Dark Heart of Uukrul, The

Dark Heart of Uukrul, The

15.10.2013 06:29:32
The Dark Heart of Uukrul

Version 1.7, 7 Nov 2004

For PC DOS/Windows

by Lee Beng Hai
Email: cover8899-gamefaqs@yahoo.com.hk


This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ cannot be altered and can be only distributed
freely in its current format. You are free to use to this FAQ on a
website as long as the document remains unaltered and please send me
an email about it.

You can find the latest copy of this FAQ at


(c) Copyright 1990-2004 by Lee Beng Hai.


1. Introduction
2. The Story
3. Character Development
a. Fighters and Paladins
b. Prayers
c. Magic
4. The Tome of the Seer
5. General hints
6. Walkthrough of the Sanctuaries
7. Revision History

1. Introduction

I played this game a long time ago. We can classify this game as abandon
ware. It's very hard to get a copy of this game nowadays. For those who are
looking for the game, you can try to get it at


The game is from Broderbund, the company who is famous for the game called
"Lode Runner". If I remembered correctly, the game is released in 1990.

In this FAQ you will occasionally come across some reference to a map. The
map is referring to a stack of physical maps that were drawn when I am
playing the game. There is no way I can produce an ASCII version of it in
this FAQ. Therefore, you might need to do your own exploration.
I will probably scan it as jpg files and place it in some website if there
is a demand for it.

2. The Story

The land of Eriosthe is being threatened by the evil magician, Uukrul who
was once of the Ancient. The party led by the brave Mara is rumoured to be
slaughtered during their mission to eliminate Uukrul. Mara is captured and
imprisoned in Chaos, the jail of Uukrul. Your party is chosen to infiltrate
Eriosthe and find a way to destroy Uukrul and rescue Mara. Your party will
need to search for clues and solve puzzles during game play.

3. Character Development

3a. Fighters and Paladins

Fighter and paladin will gain levels much faster initially in the game as
the priest and magician will not be very powerful at low level. Fighter and
paladin can wear the heaviest armor and wield the most powerful sword. At
highest level, they can do 200-300 damage points depending on the weapons
used. Paladins can lay their hand on enemy to damage them or heal your

3b. Prayers

Priest should try to invoke prayers as soon as possible. The priest will
need to go to temple if he thinks he is qualified for a better ring.
Gaining levels will usually rewards the priest with one or two rings.
However, if the priest will have better chances of getting a higher ring if
he is able to invoke the prayers of the gods successfully.

The prayers to Ufthu are useful during combat.

RALKOR will send an arrow to strike the strongest opponent.
KARNH will heavily injure monsters adjacent to the priest.
DROM will give strength to your party so that they cause more damage.
IDRIS is very damaging to all undead creatures present.
THOL will make your opponents less effective in combat.

Prayers to Drutho are useful in dungeon exploring.

UMESH will attempts to translate the script on the wall.
HOYAMOQ will try to force the secret door open, usually a few prayer is
required before the door is opened.
TAPU will reduce damage done to the party in dangerous area.
BYNDU will attracts monster to the priest, Use it to lure monsters out
in the open for the magician or fighters.
MORPETH will help to reduce encounters when exploring.
BELAMOQ is the most powerful door opening prayer, no secret door could
withstand its power if successfully invoked. However, it is usually not
answered and cost a great amount of virtue points.

Prayers to Gothur are for healing purposes.

SIRDHE is the basic healing prayer, it will heal a certain amount of wounds
from each character.
HOLNAK will increase your fighting power.
ELIS will heal completely the character with the lowest hit points.
TELIS will heal the party completely, but it is only answered at an altar.
BEYONG will remove poison and plague from the party. Usually answered in a

Prayers to Fshofth are necessary under certain situation.

NULAMIR will attempts to silent the enemies.
TULAR is only answered at an altar. If successfully invoked, it will
increase the party's food by 200 units.
RULASAIR is similar to TULAR but can be cast anywhere, however the increase
is only 100 units and is more draining than TULAR.
EMANUI is usually answered in a sanctuary, it give growing health.
KUURAOTH is only needed to wake up the dark vision from the mirror that can
tell the future of Eriosthe.
LAIRIAN is needed to light the beacon.

3c. Magic

Magician gain rings depending on their frequent usage of spells from
particular discipline. For example, if you use fire spells frequently, then
you will get the next higher Ring of Fire earlier than the other rings.
Generally speaking, you will gain one or two rings every time you gain

The effects of the crystal spells are not given in the game manual but you
can learn about them by casting CYQIEQARAQK, the tome of the Seer.

4. The Tome of the Seer

The great mystic Cyqie harnessed his own soul to create the spell which
destroyed him. CYQIEKUN shall draw forth flames of the hell in which he is
now imprisoned. So perish all who outreach their station.

Range: 3 by 3 radius from the caster.

Your mirror may scry visions of the future, your globe may show the past,
but you are now, and forever slave to the present.

The great mystic Cyqie created the spell of ceaseless healing. CYQIETUR
shall form a pure blue globe. Those within shall be continually refreshed
and restored.

The halls of the great palace, which once thronged with life, are silent
now. Adron, why did you not smite the darkness? But the beacon remains, and
the darkness shall be swallowed by its light.

One from the past shall return. One who is captive shall be freed. One who
is once of the light shall be returned to the greatest light.

QADIOS is a mighty spell. It forms around those of pure heart the womb of
infinity safety. Focus your minds on great things and no harm mayss.

The obsidian crystal survives in a solemn artifact. The hammer lies broken,
yet it shall break the darkness.

Behold the greatest of spells. MUZAQ shall call forth a black trumpet, when
the trumpet sounds, the cries of all the damned souls in hell shall
burst forth in a maelstrom of oblivion.

Effect: wipe out all enemies.

The kauri plaque is broken, the waking vision now sleeps. Areth: you will
never rule.

Behold the mirror that foretells the future. Pray that the dark tower may
crumble. Prayer that the vision can be dispelled. The dark heart of Uukrul
must be shattered, it has been foretold.

5. General hints

At low levels (1-6), the party will not be able to fight very well. If you
find that your party is taking lots of punishment, try to let them gain
higher level before proceeding. Healing spells and prayers are important,
so ensure that you can cast/invoke them. Don't proceed further if you find
that you are having little virtue/psychic points but head straight for the
nearest sanctuary and rest. When you have reach level 10 or more, only the
strongest opponents will be able to hurt you. At this stage, much time is
spent solving puzzles rather than fighting. The maximum level possible is
15, at this level, the magician and priest will have all their rings
complete and will no longer need to worry about combats.

When you find a key in a certain level, it will usually unlock a grate
somewhere on that level. You will not be allowed to drop it before it
unlocks anything. If your character carry too many keys in his backpack, he
might not be able unlock the grate even though he is carrying the correct
key. If possible, don't let any character carry too many keys. So it is
advisable to store the key in the cache in the sanctuaries after it was

Resting in higher level sanctuaries will heal the party much faster. So,
always teleport to the last sanctuary you found before resting.

Before you can invoke the prayer TULAR successfully, you will need to buy
food rations from the supply shop. Once you have learn to invoke it, rest
in sanctuary to reach full virtue points and then go to the altars to
invoke it. When travelling long distance, make sure that you have at least
2000-5000 units of food.

If you cannot find a way to open any secret door, try ALTIS, HOYAMOQ or
BELAMOQ if possible. This situation usually occurs when you need to speak a
certain word to open the door. The words needed are usually the answer to a
riddle or a password found somewhere.

Teleporters are only active after you have found it. If you know its name
but have never been to it, then you can't go there yet.

Before you can cast the spell REAAM to identify your items. Go to Sagaris
and ask him to identify it for you. If the properties of any items are
unknown, a visit to Sagaris is usually rewarding.

Searching will reveal most secret doors. However, at higher areas, you
will need to cast the spell TALIS to reveal secret doors.

6. Walkthrough of the Sanctuaries

You moved from one sanctuary to the next. Eventually reaching your goal.

Note: when I wrote this walkthrough, I had prepared a series of map on
graph paper, however, when I posted this on the newsgroup, the maps are not
included, I will try to add them it if I can find time.

URTAS - Sanctuary of the Ancients

There is nothing much here, except that it give you a feel of the mapping
feature. A certain portion here is not allow to be mapped and there are
some spinner traps that spin your party when you stepped on them. The
savage wolf at that level will gives your party a substantial amount of
punishment, but if you cast SHUM regularly, you should have no problem. A
vision of Mara shows up briefly to tell you to find the frozen hearts.

URLASAR - Sanctuary of the Village

Initially, you will come across a figure in robe, if you don't want to
fight with him, offer him money. If you choose to fight with him, you will
take a great deal of damage but winning this combat will allows you to gain
a lot of experiences.

This area consists of most of the places you will need to visit often
throughout the game.

The supply shop provides all the necessary items needed in the game, you
can sell items if you need money, or buy better equipment when you have the
cash. It will take sometime before you can get hold of all the goodies in
the shop. Unidentified items are usually sold at a lower price, so try to
identify them before you sell them.

Directly behind the shop is a forge for you to repair your broken weapons.
However, most wooden/magical weapon cannot be reforged. So take care of
your magical weapons.

To the east is a hospice for you to heal or cure your party. The price
requested is reasonable, so pay for healing if you need a quick heal
instead of wasting food resting in the sanctuaries.

Behind the hospice is a guild for you to recruit/meet people who are eager
to join your party. If your character happened to be killed and not
resurrected, you will be allow to choose a successor. The 3 persons
presented will probably be compatible to the dead character. When you need
to choose a successor, consider the choice carefully, you might get a
higher level character or one which is lower.

Beside the guild is the mausoleum that will resurrect your characters if
they were killed. However resurrection usually lower your characters
experience points and sometimes attributes and the amount of money
requested is proportional to the level of the deceased.

There is a teleporter BORASAL nearby, so you can come here easily.

There is also the hall of temples where your find the temples of the four
gods. You will need to go to the individual god's temple if you want to
gain a more powerful ring from the god. The teleporter here is BORAMIS.

When you go lower, you will find the Circle of Magician. Your magician will
be able to gain better rings if he is qualified. The teleporter to here is
ALARIQ. There are messages on the walls telling you where to find the 8
frozen hearts.




Going back to the hall of temple, there is a place full of undead creatures
as indicate by a skeleton on a certain map. The battle there is tough when
the party is at low levels, and hidden inside this place is a chrome key.
This key unlocks the grate to the north of the teleportor BORASAL. Behind
the grate is a place full of poisonous gases and air. These locations are
marked with a 'X' on the map. If you step on them, your party will receive
a lot of damage. At the point just before you step into the poisonous
gases, there is a secret door to the north.
Search for it, and try to open it. Behind the door is a stone heart.

supplied by Viktor Roethlisberger

The second heart can be found in the catacombs under the temple area.
Catacombs: to the north is a spinner field first turn to the west (use
compass) there is a door to the north which you enter. Follow the floor
which leads to a small room to the west where you have to fight a corpse.
You receive a key. Back on the spinner field you turn north and enter
the door to the east. There is a floor leading east than south,
attention again a spinner field in the middle of the way south (again
use compass). If you passed it you will soon come to a grate where you
use the key received from the corps. At the end of the way is a secret
door in the east wall which you can open with HOYAMOQ (at least twice
successfully prayed!) In that room lies a dead body with a stone heart.

URMOR - Sanctuary of the Deepening Night

You will have lots of encounters in this area. However, you will be able to
gain a few levels if you fight well. You will find a few keys and unlock a
few grates. Follow the map and eventually you will find a vision of Mara.
Heed what she says. After searching for a while, you will find a old man
who ask you to do something for him. He will want the priest to go to a
Pool of Testing to get a black rod. Say yes to him, and he will then
reveals himself as Sagaris the Sage. He will identify items for a fee. The
teleporter to here is SAGARIS. The fee is dependent on its value, important
or enchanted items usually cost much more. However, identified items can be
sold at a higher price at the supply shop.

URLUSAM - Sanctuaries of High Vault Ceilings

The battle in this area is quite tough. Because the caverns is very long,
and the party can hardly survive till they reach the next sanctuaries at
the eastern side. The most dangerous opponents are the black orcs. The
fighter and paladin are unable to hit them and they have a lot of hit
points. The black orcs hit are usually critical.



Answer: FAITH

Search for the pool of testing on the map. You will need "FAITH" to open
the secret door leading to the pool. Only the priest can get inside the
pool to get the black rod. After getting the rod, Sagaris appears and took
it, and as a reward, he drops a Wand of Potency. This wand can be used to
translate inscriptions. Use it wisely as it has limited charges.

There are lots of secret doors along the caverns, most of them yield a
cache of money. Head east to find the next sanctuary.

URRAN - Sanctuaries Beyond Reason

This is a horrible place, the compass is not working properly, and the
passages twist among themselves. The party is teleported all over the
place. Follow the map to find the room marked with 'X' all over the place.

| X...|
|.X X|
|... |

You might be killed/injured if you step on them. Follow the paths on the
map to clear the room. The teleporter MELAS is found in the room and there
is a medal of escape in a box. It will allow the party to return to this
place when it is rubbed. Every time a new sanctuary is found, you can find
a medal here, so there are a total of 13 medals. Use them wisely, since
there are places where you can return only by the medal or starve/frozen to
death. Each time the medal is rubbed, it will be gone forever and you will
need to get another one from here if it is available.

The scrying mirror is buried with the bold defender of light, Kiriya. The
mirror can be used to see the future of your party. It will show what might
happen to your party at the next sanctuary. So use it every time you have
reach a new sanctuary.

Finding the heart at URRAN
supplied by Viktor Roethlisberger

Uuran: In the first large room you enter from the west, take the door in
the middle of the north wall. In the middle of this floor is a spinner
field, so you turn again to the north and you will have no problem to
find the heart.

URSHAS - Sanctuary of the Dragon


The mirror at the northern end of the diamond foretells the future of
Eriosthe. It can be awaken by your priest, invoke the prayer KUURAOTH to do
that. Take the Areth's plague and inspect it, it contains an important


At the middle of the diamond are two pits leading downwards. The passages
below formed a crossword puzzle. There are messages on the floor and
directly opposite the message is a secret door. If you answer the right
answer to the message, the door will open.

The messages are as follows:

1. weak loud backward liar
Explanation: weak = frail; loud = f, backward liar = rail
Answer: FRAIL

2. within or inside itself (INSIDE)
Explanation: within = inside; "inside" itself = inside
Answer: INSIDE

3. sounds like bread is being made, want some? (NEED)
Explanation: bread is being made: knead, sounds like knead = need;
want some? = need
Answer: NEED

4. mythical monsters become tiresome (DRAGON)
Explanation: mythical monsters = dragon; become tiresome = drag on
Answer: DRAGON

5. the infinite ethereal plane contains many small bones (TEETH)
Explanation: infini(te eth)ereal; many small bones = teeth
Answer: TEETH

6. sing out, but keep your mouth closed (HUM)
Answer: HUM

7. the avenger is moved to carve two points where the dead lie (ENGRAVE)
Explanation: avenger (anagram) = engrave; to carve = engrave;
two points = en (typesetting), where the dead lie = grave

8. a keen joint (KNEE)
Explanation: keen (anagram) = knee; joint = knee
Answer: KNEE

9. the tree before and after the fire (ASH)
Explanation: the tree = ash; after the fire = ash
Answer: ASH

10. conditions important when walking less than twelves inches (UNDERFOOT)
Explanation: conditions important when walking = underfoot;
less than twelve inches = under foot

11. gives up a short recess to get a word in (RENOUNCES)
Explanation: gives up = renounces; a short recess = reces,
get a word in = noun

12. covered with cold wet spikes

The correct crossword is as follows:


Behind the secret door is a set of codes consisting of squares and
diamonds. Refer this this clue to figure out the correct code.


Arrange the codes in order, i.e. from message 1 to 12.
Note: the code might differ from game to game, I had not confirmed this.

After getting the codes, go to the southern end of the diamond. You will
find a mechanism which have 2 buttons: square and diamond. Enter the code
you have learned and you will find yourself inside a room. Kill the ice
dragon inside and get the stone heart. The chalice can be sold for quite
a high price.

(Info from Lyssa, It is not necessary to defeat the Ice Dragon to retrieve
the heart, merely to retrieve the chalice. As such, it is possible to
complete the game without ever confronting him.) Well, that is provided
you can find another stone heart from somewhere.

UREAL - Sanctuary of Twisted Paths

This level is basically a set-up by Uukrul to test your potentials. Pull
the chains near the grate to open the grate.

When you have passed, Uukrul will close it behind you. You are supposed to
find your way out of these twisted paths. At the end of the paths is three
tests put up by Uukrul. Clearing any one of these tests will allow you to
get past to the next area. However, if you opt to retreat, go back to the
grate. Uukrul will open the grate if you responded correctly.

First Test:

Find four keys to open four grates to get pass. By taking note of the four
fragments of maps found and then placing them on top of each other, a
drawing is formed with some letters on it. The meaning is difficult to
guess, but on close examination, it actually means something quite simple.
The message behind it is:

Cast the spell TALIS whenever you are at a place which resemble an U. And
you will find a secret door to the key you need. Check the maps to learn
their locations.

Second Test:

A secret door lies in front of you. You need to speak a word to open it.
Since no clue is given whatsoever, the only reasonable answer is the word
"WORD" itself. So, speak it and the door is opened. This is the easiest
test but can be quite tough if you think in the wrong direction.

Info from Lyssa:
The password of "WORD" most certainly *is* given in this puzzle region.
In the area upstairs from the challenge, there are counted marks on the
floor, in four different colors. If you map carefully, you will see that
tracing the colored markings in numerical order on your map form the shape
of the letters "W" (Crimson) "O" (Maroon) "R" (Ochre) and "D" (Violet).
If there is any doubt as to the sequence that the four letters should be
taken (e.g. WORD or DROW), the oddly-named colors need merely be taken in
alphabetical order to show that "WORD" is, in fact, correct. The
utomatic map will not help though.

Third Test:

You are supposed to fight the minions of Uukrul. If you manage to clear
them, you will come to a secret door that is easily opened.

There are three fights. The first involves three organisms that like to
spit acid and poison at your party. They have relatively high hit points
and are difficult to be killed. The second battle consists of four trolls.
They can stretch time by their own wish so as to slow down your party. They
are much easier opponents compared to the organisms. But beware, they hit
hard. The last room is guarded by two fire spirits. They like to breathe
fire at the party and do a lot of damage. If your level is low, there is
only a slim chance of successfully hitting them. To defeat them is almost
impossible unless you are powerful indeed.

Don't forget about this place when you have clear it. Always return to go
for the third test. Fight here to gain experiences. When you find that you
have suffered a great deal of damage, turn back and use the other two ways
to return to the sanctuary URTEHLN. Train here until you can easily passed
the third test. Only then you are prepared for what lies ahead of you.

After passing the test, you will find a urn in an area protected by a lot
of shifting walls. Enter the combinations:

^ v ^ ^ ^ v v ^
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

^ - lever up
v - lever down

Walk along the paths indicated on the map. You will find an urn. The dark
heart of Uukrul is hidden inside. Insert the stone hearts you have found
into it. You will need six hearts to get the dark heart. So, return here
every time a new heart is found.

URTEHLN - Sanctuary beneath the Pyramid


4 cards, 4 stops, 4 keys, 4 locks, 1 final door and 1 stone heart, 1 final
card before you depart.

This place consists of six levels. The number of magic card your magician
carries will determine which levels your party will be teleported when
you step into the elevator. And at anytime, waving the card will bring
you to the teleporter.

The first card is found behind a secret door at level 1. Give the card to
your magician, and then go to the next level.

Level 2 is an area of torture, beware of the black circle, it might
decrease your attributes permanently. There are 4 rooms in the four
directions. Just go to the eastern room and you will find four rooms. Press
the buttons to reach different places. Keep doing so until you have found 4
keys and 1 card. Go to level 3 when you find the card.

The third level is easy, simply go to the 4 corners and select the "unlock"
function if it is not damaged. After that, activate it to reach level 4.

The 4 keys you found can unlock those grates that are still not unlocked.
Look around this place until you find 2 cards and Nalusi. Nalusi will give
you a stone heart before he dies. There is a Bone of Cursing that can be
use in combat, wave it for it to take effect.

Give 4 cards to the magician to reach level 5. There is a secret door to
the west. Get the card.

Give 5 cards to your magician and travel to level 6. To the west is a
secret door that hides a war shield that you can give to your fighter or

Head east to find the next sanctuary. Along the way, you will fight some
monks and find a globe of blood. This globe can be used to see the past,
but you need to wait sometime before you can use it again. Use it regularly
as it gives hints as to what is happening in the past.

URZHUT - Sanctuary of the Great Engineer

This area stretch over a large distance, so make sure you have enough
rations and are powerful enough to survive through the long journey. Don't
miss out any places in this area. There are quite a number of magical items
for you to collect. You can get an enchanted robe and a hat of thought for
your magician.

Head east, eventually you will reach the control rooms. Get the key at the
northern control room to open the grate. At the turbines, Close gate A
and B but leave gate C opened. At the carriage control, enter STRIYA. Now
the carriage is ready. At the Northeast corner, cast TALIS to reveal a
secret door to a teleporter. If your party is weaken, you can choose to get
back to URZHUT and take the carriage to reach URQOL, otherwise you can
continue the search for the hammer.

Use the map as a guide to find the Obsidian Hammer. The map where the
Obsidian Hammer resides is shaped like a Hammer! The pits are difficult,
so if possible, bring along some ropes. At the very bottom, speak DARNUTH
to open the secret door behind Mara's vision. A daemon will be guarding
the Obsidian Hammer. Kill it to get the Obsidian Hammer

Now teleport to 4. Head for the carriage. The reason gates A and B are
closed is because you need to walk across the rooms, if they are opened,
the rooms will be flooded. Gate C must be open in order to supply energy
for the carriage, otherwise it won't move.

URQOL - Sanctuary beneath the Cube


This place is in fact a cube. Picture the map as one on top of the other.
And in this way, pits are directly connected. If you drop from a trapdoor,
you will be at the place directly below. Keep this in mind when you are
using the maps provided.

The battles here are quite tough, so your party should be at least level 10
in order to survive long enough. Look for the bronze key at level 4.
Anyway, at level 6, you will find a trapdoor with 3 handles, pull them in
the order 2,1,3. This is to open the doors at level 5. Follow the map to
level 4 to get the stone heart. Find your way to the grate at level 7. If
you have not found the key yet, speak the word QOLARIS to open the secret
door in the room to the east of the grate.

URQASTUR - Sanctuary of Adron's Legions


This place is a bit unstable at first. There are a number of portals that
will teleport your party to some places the first time you step on them.
However, the portal will be gone once it is activated. So don't be
surprised when you are teleported to an area not included in the maps
provided. The maps only show those area that are stable.

There are numerous secret doors in this region. The passwords used are
DRASZ and SALUNH. Speak them to open the secret doors. Travel around to
gather the 4 messages in gold.

Use the teleporters to reach heart hall. When you are at the heart hall,
walk around the place, there is a spot where your party will be able to get
inside. The teleporter here is HEARTHALL. And speaking 4 words can open the
4 secret doors. The words are decode as follows:

Pick the nth letter of the nth message and than put them together to form a

e.g. First inspect runes, each letter is given however taken
F i r e l i g h t

answer: Firelight

Open the secret doors and fight the creatures behind it. You will need to
fight a wraith, two fire drakes and one titan before you can reach the last
door. If you are having a hard time, retreat to the teleporter and rest at
any sanctuary. Teleport here again when you are strong enough. Behind the
last door is another stone heart.

The fight with the Titan is very rewarding, about 8000 experience point per
character. Keep on fighting him until all your characters reach level 15
and have get all the crystal rings.

UROQLAMN - Sanctuary of Adron's Palace


Mara: "You have reached the great palace. Now you mst arm the beacon far
below: look for the copper, but beware the dark one's black runes. I know
sure as Adron's die is cast, we will soon be free."

You will find your party in a hall covered with dice squares. You will find
Adron's die when you defeat the necromancers. Search for the secret door as
indicate on the map. You will find a room with some buttons for you to
press. The third button will add a diamond, the second button will light
the dice square equal to the number of diamonds. So, the sequence should be
3,2, 3,2, 3,2, 3,2, 3,2, 3,2. Make sure all the 6 dice squares are lit
before you proceed. Go back to the hall to check it out. The Dice Square
should be lightened up by now. Casting Adron's die when you are standing
on the dice squares will bring you to another location.

Now, walk to dice square 3 and cast the die. You will find yourself in the
next location, walk east and you will find Sagaris. Speak SAGARIS to open
the secret door and follows him. He will brief you on your mission. The
teleporter here is SURAQIS. The altar here will be able to let your priest
invoke TULAR to provide food for your party. The other teleporter here will
bring you to a code machine just follow the map.

Search this area for secret doors to find all the hidden messages. You will
need to find the beacon codes, beacon commands and instructions.

After that, go to the next level and visit all the 4 quadrants. Take note
of the 4 quadrant keys. There are 4 gargoyle riddles in this area.

Two fates were joined when I was forged
To face the darkness and Uukrul's horde
And though I am broken, I am also restored
And Lo I will break him before he has gorged.
Answer: HAMMER

Three heads hold the beacon: evil will cease
Words told in sequence: there will be peace
I am the Patriarch, in ancient guise
A fool's age misleads evil's eyes.

Four gods are joined in my supreme skill
Lord, Lover, Lamp and Thief
Four keys unlocked after the kill
Evil falls like Autumn's leaf
Answer: PRIEST

Five of the Arcane are now in my hand
Five skills focused in five metal bands
I am one from the four of the Western lands
I am joined in your party against evil's stand.

If you answered incorrectly, you will be sent to some other places. From what
I know, there are two different places. In the first place, you can get out
by walking through the walls. In the second place, there is no way to get out
by searching or walking. Instead, check the inventory of your magician, a
strange scroll is added to his backpack. By reading it, the party will be
able to escape from here. Behind the riddles are four prophecies about the
future of Eriosthe.

He who was first shall be he who is last.
He who has climbed shall be he who is cast.
She who is caught has returned from the past.
You who are last will light the beacon's blast.


Cast Adron's die to reach the next level. There will be another 3 riddles
in this place. The first two riddles are obvious, as for the third, inspect
Areth's plague. After answering the riddles, you will find Uukrul inside.
Since you don't have the obsidian heart yet, he will disappear before you
can kill him. The fight is not difficult though. Cast MUZAQ two times and
he will disappear.

Now, search Uukrul's room, you will find two secret doors, speak UUKRUL to
open it. You will find another stone heart and a codebook.

By now you should have found at least 6 stone hearts already, go to the
heart urn and insert the hearts. You will then be able to get the obsidian
heart of Uukrul.

Use Adron's die to go to the hall with 5 squares. Step onto the square with
5 stars and cast the die. Follow the map and find your way to the Beacon
Arming Machine.

Beacon Arming Sequence:
use code machine, enter code, command, key
e.g. enter VGAK, DIVIDE, 6
result: north quadrant 1231

Alternative Arming Sequence:
use code book, translate code, then apply command with key.
e.g. using code book, V=7, G=3, A=8, K=6
therefore, 7386 DIVIDE 6 = 1231

Enter the arming sequence in the order north, east, south and west. The
beacon will then be armed.

After arming the beacon, go back to find Uukrul. Cast the obsidian heart in
his presence and he will be trapped in this plane forever. His soul wills
always regenerate his hit point when he is critical, only the obsidian
hammer can split his soul and kill him. After killing him, you will find an
ornate key. Use the key to open the grate in his room.

His treasure room contains large amount of money and some precious items.
But you should have no need for them now, so proceed to the next sanctuary.

URXASZEL - Sanctuary beyond the Beacon

Sagaris will give you instructions when you reach here. There is nothing in
this place, but you will need to go to CHAOS to save Mara.


At any teleporter, enter CHAOS and you will be here. A map of CHAOS is
given. In this place the passages warp around, i.e. if you head north,
after sometime you will reach the same old place. Most of the walls are
one sided, i.e. you can walk through one side of them but not both. Many
spinner traps are found here, so check your map and compass. At certain
locations, your compass will not work and you can't map. Well, there is
nevertheless good news: there is absolutely no fighting in this place. Just
puzzles solving.

So, to aid you in your quest, I have found a very simple way for you to
rescue Mara. Follow the instructions closely unless you want to do it your
own way.

1. Give the 5 card of moving to your magician. When you step out of the
teleporter CHAOS. Walk to the elevator just in front of the cage where
Mara is trapped. You will be teleported to a place, head east and you will
find a teleporter there. It has button numbered 1 to 4.

2. Press 3. Walk east, east to get reach the card room. Get card. But don't
give the card to your magician yet. Go out and step into the elevator
again. Walk to teleporter.

3. Press 2. Walk north, then west to get the ornate key. Walk west, west
then face east. You will find a grate here. Open it with the key and step
into it. Read the map. Turn back and walk outside. If you cannot find the
grate, you can go to the teleporter again and presses button 3, then walk
east then west to find the grate.

4. Give the 6th card to your magician. Walk into the elevator. You will
come to a place where you cannot map. You will need to touch all six
latches within 18 steps.

. . R
L .
. E A
C . . . . V .
Y @ <- you will be here when you step into elevator

You might need to perform this sequence a few times. Head north until you
reach latch A. Make sure the message "mechanism restarted" is there,
otherwise you need to move around until it is so. After that, follow the
path indicated: A - V - C - L - R - E - Y. When you have done that, the
cage imprisoning Mara will be opened.

5. Now find you way back to Mara cage. Make sure you don't touch the
latches again, otherwise you will need to go back and activate them again.
Walk inside the cage and save Mara.

6. Let your magician carries only 5 cards and walk into the elevator. Walk
east to the teleporter and press 3. Walk south and you will be at the
teleporter CHAOS. You can go to any sanctuaries to save the game if you
want to repeat the ending sequence. Otherwise enter BEACON at the


LAIRIAN The Untranslatable Prayer

Umhir deln Fshofth, Du saq mishallfen,
Ersan su stramanlisa du saq verhallfen,
Itor ka skirian, thror qastura taras,
Wur qanar wur stilor wur kas.

Sagaris and Mara will be waiting for you here. You will need to enter the
last verse for the prayer LAIRIAN in order to light the beacon. When the
beacon is lit, sit back and watch the end game.

7. Revision History

Version 1.7: 7 Nov 2004. Update email
Version 1.6: 19 Jun 2003
Added information to find the 2 remaining hearts provided by
Victor Roethlisberger
Version 1.5: 12 May 2003.
Added information provided by Lyssa (lyssa_moon@hotmail.com):
1. explanations to the crossword puzzle
2. In UREAL region, how to find the 'WORD'.
Version 1.4: 28 Apr 2003. Included the prayer LAIRIAN.
Version 1.3: 02 Apr 2003. Updated UROQLAMN - Sanctuary of Adron's Palace.
Version 1.2: 18 Mar 2003. Minor update on the Sanctuary of the Dragon.
Updated email address.
Version 1.1: 24 May 2002. Added the table of content and made some minor
corrections. Added portions of the missing maps.
Version 1.0: First written in 1990. I remembered posting it to the Usenet
and it got distributed pretty widely. However, the maps that
accompany the walkthrough are not provided.

(c) Copyright 1990-2004 by Lee Beng Hai
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