

15.10.2013 19:00:39
The Red Mercury Missions

FAQ version .1 by HawkMasterD (Derek Miller) (Email:

WARHAWK: The Red Mercury Missions is a registered trademark of its
respective designers. Copyright (c)1995 Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Don't sue me; I'm just an author. Don't distribute or reproduce this
FAQ without giving credit to its original author, me. The same thing
goes for the ASCII art. Please do not sell or attempt to make or
generate profit from this FAQ in anyway unless you contact me first.
With that said, I don't know what I'm talking about anyways, so on to
the FAQ.

Well, I was browsing Gamefaqs.com one day, and looked to see if there
was a FAQ on this wonderful and highly advanced game for its time.
Sadly, there were none! Since then, I've always thought of writing a
FAQ and now the time has come.

The following sites have my permission to host this FAQ:
www.angelfire.com/ny5/hawkmasterd16 (shameless plug)

Please send any comments, questions, suggestions, etc. to
hawkmasterd16@yahoo.com. I'm new at writing FAQ's so help me out!
Also, I don't have the manual to this game, or at least I don't know
where it is, so anyone who has it, help me out!

Version history:

--|Wednesday, December 12, 2001: (v0.3) Added more ASCII art and
walkthroughs for stages 3 and 4. Touched up enemies and other
things here and there.
--|Tuesday, December 11, 2001: (v0.2) Fixed menu for .txt format,
added control information for looking, updated the arsenal.
Added the Enemies section, and re-did the walkthroughs for stages
1 and 2.

--|Monday, December 10, 2001: (v0.1) Began work on FAQ. Much to come!


Table of Contents:

1. The Story
2. The Characters
3. Controlling the Warhawk
-the IHVL (Inverted Half-Vertical Loop)
4. Your Arsenal
-XA-165 Warhawk
-Machine Guns
-Swarm Missiles
-Lock-On Missiles
-Plasma Cannon
-Flash Bomb
-Doomsday Bomb
5. Enemies
6. Walkthrough -
a) Stage 1 - The Pyramid
b) Stage 2 - The Canyon
c) Stage 3 - The Attack Convoy
d) Stage 4 - The Volcano Level
e) Stage 5 - The Gauntlet
f) Stage 6 - Stormland
g) Stage 7 - Face-off with Kreel
7. Cheats/Passwords
8. Tips and Misc.
9. Special Thanks

< The Story >
A madman named Kreel has been mining a material dubbed Red Mercury, for
reasons unknown. The Red Mercury possesses an unknown power, and it is
not sure what kind of power Kreel would have if he were to obtain
enough. Kreel's ultra-powerful forces are more than a match for normal
aircraft and military forces, so The International Force sends Hatch
and Walker, commanded by Commander Jassic to fly Warhawk and lead a
series of strategic missions against Kreel and to recover the Red
Mercury. You must stop Kreel at all costs!

< The Characters >
The characters only appear in the FMV live actions sequences during the
game. Not much to say about it, but you get a general feel for the
characters and realize despite their over-generic ness, this is a video
game, not a movie with a great story-but still worth writing about.

Hatch: One pilot of the Warhawk.

Walker: The other pilot. You play as these guys.

Commander Jassic: Hatch and Walker's commanding officer. Has a strong
sense of duty, and doesn't take Walker's smart mouth and complaints.
She won't take no for an answer.

Kreel: The madman mining the Red Mercury. A major threat to the
International Force, and must be stopped at all costs!

< Controlling the Warhawk >
Controlling the Warhawk can be confusing at first, but once you get the
hang of it the Warhawk becomes alive at your fingers. Here are the
basic controls:

Left/Right: Steers the Warhawk left or right. At slow speeds and in
reverse the Warhawk will strafe left and right, like a helicopter.

Up/Down: Decreases/Increases altitude, at high speeds the Warhawk will
turn downwards or upwards, respectively.

Select: Pauses the game.

Start: When held, tapping up or down in game will change the camera
view, Start+Down to zoom out, Start+Up to zoom in.

Square: Fires your machine guns.

X: Engages the afterburners, for increasing your speed faster than
normal. Orange jets of flame will fly out the back of the Warhawk.

O: Fires selected weapon.

Triangle: Switches selected weapon.

R1: Roll right. Tap twice to do a barrel roll.

L1: Roll left. Tap twice to do a barrel roll.

R2: Speed up.

L2: Brake.


EJECT COCKPIT: Square+Triange+X+0: Be careful! You have to use this
late in the game. I hate it when I accidentally do this!

LOOKING: Changes your view. To look down, hold L2 then R2. To look
left, hold L1+L2. To look right, hold R1+R2. I never used it much,
but you might.

VERTICAL LOOP/TURN AROUND: Use the directions, its easy enough to
figure out, using L1 or R1 will make turning around faster. You can
only do a vertical loop up.

WEAVING: Use R1 while turning right, then quickly shift to L1 and left
turning. If this technique is done correctly you can "weave" back and
forth, keeping your crosshairs on the same general point. Great when
used for those far away bosses and you are firing Rockets or charging
Plasma shots.

INVERTED HALF-VERTICAL LOOP: This is a GREAT move. In StarFox64(tm),
this move was executed far too easy. Here it requires a bit of skill,
but becomes second nature not after too long. I'll refer to it from
now on as IHVL. Begin to do a vertical loop, and halfway through stop
holding the Down button and hold the Up button. You should have turned
around and be facing your enemy in the same line of fire you left.
This is also great for air raiding: fly straight up and perform one of
these, then reduce your speed to the slowest you can while still
maintaining the ability to fly downwards. You should be looking down
at your ground target. Fire away! NOTE: in the pseudo-FMV intro, the
computer executes one of these, if you need an example.

< Your Arsenal >
The Warhawk comes equipped with quite a few weapons, and even more can
be picked up. Here's what you get to fight with - most of this info is
taken from the In-game option menu.

<>: The International Force's premier attack aircraft.
The WarHawk carries a tremendous amount of firepower, is heavily
armored, and yet remains unbelievably nimble.

<>: Liquid-cooled protonic impulse machine guns
delivering 1500 rounds per second.
Range: 250m
Strength: 15j0u/sec.
Loadout: unlimited

These are more useful than you think. Can be upgraded twice, and after

<>: Small, unguided missiles for general-purpose destruction.
Range: 800m
Strength: 10j0u
Loadout: 100

These are my personal favorite. Rockets require ultimate skill to use
on moving targets, as they do not home in on targets. 100 goes quite
quick, but when you throw about 8 of these at someone you better make
sure you are lined up right or you just wasted 8 rockets! MAX HOLD:

<>: Small Heisenburgium-fueled homing missiles which
seek a common target.
Range: 500m
Strength: 6j0u each
Loadout: 24 swarms

Swarms are pretty good, but not until you upgrade em'. I classify
these buggers with lockons, as they are to be used for moving targets
and bosses only. MAX HOLD: 48.

<>: Laser-guided missiles which pack a wallop but
are not as agile as the Swarmers.
Range: 500m
Strength: 50j0u
Loadout: 8

The firing rate is not too great, but these babies pack a LOT of power,
especially after the upgrade. Slow, but powerful, these are good to
use against bosses. Don't waste em' on fliers, they will usually out
fly them. MAX HOLD: 16.

<>: Shoots plasma torpedoes which increase in strength
the longer they are charged, but dissipate over distance.
Range: variable
Strength: variable
Loadout: 800j0u pool

Technically, the plasma cannon is the most powerful weapon in the game.
Like rockets, shoots forward with no homing abilities, but can be
charged to have a variable attack strength and speed. In the hands of
the master, these are truly fearsome. Charge a boss with a 300 j0u
shot (the strongest it goes I think) and let go. I love it! I always
use these up to conserve my lockons and such. MAX HOLD: 1200j0u.

<>: Temporarily blinds your enemies and clears the air of
all fire.
Range: 300m
Strength: 0 j0u
Loadout: none

You have to pick these up. Never really found much use, I was always
dodging the enemy fire. You get 1 per pickup. MAX HOLD: unknown.

<>: The ultimate weapon for killing your enemies,
deleterium bomb hammers everything in range.
Range: 300m
Strength: classified (what a crock of s***...)
Loadout: none

This bomb takes out all aircraft in range, and I think it takes out
their missiles too. However, doesn't touch ground and stationary
targets. MAX HOLD: unknown.

<>: The canisters of Red Mercury are often your stage
objective. Collect them to beat levels.

<>: Looks like a black orb with a green shield.
Recharges all the Warhawk's shields and repairs all damage.

<>: These can be picked up twice. They enhance your
machine guns, making them turn color and become more powerful.

<>: Adds 8 Swarmers to your arsenal.

<>: Adds 2 Lock-On missiles to your arsenal.

<>: Adds 20 Rockets to your stock. Fairly rare.

<>: Even rarer than the Rockets. Recharges plasma to
full/adds 200 to your j0u pool.

<>: The rarest pickup. I only know of one of
these. They do as the name implies, recharges all weapons to max and
all weapons higher than max stay the same.

<>: Only a couple of these, and they're late in
the game. Doubles speed and damage of the missiles.

<>: Same as Super Swarmers, but applies to
Lock-On missiles. With this pickup, the Lock-Ons are the most fearsome
weapon you possess.

< Enemies >
I'm doing the enemies as I write the Walkthrough, so only expect to
find enemy descriptions as the levels progress. Also, all Armor rating
I determine by how many rockets it take to destroy/shoot down the enemy.
'Cause I just love rockets, y'know?

<>: Come in 2 flavors, black and grey. The black fighters
are more skilled. You can usually take these down with 1 or 2 shots,
but they aren't worth your time or ammo. Just avoid the missiles;
these are more of a nuisance than anything. Dangerous in swarms,
Stage found in: 1, 3, 4 and 6
Armor: 2 RKTS
Threat (alone): Minimal
Threat (group): Medium

<>: Not really an enemy, but can be blown up for a power-up.
Use your machine guns for optimum efficiency.
Stage found in: 1
Armor: 6 RKTS
Threat: None

<>: Small, stationary armored vehicles that shoot AA weapons at
you. Don't waste your time, unless you they have a power-up to give
you or the sky has too many projectiles from them.
Stage found in: 1, 2
Armor: 1-2 RKTS
Threat: Minimal

<>: Stationary cannons. Can cause a bit of damage if you
aren't careful. These are everywhere, in several different flavors. I
will detail them in the walkthroughs, but here are the basics:
Stage found in: All
Armor: Varies
Threat: Varies, usually Medium

<>: They power the pyramid in Stage 1. You have to
destroy them to win.
Stage found in: 1
Armor: 3 RKTS
Threat: None, but must defeat to proceed

<>: Must be destroyed in Stage 1 to advance to Part 2. They
fight back, like cannons.
Stage found in: 1
Armor: 6 RKTS
Threat: Minimal

<>: Red and blue mines that float in one position.
If you run into them they can seriously damage you, but you can destroy
Stage found in: 2
Armor: 3 RKTS
Threat: Medium

<>: Damage isn't as high as Stat. Mines, but often
these come in packs, which intensify the damage. Watch your back, as
these are more like projectiles (but nobody shoots them!). If you can,
use your machine guns. They travel slowly, and usually only hit you if
you are farting around and not moving.
Stage found in: 2
Armor: 1 RKTS
Threat: Medium

<>: Boats in the water that will shoot at you. Can
contain power-ups. Don't worry too much about these, another waste of
ammo in my opinion. There is another version of these in the Volcano
level, but they are common enemies, and are easily avoided.
Stage found in: 2, 4
Armor: 2 RKTS
Threat: Minimal

<>: This is not the Pyramid in stage one. Rather, it
LOOKS like it but is really a pop-up enemy that appears to block your
progress in the Gauntlet. Take them out, but watch out - they
regenerate. Shoot and keep going.
Stage found in: 5
Armor: 2 RKTS

<>: Ship that carries Red Mercury - heavily armored with two
defensive cannons. Don't make any direct assaults on these guys, or
they will tear you up. It's smart to charge plasma cannon, then weave
in from above and blast and fly by. Repeat to destroy.
Stage found in: 3
Armor: 15-20 RKTS
Threat: Medium

< Walkthrough >


ITEMS-2 Shield Recharges, 16 Swarmers, 6 Lock-Ons, 1 Flash Bomb

Kreel is supposedly hiding a canister of Red Mercury in the Pyramid.
Retrieve it and return to base!

Basically this stage is a small city in one corner, where you start off,
and a giant pyramid in the center with an arch on all 4 sides. Fighter
planes swarm the sky, but are only pests. Don't waste any weaponry on
them! Instead, just concentrate on your main targets. The guns on the
arches may be shot off to gain 2 Lock-On power-ups, and 2 Shield
Recharge power-ups. Shooting the small hangars on the ground will have
the same effect; you get 2 Swarmers, 1 Lock-Ons, and 1 Flash Bomb.
Save your Swarmers and Lock-Ons, you really won't need them and it's
better to stock up on what you find. You should be able to take
everything out with Rockets and Plasma Cannon, but if you find yourself
starved use your Swarmers. I usually don't have to unless I am playing
on Pro difficulty level.

Part 1-Really, this isn't all that tough. You have to shoot down the 4
Towers around the pyramid. Use your Plasma Cannon; high-powered shots
coupled with machine gun fire should take these out no problem. If you
run out of ammo, use your rockets. Once you'd destroyed those, the
second part begins.

Part 2-A bit trickier. The targets are awkward to hit. Take note your
target is not the eye on the pyramid shooting at you, but the power
generators at the base of the pyramid. Kreel's aircraft have gotten a
little smarter, and faster but not by much. More often than not if
they are following you when you charge the pyramid they will ram right
into it and explode. Use your Rockets and Plasma Cannon on the
generators. To target the generators better, use the IHVL, noted above.
If you do it right, you won't even have to dodge the eye that shoots at
your. Keep it up and the pyramid is through, and you're on to the last

Part 3-All that's left is to fly through the pyramid and pick up the
Red Mercury. Kreel's air forces will really be on you now, but if you
finish off the mission now you should have no problem.



ITEMS-2 Shield Recharges, 4 Lock-Ons, 60 Rockets, 1 Plasma Recharge, 24
Swarmers, 1 Doomsday Bomb

The way I see it, there are two ways to take the canyon. You can speed
through it, ignoring enemies and most power-ups, slowing only to shoot
mines. The other way is to go carefully, getting all the power-ups and
destroying all the enemies. However, if you choose the latter red
meteor-like projectiles will rain from the sky, and majorly damage your
ship. Also, the floating mines in this level will be more likely to
get you. For that, I choose the former. Wall cannons in this level
can be taken out with one rocket, but you should be past them before
they are a problem.

Part 1-This is very straightforward. Along the way, you should find a
battleship containing some Rockets. When you get to the boss, just fly
right up and strafe around him, shooting rockets and machine guns at
the 5 main plates. If you need it, there's a shield recharge right
behind him.

Part 2-This section is more of the same. Partway through the level, if
you look to your right you will see an alcove where there is a wall
mounted cannon shooting at you. Blow it up for a Swarmers pickup.
When you get to the second boss, use the same strategy you used for the
first boss. After you defeat this one, a Lock-Ons power-up is your

Part 3-This section is far trickier than the first two. After the
water, ends, you will come to the land section. This is too confusing
to explain in words, so here is a diagram which might help:

Part 3 of Canyon
- ---
Lock-on & Shield>> |LS\----/ \
\ B | << BOSS
/ /---\ |
| | \--/
| A \ < / |
/ |
/ /| L\ < Rockets>> /R / | |
/ / | |
/ / | |
Swarmers>> |S | / \
/ | | \
| | | |\ \-----\
| |/-\ | | \ S > < Rockets>> | | R| | | \ \--/
| / | | \ \
/--/ / \ | \ \

\--\ \ | | \ \
\ | | \ \ \
\ \ | | | |
\ \ | | | |
\ \ | | | |
\ \| | | |
\ | | |
\ | | |
\-| | / /
| | / /
/ | / /
| | / /
| | / /
| | / /
| |/ /
\ /
\ /
| /
| /
| |
| |

As you can tell, it's somewhat general, but then, it's really all you
need. If you are following the main section (marked by vegetation)
then you will arrive at the boss the fastest, but will receive less
power-ups. You know you're on the right track when you fly under the
ARCH, marked above. The stage 3 boss isn't much trickier than the
first, just blast away (use your Plasma Cannon if you have some to
spare) to destroy the 3 weak points on the boss's front side. Make hit
and run tactics, swaying back and forth to avoid his shots. If you
need to recharge your shields, there is a place to hide off to the side.
Your reward: a Doomsday Bomb. Continue on to the dark tunnel to get
to Part 4.

Part 4-This part is more or less a narrow canyon littered with mines.
A few cannons are attached to the walls, but they are of little
nuisance. Just keep going, taking caution to avoid the mines. After
flying under another small tunnel, you will come out at the boss.
There are two places to hide, 1 on either side of him. Hide behind
them to recharge your shields, and use up any Plasma Cannon you may
have left. Pop out from behind the walls to shoot the boss's weak
points-there are 3 on each side. Destroy them all and fly into the
nooks he was protecting to retrieve the canisters.


3. Stage 3 - The Attack Convoy

ITEMS-1 Flash Bomb, 1 Doomsday Bomb, 1 Ultra Lock-Ons Upgrade, 8
Swarmers, 2 Lock-Ons, 3 Shield Recharges
This stage will probably be your first "real" stage, if not the next
one. You have to find 8 canisters of Red Mercury which can be
accomplished by destroying the 4 Airships surrounding the main ship.
Here is a diagram of what the stage looks like:

/\ /\
-||- -||-
|| ||
/ \ / \
| | | |
|RM| |SH|
<<<| |>>> <<<| |>>>
\ / \ /
-- BACK --
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
\ /
/\ /\
-||- -||-
|| ||
/ \ / \
| | | |
|L | |RM|
<<<| |>>> <<<| |>>>
\ / \ /
-- --

L - Lock-Ons Pickup
SH - Shields Recharge
RM - Red Mercury

Really, you only need to destroy two of the ships, but as soon as you
pickup a canister of Red Mercury, the game cuts to an FMV and the
cannons on the main ship open! Destroy them both, mainly the one on
the bottom, as it contains an Ultra Lock-Ons pick-up. After you
destroy one of the cannons, then the last part of the level opens up,
and you can fly into the back or front of the main ship and get the
last few canisters. Be careful, the passages are littered with Cannons
and doors that open and close. One side contains a Flash Bomb, and the
other a Doomsday Bomb. The air is more dangerous on this mission, but
keep moving. When attacking the Airships, try an approach from
underneath the ship. Sure, you can waste a couple Swarmers and shoot
the cannons on the ship off, but if you approach the ship from
underneath then the cannons can't hit you at all. I advise you use
your plasma on the ships; they are big targets, and have a lot of armor.
Get the Ultra Lock-Ons pick-up as soon as possible. There is no real
boss to this stage, so be glad. If you need Shields, you can blow off
the top cannon on the ship, and there is a Shield Recharge in one of
the Airships, marked above. Another neat thing about this mission is
that there is a very high vertical limit; you can fly into the clouds
and beyond. In the clouds is another Shield Recharge and some Swarmers.
The clouds are a perfect place to recharge your shields, because the
only threat is aircraft up there, and that should be easy to avoid.
Pick up your 8 canisters, and you are done with this mission.


4. Stage 4 - The Volcano Level

ITEMS-Enhanced Guns, Super Swarmers, 40 Rockets, 1 Shield Recharge, 6
Red Mercury canisters, 6 Lock-Ons, 16 Swarmers

Now this is where the game starts to get hard. I will admit I have a
hard time on this level. The layout for the level is also something
new - there are two sections, above the cloud layer and below it.
Below it, you have to worry about missile silos hidden in the sea, and
Battleships that shoot upwards at you. The planes are on you again, so
keep dodging! All in all, there are 6 weak towers you can destroy (2
RKTS), and about 6 large towers (about 15 RKTS). The large towers (2
above cloud, 2 below) contain Red Mercury, and when you pick up two,
the boss appears. First off, when you start this level, fly to the
above level and find the Super Swarmers Upgrade. Also, look for other
power-ups on top of the large towers, including a Lock-Ons pickup.
Only 1 Shield Recharge in this stage, so use it wisely. Destroy every
tower, but beware that some of the large towers will launch homing
fireballs after destruction. Also, look for an Enhanced Guns upgrade
in this stage. There is little sanctuary in this stage, but you can
still fly to its vertical limit to be somewhat safe. Just keep moving
and NEVER STOP, especially when beneath the cloud cover.

Boss - Volcano Tower
Now I mention this boss in his own section because this is when things
start to get tough. When trying to attack him, he will have a few guns
shooting at you, combined with the launched missiles from the towers
and the aircraft circling. Keep moving, weave as you approach the boss,
always charging your Plasma and releasing it at the last moment. Use
your Super Swarmers or Ultra Lock-Ons after your normal weaponry runs
out, because you will more than likely need it. Enough hits, and the
boss will go down. Make sure you know the weak point on the boss! Fly
into the volcano mouth he was protecting to grab the last two canisters
and beat the mission.


5. Stage 5 - The Gauntlet
6. Stage 6 - Stormland
7. Stage 7 - Face-off with Kreel

< Cheats and Passwords >
All these cheats and password can be gotten by beating the game, and
taking them down at different points of the game. However, I only use
the ones specific for the level, and the cheat codes. Basically, I am
accrediting nobody for these. In fact, if you just beat the game
normally (it's not THAT hard, once you dump a million hours into it :}),
you can find these out for yourself. However, for you cheaters out

Stage 2 (Canyon) - O, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, Square,

Stage 3 (Convoy) - X, Triangle, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Square,

Stage 4 (Volcano) - Square, Triangle, X, X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square

Stage 5 (Gauntlet) - Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X,
Square, Square

Stage 6 (Stormland) - Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Circle,

Stage 7 (Kreel) - Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X,

Thor Mode - Square, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle,

Kali Mode - X, Circle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

Soon, I plan to get more and re-verify all of these. I probably will
end up getting some codes off Gamefaqs/IGN... Oh well. I'll also put up
some Gameshark codes eventually; I'm not a big fan of the tool even
though I own it. It really detracts from the sheer challenge and fun
of Warhawk.

< Tips and Misc. >
--Always, always, ALWAYS use your Rockets and Plasma Cannon on
stationary targets! Save Plasma for bosses if possible, especially in
the Canyon level and against Kreel. You won't regret it!

--Use Lock-Ons and Swarmers to find a bosses' weak point, then use
Rockets and Plasma to exploit it. Fun stuff.

--Once your guns are enhanced, use them to conserve ammo. However, if
you die you lose them so don't hold back!

--By saving your Lock-Ons and Swarmers early on, the Super Swarmers and
Super Lock-Ons pickups later in the game will have more effect. But,
if you are at the max number anyways, sling a couple around, making
sure to pickup all the weapons in each level.

--Abuse the IHVL. It is prime for avoiding missiles. Combine it with
the barrel roll and you will have air dominance. Be careful not to fly
too high, because every stage has a vertical boundary, designated by an
"electric field" when you run into it. This doesn't do any damage, but
the screen will flash and you will turn back down.

--FLY HIGH. If you need to dodge things and recharge you shields, fly
at high altitudes at high speeds like a crazy man. Keep in mind the
vertical limit. Enemies will be hard pressed to hit you, and ground
and stationary enemies may not even have the range at all. Don't
forget to keep weaving and barrel rolling! This only applies in a
couple stages.

--Take it slow. In stages like the Gauntlet, you will gain nothing by
going very fast, except ammo conservation. Good, but what's the use of
fighting the boss at the end of the tunnel if you are severely wrecked
up? If you feel confident in your abilities, speed up. If you are
really reckless (like me) just plow through tunnels and corridors,
counting on luck to take you through the doors.

--Use your afterburners. The R2 doesn't really do anything a flick of
your thumb can't, and when you need to go fast you need afterburners.
This is the only way to out fly some weaponry and enemies.

**If you get a Lightning Kill, you get Swarmers and a Flash Bomb.
**If you get a Groundburn Bonus, you get extra Plasma Charge.
Anyone else know these?

< Special Thanks >
Myself. Help me out here.

Well, that's all I have for now. I take no responsibility for anything
my tips do to your system, so don't even bother emailing. However, I
do admit some of my info is not 100% accurate, so I do not hold myself
to it. If you can correct me, I will revise the FAQ, especially if you
can back up your corrections. Contact info:

Derek Miller -------------------------------hawkmasterd16@yahoo.com

Thanks for checking out my Warhawk FAQ!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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