Air Fortress

Air Fortress

17.10.2013 08:24:45
Air Fortress for NES FAQ/Walkthrough V1.1

By DDCecil (James Tompkins)

1. Introduction/Updates
2. Items
3. Enemies
4. Walkthrough of the 1st Quest
5. Walkthrough of the 2nd Quest
6. Passwords
7. Credits

1. Introduction/Updates

This game is one of my all-time favorites, and I decided to write a walkthrough
on it.

V1.1 - 1/18/2003 - Decided to update the walkthrough by making each room into a
new paragraph, so the walkthrough will be easier to understand, plus I fixed
some errors. Next time, I'll update the walkthrough with the enemies and how
many are in each room.

V1.0 - 1/6/2001 - FAQ is finally finished.

2. Items:

Outside and Inside Fortress Items:

E - Adds 100 energy for use inside the fortress
B - Adds 5 bombs for use inside the fortress

Outside Fortress Items:

+ - Kills enemies off the screen
Diamond - Makes you invincible for a limited time

You get 3 lives to make it through each of the outside areas. Inside the
fortress, your E is how much health you have. Once it drops to 0, you'll fade
into the light!

3. Enemies
(This will be updated soon)

4. Walkthrough of the 1st Quest:

Area 1 - Outside

E's found - 6
B's found - 3

Area 1 - Inside

Once inside, go downward, killing the 8 Yellow creatures. Enter the elevator,
and go downwards.

Get out, head right, avoiding the blue enemies. Enter the next elevator and go

You will be in a room with 3 spinning platforms moving up and down. DO NOT get
stuck under one or you'll lose plenty of energy! (BTW, you CAN kill them, it
takes over 50(!) "B" shots and who knows how many normal shots!) Get through
them, then go up the next elevator.

Head right, taking the lower route so you can kill the 2 gray enemies. Enter
the elevator and go up.

You'll be in a room with 3 butterflies. Kill them for power-ups, then head left
and enter the pipe.

When you exit the pipe, head left, and use a "B" to blow up the small generator
or just shootit
repeatedly, watching out for the red homing projectiles it shoots. Go up the
next elevator.

You'll be in the room with the first Core! Use 3 "B" shots to destroy it. Go
straight ahead to reach your ship and touch it to escape the 1st air fortress!

Area 2 - Outside

E's found - 7
B's found - 1

Area 2 - Inside

Once you start, head right, going up the elevator into the next room.

Head right, passing the spikes and enemies, and when you get to the spikes that
gravitate you downwards, don't use your "B" on the gray blocks, just go towards
the bottom, and head around the blocks. Enter the next elevator, and head

Enter the next elevator and go downwards again.

At the far left of this room, go into the eleavtor and go upwards.

In this room, you will be introduced to a new enemy, a block with an eyeball in
the middle of
it. Don't waste your "B" on it, just go around them, hiding behind walls so
their homing projectile hits a floor or ceiling. Head left and go into the
elevator and head downwards.

In this room, head left, and go up the elevator at the end.

You will be in a room with 2 pipes. Take the right pipe.

Once you exit it, you will be in a room with 3 of the spinning platforms. Pass
them and go upwards in the elevator.

You'll find some more platforms, go around the corner and head to the left.
Pass the small generators and when you see 4 blue enemies, a Red clone of
yourself will appear. Blast him with a "B" shot! He will leave an "E" or "B".
After that, you'll reach the Core! Use 4 "B" shots or 350(!) normal shots.
Afterwards, continue left, passing a generator, go down the elevator.

Enter into the pipe.

You'll be back near the 2 pipes room. Head left to get back to the room. Take
the left pipe to reach the final area with your ship!

Area 3 - Outside

E's found - 9
B's found - 1

Area 3 - Inside

Once at the bottom, head left, and after reaching the elevator, head up.

In this room, make it to the very left side of the room, go down the elevator.

Drop down in this room, passing 2 blocks w/ eyes, and take the next elevator

At the bottom, at the 2 ways, go left. Kill the walking robot and enter the
pipe at the end.

You'll then fall down a passageway filled with weak enemies. Go down the

Go left, passing 2 generators, then go down the elevator for another room with
a pipe.

Enter it, go downwards, and you'll face the core! After killing it with 4 "B"
shots, head upwards, and kill the 4 blue enemies that have appeared. Enter the

You'll be back in the room with the walking robot. Head all the way to the
right, and enter the pipe.

Kill the butterflies, and go up the elevator. Head left, and you'll have
reached your ship!

Area 4 - Outside

E's found - 12
B's found - 2

Area 4 - Inside

Once at the bottom, go down the elevator once more.

Get off and head left. At the end of this passage, take the elevator up.

Go right and into the pipe.

The core already! Kill it with 4 "B" shots, and head back into the pipe.

Blow up the generator you appear in front of and go up the elevator once.

Head left to the very end, and head down on the elevator. Continue going down,
passing the blue room and then stop at the green room.

Go right, kill the 2 Red Clones that appear, then go down the elevator.

Head right, then up the elevator to your ship!

Area 5 - Outside

E's found - 8
B's found - 0

Area 5 - Inside

Once inside, head down the bottom of the shaft, staying to the left side so the
enemy at the bottom won't fire up at you. Enter the elevator and go down.

Once out, head right, taking the lower route, killing a generator and a
barrier. Enter the next elevator, and go up, pass the first stop, but stop at
the second.

Get out, head left, once you have a clear shot, kill the red clone. Keep going
left until you reach the pipe. Enter it.

Kill the robot and orb enemy in the room, then go up to find the core! Kill it
(4 "B" shots
as usual, and head back down, and go back into the same pipe you entered the
room with.

Head all the way back to the right, take the elevator down one area, then go
left, and once you spot your ship, clear the 2 barrier blocks blocking it, and
run to it, avoiding 2 Grey Clones!

Area 6 - Outside

E's found - 16
B's found - 3

Area 6 - Inside

Now the game gets really tough! Start by heading right, killing all the enemies
in sight without taking too much damage. Keep going to the right and enter the

Defeat all the enemies in this room, then enter the elevator and go up.

Go all the way left. After going as far left as possible, take the elevator on
top of the platform. Go down it once, then go down it one more time.

Get out and go left, then wrap around and go right, attacking all the enemies.
You should see a pipe at the end of the passageway. This leads to the end where
your ship is. Now, go down the elevator.

Drop down, then go down another elevator.

Head all the way left, then up the elevator.

In this room, take the left side of the room and enter the pipe at the top. You
it to the core! Now it gets really difficult. Exit this room WITHOUT killing
the core, and you'll be in a room with 2 blob-like enemies. You MUST clear this
room of enemies if you even hope to escape! After killing everything, get on
the elevator and go up.

Kill everything here too. At the top, take the elevator up.

Head all the way right, killing everything here too. Get in the elevator and go
down one floor.

Things should look very familiar now. Go right, passing the exit pipe, then
down the elevator.

Drop down to the bottom of this room, and go down the elevator.

Head left, go up the elevator.

Once again, take the left side of the room to get back to the core room.

Get to where the core is and kill it. Once it turns dark, immediately try and
float over the gravity-pulling spikes, it may take several tries, and time is
of the essence! Go back up and through the pipe.

You will be back in the area where you killed all the enemies a couple minutes
ago. Head left **(The place will start to shake)**, and go up the elevator.

Go up to the top of the room, up the elevator again.

Head all the way right, go down the elevator once.

Head right, **(The place will begin blinking)** enter the pipe at the end.

Drop as quickly as possible to the bottom (Stay to the left side of the room
the entire time you are going down) and shoot the barrier and get on your ship!
Whooo! You just completed what could be the hardest level in the game!

Area 7 - Outside

E's found - 16
B's found - 4

Area 7 - Inside

This level is a piece of cake compared to the one before it! Start by going
down the passageway, and going down the elevator at the bottom.

Head right, then up the elevator.

Go up, then up the next elevator.

Go right, taking the top way, and take the elevator down at the end.

Go down the passageway, then down the elevator.

Go right, passing the 1st elevator you see and take the 2nd. Go up it.

Enter the pipe.

Go down the passageway, watching out for your clones. Go into the pipe near the
very bottom on the right side.

Once you emerge from it, go left. You're at the core! If you don't have at
least 4 "B"s AFTER you blow up the core (It takes 4 "B"s to destroy it, so you
need 8), go find some before blowing up the core, or you won't be able to
escape! Blow it up, and continue left, blow the 2 grey barriers, and enter the

Go downwards, watching out for your clone, and go up the pipe on the opposite
side of the room.

After you emerge from that, head to the far left and blow up the 2 grey
barriers blocking your ship!

Area 8 - Outside

E's found - 17
B's found - 2

Area 8 - Inside

This level is HUGE, and you can easily get lost! So follow closely... Start by
going left. At the elevator, go down once, then down one more time.

Head right, and into the pipe at the end.

Afterwards, head left, then go down the elevator.

Fall down the passageway, and then go down the next elevator.

Go right, and up the elevator at the end.

Go up the passageway and go up the pipe.

Next, you should see your ship below you, covered in a barrier. Head left, and
up the elevator at the end.

Go up the passageway, and up the elevator.

Now head to the right, and down the next elevator.

Go right and enter the pipe at the end.

Now go left, and up the elevator at the end.

At the top of the passageway is a pipe. Enter it.

Now you are in an area I like to refer to as the "Hot/Cold" room. Take the
"Hot" (top) way and take the pipe.

Go left, and take the elevator up.

Go up the passageway, then go up another elevator.

Now head right, and enter the pipe at the end.

Now you are in the final passageway! Keep going straight up, to the very top.
There are plenty
of strong enemies, so be careful! At the top is the final core! Shoot it 5
times with the "B" weapon, then it's time to escape!Start by entering the pipe
you past on the way up to the core.

You are back in the "Hot/Cold" room. Take the "Cold" way and enter the pipe.

Go right, and shoot the giant robot with 7 "B" weapons (if you have that many
left.) Once past that, enter the pipe.

Go to the top and enter the elevator and go up.

Go right, and down the first elevator you see.

Fall to the bottom of the passageway and go down the elevator. Now rush to the
right as fast as you can, shooting the walking robot that appears. By now the
place is about to
blow! Run to where your ship is, blast the barriers, and get out of here!

Whoo. Watch the little ending, now it's time for Part 2!!!

5. Walkthrough for the 2nd Quest
Note: All outside areas are the same layout! The enemies are just more

Area 1 through 4 - Inside

These levels have exactly the same layout as on the first quest, but with
many more (and harder) enemies!

Area 5 - Inside

Now the areas become different! Actually, the layouts are all the same, its
just that the pipes take you to other parts of the area. Start by going down
the passageway and go down the elevator.

Head all the way right, and go up the elevator.

At the first stop, head all the way to the left to a pipe above the escape
hatch. Make sure you kill most or all enemies up to this point! Enter the pipe.

Head right, and down the elevator.

Once at the bottom, drop to the very bottom and enter the pipe.

Head to the very top to find the core! Kill it, then enter the pipe below the

After emerging, immediately re-enter it. You are now at the beginning of the
level. Go down the elevator, head all the way right, go up the elevator once,
and head left all the way to the escape hatch.

Area 6 - Inside

Once you enter, head all the way to the right. Go into the pipe.

Immediately enter it again. You might get trapped by the annoying orb robot.
Use "B's" to take it out.

Enter one more time.

Enter it yet again.

Now you are at the core already! Don't kill it just yet, just defeat the
enemies and then re-enter the pipe.

Kill all the enemies while heading right, and up the elevator.

Kill the enemies, while heading all the way left, and take the elevator there
to the very bottom as far as it will go.

Kill the enemies here, then enter the pipe suspended by 2 ropes.

Your ship is in here. Clear out the enemies, and re-enter the pipe.

Go right, and down the elevator.

You are now in the first room again. Go all the way to the right. Now enter the
pipe 3 times to return to the core. Destroy it and go back in the pipe.

Head all the way right, **The place will start to shake** go up the elevator.

Head all the way left, and down the elevator as far as it will go.

Fall down the passageway and enter the pipe suspended by the 2 ropes.

Drop down, blast the barrier, and get on your ship **The place will start to

Area 7 - Inside

Once inside, drop to the bottom and take the elevator downwards.

Go right, then up the elevator.

Go to the top of the screen and go up the elevator.

Go right, taking the bottom grey way. Go down the elevator.

Go down the passageway and take the elevator downwards.

In the next room, take the pipe.

Go right, and take the next pipe. You are now in the core room! Kill him, then
go back into the pipe you came into the room with.

Head upwards and take the pipe at the top of the screen.

Now head as far left as you can go to reach your ship!

Area 8 - Inside

Final Area!

Start by going left, and down the elevator. Keep going until you reach the very

Go down the passageway and enter the elevator at the bottom.

Now head left, and go up the first elevator you see.

At the top of the screen is a pipe. Go into it.

Now head left, and go down the elevator.

Head downwards and take the bottom elevator down.

Go right, then up the elevator.

Take the pipe at the top of the screen.

Next, go up and enter the elevator and go upwards.

Next go to the far right, then down the elevator.

Head right, and enter the pipe at the end.

Head right again and enter the pipe at the end.

Head left, then up the elevator.

Go upwards, then up the elevator.

Go left, then down the elevator.

Go downwards, and once in the elevtor, go down once, then go down one more

Enter the pipe in this room.

Head right, then up the elevator for a room with the pipe. Continue to the very
top for the core! Kill it, then enter the pipe below it.

Head right, killing the giant robot, then enter the pipe at the end.

Now head left, killing the giant robot, then take the elevator downwards.

Head to the far right and take the pipe. Congrats! You made it!

6. Passwords:
Here's all the passwords including the first area for 2nd quest...

1. Just press start!
2. I8TA
3. KA9I
4. 6KAI
5. 8NYU
6. 2APP
7. OS85
8. SUGA - The Director's name :)

1. ABE4
2. 11NA
3. 8AJF
5. NDA4
6. MA1K
8. 7NDA

7. Credits
Thanks to everyone at GameFaqs and HAL for making this wonderful game!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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