Emperor - Battle for Dune

Emperor - Battle for Dune

16.10.2013 19:53:54
=- Emperor: Battle For Dune (PC) -=

Written By: Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman

GUIDE TYPE ......................... FAQ/Walkthrough
FILE SIZE ................................... 149 KB
FIRST RELEASED ....................... June 24, 2002
LAST UPDATED .................... September 26, 2004
LATEST VERSION ................................ 1.18



1) Version History
2) Story
3) Game Overview
[3.1] Interface
[3.2] Building Structures & Units
[3.3] Gathering Resources
[3.4] Wormsign & Sandstorms
[3.5] Unit Veternancy
[3.6] Structure/Unit Data Explanation
[3.7] Scoring Table
[3.8] Shortcut Keys
4) House Atreides Overview
[4.1] House Advantage
[4.2] Structures
[4.3] Infantry
[4.4] Vehicles
5) House Harkonnen Overview
[5.1] House Advantage
[5.2] Structures
[5.3] Infantry
[5.4] Vehicles
6) House Ordos Overview
[6.1] House Advantage
[6.2] Structures
[6.3] Infantry
[6.4] Vehicles
7) Sub-House Overview
[7.1] Introduction
[7.2] Fremen
[7.3] Guild
[7.4] Imperial Sardaukar
[7.5] Ix
[7.6] Tleilaxu
8) Atreides Campaign
9) Harkonnen Campaign
10) Ordos Campaign
11) Downloads
12) Credits
13) Contact/Legal Information


VERSION 1.18 - SEPTEMBER 26, 2004
Updated e-mail address.

VERSION 1.17 - DECEMBER 8, 2003
Revised the file's format, and adjusted the number of characters per line.

VERSION 1.07 - APRIL 27, 2003
Added an extra tidbit about Duke Achillus at the beginning of the
House Atreides section.

VERSION 1.06 - FEBRUARY 28, 2003
Added a piece of information on the refinery upgrades.

VERSION 1.05 - OCTOBER 14, 2002
Updated contact information and made a few other changes.

VERSION 1.0 - JUNE 24, 2002
First (and complete, too!) version of the guide. As a note, there may
be some inaccuracies with the unit/structure data, but the majority of
the information is correct.

=- 2) STORY -=
Emperor's storyline, from the instruction manual...

The planet Arrakis, also known as Dune, is home to the Spice Melange. Spice
is the most powerful substance in the known universe. With it comes the abil-
ity to prolong human life, give Future Sight to the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood,
and fold space, allowing interstellar travel. Many battles have been fought
to control this precious substance, but Dune and the Spice have remained under
the control of House Corrino until now.

Seeking to secure his position as Emperor of the Known Universe, Emperor
Frederick IV of House Corrino initiated a grand battle between the next three
great Houses for control of the governorship of Arrakis. Frederick had hoped
that the other Houses would destroy each other and that he, along with his
feared Sardaukar, could wipe out any remaining forces. This would have ensured
that no one faction had enough power to usurp his position. What he didn't
foresee was that his concubine, Lady Elara Moray Trieu of the Bene Gesserit,
had plans of her own. She conspired to assassinate Frederick and bring Dune
under the control of a more peacful ruling body, which she hoped would ensure
an endless availability of Spice to her Sisterhood.

Now with the death of the emperor through the machinations of the Lady
Elara, the battle to control Dune has escalated. A civil war is brewing. The
elite forces of the emperor, the Sardaukar, are without direction, becoming
mercenary and siding with whoever holds the most power. A new emperor must be

Needing a ruling body to maintain order, the remaining three great Houses
each seek to fill the void by gaining control of the emperor's throne. Each
House now fights to controls the most territories on Dune, for whoever con-
trols the spice, controls the universe. Who will it be? The noble Atreides
of the peaceful water world Caladan? The evil Harkonnen, who hail from the
dark and cruel planet Giedi Prime? Or the insidious Ordos of the mysterious
ice-covered world Draconis IV? It may be none at all. As the three Houses
begin their war, the smaller Houses are making their own plans and are poised
to take advantage of any weaknesses shown by the great Houses. Only military
prowess and time will decide the fate of Arrakis, and the universe...

This sections explains the basics of Emperor and a few other things.

<<< [3.1] INTERFACE >>>
Any Command & Conquer players will have absolutely no trouble jumping into
Emperor. On the right side of the screen, you will find the sidebar. The left
column lists available structures that can be built, and the right has your
units. The radar screen in the upper-right is open when you have an Outpost
built. Use it to track your units and the enemy's units. Yellow dots on the
radar indicate sandstorms and worms. In special circumstances, you might find
a yellow flashing box on the radar screen, indicating important information
can be found there. You caN hit Space to hop directly to that spot.

Standard RTS mechanics here. Click a structure on the sidebar to start its
construction. Once its done, you can place it on the battlefield. The outline
of the building comes in three colors: yellow (structure's front), green
(buildable), and red (unbuildable). If even one square is red, you cannot
deploy the structure. Either move it to an area out of any obstacles, or place
it closer to your base. One useful trick is rotating the building's placement.
Hold down the left-mouse button and drag it to the direction you want the
building to face.

Units are trained at three different structures. Barracks create infantry,
Factories make vehicles, and Hangars construct aircraft. Because of this
setup, you are allowed to build a soldier, vehicle, and an aircraft all at the
same time. However, deploying additional Barracks, etc. does not enable you to
train multiple units of an identical type at once, nor does it shorten
production time.

Resource gathering works the same as it did in Dune 2000 and other C&C
games. When a Refinery is constructed, a Carryall and a Spice Harvester comes
with it for free. The Carryall transports the Harvester to a spice field. It
collects spice, is flown back to the Refinery, and dumps off the spice.
Remember a Carryall is not totally necessary to have, however it makes
accumulating money quicker.

A single Refinery is capable of being upgraded twice. Each time adds an
extra ramp (which also comes with a Carryall and Harvester). Although this
takes up less space, losing the entire Refinery will be costly.

If you're not playing on a map with an Arrakis tileset (and thusly cannot
build a refinery), you're given a payment of $10,000-$20,000 every 10 minutes
or so. Your Mentat will inform you when this happens. You don't need to do
anything special to be paid; just stay alive!

If you've played Dune II/Dune 2000, you should remember the oh-so-lovable
worm attacks. And they're back! ^_^ Randomly on Arrakis maps, worms will
appear and devour your or the enemy's units. There are two "styles" of
attacks. The first is where a worm crawls on the desert surface and chases
after a unit until it's eaten. The second is a worm that suddenly pops out
of the ground and consumes whatever was sitting on its mouth. It's possible
to take out the worm with your attacks, but you probably won't have enough
time. If you see a sandworm on the surface pursueing your units, just
sacrifice a cheap vehicle by driving it into the worm's mouth. Doing this
causes the worm to return underground.

To go along with the sandworms, sandstorms were added. Again, these only
appear on Arrakis maps. These storms damage anything it touches, be it
infantry or structures. Keep in mind infantry have very little protection
against them, so move the units out of the way if possible. There's no way to
eliminate the storm...you have to wait it out!

<<< [3.5] UNIT VETERANCY >>>
As in Red Alert 2, units obtain ranks through fighting on the battlefield.
In Emperor, a unit goes through three different ranks, indicated by the number
of chevrons (1 to 3). Each chevron acquired adds new abilities (Self-Repair,
Stealth, etc.) or upgrades armor, damage, or range.

Listed in the data for units in this guide is the number of points needed to
reach a certain veternancy level. Each unit is worth a certain amount of
points when destroyed. If a unit racks up enough points, it goes up in rank.
For example, an Atreides Sniper needs 4 pts. to reach the first veternancy
level. This can be reached by having it kill two Chemical Troopers (each worth
2 pts.), 4 Scouts, or whatever combination that adds up to 4.

If you don't understand what the statistics mean in the structures and units
sections, here's a listing of what they stand for. Some categories apply to
both units and buildings, and some apply only to units OR buildings.

Health: Unit's/Building's HP. If it reaches 0, it's gone.

Cost: Amount of money (Solaris) needed to construct/train.

Buildtime: Amount of time it takes to construct/train. Every 32 "units" of
buildtime equals about 1 second of real-time with the game speed
set at 4.

Power: Amount of power a building produces or uses. "+0" means the building
doesn't create or use up any power.

Upgradeable: Is the building upgradeable, or not?

Upgrade Cost: How much Solaris it costs to upgrade.

Upgrade Buildtime: Length of time it takes to upgrade.

Infantry Released: Amount of basic infantry units are released when the
building is destroyed or sold.

Prerequisites: Structures needed to construct/train this.

Tech Level: Level on the game's tech tree.

Armor Type: Type of armor used. There are a couple armor types not listed in
this guide, but the majority are covered in the data.

Sight Range: Amount of cells a unit can see from a position.

Speed: Movement rating of the unit.

Veternancy Bonuses: The bonuses a unit receives if it racks up enough points.
The "pts." listed is the amount needed to reach that

Weapon Damage: Amount of HP damage a unit deals with an attack.

Weapon Range: Amount of cells a unit can attack from.

Rate of Fire: Measurement of how fast a unit attacks.

Damage vs. Armor: Amount of HP damage done to certain armor types.

<<< [3.7] SCORING TABLE >>>
This table lists what values the buildings and units are the final battle
score. You can also use this data to help figure out how fast you can increase
the veternancy level of units.

--------------------------- ---------------------------
Name Points | Name Points |
--------------------------- ---------------------------
Barracks 3 | Engineer 2 |
Construction Yard 4 | Infantry 2 |
Factory 4 | Kindjal Infantry 2 |
Hangar 4 | Scout 1 |
Landing Pad 2 | Sniper 2 |
Machinegun Post 3 ---------------------------
Outpost 3 | Advanced Carryall 3 |
Palace 4 | Air Drone 2 |
Refinery 4 | APC 3 |
Rocket Turret 3 | Carryall 3 |
Starport 4 | Harvester 4 |
Wall 0 | MCV 4 |
Windtrap 2 | Minotaurus 4 |
| Mongoose 3 |
| Ornithopter 3 |
| Repair Vehicle 3 |
| Sand Bike 2 |
| Sonic Tank 4 |

--------------------------- ------------------------------
Name Points | Name Points |
--------------------------- ------------------------------
Barracks 3 | Engineer 2 |
Construction Yard 4 | Flamethrower Infantry 2 |
Factory 4 | Light Infantry 2 |
Flame Turret 3 | Scout 1 |
Gun Turret 3 | Trooper 2 |
Hangar 4 ------------------------------
Landing Pad 2 | Advanced Carryall 3 |
Outpost 3 | Air Defense Platform 2 |
Palace 4 | Assault Tank 4 |
Refinery 4 | Buzzsaw 2 |
Starport 4 | Carryall 3 |
Wall 0 | Devastator 4 |
Windtrap 2 | Flame Tank 3 |
| Gunship 3 |
| Harvester 4 |
| Inkvine Catapault 3 |
| MCV 4 |
| Missile Tank 4 |

--------------------------- ---------------------------
Name Points | Name Points |
--------------------------- ---------------------------
Barracks 3 | AA Trooper 2 |
Construction Yard 4 | Chemical Trooper 2 |
Factory 4 | Engineer 2 |
Gas Turret 3 | Mortar Infantry 2 |
Hangar 4 | Saboteur 2 |
Landing Pad 2 | Scout 1 |
Outpost 3 ---------------------------
Palace 4 | Advanced Carryall 3 |
Pop-up Turret 3 | Anti-Aircraft Mine 2 |
Refinery 4 | APC 3 |
Starport 4 | Carryall 3 |
Wall 0 | Deviator 4 |
Windtrap 2 | Dust Scout 3 |
| Eye in the Sky 3 |
| Harvester 4 |
| Kobra 4 |
| Laser Tank 3 |
| MCV 4 |

--------------------------- ---------------------------
Name Points | Name Points |
--------------------------- ---------------------------
Fremen Camp 4 | Fremen Fedaykin 0 |
Guild Palace 4 | Fremen Warrior 0 |
House of Ix 4 | Guild Maker 0 |
Sardaukar Barracks 4 | Guild NIAB Tank 0 |
Tleilaxu Flesh Vat 4 | Ixian Infiltrator 0 |
| Ixian Proj. Tank 0 |
| Sardaukar 0 |
| Sardaukar Elite 0 |
| Tleilaxu Contam. 0 |
| Tleilaxu Leech 0 |

<<< [3.8] SHORTCUT KEYS >>>
Although it is not necessary to know the shortcut keys, they can certainly
make your control of the battlefield more efficient.

View Commands
Scroll View Arrow keys
Rotate View Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow Key; Hold Right + Left Mouse
buttons and drag
Zoom Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow Key
Move to home base H
Reset Camera Home
Go to Radar Alert Space
Follow Unit F
Define Bookmark Ctrl + F1 to F10
Move to Bookmark F1 to F10

Unit Orders
Stop S
Guard G
Scatter X
Deploy D
Cheer C
Retreat to Base R
Retreat from Map Shift + R
Formation Move Hold J while giving an order
Force Attack Hold Ctrl and select target
Force Move Hold Alt and select destination

Unit Selection & Teams
Multiple Selection Hold Shift and select
Define Current Selection as Team Ctrl + 1 to 9
Select Defined Team 1 to 9
Find Team Alt + 1 to 9
Clear Group (nothing selected) Ctrl + 1 to 9
Next Unit N
Previous Unit M
Cycle Elite Units Y
Type Select T (press once for onscreen, twice for
entire map)
Select All Armed Units P (press once for onscreen, twice for
entire map)

Chat and Misc.
Ally with Opponent A (multiplayer only)
Unit Transfer O (co-op campaign only)
Options Menu Escape
Chat (all players) Return/Enter
Chat (allies) Backspace
Chat (player of selected units) \
Diplomacy Screen Tab

This section covers general information on House Atreides.

<<< [4.1] HOUSE ADVANTAGE >>>
The Atreides advantage over the other houses is found in its infantry.
Whenever an Atreides infantry reaches an elite status (3 chevrons), you have
the option of sending the unit into your Barracks. You lose that unit, but you
can now train that particular infantry with a one chevron ranking at no extra
cost. Repeat this process two more times, and you can train an infantry unit
at an elite status! Very useful for Snipers.

On a totally unrelated note, pay attention to Duke Achillus. Recognize him?
The Duke is actually Michael Dorn, better known as Worf from Star Trek, among
other roles (including the cartoon character I.M. Weasel).

<<< [4.2] STRUCTURES >>>
Atreides Construction Yard
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: None
Cost: N/A Tech Level: 0
Buildtime: N/A Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $600
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Your base of operations. Without this, you can't construct any buildings.
You can move the Yard to a new location by selecting it and ordering it to
travel there. This unpacks the building into an MCV. The MCV can be deployed
back into a Construction Yard. Due to its importance, the Con. Yard is
extremely difficult to destroy without several units to do it.

Atreides Windtrap
Health: 1,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: +100 Infantry Released: 1

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Windtraps are the equivalent of Power Plants. These structures are cheap and
don't take long to build. Keep in mind it doesn't take much to eliminate them,
especially if they're concentrated in a small zone. Watch your power meter in
the upper-right corner! Reaching "low power" disables your radar and defenses.

Atreides Barracks
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 309 Armor Type: Building
Power: -20 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $800
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

This trains your infantry. With no upgrade, you can make Scouts, Infantry,
and Snipers. The upgrade adds Engineers and Kindjal Infantry. As Atreides,
you can send in elite infantry to upgrade the ranking of the units when
they're built.

Atreides Wall
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $20 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 60 Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 0

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Walls help prevent certain infantry and vehicles from running amok through
your base. However, there are units that are capable of demolishing your walls
with little effort. When you select the wall from the sidebar, you can place
an entire line of wall sections instead of having to place each piece one by
one (talk about tedious...).

Atreides Refinery
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes (twice)
Upgrade Cost: $1,200 (-20 Power)
Upgrade Buildtime: 720

On Arrakis tileset maps, the Refinery is used to gather spice to add to your
treasury of Solaris. A Carryall and a Harvester is included with a Refinery.
To help speed up money collection, this structure is upgradeable to a total of
three Harvester drop-off ramps.

Atreides Factory
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Factories produce your vehicles (no aircraft). At first, only Sand Bikes,
Mongooses, Spice Harvesters, and MCVs are allowed to be built. The upgrade
adds the Minotaurus and APC. Deploying a Starport supplies the Sonic Tank to
your list.

Atreides Outpost
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: -60 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Although you will have a radar screen even without the Outpost, it doesn't
display the location of any units. Building this structure allows the radar
screen to show the units in a color-coded manner. You won't get too far
without this.

Atreides Hangar
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $1,300 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 540 Armor Type: Building
Power: -50 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The Hangar builds aircraft units. Upon construction, only Carryalls and Air
Drones are buildable. The upgrade adds the Ornithopter and the Advanced

Atreides Machinegun Post
Health: 2,700 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Barracks
Cost: $550 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Heavy
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 25
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [45%]; Medium [35%]; Heavy [20%];
Walls [30%]; Harvester [35%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [30%]

This is your basic line of defense against infantry and light vehicles. The
fact that it requires no power to operate makes the Machinegun Post very
useful. It cannot shoot down aircraft, so you will other units or a Rocket
Turret to cover that.

Atreides Rocket Turret
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard (upgraded),
Cost: $1,200 Barracks
Buildtime: 309 Tech Level: 4
Power: -75 Armor Type: Heavy
Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 250 Weapon Range: 12 Rate of Fire: 45
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

The Rocket Turret does poorly against infantry but rips through medium and
heavy armored vehicles. The turret can also blast aircraft out of the sky. The
power requirements are steep at -75. Putting several turrets down will require
a lot of Windtraps!

Atreides Landing Pad
Health: 2,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Hangar
Cost: $800 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: -30 Infantry Released: 1

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

The Landing Pad is where your Ornithopters reload their ammunition. Because
all this building does is resupply ammo, you do not need to deploy a separate
Landing Pad for every aircraft in your army.

Atreides Starport
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Hangar
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -100 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

The Starport is used for ordering any vehicles (land or air) from the CHOAM
(that's Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles for you Dune fans) company.
You can obtain any vehicle, even if you don't have the buildings normally
required for making them. The catch is you can only queue up to 5 units per
order, and the prices of them are random. That means you may end up paying
more or less for units. You also have to wait some time before the delivery
reaches the Starport.

Atreides Palace
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Starport
Cost: $1,600 Tech Level: 8
Buildtime: 1,080 Armor Type: Building
Power: -150 Infantry Released: 4

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Hawk Strike
Buildtime: 4,536 Weapon Damage: 0
Weapon Blast Radius: 4

Having this building in your possession gives you the ability to use the
Atreides superweapon, the Hawk Strike. It requires the most power to stay
online, and it's almost as tough as a Construction Yard.

The Hawk Strike attack confuses a group of enemy units into "retreating" off
the map. The weapon continuously affects the area you selected for a few
seconds. So, any other units that move under the hawk will also be confused.
This is useful if you find an army of tighly packed units heading your away.
Realize the hawk effect can wear off before those units can disappear off the

<<< [4.3] UNITS >>>
Atreides Scout
Health: 200 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $30 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 65 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 20 Speed: 7
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The sole purpose of the Scout is for recon. He's fast and can reveal a lot
of ground on the map in little time. However, the Scout has no weapon and
extremely low HP.

Atreides Infantry
Health: 800 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $60 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 87 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 7 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (5 pts.) - +200 Health, Extra Damage
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 219 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Your basic soldier. Like in other C&C games, massing large amounts of
Infantry can pose a threat (assuming tanks don't mow 'em down). Their rifles
barely harm Spice Harvesters and structures.

Atreides Sniper
Health: 600 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $150 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 99 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 15 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (12 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (30 pts.) - Stealth

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 12 Rate of Fire: 76
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [8%]; Medium [5%]; Heavy [2%];
Walls [1%]; Harvester [2%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [3%]

Think of the British Sniper from Red Alert 2 in a weaker form. His sniper
rifle has a long range and can kill or cripple any infantry in one or two
shots. I would recommend placing a couple of Snipers on clifftops around your
base, as they gain an advantage with terrain elevation.

Atreides Engineer
Health: 400 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 350 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Engineers serves the same purpose he always has. He can instantly
restore a building's health to full, although he "sacrifices" himself in the
process. He's also capable of capturing enemy structures. Unlike Red Alert,
an Engineer can take over a building regardless of its HP. Engineers have the
ability to remove any leeches attached to vehicles.

Atreides Kindjal Infantry
Health: 600 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $150 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 144 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 10 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (2 pts.) - +200 Health, Extra Damage
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage

Undeployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 100 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Deployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 500 Weapon Range: 12 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [100%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [85%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [50%]

Pair up Kindjal Infantry with Snipers, and you have some decent defenses
against both infantry and vehicles. Kindjal soldiers have two modes.
Undeployed, they use a pistol that's pretty pitiful even against infantry.
Deployed, they switch to a mortar cannon. As one would expect, this cannon is
damaging against vehicles. Kindjal Infantry are very slow and cannot even move
while deployed.

<<< [4.4] VEHICLES >>>
Atreides Sand Bike
Health: 1,200 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $300 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 150 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (8 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Extra Speed
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Range

Weapon Damage: 350 Weapon Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

The Sand Bike is excellent for recon and attacking against infantry. Its
fast speed is another plus. Leave the heavier units to the Mongoose and

Atreides Mongoose
Health: 1,600 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $800 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 460 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 10
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Range
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 425 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

The Mongoose works nicely against heavy armor. Its ability to hit aircraft
makes it a useful asset as a portable SAM site. This can save some extra cash
and power over using Rocket Turrets.

Atreides APC
Health: 1,200 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $600 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 12
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (8 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Extra Speed
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 219 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

If you need to transport some soldiers, this is the way to go! The APC can
carry up to 5 infantry at one time. It's slower than the Ordos version but
makes up for it in armor. You can use the Advanced Carryall to make movement
even easier for the APC. Don't expect the APC's weapon to be of much use to

There's an easy method to turn the APC into an excellent scout! Simply have
at least one Scout inside the unit (any infantry would work, but the Scout
works best). The APC now has the sight range of the Scout!

Atreides Repair Vehicle
Health: 1,100 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $650 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 8
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

Because Atreides vehicles can't regenerate their health, Repair Vehicles are
needed. These deploy a claw that gradually restores any vehicle's HP. Send a
few of these as support for your forces.

Atreides Minotaurus
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $1,300 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 8
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor, Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 16 Rate of Fire: 120
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

Your main demolition crew. The Minotaurus is slow and highly protected. It
uses a long-range artillery cannon of sorts and can launch up to 4 rounds at a
time. Each round does significant splash damage, yet this attack is really
inaccurate. Use the Minotaurus to eliminate cannon defenses. Usually you can
find a blind spot where you can attack the turret and not get pummeled

Atreides Sonic Tank
Health: 2,000 Prerequisites: Factory, Starport
Cost: $1,400 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 648 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (13 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (30 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (60 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Range

Weapon Damage: 900 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 45
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [80%]; Medium [80%]; Heavy [80%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [20%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [10%]

Not quite as heavily armored as the Minotaurus, the Sonic Tank is just as
powerful. Its sonic cannon is effective against any infantry and vehicle.
However...the tank's weapon cannot be fired on the move and must line up with
the target before attacking.

Atreides Spice Harvester
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 504 Armor Type: Harvester
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Spice Harvester operates like you would think. Its move out onto the
spice field and collects Melange, which is then processed in your Refinery
into Solaris. Each harvester can hold up to $700 in spice. Obviously, this
unit is always open to the dangers of sandworms. Build a sufficient supply of
Carryalls to help prevent the lost of harvesters.

Atreides MCV
Health: 4,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 14 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) can deploy into a Construction Yard
in a few seconds. To "undeploy" the Con. Yard, select it and order it to move.
It folds back up into an MCV. Have an extra one of these handy in the event
your Construction Yard is destroyed.

Atreides Air Drone
Health: 1,200 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $800 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Aircraft
Sight Range: 10 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Range
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 800 Weapon Range: 15 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [60%]; Medium [70%]; Heavy [75%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [100%]; Building [70%]

The Air Drone is primarily for defending against other aircraft. This unit
is not capable of hitting ground targets. This aircraft can fight while
moving, making it excellent for taking out Carryalls and the like. It's
extremely fast and can outrun most ground-to-air attacks. The Air Drone also
has some potential for recon.

Atreides Carryall
Health: 1,600 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $1,100 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 450 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 0 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Carryall simply picks up Spice Harvesters to and from the spice fields.
It won't take much power to knock one out of the sky. There's one key fact to
remember: if the Carryall is destroyed while possessing a harvester, the
Carryall AND the harvester are gone.

Atreides Ornithopter
Health: 1,600 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Aircraft
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Speed
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 200 Weapon Range: 12 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [60%]; Medium [70%]; Heavy [75%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [100%]; Building [70%]

You will probably make more use out of the Ornithopter than the Air Drone.
A small group is great for ambushing units that can't hit aerial units and/or
undefended portions of a base. Like most aircraft, they're weak to almost any
attacks. Keep an eye on the Ornithoper's ammo supply! Have them reload at
Landing Pads.

Atreides Advanced Carryall
Health: 900 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $1,800 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 648 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 17
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

This version of the Carryall can up pick any vehicle, not just harvesters.
The Advanced Carryall costs $700 more and has 700 less HP compared to its
normal counterpart. One function you might not know at first is its ability to
collect enemy units. There is a slightly delay when attempting to do this.

This section covers general information on House Harkonnen.

<<< [5.1] HOUSE ADVANTAGE >>>
Harkonnen troops are trained under harsh conditions and always do their best
while fighting. So, as a result, Harkonnen units never suffer from a slowdown
penalty when under fire. If you watch the units of the Atreides and Ordos,
they crawl or travel slower after taking a couple solid hits.

This House lacks a repair vehicle and regeneration technology, but almost
all units are given the self-repair ability at their second level of

<<< [5.2] STRUCTURES >>>
Harkonnen Construction Yard
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: None
Cost: N/A Tech Level: 0
Buildtime: N/A Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $600
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Your base of operations. Without this, you can't construct any buildings.
You can move the Yard to a new location by selecting it and ordering it to
travel there. This unpacks the building into an MCV. The MCV can be deployed
back into a Construction Yard. Due to its importance, the Con. Yard is
extremely difficult to destroy without several units to do it.

Harkonnen Windtrap
Health: 1,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: +100 Infantry Released: 1

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Windtraps are the equivalent of Power Plants. These structures are cheap and
don't take long to build. Keep in mind it doesn't take much to eliminate them,
especially if they're concentrated in a small zone. Watch your power meter in
the upper-right corner! Reaching "low power" disables your radar and defenses.

Harkonnen Barracks
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 309 Armor Type: Building
Power: -20 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $800
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

This trains your infantry. With no upgrade, you can make Scouts, Light
Infantry, and Troopers. The upgrade adds Engineers and Flamethrower Infantry.

Harkonnen Wall
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $20 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 60 Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 0

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Walls help prevent certain infantry and vehicles from running amok through
your base. However, there are units that are capable of demolishing your walls
with little effort. When you select the wall from the sidebar, you can place
an entire line of wall sections instead of having to place each piece one by
one (talk about tedious...).

Harkonnen Refinery
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes (twice)
Upgrade Cost: $1,200 (-20 Power)
Upgrade Buildtime: 720

On Arrakis tileset maps, the Refinery is used to gather spice to add to your
treasury of Solaris. A Carryall and a Harvester is included with a Refinery.
To help speed up money collection, this structure is upgradeable to a total of
three Harvester drop-off ramps.

Harkonnen Factory
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Factories produce your vehicles (no aircraft). At first, only Assault Tanks,
Buzzsaws, Spice Harvesters, and MCVs are allowed to be built. The upgrade adds
the Inkvine Catapault, Flametank, and Missile Tank. Deploying a Starport
supplies the Devastator to your list.

Harkonnen Outpost
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: -60 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Although you will have a radar screen even without the Outpost, it doesn't
display the location of any units. Building this structure allows the radar
screen to show the units in a color-coded manner. You won't get too far
without this.

Harkonnen Hangar
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $1,300 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 540 Armor Type: Building
Power: -50 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The Hangar builds aircraft units. Upon construction, only Carryalls and Air
Defense Platforms are buildable. The upgrade adds the Gunship and the Advanced

Harkonnen Flame Turret
Health: 2,700 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $550 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Heavy
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 500 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [20%]; Medium [15%]; Heavy [3%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [15%]

The Flame Turret is quite effective against mobs of infantry but merely
scorches the shells of vehicles. The no power requirement will make this your
best defense against soldiers.

Harkonnen Gun Turret
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard (upgraded),
Cost: $1,200 Barracks
Buildtime: 309 Tech Level: 4
Power: -75 Armor Type: Heavy
Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 400 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 100
Damage vs. Armor: None [30%]; Light [65%]; Medium [70%]; Heavy [80%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [20%]; Aircraft [100%]; Building [15%]

The Gun Turret is used to defend against vehicles and aircraft. Its shots do
more damage than the Atreides Rocket Turret, but its fire rate is much slower.
So, you may want to have extra units to back up the Gun Turret.

Harkonnen Landing Pad
Health: 2,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Hangar
Cost: $800 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: -30 Infantry Released: 1

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

The Landing Pad is where your Gunships reload their ammunition. Because all
this building does is resupply ammo, you do not need to deploy a separate
Landing Pad for every aircraft in your army.

Harkonnen Starport
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Hangar
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -100 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

The Starport is used for ordering any vehicles (land or air) from the CHOAM
(that's Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles for you Dune fans) company.
You can obtain any vehicle, even if you don't have the buildings normally
required for making them. The catch is you can only queue up to 5 units per
order, and the prices of them are random. That means you may end up paying
more or less for units. You also have to wait some time before the delivery
reaches the Starport.

Harkonnen Palace
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Starport
Cost: $1,600 Tech Level: 8
Buildtime: 1,080 Armor Type: Building
Power: -150 Infantry Released: 4

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Death Hand Missile Explosion
Buildtime: 5,184 Weapon Damage: 5,000
Weapon Blast Radius: 3
Damage vs. Armor: None [90%]; Light [60%]; Medium [60%]; Heavy [60%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [60%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [75%]

Death Hand Missile Radiation
Buildtime: N/A Weapon Damage: 15
Weapon Blast Radius: 10
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [50%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [50%];
Walls [10%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [10%]

Having this building in your possession gives you the ability to use the
Harkonnen superweapon, the Death Hand Missile. It requires the most power to
stay online, and it's almost as tough as a Construction Yard.

The Death Hand Missile operates similar to the Soviet Nuclear Missile found
in Red Alert 2. However, for this weapon, the radiation lasts a very long
period of time, making it even more deadly. You will find it useful if the
enemy masses several buildings or units in a small area. If you see the
opponent puts all of his Windtraps in one spot, this missile can help you
sabotage his power supply. Then you can move in while his defenses are down!
One tip is to remember the radiation doesn't affect structures, except for
defensive ones (Rocket Turret, Gas Turret, etc.).

<<< [5.3] INFANTRY >>>
Harkonnen Scout
Health: 200 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $30 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 86 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 20 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The sole purpose of the Scout is for recon. He's fast and can reveal a lot
of ground on the map in little time. However, the Scout has no weapon and
extremely low HP.

Harkonnen Light Infantry
Health: 600 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $50 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 87 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (3 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 219 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Your basic soldier. Like in other C&C games, massing large amounts of Light
Infantry can pose a threat (assuming tanks don't mow 'em down). Their rifles
barely harm Spice Harvesters and structures. Light Infantry have 200 less HP
compared to Atreides Infantry.

Harkonnen Trooper
Health: 300 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $90 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 99 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 375 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 100
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

Troopers are a bit of a combination between Atreides Kindjal Infantry and
Ordos AA Troopers. They do decent damage against both aircraft and land
vehicles. As a drawback, their HP is almost as low as a Scout's, and the rate
of fire isn't too hot, either.

Harkonnen Engineer
Health: 600 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 350 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (2 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (6 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (12 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 100 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 45
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [60%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Yes, folks, we have an Engineer with a weapon! Granted, it's not very
effective, but it's better than nothing. ^_^ He can instantly restore a
building's health to full, although he "sacrifices" himself in the process.
He's also capable of capturing enemy structures. Unlike Red Alert, an Engineer
can take over a building regardless of its HP. Engineers have the ability to
remove any leeches attached to vehicles.

Harkonnen Flamethrower Infantry
Health: 800 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $150 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 144 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 250 Weapon Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [20%]; Medium [15%]; Heavy [3%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [15%]

You can always tell when there's Flamethrower Infantry by the large tank on
their backs... Their flamethrowers rip through packs of foot soldiers with
relative ease. Back them up with Troopers or other units in case they
encounters enemy land vehicles.

<<< [5.4] VEHICLES >>>
Harkonnen Buzzsaw
Health: 1,300 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $350 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 180 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 12
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (8 pts.) - Extra Speed
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 350 Weapon Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Your main defense against foot soldiers. Its cannons gun down infantry, and
the sawblade is also used to cut through them. Buzzsaws are able to actually
destroy spice fields. Just run it through some spice several times, and watch
it disappear!

Harkonnen Assault Tank
Health: 2,400 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $900 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 492 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 5
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 500 Weapon Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [100%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [85%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [50%]

The Assault Tank is the backbone of the Harkonnan army. It deals great
damage, but the tank's weaponry has slow tracking and has a hard time
locking-on to fast targets. Make sure you protect Assault Tanks from aircraft
with other units.

Harkonnen Inkvine Catapault
Health: 2,000 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 16 Speed: 8
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 750 Weapon Range: 20 Rate of Fire: 100
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

The Inkvine Catapault is designed mainly for the destruction of infantry,
although vehicles can take some damage. It launches canisters of fluid from
the inkvine plant that contaminates whatever it hits. Each canister has splash
damage and causes some harm after it erupts. Set up a few of the catapaults
around your base.

Harkonnen Flametank
Health: 1,800 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $900 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 125 Weapon Range: 4 Rate of Fire: 60
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [20%]; Medium [15%]; Heavy [3%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [15%]

The Flametank torches infantry into crispy chicken... Large groups of
soldiers will be mauled down in no time. Its twin cannons allow it to engage
two targets at once, if necessary. Other than infantry, you probably won't
find much use of this. Keep a couple around if the need arises.

Harkonnen Missile Tank
Health: 1,100 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $1,200 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 14 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 425 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 180
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

The Missile Tank makes a wonderful support unit with Assault Tanks. With its
long range missiles, the tank destroys aircraft and most vehicles with hardly
any effort. The 425 HP damage listed above is for ONE missile. Eight missiles
are launched in a single salvo. Note the extreme rate of fire; take out more
dangerous targets first and concentrate on the weaker ones later!

Harkonnen Devastator
Health: 5,000 Prerequisites: Factory, Starport
Cost: $1,750 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 64 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 1
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (13 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (30 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (60 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Plasma Gun
Weapon Damage: 813 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 60
Damage vs. Armor: None [40%]; Light [60%]; Medium [100%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [100%]; Harvester [100%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [75%]

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 80
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [50%]; Medium [80%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [70%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [80%]; Building [40%]

Self-Destruct Bomb
Weapon Damage: 5,000 Weapon Range: 0 Rate of Fire: 0
Damage vs. Armor: None [90%]; Light [60%]; Medium [60%]; Heavy [60%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [60%]; Aircraft [60%]; Building [75%]

Despite its extreme power, the Devastator's speed makes you wonder exactly
how useful it is... Advanced Carryalls will probably be your only option for
moving this oversized BattleMech around. With its plasma guns and missiles,
the Devastator is fearless when it comes to wrecking havoc on vehicles,
aircraft, and structures. This unit is issued a self-destruct mechanism that
deploys a bomb. Only use this bomb if you're positive you will lose the
Devastator regardless of what you try to do.

Harkonnen Spice Harvester
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 504 Armor Type: Harvester
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Spice Harvester operates like you would think. Its move out onto the
spice field and collects Melange, which is then processed in your Refinery
into Solaris. Each harvester can hold up to $700 in spice. Obviously, this
unit is always open to the dangers of sandworms. Build a sufficient supply of
Carryalls to help prevent the lost of harvesters.

Harkonnen MCV
Health: 4,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 14 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) can deploy into a Construction Yard in
a few seconds. To "undeploy" the Con. Yard, select it and order it to move. It
folds back up into an MCV. Have an extra one of these handy in the event your
Construction Yard is destroyed.

Harkonnen Carryall
Health: 1,600 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $1,100 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 450 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 0 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Carryall simply picks up Spice Harvesters to and from the spice fields.
It won't take much power to knock one out of the sky. There's one key fact to
remember: if the Carryall is destroyed while possessing a harvester, the
Carryall AND the harvester are gone.

Harkonnen Air Defense Platform
Health: 1,200 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 750 Armor Type: Aircraft
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 2
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 480 Weapon Range: 15 Rate of Fire: 10
Damage vs. Armor: None [90%]; Light [60%]; Medium [60%]; Heavy [60%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [60%]; Aircraft [60%]; Building [75%]

The Air Defense Platform might not look like much at first, however, it's a
great companion. The ADP is generally effective any type of armor. This unit's
low HP and speed make it easy pickings for enemy units. Use the ADP against
units that cannot hit back at aircraft. Set up some and scatter them around
your base for extra defenses.

Harkonnen Gunship
Health: 2,600 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Aircraft
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 10
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 500 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 60
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [60%]; Medium [70%]; Heavy [75%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [100%]; Building [70%]

Take the Atreides Ornithopter, sacrifice speed for strength and damage, and
this is the end result. You can get use of it by assaulting the enemy when
they can't counterattack aircraft. The Gunship's slower speed make it even
more vulnerable to what attacks it absorbs, though.

Harkonnen Advanced Carryall
Health: 900 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $1,800 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 648 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 17
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

This version of the Carryall can pick up any vehicle, not just harvesters.
The Advanced Carryall costs $700 more and has 700 less HP compared to its
normal counterpart. One function you might not know at first is its ability to
collect enemy units. There is a slightly delay when attempting to do this.

This section covers general information on House Ordos.

<<< [6.1] HOUSE ADVANTAGE >>>
Instead of needing to rely on repair vehicles to be healed, all Ordos-
specific vehicles start off with a self-repair skill. The Ordos infantry can
learn that ability at their first level of veternancy.

Along with that idea, some Ordos vehicles also have shield technology,
enabling them to take extra damage. Shields gradually restore themselves if
given enough time to do so.

<<< [6.2] STRUCTURES >>>
Ordos Construction Yard
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: None
Cost: N/A Tech Level: 0
Buildtime: N/A Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $600
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Your base of operations. Without this, you can't construct any buildings.
You can move the Yard to a new location by selecting it and ordering it to
travel there. This unpacks the building into an MCV. The MCV can be deployed
back into a Construction Yard. Due to its importance, the Con. Yard is
extremely difficult to destroy without several units to do it.

Ordos Windtrap
Health: 1,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: +100 Infantry Released: 1

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Windtraps are the equivalent of Power Plants. These structures are cheap and
don't take long to build. Keep in mind it doesn't take much to eliminate them,
especially if they're concentrated in a small zone. Watch your power meter in
the upper-right corner! Reaching "low power" disables your radar and defenses.

Ordos Barracks
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $225 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 309 Armor Type: Building
Power: -20 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $800
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

This trains your infantry. With no upgrade, you can make Scouts, Chemical
Troopers, and AA Troopers. The upgrade adds Engineers, Mortar Infantry, and

Ordos Wall
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Cost: $20 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 60 Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 0

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Walls help prevent certain infantry and vehicles from running amok through
your base. However, there are units that are capable of demolishing your walls
with little effort. When you select the wall from the sidebar, you can place
an entire line of wall sections instead of having to place each piece one by
one (talk about tedious...).

Ordos Refinery
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes (twice)
Upgrade Cost: $1,200 (-20 Power)
Upgrade Buildtime: 720

On Arrakis tileset maps, the Refinery is used to gather spice to add to your
treasury of Solaris. A Carryall and a Harvester is included with a Refinery.
To help speed up money collection, this structure is upgradeable to a total of
three Harvester drop-off ramps.

Ordos Factory
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Building
Power: -40 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

Factories produce your vehicles (no aircraft). At first, only Dust Scouts,
Laser Tanks, Spice Harvesters, and MCVs are allowed to be built. The upgrade
adds the APC and Kobra. Deploying a Starport supplies the Deviator to your

Ordos Outpost
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Windtrap
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Building
Power: -60 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Although you will have a radar screen even without the Outpost, it doesn't
display the location of any units. Building this structure allows the radar
screen to show the units in a color-coded manner. You won't get too far
without this.

Ordos Hangar
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $1,300 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 540 Armor Type: Building
Power: -50 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,200
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The Hangar builds aircraft units. Upon construction, only Carryalls and
Anti-Aircraft Mines are buildable. The upgrade adds the Eye in the Sky and the
Advanced Carryall.

Ordos Gas Turret
Health: 2,700 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Barracks
Cost: $550 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 240 Armor Type: Heavy
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 500 Weapon Range: 14 Rate of Fire: 75
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [20%]; Medium [15%]; Heavy [3%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [15%]

The Gas Turret, although dangerous against foot soldiers, has one major
drawback: it launches gas canisters and takes time to reach the target. But
these attacks do have some "splash" damage.

Ordos Pop-up Turret
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard (upgraded),
Cost: $1,200 Barracks
Buildtime: 309 Tech Level: 4
Power: -75 Armor Type: Heavy
Infantry Released: 1

Weapon Damage: 550 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 60
Damage vs. Armor: None [8%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [40%]

The Pop-up Turret looks almost identical to the Gas Turret but uses a gun
instead. Compared to the other Houses' turrets, its damage, range, and RoF are
fairly average and doesn't excel in any one area. The turret can retract into
the ground for extra protection from fire.

Ordos Starport
Health: 2,500 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Hangar
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Building
Power: -100 Infantry Released: 3

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

The Starport is used for ordering any vehicles (land or air) from the CHOAM
(that's Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles for you Dune fans) company.
You can obtain any vehicle, even if you don't have the buildings normally
required for making them. The catch is you can only queue up to 5 units per
order, and the prices of them are random. That means you may end up paying
more or less for units. You also have to wait some time before the delivery
reaches the Starport.

Ordos Palace
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Starport
Cost: $1,600 Tech Level: 8
Buildtime: 1,080 Armor Type: Building
Power: -150 Infantry Released: 4

Upgradeable: No
Upgrade Cost: N/A
Upgrade Buildtime: N/A

Chaos Lightning
Buildtime: 6,220 Weapon Damage: 1,000
Weapon Blast Radius: 4
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [60%]

Having this building in your possession gives you the ability to use the
Ordos superweapon, Chaos Lightning. It requires the most power to stay online,
and it's almost as tough as a Construction Yard.

Chaos Lightning takes the most time to charge up compared to the other two
superweapons. This weapon sends a group of units into a frenzied rage, and
they attack either friend or foe. The lightning also affects defensive
structures (Rocket Turret, etc.). If your opponent has a habit of stockpiling
units in their base or has tens of turrets sitting around, this weapon can
easily sabotage their operations.

<<< [6.3] INFANTRY >>>
Ordos Scout
Health: 200 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $30 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 65 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 20 Speed: 8
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The sole purpose of the Scout is for recon. He's fast and can reveal a lot
of ground on the map in little time. However, the Scout has no weapon and
extremely low HP.

Ordos Chemical Trooper
Health: 575 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $50 Tech Level: 1
Buildtime: 87 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (3 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 250 Weapon Range: 3 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [20%]; Medium [15%]; Heavy [3%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [15%]

This Chem Warrior-equivalent is a watered-down version of Harkonnen's
Flamethrower Infantry. His gas gun has extremely low range and causes
continous damage against targets.

Ordos AA Trooper
Health: 300 Prerequisites: Barracks
Cost: $100 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 99 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 375 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

Improve the Harkonnen Trooper's stats, and this is what ya get. He can hit
both land and air targets and has a much faster rate of fire. Again, HP is
quite low.

Ordos Engineer
Health: 400 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $400 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 350 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Engineers serves the same purpose he always has. He can instantly
restore a building's health to full, although he "sacrifices" himself in the
process. He's also capable of capturing enemy structures. Unlike Red Alert,
an Engineer can take over a building regardless of its HP. Engineers have the
ability to remove any leeches attached to vehicles.

Ordos Mortar Infantry
Health: 700 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $100 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 144 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Self-Repair
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Damage

Undeployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 100 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 45
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Deployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 375 Weapon Range: 15 Rate of Fire: 45
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

Like the Kindjal, this infantry has two modes. Undeployed does little damage
to soldiers and no damage to just about anything else. Deployed easily takes
out infantry and does some harm to vehicles. The deployed mode's long range
capability is very helpful.

Ordos Saboteur
Health: 600 Prerequisites: Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $150 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 260 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: 3,000 Weapon Range: 0 Rate of Fire: 0
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

The Saboteur is designed entirely for blowing himself to pieces. His hefty
damage trashes infantry, light vehicles, and buildings with little effort. It
doesn't cause fatal damage to more heavily armored units, but what it does is
significant. Try to search for undefended portions of an enemy's base and
sneak several Saboteurs into it. Even a few can disrupt the enemy's power on
the battlefield.

<<< [6.4] VEHICLES >>>
Ordos Dust Scout
Health: 1,100 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $350 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 150 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 14
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (8 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Extra Damage, Extra Range

Weapon Damage: 350 Weapon Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Like the Atreides Sand Bike, the Dust Scout is designed for attacking
soldiers and light vehicles, as well some recon. Anything else, and it's

Ordos Laser Tank
Health: 800 (Shield: 300) Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $700 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 432 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 12
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Range
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Damage

Weapon Damage: 400 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [40%]

The Laser Tank is the main component of your forces. Compared to most other
vehicles, it's cheap. A perk for the laser cannon is that it is able to harm
targets while the tank itself is moving. This tank has its own shield that
absorbs 300 HP damage. It does regenerate over time. Watch out for other laser
weapons, though! A laser shot to a shield causes a chain reaction that
destroys the tank and whatever hit it.

Ordos APC
Health: 500 (Shield: 500) Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $900 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (8 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Extra Speed
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 200 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [85%]; Building [60%]

The Ordos APC has less armor than its Atreides cousin, but its speed rating
makes up for it. It can hold up to five infantry at once. As with the other
APC, the infantry inside of it affects its sight range. This APC has a 500 HP
shield. Like the Laser Tank, laser shots set up chain reactions.

Due to its fast speed, putting a Scout into this APC makes it the ultimate
recon unit of all three Houses. You can easily uncover the majority of the map
in no time at all. On top of that, you'll be able to outrun most missile
attacks with the extra speed at the second veternancy level.

Ordos Kobra
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Factory (upgraded)
Cost: $1,200 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 16 Speed: 12
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (13 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (30 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 3 (60 pts.) - Extra Damage

Undeployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 300 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

Deployed Mode
Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 16 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

The Kobra is your best protector against enemy infantry. If you glance at
the weapon stats, it is obvious going deployed is best. Deploying doubles the
damage and range without affecting the rate of fire. The Kobra's howitzer
doesn't fare well against heavy vehicles, so have Pop-Up Turrets (or whatever
you want) to support it.

Ordos Deviator
Health: 1,300 (Shield: 800) Prerequisites: Factory, Starport
Cost: $950 Tech Level: 7
Buildtime: 648 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 8
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (24 pts.) - Extra Range
Level 3 (48 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 250 Weapon Range: 8 Rate of Fire: 150
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [20%]; Medium [20%]; Heavy [20%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [20%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [20%]

The Deviator's special ability is to launch brainwashing gas instead of
exploding things to bits. Whenever a vehicle is hit with the Deviator's
weapon, you are allowed to control it as one of your own. This has some
incredibly obvious uses. For example, lead Spice Harvesters to sandworms, or
have Devastators self-destruct right in their own base! Be aware it takes a
while for the Deviator to "reload" its gas.

Ordos Spice Harvester
Health: 3,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 504 Armor Type: Harvester
Sight Range: 6 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Spice Harvester operates like you would think. Its move out onto the
spice field and collects Melange, which is then processed in your Refinery
into Solaris. Each harvester can hold up to $700 in spice. Obviously, this
unit is always open to the dangers of sandworms. Build a sufficient supply of
Carryalls to help prevent the lost of harvesters.

Ordos MCV
Health: 4,500 Prerequisites: Factory
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 2
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Heavy
Sight Range: 14 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) can deploy into a Construction Yard
in a few seconds. To "undeploy" the Con. Yard, select it and order it to move.
It folds back up into an MCV. Have an extra one of these handy in the event
your Construction Yard is destroyed.

Ordos Carryall
Health: 1,600 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $1,100 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 450 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 0 Speed: 20
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

The Carryall simply picks up Spice Harvesters to and from the spice fields.
It won't take much power to knock one out of the sky. There's one key fact to
remember: if the Carryall is destroyed while possessing a harvester, the
Carryall AND the harvester are gone.

Ordos Anti-Aircraft Mine
Health: 1,100 Prerequisites: Hangar
Cost: $600 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 10 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: 480 Weapon Range: 15 Rate of Fire: 0
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [60%]; Medium [70%]; Heavy [75%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [100%]; Building [70%]

Unless your opponent plans to send wave after wave of air fighters, the AA
Mine is practically useless. Once an aerial unit enters its range, the mine
explodes and delivers several missiles against the target. After it's gone,
you need to spend $600 more for another one. Stick to AA Troopers to save

Ordos Eye in the Sky
Health: 1,750 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 499 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 16 Speed: 7
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: 400 Weapon Range: 16 Rate of Fire: 0
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

This is a rather fun unit to toy around with... When an Eye in the Sky (or
EITS for short) deploys, it explodes and sends debris and one Saboteur down to
the ground. The debris can damage whatever just happens to be under it. Once
the Saboteur lands, he's yours to control.

I discovered one useful trick with the EITS for destroying structures. Use
Force Move (Alt + Left-click) to move the EITS above the "roof" of a building.
Then deploy it. The Saboteur will automatically land inside and blow up
without having to wait. Usually, this either cripples the structure or
demolishes it entirely.

Ordos Advanced Carryall
Health: 900 Prerequisites: Hangar (upgraded)
Cost: $1,800 Tech Level: 6
Buildtime: 648 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 17
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A Rate of Fire: N/A
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

This version of the Carryall can pick up any vehicle, not just harvesters.
The Advanced Carryall costs $700 more and has 700 less HP compared to its
normal counterpart. One function you might not know at first is its ability to
collect enemy units. There is a slightly delay when attempting to do this.

This section covers general information on the sub-houses.

<<< [7.1] INTRODUCTION >>>
In the campaign mode of Emperor, you have the choice of pairing up with
certain sub-houses (up to two total) to aid you in your quest for conquering
Arrakis. In multiplayer and skirmish, you just pick what two you want at the
setup screen. Any sub-house can be effective if you know how to use it. Play
around with them in skirmish mode to get an idea of how they work.

<<< [7.2] FREMEN >>>
Fremen Camp
Health: 2,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Barracks
Cost: $600 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 540 Armor Type: Building
Power: +0 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,000
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

This barracks trains Fremen infantry. Upgrading adds the Fremen Fedaykin.

Fremen Warrior
Health: 800 Prerequisites: Fremen Camp
Cost: $150 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 432 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (14 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (28 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 12 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [8%]; Medium [5%]; Heavy [2%];
Walls [1%]; Harvester [2%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [3%]

The Fremen Warrior is a suped-up Sniper with a faster rate of fire and 200
more health. Even though they cost the same amount, the Warrior takes much
longer to train. This unit is a great alternative to Snipers, even if you're
playing as Atreides. The Fremen Warrior is highly resistant to Sonic Tank-type

Fremen Fedaykin
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Fremen Camp (upgraded)
Cost: $250 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (14 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (28 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 238 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 40
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [80%]; Medium [80%]; Heavy [80%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [20%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [10%]

Several Fedaykins in a group are a formidable force against vehicles and
possibly even infantry. They use what appears to be a portable version of the
Sonic Tank's weapon. It's damage is not as high as you might like, however
it's equally effective against light, medium, and heavy armor. Like the
Warrior, it's resistant to Sonic Tank-type weapons.

The Fedkayin's lesser known ability is riding sandworms. Deploying a
Fedaykin causes him to plant a thumper in the sand that attracts a worm. If
given adequate time, the Fremen soldier will hop onto the summoned sandworm,
and you will be able to control. As you might expect, this worm is capable of
devouring any infantry or vehicle foolish enough to stand in its path. Keep in
mind the Fedaykin can only ride the worm for a short length of time!

<<< [7.3] GUILD >>>
Guild Palace
Health: 5,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 1,080 Armor Type: Building
Power: -180 Infantry Released: 0

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,600
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The Guild Palaces produces the Guild units. Upgrading adds the Guild NIAB
Tank. Make sure you allot enough buildable space for this palace, as it's the
largest structure in the game.

Guild Maker
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Guild Palace
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 4
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (6 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (16 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (32 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

This bizarre creation is designed to trash infantry and light vehicles. Its
lightning attack can arc and strike multiple targets at one time. The main
downside to the Guild Maker is that for its cost to produce, it has really
low HP.

Guild NIAB Tank
Health: 3,000 Prerequisites: Guild Palace (upgraded)
Cost: $2,000 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 720 Armor Type: Medium
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 12
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (18 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (20 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (40 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 1,250 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 100
Damage vs. Armor: None [20%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [60%]

The NIAB Tank combines the Tesla Tank and Chrono Tank. Like the Guild Maker,
this tank uses lightning to damage foes and can hit several targets. The
firing rate is slow, but it does an extreme amount of harm at 1,250 HP. This
vehicle also starts off with the ability of self-repair. The NIAB Tank can be
deployed to teleport to any spot on the map. Like any "chronoshifting" unit,
it takes time to get to the destination and time to recharge once it reaches
that place. Teleport your tanks to an area that the enemy is not guarding, so
your tanks do not get destroyed before even fighting.

Sardaukar Barracks
Health: 3,200 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Barracks
Cost: $700 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 540 Armor Type: Building
Power: -30 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,000
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

This building produces Sardaukar units. Upgrading adds the Sardaukar Elite.

Health: 900 Prerequisites: Sardaukar Barracks
Cost: $300 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 432 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 6
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (6 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (16 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (32 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 600 Weapon Range: 9 Rate of Fire: 20
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [45%]; Medium [35%]; Heavy [20%];
Walls [30%]; Harvester [35%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [30%]

A group of Sardaukar will have no problems eliminating infantry. Their guns
do 600 damage and fire even faster than the Fremen Warrior can. Sardaukar take
time to train. Don't expect to round up an army of 'em in a minute.

Sardaukar Elite
Health: 1,800 Prerequisites: Sardaukar Barracks (upgraded)
Cost: $350 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 689 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 7
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (6 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (16 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (32 pts.) - Self-Repair

Knife (Close Combat)
Weapon Damage: 1,000 Weapon Range: 1 Rate of Fire: 34
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [5%]; Medium [5%]; Heavy [5%];
Walls [5%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

Laser (Ranged Combat)
Weapon Damage: 300 Weapon Range: 10 Rate of Fire: 50
Damage vs. Armor: None [10%]; Light [65%]; Medium [90%]; Heavy [100%];
Walls [75%]; Harvester [50%]; Aircraft [65%]; Building [40%]

The Sardaukar Elite has the most HP I've seen for any infantry. If this
soldier goes into close combat with other soldiers, he switches to a knife
that downs any infantry in two hits or less. For long range, he uses a laser.
It works okay against vehicles and aircraft, but you need several of these
infantry to be a formiable force.

<<< [7.5] IX >>>
House of Ix
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Building
Power: -60 Infantry Released: 0

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,500
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The House of Ix produces Ixian units. Upgrading adds the Ixian Projector Tank.

Ixian Infiltrator
Health: 800 Prerequisites: House of Ix
Cost: $500 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 432 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 7
Veterancy Bonuses: None

Weapon Damage: 1,500 Weapon Range: 0 Rate of Fire: 0
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [30%];
Walls [50%]; Harvester [30%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [70%]

The Infiltrator is a portable stealth bomb. It's camouflaged while moving
and being stationary. As with other units, its position is revealed by
defensive turrets, or if the Infiltrator touches an enemy unit. Sneak this
unit into unguarded areas of an enemy base and watch it esplode! It's not
quite as effective as the Ordos Saboteur, though.

Ixian Projector Tank
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: House of Ix (upgraded)
Cost: $1,500 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 14
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (8 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 3 (16 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 219 Weapon Range: 5 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: None [100%]; Light [70%]; Medium [50%]; Heavy [40%];
Walls [20%]; Harvester [5%]; Aircraft [None]; Building [5%]

This is a rather interesting piece of work... When deployed, the Projector
Tank can "clone" any unit. Select the tank and then choose the unit you wish
to duplicate. Remember that you are not restricted to cloning your own units!
You can also click enemy units and use them as your forces. You can
differenciate a clone and the real deal by its color. A replica has a lighter
shade. Replicas look and even attack like their genuine counterparts!
Duplicated units cannot go into a deployed mode. As a result, it's pointless
to clone certain units (Ordos Saboteur, Ixian Infiltrator, etc.). Clones can
disappear in a couple ways: their time limit disappears (their health circle
is their time limit) or an enemy unit fires or touches them.

<<< [7.6] TLEILAXU >>>
Tleilaxu Flesh Vat
Health: 4,000 Prerequisites: Construction Yard, Factory
Cost: $1,000 Tech Level: 4
Buildtime: 864 Armor Type: Building
Power: -60 Infantry Released: 2

Upgradeable: Yes
Upgrade Cost: $1,500
Upgrade Buildtime: 0

The Flesh Vat produces Tleilaxu units. Upgrading adds the Tleilaxu Leech.

Tleilaxu Contaminator
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Tleilaxu Flesh Vat
Cost: $300 Tech Level: 3
Buildtime: 432 Armor Type: None
Sight Range: 12 Speed: 3.5
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 2 (10 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (20 pts.) - Extra Armor

Weapon Damage: 10 Weapon Range: 1 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

Contaminators are trained solely for the purpose of infecting other
infantry. When an enemy soilder is infected, it morphs into another
Contaminator you can control. It doesn't take much effort to send a viral
outbreak in the enemy's troops. Keep in mind Contaminators are extremely slow.
Use APCs if you can.

Tleilaxu Leech
Health: 1,000 Prerequisites: Tleilaxu Flesh Vat (upgraded)
Cost: $800 Tech Level: 5
Buildtime: 589 Armor Type: Light
Sight Range: 8 Speed: 14
Veterancy Bonuses: Level 1 (4 pts.) - Extra Damage
Level 2 (8 pts.) - Extra Armor
Level 3 (16 pts.) - Self-Repair

Weapon Damage: 200 Weapon Range: 7 Rate of Fire: 30
Damage vs. Armor: N/A

Leeches operate like the Contaminators, except for vehicles. Against the AI,
this unit can be your best friend, as the AI rarely bothers to remove the
leech spores with Repair Vehicles or Engineers. When a spore is attached to a
vehicle, it acts as a poison and gradually takes away health. Once the unit is
destroyed, another Leech appears, which can then spread the spores to other
units. Use the Tleilaxu Leech to disable or cripple slow-moving vehicles
(Devastators and the like) before they wreck havoc in your base.

This section covers the required missions for House Atreides.

BRIEFING: Destroy the enemy and capture this territory for the Duke!

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Being your very first mission for the Atreides, it is pathetically easy.
Place extra Snipers around the Machinegun Posts for extra defense against
infantry. Build a Barracks and train them, if necessary.

Eventually, reinforcements arrive as Sand Bikes and Mongooses. Move some
Mongoose units to your turrets. Now you should have enough power to prevent
what little the Harkonnen throw at you.

The game then displays a small enemy force being attacked by a sandworm. Get
used to it, as it’ll happen to you a lot later in the game. Recruit a strike
team of Snipers, Sand Bikes, and Mongooses and order them to move towards the
center of the map.

Here, you’ll find a Harkonnen Frigate, crates, and explosive barrels. Grab
the crates for extra cash and continue on to the main base. Defeat whatever
Buzzsaws and Light Infantry they have. Use the Snipers to hit the barrels from
a safe distance, and watch the base explode!

BRIEFING: Ordos and Harkonnen troops have defied the Great Convention. They
have captured our troops en route to Arrakis on one of the Guild
Heighliners. The Spacing Guild has given us permission to use a
small force of men to rescue them. You must be cautious, Commander.

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Deviating from the usual format, you're now playing in an indoor area. Don't
worry; it's a simple mission. You start out with four Snipers. Use these
Snipers to scout ahead and shoot out infantry. Remember that they always have
a height advantage in this mission when attacking. Also make use of the
convienently placed explosive barrels.

A couple times throughout the map, you will stumble upon coffin-like
objects. Touch them with one your units to uncover an Imperial Sardaukar
soldier. They are very useful to just about anything here.

When you encounter Harkonnen Frigates, destroy them! Everytime one is
destroyed, two Harkonnen Light Infantry pop out. Activate your Atreides
Frigates for extra forces. Eventually you come to Gun Turrets and Energy
Gates. Shoot the barrels with your Snipers to demolish them.

Soon after that, there are some scattered Harkonnen vehicles about. Again,
use the barrels, and they won't even get a shot off. Your Mentat then informs
you of General Fomarch's capture at a Harkonnen docking bay.

A Harkonnen Devastator and a few infantry guard the general. Although seeing
that oversize 'Mech may seem overwhelming, it's a pushover. Try to hit the
barrels by it to destroy it. If you (unfortunately) "awaken" the Devastator,
just wait until it approaches another barrel, shoot it, and watch it explode.
You shouldn't even need the Mongooses if you follow that strategy. With the
general in safe hands, you're done!

<<< MISSION 7 - AMBUSH! >>>
BRIEFING: Our Duke and his Fremen guests are surrounded by Tleilaxu Gholas and
Face Dancers. We believe that House Ordos is behind the attack!
Engage the enemy and rescue the Duke! There is only on way out--by
air! The majority of our troops still wage war on Arrakis. You must
use our remaining units wisely! A transport crate containing an
advanced prototype Carryall has been dropped in the area. Clear the
enemy units, locate the Carryall, and fly the Duke to safety!

ENEMY: Tleilaxu, Assassins

Your number priorty in this mission on Caladan is to keep Duke Achillus
alive at all costs. Lose him, and you fail! Order your starting forces to dash
over to the crippled outpost nearby to "activate" it. Don't bother making any
upgrades or repairs, as they will be a waste of funds. Send in your elite
Snipers into the Barracks to upgrade the default veternancy level, and train 6
elite Snipers with 1 Scout. Use your Scout to keep tabs on any Assassins or
Tleilaxu forces roaming about.

Move your Scout to the Carryall, and watch the Carryall self-destruct. Back
at the outpost with Duke Achillus, the entire base will explode (so...
reorganize your forces to a safer spot!). Attack any enemies with your Fremen
soldiers and Snipers.

Towards the eastern edge of the map is a civilian settlement. There should
be a rather large legion of Assassins wandering about. AVOID THEM AT ALL
COSTS! Although you can probably deal with them, you certainly won't get away
without a few casualities. So, move along the western cliff to the base at the
top of the mission to discover another outpost. Have Duke Achillus walk in to
activate the fort.

If you take notice, you still have the ability to train elite Snipers.
Produce some and set them around your base for protection against enemies.
Eventually, reinforcements arrive in another corner. Use the Minotauruses to
wipe out the remaining Assassins and Tleilaxu. You complete the mission once
they're all eliminated.

With the previous mission complete, you now have the decision to either
attack the Ordos captial or Harkonnen capital. In the end, it doesn't really
matter which one you pick. Depending on how you reach a captial can make the
game *much* longer than it needs to be. Don't go through missions that are not

BRIEFING: Destroy the enemy's capital here on Arrakis. We will then launch an
assault on their homeworld to prevent any further aggression. The
Fremen and the Sardaukar have agreed to fight alongside us. This is
a critical time, Commander. The Duke is depending on you. You must
not fail him!

ENEMY: House Ordos

As along as you get a good defense set up early on, this mission will not
pose a problem. There's a Fremen Camp in the lower corner of the map that
needs defending. Place at least one Rocket Turret and a couple Machine Gun
Posts, and the settlement should be okay.

For your base's defense, use turrets, Snipers, Kindjal Infantry, Minotaurus,
and whatever else you feel is needed. Get a House of Ix online and produce
some Projector Tanks when you have the funds. Duplicate Fremen Warriors and
Fedaykin, and use their unique stealth abilities against House Ordos. Use the
Fremen replicas to destroy the Ordos harvesters to delay production of any
waves of attack forces.

In the northwest corner of the map, the Ordos base is undefended (or at
least should be that way). Have an Advanced Carryall drop off a couple
Projector Tanks, and pump out more Fremen dupes. Use the Warriors against
infantry and the Fedaykin for everything else. As long as you keep making new
copies, you should be able to sabotage the base easily.

BRIEFING: The city must be taken, and our enemies neutralized. Reduce it to

ENEMY: House Ordos

Unlike your other missions, you have no reinforcements and there's no spice
to harvest (since this is not Arrakis). You start out with $35,000 and receive
random payments at various time intervals. Just because you don't need to
harvest spice doesn't mean you should go burn all your money in ten minutes...

The strategy for this map is almost the same as the last one. Build your
defenses, create Ixian Projector Tanks, and dupe Fremen infantry. Because this
map is so huge, produce several Projector Tanks (6-7 work best). To speed up
the duplication process, select all of your tanks at once and click on the
unit you want replicated. This makes all of the Projector Tanks produce one

Send wave after wave of Fremen Fedaykin against House Ordos, as they will
opt for vehicles instead of foot soldiers. These clones are more effective
than what you may first believe. Large groups (30+) are formidable against any
force. I find this a lot easier than spending money on actual units. Keep
pushing House Ordos back, and eliminate all of their structures to win.

BRIEFING: Destroy the enemy's capital here on Arrakis. We will then launch an
assault on their homeworld to prevent any further aggression. The
Fremen and the Sardaukar have agreed to fight alongside us. This is
a critical time, Commander. The Duke is depending on you. You must
not fail him!

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Follow the same strategy used on the attack against the capital of House
Ordos. One thing you should note is that it's best to harvest spice in the
space between your base and the Fremen settlement. If you mine there instead
of the middle of the map, you won't have to put up with constant ambushes on
your harvesters.

What I found odd about this mission is that sometimes the Harkonnen forces
will enter a "Retreat" mode very early on. Of course, if they fail to exit
the map, you win with hardly any effort...

BRIEFING: The city must be taken, and our enemies neutralized. Reduce it to

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Again, follow the same guide I provided for against House Ordos. It may just
be me, but it seems you receive fewer funds here on Giedi Prime than you would
on Draconis IV. Due to that fact, ALWAYS watch your money! Use Ixian Projector
Tanks to create unlimited attack waves instead of pumping out several real

BRIEFING: If the Emperor Worm awakens, all mankind is doomed to eternal
slavery! You must destroy it!

ENEMY: House Harkonnen, House Ordos, Guild, Tleilaxu

As you can tell, you'll be fighting quite a few different fronts here! Start
constructing your base as soon as possible. Deploy your APCs to discover a few
Elite infantry. Send them into the Barracks! You should have enough to train
Elite-ranked Snipers and Kindjal Infantry. Remember this: Elite Snipers are
NOT placed under Guard mode by default! Initiate Guard mode if you actually
want them to attack enemy units when they're close enough to the Snipers.

For the moment, do not disturb the Harkonnen base south of your beginning
position. You will fight them soon enough. Use a mix of Sonic Tanks,
Minotaures, Kindjal, etc. for defenses. Keep some units that are capable of
hitting air targets, as you'll be ambushed by Gunships at times. Guild NIAB
Tanks are another threat. They usually teleport right smack dab in the middle
of your base, so watch yourself!

Eventually, the Atreides Mentat informs you of the Emperor Worm attempting
to awaken. You then have thirty minutes to destroy the worm, or lose the
mission. Use Minotaures to destruct the Tleilaxu turrets on the cliffs and
blaze a path to the worm. Have Projector Tanks clone Fremen Fedaykin (or
whatever else) to help. Ignore the NIAP Flyers you see scattered all over
Creation. They're only drones and do absolutely nothing to both air and ground
units. If you manage to move a sizable force to attack the worm, you should

If you're facing extreme difficulty, here's a tip. Take an Advanced Carryall
and pick up a unit that will be used against the worm. Force move (Alt +
Click) the Carryall to the corner near the Harkonnen base. Proceed to fly it
along the very edge of the map. The Carryall should now be near all of the
Guild Refineries near the worm. Drop off the unit a distance away from the
Emperor Worm, and then attack. Hopefully, you can catch your enemies off guard
and not have to worry about losing your unit. The Guild Mega Cannon will be a
problem. So, either capture/destroy it, or use heavily armored units to attack
(Minotauruses last quite a while). I was able to deplete nearly 1/3 of the
worm's health with only one Minotaurus! Send multiple units in at once to
ensure your hopes of victory!

This section covers the required missions for House Harkonnen.

BRIEFING: Crush the enemy and capture the territory in the name of House

ENEMY: House Atreides

The mission is identical to the first one in the Atreides campaign. Defend
yourself from the first few waves of units. Train more Troopers to take out
any incoming Sand Bikes. Once your Elite reinforcements of Buzzsaws and
Assault Tanks arrive, ship 'em over outside the enemy base. Destroy any
opposition there, and shoot the barrels to quickly level the entire base.

BRIEFING: The guild has been bribed to overlook our...liberal interpretation
of the Great Convention. Destroy the opposition. Blow up all of the
enemy frigates! Death to those who oppose us!

ENEMY: House Atreides, House Ordos

In this indoor mission, you are provided with Elite infantry that are to be
used to destroy any frigates you find here. Remember these soldiers all have
the ability to self-heal! To make things even easier for you, the entire map
is revealed.

Soon after the game starts, the Guild Navigators announces that everything
in the heighliner will be jettisoned after fifteen minutes. So, you must work

Use the Troopers to destroy explosive barrels from a safe distance. These
barrels make it quite easy to eliminate enemy soldiers. Have your Light
Infantry and Flamethrower Infantry handle situations the Troopers can't. Work
your way through the ship, destroying the frigates.

Eventually, extra reinforcements arrive, although I feel they won't be that
helpful to you. Scattered about are Sardaukar coffins. Touch them with one of
your soldiers to "activate" them. An Imperial Sardaukar is stored in each
coffin. Chances are you'll find them to be a great ally. Once all the frigates
are gone, the mission is complete.

<<< MISSION 7 - CIVIL WAR! >>>
At this point in the campaign, the Baron dies, and his two sons are
fighting over who should replace their father. You are forced to choose
between Gunseng or Copec. What you decide has very little impact on the
rest of the game. The only major change will be the cutscenes. Allying
with Gunseng provides a bit of a challenge, but Copec is somewhat easier.
The choice is yours!

Mission 7.1 - Gunseng
BRIEFING: You will be briefed on the field of battle, Commander.

ENEMY: House Harkonnen


Now that's out of my system... You will pull your hair out and scream at the
difficulty this mission can present. Immediately deploy your MCV and start
churning out Troopers like crazy. Get Flame Turrets and Gun Turrets set up
near the northwest corner of your starting territory. Watch out for enemy

Soon after the level starts, a frigate drops another MCV and some other
units nearby. Move them back into your base. Deploy this MCV by the bridge in
the southeast area, and build turrets there. Have 10 Troopers around that

Copec won't give you much time to be prepared. He'll send wave after wave of
vehicles and infantry to stomp you. Keep training new Troopers, and you should
be able to survive, assuming you've been blessed by the gods. Having trouble
yet? You have the Death Hand Missile to worry about! If you are actually lucky
enough to defend yourself from Copec's army, your funds will accumulate
quickly. Use the funds to construct your own army against Copec. Use Missile
Tanks to safely eliminate enemy turrets from a distance.

Remember you can win simply by leveling Copec's Palace, even though it's
guarded by Elite Devastators and Missile Tanks. Gunships may be a possible
solution. Keep in mind you'll need many of them to even have a shot at
destroying the building.

Mission 7.2 - Copec
BRIEFING: These are the enemies of the rightful Baron! Put an end to this
conspiracy! Crush this revolt, but protect the Palace at all costs.
The Baron is inside, and without him we are lost.

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Compared to what you could have chosen to play if you allied with Gunseng,
this mission is a breeze!

There's one strategy I found useful, although it sounds lame to do. Simply
let Gunseng demolish the upper base on the map. The Palace isn't there, so the
base serves little use to you. Concentrate your defenses on the three exits in
the main base. Troopers and turrets will work fine. Like the other mission,
Gunships will be used against you.

Once your guns are in place, build the House of Ix, construct the Projector
Tanks, and clone away! Have Missile Tanks sabotage Gunseng's turrets. You
already have a Palace built (well, duh), so launch the Death Hand Missile as
much as possible.

With the previous mission complete, you now have the decision to either
attack the Atreides captial or Ordos capital. In the end, it doesn't really
matter which one you pick. Depending on how you reach a captial can make the
game *much* longer than it needs to be. Don't go through missions that are not

BRIEFING: You must destroy the enemy's capital on Arrakis. Then we will launch
an attack on their homeworld and reduce it to ash. The Sardaukar
will join us in battle. You must fail now, Commander. Remember, you
fight for Giedi Prime!

ENEMY: House Atreides

Set up your base ASAP and start pumping out several Troopers (20 at least).
Have the Troopers take out any Ornithopters that will appear. The AI tends to
mass *MANY* Sand Bikes or Mongooses and throws them at you all at once. Which
is why you need the Troopers... Send some units over to help defend the
Sardaukar outpost in the corner of the map. Spare reinforcements work nicely
for that.

You will probably find yourself a little short on funds at first. There are
lots of derelict vehicles scattered across the dunes here. Destroy one, and
pick up the crate it leaves behind for an easy $2,000. These treasures should
be enough to fill your pockets.

Have Gun Turrets, Flame Turrets, Devastators, and whatever you feel is
needed for defenses. Enemy aircraft will not be much of a concern; just watch
out for those vehicle rushes!

There is one "backdoor" in the Atreides base that can make this mission a
snap. It's in the very northern tip of the map. If you take the land route to
there (approaching from where the Sardaukar base is), you will have to battle
past Fremen Fedaykin. Use Inkvine Catapaults and Flame Tanks to toss them out
of your way. Once at the corner, there are two Machinegun Posts up a ramp.
Have a Missile Tank or Devastator take them out. Other than that, you won't
find much resistance inside the base. Have a Scout look ahead to locate any
large groups of vehicles in the capital. If you already constructed the
Harkonnen Palace (which you should have!), deploy Death Hand Missiles to
safely eliminate dense concentrations of vehicles you might spot.

Once the coast is clear for the most part, move Missile Tanks, Flame Tanks,
and Devastators through the mentioned "backdoor." Let the Flame Tanks take
care of any infantry, while the other two should fire upon any turrets,
Minotauruses, or any other long-range attack structure/unit. Inkvine Catapaults
are a great alternative to taking out defense structures. The damage is low,
but the range they can attack from makes up for it. Simply worm your way
through the Atreides capital, and maul everything in sight!

BRIEFING: The city must be taken! Kill anything that moves and reduce the city
to rubble!

ENEMY: House Atreides

The key here is speed! Set up your base as quickly as you can, and send out
a Scout so you can tell when an enemy force is heading your way. Watch out for
the Snipers hiding in the infantry cover near your starting point!

Once your base has started, get a House of Ix up immediately, and start
pumping out 3-5 Projector Tanks. Clone Missile Tanks and Inkvine Catapaults.
Use the clones to defend yourself. Soon afterwards, Ornithopters and Fremen
may attack your position. Because of the Fremen's stealth ability, they can be
a challenge to defeat. If your replicas can't handle it, have Flamethrower
Infantry and/or Flame Tanks take care of the problem.

Have your clone army advance toward the smaller outposts outside the
"central" Atreides base. Missile Tanks can take out a Minotaurus in one full
rocket salvo. Turrets will take more time to destroy.

Although clones may make this mission a bit time consuming, you'll save a
lot of money that can be spent elsewhere. ALWAYS watch your clones and make
new ones when they are needed.

BRIEFING: You must destroy the enemy's capital on Arrakis. Then we will launch
an attack on their homeworld and reduce it to ash. The Sardaukar
will join us in battle. You must not fail now, Commander. Remember,
you fight for Giedi Prime!

ENEMY: House Ordos

This is the same map that was used in the Atreides campaign, however, your
starting position is reversed. So, you might as follow the strategy I have
listed under the Atreides section...

BRIEFING: The city must be taken! Kill anything that moves and reduce the city
to rubble!

ENEMY: House Ordos

Again, see the Atreides section for a general strategy...

BRIEFING: The Emperor Worm must be killed while it still sleeps. Defeat means
death for us all. Victory or death!

ENEMY: House Atreides, House Ordos, Guild, Tleilaxu

I hate to sound a broken record here, but...this mission is identical to
when you do it as House Atreides. Have your Elite Flame Tanks and Devastators
placed at the "front" of your base where most of the attack waves will
maneuver through. Then go crazy with the Ixian Projector Tanks, and clone your
attack army. Follow the tips I have for Atreides...

This section covers the required missions for House Ordos.

BRIEFING: Terminate the enemy and capture the territory.

ENEMY: House Atreides

If you played the other campaigns, you should know this mission by now. I'd
recommend moving the deployed Mortar Infantry out of the way, replacing them
with AA Troopers, and building more Gas Turrets to be safe.

Once the Elite reinforcements arrive, move them outside of the Atreides
base. Have a Laser Tank pick off the explosive barrels, and send in the rest
of the group to finish any remnants off.

BRIEFING: You will receive further briefing during the conflict.

ENEMY: House Atreides, House Harkonnen

Your objective here is to infiltrate an oxygen recycling plant, and release
Deviator gas throughout the heighliner. As usual with the indoor areas, you
start off with a small group of infantry. Because this is House Ordos, the
soldiers will always regenerate their health regardless of their veternancy

The main soldier to use is the Mortar Infantry. He is key to eliminating
troops and barrels from a long range. The mortar shots usually down any enemy
in a hit or two. Force fire (Ctrl + Click) helps to add range to his weapon by
taking advantage of the mortar splash damage.

Remember, you do not need to demolish the Atreides and Harkonnen frigates at
all! Simply take out anything in your path, and avoid everything else. If you
need extra soldiers, there's an APC with a second Mortar Infantry and a couple
Sardaukar coffins. You probably won't need them, however.

When you have located the oxygen recycling plant, send one of your two
Engineers into the structure to sabotage it. Any remaining enemies will become
affected by the Deviator gas.

BRIEFING: Our homeworld is threatened. Swarms of Tleilaxu bioforms have
infested our primary metropolis. Exterminate these infectious
invaders before it is too late. Success is the only acceptable

ENEMY: Tleilaxu

The first thing to do is capture the Construction Yard, Windtrap, and
Factory with your Engineers. Build and upgrade a Barracks, and train a Scout,
5-10 Troopers, and 5-10 Mortar Infantry. I would recommend upgrading the
Factory and producing an APC. Beef up your defenses with a mix of Gas and
Pop-up Turrets.

The next objective is to take control of the two abadoned outposts. Be
warned, they're guarded by Contaminators! Place two Engineers and a Scout in
an APC, and head on off to the first outpost. Either wait until there's an
opening in the Contaminator formation for your Engineer, or send another unit
to gain their attention. Whatever you do, capture the Outpost to reactive the
turrets. A Tleilaxu force will move in. Don't worry...the defenses you just
acquired will defeat them with little trouble. Do the same to the other

Obviously, all of those Leeches and Contaminators by the Great Hall can be a
problem. However, there's a easier way to defeat them than by crashing into
them head on. Use an expendable unit (preferably a Dust Scout), move it near
the forces, and watch the poor Tleilaxu come rushing in after it. Direct the
enemy into one of the outposts. Now watch the units get plastered! Build a few
Kobras and order them to eliminate what may be left of the Tleilaxu. In order
to fully complete this mission, you must level the enemy base in the corner of
the map. Your Kobras shouldn't have an ounce of trouble doing that.

BRIEFING: The destruction of the enemy's capital on Arrakis is essential. This
will leave their homeworld vulernable. The Sardaukar will assist us.
Do not fail, Commander. Failure is not an option.

ENEMY: House Atreides

This is the same as the Harkonnen's assault on the Atreides capital. I would
suggest deploying your MCV right by the Sardaukar outpost and selling off
those odd Sardaukar buildings. This makes it easier to protect your allies. If
your funds run a bit low, search the desert for derelict vehicles and destroy
them to acquire $2,000 crates.

AA Troopers and Kobras mixed with turrets are your best defense. Mortar
Infantry would be a good idea, yet, chances are their shots will hit more of
your own units and buildings than the enemy. Unless you're trying to kill a
slow-moving Minotaurus, don't bother with 'em.

Upgrade a Hangar or order Eye in the Sky units from your Starport. They are
quite important to sabotaging the base. Towards the eastern side of the
capital, there's a gap between some Rocket Turrets that you can send your EITS
in. Keep an eye out for Air Drones, though. The EITS should be deployed to
destroy the Refineries and Windtraps. Of course, this affects their unit
production and disables most of their defenses. Wiping out what's left of the
base won't be difficult.

BRIEFING: Destroy the city. [Wow! How descriptive!]

ENEMY: House Atreides

Same as House Harkonnen... Get to work as fast as you can, or be defeated!
Have AA Troopers, Kobras, and turrets for defense. Use Ixian Projector Tanks
to clone Sardaukar and Laser Tanks. Because most of the Ordos units need to be
deployed to be of much use, the Projector Tanks might not play a critical role
in defeating House Atreides. If you can manage, drop off Saboteurs or Eye in
the Skys to take out important enemy structures.

BRIEFING: The destruction of the enemy's capital on Arrakis is essential. This
will leave their homeworld vulernable. The Sardaukar will assist us.
Do not fail, Commander. Failure is not an option.

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

You'll want to follow the tips I have for the Atreides capital in this
campaign and the Atreides guide for attacking the Harkonnen capital. There are
very few differences between the assault on either capital....

Like I mentioned in the Atreides campaign walkthrough, the Harkonnen AI may
decide to enter a Retreat early in the game. If they do, it saves you a LOT of

BRIEFING: Destroy the city.

ENEMY: House Harkonnen

Pump out AA Troopers like there's no tomorrow! The enemy tends to launch
several vehicles into your base at once. Scatter some anti-aircraft units
throughout the base in case a couple Gunships manage to sneak in. What will
really bug you is the Harkonnen Missile Tanks and Inkvine Catapaults. Their
attack range is larger than most of what your arsenal is capable of. So, you
probably need to watch your defenses and move in your units to take them down.
See other homeworld assault tips in the other walkthroughs, if you need some
more ideas.

BRIEFING: The Navigator Worm must be destroyed while it is still vulnerable.
This is the prime directive. There are no other directives. Failure
is not an option.

ENEMY: House Atreides, House Harkonnen, Guild, Tleilaxu

Check the other walkthroughs for tips since this mission is, again, almost
identical to the other Houses' campaigns...

=- 11) DOWNLOADS -=
This section lists miscellaneous files available for Emperor.

<<< PATCHES >>>
Emperor 1.09 Patch
(English) ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/emperor/update/EM109EN.EXE
(French) ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/emperor/update/EM109FR.EXE
(German) ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/emperor/update/EM109DE.EXE
(Chinese) ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/emperor/update/EM109CH.EXE
(Korean) ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/emperor/update/EM109KO.EXE

The 1.09 patch includes the following general changes:

1. Support for user-made maps. They will appear in your map-selection
dialogue box for Skirmish Games & Multiplayer Games. Upon joining a
lobby or after map selection changes, users that are missing that map,
or have a different version will be given a warning, and will not
receive the ‘Accept’ button.

2. Westwood Online games that are full of players, but have not yet clicked
‘Accept’ and/or ‘Play’, will now appear in the Custom lobby in a gray

The entire list of changes from previous patches can be found from the
patch.doc file in the Westwood directory when you install this patch.

<<< MAPS >>>
Map Pack #1

This pack adds the Carthag (8 players, Arrakis tileset) and Claw Rock
(3 players, Arrakis tileset) maps.

Map Pack #2

This pack adds the Glacier Bridge (8 players, Draconis IV tileset) and
Rift Valley (2 players, Arrakis tileset) maps.

Map Pack #3

This pack adds the Argan Point (2 players, Arrakis tileset) and
Abandoned City (8 players, Arrakis tileset) maps.

<<< EDITORS >>>
Map Editor

Westwood's beta map editor. Not extremely user-friendly, but it gets
the job done. This program is not officially support by Westwood, so
don't go e-mailing them about any problems you encounter with it.


An excellent editor. This version includes the ability to make changes
to Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun, and Emperor. Additional modules for older
games (Dune 2000, Red Alert, etc.) can be found at www.tibed.net.

=- 12) CREDITS -=
This section is here to recognize those who have contributed to this FAQ.

Alex Green - For informing me of the extra power requirement needed for the
refinery upgrades.

Morgan Wolff - For informing me about Michael Dorn as Duke Achillus.

Copyright Information
(c) Copyright 2002-2004 Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman

This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other
form of printed or electronic media (CDs, etc.) in any way. It may not be
given away as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be
used for promotional or profitable purposes.

Any characters, names, or other objects are copyright their respective
companies. This document and its author are in no way affiliated with any
company involved with this game.

E-mail Information
E-mail Address: ryanammerman[at]gmail[dot]com

Before you e-mail me a question, make sure you've looked through the FAQ to
see if your question is answered. If you send me a question that is answered
in the FAQ, it WILL be ignored.

Posting Notice
If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my
permission as long as this document is **NOT** changed in any way, shape, or
form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs

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Strategy Guide
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

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Engl. FAQ

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Du erhältst 99.999 Geld (für alle Versionen)

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Endspielstand für alle Häuser

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Die kompletten Spielstände von Haus Atreides

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Schaltet alle Filme frei

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