Parappa The Rapper

Parappa The Rapper

14.10.2013 17:05:51

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PaRappa the Rapper
Sony PlayStation, by SCEA (1997)

FAQ v1.0
Last Updated on January 23 2002
By Ryouga (


[Legal Disclaimer]

This document is Copyright 2002, Ryouga ( and may not
be reproduced in any form without permission. Furthermore, this document may
not be altered, edited, or sold without approval. If these terms are violated,
proper legal action will be taken.

Webmasters: If you want to use this document on your site, e-mail me and ask.
I'm always happy to let people use my work, so long as they've been given
permission. Any site found to be using this document without consent will be
asked to remove it or suffer legal consequences.

This document is unofficial and is in no way affiliated with any company.


(I) [Introduction]

(II) [Controls]

(III) [Menus]

(IV) [Gameplay]

(V) [Stages]

(VI) [Secrets]

(VII) [Other Song Lyrics]


(IX) [Acknowledgments]


(I) [Introduction]

- Parappa's world! -

It's a world jammed and jammin' with reggae, hip-hop and pop. You're Parappa,
a condifent pup who's out for one thing: to impress his daisy, Sunny Funny.
With your help, Parappa will wow her with his rap-ability. You'll learn to
throw it down from the best rap-masters around, and you'll beat them at their
own game. And when you do, Sunny will be on Parappa's.. okay, your arm. But if
you mess up, Sunny could end up being the prize blossom of jerky Joe Chin, and
we wouldn't want that, would we? So remember Parappa's motto, "I gotta
believe," and believe in yourself, okay? Otherwise, Parappa will never get

- Characters -

(Parappa) +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
Parappa, the adorable teenage pup, | Parappa, the dude, |
dreams of becoming girlfriend Sunny | the man with the plan. |
Funny's only hero in life. And he'll | He dreams large, |
stop at nothing to win her heart and | and then he gets what he can. |
affections. | The motto of the boy is, |
| "I gotta believe." |
| And Sunny, so Funny |
| makes him weak at the knees. |

+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ (P.J. Berri)
| The guy in the jams, | P.J. Berri spends most of his time
| Parappa's right hand bear. | eating, sleeping, and listening to
| Daytime he sleeps, eats, | records. Though forgetful and somewhat
| and doesn't give a care. | carefree during the day, he's a thorough
| But night time comes, | pro in his DJ job at the night club.
| step back and make way |
| 'cause he's mixin' and scratchin',|
| a fresh D.J. |

(Sunny Funny) +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
The ever-cheerful Sunny Funny is a | She's cute, she's kind, |
very popular figure in the Parappa the | Sunny's quite a find. |
Rapper world. Straightforward and | She's truthful, and youthful, |
sometimes gullible, her favorite | and yet has a mind. |
passtime is gardening and cooking pasta. | A cute little daisy, |
A strict upbringing has made Sunny very | who's to fun to be around. |
particular about finding the right | And close to her heart, |
boyfriend | Parappa hopes to be found. |

+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ (Katy Kat)
| She likes fashion | Katy Kat is a smart dresser and loves to pass
| she's hip, and stylin', | her time shopping. A very decisive and
| yeah, it's new clothes | personable character, she's a natrual-born
| that keep her smilin'. | leader to her friends. Kindness is another
| She can be bossy, | reason she's popular, and she has a fondness for
| she likes to compete. | dancing.
| Parappa's hip music |
| brings her to her feet. |

(Joe Chin) +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
Proud and boastful Joe Chin is the | The guy's got charisma, |
antagonist of the story for Parappa, as | the guy's got looks. |
always seems to come between Parappa | The guy uses words |
and Sunny. The well-muscled brute is | out of big, fat books. |
also the main reason that Parappa | But it takes more |
trains so hard physically. | to get Sunny Funny, |
| than a mile-long car |
| and a wallet full of money. |

- The Masters -
Each level has a Master who will teach you. Learn from them, impress them -
because they decide whether or not you're ready to move on.

Chop Chop Master Onion: Chop Chop is the martial arts master of the Fruites
Dojo, the karate training center in Parappa Town.
Speaking a strange version of broken English, he is
Parappa's teacher at the start of the game.

Instructor Mooselini: Quick-tempered and often ill-mannered, driving
instructor Mooselini is a stickler for rules and
regulations. She teaches Parappa how to drive in
Stage 2, but she always forgets to close the door.

Prince Fleaswallow: Making a living selling old wares at the flea market,
this pleasurable guy, who appears in Stage 3 of the
game, doesn't seem worried about not being able to
actually sell anything.
Cheap Cheap
the Cooking Chicken: The host of a TV cooking show, she teaches Parappa the
fine art of baking a cake in Stage 4. Mostly
cool-tempered, she's in the habit of laying eggs when

M.C. King Kong Mushi: The master of ceremonies at Club Fun in Stage 6 and
idolized by all the youths of Parappa Town.


(II) [Controls]

- Controls -
Direction Pad: Hold Left or Right to make Parappa repeat the first lyric
of Parappa's rap. This is used for Freestyling!

Start Button: Give up. Please note that you can't pause!

,A,X,O,L,R Buttons: Rap!

Note: There's really no "A" button on the PlayStation controller, but since
the letter "A" looks more like a triangle than anything else, it's just
easier this way.


(III) [Menus]

- New Game -
Starts the game in Stage One as Parappa.

- Menu -
Enters the Menu screen:
Language: Change the subtitles text to either English, French,
Spanish, Italian, or German. The voices are always in
English, though!
Hi-Score: Check out the scores you've gotten in each level.
Practice: If you're cracking under the Masters' pressure, try the
simple Practice screen. It's just Parappa and Katy Kat
practicing the flow of the Rhythm Bar.
Stage Select: Play any Stage that's been unlocked. Stages with a Lock
icon haven't been beaten, a Parappa icon means it's been
cleared with a GOOD rating, and a Crown means it's been
cleared with a COOL rating!
Replay: Watch the entire last rap from any save on a memory card.
Load: Load game data from a memory card.


(IV) [Gameplay]

- What's the point of the game? -
To groove with the rhythm and bust out cool raps. If you do it right, you
move from level to level (and impress Sunny)! If you flub it up, you don't.

The screen looks sort of like this:

| +---------1--------------+ |
| +------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| 4 2 |
| |
| 3 |
| |
| 5 |
| +-------------6--------------+ |
| +----------------------------+ |

1. Rhythm Bar
This tells you the buttons to push and the timing of when to push the

2. Parappa
The main man, the dude, the hip hop hero. Oh yeah, this is you.

3. Rating Meter
The Rating Meter starts at "GOOD", and if you play bad, you rating goes to
"BAD". If you are really terrible, you go to "AWFUL". When you get worse
than awful, it's game over. On the other hand, if you are doing really
great, it goes to "COOL", and your teacher will disappear and you get the
stage to yourself. When a Rating is blinking, it means you are halfway to
a rating change. Doing well will bump you up a Rating, but failing will
keep you at your current Rating.

4. The Master
The Master will sing for you as an example. When it's your turn, you need
to answer and copy the lyrics with your own rap. If you're not doing so well,
the Master will start acting goofy and the music will go nuts. It's actually
kind of cool. Give it a try.

5. Score
The score reflects your rhyme-busting skills.

6. Subtitles
The shows you the movie screen conversations and lyrics to the songs. Go
ahead and sing along!

- How To Play -

Live vicariously as a cool rap star. You are Parappa, the hip hop hero seeking
Sunny's heart. So, when you push the buttons, you'll rap, just like Parappa! The
Master shows you the example songs, and you answer with your lyrics, get it? The
game goes like this:

Master's example -> your rap -> Master's example -> your rap -> and so on

Basically, getting with the rhythm and pusing the buttons will work just
fine. Which buttons do you press? Well, on top of the screen you will see the
buttons spaced out in rhythm, so follow that. All right!

- Turn Order -

1. Watch the Turn Window
Whomever's turn it is to play, their face will appear in this window. When
the window shows Parappa's face, it is your turn to play.

2. Watch the Rhythm Bar
O, , A, X, L, and R are the kinds of buttons that are going to be shown on
the Rhythm Bar. This shows you when to push which button and the timing of
when you should press them.

3. First the Master
When the Master's example begins with the music, the Master's face icon
moves across the Rhythm Bar. After that, Parappa's face icon will move across
the Rhythm Bar will the same button presses that the Master went over.
When Parappa's face icon goes over a button icon, it's time to press that

Basically, you press the buttons to the rhythm. If your beat is good enough
and you get a GOOD Rating by the time the song ends, you pass to the next
level! If you bomb and the Rating goes to Bad or Terrible by the time the song
ends, the Teacher will make you start over. Practice makes perfect!

- Freestyling: Getting A COOL Rating -

The ultimate goal for each Stage is to jam really well and reach the fabled
"COOL" Rating. But you can't be that cool by just following the Teacher's
examples all the time. You've gotta freestyle your playing while following
the beat. The easiest way to freestyle is to press a button multiple times
more than needed, while following the beat. It's kind of hard to explain,
so here are some examples:

(Example 1: Basic Freestyling)
Let's say something like this comes up on the Rhythm Bar:

O - - - O - - - O - O - O - O -

You could try something like this:

O O O - O O O - O O O O O O O O

See? All you have to do is follow the song's beat and press the button
along with it. DON'T just jam the buttons randomly at any pace or
you're to drop to AWFUL in no time. Get it? Got it? Good!

(Example 2: Squeezing In More Notes)
Here's something a little more complex:

A - O - - - X - - - 

And here's some freestyling that could take its place:

A A A - O O O X X -    

In this one, buttons were pushed before and after the verse started
and finished. You CAN play before Parappa's face icon goes over the
Rhythm Bar, which gives you even more time to squeeze in more notes
and get a higher score.

(Example 3: Less Can Be More)
Okay, sometimes lines with huge amounts of notes that can be tricky
to play at a decent pace. These kind of lines are just BEGGING to
be freestyled. Take a look at this line:


Now pressing the A Button that quickly for that long can throw
off your timing or wear you out. Instead of trying to hit EVERY
beat there, try leaving some out, like this:

A - A - A - A - A - A - A A A A

Now the freestyled verse not only gives you more time to think
between beat and lets you hit them more dead-on, it scores you
more points for originality!


(V) [Stages]


Stage One: I Need to Become A Hero

Kick! Punch! it's all in the mind
If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find
The things I'll teach ya, is sure to beat ya
Nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now

A - - - - - - - - - -

O - - - - - - - - - -

X - - - - - - - - - -

 - - - - - - - - - -

Once more now Kick
A - - - - - - - - - -

O - - - - - - - - - -

X - - - - - - - - - -

And Block
 - - - - - - - - - -

Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky
We gonna move down to the next ya jockey now

L - - - - - - - - - -

L - - - - - - - - - -

R - - - - - - - - - -

R - - - - - - - - - -

Listen carefully, Jump
L - - - - - - - - - -

R - - - - - - - - - -

L - - - - - - - - - -

And Turn
R - - - - - - - - - -

Hmm, Yeah, I see you're getting better
Kick to the limit in order to get her now

Kick Punch
(Kick Punch)
A - - O - - - - - - -

Chop Block
(Chop Block)
X - -  - - - - - - -

Chop Kick
(Chop Kick)
X - - A - - - - - - -

Punch Block
(Punch Block)
O - -  - - - - - - -

It's gonna get harder now
Duck & Jump
(Duck Jump)
L - - L - - - - - - -

Turn & Pose
(Turn Pose)
R - - R - - - - - - -

Duck & Turn
(Duck Turn)
L - - R - - - - - - -

Jump & Pose
(Jump Pose)
L - - R - - - - - - -

Come on now, Why don't you follow my words
Because we're almost done, I'll make it easy at first
I wanna see if you wanna see what it means
To be the man with the master plan, are you the man now?
Here we go! Now

Kick Punch Block
(Kick Punch Block)
A - O -  - - - - - -

Chop Kick Block
(Chop Kick Block)
X - A -  - - - - - -

Block Turn & Kick it
(Block Turn Kick)
 - R - A - - - - - -

Block Duck Punch
(Block Duck Punch)
 - L - O - - - - - -

Duck Duck Turn
(Duck Duck Turn)
L - L - R - - - - - -

Jump Kick Chop
(Jump Kick Chop)
L - X - A - - - - - -

And Punch Punch Punch
(Punch Punch Punch)
O - O - O - - - - - - - - - - -


Stage Two: You Guys Sit in The Back

Alright, we're here, just sittin' in the car
I want you to show me if you can get far

Step on the gas!
(Step on the gas!)
A - A - O - - - - - - - - -

Step on the brakes!
(Step on the brakes!)
A - A -  - - - - - - - - -

Now step on the gas!
(Now step on the gas!)
A - A - O - - - - - - - - -

When I say boom, boom, boom! You say bam, bam, bam!
No pause in between. Come on, let's jam!

Step on the gas!
(Step on the gas!)
A - A - O - -

Step on the brakes!
(Step on the brakes!)
A - A -  - -

Step on the brakes!
(Step on the brakes!)
A - A -  - -

Step on the gas!
(Step on the gas!)
A - A - O - -

I'm glad you know which way to go
But it ain't gonna stop me, here we go!

Check and turn the signals to the right!
(Check and turn the signals to the right!)
A - - - A - - - A - A - A - R - - -

Now turn to the right!
(Now turn to the right!)
X - X - X - R - - -

Check and turn the signals to the left!
(Check and turn the signals to the left!)
A - - - A - - - A - A - A - L - - -

Now turn to the left!
(Now turn to the left!)
X - X - X - L - - -

Woh ho ho ho! Stop the car!
We got an emergency, can't you see?

Do you know why we stopped the car?
(Do I know why we stopped the car?)
- - A - A - A - A - - - A - - -

R - -

L - -

Do you know why we stopped the car?
(Do I know why we stopped the car?)
- - A - A - A - A - - - A - - -

R -

L -

I forgot to close the door.
(You forgot to close the door.)
A - - O - - - - X - - -  - - -

Now just don't forget
This ain't Kung Fu, come on again!

Check and turn the signals to the right!
(Check and turn the signals to the right!)
A - - - A - - - A - A - A - R - - -

Step on the gas now turn to the right!
(Step on the gas now turn to the right!)
A - A - O -  - X - X - R - -

Check and turn the signals to the left!
(Check and turn the signals to the left!)
A - - - A - - - A - A - A - R - - -

Step on the gas now turn to the left!
(Step on the gas now turn to the left!)
A - A - O -  - X - X - L - -

Step on the brakes
(Step on the brakes)
A - A -  - - -

Do you know why we stopped the car again?
(Do I know why we stopped the car again?)
- - A - A - A - A - - - A - A -


Stage Three: My Dad's Gonna Bite Me!

I'm workin' in the flea market so early
I've been working here since your mama was a baby
Just because the rhythm is slow,
That don't mean that you can't flow

In the rain or in the snow
(In the rain or in the snow)
X X X X X X X - - - - - - -

Got the got the funky flow
(Got the got the funky flow)
O O O O O - O - - - - - - -

In the rain or in the snow
(In the rain or in the snow)
A A A A A A A - - - - - - -

Got the got the funky flow
(Got the got the funky flow)
O O O O O - O - - - - - - -

All you ever need is to be nice and friendly
(All you ever need is to be nice and friendly)
- X X X - X X X X X - X - X - - -

All you ever need is to be nice and friendly
(All you ever need is to be nice and friendly)
- X X X - X X X X X - X - X - - -

Remember, strike it rich, the key is love
Save everybody from way up above

I can sell a bottle cap like this
(I will try to sell a cap like this)
- - - R R R R R R R - R - R - - -

I can sell a bottle cap like this
(I will try to sell a cap like this)
- - - L L L L L L L - L - L - - -

I never dreamed it would be like this
I am the number one ruler of the seven seas

The skunk over here will bring you luck
(The skunk over here will bring you luck)
R R - R - R - R R - R R - - - - -

The pump over here comes with a truck
(The pump over here comes with a truck)
L L - L - L - L L - L L - - - - -

Oh yes, I had a lot of lot of fun
I made a lot of bucks and now I'm on the run

In the rain or in the snow
(In the rain or in the snow)
A A A A A A A - -

Got the got the funky flow
(Got the got the funky flow)
O O O O O - O - -

In the rain or in the snow
(In the rain or in the snow)
A A A A A A A - -

Got the funky funky flow
(Got the funky funky flow)
O O O - O - O - -

Ha ha ha, let me tell you something that I never tell you before.
Listen this!

I have never sold everything, everything
(I have never sold everything, everything)
X X X - X - X - - - X - - - - -

I have never sold everything, everything
(I have never sold everything, everything)
X X X - X - X - - - X - - - - -

Money money money, is all you need
(Money money money, is all you need)
 -  -  - -   -   - - - -

Money money money, is all you need
(Money money money, is all you need)
 -  -  - -   -   - - - -


Stage Four: Guaranteed to Catch Her Heart

Every single day
Stress comes in every way
I ain't got no time for nobody
My style is rich, dope, phat in which
We'll bake a cake today that looks rich

Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl
(Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl)
- A - A - A - - O - R - - L - - -

M.I.X. the flour into the bowl
(M.I.X. the flour into the bowl)
- X - X - X - -  - R - - L - - -

Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl
(Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl)
- A - A - A - - O - R - - L - - -

M.I.X. the flour into the bowl
(M.I.X. the flour into the bowl)
- X - X - X - -  - R - - L - - -

Bakin' a cake yes means you gotta try
I'm doing this for years but don't ask me why

Butter butter butter joins the bowl
(Butter butter butter joins the bowl)
- A - A - A - - R - L - - - - - -

We're makin' us a cake that you've never seen before
(We're makin' us a cake that you've never seen before)
-   -  -  -  -  -   - - -

Heat up the oven, Now we're on a roll
(Heat up the oven, Now we're on a roll)
- A - - A - - O - R R - L - - - -

Cheap cheap cheap's the name of my soul
(Cheap cheap cheap's the name of your soul)
- X - X - X - -  -  - R L - - -

The other day I was called a little turkey
But I'm a chicken, got it? Ya beef jerky!

Put the cake in the oven for a while
(Put the cake in the oven for a while)
- A - - A - A - O - R - L - - -

Leave it there, come on clean the pile
(Leave it there, come on clean the pile)
- X - - X - -  - - R - - L - -

Put the cake in the oven for a while
(Put the cake in the oven for a while)
- A - - A - A - O - R - L - - -

Leave it there, come on clean the pile
(Leave it there, come on clean the pile)
- X - - X - -  - - R - - L - -

Here, I got a little sample
(Here, I don't have a sample)
- A - - A A - A - A - - - - - -

Cause ample time's just what we don't have
(Cause money and time's just what we don't have)
- O O - - O - - O O - - O O - O

A chicken in the kitchen is making all the sound
The cake is done while we were sitting around

All we gotta do is apply the final touches
(All we gotta do is apply the final touches)
- X - X - X - - X - X - X - - -

Take out the shrimp, the clam and the perches
(Take out the shrimp, the clam and the perches)
-   - -  - -  -  - -  - - -

The perch goes here, the clam goes there
(The perch goes here, the clam goes there)
- R R - R - R - - L L - L - L - -

The little tiny shrimps just go everywhere!
(The little tiny shrimps just go everywhere!)
- A A - A - A - O O - R - - - - -

Whatever you like's in the middle, fiddle
(Whatever you like's in the middle, fiddle)
- X - X X - -  - R - - - L - - -

Seafood cake comes just like the riddle
(Seafood cake comes just like the riddle)
- A - A - A - O O - R - - L - - -


Stage Five: Full Tank

I need to go just as bad as you
What I had this morning I don't even wanna say to you

Kick, Punch, Turn, and Chop the door
(Kick, Punch, Turn, and Chop the door)
- - - A - - O - - X - -  - - R -

Or, I will fall to the floor
(Or, I will fall to the floor)
- - - L - - L - - L - - L - - L -

Kick, Punch, Turn, and Chop the door
(Kick, Punch, Turn, and Chop the door)
- - - A - - O - - X - -  - - R -

Or, I will fall to the floor
(Or, I will fall to the floor)
- - - L - - L - - L - - L - - L -


U,uh,u,uh, No way!
I've been sittin' in the car, yes now for days

Did you check the toilets on the right?
(Did you check the toilets on the right?)
- - A - - A - - A - A - R - - -

Did you check the toilets on the left?
(Did you check the toilets on the left?)
- - A - - A - - A - A - L - - -

Did you check the toilets on the right?
(Did you check the toilets on the right?)
- - A - - A - - A - - A - - R -

Did you check the toilets on the left?
(Did you check the toilets on the left?)
- - A - - A - - A - - A - - L -

OK, OK, you win

Ribet, ribet, I can not hold it
The last toilet that I had, I already sold it

In the rain or in the snow I got the funky flow but now I really gotta go
(In the rain or in the snow you got the funky flow but now you really gotta go)
- - A A A A A A A - - O O O O - O - - X X - X X - X - X - - -

The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up I got no time to spare
(The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up I got no time to spare)
-   - -  - -  - -   - -  - R R - - L - - L - - L - - -

In the rain or in the snow I got the funky flow but now I really gotta go
(In the rain or in the snow you got the funky flow but now you really gotta go)
- - A A A A A A A - - O O O O - O - - X X - X X - X - X - - -

The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up I got no time to spare
(The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up I got no time to spare)
-   - -  - -  - -   - -  - R R - - L - - L - - L - - -

Ah.. me lose ya know. I'm outta here!

Walk the walk, even if you can't just talk the talk!!!!
I got a call

I am a chicken from the kitchen and I ain't kidding although nothing is written
(You are a chicken from the kitchen and you ain't kidding although nothing is
- A - - A - - A - - A - - O - - O - - O - - - X - - X - - - -

Crack, break, fix the door, you know. I gotta go, so yes open up ya know!
(Crack, break, fix the door, you know. I gotta go, so yes open up ya know!)
- -  - -  - -  - -  -  - - - R - - R - R - - L - - - L -

I am a chicken from the kitchen and I ain't kidding although nothing is written
(You are a chicken from the kitchen and you ain't kidding although nothing is
- A - - A - - A - - A - - O - - O - - O - - - X - - X - - - -

Crack, break, fix the door, you know. I gotta go, so yes open up ya know!
(Crack, break, fix the door, you know. I gotta go, so yes open up ya know!)
- -  - -  - -  - -  -  - - - R - - R - R - - L - - - L -


Stage Six: I Gotta Believe!!

Yo yo yo! Check this out!
It's party time!!
Party time, in the house!
Everybody, I'm wondering how you're feeling out there!
Are you feeling good?
We're gonna put on a show out there for everybody
Check this out!

Somebody say ho!
Say ho! ho!
[Ho Ho]
Say ho! ho! ho!
[Ho Ho Ho]
Now scream!
Everybody say ho!
Say ho! ho!
[Ho Ho]
Say ho! ho! ho!
[Ho Ho Ho]
Now scream!

Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta redeem!)
- - - - - - - - A - - A - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta relieve!)
- - - - - - - - O - - O - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta receive!)
- - - - - - - - X - - X - - - -
You gotta do what? You gotta do what?
(I gotta BELIEVE!!)
- - - - - - - -  - -  - - - -

Hey yo everybody, Just check out the way I lieve everybody!
(Yo yo everybody, it's the time you've been waiting for, Here's the party!)
- A - - A - - A - - - - - - - - O - O - - O - - O - X - - X - - -

O, oh! O, oh! Here comes the dude! And now he's running up and down the
street with the juice!
(Sunny's my life, she's like a dice. I can't tell which way she'll turn till
I spice!)
-  - -   -   - -  - - R - - R - L - L - - L - - L - - - - -

Whatever trouble he's in, he just gets up and begins. It ain't a problem for
the man
(But I went through it like that because I want it like that. No other
difference is the fact!)
- - A - - A - A - - O - - O - O - -  - -  - -  - -  - - - - -

You gotta do what!?
(I gotta redeem!)
- A - - A - - - -
Sure about that!
(I gotta relieve!)
- O - - O - - - -
You gotta do what!?
(I gotta receive!)
- X - - X - - - -
But most important
(I gotta BELIEVE!)
-  - -  - - - -

Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta redeem!)
- - - - - - - - A - - A - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta relieve!)
- - - - - - - - O - - O - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta receive!)
- - - - - - - - X - - X - - - -
You gotta do what? You gotta do what?
(I gotta BELIEVE!)
- - - - - - - -  - -  - - - -

H to the E to the R to the O, and here comes your hero. Ho! Here we go!
(P to the A to the R to the A, Parappa's the name I rap everyday)
- A - A - A - A - A - A - A - A - - O - - - O - - X - - X - - - -

Now it's time for the ruff phat night, and let's all pump up the night
(Breakin' out was the name of the game for me, you, you, you, and you!)
-  - -  - R - - R - R - R - - L - - L - - L - - L - - L - - - -

What's his name? He grew up in this town. Check this out, Come on and bring it
(Kick punch chop, I got the funky flow, M.I.X. the flour into the bowl!)
- A - A - A - O - - - O - O - - - X - X - X - -  -  - -  - - -

You gotta do what!?
(I gotta redeem!)
- A - - A - - - -
Sure about that!
(I gotta relieve!)
- O - - O - - - -
You gotta do what!?
(I gotta receive!)
- X - - X - - - -
But most important
(I gotta BELIEVE!)
-  - -  - - - -

Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta redeem!)
- - - - - - - - A - - A - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta relieve!)
- - - - - - - - O - - O - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta receive!)
- - - - - - - - X - - X - - - -
You gotta do what? You gotta do what?
(I gotta Believe!)
- - - - - - - -  - -  - - - -

Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta redeem!)
- - - - - - - - A - - A - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta relieve!)
- - - - - - - - O - - O - - - -
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
(I gotta receive!)
- - - - - - - - X - - X - - - -
You gotta do what? You gotta do what?

(Somebody say ho!)
A - - O - - X
(Say ho! ho!)
O -  - - - 
(Say ho! ho! ho!)
O - R - R - R
(Now scream!)
L - L

(Everybody say ho!)
A - - O - - X
(Say ho! ho!)
O -  - - - 
(Say ho! ho! ho!)
O - R - R - R
(Now screeeeam!)
L - L


(VI) [Secrets]

- Alternate After-Stage Cinemas -
Some Stages have special cinemas after clearing them with a COOL rating

Stage 1: GOOD and COOL both have the same cinema.

Stage 2: (GOOD) Confetti falls on Parappa's nose and he sneezes right
when his picture is being taken.
(COOL Parappa gets a perfect photo.

Stage 3: (GOOD) Parappa displays his dad's fixed old car.
(COOL) Parappa displays his dad's fixed car, but it looks a
lot cooler.

Stage 4: GOOD and COOL both have the same cinema.

Stage 5: (GOOD) Sunny disappointedly thinks that Parappa looks normal.
(COOL) Sunny just smiles and they drive off.

Stage 6: GOOD and COOL both have the same cinama.

- Extra Cinemas During Stages -
During a Stage, hold Up on the control pad and some extra things may happen
if your score and rating are high enough.

- KT & The Sunny Funny Band -
Unlock this mini-game by completing each of the six Stages with a COOL rating.
Here are the controls:

Control Pad: rotate the camera  Button: change Sunny's dance
L1 & L2 Buttons: Zoom out A Button: change Sunny's clothes
R1 & R2 Buttons: Zoom in X Button: change Katy's clothes
Start Button: quit O Button: change Katy's dance


(VII) [Other Song Lyrics]

The Jet Baby (Prologue song)

When Jet Baby flies
She flies up there forever

When Jet Baby flies
She flies through any weather

When Jet Baby loves
She loves all of the children

She never lets them cry
As she sails through the sky
To save us from what ails us and to make us love


Love You RAP (Stage Six Intro)

As I walk the streets, packin horses and cases and everything in it, is it
that I must always be ready for any action, precaution, or junction
revolution, or constipation
Check it out, check it out, check it out
Dig it out, diggin it out
I ain't got no doubts, so what's the fuss about?
I need you, I want you
Where in the world are you?
S.O.S. come to my rescue!

I wanna let you know, of my desire (Let it let it go...)
I'm almost on fire
I wanna let you know, of my desire (Let it let it go...)
I'm almost on fire

I see you a few times a day
You never do look my way, you're always cold
You never underestimate me, never respect me
I wish I had some money, so you could see me
Flip flap stap and you don't bend
Why do you always scream and shout at me, at the end
I hope we're getting closer, and closer and nearer
Or else I will explode, like I told you

I wanna let you know, of my desire (Let it let it go...)
I'm almost on fire
I wanna let you know, of my desire (Let it let it go...)
I'm almost on fire


Funny Love (Stage Seven Intro)

You can be fun to be around every day
And night and though things seem very crazy to me
You're a friend to me
Yes a friend indeed

We can go almost anywhere, you and I
My friend
And I know fun is all that we will share
Oh yes we can fly almost anywhere to a special place we can find
Just you and I

We can do it
Just keep your eyes upon the prize
We can do it
You and I if we try to fly

Wish you knew
Just how very much that I care for you
And though things are always working you see
Yes just you and me
My friends and me

Oh you try so hard
Just to please this girl that you've grown fond of
And I really do believe
This is where we should be

We can do it
Just keep your eyes upon the prize
We can do it
You and I if we try to fly

We can go almost anywhere, you and I my friend
And I know fun is all that we will share
Oh yes we can fly almost anywhere to a special place we can find
Just you and I



- I am not playing very well. What should I do to get better?
The most important step to doing well is to get a feel for the rhythm. Each
Stage has a different rhythm that you must get used to in order to press the
buttons right. Tap your foot, sing to the music, or do anything else to
feel the rhythm! Try playing Stage One over and over, or try the game's
Practice modes to master the rhythm!

- How do I get a "COOL" rating?
There's no 'set' way to get "COOL" rating; getting a total feel for the
music is the only way. Play through a level over and over, then freestyle
the button-pressing when you're confident enough and know the song well

- Is there a sequel to this game?
Sure is. Not only is there a pseudo-sequel to PaRappa the Rapper called
Um Jammer Lammy, for the PlayStation, but there's a PaRappa the Rapper 2
for the PlayStation 2.

- Is there a CD soundtrack I can get for this game?
Yup, there's the PaRappa the Rapper Original Soundtrack, which is available
only in Japan. The lyrics are all in English, though, just like in the game!
It even has all the background music from all of the cutscenes.

- My friend told me your can play as (whatever hidden character)...
Your friend is full of baloney.

- Is there a CD soundtrack I can get for this game?
Yeah, but it's only available in Japan. But if you look around on the
internet, there are quite a few sites that normally have it in stock.


(IX) [Acknowledgments]

-Rodney Greenblat, for creating the awesome Parappa universe.
-SCEA, for making this game.
-CJayC, for his devotion to GameFAQs.

-Some dialog and rhymes used from the Parappa the Rapper instruction booklet.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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