Runescape 3


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The Guide to Runescape
Version 1.2
Released 1/18/2003
My Username on Rune is troahbarton


|--------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------|

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Updates
2.0 Welcome to Runescape
2.1 Basic Controls
2.2 Interacting
2.3 Reading the Map
2.4 Chat
3.0 Quests
3.1 STOP!!!
3.2 Black Knight's Fortress
3.3 Cook's Assistant
3.4 Demon Slayer
3.5 Doric's Quest
3.6 Dragon Slayer
3.7 Ernest the Chicken
3.8 Goblin Diplomacy
3.9 Imp Catcher
3.10 Prince Ali Rescue
3.11 Pirate's Treasure
3.12 Romeo & Juliet
3.13 Sheep Shearer
3.14 Shield of Araav
3.15 The Knight's Sword
3.16 The Restless Ghost
3.17 Vampire Slayer
3.18 Witch's Potion
4.0 Mining/Smithing
4.1 Getting Started
4.2 Bronze Smithing Table
4.3 Iron Smithing Table
4.4 Steel Smithing Table
4.5 Mithril Smithing Table
4.6 Adamantite Smithing Table
4.7 Runite Smithing Table
5.0 Fishing
6.0 Crafting
6.1 Pottery
6.2 Leather
6.3 Jewelry
7.0 Magic
7.1 Spell List
7.2 Rune Locations
8.0 Prayers
8.1 Prayer List
9.0 Cooking
9.1 Cooking List
10.0 Fletching *Member Skill*
10.1 Making Bows
10.2 Bow Table
10.3 Making Arrows
10.4 Arrow Table
11.0 Herblaw *Member Skill*
11.1 Identifying herbs
11.2 Mixing potions
11.3 Potion table
12.0 FAQ
13.0 Price Lists
13.1 Mining/Smithing
14.0 Contributors


1.0 Introduction


Runescape is a massive multiplayer adventure on the internet, with monsters to kill, quests to
complete and treasure to win. You control your own unique character who will improve and become
more powerful the more you train and play. What makes this game fun is the ability to do
whatever you want!

You can go explore the huge Runescape world or earn a living practicing a craft such as cooking
or smithing. Many of the characters in the game can give you quests to go on, each with
different rewards. If you are brave you can search for riches in the dungeons but make sure you
are well armed! Try your hand at archery, or learn some magic spells to give yourself an extra

The game is a huge virtual world which means you will meet many other people in the world who
you can communicate and trade with. Make new friends and go adventuring together to stand a
better chance against the stronger monsters. Perhaps you want to make your money trading
valuable goods with others. Or if you like taking risks, you can choose to fight with
like-minded people to try and steal their treasure. There are so many things you can do!
RuneScape isn't a game you can just finish in a week, it's a game which has never ending

| 1.1 Updates \
22 October 2002
Had to change a bit of the formating
in the Mining and Smithing section
because the numbers were all over the

| 1.2 Updates \
04 December 2002
Due to recent damand I have added
a way through the maze in the Earnest
the Chicken quest.
I have also added a guide to Fletching
Herblaw and have added an FAQ


2.0 Welcome To Runescape

| 2.1 Basic Controls \

In order to even start to do anything in this huge world, you will first need to learn how
to get around. Fortunately movement is fairly simple, and is just a case of pointing the mouse
at the point on the ground where you would like to go, and clicking with the left mouse button.

A small yellow cross will appear to confirm that the request was recevied, then a few
moments later your characater will start to move. If the yellow cross appears, but your
character doesn't start walking immediately, then just wait a few seconds, as it may take a
few moments before anything happens. Your character will walk until his/her feet are at the
point where you clicked on the ground, and will automatically work out how to walk around any
trees or obstacles which may be in the way. If a yellow cross does not appear it usually means
that the place that you would like to go is inaccessible.

| 2.2 Interacting \

To interact with an item you must first point your mouse at it. Look at the top left of the
screen and you will see what you can do with that item. For instance if you point at an object
you will see that you can 'Take' the object, this is the default choice. To access more options
you must right click the object/person. When you request the action a red cross will briefly
appear to indicate it was received. You may have to wait a few seconds for your character to
perform the requested action.
For instance in the example on the right, the player is pointing at one of the characters in
the game, in the cornor it might say "Talk to Lowe". By LEFT clicking on the character the
player could start a conversation with "Lowe". By RIGHT clicking, you would see a menu with
other available actions.

| 2.3 Reading the Map \

To view the map - point your mouse at the 'map icon' at the top-right hand corner of the screen.
A map of the surrounding area will appear.
- The rest is pretty simple:
- Objects on the ground are shown as red dots
- Monsters and game-characters are shown as yellow dots,
- Fixed locations such as trees & tables as light-blue dots
- Other nearby players are shown as white dots

You can also "Quick-Walk" round the landscape by clicking on where you want to go on the map.

| 2.4 Chat \

Not much to it you type in a message and it will appear above you head for the whole of
Runescape to see. If you only want one person to see the message you can use the "Tell" command.
E.g. If you wanted to send a private message to Acekiduk you could put- tell acekiduk Where are
you? Meet me at Varrock. All Acekiduk would see is Where are you? Meet me at Varrock.
To add to the excitement of chat you can put colour in your messages. Before you type a message
put any of these codes in front and the message will come out in that message:

@ran@ Flashing Rainbow colors
@red@ Red
@lre@ Light Red
@cya@ Cyan
@gre@ Green
@yel@ Yellow (normal default color)
@bla@ Black
@blu@ Blue
@whi@ White
@ora@ Orange
@mag@ Magenta
@dre@ Dark Red
@gr1@ Yellow Green
@gr2@ Yellow Green
@gr3@ Yellow Green (These three really are different!)
@or1@ Yellow Orange
@or2@ Pumpkin Orange
@or3@ Dark Orange


3.0 Quests


32 quest points are needed in order to enter the champions guild, where you can buy special
items that cannot be purchased anywhere else in Runescape. To gain quest points you must
complete quests (obviosly!). Below are the walkthroughs to all the quests.

| 3.1 STOP!!! \

Quests are one of the best parts of Runescape. It's best to get in game and ask someone
about the quests while you're playing Runescape but if you really don't know what to do,
please use these as a LAST resort.

| 3.2 Black Knight's Fortress \
In city of Falador, visit the White knights castle, and talk to Sir Amik Varze upstairs.
He'll tell you of the Black knights planning to destroy the white knights with some secret
weapon. Your task is to find out what it is, and sabotage it.

Go to the Cabbage field beside the monastary and take 1 or more cabbages, then go to Black
Knights Fortress (a bit west of Monastary) You'll notice the front door is locked, and the
guards won't let you in the side door. Why? You don't look like them. To get in u need a Guards
uniform, Medium Bronze Helmet and Iron Chainmail

After getting in go through the "odd looking wall" which is at the north Wall when u get in,
go up the ladder. You see a "Grill" and u can choose listen by left clicking it, u will see the
Black Knight Goblin, and the witch will start to speak to each other. It's an invincibility
potion they're making, and it needs a cabbage from Draynor Manor to be complete. Any other
cabbage will destroy the potion

Go back down the ladder, you see a room next to you with 3 Black knights, try to go in and one
of the Guards tells you that you shouldnt go in there, because the black knights are gonna
attack you. When u get in there, 1 Black Knight will attack you, but just run from the fight or
kill the Black Knight if u can. If u press the other door in the room, a Black Knight will
attack u, so make sure all Black Knight's are busy if u want to go thru the door, (good to get
friends with u attacking the BK's).

Go upstairs, climb the ladder, at the north wall is a "odd looking wall". Go through it and
"use cabbage with hole" (Make sure you "use" cabbage not eat it like i've done countless times)
If you made it correct u will say "that must have ruined the secret weapon" or something like

Reward: 2500gp, 3 quest points

| 3.3 Cook's Assistant \

Talk to the cook in the kitchen in Lumbridge Castle. He requests three items: An egg, a bucket
of milk, and some flour. Before you set off take a pot off the table near you.
Egg: Go to the chicken farm to the north - east of Lumbridge.
Milk: Use a bucket on a cow to get milk. Bucklet you can buy in General Shop or find in Chicken
Farm house
Flour: Go to the windmill with wheat from one of the fields (near the egg farm) and bring one
POT with you. At the top of the windmill is a hopper. Use the wheat on the hopper, then operate
the hopper. Go downstairs and use the pot on the flour. Take all three ingredients to the chef
and talk to him to finish the quest.

Reward: 1 quest point, + 3 cooking skill (Must be between cooking lvls 1 and 4 )

| 3.4 Demon Slayer \

Talk to the gypsy in Varrock market, she tells you that you must go see someone ( I forgot his
name) in the palace. When you find him he says he needs you to collect 3 keys to open the box
to silverlight. For the first key go two the 2nd floor and find the guard chief. For the 2nd
key go visit the wizard's tower with 25 bones. And the for the last key use bucket on any sink
to get some water then go to the palace and use the water in the drain outside the kitchen,
go down the manhole and into the sewers to get key. The Silverlight is nothing special (11 aim
11 power) but it is only one able to hit Delrith, when fighting the demon you must select the
right incantation from 4 possible or he will get to full health once killed. The forth
incarnation is always the right one.

Reward: Silverlight sword, 6 quest points

| 3.5 Doric's Quest \

Talk to Dwarf Doric the Smith in the Amulet shop near ice mountian northwest of Falador
-He asks you to bring him materials for an amulet:
- 6 clay
- 4 copper
- 2 iron
-You can buy ore in Dwarven mine fast. Bring the ore to him.

Reward: 180gp, 1 quest point, mining skill (+2[level 1-3] +1[level 45-46]), and use of Doric's

| 3.6 Dragon Slayer \

WARNING!!! Don't even start this quest unless you are in the Champions Guild, have over lvl
33 magic and ready to fight a lvl 110 Dragon, remember you were warned!

Go to the Champions Guild and talk with the Guildmaster and ask him about rune platemail.
He will tell you to go talk with Oziach, Oziach is in the building north of the Barberian
Village. He will need proof that you are a true Hero if he is going to sell you rune armour.
So to show him your value you need to kill a dragon. There are 3 peices of map leading to
Dragon Isle

(1)The first map peice is in the Maze north of Rimmington

(2)For the seconf map peice go to ice mountain and talk to the person there. She asks you to get
some items so that you can open the door to the map peice. The door is in the dwarf mines

(3)You need over 33 lv magic to get it. Go to the jail at Port Sarim and kill the gblin in the
jail then use magic to get the map peice he drops.

You will also need a special shield, go to Lumbrigde and talk to the Duke inside the castle to
get the shield

To get to the dragon isle you will need a ship fortually you can buy a ship called
Lady Lumbridge at Port Sarim the only catch is you must repair her. To repair her you will need
3 planks and 6 nails. After repairing the ship go Draynor Village and talk to Ned and he will
sail the ship to Dragon Isle

The Dragon is 110 Lv. For extra help use a strenght potion, food like (swordfish ?), for a lvl
75 it is a hard battle but for 90+ it is easy
Make sure you use your shield or you will get hit for 60 damage per breath ... this mean very
short fight.

Reward: You can Wear "Rune platemail", You can Buy "Rune platemail". 2 Quest Points

| 3.7 Ernest the Chicken \

Talk with Veronica near the manor gates. She will ask you to find Ernest. Ernest is out of
luck! The mad scientist transformed him into a chicken. To help him get back you need to bring
scientist some parts of machine, which gremlins have hidden all around the manor.

(1) The Pressure Gauge is located in the fountain in house garden and you cannot get it easyly
becouse of some Piranas which like to live there. Go to second floor and get spme Fish Food.
Go in mannor Kitchen (where the witch is) and get poison. Use poison on fish food to make
Poisoned Fish Food. Use it on Fountain and you get the Pressure Gauge.

(2) Rubber tubing is closed in closet but you need to find a key the Skeleton inside will not
attack. You need a Shovel one can be found in the house. Go in garden and find a brown patch,
Use shovel on it to get Key of closet

(3) Oil Can -- you need to manage 6 switches and 8 doors, remember that all swiches are
individual this means if you see someone pass through a door that don't mean you can pass
through the same door too. You will need to use some switches twice.

The solution to the maze is:
Pull A
Pull B
Go NE door
Pull D.
Go SW door
Go S door
Pull A
Pull B
Go NW door
Go W door
Go N door
Pull F
Pull E
Go E door
Go E door
Pull C
Go NW door
Go W door
Pull E
Go E door
Go S door
Go S door
Go W door

Take all the items to the scientist to finish the quest

Reward: 4 quest points and 300 GP

| 3.8 Goblin Diplomacy \

In Port Sarim, go to the pub and talk to the bartender. He will mention the goblin war over the
colour of their armour.

Go to the goblin village in northwestern part of the map and talk to General Wartface & General
Bentnose. They will inform you that they are looking for a new look for their armour. You will
then need to obtain 3 sets of goblin armour, which are a random drop item attained from killing

You will now need to dye the sets of goblin armour to change their colour. Talk to Aggie the
witch at Draynor Village, she will inform you of the ingredients needed to make dyes.
Aggie will have told you the ingredients to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, and that she
charges 5gp to make each dye. Collect the following items to bring to Aggie so that she can
make the dyes: Red - 3 redberries, Yellow - 2 onions, Blue - 2 woad leaves.

Redberries can be found south of Varrock or in Food Shop, onions can be found behind the
farmhouse that is south of the windwill, or in the garden that is north of Rimmington near
Falador, woad leaves are obtained by talking to Wyson the gardener at the Park in Falador
(be sure to offer him 20gp to get 2 leaves and you have to ask the Aggie about woad leaves;
if you don't Wyson the gardener will not talk to you.).
Bring all the ingredients needed to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, as well as the 5gp fee to
make each of the dyes (15gp total), and talk to Aggie. She will make all the dyes for you.
Combine the yellow & red dyes to create an orange dye. Then use the orange dye on one of the
sets of goblin armour, and use the blue dye on another set of goblin armour. You should now have
one orange set of goblin armour, one dark blue set of goblin armour, and one light blue set of
goblin armour (original colour).
Return to the goblin village and talk to General Wartface & General Bentnose. You will give
them the orange set of goblin armour (which they don't want), you will give them the dark blue
set of goblin armour (which they don't want), and finally you will give them the light blue set
of goblin armour (which they are quite satisfied having the original colour armour).

Reward: 1 gold bar, 5 quest points, crafting skill (+2[level 2-4])

| 3.9 Imp Catcher \

Talk with Wizard Mizgog on the 3rd floor of the Wizard's Tower to start the quest.
Go slaughter innocent imps (they look like tiny Delriths) until you find all four beads,
they're black, red, white and yellow.
If you can find people who will sell or give you the beads, that will work too.
Return to the Wizard Mizgog for your reward.

Reward: Amulet of Accuracy (adds +4 to weapon aim when worn), 1 quest point,
magic skill (+3[level 5-8, 12-15])

| 3.10 Prince Ali Rescue \

First go to Al Kharid and talk to the King in the palace. He'll send you to his manager, Osman.
Talk with Osman, and he tells you that somone has kidnapped the Prince and he wants you to
rescue him. If you ask him, he will tell you all the ingredients for the quest: Rope, Wig,
Yellow dye, Red Berries, Water, Flour, Ashes, Pink Skirt, 3 Beers, Clay, Bronze Bar.
-- Rope -- You can buy rope from Ned in Draynor Village, You must bring him 4 balls of wool
(you'll need this for Lady Keli)
-- Wig -- You must also bring 3 or 4 balls of wool for a wig.
-- Yellow Dye -- For this, you need two onions which you can find in the farm near the
Windmill. Then you must take them to Aggie in Draynor Village.
-- Red Berries -- You can find berries near Darkwizards in the Wood near the Stone Henge.
(For Prince's makeup)
-- Water -- Go to a sink with a bucket. (For Prince's makeup)
-- Flour -- See the Bread Task for instructions on obtaining flour. (For Prince's makeup)
-- Ashes -- Make ashes by lighting a fire and letting it burn down.(For Prince's makeup)
-- Pink Skirt -- Buy in the Varrock clothing store.
-- 3 Beers -- To get the body-guard drunk. Find it in Barbarian Village or buy at a bar in
Varrock or elsewhere.
-- Clay -- For making a key for the jail (to make it soft, add water).
-- Bronze Bar -- For making a key for the jail.
Next go to the Village west of Lumbridge or south of Draynor Manor. There is a new Jail there
with Prince in it. Near the jail, you will find a daughter of Osman. She is a spy. She will
tell you how to use the tools you've collected. The daughter of Osman will tell you about the
key that you need to open the jail and rescue the Prince.
Talk with Lady Keli (she is in the jail) and ask her if you can see the key. You will
automatically take an imprint. Go back to the King of Osman in Al Kharid and give him the
clay with print of the key. He will tell you that you need to go back to Leela (his daughter).
She gives you a Bronze Key for the Jail.
Talk one more time with Leela. She tells you that the guard needs 3 beers. Now you can go and
rescue the Prince. The prince needs to disguise himself in the wig, skirt and make-up.
Go into the jail, talk to the Lady Keli's body-guard, and give him 3 beers. Next use the rope
on Lady Keli and go into the Jail with the key. Talk with the Prince and come back to
Al Kharid for your reward.

Reward: 700gp, 3 quest points

| 3.11 Pirate's Treasure \

Talk to Redbeard Frank at the Port Sarem bar, in order to begin the quest you need to ask him
if he knows where any treasure is.
Go To Where The Ship To Karamja Is, Get A Ticket From Captain Tobias or The Sailor. Take the
boat to the island Costs 30gp.
When You Get To The Island Go To The First Shop On The Left, Buy A Karamja Rum Costs 30gp.
Go To The First Shop On The Right Now go talk to Luthas the Banana farmer. Ask him for a job
and then go pick bananas for him. When you have 10-12 bananas go to the crate outside Luthas'
house. Use the bottle of rum on the crate and this will hide the rum in the crate. Then Use the
bananas on the crate till the crate is full. Now talk to Luthas again to get your 30gp payment
and ask him where the bananas are going.
Talk with Customer officer and and let her search you, as you don't have rum she will let you
go board a ship back To Port Sarim,
If you try to take the rum on the boat back to Port Sarim. the customs officials will
confiscate the rum and you will have to buy a new one.
You need a WHITE apron for next part you can find it in cloth shop in Varrock market square
Then go to the Food store. Put on your apron and try to open the back door Wyndin will tell you
that you cant go back there but just ask him for a job. Now you can go to the back of the store.
Search the crate and you will find your bottle of rum.
Take the rum back to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim Bar and he will tell you to get the treasure
from a chest at the Blue Moon Inn and give you a key to that chest.
Go to the Blue Moon Inn (Varrock) on the 2nd floor there is a chest. Use the key on the chest
to get a note. The note says to dig behind the south bench in the park. Meaning the Park in
For the last part a Spade is necessary. You can either buy one or get it for free at Draynor
Mannor by the exit. Go to the park in Falador and Use your spade on the flowers behind the
bench. Watch out Wyson The Gardener does not like you digging up his flowers and will attack
you. Once combat is over, if he attacks, Use your spade on the flowers again and you will get
the treasure!!!!

Reward: 450gp, 2 quest point, 1 cut emerald, 1 gold ring

| 3.12 Romeo & Juliet \

This is a pretty simple quest:
Talk to Juliet then to Romeo then to Priest (Father Lawrence). Cadava berries needed to make
potion are found in forest near Varrock's southeast mine.

Reward: 5 quest points

| 3.13 Sheep Shearer \

The farmer near the windmill asks you to delivery 20 wool yarn balls to him.
Go to any General Store to buy some shears, use the shears to get 20 wool yarns to the farmer.
With this raw wool go to the Lumbridge castle tower or barbarian village to make wool on
spinning wheel. Take it all back to get your reward.

Reward: 60gp, 1 quest point, crafting skill (+1[level 1-2])

| 3.14 Shield of Araav \

In this quest, you're tasked to recover the Shield of Araav for the King of Varrock.
Talk with the librarian in the palace. It's extremely hard to do this quest alone, so find a
friend to help. One of you should: Join the Black Arm - Talk with chief of gang part of shield
quest you must get 2 crossbows from Phoenix gang The other should: Join Phoenix Gang - Talk
with Baerek in the Varrock Marketplace. Talk to one of gang leaders in the underground in the
Varrock slums, kill a man in inn, and return with loot to gang headquarters. Each of you should
get half of the shield from a cabinet in your headquarters. Go with shield to Museum first to
get 2 certificates (one for each of you) and then bring it to king.

Reward: 2 certificates - each of which grants the bearer a 600gp reward when presented to the
King (note: king will only pay once, it is easy to give other certificate to player that helped)
1 quest point

| 3.15 The Knight's Sword \

In city of Falador, visit the White knights castle, and talk to the squire. He needs help to
recover his knight's lost sword.
He tells you he lost Sir Vyvin's Sword. He begs you to arrange for another sword to be made,
then tells you that the original was crafted specially by the Imcando Dwarves. The only one
who knows about them is the Reldo, Varrock Castle Librarian. Reldo will tell you to take a
redberry pie to the dwarf living on the southern pennisula of the map.
Go to the cooking guide to find out how to make a Redberry Pie or just go buy one.
The dwarf, Thurgood, asks for a picture.
Go back to the squire and ask for a picture before trying to get the picture from the cupboard.
If you don't, all you find in the cupboard is junk.
Go to Sir Vyvin's room in White knights Castle and take the picture from the cupboard while
someone distracts him.
Give Thurgood the picture.
Thurgood asks you to bring him 2 iron bars and a Blurite ore. The blurite ore is in a mine
beneath his house; to get to it, you must go up the hill and into the mine entrance. Once in
there, you will see a mine protected by hobgoblins and ice giants. Unless you are accompanied
by a strong party, if you are a new player, you may want to avoid this part until you are
stronger. The Hobgoblins are aggressive and dangerous to the beginning player. The Ice Giants
are not quite so aggressive, but will destroy all but the best players. Prospect the rocks
that surround the Ice Giants, and you will find that at least one contains blurite. Mine it,
and you'll have the ore. Escape with your life, fetch yourself some iron bars, and return to
the dwarf.
He smiths the sword for you. Faladian Knight's Sword att + 11 power +11
Take it to the squire

Reward: 1 quest point, smithing skill (+6[level 1-7], +11 [level 12 to 23], +5[level 30-35],
+3[level 40-43], +1[level 55-56])

| 3.16 The Restless Ghost \

Go to the church in Lumbridge Castle and talk to the priest. Go to the hermit's house which
is in swamp south of Lumbridge Castle. Talk to the hermit and he'll give you the Amulet of
Ghostspeak. Return to the church and go into the graveyard while wearing the amulet. Now you
can talk with a goust. Now you have to find a Skull. A Skull can be found in catacombs under
Wizard's Tower. You can take a skull from a chell guarded by skeleton. Return to the ghost
with the skull and place the skull in the coffin.

Reward: 1 quest point, prayer skill (+5[level 1-6])

| 3.17 Vampire Slayer \

Go to the crossroads west of Lumbridge. Get the garlic in the 2nd floor in the first house to
the south. Find Morgan in second house to the south to get the quest. He tells you to go to
the Jolly Boar inn and talk to the drunken EX-vampireslayer. Buy the drunk a beer and talk to
him about it and you'll get a stake. Go to the Draynor Manor and get in to the cellar. There
you'll find Count Draynor. Equip the stake and you need hammer in your inventory (make sure you
have the garlic in your inventory, because it makes him lose 10 hp) and slay the evil Count.

Reward: 3 quest points, attack skill (+6[level 4-10] +5[level 22-27])

| 3.18 Witch's Potion \

Talk to Hetty in the Rimmington village southwest of Falador to start the quest. She need you
to find a list of items:
Burnt meat- burn some meat (get it from Bears, Giant Rats..) of buy in Port Sarim Food shop.
Onion- Go north from the village and u will find a cabbage field and some onions
Rats tail- kill a rat in the bulding next door
Eye of newt - can be bought in the magic shop by the docks in Port Sarim.
When u have all this u can go talk to Hetty and talk to her, and then "drink from couldron"
Reward: 1 quest point, magic skill (+3[level 5-10])


4.0 Mining/Smithing


| 4.1 Getting Started \

Smithing is personally my favourite way of making money plus if you can get a high enough
smithing level you will never need to worry about buying amour again! But first we have to
learn how to mine and smith:
First you need to get a Pick Axe. You can find a free Pick Axe in the Barbarian Village, or
Rimmington. You can also buy one at the axe shop in Lumbridge, or mining shop in Dwarven Mine.
Then you need to find mine fields (places with rocks) and you have to RIGHT CLICK on a rock and
choose prospect from the menu to check for possible ores. Your chance to find ore depends on
your mining level and type of ore in the rock. If you are successful you will see the type of
ore present in this rock patch in a message.
Select Pick Axe from your inventory and then LEFT CLICK on the rock containing the ore. Your
chance of success to extract ore is based on your mining skill level.
You need the same smithing level to smith a metal as you need mining skill to mine it, thee
is only exception Mithril which need 55 min.mining and only 50 smithing.
After you have got some ore you will need to find a furnace. There are three furnaces in
Runescape. One is located a little north of Lumbridge Castle near the 2nd bridge over river.
Another one is in Al Kharid, a town located in the desert. The last one is in the town Falador.
Left click on ore in your inventory and then on a furnace to smelt ore in metal bars.
The following table will tell you what level you need to be to mine what ore:

Ore min. mining skill Mining Exp. gained
Any Gem 1 0
Clay 1 5
Tin 1 17,5
Copper ore 1 17,5
Iron ore 15 35
Silver 20 40
Coal 30 50
Gold nuggets 40 65
Mithril ore 55 80
Adamantite ore 70 95
Runite ore 85 125

The following table will tell you what ores you need to make what bars:

Bar Type Smithing Level Experience Gained Ore Required Success Rates
Bronze 1 6.25 1 tin, 1 copper 100%
Iron 15 12.50 1 iron 50%
Silver 14 ?? ?? 1 Silver 100%
Steel 30 18 2 coal, 1 iron 100%
Gold 40 22 - 24 ?? 1 gold nugget 100%
Mithril 50 30 - 32 ?? 4 coal 1 mithril 100%
Adamantite 70 37 - 40 ?? 6 coal 1 adamantite 100%
Runite 85 ?? ?? 8 coal 1 runite 100%

One rock always generates the same type of ore.

Rocks regenerate ore after some time, so to mine fastest go mine one rock, and when you get
some ore go to another rock. When you return to the first rock, it should have regenerated by
then. There are some theories that timer is personilized as you can get ore in same time as
other players from same rock !!

Tin, Copper and Iron regenerate max. every 1 min. (time depend on Number of players online)

Coal regenerates max. every 5 min. (time depend on Number of players online)

| 4.2 Bronze Smithing Table \

BRONZE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 12.5 1
Hatchet (axe) 12.5 1
Mace 12.5 2
Helmet 12.5 3
Short Sword 12.5 4
Scimitar (2) 25 5
Long Sword (2) 25 6
Great Helmet (2) 25 7
Square Shield (2) 25 8
Battle Axe (3) 37.5 10
Chain Mail (3) 37.5 11
Kite Shield (3) 37.5 12
2-H Sword (3) 37.5 14
Skirt (3) 37.5 16
Legs (3) 37.5 16
Plate Mail (5) 61.5 18

| 4.3 Iron Smithing Table \

IRON (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 25 15
Hatchet (axe) 25 16
Mace 25 17
Helmet 25 18
Short Sword 25 19
Scimitar (2) 50 20
Long Sword (2) 50 21
Great Helmet (2) 50 22
Square Shield (2) 50 23
Battle Axe (3) 75 25
Chain Mail (3) 75 26
Kite Shield (3) 75 27
2-H Sword (3) 75 29
Skirt (3) 75 31
Legs (3) 75 31
Plate Mail (5) 125 33

| 4.4 Steel Smithing Table \

STEEL (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 37,5 30
Hatchet (axe) 37,5 31
Mace 37,5 32
Helmet 37,5 33
Short Sword 37,5 34
Scimitar (2) 75 35
Long Sword (2) 75 36
Great Helmet (2) 75 37
Square Shield (2) 75 38
Battle Axe (3) 112.5 40
Chain Mail (3) 112.5 41
Kite Shield (3) 112.5 42
2-H Sword (3) 112.5 44
Skirt (3) 112.5 46
Legs (3) 112.5 46
Plate Mail (5) 187.5 48

| 4.5 Mithril Smithing Table \

MITHRIL (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 50 50
Hatchet (axe) 50 51
Mace 50 52
Helmet 50 53
Short Sword 50 54
Scimitar (2) 100 55
Long Sword (2) 100 58
Great Helmet (2) 100 57
Square Shield (2) 100 58
Battle Axe (3) 150 60
Chain Mail (3) 150 61
Kite Shield (3) 150 62
2-H Sword (3) 150 64
Skirt (3) 150 66
Legs (3) 150 66
Plate Mail (5) 250 68

| 4.6 Adamantite Smithing Table \

ADAMANTITE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 62.5 70
Hatchet (axe) 62.5 71
Mace 62.5 72
Helmet 62.5 73
Short Sword 62.5 74
Scimitar (2) 125 75
Long Sword (2) 125 76
Great Helmet (2) 125 77
Square Shield (2) 125 78
Battle Axe (3) 187.5 80
Chain Mail (3) 187.5 81
Kite Shield (3) 187.5 82
2-H Sword (3) 187.5 84
Skirt (3) 187.5 86
Legs (3) 187.5 86
Plate Mail (5) 312.5 88

| 4.7 Runite Smithing Table \

RUNITE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 75 85
Hatchet (axe) 75 86
Mace 75 87
Helmet 75 88
Short Sword 75 89
Scimitar (2) 150 90
Long Sword (2) 150 91
Great Helmet (2) 150 93
Square Shield (2) 150 92
Battle Axe (3) 225 95
Chain Mail (3) 225 96
Kite Shield (3) 225 97
2-H Sword (3) 225 99
Skirt (3) 225 99
Legs (3) 225 99
Plate Mail (5) 375 99


5.0 Fishing


Fishing is one of prefered ways to get food and money as there are many warriors in need of
good healing meal after or in the middle of a tough battle and a one click health reserve is
always a good thing to have.
All tools and baits can be brought at Fishing Shop in Port Sarin and there you can also sell
and buy many fish. You can easy cook your fish on any fire.

Fishing Lv. Fishing Exp. Cooking Lv. Cooking Exp. Healing Tool / Bite Where
Shrimp 1 10 1 30 3 Net Any Sea
Sardine 5 20 1 40 4 Rod + bait Any Sea
Herring 10 30 5 50 5 Rod + bait Any Sea
Anchovie 15 40 15 60 3 Net Any Sea
Trout 20 50 15 70 7 Fly Rod + feather River
Pike 25 60 20 80 8 Rod + bait River
Salmon 30 70 25 90 9 Fly Rod + feather River
Tuna 35 80 30 100 10 Harpoon Karamja
Lobster 40 90 40 110 12 Lobster cage Karamja
Swordfish 50 100 45 120 14 Harpoon Karamja


6.0 Crafting


Yet another way to make money (Before you start a career in crafting you will need to have
your mining and smithing levels over 40 so you can smith Gold for the jewelry)-

| 6.1 Pottery \

Pottery is the first part of crafting to start you will need to first mine some clay ore then
get a jug and fill with water at a sink or fountain. Mix the water with clay ore, soft clay is
produced, now go to barbarian village where there is a potter's wheel and pottery oven located
south of the bar. put soft clay on potter's wheel and either make a pie dish or pot.(doing this
increases crafting level) Use resulting pot/dish on pottery oven to get usefull item.
You need 3 crafting to make Pie Dish.
You need 5 crafting to make Bowl
For the more technical person out there experience=
Spin pot: 6
Fire pot: 0
Spin pie dish: 7.5
Fire pie dish: 7.5
Spin bowl: 8.5
Fire bowl: 7.5

| 6.2 Leather \

This is the sencond easyest part of crafting to start with you will cowhide. This is gotten by
killing cows. Cows are located directly north of the windmill and west of the Varrock/Lumbridge
road. Make sure you have enough money to turn the hides into leather (1gp per cow hide)
Go to Tanners in Al Kharid, he takes all cowhide in your inventory at once and makes leather
for small price of 1 gold for hide. You will next need to buy some tools from a crafting shop.
There is one in Ali Kharad, near the general store and one in Rimmington (You will have to come
to these shops often if you are going to take up a carreer in crafting). You need to buy some
thread (you can make 5 items using one reel of thread)and a needle. Now that you have all the
item you can start working leather. In inventory, right click on use leather, then left click
on needle. In upper left corner, in red choose if you want to make armour, gloves, or boots.

Item Min Crafting skill Experience gain
requirment to make it
Gloves 1 13
Boots 2 17
Leather armor 7 25

| 6.3 Jewelry \

Lastly you can make jewelry for big profits, To make jewelry you need to get a mould from
crafting store (Rimmington, Ali Kharad), get a bar of gold then use bar with furnace while
mould is in your inventory. It will prompt you if you want to use a gem with your ring.
Either you have one or not, either you can or not . . . but gems must be cut before you can
use them with jewellery. Use a chisel to cut them.
This applies to all jewellery. You can make rings, necklaces and amulets. You can add cut gems
to all jewellery or just make them plain. All jewellery uses 1 gold bar at a time. There are
only 3 moulds to buy, they're 5g each - ring, necklace and amulet. Each mould must be in
inventory when you use gold bar on furnace.

Min Crafting skill
requirment to
Gem cut it Cut Exp Ring R. Exp Necklace N. Exp Amulet A. Exp
no gem
gold / 5 15 6 20 8 40
Saphire 5 12 8 40 10 55 13 65
Emerald 12 18 18 55 24 60 30 70
Ruby 20 22 30 70 40 75 50 85
Diamond 28 28 42 85 56 90 70 100

How to string an Amulet:
- Use shears with sheep to get wool. Sheep pens are located near Lumbridge furnace and just
south of Varrock, near the stone circle.
- Use wool with spinning wheel to make a ball of wool. Spinning wheels are located in the
pickaxe hut in the barbarian village, in the southwest tower of Lumbridge castle, and in a
house on the south side of Falador (near Wayne's Chains.)
- Once you have an amulet and a ball of wool, use one with the other to string the amulet
-ANY normal mine rocks (clay, copper, iron, coal, etc.) have 1/282 chance to retrieve a gem
when mining, or gems are random drops from certain monsters.


7.0 Magic


Magic skill determins what spells you can cast and how well you will cast them. To see all your
spells click on spell book icon and this brings up the magic menu. From there you can select
spells to cast. The color of the spell name tells you if you can cast it or not. If the spell
appears black then your magic level is not higher enough to use it. You will have to practice
on lower magic spells to level to higher spells. If the spell name appears in white, this means
you are good enough to use this but have not got the required runes to cast it. If a spell name
appears in yellow then you have everything you need to cast that spell.

When you want to cast a spell just click on the spell name, and then click onto target. Some
spells can only be used on yourself or on hostile monsters. To know what a spell does just move
your mouse over the spell. This will tell you which runes are needed at the bottom of the
window. There is 2 numbers shown above each rune, the first number tells you how many runes you
have and the second number tells you how many are required. If the first number is in red then
this means you do not have the required amount to use this spell. You may obtain runes from
magic shops or from killing certain monsters.

Sometimes spells will fail to work. If this happens you keep your runes, you can recast after
20 seconds. Higher level spells are more likely to fail but as you increase your magic levels
the least it will fail.

To cast a spell you either need to have all required runes in your inventory or if you hold a
staff of the appropriate rune type, it will count for any number of that type of rune. For
example you can cast Wind bolt with only 1 fire rune in inventory and an equipped wind staff.
Also, keep in mind that some Items like staffs, hats and robes will boost your general magic
skill, which narrows the chance of the spell going wrong.
Spell-casting success depends on your total magic skill, which is calculated according to the
following formula:
total magic skill = to magic school skill + bonus from items
If you fail to cast the spell, you cannot cast other spells for 20 seconds.

| 7.1 Spell List \

Spell List

Level Name Experience Description Runes

1 Wind Strike 22 A strength 1 missile attack 1 Air, 1 Mind
3 Confuse 26 Reduces your opponents attack by 5% 2 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
5 Water Strike 30 A strength 2 missile attack 1 Air, 1 Body, 1 Mind
7 Enchant lv-1 amulet 35 Make Sapphire Amulet 1 Water, 1 Cosmic
9 Earth Strike 38 A strength 3 missile attack 1 Air, 2 Earth, 1 Mind
11 Weaken 42 Reduces your opponents strength by 5% 2 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
13 Fire Strike 46 A strength 4 missile attack 2 Air, 3 Fire, 1 Mind
15 Bones to Bananas 50 Changes all held bones into bananas 2 Earth, 2 Water
17 Wind Bolt 54 A strength 5 missile attack 2 Air, 1 Chaos
19 Curse 58 Reduces your opponents defense by 5% 3 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
21 Low Level Alchemy 62 Converts am item into gold 3 Earth, 1 Nature
23 Water Bolt 66 A strength 6 missile attack 2 Air, 2 Water, 1 Chaos
25 Varrock Teleport 70 Teleports you to Varrock 3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Law
27 Enchant a lvl-2 amulet 74 Make Emerald Amulet 3 Air, 1 Cosmic
29 Earth Bolt 78 A strength 7 missile attack 2 Air, 3 Earth, 1 Chaos
31 Lumbridge Teleport 82 Teleports you to Lumbridge 3 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Law
33 Telekinetic grab 86 Take any item you can see 1 Air, 1 Law
35 Fire Bolt 90 A strength 8 missile attack 3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Chaos
37 Falador Teleport 94 Teleports you to falador 3 Air, 1 Water, 1 Law
39 Crumble Undead 98 Hits skeletons,ghosts & zombies hard 2 Air, 2 Earth, 1 Chaos
41 Wind Blast 102 A strength 9 missile attack 3 Air, 1 Death
43 Superheat Item 106 Smelt 1 ore without furnace 4 Fire, 1 Nature
47 Water Blast 114 A strength 10 missile attack 3 Air, 3 Water, 1 Law
49 Enchant Level 3 Amulet 118 For use on ruby amulets 5 Fire, Cosmic
53 Earth Blast 126 A strength 11 missile attack 3 Air, 4 Earth, 1 Death
55 High Level Alchemy 130 Convert an item into more gold 5 Fire, 1 Nature
57 Enchant Level 4 Amulet 134 For use on diamond amulets 10 Earth, 1 Cosmic
59 Fire Blast 148 A strength 12 missile attack 4 Air, 5 Fire, 1 Law

| 7.2 Rune Locations \

4 elemental runes (Air, Earth Fire Water)can be replaced by a staffs. Theses staffs can be
bought from the staff shop in Varrock city.

Rune Type Spawn Location

Air Rune in forest west of Lumbridge castle near well. 2 runes spawn behind luthas's
house (Banana field) on Karamja island
Earth Rune in forest north of Varrock Castle and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Fire Rune in Desert Chasm. In Demon cave.
Water Rune in Desert Chasm.

Low and medium level runes - Runes can be found in many places, the easiest way to obtain the
low level runes is to buy them from the magic shop's like the one in Varrock. The high level
runes (*) can only be obtained by killing the correct monsters.

Rune Type Spawn Locations

Body On 2nd floor of in Al Kharid Scimitar shop and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Chaos * There is spawn point for Chaos runes guarded by 2 Moss giants in wilderness.
Cosmic * Spawn point is in the wilderness northwest corner.
Death * No Spawn point! Kill Monsters!
Law * No Spawn point! Kill Monsters!
Mind On table near kitchen in Lumbridge Castle and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Nature * There is spawn point in wilderness on isle
Some can be found in different dungeons and as drop from monsters


8.0 Prayer


You can pray to the Gods of Runescape and this will give us certain advantages for short time.
To select prayer to use, go to Magic book icon and select prayer. The prayers are color coded.
Those written in white can be used, but those in black mean that you are not devored to god's
enough (your prayer lv is not high enough). Each of the prayers can be turned on or off
individually. When you use a prayer, you are given an advantage depending on the prayer you
choose to use. To use a prayer, you left click on it and the name of the prayer will turn
green to tell you that prayer is active. To deactivate, you click on the prayer again.
When you use these prayers, your prayers points will slowly drain down to zero. If you select
more than one prayer at one time, your prayers points will drain faster. When your prayer
points reach zero, all the affects will be deactivated. You can not use any prayers until you
visit a church and left click on a altar. Once you have done this, your prayer point will be
full again. Then you can use prayers again.

To increase prayer skill and points, you must bury bones from monsters. Bones will give you
3.75 experience and Big Bones found in wilderness will give you 13 exp points.

In monastery on Ice mountain, You have to be lvl 31 prayer to go up the ladder. Up it you can
get a monks outfit. The complete robe gives 12 prayer points in armor. Also, brother Jerrod
will bless a stringed holy star made of silver which is 8 prayer points in armor.

| 8.1 Prayer List \

Level Name Description
1 Thick Skin Increases your defence by 5%
4 Burst of Strength Increases strength by 5%
7 Clarity of Thought Increases attack by 5%
10 Rock Skin Increases defence by 10%
13 Superhuman Strength Increases strength by 10%
16 Improved Reflexes Increases attack by 10%
19 Rapid Restore 2x restore rate for all stats except hits
22 Rapid Heal 2x restore rate for Hitpoint's stat
25 Protect Items Keep 1 extra item if you die
28 Steel Skin Increases your defence by 15%
31 Ultimate Strength Increases strength by 15%
34 Incredible Reflexes Increases attack by 15%
37 Paralyse Monster Stops your opponent from fighting you
40 Protect From Missiles 100% protection from ranged attack


9.0 Cooking


There is a variety of different foods that you can cook in RuneScape. Food is very useful
(espesially when your in the middle of a dungeon with one health left!) because eating it will
heal lost hit points. As you practice your cooking, your character will get better. You will
burn food less often, and you will be able to make better food which heals you more.

To cook food you will need to use one of the many stoves which are around the map. OR if there
aren't any stoves nearby you can build a fire and use that. (although not all foods can be
cooked on a fire). To build a fire buy an axe, and use it on a tree to get some logs. Then
drop the logs on the ground and use a tinderbox on the logs to light the fire.

As well as cooking foods such as Meat and Bread you can also catch and cook your own
fish. As you get better at fishing you can catch bigger and better fish. Some fish can only be
be found in freshwater but others can only be found in saltwater. Also different fish require
different fishing equipment to capture.

| 9.1 Cooking List \

Food Level Required steps
Cooking 1
Heals 3 1. Meat can be obtained by killing certain animals and monsters.
2. Use the meat with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 1
Fishing 1
Heals 3 1. Use a net with fish in the sea, to catch some shrimp.
2. Use the shrimp with a fire or stove to cook them.

Cooking 1
Heals 4 1. Pick some grain, and take it to the windmill to make flour.
2. You will need to use a pot to pick up the flour you have made.
3. Buy a bucket or jug, and fill it with water from a sink or fountain.
4. Mix the flour and water to make some bread dough.
5. Cook the dough by using it with a stove.

Cooking 1
Fishing 5
Heals 4 1. Buy a fishing rod and some fishing bait from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fishing rod with fish in the sea, to catch a sardine.
3. Use the sardine with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 5
Fishing 10
Heals 5 1. Buy a fishing rod and some fishing bait from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fishing rod with fish in the sea, to catch a herring.
3. Use the herring with a fire or stove to cook it.

Redberry pie
Cooking 10
Heals 6 1. Mix flour and water to make some pastry dough.
2. Place the dough in an empty pie dish.
3. Use the redberries with the empty pie.
4. Cook the pie by using it with a stove.

Cooking 15
Fishing 20
Heals 7 1. Buy a fly fishing rod and some feathers from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fly fishing rod with fish in the river, to catch a trout.
3. Use the trout with a fire

kill the Black Knight if u can. If u press the other door in the room, a Black Knight will
attack u, so make sure all Black Knight's are busy if u want to go thru the door, (good to get
friends with u attacking the BK's).

Go upstairs, climb the ladder, at the north wall is a "odd looking wall". Go through it and
"use cabbage with hole" (Make sure you "use" cabbage not eat it like i've done countless times)
If you made it correct u will say "that must have ruined the secret weapon" or something like

Reward: 2500gp, 3 quest points

| 3.3 Cook's Assistant \

Talk to the cook in the kitchen in Lumbridge Castle. He requests three items: An egg, a bucket
of milk, and some flour. Before you set off take a pot off the table near you.
Egg: Go to the chicken farm to the north - east of Lumbridge.
Milk: Use a bucket on a cow to get milk. Bucklet you can buy in General Shop or find in Chicken
Farm house
Flour: Go to the windmill with wheat from one of the fields (near the egg farm) and bring one
POT with you. At the top of the windmill is a hopper. Use the wheat on the hopper, then operate
the hopper. Go downstairs and use the pot on the flour. Take all three ingredients to the chef
and talk to him to finish the quest.

Reward: 1 quest point, + 3 cooking skill (Must be between cooking lvls 1 and 4 )

| 3.4 Demon Slayer \

Talk to the gypsy in Varrock market, she tells you that you must go see someone ( I forgot his
name) in the palace. When you find him he says he needs you to collect 3 keys to open the box
to silverlight. For the first key go two the 2nd floor and find the guard chief. For the 2nd
key go visit the wizard's tower with 25 bones. And the for the last key use bucket on any sink
to get some water then go to the palace and use the water in the drain outside the kitchen,
go down the manhole and into the sewers to get key. The Silverlight is nothing special (11 aim
11 power) but it is only one able to hit Delrith, when fighting the demon you must select the
right incantation from 4 possible or he will get to full health once killed. The forth
incarnation is always the right one.

Reward: Silverlight sword, 6 quest points

| 3.5 Doric's Quest \

Talk to Dwarf Doric the Smith in the Amulet shop near ice mountian northwest of Falador
-He asks you to bring him materials for an amulet:
- 6 clay
- 4 copper
- 2 iron
-You can buy ore in Dwarven mine fast. Bring the ore to him.

Reward: 180gp, 1 quest point, mining skill (+2[level 1-3] +1[level 45-46]), and use of Doric's

| 3.6 Dragon Slayer \

WARNING!!! Don't even start this quest unless you are in the Champions Guild, have over lvl
33 magic and ready to fight a lvl 110 Dragon, remember you were warned!

Go to the Champions Guild and talk with the Guildmaster and ask him about rune platemail.
He will tell you to go talk with Oziach, Oziach is in the building north of the Barberian
Village. He will need proof that you are a true Hero if he is going to sell you rune armour.
So to show him your value you need to kill a dragon. There are 3 peices of map leading to
Dragon Isle

(1)The first map peice is in the Maze north of Rimmington

(2)For the seconf map peice go to ice mountain and talk to the person there. She asks you to get
some items so that you can open the door to the map peice. The door is in the dwarf mines

(3)You need over 33 lv magic to get it. Go to the jail at Port Sarim and kill the gblin in the
jail then use magic to get the map peice he drops.

You will also need a special shield, go to Lumbrigde and talk to the Duke inside the castle to
get the shield

To get to the dragon isle you will need a ship fortually you can buy a ship called
Lady Lumbridge at Port Sarim the only catch is you must repair her. To repair her you will need
3 planks and 6 nails. After repairing the ship go Draynor Village and talk to Ned and he will
sail the ship to Dragon Isle

The Dragon is 110 Lv. For extra help use a strenght potion, food like (swordfish ?), for a lvl
75 it is a hard battle but for 90+ it is easy
Make sure you use your shield or you will get hit for 60 damage per breath ... this mean very
short fight.

Reward: You can Wear "Rune platemail", You can Buy "Rune platemail". 2 Quest Points

| 3.7 Ernest the Chicken \

Talk with Veronica near the manor gates. She will ask you to find Ernest. Ernest is out of
luck! The mad scientist transformed him into a chicken. To help him get back you need to bring
scientist some parts of machine, which gremlins have hidden all around the manor.

(1) The Pressure Gauge is located in the fountain in house garden and you cannot get it easyly
becouse of some Piranas which like to live there. Go to second floor and get spme Fish Food.
Go in mannor Kitchen (where the witch is) and get poison. Use poison on fish food to make
Poisoned Fish Food. Use it on Fountain and you get the Pressure Gauge.

(2) Rubber tubing is closed in closet but you need to find a key the Skeleton inside will not
attack. You need a Shovel one can be found in the house. Go in garden and find a brown patch,
Use shovel on it to get Key of closet

(3) Oil Can -- you need to manage 6 switches and 8 doors, remember that all swiches are
individual this means if you see someone pass through a door that don't mean you can pass
through the same door too. You will need to use some switches twice.

The solution to the maze is:
Pull A
Pull B
Go NE door
Pull D.
Go SW door
Go S door
Pull A
Pull B
Go NW door
Go W door
Go N door
Pull F
Pull E
Go E door
Go E door
Pull C
Go NW door
Go W door
Pull E
Go E door
Go S door
Go S door
Go W door

Take all the items to the scientist to finish the quest

Reward: 4 quest points and 300 GP

| 3.8 Goblin Diplomacy \

In Port Sarim, go to the pub and talk to the bartender. He will mention the goblin war over the
colour of their armour.

Go to the goblin village in northwestern part of the map and talk to General Wartface & General
Bentnose. They will inform you that they are looking for a new look for their armour. You will
then need to obtain 3 sets of goblin armour, which are a random drop item attained from killing

You will now need to dye the sets of goblin armour to change their colour. Talk to Aggie the
witch at Draynor Village, she will inform you of the ingredients needed to make dyes.
Aggie will have told you the ingredients to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, and that she
charges 5gp to make each dye. Collect the following items to bring to Aggie so that she can
make the dyes: Red - 3 redberries, Yellow - 2 onions, Blue - 2 woad leaves.

Redberries can be found south of Varrock or in Food Shop, onions can be found behind the
farmhouse that is south of the windwill, or in the garden that is north of Rimmington near
Falador, woad leaves are obtained by talking to Wyson the gardener at the Park in Falador
(be sure to offer him 20gp to get 2 leaves and you have to ask the Aggie about woad leaves;
if you don't Wyson the gardener will not talk to you.).
Bring all the ingredients needed to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, as well as the 5gp fee to
make each of the dyes (15gp total), and talk to Aggie. She will make all the dyes for you.
Combine the yellow & red dyes to create an orange dye. Then use the orange dye on one of the
sets of goblin armour, and use the blue dye on another set of goblin armour. You should now have
one orange set of goblin armour, one dark blue set of goblin armour, and one light blue set of
goblin armour (original colour).
Return to the goblin village and talk to General Wartface & General Bentnose. You will give
them the orange set of goblin armour (which they don't want), you will give them the dark blue
set of goblin armour (which they don't want), and finally you will give them the light blue set
of goblin armour (which they are quite satisfied having the original colour armour).

Reward: 1 gold bar, 5 quest points, crafting skill (+2[level 2-4])

| 3.9 Imp Catcher \

Talk with Wizard Mizgog on the 3rd floor of the Wizard's Tower to start the quest.
Go slaughter innocent imps (they look like tiny Delriths) until you find all four beads,
they're black, red, white and yellow.
If you can find people who will sell or give you the beads, that will work too.
Return to the Wizard Mizgog for your reward.

Reward: Amulet of Accuracy (adds +4 to weapon aim when worn), 1 quest point,
magic skill (+3[level 5-8, 12-15])

| 3.10 Prince Ali Rescue \

First go to Al Kharid and talk to the King in the palace. He'll send you to his manager, Osman.
Talk with Osman, and he tells you that somone has kidnapped the Prince and he wants you to
rescue him. If you ask him, he will tell you all the ingredients for the quest: Rope, Wig,
Yellow dye, Red Berries, Water, Flour, Ashes, Pink Skirt, 3 Beers, Clay, Bronze Bar.
-- Rope -- You can buy rope from Ned in Draynor Village, You must bring him 4 balls of wool
(you'll need this for Lady Keli)
-- Wig -- You must also bring 3 or 4 balls of wool for a wig.
-- Yellow Dye -- For this, you need two onions which you can find in the farm near the
Windmill. Then you must take them to Aggie in Draynor Village.
-- Red Berries -- You can find berries near Darkwizards in the Wood near the Stone Henge.
(For Prince's makeup)
-- Water -- Go to a sink with a bucket. (For Prince's makeup)
-- Flour -- See the Bread Task for instructions on obtaining flour. (For Prince's makeup)
-- Ashes -- Make ashes by lighting a fire and letting it burn down.(For Prince's makeup)
-- Pink Skirt -- Buy in the Varrock clothing store.
-- 3 Beers -- To get the body-guard drunk. Find it in Barbarian Village or buy at a bar in
Varrock or elsewhere.
-- Clay -- For making a key for the jail (to make it soft, add water).
-- Bronze Bar -- For making a key for the jail.
Next go to the Village west of Lumbridge or south of Draynor Manor. There is a new Jail there
with Prince in it. Near the jail, you will find a daughter of Osman. She is a spy. She will
tell you how to use the tools you've collected. The daughter of Osman will tell you about the
key that you need to open the jail and rescue the Prince.
Talk with Lady Keli (she is in the jail) and ask her if you can see the key. You will
automatically take an imprint. Go back to the King of Osman in Al Kharid and give him the
clay with print of the key. He will tell you that you need to go back to Leela (his daughter).
She gives you a Bronze Key for the Jail.
Talk one more time with Leela. She tells you that the guard needs 3 beers. Now you can go and
rescue the Prince. The prince needs to disguise himself in the wig, skirt and make-up.
Go into the jail, talk to the Lady Keli's body-guard, and give him 3 beers. Next use the rope
on Lady Keli and go into the Jail with the key. Talk with the Prince and come back to
Al Kharid for your reward.

Reward: 700gp, 3 quest points

| 3.11 Pirate's Treasure \

Talk to Redbeard Frank at the Port Sarem bar, in order to begin the quest you need to ask him
if he knows where any treasure is.
Go To Where The Ship To Karamja Is, Get A Ticket From Captain Tobias or The Sailor. Take the
boat to the island Costs 30gp.
When You Get To The Island Go To The First Shop On The Left, Buy A Karamja Rum Costs 30gp.
Go To The First Shop On The Right Now go talk to Luthas the Banana farmer. Ask him for a job
and then go pick bananas for him. When you have 10-12 bananas go to the crate outside Luthas'
house. Use the bottle of rum on the crate and this will hide the rum in the crate. Then Use the
bananas on the crate till the crate is full. Now talk to Luthas again to get your 30gp payment
and ask him where the bananas are going.
Talk with Customer officer and and let her search you, as you don't have rum she will let you
go board a ship back To Port Sarim,
If you try to take the rum on the boat back to Port Sarim. the customs officials will
confiscate the rum and you will have to buy a new one.
You need a WHITE apron for next part you can find it in cloth shop in Varrock market square
Then go to the Food store. Put on your apron and try to open the back door Wyndin will tell you
that you cant go back there but just ask him for a job. Now you can go to the back of the store.
Search the crate and you will find your bottle of rum.
Take the rum back to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim Bar and he will tell you to get the treasure
from a chest at the Blue Moon Inn and give you a key to that chest.
Go to the Blue Moon Inn (Varrock) on the 2nd floor there is a chest. Use the key on the chest
to get a note. The note says to dig behind the south bench in the park. Meaning the Park in
For the last part a Spade is necessary. You can either buy one or get it for free at Draynor
Mannor by the exit. Go to the park in Falador and Use your spade on the flowers behind the
bench. Watch out Wyson The Gardener does not like you digging up his flowers and will attack
you. Once combat is over, if he attacks, Use your spade on the flowers again and you will get
the treasure!!!!

Reward: 450gp, 2 quest point, 1 cut emerald, 1 gold ring

| 3.12 Romeo & Juliet \

This is a pretty simple quest:
Talk to Juliet then to Romeo then to Priest (Father Lawrence). Cadava berries needed to make
potion are found in forest near Varrock's southeast mine.

Reward: 5 quest points

| 3.13 Sheep Shearer \

The farmer near the windmill asks you to delivery 20 wool yarn balls to him.
Go to any General Store to buy some shears, use the shears to get 20 wool yarns to the farmer.
With this raw wool go to the Lumbridge castle tower or barbarian village to make wool on
spinning wheel. Take it all back to get your reward.

Reward: 60gp, 1 quest point, crafting skill (+1[level 1-2])

| 3.14 Shield of Araav \

In this quest, you're tasked to recover the Shield of Araav for the King of Varrock.
Talk with the librarian in the palace. It's extremely hard to do this quest alone, so find a
friend to help. One of you should: Join the Black Arm - Talk with chief of gang part of shield
quest you must get 2 crossbows from Phoenix gang The other should: Join Phoenix Gang - Talk
with Baerek in the Varrock Marketplace. Talk to one of gang leaders in the underground in the
Varrock slums, kill a man in inn, and return with loot to gang headquarters. Each of you should
get half of the shield from a cabinet in your headquarters. Go with shield to Museum first to
get 2 certificates (one for each of you) and then bring it to king.

Reward: 2 certificates - each of which grants the bearer a 600gp reward when presented to the
King (note: king will only pay once, it is easy to give other certificate to player that helped)
1 quest point

| 3.15 The Knight's Sword \

In city of Falador, visit the White knights castle, and talk to the squire. He needs help to
recover his knight's lost sword.
He tells you he lost Sir Vyvin's Sword. He begs you to arrange for another sword to be made,
then tells you that the original was crafted specially by the Imcando Dwarves. The only one
who knows about them is the Reldo, Varrock Castle Librarian. Reldo will tell you to take a
redberry pie to the dwarf living on the southern pennisula of the map.
Go to the cooking guide to find out how to make a Redberry Pie or just go buy one.
The dwarf, Thurgood, asks for a picture.
Go back to the squire and ask for a picture before trying to get the picture from the cupboard.
If you don't, all you find in the cupboard is junk.
Go to Sir Vyvin's room in White knights Castle and take the picture from the cupboard while
someone distracts him.
Give Thurgood the picture.
Thurgood asks you to bring him 2 iron bars and a Blurite ore. The blurite ore is in a mine
beneath his house; to get to it, you must go up the hill and into the mine entrance. Once in
there, you will see a mine protected by hobgoblins and ice giants. Unless you are accompanied
by a strong party, if you are a new player, you may want to avoid this part until you are
stronger. The Hobgoblins are aggressive and dangerous to the beginning player. The Ice Giants
are not quite so aggressive, but will destroy all but the best players. Prospect the rocks
that surround the Ice Giants, and you will find that at least one contains blurite. Mine it,
and you'll have the ore. Escape with your life, fetch yourself some iron bars, and return to
the dwarf.
He smiths the sword for you. Faladian Knight's Sword att + 11 power +11
Take it to the squire

Reward: 1 quest point, smithing skill (+6[level 1-7], +11 [level 12 to 23], +5[level 30-35],
+3[level 40-43], +1[level 55-56])

| 3.16 The Restless Ghost \

Go to the church in Lumbridge Castle and talk to the priest. Go to the hermit's house which
is in swamp south of Lumbridge Castle. Talk to the hermit and he'll give you the Amulet of
Ghostspeak. Return to the church and go into the graveyard while wearing the amulet. Now you
can talk with a goust. Now you have to find a Skull. A Skull can be found in catacombs under
Wizard's Tower. You can take a skull from a chell guarded by skeleton. Return to the ghost
with the skull and place the skull in the coffin.

Reward: 1 quest point, prayer skill (+5[level 1-6])

| 3.17 Vampire Slayer \

Go to the crossroads west of Lumbridge. Get the garlic in the 2nd floor in the first house to
the south. Find Morgan in second house to the south to get the quest. He tells you to go to
the Jolly Boar inn and talk to the drunken EX-vampireslayer. Buy the drunk a beer and talk to
him about it and you'll get a stake. Go to the Draynor Manor and get in to the cellar. There
you'll find Count Draynor. Equip the stake and you need hammer in your inventory (make sure you
have the garlic in your inventory, because it makes him lose 10 hp) and slay the evil Count.

Reward: 3 quest points, attack skill (+6[level 4-10] +5[level 22-27])

| 3.18 Witch's Potion \

Talk to Hetty in the Rimmington village southwest of Falador to start the quest. She need you
to find a list of items:
Burnt meat- burn some meat (get it from Bears, Giant Rats..) of buy in Port Sarim Food shop.
Onion- Go north from the village and u will find a cabbage field and some onions
Rats tail- kill a rat in the bulding next door
Eye of newt - can be bought in the magic shop by the docks in Port Sarim.
When u have all this u can go talk to Hetty and talk to her, and then "drink from couldron"
Reward: 1 quest point, magic skill (+3[level 5-10])


4.0 Mining/Smithing


| 4.1 Getting Started \

Smithing is personally my favourite way of making money plus if you can get a high enough
smithing level you will never need to worry about buying amour again! But first we have to
learn how to mine and smith:
First you need to get a Pick Axe. You can find a free Pick Axe in the Barbarian Village, or
Rimmington. You can also buy one at the axe shop in Lumbridge, or mining shop in Dwarven Mine.
Then you need to find mine fields (places with rocks) and you have to RIGHT CLICK on a rock and
choose prospect from the menu to check for possible ores. Your chance to find ore depends on
your mining level and type of ore in the rock. If you are successful you will see the type of
ore present in this rock patch in a message.
Select Pick Axe from your inventory and then LEFT CLICK on the rock containing the ore. Your
chance of success to extract ore is based on your mining skill level.
You need the same smithing level to smith a metal as you need mining skill to mine it, thee
is only exception Mithril which need 55 min.mining and only 50 smithing.
After you have got some ore you will need to find a furnace. There are three furnaces in
Runescape. One is located a little north of Lumbridge Castle near the 2nd bridge over river.
Another one is in Al Kharid, a town located in the desert. The last one is in the town Falador.
Left click on ore in your inventory and then on a furnace to smelt ore in metal bars.
The following table will tell you what level you need to be to mine what ore:

Ore min. mining skill Mining Exp. gained
Any Gem 1 0
Clay 1 5
Tin 1 17,5
Copper ore 1 17,5
Iron ore 15 35
Silver 20 40
Coal 30 50
Gold nuggets 40 65
Mithril ore 55 80
Adamantite ore 70 95
Runite ore 85 125

The following table will tell you what ores you need to make what bars:

Bar Type Smithing Level Experience Gained Ore Required Success Rates
Bronze 1 6.25 1 tin, 1 copper 100%
Iron 15 12.50 1 iron 50%
Silver 14 ?? ?? 1 Silver 100%
Steel 30 18 2 coal, 1 iron 100%
Gold 40 22 - 24 ?? 1 gold nugget 100%
Mithril 50 30 - 32 ?? 4 coal 1 mithril 100%
Adamantite 70 37 - 40 ?? 6 coal 1 adamantite 100%
Runite 85 ?? ?? 8 coal 1 runite 100%

One rock always generates the same type of ore.

Rocks regenerate ore after some time, so to mine fastest go mine one rock, and when you get
some ore go to another rock. When you return to the first rock, it should have regenerated by
then. There are some theories that timer is personilized as you can get ore in same time as
other players from same rock !!

Tin, Copper and Iron regenerate max. every 1 min. (time depend on Number of players online)

Coal regenerates max. every 5 min. (time depend on Number of players online)

| 4.2 Bronze Smithing Table \

BRONZE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 12.5 1
Hatchet (axe) 12.5 1
Mace 12.5 2
Helmet 12.5 3
Short Sword 12.5 4
Scimitar (2) 25 5
Long Sword (2) 25 6
Great Helmet (2) 25 7
Square Shield (2) 25 8
Battle Axe (3) 37.5 10
Chain Mail (3) 37.5 11
Kite Shield (3) 37.5 12
2-H Sword (3) 37.5 14
Skirt (3) 37.5 16
Legs (3) 37.5 16
Plate Mail (5) 61.5 18

| 4.3 Iron Smithing Table \

IRON (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 25 15
Hatchet (axe) 25 16
Mace 25 17
Helmet 25 18
Short Sword 25 19
Scimitar (2) 50 20
Long Sword (2) 50 21
Great Helmet (2) 50 22
Square Shield (2) 50 23
Battle Axe (3) 75 25
Chain Mail (3) 75 26
Kite Shield (3) 75 27
2-H Sword (3) 75 29
Skirt (3) 75 31
Legs (3) 75 31
Plate Mail (5) 125 33

| 4.4 Steel Smithing Table \

STEEL (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 37,5 30
Hatchet (axe) 37,5 31
Mace 37,5 32
Helmet 37,5 33
Short Sword 37,5 34
Scimitar (2) 75 35
Long Sword (2) 75 36
Great Helmet (2) 75 37
Square Shield (2) 75 38
Battle Axe (3) 112.5 40
Chain Mail (3) 112.5 41
Kite Shield (3) 112.5 42
2-H Sword (3) 112.5 44
Skirt (3) 112.5 46
Legs (3) 112.5 46
Plate Mail (5) 187.5 48

| 4.5 Mithril Smithing Table \

MITHRIL (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 50 50
Hatchet (axe) 50 51
Mace 50 52
Helmet 50 53
Short Sword 50 54
Scimitar (2) 100 55
Long Sword (2) 100 58
Great Helmet (2) 100 57
Square Shield (2) 100 58
Battle Axe (3) 150 60
Chain Mail (3) 150 61
Kite Shield (3) 150 62
2-H Sword (3) 150 64
Skirt (3) 150 66
Legs (3) 150 66
Plate Mail (5) 250 68

| 4.6 Adamantite Smithing Table \

ADAMANTITE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 62.5 70
Hatchet (axe) 62.5 71
Mace 62.5 72
Helmet 62.5 73
Short Sword 62.5 74
Scimitar (2) 125 75
Long Sword (2) 125 76
Great Helmet (2) 125 77
Square Shield (2) 125 78
Battle Axe (3) 187.5 80
Chain Mail (3) 187.5 81
Kite Shield (3) 187.5 82
2-H Sword (3) 187.5 84
Skirt (3) 187.5 86
Legs (3) 187.5 86
Plate Mail (5) 312.5 88

| 4.7 Runite Smithing Table \

RUNITE (bars needed) Experience Gained Smithing Level Requiered
Dagger 75 85
Hatchet (axe) 75 86
Mace 75 87
Helmet 75 88
Short Sword 75 89
Scimitar (2) 150 90
Long Sword (2) 150 91
Great Helmet (2) 150 93
Square Shield (2) 150 92
Battle Axe (3) 225 95
Chain Mail (3) 225 96
Kite Shield (3) 225 97
2-H Sword (3) 225 99
Skirt (3) 225 99
Legs (3) 225 99
Plate Mail (5) 375 99


5.0 Fishing


Fishing is one of prefered ways to get food and money as there are many warriors in need of
good healing meal after or in the middle of a tough battle and a one click health reserve is
always a good thing to have.
All tools and baits can be brought at Fishing Shop in Port Sarin and there you can also sell
and buy many fish. You can easy cook your fish on any fire.

Fishing Lv. Fishing Exp. Cooking Lv. Cooking Exp. Healing Tool / Bite Where
Shrimp 1 10 1 30 3 Net Any Sea
Sardine 5 20 1 40 4 Rod + bait Any Sea
Herring 10 30 5 50 5 Rod + bait Any Sea
Anchovie 15 40 15 60 3 Net Any Sea
Trout 20 50 15 70 7 Fly Rod + feather River
Pike 25 60 20 80 8 Rod + bait River
Salmon 30 70 25 90 9 Fly Rod + feather River
Tuna 35 80 30 100 10 Harpoon Karamja
Lobster 40 90 40 110 12 Lobster cage Karamja
Swordfish 50 100 45 120 14 Harpoon Karamja


6.0 Crafting


Yet another way to make money (Before you start a career in crafting you will need to have
your mining and smithing levels over 40 so you can smith Gold for the jewelry)-

| 6.1 Pottery \

Pottery is the first part of crafting to start you will need to first mine some clay ore then
get a jug and fill with water at a sink or fountain. Mix the water with clay ore, soft clay is
produced, now go to barbarian village where there is a potter's wheel and pottery oven located
south of the bar. put soft clay on potter's wheel and either make a pie dish or pot.(doing this
increases crafting level) Use resulting pot/dish on pottery oven to get usefull item.
You need 3 crafting to make Pie Dish.
You need 5 crafting to make Bowl
For the more technical person out there experience=
Spin pot: 6
Fire pot: 0
Spin pie dish: 7.5
Fire pie dish: 7.5
Spin bowl: 8.5
Fire bowl: 7.5

| 6.2 Leather \

This is the sencond easyest part of crafting to start with you will cowhide. This is gotten by
killing cows. Cows are located directly north of the windmill and west of the Varrock/Lumbridge
road. Make sure you have enough money to turn the hides into leather (1gp per cow hide)
Go to Tanners in Al Kharid, he takes all cowhide in your inventory at once and makes leather
for small price of 1 gold for hide. You will next need to buy some tools from a crafting shop.
There is one in Ali Kharad, near the general store and one in Rimmington (You will have to come
to these shops often if you are going to take up a carreer in crafting). You need to buy some
thread (you can make 5 items using one reel of thread)and a needle. Now that you have all the
item you can start working leather. In inventory, right click on use leather, then left click
on needle. In upper left corner, in red choose if you want to make armour, gloves, or boots.

Item Min Crafting skill Experience gain
requirment to make it
Gloves 1 13
Boots 2 17
Leather armor 7 25

| 6.3 Jewelry \

Lastly you can make jewelry for big profits, To make jewelry you need to get a mould from
crafting store (Rimmington, Ali Kharad), get a bar of gold then use bar with furnace while
mould is in your inventory. It will prompt you if you want to use a gem with your ring.
Either you have one or not, either you can or not . . . but gems must be cut before you can
use them with jewellery. Use a chisel to cut them.
This applies to all jewellery. You can make rings, necklaces and amulets. You can add cut gems
to all jewellery or just make them plain. All jewellery uses 1 gold bar at a time. There are
only 3 moulds to buy, they're 5g each - ring, necklace and amulet. Each mould must be in
inventory when you use gold bar on furnace.

Min Crafting skill
requirment to
Gem cut it Cut Exp Ring R. Exp Necklace N. Exp Amulet A. Exp
no gem
gold / 5 15 6 20 8 40
Saphire 5 12 8 40 10 55 13 65
Emerald 12 18 18 55 24 60 30 70
Ruby 20 22 30 70 40 75 50 85
Diamond 28 28 42 85 56 90 70 100

How to string an Amulet:
- Use shears with sheep to get wool. Sheep pens are located near Lumbridge furnace and just
south of Varrock, near the stone circle.
- Use wool with spinning wheel to make a ball of wool. Spinning wheels are located in the
pickaxe hut in the barbarian village, in the southwest tower of Lumbridge castle, and in a
house on the south side of Falador (near Wayne's Chains.)
- Once you have an amulet and a ball of wool, use one with the other to string the amulet
-ANY normal mine rocks (clay, copper, iron, coal, etc.) have 1/282 chance to retrieve a gem
when mining, or gems are random drops from certain monsters.


7.0 Magic


Magic skill determins what spells you can cast and how well you will cast them. To see all your
spells click on spell book icon and this brings up the magic menu. From there you can select
spells to cast. The color of the spell name tells you if you can cast it or not. If the spell
appears black then your magic level is not higher enough to use it. You will have to practice
on lower magic spells to level to higher spells. If the spell name appears in white, this means
you are good enough to use this but have not got the required runes to cast it. If a spell name
appears in yellow then you have everything you need to cast that spell.

When you want to cast a spell just click on the spell name, and then click onto target. Some
spells can only be used on yourself or on hostile monsters. To know what a spell does just move
your mouse over the spell. This will tell you which runes are needed at the bottom of the
window. There is 2 numbers shown above each rune, the first number tells you how many runes you
have and the second number tells you how many are required. If the first number is in red then
this means you do not have the required amount to use this spell. You may obtain runes from
magic shops or from killing certain monsters.

Sometimes spells will fail to work. If this happens you keep your runes, you can recast after
20 seconds. Higher level spells are more likely to fail but as you increase your magic levels
the least it will fail.

To cast a spell you either need to have all required runes in your inventory or if you hold a
staff of the appropriate rune type, it will count for any number of that type of rune. For
example you can cast Wind bolt with only 1 fire rune in inventory and an equipped wind staff.
Also, keep in mind that some Items like staffs, hats and robes will boost your general magic
skill, which narrows the chance of the spell going wrong.
Spell-casting success depends on your total magic skill, which is calculated according to the
following formula:
total magic skill = to magic school skill + bonus from items
If you fail to cast the spell, you cannot cast other spells for 20 seconds.

| 7.1 Spell List \

Spell List

Level Name Experience Description Runes

1 Wind Strike 22 A strength 1 missile attack 1 Air, 1 Mind
3 Confuse 26 Reduces your opponents attack by 5% 2 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
5 Water Strike 30 A strength 2 missile attack 1 Air, 1 Body, 1 Mind
7 Enchant lv-1 amulet 35 Make Sapphire Amulet 1 Water, 1 Cosmic
9 Earth Strike 38 A strength 3 missile attack 1 Air, 2 Earth, 1 Mind
11 Weaken 42 Reduces your opponents strength by 5% 2 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
13 Fire Strike 46 A strength 4 missile attack 2 Air, 3 Fire, 1 Mind
15 Bones to Bananas 50 Changes all held bones into bananas 2 Earth, 2 Water
17 Wind Bolt 54 A strength 5 missile attack 2 Air, 1 Chaos
19 Curse 58 Reduces your opponents defense by 5% 3 Earth, 3 Water, 1 Body
21 Low Level Alchemy 62 Converts am item into gold 3 Earth, 1 Nature
23 Water Bolt 66 A strength 6 missile attack 2 Air, 2 Water, 1 Chaos
25 Varrock Teleport 70 Teleports you to Varrock 3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Law
27 Enchant a lvl-2 amulet 74 Make Emerald Amulet 3 Air, 1 Cosmic
29 Earth Bolt 78 A strength 7 missile attack 2 Air, 3 Earth, 1 Chaos
31 Lumbridge Teleport 82 Teleports you to Lumbridge 3 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Law
33 Telekinetic grab 86 Take any item you can see 1 Air, 1 Law
35 Fire Bolt 90 A strength 8 missile attack 3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Chaos
37 Falador Teleport 94 Teleports you to falador 3 Air, 1 Water, 1 Law
39 Crumble Undead 98 Hits skeletons,ghosts & zombies hard 2 Air, 2 Earth, 1 Chaos
41 Wind Blast 102 A strength 9 missile attack 3 Air, 1 Death
43 Superheat Item 106 Smelt 1 ore without furnace 4 Fire, 1 Nature
47 Water Blast 114 A strength 10 missile attack 3 Air, 3 Water, 1 Law
49 Enchant Level 3 Amulet 118 For use on ruby amulets 5 Fire, Cosmic
53 Earth Blast 126 A strength 11 missile attack 3 Air, 4 Earth, 1 Death
55 High Level Alchemy 130 Convert an item into more gold 5 Fire, 1 Nature
57 Enchant Level 4 Amulet 134 For use on diamond amulets 10 Earth, 1 Cosmic
59 Fire Blast 148 A strength 12 missile attack 4 Air, 5 Fire, 1 Law

| 7.2 Rune Locations \

4 elemental runes (Air, Earth Fire Water)can be replaced by a staffs. Theses staffs can be
bought from the staff shop in Varrock city.

Rune Type Spawn Location

Air Rune in forest west of Lumbridge castle near well. 2 runes spawn behind luthas's
house (Banana field) on Karamja island
Earth Rune in forest north of Varrock Castle and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Fire Rune in Desert Chasm. In Demon cave.
Water Rune in Desert Chasm.

Low and medium level runes - Runes can be found in many places, the easiest way to obtain the
low level runes is to buy them from the magic shop's like the one in Varrock. The high level
runes (*) can only be obtained by killing the correct monsters.

Rune Type Spawn Locations

Body On 2nd floor of in Al Kharid Scimitar shop and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Chaos * There is spawn point for Chaos runes guarded by 2 Moss giants in wilderness.
Cosmic * Spawn point is in the wilderness northwest corner.
Death * No Spawn point! Kill Monsters!
Law * No Spawn point! Kill Monsters!
Mind On table near kitchen in Lumbridge Castle and in the Varrock Sewers Dungeon.
Nature * There is spawn point in wilderness on isle
Some can be found in different dungeons and as drop from monsters


8.0 Prayer


You can pray to the Gods of Runescape and this will give us certain advantages for short time.
To select prayer to use, go to Magic book icon and select prayer. The prayers are color coded.
Those written in white can be used, but those in black mean that you are not devored to god's
enough (your prayer lv is not high enough). Each of the prayers can be turned on or off
individually. When you use a prayer, you are given an advantage depending on the prayer you
choose to use. To use a prayer, you left click on it and the name of the prayer will turn
green to tell you that prayer is active. To deactivate, you click on the prayer again.
When you use these prayers, your prayers points will slowly drain down to zero. If you select
more than one prayer at one time, your prayers points will drain faster. When your prayer
points reach zero, all the affects will be deactivated. You can not use any prayers until you
visit a church and left click on a altar. Once you have done this, your prayer point will be
full again. Then you can use prayers again.

To increase prayer skill and points, you must bury bones from monsters. Bones will give you
3.75 experience and Big Bones found in wilderness will give you 13 exp points.

In monastery on Ice mountain, You have to be lvl 31 prayer to go up the ladder. Up it you can
get a monks outfit. The complete robe gives 12 prayer points in armor. Also, brother Jerrod
will bless a stringed holy star made of silver which is 8 prayer points in armor.

| 8.1 Prayer List \

Level Name Description
1 Thick Skin Increases your defence by 5%
4 Burst of Strength Increases strength by 5%
7 Clarity of Thought Increases attack by 5%
10 Rock Skin Increases defence by 10%
13 Superhuman Strength Increases strength by 10%
16 Improved Reflexes Increases attack by 10%
19 Rapid Restore 2x restore rate for all stats except hits
22 Rapid Heal 2x restore rate for Hitpoint's stat
25 Protect Items Keep 1 extra item if you die
28 Steel Skin Increases your defence by 15%
31 Ultimate Strength Increases strength by 15%
34 Incredible Reflexes Increases attack by 15%
37 Paralyse Monster Stops your opponent from fighting you
40 Protect From Missiles 100% protection from ranged attack


9.0 Cooking


There is a variety of different foods that you can cook in RuneScape. Food is very useful
(espesially when your in the middle of a dungeon with one health left!) because eating it will
heal lost hit points. As you practice your cooking, your character will get better. You will
burn food less often, and you will be able to make better food which heals you more.

To cook food you will need to use one of the many stoves which are around the map. OR if there
aren't any stoves nearby you can build a fire and use that. (although not all foods can be
cooked on a fire). To build a fire buy an axe, and use it on a tree to get some logs. Then
drop the logs on the ground and use a tinderbox on the logs to light the fire.

As well as cooking foods such as Meat and Bread you can also catch and cook your own
fish. As you get better at fishing you can catch bigger and better fish. Some fish can only be
be found in freshwater but others can only be found in saltwater. Also different fish require
different fishing equipment to capture.

| 9.1 Cooking List \

Food Level Required steps
Cooking 1
Heals 3 1. Meat can be obtained by killing certain animals and monsters.
2. Use the meat with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 1
Fishing 1
Heals 3 1. Use a net with fish in the sea, to catch some shrimp.
2. Use the shrimp with a fire or stove to cook them.

Cooking 1
Heals 4 1. Pick some grain, and take it to the windmill to make flour.
2. You will need to use a pot to pick up the flour you have made.
3. Buy a bucket or jug, and fill it with water from a sink or fountain.
4. Mix the flour and water to make some bread dough.
5. Cook the dough by using it with a stove.

Cooking 1
Fishing 5
Heals 4 1. Buy a fishing rod and some fishing bait from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fishing rod with fish in the sea, to catch a sardine.
3. Use the sardine with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 5
Fishing 10
Heals 5 1. Buy a fishing rod and some fishing bait from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fishing rod with fish in the sea, to catch a herring.
3. Use the herring with a fire or stove to cook it.

Redberry pie
Cooking 10
Heals 6 1. Mix flour and water to make some pastry dough.
2. Place the dough in an empty pie dish.
3. Use the redberries with the empty pie.
4. Cook the pie by using it with a stove.

Cooking 15
Fishing 20
Heals 7 1. Buy a fly fishing rod and some feathers from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fly fishing rod with fish in the river, to catch a trout.
3. Use the trout with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 20
Fishing 25
Heals 8 1. Buy a fishing rod and some fishing bait from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fishing rod with fish in the river, to catch a pike.
3. Use the pike with a fire or stove to cook it.

Meat pie
Cooking 20
Heals 8 1. Mix flour and water to make some pastry dough.
2. Place the dough in an empty pie dish.
3. Use some cooked meat with the empty pie.
4. Cook the pie by using it with a stove.

Cooking 25
Fishing 30
Heals 9 1. Buy a fly fishing rod and some feathers from the fishing shop.
2. Use the fly fishing rod with fish in the river, to catch a salmon.
3. Use the salmon with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 25
Heals 9 1. Obtain a bowl, and fill it with water from a sink or fountain.
2. Pick a potato and place it in the bowl.
3. Cook some meat and place it in the bowl.
4. Cook the stew by using it with a stove or fire.

Apple pie
Cooking 30
Heals 10 1. Mix flour and water to make some pastry dough.
2. Place the dough in an empty pie dish.
3. Use an apple with the empty pie.
4. Cook the pie by using it with a stove.

Cooking 30
Fishing 35
Heals 10 1. There are only a few places where you can catch tuna.
2. Use a harpoon from the fishing shop to catch a tuna.
3. Use the tuna with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 35
Heals 11 1. Mix flour and water to make a pizza base.
2. Buy a tomato and add it to the pizza.
3. Buy some cheese and add it to the pizza.
4. Cook the pizza by using it with a stove.

Cooking 35
Heals 11 1. Buy a bucket or jug, and fill it with water from a sink or fountain.
2. Use grapes with the water to make wine.

Cooking 40
Fishing 40
Heals 12 1. There are only a few places where you can catch lobster.
2. Use a lobster-pot from the fishing shop to catch a lobster.
3. Use the lobster with a fire or stove to cook it.

Cooking 40
Heals 12 1. Mix flour, eggs, milk together in a cake tin.
2. Cook the cake by using it with a stove.

Cooking 45
Fishing 50
Heals 14 1. There are only a few places where you can catch swordfish.
2. Use a harpoon from the fishing shop to catch a swordfish.
3. Use the swordfish with a fire or stove to cook it.

Meat pizza
Cooking 45
Heals 14 1. Make a plain pizza (see above).
2. Cook some meat and add it to the pizza.

Chocolate cake
Cooking 50
Heals 15 1. Make a plain cake (see above).
2. Buy some chocolate and add it to the cake.

Anchovie pizza
Cooking 55
Heals 16 1. Make a plain pizza (see above).
2. Catch some anchovies by using a net with fish in the sea.
3. Add the anchovies to the pizza


10.0 Fletching


NOTE: This is a Members only skill

Fletching is basicly the art of making bows and arrows. If you are good at ranging in
Runescape then Fletching is for you because as you make better and stronger bows the only
way you can weild them is to have a high ranging level. You will also have to have a high
wood cutting level because the stronger bows require stronger wood which means cutting down
trees which have a required woodcutting level to cut down.

| 10.1 Making bows \
To make bows you first need to get some wood. Depending on the type of tree you chop
down you can get different sorts of logs and the diiferent types of trees require higher
woodcutting levels. Next depending on you level you will either be able to make just a
shortbow or a longbow as well so use a knife with the logs to cut them into either a shortbow
or a longbow. To make a bow string you need to find a flax plant and use it with a spinning
wheel. Finally add the string to the bow to complete it. Rarer types of wood are harder to
acquire, but make better bows which shoot more accurately.

| 10.2 Bow Table \

Bow type Fletching level to make Ranged level to wield

Bow Shortbow: Level 5 Any
Longbow: Level 10 Any

Oak bow Shortbow: Level 20 5
Longbow: Level 25 10

Willow bow Shortbow: Level 35 15
Longbow: Level 40 20

Maple bow Shortbow: Level 50 25
Longbow: Level 55 30

Yew bow Shortbow: Level 65 35
Longbow: Level 70 40

Magic bow Shortbow: Level 80 45
Longbow: Level 85 50

| 10.3 Making Arrows \

To make an arrow-shaft just use a knife with some ordinary logs. Get a feather from a chicken
and add it to the arrow shaft, and finally add an arrow-head to complete the arrow. Arrow
heads can either be purchased from the member's archery shop, or smithed at an anvil.

Better arrow heads will inflict more damage, but you will require a better bow to fire them.

| 10.4 Arrow Table \

Arrow type Fletching level to make Minimum bow required

Bronze arrows 1 Any
Iron arrows 15 Any
Steel arrows 30 Oak bow
Mithril arrows 45 Willow bow
Adamantite arrows 60 Maple bow
Rune arrows 75 Yew bow


11.0 Herblaw


NOTE: This is a Members only skill

Herblaw is used to make different sorts of potions and poisons. Before you can use herblaw
you will need to do complete the druidic ritual quest.

| 11.1 Identifying herbs \
A lot of the herbs you find in the game will be unidentified. To be able to use them you will
first need to use your herblaw skill to identify them. Just click on a herb to identify it and
if you are high enough level it will then become an identified herb type. As your herblaw level
gets higher you will be able to identify more and more different herbs. If you are new to
herblaw then the only herb you can identify is the Guam leaf which is usually dropped by normal
level 9 men.

| 11.2 Mixing potions \
You will need a vial. These can be bought from the herblaw shop in Taverley. Fill the vial
with water from a sink or fountain. To make potions you will need a combination of one
identified herb and one other ingredient as shown in the table below. You must add your
herb to your vial of water first and then the other ingredient. As you reach higher levels
you will be able to make more types of potions

| 11.3 Potion Table \
Potion type Level Herb needed 2nd ingredient
Attack potion 3 Guam Leaf Eye of Newt
Cure poison potion 5 Marrentill Ground unicorn horn
Strength potion 12 Tarromin Limpwurt root
Stat restore potion 22 Harralander Red spider's eggs
Defense potion 30 Ranarr weed White Berries
Restore prayer potion 38 Ranarr weed Snape Grass
Super attack potion 45 Irit Leaf Eye of newt
Poison antidote 48 Irit Leaf Ground unicorn horn
Fishing potion 50 Avantoe Snape Grass
Super strength potion 55 Kwuarm Limpwurt root
Weapon poison 60 Kwuarm Ground bluedragon scale
Super defense potion 66 Cadantine White Berries
Ranging potion 72 Dwarf weed Wine of Zamorak


12.0 FAQ


Q. What is the fastest way to make money?

A. I have gotten this question so many times through the email. You can make money so many
different ways, You can Mine/Smith, you can Fish, you can PK, you could craft then sell what
you make, if your a member you could Fletch of sell potions with Herblaw

Q. Why isn't there a Ranged section?

A. There isn't much to ranging so I thought it would be a waste of a section. All you do is
attack someone using a bow or a crossbow and your ranged level goes up.


13.0 Price Lists


About Shops: Price for shop is buying and selling items is
directly related to quantity of items in magazine, so specially
as smith it is not very profitable to make items every other
smith can make as you will have to sell them at very low prices.
I have often seen a price of bronze scimitars drop to 2 gold
in general Varrock shop as all smiths like to make them and only
place to sell them is this shop.

General Store

There are many general stores in game. There is one At Island
of Karamja, Lumbridge castle, Varrock town, Ghost town, Al-Kharid,
Falador, Rimmington and even a dwarfs have one in underground
Dwarven Mine. They will buy any item and will sell it but they
buy for little less than specialized shops do and sell it for
a little more. Here you can find all basic the items and other
things other players sold them. The general store in Varrock
is the place where smiths often sell the stuff they cannot
sell in nearby specialized shops. Here, you can find 2-handed
swords, Square and Kite shields, and Scimitars. The general
store in Lumbridge castle is often the place smiths sell ore
or bars from the nearby furnace. All general stores have 2
sellers to help out with faster service.

We list the rest of the stores here, in alphabetical order.
For easy access, choose the bookmarks below to go to the store
you want, or just scroll down to find the one you're looking for.

Special Thanks go to Sir Beachy for collecting alone ALL new
shop information's.

Apothecary - West Varrock
Armor Shop - East Varrock
Axes - Bob's Axes Lumbridge castle
Battle Axes Shop - North Port Sarim
Bows and Crossbows - Lowe's Archery Store - Varrock Town market
Chain Mails Shop - South Falador
Champions' Guild Shop - Southwest of Varrock
Clothing - Varrock Town market
Food Shop - Port Sarim
Fishing Shop - Port Sarim
Helmets - Barbarian Village
Gem Shop - Falador
Jewelers Shop - Port Sarim
Kebab Shop - Central Al Kharid
Leg Armour Shop - East Al Kharid
Maces Shop - West Falador
Mining Supplies Shop - Dwarven Mine
Runes - Varrock Slums
Runes - South Port Sarim
Scimitar Shop - Central Al Kharid
Shield Shop - North Falador
Skirt Armor Shop - Southeast Al Kharid
Staves - Varrock Town Market
Sword Shop - Near South Varrock Gate
Apothecary - West Varrock

This shop is hidden west of the Sword shop and the Clothing shop.
Here you can buy some potions or make strength and other potions
if you bring the ingredients.

Armor Shop

Is located east of the market in Varrock town. Here you can buy many
types of armor . This is also the place where smiths hang out. If you
deal with them, you can often buy many other items.

Chain Mails
Plate mails

Shop Price
Selling Price
Shop Price
Selling Price

36 + 9 160
96 + 14
+ 12
336 + 20
450 + 19 2.000
1.200 + 31
2.730 + 32
1.170 + 27 5.200
3.120 + 44



Shop Price
Selling Price


+ 10




Thanks to Tegengas for a correction in the Armor bonus Black Plate gives!

Axes - Bob's Axes Lumbridge castle

This shop is located in a closed street east from the Lumbridge castle
gates. You can find fliers dropped from barbarians which direct you to
this shop. Here you can buy many axes. Axes are powerful but not very
precise weapons. You can expect to inflict more damage but hit less often.

Battle Axe

Shop Price
Selling Price
Shop Price
Selling Price

Pickaxe 1 0
16 9 5

56 34 6 8 182 109 9

200 120 9
650 390 16

1.014 22


Battle Axes - Port Sarin

This is new shop in first runescape port city, here you can buy
Battle axes up to Adamite. Axes are powerful but not very
precise weapons. You can expect to inflict more damage but hit less often.

Battle Axe

Shop Price
Selling Price

52 28 8 10
182 109 9

Steel 650 390 16 13
1.248 698 20

1.014 22

4.160 2.288 31 42

Bows and Crossbows - Lowe's Archery Store - Varrock Town market

Lowe has his shop next to the general store building and also
has an archery range with practice targets to pull customers
in. (This is not functional yet in the game.) Ranged combat is
very practical as you can attack even monsters fighting with
others, giving the possibility of group fight or archers to
support partners in melee.

Item Shop Price
Selling Price

2 1
Crossbow Bolts 3 1
Short Bow 70 38
Long Bow 180 99
Crossbow 70 38

Chain Mail Shop - South Falador

Is located west of the south entrance in Falador town. Here you
can buy up to adamantite chain mail. Remember that you can use
gloves with chain mail for additional protection.

Chain Mails

Shop Price
Selling Price

36 + 9
+ 12

450 + 19
Black 1.140 950 + 25
1.170 + 27
4.800 3.120 + 38

Champions' Guild Shop - Southwest of Varrock

Is located west of the Stone Circle, which is southwest of Varrock.
You can enter here only if you are true HERO and if you finished
all quests, but it has in is inventory best items as reward:

Special Items
Shop Price
Selling Price
Aim / pow.

Blue Cloak
42 13 + 2
Black Large Helmet
454 + 13
Black Leggings 2.957 825 + 17
Adamite Plate 16.640 5.504 + 63
Rune Mace 14.400 8.928 39 / 29
Rune Short Sword 20.800 12.896 41/41
Rune Long Sword 32.000
19.840 50/50
Rune Legs/Skirts 64.000 38.400 + 49
Rune Chain Mail 50.000 31.000 + 65

Clothing - Varrock Town market

This shop is the best place to sell and the worst place to buy,
but it carries many leather armor items and you can get more money
here, selling your extra shoes, gloves and leather armors.

Shop Price
Color Armour
Apron 2 3 / 1 White / Brown 0
Leather Armour 21 12 Brown 2
Leather Gloves 6 10 Grey 2
Boots 6 10 Grey 2
Skirt 2 5/3/2 Lilac / Black / Blue 0
Cape 2 2 Red 0

Food Shop - Port Sarim

Very nice place to find some food for fast PvP healing or supplies
for your pie cooking :-)

Item Shop Price
Selling Price

10 7
Meat 1 0
Cabbage 1 0
Banana 2 1
Tomato 4 2
Cheese 4 2
Chocolate Bar 10 7
Bread 11 8
Potato 1 0
Red Berries 3 2

Fishing Supplies Shop - Port Sarim

Players can buy/sell raw (uncooked) fish and buy baits and
fishing equipment here.


Fishing bait 3-9 varied
Feather 3-9 varied
Fishing rod 3 5
Net 3 5
Fly fishing rod 3 5
Harpoon 3 5
Lobster pot 14 20
Shrimp 3 4
Sardine 7 9
Herring 10 14
Trout 14 19
Pike 17 24
Salmon 35 49
Tuna 70 98
Lobster 105 147
Swordfish 140 196

Thanks to Chalcedony, Duo JaCKaSS

Gem Shop - Falador

Players can buy/sell their cut or uncut gems here.
(Note: stock only supplied by players)


Shop Price
Selling Price

Sapphire (uncut)
25 18
Emerald (uncut)

Ruby (uncut)
97 70
Diamond (uncut)
194 140
Sapphire (cut) 250 182
Emerald (cut) 485 350
Ruby (cut) 970 700
Diamond (cut)
1.940 1.400

Thanks to Slayadaman, Attony, Heintje, Chalcedony

Helmets - Barbarian Village

This building is on the west side of the Barbarian village.

Medium Helmets
Great Helmets

Shop Price
Selling Price
Shop Price
Selling Price

+ 3
+ 4

+ 4
+ 7

+ 7
330 + 9

468 + 10
+ 13

1.152 + 14 3.520
+ 19

Thanks to Mirek and Heintje for some information on this table!

Jewelry Shop - Port Sarin

Players can buy/sell all rings, amulets and necklaces here.
(Note: stock only supplied by players) * in the jewelry shop,
diamond and ruby amulets can NEVER be in stock (no spaces allocated for them)*


Gold rings 245 336
Sapphire rings
630 882
Emerald rings
892 1.249
Ruby rings
1.984 1.417
Diamond rings
2.467 3.454
Gold amulets 245 336
Sapphire amulets 630 882
Emerald amulets 892 1.249
Ruby amulets N/A N/A
Diamond amulets
Gold necklaces 315 441
Sapphire necklaces 735 1.029
Emerald necklaces 997 1.396
Ruby necklaces 1.522 2.131
Diamond necklaces
2.572 3.601

Thanks to Chalcedony

Kebab Shop - Central Al Kharid

Is located near furnace in desert town of Al Kharid:

Here you can Buy Kebabs for 1 gold. Kebabs have random effects
when you eat them.

Leg Armour Shop - East Al Kharid

Is located near the General Store in desert town of Al-Kharid:


Shop Price
Selling Price

80 52 + 7
+ 10

1.000 600 + 17
Black 2.496 825 + 20
2.600 1.560 + 22
6.400 3.480 + 31

Maces Shop - West Falador

This is new shop located in west part of Falador little north
from bank, here you can buy maces up to Adamantite. Maces are
precise but not very damaging weapons. You can expect to inflict
less damage but hit often.


Shop Price
Selling Price

18 10 6 5
63 37 9 7
225 135 13 9
585 351 18 13
1.446 864 25 19

Thanks to Jeremy

Mining Supplies Shop - Dwarven Mine

What else you can expect from Dwarfs! As they see there is no
mining supplies shop in runescape they opened one and are selling
all you need to start, This shop is near entrance to underground
Dwarf City (mine).

(quantity) - Shop Price
Selling Price (quantity)

Hammer 1 0
Pickaxe 1 0
Copper Ore (33) - 1 (0) - 2
Tin Ore (15) -2 (0) - 2
Iron Ore (1) - 16
(6,7) - 14
(0) - 11
(1) - 44
(2) - 43 (0) - 31
(1) - 30
(2) - 29
Bronze Bar (1) - 7 (0) - 5
Iron Bar (1) 27 (0) - 19
Gold Bar (1) - 294
(8) - 252
(9) - 246
(0) - 210

Runes - Varrock Slums

This shop is hidden in slums of Varrock town behind Bow shop.
Here you can buy or sell all runes.

Shop Price

Fire 4 50
Earth 4 50
Wind 4 50
Water 4 / 3 32 / 50
Mind 4 / 3 32 / 50

Thanks to Triarius

Runes - Port Sarim

This shop is located at Port Sarim in the kingdom of Asgarnia.
Here you can buy or sell all runes.

Shop Price

Fire 4 30
Earth 4 30
Wind 4 30
Water 4 30
Mind 4 30

Thanks to Serra

Scimitar Shop - Central Al Kharid

Is located near a well in new desert town Al Kharid.


Shop Price
Selling Price

32 19 7 7
112 67 10 10
400 240 15 15
1.040 624 21 21

Shield Shop - North Falador

Is located near north entrance in Falador town. Here you can
buy up to Iron Kite shield. This is great place to sell your
shields or to get some basic equipment before you go hunting
Ice giants for steel shields.


Shop Price
Selling Price

20 12
Bronze square
48 28 + 5
Bronze kite
68 40 + 6
Iron square
168 100 + 8
Iron kite
233 138 + 9
Steel square 600 360 + 12
Steel kite 833 510 + 14
Mithril square 1.528 904 + 17

Skirt Armor Shop - Southeast Al Kharid

Is located south of the Leg Armour Shop in Al Kharid:


Shop Price
Selling Price

80 52 + 7
+ 10

1000 600 + 17
Black 2.496 825 + 20
2.600 1.560 + 22
6.400 3.480 + 31

Thanks to Heintje for an update to this table.

Staves - Varrock Town Market

The staff merchant is on first building on street going from
Varrock market to the east gate. Staves are used by wizards
to increase magic skill and substitute for runes (sometimes).
Staves can be used in combat but are not very efficient.


Shop Price
Selling Price
Magic Bonus

15 8 7 3 + 5
Magic Staff 200 110 13 8 + 15
Staff of air 1.500 825 8 4 + 20
Staff of water 1.500 825 9 5 + 20
Staff of earth 1.500 825 11 6 + 20
Staff of Fire 1.500 825 12 7 + 20

Thanks to Flex 10
Sword Shop - Near South Varrock Gate

Is located in street going from south Varrock gate to market
here you can buy strongest weapon in game adamite long sword,
often you will buy better weapons from smith as they make
scimitars and 2 handed swords which are much stronger then
"common" swords.

Short Swords

Shop Price
Selling Price
Shop Price
Selling Price

6 5
16 7

21 6 6 91


Black 240 144 11 9 624 374 17 14
195 12 12 845
507 19 19
480 16 16 2.080
1.248 25

Long Swords

Shop Price
Selling Price

24 8 8
84 10

300 17

Black 960 576 21 17
780 23 23

This part of the guide was a collaboration of troahbarton and Hitman X.
Thank you Hitman X, without you I couldn't of done this. E-mail Hitman X


14.0 Contributors


For anybody who wants to contribute more to the FAQ E-Mail me @

1. Andrew Gower,
I have to thank him for his help guide which
gave me the imformation for the cooking section.
I also have to thank him for the time and money
he has spent to produce this ace game.
2. I would also like to thank GameFAQs, which inspired
me to do this. I would like to thank my favorite
board, Pub Trivia, with everyone on it, MM2k, ncr,
ffm, math, rodri, caromsyr, y2e, cyclo, complete,
celes, ulty, warren thad, harv, genius, crazycarl,
and anyone else who I might of forgotten.

This document copyright 2002 troahbarton.

This document is copyrighted material of Chris Mears and may not be used
without expressed written consent of Chris Mears. No part of this guide can
be used without proper quoting and/or recognition. Any person(s) found
violating this copyright are punishable by law and will be to the fullest
extent. Please contact me if you wish to use this.

The following sites have permission to use this guide:

Sorry, but I am no longer allowing any other sites to use the guide. It just
makes more hassle for me to submit updates, which means more annoying e-mails.

If you see another site using my guide and it is not listed here, please
contact me with the title "Copyright Infringement".

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Advanced Quests Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
Smithing Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

14.Oktober 2013
Thieving Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.September 2013
Engl. FAQ

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