card, when you return the lost items to the owner. 1) Speak to students on the grounds and when you find the lost item, return to person, who asked for help and he/she will point to the next student in need. (Doing these you do not get extra house points or a wizard card, but when you bring the 3 roots to the person requesting these, you will get the key to the Confiscated Items Room, where there are 6 Wizard’s cards and a bag to hold 200 Bertie Bott’s Beans (which after you pick this up, you will have 200 beans). 2) Read the notices on the Bulletin Board in Common Room in Griffindor Tower (7th Floor). Find these items, return them and you get 10 house points and a Wizard’s card. After cut scenes, when you return items, read notices again & receive the next “lost item” on the lost.

****NOTE: When in doubt on any one of the “Lost Items,” check Hagrid’s Hut. Many of the “lost Items” end up there.****

Talking to students for “Lost Items”

1) 3 roots needed – search right side of Hagrid’s Hut (facing the hut), by the Herbology Center. From there they scattered, all the way behind Hargrid’s Hut towards the Forbidden Forest. The person wanting these will give you the key to the Confiscated Items Room (6 Wizard’s cards and bag to hold 200 Bertie Bott’s beans), when you return to him with the roots.
2) Lost Newspaper Article – search the right side of Hagrid’s Hut (facing the hut). Return article to student and he will direct you to the next student in need of help.
3) Neville’s Crockery – turn around from talking to Neville, get on the broom and fly to the small building (directly in front of you & it is the closest small building to Hagrid’s Hut). Pick up all the crockery pieces and return to Neville, he will direct you to the next student in need of help.
4) Missing Parcel – down by the lake across from the Quidditch Pitch. On the outer grounds.
5) Remember All – go out main entrance, like you are heading to Hargrid’s Hut, angle a little to the right and there is a circular shaped tree there by outer wall. It is next to this tree. Return to student looking for this and he will direct you to the next student in need of help.
6) Potion Jar – search right side of Hagrid’s Hut (as if facing hut), it is almost where the fences make a corner (next to the Herbology Center). You know what to do, if you haven’t found all 6 of these.

Bulletin Board “Lost Items” (Gryffindor Tower – 7TH Floor Common Room)

1) Lost Badge – Found on the Flying Lessons Field, to the right (when you enter
The field from the castle), against the wall. Bring back to bulletin board in Gryffindor Tower & read bulletin board again, to get next lost item. You should have received 10 house points & a Wizard’s card for returning it.
2) Lost Wizard’s Hat – In the big clump of trees, on the outer grounds, by the Quidditch Pitch and the lake. Return to bulletin board & read to get next one. You should receive 10 house points & a Wizard’s card.
3) Missing Vial Case - by the Herbology Center on the right side (facing the doors to go in Herbology), in the back corner, where the fences meet. Return to bulletin board & read to get the next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
4) Telescope – Enter the Flying Lessons Field, go to where you found the badge and it is on the roof, (building with the 4 steepled tops), between 2 of the steeple towers. Return to bulletin board and read to get next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
5) Neville’s Toad – right side of the Herbology Center (if facing the doors to enter center) almost to the back (by where you found the missing vial case). *You must Flipendo the frog to be able to pick it up*. Return to bulletin board & read to get next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
6) Measuring Scales – behind Hagrid’s Hut. Return to bulletin board & read to get next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
7) Dragon Scale Gloves – by the lake, not on land (you have to fly to reach them), just outside Flying Lessons Field (lake side) on long strip (like walking area, sidewalk), down low (on far end are 4 torches (light them with Incendio, get a Wizard’s card). Gloves should be closer to the opposite end from torches. Return to bulletin board & read for next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
8) “Gadding with Ghouls” – coming back across bridge from the Confiscated Items Room, on the right is a little alcove, it is in the alcove. You must have the broom to get to it* Return to bulletin board & read for next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
9) “Holiday with Hags” - ** this is the one that gave us tremendous problems** but we found it eventually. Come out of the Entrance Hall and go straight, as if heading to Hagrid’s Hut and the outer grounds, when you reach the outer grounds, turn right and walk down the low wall there, go allll the way to the far corner and turn slightly to the right—it should be right there at the corner. (remember it is the corner of the lower wall). Return to bulletin board & read for next lost item. You should receive 10 house points and a Wizard’s card.
10) Giant Tarantula - Go to the Herbology Center, head to the left wall outside wall (facing door), almost all the way to the back where the fences make a corner is a crawl space at the bottom of the outer wall, crawl through. (Go to the corner, where the fences meet and walk slowly towards the front of the wall (next to doors) and the crawl space is right after the bushes stop, that come from the corner of the fences). *NOTE: you must Flipendo tarantula to be able to pick it up. * Return to bulletin board and collect your 10 house points and you Wizard’s card. This is the last “lost item” that we have been able to get off the bulletin board. If we happen to come across anymore, we will let all of you gamers know.

Other Hints we have found:

1) Nimbus 2000 Broomstick – On the 2nd day of school, go to the Quidditch pitch for Quidditch practice. Complete the training with a “B” or better rank to get the Nimbus 2000 broomstick. (We got a “Distinction”- the highest grade possible, with a time of 54 seconds). You can now fly anywhere around the school, during the day. You can not fly at night or inside the school. You can only land on grass; some rooftops and the small walk area, by the lake (where you get the gloves from).
2) Tool chest @ beginning of game – At the beginning, when you are at Ron’s house, there is a tool chest in Ron’s barn. Every time it moves on it own, means you can shoot it with Flipendo to get more beans.

Hint: Easy Wizard Cards:

1) Look for chests with Wizard’s cards, in them while you are in Burrows and Diagon Alley.
2) Go to Neville’s Games to get Wizard’s cards. Broom Racing & Gnome Throwing found on the rooftops (near where you found (Neville’s Crockery). Gnome Dunking found out by the lake (across from the Quidditch Pitch) by the 3 little bushes.
3) In Ron’s barn @ the very beginning of the game is a card on top of the rafters. To get it, you need to climb the chicken coop outside in the yard (after you fight the washing machine).

Hint: Easy House Points:
1) After returning from the Whomping Wllow, there will be a “cut scene” where Professor Snape scolds you. When he is done & you regain control, turn right and head to the corner of fences directly in front of you, here you will find your first bulletin board “lost item.” Return it to the bulletin board in Common Room of Gryffindor Tower, before or after the restroom shop the Weasley’s have set up, earning you the very first 10 house points of the game and a Wizard’s card. Just read bulletin board again and you will get your next “lost item”.
Hint: Easy Sickles:

1) Once you have bought your Standard Book of Spells (Grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can cast Flipendo to break barrels and uncover Sickles that you can use to buy items, such as Stink Pellets at Gambol and Japes.

Hint: Sneaking around at night:

1) When sneaking around at night, you need to get by as many of the “Perfects” as possible, each time they catch you, they deduct 5 house points from your points. You can either take your chances and just try to sneak past them without your being caught or you can use Flipendo to distract them, wait til all Perfects move to the area, where you shot the Flipendo & you go the opposite way (RUN! RUN! RUN!). Stink Pellets don’t work well, at all. But the non-explodable luminous balloons work well. (We found that the Flipendo Spell works the best).

Hint: Avoiding Ghosts:

1) You do not want to be hit by the ghosts; you lose your items (Balloons, beans and sometimes Stink Pellets). When you are on a ledge, stand at the edge and tap the controller so you will fall off and catch the ledge. While you are hanging, they cannot hit you. Also, if you are on the ground, you can use the Lumos Spell and they will leave you along, also.

Hint: Fighting with Expelliarmus:

When in one of the 3 battles with the Slytherin Jerks, let them make the first shot and bounce it back. Just as you do, use you Flipendo with a ¼ to ½ charge to knock them back, thus trapping them with the two spells to knock back, which they can never manage to return. **NOTE: Be Careful, just as you finish casting Flipendo, you may be forced to use your Expelliarmus almost immediately. (Depending on distance)

Famous Witches and Wizard’s Cards

Here is a list of cards, that we have found (we found more than this, the first time though the game, but we failed to write them down) and where we found them. We have not found all 101 cards, but we thought, this list might help, at least, a little. However, they are not in numerical order, but in the order, in which we found them. **NOTE: For every 10 cards collected, Harry’s health meter is extended. Also, to get some of the cards, you *must* trade with other students at Hogwart’s. BE CAREFUL in your trading, if you have only 1 of a certain card and you trade it, you will need to find that card, again.

#3 = Elfrida Clagg – in barn rafters/loft, in the Burrow
#1 = Merlin – hitting the target in scarecrow, when de-gnoming the
Burrows (not sure, about haystack target, couldn’t hit it)
#99 = Daisy Dedderidge – Knockturn Alley in Borgin & Burkes, after
putting gnomes in cages
#98 = Dymphna Furmage – in Borgin & Burkes, in chest, in the attic
#5 = Gulliver Pokeby – Knockturn Alley, in the alcove by the stairs,
after opening gate (door)
#28 = Tilly Toke – Diagon alley, in the Magical Menagerie, in chest after
locked door
#32 = Bridget Wenlock – Diagon Alley – behind secret bookcase in
Gambol & Japes
#82 = Rowena Ravenclaw – Diagon Alley – in Leaky Cauldron, after
you put the gnomes in their cages
#89 = Alberta Toothill – Diagon Alley – Ms Weasley gives it to you,
after you find Ginny’s things
#4 = Grogan Stump – Whomping Willow, after gnomes
#71 = Queen Maeve – bought in Fred & George’s shop in bathroom
(7th floor, through portrait in Reading Room)
#45 = Dunbar Oglethorpe – 7th floor Common Room, for returning
“potion vial case”
#70 = Leopoldine Smethwyck - chest in Harry’s bedroom
#46 = Miranda Goshauk – 7th floor Common Room, for returning
“merit badge”
#72 = Helga Hufflepuff – Herbology Greenhouse #3 (where you get
the Diffindo spell)
#65 = Gondoline Oliphant – 7th floor of tower, after you free Neville
from tapestry
#31 = Balfour Blane – 7th floor tower, behind where you freed Neville
from the tapestry
#77 = Norvel Twonk – outside quest – Confiscated items room
#60 = Laverne Demontmorency – outside quest – Confiscated items
#68 = Kirley Duke – outside quest – Confiscated items room
#67 = Justus Pilliwickle – outside quest –Confiscated items room
#58 = Glover Hipuoitn – outside quest – Confiscated items room
#59 = Gregory the Smarmy – outside quest – Confiscated items room
#48= Salazor Slytherin – 7th floor Common Room – after returning
#49 = Eladora Kitteridge – 7th floor Common Room – after returning
“Neville’s toad, Trevor”
#50 = Musidora Barkwith – 7th floor Common Room – after returning
“measuring scales”
#51 = Ethelred the Ever-Ready – 7th floor Common Room – after
returning “wizard’s hat”
#52 = Felix Summerbee – 7th floor Common Room – after returning
“dragon scale gloves”
#54 = Gaspard Shingleton – 7th floor Common Room – after returning
“Gadding with Ghouls”
#97 = Alberic Grunnion – Fred & George’s shop in the bathroom, 7th
floor, through portrait, in the Reading Room
#47 = Edgar Strougler – Fred & George’s shop
#69 = Bertie Bott – Fred & George’s shop
#55 = Honoria Nutcombe – 7th floor Common Room, after returning
“Holiday with Hags”
#56 = Grideon Crumbs – 7th floor Common Room, after returning
“giant Tarantula” (last “lost item” on bulletin board)
#96 = Hengist of Woodcroft – in “skurge” chest, on 1st floor, before
entering the Common’s Room here, take a right and follow the
hallway around
#13 = Andros the Invincible – 2nd floor Girls’ bathroom – 2nd stall on the
#90 = Sacharissa Tigwood – in chest, in charms class
#66 = Flavrius Bleby – Forbidden Forest – in chest behind a web
#63 = Herman Winteringham – Forbidden Forest – in a chest
#62 = Ignatia Wildsmith – Forbidden Forest – in a chest
#22 = Circe – outside on roof – broomstick race – you have to win race
#14 = Fulbert the Fearful – outside – light torches on stone walkway
by the lake, get the chest
#41 = Godric Gryffindor – outside on the roof – light the torches, get
the chest

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