Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8

17.10.2013 16:55:39

Wizardry 8 for Windows
Supplementary FAQ (Version 2.5 - Incomplete Struggle)

Current Update: Monday, 18 March 2002
Previous Update: Wednesday, 13 March 2002
Created: Thursday, 13 December 2001

By Don "Gamera" Chan (crs1219@hotmail.com)

Note: I read Guiler's WIZ8 FAQ as I play WIZ8. This
FAQ is "supplementary" because this FAQ skips the
details that his FAQ already explained. OTOH, this FAQ
reports details that aren't or weren't in his FAQ,
and clarifies details that are ambiguous in his FAQ.

0. Wanted
1. Acknowledgements
2. 1st Impression
2.1 2nd Impression
3. The Party
3.1 Character Creation
3.2 Character Development
3.3 Strategies and Tactics
4. The Adventure Begins
4.1 Lower Monastery
4.2 Upper Monastery
4.3 Arnika Road
4.4 Arnika-Trynton Road
4.5 Arnika
4.6 Trynton
4.7 Trynton Upper Branches
4.8 Rattkin Tree
4.9 Swamp
4.10 Mine Tunnels
4.11 Northern Wilderness
4.12 Umpani Base Camp
4.13 Mt Gigas Caves
4.14 Mt Gigas Upper Caves
4.15 Mt Gigas Peak
5. The Alchemist's Guide
6. The Gadgeteer's Guide
7. The Ranger's Guide
8. Recruitable NPCs
9. Links

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


I'm looking for:
- A list of merging which two potions will produce
which other potion.
- A list of quest items, including their names,
locations, and the NPCs who need them. For example, the
components that Antone in Arnika needs to make his special
- A list of swear words that the NPCs dislike.
- Any Easter Egg or weirdness that the overworked and
underpaid Sir-Tech Canada programmers planted, or any
undocumented feature that the debuggers missed.
- WIZ8 players who will write entire chapters of useful
hints about the areas that my party hasn't explored,
including Ascension Peak and even Marten's Bluff!
- Osama bin Laden, dead or alive.

Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only five Websites:
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
- http://www.cheathappens.com/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement cinq sites webs.
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
- http://www.cheathappens.com/
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.


Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Amakusa, Chickenator, Don Barlone, dr490n, Jowy,
Kimpo, Klef, MrPink, Paladin, phunky1, Quesius, remoh,
ribald, the fallen one, Thor the Almighty, ZephyrKai, and
other WIZ8 players in the WIZ8 message board in
GameFAQs.com, for Q&A.
- Borgman of Philippines and his wife.
- Drechenn, Guwahaha, kiah, Kthulu, Muley, and
tangentz, for chara creation hints.
- Guiler and Jack Leung, for the WIZ8 FAQs.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer, and the English translation
of the NOIR foreword. (After all, English and French are
the two official languages up here in Canada, the True
North Strong and Free.)
- John Hubbard, for hints.
- Matt Majewski, for gadget list.
- Miguel Sanchez, for feedback.
- Peloi, for attribute, dungeon, magic item, potion,
spellbook, music instrument (WIZ7 and WIZ8), and Omnigun
- Philip In of Hong Kong, for being yet another
non-Japanese friend who works in Japan.
- Razorclaw X, for the WIZ8 RPC (Recruitable Player
Chara) Guide.
- Slankers, for gadget list and recruitable NPC list.
- NATO personnel participating in Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Empire Strikes Back.

(Social democracy in action.)

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- The EVIL terrorists responsible for the attacks in
the USA in the morning on (Tuesday) 11 September 2001
(local time).
- M27Power.Com, for computer virus.
- Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda.

In memory of:
- The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.

"Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine
le nom du destin.
"Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
"Les mains noires protegent la paix des nouveaux-nes."
- NOIR (TV: 2001)


Wizardry 8 for Windows, by Sir-Tech Canada, has three CDs. Disc 3 is
the play CD.
This game installs as 1.19 GB (without levels and cinematics) to 1.85
GB (with levels and cinematics). I chose to install it with levels and
without cinematics, which consumes 1.59 GB.
WIZ8 is a direct continuation of the previous Wizardry games. The
player can actually import old chara from WIZ7.
The WIZ8 party can have six PCs and two NPCs. The PCs' races and
classes are same as the PC races in Bane of the Cosmic Forge and Crusaders
of the Dark Savant.
In each chara's inventory screen, the figure that represents that chara
is blurry and naked, and the figure remains naked when that chara's wearing
armour. (-_-;) (Then again, I knew we Canadians are more liberal than the
Americans to our south.) Unfortunately, the male figures of the Human and
Human-like races (Dwarf, Elf, &c) don't look (ahem) anatomical correct.
(The ancient American proverb "Naked man standing in revolving door is
going to Bangkok" doesn't apply in WIZ8.)
During the game, the player can change the chara's names, portraits,
and voices anytime. A chara can change her/his portrait to a portrait of
another race of the same sex, but not to a portrait of another sex. IMO,
most of the female voices sound either overly cheery or overly macho.
The game world is 3D, not square-based like WIZ7. Combat is turn-based,
but can be set as continuous. The monsters are also 3D.
The BGMs are MP3 files.


When the party damages some monsters, disengages from the monsters,
exits the monsters' area (map), re-enters the monsters' area, and re-engages
the monsters; those monsters' HP will be the same as when the party last saw
them. The damaged monsters' HP don't regenerate.

At the same experience level as a PC, each non-recruitable named NPC
has at least 100 more HP than a PC. Also, the NPCs are like 7-Eleven. They
are awake and open their shops 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

After a chara equips and fights with an unidentified armour or weapon,
in its description, the name and attributes of the armour or weapon remain

In combat, when a chara's missile weapon runs out of ammo, it's a free
and instant action in her inventory screen to take a slot of ammo from her
personal slots and reload her missile weapon.
Else, such as when a chara wants to equip a weapon from her personal
slots, she must use the Equip command in the next turn.

When a Valkyrie's Cheat Death works after the party falls down from a
high place, she remains awake and has about half her maximum HP. In combat,
after a hit that should've decreased her HP to 0 or below, she becomes
unconscious and has 1 HP. But Cheat Death doesn't seem to work against
poison damage. A poisoned Valkyrie, when neglected, will buy the farm.

A Gadgeteer tunes up her Omnigun about once per two levels.
When a Gadgeteer has two Omniguns and she levels up, she tunes up only
one Omnigun. When she has 1) an Omnigun in her active primary weapon slot
and another in her inactive primary weapon slot, or 2) an Omnigun in her
primary weapon slot and another in her Carried slots; she tunes up only the
Omnigun in her primary weapon slot. When she has an Omnigun in her personal
slots (primary weapon or Carried) and another in the party slots, she
doesn't tune up the Omnigun in the party slots. If both Omniguns are in her
Carried slots, she tunes up only the Omnigun closer to the upper left corner
of her Carried slots.
When a Gadgeteer has three or more Omniguns and she levels up, I
presume the game complies with the above rules.
When a Gadgeteer has no Omnigun in her personal slots, and 3) has both
Omniguns in the party slots or 4) in another chara's Carried slots, she
tunes up only the Omnigun closer to the upper left corner of 3) the party
slots or 4) the other chara's Carried slots.
When the party has dropped all their Omniguns on the ground and the
Gadgeteer levels up, she expectedly doesn't tune up any Omnigun. After she
levels up and picks up the Omniguns, she doesn't retroactively tune up the
My party doesn't have two Gadgeteers, and I don't want to yomp all the
way back to Trynton Upper Branches to recruit Madras, so I don't know what
happens when both Omniguns are in the other Gadgeteer's primary weapon

Further, when the mark of the Omnigun to be tuned up is below the mark
appropriate to the Gadgeteer's Level, the game tunes up the Omnigun to the
mark appropriate to the Gadgeteer's Level. For example, a Level 12 Gadgeteer
will tune up an Omnigun Mk.5 ("borrowed" from a Level 8 Gadgeteer) to Mk.7.
When the mark of the Omnigun to be tuned up is above the mark defined
by the Gadgeteer's Level, I don't know if the game tunes down the Omnigun?
The next time my Gadgeteer levels up, to Level 14, she can't tune up
her Omnigun Mk.7. But if she has only an Omnigun Mk.6, I don't know if
she'll tune it up to Mk.7 anyway?

A Bishop or Priest's Turn Undead ability damages and sometimes
paralyses Undead monsters.

After a Bard successfully uses an unidentified music instrument, the
name of the music instrument remains unknown, but its description explains
its effect.

After the party has collected a lot of items that they don't want to
carry in their party slots or sell to NPCs, they can store the extra items
in safe places. For example, the empty houses or NPCs' shops in Arnika
In a house/shop, to deposit an item, go to the inventory screen, click
an item to stick it to the pointer, click the chara's head or the icon at
the lower right corner to exit the inventory screen, then drop the item in
the room. For example, in Arnika, my party store weapons in Antone's shop,
and magic items in He'Li's inn. OTOH, I don't think the party can pack items
back into chests.

WRT Pickpocket, I downloaded the WIZ8 patches, but I'll not install
them unless I bump into and can't overcome a serious bug, because the
patches reportedly tune up the NPCs' resistances to Pickpocket.
Also, I think different difficulty levels (Novice, Normal, and Expert)
just make the Pickpocket attempts harder, but don't change the items that
the party gets from the NPCs.
(FYI, when I was playing the AD&D2 CRPGs Icewind Dale (IWD) and Icewind
Dale: Heart of Winter (IWD:HOW), my female Human Paladin also used Detect
Evil on every NPC, and my female Gnome Illusionist/Thief used Pickpocket on
every NPC. It was like Rings of Free Action R Us.)

[From Paladin (2002.02.09):
I think the items you PP is not at random. Every NPC has a set of items
you can PP.]

[From Don Barlone (2002.02.09):
The items set that you can PP from an NPC changes, if you steal
everything from then you will get a new set of items, for example: you need
to steal several items from Don until you got the Cane.]

The Elementals that the Summon Elemental spell summons:

Level 1: Air Pawn (Level 3, 140-145 HP), Earth Pawn (Level 3, 296-350
HP), Fire Pawn (Level 3, 117-135 HP), Water Pawn (Level 4, 190-216 HP).
Level 3: Lesser Air Elemental (Level 5, 206 HP), Lesser Fire Elemental
(Level 5, 280-288 HP), Lesser Water Elemental (Level 6, 198 HP).
Level ?: Major Water Elemental (Level 9, 276 HP).

IDK if the WIZ8 patches already fixed these "features":

- An ale seems to have a "max item per slot" of 1 instead of 10.

- A recruitable NPC won't let the player give her special item to another
chara or the party slots. Trying to force this to happen may hang the game.
For example, in Domina's inventory screen, when I tried to give her
Stun Mace to my Priest, Domina vocally complained and blocked the attempt.
In a safe room, I ran the party (Shift+(movement key)) until she was
unconscious. In her inventory screen, I tried to give her Stun Mace to the
Priest again, but failed because the Priest's also unconscious. I tried to
give the Stun Mace to the conscious Bard and Gadgeteer, and to the party
slots, but got a message window that says: "This item belongs to Vi. You
can't remove it." Closing this message window doesn't change the situation.
I clicked the Stun Mace on the chara's portraits and Exit icon (lower
right corner) to try to drop the Stun Mace, but got the same message window.
I clicked the Stun Mace on the Drop icon, and the pointer became an
arrowhead again, as I assumed the game successfully dropped the Stun Mace on
the floor, but when I tried to exit the inventory screen, I got the
abovementioned message window. I clicked a weapon in the party slots and
tried to give it to Domina (unconscious) and another chara (conscious), and
to drop the item, but got the abovementioned message window.
About the only things I didn't try are to dismiss Domina, dual-class
her, paralyse her, and get her killed.
BTW, after the party ran to and fro, when everyone else was
unconscious, the Stamina bars of the Bard and Gadgeteer, who wore Necklaces
of Endurance (female only), remained almost 100%. But in combat, their
Stamina bars don't regenerate as fast.
Later (2002.02.12): Domina doesn't complain when she has two Stun Maces
and the player takes away one of them.

- In the first few slots of my party's items are two Poison Daggers, two
normal daggers, and a Sprite's Dagger. Each time I click the Sort By Type
icon, the Sprite's Dagger plays musical chair with the normal daggers. That
is, the Sprite's Dagger cycles through the slots holding the normal daggers.

- When a chara equips a Cursed weapon as her active weapon, she can't
remove the Cursed weapon, or swap between her active and non-active weapons.
But when a chara equips a Cursed weapon as her non-active weapon, she can
remove the Cursed weapon. Also, when a chara equips a Cursed weapon as her
non-active weapon, and swaps the Cursed weapon as her active weapon, she
can't remove the Cursed weapon.
Thus, a chara can test whether an unidentified magic shield or weapon
is Cursed or not.

- When a Gadgeteer tunes up her Omnigun to Mk.6, does it "Kill 5%" or "KO

- When a Gadgeteer tunes up her Omnigun to Mk.7, the game claims it has
an Arrow Attachment. Its description doesn't mention the Arrow Attachment,
and it really doesn't accept arrows as ammo.

The Wizardry 8 for Japanese Windows (WIZ8J) is made by Locus and came
out on 2001.12.20.
The Mycom PC Web HP has a review at
And the 4Gamer.net HP has a review at
The text in the game are evidently in Japanese, but I don't know if the
voices are also in Japanese?
I presume the Chinese (Taiwanese) version is on its way. (X_X)

As of 2002.02.23, my party's Sierra Hotel list, sorted by kills:

Class Level Kills Alias

Valkyrie, Female Human 12 221 Vi
Samurai, Male Dracon 12 179 Battousai
Ranger, Female Mook 11 162 Mireille
Bard, Female Felpurr 13 138 Chierin
Gadgeteer, Female Elf 13 128 Kirika
Bishop, Female Elf 12 104 Maki
Priest, Female Elf 12 74 Misato
Monk, Male Android 11 55 RFS-81

For comparison, as of 2002.02.09, the party's previous Sierra Hotel

Class Level Kills Alias

Valkyrie, Female Human 10 118 Vi
Samurai, Male Dracon 10 115 Battousai
Bard, Female Felpurr 11 101 Chierin
Ranger, Female Mook 9 99 Mireille
Gadgeteer, Female Elf 11 76 Kirika
Mage, Female Elf 10 76 Asuka
Priest, Female Elf 10 54 Rei

The Valkyrie gets the most kills because her polearm does excellent,
multiplied damage against hostiles affected by Freeze All, Freeze Fresh, and
The Bard, Ranger, and Samurai's secondary weapons are magic bows and
crossbows with magic ammo, so they can take down heavily wounded hostiles
who begin to flee from the party.
The Bishop is dual-classed from a Level 10 Mage. She gets kills with
her high-level, single-target offensive spells less often than the Bard's
multiple-target Piercing Pipes and the Gadgeteer's single-target Lightning
The Priest uses a Holy Basher as an extended weapon, but doesn't use a
missile weapon, because the Bishop/former Mage already uses a Wrist Rocket
sling, the Gadgeteer (logically) uses an Omnigun, and thus the party's
always low on sling ammo. Though every chara has bombs, potions, and
powders, the Priest thus has fewer chances to hit the hostiles.
(To take advantage of the Gadgeteer's high Modern Weapon skill, she's
just begun to use a musket, after the party bought 400-500 musket balls from
Kunar in Umpani Base Camp. Earlier, the Ranger has a blunder buss reserved
for the tough hostiles, such as Golems and Moraxes.)

Revision history of this file:

Version 0.5 (Limited Edition): Tuesday, 18 December 2001
Version 1.0 [46 KB]: Sunday, 20 January 2002
Version 1.5 [74 KB]: Saturday, 9 February 2002
Version 2.0 [113 KB]: Saturday, 23 February 2002


Note: To paraphrase the anime studio KSS, all
characters, stock prices, and three sizes in this
game are fictional.

The player can create a new WIZ8 party, or import a WIZ7 party. This
defines the area where the party begins the adventure. I created a new WIZ8


The way I formed my first party is to create six new chara, and not use
any default chara. First, I choose six different Classes.
Based on my WIZ6 and WIZ7 (Bane of the Cosmic Forge and Crusaders of
the Dark Savant) experience (and prejudice), I prefer Classes that can KIA
(critical hit)... and hope they don't get Charmed or Confused in combat. I
naturally also need a Priest-type and a Mage-type. I choose Samurai (melee
KIA and speed), Ranger (missile KIA), Bard (Music), Gadgeteer (Engineering),
Priest, and Mage... but hope they don't get doubled by NPCs with higher
Levels in the same Classes.
I dislike Monk and Ninja because they have light armour and weapons.
Though Monk and Ninja have melee KIA, stealth, and thief skills; I can use
Bard and Rogue for stealth and thief skills. Instead of Rogue, I choose Bard
because Bard can use music instruments.
As I'm a Mechanical Engineering grad (U of T, MEC 9T3+1, N PSI SUX,
ERTW), I feel a sense of duty to try Gadgeteer. (^_^;)
Instead of Alchemist, Bishop, and Psionic, I choose Priest and Mage for
simplicity. I remember the WIZ1 Bishop's "Identify Item 9" trick that
instantly warped a WIZ1 Level 1 Bishop into a Level 234 Bishop (Tiltowaits R
Us), but I think a WIZ8 Bishop might level up too slowly and need to divide
his bonus points amongst too many skills and spells. I might change my mind
later and reform the party with the other Priest- and Mage-type Classes.
(WRT the WIZ8 Ranger's missile KIA, when I was playing Phantasie III by
SSI, the magic weapon called Gnome Bow impressed me. It could cause
excellent damage to and remove a monster's body parts, and KIA many monsters
with one shot. In the real world, I've a lot of respect for the USMC (United
States Marine Corps) Scout Snipers, but I prefer semi-automatic sniper
Second, after I choose the above six Classes, I review the default
chara of those Classes, to note their primary attributes, and the attributes
that control their primary skills. Then, I choose a Class, and cycle through
the Races to note which Race gives 50-60 points in the important attributes
of that Class, without decreasing more than one of the other attributes to
25-35 points.
I avoid Faerie because I think despite the AC bonus, his size prevents
him from using many items.
Finally, my party are:

Samurai: Dracon, Male "Battousai"
Ranger: Mook, Female "Mireille"
Bard: Felpurr, Female "Chierin"
Gadgeteer: Elf, Female "Kirika"
Priest: Elf, Female "Rei"
Mage: Elf, Female "Asuka"

I hope there aren't many powerful items that Elves can't use.
Also, I don't have any Fighter, Lord, or Valkyrie. I initially wondered
if I should replace one of the first four chara by a female Human Valkyrie,
or eventually change one of the female chara's Class to Valkyrie. Later, in
Arnika, the party recruited a NPC Valkyrie (see below).
Without a Bishop, IMO the party can't conveniently identify new items
and unequip Cursed items.

(No prizes for the Netters who identify the origins of the chara's

Later (2002.02.19): Make sure every chara has average or above
Vitality, so they have as many HP as possible. Despite all the armours,
shields, and defensive magic; the enemies' melee, missile, and offensive
magic damage will penetrate! Worse, most magic attacks will simultaneously
affect the entire party.

Reportedly, after a chara changes class, she can't use the equipment
and skills of her previous class, unless the equipment and skills overlap.
For example, a Mage who was a Fighter can't use most armours, shields, and
weapons. OTOH, a Ninja who was a Samurai can still Critical Strike.
A dual-classed chara's level isn't necessarily her level in her current
class. For example, when a Level 10 Mage dual-classes into a "Level 11"
Bishop, she actually functions as a Level 1 Bishop. She can't even learn
most Spell Level 2 spells from spellbooks.
More about the Change Class function in a later version of this FAQ.

WRT spells, low-Level Priest obviously should choose spells that heal
the party (Heal Wounds, &c), and spells that affect multiple targets (Sleep,
Terror, Web, &c).
Low-Level Mage obviously should choose spells that damage one or more
targets (Energy Blast, Frost, &c), and spells that affect multiple targets
(Sleep, Terror, Web, &c).
In the game, a spell-caster learns a new spell everytime she advances a
level, or uses a spellbook that the party gets from NPCs and treasure

Finally, some practical comments about the chara's skills:

Alchemy: Just as a Gadgeteer can merge otherwise useless items into
gadgets, any chara with the Alchemy skill, even a Ranger, can merge two
different potions into a better potion.
After a chara successfully produces a potion, the new potion is an
unidentified potion in the inventory, but the party should've no problem
with identifying the new potion. So, producing new potions can increase both
the chara's Alchemy skill and the party's Artifacts skills.

Locks & Traps: My party has Bard and Gadgeteer, but no Rogue. So, WRT
Rogue skills, the Gadgeteer takes care of Locks & Traps, and the Bard takes
care of Pickpocket.

Modern Weapon: Muskets are useable by Fighter, Lord, Valyrie, Ranger,
Rogue, and Gadgeteer. Blunder busses are useable by Fighter, Lord, Valkyrie,
and Ranger.
Thus, unless the party begins in the Umpani Base Camp area, when they
eventually get some guns, the Gadgeteer probably has the best Modern Weapon
skill because of her Omnigun, but she can't use the best gun. Though a
Gadgeteer's Omnigun can also use musket balls as its ammo, don't waste them
this way.

Pickpocket: My party has Bard and Gadgeteer, but no Rogue. So, WRT
Rogue skills, the Bard takes care of Pickpocket, and the Gadgeteer takes
care of Locks & Traps.
Polearm: A polearm is a two-handed weapon. It has extended reach and
high minimum damage. Against an immobile or sleeping enemy, even a low-level
warrior with an awl pike can easily cause 20+ damage points.

(OK. The sources of the chara's names are: NOIR, Rurouni Kenshin -Meiji
Kenkaku Romantan-, Sentimental Graffiti/Sentimental Journey, and Shinseiki
Evangelion (Neon Genesis Evangelion): Ayanami Rei (II and III), Hitokiri
Himura Battousai, "Chierin" Matsuoka Chie of Fukuoka (Fukuoka), Mireille
Bouquet, Souryuu Asuka Langley, and Yuumura Kirika.)


Some of the chara's skills automatically increase (grow) when the party
is yomping about the game world, Dominus. For example, everytime the party
finds some hidden items, some chara's Scouting may increase. Everytime the
party identifies some items, some chara's Artifacts may increase. Everytime
the party sees some monsters, some chara's Mythology may increase. Everytime
the party survives a battle, some chara's combat and weapon skills may

Later (2002.03.09): To complement my earlier comments below, when the
player creates a party of new chara, each Level 1 chara's Vitality and the
attribute that's important to her class should be as high as possible. The
aim is to ensure the chara will have high HP, and her important attribute
will reach 100 naturally (without magic items) as soon as possible, which
unlocks a special skill related to that attribute.
For example, a Mage should have high Vitality and Intelligence. Even
when she begins with Intelligence 70, and she allocates 2-3 points per Level
to her Intelligence, she needs at least 10-11 Levels before her Intellgence
reaches 100 and unlocks the Power Cast special skill.

When a chara "levels up" or gains a level, I evenly allocate the bonus
skill points to the skills that aren't amongst the above-mentioned. For
example, Samurai increases his Critical Strike and Dual Weapons, but not his
Sword. Gadgeteer increases her Engineering and Locks & Traps.
Also, when a chara levels up, I evenly allocate the bonus attribute
points to the attributes that control that chara's primary skills. For

Samurai: Dexterity, Senses, Speed
Ranger: Dexterity, Intelligence, Senses
Bard: Dexterity, Intelligence, Senses
Gadgeteer: Dexterity, Intelligence, Senses
Priest: Dexterity, Intelligence, Piety
Mage: Intelligence, Piety, Senses

On second thought, I'm neglecting Vitality, which controls each chara's
all-important HP. (My Mage's maximum HP is very pathetic.) Maybe I'll
increase their Vitality instead of Dexterity or Senses... (9_9;)

When the primary attribute of a chara's Class reaches 100, she gains a
new speical skill. For example, when a Mage's Intelligence reaches 100, the
Mage gains a special skill called Power Cast that allows the Mage's spells
to penetrate the high-level monsters' 100% Resistances.
The special skills are:

Strength: Power Strike.
Intelligence: Power Cast.
Piety: Iron Will.
Vitality: Iron Skin.
Dexterity: Reflection.
Speed: Snakespeed.
Senses: Eagle Eye.

When, for instance, Ranger and Samurai reach Level 5+ and can learn
spells, they should choose either defensive spells that heal (Heal Wounds,
&c), or offensive spells that affect multiple targets (Sleep, Terror, Web,
Let Priest and Mage choose spells that cure, heal, or protect the party
(Armourplate, Bless, Heal Wounds, &c), and spells that affect or damage one
or more targets (Energy Blast, Frost, Sleep, Terror, Web, &c)

Later (2002.01.30): When a chara levels up, the player can't allocate
points to a skill that's 75 or above.
After my chara were Level 5-6 and began recruiting NPCs, when they
gained levels, I improved their attributes this way and hoped some of their
attributes eventually hit 100:

Warrior-type: Dexterity, Strength, Vitality
Priest-type: Dexterity, Piety, Vitality
Mage-type: Dexterity, Intelligence, Vitality

Also, instead of a Priest and a Mage, maybe my party should've started
with a Priest and a Bishop, with the Bishop concentrating on Mage-type
spells, because the Bishop uses way better armours and weapons than the
Mage. Though the Bishop's Artifacts bonus is inferior to the Mage's Wizardry
bonus, I'm considering dual-classing my Mage to Bishop.

Later (2002.02.10): As advertised, I dual-classed my Mage 10 to a
Bishop 11. She loses the Wizardry bonus, but can learn more spells and use
better armours, weapons, and items. I also changed her name from Asuka
(Souryuu Asuka Langley) to Maki (Miyamura Yuuko, the former adult video


During combat, if the party has no monster in their melee range, or the
player predicts the party can survive one turn of attacks by the monsters
that are already in their melee range, the party can choose to walk or run
in the next turn.
Then, in the next turn, when the party's walk/run is pending, the
monsters will probably move or attack before the party can walk/run. When
the game allows the party to walk/run, the party can cancel the walk/run.
Before the player clicks the "X" to cancel, the chara can adjust the targets
of their weapons. After the player clicks the "X", all the chara
consecutively attack the monsters.
This voluntary delay is useful when, for instance, some monsters
affected by a Terror spell in the previous turn, flee in the current turn.
The delay allows the chara with missile weapons to not attack the fleeing
monsters, switch to melee weapons, and attack the monsters in melee range.

During combat, damaging a spell-casting PC or monster doesn't abort
her/its spell-casting.

Right-click a monster to learn its immunities, if any. For example, in
Arnika, don't bother to Sleep or Terror a Savant Trooper.

When a low- to middle-level party has warriors who can throw spells, in
the first turns of a battle, when the monsters are in missile to thrown
range, the warriors can break up the monsters' formation with Terror,
instead of wasting missile weapon ammo for minimal damage. The Mage can
soften the monsters with Energy Blast and Frost. Then, when some monsters
are in melee range, the Priest and Mage can hinder the monsters and multiply
the other chara's melee weapon damage with Sleep, Terror, and Web.
If the party has a Bard, remember to use the Poet's Lute to Sleep the
(BTW, a sleeping or unconscious Humanoid remains standing. A sleeping
or unconscious flying monster (bat, &c) floats in the air.)

[From Miguel Sanchez (2002.01.17):
If you go to somewhere that is "restricted" while you are in Marten's
Bluff, just stand right where they first warn you, and hit tilde ~ to go
into combat mode, enter run mode and once you can run right past the guards,
this way you can get the Idol and then do whatever else it is you need, fix
the teleport with the red & yellow wires and such...
I have a method to remove the guards guarding the combo lock in
Marten's Bluff too, they seem to run away from combat, so you could just
ensure there was an encounter near them, it was purely chance for me, they
also stay in the hallway, or wherever...
I also have used the turn on combat and run technique to quickly close
distance or even open doors and run right into shelter, where I can then
engage more safely...]


If the player creates a new WIZ8 party, they begin on a beach in the
Lower Monastery area.
If the player imports a WIZ7 party who was alone with Vi Domina, they
too begin on a beach in the Lower Monastery area.
If the player imports a WIZ7 party who was allied with the Umpani, they
begin in the Umpani Base Camp area.
If the player imports a WIZ7 party who was allied with T'Rang, they
begin in the Marten's Bluff area.
The player can't import a WIZ7 party that kept the Astral Dominae.
(Thanks to Jowy and phunky1.)

First, go to Options and customise the keyboard commands, especially
the party's movement and look left/right keys.
(I use the arrow keys for movement and num-pad for looking.)
Second, adjust the chara's formation, such that the warriors are in the
front and the wizards are in the back. Go to the chara's inventory screens
and check everyone's armour pieces (including boots and shoes) and shields.
When possible, give the best armour pieces to the chara with the worst HP.
*Everytime the party buys or gets new armour pieces, shields, or weapons,
repeat this check!*
(I call this repetitive procedure the "Lube, Oil, and Filter Sh_t".)
Return to the external view.


Gadgets: None.
NPCs: Burz (male Trynnie, Level 5, 334 HP, not recruitable).

Switch on Search mode. Without moving, look around and check the radar.
*Always check the radar for items and monsters!*
Left of the party is a huge brownish yellow door. For now, ignore it.
Near the party is a chest. Open the untrapped chest and get all items.
*Regularly press Q to quick save after the party does or finds something
(Indeed, Q to quick save and Shift+Q to quick load is essential when
the party is Pickpocketing or Shoplifting a NPC!)
On the cliff wall way behind the chest is a grey panel. Guarding the
grey panel are three Softshell Crabs, or just "Crabs" when the party can't
ID them. Terminate them.
Look right. Standing in the water is a grey wing-like panel. Patrolling
in the water around the panel are two mobile Softshell Crabs. Move the party
into the water (no chara will drown) and terminate the Softshell Crabs.
With the grey wing-like panel on the party's left side, way before the
party is a ramp. Move onto and slowly up the ramp until the party can just
see some Softshell Crabs. When the Softshell Crabs also see the party and
become hostile, move the party backwards to the first bend of the ramp, with
the bend behind the party and the two patches of grass left of the party,
and wait for the Softshell Crabs. Don't allow more than three Softshell
Crabs to simultaneously engage the party. Also, a critical hit by a
Softshell Crab can kill a chara with fewer than 10 HP!
(To quote the Murphy's Laws of Combat, "When the enemy is in range, so
are you.")
After the party terminates the Softshell Crabs, go to the structure at
the top end of the ramp and get all items.
Return to the beach. Open the untrapped huge door. Enter the corridor.
Down the corridor are some classic Green Slimes.
(The gem-like object in a slime is its nucleus, and disappears when the
slime is terminated.)
The party eventually reaches a doorway and a ramp... and some hostile
Bats. FYI, in this dungeon, other monsters include: King Crab (boss monster
with 107 HP), Noxious Slimes (which shoot missiles), Roaches (ugh), Seekers
(lizards that shoot missiles), Small Spiders (which shoot missiles that can
paralyse), Swarming Roaches, and Tanika Fishes.
(WRT monsters that shoot missiles, to quote the Murphy's Laws of
Combat, "Incoming fire has the right of way.")
Anyway. In the room with the ramp and the Bats is a door that's barred
on the other side. Later, when the party enters that room from the other
side, to unbar and open the door, don't click the door. Click the horizontal
bar on the door, then click the door.
In another room where the party gets a Book of Light, walk around the
room and the party will find more items. For example, walk beside the
bookcases and table. *In fact, in any dungeon, rub the party against the
furniture and they might find items!*
(Reminds me of some ancient action RPGs, such as the Ys series by
Falcom, where the protagonist's SD figure bumps into a monster to attack it,
or bumps into a chest to open it.)
The Poseur's Cap isn't Cursed.
WRT the locked doors of the small rooms that have corpses in them, just
force the doors with your warriors (brute force). The party can get the
items in a room through the window on the closed door, but the party must
enter the room to find and get hidden items... and find and engage hidden
WRT the King Crab in a big room behind a locked door, try to make it
unconscious with spells, to minimise its damage to the party.

When the party finds Burz, they aren't suicidal. They won't or can't
jump off the cliff that Burz's facing. Burz won't react when the party opens
the trapped chest near him and get the contents.
*In the auto-map, write short notes to mark Burz and other NPCs'
locations, and the locations of interesting things! For example, a locked
door that the party can't open until they get a special key later in the
Burz can add these keywords to the party's vocabulary: Arnika, Higardi.
Also, ask him about "trade" and "pickpocket". The party can even ask him
about persons and places that the party hasn't seen, such as Ascension Peak.

"(Heard anything about pickpocket?) Technically, it's
only stealing if you get caught. At least I think so."
- Burz, Lower Monastery

Burz demands cash for these keywords: messenger (72), monastery (24),
ship (20). Of course, a cheap party can pay him, then Load Game.
The party can Pickpocket, speak with, and trade with Burz, but can't
recruit him.

"Come back and see me if you need anything."
- Burz, Lower Monastery

Unless your alignment is Lawful Awful or Lawful Goody-Good, the party
can Pickpocket Burz. Quick save before an attempt. Leave and quick save
after a successful attempt. Quick load after an unsuccessful attempt that's
detected by Burz. After an unsuccessful attempt that's not detected by Burz,
try again. When the game claims Burz has nothing for the party to
Pickpocket, leave, hail him, and try to Pickpocket again. When the game
consecutively claims Burz has nothing for the party to Pickpocket for six or
more times, he probably really has nothing for the party to Pickpocket. If
the Bard or Rogue's Carried slots are full, the items will go to the party

"What the!? Hey, that's my job!"
- Burz, Lower Monastery

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Burz: Bearded
war axe, bo, two buckler shields, bullet stones, bullwhip, bundle of arrows,
bundle of quarrels, bundle of Viper Arrows, chamois gloves, cloth pants,
Death Bomb, Dragon Kite (magic shield), Enchanted Bow, Faerie Dust, kitchen
sink, leather boots, leather greaves, leather helm, light crossbow, mail
mittens, morning star, musket (1 shot), oliveskin doublet (AC -2, Cursed!),
plate mail (L), two Potions of Light Heal, Robes (L) +1, short bow,
shuriken, silver sollerets, skullcap, sollerets, Staff of Blessing (5
charges), steel gauntlets, Stink Bomb, Stud-Cuir Bra +2, studded hauberk,
suede pants, throwing knife, war hammer, 500 GP (0 GP, 157 GP, 343 GP).
(The heavy metal armour pieces are excellent, but my party doesn't have
a Fighter, Lord, or Valkyrie to use them.) (T_T)

If Burz realises the party is Pickpocketing him, he doesn't attack the

"Now you're gonna get it!"
- Burz, Lower Monastery

If the party attacks Burz, he has 334 HP and defends with a spear.
Though the game claims he's Level 5, he can summon Oak Elders ("Wood
Spirits"). If the party murders Burz, they get all of his 500 GP.

[From Paladin (2002.02.06):
BTW, I tried to sell a poignard to Burz and he accused me stealing from
him and attacked me. I shoplift one from him, but any poignard triggers this
event. I also sell a spell book (I forgot which one) to Braffit and he
accussed me too but didn't attack me. It seems the NPC also have personals

To open the gate at the other end of the bridge-elevator, the party
needs a Wheel Key. Three areas (maps) later, in Arnika (town), the party
will get a Wheel Key. Behind the gate is a room with two Screaming Heads
(Undead), two trapped chests, and a coffin. The chests and coffin contain a
magic great bow, a magic long sword, two Rings of Granite, and a Ring of

I actually miss the traditional low-level monsters, such as Kobolds,
Goblins, Orcs, Skeletons, and Zombies. Sigh.


Gadgets: Magnifying Glass, Microwave Chip.

Gregor has 120 HP and three attacks/round (melee and missile). Paralyse
or somehow disable it, so the party's physical attacks get bonus damage.
In the hall with six coffins, a pool, and a female statue, some coffins
are untrapped. One coffin may summon an Apparition (35 HP, Undead, can blind
a chara). Give your Bishop or Priest a chance to prove her deity exists, by
dispelling this monster.
Another coffin may have a trap that nauseates or make unconscious
multiple chara. Worse, the trap has multiple charges. Everytime the party
opens or closes the coffin, they activate the trap again, until every chara
buys the farm. (^_^;)
From one of the coffins, the Puck's Cap may be Cursed (Piety -10)!
South of Gregor's room, in the room with a female statue that's holding
a skull, don't touch the statue, but touch the skull. This opens a small
secret door behind and right of the statue, and the party can get the Safe
Key. If the party touches the statue, the square on the floor before the
statue opens and the party may fall to the intersection in the lower level
and get some damage, unless the party are standing on the edge of the
Northwest of the Safe Key room, slowly enter the room with a red
button. Small Spiders from the ceiling engage the party.
(To quote NATO combat pilots, "You always find a better class of people
in the vertical.")
A Pustulant Slime's poison is temporary. It stops to damage when the
party wins the battle.
In the kitchen, the cleaver isn't Cursed. Set the dial of the microwave
to maximum warp (3), click the red button, and get a Microwave Chip
In the Hall of Meditation, spell-casting automatically fails.
Waiting in the garden are two groups of some Seekers. Disable some of
them with Sleep, Sonic Boom, Terror, or Web. If the Seekers include some
Poison Seekers, the party can get from them some Venom Sacs that Antone
(NPC) wants.
In a room west of the Phoonzang statue and upstairs is a Lightning Rod
Use the Crude Iron Key to open the locked door in the Hall of
Meditation and enter the bells room. In the bells room, set the dial to
maximum warp (3) and click the red button. The bells shake the screen but
don't damage the party. The bells open the glass display case, glass wall,
and glass window elsewhere in this level.
Return to the control room above the crates in the first hall in the
Upper Monastery area. Slowly walk to the edge of the broken glass window and
look down. Aim for the centre of the crates and land there. Open an
untrapped crate to get an Hunter's Cape that isn't Cursed.
In combat, I don't think the Higardi Rogues will Pickpocket the party.
Also, in melee range, they don't look handsome.


Gadgets: ?

The east half of this area is hilly. The west half is forested. Near
the hill-forest border, the east-west road becomes a T-intersection, marked
by a Monastery/Arnika sign. Northeast of the sign is a house. Such houses in
the wilderness are teleporters operated by the T'Rang and Umpani.
The forest is overrun by Higardi Rogues (80+ HP) and mobile plants
(Acidvines and Iron Weeds, 30+ HP). Nodes patrolled by them are: The
Monastery/Arnika sign, the bend north of the sign, and the bend south of the
sign. Way north of the sign is a Hogar (400+ HP).

Terminate the Venom Crabs to get some Venom Crab Shells.

(Maybe because of the simplistic radar at the corner, the mesas and the
terrain of the pass west of the monastery, the appearance of the Piercer
Modais, and the look of the auto-map, this area reminds me of the
battlefields in MechWarrior 1 by (IIRC) Activision.)

Sige the Sorceress (Level 4) and her four Piercer Modais (Level 7) were
a pain to my party of Level 5-6 chara who had poor armours and few missile
ammo. (X_X) Sige's Enchanted Blade and Terror spells are a smaller problem
than the Piercer Modais' HP. Sige has only 16 HP, but each Piercer Modai has
101 +8/-0 HP. In theory, to terminate all Piercer Modais, the party must
cause 420+ damage points. In practice, the party's missile weapons do feeble
damage (when they hit...), only the Mage can throw two or three overcharged
Energy Blasts and Frosts at a Piercer Modai for 10-30 damage points each
before she depletes her MP, and to engage multiple Piercer Modais with melee
weapons is suicidal.
The tactic my party uses is: When the monsters are in visual range,
engage and break up the monsters' formation with Sleep, Sonic Boom, Terror,
Web, and the like. Keep the monsters in thrown- to long-range, and use the
auto-map to navigate and run backwards/away from the monsters when
necessary. Don't allow the monsters to end their turn in the party's melee
range, or in the next turn, the monsters will attack the party before the
party can run. Target the party's missile weapons and spells (Energy Blast,
Frost, and the like) at one monster at a time. Occasional Bombs and Powders
launched by the other chara certainly help, but my party didn't use any.
(OK. I'm cheap.)
When the Mage depletes her MP, run backwards/away from the monsters to
disengage. After the party runs for three or four turns, and are far away
enough from the monsters, the monsters will turn about and retreat. Also,
after chasing the party enough times, some of the monsters will deplete
their Stamina and fall unconscious, and wake up one or two turns later.
OTOH, as long as at least one chara has positive Stamina, all six chara can
walk/run together. (Thank gods the monsters have lower movement and Stamina
than the party.)
When the monsters retreat, disengage the party too, unless all monsters
have almost 0 Stamina, only one monster is near the party, the other
monsters can't end their turn in the party's melee range if the monsters
change their minds and charge towards the party, and the front-line chara
have 30+ HP. In this case, the party can engage the lone monster for one or
two turns, then run backwards/away.
Repeat this hit-and-run tactic until the party has attrited all five
monsters. (-_-#)
(Actually, after the first time my party ran out of ammo, and the Mage
and Priest depleted their MP, the party returned to Burz in Lower Monastery
for resupply, ie, for the Bard to practise her Pickpocket skill. Later, when
the party returned to Arnika Road, I suddenly realised/remembered the
Gadgeteer had a photon torpedo launcher, ie, a Lightning Rod that costs only
Stamina and not MP to use, like the Bard's music instruments. When the party
aren't in combat, they naturally recharge their Stamina very fast. Thus, the
Lightning Rod complemented the Mage's spells: The party sees the monsters,
engages, launches spells, the Bard and Mage deplete their Stamina and MP,
runs backwards/away to disengage, and repeat.
Finally, my party attrited all five monsters earlier than I assumed,
but they didn't get any Piercer Modai Claw?
On second thought, I also used this hit-and-run tactic against monsters
that were willing to retreat in Icewind Dale, and cleared that game before
the monsters' AI became more clever and dedicated in Icewind Dale: Heart of
Winter. But in WIZ8, I'm executing the tactic in first-person view, not
simply point-and-click.)

The northwest exit of this Arnika Road area leads to the Northern
Wilderness area.


Gadgets: ?
NPCs: Rattus Rattus (male, Level 7, 283 HP, not recruitable)

Stay on the east side of the road to reach the entrance of Arnika.
West of the first Monastery/Arnika sign are some Knock Picks.
Northwest of the second sign, beside the wall, is a purple potion.
Southeast of the second sign is a house. Northeast of the house is a
buckler shield and chain hauberk.

"Right here, you freakin' idiot."
- Rattus Rattus, Arnika-Trynton Road

The first time the party speaks with Rattus^2 (Rattus Rattus) of the
Ratkin Razuka, if the party says "Yes", he gives the party 25 musket balls,
a Rattus Note, and a Zip Gun (musket).
If the party says "No", but changes their minds and wants to execute
his mission anyway, speak with him again and say "Job".
If the party uses the Rattus Note on him, he says:

"Heh, heh, heh, heh... chumps."
- Rattus Rattus, Arnika-Trynton Road

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Rattus^2:
Amulet of Spiders, Amulet of Static, Ankh of Speed, Ankh of Youth, Book of
Energy, dagger, Doom Darts, leather hauberk, leather legging, poignard, 2
Potions of Light Heal, Potion of Restoration, Rattus Note, Rubber Shoe (1),
shuriken, silken gloves, silver gloves, skullcap, Smelling Salts, Stink
Bomb, throwing stilleto, 500 GP (14 GP, 21 GP, 465 GP).
OTOH, my party didn't get the musket balls and Zip Gun. (T_T)

"I look like Blienmeis to you?"
- Rattus Rattus, Arnika-Trynton Road

If the party Pickpockets the Rattus Note from him and uses it on him,
it disappears. If he willingly gives the Rattus Note to the party and the
party uses it on him, it doesn't disappear.

In the southeast corner of this area is a cemetery.
From the T-intersection where the Arnika-Trynton Road divides into an
eastward path towards Trynton and a southward path towards the cemetery,
walk southeast to find and get a Holy Water (blue potion) amongst the trees.
Don't use this Holy Water when your party fights the monsters in the
Outside the cemetery, walk around its outer walls to find and open two
BTW, when the party is outside the cemetery, the radar shows a group of
red dots are beside the party, and the party can actually see the tops of
the monsters' heads on the other side of the outer wall, the party can't
cast an area-effect spell through or over the outer wall to ambush the
monsters. The rod-like pointer of the spell can't move through or over the
outer wall.
(To quote the Murphy's Laws of Combat, "Smart weapons aren't. Dumb
weapons are.")
Near the entrance of the cemetery are a Sige Spirit and her Trynnie
(BTW, my party cleared the cemetery during daytime.)
Near the centre of the cemetery is a Mummy. Terminate the Mummy to get
a Mummy Dust. Enter combat mode when the party can see the Mummy and is far
from it. The Mummy has many immunities, but a Mage can Web it.
At the centre of the cemetery is a tomb containing a holographic
hanging corpse, a Skull, and a trapped chest. The party can use a Holy Water
on the hanging corpse to get 1,000 XP.
BTW, even in combat mode, a Priest won't cast the Holy Water spell on
or near the hanging corpse. My party got/Pickpocketed a Holy Water from
He'Li in Arnika (see below) before they cleared the cemetery...
After the party "switches off" the hanging corpse, they can't drop into
the lava pit.


Gadgets: Doll (northwest house), Empty Bottle (northwest house and
hangar in spaceport), Hinged Box (Vi Domina's room), Porthole (pier), X-Ray
Chip (spaceport).
NPCs: Anna L'Am (female Higardi Human, not recruitable), Lorrac (female
Higardi Human, bank teller, not recruitable), Vi Domina (female Higardi
Human, Valkyrie 6, recruitable), Antone Rapax (male Rapax, not recruitable),
He'Li (female Higardi Human, not recruitable), Lord Braffit (male Higardi
Human, Level 9, 195 HP, not recruitable), Myles (male Higardi Human, Rogue
5, 182 HP, recruitable), Tramain (male Higardi Human, Level 7, 98 HP).

The party can't trade with Myles, but can Pickpocket, recruit, and
speak with him.
Myles demands cash for these keywords: Cosmic Circle (24), Mook (15).

Later (2002.02.14): After my party went to the Mine Tunnels and
returned to Arnika, they could Pickpocket some more items from Myles: Amulet
of Healing, bullet stones, buskins, dagger, Dust of Dessication, Fire Bomb,
leather cuirass, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Dracon Breath, Potion of
Hv Heal, Potion of Light Heal, sling, suede pants, throwing knife, 1,000 GP.

East of the fountain is the spaceport. Its entrance is locked. Inside
the spaceport are Savant Guards, which aren't immune to Web.
On the runway is the Mook ship Callisto. The party can speak with
The building northwest of Callisto has a doorway and an elevator. Go
upstairs to get an X-Ray Chip, and speak with Orbittracker (computer).

Later (2002.02.14): The party must use a Shiny Metal Ball (see below)
on the Orbittracker. Afterwards, speak with it to learn the Nargisst's X-Y-Z
coordinates and order it to calculate the Nargisst's location.

In a hangar southwest of Callisto is an Empty Bottle.

Small squads of friendly Higardi Patrols patrol the main streets. They
automatically engage hostile Higardi Rogues and Savant Troopers. Follow and
help the Higardi Patrols to get some easy XP, GP, and items. Also, the
party's spells are smart. For example, when the party casts Web, it affects
only the bandits in its area of effect, and not the Higardi Patrols.

Northeast of the fountain is a statue of Phoonzang. Beside the statue,
examine the "Phoonzang" sign to get some items.

Southwest of the statue is the Arnika Community Bank.

"Dating clients is against our policy. And so many of you, too..."
- Lorrac, Arnika Community Bank, Arnika

In the bank, the party can't trade with or recruit Lorrac the Meganekko
OL, but can Pickpocket and speak with her.
For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Lorrac: Acid
Bomb, bastard sword, bipennis, bronze cuirass, bullet stones, bullwhip,
bundle of Armour Piercers, 2 bundles of arrows, bundle of Barbed Arrows,
bundle of Precision Arrows, 2 bundles of quarrels, bundle of Shrike Arrows,
chain hauberk, dagger, Enchanted Katana, Enchanted Mace, halberd, heavy
crossbow, lance, leather cuirass, light crossbow, long bow, longsword, Magic
Nectar, main gauche, Napalm Bomb, poignard, Potion of Hv Heal, Potion of Hv
Stamina, 2 Potions of Light Heal, 2 Potions of Mod Heal, Potion of Mod
Stamina, short bow, sling, Spike Stones, steel helm, 2,302 GP (69 GP, 70 GP,
259 GP, 350 GP, 462 GP, 483 GP, 609 GP).

- Lorrac, Arnika Community Bank, Arnika

If Lorrac realises the party is Pickpocketing her, or the party clicks
one of the three buttons behind her, she attacks the party and summons some
Bank Guards. After the party murders her or a Bank Guard, the game says
their relation with the Higardi Bank faction decreases. The party's journal
doesn't show a Higardi Bank faction, their relation with the Higardi remains
Friendly, and the Higardi Patrols in the streets don't engage the party.
Later, after the party gets a Diamond in probably the Northern
Wilderness area, they can give Lorrac the Diamond for 2,000 XP (each of
eight party members) and 1,001 GP.

Downstairs, in Antone's vault is the magic sword Bloodlust. If the
party has it and speaks with Antone, he thinks the party got it from his
brother Ferro in Rapax Castle.
In Anna and He'Li's vaults are untrapped chests that contain magic
potions and powders.
Unlocking the other vaults, opening the chests in the other vaults, and
terminating the dutiful Guardian Golem won't upset Lorrac and the Bank
Guard. Despite the Guardian Golem's 256 HP, the party can Freeze Flesh or
Paralyse it.
Anyway. My party didn't use the Rattus Note on Lorrac. They went to the
Arnika Jail, entered the tunnel in the floor in the middle cell, cleared the
Spewing Slime, cleared the special vault, used the transporter to beam out
of the special vault, cleared the Higardi Highwaymen, and didn't upset
Lorrac and the Bank Guard.

Northwest of the statue, and north of the Arnika Community Bank, is
He'Li's Inn & Tap.
The party can trade with He'Li, but can't recruit her.
For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from He'Li: Ale,
bundle of Hunter Quarrels, Canned Elemental, Flash Powder, Holy Water,
Icicle Stix, Impaling Stones, Mana Stone, Potion of Dracon Breath, Potion of
Light Heal, Potion of Superman, Powerpaks, Renewal Potion, Resurrection
Powder, Rocket Stix, Scroll of Terror, Smelling Salts, 761 GP (154 GP, 278
GP, 329 GP).

"What?!? THIEF!"
- He'Li, He'Li's Inn & Tap, Arnika

If she realises the party is Pickpocketing her, she attacks the party
and summons multiple squads of Higardi Patrols. If the party murders her,
they get a bag of items: Cherry Bomb, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Light
Heal, Sneeze Powder.

[From RyuChan (2002.02.05):
This happened right after I showed the teller Antone's card and went
down into the storage area. First I lockpicked the three doors that don't
require the cards (grabbing the loot and killing the Golem). If it matters,
I let the party camp for 8 hours since one of us got seriously wounded by
the Golem. After that, we went and used the cards on all 3 doors and grabbed
all the loot inside.
The problem was when we decided to go up the in the elevator. We went
in and pressed the button as we did when we went down. Then when the
elevator was halfway up, the party suddenly went right through the floor and
took falling damage, landing at the bottom of the elevator shaft. The
problem is, the elevator's above us now, so we can't go anywhere. I tried
reloading... we still fell through the elevator.]

Northeast of the statue are the Arnika Jail and Antone's Armoury.
Antone's Armoury is the building with purple banners and grey shields
beside its entrance. Antone Rapax will make special items for the party when
the party collects and gives him some special components:

Beastslayer: Cleaver, Picus Egg, Piercer Modai Claw.
Ebon Staff: Ebon Gem, Mummy Dust, Spirit Staff.
Featherweight: Djinn Eye, Plumed Serpent Feather, Wasp Wings.
Steelhide Armour: Iron Weed Thorns, Steelhide Skin, Venom Sac.
Zynaryx Plate: Skull, Spider Silk, Venom Crab Shell.

The party doesn't need to simultaneously give Antone the three
components he needs to make a certain item. Just give him one or more
components as the party finds them, and the party will record this in their
journal. When the party's given him the three components for a certain item,
he'll recognise the condition and tell the party to come later and buy (or
possibly shoplift) the item.
If the party gives Antone an Eau D'Rapax Perfume, he doesn't accept it.
AFAIK, Arnika has no female Rapax for him to attract anyway.
(To quote an ancient American proverb, "Say 'No' to drugs.")

If the party attacks Antone, he counter-attacks the party and summons
multiple squads of Higardi Patrols.
(I agree with Domina and He'Li that law and order in Arnika stink. My
party was speaking with Antone in his shop when they suddenly entered combat
mode. A group of Savant Guards were at the doorway of the shop, which has no
door that automatically closes. So my party helped Antone take down the
bandits, but he didn't summon any Higardi Patrol...
Then again, my party wasn't just speaking with Antone when the bandits
interrupted them. My Bard was Pickpocketing a shipload of items from Antone.
(^_^;) I initially thought he'd caught my Bard again, and I was ready to
Shift+Q to quick load.
BTW, Antone isn't as tough as he looks and sounds. Once, outside his
doorway, three Savant Drones engaged my party. My party ran into his shop
and stood right behind him. He blocked the Savant Drones' LOS to my party,
and he was vulnerable to the Savant Drones' KO and paralysis attacks. He
didn't summon any Higardi Patrol, and was down to about 30 HP, when my party
lost their respect for him, healed him a bit, and re-engaged the Savant

"Lest you think that thievery is without its price..."
- Antone Rapax, Antone's Armoury, Arnika

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Antone:
Bascinet & camail, bo, bronze cuirass, bronze greaves, buckler shield,
bullwhip, bundle of arrows, chain chausses, chain hauberk, chain hosen, cuir
gauntlets, Dragon Kite, Enchanted Broadsword, Enchanted Wakizashi, Faust
Halberd (Cursed!), halberd, hatchet, heavy crossbow, Holy Basher, light
crossbow, long bow, longsword, mace, mail coif, mail mittens, Mantis Boots,
Mantis Gloves, Mystic Spear, plate mail (L), plate mail (U), Poison Dagger
(Cursed!), quarter staff, round shield, shillelah, short bow, sollerets,
steel gauntlets, steel helm, war hammer, Wrist Rocket (magic sling), 900 GP
(49 GP, 49 GP, 154 GP, 648 GP).
By 2002.01.20, my party dumps their extra equipment in the street
outside Antone's Armoury. The extra armours before one banner, extra weapons
before the other banner, and extra spellbooks before the temple.
(Looks as if Antone and the monks are having a yard sale. (^_^) I hope
the items in the street don't fade away.)

South of Antone's Armoury is Braffit's Temple.
Braffit is in the upper floor. The party can use the Fellowship Pass on
him, which expends it and adds an entry to the party's Journal.
(My party did this after they already used the Wheel Key in Lower
Monastery to get the magic weapons...
BTW, when the party is on the balcony of the temple and sees some
monsters in the street below, the party can't cast an area-effect spell
through or over the temple wall, but can cast it around the temple wall to
ambush the monsters. That is, the rod-like pointer of the spell can't move
through or over the temple wall, but the player can "walk" the pointer down
a ramp and into the monsters, as if plotting the course of a Tomahawk cruise
The party can trade with Braffit, but can't recruit him.

"You would steal from a member of the cloth? How unfortunate for your
eternal soul..."
- Lord Braffit, Arnika

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Braffit:
Anointed Flail, Book of Angels, Book of Banishing, Book of Blessings, 2
Books of Disease Cures, Book of Enchantment, 2 Books of Healing, Book of
Holy Water, Book of Lesser Cures, Book of Missiles, Book of Paralysis Cures,
Book of Poison Cures, 2 Books of Resting, Book of Souls, Book of Wounding,
Magic Nectar, Pickmeup Potion, Potion of Cure Disease, 3 Potions of Hv Heal,
Potion of Hv Stamina, 3 Potions of Light Heal, 3 Potions of Mod Heal, 2
Potions of Mod Stamina, Potion of Restoration, Renewal Potion, Resurrection
Powder, Scroll of Identify, Scroll of Resurrect, 2 Smelling Salts, 350 GP
(28 GP, 84 GP, 98 GP, 140 GP).
(The Anointed Flail does double damage vs Undead, but my party already
swept the Arnika-Trynton Road cemetery before they got the flail. The Book
of Disease Cures is way rad. Before my party met Braffit, they got the Wheel
Key from the basement of the temple, and used it in the monastery. Somewhere
in the monastery, in a battle vs some Rabid Rats, my Mage and Samurai got
Diseased. Since then, the two have been playing musical unconsciousness all
the way from the monastery, back to Arnika. Worse, my Mook Ranger still
hasn't returned from the UMA Building.) (-_-;)

North-northwest of the statue, enter the burning shuttlewreck to get
some items, including a Damaged Black Box.
(When the party uses the Damaged Black Box on one of the computers in
the Arnika spaceport, it gives the party nothing useful. When the party
tries to drop the Damaged Black Box, the game forces the party to keep it.
But the party can drop it into a chest. BTW, maybe the programmers could've
named this town "Lockerbie" instead.) (-_-;)
Inside the shuttlewreck, enter the building northwest of the
shuttlewreck, open a door, fight some Savant Troopers, and find Vi Domina
the SM Queen for 500 GP and 7,000 XP! In her room is a Hinged Box (gadget).
(IMO, her eyepatch makes her look like a Borg. BTW, she bounces and
wears shorts.)
The party can't trade with her, but can gawk at and recruit her.
For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Domina: Acid
Bomb, bronze cuirass, bullet stones, Cherry Bomb, Concussion Powder, Flash
Powder, leather legging, mace, Potion of Light Heal, Potion of Superman,
sling, Smelling Salts, 150 GP.

"What? Why are you ripping ME off!?"
- Madame Vitalia "Vi" Domina, Arnika

Afterwards, when the party recruits/assimilates her, she still carries
or wears a bronze cuirass, leather legging, mace, and sling. In her
inventory screen, the figure that represents her is also blurry and naked.
(The ancient Roman proverb "Semper ubi sub ubi" ("Always where under
where") doesn't apply in WIZ8.)
If she realises the party is Pickpocketing her, she doesn't attack the
After my party recruits Domina, when she advances a level, I plan to
allocate two points each to her Dexterity, Strength, and Vitality; and hope
they eventually reach 100.
The player can't give her Stun Mace to another chara.
(BTW, I call her Domina because in the old Black/Matrix FRPG for Sega
Saturn, which I didn't play, one of the heroines is also called Domina.)

Northeast of the statue is the UMA (United Mook Alliance) Building.
When the party approaches its entrance, a holographic Mook appears and
greets the party. If the party has a Mook, she automatically becomes Missing
for one day. While the Mook's AWOL, her record remains in the screen, but
her status is Missing and the player can't add or remove items to/from her
Also, when the Mook's missing, and the party tries to Pickpocket a NPC
and chooses the Mook for the attempt, the Pickpocket attempt fails.
(When the party has more than one Mook, I don't know if all Mooks
become Missing? Also, I don't know what happens if all chara are Mooks and
the party has no NPC?)
After the Mook's missing for about 24 hours (game time), the party must
camp and rest once to let the Mook come back.
(In my party's case, when my Mook Ranger was missing, my party
recruited Domina, swept the monastery again, swept the Arnika-Trynton Road
cemetery, and was ready to enter Trynton, before my party finally camped for
the very first time on 2002.01.27, since the game began on 2001.12.11. The
screen said they rested for the standard eight hours, but the save game
clock said they rested for about an hour before my Mook came back. She was
Level 7 with 91,315 XP when she left, and now everyone else was Level 9 or
10 with 319,878 XP. So, Level-wise, she didn't miss much.)

East of the UMA Building is Anna's Marina & Bait Shop.
The party can trade with Anna, but can't recruit her.
For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Anna: Amulet
of Healing, beanie, bundle of arrows, bundle of Hunter Quarrels, bundle of
Mystic Arrows, bundle of quarrels, bundle of Shrike Arrows, bundle of Viper
Arrows, cloth pants, cloth shirt, copper gloves, Doubleshot Sling, flak
vest, fur halter, leather boots, leather cuirass, leather legging, Potion of
Hv Heal, 2 Potions of Light Heal, Potion of Mod Heal, Powerpaks, 3 quilt
tunics, robes (L), Robes (L) +1, Robes (U) +1, sandals, Scroll of Crush,
Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Magic Missiles, Scroll of Magic Screen, Scroll
of Terror, sollerets, Spellbook of Resting, 2 suede doublets, 2 suede pants,
500 GP (247 GP, 273 GP).

"You know, I was ready to give you a chance, too! Get outta my shop!"
- Anna L'Am, Anna's Marina & Bait Shop, Arnika

If she realises the party is Pickpocketing her, she doesn't attack the

Northeast of Anna's Marina & Bait Shop is a pier. There, on top of some
crates is a Porthole (gadget).

In the northwest corner of Arnika, some houses have locked doors and
contain an Empty Bottle (gadget), Doll (gadget), and spellbook.

In the southeast corner of Arnika, the houses are empty.

West of the Savant Tower, on the ground near a tree is a NAS-81 (purple

At the entrance of the HLL Building, if the party has the Marten ID
Tag, the scanner between the two Unicorn heads automatically opens the door
for them. Inside, the CO of the HLL, Tramain, is upstairs.
The party can Pickpocket and speak with Tramain, but can't recruit or
trade with him.

"Who do you think you are?!? I should have left that alarm on!
- Tramain, HLL Building, Arnika

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Tramain:
Amulet of Life, Ankh of Dexterity, Ankh of Speed, Aqua Ring, armet, Book of
Blessings, bronze cuirass, bundle of Hunter Quarrels, bundle of Viper
Arrows, chain chausses, chain hauberk, claymore, Devil Dust, Dust of
Banishment, Enchanted Broadsword, Eye for an Eye Potion, Fire Bomb, Forest
Cape, Granite Potion, halberd, heavy crossbow, Ice Bomb, long bow,
monstrance, plate mail (L), plate mail (U), 2 Potions of Dracon Breath,
Potion of Heavy Heal, Potion of Mod Heal, Potion of Razor Cloak, Potion of
Superman, Raven's Bill (Cursed!), Resurrection Powder, Ring Pro Magic,
Scroll of Armourplate, Scroll of Haste, Smelling Salts, Tarnished Mail, Wand
of Static, 300 GP.
If the party murders Tramain, they get about 27,024 XP (3,378 x 8), and
the HLL Officers downstairs remain friendly.


NPCs: Chief Gari (male Trynnie, Level 9, 165 HP).

The party's goal in Trynton is a giant tree with platforms up on its
trunk, which is some distance southeast of the bridge.
(My party hoped to avoid the monsters, moved north along the cliff-top,
then moved south, but groups of Picuses, plants, and Rapax Patrols engaged
the party anyway.
I wanted to NOT engage the Rapax Patrols, but they trapped the party at
the triangular point where the cliff-top meets a hill, and the party had to
counter-attack in self-defense. After the first and second Rapaxes' deaths,
the game commented the party's relation with the Rapax Common worsened. The
relation apparently changed from Friendly to Neutral, then to Hostile.
The party's Hostile relation with the Rapax Common reportedly won't
upset Antone in Arnika, because faction-wise he belongs to the Higardi.
BTW, the Rapax Patrols' 300+ HP (per Rapax) consumed a lot of the
party's magic dusts, potions, and powders, but in return, they gave some
good armours.)

The rare green dots in the radar are friendly groups of three Trynnie
Hunters, armed with throwing spears. They won't speak with the party. Also,
they aren't as helpful as the Higardi Patrols and Lay Brothers in Arnika,
because the Trynnie Hunters don't wander about.
(OTOH, I haven't tried luring a Battering Hogar or Hogar to Chief Gari
and see how more powerful than Burz he is?)
If the party says "No" to Chief Gari, he asks the party for help
everytime the party tries to speak with him, until the party says "Yes".
Just say "Yes" and he'll get out of the party's way into his tree.
The party can't recruit or trade with Chief Gari, but can Pickpocket
and speak with him.

"Why, you...!!!"
- Chief Gari, Trynton

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Chief Gari:
Awl pike, bascinet, bastard sword, Book of Removal, Book of Terror, bronze
cuirass, 2 bronze greaves, Canned Elemental, dagger, Chieftain's Sceptre
(magic mace, male only), Death Shroud (magic cloak, Cursed!), feather darts,
halberd, leather cuirass, leather greaves, Mana Stone, morning star, Poison
Dagger (Cursed!), Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Dracon Breath, Potion of
Hv Heal, Potion of Mod Heal, Potion of Restoration, Raven's Bill (magic
polearm, Cursed!), Ring of Protection, Ring of Sanity, Ring of Stars, Scroll
of Fireball, Scroll of Freeze Flesh, Scroll of Resurrect, Scroll of Slow,
shuriken, skullcap, Sneeze Powder, spear, Stink Bomb, studded hauberk,
throwing knife, Wrist Rocket (magic sling), 212 GP.

In the Trynnies' tree, the party's objective is the 1st Bough, a series
of platforms patrolled by friendly Trynnie Patrols. Click the hand-like
pointer on a ladder or rope to climb it. On the way, to avoid confusion,
split and drop one arrow at each of the bottom and top ends of the ladders
and ropes that take the party to the 1st Bough.
(FYI, the party will later create a shortcut from the top floor of the
tree to the ground floor.)
When the party eventually clicks on a rope to climb up a tunnel and
reaches the 1st Bough, don't fall back into that tunnel, or everyone will
receive 80+ damage points.
(BTW, IMO the Trynnies look more like TMNTs without shells than
humanoid ferrets.)

After the party completes the quests in the next two areas, called
Trynton Upper Branches and Rattkin Tree, they will return to Trynton.
Afterwards, the entrance to the Swamp area is at the southeast corner of
Trynton, and is guarded by a Swallower.


Gadgets: Empty Bottle (house), Giant Magnet (Madras's observatory),
Glowing Goo (Fuzzfas), Orange Goo (Fuzzfas), Rotten Meat (vending machine in
Trynton Zoo), Shiny Chrome Plate (Crocodiles' cage in Trynton Zoo), Shiny
Metal Ball (Hogar's cage in Trynton Zoo), Short Gooda Vine (Trynton
Sanctuary), Zuzu Petals (Rising Elms).
NPCs: Fuzzfas (male Trynnie, Level 7, 148 HP, not recruitable), Madras
(male Trynnie, Gadgeteer 8, not recruitable), Shaman Das (male Trynnie,
Level 3, 64 HP, not recruitable).

Follow the Trynnies as they patrol the platforms. If they walk pass
some monsters without engaging the monsters, manually enter combat mode, so
the monsters advance and engage the Trynnies and the party. Trynnies
terminated by the monsters will also give the party some items and GP.
BTW, the Trynnies are dutiful. After a fight, even blinded Trynnies
will walk on and continue their patrol.

The Sprites, though naked, are hostile. They cast Blinding Flash, Crush
(10-40 damage points), Eye for an Eye, and Whipping Rocks. After the party
terminates a group of Sprites (Leaf or Tree), the party may get a Sprite's
Dagger (Faerie only).
After the party terminates a group of Saplings (Oak or Willow), the
party may get a Spirit Staff.

The party can't recruit Fuzzfas the Master of Magic (self-proclaimed),
but can Pickpocket and trade with him.
If your party has a Gadgeteer, buy his Glowing Goo and Orange Goo, and
merge them to make a Lava Lamp.

"What the...?!? Well, I never! Not recently anyway!"
- Fuzzfas

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Fuzzfas: Blue
Marble, Book of Corrosion, Book of Energy, Book of Traps, Book of Wounding,
Boom Bomb, Canned Elemental, Concussion Powder, Dead Frog, Devil Dust, Dust
of Banishment, Eye of an Eye Potion, Fire Bomb, Flash Powder, Glowing Goo,
Granite Potion, Holy Water, Magic Nectar, Mystery Potion, Napalm Bomb,
Orange Goo, Pickmeup Potion, Potion of Cure Light Condition, Potion of Cure
Poison, 2 Potions of Dracon Breath, Potion of Hv Heal, Potion of Hv Stamina,
Potion of Light Heal, Potion of Mod Heal, Potion of Razor Cloak, Potion of
Superman, Scroll of Armourplate, Scroll of Crush, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll
of Magic Missiles, Scroll of Remove Curse, Scroll of Restoration, Smelling
Salts, Sneeze Powder, 469 GP, 481 GP.

After the party buys the Glowing Goo and Orange Goo, the party can
Pickpocket another Glowing Goo and Orange Goo from him, and make another
Lava Lamp. He'll buy the Lava Lamp for 300-something GP, which IMO isn't

At the intersection before the Trynton Sanctuary, my party used the
fountain, answered "memory", and each chara got Intelligence +5 and 1,000
XP! The party also got a Book of Detection.
In the Trynton Sanctuary, at the far end, when the party gets the two
Short Gooda Vines, don't stand on the hot coal under the lizard head, or the
party will get burnt (duh). Merge the Short Gooda Vines to make a Gooda Vine

Some platforms have no railing, such as the section beside the "The
Third Bough" sign. The party can step off these platforms, or get pushed off
by a "friendly" group of Trynnies, and fall onto the ground in the Trynton
area, for 190-200 damage points each. Only a Valyrie will survive the fall.
BTW, my party tried to push a Trynnie off the platform, but couldn't.

In the Trynton Zoo, my party unlocked Bobo the Hogar's cage to get the
Shiny Metal Ball, and the Crocodiles' cage to get the Shiny Chrome Plate. (I
didn't feel like engaging the Sprites.) The Shiny Metal Ball is on the floor
beside the straw bed near the sollerets. Use the Shiny Metal Ball on the
computer in the upper floor of the building near the Callisto in the
spaceport in Arnika.
(I don't know whether the vending machine beside the Crocodiles' cage
gives an infinite number of Rotten Meat. My party gave up after the 11th
My party didn't merge any Faerie Dust and Rotten Meat. If the party
drops a normal Rotten Meat into the box beside the "Do not feed the Hogar"
sign, the Rotten Meat remains in the box and nothing happens.
My party also unlocked the door of Bobo's cage when some Trynnies were
nearby. Note that while the party's unlocking the door, time isn't paused,
and the Trynnies keep walking away. After the door is unlocked, Bobo doesn't
automatically become hostile.)

In the Rising Elms building, get one unit of Zuzu Petals.

In the 4th Bough, the party and the monsters can't cast/use magic items
and spells inside, into, or out of the Pagoda garden. A chara simply doesn't
cast a spell or use an item, and won't waste any MP or item.
OTOH, the party and the monsters can cast/use magic inside the
buildings around the garden: the Pagoda Archives, Pagoda Armoury, and 7th
Bough. Thus, when the party fights the Leaf Sprites, Oak Saplings, and
others that regenerate in the garden, the party can run to and stay in the
doorway of a building, so the monsters can't Armourmelt and Crush the party.
(When my party met the three Oak Saplings in the Pagoda Armoury, which
had 300+ HP each, my party exited the Pagoda Armoury and ran to the doorway
of the 7th Bough, across the garden. A few rounds later, my Ranger was down
to 12 HP and everyone else had almost full HP. She couldn't use a Potion of
Hv Heal, so I moved her to one flank. After the party terminated one Oak
Sapling, I was anxiously staring at the other Oak Saplings' gnarly 600+ HP,
but in the next two rounds, the Ranger luckily Instant Killed them!)

In the Pagoda Armoury, on a table are two trapped chests. The lock on
the safe has five tumblers. In the safe are two more trapped chests. The
party can't take any of the masks, AFAIK.

In the Pagoda Archives, where some Rapaxes and Trynnies aren't
peacefully drinking beer together, don't fall into the hole in the floor.

In the 7th Bough, after the party uses a Mystery Potion and one unit of
Zuzu Petals to summon Shaman Das, and before the party speaks with him, he
won't disappear when the party exits the building. The party can't attack,
magic, Pickpocket, recruit, or trade with him, and can only speak with him
for 25,000 XP.
(BTW, my party hasn't tried luring some monsters to The Shaman and see
how powerful he is.)

In the observatory, the party can't recruit Madras the Gadgeteer to the
Stars (until he completes his current project?) or trade with him, but can
Pickpocket and speak with him.
When my party first spoke with Madras and said "No", he mentioned Chief
Gari and assumed the party's doing their Operation Extermination anyway.

"Hey, thief! I thought we were friends!"
- Madras, Trynton Upper Branches

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Madras: Boom
Bomb, cloth pants, cloth shirt, Devil Dust, Duct Tape (gadget, 10 charges),
Electrodes (gadget), Enchanted Broadsword, Flash Powder, Icicle Stix,
Impaling Stones, leather boots, Lightning Rod, Mana Stone, Omnigun Mk.4,
quarter staff, Resurrection Powder, Ring of Breezes, Scroll of Haste, Scroll
of Magic Screen, Stink Bomb, 500 GP (206 GP, 294 GP).
By 2002.02.05, when my party met Madras, my Gadgeteer's already using
an Omnigun Mk.5.


Gadgets: ?
NPCs: Don Barlone (male Rattkin, Level 20, 319 HP, not recruitable),
Milano Calzone (male Rattkin, Level 8, 277 HP, not recruitable).

At the end of a short platform where the party seems to have to jump
(fall) onto a long platform under them, carefully examine the left corner of
the end of the short platform, and you'll see a rope that the party can use
to climb down to the long platform.

The first time the party speaks with Calzone, say "Dark Savant".
BTW, when my party first met Calzone, three hostile wasps were in the
corridor behind him. So, before my party spoke with him, my party entered
combat mode, and he helped clear the wasps. He has fast and poisonous
The party can't recruit or trade with Calzone, but can Pickpocket and
speak with him.

"Listen up, jerk! You don't try to steal from a thief!"
- Milano Calzone, Rattkin Tree

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Calzone: Bread
rolls, Doubleman Draught, Fire Bomb, Ice Bomb, jazeraint tunic, leather
boots, Midnight Cloak, Necklace of Endurance (female only), Potion of Hv
Heal, Potion of Superman, Ring of Breezes, Ring of Life, Ring of Protection,
Scroll of Armourplate, Scroll of Heal All, silken gloves (Cursed!), Sneeze
Powder, stud chausses, Thieves Dagger (Rogue only), throwing stiletto, 750
GP (168 GP, 252 GP, 330 GP).

The party can't recruit Barlone, but can Pickpocket, speak with, and
trade with him. He sells few items, and doesn't buy any item.

"Who do you think you are! You NEVER mess with a Razuka!"
- Don Barlone, Rattkin Tree

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Barlone: Acid
Bomb, Amulate of Asphyxiate, Ankh of Dexterity (AC +1, Dexterity +10), Book
of Detection, Chamail Doublet +2, Chamail Pants +2, Death Bomb, Dust of
Defection, Dust of Dessication, leather boots, Midnight Cloak, Napalm Bomb,
Poison Dart, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Hv Heal, Potion of Superman, 2
Renewal Potions, Resurrection Powder, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Remove
Curse, shuriken, Smelling Salts, Stink Bomb, Thieves Dagger, throwing knife,
3,000 GP (445 GP, 567 GP, 630 GP, 665 GP, 693 GP).
I don't know what happens if the party murders Barlone before he
acquires the Astral Dominae?

After the party terminates the Rattkin Breeders, return to and speak
with Madras in Trynton Upper Branches for 5,000 XP, and Chief Gari in
Trynton for another 5,000 XP.


NPCs: Crock (male Humanoid, Level 10, 244 HP, not recruitable), Dark
Savant (yes, the Grand Poobah himself, not recruitable).

In the Swamp, when the terrain beside the path becomes wider, move
north to reach a muddy river, then east along the south bank of the river.
Move counter-clockwise around a hill, then move along the river till the
party can cross it on a bridge. From the bridge, move north to reach a
beach. Move east on the beach to find and get an ankh, lots of bullet
stones, potions, a Scroll of Resurrect, and a Stun Mace.
Be warned that in the hills east of the beach are probably lots of
Rynjin Empaths, Rynjin Overseers, Rynjin Sentries, and Rynjin Thralls.
Rynjins are roughly Troglodytes with martial arts and mental attacks. Rynjin
Thralls will protect a Rynjin Overseer.
(The first two times my party met the Rynjins, they FUBAR my party.
There was no third time because I decided to not explore this part of the
Swamp for now.)

Also, if you see Diremares, FLEE!
Also^2, cast a Light spell to turn on the lights and avoid large (view
screen-wide) blackened spots on the ground. When the party walks onto one of
these, which the party doesn't spot and the radar doesn't detect, the party
eats a Fireball from nowhere for 10-20 damage points each.

North of the bridge, from the bend where the south-north path first
turns east, move east to near the east edge of the map, and the party will
enter a tunnel that leads to a pool. In the pool are a Book of Corrosion and
some items.
North of the pool is the entrance to the Mine Tunnels area.

After the Dark Savant's speech doesn't inspire the party, get his
Astral Dominae (Fake).
(He should study Gihren Zabi's speeches in Kidou Senshi Gundam (Mobile
Suit Gundam), IMO.)

Way south of the bridge, on the south edge of the map is the entrance
to the Marten's Bluff area.

"Yeh thieving spider lovers!!"
- Crock, Swamp

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Crock: Amulet
of Healing, bipennis, Book of Acid, Book of Ego Whip, Book of Elements, Book
of Fiery Rings, Book of Fire, Book of Ice, Book of Insight, bullet stones,
bundle of arrows, bundle of Barbed Arrows, bundle of Hunter Quarrels, 2
bundles of Precision Arrows, bundle of quarrels, Canned Elemental, 2
Disruptor Maces, do-maru (L), do-maru (U), Doublestrike Dagger, Eau D'Rapax
Perfume, Hayai Bo, heavy crossbow, Large Prism (gadget), leather cuirass,
Magic Polish (gadget), ninja cowl, ninja garb (L), ninja garb (U), nunchaka,
Resurrection Powder, Ring Pro Magic, Ring of Protection, silver sollerets,
sollerets, Voltage Amplifier (gadget), Wrist Rocket, 5,000 GP.
If the party murders Crock, they get about 67,368 XP (8,421 x 8) and no
item. Upstairs, in his room, an unlocked and untrapped chest contains some
unexceptional items.

[From ribald (2002.02.10):
After you kill Brekke to get your pc back from Crock, you can exit
Swamp then return kill Brekke again to get the experience from crock again
and again and again...]


Gadgets: Empty Bottle.
NPCs: RFS-81 (male Android, Monk 10, recruitable).

When the party first meets RFS-81 the Class A Savant Trooper, he's
Neutral. Threaten has no effect. Friendly makes him Friendly. Recruit
immediately adds him to the party.
(As an android from a hostile faction, he reminds me of the Tai'i in
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss (Super Dimension Century Orguss).)
Near RFS-81's hut is possibly a NAS-81.
Before RFS-81 joins the party, use the NAS-81 on him for 25,000 XP,
then ask him about "Vi Domina".
After RFS-81 joins the party, in the description of an item, the
"Usable by Race" page has a new "Android" icon.

"RFS-81 detects core shell intrusion!"
- RFS-81, Mine Tunnels

Before RFS-81 joins the party, the party can Pickpocket and speak with
him, but can't trade with him. I don't think a successful Pickpocket attempt
can get any item from him, but he can still catch a failed attempt.
Another WIZ8 player commented RFS-81 speaks like the Daleks in Doctor
Who. OTOH, I'm disappointed that, in combat, RFS-81 doesn't say "Hasta la
vista, baby."

West of RFS-81's hut is a pool. Near the southeast corner of the pool
is an Amulet of Healing.
From RFS-81's hut, move southeast and follow the chain railing up the
hill. I don't think the party can climb the giant arch.
The party eventually reaches a metal panel on the ground, with a T'Rang
sign on the right side of the metal panel, and a doorway blocked by laser
beams behind the metal panel.
Ignore the metal panel and move east along the south side of the path.
Southeast of the T'Rang sign, where the north-south path turns west, click
on a rock on the ground, which is really a switch, to open a secret door on
the hillside.
Enter the secret door. In the T'Rang outpost, when the corridor becomes
a Y-intersection, enter the right corridor and turn off the laser beams that
block the doorway.
Exit the doorway and move west to find and get a Lyre. Northwest of the
Lyre is a Cap of Wiles. Far west of the Lyre is a Hose (gadget), outside a
In the house are a control panel and three mine carts.
Re-enter the T'Rang outpost to find Tantris T'Rang.
The party can speak with Tantris once, but can't Pickpocket, recruit,
or trade with him. He only advises the party to speak with Z'Ant in Marten's


After my party recruited RFS-81 in the Mine Tunnels, I decided to
ignore Marten's Bluff for now, return to Arnika to resupply, yomp through
the Northern Wilderness, and infiltrate the Umpani Base Camp to get some
modern and sci-fi weapons. (Maybe disruptors, phasers, photon torpedoes,
plasma torpedoes, and deflector shields?)

In the Northern Wilderness, northeast of the exit to the Arnika Road
area is a ruined house with some Higardi Highwaymen and a Rogue Leader.
Their items probably include a Diamond, which the party can give Lorrac in
Northeast of the ruined house is a short south-north bridge, which
leads to the Umpani Base Camp area. The party can't fall into the river.
When the party moves east along the river, near the far east end of the
river is a long west-east bridge, which leads to the Mountain Wilderness
area. On the long bridge is a Marble Golem.
West of the long bridge is a lake. On the island in the lake are some
items, probably including a Book of Frost.

4.12 UMPANI BASE CAMP (Fort Mt Gigas, or General Yamir
Military City)

Gadgets: Empty Bottles.
NPCs: PFC Sparkle (female Trynnie, Ranger, recruitable), Pvt Panrack
(male Umpani, Level 3, 110 HP, not recruitable), Saxx (male Umpani, Bard,
recruitable), Sgt Balbrak (male Umpani, Level 8, 438 HP, not recruitable),
Sgt Bildublu (male Umpani, Level 5, 259 HP, not recruitable), Sgt Kunar
(male Umpani, Level 9, 318 HP, not recruitable), Sgt Rubble (male Umpani,
Level 7, 377 HP).

At the entrance of the Umpani military city is a flagpole, guarded by
Panrack. On the flagpole is a winch. The first time the party clicks the
winch, it lowers the Umpani Flag. The second time the party clicks the
winch, the party gets the Umpani Flag and makes Panrack and all nearby
Umpani hostile.
The party can Pickpocket and speak with Private Panrack, but can't
recruit or trade with him.

"You theivin' [sic], cheatin', stealin', lying', no good vandals!"
- Private Panrack, Umpani Base Camp

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Panrack: Ankh
of Life, bascinet & camail, bearded war axe, Book of Traps, bundle of Barbed
Arrows, bundle of Peacemakers, chain chausses, chain hauberk, copper gloves,
cutlass, Death Bomb, Dust of Defection, Enchanted Broadsword, feathered hat,
hammer, heater shield, Ice Bomb, Icicle Stix, leather boots, leather
cuirass, light crossbow, Locket of Reflection (female only), mail coif,
morning star, Potion of Cure Poison, Scroll of Armourplate, Scroll of
Fireball, Scroll of Freeze Flesh, Scroll of Missile Shield, Shield of Winds,
sollerets, spear, Spear of Death (not Cursed!), Spike Stones, studded
hauberk, suede pants, Sword of Hearts, walriblade, Wrist Rocket, zweihander,
150 GP.
No guns. (?_?)
If a Caustic Vine or Iron Weed poisons Panrack, he doesn't cure
himself. If the poison kills him, he drops a bag of items: bundle of Barbed
Arrows and Scroll of Fireball. Afterwards, if the party lowers and gets the
Umpani Flag, the nearby Umpani don't become hostile.

The Umpani Privates are sometimes cowardly. When the party manually
enters combat mode without any monster in sight, they sometimes flee or

Inside the military city, the left building contains the Enlisted
Barracks and the IUF Recruitment Centre, and the right building contains the
Yamo's Roadhouse and the IUF Commissary. (IMO, the buildings are designed
like public toilets.)
Empty Bottles are on the ground outside the southeast corner of the
right building.
At the north end of the south-north road between the two buildings is
the EWAXX Building.
West of the EWAXX Building is the Recruit Training Course.

In the Roadhouse, before the party has joined the IUF, they can't
Pickpocket, recruit, speak with, or trade with Bildublu and Saxx.
Click the shelves behind Bildublu to get two bottles of ale anyway.
After the party joins the IUF, they can Pickpocket, speak with, and
trade with Bildublu, but can't recruit him. He buys and sells mostly
For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Bildublu:
bascinet & camail, bearded war axe, Book of Traps, bundle of Barbed Arrows,
bundle of Peacemakers, chain chausses, chain hauberk, copper gloves,
cutlass, Death Bomb, Enchanted Broadsword, feathered hat, hammer, heater
shield, Ice Bomb, leather boots, leather cuirass, light crossbow, Potion of
Cure Poison, Scroll of Armourplate, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Freeze
Flesh, Scroll of Missile Shield, Shield of Winds, sollerets, spear, Spear of
Death (not Cursed!), Spike Stones, studded hauberk, Sword of Hearts,
walriblade, Wrist Rocket, zweihander, 600 GP.

"Whoa! That your hand in my pocket?! Exactly what ARE
you looking for boys?"
- Saxx, Yamo's Roadhouse, Umpani Base Camp

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Saxx: bullet
stones, leather boots, leather cuirass, leather greaves, leather helm, 3
Potions of Hv Stamina, Potion of Mod Heal, sling, Soulful Sax (Soul Shield,
Music 45, Bard Level 8), walriblade, 400 GP.

In the Commissary, even before the party has joined the IUF, they can
Pickpocket, speak with, and trade with Kunar, but can't recruit him. He
sells only an Umpani Flag, and doesn't buy anything. Ask him about "Astral
Dominae" and "Destinae Dominus".
Click the cash register on the counter to get about 6 GP.
After the party joins the IUF, when they speak with Kunar, they can
trade with him. (Though my party could enter the Mt Gigas Caves area, thanks
to an IUF Top Security Pass (Fake), they joined the IUF because they were
very overloaded. Each chara was carrying more than her carrying capacity. My
party needed to sell their extra armours and weapons to Kunar, and to dump
other useful items on the ground between the buildings.)
The door behind Kunar is locked. After the party Pickpockets Kunar's
Key from him, they can use it to unlock the door. In Kunar's room, click the
carpet on the floor to disclose a symbol. If the party stands on the symbol,
the game asks if the party wants to teleport to Marten's Bluff. If the party
answers "Yes", the symbol teleports the party to a spot near a lake in
Marten's Bluff, but it's one-way.
If the party clicks the red button on the other side of the counter
before Kunar's legs, an alarm rings and he engages the party.

"That's it! I knew you couldn't be trusted! Get the hell out!"
- Sergeant Kunar, IUF Commissary, Umpani Base Camp

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Kunar: Acid
Bomb, awl pike, bascinet, blunder buss, Book of Armourplate, Book of
Chameleons, Book of Energy, Book of Knocks, Book of Light, Book of Razors,
Boom Bomb, breast plate, buckler shield, bundle of arrows, bundle of Hunter
Quarrels, bundle of Shrike Arrows, feather darts, Fire Bomb, gunpowder
(gadget), halberd, Hayai Bo, IUF Top Security Pass (Fake), Knock Picks,
Kunar's Key, leather boots, Magic Nectar, morning star, musket, Poison
Darts, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Hv Heal, Potion of Mod Stamina,
quarter staff, rockets, Spike Stones, steel helm, Stink Bomb, suede pants,
Umpani Flag, walriblade, 500 GP.
Finally, guns! (^.^)

(After my party went to the Commissary and got an Umpani Flag, and
before they had joined the IUF, they still couldn't speak with Bildublu.
When they spoke with Saxx, he was Neutral. After the Bard Charmed him with a
music instrument and gave him a bottle of ale, he became Friendly. The party
could Pickpocket and speak with him, but couldn't trade with him.)

In the Enlisted Barracks are locked (two- or three-tumbler) lockers and
trapped chests. In one locker is a pin-up that the party can click.

In the Recruitment Centre, when the party speaks with Balbrak and says
"No", he aborts the conversation.
After the party speaks with Balbrak, says "Yes", and joins the IUF,
they still can't trade with Balbrak. When the party ends the conversation
and leaves, then speaks with him again, he aborts the conversation and
apparently won't speak with them until they've spoken with Rubble.
(To quote an ancient American proverb, "Join the Army. Go to
interesting places. Meet interesting people. And kill them.")
After the party clears the Obstacle Course (see below), the party can
Pickpocket and speak with Balbrak, but can't recruit him. Ask him about
"Rodan Lewarx".

The party can Pickpocket, recruit, and speak with Sparkle, but can't
trade with her. Ask her about "Marten" to add an entry in their journal.
(BTW, she's ineffectively topless.)

"Listen. I may be little, but I'm not stupid. It's mean to steal from
- Private First Class Sparkle, IUF Recruitment Centre, Umpani Base Camp

For comparison, my party got/Pickpocket these items from Sparkle: Acid
Bomb, 2 bundles of arrows, feathered hat, hand axe, leather boots, leather
hauberk, leather legging, Potion of Mod Heal, short bow, Smelling Salts, 500

"I don't talk to mean people."
- Private First Class Sparkle, IUF Recruitment Centre, Umpani Base Camp

("And I don't talk to people who squeak like Sailormoon." (No offense
to Mitsuishi Kotono sama though.)
- Me)

At the Recruit Training Course, unless the party's joined the IUF, when
they try to speak with Rubble, he aborts the conversation. Though he's
standing in the doorway, the party can probably lean on him and get the
items just inside the doorway.
When he asks if the party's joined the IUF, say "Yes", give him an IUF
Level 1 Security Pass, and he'll move out of the party's way. Then, when the
party speaks with him, he aborts the conversation. An IUF Top Security Pass
(Fake) has no effect on him.
The Recruit Training Course, or Obstacle Course, is simple. WRT the
three sets of teeth, wait for the first set to fall. When the first set
rises, run or walk forwards. If the party runs/walks into a fallen (not
falling) set of teeth, it stops but doesn't harm the party.
WRT the bridge over the lava river, look down and walk carefully. The
lava river contains no item. If the party moves into the lava river, it
continuously harms the party.
WRT the mobile platform, walk onto it, then walk off it when it's on
the other side of the wall.
The subsequent Training Dummies and locked door are a milk run.
Remember to get the IUF Level 2 Security Pass and the potion on the table.
Use the Pass on the control panel beside the door to open the door.

In the EWAXX Building, the party can use the IUF Top Security Pass
(Fake) on the EWAXX Sentry to unlock and open the door. If the party stands
in the doorway and clicks the control panel on the east wall behind the
doorway, the game instantly displays the Game Over screen, which says "Your
party has been crushed!" (At first, I thought it meant the IUF caught my
party of accidental and clueless tourists in a restricted area, and executed
them as counter-revolutionary spies, then I realised it meant the closing
door has crushed the party.)
Inside, the IUF Top Security Pass (Fake) has no effect on the computer
The elevator leads to the Mt Gigas Caves area. Use the IUF Top Security
Pass (Fake) on the control panel of the elevator.

(Overall, with their single-colour uniforms, the IUF reminds me of the
Starfleet. But WRT the powers in Star Trek, I've always supported the
Klingons, and I dislike the Federation, the Gorns, the Orions, and the


Gadgets: PTorch (south "Cave In" hole)
NPCs: ?

(My party joined the IUF, but I don't want them to endure the IUF basic
infantry training yet, so they were checking out this and the next two Mt
Gigas areas for any special item for the Bard and Gadgeteer.)

In this and the next Mt Gigas areas, in the corridors are many inert
skeletons, and on the skeletons are many items.

South of the elevator (from the EWAXX Building) is an intersection
named Alpha Hub. There are more Hubs named after the military alphabets.
The west corridor leads to the Storage cave, south-southwest of Alpha
Hub. Follow the signs. The Storage cave contains some ammo.
Northeast of the Storage cave is Charlie Hub.
Northeast of Charlie Hub is the Power Station.
North-northeast from Charlie Hub and east-southeast from Alpha Hub is
Bravo Hub.
East of Alpha Hub, east of Bravo Hub, and northeast of the Power
Station is a cave with a plate on the ground. Stand on the plate and drop an
arrow to depress the plate. This opens a secret door beside a row of three
signs in the corridor south-southeast of the cave and east of the Power
Station. In the secret door is a cave with a trapped chest and some
South of the secret door is Delta Hub.
East of Delta Hub is a chest.
South of Delta Hub is a vertically rectangular cave.
Southwest of the rectangular cave is an elevator to the Mt Gigas Upper
Caves area.
South of the rectangular cave and east of the elevator is a trapped
Southeast of the rectangular cave and east-southeast of the elevator is
a T-intersection with an "Unexplored Territory" sign.
Far southeast of the "Unexplored Territory" sign, in the corridors are
a pair of "Cave In" signs. Between the signs is a hole in the ground. At the
bottom of this south "Cave In" hole is a pool and two items: Flak Vest and
PTorch (gadget). The party can fall into the hole for 10+ damage points,
then climb up either rope. I don't think the party can climb down either
Northeast of the south "Cave In" hole, in a corridor is a Frigid Fiddle
(music instrument).
Northeast of the Frigid Fiddle is a T-intersection (north, east, and
south). The east corridor is short and has a clickable wall section on the
south side and near the end of the corridor. After the party clicks the
wall, the secret cave has a trapped chest and some monsters, probably a
(North-northeast of the Frigid Fiddle, my party fought their first
Oozite, a kind of Golem.
North-northwest of the Frigid Fiddle and north of the south "Cave In"
hole, at a horizontal H-intersection, my party fought another Oozite.)
Far northeast of the "Unexplored Territory" sign, northwest of the
Frigid Fiddle, and north-northwest of the south "Cave In" hole, is the north
"Cave In" hole. Items are at the bottom of the hole, which is the lower
level of this Mt Gigas Caves area, but the party doesn't need dive heads
first into the hole for 10+ damage points each. There's another way to the
lower level that doesn't hurt.
Northeast of the north "Cave In" hole, two corridors away, is another
"Cave In" hole with ropes on both sides and a pool at the bottom. The pool
contains no item, and this hole is just an obstacle that cuts off the
East-southeast of the north "Cave In" hole, northeast of the Frigid
Fiddle, and east of the secret cave, at the end of a corridor on the east
edge of the map, a plate on the ground is clickable. Under the plate is a
ramp to a ladder to the lower level of this Mt Gigas Caves area.
In the lower level, the ladder is atop one of four knolls, beside a
lake. Northwest of the ladder, on the south side of the northmost knoll is a
trapped chest.
West of the lake, from the first T-intersection, south of the
intersection is a trapped chest. (My party got a Ring of the Road (Bard


Gadgets: ?
NPCs: ?

North-northwest of the elevator (from the Mt Gigas Caves area) is the
Base Command south door. Use the IUF Top Security Pass (Fake) to open it.
Inside, the corridor is blocked by laser beams. If the party moves through
the laser beams, an alarm rings and the party's relation with the Umpani
becomes Hostile.
East of the Base Command south door is a four-way intersection.
Northwest of the four-way intersection and north of the Base Command
south door is a teleporter room. Inside the teleporter room, click the lever
to turn on the Stargate-like teleporter, and enter the teleporter. It
teleports the party to the house in Arnika Road. Explore the house to get
the music instrument Dulcimer of Mending (Heal All).
North-northwest of the Base Command south door and northwest of the
teleporter room, in another corridor is the Base Command north door.
Far northeast of the four-way intersection is a dead-end corridor. At
the dead-end of this corridor, click the abnormal section of the wall to
crumble it. In the secret cave are a crate and some monsters, probably
Thrasher Apuses. In the crate are some rockets (ammo).
(When my party entered this corridor, a squad of Umpani grunts were
also entering the corridor. My party quickly clicked the wall, ran to stand
behind the Umpani grunts, and watched them serve and protect their natioanl
interests. The Thrasher Apuses paralysed and poisoned some Umpani grunts,
and the blunder busses and muskets hit some Private's backs. In the end,
three Privates were KIA, with one of them caused by their Sergeant's blunder
To quote the Murphy's Laws of Combat, "Friendly fire isn't."
BTW, in this area, the party's Mythology skills easily increase
whenever a squad of Umpani grunts appear near the party.)

East of the secret cave is the NCO Barracks cave, which contains some
trapped chests.

East of the elevator is a door that the party can open with an IUF Top
Security Pass (Fake). Behind the door is a corridor that leads to the Mt
Gigas Peak area.
Northeast of the above door is the Personnel cave. In the Personnel
cave are three lockers. One locker is locked (six-tumbler) and another
locker is trapped. (Here, my party got a Greenwood Bow (Ranger only).)

Northeast of the Personnel cave is a horizontally rectangular cave with
an Automatic Security Clearance Console. When the party clicks it, its
wiring malfunctions. The IUF Level 1 Security Pass and IUF Top Security Pass
(Fake) have no effect on it.
East of the Automatic Console is a four-way intersection.
North of the intersection is the Covert Ops door.
East of the intersection is the Experimental Weapons Range door.
South of the intersection is the UDT door.
The Automatic Console probably can unlock and open these three doors.

4.15 MT GIGAS PEAK (Mt Gigas Air Force Base)

Gadgets: ?
NPCs: ?

This area is an inverted U-shape. The entrance (from the Mt Gigas Upper
Caves area) is a bit north of the southwest corner. The party can open the
door with an IUF Top Security Pass (Fake).
Southeast of the entrance are some crates. The party will find some
items beside the crates, mostly ammo, bombs, and potions.
North of the entrance is an impotent Bomarc missile launcher and a
west-east runway. The runway has an arresting cable.
South of the runway is a building.
South of the building is another missile launcher.

The building has a door to the ground floor and an elevator to the
In the ground floor are a computer terminal and an Umpani Commander.
When the party clicks the computer terminal, it asks for a Control Code.
On the roof are a rotating radar and a telescope more hi-tech than
Madras's in Trynton Upper Branches. When the party clicks the orange button
on the computer terminal of the telescope, the dome opens and the telescope

"Your party has been defeated!"
- Bad Ending, Wizardry 8


Acid Bomb (Alchemy 20) = Boom Bomb + Stink Bomb
Canned Elemental (Alchemy 95) = Fire Bomb + Ice Bomb
Cherry Bomb (?) = Empty Bottle (everywhere) + (?) (Swamp)
Drugged Meat = Faerie Dust + Rotten Meat (Zoo in Trynton Upper
Pandemonium Powder (Alchemy 50) = Flash Powder + Sneeze Powder
Pickmeup Potion (Alchemy 20) = Potion of Hv Heal + Potion of Mod Heal
Pickmeup Potion (Alchemy 20) = Potion of Mod Heal + Potion of Mod
Potion of Cure Disease (Alchemy 40) = Potion of Cure Light Condition +
Potion of Hv Heal
Potion of Cure Poison (Alchemy 15 or 30) = Potion of Light Heal +
Potion of Poison Reduction
Potion of Guardian Angel (Alchemy 15) = Potion of Bless + Potion of
Light Heal
Potion of Hv Heal (Alchemy 15) = Potion of Light Heal + Potion of Mod
Renewal Potion (Alchemy 50) = Potion of Cure Disease + Potion of Hv
Restoration Potion (Alchemy 50) = Potion of Hv Heal + Potion of Hv
Resurrection Powder (Alchemy 80) = Magic Nectar + Renewal Potion
Skeleton Powder (Alchemy 70) = Concussion Powder + Dust of Dessication

(Thanks to Peloi.)

6. THE GADGETEER'S GUIDE (Engineering)

The party can reportedly recharge a Gadget by selling it to a NPC, then
buying it back.
(BTW, I'm not a MacGyver fan.)

Demon in a Box: Psionic Blast. Demon Doll (Upper Rapax Castle) + Jack
in the Box (gadget). Engineering 60.
Duct Tape: Paralyse, 10 charges. Duct Tape (Anna in Arnika).
Electro-Shocker: Resurrection. Electrodes (Anna in Arnika) + High
Voltage Transformer (Mt Gigas Caves). Engineering 75.
Forcefield Generator: Armourplate. Giant Magnet (Madras in Trynton
Upper Branches) + Voltage Amplifier (Crock in Swamp). Engineering 30,
Gadgeteer Level 5.
Gooda Vine Rope = Short Gooda Vine (Trynton Sanctuary in Trynton Upper
Branches) + Short Gooda Vine (Trynton Sanctuary in Trynton Upper Branches).
Holograph Projector: Guardian Angel. Large Prism (Swamp, Crock) + Laser
Pointer (Marten's Bluff, underground). Engineering 15.
Invigorator Belt: Superman. Electrodes (Anna in Arnika) + Metal Belt
(Southeast Wilderness). Engineering 45.
Jackhammer: Earthquake. Chisel (Southeast Wilderness) + Pendulum (Rapax
castle, roof). Engineering 85.
Jack in the Box: Terror. Doll (northwest house in Arnika) + Hinged Box
(shuttlewreck in Arnika). Engineering 5, Gadgeteer Level 1.
Lava Lamp: Hypnotic Lure. Glowing Goo (Fuzzfas in Trynton Upper
Branches) + Orange Goo (Fuzzfas in Trynton Upper Branches). Engineering 30,
Gadgeteer Level 5.
Lightning Rod: Energy Blast. Lightning Rod (Upper Monastery).
Engineering 1, Gadgeteer Level 1.
Magic Mirror: Eye for an Eye, 18 charges. Magic Polish (Crock in Swamp)
+ Shiny Chrome Plate (Zoo in Trynton Upper Branches). Engineering 45,
Gadgeteer Level 8.
Microwave Ray (Gun): Boiling Blood. Broken Blaster (Bayjin) + Microwave
Chip (Upper Monastery). Engineering 75.
NegatAir: Asphyxiation. Long Metal Tube (Sea Caves, beach) + Vacuum
Pump (Bayjin). Engineering 85.
Noisemaker: Sonic Boom, 1 charge. Empty Bottle (everywhere) + Gunpowder
(Kunar in Umpani Base Camp). Engineering 15, Gadgeteer Level 3.
Noisemaker: Sonic Boom. Empty Bottle (everywhere) + Lazurite Stone
(Southeast Wilderness). Engineering 60.
Port-A-Potty: Porthole (pier in Arnika) + Pot-with-a-Lid.
Regenerating Stone: Heal All. Electrodes (Anna in Arnika) + Lazurite
Stone (Southeast Wilderness). Engineering 60, Gadgeteer Level 11.
Searchlight: Detect Secrets. Magnifying Glass (Upper Monastery) +
PTorch (south "Cave In" hole in Mt Gigas Caves). Engineering 15, Gadgeteer
Level 3.
Strobe Light: Prismic Ray. Electric Lamp (T'Rang house) + Oscillator
(Marten's Bluff, east). Engineering 70.
Vaporizer: Instant Death. Vaporizer (Bayjin, chest).
Watchdog Alarm: Shadow Hound. Electric Eye (Marten's Bluff,
underground) + Loudspeaker (Mt Gigas Caves). Engineering 30.
Water Cannon: Tsunami. Bellows (Ferro in Rapax Castle) + Hose (Mine
Tunnels). Engineering 85.
X-Ray Scanner: X-Ray. Scanner (UMA Building in Arnika) + X-Ray Chip
(spaceport in Arnika). Engineering 45, Gadgeteer Level 8.

(Thanks to Matt Majewski, Peloi, Slankers, and the fallen one.)

7. THE RANGER'S GUIDE (Mythology)

A brief list of what monsters are where, for the special items that
some NPCs (Antone in Arnika, &c) demand. The HP ranges are for reference

Cleaver (Antone in Arnika): Upper Monastery (kitchen), elsewhere.
Hogar Tusk, from Battering Hogar: Trynton.
Hogar Tusk, from Hogar: Arnika-Trynton Road, Trynton.
Iron Weed Thorns (Antone in Arnika), from Iron Weed: Arnika Road,
Arnika-Trynton Road, Northern Wilderness, Trynton, Trynton Upper Branches,
Umpani Base Camp.
Mummy Dust (Antone in Arnika), from Mummy: Arnika-Trynton Road
(cemetery), Mt Gigas Caves.
Piercer Modai Claw (Antone in Arnika), from Piercer Modai: Arnika Road,
Arnika-Trynton Road, Northern Wilderness.
Skull (Antone in Arnika): Arnika-Trynton Road (cemetery).
Spirit Staff (Antone in Arnika), from Oak Sapling: Trynton Upper
Spirit Staff (Antone in Arnika), from Willow Sapling: Trynton Upper
Sprite's Dagger, from Leaf Sprite: Trynton Upper Branches.
Sprite's Dagger, from Tree Sprite: Trynton Upper Branches.
Steelhide Skin (Antone in Arnika), from Steelhide: Swamp.
Vampire Bat Wing, from Vampire Bat: Arnika-Trynton Road, Mt Gigas
Venom Crab Shell (Antone in Arnika), from Venom Crab: Arnika Road.
Venom Sac (Antone in Arnika), from Poison Seeker: Mine Tunnels, Upper
Monastery (garden).
Wasp Wings (Antone in Arnika), from Tanto Wasp: Mine Tunnels.

Arnika: Guardian Golem (boss, Level 7, 256 HP), Higardi Cutpurse,
Higardi Raider, Higardi Roustabout, Higardi Spirit (Undead), HLL Officer
(Level 7), Lay Brother (Monk), Rebel Spirit (Undead), Savant Drones (Level
12, 42-54 HP), Savant Guards (Level 6, 35-40 HP), Savant Gunner, Savant
Henchman (Level 9, 74-82 HP), Savant Trooper (Level 8), Spewing Slime (Level
9, 130 HP).
Arnika Road: Acidvine (Level 6), Caustic Vine, Crimson Poppy (Level 8,
74-92 HP), Forest Mite (Level 6), Higardi Brigand (Level 10, 92-131 HP),
Higardi Highwayman (Level 9), Higardi Rogue, Hogar (Level 7), Iron Weed
(Level 7), Piercer Modai (Level 7, 101-109 HP), Seeker, Sige (Level 4, 16
HP), Soldier Ant (Level 6), Venom Crab.
Arnika-Trynton Road: Cultists, Hogar (Level 7), Iron Weed, Mummy
(Undead, Level 9, 192-222 HP), Piercer Modai (Level 7, 101-109 HP), Shrieker
Bat (Level 7, 32-53 HP), Sige Spirit (Undead, Level 7, 49 HP), Trynnie
Outcast (Level 9), Trynnie Outlaw (Level 7), Trynnie Spirit (Undead, Level
4, 19-27 HP), Twilight Bat (Level 9, 45-64 HP), Vampire Bat (Level 10).

In the Arnika-Trynton Road, the d_mn Cultists launch Fireballs at the
party, and summon Elementals: Earth Elemental (Level 7, 371 HP), Fire
Elemental (Level 6, 224 HP), Lesser Air Elemental (Level 5, 203 HP), Minor
Earth Elemental (Level 4, 336 HP), Minor Fire Elemental (Level 4, 200 HP).
Elementals can be Poisoned.
Hogars are vulnerable to Freeze Flesh.
Vampire Bats aren't Undead. Bat Vampires are Undead.

Lower Monastery: Bat, Emerald Slime (Level 10), Green Slime, King Crab
(boss), Languid Slime (Level 2), Metallic Slime (Level 8), Noxious Slime,
Pestilent Rat (Level 9), Roach, Screaming Head, Seeker, Slithering Slime
(Level 7), Small Spider, Softshell Crab, Swarming Roach, Tanika Fish (Level
3), Wolf Spider (Level 6).

Mine Tunnels: Blood Drinker (Level 13), Bull Picus (Level 8), Mosquito
(Level 6), Picus (Level 6), Poison Seeker (Level 7), Savant Gunner, Savant
Trooper, Tanto Wasp (Level 13), Thanatopede (Level 12, 92-105 HP).

Blood Drinkers are vulnerable to Lava Lamp.
Bull Picuses and Picuses are vulnerable to Lava Lamp.
Tanto Wasps are vulnerable to Freeze Flesh, Lava Lamp, and Web.

Mt Gigas Caves: Apus, Bat Vampire (Undead, Level 14, 60-81 HP), Black
Slime (Level 13, 88-98 HP), Cavern Spider (Level 13, 119-132 HP), Chameleon
Rat (Level 12, 69-81 HP), Deathsting Apus (Level 13), Emerald Slime (Level
10), Flint Golem (Level 10, 240 HP), Giant Spider (Level 6, 25-29 HP), Morax
(Undead, Level 8, 119-120 HP), Morax Ratlord (Undead, Level 12, 177 HP),
Mucor (Level 9, 146 HP), Mummy (Undead, Level 9), Oozite (Level 15, 201-215
HP), Pestilent Rat (Level 9), Shrieker Bat (Level 7), Succubus Slime (Level
8, 289 HP), Twilight Bat (Level 9), Umpani Lieutenant (Level 10), Umpani
Private (Level 5), Umpani Sergeant, Vampire Bat (Level 10).

Apuses are vulnerable to Siren's Wail.
Bat Vampires are Undead, have a lot of immunities, but are vulnerable
to Freeze Flesh.
Moraxes will cast Fireball, Frost, Insanity, Slow, and Terror. As they
are Undead, they've a lot of immunities.
Oozite can be Slowed.
Pestilent Rats are vulnerable to Siren's Wail.

Mt Gigas Peak: Umpani Commander (Level 16, 352 HP), Umpani Lieutenant
(Level 10), Umpani Private (Level 5), Umpani Sergeant.
Mt Gigas Upper Caves: Pestilent Rat (Level 9), Thrasher Apus (Level 10,
53-63 HP), Umpani Lieutenant (Level 10), Umpani Private (Level 5), Umpani
Northern Wilderness: Acidvine (Level 6), Caustic Vine (Level 8),
Emerald Slime (Level 10), Greater Seeker (Level 12), Higardi Highwayman
(Level 7), Iron Weed (Level 7), Marble Golem (Level 14, 223 HP), Piercer
Modai (Level 7), Rank Weed, Rogue Leader (Level 8), Sige (Level 4), Stalker
Seeker (Level 7), Swallower (Level 9)

Marble Golems are vulnerable to Armourmelt and Siren's Wail.
Piercer Modais are vulnerable to Lava Lamp and Siren's Wail.

Rattkin Tree: Blinding Wasp (Level 8), Rattkin Archer (Level 10, 98-125
HP), Rattkin Breeder (Level 8, 316-324 HP), Rattkin Goon (Level 11), Rattkin
Sniper (Level 14), Rattkin Thief (Level 7), Swarming Wasp (Level 12).
Swamp: Brain Borer (Level 14, 43-52 HP), Diremare, Emerald Slime (Level
10, 134-145 HP), Flesheater Slime, Greater Seeker (Level 12, 136-137 HP),
Ironskin Crocodile (Level 8, 130-156 HP), Millipede (Level 9, 25-47 HP),
Mosquito (Level 6, 23-32 HP), Queen Ant (Level 11, 184 HP), Rynjin Empath,
Rynjin Overseer (Level 12, 146 HP), Rynjin Scavenger (Level 9, 139 HP),
Rynjin Sentry (Level 15, 157 HP), Rynjin Thrall (Level 7, 127-140 HP),
Soldier Ant (Level 6, 20 HP), Stalker Seeker (Level 7, 52-56 HP), Steelhide
(Level 7, 578 HP), Swarming Wasp (Level 12).

Greater Seekers and Stalker Seekers are vulnerable to Freeze Flesh and
Lava Lamp.
Ironskin Crocodiles are vulnerable to Siren's Wail.
Queen Ants are vulnerable to Freeze Flesh.
Swarming Wasps are vulnerable to Web.

Trynton: Acidvine (Level 6), Battering Hogar (Level 10, 343 HP), Bull
Picus (Level 8, 284 HP), Crawling Creeper (Level 7, 156 HP), Dung Beetle
(Level 9, 62 HP), Giant Spider (Level 6), Hogar (Level 7), Iron Weed (Level
7), Picus (Level 6), Rapax Patrol, Swallower (Level 9, 125 HP), Tanika Fish
(Level 3), Trynnie Hunter (Level 8, 55-88 HP), Trynnie Patrol (Level 5,
65-73 HP), Vile Roach (Level 8, 81-85 HP), Wolf Spider (Level 6).

In Trynton, in the ground level, the monsters can climb down and up the
riverbanks to cross the river, but IIRC the party can't climb up the

Trynton Upper Branches: Blinding Wasp (Level 8, 56-57 HP), Bobo (boss,
Hogar, Level 7, 406 HP), Crawling Creeper (Level 7), Crimson Poppy (Level
9), Crocodile (Level 5, 84-95 HP), Giant Spider (Level 6, 27-30 HP), Iron
Weed (Level 7), Leaf Sprite (Level 10), Oak Sapling (Level 8), Pestilent Rat
(Level 9), Rank Weed, Rapax Scout (Level 9), Shrieker Bat (Level 7),
Swarming Wasp (Level 12), Tree Sprite (Level 7), Trynnie Champion, Trynnie
Guard (Level 5), Trynnie Hunter (Level 8), Trynnie Patrol (Level 5), Vile
Spider (Level 9, 82-86 HP), Willow Sapling (Level 5, 76-80 HP).
Umpani Base Camp: Caustic Vine (Level 8), Iron Weed (Level 7), Training
Dummy (Level 6, 33-34 HP), Umpani Lieutenant (Level 10, 221 HP), Umpani
Private (Level 5, 101-111 HP), Umpani Sergeant.
Upper Monastery: Apparition, Gregor (boss), Higardi Rogues, Poison
Seeker, Pustulant Slime (Level 5), Rabid Rat, Small Spider.


Drazic: T'Rang Ninja, Level 14. Rapax Away Camp.
Madras: Male Trynnie Gadgeteer, Level 8. Madras's observatory in
Trynton Upper Branches.
Myles: Male Higardi Human Rogue, Level 5. Fountain in Arnika, or Rapax
Private Sparkle: Trynnie Ranger, Level 6. IUF Recruitment Centre in
Umpani Base Camp.
RFS-81: Android Trooper, Level 10. Hut in Mine Tunnels.
Rodan Lewarx: Umpani Lord, Level 14. Rapax Away Camp.
Saxx: Umpani Bard, Level 8. Yamo's Roadhouse in Umpani Base Camp.
Sergeant Glumph: Umpani Fighter, Level 11. Bayjin.
Sexus: Rapax Mage, Level 18. Rapax Castle.
Tantris T'Rang: T'Rang Samurai, Level 6. T'Rang outpost in Marten's
Urq: Mook Psionic, Level 9. Arnika.
Vi Domina: Female Higardi Human Valkyrie, Level 6. Shuttlewreck in

(Thanks to Slankers.)


- http://www.wizardry8.com/
Wizardry 8 official HP, by Sir-Tech Canada, where players
can download WIZ8E (Wizardry 8 for English Windows) patches.

- http://www.locus.co.jp/wizardry8/
WIZ8J (Wizardry 8 for Japanese Windows) official HP, by
Locus. Japanese.

- http://www.volberding.com/Wizardry8/Wiz8Main.htm
Wiz8Main - Wizardry 8 Walk-Throughs. With screen shots.

- http://www.geocities.com/wizardry8faq/
Wizardry 8 FAQ Page.

- http://www.tk421.net/wizardry/
Wizardry - Prepare Yourself for the Ultimate in Fantasy
Games, by John Hubbard of USA. A Wizardry series fan page.

- http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20011127/yuki04.htm
Nishio Yuki's review of WIZ8E in the Game Watch HP.

- http://www.webring.ne.jp/cgi-bin/webring?ring=wizardry;list
Wizardry Web Ring. Japanese.

- http://zanyvg.overclocked.org/
Zany Video Game Quotes. Has very funny quotes and
screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of Segata
Sanshirou TV CMs in the Omake section.

- http://selios.free.fr/
Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. English.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, don't
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis de
rares fans de part le monde."

Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (aho)

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