Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast

18.10.2013 03:38:25

| Multiplayer FAQ |
By Heat

+---- Version 1.2
Added ignore the imposter at closure.

+---- Version 1.0
This version will hve most of the things
that multiplayer has to offer in it. I am sure
that I will cover everything but setting up
your own server, since I still do not know how to
do this.

..::: Contents :::..
1| Introduction
2| Getting into Multiplayer (Some of the features)
3| Force Powers
4| Pick-Ups
5| Multiplayer Rules [NEXT UPDATE]
6| Free For All
7| Duel
8| Jedi Master
9| Capture the Flag
10| Capture the Ysalamari
11| Holocron
12| Closure


-^--- Introduction ---^-

In this FAQ, I will teach you some things like strategies,
rules, and other things about multiplayer. You will learn
how to use the force wisely, all of the pick-ups and
power-ups, and strategies for every mode including Free
For All, Holocron, Capture the Flag, Capture the Ysalimari,
Jedi Master, and Duel! May the force be with you!!!


-^--- Getting into Multiplayer ---^-

Alright. First of all, how do we even get to multiplayer?
You have three options. The first thing you can do is play
through LAN, Local Area Network. If you live in a small town
and want to play on LAN though, dont expect to find anybody
to play. Your second option is through Internet servers.
In this FAQ I will not tell how to start your own servers.
There are many many internet servers to choose from.
Personally, my favorite server is a Duel Server called
NewSchool. Your third option, my favorite option, is playing
through Microsoft's Zone Network. You can get there through and it is absolutly free!

So, we know how to find somewhere to play. Lets work on
your character customization! Open up the splash screen on
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast where it gives you the choice
of single player and multiplayer. Choose multiplayer. Now,
go into setup. The first menu you should see is the Player
menu. This is where we want to be :). The first thing in the
menu is your name.

Alright, the name of your character might seem like
something simple to you, but I could probably write another
FAQ on it LOL. It is time for the biggest decision of your
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast life. You must choose your force
side! What will it be? The Dark side or the Light side?
Personally, I chose not to be evil. Your name needs to
associate with your side. Dont be a Dark sider with a name
like "MASTER JEDI". Jedis are for the Light side! Alright,
you chose your name. Lets add some color to it! Erase your
name if you have already typed it in. Now, for your name
type in ^ and any number (e.g. ^3). Now retype your name,

Time to pick your saber color now! Your saber needs to
associate with your side. Heres the saber side list!

Green = Light Side
Blue = Light Side
Purple = Light Side
Orange = Both Sides
Yellow = Both Sides
Red = Dark Side

Pick one that corresponds with your side. Thats it for the
lightsaber part.

Now you need to pick your skin. Please do not go onto the
internet and download skins unless you want other people
wasting their time having to download them so they can see
you. May the defaults be with you :)


-^--- Force Powers ---^-

The half RPG part of Star Wars Jedi Outcast is the force
part. With points, you can customize your force powers. Your
points are earned by killing other players, what else? This
is a list of every force power and its force side! **To
change your force side, while in game press Esc, then go
into the player menu and then into Configure Force Powers.
There you can change your force side** NOTE : Grey force
side means that every force user can use the ability.

-- Dark Rage
Force Side : Dark

What it Does : Dark Rage makes you move quicker
and attack faster. Although, it
depletes your health as it is in
affect. Once your health is near
death, you will recharge, but move
very slowly.

-- Force Seeing
Force Side : Grey

What it Does : With this you can dodge sniper shots
and even see players that are using
Mind Trick!

-- Force Drain
Force Side : Dark

What it Does : This drains force energy from the
opponent's force pool.

-- Force Protect
Force Side : Light

What it Does : This transforms damage into force
energy, which is very helpful when
fighting good lightsaberists!

-- Force Absorb
Force Side : Light

What it Does : This transforms force damage into
force energy, which is very helpful
when fighting the dark side of the

-- Force Team Heal(1)/Force Energize(2)
Force Side : Light(1)/Dark(2)

What They Do : If you are in a team battle, these
powers will heal your teammates
that are in a certain area around

-- Force Push
Force Side : Grey

What it Does : Pushes an enemy to the ground

-- Force Pull
Force Side : Grey

What it Does : Pulls an enemy toward you into the

-- Force Speed
Force Side : Light

What it Does : Speeds you up dramatically.

-- Force Heal
Force Side : Light

What it Does : Heals your character.

-- Force Grip
Force Side : Dark

What it Does : Chokes an enemy.

-- Force Mind Trick
Force Side : Light

What it Does : Makes you invisible.

-- Force Lightning
Force Side : Dark

What it Does : Shocks opponents

-- Force Boon (PICK UP)
Force Side : Grey

What it Does : Gives unlimited force pull for
a short period of time

-- Force Enlightenment
Force Side : Light/Dark

What it Does : Gives every force power for the
side you are on


-^--- Pick-Ups ---^-

This is the list of pickups you can get in multiplayer

-- Ysalamari
Description : When carried by a player, the force
cannot hit the player. Although,
the player cannot use the force.

-- Shield
Description : The most awesome item in the world.
This is a shield put on the ground
that blocks enemy movement and

-- Med Pack
Description : This replenishes your health
whenever you get it.

-- Bio Canister
Description : Instead of instantly replenishing
your health, you can save this
until you really need it and then


-^--- Free For All ---^-

Free For All mode is where you get to have a lot of people
fighting it out with everything they got. Every little shred
of skill is used in a FFA combat. Heres a list of tips that
you might find helpful for your FFA combat.

TIP #1: If you wanna duel, well then thats o"K"!
If you wanna duel with someone on an FFA
server and dont want any disturbance from other
players, walk up to your opponent and press K.
Make sure your lightsaber is off. If they press
K, then you two will go into a duel. No one from
the FFA world can harm you, but you cant run off
and harm them either!

TIP #2: "Time we teach you the ropes."
Learn the environments of your maps. Learn
every nook and cranny about them. In FFA you
never know what will happen. At all times, if you
want to be a pro fighting 3 or more people, you
gotta know whats above, below, around, and beside
you or else you will get caught by surprise or
sniped or something!!

TIP #3: Assign a Training Day
At least one day in the week, you need not to
get online and just go practicing your skills on
a private little game you start. Just keep on
practicing and praciticing. You can even add
BOTs to help you! Trust me, just one day of
training per week will get you into a very very
good player. Thats what you will need for FFA
because you never know what is going to happen!


-^--- Duel ---^-

Duel mode is just a one on one skill fight. Personally, I
prefer duel mode. I like a specific rule on my duel fights.
NO FORCE AND NO GUNS. With force, you never show your true
skill, its just buttons on a keyboard. Guns? Bleh, thats
just sick. Lightsabers show your true skill as a Jedi or
Sith. So, heres the tips on duel mode!

TIP #1: Expect the Unexpected
Never underestimate your enemies. Watch their
strategies and find their weaknesses. You never
know what your opponent's next move will be. The
best solution to the unknown is do something that
will totally blow their mind.

TIP #2: Don't Let the N00bs Slide..
No matter how good anybody you are fighting is,
never just go easy on them. Look, even a first
timer is going to have a bit of skill with a saber,
and you gotta fight that skill! Dont let them beat
you or just mess with you. Dont let them just play
around like going into a jumping (I can see you
now flames2k1) frenzy. Kill them.

TIP #3: Become one with the saber
Practice your lightsaber skills. They will always
come in handy.


-^--- Jedi Master ---^-

Now this mode is totally awesome. Everyone starts out as
non-jedi players. There is a lightsaber somewhere in the
map! Once a player picks up the lightsaber, they become a
Jedi Master! They do not drop the saber until they are

TIP #1: Become one with the saber
Practice your lightsaber skills. They will always
come in handy.

TIP #2: Hide and Seek
Shoot at the Jedi Master in dark places and run!

TIP #3: Hide and Seek 2
When a Jedi Master, turn off your lightsaber and
hide until a non-jedi runs by. Then run up and
kill them! Good strategy, no?


-^--- Capture the Flag ---^-

Capture the Flag is one of my least favorite modes because
of the extreme difficulty. You must capture the opposing
team's flag and bring it back to your own base.

TIP #1: Be quick
You need to move fast and not be seen by enemies.

TIP #2: Dont leave alone
A thief should never leave alone. They need to
have at least one or two gaurdians with them.
The gaurdians need to stay back a bit though,
not close enough to interfere.

TIP #3: Gaurdians of the Night
Always leave people at your base to gaurd your
own flag!


-^--- Capture the Ysalamari ---^-

This is just like Capture the Flag, but there is one big
difference! Once you are carrying the Ysalamari you cannot
use the force and the force cannot be used on you.

TIP #1: Be quick
You need to move fast and not be seen by enemies.

TIP #2: Dont leave alone
A thief should never leave alone. They need to
have at least one or two gaurdians with them.
The gaurdians need to stay back a bit though,
not close enough to interfere.

TIP #3: Gaurdians of the Night
Always leave people at your base to gaurd your
own Ysalamari!


-^--- Holocron ---^-

In Holocron mode, you start out with no force. There are
force cubes all over the map in Holocron mode. Once you
pick up the cube, you learn that force power.

TIP #1: Dont share
Dont let someone quickly steal a cube that you
saw first. If they steal it, kill them with
your own force powers you have. If you dont
have any, kill them when you get some.

TIP #2: Team Up and Team Down
Try to get a negotiation going with someone
you dont know. Once you think they least
expect you to kill them, kill them.

TIP #3: What A Laugh
If you know someone wants a force cube really
bad, find it quickly before they do and gaurd
it. Hide right beside it and when they run
by pull your lightsaber and show them who owns
the cube :)



Ignore The Imposter :
An imposter is going around saying that he is
me etc. The e-mail address of this imposter
is Please ignore the

Dungeon Siege Main ID: Jadeheat
Zone Main ID: General_Heat
E-Mail Address:
AIM: Heat54911
ICQ: 161294365
Yahoo: Heat54911

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