Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith

Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith

17.10.2013 12:44:27
Jedi Knight: Mysteries Of The Sith Walk Through

A Helpful Guide Through the Levels of Mysteries of the Sith

Level 1
Go to the left and go down the stairs to the right and hit the switch on the
right side. This will close the doors. Now go down the elevator, turn
around and go down the hallway to a room. Troopers should break through the
wall. SECRET 1: There is an upper level to this room. Force jump up and go
down to the rock face where you can force jump up. Now go back to "the
room" and proceed to the right and open the door. Kill all troopers and
jump onto the platform, follow it to the right and go up the elevator. Use
your light saber to break through the grate above the window and control
panel. SECRET 2: Follow the tunnel until you get to another grate and break
it also. Pull out your blaster and join the fight. Search around until you
find 2 doors, the one on the right has a green switch and it is locked. Go
through the left door and search around until you find the blue key. The
key is in the room closest to the outside. Go back to the door with the
green switch and open it. Go down the left hallway and then go down the
right hallway. Follow it to an elevator, go up it and kill the troopers. Go
up the elevator again and follow the platform to a door. (MISSION OBJECTIVE
COMPLETED) Go in the left door now and follow the hallwat to an opening. BE
CAREFUL, there is a trooper with a rail gun above you. You can kill him or
just run to the elevator and hit the switch and go up. You're now in the
control room. Go to the left and then go down the right hallway. Follow
this hall down to another room where there are flashing lights. Go in the
opening on the right and hit the switch in there. (MISSION OBJECTIVE
COMPLETED) SECRET 3: is another grate located in a remote room with only
one way in and out. There is 2 grates into the secret. Go back to the first
control room. Go to the door that was locked earlier. CAUTION there is a
trooper with a rail gun on the other side. Kill the trooper and take the
rail gun, save it because you're going to need it later on. SECRET 4:
Follow the halls to a room with crates in it. Go to the far left corner and
use your light saber to cut open the grate, there is a revive in there.
Pull out your rail gun and procede with CAUTION into the next room and take
out the AT-ST. There is a shuttle outside but it flies away, so go over to
the black crates and there is a grate in the left corner. Break it open and
go in. About half way you'll see a way up. Jump up and follow the tunnel
and it will take you to a room. SECRET 5 & 6: In the greenish room with
several openings in the roof, you can force jump up for secret 5. Dont fall
down and go to the other side for secret 6. CAUTION, watch out for the 2
droids, kill them both with just a blaster. Go past the dead droids and
follow another tunnel, which leads to a room with a big fan. Jump through
the fan and you will usually take some damage. There is another fan, jump
through it. (The end of the level is just past the fan.) CAUTION there is
another AT-ST and some troopers with rail guns. Just run like hell towards
the shuttle and you will be on to LEVEL 2! SECRETS 6, 6 FOUND

Level 2
Exit the cavern to the left of the shuttle cockpit. You will enter a long,
mostly straight cavern. One way will give you a high view of the Imperial
Fortress. Don't shoot, don't snipe, just ignore it for for now. Head down
the tunnel in the opposite direction. You will come to a small structure in
the cavern. Kill the Troopers around it. Inside is an Imperial Officer.
Shoot him, then shoot the panel just above the control banks to open the
door. Go inside. Make sure you get the Sniper Scope, this essential to
level completion. SECRET 1: Through the pillar with a door-shaped hole. You
will follow a small corridor, then drop into what seems to be a dead-end
pit. If you turn around and turn on your light or Force Sight, you can see
a hole. Crouch and then collect a whole pile of goodies. Note: Although
they are not secrets, there are lots of good items on the rough of the
pillar, and the small control shed. The top of the shed has seeking rockets
for the rail gun, which are VERY useful. Exit through the triangular
passageway in the room with the control shed. Follow the passage until you
come to a large open area. You will see three Storm Troopers chatting in
the distance. Good time to try out your new sniper rifle. Also a good time
to try out seeking rockets for that AT-ST hidden around the corner. Follow
the rock bridge and the tunnel beyond, you will soon get a view of the
Imperial Fortress. Use the Sniper Rifle to destroy everything you can
possible see before going down. Use the mouse to move the cross-hairs,
that's easiest. In the far lower right of the fortress is a door. Once you
have all cameras and defenses cleared away, you will find approaching the
door will make it close. The only way to enter is to retreat a distance
until it opens. Then use the Sniper Rifle to shoot a panel just inside the
door. Once it's destroyed, you will be able to approach. SECRET 2: Once up
and on the Imperial Fortress, follow the catwalk to the other side. Force
jump onto the roof of the last structure. Notice the hole in the cavern
wall. Force Jump into that. Now use Force Sight or some other lighting.
Follow the short tunnel to an enormous drop. There is a ledge just below
you. CAREFULLY drop to it to the secret. You will need to Force Jump back
Now return to the interior of the Fortress. Eventually you will come to a
huge open area with a very fatal drop. From the ledge were you encounter a
probe droid, you must run/Force Jump to the ledge on the opposite side.
Might I advise you save before trying? On this new side, find a metal
staircase in the rocky cavern. At the bottom is a locked door protected by
two Troopers. At the top is a passageway that leads to a TIE Fighter prep
area. Kill 'em all (why not use the blaster cannon to the left of the
entrance), Then go up the elevator. In the small L-Corridor near the AT-AT,
kill a Trooper, then grab the key. Note that when you exit back up to the
prep area, lots of re-enforcements arrive. Head back down to the locked
door. You can go through it now. Take an elevator alcove to a small niche
in the cavern. Across it, an autocannon will fire at you. A force field
protects it from you. What you need to do is to stand to the far right of
the niche. The cannon will try to track you, and fire on those fuel barrels
in the process. Once that blows, so does the cannon and the force field
drops. SECRET 3: The fuel barrel explosion will also set the elevator in
motion. You will need to make the tricky jump to this elevator. To the
lower right of the elevator's lowest stop, is a cavern with some items.
This is the secret. You will need to save often in order to get through
this part. NOTE: You can blow up the fuel barrel on the elevator if you
need more room. Take the elevator to the area where the cannon used to be.
SECRET 4: The secret is more difficult than most because it involves two
actions: triggering a console panel in one place (which opens a sealed
floor/ceiling entrance in another part of the Fortress) and then
backtracking within the Fortress to the floor level above to that
previously explored area. Walkthrough as follows: Off to one side from the
Autocannon room is a series of small rooms (the front room of which has a
camera console panel, the back mini-rooms having pesky Probe Droids).
Between the Camera Console Room and the Probe Droid mini-rooms, is a lone
pedestal in an alcove. Push on the lone pedestal in that alcove & Kyle will
say something to the effect of "Hmmm... I wonder what that did." You have
now triggered the floor panel to open in another part of the Fortress
(actually on the floor above where you currently are). Now you just have to
backtrack to get the secret. Now to backtrack. You need to get to the floor
above in the Fortress--easiest way is back outside the Fortress and back in
through the side door you first used to access the Fortress and back up
that side elevator (if you left the elevator down--otherwise, some pain in
the neck jumping in the main cavern to work your way back up to above floor
may be in order). Once upstairs, go into the interior of the Fortress, the
first main rough/rocky room (Room with two trangular "nose cone" kind of
things sticking out from the walls) that has a small finished "supply room"
off to the side. Don't go forward toward the opening to the main cavern,
but go to the rough/rocky passage that is to the left next to the small
"supply room." Once you enter the rock passage, the newly opened floor
panel yawns in front of you. Hop in and the secret is yours. Submitted by
A. Teilans After getting Secret 4, get back to the room that had been
protected by the forcefield. To the left of where the fuel barrels used to
be is a button. Press the button to summon the air car. Kill the troops
inside, then jump to it. If you crouch and hit the space bar, this will
lower the car to the cavern floor. SECRET 5: Another tricky one. Just
before the car touches down, there is a ledge with lots of rockets on it.
You will need to jump to it. Force Sight, IR Goggles or something must be
active before you can see it. SECRET 6: Beyond the funny looking building
is a tunnel frame (it's part of the asteroid's weapon). Follow this tunnel
from bellow. You will drop off a ledge (have a light). To the right of this
ledge as you drop is another ledge to drop to with a revive. Be careful you
don't go too far or fast, or into the abyss you go. Go through the tunnel
just in front of the air car to end the level. 6 SECRETS, 6 FOUND

Level 3
Drop down to the pipe below, killing all Troopers in site. Notice the area
off to the side. Go into that area.. Notice a small box, actually an
elevator up. Go up. Kill all the rail-gun toting Troopers in this new area.
Go to the structure, but find that the door on the side is locked. Never
mind, we'll be back later. Drop back down the elevator shaft. Now get back
on the huge pipe and run down the pipe towards the hatch. It will open,
revealing an autocannon. Use your saber to reflect shots back into it until
it is destroyed, then drop through the hole on the tube surface. Follow the
tunnel, then a metal "road" to a large platform. The platform will descend.
At the bottom, you will notice a control room off to the side. Enter the
control room, and blast them all. Notice the switches on on the dash before
the window. The one closest to the monitor calls the elevator. The one
closest to the door opens the big blast door in the corridor outside. Go
into the new, cubical control room. SECRET 1: When you enter the control
room that has the switch that you need to disable, you will immediately see
a gonk droid. The droid will begin to make it's way up the ramps to the
upper level where it will open the door to the secret. If you kill him you
wont get the secret, so be a "light" jedi. On the top level of this room,
on one of the control banks, is a switch. Press it. Notice that grate under
the ramp...Cut it open and go in. Blast a probe droid and take the elevator
up. In this little alcove is a small grille. Slash it, and watch out for
the autocannon that appears. Now go back down the elevator. Notice the
switch on the wall (formerly it was protected by a hatch). Press it. Now go
back up the elevator and follow the long road back into the tunnel. A blast
door that was previously sealed is now raised. You will notice a wall of
controls. Flip the switch on the right to switch targets. Press the button
on the left to fire. Oops. Not enough power. Grab the red key, and let's go
crank it. Exit the chamber, then Force Jump through the hole in the ceiling
in the corridor outside. Rush back into the area with crates and the little
elevator. Go up. The metal structure's door can now be opened. Go inside,
blast the troops, and turn a switch on the dash in front of the fancy
display. Now we're cooking with gas. Head back to the firing room. Make
sure you've got the right target, then fire. Boom, baby, boom! SECRETS 1, 1

Level 4
SECRET 1: Go through the control room door. Turn around and force jump to
the top of the building you just exited. Now drop down to the ledge beneath
the catwalk, watching out for enemies. Jump to the weapon tunnel and follow
it to what was "the source" of the weapon's energy. There's a grate there
you can slash open with you lightsaber. Shortly after this, you will enter
a cavern with a metal hatch on the floor. Ignore the hatch for now. Go up
the rocky staircase, through a small tunnel. You will soon end up in a room
with what looks like a concrete box (and two Storm Trooper). This is the
cooling unit. On the back of this box is a panel. Slash the panel with your
lightsaber to destroy it. You will hear a warning, but don't panic...yet.
Return to the room with the hatch on the floor. It's now open, drop down on
to a metal support. Follow the support down to a door. You will enter a
chamber flooded with water. There are troopers around here, but they can
easily be picked off from underwater (they won't see you submerged. Go to
the rear of the chamber and you will find an entrance to the structure in
the centre of the room, Watch out for the cannon! SECRET 2: After
destroying the cannon, Force Jump to the catwalk on top (you will probably
need to do this from the water). On top is a Revive. Now, go to the bottom
of this new chamber. There is a hatch with four switches around it. These
switches must be flipped rapidly, and in order. Let's assume switch one is
the one you would face if you had the chamber entrance BEHIND you. Moving
clockwise, to your right, and the right of the chamber entrance, is switch
two. Behind you is switch three, and to your left, switch four. The correct
order to hit the switches is 1,3, 2, 4. You may need Force Speed to assist
you. After all four switches are activated, resurface for air, but keep a
close eye on the hatch at the bottom. When you see the hatch begin to
descend, start counting "Mississipi"s. At 14 Mississippi, the hatch will
have descended far enough to admit you into the new chamber. It will start
to rise again soon after this, and you'll have to do the level thing all
over again. Use Force Speed to swim down the tunnel. The first little
"dome" in this new tunnel has an air pocket. Surface here, and save your
game. Now, all the remaining cooling units are here, four in all. Do not
make the mistake I made and destroy the closest ones first. Travel to the
furthest ones from your air pocket and slash them with the lightsaber first
(the panels are on top). The one immediately in front of your pocket, save
for last. After you've destroyed three of four, go back to the air pocket
and save the game. Now, swim down and slash the remaining cooling module.
Alarms will go off. A hatch in the floor around the corner to the left will
open. Use Force Speed to swim down it. Once you are the bottom, hug the
floor as you swim to go through an opening into a new area. Just past this
opening is an air pocket, you may want to resurface for some air quickly.
Now swim through this new area, underneath a huge hatch--remember it,
because you will be returning to it soon. You will swim into a large,
wide-open area. Surface and get attacked by three Troopers. Kill them
quickly (Repeater Rifle works well). Now, there are two control rooms in
here. You must flip the two switches within second of each other. Once you
have, drop down into the water and swim to the large metal hatch you passed
earlier. It should now be opening. Surface through here, and run across the
air car. A killer droid will be there, destroy it extra fast or ignore it.
Run down to the ledge where the Storm Trooper is. Kill him even faster or
ignore him. Now turn and walk under the ledge you just dropped from,
sticking to the right. You will drop down a series of stone steps, where
another killer droid is. Kill him quick, then run down the ledge with the
beams. You will see a pit with a catwalk below. Drop down to it. It's going
to hurt, but it doesn't matter at this point. Take some Bacta tanks before
you drop to assure the fall won't kill you, or drop to some of the ledges
on the way down, if you have the time. Once on the catwalk below, there are
four switches. Press them all in any order, but do it quickly. An air car
will start to descend. Stand to the side to make sure it doesn't sandwich
you. One it's down, Force Jump on to it. It will start to ascend. Enjoy the
ride up to the end of the level. If you are seriously pressed for time as
the car slowly ascends, hold down the Force Jump key, and take one massive
leap straight up. Sometimes this can trigger the end of the level. SECRETS
2, 2 FOUND

Level 5
Force Jump to the ledge to the right of the door. Follow the cavern to the
end. You will need to Force Jump on occasion to get where you want,
particularly at the end of the cavern, which requires you to make a jump to
a platform just outside the palace entrance. See that weird machine? Whack
it repeatedly with your lightsaber, inside and out. When those two pumps
stop moving, an ugnaut will come through the door to repair it. Go through
the door. Follow the corridor until you come to the living quarters. Inside
one is a shelf. You can crouch and crawl underneath the shelf to a second
of living quarters. Drop down to the lowest area of this new set of living
quarters. Follow the corridor, clear the chamber of Grave Tuskens. Just
past a little stream is a set of Grave Tusken garb--this will come in handy
shortly. Return to the second set of living quarters and travel to the top
level. You can raid the other rooms for supplies if you like. One of the
rooms on the top level has a small sliding door that leads to a new area.
Just beyond this a door like the main entrance, only smaller. From your
inventory, select the Grave Tusken clothes (use [ and ] to shuffle through
inventory, and enter to use. This will give Mara Jade a new look, one the
residents will find more attractive. Once attired, get in front the box and
hit the space bar. A mechanical eye will check you out, then open the door.
Inside the new area, go up a ramp. Two rooms at the top will open the main
door (if you want), and smaller door at the end of the corridor on the
right. It is the last door you want to take. Follow this corridor merrily a
long until you come to the living quarters of some Ithorians. In a small
closet-like room is a sliding door that will open on to a window ledge.
SECRET 1: You were so close to this one with the walkthrough. At the
Ithorian quarters, open the sliding door and walk out to the ledge. Walk
across the gap to the window ledge on the other side, don't open the
window. Save the game. The window ledge to your left, below, can be jumped
to (barely). Open the sliding door to find an Ithorian in a secret room.
Submitted by David Hill Return to the ledge above the secret (on that wall)
and go into some new Ithorian quarters. Go through them to a balcony, and
jump into the alley below. Watch out for Tuskens. Soon you'll come to a
third set of living quarters. Kill the nearby Grans. SECRET 2: The next
multi-leveled walkway area immediately after the ledges has a room where
there is a Rodian or two inside. On the wall to the right of the doorway is
a hole that you can crawl through to get some stuff. Be aware of another
Rodian inside it. Submitted by "Chemical" Ed Miller Now go back outiside
and then drop to the lowest level. You'll see a flooded tunnel. Go down it.
Soon, you'll swim through a crack in the floor and re-emerge into a new
area. Your Tusken disguise will vanish, but don't worry about it. Climb up
the ramp in this new area. You'll see a platform with some Gamorreans (kill
'em) and some ugnauts. There's a grille on the floor here, slash it and
drop through. SECRET 3: Follow the tunnel into you reach a rock again. As
you enter this cave, there is a platform to your right. Jump to it. Once on
it, turn around and jump into a cavern with the collapsed well textures.
The passage to the left contains some much-needed items. Drop through the
hole that over-looks the water to get back on the beaten path. Jump back to
the platform with the ugnauts. Go through the door. You are now in the
ugnaut quarters. At the back is a hatch leading to what's kind of like a
dumbwaiter. Get into it and go up. Soon you will come to a bridge over some
stairs. Drop down and starts descending all the stairs you can find.
Eventually you find yourself down in a corridor, traveling past some booths
where ugnauts drink. Go through this door. You will see another door and a
small alcove with a winding staircase. Go up the stairs and hit the switch
at the top. The other door below is now open, go through it. You come to a
room with a red key. The red key opens the door to a room FULL of useful
stuff. Retrace your steps to that bridge you dropped down, and continue
along it. You will come to a bar full of patrons who may turn nasty at any
moment. Travel down a ramp, and through a door to the left, into a prison
area. Around the corner is two buttons. The one closest to the cell opens
all the cells. The other activates a staircase. Open the cells if you want,
just watch out for the ungrateful Gran. There's a health pack in his cell.
Go up the stairs. There is a switch in the room to the right of the door.
Below this chamber is a large rising column that you will need to hitch a
ride on. Hit the switch twice to put the column into place and rush
downstairs (not into the cell area!), and jump on top of the brick. The
column will take you to a level with lots of grates in the floor. Slash the
upper left most, and drop through. Fight of the Gamorreans and drop into
the lower part of the level with the Grans and Rodians. Kill them, then
follow the passage here down to a storage room with a heavy explosive.
Return to area you dropped down from, and then go upstairs onto the rough.
You will see a jeweled dome. Use the Heavy explosive on top of the dome.

Level 6
Your first order of business: make sure Abron Mar can't leave. Walk around
the city, watching for Grans in high places with detonators. You will
probably soon find the bar where Mar hangs out. DO NOT ENTER YET. Instead,
find the other bar-like room. There are three doors that lead to it. Go
inside, where you will be attacked by pirates. There is a Blue Wrench in
here you will need to stop Mar from leaving. Pick it up. You can Force Jump
through holes in the ceiling and find an area with some supplies. Be
warned, re-enforcements will come through the doors of this area, and can
surprise you as you jump back down. Now that you have the Wrench, you've
got to find Mar's ship. It's actually not far from where Mara parked, and
it's in a similar landing bay. Enter the bay, kill pirates as you go.
There's an R-41 Starchaser here--Abron Mar's ship. Beyond this is a door.
Go inside and you will find a switch. If you have the Wrench, hitting the
space bar will turn it, causing the hangar doors to close and completing a
mission objective. On the way out of this area, beware of a squad of
hostile Storm Troopers. Time to meet Mar. Go to the bar. It's up a flight
of stairs. A Grave Tusken is passed out in an alcove next to it. Civilians
have a habit of congregating here, blocking your way. If so, fire a shot at
the wall and back out. They should panic enough to run. Or, if you're more
inclined to the Dark Side, kill 'em. Before you visit the bar, you may want
to visit the little shop next door. Behind the counter is a rifle scope,
which is very, very handy. Okay, inside the bar. There's an area in the bar
where Mar is hanging out. If you just peek around the corner, you can use
the scope to pick off his bodyguards. DO NOT SHOOT MAR. After his
bodyguards are dead, enter the room. An in-game cut scene will show him
running away. When control is returned to you, go after him. He will escape
through a hatch you cannot open. Don't worry. Turn around and go back out
through the bar. Watch out for Storm Troopers in the bar. At this point, if
they don't hate your guts already, they will now. Now amble on over to the
triangular wall. Behind these passageways is a door you couldn't open
before. The door is open now. Again, peek around the corner and use the
scope to blast his mates. Don't shoot Mar himself. After his buds are
toast, go inside the room where another in-game scene will show him
escaping. No problem. See those tubes in the corner of the room? Use them
(hit the spacebar) and they will go together. Now enter the control room,
and see two levers. Hit one, and then the other. The air car will crash
through them, ending the level. Again, there are no secrets, but here's one
that might have been: jump through this yellow wall to find some items, if
you happen to come by this room. This level doesn't have as much fighting
as other levels, and if you're careful you shouldn't get roughed up too
badly. SECRETS 0,0 FOUND

Level 7
SECRET 1: To the left of the crash is a dwelling. Enter the dwelling and
look under the ramp. You'll have to push past some civilians to collect the
items. SECRET 2: At the crash site, go right to the stairway. Above from a
balcony, where the Gran throws the T-Detonators- Kill him and Force Jump
onto the balcony (it's lit with purple & red lights). Submitted by Tony J.
Case, Super Genius Follow the city streets an you will come across a
hostile Trandoshan. Kill him and enter a strange hanger-like area with what
look like reversed ramps against the walls. Behind one is a grate. Slash
n'enter. You will come to a partially flooded hallway. Force jump to the
platforms above. Follow the ledge around the buildings until you come to
another wide-open area. Drop to city floor. Traveling along, you will come
to an area with "traffic gates" (Mara will complain that they're closed).
SECRET 3: Just before Mara talks about the traffic gates bing cut off,
there is a long hallway you have to go through that has a big arched
cieling. You open the door, and enter the courtyard where the traffic gates
are, and immediately turn left. There is a small bar. Before you walk into
it, Force jump onto the space next to the wall above. There is a grate.
Slash through it, and enter the secret area. Say hi to the ugnaught while
you're in there. Submitted by Chris Call Leap up on to the balcony to the
left of the traffic gates. You will go through a private dwelling. SECRET
4: Inside the apartment building that you go through to circumnavigate the
traffic gate, be sure to "activate" the beds. Under one is yet another
secret. Submitted by Kestrel Look out of the window of this apartment and
find enemies who will attempt to force you to eat rockets. Kill 'em and
drop down. SECRET 5: After dropping down to the street, Force Jump to the
ledge directly across from the balcony. Open the door and go down into a
private dwelling. Submitted by Glenn Abernethy SECRET 6:When you leave the
dwelling by the side door with the jagged top, look up. There is enough
room to force jump up to a ledge. It contains a baddie, with a bacta tank
and some energy. you may want to send a concussion blast or grenade up
first. Explore the various hangars on this street, maybe almost bump into
someone you know. You will come to one with an air car. This air car can
boost you to the ledge in this area, which has a grate you need to go
through. You can ascend this way after hitting a nearby switch, it is also
possible to Force Jump to it. Go through the grate, and out on to the
rooftops. SECRET 7: When you come to the rooftops from the air car hangar,
you will see a rounded roof. Walk to the other side for a backpack.
Submitted by Brian Compton Look over the ledge. You will see a group of
Storm Troopers. Pick them off, then drop down via the canopies. SECRET 8:
From here, follow the street to find an odd-shaped door. Go in, and kill
three Grans. Just above them is a fan. Force Jump through the fan. SECRET
9: Well, once you drop off this ledge that you are on in the above secrets
picture, there's an opening that leads to the ground floor of the hotel.
Inside there's a staircase leading to the second floor. Underneath the
staircase is one of the secrets, giving you a health pack and bacta tank.
Submitted by Chris Merritt SECRET 10: At the end of this street, Force Jump
through the arch. SECRET 11: Then Force Jump on this ledge where the Gran
was. Run across the bridge, hanging two lefts. Watch out for a mine around
the corner of this last turn. There are two doors in this area, but
concentrate on the room above the street. Careful use of the scope can take
care of the bad guys inside. Now, go to the two doors. Try the door on the
left. Just inside is a mine. Use a thermal detonator to blow it up. Run up
these stairs and grab the blue key. Now run back down and try the other
door. Blast the Trandoshan inside, and then open another door. There's
Abron Mar! You've got him right where you want him! Well not quite...

Level 8
Caught in a prison cell, how to escape? Use Force Pull on the passing
Gammorrean to steal his key. Quickly use it to get out of the cell.
Naturally, you have no weapons. You can beat the two Gamorreans to death
with your fists, but its safer to avoid them. You can release prisoners who
will attack the guards, but are more likely to attack you. It is possible
to avoid the slow Gamorreans. In one unoccupied cell, there is a Pry bar.
Go in and get it. In another cell, the back wall is exposed and leads to a
sewage pipe. The pipe is cracked open. Above the pipe is a small alcove
with a switch. Use the Prybar on it, then drop down into the pipe to
continue on. Go down the submerged tunnel. You will come to two different
tunnels, go up the first one. When you surface, get ready for a fight. An
in game cut scene will introduce you to the Rancor. When you're back in
control, run around the corner, up the little stream. A barred gate will
clock your way. Beyond the gate, however, is your saber. Use Force Pull.
Now fight the Rancor, but don't get too close, or it's snack time. SECRET
1: Once the Rancor is defeated, go back down the water tunnel. Turn left,
towards the tunnel you ignored earlier. At the end of that second tunnel is
grate you can now destroy thanks to your lightsaber. Go back to the Rancor
area. Now that the monster is dead, the metal gate is raised. Follow this
new tunnel until you reach a large corridor. There is a door with a power
droid in front of it. Go through this door. Kill the guard in this room,
then go through another door. Walk over the conveyer belt and grab the
droid arm in the corner of the room. SECRET 2: Under the conveyer belt you
will find a grille. Slash and drop down. Back in the corridor where you saw
the Power Droid, go into the other door. Looks like hangar of some kind.
The upper level of this room holds a door, but it's locked. Kill the
baddies and move on to the room beyond with a second door on the lower
level. Now you're in a similar area with an air car moored over water.
SECRET 3: As you enter the area, look up, at the girders at the end of the
room. See that little gap? Jump into it. Go through a door on the lower
level. Follow a staircase up to a control room, and hit the switch. This
will open up the door of the first hangar you passed through. Return to the
hangar, and go outside the open doors to the left. Soon you will find
yourself climbing into a little canyon. There's an entrance here too,
locked. Climb over the entrance and enter through a grille on the reverse
side. Inside this room is the GCT device. Grab it. Exit this room via the
door that leads to the hangar. Go out into the large corridor. A blast door
that was previously sealed is now open. Use Force Jump to get across the
room full of electrified water. SECRET 4: In the corridor on the other side
of the electrified water, there is a room with a catwalk above. Blow up the
fuel canisters to reveal the entrance to the secret. There's another room
in this area with three switches. Hit the middle switch and the switch on
the right only, then turn and go back to the water. Dive in and swim to an
underground cavern. Resurface on the other side, then run to your ride at
the dock. SECRETS: 4, 4 FOUND

Level 9
Head down to the lower level where the X-Wings are. Against one wall you
will see a window and a door. There is a switch inside which can be pulled
by the Force. Use Force pull and the X-Wings will take off. A huge elevator
will raise, exposing a grille underneath. Slash it and go through. You will
soon find yourself in a corridor. SECRET 1: At one end of the corridor is a
turret. There's a switch around the corner--press it. Now look at the base
of the turret and hit the spacebar. Have fun firing the gun. At the other
end of the corridor is a tunnel flooded with blue light, and dead soldiers
floating. Gravity has failed. Use the Jump key to ascend the tunnel.
Shortly you will pass through an area that appears to be under the floor.
There are holes near the ceiling supports to go through. Pass through
another area like this, and take an elevator up. You should soon find
yourself in the medical bay--use the medical droid if injured. There's a
set of double doors here--ignore for now. Go through the breach in the wall
instead. Take an escalator/elevator up to a control room. Kill all the
pirates, then shatter the glass (if not already smashed). Go inside and
take the key from the dead officer. Head back to the medical bay, having
first flipped the switch to order the evacuation (the panel on the wall
protected by a force field). The double doors of the medical bay are open.
Go through another set of double doors, at take one of the elevators at the
end of the corridor up. You'll soon witness an escape corridor collapse.
Mara comments that she must reconnect it. But let's grab the secret first.
SECRET 2: Jump on the tube and walk to the end, where the Alliance soldiers
are. Once on the other side, turn around and slash a metal pole supporting
the tube. Now drop down into the tube. Walk to the end of the tunnel. Be
very careful in this highly hazardous area, and don't spend a second longer
in here than you have to. Now retrace your steps to the other side. Slash
the remaining pole on top with the lightsaber. Go back to the area with the
Alliance soldiers, but do it quickly. Stray electricity makes this area
deadly. Clear the area of pirates, then find the door with the blasted
panel. Next to this is a switch that Mara can't use. SECRET 3: Try to use
the panel anyway. Now fly around the corner to a small door. An R2 unit
will come out of the door. You must get in quickly before the door closes
(there's a panel on the side to open the door from the inside). Now, crouch
down beside the R2 unit and hit the spacebar to use it. The R2 unit will go
around the corner and open the door for you. SECRET 4: I have another
secret for you. It is right after the third secret, which you go into the
R2 unit's hiding place. This one is to the right of the door. It is a
similar little compartment to the R2's one. You need to push the R2 in
front of the door then use space bar to activate the door. It may work
without pushing him up to it. Submitted by Gh0st Bear Go through the door
the R2 unit opened and come to two elevators. Ascending in these elevators
takes you near enough to a live mine to detonate it. Be sure to run clear
before it blows. Ignore the two booby-trapped doors and go into the area
with the crates. Jump to the top of the crates. The pirates will start
transporting them to their ships. Jump back down or you will carried into
the force field. SECRET 5: Using Force Sight or some other illumination,
you can see a control both in this area. The glass is smashable. Before you
go in, throw something explosive inside to trigger the mines inside. Now
back in the area where the crates were, take an elevator up. In there area
where the Jedi Holocron used to be, you will notice several grates in the
wall. We found that the easiest thing to do to get the two secrets is this:
SECRET 6: Find the grate that is partially blocked by two crates. Notice
you can push the crates out of the way. There is also a single crate in
here, push that against the pillar that contains the grate. Slash it open
and go inside to receive credit for a secret. SECRET 7: Now that you're
inside this new tunnel, Force Jump straight up. You will find yourself in a
shaft connected to all the grates that lead into the tunnel. There's a
temporary invincibility power-up here. Now follow the tunnel down until you
come to a grate at the lowest part of the level. Cut it open and drop down.
Flip all the switches in the two control rooms, and the door to the core
will open. Go inside. You will be on a catwalk. And the end of one of the
catwalk paths is a circular grate. Cut it and go in. Kill the pirates in
the zero gravity room. You will see a control room. Underneath it is a
grille. Cut it to gain access to an elevator shaft. Descend the shaft. In
this new area is an open crate. You need to get into this before it closes.
Don't waste too much time fighting everyone. Get inside the crate, and get
smuggled to the next level (Hey, didn't Katarn try this once, too?) SECRETS
7, 7 FOUND

Level 10
Hazards: Watch out for flying construction bots, the pirate equivalent of
sentries. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. There are items on
top of the large crates in the area you begin in. Go into the next room,
and hit the switch on the wall. In the next room, you will notice a blue
switch that must be turned by a blue wrench. Ignore it for now and drop
down to the next area. Before you enter the red area, there are two switch
on the wall between the doorways, one on either side. Hit them both then
run quickly across. On the other side, kill the loader bot and take the
Blue Wrench. SECRET 1: On the platform with the loader bot, turn to the
left. There's a wall you can destroy. Shoot it out and go inside. Before
re-crossing back to the other side, hit two more switches in this area. You
should now be able to float across safely. Go back to the Blue Switch and
turn it now that you have the wrench. A hatch will open. SAVE THE GAME.
Now, you must ascend to another hatch inside the this tunnel and you don't
have a second to waste, or Mara will die. The best thing to do is look up
and hit the X (jump) key to go there quickly. Open the hatch, go through,
and save again. It will probably take you a few attempt to do it. You will
follow a relatively straightforward path. Eventually, you will enter a
circular room, which requires you to jump to a platform above. On this
platform is another hatch opened by the Blue Wrench. Go through it. The
other hatch is just across the way, and not nearly as hard to get to as the
first. SECRET 2: On the other side of the hatch, you will see an armored
vest across a gap. Jump to it. Now drop down into the room below. Kill the
loader bot and take the yellow key. In the control room next to this, there
are two yellow switch on the floor. Hit them and drop on the conveyer belt.
Have your saber ready. Follow the conveyer belts, noting that they all end
at a force field. You must drop to lower levels to avoid them. Eventually
you will wind up at the bottom of a small shaft. Walk down the corridor,
watching out for electricity and Construction bots. SECRET 3: After the
tunnel full of electricity, you will enter a square but pitch-black room. I
you hit your automap, you will see four smaller squares in this room. Look
up. Those holes are those squares. Force Jump through. Walk around this new
area to get credit for the secret. SECRET 4: After the third secret Jump
back down, STOP at hole in the floor. Disable both of the two red power
vents with the lightsaber.(On the walls to your right and left.) Now you
can drop down the hole. Submitted by Sean Barnes Switches on the ceiling
will propel you back up, or you can Force Jump. Reach the end of this
corridor, then jump. Shoot like crazy. You will be an odd new area full of
pirates an floating robots, kill them all, then find the door out of this
area. This door will not open as long as the two cameras in the area are
active. Destroy them both and the door will open. In the next room, there's
an stationary cannon. When you approach one of the room exits, the door
will open and pirates will pour in. Run back to the cannon and waste them
all (you don't have to kill them this way, but it's fun). When they're
dead, go through the door next to the one you came through. You'll soon
find yourself at the end of the level. SECRETS 4, 4 FOUND

Level 11
Go into the area with the fountain. One branch from here leads to a bar
where you will be recognized. If you don't go in here, you can save
yourself a little trouble. There's not much to collect in here anyway. Go
up the huge staircase. You will cross over a bridge. Note the two balconies
over-looking the bridge. These aren't secrets, but there are many items in
them. Soon you will come to a road with a river pouring over a cliff, and
lots of huge doors. Open one of the doors to enter the market area. Clear
out the bad guys, then jump onto the roofs. You will find an area up here
that contains a pillar. Jump to it. If you just walk off the ledge, the
reduced gravity should be sufficient to get you there. Now jump of the
pillar on to the new path. Go around the pillar and hit a switch before
continuing on. Follow the black catwalk. You will soon drop down to a new
walkway, where wind tunnel attempt to blow you right out of the building.
Now would be a good time to save. SECRET 1: This one is a pain so save
first. In the hall with the black catwalk with the wind tunnels, save right
before the second set of tunnels. Pull your lightsaber, hit force speed and
wait until the wind blast just starts to die down. Run full speed into the
left tunnel (where the air source is), run forward and slash the grate.
Step in and jump into an alcove on the left before the next blast of air.
Congrats, you've found the secret. Submitted by Kevin O'Neill If you do get
blown out, there is a grille in one corner of the pool you land in. Slash
it and get sucked down. It takes you where you eventually want to go
anyway. Whatever way you go, you will soon wind up in a room full of
rushing water and levers. The first lever you pull will raise a set of
cement blocks. Jump to them. Now, use Force Pull to flip the next lever. As
the next set of blocks rise, the ones you stand on will lower. It is a good
idea to jump jest before the new blocks appear. Repeat this process until
you are on the other side. On the other side, go through a door and see a
grille. Cut it open and flood the room. Swim through. Oh wow! Look at all
the Drugons. SECRET 2: Kill all the drugons. Take a deep breath. Swim down
along the corner where you entered the aquarium. Once you reach the bottom,
swim to the right and around a small corner. You will find another grate.
Cut it open and swim through. You will find a room with a revive and a few
other powerups. Submitted by Kurt Brown Now swim to the top of the
structure. On top is a grille, cut and enter. Cool, looks just like
Marineworld or something, eh? Down this corridor you will Kaerobani's
museum. Isn't that 8t88's head? Never mind. How to get to the Holicron? In
one of these rooms is a small rectangular pool. At the bottom of this pool
is a grille. I think you know what to do by now. Water will suck you down.
When you can control you direction again, take a tunnel down. You will
emerge through a waterfall. Follow this new tunnel to a bulkhead door. Flip
the switch and go through. Quickly. You are now in the area below the
Holocron! Force Jump up to the platform. Whoa! The platform just dropped
you into a pool of water. Kill the knife-wielding guys and escape down the
corridor. Fairly linear from here. Eventually you take a large elevator up,
looking out for pirates with rail guns. Soon you will be back in the area
with the where you entered the market, near the beginning of the level. Go
back to the landing area, and go into the area with the large conveyer
belt. Follow the conveyer belt until you reach a wide-open area full of
crates. A catwalk is above this room, jump to it. Follow it to an exit.
You'll find a circular chamber guarded by pirates. Kill them and take the
stairs down, or simply drop down. Go to the bulkhead doors, hit the switch
beside them, and make your escape. SECRETS 2, 2 FOUND

Level 12
Hazards Dianogas: You will miss the merry days of Dark Forces and Shadows of
the Empire when you could use good ol' sidearms to blow Dianogas away. You
can only engage them in the water using your saber here, for reasons that
will become clear shortly after you begin the level. The trick to fighting
Dianogas is to give yourself some room. When they get into swinging
distance, swing once, then retreat. Let it come to you. If you can possibly
avoiding fighting one, do it. Swamp Wampas: Two good shots from their
mighty paws and it's goodbye cruel world. Like the Dianogas, give them
plenty of space, let them come to you and walk into a swing, then back up.
Maillocs: Hah. Lots of these, but they're the least of your worries. Try
not to get surrounded, they tend to attack in numbers. An extended swing
(the Z key swing) can take care of a bunch if you're turning while you
swing your saber. Remember, they need a second to wind up their tales
before they can inflict damage, giving you a chance to strike. Dart Vines:
These fire a kind of projectile. You can redirect it like a normal laser
blast using your saber. It's also effective to sneak up on them using
Persuasion. Ysalamiri: These creatures negate the Force within a 10-metre
radius. While they won't damage Mara, it's somewhat embarrassing to have
your invisibility stripped away while you're sneaking up on some Wampas
just because you passed one on the way. Just make sure that you're not near
one at a critical moment. You can tell if you are by a bird-like chirping.
Ysalamiri can be pushed out of the way by kneeling and walking into them.
Sinkholes: There are strong water currents in the swamp that will pull you
into vertical tunnels. Using Force Sight and the map mode, you can spot
them easily. If you do get caught in one, use Force Speed to swim out. Oh
yah, one list piffling little detail. None of your weapons, except for you
saber, are working. Level 12 Walkthrough Use Force Persuasion to get by the
statue as you begin the level. SECRET 1: Just past the first sinkhole,
you'll find a lone pillar/branch thing. To the left of this is a tunnel,
leading to a shallow pool. Inside the pool is a dianoga. Kill it and
collect the smuggler's pack at the bottom. SECRET 2: Your first "clearing"
will have a brownish crooked pillar (a tree?) in the centre. To the right
is the passage further into the level, which has a small think vine handing
from the corner. To the left is a slope, which you can use Force speed or
jump to climb. At the top is a plateau, and secret number two. SECRET 3:
You will come to an area with several vines and some Mailocs. Kill them
all, the get on to the tree. Use it as a ramp combined with Force Speed and
Jump to leap up to a ledge. There are actually two ledges, but one has a
Ysalamiri on it. You can get up enough speed to clear the first ledge, but
if you land on it, you will need to push the Ysalamiri to one edge of the
platform in order to Force jump up to the secret. Though it's not a secret,
this area has a branch on the far right which leads to a wampa cave. Kill
the wampas and there are some more items for the taking. SECRET 4: Taking
the left path from the last secret, you will enter another open valley. A
large brown tree branch and a large green branch cross the valley. Force
Jump to the brown one, then Force Jump/Speed to the brown one. Follow the
brown one to the top for a Force surge and the secret. Move a long the path
to find Kyle's shuttle. There's some goodies on the crate, but also a live
land mine. Soon after this, you will reach an apparent dead end. You will
see some statue under a rocky passage. Between the statues will be the
carving of a evil-looking face. Use Force Sight, and then hit the space bar
to flip this switch. A passage will open underwater. You'll be standing on
it when you hit it, and the hatch will slide you back. Swim down into the
underwater cavern, avoiding a dianoga. If you're in pretty good shape, kill
the dianoga, for a reason which soon become clear. Dark Mara After swimming
through the tunnel, you'll enter a kind of mini-temple by a Dark version of
Mara Jade. She's pretty tough. She'll use Blind, Jump, and especially
Lightning on you. The best tactic for killing her is to use the water to
your advantage. Fight her as you would a normal Dark Jedi, but watch out
for getting cornered in the confined spaces. Whenever you are injured and
near death, retreat to the water. Sometimes, Dark Mara won't follow. Your
mana can recuperate so you can use Healing, if you have it. If Mara does
find you here, no problem. Jump into the water (see why it's not a bad idea
to kill that Dianoga now?). Dark Mara will follow. DON'T FIGHT HER IN THE
WATER. Instead, jump back out and run up the stairs. She'll have problems
maneuvering with the tight spacing and water to slow her down. This should
give you some good attack openings. If necessary retreat back into the
chamber. Don't fight Dark Mara in the tunnel between the water and the
chamber. It's cramped, and she'll rip you a new one in no time flat.
There's Force surge power-up in here, use it wisely. Once Dark Mara is
defeated, drop down a passageway that opens up inside the chamber. SECRET
5: Just after the fight with Mara, you will come another flooded cave.
Watch out for two knife-wielding Noghri, who may be in the water. Dispose
of them and then swim down into the cavern. Slash a passage covered with
vines. Inside this new tunnel is a Dianoga. On the floor of the tunnel is a
pit leading to secret 5. SECRET 6: After you emerge from the water, you
will jump over a rock face into another open area with Wampas and plenty of
Mailocs. Kill them all, then turn around and face the way you came into the
clearing. Above the entrance to the cave is a platform with some goodies.
Force Jump towards it. You may need Speed to give you extra power for the
jump. SECRET 7: Follow the passage along until you find it split by a rock
face. The left passage has a small cavern with a much needed revive. Not
long after this, you will come to another dead end. A statue is nearby,
looking at the wall. Use Force Sight to look at the wall to expose the
passageway. SECRET 8: Now you will come to the last open area before the
temple entrance. There's large pillar here, and near that pillar is a ledge
you can Force Jump to. Do so, and find a Ysalamiri waiting on the ledge.
There's another ledge above this one, which you need Force Jump to get to,
but can't because of the Ysalamiri. By crouching and running into the
creature, you can push it. Push it out of the way on the right of the ledge
(the right assuming you're facing the wall. Move as far left as possible,
then Force Jump up. It may be possible to push the Ysalamiri off the ledge
entirely, but we haven't succeeded in doing this. From here, it's a fairly
routine trip to the Temple entrance and the end of the level. SECRETS 8, 8

Level 13
Hazards: Vornskr: This one gets my vote for the enemy you swear at most.
Vorskr are vicious wolves that can rip you to confetti in seconds. A few
tips on dealing with them: very few Force powers work on them. The only one
I could find in fact, was Destruction. They can take about two hits with a
lightsaber, so use the Z swing. Personally, I like charging them head on.
If they come to you, you're in big trouble. Oh yeah. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE
ITS ABILITY TO LEAP. You think you're safe up on that ledge, but trust me,
you ain't. You may have better luck with backing up and letting it leap
into your lightsaber swing. Either way, standing still is fatal. Level 13
Walkthrough Follow the corridor to a door. The face to the right of the
door is a switch, but it cannot be activated until you look at it with
Force Sight. By and by, you will enter what look like a great hall. SECRET
1: Enter the structure with the triangular roof. Fight all the statues
within. The room to the right of the entrance has a flooded crack. Go in
and collect a revive. Return to the main hall to find another structure
with a triangular roof. This one is flooded. Save the game before entering.
Swim down the corridor, and turn left (there's an air pocket above you here
if you need it). Swim into the little cavern below, then hang a right. A
room with another air pocket is coming up on your left. Follow a submerged
staircase to find it. SECRET 2: If you follow this tunnel all the way to
the left, you will find a ramp. Follow it and walk into the arena-like room
in front of you. there you will find the most accursed of all enemies,
THREE Vornskrs in three wall nitches. Somehow survive the Vornskrs and in
the niche on the left the wall at the back is just an illusion. Walk
through it and you will find a revive. (Use Force Sight). Submitted by
Michael Paine SECRET 3: From your air pocket, swim down to the wall with
the three carvings. The middle one, a face, is a secret. Use Force Sight to
see the entrance. Swim back to your air pocket. This next part is tricky.
The carving at the end (to left of the secret) is the way you want to go.
This carving (actually, it looks like this stone was left blank) can be
pushed (hold down the spacebar). Don't try to do it in one trip. I
recommend taking it in three stages, going back to the air pocket so you
don't drown. Force Speed will help you greatly here. Push the stone far
enough, and you can exit into a large flooded room. The exit is in the
upper left corner. Resurface in a room with two killer statues and a water
trough. At the end of the hallway from here is a door. Use Force Sight to
see the switch. Enter a two-tiered room with a Mailoc and a few of those
knife-wielding blue guys. Waste them and jump up to the second level.
Follow the floor to a dead end. Jump up through a hole in the ceiling. This
new corridor will take you along for awhile, then you drop down through
another hole. Drop into a pool and fight the statues. Notice that this room
has a ledge you can jump to. There are items scattered around the ledge,
you an also hide up here if you need to. Leave this area to come to a
corridor with four rooms attached. Kill the enemies hiding within. The last
room on the left has a carving that is actually a switch. Use Force Sight
to see and activate it. A door will open behind it. SECRET 4: Now that you
hit the switch, go back into the hall. There was a small pool of water on
the floor. If you tried to submerge here early, you found you couldn't. But
now that you've hit the switch, you can. We strongly suggest you save the
game at this point. Now go back into the room with the face-switch, and
enter the door it revealed. An elevator will take you into the water. As
soon as you hit the bottom, use Force Speed to breeze down the tunnel. You
will soon come to a room you can surface in. There are two Dianogas in this
area, get out of the water fast. Don't stay on that tiny ledge, either.
Sometimes they can get you there. Move into the corridor at the end. You
may want to save again. SECRET 5: Kill off those Dianogas (be careful!)
There's a slashable grille in their little swimming pool. Cut it and go in.
You'll soon be thrown into a pit of water, where some items are hidden. The
exit is a hatch just below the surface of the water. After you've gotten
the secret, move on from the Dianoga pool. Go across two rooms on a
collection of criss-crossing beams, into a large, purple hallway. Open the
large grey door to complete the level. SECRETS 5, 5 FOUND

Level 14
Hazards: Sith Zombies: These undead creatures fire Force Lightning. If you
have Absorb, they pose no threat whatsoever. If you don't, use their lack
of speed to your advantage. Get behind them and hit them hard. When facing
you up close, they can inflict a heap o' damage. Use your agility to keep
ahead of them. Level 14 walkthrough Run down the corridor until you reach a
room with water and two pillars. Force Jump to the top of the pillars and
collect Bacta and Force boosts. Not a secret, but you can use all the help
you can get. You will reach a huge open chamber. This is the nexus of the
level; you'll be in and out of here a lot. For now, let's take the door on
the right of this platform as you enter. Drop down into a valley with
killer kats and Mailocs. Be on your guard. SECRET 1: When you drop into the
valley, directly across from you is a ledge on the opposite wall of the
valley. Drop down onto the next ledge below you as if you were descending
into the valley normally and then turn and force jump over onto this other
side of the valley. Make your way up that ledge as the ceiling gets lower
and lower. At the end is a hole up into a cavern. Force jump up there to
get the secret and a backback. Submitted by Robert Brookshire On the other
side of this valley is a small ramp leading to a cave entrance. Go in.
You'll soon jump through a hole in the ceiling into another cavern and
fight off a Vornskr. You'll find yourself in another open cavern fending
off Mailocs and a Vornskr. Follow a side path up the valley and into a
temple corridor. There is a button here; press it. Finding these buttons is
the major focus for much of this level. Now, go through the triangular door
at the end of the hallway. Fight off two statues, then jump into the pool.
Descend until you emerge from a waterfall. Fight off two more statues.
Next, your old teacher will appear to give you another lesson. FIGHTING
DARK KYLE Kyle is a pretty good fighter. He will use Persuasion, Grip, and
Lightning. He almost always blocks the first thing you send at him, so the
trick is to have something else to follow your first shot quickly. The
elongated swing (Z keys) is good for getting Kyle to commit to a block, and
then swinging around and hitting him in the back. Fighting with Force Speed
is not a bad idea. You can also try to win the endurance race--save your
mana for Force Healing, if you have it. Notice there a Force boosts in the
corners of the room to give you an extra charge. Once you have inflicted
enough damage on Kyle, he will disappear in a blinding flash. A ledge,
previously protected by a forcefield, is now open. SECRET 2: After you beat
Kyle the first time, and jump up to the ledge with the two statues. Drop
down the Hole. Walk out, then walk back to where you landed and back real
quick to make floor go up.. have force seeing on and drop down and there's
your secret Submitted by Ron "Jix" Britz After a trip down a long corridor,
you will come to a set of chambers with two Vronskr prowling about. In one
of the chambers is an upward current. Stand inside. You will be taken up to
a room full of Dart Vines. Kill them and then go up the stairs. At the end
of the hallway, there's a button. Press it. Having done that, retreat to
the first hallway you passed when you went to press this button. Go down it
and kill a Vornskr. At the end of this long corridor is a button. Press it
and go out onto another platform in the central chamber with two statues on
it (this is just so you get your bearings). Now go back to the button and
take the other hallway, the one closest to it. You'll end up on a platform.
You can't open the doors here, but don't worry about that. Save your game
and prepare for something really dangerous. Facing the wide-open space in
front of you, you want to jump to the platform on your left. Yep, jump.
Specifically, you want to get a running start with Force Speed, and then
Force Jump. It's pretty easy once you get used to it, though expect to take
some damage when you land. You will recognize this platform as the first
one you encounter when you began the level. You went to the door on the
right of the large doors when you started. Now you want to go down the
hallway to the left of the door (You'll know it because you'll go down some
stairs and encounter a Vornskr). Follow this new tunnel to a small pool
with Force boosts set in stone. Take one or two if you need them. SECRET 3:
Jump into the pool. You'll see a face carved on the bottom. Use Force Sight
to reveal a passage way, then go down. After you get the secret, come back
up and go down a tunnel on your right. When you emerge from this corridor,
go right an press a button. Notice through a gap in the wall you can see
another chamber, where Kyle stand in the middle. Follow this gap up the
wall. You'll soon get some sage advice from Kyle. Soon you will come to a
chamber with water, three pillars, and a door with a face on it. Go through
this door. It's another large chamber with large columns. At one side of
the chamber is a carpet leading to a small grove where an elevator lands.
Destroy the statues, then notice the buttons inside each pillar. Press each
one, and the elevator will arrive. Take it up. Follow the red carpet to the
door and open it. You're now in the room you saw Kyle in. He's since
vanished. Drop down the hole in the floor. At the bottom, take either
branch down to a long, dark chamber. At the end of the corridor is a
statue. Hmm...approach it. This next part is no trouble whatever if you
have Absorb. Activate it, and then kill the undead warriors. They won't be
able harm you. If you don't have Absorb, run like the wind. You will need
to carefully kill them one at a time, frequently retreating to heal
yourself. However you do it, finish off the undead. The last coffin to the
left of the chamber as you enter has a hole in it, flooded. Go down it.
Resurface in a corridor much like the ones you seen before. An undead
warrior is here. Chop him up and then follow the corridor to a button.
Press it. Now, you have a choice of tunnels. Go down the one that leads to
a flooded cavern. Down below is another tunnel. Get to that tunnel. Be
warned that there is a Dianoga in the water. SECRET 4: If you go into the
water with the Dianoga, there is a crack in the floor. If you go down it
you can find a revive. Submitted by Rob Porter Taking this new path, you
will be on the platform in the central area with the two statues. Things
have changed now. There's new carvings on the wall, and a new button. If
you press space bar in front of the carvings, you will change the carving.
If you press a button, it will either help you open the doors, or it will
fire lightning at you. If you have Absorb, now's the time to have it active
in case you make a mistake. Hit the carving on the right ONCE. Press the
button. Doors should open, but a Force field prevents you from entering.
Now change the carvings again. This time the hooded guy (left) will be
holding his saber in front of him, while the bald guy has his saber down
and his hand raised. Press the button. The doors will open a little more.
Now change the carvings so that both guy have sabers raised over their
heads. Press the button. Defeat the two statues (why not send the flying
with Force Push)? Then take the elevator in front of the throne down.
There's a button on the wall. Use Force Sight to see it and push it. A
bridge will slowly stretch out to the platform in the middle of the
chamber. Get on the platform and take it down. It's almost time for the
final showdown. Kyle will appear, and present you with an ultimatum. When
he's finished, turn your back to him, and walk off the platform. Defeating
Dark Kyle "There are alternatives to fighting." -Obi-Wan Kenobi Kyle sure
takes a beating, doesn't he? I fought for close to a half-hour before I
realized what I was doing wrong. Kyle is not like Jerec or those other Dark
Jedi creampuffs. You can't beat him in a fight. There's only one way to
stop him, and no amount of ammo or lightsaber attacks will do it. You need
to telefrag him. To do this, you must-- SMACK SMACK SMACK Sorry, wrong
game. Run around the room and examine everything closely. Notice the
painting on the wall. Give you any ideas? Turn off your light saber. Stand
beneath the portrait. Kyle doesn't have the heart to kill you if you won't
fight. SECRETS 4, 4 FOUND

I recommend maxxing out force jump, health, sabre throw, protection and
destruction. Spread the other force stars out where you desire. Force
destruction, sabre throw and health are crucial in the later missions -
Skotty Flynn

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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