Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors

Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors

17.10.2013 20:39:43

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-by Andy "Andy007" Banh
-AIM: ultimaweapon2k
-Last update: 5-19-02 (v1.2)
-Created: 4-27-02


This guide is not to be hosted on a site without my consent by email. Please
e-mail me at if you would like to use it on your
site. DO NOT in any way modify the contents this guide, for only I can do
that. Enjoy!!!




A. Archers
B. Cavalry
C. Infantry
D. Monks
E. Ships
F. Siege



U N I Q U E * U N I T S


| U S I N G -- T H I S -- G U I D E : |
|Example: |
| |
|--------------------- |
|(((( (A.) Unit )))) |
|--------------------- |
| |
| (B.) During Medieval times... |
| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |(C.) NAME |(D.) HP |(E.) ATK |(F.) A/PA |(G.) RANGE |(H.) COST ||
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|-PROS:(L.) |
|-CONS:(M.) |
| |
| (Q.) This unit is fairly good... |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| {R.}"" has an effective strategy in using this unit... |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| |
KEY: |
A.(UNIT) - The unit's name, and what civilization has it. |
B.(BACKGROUND INFO) - Historical background on the unit, derived from the |
official AOK and TC manuals. |
C.(NAME) - The unit's name, as it appears in the game. |
D.(HP) - The total hit points of the unit. |
E.(ATK) - The base amount damage of the unit, how much it can damage. |
F.(A/PA) - The base Armor of the unit, high Armor reduces damage from |
normal enemy attacks. |
The base Pierce Armor of the unit, high PA reduces damage from |
arrows. |
G.(RANGE) - The base range of a ranged unit. The longer the range, the |
farther it can attack from, one tile in the game is one |
range. |
H.(COST) - The base cost of the unit. |
I.(UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE) - The specialty of the unit, making it unique. |
J.(WEAKNESSES) - What the unit is weak against, based on other units. |
K.(ATTACK BONUS) - Extra damage done against certain unit(s). |
L.(PROS) - Good qualities about the unit. |
M.(CONS) - Bad qualities or weaknesses about the unit. |
N.(STRONG AGAINST) - What the unit dominates against. |
O.(UPGRADES) - Techs that boost the quality or abilities of the unit. |
P.(BLACKSMITH) - Techs at the Blacksmith that will boost the Attack/Armor |
of the unit. |
Q.(ANALYSIS) - Is the unit worth building or not? |
R.(CONTRIBUTED STRATEGY) - Strategies and tactics contributed by gamers |
for that unit. (I am no way responsible for |
the content, if there are problems with it, |
e-mail the contributor.) |

========+ ARCHERS +=========

(((( CHO-KU-NU )))) -- CHINESE

The crossbow was invented in China in ancinet times and the chu ko nu was an
improved crossbow invented there during European Middle Ages. The chu ko nu
was something like a semi-automatic crossbow. It was fitted with a magazine
of bolts. When the operator pulled back the bowstring, a new bolt was
automatically loaded. When the bowstring reached its limit, the weapon fired
automatically. The operator pulled back as quickly as he could to maintain a
rapid fire. The weaknesses of the weapon were a short range and weaker power
compared to larger single-shot crossbows.

|NAME | HP | ATTACK | A/PA | Range | Cost |
|Cho-Ko-Nu | 45 | 6 | 0/0 | 4 | 40 W, 35 G |
|Elite Cho-ko-Nu | 50 | 8 | 0/0 | 4 | 40 W, 35 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Rapid firing arrows, with a pause in between a few fired
shots in a row.
-WEAKNESSES: Mangonels, Bombard Cannons, Longbowmen, Woad Raiders, Huskarls,
Eagle Warriors
-ATTACK BONUS: nothing
-PROS: Attack damage
-CONS: Range
-STRONG AGAINST: Swordsmen, Pikemen, slow units, Camels
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Thumb Ring (100% accuracy) -- Archery Range
Chemistry (+1 Attack) -- University
Rocketry (+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite Cho Ku Nu (950 F, 950 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Feudal Age
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Castle Age
Bracer(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Imperial Age
Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Ring Archer Armor(+2 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

The Cho Ku Nu are good supporting units for a group of cavalry, so
Mangonels and Onagers don't completely decimate them. They can take out
Infantry exceptionally well(except for Huskarls and Woad Raiders). But
the lack of range makes them less efficient on killing enemies before they
reach. Even with their high archer HP, Longbows destroy them from range.

(((( JANISSARY )))) -- TURKS

Some of the best units in the Turkish armies were the janissaries.
These men were slaves captured as children and raised under Islam to be
fanatical warriors. They wore white headgear and marched into battle
accompanied by music. They fought on foot with a variety of weapons,
including early firearms when these weapons reached the Middle East. The
military was their entire life and they took great pride in their ability.
They led the successful assault into Constantinople and the unsuccessful
Turkish attacks against Malta and Vienna.

| NAME | HP | ATK | A/PA | Range | Cost |
| Janissary | 35 | 17 | 1/0 | 8 | 60 F, 55 G |
| Elite Janissary | 40 | 22 | 2/0 | 8 | 60 F, 55 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Stronger than Hand Cannoneer
-WEAKNESSES: Mangonels, Longbowmen, Paladins
-PROS: Strong Attack
-CONS: Slow attack rate.
-STRONG AGAINST: Infantry, Camel, Slow Units
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Thumb Ring (100% accuracy) -- Archery Rang
Elite Janissary (850 F, 750 G) -- Imperial Age (at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Ring Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Although they are stronger than Conquistadors with damage, Janissaries
aren't so strong when it comes to HP and armor. They'll fall quickly to
Onagers or masses of scorpions. Paladins are also effective. But since
they are effective in masses, no infantry will be able to touch them.


The longbow was very tall, 5 or 6 feet long, and crafted from a single
piece of wood, commonly yew. It fired 3-foot-long arrows at a great range
and, in the hands of an expert, could be extremely accurate. Edward I
(Longshanks) of England grasped the value of this weapon and the English
thereafter employed large contingents of longbowmen in their Middle Age
armies. All sports other than archery were banned on Sundays in Britain to
ensure that archers practiced. The long bow was used effectively in
longe-range barrages against massed troops, firing thin pointed arrows
called bodkins that could pierce armor. Arrows were fired simultaneously
by thousands of archers and aimed at a distant area rather than a specific
target. Enemy troops within the area were forced to receive the barrage with
no cover but their armor and shields. The barrage caused casualties and
reduced enemy morale. The most famoius examples of this tactic were the
great English victories at Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt during the Hundred
Years War. French knights recalled with horror the awful sound of thousands
of arrows in flight and the sky turning dark from their shafts.

| Longbowman | 35 | 6 | 0/0 | 5 | 35 W, 40 G |
| Elite Longbowman | 40 | 7 | 0/0 | 6 | 35 W, 50 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Mangonels, Huskarls, Paladins, Woad Raiders, Eagle Warriors
-ATTACK BONUS: nothing
-PROS: Range
-CONS: Low HP, Slow fire rate
-STRONG AGAINST: Swordsmen, Pikemen, slow units, Camels
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Chemistry (+1 Attack) -- University
Elite Longbowmen (850 F, 950 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Yeomen (+1 Range)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Feudal Age
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Castle Age
Bracer(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Imperial Age
Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Ring Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Longbows are great at range, possibly the one of the most useful
ranged units in the game. Although their attack is mediocre, their range
allows them to destroy masses of enemies before they can reach. However,
longbows fire at a slow rate, and are very vulnerable when enemies reach
them. Longbows are not strong enough to survive the hits of siege weapons,
thus they must be backed up.


The Mongols were united by Genghis Khan, who took them off on a campaign
of conquest that reached from the Pacific to the Mediterranean to Central
Europe. The Mongols were superb horsemen and each warrior kept a stable of
ponies so that fresh mounts were always available. The strength of the
Mongol armies was the horse archer firing a composite bow from the saddle.
The best of these archers, called the mangudai, used great tactics to catch
enemies at a disadvantage. They used feints and traps to wear out enemy
cavalry and shoot it to pieces. Slower troops could be shot to pieces at
range with little risk. Enemy armies were exhausted and shattered without
ever coming to grips with the elusive mangudai. The main weakness of the
Mongol army was that only great leaders could keep it together. When the
great Khan or later leaders died, the army dissolved into factions bickering
for primacy.

| NAME | HP | ATK | A/PA | Range | Cost |
| Mangudai | 60 | 6 | 0/0 | 4 | 55 W, 65 G |
| Elite Mangudai | 60 | 8 | 1/0 | 4 | 55 W, 65 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Fast firing Cavalry Archer
-WEAKNESSES: Mamelukes, Camels, Paladins, Spearmen, Huskarl, Woad Raiders,
-ATTACK BONUS: Siege weapons
-PROS: Fast Attack and Attack damage
-CONS: Range and Armor
-STRONG AGAINST: Siege, Monks, Infantry
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Thumb Ring (100% accuracy) -- Archery Range
Parthian Tactics (+2A/+2PA) -- Archery Range
Chemistry (+1 Attack) -- University
Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Bloodlines (+20 HP) -- Stable
Elite Mangudai (1100 F, 675 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Feudal Age
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Castle Age
Bracer(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Imperial Age
Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age

The mangudai is a versatile and mobile. With its attack bonus against
siege, it makes them almost unstoppable. Yet Mangudai mixed in with hordes
of Paladins and Siege will destroy almost anything. Masses of Mangudai
are useful to pick off infantry and isolated siege. Mangudai are able to
hold off a lot of enemies, but when siege overpowers them, they have no chance.
Mangudai are the best at hit-and-run tactics.


The natives of Central America had developed the bow and used it in
combat. Their bow technology was not far advanced, in comparison to the Asian
composite bow or English longbow. Archers could be ordered to wound when
capture of enemies was more important than killing. Like all other Mayan
warriors, archers wore distinctive costumes so commanders could distinguish
their troops and place the right group where needed. The status of archers
was low in comparison to other warrior ranks, so men of lower standing and
skill entered their ranks. men of status and ambition joined the ranks of
the Eagle Warrior where they could have the opportunity to take captives.

The better skilled and experienced bowmen became Elite Plumed Archers. They
were especially important when absolute victory was required because they
had the ability to kill enemies quickly and break enemy army morale under
a barrage of well-aimed arrows.

| NAME | HP | ATK | A/PA | Range | Cost |
| Plumed Archer | 50 | 5 | 0/1 | 4 | 46 W, 46 G |
| Elite Plumed Archer| 65 | 5 | 0/2 | 5 | 46 W, 46 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Fast speed (foot archer)
-WEAKNESSES: Onagers, Woad Raiders, Huskarls, Eagle Warriors, Paladins
-ATTACK BONUS: nothing
-PROS: Speed
-CONS: Attack and range
-STRONG AGAINST: Swordsmen, Pikemen, slow units, Camels, Archers
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Thumb Ring (100% accuracy) -- Archery Range
Chemistry (+1 Attack) -- University
Elite Plumed Archer(500 F, 1000 W) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Feudal Age
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Castle Age
Bracer(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Imperial Age
Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Ring Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Plumed Archers are a convenient way of handling infantry, at a low cost.
Although they are cheap, these archers are weak in attack, with very short
range. The good point though, is that their HP is high as well as their
Pierce Armor, thus making them strong against enemy archers. With their
fast foot speed, they can outrun Infantry, but Cavalry becomes a problem
for these archers. Even though they can avoid Onager shots, they won't
avoid a devastating charge of Huskarls or Paladins.

(((( WAR WAGON )))) -- KOREANS

The Korean kingdom of Koryo was often under attack from all sides -
by China, by barbarian civilizations to the north like the Mongols, and by
sea raiders. To survive, they needed a strong military. We have hints
from scant records that the Koryo were innovative warriors, perhaps being
the first to use rockets in combat and carriages of some type. Trains
of these wagons could be arranged into temporary fortifications in open
areas, providing a mobile, yet substantial, defensive position against
mounted enemies. So became the war wagon, a classic chariot with scythed
blades and mobile forts from which archers could fire with some protection.

| War Wagon | 150 | 9 | 0/3 | 5 | 80 W, 60 G |
| Elite War Wagon | 200 | 9 | 0/4 | 6 | 80 W, 60 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Armored Cavalry Archer
-WEAKNESSES: Onagers, Woad Raiders, Huskarls, Eagle Warriors, Paladins,
Camels, Mamelukes, Pikemen
-ATTACK BONUS: nothing
-PROS: High Pierce Armor
-CONS: Consumes too much space.
-STRONG AGAINST: Swordsmen, slow units, Archers
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better accuracy and faster firing rate) -- University
Thumb Ring (100% accuracy) -- Archery Range
Chemistry (+1 Attack) -- University
Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Elite War Wagon(1000 W, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Feudal Age
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Castle Age
Bracer(+1 Attack, +1 Range) -- Imperial Age
Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age

War Wagons are quite the powerful archers. With high pierce armor and
HP, they can survive the hits of Onagers, archers, castles, and even Paladins.
However, since they take up so much space, it makes them harder to use and
maintain. Their slow firing rate lets units hit them twice before getting
off another shot.

==============+ CAVALRY +=============


The Byzantine army carried on many of the military traditions of the
old Roman Empire into the Middle Ages. This was a professional force that
was well trained and well led. Officers studied tactics and command. The
army was organized into formal units that maintained their own traditions
for centuries. The best units in the Byzantine army were partially armored
cavalrymen called cataphracts. They fought with several weapons, including
the bow and sword. With plains to the east and north of their empire,
the cataphract was ideally suited for combat against unarmored cavalry of
their enemies. The Byzantine army went into decline partially because it
lost the plains of Asia Minor from which it had drawn both horses and
cavalrymen for service as cataphracts.

| Cataphract | 110 | 9 | 2/1 | 0 | 70 F, 75 G |
| Elite Cataphract | 150 | 12 | 2/1 | 0 | 70 F, 75 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Trample damage
-WEAKNESSES: Paladins, Mameluke, War Elephants
-PROS: Trample damage, no true counter against Cataphracts
-CONS: Costly
-STRONG AGAINST: Swordsmen, Foot Archers, Monks, Siege
-UPGRADES: Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Elite Cataphract(1600 F, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Logistica (Trample Damage tech) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Scale Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Cataphracts are the ultimate Byzantine answer against numerous units,
it is one of the best overall units in the game. The cost of them for
upgrades is hard to maintain, and they are way too valuable to lose, since
their cost to produce is also expensive. Groups of Cataphracts can
annihilate swarms of infantry quickly, and even a line of Halberdiers.
Because they have no true weakness, this makes them dominate in battles.


Spanish adventurers who set off to conquer the New World became known
as Conquistadors. These men were an assortment of disposed sons of the
nobility and soldiers of fortune looking for adventure and loot. Most were
soldiers without employment. They arrived in the New World with a great
technical advantage in weapons over the natives who could not stand up to
steel swords, firearms, and mounted lancers. The horse was particularly
terrifying to the first natives who encountered it. Mounted men were thought
to be some sort of new creature, half man and half four-legged beast. Thanks
to the spread of European diseases before them and advantageous use of native
allies on occasion, ridiculously small armies of Conquistadores conquered
with relative ease the two great American civilizations, the Aztecs and the

Within the ranks of the European adventurers who invaded the New World
there were soldiers of superior ability and determination who became Elite
Conquistadors. These were the men who lead the charges against seemingly
insurmountable odds and triumphed due to their superior weapons and grim

|NAME | HP | ATK | A/PA | Range | Cost |
|Conquistador | 55 | 16 | 2/2 | 6 | 60 F, 75 G |
|Elite Conquistador | 70 | 17 | 2/2 | 7 | 60 F, 75 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Mounted Cannoneer, with fast speed.
-WEAKNESSES: Mangonels, Camels, Mameluke, Paladins
-PROS: High HP, high attack, high armor
-CONS: Slow attack rate
-STRONG AGAINST: Infantry,e Archers, slow units
-UPGRADES: Ballistics (Better Accuracy, faster firing rate) -- University
Bloodlines (+20 Cavalry HP) -- Stable
Husbandry (+10% Cavalry Speed) -- Stable
Elite Conquistador (1200 F, 600 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Padded Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Leather Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Ring Archer Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Conquistadors pack devastating blows in groups, annihilating anything
coming towards it. With an attack bonus against Infantry, it is hard for
Pikes to get close. But their slow firing rate is a flaw, which faster
and stronger units can get hits off of them before they can shoot. Archers
have almost twice the firing rate of conquistadores. These units are tough,
costly, but valuable.


The mamelukes were slaves trained as warriors by various Arab leaders,
partially because early believers in Islam would not fight each other.
Slave warriors got around this ban. The mamelukes were well trained and
highly motivated. A mameluke army from Egypt won a rare victory against
the Mongols in Syria, turning these barbarian horsemen back from the Nile
and North Africa. In time the mamelukes rose up against their Arab rulers
and took control themselves. When Napoleon invaded Egypt in the
eighteenth century, he defeated a mameluke army at the Battle of Pyramids.

| Mameluke | 65 | 7 | 0/0 | 3 | 55 F, 85 G |
| Elite Mameluke | 80 | 8 | 1/0 | 3 | 55 F, 85 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Melee Cavalry Unit
-WEAKNESSES: Archers, Hand Cannoneers, Onagers, Scorpions, Camels
-ATTACK BONUS: All Cavalry
-PROS: Counters tough cavalry units
-CONS: Cost and Attack
-UPGRADES: Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Bloodlines(+20 HP) -- Stable
Zealotry(+30 HP) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite Mameluke(1000 W, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Mameluke are one of the most effectively used units in the game. They
counter any cavalry, destroying them in a matter of seconds. Mameluke are
the ultimate answer against War Elephants and Paladins, and there also seems
to be no counter against Mamelukes. But their poor armor and HP keeps them
at bay, at risk if they get hit by a shot of an Onager. The range of Mamelukes
also makes them sufficient, to destroying lines of Infantry and Cavalry.
They make mincemeat out of Paladins.

(((( TARKAN )))) -- HUNS

The use of the stirrup by the Huns gave them a technological advantage
against other armies when they advanced toward the west in the 3rd century.
They could set themselves in their stirrups and charge into a target with
a lance. The impact of a lance point transferred the force of the combined
moving man and horse, thanks to the stirrup. With rare exceptions (notably
Alexander's Companion cavalry) horsemen prior to this had rarely been
effective with a lance or spear. The appearance of thousands of barbarian
cavalry using spears so effectively forced dramatic change in warfare at
the end of antiquity. The Roman legions were forced to put more emphasis
on cavalry in support of their legions and eventually hire barbarian
horsemen as mercenaries. Heroes of Hunnic, and Mongolian, armies were
known as Tarkans.

The best of the Hunnic light horsemen were Elite Tarkan warriors. They rode
hard, hit with surprise, and could withdraw as quickly if the situation was
not advantageous. The mobility of the Elite Tarkan warriors made them
devastating radiers, but their light cavalry status put them at disadvantage
against heavily armored horsemen in close combat.

| Tarkan | 90 | 7 | 1/2 | 0 | 60 F, 60 G |
| Elite Tarkan | 150 | 11 | 1/3 | 0 | 60 F, 60 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Paladins, Camels, Mameluke, Pikemen
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings
-PROS: High HP, High Pierce Armor
-STRONG AGAINST: Foot Archers, Siege, Buildings
-UPGRADES: Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Bloodlines(+20 HP) -- Stable
Elite Tarkan(1600 F, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack
Scale Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

The Tarkan is an excellent unit rushing your enemies. As your Paladins
destroy units, Tarkans will raze buildings quickly, they can even destroy
take down Castles. The only thing with Tarkans is that they are only useful
overall in razing towns. Tarkans don't have any attack bonuses against
specific units.


The last civilization in the Middle East to employ war elephants was
Persia, who got their elephants from India. The war elephant was a powerful
complement to an army, especially against troops with no experience against
them. They were very difficult to kill, but remained difficult to control
also. If they could be directed into an enemy formation, the enemy troops
always fell back in disarray.

| War Elephant | 450 | 15 | 1/2 | 0 | 200 F, 75 G |
| Elite War Elephant | 600 | 17 | 1/3 | 0 | 200 F, 75 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Camels, Mameluke, Pikemen, Monks
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings
-PROS: High HP, high attack
-CONS: Costly
-STRONG AGAINST: Buildings, foot archers, swordsmen
-UPGRADES: Husbandry (+10% Speed) -- Stable
Bloodlines(+20 HP) -- Stable
Mahouts(+30% Speed) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite War Elephant(1600 F, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Barding Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

War Elephants are slow moving units, making them vulnerable to
conversion or hits. But, since they have such high HP, it makes masses of
elephants unstoppable. Archers have a tough time in taking out hordes
of elephants, as well as all other units. Halberdier are the answer, since
they are cheap and have a major attack bonus versus elephants. Elephants
are great in invading towns, for anyone who does not know how to counter
elephants is dead.

=============+ INFANTRY +==================


Late in the eighth century Viking sea raiders from Scandinavia
appeared suddenly in Northern Europe. They raided and plundered costal
communities for the next 150 years. Most of the progress made by
Charlemagne in uniting Northern Europe and beginning a rebirth of
civilization was erased by the turmoil they caused. The Vikings were
known for their great seamanship and ferocity in battle. Witnesses
claimed that Viking warriors would occasionally go "beserk" and attack
with nearly inhuman zeal, oblivious to all danger. Such behavior was
terrifying to behold and very difficult to withstand. The ability to
go mad with battle lust was a powerful attribute during a period of
widespread superstition.
| Beserker | 48 | 9 | 0/0 | 0 | 65 F, 25 G |
| Elite Beserker | 60 | 14 | 2/0 | 0 | 65 F, 25 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Slowly regenerates HP
-WEAKNESSES: Cataphracts, Archers, Hand cannoneers
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings
-PROS: High attack, regeneration of HP
-CONS: Slow regeneration of HP, lack of pierce armor
-STRONG AGAINST: Other infantry, skirmishers, buildings
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Beserkergang(faster regeneration speed) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite Beserker(1300 F, 550 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Beserkers are one of the strong types of infantry. They have high
attack, cost little, thus are good to swarm with along with other units.
The problem with Beserks is that their regeneration is much too slow,
and acquiring damage from multiple units is too much for them to recover
from, they cannot regenerate that quick.

(((( HUSKARL )))) -- GOTHS

Within the Germanic tribes that overran the Western Roman Empire and
brought in the Dark Ages, including the Goths, tribal leaders kept a
personal retinue of warriors known as huskarls. These men served their
chiefs fanatically in return for a large share in any plunder the tribe
could grab. Huskarls trained for battle continuously and had few other
duties. A chief had to be successful in acquiring plunder, however, or risk
being removed or abandoned. As the Dark Ages progressed, huskarls were
absorbed into the feudal system as vassals of lords. They remained a lord's
or king's personal fighting force but often became responsible for their
own support on lands given to them by their chief. This system replaced
much of the sharing of plunder.

| Huskarl | 60 | 10 | 0/6 | 0 | 80 F, 40 G |
| Elite Huskarl | 70 | 12 | 0/8 | 0 | 80 F, 40 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Other Infantry, Cavalry, Hand Cannoneers
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings, Archers
-PROS: High pierce armor
-CONS: Poor armor
-STRONG AGAINST: Archers, buildings
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Elite Huskarl(1200 F, 550 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age

Huskarls are like thick armored infantry walking with a bunch of arrows
stuck in them. They can withstand showers of arrows, and tear up archers
easily. Their high attack and pierce armor makes it easy for them to destroy
Watch towers, Castles, and a group of archers. But unfortunately they lose
against all other infantry because of their lack of sufficient armor. Since
the Goths have the Perfusion tech, you can produce masses of these guys in


Antoher rank of Aztec fighter was the Jaguar Warrior, who was more
heavily armed and armored than the Eagle Warrior. Their role was probably
to be the heavy infantry of the army and to engage the enemy main body.
They likely had the advantage in combat against lighter troops that were
caught off-guard or foolish enough to engage the heavier Jaguar Warrior.
These warriors wore jaguar headpieces and clothing that represented jaguar
fur. The jaguar was chosen as the totem for warriors because it was the
fiercest predator in the Central American jungles. In combat, they used
an obsidian-bladed sword known as a macana. Although it lacked the
penetration power of steel weapons, the macana was able to keep a razor-sharp

The best of the Jaguar Warriors were promoted to Elite status. These were
veterans of demonstrated skill who carried the best weapons and were the best
fighting soldiers available.

| Jaguar Warrior | 50 | 10 | 1/0 | 0 | 60 F, 30 G |
| Elite Jaguar Warrior | 75 | 12 | 2/0 | 0 | 60 F, 30 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Cataphracts, Archers, Hand Cannoneers, Cavalry
-PROS: High Attack
-CONS: Lack of pierce armor
-STRONG AGAINST: Other Infantry
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Garland Wars(+4 Attack) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite Jaguar Warrior(1000 F, 500 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Jaguar Warriors are awesome against destroying enemy infantry, they
can decimate groups of Champions or Pikes for you or your allies.
Questionably, the only other infantry that seems to beat the Jaguar
Warrior is the Teutonic Knight. Jaguar Warriors have high armor, but
lack of pierce armor, they are very vulnerable to castle arrows.


When knights were coming into dominance as lords and warriors in
Europe, a similar social and military change was taking place
simultaneously in Japan. A weak central government and a scramble for control
of land gave rise in Japan to a local military ruling class called the samurai.
These men of noble birth trained continuously in the military arts, as well
as various cultural arts. They put great emphasis on honor and tradition,
as did European knights with the code of chivalry. Samurai fought with a
variety of weapons, including the bow and their unique curved swords made of
the strongest steel. They sought out high-ranking enemies on the battlefield
for personal duels and were trained to seek death in battle to increase their
aggression and avoid hesitancy.

| Samurai | 60 | 8 | 1/1 | 0 | 60 F, 30 G |
| Elite Samurai | 80 | 12 | 1/1 | 0 | 60 F, 30 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Archers, Cavalry, Hand Cannoneers
-ATTACK BONUS: other Unique Units
-PROS: Attack bonus vs. Unique units
-CONS: Weak overall
-STRONG AGAINST: Other infantry, unique units, buildings
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Elite Samurai (950 F, 875 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Although Samurai are exceptionally strong against other civ unique
units, they have many weaknesses and downfalls. First, they cannot stand
through a shower of arrows. Samurai must be supported by Trebuchets if
they go attacking towns. Masses of Samurai are easily disposed of by
ranged units. Their attack bonus against unique units is helpful, but
it isn't probable that your enemy will ONLY use their unique unit. It's
likely they will have support units, or something to counter Samurai.


At the height of the Christian Crusades into the Holy Land, German
crusaders formed an order of warrior monks called the Teutonic Knights.
This order gave up crusading in the Eastern Mediterranean and turned its
attention to Eastern Europe. Through conquest they brought Christianity
to the Baltic region and forests of what became Prussia. They built
castles from which they could control the surrounding countryside. The
Teutonic Knights were committed warriors who carved out an empire that
lasted into the twentieth century.

| Teutonic Knight | 70 | 12 | 5/2 | 0 | 85 F, 40 G |
| Elite Teutonic Knight | 100 | 17 | 10/2 | 0 | 85 F, 40 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Hand Cannoneers, Cataphracts, Onagers, Scorpions
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings
-PROS: High Attack and Normal Armor
-CONS: Speed
-STRONG AGAINST: Paladins, Infantry, Buildings
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Elite Teutonic Knight (1200 F, 600 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Teutonic Knights are basically tanks to take out any melee unit.
With their high armor, they can take on any melee unit without taking
too much harm. The upgrade from normal to elite is a big jump, and very
well worth it. Yes, they are one of the few units that kill Paladins.
Teutonic Knights have the highest attack of any Infantry unit in the game,
but they are one of the slowest units at the same time, which makes
controlling them a big, big, hassle. This makes them vulnerable targets
to the blasts of Hand Cannoneers, or a spray of rocks from Mangonels
and Onagers. Teutonic Knights also make easy conversions for enemy
monks. So thus like any other unit, you must have support with all types
of units. Teutonic Knights are one of the best units in raiding buildings.


The Franks took their name from the axe that was their preferred
weapon in ancient times. They continued to use the axe into the Dark
Ages and their warriors were especially noted for their ability to throw
this axe in battle. The axe was well balanced and could be hurled a
good distance by a strong man. Franks carried several axes into battle,
holding on to one for hand-to-hand combat. As they advanced they could
pick up axes thrown previously to replenish their supply of missiles.
Throwing axemen were especially good against light troops wearing little
armor. Carrying axes was also useful for dismantling fortifications.
| Throwing Axeman | 50 | 7 | 0/0 | 3 | 55 F, 25 G |
| Elite Throwing Axeman | 60 | 8 | 1/0 | 4 | 55 F, 25 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Ranged infantry
-WEAKNESSES: Archers, Cavalry, Hand Cannoneers, Onagers, Scorpions
-ATTACK BONUS: Buildings
-PROS: Range
-CONS: Slow, lack of armor and high attack.
-STRONG AGAINST: Buildings, Skirmishers
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Bearded Axe(+1 Range) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
Elite Throwing Axeman (1000 F, 850 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Throwing axemen stand no chance against most units alone whatsoever,
but with the support of Frankish Paladins, they make a formidable team.
The advantage Throwing Axemen have over infantry is their range, and thus
in groups they can take out multiple units before they can reach.
Unfortunate for the Axemen, archers will dominate them due to their lack
of pierce armor and slow speed. Since the Franks lack the Squires tech,
it degrades Axemen, making them vulnerable targets to anything with
range. Although cheap, they have many overall weaknesses.

(((( WOAD RAIDER )))) -- CELTS

Woad is a plant found in the British Isles from which a blue pigment
can be extracted. Celtic warriors painted themselves with this pigment
prior to battle to look more fearsome and unnerve their enemies. Celtic
warriors had been raiding more developed areas of Britain and Europe since
ancient times. The Scots, for example, were originally Irish raiders who
took lands from the Picts in north Britain that became Scotland. When the
English sought to conquer the Celts inhabiting Ireland, Wales, and Scotland
during the Middle Ages, the Celts were at a great disadvantage against the
English mounted knights. The Celts often turned to guerrilla tactics,
raiding English settlements and withdrawing before English armies. Raiders
painted with woad devastated the borderlands. A renowned woad raider was
William Wallace of Scotland who rampaged through Northern England for a
| Woad Raider | 65 | 8 | 0/1 | 0 | 65 F, 25 G |
| Elite Woad Raider | 80 | 13 | 0/1 | 0 | 65 F, 25 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Cavalry, Cataphracts, Hand Cannoneers
-ATTACK BONUS: Archers, buildings, siege
-PROS: Fast speed
-CONS: Lack of normal armor
-STRONG AGAINST: building, archers, siege
-UPGRADES: Tracking(+2 LOS) -- Barracks
Squires(+10% Speed) -- Barracks
Elite Woad Raider (1000 F, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Forging(+1 Attack) -- Feudal Age
Iron Casting(+1 Attack) -- Castle Age
Blast Furnace(+2 Attack) -- Imperial Age
Scale Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Feudal Age
Chain Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+1 Pierce Armor) -- Castle Age
Plate Mail Armor(+1 Armor/+2 Pierce Armor) -- Imperial Age

Got problems with ranged units, or siege units taking out your town?
A mass of Woad Raiders combined with Halberdier and siege can easily handle
your problem. Woad Raiders have many advantages over archers and sneaking
up on siege units. Unguarded Trebuchets and Onagers become dead meat
against Woad Raiders. Since they also cost cheap, you can produce many
without destroying your economy. They are essential to your success in
winning with the Celts, along with Celtic infantry and siege.

=========+ MONKS +============

(((( MISSIONARY )))) -- Spanish(2)

As Europeans gradually came to understand that Columbus had opened
the door to two complete continents, they awoke to the desirability of
converting the potentially immense native population to Christianity.
The Spanish, Portuguese, and other European nations sent monks called
missionaries into the New World to bring about conversion and salvation.
To be a missionary required great faith, a strong constitution, and great
zeal. They often were required to plunge into the wilderness amongst
peoples of radically different cultures and beliefs. Many missionaries
suffered despair, torture, and death at the hands of natives who resisted
the message being brought to them or identified the monks with the
disease and conquest that accompanied them.
| Missionary | 30 | 0 | 0/0 | 7 | 100 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Cavalry, archers, Siege
-PROS: Faster than monk
-CONS: Gold consuming cost
-STRONG AGAINST: Slow moving units
-UPGRADES AT MONASTERY: Redemption (convert some buildings and siege)
Fervor (+15% speed)
Sanctity (+50% HP)
Atonement(convert other monks)
Block Printing(+3 conversion range)
Illumination(recharges faith faster)
Theocracy(Only 1 monk must rest after group conversion)
Faith(Enemies find it harder to convert your units)
Heresy(Your converted units die)

Missionaries are almost useless in most game types, except for random
map when you are conserving your units. They have less range than monks,
but greater speed to dodge Onager fire. Other than that, missionaries
are a waste of your gold supply. It's unlikely that your enemy will allow
you to convert their hordes.
Here, "Pete (" states an effective strategy in
irrating and converting enemy's villagers and trade carts, driving him
paranoid with conversions.

"I found that they are really good at converting stragglers from a group,
or villagers gathering far away from the enemy town. In a game where you
have an ally and you can use the trade carts to rack up unlimited gold,
getting a horde of around 40 missionaries and searching the map for any
stray units works fairly well. Also, they are very good at harassing an
enemy's economy. It really screws someone up when all of their carts are
being converted and then when he sends his army to kill the missionaries
they are already halfway across the map convering the villagers at his
base because of their fast speed. Also, as long as you have high hitpoint
units in front of them, you can get a huge horde of upgraded missionaries
and convert all the melee units in someone's army, leaving them with only
ranged units, forcing them to retreat.

This next one is just common sense, but it proves the missionary's usefulness.
Even with fervor researched, monks are still really slow. Because of this, an
enemy can bring out an army from his base and intercept your forces halfway
across the map. By the time you kill those units and you[are] almost at his
base, he will have a whole new army waiting for you at the gates. Once you
get there, you need to wait for the monks, because attacking without them is
suicide. You don't have this problem with missionaries, because they can
keep up with the rest of the army. It is fun to get a ton of missionaries and
a ton of conquistadors and watch the conquistadors mow down everything in their
path while the missionaries heal the conquistadors and convert anything that
gets close enough to attack."

==========+ SHIPS +=============

(((( LONGBOAT )))) -- Vikings(2)

The Viking raiders of the ninth century through eleventh centuries were
especially terrifying because they could strike anwhere along the seacoast
and even upriver. They had this capability thanks to their longboats. These
ships were long, narrow, and of shallow draft, but were surprisingly seaworthy.
They used oars and a single sail for propulsion. Longboats could be taken
into very shallow water and beached. Only a coast with high bluffs or rocky
shoreline was safe from them.
| Longboat | 130 | 7 | 0/6 | 6 | 100 W, 50 G |
| Elite Longboat | 160 | 8 | 0/8 | 7 | 100 W, 50 G |
-UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE: Fires multiple arrows
-WEAKNESSES: Bombard Cannons, fire ships
-PROS: Fires multiple shots
-CONS: Weak shots
-STRONG AGAINST: Galleons, Demolition ships, Cannon Galleons
-UPGRADES: Dry Dock (+15% speed) -- at Dock
Careening (+1 Pierce Armor) -- at Dock
Chemistry(+1 attack) -- University
Ballistics(fires faster, better accuracy) -- University
Elite Longboat (750 F, 475 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)
-BLACKSMITH: Fletching(+1 attack, +1 range)
Bodkin Arrow(+1 Attack, +1 Range)
Bracer(+1 attack, +1 range)

Rarely, will most people battle in water maps and wage war on the
sea. So its unlikely you'll ever use ships unless you need them for
defense in a lake or for war in the ocean. Longboats prove helpful in
the Castle Age against all ships, but once you hit Imperial, Cannon
Galleons do the damage and have all the range you need. By the Imperial
Age, Longboats become obsolete. In fighting sea wars, they fire quick,
but aren't strong enough to take out a group of Cannon Galleons firing
from unreachable range.

(((( TURTLE SHIP )))) -- KOREANS(2)

Under attack by samurai Japan in 1592, the fate of Korea and perhaps
China depended on breaking the invader's supply lines at sea across the
Straits of Korea. Korean admiral Yi Sun-Shin won two great naval
victories off southern Korea with the aid of Turtle Ships, the first
armored warships in history. These oar-powered ships had a low profile
and mounted a battery of cannons on their broadside. Their sides and
top were rounded and shaped like a flat turtle shell. They were not well
suited for use on the high sea but quite useful in coastal waters where
waters were relatively calm. The Japanese ships were at a great disadvantage
in combat against them. Most missile fire glanced off their rounded armor.
They offered no openings for enemy boarding parties. Unarmored enemy
ships were quickly disabled by their cannon.
| Turtle Ship | 200 | 50 | 6/5 | 6 | 200 W, 200 G |
| Elite Turtle Ship | 300 | 50 | 8/6 | 6 | 200 W, 200 G |
-WEAKNESSES: Monks, Bombard Cannons, Trebuchets
-PROS: High Armor, High HP, High Attack
-CONS: Limited range, speed
-STRONG AGAINST: Fire Ships, Demolition Ships, Galleons
-UPGRADES: Dry Dock (+15% speed) -- at Dock
Careening (+1 Pierce Armor) -- at Dock
Chemistry(+1 attack) -- University
Ballistics(fires faster, better accuracy) -- University
Elite Turtle Boat (1000 F, 800 G) -- Imperial Age(at Castle)

===========+ SIEGE +=============
There are no unique siege units, but hopefully Ensemble Studios makes one!



1. Corrections________________________________________________________________

If there are any corrections in this guide to be made, e-mail the error
at I would appreciate any corrections and
suggestions made. If you would also like to email me questions, feel free to
do so. Give me time to answer if possible.

2. Credits____________________________________________________________________

I have played Age Of Empires II and The Conquerors expansion since they first
came out. The world of AOK and TC has a lot to explore, and lots of
experimenting you can do in the game. Thus, I have enjoyed the game and still
enjoyed playing the game. When I stop playing, I'll never know...

Thanks to the following sources and people for help on my guide...

-- "Age of Empires II :: Age of Kings" and "The Conquerors" manuals
From the official game manuals, I received historical background info on
the units in the game.

-- GameFAQs :: Thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting my guide.

-- Ensemble Studios :: Thanks for making Age of Empires II such a great game.
I have been playing since it came out, and still play.

-- AGE OF EMPIRES II GAMERS :: Thanks for playing the game.

-- Me :: I wrote the FAQ!

-- "Pete" -
Developed useful strategies for "Missionary" unit.

| Want your unique unit strategy/tactic posted? E-mail me the strategy with |
| your name and e-mail. The strategy must be effective and useful. |

COPYRIGHT(c) 2002 Andy Banh
All Rights Reserved.

Hasta luego!

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Guide to Unique Units
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