Championship Manager 01/02

Championship Manager 01/02

18.10.2013 00:02:04
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Name: Championship Manager 2001/2002 =-
Plattform: PC =-
Released:2001 =-
Written by: RAMS =-
E-mail: =-
Version: 1.0 =-
Have any suggestion, e-mail them to =- =-
If you want to put this FAQ at your sites, then go ahead and do it. However, please DO NOT ever
claim this FAQ as your own.

If you wanted to suggest what do you want to see in the FAQ jus tdrop me a mail.(my e-mail is
at the end of this FAQ). I'll
try to include them in the next version of the FAQ(Hopefully:)

The site below is the only one allowed to put up my FAQ without asking any permission:


1. Introduction
2. Whats new
3. Getting started
4. Basics
5. Match
6. Player
7. Tactics
8. Staff
9. Good Player/staff guides
10. Buying Guide
11. Regenaration player
12. Work Permit
13. Bosman Rule
14. New Transfer Rule
15. Hints and Tips
16. Playable Team List
17. Credits

Version Update

0.1 Create the FAQ
0.2 Added in some player in good player guides
0.3 New players are added, some tactics has also been up
0.31 Added in some minor correction and authorized website list
0.4 A new codes are added, and some minor adjustment are made
0.5 Added in some new info
0.6 Added in some players in good player guide section, and also added in new section "
Buying guide"
0.7 Added in some new formation, as well some explanation of AI and tactics.

0.8 -recommended staff
-information regarding Regenaration player is added.
-work permit

0.9 -Redone some of the section
- a few player is added to good player guide

1.0 -Invible attributes and their definition is added.
-Redone the ASCII art.
-Added in info regarding the Bosman Rule
-Added in info regarding the new transfer system
-Playable team list in Argentina Leauge is added
-Info regarding Staff Attributes is added

1. Inroduction
Championship Manager is a football management games in which you play a manager of a club
that you can choose from 26 leauges. The game can be played either alone or multiplayer.
With realistic competition and travel system, CM is one of the greates football management
games out there.

The CM series by far is the most popular football management games out there. CM 01/02
is the fourth version of CM 3 released. CM01/02, is a strategy/soccer management game that
let you manage your favorite club.

CM 01/02 is the newest in the series. Like many of its predecessor, this game lived up
to its reputation and a game that all Soccer fans out there must get.

CM 01/02 also have network play avalaible, therefore you can play with your friends over the


- Thousands of realistic player and manager over the world
- Real competition name
- Realistic management simulation
- Realistic transfer system
- hundreds of team from 26 leauges to choose from
- network play allowing player to play the game by internet

2. What's New?

Some new things included in this game are:

Fog of war
Lesser known player attributes will be masked, and it require scouting in order to know this
attributes. Your boards will also make less money availaible for you to buy "masked" player as
you need to scout further in order to get more information about that player ability.

Comparing Players
Now you can compare player automatically to get to know which player has better stats than the
other. This option is useful as you don't need to look for two players back and forth with
can be a tedious task in the previous games. With this new features you can determine
easily which player is better than the other at which area.

If your player is sent off, you may apeal to the FA in order for the ban to be decreased
or to be overturned. This may not work everytime of course, however this is a useful
addition now that you can appeal if your player is punished wrongly.

You can request for the board to expand stadium, Increase wages budget etc. If this was refused
you can issue the board a ultimatum. However, this features rarely works. the rate of success
of your ultimatum for the boards, will also depends on your reputation as manager. The higher
your rputation is, the more likely your ultimatum will be granted by the boards.

3. Getting Started
Once you start a new game, you will be asked which leauge you want to run. The number of
leauges you can choose depends on your computer memory and your processor. You need at least
16 MB RAM to play the game, the higher your RAM is, the more leauge you can choose to play
There are 26 leauges you can choose. There are two kind of leauge in CM. Foreground leauge,
in which you can manage the team in the leauge and its more detailed. There are also background
leauge. You must choose at least one foreground leauge to start the game.

List of all the leauges(26 in totals)

United states
Northern Ireland

For a list of all the playable team in CM 01/02 check section 16.

In the main screen, there will be a few options you can choose:

Continue Game
This will continue game. Clicking on this will make you go into the next day. There are three
different periods in CM, morning(AM) , afternoon(PM) and evening(Eve). The rest of the calendar
just like normal.

This will display all your first team player.

This will display all your reserve team player. Your reserve team is controlled by your
assistant manager by default, unless you decided to take control of it.

Control reserve team
By selecting this, you can control your own reserve team, instead letting it be controlled by
your assistant Manager.

Board Confidence
Here you can see how the boards things about you. You can also complained about a referee or
ask to postpone a match by selecting FA request. To request something to the board, select
board request, you can also ultimatum to the board here.

Resign from Club
Facing constant protest by the supporter or the board over your reug nat the club, or do you
think that everything has gone wrong, and you wanted to go out by your own accord instead of
waitin gfor the dreaded call from the board, the choose this if you want to resign from a club.

By selecting this, you will know what happened in your team and other news in footballing world.

Job Information
By selecting this, you can see other jobs availaible, and managers that currently their jobs
is in trouble.

Retire and Resign from club
By choosing this option your manager will retire from the world of football. This option is
permanent, and there are no way to get out your mangaer back from retirement.

Go on Holiday
Choosing this option will make the game run by itself. The assistant manager will take over the
role of the manager while you are away. You could instruct your assistant to use the same
formation and not to sell any player if you wish. However, one things that need to be taken
note of, a bad result while you are away will still make your board unhappy.

Manager stats
This will display your manager stats and compare it with other manager in your country that you
are managing in as well as all the managers in the whoel world.

Job Information
Facing the danger of being sacked, or you are looking for a new challenge. This is your
destination if you want to do those thing mentioned. Choosing this option will allow you to see
the vacancy of managerial position in your country as well as other( note that you can only
mangaed in a foreground leauge). YOu could also see a list of mangaer in which they are in
danger of losing their job.

Save Game
This is obvious. Choosing this will save your game.

Exit Game
Another obvious option.
Note: your game will be automatically saved when you exit a game.

5. Match
When you are on match screen, you can choose to do several option

On the left hand side you can see:

Resume match
select this to resume or pause match during a game.

Your tactics
Selecting this will display your tactics. Go here if you want to make a substitution or a
change to your tactic during a match.

Opponent tactics
This will display opponent tactics. Not much you can do here except looking for opponent tactic
and their style of play.

Commentatories speed
Choose this to fasten or slow down your commentatory speed.

There is also another option you can choose:

Choosimg this will display goals, Injuries, and sending off during your match

You can check who is the refeere aof the game by choosing this

Match commentary
all the commentary of what happening in the match

Match stats
Show stats of both team during the match

Player Ratings
Selecting this will let you see how well you and your opponent player are performing.

Latest Scores
You can see the latest scores of the relevant competition by clicking here.

Leauge tables
This will show the table of the competition you are currently in. The table is a minute by
minute basis, and updated each time there are a chane in the corresponding game scores.

6. Player

Clicking on each player names will bring you to the player attributes and an player option menu
in the top left hand corner of the screen

Here are the explananation of each of the attributes. the lowes tvalue of an attribute is 1,
with the highest being 20.

How fast is your player can run from a stagnant position

How agressive is your player in comitting tackle

The ability to anticipate where the ball will be played

The balance of the player

How creative is the player. This an essential stats for midfielder

How good is your player at crossing

How hard the player will play during the game and how hard he is willing to train himself. A
good attributes to consider when choosing a captain.

How good is your player at dribbling

How good your player at shooting and scoring goals

Refer to how good your player can head the ball

How much influence your player will bring to the rest of the squad

How high the player can jump

Long shots
How well the player can shot from faraway (i.e. outside the penalty box)

How good your player at marking

Off the ball
The ability to take good attacking position

Speed of player

How accurate the player can pass the ball?

Same as off the ball ability but this one is defensive

The stamina of the player

How good the player at tackling

How well can the player worked as a team

Work Rate
How hard working the player the player on a match

Invisible attributes
Below are some invisible attributes. While you can detect some of the invisible attributes, a
lot of them only can be seen trough editor.

The ease that player to adapt to a foreign cultures and environment. This is an especially
vital attribute for foreign player.

The ability for a player to take a corner. Most of the time a player with high attributes on
this will be indicated if you ask your coach for a report.

This refer to how consistent the player is (i.e. a consistent player will put in good
performances week in week out). You might see this by looking at the player's form

This refers to how adaptable the player is when he is played out of his position. You can
ussually know wether your player is versatile or not by asking for a coach report on the player.

A player with high rating in this, will gets more booking, and more likely to be sent off.( i.e
Roy Keane)

Disliked Club
Over a period of time, a player might have a club that he hate. This might happen as the result
of his disagreement with the club. A player that plays for his disliked club, might not put in
the best of performances.

Disliked Staff
Works the same way as disliked club, only this time the player might have his grudges on
managers/assistant managers/Coach/etc

Favorite Staff
Works tottaly the opposite of dislike staff. However, you should be careful in dealing with the
favorite staff of those player, as they might stand up for their favorite staff if you
fine/transfer/sack him.

Favorite Club
Works opposite "Disliked Club"

Free Kicks
A player with high rating on this will be able to take free kicks better than the other (i.e
David Beackham). You can detect which one of your player has the best ability to take free
kicks by asking for coach report.

Important Matches
Some player just crack up when it's the most crucial time. A player with low rating on this,
will play worse than his usual performances. To detect this, check the previous important
matches that the player has play. You do not want your players to put in a poor prformances,
don't you?

Injury Proneness
A player with high rating in this is liable to get himself injured often (i.e Steven Gerrard).
You might want to ask for your physio report, and send them for rehabilitation to improve their

This refer to the loyalty that the player has. While soem player might only be using the club
as a stepping stone for his future career, some might be loyal to the club even when the club
is undergoing a crisis.

One on One
This refer to when a player is facing the keeper one on one. An essential ability for strikers,
but this attributes is especially crucial to goalkeeper.

A player with high rating on this is an excellent penalty taker. Just like Free kicks and
corner, you could always ask for your coach report wether the player is a good penalty taker or

More coming up...

If you click on player action, you will encounter these choices:

/Set Transfer status\
You can set your player importance to your team here. You can also make your player avilaible
for loans and transfer list them here.
Only availaible if that player is in your team.

/Offer New Contract\
By choosing this option, you can offer a contract to a player or renew their contract. The
amount of wages they ask, depends on their importance to the team and their reputation. The
amount of wages you can offer also depends on the club financial situation. This option only
available to the player in your team

Player importance to the club

This player is indispensable to the squad
This means that the player is the best player in the team, and without him your team will not
be playing like it should be. A good example is where you tried to sign a famous/star player in
a team of mediocre player.

This player is an important first team player
A key member in the squad. Usually they would earn regular places in the first XI. However
their importance to the team is not a great as "indispensable" player.

This player is used in squad rotation system
You would choose this, if the player you are offering contract play for the club occasionally
within the course of the season.

This Player is a backup to the first team
This means that the player hardly play any game for the first team, and might spending the
whole seaon lingering in a few reserves game here and there, or sitting on the bench when you
have injuries within your first team.

This player is a hot prospect for the future
This means that the player has the potential to become a good player in the future with the
right method of development. they will be the star of the first team.

NOTE: player within this category must be under 24 years old

This player is a decent young player
This means that the player is not as talented as the other category. Mos tof teh time they are
only there to make up the number

NOTE: player within this category must be under 24 years old

The terms of the contract

Basic Wage
This is the amount of money the player will be paid weekly.

Signing on fee
This is the amount of money the club will pay the player to sign for their club. Try to put
this as low as possible, as some player can demands a high signing on fee.

There are two types of bonus, assist and goal bonus. In the contract, you can offer the player
none, either one or both of them .For each assist/goal scored, the player will receive an extra
amoun tof money

There are three clauses here, with 1 only available if you are not playing in the highest

Relegation release clause
Upon relegation, the player could walk out of the club providing there are a bid that met the
amount of releagtion release clause

Minimum release clause
with this clause, your club could not reject an offer if it met the price stated on the clause.
It's best to put this clause off when you are offering a contract to the player

Promotion release clause(only for lower divison)
With this clause, a player could leave the club with the requirement met, if the club signing
him isn't promoted within the same season the contract is offered.

/Approach to buy\
Choose this option to make a bid for a player to their club. Once you choose this you will be
taken to another screen. Here are soem explanation:

Transfer Fee
The transfer fee that you will pay that player's club for signing the player. This is payable
immediately after the transfer of the player is completed.

You can choose this option if your club transfer fund is not sufficien to buy the player. You
will pay a certain amount of money each month dpending on the length of the installment.

After xxx leauge games
By choosing this option, you will be require to pay the player's old club after he has played
for your team in a certain number of leauge games, depending on the number of games that you

After xxx International Appearances
Works almost the same way as "After xxx Leauge games, only it's the international caps that

Player Exchange
Using this option will allow you to use one of your player as one of the terms to buy the
player you wanted to buy. The other team must be interested in the player, otherwise this
option is unuseable.

Once the transfer has been agreed accepted by the player's club, you could offer the player a
contract(see above for details). Once the player agreed on the contact, the tranfer will be
concluded with both team confirmed the transfer

/Approach to Loan\
By choosing this option, you will be able loan a player from other club. Once you choose this
option, you will be taken to a screen where you can customize how much of the player wages you
want to contribute during the period of the loan (0%-100%), The duration of the loan, wether
the player could play against his club. Once you do this, you must wait for both of the club
and player to agree with the loan

/Approach to sign\
This option is available if that player is out of contract, unprotected contract, or avilable
on bosman rule. Basically, it's the same as "Offer New Contract"

/Release on free\
Choosing this option will release the player on free transfer. The club must compensate the
player with his remaining wages.

/Discipline Player\
By choosing this option, this will allow you to fine your player or gives hime official
warning for the following reason.

- Unprofessional Behaviors
this is the option you should choose if your player missed training

- Dismissal in Prior match
Choose this if your player is given a red card in the match before

- Violent behavior
uses this if your player get violent on the playing field

- Poor Performance
Choose this option if your player play poorly, remember that lower rating doesn't mean that
the player play badly, to determine
wether the player playing badly or not look at the other team mates rating. So in some cases
you might have player complaining if you fine
him when he is having a rating 5.

- No reason
Fine the player for no reason using this, a very useful to force your player to accept the
contract that another club offered if he reject them.

/Offer Trial\
This option only available if teh player is out of contract. Using this option you can get the
player on loan from 1-4 weeks, and have them accessed by your coach. A good option if you are
unsure wether to offer a player a contract or not. A trial player can' tplay in any of your
leauge game, bu they may play in the reserve leauge and friendly matches.

/Manager Notes\
With this option, you could make a reminder on what to do with the player after a certain
period. A quite useful tool if you are forgetful.

/Compare Player\
YOu could use this option to set a plyer in one of the comparison. Choose another player as the
2nd player in comparison, and you will be able to compare the stats between the two.

more coming up..............


GK: Goalkeeper
DL: Left Back
DC: Center Back
DR: Right Back
DML: left-wing Back
DMC: Defensive Midfielder
DMR: right-wing Back
Ml: Left Midfielder
MC: Center Midfielder
MR: Right Midfielder
AML: Left Wing
AMR: Right Wing
AMC: Attacking Midfielder
SC: Forward/Striker

Note: Difference between forward and Striker in the game.
The main difference between the two is quite simple. Whereas Forward could be used effectively
for Midfield position, Striker is better
off as a striker solely.






4-4-2 is probably the most common formation in real life. It have two striker, with four
midfielder and 4 defender. This formation is quite
balanced in terms of defence and attack.

4-4-2 Attacking

^ ^
^ ^



This formation almost similar with 4-4-2, with exception of both Midfielder in the flank makes
a forward runs, and cross the ball to the striker.

4-4-2 Defensive





Another popular modification of 4-4-2. The 2 Central Midfield was moved back as a Defensive
Midfielder to back up the defense. This is
quite a defensive formation.





This formation, was first used by the Hungarian team of the early 1950's who went unbeaten for
two years until it lost at the World Cup
final in 1954 (3-2 to West Germany). this is an attacking formation, with the fullback could be
pushed forward to revert the formation into



<-- MC MC MC-->



A formation using 3 striker. Another attacking formation, even though it will mean one man less
in the midfield. The default 4-3-3 in the
game came with two of the midfielder running to the left and right flank respectively(as
indicated by the arrow above)







A formation first used alongside with the "cattenaccio" system. In this formation, an
additional man called sweeper is put behind the
two central defender. The sweeper can move freely from left to right to clear the ball away
from the team's area.

/ Recommended Tactics \

Please note that all the formation below are not mine.



| |
| MC MC MC |



Overall, this tactic almost looks the same with Sweeper tactics, iwth the exception that there
is no sweeper and instead a Defensive
Midfielder in its place. While Two centre midfielder, and both wing-backs at the flank pushing

No matter how useful each tactic is, overtime, the computer AI(Artificial Intelligence) will
crack your tactic. When this happened, I
recommend that you change the tactics. Some common sign that the AI has cracked your tactic, is
that all the player in your team perform poorly, you have numerous chances, and the computer
only had a handful, but you stoill lost anyway. The good side though, the computer's AI could
only crack one tactics at a time, so keep a few tactics and rotate them when they are cracked.

More Coming Up....

Staff are the people who runs the team, they are the coaches, manager, etc

In your team, you will be Manager. Manager take charge of the first team, buying and selling
player, offering new contract to player and
basically almost evrything.

Assistant Manager
The second in charge of your team. Mainly in charge of the reserves team gameand coching your
player also

The job of coach is to train your player. Some attributes are crucial in determining the
quality of that coach

You can assign your scout to a club, or you can send them to watch a plyer that in your
shortlist. After sometime, they will return with information about the player that they were
told to watch

This is your team doctor. The yare responsible to take care of injured players and ensured tha
ttheir recovery rate is as fast as possible. Always look for Pyshio with Pyshio stats of 20

Staff Attributes
Adaptability- Essential ability for Foreign coach.

Coaching Goalkeepers- The ability to be able to coach goalkeepers

Coaching Outfield Players - The ability to be able to coach outfield players

Determination - The amount of effort and dedication to the job

Judging Player Ability - How good the staff are at judging player's overall ability

Judging Player Potential - How good the staff are at judging Player's potential ability

Level of Discipline - How disciplined the staff is towards the player

Man-Management-Organisational skill Motivating Achieving a player's best effort

Physiotherapy- How good is the staff in treating injuries. For Physioterapist, make sure they
have 20 for this stats

Tactical Knowledge- Knowledge of the tactical aspects of the game

Working with Youngsters-Ability to work with young players

9.Good Player/Staff Guides
Here are some good player that are found in the game, apart from obvious one like Owen, Zidane,


Francesco Conztanzo River Plate
Christian Abbiati AC Milan
Sebastian Frey Parma
Paul Robinson Leeds United
Dionisis Chiotis AEK Athens
Chris Stinger Sheffield Wednesday
Andreas Isakkson Djurgarden
Rhys Evans Chelsea


John Terry Chelsea
Joleon Lesscott Wolves
Christian Chivu Ajax
Walter Samuel Roma
Alpay Aston Villa
John Curtis Blackburn
Alessandro Nesta Lazio


Julio Arca Sunderland
Van der Vaart Ajax
Pablo Aimar Valencia
Stefan Selakovic Halmstad
Tonton Zola Moukoko Derby
Kim Kallstorm Hacken
Joe Cole West Ham United
Denilson Real Betis
David Dunn Blackburn
Ronaldinho PSG
Arjen Robben Groningen


Kevin Kyle Sunderland
Jermaine Defoe West Ham United
Robert Earnshaw Cardiff
Peter Weatherston Queen of South
Cherno Samba Millwall
Javier Saviola Barcelona
Djibrill Cisse Auxerre
Lee Moriss Derby
Landon Donovan San Jose Earthquake
Tommy Smith Wattford
To Madeira Gouveia
Jeremie Aliardire Arsenal
Hernan Crespo Lazio
Maxim Tsigalko Dinamo Minks
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Ajax
Sibusio Zuma FC Kobenhavn



Franco Baresi AC Milan
Eusebio Benfica
Omar Sivori Juventus
Ewan Chester Rangers
Altafini Free
Eric Harrison Man Utd
Tom O`Neill Celtic
Charlie Woods Newcastle


Walter Mazzarri Bologna
Giorgos Pomaski Olympiakos
Danny Blind Ajax
Erwin Koeman PSV Eindhoven
Sergio Bizzioli Torino
Frits Van Den Berk Vitesse
Roberto Ferola Napoli
Nazzareno Salvatori Brescia
Fransesco Stefani Verona
Martin Haar AZ Alkmar
Alessandro Pilati Torino

Assistant Manager
Jimmy Ryan Manchester United

NOTE: For coach and assistant managers, try to get one that has a preferred style of play that
is relevant with your strategies.

more coming up......

10.The Guide to buying
Below are some abilities that is important for player of specific position (For explanation of
each abilities, refer to the earlier part of the FAQ)

- Handling
- Positioning
- Reflexes
- Agility


Defensive Midfielder
-Off the ball

- Work rate
- Passing
- Stamina
- Long shots
- Creativity

Attacking Midfielder
- Work rate
- Passing
- Long shots
- Creativity
- Flair
- Dribbling

-Off the Ball

11.Regenaration Player
What is Regenerated Player(Regens):
When a player retire, the database will create a new player of the same position and
nationalities. In previous version of the game, the way to find out out a player regenerated
player was to give them a nickname, and you could search them. While this process still work in
CM 01/02, the player with the nicknames you have will be random, in other words there are no
way you could find a regens without the aid of a program.

12. Work Permit
For EU countries, usually if you want to buy a non-EU player, you will nedd a work permit to
made that player eligible to play. Player that have EU second nationality do not need any work

-In EPL, at least you need that player to play in 70% of the national team in the last two
years. Or in the game, it is more likely that a player with 10+ international caps to be
granted Work Permit. IF you want to know whether that player could be granted a work permit,
send your scout to gather more information about the player.

-In order to keep the work permit, a player must play in at least 75 % of your club official
domestic games. (Including cup matches, but not friendly). If you fail to do this, that player
will not be granted work permit anymore, and you'll end up with a player that you can't even
play.(except during friendly.

-You could only have 3 non-EU player in your team in particular games for England. However,
there are no limitations of non-EU player you can have in your whole team.

NOTE: If anyone knew the requirement of work permit for each leauge, please e-mail me.

13. Bosman Rule

Jean-Marc Bosman was an above average Belgian footballer who sought to join Dunkerque at the
end of his contract, but found his club RFC Liege were intent on making that impossible by
cutting his wages and demanding a prohibitively high transfer fee.

Bosman took his case to the European High Court where it was held that existing transfer rules
were in breach of EU law on the free movement of workers between member states of the EU.

A perfect example, would be Steve Mcmanaman transfer from Liverpool to Real Madrid

How the Bosman Rule Works
When a player contract is expiring in a period of six-month time, a club may tried to offer
that player a contract without the permission of the player club. If the contract is accepted,
the player will join your club once his contract expired, for free.

14. New Tranfer Rule
As per 1 September 2001 in the game a new tranfer rule is implemented. Below are some of the

A. The Maximum contract that could be offered to any player is 5 years.

B. There are two types of contract, protected and unprotected. A protected contract will become
unprotected after 2 or 3 years depending on the age of the player.

C. A contract signed by a player above 28 years old have 2 years of protection.

D. A contract signed by player under the age of 28 will have a 3 years of protection.

E. Within a protected period, a player are not allowed to move to another club without the
permission of his club.

F. After the initial period of protection has passed, a player with unprotected contract are
allowed to move club if he wishes without the club able to stop him from doing so. However,
player with unprotected contract are only allowed to move during a period called " transfer

G. If the player is young, the club will receive compensation from whichever club sign their

15.Hints and tips

International Manager
To be an international manager, click on player nationality while choosing club to manage and
choose "take control" option.

Get more goals
Put your striker to mark the opponent goalkeeper, that striker will score more goals than the
Usual. This may not work all the time

Sell player more easily
First put down the value of the player a little before transfer listing him, and after a few
club interested, put the value back to normal.

Free transfer
To free transfer every player wtithout the board blocking, Free transfer that player and
immediately resigned from your job.

Free player at the beggining of the game
You can get Josep Guardiola and Taribo West on free transfer at the beggining of the game. Both
are quite a good player, and will be helpful to your squad.

Increase Wages limit
To increase the wage limit of your team, offer them a maximum wages. your board will
automatically raises the wage limit if that happens.
This only works if your club financial status is Rich or secure.

16. Playable team list
Below are the list of the team that is playable in CM 01/02. Each of them are listed in
alphabetical order


Premier Division

Estudiantes (LP)
Gimnasia (LP)
San Lorenzo

Second Division

Arsenal de Sarandi
Atl. Tucuman
Brown (Arrecifes)
Ctral. Cordoba
Def. y Justicia
Gimnasia (CDU)
Gimnasia (J)
Godoy Cruz
H. de Tres Arroyos
Independiente Mza.
Juv. Antoniana
Los Andes
Racing Cba.
San Martin (M)
San Martin (SJ)
Villa Mitre

17. Credits

CJayC for posting this.
All the members of Gamefaqs CM01/02 board
And not forgetting YOU, the reader of this FAQ.

This FAQ is copyright of RAMS 2001-2002 all right reserved
You can contact me at
11:30 PM 10/27/02

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