Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

17.10.2013 20:15:15

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 17th Aug, 2002 (First version)


1. Introduction


Space Quest IV starts with Roger Wilco being dumped on the planet Xenon in
Space Quest XII, after being transported by an unknown source into the future.
After a brief exploration on Xenon, Wilco travels to Space Quest X, and even
returns to Space Quest I. The graphics have been upgraded to VGA. The sound has
been improved, and this is the first Space Quest game to feature speech,
although this option is only available in the CD-ROM version. It's not the best
Space Quest game, but it still has that spark of gameplay that made the
previous games in the series so fun to play.

I've written this walkthrough using the CD-ROM version of the game that came
with the Space Quest Collection. As the game was written in the days of the 386
and the 486, the game speeds up significantly on Pentiums and above. This makes
some sections of the game almost impossible to play. An example of this is the
section in the Skate-O-Rama, which is incredibly difficult to pass with a fast
machine. Experiment with the speed setting in the game if the game seems to
fast. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any way to slow down the game.


2. Walkthrough



Note: Throughout this section of the game, there are two enemies: A droid and a
zombie. The main is the droid, as it appears in almost every area in this
section. When you hear the music change, the droid is about to appear, so
either leave the screen quickly or hide behind a building until it leaves. For
the zombie, just walk away from it. As these two enemies appear randomly, I
won't mention them in this section of the walkthrough.

At the start of the game, go east. Get the rope on the rubble. Hide behind the
red structure. Use the rope on the floor to set a trap for the pink rabbit.
Wait for the rabbit to stand on the rope, then use the rope to get the rabbit.
Go west twice. Use the red vehicle. Open the glovebox. Use the glovebox to get
a laptop. In the inventory, look at the rabbit to turn it, and then use the
rabbit to remove a battery. In the inventory, look at the laptop to open it,
and then use the battery with the laptop. Go north. Use the tank twice to get
the unstable ordnance. Use the unstable ordnance with the tank to replace it.
Go east twice. Use the grate to arrive in the sewer maintenance office.

Get the jar from the table. Use the Blotter to reveal a button, which Wilco
will push. After the lengthy speech from the hologram, use the wheel on the
green door at the left side of the room. Go through the door to enter the
sewers. Go left three times. A green slime will start following you, so quickly
walk to the ladder. Use the jar on the green slime, and quickly climb the
ladder to exit the sewers. After the Sequel Police have landed in their ship,
quickly walk out of the sewers to arrive near the tank. Walk east and then
quickly enter the landing gear compartment of the ship.

After the ship has landed, walk west and quickly enter the right time pod
immediately after the guards have stopped talking. In the time pod, a code will
be displayed on the keypad. The code is random and is useful later on in the
game, so make sure to write this code down. To leave this area, enter the six
characters shown on the display backwards, enter six random characters from the
bottom row of the keypad or press bottom-right button six times.


After landing, press the small red button on the side of the ship. Walk west
and walk into the shadow of the rock to see the shadow of a big bird fly above.
Walk east. Go down the steps to get picked up by the bird, which will fly you
to a huge nest. Search the guard that gets dropped into the nest to get a
chewing gum wrapper. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the nest and exit
through the gap.

After a long cutscene, Wilco will be sitting in a chair with a giant sea slug
nearby. Press the red button to activate the laser, and Wilco will stand up.
Quickly get one of the oxygen tanks and wait for the sea slug to grab you. When
it does, use the oxygen tank on the sea slug to defeat it. The ship will leave
the base to go to Galaxy Galleria.

After another long cutscene, Wilco will be standing near the Skate-O-Rama in
the Galaxy Galleria. Walk onto the bottom-right walkway and follow it all the
way around past the various shops to the starting point near the Skate-O-Rama.
Get the ATM card and walk back onto the bottom-right walkway. Follow the
walkway one screen east and then enter the Software Excess Store. Search the
bargain bin and look at the Space Quest IV hint book under the other games at
the bottom of the bin. Look at the hint book and select 'Keep'. Select 'Done'.
Give 5 Buckazoids to the clerk. Exit the shop.

Walk onto the walkway and walk off at the small platform by the AutoBucks
Teller Machine. Use the ATM card with the machine. Walk onto the walkway and go
three screens west. Enter the Big and Tall shop. Talk to the clerk to get some
new clothes. Give 20 Buckazoids to the clerk. Exit the shop. Walk down to the
bottom walkway and follow it one screen east. Cross over to the top walkway and
enter Monolith Burger.

Talk to the manager twice and he'll ask you if you'd like a job. Select 'Yes!
I'm hard up for cash!' You'll then be given a choice on whether you'd like to
play an arcade game, or if you'd like to not play the game but have the cash
anyway. Choosing the bottom option will give you the extra cash, but will take
three points away from the score. Taking the long option of playing the arcade
game until you get fired by the manager will give you an extra three points.

The burger arcade game is simple. Wait for a burger to appear on the conveyer
belt, then quickly add all the condiments. Put the top bun on the burger and
wait for it to travel into the grabber to be accepted. Work at Monolith Burger
until there are at least 60 Buckazoids in the inventory.

After getting fired by the manager of Monolith Burger, walk onto the bottom
walkway and follow it east three screens to arrive at the starting point near
the Skate-O-Rama. Get the cigar butt near the walkway. Walk onto the top-left
walkway and follow it one screen west. Cross over both walkways and enter
Sacks. Talk to the Clerk to find some clothes. Give 60 Buckazoids to the clerk.
Exit Sacks.

Cross over to the bottom walkway and follow it five screens east. Cross over to
the top walkway and walk off at the small platform by the AutoBucks Teller
Machine. Use the ATM card with the machine. Select 'Withdraw Funds'. Select
'Clean It Out' to receive an extra 2001 Buckazoids. Walk onto the walkway and
go five screens west. Enter Sacks and walk into the dressing room at the
top-right corner of the shop. Exit Sacks.

Cross over to the bottom walkway and follow it one screen east. Enter the
arcade. Walk to the top-right corner of the arcade, and a ship will appear. Two
Sequel Police will jump out. One guard will exit the arcade, while the other
starts walking toward you. Quickly exit the arcade at the bottom-right corner.

Cross over to the bottom walkway and follow it three screens east. Exit the
walkway at the left side and go down the steps to enter the Skate-O-Rama.
Quickly float up before the guard appears on the steps and enter the top
section of the Skate-O-Rama. Float over to the left side of the top section and
wait for the Sequel Police to appear. Float down to the low section and then
quickly go up the steps at the left side of the Skate-O-Rama.

Walk onto the bottom walkway and follow it one screen east. Cross over both
walkways and enter the arcade. Use the ship at the bottom-left corner of the
arcade. In the ship, make a note of the code that is currently displayed on the
keypad. In the inventory, use the Space Quest IV hint book and go to page four.
Find the question 'I'm in the stupid Time Pod. Where else can I go?'

Select the bottom button to reveal the other half of the code. Write this code
down. Exit the hint book. In the inventory, use the chewing gum wrapper to
reveal half of a code. Write this code down. On the keypad in the ship, enter
the code from the hint book and then the code from the chewing gum wrapper.
Click enter to leave Space Quest XII.


After landing, press the small red button on the side of the ship. Walk south.
Enter the bar. Walk down to the guys at the bar and one of them will throw you
out. Outside the bar, use the bikes to kick them over. Walk east to the bar.
Wait for the guy on the bike to get near you, then quickly click to the side to
dodge out of the way. Enter the bar. Pick up the book of matches. Exit the bar.
Walk north and dodge the next guy on the bike. Enter the ship. Enter the code
for Space Quest XII on the keypad and click enter.


After landing, press the small red button on the side of the ship. Walk east
twice. Use the slime on the door lock. Use the door to enter the tunnel. In the
inventory, use the book of matches on the cigar to reveal the laser beams in
the tunnel. Use the keypad on the wall. Enter the number of degrees that you
want the lasers to spin. The numbers I used were:

Laser 1 : 300
Laser 2 : 300 and then 100
Laser 3 : 225

When all three lasers are aligned, walk north and exit the tunnel. In the maze
area, look at the terminal and remember the shape of the plug, then quickly
return to the tunnel. Walk south and exit the tunnel. Walk west twice. Enter
the ship. On the keypad, enter the code for Space Quest X, then click enter.


After landing, press the small red button on the side of the ship. Exit the
arcade. Cross to the bottom walkway and follow it three screens east. Cross
over both walkways and enter Hz. So Good. Talk to the robot. Select 'Catalog'.
Select 'Electronic Gadgets'. Press 'Continue' four times to turn to the section
of the catalog that describes the PocketPal Connector. Select 'Order'.

A screen will be shown which has ten different plugs of different shapes.
Select the plug which is the same shape as the terminal plug in Space Quest
XII. Select 'Return to Top Menu'. Select 'Exit' to exit Hz. So Good. Go to the
walkway and follow it three screens west. Enter the arcade. Use the ship at the
bottom-left corner of the arcade. Enter the code to return to Space Quest XII.


After landing, press the small red button on the side of the ship. Walk east
twice. Use the door to enter the tunnel. Walk north and exit the tunnel. In the
inventory, use the PocketPal Connector with the PocketPal. Use the PocketPal
with a terminal. In the maze, walk west twice to come to a room with a huge
door. Use the keypad and enter the code 6965847669 to open the door. Enter the
room on the other side of the doors to use a computer. Use the droid icon and
click on the toilet. Use the brain icon and click on the toilet. Click the
minimise button at the top-left corner of the window to exit the room.

Walk three screens east. Walk north. Walk west. Go down the steps on the left.
Walk west. Enter the elevator. Walk north. Walk east. Enter the tunnel. Sludge
Vohaul will appear, and a fight will begin. When Vohaul rushes toward you, keep
clicking behind him to push him over. Push Vohaul over four times, and a beam
will appear. Wilco will automatically push Vohaul into the beam. Use the ladder
at the left side of the platform to get the disk. Use the disk in the disk
drive unit. Select 'Disk Upload'. Select 'Beam Download' to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found near the entrance to Galaxy Galleria. It is used on the AutoBucks
Teller Machine.

Found in the rabbit. It is used in the laptop.

Found on the guard in the bird's nest. It is used to reveal half of the code
needed to travel to Space Quest I.

Found near the entrance to Galaxy Galleria after Wilco has been fired by the
manager of Monolith Burger. It is used with the cigar to reveal the laser
beams in the tunnel in Space Quest XII.

Found at the bottom of the ladder near the end of the game. It is used in the
disk drive unit.

Found in the bargain bin of the Software Excess Store at Galaxy Galleria.

Found on the table in the sewer maintenance office. It is used on the green
slime in the sewers.

Found by using the empty jar on the green slime in the sewers. It is used on
the lock of the door in Space Quest XII.

Found in the glovebox of the red vehicle one screen west from the start of
the game.

Found in the bar in Space Quest I. They are used with the cigar to reveal the
laser beams in the tunnel in Space Quest XII.

Found near the sea slug in Space Quest X. It is used to defeat the sea slug.

Ordered from Hz. So Good in Galaxy Galleria. It is used on the pocketpal in
Space Quest XII.

Found one screen east from the start of the game. The battery is removed from
the rabbit.

Found on the rubble one screen east from the start of the game. It is used to
trap the pink rabbit.

Found in the tank one screen north-west from the start of the game. It is
returned to the tank.


4. Point List



5 5 Hide from the droid.

10 5 Get the rope.

20 10 Get the rabbit.

25 5 Get the laptop from the red vehicle.

28 3 Get the battery from the rabbit.

31 3 Use the battery with the laptop.

56 25 Remove unstable ordnance from tank.

36 -20 Replace unstable ordnance in tank.

41 5 Use the grate to enter the sewers.

46 5 Get the jar.

56 10 Press button under blotter.

61 5 Use jar on green slime in sewers.

64 3 Exit the sewers.

69 5 Hide in gear compartment of ship.

79 10 Enter the time pod.

84 5 Search guard in nest.

89 5 Press red button on chair in cave.

94 5 Get the oxygen tank.

99 5 Use oxygen tank on sea slug.

101 2 Get the ATM card.

106 5 Buy Space Quest IV hint book.

111 5 Buy clothes from Big and Tall.

114 3 Play arcade game at Monolith Burger.

119 5 Get the cigar butt.

124 5 Buy clothes from Sacks.

134 10 Get 2001 Buckazoids from ATM machine.

137 3 Change clothes in Sacks.

152 15 Enter the timepod in the arcade.

157 5 Enter the code to travel to SQI.

162 5 Push the bikes over.

167 5 Dodge the biker.

172 5 Get the matches from the bar.

182 10 Use the slime on the door lock.

192 10 Use matches with cigar in tunnel.

207 15 Align the lasers in the tunnel.

222 15 Buy PocketPal Connector.

225 3 Use Connector with PocketPal.

235 10 Use PocketPal with terminal.

245 10 Enter room with huge door.

255 10 Enter 6965847669 on keypad of door.

260 5 Use droid icon on toilet.

275 15 Use brain icon on toilet.

280 5 Enter the room with Sludge Vohual.

285 5 Climb down ladder to get disk.

290 5 Use disk in disk drive unit.

315 25 Select 'Beam Download'.


5. Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How do I hide from the droid?
A. Two ways. Either walk quickly off the screen when the droid appears, or hide
behind a structure so that Wilco is not visible on the screen. If Wilco
isn't visible on screen then the droid won't be able to find him.

Q. How do I hide from the zombie?
A. The zombie is easy to hide from. Just walk off screen. The zombie will still
be able to find you if you hide behind structures.

Q. I've discovered an unstable ordnance that I found in a tank. What should I
do with this?
A. The only reason for the unstable ordnance is to get extra points when you
return it to the tank..

Q. I'm in the sewers and a strange green blob has begun following me. It seems
harmless enough... is it dangerous?
A. Yes! Quickly use the jar to collect a sample of slime from the blob before
it stops being curious and starts shuffling after you, then exit the sewers.

Q. I've left the sewers. Whenever I try to board the ship the Sequel Police
shoot me! How do I enter the ship?
A. If you're using the CD-ROM version, you'll have to be very quick. After
exiting the sewers, click east but then click the right mouse button twice
to change to the hand icon. As soon as you arrive in the screen with the
ship, click on the landing gear compartment to enter the ship.

Q. In the main base, the two Sequel Police shoot me before I can board the time
pod. How do I enter the time pod?
A. This is similar to the question above. Use the same method to board this
time pod.


6. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2002-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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