Luigi's Mansion

Luigi's Mansion

25.09.2013 18:58:08
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Walkthrough v3b by
BEWARE this FAQ was written by someone
who thinks the new Zelda style looks great!

- Why this game is great
- Controls
- Items
- Menu translations [referral]
- Types of ghost
- Catching ghosts
- General gameplay tips
- At home with the Professor
- The map
- The walkthrough
- A list of portraits
- Madame Meiru's Mario Items
- Sidequests
- Monetary value
- After finishing the game
- The fallible Nintendo
- Unanswered questions
- Don't even THINK about it...
- Please do...
- Credits
- Version history

****** NOTE ******
This FAQ was written entirely from my perspective and I cannot guarantee
everything listed here is 100% correct. My Japanese is shakey, at best, so some
bits are very probably misinterpreted. I apologise for any annoyances created
by my incompetence.

- Why this game is great -
Playing this game gave me a real sense of next-gen gaming that a console like
PS2 totally failed to convey. Amazing graphics, smooth rendering, loading times
shorter than it takes to blink. This game is gorgeous.
You may not like the cartoony style but you have to admit it is exremely well
done. the character animations, the many incidental and secondary animations.
The shadows, the transparency of the ghosts. Everything is just beautiful.
The controls take a little getting used to, but before long you will be an
Some puzzles make you scratch your head a little but none are unfairly hard.
Is it too short? Yes, a little. Is there any replay value? Once you get to A
rank, no, not much. Is it too easy? Well, if it was you wouldn't be reading
this FAQ,I presume.
Should I get this game? Yes, most defenitely.
Are you being paid by Nintendo to promote this game? I wish...

- Controls -
* Direction stick
Moves Luigi. If you have stated so in the option screen (or pause screen) it
also moves the flashlight and vacuum in the same direction as Luigi walks.
* Directional pad
Nothing. Not used.
* START button
Pauses the game. Allows you to quit (up/down) or switch between control styles
* Yellow stick
Moves the direction of your flashlight or vacuum independantly from Luigi. This
is especially needed when sucking up ghosts.
* B button
While held down, this switches off the flashlight. This is handy to stun
ghosts. Have the flashlight off, walk up close and release. This switches on
the flashlight a lot faster than it would if you were vacuuming. On menu
screens or on the Gameboy Horror, use this buton to go back.
* A button
Call "Maaaaaario!". Check walls. Jostle objects. Open doors. Your all-purpose
action button.
* Y buton
Map screen. On the map screen use up/down to switch floors, left/right to
rotate to an extend. Yellow direction pad to move around. A button to zoom. B
button to go back.
* X button
First person viewmode. Handy for checking hidden areas and warping in mirrors.
* L button
Set the vacuum to blow. Only useful after geting any of the emblems that will
turn your vacuum into a flame thrower, water or ice spray.
* R button
Set the vacuum to suck. Hold down to keep sucking.
* Z button
Satus screen. Check how many gems, items and portraits you have found.

No, Luigi does NOT jump.

- Items -
These are the items you can pick up during the game.
Coin, paper money, gold bar = Money items.
Pearls = Come in three sizes as dropped by Portrait Ghosts.
Gems = Come in three colours. Add up to your final score.
Diamonds = Also come in three colours. Add up to your final score.
Fire emblem = Enables you to use your vacuum as a flame thrower
Water emblem = Enables you to spray water from your vacuum
Ice emblem = Enables you to spray ice from your vacuum
Mushroom = Shrinks Luigi for a period, leaving him vulnerable.

- Menu translations -
For an excellent menu translation FAQ I refer to Xombe's Translation Guide,
also available on

- Types of ghost -
* Regular Ghost
These come in many shapes and sizes. All you need to do to catch them is to
flash a torch in their face and suck them up.
* Masked Ghost
To get a masked ghost, first suck off its mask, THEN flash him and vacuum him
* Money Ghost
Okay, I named this one myself. Sometimes, but not very often, when you open a
box or cupboard, a white ghost will pop out and scare you. It will then
disappear forever. If you manage to flash it and suck it up, it will leave
behind a lot of gold and money and in some cases even gems! This can be hard
because they scare Luigi and you only have a split second to react before they
are gone. and when they are gone, they are gone forever.
* Portrait Ghost
These are semi-boss ghosts. When defeated they will become a portrait in your
* Boss Ghost
There are four bosses in this game. Each one transports you to a seperate
"arena" when you battle them. After each battle the Professor will print
portraits of the ghosts you've caught and will count all the treasure you've
found so far.

- Catching ghosts -
The first time you play the game, the process seems a little awkward, but
you'll soon get used to it. First shine a flashlight into the eyes of the ghost
(the closer you are, the better), then when their heart is exposed, start your
vacuum. When they are caught in the vacuum stream, use your yellow pad to aim
at them directly to steal their hitpoints. They will try to shake you off, so
hold on! When their hitpoints are down to 0, you will suck them up.
Sometimes it takes special ways to expose their hearts. For example, the ghosts
with the masks on cannot be blinded, so suck off their masks firs, THEN shine
the torch in their eyes. Others have hearts surrounded by fire, ice or water.
To get rid of that, use elements. For a ghost with a fire heart, spray him with
water first (just a short squirt will be enough), until his heart is exposed,
after which he will act as a normal ghost. When their heart is ice, blast them
with fire. If it's water, blast them with ice.
Portrait ghosts work entirely different, and usually require a puzzle to be
solved before their hearts are exposed (see walkthrough).
A handy tip for catching ghosts is this; Once they are in the vacuum stream,
back away from them, if you can into a corner. Keep your directional pad so
Luigi will try to stay in that corner; this will make it difficult for the
ghosts to swing you from side to@side. Then wriggle the yellow pad up and down
a little to quickly suck up their hitpoints. Using this technique, you can
easily suck up normal ghosts in one try, and even, with the extra-power vacuum
(see walkthrough), portrait ghosts in one try, leaving huge pearls for you to
pick up.

- General gameplay tips -
* CHECK EVERY OBJECT all the time. The great thing about this game is that
almost every object is searchable. Lamps, portraits, cupboards, everything!
They often hold money or gold and sometimes even gems, which all counts up to a
final score.
* When searching objects, do so with your vacuum. That's right. You can walk up
to an object and press A to search it but if you take a little distance and
just aim your vacuum a the object for a short while until it starts shaking, it
gets the same effect. In many ways this is a better method because if money
falls out, it will almost immediately be sucked up. If a ghost pops out you
won't be shocked so much and be of a safer distance. Also some objects will
swing open, causing harm to Luigi (e,g, the fridge in the kichen). Keep this
safe distance.
Of course, to search some items like lamps and ceiling fans, you NEED to use
the vacuum.
* Always water every plant you come across! Even the ones in bedrooms!
Everywhere! Also the little ones on the small balcony of the beginning of the
game. Plants only give up their treasures after watering them, not by
"searching" them. And some plants hold many many goodies!!!
* When checking objects ALWAYS be on your toes for MoneyGhosts.
* Always avoid those annoying purple mushrooms! It is cute to hear Luigi call
Mario in a high pitched voice, but it takes time and you are vulnerable when
* Use any mirror in the game to warp to the entrance hall. Just go into first
person viewmode, look at a mirror and press A. Handy in a few cases, like
quickly travelling from the attic to the basement.
* Before tackling the ghosts of a room or the Boo, get rid of all tablecloths
or bedspreads. You don't want your vacuum stuck on one of these when a ghost is
after you.
* When treasure appears, it eventually disappears again. For this reason go for
the highest value treasure first (gold bars, then money, then coins). Usually
you can get all treasure by vacuuming it all up, but sometimes you won't have
time, say if ghosts are chasing you, so in that case it's best to get the most
expensive items first.
* If you can, search a room BEFORE clearing it and switching on the lights. A
MoneyGhost will only appear in a dark room. For example, in the pool room,
ignore the pool player until you have found all the treasure and the
MoneyGhost, after THAT tackle the pool playing ghost.

- At home with the Professor -
This section often causes some questions. The Prof's home is merely a base, as
it were, where Luigi returns after quiting the game or catching one of the
bosses. While in the gallery section you can check the map and see a few
"undiscovered" rooms. These are sadly not secret rooms. These are just the
other rooms in the Prof's home. While following the training section, pull up
the map and you will see why.
| | TheProfessor's Shack
|_ __ _| --------------------
| || | 1. The Prof's house entrance
| || | 2. Machine room
| || | 3. Training room
| || | 4. The Portrait room
_________________| || |__
| 2 | 4 |
| 1 | |
|________| 3 |

1. The Prof's house entrance.
This is where you start every game. The Prof will ask you what to do and you
can choose some things. [a] Go back to the mansion, [b] Train using the vacuum
or [c] go to the gallery.
2. Machine room
This is the long room where Luigi returns after defeating a Boss. Here the Prof
stamps these ghosts into portraits which go in your portrait gallery.
3. Training room
In this room Luigi can learn the basics of vacuum-powered ghost sucking.
4. The Portrait room
Here Luigi can walk around and check all he portraits he has collected. Look at
them using first person viewmode. Walk into the room at the back and press A to
check the jewelled wall at the back. If you have finished the game at least
once this wall will hold the final portrait and a count of how many portraits
you found in total. Press B to look away.
You can also check every portrait you have caught so far by standing in front
of one and pressing A. Marvel at the bad Photoshop filters. Undoubtly these
textures were done by the Nintendo work-experience intern. The portrait closest
to the door near the Professor shows your mansion, and your high score (in
gold) [only after you've finished the game once]
The higher your high score, the more "complete" the mansion in the painting.
Also, if the frame of a painting is gold, it means you did a good catch,
probably meaning you sucked up the ghost in one try or in record time.
To leave his area, speak to the Prof and select the third option.

- The map -
Please@note all the names are my own. My kanji skills aren't good enough to
translate all room names from the game.
When using the walkthrough I will refer to this map with notations like [1F/2],
which means 1st floor, room 2, on these maps. If you get lost, look to what
room the walkthrough refers, and then check it on this map.

1___| 2 | Basement
|____|__ __| --------
| | 1. Well
| | 2. Shrine
| | 3. Toxic room
______|_|_____ 4. Power Generator
| 3 | | 4 | 5. Ice room
|______| |_____| 7 6. Storage room
| | |______/ 7. Staircase [up]
| 5 | | 6 |

| | 2 | 1F
| 1 |______________________________| --
| | 3 | | 5 | 6 | 1. Graveyard
| |___| |____________|__________| 2. Backyard
| | 4 | | 7 3. Bathroom
|______|___|___________ ____|________/ 4. Toilet
| | | | | 11 | 5. Piano room
| 8 | 9 | 10 | |___________| 6. Gym
|______|________|______| | | 7. Staircase [up]
| 12 | 13 | | 14 | 8. Dog house
|_________|____________| |___________| 9. Pool room
| 15 | | 21 10. Cinema
|______|__________________________|_____/ 11. Store room
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 12. Kitchen
|______|______| |________|____| 13. Dining room
|__________| 14. Ballroom
15. Laundry room
16. Butler's room 19. Crystal Ball room
17. Treasure room 20. Mirror room
18. Entrance hall 21. Staircase [down]

______________________________ 2F
| 1 | | 2 | 3 | --
|___| |____________|__________| 1. Bathroom
| 4 | | 18 2. Granny's room
__|___|_____________ __|________/ 3. Dining Room
|5 | 6 | 7 | | 8 | 9 | 4. Toilet
___|__|______|__________| |______|____| 5. Balcony
| | | | | | 6. Dressing room
| 10 | 11 | 12 | | 13 | 7. Ante room
|______|______|__________| |___________| 8. Star room
| | | 19 9. Observatory
|_____________|___ ___|______________/ 10. Master bedroom
| 14 | 15 | | 16 | 17 | 11. Study
|______|______| |________|____| 12. Reception room
| | 13. Treasure room
17. Daughter's room 14. Baby room
18. Staircase [down] 15. Twin's room
19. Staircase [up] 16. Guest room

______________________________ 3F
| | --
| 1 | 1. Balcony
| | 2. Vase room
______|_________________ __ _________| 3. Toy room
| | | | | | 4. Atelier
| 2 | | 3 | | 4 | 5. Armoury
|__________| |__________| |_________| 8 6. Attic
| | | | |___________/ 7. Rug room
| | | | | | 8. Staircase [down]
| 5 | | 6 | | 7 |

| |___| |_____| |___| | ROOF
| | ----
| |
| |
| |

- The walkthrough -
This walkthrough is written chronologically, meaning: the adventure is pretty
linear, so this walkthrough is too.
This walkthrough does NOT detail EVERY gem or diamond or treasure to be found,
as that would mean listing almost EVERY object in the house. Just check out all
cupboards, boxes, lamps, plants, etc. And check the SIDEQUESTS section for some
tips on getting some of the bigger diamonds.

*** Level 0
When you first start the game, you will have no vacuum yet. In the entrance
hall, walk around a bit, try a few of the doors until a yellow spectre appears
and drops a key. Pick up the key and follow the yellow ghost up the stairs and
through the door to the north, Enjoy the cutscene that introduces the
Professor. You will leave the mansion and go to the Professor's shack where he
will teach you how to use the vacuum. Go through his teaching simulation.
Then he will take you to the portrait gallery. Look around a bit and go back to
the Prof. Talk to him and choose the third option to leave the gallery, Back
with the Prof, select the first option to go back.... TO THE MANSION!

*** Level 1
Back in the entrance hall, you will see Kinopio standing there, Don't step
directly under the chandelier or it will fall down! Talk to him, and from now
on he can help you save your game. Now the lights are on. Go up the staircase
and through the door to the north, back to the room where you found the Prof.
[2F/12] In this room, after sucking up the treasure, suck the candles on the
north wall until the room is dark. The portraits will come alive and ghosts
will attack you. After you suck up all the ghosts, a chest will appear with the
key to the next room.
[2F/7] Suck up all the ghosts in this room until the magic locks disappear off
the doors. Continue to the next room.
[2F/6] Suck up all the ghosts in this room. Don't forget one of them is hiding
in the left closet, but open the right closest first for a MoneyGhost. After
the light comes on, a key appears on the shelf above the clothes rack. Use your
vacuum to get at it. Continue through the door to the left.
[2F/5] Speak to Kinopio and save your game. Go into first person mode and look
around. Do you see that broken window? We'll get to that later. Return to
entrancehall's upper level and go through the door for which you just got the
key and proceed to the study.
[2F/11] Ah, the game's first "puzzle" and Portrait Ghost, the father of the
house. He is sitting in his chair by the fire but every time you even try to
look at him he dissapears. Turn your back to him and avoid the books that fly
at you. And easy way to get rid of the books is to just suck them up with your
vacuum as they come at you. As soon as the ghost starts yawning, shine your
torch at him and his heart is exposed, so start your vacuum! After you defeat
him, the key to the master bedroom appears. If you want, and you can read
Japanese, you can read the books on the shelves on the north wall. Go to the
master bedroom.
[2F/10] Ah, here we find Mrs. Ghost in front of the mirror. Again, she
disappears when you even look at her. Remember the broken window we saw from
the balcony? Well, you can open the right curtain using your vacuum and a draft
will enter the room. This annoys Mrs. Ghost so she will close he curtain. The
best thing to do is to open the curtain and then shine your torch on her.
She'll moan and at that point her heart will be exposed. Vacuum up Mrs. Ghost
and get the key to the Baby room. Don't forget there is money hidden in her
ceiling fan. Just vacuum it until it starts spinning around and after a while
money will fall out. This goes for most ceiling fans and lamps in the house.
When leaving this room, you will notice noise coming from the Baby room. You
might want to go to the entrance hall first to save your game. Go to the Baby
[2F/14] To wake the baby up, suck the rocking horse until it rocks and the baby
appears on it. Now all you have to do is suck up the ball, aim at the baby and
let go. This will throw the ball at the baby, which will take you to the first
BOSS AREA. If those flying teddies annoy you, get rid of them first by sucking
them up as they fly at you.

*** BOSS 1 - Baby (100)
Baby has three attacks, all of which are easy to avoid.
Attack 1 - He throws giant rocking horses at you. These are easy to avoid if
you walk on the far end@of the bed toward the direction they are coming from.
E.g., if the rocking horse comes from the right, walk to the left, etc. If he
throws two rocking horses, stay in the middle.
Attack 2 - He will throw a few balls into the bed that bounce around. Avoid.
Attack 3 - He bounces aound the bed. Just stay away, he's quite slow so it's
To defeat baby, wait for attack #2 to finish. One solitary ball will remain in
the bed. Suck it up with your vacuum, aim at the baby and let go. He is now
vulnerable, so start your vacuum.
Repeat this process until he is gone. Back in his room is a chest with the
level 2 key. Pick up the key and you will go to the Prof's first end-of-level

*** Level 2
Back in the entrance hall, walk into he magically sealed door to the north and
see it disappear. Go through and into the hallway beyond. If you check your
map, you will see there is only one place you can go on this floor, the
bathroom to the north, so go there.
[1F/3] Clear the two ghosts until he light comes on. A key will appear on the
shelf to the left. Use your vacuum to get to it. This is the key to the
ballroom, so go there.
[1F/14] Get rid of the ghosts by sucking off their masks and then blinding them
and vacuuming them up. After this the two floor panels will start rotating and
a ghostly couple appears. Look away from them until they do a twirl - this is
when a heart is exposed, so start sucking. After that you'll get the key to the
storeroom behind the ballroom.
[1F/11] First get rid of the ghosts. Now this bit is sneaky. Look in the mirror
and you will see a buton on he opposite wall (you will see this buton better is
you look around he room in 1st person viewmode). Walk to the wall opposite the
mirror and press A - Luigi will press the button and the room will extend. In
the next section of the room, suck the poster off the wall and press the button
to release the Boos.
A lot of people seem to get stuck on the next bit.
Now you have to cach a few Boos before you can continue. See the SIDEQUESTS
section below on how to catch Boos. Go back to the first section of the game,
on the 2nd floor and catch a few Boos. After catching 5 Boos the door to the
toilet on 1F will open. If you want to catch more Boos now or later depends
you. To finish the game you need to catch 40, over time (see walkthrough).
Go to that toilet on 1F.
[1F/4] Speak to Kinopio and open the toiletbowl to get the key to the crystal
ball room. Go there.
[1F/19] Look at the crystal ball and speak to Madame Mieru. Behind her chair is
a wedge of cheese. If you click on it in 1st person viewmode a yellow mouse
will appear which, when sucked up, will give you many coins and often a gem
too. Go through the door to the right,
[1F/20] In this room invisible ghosts appear, You can only tell where they are
by their reflection in the mirror or the dustclouds they make when they appear.
Suck up all the ghosts and a red chest will appear. This holds the FIRE EMBLEM.
With this emblem, walk up to the torch in the room, jostle it and a fire sprite
will appear. Suck it up to get fire power! Now, by pressing L1 you can use your
vacuum as a flame thrower. There are several of these torches dotted around the
Suck up a fire sprite and light the candles in the room to open the door again.
Go back to the crystal ball room.
[1F/19] Back in the Crystal ball room, light the candles in the four corners of
the room@and a key will appear on one of the pillars. Get it using your
vacuum. This is the key to the laundry room.
[1F/15] Defeat all the ghosts for a chest with gold and money, Then open the
washing machine to find Mario's hat. This is the first of the 5 MARIO ITEMS we
need to find for Madame Mieru.
Now go to the invisible ghost that is stalking the northern part of the hallway
on the 1st floor. You can see it is holding a candlestick. Light his candles
using your flame thrower and an insane butler ghost will appear. Follow him to
the laundry room. He will go to the butler's room so follow him there.
[F1/16] Wait until the butler settles down in his chair, then flash and suck
him. You will get the key to the piano room. There is usually a blue gem hidden
in the bucket in the corner.
Now if you want treasure, although this is not neccesary to finish the game,
you might want to visit the secret treasure room to the right of this room.
Stand near the right wall and go into first person viewmode. Look around until
you see a mousehole. Click on it and a mist will appear. Leave first person
viewmode and walk into the mist to get sucked into the next room.
[F1/17] There are some treasue chests here and some ghosts with icy hearts.
Give them a short burst of the flame thrower to melt their hearts and then
vacuum them up as usual. Just treasure and a Boo here. The chest that appears
after getting rid of all ghosts holds a blue, red and green gem, as well as
Go to the piano room.
[F1/5] Activate all instruments individually by walking up to them and pressing
A. Don't forget the drums are three seperate instruments. Now walk up to the
piano and a girl appears. She will play a famous Mario tune and you have to
guess what game it's from. Unless you know Mario games well and speak Japanese,
it's guess work, I'm afraid. If you guess wrong, leave the room and start over.
If you guess right, sheet paper will attack you. Suck up the paper, use your
flashlight on the girl when she grabs her head and suck her up. You will get
the key to the dining room.
[F1/13] First suck up the bananaskins. Then light the candles on the table
using your flame thrower. Suck some of the jelly from the table. Two butlers
will appear, try to suck them up. Now suck up the rest of the jelly (NOTE: wait
until the slob has stopped eating before sucking the jelly). The big fat ghost
will get angry and spit fire at you. Avoid his fireballs until he slumps down
on the table, exhausted. Now start vacuuming. When he is defeated you get a
chest full of goodies and a big diamond! Go through the door to the left.
[F1/12] In the kitchen, pots will rattle and fly at you. Just suck them up with
your vacuum. There is likely to be a MoneyGhost in the left oven. Open the
fridge, but be careful! The door can slam in your face and hurt you! A frozen
ghost pops out. Blast him with fire until his heart has thawed then get him as
per usual. After him a chest will appear with the WATER EMBLEM. Now you can
suck up water sprites and spray water. Get a water sprite from he running tap
and extinguish the burning door. After the fire is out, go through it into the
backyard with the doghouse. Don't forget you can get a gem by blasting the pot
in the oven with your flame thrower.
[F1/8] Wake the dog and avoid him a while. A butler will appear. Defeat the
butler who will drop a big bone for the dog. If the dog manages to grab you,
shake him off. After the big bone is dropped, the dog will try to eat it, at
which point you can attack it and suck it up.
At this point you might want to water the plant for the first time!
Walk to the doghouse, go into 1st person viewmode, click on the opening to
create a mist. Walk into that mist to get into the graveyard, although you
might want to go back and save your game first.
[1F/1] Don't forget to knock on the drainpipe for a gem. Knock on some graves
for health until three ghosts appear to throw bones at you. Suck up the three
ghosts. Now walk up to the big headstone at the end for the second boss.

*** BOSS 2 - Shadow (100)
This one isn't too difficult either, once you figure out what to do. The purple
shadow is the one to get, but it creates black copies of itself that attack
you. Suck up a black shadow until it turns into a ball that sicks to your
vacuum nozzle. Then find the purple shadow (easy if you follow the long black
shadows it creates because it gives off light) then aim the black ball at him
and let go. Be careful not to hold the black ball too long or it will explode
and hurt you. It will be hit by the ball and be vulnerable, so start sucking.
Be careful of the other black shadows as you are thrown about trying to get
him. Repeat until finished.
You will appear in the graveyard where a huge chest containing the level 3 key
awaits you.

*** Level 3
If you are following the SIDEQUESTs, you now might want to return to [F1/8] to
water the plant a second time. If you don't do this now, after the next boss
the plant will be dead.
Otherwise go the the magically locked door at the end of the corridor to the
north that leads into the backyard which will now magically open. Go to the
[1F/2] Here, don't forget to water the plants around the fountain for some
goodies and a gem. Clear away all the hanging ghosts for a chest full of
treasure. Walk to the right until you come to a well. Go down this well.
[Basement/1] Walk to the right and see a cutscene where Mario is stuck in a
painting! Walk back and a ghost appears with the key to the gym. Climb out of
the well.
[1F/2] Continue right until you come across a birdhouse. Jostle the birdhouse
and MARIO's LETTER falls out. Continue right until you come across a small
shed. Knock on he side of it for the door to open (otherwise it will hit Luigi
in the face) and speak to Kinopio. Continue right and enter the gym.
[1F/6] In he middle of the room a weightlifter is unsuccessfully trying to lift
weights. Stand near a punchbag and hit it by pressing A so it will swing and
hit the ghost (beware of the backswing!!!). The ghost will start coming at you,
waving his arms like a little girl, so swing another punchbag to hit him. After
he is hit three times you can flash him and vacuum him. If he recovers, just
swing a punchbag again. After he is defeated you get a chest full of goodies
and a diamond.
Before you leave, check a training bike on he right hand side for a moneyghost.
Then go to the walking excercise machine at the left hand side of the room.
Walk into it and Luigi will walk on top of it. Do this a while and a key will
pop out. This is the key to the door just outside, effectively creating a
shorcut for you. Now leave the gym and go upstairs.
Once upstairs, you'll see another door on fire. Spray water on it and go
through it.
[2F/3] In this dining room crockery will fly at you and a few ghosts appear.
Suck up the ghosts and a chest will appear on the table. Now walk to the right
hand side of the room onto a tile that will flip Luigi onto the ceiling. Walk
left and onto a tile that will drop him again, on the table, so you can get to
the chest. This chest contains the FREEZE EMBLEM. Luigi can now suck up freeze
sprites and have an ice spray. Grab a freeze sprite from the ice bucket on the
table and leave the room.
Make your way to the bahroom on the 2nd floor.
[2F/1] Who says Nintendo has no sense of humour. Look through the shower
curtain and see a lovely ghost having a bath. Open the curtain using your
vacuum and see a whale of a ghost being shocked. Fantastic. Spray her with ice
unil her hear is exposed and suck her up. You will get the key to the pool room
on the 1st floor. Go there.
[1F/9] Once in the pool room, wait for the guy to shoot the balls. Three balls
will fly through the room. Suck one up, aim it at the pool player and then let
go. Hit him three times like this, shine your torch and suck him up. Should he
recover, you only have to hit him once more. Once defeated he will leave a
chest wih goodies and a diamond. Don' forget the ceiling fan and the hidden
MoneyGhost in this room. Go through the door to the right, into the cinema.
[1F/10] Hit the projector to make it run. Ghosts will appear that again are
invisible. Use the way their shadow falls on the screen as an indication of
where they are, or, more handy, the dustclouds they make when they appear.
After defeating them, a chest conaining MARIO's GLOVE appears. For fun try to
suck the canvas off the movie screen. Underneath is a Boo poster. "Get out of
Return to the 2nd floor, but make sure you grab a fire sprite along the way. Go
to the star room.
[2F/8] Light all the candles on all the candlesticks and ghost will appear.
Clear the room of ghosts and you will be able to go through the door to the
[F2/9] Look into the Telescope to see the moon. Now the room is somewhat
different. Walk out and try to suck up a shooting star. Aim it at the moon and
let go. If successfull, the moon will blow up revealing a path. Follow the path
to get MARIO's STAR. Leave this room through he starroom and go back into the
hallway. Now go to Granny'sroom.
[2F/2] Knock her balls of wool off the table. Suck up a ball, aim it at her and
let go. There are only three balls and you have to hit her three times, so if
you miss, leave the room and try again. Once she is hit three times, suck her
up and get the key to the Twins' room. Leave this room and go to the toilet.
[2F/4] Open the toilet bowl to release a ghost with a heart of fire. Spray him
with water and suck him up to get a chest full of goodies. Suck he poster off
the wall for another Boo poster. Leave and go to the twin's room.
[2F/15] In the twin's room you have to make the two airplanes from the ceiling
turn. The blue one is blown away by your vacuum and the red one is pulled
towards the vacuum. If you climb the bed it is slightly easier. After a few
rotations, two or three, the twins appear. Speak to them, select the first
option, that you will play hide and seek with them. Leave the room and come
back in to see some boxes.
The following comes from quite a few sources that have emailed ne with this
little tip:
To find out which boxes the twins are hiding in, blow at them with your vacuum.
If the box vibrates, one of the twins is inside, otherwise it is empty. You
might have to blow fire or water, but as I haven't checked this out yet, I am
not sure.
If at any time you open an empty box, leave the room and come back in again to
try over. If you find both twins, they will attack you. One is on a plane,
dropping bombs, the other on a racecar.
Suck away either vehicle until the kid is floaing around
and then suck him up. Once both twins are defeated you get MARIO's SHOE.
It's amazing how many people get stuck at this point.With the 5 Mario items, go
back to Madame Meiru on the 1st floor.
[F1/19] Speak to Madame Meiru ONCE FOR EVERY MARIO ITEM YOU HAVE, so that
means, speak to her FIVE times. With each items she is able to channel some
information. It all comes down to Bowser, who resurrected King Terasa, who is
very VERY powerful. Mario warns Luigi in his letter to be afraid of King
Terasa. His power his great but he is afraid of the vacuum. (handy!).
After speaking to Madame Meiru (this will ake some time), she will be able to
attack you. Flash her and suck her up and she will leave behind another key.
Leave her room and go up the stairs to the 2F dining room.
[2F/3] Grab an ice sprite and leave the room.
Go up the stairs to the attic.
[3F/7] In this room are some ghosts with water hearts, so use the ice spray on
them before sucking them up. If they don't appear automatically, jostle the
animal heads on the wall. After you've cleared this room of ghosts you will get
the key to the big balcony. Leave throught the door to the left and head out to
the balcony.
If you have not yet caught at least 20 Boos, a Boo will appear and kick you
out. Charming. Go around the mansion and catch some more Boos. When you have
atleast 20, you can go through onto the balcony.
[3F/1] This is one huge balcony. There are some Boos here, so walk up to them
and touch them.

*** BOSS 3 - Boos (15)
A first you will see one big Boo. Quickly grab an ice sprite, then go after the
Boo. Suck at him with your vacuum until you have him in what feels like a
tractor beam, or something. Then use this to push him into one of the unicorn
statues and he will explode into 15 small Boos. Use the ice spray to freeze a
small Boo, then suck it up. The more small Boos you suck up he smaller and
faster the Big Boo will become, until eventually it is only a handful of small
Boos. At this point it gets tricky to spray them with ice. Short bursts of the
ice spray sometimes cause an ice projectile, with which you can get them from
afar. When only one small Boo remains he won't transform into a Big Boo
anymore. Just try to ice him and suck him up. After you have defeated all the
small Boos, a chest appears with the level 4 key.
Note that the 15 Boos that make up this Boss stage are counted in your overall
Boos score. These are 15 of the 50 Boos you were looking for!!!

*** Level 4
If you are following the SIDEQUESTs, you now might want to return to [F1/8] to
water the plant one last time to get a huge gold diamond. Also, return to
[3F/1] and water the plants there with the water spray. One of them holds a
huge red diamond!!!
[3F/1] Go to the door to the very left of the balcony. The magic seal with
disappear but what now? Lightning strikes the house and all electricity is
gone, filling every room with ghosts again!!!
Make your way through the house, all the way back to one of the earlier rooms,
the dressing room.
[F2/6] Turn away from the mirror and you'll see a guy standing in front of it.
Wait until he@motions and his heart appears, then quickly turn around and
catch him. Once caught, a chest appears with a key in it. This is the key to
the power generator room. Go there.
[Basement/4] Walk to the red switch and press A. The power will come back on
and a chest appears. Get the chest for a key to the basement storage room. Go
[Basement/6] First you might want to vacuum up the piles of dirt so you have
room tomove. Then rattle the two barrels to get the ghosts out and catch them.
After that a chest appears with the key to the toy room.
Go all the way to the 3rd story balcony again and proceed to the attic.
[3F/6] Open the trunks to reveal he skeleton ghosts and defeat them for a chest
full of treasure. Go north to the toy room.
[3F/3] In this room, acivate the clocks by knocking on them. Don't forget the
one on the table to the left. Once activated the toy soldiers will come to
life. To defeat them try to get close to them and keep vacuuming until the key
in their backs fall out, after which you can suck them. But be carefull! Their
reach is quite long! Once defeated a door will open with an elevator to he
roof. Go there.
[ROOF] Around the campfire are some masked ghosts. Get them the usual way. Afer
that two more ghosts appear with frozen hearts, so use your flame thrower on
them and catch them. Then a ches appears on top of the left chimney. In it is
the key to the armoury. Go down the elevator again to the toy room, then make
your way to the armoury.
[3F/5] First open the boxes for treasure and some ghosts. Now go to the suits
of armour and push them. Be careful!The ones with the maces drop their arm
which could hurt Luigi. About half of the suits of armour will make a ghost
appear when jostled, so work your way through the suits and the ghosts until
they are all gone and the light comes on. Open the chest that appears for the
key to the toxic room in the basement. Go through the door to the north to get
to the vase room.
[3F/2] Suck up an ice sprie, then push the blue vase somewhere in the middle. A
ghost will appear and asks you if you want to play wih/challenge him/her.
Select he first option. It will disappear and pop out of a random vase. Quickly
blast it with the ice spray! Do his 6 orso times and it will attack you, so
start that vacuum! When you have defeated it, a chest will appear with gold and
a diamond. Go back to he roof using the elevator in the toy room.
[ROOF] Climb up the right chimney and drop down into it.
[2F/13] Another hidden treasure room with a few ghosts and lots of gold. Go
crazy. Once all ghosts have been defeated, a chest with a key to the guest room
appears. To leave this room suck the cloth off the mirror and use it to warp to
the entrance hall.
Although not neccesary for finishing the game, let's go to the guest room on
the second floor.
[2F/16] Grab a fire sprite and light the two candles on either side of the
painting on the wall. A load of ghosts will appear. After this first wave
another set of ghosts appear but these all have a fire heart, so make sure you
quickly grab a water sprite and spray these ghosts wih water. When finished,
grab a fresh water sprite and go through the door to the right to the
up-side-down bedroom.
[2F/17] Spray the little girl on the bed with water three times. She then wakes
up and you can figh her. It is probably best to suck up her two dolls first,
just to get them out of the way. Should she recover and go back to sleep, a
single spray of water will wake her up again. After she is defeated, leave the
room. A loud noise will startle Luigi. Go back into the room to find it the
right side up again. Now you can open the chest and get treasure and a diamond.
Go to the basement toxic room.
[Basement/3] First get rid of the ghosts. Then suck up an ice sprite and spray
the toxic pool until it freezes over. Then walk to the other side and Luigi
will turn the wheel to stop the water. Now go to the chest and get the key to
the ice room. Go there.
[Basement/5] Grab a fire sprite and light the two campfires in the corner with
your flame thrower. This will wake up some ghost. Atack the ghost's icy shell
with your flame thrower, avoiding its attacks, until the shell is gone. Should
you get hit by his attack, wriggle around until the ice is gone. When the
shellis gone, attack him. Once defeated you get the key to the atelier.
Go way back up to the attic to the atelier.
[3F/4] This is a lenghty battle. The painter will make his paintings come to
live, one by one, creating three of each ghost to attack you for each painting.
Go through all the ghosts and eventually the painter himself becomes
vulnerable. Suck him up and when he is gone a key will appear from his painting
of a chest (cool). This is the key to the shrine!!
It is probably best to save your game at this point and make sure you are
stocked up on health and have aleast 40 Boos (otherwise you will be sent back
to the entrance Hall).
[Basement/2] Once inside he shrine vacuum the chandelier for an extra gem,
It has been pointed out to me the candles, on the right side, opposite the
lion's head statue also contain treasure.
Walk up to the front to confront King Terasa.

*** BOSS 4 - Bowser / King Terasa (500)
You are transported to the roof where a humungous Bowser appears to scare the
hell out of poor Luigi.
This Boss battle can be annoying.
First, Bowser will throw three spiked balls around. You need to grab one of
these by starting your vacuum and slowly walking straight INTO one of the
balls, as they are too heavy to slide towards you. Once one is stuck you have
to time it's release carefully. Bowser will appear, bend down and start to open
his mouth. Quickly walk backwards and release he ball so it hits Bowser in the
face before he attacks. His head will explode and fall off.
BEWARE: You can only try this one attack afer Bowser releases the spiked balls.
You have no time to try it again because they will explode. You have to wait
until he throws three new ones. Also, when you catch a ball but Bowser jumps
into the air, quickly let go and run. You won't have enough time to use it and
it might explode in your face!!!
Once you have blown Bowser's head off, King Terasa will appear. Start vacuuming
him quickly, but beware of Bowser's floating head that is now shooting ice at
After a while King Terasa will crawl back into his Bowser shell and continue
his attack. Repeat until dead.
Be careful! After you have taken enough hitpoints off King Terasa his Bowser
head will go back on BACKWARDS. He will stomp around the roof doing massive
damage until he can turn his head around. The best place to be here is to hide
on either side of the big chimneys as Bowser is too big to get there.
Once you have sucked all he hitpoints off Terasa you WIN!

Enjoy the end sequence and the credits. Make sure you check your rank on the
last screen!

- A list of portraits -
This is a list of all the portraits that can be "captured" during the game.
Also listed are the locations of where to find these ghosts/portraits in
reference to the map earlier on in this FAQ. If you are missing a portrait,
check out which one by pressing Z for the status screen and then scroll to the
right, check in this list where to find it and then check on the map where that
is. This is in case you don't want to read through the whole walkthrough to
find out what you missed.

#1 -The reading father, Papara, age 42
He likes reading books and now he is a ghost he is still reading books. Before
he became a ghost he was a novelist.
Location: [2F/11] The Study

#2 - The mother in front of the mirror, Mamara, age 34
Her hobby is saving money secretly. She always uses too much cosmetics and is
greedy. Recently her hair has become grey.
Location: [2F/10] Master Bedroom

#3 - The selfish baby, Babyra, age 1
Every night he cries. He doesn't sleep enough. Actually, he was born a ghost.
Location: [2F/14] Baby room *** BOSS ***

#4 - The dancing couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gruten, age ???
They are both famous party dancers. Now they are annoyed because they can't
feel their footsteps when dancing.
Location: [1F/14] Ballroom

#5 - The wandering butler, Se Nobastian. age 72
A long time ago his master's will said he had to guard the mansion. Now he is a
ghost and is still guarding the grounds.
Location: [1F/16] Butler's room

#6 - The gorgeous pianist, Pian, age 26
She plays the piano fluently but her character is very harsh, from a well-to-do
upbringing. Surprisingly she likes playing games.
Location: [1F/5] Piano room

#7 - The mysterious fortune teller, Madame Meiru, age ???,
With her clairvoyance she can see 49 says into the future. She has sharp ears
and a sharp wit.
Location: [1F/19] Crystal ball room

#8 - The eating machine, Ta Han, age 30
He likes eating more than 3 meals. His stomach is huge and he eats too much but
is never full up.
Location: [1F/13] Dining room

#9 - The ever-hungry guard dog, Spooky. age 4
He is always very hungry and will bite anything. If he thinks he can eat it he
will bite it. His bite is an inevitability.
Location: [1F/8] Backyard with doghouse

#10 - The cemetary's black shadow, Shadoma, age ???
The ghost is made from all the mansion's bitterness and nobody knows how to
defeat it.
Location: [1F/1] Graveyard *** BOSS ***

#11 - The bodybuilder, Maddy, age 26
He loves muscles and lillies. He can lift heavy weights. His favourite flowery
word is 'purity'.
Location [1F/6] Gym

#12 - The showering beauty, Miss Bunya, age ???
6 years ago she came second in the Ms. Ghost competition. Now she has less
modelling jobs but is still veru beautiful.
Location [2F/1] Bathroom

#13 - The scarf-knitting Granny, Babara, age 76
When she became a ghost she continued knitting the scarf, which is now more
than 800 meters long.
Location: [2F/2] Granny's room

#14 - The lonely gambler, Paul Long, age 29
He is a billiards master. He is the "Legend of the Gambler" but nobody has seen
him gamble.
Loaction: [1F/9] Pool room

#15 - The twin brothers, Won & Ted, age 5
Usually they play Hide & Seek together. They both hide, so the game never
Location: [2F/15] Twins' room

#16 - The giant ghost, Jumbo Terasa, age ???
A lot of shy and timid Terasas together make a big body, so the attitude is
also more agressive.
Location: [3F/1] Balcony *** BOSS ***

#17 - Bottleghost, Sebon, age ???
He likes antiques, so he collects antiques to live in. But where does he go to
the toilet?
Location: [3F/2] Vase room

#18 - The dreaming girl, Su Pee, age 7
She sleeps a while but then she realises she has been sleeping forever.
Location: [2F/17] Daughter's room

#19 - The unsuccessfull painter, Senior Puji, age 59
In 30 years he has never sold a ghost painting. Stubbornly, he is still
painting. He does not yield to fate.
Location: [3F/4] Atelier

#20 - The resident in the dark, Yaminof, age 45
He appears in the dark and never speaks. His background is also "in the dark".
Location: [2F/6] Dressing room

#21 - The toy army, Puppet Army, age ???
A long time ago the Mansion's master collected toys. The toys got spirit and
turned into ghosts.
Location: [3F/3] Tpy room

#22 - The cold climber, Alp, age 30
I don't know why, exactly, but he is freezing in his room. He is a ghost but he
suffers the heat.
Location: [Basement/5] Ice room

#23 - Bowser / King Terasa, age ???
Location: [Basement/2] Shrine *** BOSS ***

- Madame Meiru's Mario Items -
Madame Meiru will command you to find 5 items that belong to your brother
Mario. With each item she can channel herself to the spirit world and provide
you with information. After you have found all five items and spoken to her
five times, you can attack her for a key. These are the items and where to find

#1 - Mario's Hat - In the washing machine in the laundry room [1F/15]
#2 - Mario's Letter - In the birdhouse in the backyard [1F/2]
#3 - Mario's Star - In the observatory [2F/9]
#4 - Mario's Glove - In the cinema room [1F/10]
#5 - Mario's Shoe - After beating the twins [2F/15]

- Sidequests -
During the game there are many little things to do that not neccesarily have
anything to do with the plot or are not neccesary to finish the game, But they
are fun and often leave big rewards which all go to getting an A ranking.

* Catching 50 Boos
After releasing the Boos (see walkthrough) you will be able to check most rooms
that have been cleared of ghosts (ie. ones where the light is on) for hidden
Boos. A little light on top of your Gameboy Horror display at the bottom of the
screen will flash yellow. Walk around a room until it flashed quicker and it
will turn red when you are close to the hidden Boo. (If the light is blue it
means there is no Boo in this room)
Once you find a location try to rattle him out by either vacuuming the place or
knocking on it by pressing A. One of three things will happen.
1 - A bomb will drop out and you will hear a Boo giggle: RUN!
2 - A ball with a Boo-face painted on it appears with a Boo giggling.
3 - A Boo appears.
When a Boo appears he will have hitpoints, like any other ghost, except he is
not stuck in your vacuum beam. The hitpoints range from 30 to 300. Start
After you have sucked up a Boo, the Professor will page you and you can save
your game.
Sometimes, in the process of catching a Boo, the Boo will leave the room. You
can easily follow it to the room he flew to and, if you were quick enough, he
will still be there, so you can continue vacuuming him. If you are a little
slow, he will have hidden himself in his new location. This means, even if you
have cleared a certain room of its Boo before, this new Boo can take residence
there. Also it means at one point there could be multiple Boos hidden in one
room. Just use the light indicator to find them. For this reason it is usually
handy to clear a set of rooms first, before going after the Boos. For example,
the four rooms on the left hand side of the attic: the Boos there have a high
number of hitpoints and will switch rooms often!!! It's far easier to clear
these four rooms first and then go get the Boos. This is also true for the
Resetting the game will reset the Boos' locations and hitpoints.
After getting the 50th Boo you will receive a large gold diamond.

* Watering the flower
Just before the 2nd boss (read the walkthrough), near the doghouse, you will
see a small bud in the ground. This is aproximately beneath the small balcony
of the 2nd floor. Next to it is a tap with a watersprite. By this time you will
have the Water Emblem, so suck up a sprite and water the bud. It will sprout
leaves. (It helps if you clear the area of ghosts first, so you can do this in
peace, without being attacked).
Now, return to this area after defeating the 2nd boss. Water the plant again
and it will grow into a large flower.
After defeating the 3rd boss (see walkthrough) and BEFORE beating the end boss,
go back to this area and@water the plant again. It will pop open and reveal a
mass of gold and a large gold diamond will fall out.

* Beating the 100,000,000 Gold mark (ie. getting an A rank)
You need a lot of gold and money to beat the 100,000,000 mark, so try to do all
of this...
- Suck every pot, vase, cupboard and chandelier. Any object in any room. A lot
of them hold coins or paper money, sometimes even a gem. Even if you have been
to a room before, sometimes certain items are restocked (though not often).
- Be aware of MoneyGhosts (see Types of Ghost).
- Catch ALL PortraitGhosts (see Types of Ghost). The ones that don't further
the plot or leave behind a key will leave behind a chest full of gold and money
and a big silver diamond!
- Water all plants you come across! Some hold money, some hold gems. One even
holds a big red diamond!
- Catch the gold mouse! Sometimes a gold mouse will appear. If you suck it up
it will leave behind a lot of gold and money and sometimes a gem. Gold mice
only appear in the dark! Also, some rooms have hidden wedges of cheese. Looking
at a cheese in 1st person viewmode and clicking on it will produce a gold mouse
to catch.
Cheese locations:
* Madame Meiru's room, behind her chair [1F/19]
* 1F dining room, underneath a chair [1F/13]
* In the study, behind the desk [2F/11]
* 2F dining room, in the back of the room [2F/3]
* In the rug room, behind a chair. [3F/7]
- Follow the other side quests (see above) for the big gold diamonds.
- Become a master vacuum user. When sucking up Portrait Ghosts they will drop
pearls. The longer you can hold on to one of these ghosts the more and bigger
pearls they drop. Ranging from small, to medium to LARGE pearls. Obviously, the
large pearls are very expensive but for these you need to be able to suck up
one of these ghosts in ONE effort! Good luck!

- Monetary value -
This is a list showing the value of the various items you can pick up during
your adventure.
Coin = 5,000 G
Paper money = 20,000 G
Gold bar = 100,000 G
Small Pearl = 50,000 G
Medium Pearl = 100,000 G
Big Pearl = 1,000,000 G
Blue gem = 500,000 G
Green gem = 800,000 G
Red gem = 1,000,000 G
Clear diamind = 2,000,000 G
Red diamond = 5,000 G (after all that trouble!!!)
Gold diamond = 20,000,000 G

You can see why it's worthwhile catching all the Boos.

- After finishing the game -
Do you get any extras? Well, no, not really. Your saved game icon will now
contain a little green box listing how many times you have finished the game.
Also, when speaking to the Prof before going back to the mansion, you will see
an extra option has appeared. The 2nd option is the new one and basically
allows you to replay the mansion with a slightly more powereful vacuum. The
first option just means replay he game as-is.
Maaaaayyyybe if you finish the game an X number of times something happens, but
to be honest, I doubt it.

- The fallible Nintendo -
Every FAQ should have a bugs section, I recon. But that is quite hard for this
game. The only things I came across are very nitpicky, but here they are.
* A VERY slight drop in framerate in room [Basement/6] when rushing through and
stepping on the pad to warp Luigi to the ceiling. Seriousness: absolute zero
* In the well, [Basement/1] you can vacuum or spray fire/water/ice through the
wall into nullspace by walking up to the left or back wall and pressing L or R.
Or is there a secret I am missing? Nah, probably not. Seriousness: A little
below absolute zero
* Occasional plane clipping of shadows and the torch's lightbeam. A little
below a little below absolute zero
* Picking up a green gem on the small balcony [2F/5], as it was being picked
up, Kinopio started talking to me. I declined for him to save my game and
continued going through the gem-pick-up routine, during which Kinopio started
talking again. his endless loop was only broken afer I told Kinopio to save my
game. Seriousness: on a scale of a billion? Probably a 2 and a half.
* When fighting Boss 3, the 15 Boos, and defeaing 14 of them, the last one
suddenly disappeared. No giggling, no sighting. Seemed I was stuck in this boss
arena. After running around a while, a few minutes later, he suddenly appeared
again. I guess I iced him outside the arena and he fell down into nullspace
until he defrosted and had to fly all he way back again. Seriousness: Tsk. That
could have been potentially bad!
* Not really a bug, just a fun little fact. A "mansion" in Japan is usually
just an apartmentblock or block of flats with small apartments. Beware those of
you moving to Japan thinking they have landed on their feet getting a room in a
"mansion". Aternatively, I wonder what the Japanese are making of this game.
"Luigi's Mansion? Looks more like a big house to me." Oh well.
* This rather outrageous bug has been reported to me from several sources. One
even sending me some photos taken of the game, as proof. It might be an
elaborate hoax, but it sounds pretty real. writes: "[...] i was at boo/bowser. now i just thought
"peice of cake, i'll just suck up boo and... what the?!?" i had him down to 194
HP and all of a sudden he comes very close to my TV screen and LOW, i dodged
bowser's ice blast and ran smack into boo's crown by some freak
accident. so boo isn't dead (still has his 194 HP) and i have his jewel and it
triggers the end of the battle. bowser drops over, but all the while boo is
sitting there near the ground with his Hp showing, and then the fight just
ends. it sends me to the ghost dump room and we dump the ghosts in the vat as
usual... but there's NO BOO AND NO BOWSER HEAD. so i thought, "oh how strange"
and watched the paintings drop... but i am MISSING the painting of bowser in
the ending. we never got to turn mario's painting back into mario, and now it
seems i am stuck. i can now enter boo's lair and walk right up to
the mario painting... but i can't seem to get the game to go any further. i can
send you screen caps if you like, because here's the part even i couldn't
believe (as if this could get any more bizarre)... there is NO chandalier in
boo's lair like there was before... as in, the one with the gem in it... and
there is what looks like a severed LUIGI ARM! no, it doesn't just LOOK like
it, it IS a severed luigi arm. what in the WORLD have i done, and now is there
any way for me to continue, as i was just about to snag the LAST GOLD PAINTING.
i am so sad. i am gonna go catch the last 10 boos, but somehow i think i broke
the game."
Few other sources have told me or the GameFAQs message board the exact same
thing, and if it happens to you, apparently you are stuck and need to restart
the game.
* Gareth Stevenson writes: "I think I may have found a minor bug in the Piano
room. If you activate all the instruments and press A on the bookcase to make
some text appear, the music will stop, but the musical notes will continue
coming from the instruments - even after you bypass the text."
If you have found any repeatable bugs, please let me know.

- Unanswered questions -
If you can answer any of these questions, please email me!
* What happens when you get all golden portraits?
* Is the a maximum amount of diamonds / gems / gold?

- Don't even THINK about it... -
* Don't email me with other gameplay questions. If it's not in this FAQ it is
probably not in the game or I don't care.
* Don't make up stupid lies about the game. I've played it and finished it,
remember? Why try to convince ME that Mario is a playable character? Maybe
someone on the message boards will believe you.
* Don't copy any part of this FAQ or redistribute it in any way. The FAQ is
only available AS-IS from and a few other websites that have my
express permission.

- Please do... -
* Please email me with any extra tips or information I have missed out on.
* Please email any corrections, if I have printed false information.

- Credits -
Written by Jupe2010
With many thanks to the guys on the GameFAQs message boards who helped fill in
a few blanks, most notably Xombe and Odie and others.
For emailing me information and tips, thanks to, Gareth
Stevenson, Alex Deas, Matt Benson, Raz, Ben Wood, Tom Goodchild,
Thanks also for those emailing me complementing me on the FAQ. I am glad to
hear a lot of people found it useful, making this a humanatarian effort, rather
than a geeky waste of time. :)

Check the official site for possibly more information, or possibly not, at
+++ +++

- Version history -
* Version 1
A saturday-morning attempt. Wrote the main bulk.
* Version 2
Added sections on control and the Professor's home, as well as tidying up,
adding the ascii title and went through spellchecking (many errors due to
agressive keyboard bashing rendering my SPACE bar and "T" key almost
* Version 3
Added some jokes I found. Added the portrait list, Mario item list, item list
and money list. Changed the map to the Prof's shack (mental note: don't draw
maps from memory). Changed some wrong walkthrough information.
* Version 3b
Added some sent in tips and bugs.

Am I sad for taking all this time writing a FAQ like this?
Well, yes, probably. I prefer to call it bored.
This FAQ is copyright (c) 2001 Jupe2010.
No part of this FAQ maybe copied or redistributed witout prior permission of
the author.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Version 1.16
engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013
Exklusive DLH-FAQ (Version 1.1)
deut. FAQ/Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Version 3b
engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

25.September 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Februari 2018
24.Juli 2014
25.Juni 2019