Elvira - Mistress of the Dark

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark

17.10.2013 22:34:47
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark

Version 1.2, 29th July 2002

For PC DOS/Windows

by Lee Beng Hai a.k.a. Volume
Email: benghai@lit.a-star-edu.sg


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(c) Copyright 1991-2002 by Lee Beng Hai


1. Introduction
2. Where to get it?
3. Gaming Tips
4. Spells and Ingredients
5. Walkthrough
6. Revision History

1. Introduction

The game is released by Adventure Soft Publishing in the year 1991.

In this game, you take on the role of ghost-buster as you try to rid
Elvira's new castle retreat of the resident ghouls and zombies.

2. Where to get it?

I tried looking for it in the abandon ware sites and found that the authors
are still providing support for it. You can get a copy of it here at


It is available in the package "Elvira’s Horror Pack".

It consists of 3 games:

Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
Elvira II: Jaws of Cerberus
& Waxworks

Go to the site and take a look at in game graphics. Look surprising good
even after all these years! I had completed all three games in the past
but only wrote the solution for the first. All of them are great in my

3. Gaming Tips

Healing spells

In this game, healing spells are very rare. When you are injured, you stay
injured. So if possible try to win all combats without injuring yourself.
This may sounds difficult but it is possible. I did it myself!


The best weapon is the Crusader's Sword, followed by the long sword. So,
when you started playing, get the long sword as soon as possible, it is in
the armoury. You need Elvira’s ring to get the Crusader’s Sword, so use the
long sword in the mean time.


The armoury has lots of weapons and armours but don't take the armor unless
you are carrying very little items, get the shield instead, choose the one
which give the best protection.

Weapon Skill

Weapons skill improves through practice, so stick to the long sword at the
beginning. You will get better and better with it.


You cast a limit number of spells, so don't waste them on the guards. Save
them for the gremlins that are inside the garden maze.

Garden Maze

Fight all the way in until you reach the monster's lair. The monster will
keep on coming as if there is no end to it. You must cast two spells into
the cave to finish ALL the monsters inside. Once the monsters in the lair
are destroyed, NONE will appear anymore. Get Elvira's ring and then use it
to get the crusader's sword.

Save your game

Make a save before any fight. When in combat, try to guess which direction
the enemy is attacking and prepare to block when they did. If you are
injured, carry on the fight but load in the saved game and try again until
you have defeated the enemy without any injury. At first it might be
difficult, but once you have a weapon skill of 60 and above, combat is
easy. So in the mean time, endure! Remember one thing though, monsters get
lesser and lesser as you finish them off. So after a time, you don't have
to worry about combat anymore. To block an enemy attack correctly, all you
need is to block/parry at the correct timing, after a few fights, you
should be able to judge when to block/parry. As for attacking, you can try
any manner of attacking, but once in a while change your combat style a bit
to confuse the enemy.

Spell Ingredients

Ingredients are very limited. So try to collect them when you came across
them. Click on anything you see in the screen. Click on trees to get herb,
click on plants to get flowers, leaves, etc. Click on hole to look inside
them. Click on skull to get the bottle inside. So, you can see that almost
anything that is visible is worth clicking. Try not to avoid those areas
you have been to, they might contain some useful items that you have missed
out earlier.

4. Spells and Ingredients

Credits goes to GCH, Vilnius and Lithuania for the information on this
section. Please email me if you spot any mistakes.

| Spell | Effects | Ingredients |
| Alpabet soup | Rune writing knowledge | Dandelyons |
| | | Elderberries |
| | | Rose petals |
| Brain Ache | Decrease enemy's skills during | Poppys |
| | combat | mushrooms |
| | | 1 maggot |
| Cat & Dog Broth | Cast Thunder. | Spyder |
| | Less powerful than Fingerlight. | Horse hair |
| | | Lily flower |
| | | Witch Hazel |
| Clotted Surprise | Cure light wounds | Sider's web |
| | | Hawthorn |
| | | Mosse |
| Demon's Brew | Cause fear and deal serious | Vampire dust |
| | damage to normal enemy | Dragon's bloode |
| | | Deadly Nightshade|
| Fingerlight | Strike enemy with lighting | Earwigges |
| | | Deadly Nightshade|
| | | Belladonna |
| Fire Sponge | Cast a 10 seconds Fire Wall. | Plaintain |
| | Paralyze and destroy wooden/ice | Flame flower |
| | weapons of enemy | Moss |
| | | |
| Glowing Pride | Magic light | Thistle |
| | | Dandelyon |
| | | Flame flower |
| Herbal Honey | Plants knowledge | Honey |
| | | Hay |
| Iced Magick | Cure serious wounds | Hawthorn |
| | | Thistle |
| | | Bloode Lily |
| Ice sponge | Cast a 10 seconds Ice Wall. | Plantain |
| | Can be destroyed by fire. | Hawthorn |
| | Absorb enemies's spell, thus | Moss |
| | forcing them to use weapons. | |
| Knightyme | Protection from magic weapons. | Bird Feather |
| Pleasure | Halved wounds taken from | Deadly Night- |
| | non-magic weapons | shade beetles |
| Lucky Surprise | Increase your dexterity by 1/10 | Nettles |
| | with each enemy's strike, |1 Four Leaf Clover |
| | Decrease dexterity with every | |
| | block or parry | |
| Maidens Turnover | Halved damage taken from | Maidenhair |
| | non-magic weapons | Fern |
| | | 3 pieces of |
| | | Manticore hide |
| | | Honey |
| Mind locke | reduces enemy's dexterity | Poppys |
| | temporary | 1 maggot |
| | | Bloode Root |
| Monstera Pie | Increase strength, decrease | Monstera |
| | dexterity. Use it to put on | Parsley |
| | heavy armour | Ivy |
| Mushroom | Increase strength temporary | Hellebore |
| Tenderness | Can be used 4 times | Elderberry |
| | | Mushroom |
| Painfree | Remove pain for 3 hours | White Whine |
| | | Black lotus |
| | | Laudnum |
| Palmlight | A stronger version of Fingerlight | Centipedes |
| | | Mistletoe |
| | | Belladonna |
| | | Absinthe |
| Properous | Similar to Lucky surprise but | Aconite |
| Surprise | without the decreasing dexterity | Nettles |
| | effect |1 Four Leaf Clover |
| Sizzling Eggs | A strong attack spell | Bird's egge |
| | | Hellebore |
| | | Firethorn |
| | | Water Lily |
| Spagetty | A stronger version of Brain Ache | Belladonna |
| Confusion | | Parsley |
| | | White Wine |
| | | Witch Hazel |
| Thorny Splinter | Throw Fire Dagger, 3 times | Firehorn |
| | stronger than normal dagger | Nettles |
| | | |
| Wooden Heart in | Cure critical wounds | Dogwood |
| Algae Sauce | | Algae |
| | | Bleeding heart |
| | | Honey |

5. Walkthrough

You need to find six gold keys in order to open the chest.

Key 1

Look for bolts in the drawers or cupboard upstairs. Find a silver crucifix.
Go to the blacksmith place. Get the crucible in the box and place it in the
fire. Place the silver cross inside the crucible to melt it. Then put a
bolt in the crucible to make silver tipped cross bolt. Go to stable. Look
at man, when he transform into a wolf (A werewolf!), use the silver bolt to
kill it. Now go inside and check out the stable closely. One of the iron
ring can be removed, behind it is a gold key.

Key 2

Go to kitchen. Mix the light spell. Turn left and click on the dumb waiter.
When Elvira opens it, drag the glowing pride to the tunnel to light it up.
Elvira will then enter it and give you a gold key.

Key 3

You will need to practice your crossbow skill with the wooden target some
where in the garden, just opposite the locked door. Practice a few times
until you have master it. Now go to the falconer, when he release the
falcon, use the crossbow to kill the falcon. There is a gold key on the
dead falcon.

Key 4

Fight you way in the jail until you reach the torturer chamber. You should
see a fireplace with a pair of tongs. Click on the iron ring on the floor
and drag it to your inventory, This will reveal a skeleton and a gold key.
Bring the skeleton to the catacomb to one of the empty coffin and let it
rest in peace. Get the gold key.

Key 5

Kill the captain in the guardroom. Get the notice. There is a gold key
behind it.

Key 6

At the top portion of the castle, look for the knight who cannot be killed
in close combat. When he is approaching, use the crossbow. He will fall
down the castle. You will need to find his body in order to get the gold
key. His body lies beyond the gate under the well. You will need an iron
key to open it. The key is guarded by the weretiger at the catacombs. You
will need the crusader's sword to kill it. Before you get the sword, you
will need to find Elvira's ring. The ring is in the monster's lair in the
garden maze. Fight you way in until you reach the cave. Cast a few spells
into the cave to kill all the monsters that are hiding inside. Go in and
get the ring. Go to the church. Go in front and click at the cross. Now
drag the ring to the hollow in the cross. A passage will be revealed. Go
inside and get the crown, go forward to see the painting. Use your prayer
scroll to open up the painting. Place the crown on the King head and get
the Crusader's Sword. Now go and look for the weretiger. TIming is critical
here, only hacking at the right moment will you destroy it (one good hit
will kill it). Go to the chamber it is guarding and you will find a iron
key in the coffin. Go under the well, unlock the gate and look for the
knight's body. It is lying in the middle area, i.e. between the wall and
the vegetation. Remember, when you see the message saying that you don't
have enough air, surface immediately.

The Chest

Get the pair of tongs in the torturer chamber. Remember that it can only be
place in a container or the torturer will get you. Go to the kitchen. Move
tongs out of the container, click on burning coal and drag it to the
inventory. The tongs will automatically grabs the coal. If you enter water
later on, the coals will went off, and you can ignite it by coming back to
the kitchen and dropping it into the oven. Now go and find the cannon. Use
the tongs with the lit coal to light the cannon. This will blow part of the
tower off. The chest is in the blown off area. Go find it. Remember that
you will need 6 gold keys to open the locks. Take only the scroll, leave
the dagger alone first. Now drag the dagger outside the chest, so that it
is not on the screen but in the room. Now click on the red 'R' to exit from
the close up view. Now drop your backpack, click on the room icon and drag
the dagger into the backpack. Then drag the backpack into your inventory.
You might get killed if you try other ways. So be really careful.


She is hiding inside the catacombs. At exactly the middle of the catacombs
is a small little hole in the floor. Click on it to see a close up view.
Drag the rune stone to the hole, this will make the hole bigger. Make sure
you have the following before proceeding: Ceremonial Dagger, Scroll of
Spiritual Mastery, and the Crusader's Sword. Go down the hole and you will
find Emelda draining your life force, so better act fast. First you must
drag the Crusader's Sword to the pentagram to weaken Emelda. Then use the
Scroll of Spiritual Mastery to weaken her further. Then use the Ceremonial
Dagger to go for the kill.

With this you have completed the game.


6. Revision History

Version 1.2 - 29th July 2002. Added a spell and ingredients table. Credits
goes to GCH, Vilnius and Lithuania for the effort.

Version 1.1 - 31st May 2002. Added the table of content and correct
spelling errors. Added the where to get it section.

Version 1.0 - 4th Jun 1991.

Special thanks to TANGPENG (Raymond Tang) and eet.holden for their help on
this game.

(c) Copyright 1991-2002 by Lee Beng Hai

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