Wild Arms

Wild Arms

14.10.2013 13:06:34
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Wild Arms - Walktrough
Version 1.10
By: Tricrokra (Tricrokra@hotmail.com)

Hello boys and girls... This FAQ contains a complete walktrough of
Wild Arms II...

This FAQ contains not only the solution of all puzzles... It also gives you
hints to receive a more powerfull gameplay... That last thing is in this FAQ
continuously marked with "##"...

I won't go really deep into bosses... I made a full boss strategy guide about
them... I'll keep boss stuff as short as possible... bosses are marked as "$$$$"
When you see a part marked with "!" then you got a special ability or item
which is of real importance, so it'll be explained a little bit more.

So far my introduction story...

Version of Wild Arms I played

Console: PlayStation
Region: PAL (Europe)

Version History:
-.-- 03-10-2002 The day I started to write this FAQ :)
1.00 03-18-2002 First release of this FAQ...
1.10 03-20-2002 Revision on Giant's Cradle, Hanpan's Questions
(sacred shrine), Block puzzles (Dragon shrine)

- Version History
- Index
- A few notes
- Playable Characters
- Important Friends
- Villains
- A few playing hints in general
- Walktrough
1. Rudy's Section
2. Jack's Section
3. Cecilia's Section
4. Lolithia's Tomb
5. Ruin(ed) Festival
6. Outrunning the guards
7. The secret maze
8. Mountain Pass
9. Milama
10. Guardian Shrine
11. Mount Zenom
12. Elw Pyramid
13. Saint Centour, a peacefull village
14. Cage Tower
15. Saint Centour, an empty village
16. Port Timney
17. Maze Of Death
18. Sweet Candy
19. Secret tool: Radar (Optional)
20. Sand River
21. Ship Graveyard
22. Pleasing Garden
23. Ghost Ship
24. Muriel
25. Volcannon Trap
26. Tripillar
27. Giant's Cradle
28. Court Seim
29. Epitaph Sea
30. Back in Court Seim
31. Sacred Shrine
32. Photosphere
33. Dragon Shrine
34. Zepet's house
35. Wandering Isle
36. Dead Sanctuary
37. Demon's Lab
38. Gate Generator
39. Rudy's Secret
40. Tarjon
41. Prison Forest
42. De Le Metallica
43. Save Rudy
44. Gemini Corpse
45. RIP: The Sweet Candy
46. Pandemonium
47. Artica Castle
48. The Guardian Of Hope
49. The Rings Of TimeSpace
50. The Stone Mermaid
51. Ancient Arena
52. I'll be back!!!
53. Golem in the Desert
54. What became of Zed
55. The Illusion King
56. Dual Cast
57. The Abbyss
58. Ka Dingel
59. Malduke, Part 1: The Entrance
60. Malduke, Part 2: The Volcannic Part
61. Malduke, Part 3: The Illusion City
62. Malduke, Part 4: The Switch Door Section
63. Malduke, Part 5: The Grand Finale
- Fast Draw
- Magic
- Low White Magic
- Low Black Magic
- High White Magic
- High Black Magic
- Forces
- Tools
- Guardians
- Other FAQs by Tricrokra
- Where Tricrokra's FAQs can be found

A few notes:
1. First some rules about the usage of this FAQ... You free to download,
print and distribute this FAQ as long as no changes are made and the
FAQ is in no way made profitable... When you want to distribute it on
your site, you're free to do so, as long as I'm aware of the fact that
you want to place it on your site and as long as it's not profitable.
I keep the right to take in permission to use/distribute this faq and
to chance these rules without obligation to give up a reason for it.
2. To make this FAQ easier to use, I recommend to use the original names
for the characters... Unless you can remember the original names
clearly :)
3. Don't call me names because I made a few mistakes (this has happened
serveral times)... Such mails will not be processed and be deleted.
If you disagree with something in this FAQ, say it on a normal way
like grown-up people and I'll respond as a grown-up man... Okay?
4. When you e-mail me with a question which answer you couldn't find
TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!! It seems so obvious, but people keep on
forgetting it... Especially when asking about guardians... Wild
Arms 2, has alsmost the same guardians, but they can be found
on a completly diffrent way... I've received many questions in
which I had to guess which game we were talking about... Pretty
annoying... So tell me which game you're talking about... Okay?
5. I sometimes get e-mails in laguages I don't understand... So
I'll make this clear... I only speak Dutch and English...
Nederlands en Engels... Néerlandais et Anglais, Niederlandisch
und Englisch... I know too little about other languages so
please only e-mail me in Dutch or English!!!
6. Passwords in the game are CASE SENSITIVE... You need to copy
the password exactly as I wrote it in this FAQ or else
7. Some parts will be worked out more in one of my updates...
Be patient with me... In the end this will be a complete FAQ!

Playable Characters:
Name: Rudy Roughnight
Description: Young Dreamchaser
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Advantage: High defense and nice ARMs
Disadvantage: Slow
Tools: Bombs, Radar, Rocket Skates, Power Glove
Forces: Arm Lock On, Summon Guardian, Protector, Fury Shot

Name: Jack van Burace
Description: Crazy Treasure Hunter
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Advantage: Really fast, and cool accelator move... Also the
strongest of the party
Disadvantage: Nothing serious
Tools: Hanpan, Lighter, Grappling Hook, Guitar Of Maya
Forces: Accelerator, Summon Guardian, Sonic Vision,
Double Attack

Name: Cecillia Lynne Adlehyde
Description: Adventerous princess
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Advantage: Some spells of hers are cool
Disadvantage: Weakest of the three
Tools: Teardrop, Pocket Watch, Wand, Vase
Forces: Mystic, Summon Guardian, High Guardian, Dual Cast

Important Friends
Professor Emma A young female crazy professor... Knows a lot
of golems and ancient technology. She's known
as a slave driver
Jane Maxwell Also known as Calamity Jane... She's a
treasure hunter who seems only to be concerned
about money... But there's more than meets the
McDullen Jane's assistant... Extreemly polite... Seems
not to be respected by others
Bartholomew A lame captain... Supposed to be a loser...
But he can help you with his ship
Muriel The only Elw left in the world... Muriel is
disrespected by everyone, but she's very
pure hearted.

Zeikfried Leader of the Quarter Knights... Wants to
exterminate the humans and guardians so that
his race can rule
Belselk Member of the Quarter Knights. Very aggressive
and wants to show the world what he can do.
Lady Harken Member of the Quater Knights
Seems to be a newbie... Lady Harken is a
very agile fighter... But she seems to hide
a secret she isn't even aware of herself
Alhazad Member of the Quarter Knights... Does not
really care about everything... He just wants
to have fun. He just enjoys being evil
Boomerang Will replace Belselk's position by the Quarter
Knights during the game... He has a very
strong desire for battle, and nothing else
Luceid Guardian of Desire... For unknown reasons
he sided with Boomerang in his lust for battle
Zed A fine swordsman, who wants to be respected
and he tries very hard to proove himself to
Mother The bringer of destruction... Mother thinks
that pure beauty lies in ultimate destruction.

A few playing hints:
* For beginners:
- Be carefull with you MP or Ammo... Running out can mean the end of
the game... Items to refill this are rare to don't push it
- Be sure to rest and refill your ammo every time you reach a city
You can rest in an inn, and mostly in or near the in is a guy
who can refill your ammo
- Save the game as frequently as possible
- Beating many enemies will give you Experience and will get you
stronger... It also provides money... If you think you are
too weak for what comes next, be sure to train with the
enemies nearby...
- Try always to get the best equipment possible... Nearly
every town has a shop that sells weapons and armor
- Pubs can be a good place to gain information when you are
stuck... You may want to go there before checking any FAQ
- Much enemies has a "weakness"... If you think you can miss the MP
or when summonning a guardian (see Guardians) you can do more
damage by using his "weakness" against him... THe screen will
flash white when you hit an enemy in his "weakness"... Logical
thinking can get you a weakness quickly, or else you can find
it by using Cecilia's "Analyze" spell...
- Try to do your healing rather with spells than with items...
That saves you a lot of money

* For beginners as well as experts
- Aside from magic, Wild Arms has a Force meter, which increases
as you attack or take blows... By reaching certain force levels
you can use a force... Using the forces wisely is very much
required... The force meter will be set to 0 after combat, so
you don't need to save for the next battle
- Once you obtain healing guardian's.... Learn to use them wisely
it can save you tons of magic points
- Rudy's ARMS can be upgraded by ARMS meisters... This is very
expensive but it will pay off....
- Keep using ARMS lock on, when the ARM you want to use has
a lower hit % than 95%
- Jack can not use new moves (except for his forces) immediatly
they'll be added as "??????"... Use them frequently until Jack
has mastered the respective move...
- There are some doors that require "Duplicators" to open. That
mostly leads to bonusses... Unless there's something really
special behind them I won't discuss it in this FAQ... When
you run out Duplicators you can get some by fighting
"Hayonkontons" who can be found at the small islands south-east
of the ancient arena...

At the start you can choose between three party members... You need to complete
their individual quests all anyway... While doing this you can swich by the
memory birds, or when completing one of them... This FAQ assumes you take the
right order, but you're free to take any order you want..

1. Rudy's section Bosses: Zombie
Go to Mayor Pifer... He'll give you your first tool "Bombs"...

!! The boms can destroy obstacles or weak walls...

When you want to
leave a man will push you aside and say that a little boy sneaked into the berry
Leave the village

## New enemies:
## Balloon Pretty easy to kill just go for it... When you can get your
## hands on better armor they'll hardly hurt you or maybe even
## not at all! :)
## Tatzelbelm Hardest fight for the time being... Especially for Rudy
## since he's ultra vulnerable for their fire attacks
## Pillbug Will mostly run away... Not a serious thread...
## Goblin Pretty much HP for the time being, but not really hard
## If you go to Lolithia's tomb you can get a shield for Rudy by going up the
## stairs and blow up the wall at the end of this road...

Now go to the berry cave... There are a lot of obstacles blocking the road...
Rudy can simply destroy them by using his bombs...

## You may have encountered the place where noice gets you cursed...
## If you have better armor already you might want to do this on purpose to
## meet more enemies... More enemies is more experience... If you don't have
## that armor, you might as well forget what I just said... :)

If you find that kid you can blow up the wall behind him... When getting the
berries here you'll get some scenario that ends with a boss...

$$$$ Boss: Zombie
$$$$ Defeating the Zombie can best be done with you ARMS... But use
$$$$ "Arm Lock On"... You may be sorry if you don't...

After the boss, Rudy will be kicked out of the village... When you leave the
village you've completed his part...

2. Jack's section
Jack has by far the shortest section... And the only one without a boss...
Don't worry about the password when the guardian stone asks for it... Even if
you would get it right, you'll still fall down (right now)... That password will
only help you when you get back here later (and I'll tell you the password
then)... Jack's dungeon is more a matter of searching your way and avoiding
booby traps... If there are any switches or chests you can't reach you can
send Hanpan out by pressing the "Tools" button... For the rest this dungeon
explains itself... At the end you'll see a hologram of an elw... After that you
can leave the temple
## New enemy:
## Skeleton Very fast and very strong... Don't underestimate them!!!

3. Cecilia's section Bosses: Nelgaul
Cecilia has the toughest section when it comes to puzzles... After she wakes
up from her vision, go to the room where all books are lying over the floor
and talk to the girl... She'll mention a magic pocket watch

## Go to the classroom beside this one and talk to the teacher... She'll give
## you a "Crest Graph"... Take it to the mage guild and take the spell
## "Shield"

Go to Anje... She's at the south of the abbey on the stairs to the right (stairs
to the left give you an inn and a save spot)...Talk to Anje... She requests to
use your teardrop on the stone on the table... You can do that by going to that
stone and press the "tools" button... The stone gives a reaction and as thanks
Anje gives you a pocket watch...

!! This tool will restore the current location as it was as you came in...
!! This will do great deal when you locked yourself up in a no way out situation
!! However it won't alter the scenario in any way!

Go back to the messed up library and talk to the girl... Cecilia will
automaticly clean up the library with her magic watch, but one book remains on
the floor...
Examine it and you'll learn about the "Secret Library"
Go back to the class where you started and talk to Sister Mary...
Go through the abbey and questions some girls... If you found one that mentions
that the the statues in the courtyard are switches and she wants to push them
so baaaaaaad... you got the information you need...

That courtyard is in the middle of the abbey... you can reach it at the North
Flip the swiches on both statues and you'll be able to move them... Swap them
Stand in the middle and use your teardrop... Some magic balls will come out
and go away... Leave the room and an icon is formed on the north wall...
Stand close to it and let Cecilia use the teardrop you'll be warped into the

## New enemies
## Blue book Will cast all kinds of spells on you... Not a serious thread
## Gagison Their "Disease" is hell... Especially since medicines are
## hard to get now and in shops pretty expensive...

The first puzzle is easy... Pick up a box and throw it to the crystal and the
door will open

## The two chests here contain "Medicines"... Take them for God's sake...
## you may need them very bad...

The second puzzle is trickier... Pick up the first box and throw it away...
Pick up the second but DON'T THROW IT AWAY!!! Step on the switch and a crystal
will appear... Throw the chest against the crystal and the door will open...

In the next hall you must look for three books and throw them in the fire at the
North of this room... If you have all three a new way will open...

In that room check out the book and you'll meet Nelgaul...

$$$$ Boss: Nelgaul
$$$$ If you got "Shield" cast it a few times and he can't hurt you anymore...
$$$$ not even with "Brutal Attack"

!! Now you'll get your very first guardian... And also the strongest...
!! You can equip it now to increase some stats, but it won't do more now
!! Later in the game you'll be able to summon guardians and then you can
!! summon this guardian as well... Stoldark is in that time the strongest
!! for the time being, and especially usefull on enemies that can't stand
!! water

After this boss you can leave the abbey and finish this section

4. Lolithia's Tomb Bosses: Magtortous
Now you can select one of the three party members at random to continue...
I recommend that you don't take Cecilia... On her own she's no match for
the next enemies, and Rudy and Jack are already too strong for them, so they
make the best choice... It's possible you get through without any enemies,
but you can better be sure than dead...

Take the party member you choose to the city of Adlehyde... Some men will
be panicking about some monsters in Lolithia's tomb... Now you should visit
professor Emma... She lives in the house behind the inn... You can't miss

## In Emma's house you can upgrade Rudy's ARMS... I recommend you to do so
## whenever you got the cash... It's pretty expensive though so, watch out
## not to upgrade unless you are sure you can miss the money...
## I recommend in a new city to go for new weapons and armor first and
## upgrade your ARMS afterwards... That can save you a lot of trouble... :)

When you talk to Emma her workers will tell her about the disaster at
Lolithia's tomb... She wants to hire you to fight the monsters... Agree on
that, and Emma will leave...

## If you want to seek out the memory temple... The password is "Emiko"
## There's a door here that can be opened with the Teardrop... This will
## lead into two extra crest graphs and a holy parasol.

Now seek out the other party members, and allow them to join you... Now
your party is complete... You won't encounter any more party members then
these three...

Go to Lolithia's tomb and talk to Emma, she'll command you to fight the
monsters in the tomb...

## If you haven't already done it you can blow up the wall behind Emma's back
## It'll lead to a nice shield for Rudy...
## From now on you'll see Green Chests around... As any other chest they
## contain nice items you can need, but after opening they'll explode
## giving you some damage... You can prevent taking by sending Hanpan to
## those chests in stead of opening it yourself...
## New enemies:
## Rat Monkey More annoying than a thread
## Empusa Try to reduce your MP with "Mind Damage"... Nice
## When they try that on Rudy :-)
## Aipeloss Big dumb bird... Pretty strong... and reduces
## your MP

This dungeon is for the most blowing up rocks with Rudy's bombs...
You may have seen a switch which will lock you up between barriers when
pushed... You can remove the barrier by standing on it again... Still
the swich needs to be pushed... Stand outside the barriers and let Hanpan
do the job....

There's also a locked door, which can be opened with Cecilia's Teardrop,
but it'll only lead to a hint... nothing more... If you don't want to
check this FAQ all the time you may check it out... If you want to play
EXACTLY according to my FAQ, then forget it, since I'll tell you anyway
when the time is right how to get through the puzzle the hint was about...

When you see a statue (that was the thing the hint I spoke of above is
about), go to its backside and press a hidden swich here... Four blocks
will appear... You've seen some marked corners around the statue... Push
a block into each marked corner... A bridge will appear... The door
at the end can be opened with the teardrop... Enter and....

$$$$ Boss: Magtortous
$$$$ Watch out for his EM laser, since it hurts everybody pretty bad
$$$$ In case of emergency, Cecilia's Mystic Force can be extreemly
$$$$ helpful...

After the boss you can enter and you'll find a stone giant... This is
the golem "Lolithia"... Otherwise know as "Ice Queen"... Go back to the
entrance and tell professor Emma about your discovery... She'll be
happy and get the golem out... She says she'll pay your reward during
the festivals...

5. Ruin(ed) festival
Go to the Inn and take a rest... Cecilia will now leave the party (Don't
worry, she'll be back soon)... Go to the festival at the east of town...

## You can play some subgames if you like to win prizes... But it's very
## difficult and not really worth the trouble... But try and win if you
## like :)
## If you see Emma than talk to her and she'll pay your reward

Go to the east of here to see a blond woman... She'll say that she lost
her son... He carries a red balloon... Go back to the city and the boy
is easily located by just going west...

When you talk to the boy all hell breaks loose... The city gets invaded
by monsters...

## New enemy:
## Lizard Man Pretty much HP for now, but not really dangerous

When touching a monster you'll get a battle. Your mission is now to
save everybody... You don't need to save anyone to finish the game,
but some people might be handy if you save them... It won't give you
a bonus if you save them all tough... Just certain persons are handy :)
E-mail me if I forgot some
1. The innkeeper hid herself upstairs in her inn
2. The nun in the temple is in place
3. There's somebody near the guardian statue
4. At the trees in the North East
5. At the small graveyard
6. In one of the beds in the hospital
7. One of the customers of the pub
Did I forget some? Hope not! :)

When you got them all go North where Cecilia is... You'll get a battle
and after the battle Cecilia will join... If she says you saved almost
everybody, then you've saved everybody who was still alive... Otherwise
you'll get 5 more minutes to save them all... Never tried what happens
if you exceed that time, but I guess you'll need to be in the castle
before the time's up :)

Once in the castle talk to the king (with Cecilia), and he'll command
you to stay in your room, no matter what happens

6. Outrunning the guards
This is by far one of the most annoying parts of the game, and takes
a lot of practise... Be prepared that you have to start over and over
again and again and again... I'm sorry, but there's only one way to
do this and even then you may have to retry...

The object is to reach the kitchen without getting caught by the guards...
When you get caught you'll be send back to your room... :(

There are 3 categories of guards
Standing guards They just don't move... Just don't touch them
Walking guards Walk around at random... Carefull not to touch
Running guards The most annoying ones... They run to you,
sometimes at random sometimes directly to you
A lot of practice can be required to outrun
these ones...

One hint... NEVER RUN!!! That will only increase the risks of getting

Okay... Leave your room, go east, south, and then west... Take the
second way south and you are outside... Now go as quickly as you
can (without running) to the west and to the south... A running guard
can make this extreemly difficult, plus there's a walking guard here
too... When you can get south any more go all the way east...

Having past that you've completed the hardest part of this... but you're
still not there...

When you can't get east any more go North (watch out... Walking guard)
As soon as you can go east and enter the castle at this point...
Take the way at the north-west and go directly to the east (Be quick
because there's a running guard here... AND DON'T RUN!!!)

At the end go south and you're in the kitchen...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it!!!

Talk to the cook at the west of this room and say "yes" when he asks
if you are ready... He'll drop you into a secret maze

7. The secret maze Bosses: Belselk (1)
Thanks God, there's a savespot here :D
Search your way in this labyrinth... It's not that hard...

New enemies
## Gomoratoad Vulnerable to fire, but you'd better save your
## magic, for now...

When you reach the end you'll be in Adlehyde again... In the centre
you'll meet Belselk... Talk to him...
Cecilia will give her Teardrop to him... Jack will still challenge
Belselk and so you've got your first Demon Boss

$$$$ Demon Boss: Belselk (1)
$$$$ He might throw a lot of turns away with "Come and get me"
$$$$ Still he can become dangerous... Mystic can be handy in
$$$$ in case of emergency...

That will end the introductions and now the quest will officially begin!

8. Mountain Pass
First go to the Cecilia's bedroom and let her join the party once

gain. Now visit Minister Johan in his office...

## There are some chests here... Open them all...

Talk to Minister Johan... Now leave Adlehyde and go to the
Mountain Pass...

This place is very dark, and you can't see much... Watch out
because they're are plants around that hurt you when you touch
them... Not running is recommended!!!

Somewhere here you will find Jack's second tool the lighter,
and that can be helpfull in the dark!

!! The lighter is a pretty nice tool... When you are in dark
!! dungeons you can make a light with the lighter if there's
!! as oil lamp nearby... At some places the lighter can be
!! handy to burn away obstacles...
!! In some dungeons you might need to light a torch... Can
!! also be done with this thing...

## New enemies:
## Harpy Fucking annoying... Try to disease and poison
## you and to steal from you...

During your way here, you'll almost be blown away and this will
get you your very first "Fast Draw Hint" (see fast draw section
for details)

!! Fast Draw: Sonic Buster
!! Sonic Buster attacks a whole group... When on the world map
!! boosting for levels or money it can be usefull against
!! harpies... In dungeons you can better save your magic though

## When you reached the exit blow up the back wall to get the
## magic map

9. Milama
Question some villagers until one tells you that the pub
owner's father was a Guardian priest... Then go to the pub
and talk to the pub owner... He'll give you a holy medal
and a hint to enter the temple...

## Before you go it might be handy to give Cecilia some
## cool spells... Recommended ones are: Quick, Revive
## and Break

10. Guardian Shrine
The door at the entrance is locked, and can't be opened now...
First you must go downstairs and there are thorches...
I'll number them like this

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5
Light these thorches (in the same order I'll tell you)
2, 10, 6 and 12
As a result all the other thorches will start to burn by
Go upstairs and use the Holy Medal on the locked door and
you can enter

## New enemies:
## Scarescrow Pretty strong, but not a serious thread
## Sphinx Very strong... But for the time being
## also the ones who give most EXP
## Soon you'll meet them when Rudy is
## alone... Then you might try your ARMS on
## them... There's no boss around, so what
## do you have to loose?
## Critter Fast!! And that makes them dangerous...
## When they come back later in the game
## they'll only be annoying
## Cockatrice Nothing special

A nice puzzle you'll see next is the 7 torches...

I'll number them like this

1 4

2 7 5

3 6

Light them in this order 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7

Now you'll find a mirror... As you step into it, all party
members will get seperated

- Rudy's part
It's just blowing up blocks... Can't be easier... Some blocks
will have a hole under them (or whatever it is). If that's
the case you'll need to take another way... It's very easy
## Rudy can get a lot of EXP with Sphinxes... If you got
## enough items and HP you might want to boost a little...
## This only works for Rudy :(
- Jack's part
Jack has to use Hanpan all the time... All the switches are
out of Jack's range so Hanpan has to do the job... The way
is very easy
- Cecilia's part
You get two paths, both blocked with a block...
Take the one on the left...
Once again the same trick, and once again the path on the left
Once again two paths, now take the one on the right...
A little diffrent puzzle... Push the right block until you can't
go further and you'll get through (easy huh)

Now you'll meet the guardians who'll give you the power to summon

!! FORCE: Summon Guardian
!! When a character has a rune equipped and is on Force level 2
!! or higher, you can summon the guardian that is represented
!! by that rune... Using the Guardian's wisely can make the game
!! much easier... Just use them wisely!!!

You'll also get three guardian runes

!! Guardian: Gurdijeff (EARTH RUNE)
!! Can cause an earthquake when summoned... Not impressive though
!! In fact... He's worthless
!! Guardian: Fengalon (WIND RUNE)
!! Let's forget we even met this one... He sucks
!! Guardian: Moa Gault (FIRE RUNE)
!! Not super impressive, but handy on enemies vulnerable to fire...
!! Of these three Moa Gault is the only usefull one, for the
!! time being...

You'll be warped out of the temple near Baskar Village...
You should now head to that village.

## New enemies:
## Shrieker Normally not a big thread, but their "Shriek"
## move can cause Amnesia, Paralysis and Silence
## and that's fucking annoying... Their weakness
## is fire... Handy to know in the field... When
## you meet them in Mt. Zenom you can better save
## your magic... Don't use electricity spells like
## "spark" on them... That'll heal them...
## Tiny Edge Pretty fast, but not super strong... Still they
## extreemly dangerous because they can kill you
## in one blow with "Fatal Blow"

11. Mount Zenom Bosses: Orga Widow
In Baskar village you should talk to the chief... He'll tell
you to go to the Mount Zenom... It's North-East of the village
(Forget that strange circle on the world map for now... You
can't do anything with it yet)...

## One warning about Mt. Zenom... It one of the longest dungeons
## for the time being... Be sure to save your magic and bring
## some items... Especially when Cecilia doesn't have the
## "Escape" move... When well-prepared you don't need it, but
## when not that spell can save your ass...
## Just don't use attacking magic...
## New enemy:
## ?? (Forgot the name looks like a big red dinosaur)
## Welcome to hell... This is the creature you
## don't want to meet... Don't use fire on him
## Equip Cecilia with the Water Rune and let
## her summon Stoldark whenever she's able

Many puzzles are with pushing statues... Which is most of
the time pretty easy... When you pused the statue to the
right position you have a small earthquake and the statue will
begin to shine... Statues that are already shining do not need
to be pushed any more... Those are the rules of all the statue

The first one is easy... Push the statue that is not shining
to the north until it starts shining and the door will open...

The other statue puzzles are all that the shining statues are
in a certain row and the not shining ones not... Just push
them in the row, and it's okay... (Comprenez-vous)

When you see some dried vines blocking your way, then use
Jack's lighter on them to burn them away... Somewhere in
the dungeon you need to do it to uncover a switch...

## There's also a place with five exploding chests... Open
## them all by using Hanpan and when you leave afterwards
## you'll get a Fast Draw Hint
## !! Fast Draw: Meteor Dive
## !! Jack's most powerfull move for the time being
## !! extreemly usefull on bosses (until he learns
## !! Magnum Fang)... However if you got secret signs,
## !! Don't use them on this move!!!

At the end of this dungeon you'll see a guardian
Statue... Examine it and Belselk will appear and
send a boss after you

$$$$ Boss: Orga Widow
$$$$ The best you can do is letting Cecilia summon
$$$$ Stoldark (Water Rune)... If you don't have
$$$$ the escape spell then save your magic as
$$$$ much as possible...

After the fight you'll get a new Guardian

!! Guardian: Denogenos (SUMMIT RUNE)
!! Denogenos does an earth attack... But he's
!! much stronger than Gurdjeff and thus much more usefull!

12. Elw Pyramids
Now go all the way back to Baskar Village, and talk to the Chief.
He'll give you the Kizim Fire... Go to the Elw Pyramid
North-East of Baskar... Behind the left waterfall is a passage
Use the Kizim Fire in the fire place. Go back to the entrance
and go into the main passage, step on the transporter pad and
you'll be warped to another Elw Pyramid.... Leave this place

13. Saint Centour, a peacefull village
## New enemies:
## Larva Pretty much HP... Weakness: Holy, but you
## won't be able to take advantage of that
## Hellhound Masters of fire, vulnerable to water...
## Save your magic when you meet them in cage
## tower, though...
## If you want to earn money quickly, you can go to the
## Elw Pyramid to the east... You'll be in a place with a little
## more powerfull enemies, and in the town they there
## (Port Timney) they sell the same stuff... You can also
## solve the quest there first if you want (Section 16), but
## you'll need this to play this section, anyway, so it doesn't
## matter which quest you take first... But around that town
## you'll make much more cash than around St. Centour.. That's
## for sure :)

Go all the way south and you'll find Saint Centour...
When you enter you will be blocked because a monster sensor,
sense Hanpan as a monster... Memorize this event since it'll
be discussed later in the game...

## If you find a blind girl... Memorize where her house is...
## She's not important now, but later in the game, she's the
## key to a (very extreemly hard) optional boss...

Find the Sherrif's home and talk to him... He'll tell you that
people disappear continuously... Apparently abducted... When
they return they don't remember a thing about what happened.
The abductions where seen around the Cage Tower... The sherriff
wants you to investigate it...

14. Cage Tower Bosses: Night Gaunt
The Cage Tower is located North East of Saint Centour...
Use the plate key you got from Saint Centour's sherriff to open
the entrance...

## New enemy:
## Dekarabia Masters of magic... Watch out for their "Sleep"

Halvaway you'll encounter plates that will drop when you
walk over it... Don't run over them... That'll make things
extreemly difficult... In the first round you can get away with
it, but only then... Trust me...

In that place you can also get Rudy's second ARM

!! ARM: Prism Ray
!! Not a very strong weapons, and totally not usable on bosses
!! but very useful on groups on small annoying enemies...

The last puzzle with the dropping plates is a more tricky one...

Let's make a quick map
____ ____ __B___ # = Dropping plate
# # B = Barrier
# # S = Switch
__ # # ____
##### ######
| ########## |
| # # |
|___#___ __#____|
S | | B S

This is a quick view of the situation... When you step on
the plates go west as soon as you can... Trigger the switch
and step on the plates again from the south and go East and
go south, step here on the switch and you can leave through
the north-east...

Now the puzzle with the three stairways, that comes next...
The hint was:

"The sun rises in the East to set in the west to rise
in the east again..."

You get the idea? No? Okay, that I'll tell you how to do this...
Take the right stair way, then the left one and the once again
the on the right and on the way north you there's now a stairway
up, go there...

At the top of the tower, Alhazad will appear and send a boss
after you

$$$$ Boss: Night Gaunt
$$$$ Watch out for "Wings of death" that can cause instant kill
$$$$ to all... "Flash" is a nice move to stop his dodging...
$$$$ Let Cecilia summon Denogenos (Summit Rune) whenever she's
$$$$ able... If you have a Lucky Card, now is the time to use
$$$$ one....

Alhazad was so clever to block you between a mystic barrier...
Jane Maxwell aka Calamity Jane will appear... She only wants
to aid you for money... Pay the money and she'll destroty the

Now go all the way back to Saint Centour

15. Saint Centour, an empty village
Coming back, the music alone tells you that something is wrong
here... And that's correct... The entire village is empty now...

There are only two living beings here... The blind girl (who's
not important now), and the memory bird... For the rest
everybody has disappeared...

What exactly happened here remains a mystery, and the game will
not solve that mystery, but a sure thing is that Alhazad must be
behind this...

## One good thing... The inn is free now... HEHEHE!!!
## Another thing... The first time you were here you coudn't
## access any of the bonusses... You can now :)

Seek out the Guardian Statue which is shattered... Examine it

!! Guardian: Ione Paua (SAINT RUNE)
!! A pretty strong guardian, and extreemly usefull against undead
!! and other creatures vulnerable to holy attacks

Go to the North West of the village and enter that building...
You'll see a chest and it contains a duplicator... you'll need
it to get further in the game...

Push the first block till you can't go further... Now push all
the way to the west... Push the second block a leetle bit to the
south just enough to create a path (when you push it too far
use Cecilia's pocket watch to reset the puzzle)... and you
should be able to get the duplicator...

Now leave the city... If you've already done the part of
Port Timney you should continue with the "Sand River", else you
should continue with the next section

16. Port Timney
The Elw Pyramid that leads to Port Timney is South of the Cage
Tower... Can't miss it... In Port Timney go to the pub and talk
to the man in the middle... WHile he was drunk he made a pretty
foolish wager... To get the Crystal Bud from the Maze Of Death
to make a beautiful girl marry him... That makes that you must
help him out...

## If you blow up the crates at the North Of The Village you
## could release a pickpocket... Talk to him to get an extra
## Fast Draw Hint
## !! Fast Draw: Trickster
## !! While Jack gives the enemy a blow, Hanpan will try
## !! to steal an object from the enemy...

Leave town and search the desert

## New enemies:
## Antlion Vulnerable to wind... Heal much and have
## pretty much HP
## Sand Beast Pretty strong... Good ones to make money

17. Maze Of Death Bosses: Chaos (Optional boss)
The maze of death is not marked on the map, so it might be
hard to spot (the game will show "Maze Of Death" on the
screen when you found it)... It's located to the south-west
of the desert... Search well...

## New enemies:
## Rachel No thread at all... Tries to confuse you
## Minion Very very slow, and that's their weak spot!
## Screamer Have powerfull attack magic
## Gem Stone Shield very much times... Can become
## invulnerable in the end... They are vulnerable
## to holy attacks, but when shielded enough even
## light blow makes no sense... If that's the case
## Ione Paua can bring the ultimate solution

## If you find the save spot (near the entrance) memorize where
## it is, if you want to meet an optional boss...

There are about 5 (if I haven't mistaken) statues hidden
throughout the entire dungeon. You just need to push them all...
If you have pushed them all the barrier statues that block
the way to the crystal bud will have moved...

If you take the bud, you got 5 minutes to leave the temple
(I never checked this, but I think not making it out in time
means that the game is over)

## In stead of running to the exit you can meet an optional
## boss now... If you miss it, there ain't another chance...
## go back to the place where the save spot once was and
## use Rudy's bombs to blow up the North Wall...
## YOu can find some extra Crest Graphs here and a boss
## awaits at the end of this road
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Chaos
## $$$$ This boss is pretty hard, but very good possible...
## $$$$ Use "Awaken" to prevent falling asleep, and his
## $$$$ weakness is holy attacks... Light blow is a handy
## $$$$ spell and the guardian Ione Paua (Saint Rune)
## As a reward for beating this boss you get an extra
## guardian
## !! Guardian: Ge Ramtos (DEATH RUNE)
## !! The most worthless guardian in the game... Don't
## !! know why you must beat an optional boss for it.
## !! But it nice to have defeated all bosses isn't it..
## !! The effect of this Guardian is either no effect at
## !! at all, or instant death...
## !! Does only work on normal enemies...
## Okay, now get the hell out of this temple

18. Sweet Candy Bosses: Zed (1)
After completing the Maze Of Death, you'll never be able
to return to that maze... Too bad... Okay, go back to
Port Timney and give the Crystal Bud to the guy in the
pub (Bartholomew)...
His rival Drake will enter and due to some bad jokes
Cecilia is now forced to marry Bartolomew... Well,
sort of, because the wedding is gonna be faked...
You'll now be on the ship Sweet Candy... When you
rest the (fake) wedding will begin...
The priest will ask you some questions... It doesn't matter
if you answer them right or wrong, but here are some right
Start of cermony - Bride Walks Forward
Your Name - Olivia Clare
Man giving love - Bartolomew
Name Ship - Sweet Candy
Guide Maze Of Life - Old Moon
Hold Up Glass - Right Hand
Jewel Of Future - Crystal Bud
Number are we - 8th
Sea Guardian - Lucadia
Kiss Bride - Go for it
After the questions, a golden RPG rule will be honored....
The rule is

"Every time there's a wedding in an RPG game, an asshole
shows up to ruin everything, resulting in a boss fight!"

So here goes:

$$$$ Demon Boss: Zed (1)
$$$$ He's fast and pretty strong... Not very difficult, but
$$$$ surely dangerous... Speeding up can be handy

After the fight, go to the back of the ship and Lady Harken
will destroy the Guardian Statue... After she leaves you'll
get a new Guardian

!! Guardian: Nua Shacks (THUNDER RUNE)
!! There are very much spelling to this name... Don't say
!! I mispelled it, because the game makers did so too and I
!! had to guess which one was right... For the rest, this
!! guardian is nice to speed up a party member, but summoning
!! him is not very impressive

You'll be in the bed room of the Sweet Candy now... Seek out
Bartolomew and as thanks he gives you some items and a new
tool for Cecilia

!! The wand allows Cecilia to understand what animals are
!! saying. Some animals will move when you seem to understand
!! them, others can give you helpful information. Give it a
!! try!

If he asks to drop you at the dock of Port Timney, than say

In Timney, be sure to look for the duplicator... By blowing
up the crate directly behind the pub you should find it

Go to the Elw Pyramid to the South and use the duplicators
to open the doors, and you'll get back in the region of

## 19. Secret Tool: Radar (Optional)
## =================================
## Go to Milama. You may have noticed the house where a dog
## is blocking the passage. Let Cecilia talk to it, by using
## her magic wand, and the dog will walk around randomly...
## this could allow you to enter the hut and there you can
## find the Radar
## !! When using the Radar you'll hear a "bleep" when there
## !! treasures in the current room. If the place where the
## !! treasure is, is in sight, you'll see it flash three
## !! times... This is a handy way to find all treasures in
## !! cities or dungeons

20. Sand River
East of Milama is the Sand River... Let Cecilia use the
Wand on the Monkey and he'll disappear into a secret passage.
Follow him.
The sand river is a maze with is easy to solve... You shouldn't
have any trouble in finding the exit...

## Past the save spot, stand in the river and you'll get to
## a tablet, you can't read because it's too dark. Light the
## two torches and Jack will get a hint for Fast Draw
## !! Fast Draw: Heal Blade
## !! Jack will not only heal HP, but also all status changes
## !! "Death" can't be undone, alas, and it can't be used outside
## !! a battle... Still it's very usefull... Especially when you
## !! used so many Secret Signs on it that it only costs 1 MP
## If you missed it you can always come back for it...
## This move can prevent A LOT OF TROUBLE!!!

## New enemies
## Toadstool Tries to confuse you or might run away
## Cavetaurus No thread at all
## Stanga Might paralyse you... No serious thread
## though

21. Ship Graveyard
In Ship Graveyard seek out a man (Dan) who lost his wife in
the pleasing Garden. He want you to find her bracelet.

22. Pleasing Garden Bosses: Gigmantis
Finding the pleasing garden is hell... It's always in the
desert west of Ship Graveyard, but that's all I can tell...
The location is diffrent each time, and can change while you
are looking for it... When the screen zooms in, you're close,
but if you take to look in finding it, it'll be gone again...
Very frustrating... If you found it, go this way...

- Step in the teleporter
- Take the door on the east side
- Step in the teleporter at the end
- One of the windows is the doorway to continue...
look well, and you'll see which one (it's the only one
without a small barrier at the bottom)
- You can save the game here, if you want
- At the first crossing, go straight on, go around the
corner and go straigt on by the second crossing again
- You'll be a dead end containing chest with a heal berry
- Go back till the crossing and turn left. Press the switch
- Go back till the crossing and go north...
- At the next crossing go south...
- Step in the teleporter.
- Step into teleporters until there's a way south
- Try to bomb the monster that moves around in the sand...
- When you succeed it comes out for a short time, touch it
and you have a boss
- $$$$ Boss: Gigmantis
$$$$ Fast and strong... Try Stoldark on him :)
- Get the gigmantis' head and throw it against the crystal
near the entrance of THIS room
- Go South
- Get Jack's tool Grappling Hook
!! When there's a gap or a "damage field", you can cross
!! if there's the pole on the other side by using Jack's
!! grappling hook. Give it a try
- Go North...
- Step into the teleporters...
- If you ended up near the entrance go through the right
window, blah, blah, blah until you reach the crossing
- If you ended up near the crossing, keep going north
- Cross the gap, with Jack's Grappling Hook.
- Go North
- ## Step in the right teleporter then the left and then
## The north to get an extra guardian
## !! Guardian: Stare Roe (FLASH RUNE)
## !! Very powerfull guardian... I have him mostly
## !! equipped on Jack, until Raftina comes...
- If you don't want the guardian take the north teleporter
- Take the bracelet
- Go South
- Step in the teleporter
- Jump off to the south
- Leave this place

## New enemy:
## Frauloss Vulnerable to holy attacks... Might drain you HP

23. Ghost Ship Bosses: Captain Geist
Go back to Ship Graveyard and talk to Dan... Jack will now
learn his third force ability

!! FORCE: Sonic Vision
!! This move will make Jack always be the fastest and focus
!! on his strength to make a much more powerfull attack,
!! which is always a critical hit

Now go to the docks, north of the village to meet Bartolomew
again... Accept his request to take care of the ghost ship
and Bartolomew will bring you there

## New enemies
## Cybergeist Pretty Strong
## Vampire I guess I need a discussion with the game
## gamemakers how a vampire looks like :)
## Anyway, they're not very strong, and they
## can use "Life Drain" once
## Christine They mostly use "I hate you" and sometimes
## "Brutal Blow"... Not a serious thread though
## Wraith Easy to defeat, but watch out for "Fatal Blow"

Most of this dungeon is dark... Jack's lighter can bring some
more sight in this dungeon... Most of the way is easy to find.
There's one hidden door, you must find though...
One room with a bed, on the right, but not completly against
the wall, with a skeleton before it... You go go through the
bed or fight the skeleton the reach the gap beside it to open
the secret door...

In the end you'll meet the ghost captain

$$$$ Boss: Captain Geist
$$$$ Don't use ARMS or attacking fast draw... Let Cecilia
$$$$ cast light blow over everybody...
$$$$ If you want cash, now is the time to use a lucky card

Now leave the ship and the ship will sink after you leave...

!! New transportation: Ship
!! As a token of his gratitude Bartolomew will now lend you
!! his ship to take you everywhere you want... This means you
!! can reach all parts of the inner sea now...

## Creatures of the sea:
## Siren Can confuse you and try to steal money
## HermitCrab Strong and annoying
## Madangler Not dangerous
## Ballowfish One of the weakest... Will be easier to defeat
## as you gain levels... This is one on which you
## really notice that :)

There are now two things you can do in random order as long
as you do them both... That's section 24+25 (Muriel + Volcannon trap)
and section 26 (Tripillar)... (Section 25 can only be completed if you
do section 24 first)...

## Another thing to do, is going back to Adlehyde and go to
## the mayor's house. A young boy here collects money for the
## reconstruction of Adlhyde... Make sure you pay the donations.
## It leads to an optional boss (Leviathan) AND the strongest
## guardian of the game (Dan Dairam)... But don't worry about
## those two things yet, because you can't reach it yet anyway.
## But be sure to make donations every once in awhile. The
## donations the boy request will get higher every time...
## When he accepts no donations any more you should go back
## to him later in the game... The last donation he asks for
## is 100,000 Gella, but you can only pay that near the end of
## the game... He won't accept it sooner...
## to make more donations at once you'll need to leave the
## city and come back...
## After some donations you'll see more people around in the
## city, which can give you helpfull information.
## To cut things short, just make donations every time you can!

## There's also a man in Adlehyde who can teach you a new fast Draw
## Technique... I recommend you not to take it, since the secret
## sign he wants is much more valuable that that stupid move of his
## but if you want to take it... here is what it does
## !! Fast Draw: Soul Breaker
## !! Worthless move... Does nothing, or does instant kill...
## !! it seldom hits, though.

24. Muriel
If you find the dragon vortex in the sea, go to the closest beach
and you'll find the town of Rosetta.

## New enemy you can find on your way to Rosetta:
## Venom Bear Strong and poisonous

Rosetta seems to be a town, where people are most concerned with
money... And it seems that an Elw girl lives here, but nobody likes
her... Let's seek her out, she lives in the house to the far east of
the village... In her garden is one single flower, examine it and the
Elw girl (Muriel) will come out... After some scenario parts
leave Rosetta and head south to the Forest Mount...

Here you'll find some special berries... A small scenario part
follows and now head back to Rosetta... Go to the mayor's house
(the big house north in the city) and talk to the mayor...

25. Volcannon Trap Bosses: Zed (2), Belselk (2)
After you completed section 24, Jane will await you at the
entrance of the village... She has a proposal... Hear her
out... She seeks your assisistance in finding treasures
at the Volcannon Trap, and it seems that the Guardian
blade that might be of your interest is hidden there.
Accept to help her. Go back to your ship and find the
Volcannon Trap (On an island south-east of Adlhyde)

## New enemies:
## Bostbaboon Much HP, can counterattack and
## will try to flash you...
## Zonemaker Will continously use "Silence!"
## "Heal" and "Confuse"... A big
## laugh... Their Silence can be
## annoying... (oh if Rudy is hit
## by silence... Leave him be...
## He can still use his ARMS) :)
## Basilisk Their Stun Cloud can paralyse you all

Finding the way in the Volcannon Trap is mostly a way of
avoiding Lava... Hanpan could open the chests that are
in the lava, and Jack's Grappling Hook is also very
nice here...
You might find a new ARM for Rudy here... To get it
push the purple pole a bit south, let Jack cross the
lava by the grapping hook. Let Rudy open the ARMS box
and let Jack use his grappling hook to get back.

!! ARM: Rocket Launcher
!! Strong attack on group... Also very usefull on
!! bosses.

If you find a broken wall with a scratching sound
behind it, it might do nothing at all... If that's
the case, go back and take the other doorway then
you just took and you'll find treasure chests, Jane'll
be interested in. She'll leave here...

If Jane has left and you find the place with the broken
wall with scratching sound, it'll break and Zed will
come out

$$$$ Demon Boss: Zed (2)
$$$$ Fast and pretty dangerous... Save your MP because
$$$$ there comes another boss...

Go north and meet Belselk again

$$$$ Demon Boss: Belselk (2)
$$$$ The first time Belselk was only playing... Now it's
$$$$ serious! His Blaster Howling can paralyse you all and
$$$$ his "Belselk Breaker" can be a serious thread!

After the fight go north and find a "Red Malice"... And now
go back to the exit (The game will automaticly let you skip the
whole way back)... After leaving this place you'll end up in

26. Tripillar Bosses: Mage Fox
The Tripillar is located in the far east of the middle sea.
You can only reach it by ship. Once you're in read the tablet
and the party members will decide to split up.
There are three transporters here... Each party member must
take one...
Here are the roads for each party member to take and why
- Jack MUST take the left road!!!!!!! Not only this road contains
a Fast Draw hint only Jack can learn (not a very usefull one though)
it also has parts only Jack can get past
- Cecilia shoud take the road on the north, since that will
result in less enemies (not less encounters, but they contain
less enemies. Recommended to take this one since Cecilia is
awfully weak)
- And that leaves the right road for Rudy...

Don't worry if you've taken the wrong roads... Halvaway you can
change roads, by swapping party members... In the swapping place
are three transporter pads... Have the 2 party members you want to
swap stand on the pads, and the third should trigger the switch to
initiate the swap... Comprenez-vous?

The object is to let all three reach a statue with a jewel in
the front... All 3 should be touching the jewel... When they all
touch it they'll get back to the entrance and a door will open

Okay Now let's discuss the fast draw you can acquire here by
letting Jack taking on the statues challenge
!! Fast Draw: Divide Shot
!! Might cut enemies HP to half. Not a very usefull one :(

And the new enemies here
## Gremlin Annoying... Try to half you defense
## Raidbuster Welcome to hell... Awfully strong guys

Okay, when you enter through the door, you'll see a chest...
When you try to open it, you'll meet a boss

$$$$ Boss: Mage Fox
$$$$ TOTALLY invulnerable to all kinds of magic attacks!
$$$$ That includes guardians... Speeding up Cecilia might
$$$$ save your butt...

27. Giant's Cradle
This dungeon is a very special one... It's not really a case
of fighting enemies, but more of avoiding boobytraps... And
some are very sophisticated. I hope I used the right order
(I wrote this FAQ with my memory after playing this game
for more than 50 times over and over again)...

## Let's discuss the new enemies first:
## Imp Try to silence you and use "Vortex"
## Faller Much HP, but... that's all

The first one is a very sneaky one... Everyone would try
to cross the gap by the pole (on the north side) that
that will trigger a spear and make you fall...
From the spot you would want to cross, cross the the pole
on the south...

The second one is the spear and spike trap...
Stand as much to the south as possible and
run all the way to the west. But be carefull
not to bump the west wall...

The one that comes next is
two narrow roads and a block on the left one...
Push that block south and push it North on the
road on the right (Don't push it too far, if you
do, use the pocket watch to reset) and than push
it to the right, to make the block trigger the
switch and the door will open

The next one is a block in a spiked area...
Push it a little bit south and all the way west
and let it trigger the switch.

Now we may get some spear traps... The first one...
Run south, but stop in time else you'll bump against
the chest and be hit by spears... (might require
practice to do perfectly)

Once again a run puzzle, but if you don't stop in
time you'll fall and have to start over.. (Requires
even more practise)
The next one is throwing a crate against a crystal if
I haven't mistaken... If you throw directly fromt the
right you'll be hit by spikes...
Stand south east of the crystal and throw from there

The next one is running for spears and stop in time...
This time a very hard one... Requires AWFULLY lot of practice
to do perfectly...

The next one is picking up a crate... Walk with it past
the chest (NOT TOO FAR) and throw it against the crystal..
Running may avoid getting hit by the spears, but do it
very shortly or you'll be hit

At the end you'll encounter a golem... A sleeping one... It could
be best to notify "that crazy professor"

Go to Adlehyde and talk to Emma... Take her to Giants Cradle
(you don't have to do the whole dungeon again)... :)
You'll now be able to control the Golem

!! New transportation: Earth Golem
!! With the golem you can travel the world map without
!! encountering enemies... You can't travel trough
!! woods, but you can travel trough shallow waters...

28. Court Seim
With the golem you can go through the snow plains to the east
YOu'll find the Photosphere, but you can't enter it yet.
Go south and you'll find the village of Court Seim

## New enemies around Court Seim
## Griffin Pretty strong but easy. They can paralyse you.
## A great enemy to make money with
## Storm Drake Master of lighting. Weak for water. Not really
## dangerous
## Ceracenian Poisonous, but that's the biggest problem

## In Court Seim, buy 2 thunder rings... They'll become handy

In Court Seim, you should seek out Nicholi Maxwell... He seems
to be an apprentice of Zepet Roughnight. Rudy's Grandfather.

He also seems the father of Calamity Jane, but he's not aware
of how she gets the money to keep his orphanage running (We do
know, don't we?)

He'll tell you to go to the Epitaph Sea and give you a wind-up
key to help you get in.

29. Epitaph Sea Bosses: Boomerang & Luceid (1)
The Epitaph Sea is located on an island east of Court Seim.
use the Golem to get there.

## New enemy:
## Melcluis Not really dangerous, but they try to reduce
## your MP with Mind Damage

You can move the machine that blocks the entrance with the
wind-up key you got from Nicholi in Court Seim. You can
use the conveyors to move around faster (if they go into the
right direction)... You'll end up at a dead end, where
Rudy can blow up the wall...
The next trick with the switch between the conveyors is easy,
it only requires a lot of walking... Oh... Shit happens...

Now you'll be locked in a room, and a blue wolf appears...
This wolf is Luceid, the Guardian of Desire... Let Cecilia
talk to him (with the wand) and he'll walk a certain route.
Follow him.... Walk exactly as he does... Don't think you can
get away by taking a shortcut!!

At the end Luceid will wait... Use the wand on him again,
and he'll open the door and walk away (unless you were
so foolish to take a shortcut, because then you can start
all over again, HA HA).

Okay, from the savespot take the road east, and you may
find a gap in the south wall... Send Hanpan through it
to open the door. Send Hanpan to the exploding chest to
get a book about the "Metal Bird". Under the exploding
chest was a switch that can now be triggered. Do so and
a door on the west will open. Go there and examine the
machine which ask for a password.
The password is: "Metal Bird" (Case sensitive. It will
only work if you use upper and lower case exactly as I
did here)...

On the East a bookshelf will move now. Go there and go
upstairs. Step on the conveyor and receive a new tool
for Rudy....

!! With these skates you can travel over conveyor or
!! damage fields without taking any effect. You can
!! not go over gaps however.
!! One warning though. You cannot stop or control
!! Rudy with these skates until you hit a wall or
!! something

Use the Rocket Skates to get out of here. Go back to
the save spot and use the Rocket Skates to take the
path to the South. Go upstairs.

## You may see a room with three machines just like at the
## entrance... Use the wind up key on all of them, and they'll
## explode. This phenomenon leads to a new Fast Draw Hint!
## !! Fast Draw: Blast Charge
## !! Strong attack on one target, and gives a little damage to
## !! the other enemies... Not really useful, though

From here you can reach the roof where Boomerang will be awaiting

$$$$ Demon Boss: Boomerang and Luceid (1)
$$$$ This is one of the hardest bosses in the game. And the worst
$$$$ thing is... They'll be back! Beating Luceid is optional.
$$$$ it's only Boomerang that counts...

After the fight, Boomerang will leave... Open the chest to get
the "Rune Drive" and go back to Court Seim

30. Back in Court Seim
If you need a rest or refill ammo, do it before doing anything
else... Seems obvious, but now it's more important than ever...
You'll soon discover why...

Go to Nicholi... After that seek out Jane and talk to her...
Now seek out McDullen and skip to the night...

Now Rudy and Jane will have a little chat and that results into
a new force for Rudy

!! FORCE: Protector
!! One of the best forces in the game :)
!! Rudy's defense will raise and whenever Jake or Cecilia are
!! attacked with a normal attack, Rudy will take the blow in
!! stead of them... Very nice since Rudy is the one with the
!! best defensive capabilities...

Alhazad will appear with a very powerfull death thread. As a result
that Nicholi evacuates the entire town....

But the monsters are not coming... Leave the town and head for the
Sacred Shrine (South-East of Court Seim)

31. Sacred Shrine Bosses: Agaless, Alhazad (1)
It took me 4 months to discover how to solve this place while the
solution is soooooo simple.... When I found out, I felt pretty
## New enemy:
## Orc Lord Watch out for their sleep... If they use it
## chances are great that the game will be over!

## Behind a duplicator door is an extra Fast Draw hint...
## nothing special but if you want to have it
## !! Fast Draw: Slash Rave
## !! Random ammount of attacks on one target

There are basically three things to do here, and you can do them
in random order, as long as you do them all...
1. Find the nun, surrounded by kids. One of them hates rats.
send Hanpan to him (That's what took me 4 months... Silly huh)
and he'll run to another spot. Talk to the nun
2. Find the kid who says he saw a monster turning into a human
putting on clothes...
3. Find a dog, examine him and he'll turn into a monster
$$$$ Boss: Agaless
$$$$ Don't get scared by the powerfull attacks he does
$$$$ he's pretty easy. When Rudy uses "Protector" he'll
$$$$ become even more easy!

When this is all done, Hanpan will come out with some questions...
Don't know what happens when you answer wrong...
- This happened before in: Town of Saint Centour
- Got in by: Huddling against body
- That means Go through with human
- Same Method Got in unnoticed
- I wouldn't think that Villager became monster

Now go to the north and talk to the guy protecting the door, and
he'll turn into a monster... Nothing serious, though

Now you can continue and you'll have to fight Alhazad

$$$$ Demon Boss: Alhazad (1)
$$$$ His Electrigger and Esperanza can be strong, but Alhazad is
$$$$ not really hard... In fact he's easy... Let Cecilia Cast
$$$$ Light Blow over everyone. Ione Paua (Saint Rune) is the
$$$$ the best guardian to use here...

Talk to Nicholi and he'll remove the lock on the chest... Open
the chest to get the second Rune Drive...

You'll now be back in Court Seim... Seek out Nicholi and he'll
upgrade the golem... Now you can break through the barrier
that protects the photosphere...

Take the Golem to Photosphere and he'll destroy the barrier and
you'll enter

32. Photosphere Bosses: Lolithia, Mother
## New enemies:
## Jacklantern Vulnerable for evil attacks. Try to flash you
## Wizard Vulnerable for holy attacks. Have powerfull
## spells
## Meschquito Annoying a because of their "Silence"...
## Rudy is very vulnerable for his "Valkyrie" while
## chances are great that Cecilia won't be hurt at
## all by that
## Nitemare Their sleep is *$)(#*$)#(*$ing annoying!!!

The photosphere is a pretty long dungeon, with two bosses of which

ne very difficult. So please enter only if you think you're
well-prepared and save your magic and items as much as possible.

You might have seen the flashing squares that zap you if you touch
them. By blowing up those machines things with red lights with Rudy's
bombs. You can get quite far with that but in the end you'll see a room
where those flashing squares block your way with no way to reach the
operators to blow them up... From here go south and open the chest and
walk a little bit back and a mysterious man who hides his identity
will appear. He'll open the door for you.

If you continue your way you'll see another locked door, but before
you can reach it the mysterious man will open it for you.

## If you want an extra ARM... Take the door to the right of this
## one... This is the only chance to get that ARM
## !! ARM: Twin Orbs
## !! Rudy will release two orbs that attack one enemy a random
## !! ammount of times.

Going through the door will lead to very much stairs. Going all the
way up will lead you to the Teardrop. Take it

!! Mother's heirloom, right back into the hands of it's rightful
!! owner Princess Cecilia. You already know what it does... Right?

Now go all the way back to the place were you encountered that
mysterious man first and from there take the door to the right.
You'll see that the flashing squares are now deactivated and you
can continue.

You'll now get in a room with searching lights... Don't touch
those lights.... If you do you'll meet some monsters and after
that you'll be warped back to the entrance of this room.

After doing this room you'll find Lolithia.

$$$$ Boss: Lolithia
$$$$ First thing to do... Let Cecilia cast awaken. If you don't
$$$$ have that spell you're in big trouble... Lolithia's Cold
$$$$ sleep does not only do big damage but can put you all to
$$$$ sleep. When awaken is casted at least once, your party
$$$$ members will contiously be awakened when that happens

When you contiune your way after Lolithia you'll meet Mother

$$$$ Demon Boss: Mother
$$$$ Against all expectations, this is NOT the final boss...
$$$$ far from it... Mother has a few destructive moves, and
$$$$ her "Als Magna" could cause some status changes

33. Dragon Shrine Bosses: Lady Harken (1)
After beating Mother you get a long scenario part, and end
up in Adlehyde... If Cecilia asks if she's still allowed to
travel with you say "yes"... If you say no she's gonna
complain until you agree...

Now go to the ship and travel to Rosetta, and talk to the
mayor... He'll mention the Sea Guardian Lucadia.

Now go straight into the dragon vortex in the sea and you'll
end up in the dragon shrine

## New enemies: (For most it's recommended to let Rudy and Jack
## be equipped with a Thunder Ring)
## Naga Lots of HP, and dangrous because of Fatal Blow
## Aqualeaper Lots of water spells. Vulnerable to thunder
## Deepones Watch out for "Brutal Blow"

The first puzzle is tricky...
Push block most left to the west...
Push block right below you to the west
Push block right below you all the way east
And now you can reach the finish.... (The way at the south-west)

The other puzzles with the blocks and the green squares... Most are
optional, except for the last one...

The object is for all puzzles the same... Push the blocks on a green
square.... If they are all set you'll get a chest containig a treasure

## Optional puzzles
## First is easy... Just push on the green square...
## Reward: Crest Graph
## For the others... I'll draw some maps
## B = Block # = Wall G = Green Square
## ######### Push the block on the north to a green square
## #G B G# Push the other into the other direction and
## ## ### ## you can reacht the square with that
## # B #
## # # Reward: Crest Graph
## #### ####
## ######G# Push the one block a 2 positions. So NOT to the
## # B # square... Now push the other to the square
## # B # and push the first block to the square
## #G# #### Reward: Crest Graph
## #######
## # G # Push the first block a leetle bit north
## #B#B B# but keep a path to be able to push the block
## # # # # now push the others in position and then the first block
## #G# #G#
## ### ### Reward: Shining Cape. Best Armor for Cecilia fro the
## time being

The last one is not optional...
This is the map

## ## 23
##GBBG## I number the blocks like this 1 4
##B B##
#G G#
# # <-This line is there, but you might not see it... It can confuse
### ### messing messing up things... Don't fall for it!!!

Push block 3 a little bit north... Only one position... Push block 4 to the
square south east...
Push block 1 to the square south west... Push block 2 to the square west,
and that leaves the east square for block 3, and you know how to push,

The chest that appears contains the 4th tool for Cecilia

!! TOOL: Vase
!! By using the vase you'll have an unlimmited water supply, handy
!! to stop fires that block your way. Watch out, using this tool
!! too much can make you have to go to the toilet :D

Now go back to the save spot and go north... Stop the fire with the
vase and you'll uncover a switch. Step on it and a door will open.

In this room, be carefull when pushing the blocks... You might lock your
possibilities to continue... Use the pocket watch when that happens to

At the end you'll have to fight Lady Harken

$$$$ Demon Boss: Lady Harken (1)
$$$$ She's very fast, but no thread at all

This fight results into a new Fast Draw Hint

!! Fast Draw: Guilty Blade
!! A powerfull attack on a group... can be handy in case of emergency

You'll also get a new guardian

!! Guardian: Lucadia (TRITON RUNE)
!! Powerfull water attack... Much more powerfull than Stoldark

And now get out of this place and the Dragon Vortex disappears
allowing you to explore the outer sea

## From now on you can reach the "Isolated Guilts"
## There you can learn the higher forms of magic... See
## "Magic" section to see which spells are really
## recommended... Don't do anything else before that...
## By the isolated guilt you can also get potions...
## mostly they discover your health... Good... Sometimes
## they put all party members to 1 HP and 1 MP...
## if that happens just take another potion and the problem
## is solved... Always check your points after drinking
## a potion...

## On an island east of Court Seim you can get the guardian
## Solos Emsu... One of the best guardians right now
## !! Guardian: Solos Emsu (HEAVENS RUNE)
## !! Very powerfull holy attack

Okay, you can now do two things at random... Section 34-36 or 37...
I strongly recommend to take the order I took... since the 34-36 are
more difficult and after you've done them both you'll be warped into
another dungeon

34. Zepet's hut
From Court Seim's beach to the west you'll get on a place where
Zepet's house is located. Go there to get the Ocarina

!! on the map you can summon the Earh Golem to your position
!! with the Ocarina...

## New enemies:
## Izamna Vulnerable to evil attacks... Youse Darkness on them
## you can miss the MP since you are close to Court Seim
## where you can rest
## Miann Nice food for the Prism Ray... Watch out for "Fatal
## Blow"

## Summon the golem with the Ocarina and go North... That cart
## shop sells very nice weapons... The best for the time being...

If you need to rest go back to Court Seim

35. Wandering Isle
The Wandering Isle can be reach by ship... South of Court Seim

## New enemies:
## Die Fighter Poisonous and healing spells... But not really
## Dangerous
## Wyvern Use "Meteor Dive" and "Break" and they're history

The Wandering Isle is easy... Jack's grappling hook must do the work
Not much to tell here...

36. Dead Sanctuary Bosses: Boomerang & Luceid (2)
The Dead Sanctuary is a very large dungeon. So be well-prepared...
Especially when you would happen to have done section 37 first...

## New enemies:
## Kelbim Much HP... Vulnerable to evil, but save your
## magic on this one
## Niebass Vulnerable to holy, but save your magic
## Ukoback Masters of fire so vulnerable to water. But
## save your magic

The first puzzle is with the statues and the green square...

Push the right statue so far that you can get in the middle but
NOT on the square... Now go to the left statue... Push it left
to create a path... ANd now push it to the square and the door on
the right will open.

Push the North statue aside and blow up the wall...
Stop the fires in the next room and push the statue on the square.

Go back to the previous room and now take the door to the right.

At the end of this dungeon you'll find an easy maze and then
four colored statues... Push the red one of the left square,
the blue on the right square, the yellow on the middle square
and use Rudy's bombs to blow up the green statue and the door
will open.

The door at the savespot will open with the teardrop and you'll
meet Boomerang and Luceid again

$$$$ Demon Boss: Boomerang and Luceid (2)
$$$$ They're back... Now Luceid is extreemly dangerous
$$$$ because of his "Large Moon", which will kill Cecilia.

After the fight, pick up the three statues and you'll get
a new Force for Cecilia

!! FORCE: High Guardian
!! Cecilia can summon a even more powerfull version of a
!! guardian

## If you go to the backroom, you can take on the
## statues test... YOu'll have to fight Zoa Zein
## to retreive a fast draw hint... Zoa Zein is vulnerable
## to thunder attacks... A thunder ring could do great deal
## here
## !! Fast Draw: Shadow Bind
## !! Could paralyze an enemy... Nothing usefull

And now get your ass out of here....

37. Demon's Lab Bosses: Lady Harken (2)
Demon's lab is located all the way north near the west coast of
Filagia... Can't miss it...

## New enemies:
## Prisoner Vulnernable to holy... Save your magic
## Garum Stronger version of Hell Hound
## Stoker Stronger version of Minion

The way is easy here... There are nice bonusses here... Like an

!! ARM: Bazooka
!! Strong attack on group

The password for the door at the end is "Demon Gate"

And you'll meet Lady Harken again

$$$$ Boss: Lady Harken (2)
$$$$ Still fast, and new moves... Still no danger...
$$$$ Trickster could result into getting a "secret sign"

After the fight you'll get a fast draw hint

!! Fast Draw: Magnum Fang
!! One of the best attacking fast draw techniques
!! Very usefull on bosses

Now go back to the exit

38. Gate Generator Bosses: Diablo, Zeikfried (1)
When you have completed the Dead Sanctuary and the Demon's Lab
You'll be warped into teh Gate Generator... First you'll have
to fight three Amplifiers, and now you get an extra dungeon.

## New enemies:
## Amplifier Annoying because of their "Sleep" and
## "Silence". Holy is their weakness, but
## saving magic is recommended
## Cyclops Strong and dangerous because of "Fatal Blow"
## Leprechaun More annoying than a thread

During this dungeon Zed will keep on annoying you with his
special operations (you won't have to fight him here)...
If you follow him you might know the way you have to go.

Operation: Drop Floor
Zed will destroy the floor, locking you in with no way out.
Use your Grappling Hook on him to get out.

Operation: Hell Thunder
Zed will make the floor filled with electricity. Use Rudy's
Skates to get out of here...
Search Zed's Switch to deactivate this...

## South of this switch are some nice bonusses... In one of my
## updates I'll give an exact route for this puzzle.

Secret passage
You enter a room, you can see Zed doing something to the wall
and leave... When you come here, you see that Zed has gone.
Examine the wall Zed was using and you'll open a secret door.

The door trap
This one seems so easy, but don't let this fool you... If you
act too hasty Zed will lock you up. If that happens use the
pocket watch to get out.
First switch the first the second lever and third.
Then switch the second lever again (if you forget this
Zed will lock you up)
and then the forth and you can continue

The Boss
Zed will now send Diablo after you
$$$$ Boss: Diablo
$$$$ Pretty fast, but rather easy. Speed up Cecilia.
$$$$ Try the High Guardian of Lucadia on him.

The Password Joke
Zed's last action. A door locked with a password...
You can enter anything you want for a password. The door will
open any way.

Now you'll meet Zeikfried himself and the first chance to fight

$$$$ Demon Boss: Zeikfried (1)
$$$$ He has pretty strong attacks... Cecilia's Remedy and Hi-Heal
$$$$ can save your butt... Speeding up can be recommended, but
$$$$ you can win without it.

39. Rudy's Secret
Zeikfried wants to take drastic actions and when Rudy tries to
stop him, Zeikfried will attach magic wire to his arm. Rudy will
cut off his arm. After some scenario, it seems that Rudy is not
human. But is there a way to replace his arm? You'll end up at Emma's

NOTE!! Rudy is not available for awhile. During that time you
cannot access Rudy's tools. You can't upgrade or refill
your ARMS either... Don't forget to do this when he comes

Go to Rosetta and visit Muriel. After that go to the forest mount
and stand on the plateau... Muriel will initiate the transporter
device that's here. And you'll be in the Elw world.

## You can get two crest graphs and a Full Libra here...
## Search well... Especially the Full Libra will be very important

In this place you'll be found be some Elws and they bring you to

40. Tarjon
After your chat with Emiko, seek out the house with four Elws.
The second Elw from the west will tell you about the prison forest
and he'll tell you that the Guardian Of Life Odoryuk is trapped
in there... He wants you to free the Guardian and he gives you
a spirit key...
Now leave the village and go to the Prison Forest. Located
to the south of Tarjon

41. Prison Forest
This place is hell to navigate, since the game makers didn't
take reality too seriously here. I'll come up with an exact route
in one of my updates...
## New enemies:
## Snatcher Their "Bear Hug" could paralyse you... Not a
## serious thread
## Trifid Try to shield themselves... Flame does wonders
## here...
## Black Sabbath Beware for their "Fatal Blow"

You'll need to find a big chest here... Open it with the Spirit
key and a shining ball will come out... Follow it and you'll
meet Odoryuk

!! Guardian: Odoryuk (LIFE RUNE)
!! Odoryuk will heal you party members and cure status changes
!! He can even heal dead party members...
!! He can save you a lot of healing spells, however in most
!! cases I prefer Raftina (who you'll obtain soon). I only
!! use Odoryuk if I also need to cure statusses which Raftina
!! can't do...

From this spot head all the way south and you'll reach the exit
From here head all the way east to reach Vassim's Lab...
Talk to Vassim... After the scenario go back to the forest mount
(If you have teleport you can warp to there, else you'll have
to go trough the prison forest again).

42. De Le Metallica
Go back to Curan Abbey and enter the "Sealed Library". In the
room you fought Nelgaul before, examine the bookshelf on the
left and you'll see the book "De Le Metallica"... Read it and
you'll be warped in a twisted reality.

## New enemies:
## Talgium If in groups, Hi-Flame works wonders
## Necronomicon Go all out before they use the
## "Forbidden Spell...???"
## Mystic Spot Highly annoying... It can take a long
## time to kill them, not to mention that
## they silence you, and easily run away.
## There are 8 books hidden throughout this dungeon. You
## only only one change to take them for your collection.
## if you miss one... Bad luck... Collecting all 8 will
## give you a Fast Draw Hint
## !! Fast Draw: Phazer Zapp
## !! Attack on one enemy, with all elements...
## !! personally I never use this one... :-/

There are a few puzzles here... The first one is the circle
with the door on the south side and the north side... If you
walk de-clockwise to the north door and read the tablet it'll
say something about that only 2 hours ago guests were welcome.
Walk two rounds de-clockwise and now the door can be opened.

You'll now reach the savespot... Save if you like :)

The puzzle with the empty chests is a puzzle which logic
goes beyond me, but when you open the thrid and the fourth
chests (from the left) the door will be unlocked.

Now we'll get some questions with two doors each time...
The door you pick represents your answer... I thought the doors
to take were left-right-right-left-right-left-right, but in my
update I can tell for sure... If you read the question on the
tablets you'll easily find the right combination since the
questions are very easy.

Now you'll get in the middle of a spiral... Walk all the way
and you'll meet Duras Drum at the end, and be warped out
of this world

!! Guardian: Duras Drum (HADES RUNE)
!! Duras Drum performs an evil attack on all enemies...
!! Not an impressive Guardian... You might wanna try it on
!! Valkyries :)

Having the Life and the Illusion Guardian (Odoryuk & Duras
Drum), you can now save Rudy... Go back to Vassim's Lab

43. Save Rudy Bosses: Elisabeth
Talk to Vassim, and he'll try to fix Rudy. After that Cecilia
will be the only party member for awhile. Go upstairs and talk
to Rudy. A long scenario part will be there ending with a boss

$$$$ Boss: Elisabeth
$$$$ Elisabeth is very font of Flash Bomb, but that's no real
$$$$ thread... The fact that she silences you make things worse
$$$$ Even since it's not her official weakness, Holy attacks
$$$$ work best. Solos Emsu is the perfect guardian for the job

After the fight you'll obtain the Guardian Of Love Raftina

!! Guardian: Raftina (LOVE RUNE)
!! Raftina heals all your party members very much... She does
!! not heal status changes, but that's no real problem...
!! She's one of my favorite guardians... Always equipped on Jack

Now Rudy will rejoin the party, and everything's back to normal

## Let Rudy talk talk to Vassim to learn his 4th force
## !! FORCE: Fury Shot
## !! Hit % of an ARM is always 100% and the ARM is 3 times
## !! stronger than normal.

Go back to the Forest Mount and you'll meet Jane again. You'll
now obtain a prototype airplane

!! New Transportation: Protowing
!! Prototype, airplane... You can fly anywhere you want, but
!! now you can't fly over mountains. You can only land on
!! flat plains, not of rocky grounds or forests...

44. Gemini Corpse Bosses: Mech Drake
North West of Court Seim is the Gemini Corpse... You can only
reach it with the Protowing... Enter it

## New enemies:
## Valkyrie Holy beasts... Vulnerable to evil...
## Avoid everything... Use Flash on them
## Iron Maiden Protects himself like crazy... Guardians
## can help you here
## Urchin Bug Terribly high defense and ultra fast...
## Not a big thread though
## Hydra Much HP... But also much cash

## Ignore the stairs and blow up the wall behind it...
## Open the chest to get a fast draw hint
## !! Fast Draw: Cosmic Nova
## !! It would be usefull if it wasn't so expensive in MP
## !! and if it wouldn't be a hell to master :(

This one will also be in more detail in one of my updates...
It's a matter of collecting Jewels and pushing them in the
right statues... Some Jewels can only be found by blowing up
walls, and the dungeon is designed that way that you will need
to find all jewels...

## There are two important things to obtain here...
## In a chest you can find a Black Pass. You can take it
## to the store in Adlehyde and use it on the bookshelf
## and you can enter the Black Market... Here you can find
## the best weapons you can buy, if you want better you'll
## need to defeat optional bosses, but that comes later.
## you can also buy goat dolls here, and that item can save
## your butt on optional bosses.
## The ARM Phaser is also hidden here... One of my favorites
## !! ARM: Phaser
## !! Strong attack on one target... Very usefull on bosses

The the jewl puzzle you'll fall in a big gap... When touching
the ground a chest will fall down... Open it to get Rudy's
last tool.

!! The power glove can be use to hit things, to push them
!! over gaps, or to break certain things...

## In the next room you see statues with chests on it...
## with the power gloove you can bumb them off to open
## them...
## Blowing up the walls behind the statues leads to
## Two "Secret Signs"

Next room... Push the purple pillar with the power glove
over the gap and use the grappling hook to cross...

Now you'll find the Gemini Curcuit you were looking for,
but when you grap it.....

$$$$ Boss: Mech Drake
$$$$ More annoying than a thread... He'll try to silence
$$$$ you... he has a few killer moves... Speeding up
$$$$ Cecilia and Jack is a good idea....
$$$$ Let Jack save his forces to summon Raftina if needed
$$$$ That saves a lot of MP...

After the boss get your ass out of here and go back to
Adlehyde castle

45. RIP: Sweet Candy
During your Chat with Emma, the Sweet Candy gets attacks by
a monster and will sink. Making the Gemini Curcuit they found
end up at the bottom of the sea....

But remember what they said... Everything that gets lost in
the sea will end up on the beach of Ship Graveyard...

Go to Ship Graveyard and go North and you'll find it go back
to Emma and she'll upgrade the Protowing

!! New Transportation: Upgraded Protowing
!! Same as the Protowing, but now you can fly higher, and
!! also fly over mountains...

With your new transportation device you can reach the Pandemonium
located on and island south in the inner sea

46. Pandemonium Bosses: Turask, Demon Prophet, Shazam
## New enemies:
## Zoa Zein Remember them from you fast draw challenge in the
## Dead Santuary... Vulnerable for electricity
## Belzebob Have some nasty moves...
## Colozon No thread

The Pandemonium is a dungeon that can be devided in three parts...
All ending with a boss... The second part is even a seperated part.
The first part is easy, and you'll encounter Alhazad you'll send
Turask after you...

$$$$ Boss: Turask
$$$$ Shields himself like crazy... Guardians do a great job here
$$$$ Hyper can also do nice things, but save your MP as much as
$$$$ possible, 'cause you can't rest for awhile...

After the fight all party members will be seperated for the
last time of the game... Let Jack talk to Hanpan...

Hanpan has to do a part on his own now... I'll give an exact route
in one of my updates. As well as for the route the party members have
to take now...

I can give you one warning already... Rudy might encounter Demon
Prophet... As long as the party isn't joined together agree to go back
to your cell (you'll just leave the room, you don't have to start all

When you say "No" the battle will begin... Alone Rudy is no match for
him... When the party has rejoined you can go for it...

$$$$ Boss: Demon Prophet
$$$$ Will use magic in all kinds... Hell Size Masquarade will hurt
$$$$ you all very bad... Raftina rocks here... Speeding up might
$$$$ be necesary

Well the next puzzle is easy... Set Jack on one switch and Hanpan
must trigger the other...

The rest of this dungeon is easy... All the way north and you'll
encounter Shazam

$$$$ Boss: Shazam
$$$$ Not super difficult, but he has some killer moves...
$$$$ He can dispell all assist magic... Watch out for his
$$$$ fatal blow...

After this fight you'll have some scenario and you'll end up
in Adlehyde Castle

47. Artica Castle Boss: Lady Harken (3)
Artica Castle is located west of the Photosphere... You can
Only get there with your airplane

## New enemies:
## Ghoul Vulnerable for holy attacks. Not really
## dangerous
## Roar Vulnerable for holy attacks. Not really
## dangerous
## Hopedia Watch out for their "Dangerous Object 666"
## that can really hurt you. Vulnerable for
## Holy attacks
## Wise Man Powerfull magic users... Vulnerable for
## holy attacks

The ways here is two easy to explain, but there are nice
bonusses here

## All the way north is a chair... Let Jack examine it
## to retreive the "Black Fenril"... The best sword Jack
## can get (until you take on the optional bosses)
## With the Black Fenril you get the most useless Fast Draw
## Hint...
## !! Fast Draw: Void
## !! It's supposed to kill all enemies at once but it
## !! almost never hits...
## You can also a new ARM for Rudy... At the icy square
## !! ARM: Wild Bunch
## !! Strong attack on one target... Always use with ARM
## !! Lock On since its accuracy is low... Personally I
## !! never use it.
## If you open the two duplicator doors, you'll obtain
## four "Secret Signs"... Now THAT's a bonus

At the end you'll meet Harken, and Jack will fight her alone...

$$$$ Demon Boss: Lady Harken (3)
$$$$ Too easy... Using Trickster can get you a "Secret Sign"

After the battle you'll obtain the Guardian "Justine"

!! Guardian: Justine (COURAGE RUNE)
!! It requires courage to summon Justine, since very much
!! enemies only get stronger by his attacks...

No leave the castle and Ka Dingel will rise from the ground

NOTE!!! I'll now discuss all the optional parts of the game.
It's up to you to pass them... If you don't want to
pass them, then continue with "Ka Dingel"...

## 48. The Guardian Of Hope
## ========================
## Go to Baskar and climb the altar North, and you'll obtain
## Zephyr... The second strongest Guardian of the game
## !! Guardian: Zephyr
## !! Very good Guardian... There only one Guardian who is
## !! stronger than this one... And that's Dan Dairam.
## 49. The Rings Of TimeSpace
## ==========================
## First of all you must have paid all the donations for the
## reconstruction of Adlehyde... Now there should be a man in the
## pub, who'll give you a "Dispellado", (if he's not there, leave
## the city and come back... If he's still not there you haven't
## paid all the donations... The last one is 100,000 Gella).
## Warp to Baskar. I advise you to cast "Ivisible" now... Encounters
## are much to weak and very annoying now...
## Go North West of Baskar to the rings of TimeSpace and you can
## activate them with the Dispellado... Do it in this order
## NW, SW, SE, NE, W, S, E, N...
## The game will say that the doors of illusion are open.
## Enter here and you'll meet the Guardian Of TimeSpace
## !! Guardian: Dan Dairam (CHRONO RUNE)
## !! Strongest Guardian of all... His attacks are non-elemental
## !! making him usefull for all enemies... Always equipped on
## !! Cecilia.
## If you want you can meet Elmina in the Pub of Milama, but
## it won't have any effect on the game.
## 50. The Stone Mermaid Bosses: Leviathan
## =====================
## After having paid serveral donations for the reconstuction
## of Adlehyde you might meet Drake in one of the Houses
## North East of Town. He'll give you a new ship. Take that ship
## and sail around in the inner sea, and you might be attacked
## by Leviathan
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Leviathan
## $$$$ His speed is your biggest problem... Speeding up will
## $$$$ make him much easier...
## You'll get a "Pret-A-Porte" as reward... Best armor for
## Cecilia
## 51. Ancient Arena
## =================
## You might want to try your luck here...
## Your opponents will be:
## 1. Medea Magic User. Vulnerable to holy attacks...
## 2. Bad News Brute Strength. Speeding up helps here
## 3. Javawalk Beware of "Anti Matter Bomb"
## 4. RiverSider Very very very fast... Shielding Rudy and using
## protector will pay off...
## My Boss FAQ is more detailed about this topic...
## For beating the Riversider you can get a "Full Libra"...
## That item is holy in the final parts of the game
## 52. I'll be back Bosses: Boomerang Flash
## ================
## If you would happen to have defeated Boomerang & Luceid
## at the entrance of Ka Dingel (See Ka Dingel section) and
## if you have defeated the Riversider once (see "Ancient Arena",
## section 51)... You'll encounter Boomerang Flash if you
## enter the arena again...
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Boomerang Flash
## $$$$ use "Hi-Shield" like crazy... That'll show him...
## $$$$ much "Goat Dolls" can be required here...
## As a reward you'll get a "Divine Blade", best weapon for
## Rudy...
## 53. Golem in the desert Bosses: Barbados
## =======================
## Use the airplane to get in the desert, north-west of the
## memory temple and walk around here until Barbados attacks
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Barbados
## $$$$ His speed is your only problem... Speed up and you'll
## $$$$ have much less to fear...
## As a reward you'll get the "Dist Dims"... Best weapon for
## Cecilia
## 54. What became of Zed Bosses: Monster Zed
## ======================
## Go to Saint Centour (The village where everyone
## dissappeared) and seek out the Blind Girl... She'll
## mention a very nice swordsman
## Leave town and you'll encounter Zed...
## If you want to fight him, he'll turn into a monster
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Monster Zed
## $$$$ This is one of the hardest fights in the game.
## $$$$ Monster Zed throws around status changes and kill
## $$$$ everyone in one blow... Goat Dolls can solve the
## $$$$ problem a little... There's no special technique that
## $$$$ works...
## As a reward you'll get the "Doom Bringer", You can equip it
## on Jack... It does a lot of damage to enemies, but your luck
## will always be "Worst"...
## 55. The Illusion King Bosses: Angol Moa
## =====================
## You'll need at least 5 duplicators... You can get them by
## defeating Riversiders, or by stealing from Hayonkontons
## who can be found on islands south east of the area...
## Go to the Ancient Arena... behind the "Duke" is a mirror.
## Destroy it with the Power Gloove...
## Open the five duplicator doors, and you'll encounter
## Angol Moa at the end of this room...
## Optional Boss: Angol Moa
## He's not ultra strong... Only his "7th Moon" will kill you all
## if he doesn't use that move too much, he's pretty easy...
## Problem is... It's his favorite move... Using Goat Dolls or
## being high in level, are your only trump Cards
## 56. Dual Cast
## =============
## Not a usefull quest... The enemies are too easy and the
## reward is not as usefull as it seems... I did this quest once
## so I can't tell much... You'll need at least 2 duplicators
## to get this force
## This dungeon is the most annoying dungeon of the game...
## Thanks god it's optional...
## The dungeon to get this is located North of Curan Abbey
## Use the airplane to get there...
## Let's see what I remember...
## You should learn the location of the "Warding Gates"...
## If you step in them you'll be warped back the the entrance
## of this dungeon...
## There are also the rooms where you get locked in and where
## you must catch an object that does the oposite of your moves
## Fucking annoying... I got through there, but don't ask me
## how... At the end of this dungeon use the Teardrop and
## the wizard Dhee will appear and learn you Dual Cast
## !! FORCE: Dual Cast
## !! Cecilia can cast two spells in one turn...
## !! You'll never need this force. On top of that,
## !! High Guardian of Dan Dairam is much cooler :)
## 57. The Abbyss Bosses: Ragu Ragla
## ==============

# It's too early to discuss it I know... But I want to keep all
## optional parts together... You'll need the "Guitar Of Maya"
## you can get in "Malduke", the final dungeon.
## I know very little of this place... I never went for it...
## I'll tell you what I know...
## Go to Milama and take the Elw Pyaramid... Keep warping over
## until you get in the Abbyss...
## This is a dark dungeon. Don't light it with lamps because if
## you do a door will close and you can't continue...
## At the end you'll have to jump over gaps with the grappling
## hook and you'll see a circle with fire in the middle...
## Let Cecilia stop it with the vase, and let Jack play his
## guitar and the toughest boss of the game will appear
## $$$$ Ultra-boss: Ragu Ragla
## $$$$ It seems that you can only beat him when you have 99
## $$$$ goat dolls and not one less than that... Oops...
## As a reward you'll get the "Sheriff Star"...
## If you are bad enough to beat Ragu Ragla you won't need it
## any more, though...
## It increases your parry rate like crazy... All kind of magic
## will be absorbed and you'll regenerate after every turn...
## Nice item, huh?

58. Ka Dingel Bosses: Boomerang & Luceid (3), Alhazad (2)
From Adlehyde all the way south with the aeroplane... Can't
miss it... You'll have to summon the golem with the Ocarina
to enter, at at the entrance it's already boss time...

$$$$ Demon Boss: Boomerang & Luceid (3)
$$$$ Luceid is very dangerous... Once again it's only
$$$$ only Boomerang that counts...

## It may be wise to leave the dungeon and rest before entering
## the dungeon :-)

## Okay, here's Tricrokra's special Ka Dingel-Malduke fighting
## system... If you are lucky you can pass these two dungeons
## with this system without even loosing one single MP
## I use it here on all normal enemies, simply becuase Ka Dingel
## is a pretty large dungeon, and Malduke that comes right after
## it (without rest possibilities) is even larger... And depending
## on your MP will make you run out of magic carrot VERY soon
## The method goes like this:
## Defend until Jack and Cecilia are force level 2 (or higher)
## Let Jack summon Raftina (Love Rune) and let Cecilia Summon
## Dan Dairam (Chrono Rune) (See section 49 on how to get it)
## and you can continue... Don't heal outside of battle (unless
## the situation is critical, but with a little luck it never
## happens... Good luck with this strategy...
## Oh, if you have everybody equipped with a "Full Libra"
## the last dungeon will be MUCH easier
## New enemies
## Sworkassi Run away easily... They try to steal money and
## items
## Amon Not a thread... They use fire on you
## Will-O-Wisp Try to flash you... With Full Libras no problemo
## N.U.E. Pretty strong
## Hazenberg Their "Uncertain Theory" causes all kinds of
## status changes... Be equipped with Full Libra

You should start at the west of this dungeon where you can
blow up a wall with Rudy's bombs... here you can trigger a switch
to make a statue appear... Seek out this statue and push it on
the spot that's very obviously marked :) This will make a door

The next puzzle is a door, with at a statue right of it and an
empty spot left of it... The room above this one, has a statue...
Push it into the hole and go downstairs to the door...
Push the statue to the left of the door and the door will open...

The three door and two handles puzzle is tricky...
Thw switches above the three doors will open the door below it...
Open the left door and the middle door and keep the right closed.
go through the doors and flip the lever and you can continue.

If you see some purple gems... They are switches... Use Rudy's
bombs on them to activate them...

Be carefull with the one behind the barrier... The barrier will
close when the gem is bombs... So go out there ASAP, and DON'T
DASH because that will only make you take more time...

The last puzzle is a puzzle with a lot of levers... Just switch
them all once (and ignore that the system will activate others),
and you can continue...

Now you'll have the final meeting with Alhazad

$$$$ Demon Boss: Alhazad (2)
$$$$ This time you can really see how ugly Alhazad really is... :)
$$$$ Using "Light Blow" will speed up this battle...
$$$$ Save your MP since you cannot rest any more
$$$$ (and if you use escape you'll have to start all over again)

After the battle, Jack will receive his final force

!! FORCE: Double Attack
!! Allows you to do two actions in one turn... Not as usefull
!! as you think it would be...

After Alhazad you can reach a transportation device that warps
you to the final dungeon, "Malduke"

59. Malduke, Part 1: The entrance
## New enemies:
## Tzar Zein Pretty strong, but no thread... Use the battle
## method I discussed in Ka Dingel
## Fesel Zein Same as Tzar Zein
## Cyclops You'll hate them, but they don't like your either
## Just use the battle method I discussed
## in Ka Dingel
## Doomsday To be honest, I saw a friend of mine encountering
## this one once, so I know little about it. It is one
## of the hardest enemies the game has (Bosses not
## included)... And I got the idea you can only
## meet him with the Guitar Of Maya, you'll obtain later
## When I know more about this one, the FAQ will be updated

There are two staircases here... Bomb the electrofield generator by the
stairs left, and go downstairs, push the purple pole with the glove
blah, blah, blah and you'll see a lever... Switch it and all the
electrofieds are disabled.

For the rest the way to go is easy here, except for the last part
that contains a little trick

## But first I'll tell you that you can obtain a few special things
## here.... They are all pretty easy to find!
## !! ARM: Arch Smash
## !! Strong attack on all, but since you obtain it so late in the
## !! game, it's pretty useless...
## !! Fast Draw: Trump Card
## !! Strongest Fast Draw in the game on one target. But since you
## !! obtain it so late, since it's hell to master and uses
## !! extreemly much MP it's totally useless...
## !! TOOL: Guitar Of Maya (Jack's final tool)
## !! When playing this guitar you can cause an instant encounter
## !! This tool can also be used to summon the optional bosses
## !! Sado, Lucifer and Ragu Ragla.... See sections 57, 60 and 62
## In the "tube maze" you can get the best weapons (if you don't
## take on the optional bosses, that is)... Only the optional
## bosses have better stuff for you!

The last trick is the bridge of dropping plates... Don't just
cross it... Stand a little bit to the right, have Jack in the
lead with the grappling hook as tool, and cross the bridge and
when you reach the gap, use the hook to cross it...
It requires practise since this is a matter of seconds...

At the end you can reach a transporter which can be set with
two levers. You can use it to go back to 3 diffrent parts of
Malduke or back to the entrance. I'll discuss the 3 diffrent parts

(Those three parts may be taken in random order)

60. Malduke, Part 2: The Volcannic Part Bosses: Sado (Optional)
## Let's discuss the optional boss you can meet here first...
## Find the circle with fire in the middle... Let Cecilia
## stop the fire with the vase and let Jack play guitar in the
## middle and Sado will appear
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Sado
## $$$$ Sado is not hard... In fact, he's pretty easy... Only
## $$$$ The start can be hard... Speed up Cecilia and Jack as
## $$$$ much as you need to and this fight will get easy
## You'll get a "Braver Vest" as reward. Best armor for Rudy

If you find a rock for a wall blow it up, and you'll see and
Now try to find the orb called "Eye"... There are four ones
hidden here.
Use the "Eye" on the eye I discussed before... If it shines
red, then you got the wrong "Eye". Then you must return it
to where you found it and find another...
If the eye shines blue, then you got the right one.
If you got the right eye, return to the transporters and do
another part

61. Malduke, Part 3: The Illusion City
If there's a sign here saying:

"This city is an illusion
Everything is a lie"

Then you got the part discussed here.

## This place contains pretty strong encounters...
## Casting "Invisible here" can be advised....
## After you got the "Wings" you can leave with
## the pocket watch to prevent encounters...

Once you reach the city, go all the way north...
The "Wings" are hidden behind the monument

62. Malduke, Part 4: The Switch Door Puzzle Bosses: Lucifer (Opt)
## New enemies:
## Ose If short on magic, use "MP Drain on them" :)
## watch out for "Fatal Blow"
## Delow Bunny If you got the chance use "Magnum Fang" on
## them... The only way to kill them before
## they run away....

## Let's discuss the optional boss Lucifer, first...
## Go South and then all the way East... Then go
## all the way north...
## By the warning tablet about "Sado" and "Lucifer" is
## a secret passage to the south, go there and then
## all the way north... A circle with fire in the middle
## should be here... Cecilia must stop the fire with her
## vase, and Jack should play guitar in the middle to
## summon Lucifer...
## $$$$ Optional Boss: Lucifer
## $$$$ His "Beam Fencer" makes him impossible to beat
## $$$$ unless you've a very big Goat Doll supply or
## $$$$ when you are extreemly high in level...
## $$$$ Also watch out for his "Sephiroto"... Not so
## $$$$ strong as "Beam Fencer" but still dangerous.
## You'll get a "Jade Wilder" as reward. Best armor for Jack.

This part will be completly worked out in one of my next updates.
You must switch with the doors and switches until you can get the
"Arms"... I'll tell you more in my update...

63. Malduke, Part 5: The Grand Finale Bosses: Berial, Zeikfried (2)
===================================== Motherfried, Zeik Tuvai
Be well prepared, since there are 4 bosses in this final part.
From the transporter go south and all the way west and you'll reach
a door with three peddestals... This is were to use the "Eye", the
"Arms" and the "Wings"... Check the color to see which belongs to
which peddestal...

The rest is just following the road, until you see a road with
searching light... When you touch it you'll meet Berial

$$$$ Boss: Berial
$$$$ Pretty strong, and a very big thread... On top of that he
$$$$ lowers your defense... Be cautious!

After beating Berial a door will open... From here you can reach
Malduke's control room... And there you'll meet Zeikfried.

$$$$ Demon Boss: Zeikfried (2)
$$$$ It takes too long to speed up... But is speed is your only
$$$$ serious problem

After the fight, Zeikfried will seem not to exist any more, but
it was mother who use Zeikfried's shape after she's eaten him...
Now she's become Motherfried

$$$$ Demon Boss: Motherfried
$$$$ Using Full Libras is recommended against her Als Magna...
$$$$ Don't use assist magic, since she dispells it all...
$$$$ Her moves are pretty strong... Raftina works wonders here...

After the fight you can leave, but don't think it's over...
Heal up, or you'll regret it... Search the transporter,
and activate it and a terrible surprise awaits...

$$$$ Final Boss: Zeikfried (Zeik Tuvai)
$$$$ He's awfully slow... Equipping Full Libras works wonders
$$$$ His "Hi-Heal" is annoying, but not a thread...
$$$$ Using "Soul Guard" on Cecilia to prevent Fatal Blows
$$$$ is very wise...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've completed Wild Arms!!

In this section I'll tell you where to find all ARMS... I can't tell
you the upgrade prices, since it'll take some time to check them...
I've a list, but it was taken from another FAQ and since I don't
want copyright trouble I can't use it here...

1. Hand Cannon Shoots one bullet... Standard Arm
You'll have it at the start of the game

2. Prism Ray Weaker than hand cannon... Hurts group... Usefull
on weak annoying enemies
You find it in the Cage tower... Can't miss it

3. Rocket Launcher Strong attack on group
In the Volcannon Trap... If you find the arms box... Push the purple pole
a bit to the south, to create a painless way back, and use the grapple
to cross the lava, the the ARM and use the grapple to get out

4. Twin Orbs Random Damage on one target
In the Photosphere... After encountering the myserious fellow twice it's the
door to the right beside the door the fellow opens...
If you've already completed the Photosphere you can't get this one any more,
since the photosphere is a disappearing dungeon

5. Bazooka Powerfull shot on group
Demon's lab. A ladder down in a doorway... Quite easy to find

6. Phaser Powerfull attack on one target
Gemini Corpse. You can find it behind one of the walls you can bomb... You need a jewel
to reach it

7. Wild Bunch Power full attack on one target but misses easily
In Artica castle... You can find it in the icy area

8. Arch Smash Powerfull attack on all
In Malduke... By going through one of the tubes you'll be able to get it

Fast Draw:
Fast draw is acquired by certain spots of the scenario... Except for "Psycho Crack"
you won't be able to use that new ability at once... Jack needs to practice that new
move (will be shown as "??????") until he masters it... From that moment he can use
it... The first moves are easy to master, but as the game continues, it can become

You can also find secret signs and use them to make your fast draw consume less MP...
I recommend to collect them first until you have "Heal Blade" and use them all on
"Heal Blade"... When "Heal Blade" is set to 1 MP then use the rest on "Magnum Fang"
It'll pay off... Trust me!!!

1. Psycho Crack Powerfull attack... Can cause confusion
Start of game

2. Sonic Buster Attack on group
Will be acquired when some nasty winds blow on you in the mountain pass

3. Meteor Dive Strong attack on one target
After opening exploding chests you'll almost be hit by rocks...
That gives the hint (Mt. Zenom)

4. Heal Blade Healing + remove status changes... Best fast draw there is!
Sand River... There's a stone you can read by lighting the two torches beside

5. Divide Shot Cuts HP into half
Take on the statue's test in the tripillar... (3 critter rounds)...
When you missed it, you can't get it any more

6. Slash Rave Multiple attack
Take on statues test in the Sacred Shrine

7. Blast Charge Strong attack on one... Other will feel light damage
Wind up the three machines at the top of the Epitaph Sea to cause an

8. Guilty Blade Strong attack on group
Defeat Lady Harken at the Dragon Shrine

9. Magnum Fang Strong attack on one target
Defeat Lady Harken at the Demon's Lab

10. Shadow Bind Random Status changes
Take on statues challenge (Zoa Zein) at the dead sanctuary after beating
Boomerang & Luceid

11. Phaser Zapp Attack with all the elements
Read all books at "De Le Metallica"... You got only one chance to do so...
if you miss one there'll never be another...

12. Cosmic Nova Ultimate attack on all enemies
At Gemini Corpse, ignore the stairs at the entrance... Blow up the back wall
and open the chest...

13. Soul Breaker Instant kill on one enemy
Give a secret sign to a man in Adlehyde (not recommended though)

14. Void Instant kill on all enemies
There's a chair in Artica Castle... Let Jack examine it

15. Trickster Hanpan tries to steal from an enemy
In Port Timney, blow up the box at the north... A man seems captured in
there... Talk to him

16. Trump Guard Ultimate attack on one target if it didn't cost so much
MP and if it wasn't so hard to master :(
Take on the statues test in Malduke (Tzar Zein, Fesel Zein)

You can give Cecilia magic spells by bringing Crest Graphs to
Magic Guilds or Isolated Guilds... Magic Guilds have Low Magic
Isolated Guilds give High Magic... You can give those spells any
name you want, but this FAQ assumes that you use the standard names.
I'll discuss all the spells here. The spells marked with a "*" are
spells that are highly recommended.

In both High and Low Magic we got White and Black Magic.
Black Magic is to bring the enemies in disadvantage. White magic
is to use on your own in your advantage.

You can create a spell by combining two crests.
You can choose from: Geo (Earth), Fray (Fire), Wing (Wind),
and Muse (Water)

Low White magic
Geo + Geo Shield*
Increases your defense by 50%

Geo + Fray Suction
As the name says... This spell sucks...
When an enemy uses a spell you seem to
absorb as MP... I never noticed though...

Geo + Wing Hide
Prevents being attacked... Never tried this

Geo + Muse Protect
Increases Magic resistance... A nice spell
Not that super

Fray + Geo Curse*
Will increase the encounter rate...
Don't be hasty in taking this spell... Only
do so if you got more Crest Graphs than you need
This spell is extreemly usefull when you want to
boost EXP and money

Fray + Fray Light Blow*
Will make all attacks of one character holy...
This spell is a real must-have

Fray + Wing Rage
Character will get out of control but stronger.
Will attack a target at random... NEVER TAKE

Fray + Muse Dark Blow*
Will make all attacks of one character evil
Very usefull from the moment you need to take the

Wing + Geo Reflect
Resists magic spells for 6 turns or until it has
resisted a magic spell... Nah

Wing + Fray Escape*
This spell can be recommended for RPG beginners...
It'll warp you back to the entrance of a dungeon.
Personally I never use it, because using it will
make you miss EXP since you miss monsters, but
if you are a beginner you might wanna take this
spell in case of emergency

Wing + Wing Quick*
Very good spell... Increases Response by 50%

Wing + Muse Air Screen
Increases Parry Rate... Not really usefull

Muse + Geo Revive*
Revives one character from the dead
A very recommended spell

Muse + Fray Awaken*
Awakens everybody from sleep and prevents from
falling asleep during the battle

Muse + Wing Field
Don't know... Seems not important to me...

Muse + Muse Heal*
You'll have it when you start the game... One
of the most important spells... Heals some HP

Low Black Magic
Geo + Geo Break*
Earth Attack on one target... Very usefull on
Wyverns and Hell Divers

Geo + Fray Slow Down
Slows down a group of enemies... Not very usefull

Geo + Wing Sleep
Group of enemies may fall asleep... Don't take
this one...

Geo + Muse Armor Down
Lower defense by 50%

Fray + Geo Flash*
Enemies cannot avoid your attacks any more :)
Very usefull on Valkyries, the Night Gaung and
Boomerang Flash

Fray + Fray Flame*
Flame attack on one target... You'll have it on
the start...

Fray + Wing Confuse
Confuses an enemy... Not usefull

Fray + Muse Blast
Magic attack on group... I never use this one...

Wing + Geo Valkyrie
8 magic balls will attack random enemies...
I personally never use that spell

Wing + Fray Silence
Enemies magic abilities will be blocked
Don't use it... Makes no sense

Wing + Wing Vortex
Wind Attack on one enemy... If you have some
free crest graphs... It's usefull for Antlion
and sandcrabs

Wing + Muse Spark*
Lightning attack on group... Usefull on the
worldmap to get rid of tiny edges... In a dungeon
I never use it

Muse + Geo Analyse
Nice spell for beginners... YOu can get data about
an enemy

Muse + Fray Dispell
Dispell all assist magic (but your own)

Muse + Wing Prison
A friend of mine tried this spell without any effect
Don't waste your crest graphs on this one

Muse + Muse Freeze
Water attack on one enemy.

High White Magic
Geo + Geo Hi-Shield*
Raises all party members defense by 50%
Cool spell

Geo + Fray Hyper*
Doubles attack power for 5 turns...
For some bosses very usefull

Geo + Wing Invisible
Decreases Encounter rate... Usefull for emergencies I
suppose... I use it to operate the rings of timespace
without those nasty encounters (since they're only
annoying there)...

Geo + Muse Life Guard*
Auto revive when the character dies
Very usefull in the final battle, but only there

Fray + Geo Counter Up
Increase Counterattack rate by 50%
not that usefull

Fray + Fray Bomb
Character will counter with explosives...
This spell is worthless... The explosions are much
too weak, and you don't even know if you get attacked

Fray + Wing Soul Guard
Resists Fatal Blows...

Fray + Muse Anti Magic
Dispells all used magic... I never use it...

Wing + Geo Hi-Reflect
Same as Reflect, but now on the whole party... Sigh

Wing + Fray Dummy Doll
Seems to summon a Dummy Doll to distract the enemy...
Spell doesn't work in my opinion

Wing + Wing Teleport*
Warp to another town. Very usefull to prevent much
walking over the world map

Wing + Muse Lock State
Prevents getting affected by status changes...
Only use this spell if you believe in illusions...

Muse + Geo Hi-Revive*
Revive a dead party member and restore all HP

Muse + Fray Remedy*
Recovers HP on all party members... Cool!!!

Muse + Wing Restore*
Cures all status changes... Now that's a usefull spell

Muse + Muse Hi-Heal*
Recovers all HP... A must have...

High Black Magic
Geo + Geo Hi-Break
Earth attack on group

Geo + Fray Eraser
Erases enemies properties... Or whatever THAT means

Geo + Wing Life Drain
Drains HP from enemies... Not that usefull

Geo + Muse Saint*
Holy attack on one enemy... Usefull!

Fray + Geo Rainbow
All properties in one attack...

Fray + Fray Hi-Flame*
Fire attack on all enemies... Usefull in
"De Le Metallica"

Fray + Wing Darkness*
Evil attack on one enemy

Fray + Muse Hi-Blast
Magic attack on all enemies

Wing + Geo Magic Drain*
Absorbs MP from enemy... I've a very special use
for it... Check the "Malduke" sections in the Walktrough

Wing + Fray Lucky Shot
I never dared to try this spell

Wing + Wing Hi-Vortex
Wind attack on group

Wing + Muse Hi-Spark
Lightning on all enemies... I never use it

Muse + Geo Banish
Whatever it's supposed to do I don't know...
I never noticed any diffrence

Muse + Fray Randomizer
I never tried it, but I think it'll cast a spell
at random

Muse + Wing Hi-Prison
Can't get the purpose of the spell... I never
noticed any diffrence

Muse + Muse Hi-Freeze
Water attack on all enemies...

There are the forces you can get

| 1 | Arm Lock On | Guarantees an ARM will | Game start |
| | | hit | |
| 2 | Summon Guardian | Summons the guardian | Will be aquired by |
| | | that belongs the the | completing the |
| | | you are currently | Guardian Temple |
| | | carrying | |
| 3 | Protector | Increases defense and | In your dialog with |
| | | will jump before | Jane after the |
| | | another character if he | Epitaph Sea |
| | | or she gets attacks and | |
| | | take the blow for him | |
| | | or her | |
| 4 | Fury Shot | 100% hit + 3x AMRS power| Let Rudy Talk To |
| | | | Vassim |

| 1 | Accelerator | Always move first | Game Start |
| 2 | Summon Guardian | Summons the guardian | Will be aquired by |
| | | that belongs the the | completing the |
| | | you are currently | Guardian Temple |
| | | carrying | |
| 3 | Sonic Vision | Always first, stronger | When talking to Dan |
| | | and always critical | after completing the |
| | | | Pleasing Garden |
| 4 | Double Attack | Two actions in one | Beat Alhazad at |
| | | turn | Ka Dingel |

| 1 | Mystic | Nice one... With items | Game Start |
| | | for one person it'll | |
| | | affect now everyone and | |
| | | the things Cecilia can | |
| | | equip can be used with | |
| | | this to create a spell | |
| 2 | Summon Guardian | Summons the guardian | Will be aquired by |
| | | that belongs the the | completing the |
| | | you are currently | Guardian Temple |
| | | carrying | |
| 3 | High Guardian | Stronger version of | When getting the 3 |
| | | "Summon Guardian" | statues after beating|
| | | | Boomerang & Luceid |
| | | | at the dead |
| | | | sanctuary |
| 4 | Dual Cast | 2 spells in 1 turn | Complete the optional|
| | | | dungeon north of |
| | | | Curan Abbey |
| | | | (airplane required) |

Tools will help you in the scenario... By following the walktrough you'll get
them, as well, but I'll here call them again

| 1 | Bombs | Destroy obstacles | Talking to Mayor |
| | | | Pifer in Surf |
| 2 | Radar (Optional) | Mark treasures for 5 | In Milama is a house |
| | | seconds | blocked by a dog. If |
| | | | Cecilia has the wand |
| | | | use it on him and |
| | | | he'll go away. In the|
| | | | house this tool can |
| | | | be found |
| 3 | Rocket Skates | Go over conveyors and | In Epitaph Sea |
| | | painfull fields... Can't| can't miss it |
| | | stop until you reach a | |
| | | wall | |
| 4 | Power Glooves | Powerfull push on things| After the fall in the|
| | | | Gemini Corpse a chest|
| | | | will fall too.. That |
| | | | contains this tool |

| 1 | Hanpan | Hanpan will reach things| Game Start |
| | | that you can't | |
| 2 | Lighter | Light oil lamps in dark | Can't miss it in the |
| | | dungeons or burn away | Mountain Pass |

| | | specific obstacles | |
| 3 | Grapplig Hook | Hook on poles to cross | You'll find it after |
| | | gaps and stuff | beating the Gigmantis|
| | | | in Pleasing Garden |
| 4 | Guitar Of Maya | Causes instant encounter| In a chest in |
| | (Optional) | can be used too to | Malduke |
| | | summon optional bosses | |
| | | Sado, Lucifer and Ragu | |
| | | Ragla | |

| 1 | Teardrop | Open magic doors, or | Start game. You'll |
| | | cause magic reactions | loose it, but reclaim|
| | | | it it in the |
| | | | Photosphere |
| 2 | Pocket Watch | Resets all puzzles in | From Anje in Curan |
| | | the current room | Abbey |
| 3 | Wand | Understand animals | From Bartolomew after|
| | | | The fake wedding |
| 4 | Vase | Unlimmited water supply | In chest in Dragon |
| | | to stop fires | Shrine |

The Guardians are very important during the game... The game becomes much
easier when you learn how to use the Guardians wisely... To summon them
equip the character you want to summon the guardian with the rune that
represents the desired guardian... If your force level is 2 you can summon
the guardian with the "Summon Guardian" force.

Here's the guardian list... Guardian's marked with "*" will be acquired
anyway... Guardians marked with "!" are noteworthy
| Guardian | Rune | Finding place |
| Stoldark* | Water | Beat Nelgual at Forbidden Library |
| Moa Gault* | Fire | Complete Guardian Temple |
| Fengalon* | Wind | Complete Guardian Temple |
| Gurdjeff* | Earth | Complete Guardian Temple |
| Denogenos* | Summit | Beat Orga Widow at Mt. Zenom |
| Iona Paua*! | Saint | Broken statue in St Centour after everybody |
| | | has dissappeared in the city |
| Nua Shacks* | Thunder | After defeating Zed at Sweet Candy |
| Stare Roe! | Flash | Pleasing Guarden... After the Grapple Hook |
| | | Crossing... Take right teleporter, then the left |
| | | then the middle |
| Ge Ramtos | Death | Defeat Chaos at Maze Of Death... Only 1 chance |
| Rigdobrite | Star | Go back to Photosphere after defeating Mother |
| Lucadia* | Triton | Defeat Lady Harken in the Dragon Shrine |
| Solos Emsu! | Heavens | Can be found on an Island in the outer sea... |
| | | one of my favorite Guardians |
| Aru Solato | Snow | Not sure, but I thought on an Island in the inner|
| | | sea |
| Odoryuk*! | Life | One of the Elws in Tarjon as a spirit key... |
| | | use it to open the big chest in the prison forest|
| | | it will lead to Odoryuk |
| Duras Drum* | Hades | Complete De Le Metallica |
| Equitis (?) | Sword | After obtaining Fast Draw "Cosmic Nova" you can |
| | | find him in some mountains near St. Centour |
| Raftina*! | Love | After defeating Elisabeth at Vassim's Lab |
| | | One of my Favorite Guardians |
| Justine* | Courage | Defeat Lady Harken at Artica Castle |
| Zephyr! | Hope | When having Raftina and Justine, go to the altar |
| | | In Baskar Village |
| Dan Dairam! | Chrono | You should have defeated Ladyy Harken at Artica |
| | | All donations in Adlehyde must be paid.. Now a |
| | | man at the pub gives you a "Dispellado" |
| | | use it on the rocks NE of Baskar in this order |
| | | NW, SW, SE, NE, W, S, E, N... You can enter the |
| | | illusion temple now where he awaits |

Other FAQ by Tricrokra
Breath Of Fire - Boss Guide (in production)
Breath Of Fire III - Walktrough
Breath Of Fire IV - Combo Guide
Breath Of Fire IV - Boss Guide
Lufia II - Boss Guide
Grandia - Boss Guide
Grandia - Skill Guide
Granstream Saga - Boss Guide
Wild Arms - Boss Guide
Wild Arms 2 - Boss Guide
Wild Arms 2 - Location Guide

Where Tricrokra's FAQs can be found

And my official FAQ archive: http://www.geocities.com/tric_faq

If you're interested in FREE RPG games... I code them...
My product "Power Of The Rings" can be downloaded from

The sequel "Power Of The Rings II" is in the final stage of its
production... Let me know if you want to be in my mailing list to
be notified when it's gonna be released.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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