Batman: Vengeance

Batman: Vengeance

15.10.2013 14:19:21
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Table of Contents

1. Basic Gameplay / Controls
2. Enemies
3. Walkthrough
4. Points
5. Revision History
6. Credits
7. Contact Info / Legal Junk


1.0 Basic Gameplay / Controls

The majority of the game takes place in third person. This is when Batman
is running around and doing whatever Batman does. During fights, the
controls change slightly, but it is still in third person. Occasionally you
will duck into first person. This is usually to use a gadget. The only
other form of motion you have control over is free fall. Occasionally
Batman will dive and you have to control him to get him to catch something.
There is also one scene each with the Batmobile and Batplane and the each
have their controls.

1.1 Controlling Batman

1.1.0 Third Person

Third person controls are similar to most games. The control stick moves
you around. Batman is oriented appropriately. Thus, to turn around, you
don't need to make a half circle. just point the opposite direction and
Batman turns around.

The A button is used to jump or glide. You glide by pressing the A button
while in the air. You can change directions while you glide but after about
7 seconds, you start to free-fall again, and must re-press the button to
glide again.

The B button causes Batman to punch. Punching a foe is how Batman usually
"initiates" combat. Until you punch a guy, you remain in third person mode.

The X button makes Batman block or duck (or both). This is a good thing to
do when a foe is rushing you.

The Y button makes Batman either use an object (like a switch or a door) or
makes Batman hug the wall directly in front of him. Wall hugging is very
useful in certain situations. You still move right and left then use the Y
button to break back into normal motion. The Y button is further used to
cuff thugs (provided you have Batcuffs). Not cuffing thugs allows them to
get up after a minute or so.

The Z button (button on right shoulder) causes Batman to throw a flash bomb.
This stuns the enemy temporarily. To be honest, the only time I used this
was accidental.

The L button (left shoulder) is used to contact Batgirl. She can usually be
counted on for an obvious hint, like "You need to shut the pipes off now,

The R button (right shoulder) is used to select gadget and then enter first
person. Holding it down pauses the game while you select your toy, then
releasing it puts you in First Person mode.

Start goes to the game menu

The D pad does nothing

The C stick reorients the camera behind Batman (when he's not moving)
regardless of what direction you push it.

1.1.1 Fighting

Fighting is very similar to third person. The difference is that left and
right cause you to strafe around your opponent, the A button now becomes a
kick button instead of jump, the L button is used to do a Power Move, and
the Y button breaks combat.

There are a number of combos you can do. They all stem off of kicks and
punches and directions. Personally, my favorite is to punch until Batman
uppercuts, then kick. It causes a 1-2-3-Uppercut-Kick-Kick that, if
successful, knocks the opponent to the ground. While he gets up, you can
get behind him.

Power Moves are earned by getting points. When the yellow meter under
Batman's health is full, hold the L button and press the appropriate button
and Batman will do a Power Move. For convenience, the moves are listed in
the menu. Every single one leaves the opponent on the ground and can not be
blocked, so use them when you can.

1.1.2 First Person

First person controls take a little getting used to. The control stick
moves Batman, but he never changes direction. To do that, the C stick needs
to be used. It's hard to get used to, but once acclimated, you can
definitely use this to your advantage. For instance, I have trouble aiming.
So what I do is get it close then walk around until I'm aimed perfectly.

To use whatever gadget you're holding press the A button. The R button lets
you select gadgets, X makes you duck, and the Y button breaks back into
third person mode

1.1.3 Free Fall

This is by far the easiest control mechanism. Use the control stick to
point Batman in the appropriate direction. The B button slows you down, and
the Y button speeds you up. You really don't ever need to slow down though.

1.2 Bat Vehicles

1.2.0 Batplane

The batwing isn't too hard. It's disappointing there was only one scene it
was used in. The direction stick moves you around the screen. The A button
fires your thrusters. The B Button fires the guns and the Y button fires
missiles. In general, I fired missiles whenever possible as you only have
three, they only fire when something is under the target, and they recharge.
Pressing a shoulder button once causes you to turn sideways and a double
tap causes a spin. There's one place you have to turn on your side, but I
never spun.

1.2.1 Batmobile

The Batmobile is similar to the Batplane, without the missiles. B button
still fires guns, A button still boosts, and the control stick still moves
you around. You have to avoid cars on the road. Also, to take a sharp
corner, you need to use the appropriate shoulder button. Green arrows
appear on the side of the screen to tell you when to hit it.

1.3 The Menu

The menu can be a little tricky the first time. Press start in-game to get
to it. Here there are five options.

The first shows you your items. There are a total of 4 non-disposable items
and 7 diposable ones. Anything you can have is listed and anything you're
not allowed to use is greyed out.

The second option shows the items you've found in game. There are 16.
These are usually keys, cheat envelopes and the occaisonal item. They are
gotten in order, so if you have any gaps, odds are you missed a cheat.

Next is a list of power moves and the interface to enable or disable cheats.

Fourth is the list of points you've gotten so far. It shows you the current
level but you can cycle back to any level you've completed to see your

Finally are the in-game options. Sound, controls, rumble, that sort of
thing. Also this allows you to quit from the game.

Quitting can be important. Any time you want to save your game, you must
quit to the main game window. From here, select the Save Game option.
Otherwise your progress will not be saved and you'll find it tedious to
watch the cutscenes over and over again.


2.0 Enemies

There are four types of enemies in Batman:Vengeance:

- Thugs (these are the peons of the game)
- Mini-Bosses (slightly harder than thugs)
- Bosses (usually pretty easy)
- Criminal Masterminds (occaisonally these double as bosses)

2.1 Thugs

2.1.0 Joker's Thugs

Joker's thugs can be found throughout most of the game. They have white
faces and basically look like muscle-bound jerks. They wear either black or
white and can carry a pistol, shotgun, sub-machine gun, or flamethrower.
It's usually good to disarm them first with a batarang. Then let them rush
you and, once finished blocking their combo, pull a counter-move.
Eventually they develop the ability to grab out.

Found in areas:
3.0.4 - 3.0.6
3.3.0 - 3.4.0

2.1.1 Freeze's Snow Babes

Freeze employs snow babes, wearing trendy little coats. Fortunately, taking
these chicks down is easy. Usually you can sneak up on them and cuff them
from behind. When that fails, a single hit will disarm them. After that,
their attacks are pretty easy to block and don't hurt much if you forget.

Found in areas:
3.1.0 - 3.1.1

2.1.2 Poison Ivy's Plants

These guys can be the hardest guys in the game. They go down instantly if
you have electric batarangs on you, but otherwise can be a challenge. If
you're at a distance, they spit acid at you. It's easier to avoid than
gunfire, but still annoying. Once you get close (but are still out of
combat range) they whip you with their arms. This knocks you down. If you
have to engage in hand-to-hand combat with them, get close enough for them
to whip you, block it then dart in for the attack. Unfortunately, they're
pretty lethal at close range too. Kicks work better than punches for some

Found in areas:
3.2.3 - 3.2.4

2.1.3 The Fuzz

At one point, you've been framed and Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) is
on your trail. These guys carry stun rifles. The fire about the same rate
as shotguns, but carry a much stronger kick, Fortunately a single punch
takes them down.

Found in areas:

2.2 Mini-bosses

2.2.1 Mary's kidnapper

The goon from Joker who kidnaps Mary can be considered the first mini-boss.
He's a little bit harder than the guys so far, but that is just because he
blocks more often. Just use normal tactics on him until he goes down.

Area: 3.0.4

2.2.2 Poison Ivy's Plant Henchman

This is just a bigger plant guy. He has no ranged attack. Instead he
rushes you a lot. Also, he can't be beaten with simple punches and kicks.
Instead you have to knock him into a vat of sludge. Kicks work well because
they tend to knock him back more often. In fact it's possible to beat him
by running up and executing three or so well timed kicks.

Area: 3.2.5

2.3 Bosses

2.3.1 Joker

The first time you fight Joker, he's on a wrecking ball. To knock him down,
hit him with a dozen or so batarangs. This is easiest when he's standing
still. The only time that happens is when he hits one of the towers. You
can hide behind it and lure him into hitting it. Each time you damage him
though, he destroys part of the bridge itself. If you fall into a broken
area, you lose.

Once knocked off his ball, you have to fight Joker one on one. He's fairly
easy, but he has a couple devastating attacks. The first annoying attack is
to spray you with acid from his flower. It's really easy to dodge, but
painful. The second is a pin move. He jumps on you and beats you. The
only way to get out is to wiggle the control stick back and forth. He
usually takes a large chunk of your life this way, but he on;y does it when
your back is turned. The rest of the time he kicks and punches.

Area: 3.0.6

2.3.2 Dr. Freeze

You'd think Dr. Freeze would at least pose a challenge. Unfortunately not.
He's slow and predictable. His three attacks are an ice pistol, similar to
the one used by snow babes, a freeze beam he uses to freeze you, or that
same freeze beam used to drop canisters from above on you. All are simple
to avoid if you stay out of his line of sight. To beat him, use remote
charges on the canisters above and detonate them to drop them on him. Five
or so takes him out.

Area: 3.1.4

2.3.3 Poison Ivy's Favorite Pet

This guy is the absolute easiest. He spits acid at you for you to avoid,
but that's it. Run around to grab the batarangs. Throw two or three at his
arm to let him go. Once he does, hit the valves where his arms are holding
on. The break and he can't hold there any more. Once his two forearms are
done, knock the last one off and it falls. Quickly grapple across and hit
the switch and he's toast.

Area: 3.2.5

2.3.4 Police Chopper

The police chopper isn't that hard provided you're used to first person
mode. You need to fire remote charges and detonate them on the five lights
the chopper has. Meanwhile the chopper fires stun charges and, once you've
destroyed the first three lights, seeking missiles. All are easy to dodge.

Area: 3.3.2

2.3.5 Fatty

This fat clown has four attacks. The primary one is missiles. These go
straight and are easy to avoid. The can also be detonated with batarangs.
The second fire is a large bomb he lobs at you. It's pretty accurate, but
only at the moment he fires it, so if you hear a whistling, run. Each time
you've hurt him, and continuously after you've destroyed his first four
launchers, he launches a pair of heat seeking missiles. These are hard to
avoid as they have a tight turning radius. Try standing behind pillars or
using batarangs again. Finally if you get too close, he uses a flame
thrower. To beat him, simply destroy a rocket in each tube, four standard,
and the two seeking.

Area: 3.4.0

2.3.6 Joker (Again)

Joker starts off this time with a sub-machine gun. Two or three batarangs
disarm him long enough to dart in and start using your fists. He's only
really learned two new tricks, sneaking around you. If your combos take too
long, he'll get behind you and, given enough time, hit you from behind. The
other trick is throwing playing cards at you, but he only does this if
you're at a distance. Otherwise it's a standard fist-fight.

Joker's trying to commit suicide again (uh huh, sure he is) and you have to
catch him. The only thing that makes this hard is that he's fighting back.
If you're far from him, he uses exploding balloons, nearer he uses bombs and
up close he uses the sub-machine gun again. Each time you get hit, he gets
a little further from you. Fall faster than he does as much as you can.
Try using circles around the screen to avoid his fire. Whenever his gun
jams is a good time to dart in. Catch up to him four times and that's it.

Area: 3.4.1 - 3.4.2

2.4 Criminal Masterminds

You usually don't get to fight these people, but they're behind everything
in the game:

The Joker
Harley Quinn
Dr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
Dr. Isaac Evers


3.0 A Girl to Die For


Watch the pretty cutscene showing the intro to the story.

Once you get control of Batman, run directly ahead to go down the ramp.
Veer left and run down a second ramp. Run towards the ledge ahead and to
the left. As soon as you get close to the ramp a little screen pops up
explaining how to jump. Take a running jump and glide down and land on the
boxes. Jump along these avoiding the jets. Once you reach the next ledge
you'll want to glide down to one of the rooftops. Jump across the gaps and
make your way to the far left where there's a break in the chain link fence.
Drop down and open the door.

Once again we're treated to a short cutscene. When you get control again,
don't worry about hurrying, you can take all the time in the world. Jump
behind the bomb and drop to the alleyway. Follow this around a couple
corners. Eventually a cutscene will start showing Batman and the woman
narrowly escaping from the explosion.


There's another short cutscene where Batman sets the woman down and a letter
falls out. When the cutscene ends, pick up the letter flashing on the
ground. Another cutscene begins identifying the woman as Mary.


Another short cutscene starts where Batman tells Batgirl to research Mary.
When the scene ends run down the short ramp and stay along the right to go
down a second ramp. You'll come to a door.

Once inside Alfred talks to you. Grapple up to the ledge with the bat icon.
There you'll find batcuffs. Now jump on the computer near the door.
There you'll find batarangs. Now jump down to the floor. A post will pop
up. Use your batarangs to hit the target on either side of the post. That
post will be replaced by one you have to hit. Beat the stuffing out of it
and it will go away. Now go through the second door into the next room.

In here is a doorway (Alfred claims it's a laser) spinning. To get by it,
you need to press against the wall and walk all the way around it. Once
you're all the way around, press the small red button to turn it off. Now
go back into the first room and head towards the gate that opened

Batman will automatically jump off the cliff. You need to make him fall
faster to catch up to the yellow dummy. Once you catch it, you'll be
treated to a couple more cutscenes.

3.0.4 Scene: Rooftop Battle

You'll end up on a rooftop. Jump down to the next roof. Run around to the
right and you'll see a henchman. Cuff him for your first point. Climb the
ladder on the wall to your left and you'll find a box of batcuffs. Go back
down and grapple to the next roof.

Here is a thug with a gun. Cuff him for your second point. Ahead are a
series of gratings. Underneath is a box of health, but if you drop down
you'll need to climb back up and start over. Once across and up the small
ramp, there's a cutscene of Mary being kidnapped.

Grapple across to the next roof and cuff the thug for a third point. Behind
the roof access door hut thing is another box of health. Grapple up to the
next railing. Jump off this railing on to the roof. Follow the roof to the
right. You'll pass under another ledge then along a garden. Finally, at
the end of the roof, carefully drop off the edge. You should land on a
small ledge. Follow it to the left. At the corner of the building you are
allowed to grapple to another small ledge. Do so and enter that door for
the first cheat Envelope, envelope A. Go through the next door, then the
door directly across from you.

There's another cutscene of the guy running. Next grapple to the next point
and cuff the thug for the fourth point. Grapple once again, and again you
see the thug running.

Jump across the gap towards the two boards lying together. Go through the
small gap in the wall and cuff the thug there (fifth point). Go back to
where you grappled in. Here you'll want to jump through the other opening
and glide around the corner to the right. Hug the wall along the ledge.
You'll see a cutscene of the thug running yet again. Jump and glide down to
that roof. Grapple up to the next building.

Jump down and cuff the thug if you missed a point. Climb to the top of the
ladder and run along that path. Once you reach the first head protruding
from the building, run along it and jump and glide to the next roof. Run to
the right and slide down the slope you come to. Jump before you fall and
glide to the railing.

There's a quick cutscene and then block. Otherwise the guy will bludgeon
you. Beat him up and grab the cuffs on the ground and cuff him for two more

Now there's a short cutscene where you talk to Mary.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


There's just a cutscene to see here


Grab the flashbombs and cuff the thug in front of you for a point. Now look
at the boxes near where you start. On top of one is something glowing. To
get it, climb the ladder. Walk forwards a bit, turn around and reorient the
camera so it's behind you. You need to jump off the boxes and veer to the
right so that you glide around the box next to you, and still land on the
boxes. It may take a couple tries. Once you make that jump, there's a
simple jump across. Pick up cheat envelope B and three points. Go back and
climb the ladder on the boxes again and jump down on the other side. Cuff
the two thugs for a point each. Run around the truck with it's headlights
on. You'll see a box of batarangs behind a construction barricade. Jump
over the barricade and press against the wall to slip through.

There will be a short cutscene where you see Joker on a wrecking ball with
Mary's son. Once you get control again, beat the henchman and cuff him for
your fourth point. If you need extra cuffs, they're behind a box near the
grapple point. Grapple up to the scaffolding. Climb a ladder and cuff the
thug there for a point. Climb another ladder and nab the box of health.
Climb another ladder and beat up the thug (once again, cuff him if you need
the point). Climb two more ladders and enter the doorway

There's a cutscene of Batman going up an elevator. Grapple up to the ledge
and start fighting Joker. There are infinite amounts of health and
batarangs here, but if you take too long, Joker will destroy too much of the
bridge and you won't have enough room to move. The best strategy is to hide
behind one of the tall pillars. When Joker runs into it, he'll get stuck.
Jump out and hit him with as many batarangs as you can. You can actually
beat him in just one pause. Just be careful not to fall or you'll have to
start over.

Once you've knocked him around enough he'll drop Toby and you have to dive
to save him. Watch out for the bridge and eventually you'll catch him.
Unfortunately, the whole thing was a setup. MAry is Harley Quinn, Toby is a
bomb and a cutscene shows him blowing up in your face.

After the cutscene you have to fight Joker in one on one combat. Most
importantly, do not turn your back on him. If you do, he'll pin you to the
ground and do a lot of damage before you can escape. Just keep hitting him
and after two cutscenes, he'll go down.

Next there's a couple cutscenes showing you finally beating Joker.


Harley dives to her death and you've got to save her. Fall fast and avoid
the five beams to catch her. Once you do, you get 2 points, and it shows a
cutscene of her leaving.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Just a cutscene of Dr. Freeze to watch here.

3.1 In Cold Blood


You're now on the roof of Gotham Industrial. Thaw the guard on the roof by
hitting him three times. Grab the cuffs to the right of the frozen doorway
(behind the ice pillar). Then break the ice on the doorway by hitting it
three times and jump down.

Cuff the snow babe for the first point. Thaw the guard and go through the
doorway. Up the first flight of steps is a box of batarangs. Go up two
more flights and you'll enter a reception room. Go towards the door near
the desk and another cutscene of Dr. Freeze will start.

Continue through the door and cuff the babe there for a point and thaw the
guard. Also, don't forget the cuffs near one of the computer terminals. Go
through the next two doors and you'll enter a large room with four pillars.
Cuff the babe right near you for a point. Grapple up to the grapple point.
Jump to the next tower clockwise. Walk across the path to the next tower
clockwise. Beat up that babe and climb the ladder. Jump across to the next
tower clockwise and climb the ladder. Walk to the tower counter clockwise.
Cuff the babe for the fifth point. Climb the ladder and grab the health.
Walk to the next tower counter clockwise and thaw the guard. Pick up the
key he drops. Jump and glide down to the opening and go through the


This is a pretty big room. First climb the ladder to your left. Run along
and jump on one of the moving platforms. Drop down from it onto the raised
area with boxes on it. Grab the two items there and follow it along to the
stairs. At the top of the stairs thaw the guard and pick up the key he
drops. Head back towards the huge ice pillar you saw when you first entered
the room. Behind one of the computer banks near it is a frozen guard. He's
the last one, so thawing him is worth three points. Go back to the door you
used to get in. climb the ladder to get up to it and climb that first
ladder again. Get to the other side of the box the moving platforms are
coming out of by jumping on a platform and immediately jumping off again
heading towards the wall. Run along this platform and drop down in front if
the door. Go through it.

Here Dr. Freeze is threatening Dr. Evans. When he sees you he sets three
snow babes on you. When you drop down to take them on, grab the cuffs right
under the ledge. Then beat each up and cuff them for any points you're
missing. Climb the steps to stop Dr. Freeze and you get frozen in place.
Wiggle to get loose for two points while Freeze escapes in his chopper.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Now you're chasing the helicopter in the batwing. Fire missiles and spikes
at the chopper every chance you get. Try not to run into anything as you
won't get full points. Eventually you wear him down enough and the chopper
crashes, but not before you catch Evans. You get 5 points for beating
Freeze and 5 more for not losing any health. This was freaking hard for me,
so I used the infinite life cheat. It worked well, but remember you have to
avoid hitting all the signs on the freeway. It took me about 6 tries to
make it.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


All that happens here is a pair of cutscenes about Evans and his funding.


Now you have to assault Gotham Industrial to find out what's going on. Exit
the bathroom. Run down the green hallway and cross through the door. A
short cutscene ensues where the doors lock. You have to solve three puzzles
to get through. They're pretty simple. It's a 3d cube with wires heading
to and around it. You need to make a connection from the lit wire to the
unlit wire of the same color.

The first one is blue. To solve it, follow the following steps:

Rotate Flip
Right x2
Top x3
Bottom x1
Right x2

I'll use the same notation for the next two. Second is yellow:

Rotate Flip
Left x1
Top x2
Bottom x1
Left x1
Top x1
Bottom x3
Left x2
Right x1
Top x1

Finally is red:

Rotate Flip
Top x3
Bottom x3
Left x1
Left x1
Right x2
Top x2
Bottom x2
Top x2

Once each one is done, you cross through a doorway. Finally you get done.
You get two points. Jump to the walkway and a number of bombs go off
causing you to fall through a window. This room has another simple puzzle.
There are two switches you need to turn off. Jump on the frozen coffin
things to turn off the first switch. That allows you to step in the water,
which you need to turn off the second switch, which stops the vents from
above. Go ahead through the two doors.

Cuff the two babes here for two more points. Grab the health from the last
alcove and head into the next room. Break through the ice and cuff the babe
for a point. Look through the ice walls and you'll see a box behind the
ice. Slide along the wall and grab that box for some health. You can break
the second ice wall and cuff the babe if you like. Head through the door
out of there.

Break the ice and cuff the two babes for two points. Climb the ladder in
the corner and run along the catwalk to drop down into the area behind the
ice for a ton of goodies and a bonus point. Head back up the ladder, back
along the catwalk, drop down and go through the next door

Beat up the two snow babes here to get a keycard. Cuff them if you need
points. Go through the next door and watch a cutscene before you fight Dr.

Dr. Freeze is a pushover. Run around the long central area to get bat
charges. Fire these at the tubes hanging from the ceiling. When Dr. Freeze
walks under it, set the charge off, dropping the tube near him. Meanwhile
he will be using his freeze ray to either drop the tubes on you, freeze you
in place, or shoot ice bullets at you. It's all simple to dodge. After a
dozen or so hits, Freeze will be beaten and cough up two points.

There's a cool cutscene of Batman freezing Freeze.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


All that happens here is a pair of cutscenes.

3.2 Plant Food

3.2.0 Saving Batgirl

There's a cutscene here of Batgirl getting herself into trouble. You end up
on a train needing to rescue her.

This is relatively simple. All you have to do is find all four locks on the
train to unlock the door of the engine. Each lock you disable causes a red
light to turn green. To disable a lock, beat all the enemies in the room,
then throw a single electric batarang at it. On most cars you either have
the option of going over or going through the car. In general, going over
is the easiest as there is only one enemy. If you go through, the enemy (or
enemies) hide behind chairs.

The first lock is in the second car. No enemies so go ahead and hit it. Go
over or through the next three cars, then enter car number six. Beat the
two guys and destroy the lock. This door is locked though, so go back and
over this car. Go past two more cars and in car number nine is the third
lock. Unfortunately the near door is locked, so you have to go over the
roof, back inside the car and deal with the guys inside. Once you've gotten
this one, go all the way forward to the engine of the train. The final lock
is next to the board of lights. Destroy that lock and enter the train for
five points.

There is an alternate way to beat the level that is far easier. Don't worry
about getting control boxes. Get to the front of the train as quickly as
you can. I went over the tops of every car I could. Once you make it to
the last car, number eleven, go inside. There are two guys and a switch.
Beat them, then flip that switch. All the locks unlock at once. Quickly go
through the following door and then the door of the engine. This nets you
the full ten points.

As soon as you go in, you get a cutscene of Batman scaring a mummy looking
dude away from Batgirl.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Now we get to drive the Batmobile. You have to chase this guy's car around
town shooting spikes at it. Occasionally he takes a corner. Whenever he
does, a couple green arrows will point that direction. Hit that shoulder
button to follow him. If you miss, you have to start over. You also have
to keep relatively close behind him. If you hit any other cars on the
street, use your boosters to catch up. Eventually Batman realizes he isn't
stopping. At that point you have to "Smoke him out" by shooting a smoke
bomb into his car. It's pretty easy, just line up your shot and as his car
goes past your target, fire.

If you manage to do all the above without losing any health, then you get 10
points. Otherwise you get 5. The secret is to get the car to the point
where it's ready to finish (outline in bottom right is black). Then miss
the turn at the end of the area with the roof, just before the bent ramp
where the scene loops over. You lose, but come back with all your health.
Shoot his car until black again. From now on he won't drop any more things
to hurt you. Just keep up, avoid the cars and hit him every now and again
and when you finish, you'll get all 10 points.

The view switches to a cutscene of the car crashing.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Once you have control again, glide down off the cliff and pick up the
flashing thing next to the flaming car.

Now we get treated to a cutscene discussing the apple you just picked up.


I know, I skipped back. So did the game. All that happens here is a
cutscene about Harley.


Now we get to infiltrate Gotham Industrial looking for Poison Ivy. The guys
in here are pretty ugly. They're green and have really long arms they can
beat you with. In general I would knock them down using a power move
whenever I could then break combat and run. I didn't get many points that
way, but I lived.

Anyway, run around the first corner and you'll find two of them. Once you
get past them run through the doorway and turn right. Up the short ramp and
around the corner to the right is another guy. Once past him, grapple
across to the far side of the room. Go around the first corner then
carefully look around the second.

You may actually recognize this scene, it's the first picture on the back of
the game case (at least, it's on my game case). To get by the vines is
simple. Just press your self to the opposite wall and slide by. You may
want to "trigger" the small pod at the beginning into releasing it's gas,
and wait for it to subside before you actually try. Go around the corner
and there's another set of plants exactly the same as the last. Get past
them and run down the ramp into the next room.

First of all don't step on the orange junk on the floor; it hurts. Second,
watch out for the little pods on the ground; they hurt too. Getting through
the room isn't complex, but can be frustrating. You need to grapple onto
the first and tallest mushroom. As soon as you get on it though, it begins
to tilt, and it's pretty slippery to boot. From there you need to jump and
glide to the left to land on the next mushroom. Then jump from that
mushroom to the next, then onto the small ledge where a box of health is
waiting. The trick to this is standing on one side of the mushroom for a
second, then running to the high edge and jumping off that. It gives you a
little more altitude and makes your landings a bit easier. Finally grapple
onto the last mushroom and jump to the shelf nearby for batarangs. Then
grapple to the stairs. Run up the small staircase into the room and through
the door.

There's a small cutscene of the mummy dude walking past a window, then
you've got control again.

The easiest way through this room is to hit the plant tendril waving in the
air with a batarang, then run by it and up the ladder. If you're out of
batarangs, you can make it by just running, but you have to make sure you
keep moving, otherwise it'll smack you for a fair amount of damage. Also
remember that you have to climb the ladder on the far side. Once up on the
ledge, go through the door near you.

Run to Batman's right (past the dripping pipe) and around the corner.
You'll slide down a slope and come to a gate. Open it.


This is kind of a pain. You're sliding down a slope and there's a gaping
hole in the middle of it. You need to jump that hole, but fall into the
second one. Walk over to the red corner of this area and you'll drop into a
red lit room. Here is "Secret Key 1" Pick it up and grapple back up the
pipe you fell through.

Jump back up onto the slippery slope and continue sliding. Be very careful
when you get near the bottom that you don't fall into the next hole. For
me, this was the hardest part of the game... until I realized the right hand
side isn't slippery ;-). Once you're firm footed, skirt the hole on the
left side by pressing against the wall.

Go through the first doorway on that wall and incapacitate the guy in here.
On the floor is the third cheat envelope, worth five points. Go back out
the door.

Run by the open area of the room and go through the broken part of the far
wall. Run through the pipe and end up in a small hallway. Run up a couple
ramps and through a doorway into a large room.

First, drop down to the floor. In the middle of the room is a health box.
You will need it for this part. Second is a box of batarangs under the
platform you started on. They come in handy, but aren't as crucial. Once
done, climb back up the ladder near where you came in. Run along the side
of the room jumping from platform to platform. Once to the far side, climb
the ladder.

There's a guy here you either need to beat or run by. Once past him, jump
over the vats and grab onto the next platform. In general you don't need to
worry about the plants in the vats. Once again, another guy. Once again,
get by him and make it to the next platform. There's yet another guy here.
make it by him and jump over the vats and you're rewarded with a large box
of health. Jump down from here and land on the catwalk (or jump back across
the vats and use the ladder). Head through the door

There's a short cutscene of a distant figure pacing, then control is

This room is similar. Jump along the broken catwalk, beat the guy then jump
the vats. There's a box of health just before you get to the vats that
should be welcomed, but I always take this much health all at once as a bad
sign. Sure enough it is. Run towards the man you saw pacing.


You've finally caught up to Mayor Hill who tells you about the worms in a

Suddenly you're attacked by the mummy looking dude who turns out to be an
ugly looking green guy. This fight is a little tricky. The guy isn't hard
to knock down, but he keeps getting back up. The trick is to knock him off
the ledge into the vat below. You can pretty much do it by kicking him a
bunch. Also, there's a box of flashbombs across the gap. Once that's done,
he drops the key to the sub-basement. Pick it up. You've earned two more

There's a quick explanation by Batgirl that the plants are vulnerable to
electricity and the main breaker is in the sub-basement (surprise surprise).
If you need health, go down the ladder on this level and follow the path.
Behind some plants is a large box of health. Go through the door you passed
on your way to Mayor Hill and enter it. Go down the flights of stairs until
you get to a door and go inside.

The cutscene here shows Mayor Hill unsuccessfully trying to buy his freedom.
Ivy sets her pet on you.

This boss isn't very hard at all. On your small ledge are two boxes of
batarangs. Use them to hit the creatures arms to either side. Once he lets
go in pain, shoot the valves on the pipes where his hands where holding on.
Steam will come out hurting the monster and he won't grab that point any
more. Once he can't grab onto either side, hit his final arm to drop him in
the sludge. Quickly, before he recovers grapple across to the other side of
the room and flip the switch there. Three points.

The battle is over. There's a cutscene of all the plants dying

[10 of 10 points found in this section]

3.3 Fool's Grave


After a cutscene, you're searching for the Joker once again. He's probably
not dead, these guys never are. Our first goal is to turn off the three big
pipes of industrial waste. To get to the first one, follow the path around
a couple corners until you see a ladder. At the top are two thugs worth a
point each, a box of batcuffs, and a wheel connected to a pipe. Turn that
wheel and the first pipe gets blocked.

Go through the door up here and follow the path down. Run along these
catwalks (avoiding the falling piece). You may want to disarm the thug up
here with a batarang before you get to him. Once you're past him, there's
another wheel to turn behind some boxes, blocking the middle pipe.

Look around at the lower floor from up here and you'll see three doors, two
on one side, one on the other. The two doors lead back to the two catwalks
in the first room (where you went up the ladder). Instead, you want to go
through the single door opposite them. Run through the doorway, down the
short ramp and through the door.

Run down the pair of short ramps and grapple when you can. Otherwise a
couple guys start shooting you. Beat up the first guy on this upper level.
Then run and jump the gap in the catwalks and beat up the second guy. Here
is the final wheel to turn off the sewage pipes. Also, if you need them
there's a box of batcuffs on the grey box, just to the right of where you
came in. You can get to it by jumping down from here.

In this room is cheat envelope D. However, you should fully expect to die
while trying to get it, so I advise finishing the section and coming back
here. You need to jump into the large sewage pipe with crates floating in
it. You can see it from the upper level, but it is far easier to jump into
from the lower level. You need to jump and land on the first block, then
jump to each block to get to the envelope at the very end of the tunnel. I
found that it takes a jump followed by a short glide to make it. Also,
don't stop too long on each box as they crumble and disappear pretty
quickly. Once you get this envelope, you net yourself 3 points. Once done
with this, get back to that upper level in the previous room. If you can
make it back along the boxes, you can grapple out.

On this same level, back along the catwalk there's a doorway. Jump across
to it and enter the room. Avoid the jack-in-the-box, but grab the batarangs
here if you need them, and glide down on top of the large pipe. From there
glide to the ledges around the room. Work your way all the way down to the
bottom, grab the little bit of health and go through the door. This is
where those three pipes are. The room is also crawling with three
obnoxiously placed henchmen.

First knock out the little jack in the box with a batarang. That gives you
a little space to work. Next disarm the three guards. One directly across
from you, one to the right of him, and one on a platform above the whole
room on the near wall. Then go beat that first guard up. Make sure that
second guard hasn't found his gun and jump across to his ledge. If he has
found it, he'll shoot at you and you'll fall. Get past him and go through
the door

There's two jack in the boxes right here and an armed guard around the
corner. Get past all of them however you like. Run up the ramp and through
the door.

This is a huge room, but for now run the only direction you can and watch
the cutscene.

Once you have control again, beat up the goon and flip the switch in that
room. Go through the opposite door and follow the platform until you can
grapple to that grapple point. Grapple up and deal with the guard there.
Go into the small room to your right and flip the switch. Run back along
the platform and you come to a point where you can see two grapple points.
Grapple to the one above you, not across from you. There should be a
jack-in-the-box, a goon and some health. Once these have all been dealt
with in whatever fashion, go into the room and flip the third switch.

Batgirl reiterates that you need to turn the flywheels to get the water
running. Exit the room and jump down to the level just below you (I did it
by gliding across a corner. You can grapple down from a couple points
though). Now grapple up to the point across from you, where I told you not
to go last time. Walk up to the wheels and use them.

This is really really simple. Turn each wheel until green matches green.
Use the control stick to move from wheel to wheel and use the Y button to
turn it. They really could have made this more difficult by making each
slowly return to it's old position or something, but they didn't and it's

Enough editorial commentary. There's a short cutscene, then a guy across
from you kicks a door open.

Disarm him first, then jump across and beat him up. I used a power move on
him and ducked inside the room to give me some more room to work. Once
inside, pull the lever, the water starts pumping and everything stops
shaking. Then walk up to the heap on the floor for the last 2 points.

There's a cutscene. We find out that Isaac Evers was behind everything.....

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


This is an interesting cutscene. Batman turns Evers in. However, someone
hits Commissioner Gordon with a Batarang, framing Batman. You grapple to
safety, but have to run from the law.


Batman tells Batgirl to bring the Batmobile. However, you have to meet her.
This whole section is pretty fast paced. You need to run and jump across
a lot of rooftops to get where you're going. In general try not to hit the
cops. If you make it all the way through without knocking a single cop
down, you get three points.

Run around the small building you're on and jump up to the next roof. Run
around to the left from there and grapple to the next roof. Up here is a
cop with a stun gun. There's a second guard on this rooftop, then you'll
find a grapple point. Grapple from there into the next building.

In here there is one guy on the floor and one at the top of a ladder on the
far side. Get past both and go through the door at the top of the ladder.
Run along this corridor until you go through a chain link fence and are
standing on a helicopter pad. Grapple from here to the next rooftop.

There are two guards up here. Get past both and follow the edge of the roof
until you find a grapple point. Grapple up the next building. Run towards
the billboard and you'll see four windows underneath it. Jump on top of the
first one and make your way up each one until you can climb on top of the
building. Up here is a small box of health. Slide down the slope on the
far side and jump across to the next building.

Climb the pair of ladders to get onto the roof. Up here are electric
batarangs and stun charges. Jump down onto the next building. There are
two guards here and a locked door (red light above it). Hit the box next to
it with one of those electric batarangs and it will unlock. Incidentally,
if you are out of electric batarangs, I think a punch will unlock these as
well, but only if you are out. Grab the batarangs in here and head through
the next door.

Run through this hallway. The helicopter will start strafing you.
Fortunately the pilot is an idiot and doesn't know how to lead a target.
Once to the far end head through the door. From now on the chopper will
occasionally strafe you. Head to the far side of the roof and grapple up.

This isn't a fun part. Avoid the steam jets as best you can, but keep
moving. Go straight until you reach the far ledge. Then run along it to
the right, behind the boxes. This avoids most of the jets. Jump up on the
big box in your path and from there jump onto the corner of the next
building. Creep along the ledge to the left until you fall off into the
garden below. From here, run and jump through the gap in the fence and land
on the small ledge.

Enter and you're in an elevator shaft. Stand on top of the elevator all the
way down and get off. Grab the elevator shaft key and the batarangs, then
jump down into the shaft beneath the elevator. Hit the control box with a
batarang in first person mode (trust me it's there). Now get out of the
area beneath the elevator by climbing the ladders. That box opened the door
across from you. Once the elevator is out of the way again, jump across to
it. On a table is Secret Key 2. Leave this room the way you came, then get
back on top of the elevator. Now ride it all the way up. You want to get
off on the ledge just above the one you came in on. However, if you stay on
the elevator too long, you die. Enter the doorway (not the tunnel) to find
the final cheat envelope, E for two points. Exit the door then go through
the tunnel leading off from here and up the ladder.

Exit this room be either one of the doors. Run counter-clockwise around
this room until you see the ladder (it's hard to see if you run the other
way). Climb it then turn right. Run all the way around the roof until you
find a grapple point (a little ways further is a box of health). Grapple up
to the next roof.

Run across this roof dealing with the cop and jump down to the next one. Go
across this roof and jump up to the next one. Then across this roof and
across to the next one. Run to the right and jump across to the building
with the ladder on it. You have five long ladders to climb here. Try to
get the chopper to fire at you before you climb each one so it doesn't knock
you off. Finally at the top, climb the short ladder then enter the locked
door by breaking the lock.

Go through a pair of doors and run along a hallway. Run through another
pair of doors.

There's a quick cutscene where the chopper finally catches up to you.

Now you have to battle the chopper. It's not that hard. On the ground are
some remote charges. You need to detonate one on each of the lit areas of
the chopper. Your targeting reticule will turn red over each one of them.
Once you've done the first three, two on the back light up and the chopper
starts using missiles against you. Also, be careful not to fall off the
edge of the roof as there are no ledges to hold you in. Finally you beat it
and it crashes in a heap of burning metal. This nets you five points.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Theres a short cutscene here of Batgirl picking you up.


Batman and Batgirl decide Harley is in on everything and Batman decides to
go exploring in a disguise.


So now Batman is wearing a really really bad disguise. There a short scene
of him entering a chain link door.

Run to your right and follow the fence behind the trucks. Make sure you
don't step in any spotlights by staying behind the trucks. There's a truck
in your way, so go around that. Behind the last truck is a clown statue.
He will either be holding his eyes, ears, or mouth ("See no evil, hear no
evil, speak no evil"). It will also have a number on it. Mine was holding
his eyes and had the number "1" on it. (this is worth two points).

Return to the beginning of the level and follow the fence the other way.
When you get to the small building enter it via the door facing the
spotlight. Inside is another clown worth two more points. Mine was holding
his ears with the number "6".

Exit the room then continue around the building until you find some boxes.
Jump on the boxes and get on the roof of that house. Up here are some flash
bombs. Use your bat scope to look above the light at the final clown for
two more points. Mine was holding his mouth with the number "9".

Now go to the edge of the building facing the main warehouse. Underneath
and to the left of the spotlight is a small tan and green box. Take a good
look at it and memorize the order or eye, ear and mouth. When you get
there, you need to put each number in the appropriate slot, but you have to
do it before the spotlight sees you. My order was ear, eye, mouth. Go to
the box right after the spotlight leaves it and put in the combination using
left/right to select the wheel and up/down to change it. Once the
combination is right, you get 4 points and enter the warehouse.

[10 of 10 points found in this section]

3.3.5 Funnibones

There's a quick cutscene of you entering the building.

Once you have control, head to the right along the wall. When you get to
the corner of the building, jump onto the low crate in the wall of crates.
Jump up to the crate against the wall, then jump along the wall to the next
crate. Work your way up onto the rafter and get the big box of health up
there. You're safe and can take a look around. You need to make your way
over to the ladder. There's a ton of routes. I tended to hug the right
side up the building. Just remember that you can't climb onto the brighter
colored boxes. There's a wall of boxes that goes across the room between
you and the ladder. At the very top against the right wall is another box
of health. I actually grabbed it and jumped from there onto the catwalk
instead of using the ladder.

Drop down from the catwalk and go up the set of stairs. Two guys pop out
who you need to incapacitate. (You may notice that while your fighting one,
the other will taunt you with things like "bat-coward" even though you're
disguised as someone else) On some of the boxes is a set of batcuffs to use
on them for your first two points. In the far left corner is a ladder on
top of some boxes. Jump on top of them, climb the ladder and go through the

In here is a pair of batcuffs, but right around the corner is a thug. You
need to cuff him to keep him out of the way and a point. In here are a
number of switches and lights. First pull the switch under the clown
portrait. That opens one of the doors. Inside is a thug. Cuff him too.
By now you should have four points. Hidden in a corner you'll find some
flash bombs and another switch. Flip that one and quickly run out of the
room, across the hall and into the next room. Yet another thug awaits you.
Follow the train tracks for some health once you cuff him and get his point.

Now comes the fast part. Flip this switch and run out of the room. Go all
the way down the hall and hit that switch. Go back down the hall through
the door you just came through. Now dart through here to the other door
(just to the left of the switch) and go through it. If you made it fast
enough, you'll be in a new room (of course, with a thug). Either beat him
and cuff him if you need the point, or run past him. Run past the screens
to the wooden cabinet and open it for the other 5 points.

Inside the cabinet is Toby's penknife. Batman picks it up.

Next was one of my favorite cutscenes. Batman recalls Joker's death and
remembers the penknife being in the Joker's mouth as he (quote) died (end

[10 of 10 points found in this section]


Batman informs Batgirl that the Joker is still alive


Back at the Batcave, Batgirl informs Batman that the Joker's blimp is over
Gotham Gasworks

3.4 Infernal Jest


There's a short cutscene of the blimp hanging in the sky, then you get

Run along this path and grab the flash bombs, then through the chain link
door. Don't go near the smoking door yet. First go pick up the Batcuffs in
the far corner. Now go to the smoking door.

Joker blasts through and explains the whole plot (It's so handy when the bad
guys do that). He sets two guys on you. Stay away from them until you get
the packs of their backs. Otherwise they blast you with flame which hurts a
lot. Use an electric batarang to disarm them, then fight them like normal.
I let them charge at me. They let off two punches and then add an uppercut.
Once all three attacks are blocked, I fight back. Try not to let them
double-team you either. Cuff both and talk to Batgirl about shutting off
the gasworks.

Run through the flaming door. Just inside is some health. Grab it and drop
to the ground below. Ahead of you are some flaming pipes. They've got a
really tricky timing sequence and it's hard to get through unscathed.
Instead, jump onto the pipes and creep along them.

In the next room are three guards. I personally ran by them, but if you're
gutsy enough to fight, there are some batcuffs in a corner to restrain them
with. Opposite those are some electric batarangs. Go through the corner
opposite the one you came in and run up the ramp, along the path and through
the chain link door.

There a cutscene here showing your path blocked by "about 500 pounds of
clown and twice that in explosives."

Once you get control, run directly away from the clown and through the chain
link door there. There a shaft through a doorway for you to jump down.
There's a single guy in here you can wear down with electric batarangs
before you fight. Beyond him is a box of health and a door. Go through and
up to a set of wheels like at the end of 3.3.0, except now you have to line
red up to red (ooh, tricky). Now run through the second door in this room.

Run up the short ramp and climb the ladder where two guards are waiting for
you. Since one has a flame thrower and the room is small, I just ran past
and out the door.

Joker is peeved because you ruined his plan. He sets Harley and "Fatty" on

Fatty is the hardest boss in the game, but that's not saying much. The
trick is to run around the room collecting batarangs, then use them to hit
one of his rockets near him (preferably still in the tube). After each hit,
two more launchers pop out of his back which launch seeking missiles. Once
the four main launchers are gone, those top two stay out. Destroy those and
you're home free. The hard part is watching out for the bombs he launches
upwards, because those can really surprise and damage you. Also, if you get
too close, he uses flame throwers on you.

He dies, crushing Harley. Batman grapples to the blimp.


You're in the blimp and there are a number of blue lasers around the room.
They hurt, so avoid them.

/ 3 \ U - Where You Start
| U| O - Pillar
| B | I,A,B,C - Lasers
| O | 1,2,3 - Switches
|1 I X | X - Crate
| | L - Ladder
| IOA |
| X |
|2 I |
|L CO |
| I |

That's roughly the shape of it. There are some holes in the floor too.
Basically, use switch 1 to turn off laser A, switch 2 to turn off laser B
and switch 3 to turn off laser C. You need all your health, so if you get
hurt, start over. Then climb the ladder.

There's a cutscene of Joker claiming that it's too late, then he attacks.

First run out into the room (avoiding the stream of fire from the doorway)
and grab the box on the left for some electric batarangs. As Joker shoots,
he destroys boxes, most of which have jack in the boxes in them. Destroy
those with the batarangs (the batarangs reappear). Once all the jack in the
boxes are gone, strafe across the doorway using batarangs on Joker until he
drop his gun. Quickly run in and punch him. This fight is pretty easy.
Use a power move on him and he'll go down in no time.

Once beaten, Joker drops the key to the cockpit. Grab it and go inside.
There's a cutscene of the auto pilot engaged.

Go over and try to disengage it and a puzzle pops out. This one is no
harder than the others. You have to mix the gasses so they make his two
favorite colors. What are you his two favorite colors you ask? Look at the
piping around the puzzle. It's purple and green. So add red, then add
blue. Then mix and the gas will move to the right. Now add blue and add
yellow. Ta da. Green and Purple. Batman turns off the auto-pilot,
presumably saving Gotham (yay).


Joker dives off the deck of the blimp trying to commit suicide. You dive
after him.

Here you have to fall and catch up to Joker several times. It's difficult
because he launches balloons at you when you're far away, bombs at you when
your closer and the machine gun when closest. Just keep moving avoiding
everything and catch up to him four times and you've won.

Batman grapples to safety via his trusty Batplane. He then proceeds to blow
up the blimp (which it should be noted is still full of Promethium and Joker
Gas) over the city. Presumably Gotham is still safe. Also, Batman flew
through the blimp. Normal pilots would actually avoid the explosion.


This is an interesting cutscene of each person you beat looking peeved.
Finally, Joker is portrayed hanging Batman in effigy. (awww, cute. I want
my own little Batman effigy doll)


Just a cutscene about the commissioner forgiving you.

One last cutscene where you have the typical hero pose.

There's a screen to review your points and inform you which cheats you

Game credits role and it's over.


4.0 Points

Points serve two purposes. First, they give you extra Power Moves. The
higher a Power Move's required points, the more powerful it is. They
usually get cooler too. Secondly, points give Batman extra life. If you
get to the end of the game and you only have 20 points, it's going to be a
lot harder than if you have 90 points.

In general, you get points for 3 reasons:
- Cuffing underlings (usually the first five cough up points)
- Cuffing or beating bosses (usually a few points)
- Doing something specific

That last one is kinda vague, but entering a room or an area, seeing
something, or doing some specific action (such as thawing all the guards)
can net you some bonus points. In general what's easiest for me is to start
the level, and cuff all the underlings I can find until I'm out of cuffs.
Then I let someone kill me and do it again. Then, I don't worry about
cuffing people. I cuff them if I have cuffs, but if I don't, I don't

You shouldn't ever HAVE to do that. There are at least two boxes of cuffs
in every level. I may not have listed them, especially if I didn't find
them, but they are there.

Section(s) Total Found
3.0.4 10 / 10 (5) First five guys you cuff (1 each)
(2) Mini Boss
(3) Cheat Envelope A

3.0.6 - 3.0.7 10 / 10 (5) First five guys you cuff (1 each)
(2) Catching Harley
(3) Cheat Envelope B

3.1.0 - 3.1.1 10 / 10 (5) First five babes you cuff (1 each)
(3) Thawing all guards
(2) Freeing yourself from ice

3.1.2 10 / 10 (5) Destroying Freeze's Chopper
(5) ???

3.1.4 10 / 10 (2) Solving Puzzles
(5) First five babes you cuff (1 each)
(1) Secret area full of items
(2) Beating Freeze

3.2.0 10 / 10 (5) Saving Batgirl
(5) Using last switch to do it

3.2.1 10 / 10 (5) Destroying Stolen Car
(5) Not losing any health

3.2.4 - 3.2.5 10 / 10 (5) Cheat Envelope C
(2) Beating Ugly Greenie
(3) Turning on the power

3.3.0 10 / 10 (5) First five thugs you cuff (1 each)
(3) Cheat Envelope D
(2) Finding Isaac

3.3.2 10 / 10 (3) Not hitting any cops
(2) Cheat Envelope E
(5) Beating Police Chopper

3.3.4 10 / 10 (6) Looking at each clown statue (2 each)
(4) Entering combination correctly

3.3.5 10 / 10 (5) First five thugs you cuff (1 each)
(5) Finding Toby's Penknife

Total 120 / 120

There are also five cheat envelopes in the game. Most are worth 3 points
(the third is worth 5 and the last one is only worth 2). They also give you
extra goodies, namely:

- Infinite Items
- Infinite Power Move Bar
- Infinite Health
- Double Damage
- Invisibility

You get them in that order, regardless of the order you got the envelopes.
Unfortunately, you don't get to use any of these until after you've beaten
the game. However, they can really help with the more difficult points.


5.0 Revision History

Version 1.2 - January 9th, 2002
All 120 points found and listed (Thanks to a lot of people)
Solved cube puzzle

Version 1.1 - December 2nd, 2001
Added Enemy listing
60 points found and listed (42 points found, not listed)
Cheats A, B, D, E found and listed

Version 1.0 - November 28th, 2001
Wrote majority of walkthrough.
49 points found and listed (42 points found, not listed)
Cheat C found and listed

Next Update - As many points as I can find.


6.0 Credits

Thanks to the following people for the following things:

William Wallace - Cheats A,B
Several Points
Saving Batgirl trick
Lots More
George Hinckley - Cheat E, 2 points
Several People - 5 points (Helicopter Chase)


7.0 Contact Info / Legal Junk

Send comments, suggestions, omissions, retribution to me at

Copyright 2001
Paul Hounshell

FAQ Authorized on:

Let me know if you find it anywhere else. If you want to use it elsewhere,
just ask.

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