Marathon: Infinity

Marathon: Infinity

17.10.2013 07:55:39


Wolf Feather/Jamie Stafford

Initial Version Completed: September 11, 2002
FINAL VERSION Completed: September 30, 2002


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Spacing and Length
Civilian Assimilated
Civilian Crew
Civilian Science
Civilian Security
Civilians (General)
Compiler Invisible Major
Compiler Invisible Minor
Compiler Major
Compiler Minor
Cyborg Grenade Major
Cyborg Grenade Minor
Cyborg Major
Cyborg Minor
Defender Major
Defender Minor
Enforcer Major
Enforcer Minor
Fighter Major
Fighter Minor
Fighter Projectile Major
Fighter Projectile Minor
Hummer Big Major
Hummer Big Minor
Hummer Major
Hummer Minor
Hummer Possessed
Hunter Major
Hunter Minor
Juggernaut Major
Juggernaut Minor
Mother Of All Cyborgs
Mother Of All Hunters
Tick Energy
Tick Kamikaze
Tick Oxygen
Trooper Major
Trooper Minor
Yeti Lava
Yeti Sewage
Yeti Water


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This guide is designed to benefit both players and mapmakers
of Marathon: Infinity. I acquired this excellent game about
a year ago, but it did not come with a manual, and I suspect
that few copies still in circulation will have a manual.
Therefore, this guide will present mapmakers with
descriptions of the various monsters, and players with
tactics for killing them >:-)

An important note for mapmakers especially is that the
designations 'Major' and 'Minor' do not necessarily mean that
there are power or strength differences between aliens of
these designations. In some cases, as with the Cyborgs, a
Major character requires more shots to be killed. However,
in other cases - such as the Fighters - the only difference
between a Major character and a Minor character is the color.
This latter, difference may be important to those wishing to
provide a setting with a certain aesthetic look and feel;
otherwise, the difference is simply one of visual variety.

Please note that Marathon: Infinity treats any living non-
player as a monster. This means that even the Civilian
personnel (Civilian Science, Civilian Security, etc.) are
considered monsters - although they will appear with blue
triangles when designing maps and have green squares on the
in-game scope.


A Civilian Assimilated wears a green uniform (similar to the
uniform worn by the Civilian Crew). However, this character
tends to run toward players, never fire a weapon, and either
laugh maniacally or say bizarre things - such as (maniacally)
'No!!! No!!!' or 'Kill me!!!' To this end, the Civilian
Assimilated should be avoided to the extent possible, as this
character truly spells nothing but extreme trouble. Also,
when shot, the Civilian Assimilated character spews YELLOW
blood, whereas all other Human characters will spew red

Killing a Civilian Assimilated is extremely easy: Two shots
with the .44 will be sufficient, although a single shot well-
placed can also kill this character. This character can also
be eliminated with any type of contact - which also injures
or kills the player unless the Invincibility Power-up is


This character wears a green uniform, carries a .44 in the
Ready position, and rarely speaks.

Killing a Civilian Crew character is extremely easy: Two
shots with the .44 will be sufficient, although a single shot
well-placed can also kill this character.


This character wears a blue uniform, carries a .44 in the
Ready position, and rarely speaks.

Killing a Civilian Science character is extremely easy: Two
shots with the .44 will be sufficient, although a single shot
well-placed can also kill this character.


This character wears a light brown uniform, carries a plasma
pistol in the Ready position, and rarely speaks.

Killing a Civilian Security character is extremely easy: Two
shots with the .44 will be sufficient, although a single shot
well-placed can also kill this character.


If unsure whether a particular Civilian is a Civilian
Assimilated, shoot him with the .44 Magnum; a single shot
will not normally kill him. If red blood emerges from the
impact area, the character in question is not a Civilian
Assimilated. If the blood spurting from the impact area is
yellow, however, the character in question is indeed a
Civilian Assimilated.

All Civilians (including the Civilian Assimilated) carry a
weapon. With the exception of the Civilian Assimilated, the
Civilians are all rather protective of each other. This
means that players must take care to not injure or kill
Civilians (except Civilian Assimilated), especially when
using explosive weapons aimed at aliens positioned around
Civilians. Accidental 'targeting' of Civilians may also take
place should the player fire a shot, and a Civilian teleport
directly into the line of fire.

Even if accidental, shooting at Civilians - especially if
these shots result in several deaths in a short period of
time - will cause the living Civilians to complain vehemently
('Hey!!! He's shooting at us!!!' or 'Get him!!! He's a
traitor!!!' or - my personal favorite - 'Whose side are you
on!?!?!?!?!') and turn their anger - and their weapons fire -
toward the player; interestingly, this retaliation often
takes place even if the Civilians are themselves in immediate
danger of being injured or killed by aliens. Note that once
the Civilians retaliate against the player, even those
Civilians which walk or teleport into the area will instantly
turn against the player; in essence, the Civilians apparently
have some sort of communications link to which the player is
not privy. Unfortunately, even if the player is routinely
killing Civilians, the aliens (i.e., the game itself) are not
smart enough to recognize this and STILL insist on destroying
the player.

However, Civilians (except Civilian Assimilated in this case)
can be used to a player's advantage. Some Civilians will
gladly follow a player, and occasionally lead the way down a
corridor or through a small room. This can be extremely
handy if a player believes an alien ambush or another
dangerous situation or environment awaits ahead. On the
other hand, in a narrow corridor, one or more Civilians may
simply stand in one place and block the player (and all other
characters) from passing by; in such instances, a single shot
with the .44 should be more than enough incentive to cause a
Civilian to not-so-kindly step aside.

Civilians - like most other monsters - may teleport into and
out of an area. Those teleporting into a situation will
first shimmer in a glitter effect, similar to that used in
the Star Trek series and films. Those teleporting out will
generally first say something (such as 'See ya starside!' or
'Get me outta here!!!') before leaving using the
aforementioned glitter effect in their former positions.

Sometimes, when shot, the Civilian Assimilated will first
move some distance in line with the trajectory of the shot
before exploding. Carefully using this tactic can move a
Civilian Assimilated into a position to explode and injure or
kill enemies not easily accessible from the player's current
vantage point. For example, if a Civilian Assimilated comes
around a corner, the player can shoot that character and send
him back around the corner to explode; this is a good tactic
to clear away any enemies which may be lurking around the

'Popcorn BOBs' can also be useful - as well as simply fun to
watch. If there is a group of Civilian Assimilated, shooting
one and causing him to explode will set off a chain reaction,
effectively turning the group into popcorn.


The Compiler Invisible Major is a tall, shadowy, semi-
transparent alien; in bright environments, it is easy to spot
at a distance, but in dark environments, it is unseen until
it is directly in front of the player. When hit with
weapons, the impact sounds like something hitting a Star Trek
forcefield; this is the only sound the character 'makes.'

When the center of the Compiler Invisible Major opens, it
unleashes a green glow of energy. Unlike the Compiler
Invisible Minor, this glow of energy then chases the intended
target until the energy hits a barrier - i.e., another
entity, a wall, a liquid, etc. Therefore, it is best to
eliminate a Compiler Invisible Major as quickly as possible.

Low-level weapons such as the .44 and the Assault Riffle will
have little impact - numerous shots will be required to
eliminate the Compiler Invisible Major, but not as many as
the Compiler Invisible Major. It is best to use high-level
weapons, primarily the Missile Launcher.


The Compiler Invisible Minor is a tall, shadowy, semi-
transparent alien; in bright environments, it is easy to spot
at a distance, but in dark environments, it is unseen until
it is directly in front of the player. When hit with
weapons, the impact sounds like something hitting a Star Trek
forcefield; this is the only sound the character 'makes.'

When the center of the Compiler Invisible Minor opens, it
unleashes a yellow glow of energy. Fortunately, this glow of
energy is unidirectional, and will fizzle out if it impacts a
non-living barrier.

Low-level weapons such as the .44 and the Assault Riffle will
have little impact - numerous shots will be required to
eliminate the Compiler Invisible Minor, but not as many as
the Compiler Invisible Major. It is best to use high-level
weapons, primarily the Missile Launcher.


The Compiler Major is a tall, red, semi-transparent alien.
When hit with weapons, the impact sounds like something
hitting a forcefield in the Star Trek series or films; this
is the only sound the character 'makes.'

When the center of the Compiler Major opens, it unleashes a
green glow of energy. Unlike the Compiler Minor, this glow
of energy then chases the intended target until the energy
hits a barrier - i.e., another entity, a wall, a liquid, etc.
Therefore, it is best to eliminate a Compiler Major as
quickly as possible.

Low-level weapons such as the .44 and the Assault Riffle will
have little impact - numerous shots will be required to
eliminate the Compiler Major. It is best to use high-level
weapons, primarily the Missile Launcher. Even if using
grenades from the Assault Riffle, two grenades will be needed
to destroy the Compiler Major.


The Compiler Minor is a tall, orange, semi-transparent alien.
When hit with weapons, the impact sounds like something
hitting a Star Trek forcefield; this is the only sound the
character 'makes.'

When the center of the Compiler Minor opens, it unleashes a
yellow glow of energy. Fortunately, this glow of energy is
unidirectional, and will fizzle out if it impacts a non-
living barrier.

Low-level weapons such as the .44 and the Assault Riffle will
have little impact - numerous shots will be required to
eliminate the Compiler Minor, but not as many as the Compiler
Major. It is best to use high-level weapons, primarily the
Missile Launcher.


The Cyborg Grenade Major is a silvery Human-like robot that
rolls on conveyer-belt-style wheels like a traditional modern
tank. However, this character CAN climb and descend steps,
essentially by hopping, so simply rushing to a slightly
higher or lower level is no protection from the advances of
this character.

The Cyborg Grenade Major fires grenades at opponents. These
grenades will bounce around, chasing the intended target
until they either fall into a liquid (which disarms the
grenades) or impact with any vertical item or entity (i.e.,
walls and players).

It is best to use high-level weapons to destroy the Cyborg
Grenade Major. However, anything less than the Missile
Launcher will require two or more shots to kill.


The Cyborg Grenade Minor is a silvery Human-like robot that
rolls on conveyer-belt-style wheels like a traditional modern
tank. However, this character CAN climb and descend steps,
essentially by hopping, so simply rushing to a slightly
higher or lower level is no protection from the advances of
this character.

The Cyborg Grenade Minor fires grenades at opponents. These
grenades will bounce around, chasing the intended target
until they either fall into a liquid (which disarms the
grenades) or impact with any vertical item or entity (i.e.,
walls and players).

It is best to use high-level weapons to destroy the Cyborg
Grenade Minor. However, anything less than grenades from the
Assault Riffle will require two or more shots to kill.


The Cyborg Major is a silvery Human-like robot that rolls on
conveyer-belt-style wheels like a traditional modern tank.
However, this character CAN climb and descend steps,
essentially by hopping, so simply rushing to a slightly
higher or lower level is no protection from the advances of
this character.

The Cyborg Major uses a flamethrower as a weapon. The range
is fairly short, so it is easy to keep out of the reach of
this character - which may be important when battling a large
number of enemies at once.

It is best to use high-level weapons to destroy the Cyborg
Major. However, anything less than the Missile Launcher will
require two or more shots to kill.


The Cyborg Minor is a silvery Human-like robot that rolls on
conveyer-belt-style wheels like a traditional modern tank.
However, this character CAN climb and descend steps,
essentially by hopping, so simply rushing to a slightly
higher or lower level is no protection from the advances of
this character.

The Cyborg Minor uses a flamethrower as a weapon. The range
is fairly short, so it is easy to keep out of the reach of
this character - which may be important when battling a large
number of enemies at once.

It is best to use high-level weapons to destroy the Cyborg
Minor. However, anything less than grenades from the Assault
Riffle will require two or more shots to kill.


This flying alien is roughly spherical in shape, with short
red protrusions (located underneath a dark-tinted 'window')
for firing its weaponry. When hit, a small forcefield
momentarily surrounds the Defender Major.

The Defender Major fires two green rotating discs aligned
vertically. These discs have a fairly long range, but still
move slowly enough that players should be able to see them
and make moves to avoid them.

Using the Plasma Pistol, four shots are required to bring
down a Defender Major. Two grenades from the Assault Riffle
will be required. The best weapon is definitely the Missile
Launcher. Note that unlike most other aliens, when the
Defender Major is destroyed, it simply disappears, as if
imploding upon itself before vanishing from this existence.


This flying alien is roughly spherical in shape, with short
blue protrusions (located underneath a dark-tinted 'window')
for firing its weaponry. When hit, a small forcefield
momentarily surrounds the Defender Minor.

The Defender Minor fires two green rotating discs aligned
vertically. These discs have a fairly long range, but still
move slowly enough that players should be able to see them
and make moves to avoid them.

Using the Plasma Pistol, four shots are required to bring
down a Defender Minor. Two grenades from the Assault Riffle
will be required. The best weapon is definitely the Missile
Launcher. Note that unlike most other aliens, when the
Defender Minor is destroyed, it simply disappears, as if
imploding upon itself before vanishing from this existence.


The Enforcer Major wears a long blue cloak and strolls along
carrying an Alien Shotgun; when killed, the Alien Shotgun
remains, thus providing a player with a 'bonus' weapon to
use. Often, the Enforce Major makes a sound similar to that
of a platform being activated.

The Enforcer Major carries an Alien Shotgun as its weapon.
While the Alien Shotgun can fire bursts of flame in three
directions (straight ahead, forty-five degrees to the left,
and forty-five degrees to the right), the Enforcer Major only
fires its weapon straight ahead. The bursts of flame issued
by the Alien Shotgun tend to travel rather quickly, so it is
not always possible for a player to see the incoming flames
and still be able to move aside quickly to avoid being

If using a .44, three shots will be required to kill the
Enforcer Major. Players with their own Alien Shotguns can
certainly use this weapon, although six shots will be needed
to eliminate this alien; despite carrying an Alien Shotgun,
an Enforcer Major is not immune to its effects.


The Enforcer Minor wears a long green cloak and strolls along
carrying an Alien Shotgun; when killed, the Alien Shotgun
remains, thus providing a player with a 'bonus' weapon to
use. Often, the Enforce Minor makes a sound similar to that
of a platform being activated.

The Enforcer Minor carries an Alien Shotgun as its weapon.
While the Alien Shotgun can fire bursts of flame in three
directions (straight ahead, forty-five degrees to the left,
and forty-five degrees to the right), the Enforcer Minor only
fires its weapon straight ahead. The bursts of flame issued
by the Alien Shotgun tend to travel rather quickly, so it is
not always possible for a player to see the incoming flames
and still be able to move aside quickly to avoid being

If using a .44, three shots will be required to kill the
Enforcer Minor. Players with their own Alien Shotguns can
certainly use this weapon, although six shots will be needed
to eliminate this alien; despite carrying an Alien Shotgun,
an Enforcer Minor is not immune to its effects.


This noisy alien looks like a light-purple, tall, pencil-thin
bug carrying a staff (its weapon). The Fighter Major can run
around randomly, and will often come toward the player.

The Fighter Major uses its staff as its weapon, beating the
player occasionally.

The weapon of choice is the Flamethrower. A quick burst with
the Flamethrower will easily kill a Fighter Major; if several
such enemies are clustered together, this quick burst of the
Flamethrower will kill several at once - a longer burst may
be needed to destroy more at once. If using the .44, two
well-placed shots at the center of the torso will kill the
Fighter Major; this is far better than the Flamethrower for
targeting at a distance.


This noisy alien looks like a green, tall, pencil-thin bug
carrying a staff (its weapon). The Fighter Minor can run
around randomly, and will often come toward the player.

The Fighter Minor uses its staff as its weapon, beating the
player occasionally.

The weapon of choice is the Flamethrower. A quick burst with
the Flamethrower will easily kill a Fighter Minor; if several
such enemies are clustered together, this quick burst of the
Flamethrower will kill several at once - a longer burst may
be needed to destroy more at once. If using the .44, two
well-placed shots at the center of the torso will kill the
Fighter Minor; this is far better than the Flamethrower for
targeting at a distance.


This noisy alien looks like a blue, tall, pencil-thin bug
carrying a staff (its weapon). The Fighter Projectile Major
can run around randomly, and will often come toward the

The Fighter Projectile Major fires a small orange ball of
energy as its weapon. This energy ball moves fairly slowly,
so it is quite easy to see this attack coming and step aside
to avoid being struck.

The weapon of choice is the Flamethrower. A quick burst with
the Flamethrower will easily kill a Fighter Projectile Major;
if several such enemies are clustered together, this quick
burst of the Flamethrower will kill several at once - a
longer burst may be needed to destroy more at once. If using
the .44, two well-placed shots at the center of the torso
will kill the Fighter Projectile Major; this is far better
than the Flamethrower for targeting at a distance.


This noisy alien looks like an orange, tall, pencil-thin bug
carrying a staff (its weapon). The Fighter Projectile Minor
can run around randomly, and will often come toward the

The Fighter Projectile Minor fires a small orange ball of
energy as its weapon. This energy ball moves fairly slowly,
so it is quite easy to see this attack coming and step aside
to avoid being struck.

The weapon of choice is the Flamethrower. A quick burst with
the Flamethrower will easily kill a Fighter Projectile Minor;
if several such enemies are clustered together, this quick
burst of the Flamethrower will kill several at once - a
longer burst may be needed to destroy more at once. If using
the .44, two well-placed shots at the center of the torso
will kill the Fighter Projectile Minor; this is far better
than the Flamethrower for targeting at a distance.


This character looks like a large floating head. While it
does have a weapon, it tends to simply float around in the
air. The Hummer Big Major has no limitations on height, but
generally will not pursue a target into a liquid.

The Hummer Big Major can fire green energy blasts.

Several more shots will be required to destroy the Hummer Big
Major compared to the Hummer Big Minor.


This character looks like a small floating head. While it
does have a weapon, it tends to simply float around in the
air. The Hummer Big Minor has no limitations on height, but
generally will not pursue a target into a liquid.

The Hummer Big Minor can fire green energy blasts.

Normally, just a two or three shots with a .44 should be
enough to destroy the Hummer Big Minor. The use of any other
weapon is extreme overkill.


This character looks like a small floating head. While it
does have a weapon, it tends to simply float around in the
air. The Hummer Major has no limitations on height, but
generally will not pursue a target into a liquid.

The Hummer Major can fire green energy blasts.

Several more shots will be required to destroy the Hummer
Major compared to the Hummer Minor.


This character looks like a small floating head. While it
does have a weapon, it tends to simply float around in the
air. The Hummer Minor has no limitations on height, but
generally will not pursue a target into a liquid.

The Hummer Minor can fire green energy blasts.

Normally, just a single shot with a .44 should be enough to
destroy the Hummer Minor. The use of any other weapon is
extreme overkill.


This character looks like a small floating head with green
'eyes' and yellow eyes. While it does have a weapon, it
tends to simply float around in the air - and quite randomly
at that, with no apparent purpose in its electronic mind.
The Hummer Possessed has no limitations on height, but
generally will not pursue a target into a liquid.

I have yet to see a Hummer Possessed fire a weapon.

Normally, just a single shot with a .44 should be enough to
destroy the Hummer Possessed. The use of any other weapon is
extreme overkill.


This is a light blue entity which looks like a tall shelled
bug with sky-blue internal organs. The Hunter Major is
somewhat slow to move.

The Hunter Major fires small green balls of energy, two at a
time. These energy balls are generally fired in a scatter
pattern, so that should the target move to avoid one energy
ball, there is a greater chance that the second energy ball
will achieve its attended impact.

Using a .44, a player will need six well-placed shots at the
torso of the Hunter Major to destroy it. Unlike the Mother
of All Hunters, the Hunter Major does not injure living
entities around it when it is destroyed.


This is a light brown entity which looks like a tall shelled
bug with yellow internal organs. The Hunter Minor is
somewhat slow to move.

The Hunter Minor fires small green balls of energy, two at a
time. These energy balls are generally fired in a scatter
pattern, so that should the target move to avoid one energy
ball, there is a greater chance that the second energy ball
will achieve its attended impact.

Using a .44, a player will need four well-placed shots at the
torso of the Hunter Minor to destroy it. Unlike the Mother
of All Hunters, the Hunter Minor does not injure living
entities around it when it is destroyed.


The dark-blue Juggernaut Major is one of the largest entities
in Marathon: Infinity. It is essentially a massive tank
which fires a pair of missiles and flame bursts, and has the
ability to fly. Mapmakers looking for an enemy character
which can instantly strike fear in the hearts of players
should strongly consider using the Juggernaut Major.

The Juggernaut Major uses pairs of missiles as its most
destructive weaponry; these missiles are larger than those
used by a player with the Missile Launcher. The Juggernaut
Major can also fire multiple bursts of flame from two ports;
essentially, this acts like a pair of Alien Shotguns, but on
a larger scale.

The only viable weapon to use against a Juggernaut Major is
the Missile Launcher. However, TEN missiles will be required
to bring down this massive beast.

Due to its size, mapmakers must be careful to only use the
Juggernaut Major in large, semi-open spaces. Areas with tall
ceilings (at least five World Units high) are best. In order
for a player to truly have a chance at destroying the
Juggernaut Major, a large number of missiles should be
prepared nearby.


The dark-blue Juggernaut Minor is one of the largest entities
in Marathon: Infinity. It is essentially a massive tank
which fires a pair of missiles and has the ability to fly.
Mapmakers looking for an enemy character which can instantly
strike fear in the hearts of players should strongly consider
using the Juggernaut Minor.

The Juggernaut Minor uses pairs of missiles as its weaponry.
These missiles are larger than those used by a player with
the Missile Launcher.

The only viable weapon to use against a Juggernaut Minor is
the Missile Launcher. However, six missiles will be required
to bring down this massive beast.

Due to its size, mapmakers must be careful to only use the
Juggernaut Minor in large, semi-open spaces. Areas with tall
ceilings (at least five World Units high) are best. In order
for a player to truly have a chance at destroying the
Juggernaut Minor, a large number of missiles should be
prepared nearby.


The Mother of All Cyborgs is a little taller than the average
Cyborg, and has all the same movement characteristics as its
smaller counterparts.

The Mother of All Cyborgs uses a flamethrower as its weapon.
The range is fairly short, so it is easy to keep out of the
reach of this character - which may be important when
battling a large number of enemies at once.

It is best to use high-level weapons to destroy the Mother of
All Cyborgs; the Missile Launcher is definitely best. If a
player only has a .44 to use, it will require THIRTY-TWO
SHOTS to destroy the Mother of All Cyborgs - and its
destruction will injure the player if in its immediate


This is a dark blue entity which looks like a really tall
shelled bug. The Mother of All Hunters is fairly slow to
move, and its destruction injures or kills any living entity
in the area.

The Mother of All Hunters fires green balls of energy, two at
a time. These energy balls are generally fired in a scatter
pattern, so that should the target move to avoid one energy
ball, there is a greater chance that the second energy ball
will achieve its attended impact.

The ONLY weapon which should be used against the Mother of
All Hunters is the Missile Launcher; even then, THREE
missiles will be required to destroy this nasty alien. It is
best to stay FAR away from this creature when it explodes, as
its radius of impact is the largest of any alien in the game.


This brownish creature has a round body with wings, and flies
around at whim. Contact with the Tick Energy does not cause
any harm; it instead simply impedes the player's progress in
that direction unless the entity is killed.

The Tick Energy does not have a weapon. Instead, it will
occasionally block players from passing by. That, however,
can allow other monsters to come and attack the player.

The destruction of the Tick Energy can be done with a single
shot from a .44, or with a fist.


This brownish creature has a round body with wings, and flies
around at whim. Any contact with this creature causes it to
explode, injuring or killing any living being in its
immediate presence; therefore, it is best to keep one's
distance from the Tick Kamikaze.

The Tick Kamikaze does not have a weapon. Instead, it will
occasionally chase players, exploding upon impact. Should
the Tick Kamikaze stop, hover in midair, and show its
internal organs, it is especially explosive and musts be
either avoided or destroyed from a distance.

The destruction of the Tick Kamikaze can be done with as few
as two shots from a .44, but players need to keep some
modicum of distance between themselves and the Tick Kamikaze
to avoid being injured or killed by the creature's explosive
demise. The Tick Kamikaze tends to fly lower than the
player's normal weapon elevation when it has decided to take
on a suicide mission, so players will need to aim slightly
downward to hit the Tick Kamikaze in this instance.


This brownish creature has a round body with wings, and flies
around at whim. Contact with the Tick Oxygen does not cause
any harm; it instead simply impedes the player's progress in
that direction unless the entity is killed.

The Tick Oxygen does not have a weapon. Instead, it will
occasionally block players from passing by. That, however,
can allow other monsters to come and attack the player.

The destruction of the Tick Oxygen can be done with a single
shot from a .44 or with a fist. However, when destroyed, the
Tick Oxygen will injure or kill those in its immediate


This purple beetle-like alien strolls around with an Assault

While this alien has an Assault Riffle, the Trooper Major
primarily fires grenades. Even then, it generally holds the
weapon for a period of time before firing, even when blocking
the progress of the player.

If using the .44, four shots will be required to kill the
Trooper Major. A better weapon would be the grenades from
the Assault Riffle.


This green beetle-like alien strolls around with an Assault

While this alien has an Assault Riffle, the Trooper Minor
primarily fires clips. Even then, it generally holds the
weapon for a period of time before firing, even when blocking
the progress of the player.

The .44 is a good weapon to use against the Trooper Minor, as
only two shots are needed for the kill.


This light brown creature is more-or-less reminiscent of the
Yeti of lore. Its natural environment is lava, therefore,
the Alien Shotgun, Flamethrower, and Plasma Pistol have NO
effect on the Yeti Lava.

When out of lava and in the open air, the Yeti Lava's weapon
is a ball of fiery lava (a part of the entity itself???)
thrown at its intended target. This projectile moves fairly
slowly through the air, so a player can easily see the Yeti
Lava's wind-up and make moves to avoid the incoming lava. If
a player is in the immediate presence of a Yeti Lava, the
alien will claw and injure the player; this is done either in
the open air or (especially) in lava.

The Yeti Lava is a fairly strong and robust entity. As
mentioned above, due to lava being its natural habitat, the
Alien Shotgun, Flamethrower, and Plasma Pistol have NO effect
on this creature. When in the open air, grenades from the
Assault Riffle are a good choice, but two grenades will be
needed (the first will simply knock the Yeti Lava backward);
the Missile Launcher is the best choice, especially if there
are several Yeti Lava in close proximity to each other. When
in lava, the ONLY weapon to use is the Submachine Gun; a full
clip of ammunition will be required, although this has the
benefit that some of the ammunition will pass through on Yeti
Lava to injure or kill any others behind it.


This green creature is more-or-less reminiscent of the Yeti
of lore. Its natural environment is sewage.

When out of sewage and in the open air, the Yeti Sewage's
weapon is a ball of green sewage (a part of the entity
itself???) thrown at its intended target. This projectile
moves fairly slowly through the air, so a player can easily
see the Yeti Sewage's wind-up and make moves to avoid the
incoming sewage. If a player is in the immediate presence of
a Yeti Sewage, the alien will claw and injure the player;
this is done either in the open air or (especially) in

The Yeti Sewage is a fairly strong and robust entity. When
in the open air, grenades from the Assault Riffle are a good
choice, but two grenades will be needed (the first will
simply knock the Yeti Sewage backward); the Missile Launcher
is the best choice, especially if there are several Yeti
Sewage in close proximity to each other. When in sewage, the
ONLY weapon to use is the Submachine Gun; a full clip of
ammunition will be required, although this has the benefit
that some of the ammunition will pass through on Yeti Sewage
to injure or kill any others behind it.


This blue creature is more-or-less reminiscent of the Yeti of
lore. Its natural environment is water.

If a player is in the immediate presence of a Yeti Water, the
alien will claw and injure the player. This is done either
in the open air or (especially) in water.

The Yeti Water is a fairly weak entity. When in the open
air, grenades from the Assault Riffle are a good choice, and
only one should be required. When in water, the ONLY weapon
to use is the Submachine Gun; 1/3 of a clip of ammunition
will be required, although this has the benefit that some of
the ammunition will pass through on Yeti Water to injure or
kill any others behind it.


For rants, raves, etc., contact me at FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM;
also, if you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has
been helpful to you, I would certainly appreciate a small
donation via PayPal ( using the above
e-mail address.

To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2
game guides, visit FeatherGuides at


Wolf Feather Jamie Stafford
Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human, there's a
remarkable number of things needed to make an individual what they are.
- Major Kusanagi, _Ghost in the Shell_
What isn't remembered never happened. - _Serial Experiments Lain_

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