Red Faction

Red Faction

13.10.2013 01:03:13
Description: Red Faction (PC) multiplayer guide FAQ
Written by: Serious Worm
Date started: 23.10.2001.
Date finished: 24.11.2001.
Last updated: 06.06.2002.
Version: 1.5
File size: 40.303 bytes (39.3 KB)

* Contents *

I. About this FAQ
II. Key bindings I use
III. Weapons
IV. Maps
V. Some chat acronyms
VI. Multiplayer hints & tips
VII. Frequently asked questions
VIII. Author info
IX. Copyright stuff


In this FAQ you will find lots of information about the Red Faction
multiplayer. You will find weapons info & tactics for multiplayer, some
chat stuff that many players use for faster writing, what ping & lag are,
a list of user-made maps etc.
If you are a new-comer to Red Faction, then I suggest you customize your
controls using my controls as a reference.
If you find any errors of any kind in this FAQ, please mail me and I will
correct them.
The version of Red Faction when this FAQ was last updated was 1.20.

1.0 - First version. (24.11.2001.)
1.1 - Removed the first 3 lines; made some changes to the top info
section; added version history & where you can find the FAQ; added
Riot shield tactics; minor changes to other weapons; shortened the
Author info section; minor changes to the copyright section;
changed/added some more info to the A's in the Frequently asked
questions section; corrected some spelling errors (29.11.2001.)
1.2 - Added the Maps section; added dates to Version history; changed the
Rocket launcher weapon tactics; some changes to game copyrights;
minor changes to the Weapons section; added one Q to the Frequently
asked questions section; updates to Author info section; minor
changes to chat acronyms section (05.12.2001.)
1.3 - Added more maps to the Maps section; removed map scores; minor
changes to the Weapons section; minor additions to FAQ's copyright;
some changes to Author info; big changes to the Frequently asked
questions section; organized the acronyms a bit (24.12.2001.)
1.4 - Added more maps to the Maps section; added one Q to the Frequently
asked questions section and changed some of the A's; minor changes
to Author info section; minor changes to Key bindings I use section;
changes to some weapons; a few added acronyms, added a few more
links to map sites links (22.01.2002.)
1.5 - Changed my info; changed maps info; minor changes to a few Q's
and A's; changed the Precision Rifle score; (6.06.2002.)

NOTES (6.06.2002.)

I probably won't update the FAQ any longer, as I think it is complete, with
all information I had in mind when I started the FAQ. Maybe the map list
could be updated - however, I find it hard to download all maps with my
poor 56K modem, and it's also hard to find a good maps site. Overall, the
FAQ is complete, so unless I get a good list of maps and/or change my
info, I won't update the FAQ.

Currently, this FAQ is hosted on the following sites with my permission: - GameFAQs© - NeoSeeker (© Neo Era Media Inc.)


This keyboard & mouse bindings should give you a start for configuring
your own controls.

Action - Button / key

Primary fire - Left mouse button
Secondary fire - Right mouse button
Reload weapon - Middle mouse button
Move forward - W
Move backward - S
Strafe left - A
Strafe right - D
Jump - Space bar
Crouch - Left CTRL
Holster weapon - H
Chat - T
Team chat - Z (Y in-game)
Multiplayer stats - Left SHIFT

Close c. weapons - 1
Semi-auto weapons - 2
Heavy weapons - 3
Explosive weapons - 4
Control baton - None
Riot shield - None
Pistol - TAB
Submachine gun - F
Automatic shotgun - Q
Assault rifle - E
Sniper rifle - C
Remote charge - 5
Grenade - G
Flame thrower - CAPS LOCK
Rocket launcher - R
Rail driver - X
Precision rifle - Y (Z in-game)
Heavy machine gun - V
Fusion rocket l. - None


In this section the Red Faction weapons are detailed.


Name - The name of the weapon.
Description - The weapon description.
Ammo - What type of ammo the weapon uses.
Size of clip - How much ammo can weapon hold without reloading.
Maximum ammo - How much ammo you can hold (max. ammo + clip ammo).
Recommended range - On what range(s) this weapon is recommended.
Primary fire - What happens if you press the primary fire button.
Secondary fire - What happens if you press the secondary fire button.
Weapon tactics - The tactics I recommend you to use while holding the
What NOT to do when
using this weapon - What you should not do while holding the weapon.
My score - My personal score of the weapon.

Name: Control baton / UCB-24 Ultor Control Baton
Description: This weapon is basically an electrically powered stick.
Ammo/Size of clip: Battery cells / 1 cell
Maximum ammo: 9 + 1
Recommended range: Point blank to short
Primary fire: Swing the baton
Secondary fire: Electrize the baton's end and try to hit someone with it
Weapon tactics:
ONLY use this weapon if you want to humiliate someone, because there is
simply no reason to use it - because there are PLENTY of weapons & ammo on
the maps. And the weapon spends battery cells quite quickly.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Simple - do not use it.
My score: 0 / 10

NOTE: This following weapon is not available in multiplayer in most maps.
Name: Riot shield / UBS-4 Ultor Riot Shield
Description: A big shield that you can use to attack as well.
Ammo/Size of clip: -
Maximum ammo: -
Recommended range: Point blank
Primary fire: Swing the shield
Secondary fire: -
Weapon tactics:
Well, this is just a big shield that prevents the enemies from hurting you
from the direction you are pointing to. It isn't unbreakeable, though, so
use it just temporarely, while grabbing ammo for a weapon or getting some
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Because the damage done by the shield is quite low, I don't suggest you
use it as a attack weapon. And don't forget to switch to something else
after you collected the ammo/health/armor.
My score: 2/10

Name: 12mm Pistol / USP-16 Ultor Semi-Automatic Pistol
Description: This is what you get when you respawn.
Ammo/Size of clip: 12mm bullets / 16 bullets
Maximum ammo: 210 + 16
Recommended range: Short to medium
Primary fire: Fire the pistol
Secondary fire: Attach/detach silencer (doesn't work in multiplayer)
Weapon tactics:
This is relatively weak weapon. On very close range you can kill someone
with it if you press the fire button as fast as possible, but on longer
ranges it is pretty much useless, compared with other weapons.
Each bullet packs a moderate punch of firepower for unarmored opponents,
so if your opponent doesn't carry armor, you can use the weapon and you
can kill him.
The weapon does not have much recoil.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Well, altough the weapon is good, do not use it if you have a better
weapon. Because most better weapons are of course better ;)
Do not use it against armored opponents.
Also, do not use the weapon at really long ranges. Altough you can
maybe hit someone, it simply isn't worth it.
My score: 4 / 10

Name: Submachine Gun (UAP-32/20 Ultor Submachine Gun)
Description: A rapid firing, larger & stronger version of the pistol.
Ammo/Size of clip: 12mm bullets / 64 bullets
Maximum ammo: 210 + 64
Recommended range: Short to medium
Primary fire: Fire the SMG
Secondary fire: None (in singleplayer toggles between 2 ammo types)
Weapon tactics:
This is a quite good weapon, actually. Altough the damage done by each bullet
is the same to the one that the pistol gives, it fires at a moderate firing
rate so you can quite easily kill someone with it.
Just be sure to reload often, and watch out for your ammo supply - in the
current clip, of course, because you usually have more than adequate ammo
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Well... Nothing specially ;)
My score: 7 / 10

Name: Automatic Shotgun (UAS-10 Ultor Automatic Combat Shotgun)
Description: Very good short range weapon. Also somewhat usable at
medium range.
Ammo/Size of clip: 10 gauge shells / 8 shells
Maximum ammo: 48 + 8
Recommended range: Point blank to medium
Primary fire: Fire two shells at once. Double firepower, reload
between each shot
Secondary fire: Fire one shell at a time. No reload, rapid-fire
Weapon tactics:
I prefer to use this weapon in narrow corridors and such. It isn't
very good at open spaces. If you fire to someone at point blank
range using primary fire, you have a 95% chance of killing him. And
you can use the weapon as a "finish" weapon in secondary fire mode -
if you hit someone with a sniper-type weapon, you can easily finish him
with this weapon.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Do not (obviously) use it at long ranges. Altough one of the pellets
MAY hit him, the damage done is miserable and you can only kill
someone if he just survived a rail gun hit. Also, use the primary
fire for medium range fire (and point blank range) and the secondary
fire for short and medium ranges.
My score: 7 / 10

Name: Assault Rifle (UAR-42 Ultor Military Assault Rifle)
Description: An excellent medium range weapon.
Ammo/Size of clip: 5.56mm Armor Piercing bullets / 42 bullets
Maximum ammo: 210 + 42
Recommended range: Medium (also usable at long range)
Primary fire: Fire a three-round burst
Secondary fire: Full automatic fire
Weapon tactics:
Now this is a quite good weapons. It is my favorite of the "weaker"
ones because not only each bullet is pretty damaging, it also fires
quite quickly and you usually have lots of ammo. Use the primary fire
on short or long range and the secondary fire on medium range because
the primary fire will most likely kill the enemy if you are very
close to him, and on long range you will avoid wasting ammo.
The weapon is quite good for modem users (who have 200+ ping).
I mostly use it at open spaces. This is a good weapon for use with
the have the damage amp - just a click on the left button and a corpse.
And if you are in a long corridor and there are many players on the
server ... hehe ;)
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Most players just use the secondary fire and forget about the primary
because they think it just slows the weapon. Well that is correct,
but it also improves your overall accuracy because you can precisely
aim between each burst, and if you just hold the sec. fire because of
the recoil you will pretty quickly waste most of you clip (though
you will probably kill your target, but whatever ;)).

My score: 9 / 10

Name: Sniper Rifle (USG-50 Ultor Sniper Rifle)
Description: A good medium to very long range
Ammo/Size of clip: .50 AP bullets / 6 bullets
Maximum ammo: 36 + 6
Recommended range: Medium to very long
Primary fire: Fire a bullet
Secondary fire: Activate or deactivate the scope, hold for zoom
Weapon tactics:
Like I said, another quite good weapon. But, if you want to make
some use from it, you must have good aim. The weapon is most
effective if you use it while camping, as with most sniper type
weapons. The weapon can zoom VERY much so you can practically kill
someone without even knowing where the bullet came from.
By the way, the bullet usually doesn't instantly hit the target if
fired from a distance.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
If your are sniping from long distance and your target approaches
and it has an automatic weapon, I suggest you switch to your
automatic or at least semi automatic because he will probably
kill you faster that you can him.
My score: 8 / 10

Name: Remote Charge (URC-15 Ultor Remote Mining Charge)
Description: A powerful remote detonated mine.
Ammo/Size of clip: Remote charges / 1 charge
Maximum ammo: 21
Recommended range: Short (well...)
Primary fire: Throw or detonate the charge
Secondary fire: Throw or detonate the charge
Weapon tactics:
This is a pretty good weapon, if you know how to use it. What
is interesting is that, if your ping is cca. above 400, you
can actually throw more than 1 charge. And if it is even higher,
you can throw more than 3.
Also, if you are playing CTF and you are the flag carrier and
someone is pursuing you, you can throw a mine and hope he
stumbles on it and ... POOF ;)
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Well do not detonate it when you are close to the charge - while
the blast radius is smaller than the grenade, IMO it is a bit
large than the rocket launcher's.

My score: 6 / 10

Name: Grenade (UHG-90 Ultor Offensive Hand Grenade)
Description: A simple hand granade with two modes of fire.
Ammo/Size of clip: Grenades / 1 grenade
Maximum ammo: 9 grenades
Recommended range: Medium
Primary fire: Throw a grenade with a 3-second timer
Secondary fire: Throw an impact grenade (also with a timer)
Weapon tactics:
Altough most grenades in other FPS-es are solid weapons, this
one isn't. And just because it has a LONG time between clicking
the fire button and actually throwing the grenade. The only use
I found is when you are in a room and your opponent is on the
other side, and doors are keeping you from seeing each other.
Then you can just press the fire button, wait until your
character arms the grenade, open the door and
throw the grenade, and finnaly go back in the room.
But another flaw is that the 3-second timer is quite a long
time for advanced players - the moment they see it, the will
probably run away.
BTW Use the remote charges instead of this "weapon" ;)
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Another flaw is that the weapon's explosion radius is VERY
large, so you must retreat quickly if you want to get away
undamaged. Of course, this can be an advantage...
My score: 3 / 10

Name: Flame Thrower (UFT-1 Ultor Flame Thrower)
Description: A small flame thrower.
Ammo/Size of clip: Fuel canisters / 1 canister
Maximum ammo: 5 + 1
Recommended range: Short
Primary fire: Fire the flame
Secondary fire: Dispatch the fuel canister and throw it
Weapon tactics:
An interesting weapon. Altough some people say it is one of the best
weapons, I don't think so. Not just because it has a small canister,
but also because it requires some time to actually put someone on
fire. That is a quite big flaw. And the flame it fires isn't
very long. But if many people are in the same room, you can probably
get in and burn most of them ;)
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
If you are using the weapon, try to NOT accidentally click the
secondary fire button. Because you throw the canister altogether.
And it even doesn't do much damage.
My score: 5 / 10

Name: Rocket Launcher (URL-6T Ultor Tactical Rocket Launcher)
Description: A standard rocket launcher like in many other games.
Ammo/Size of clip: 15cm HE rockets / 6 rockets
Maximum ammo: 18 + 6
Recommended range: Medium-short to long
Primary fire: Fire a rocket
Secondary fire: None (fires a homing rocket in singleplayer)
Weapon tactics:
This is a good explosive weapon. I use it when playing against predictable
opponents, and opponents which do not move around very much. Then I simply
fire a rocket in the place I think he will be when he gets there, and it
usually hits him. By the way, if you are new to Red Faction or FPS's at all,
you should know that if you try to hit someone directly with this weapon
(ie. in the torso), he will probably kill you faster than you will him.
Because this weapon isn't an instant-hit weapon, but the rocket explodes
when she hits something so you must aim to the floor or the wall near
your target instead of the target itself.
Also, the secondary (homing) fire doesn't work in multiplayer, so bye-bye
homing rockets :(
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Like I said, do not try to hit someone directly, in the torso or even in
the head. It is what most beginners do.
My score: 7 / 10

Name: Rail Driver (FCA-26 Magnetic Rail Driver)
Description: A deadly instant-hit weapon.
Ammo/Size of clip: Rail driver slugs / 1 slug
Maximum ammo: 6 + 1
Recommended range: Medium to long
Primary fire: Fire a slug
Secondary fire: Engage / disengage the infrared scope
Weapon tactics:
This is an instant-hit weapon. The best use for this weapon is to use it
while hiding somewhere while looking through the scope. Also you can use
it if you are trying to kill someone by constantly running and finding
some cover and looking trough the scope. By the way, it IS possible to
survive a hit with this weapon. But if you survive it, you have very
little health remaining so even if you survive, you are probably ending
up killed. This is the only weapon that can fire trough walls.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Unless you have REALLY good aim, I don't suggest you use it while walking
down the hallways or similar. Also, because of the weapon's LONG reload
time, DEFINITELY do not use it in 1 on 1 combat in a small room/corridor.
Or at least if you aren't a FPS veteran ;)
My score: 8 / 10

Name: Precision Rifle (MK/SG-1 Defender Precision Rifle)
Description: A semi-automatic sniper-type weapon.
Ammo/Size of clip: Precision rifle rounds / 20 rounds
Maximum ammo: 80 + 20
Recommended range: Medium to very long
Primary fire: Fire a round
Secondary fire: Activate or deactivate the scope, hold down for zoom.
Weapon tactics:
This is an excellent weapon. It fires like the pistol and each round has
similar hit-power like the pistol bullets, but it has a zoom so you can
say this weapon is a cross between the pistol and the sniper. The zoom
is like rail driver's - everything is green, just you don't have the infra
red view. You can calmly walk around with the weapon - unloading a clip
on a target will probably kill the target before it harms you greatly.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Altough it is a solid weapon, it's mainly, besides sniping (camping), for 1on1
fights because of the small clip. So, when (if) you kill your target, you will
probably have an empty clip and if someone enters the fight just after you
killed your first opponent ... you are probably dead while reloading.
My score: 8 / 10

Name: Heavy Machine Gun (JF60-HMG/BF Heavy Suppression Machine Gun)
Description: A big 'n' heavy slow-firing machine gun.
Ammo/Size of clip: 7.62mm bullets / 99 bullets
Maximum ammo: 297 + 99
Recommended range: Short to long
Primary fire: Fire the weapon in a faster firing mode
Secondary fire: Fire the weapon in a slower firing mode
Weapon tactics:
This is a "father" of all weapons. When a bullet hits your opponent, it
damages him severely. Also, you have lots of bullets so don't reload
often because the reload time is VERY long, and when you do be sure that
you are in a safe place. Altough the weapon isn't very accurate while
using the primary fire, secondary fire ensures you hit your target even
at longer ranges without wasting too much ammo. If you see someone with
this weapon, try to hide somewhere and suprise him because a direct
conflict will probably kill you. This is also a very good weapon for
using with damage amplifier. By the way, in the primary fire mode the
weapon shoots bullets at a rate of about 6-8 bullets per second, and in
the secondary at about 3-4 bullets per second.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
My advice is to reload only when you have some 15-20 bullets or less.
Also, do not use the primary fire at long ranges, because you will be
just wasting ammo, and that specially applies when you do not have much
ammo left. If you want to score headshots, I suggest you use the secondary
fire and aim carefully.
My score: 10 / 10

Name: Fusion Rocket Launcher (F-1 TL Fusion Rocket Launcher)
Description: An improved version of the rocket launcher.
Ammo/Size of clip: Fusion rocket / 1 rocket
Maximum ammo: 1 + 1
Recommended range: Long
Primary fire: Fire a fusion rocket
Secondary fire: None
Weapon tactics:
This is a "mother" of all weapons. It is the most powerful weapon with a
quite big blast radius. It may pretty easily kill you if you are using it
unproperly. But, when you spot a group of people, just go back an fire the
weapon and run like hell ;)
Also, amount of time the rocket spends in the air (the amount of "fuel")
is the same as a normal rocket launcher's.
What NOT to do when using this weapon:
Do NOT fire it at narrow corridors and such. Because you may hit a near
wall or floor or ceiling... and you are finished. Use it at large, open
spaces where you have enough room to run away.
My score: 9 / 10

* V. MAPS *

You can find here some info about the Red Faction maps, as well as those
that are made by other mappers (some of the RF map info is taken from the
Readme file). I haven't listed all of the user-made maps, and I probably
won't add them any longer, so this is a list of the older maps. If I
didn't list the version for a user-made map, that means it is version 1.0.
If you want me to add your maps to the list, just drop me a mail.
If you see something incorrect, also send me a mail and I'll correct it
in the future version.

The custom map list is sorted by author.


Deathmatch and Team deathmatch

No. - Map name - No. of players
DM01 The Lobby 4-6
DM02 Installation XJ15 4-6
DM03 Waste Treatment Plant 4-6
DM04 Badlands 8-16
DM05 Hangar18 6-10
DM06 High and Dry 8-12
DM07 Mine Warfare 8-12
DM08 Relentless 4-6
DM09 Office Space 8-12
DM10 Any Way 4-8
DM11 Watch Your Step 4-6
DM12 Killbox 4-6
DM13 Mazeway 4-6
DM14 Coffee Break 4-6
DM15 One to the Dome 8-12
DM16 S.R.O. 4-8
DM17 Grey Matter 12-16
DM18 Zig 4-6
DM19 High Rise 8-12
DM20 Hermis 2-6

Capture the flag

No. - Map name - No. of players
CTF01 Blasted Canyon 8-12
CTF02 Warlords 6-10
CTF03 Score 12-16
CTF04 Nemesis 8-12
CTF05 Checkmate 6-8
CTF06 The Art of War 24-32
CTF07 En Masse 24-32

CUSTOM MAPS (total: 69)

Deathmatch and Team deathmatch (total: 25)
Map name - Author - No. of players
Sniper City Brad Johnson 8-12
Sniperfest Carlos Aleman 4-6
Frozen Keep Chris McMullen 8-12
Storage Facility Daniel "RunicPagan" Kendrick 6-8
Skull (v1.5) "Deadsmith" 12-16
Orbital III (v-F) "Deadsmith" 6-12
Vertigo "Deadsmith" 4-8
Warehouse of Pain Dennis "Pagangod" Kendrick 4-8
Killbox (?) "Eagle" 2-4
Two Houses Eric "Daedalus" Stassen 8-12
High Pressure Göran "Black Seer" Viking 2-4
Jungle "Lear" 6-8
The Beach "Lear" 12-24
Oblivion Lee "Hades" Colin 2-6
Techno World "MatCat" 6-12
Water Lab "MatCat" 8-12
Dockland Paul "Pablo" Davidson 8-12
Stack (v0.6) (G.007) Ronny "CoRnHodE" Scholz 2-6
Tech Arena Sam "Samdman" Geater 8-12
Darkest Death Steve "Litnin" Pulis 8-12
Phantoms Steve "Litnin" Pulis 12-16
Rogue Runner Steve "Litnin" Pulis 12-16
Carnage William Hart 6-8
Red Castle William Hart 6-8
Underground ("No Level Name") | Unknown 8-12

Capture the flag (total: 44)
Map name - Author - No. of players
Wing Shius Neighbour Andreas Jirenius 8-12
Mining Facility KY50 Andrew "Spand" Walker 12-24
Spherical Terror (v?) Andrew "Spand" Walker 8-10
Shallow Abyss (v1.5) Andrew "Spand" Walker 8-12
Urban Warfare (v0.1) Andrew "Spand" Walker 8-12
Sprawl "Beer_God" 12-16
The Beach "BobTheMasher" 12-24
Bunkers (v2) Chris "Boxatoys" Weeks 6-8
Sign Up Today (v1.10) "Dabu" 8-16
Broken Arrow Daniel "RunicPagan" Kendrick 8-16
Red Fort David "CoffeDotBean" Cross 6-10
Deadcapture "Deadsmith" 12-24
Iron Maiden (v2) "Deadsmith" 12-24
Orbital (v2) "Deadsmith" 10-16
Digitaldrone City "" (?) 12-24
NegativLand "Freedumb" 12-24
Rig War "Freedumb" 12-24
Arena "Gizmo" 2-8
Forgotten Tomb Göran "Black Seer" Viking 4-8
The Tunnel Göran "Black Seer" Viking 6-8
Acrophobia "ILLxxx" 8-10
Pipe Dream "Jaggy" 6-8
Sentinels "Jaggy" 8-12
Paintball CTF James Hayden 4-8
Power Plant Jeremy Marchy 12-24
2fort Joe Joe 6-8
2Fort Red Faction Joe 6-8
Fortress CTF "Killakow" 8-16
The Base (v1&2) "Kryss187" 8-12
Castlevania "MatCat" 8-12
LavaWorld "MatCat" 8-10
Eternal Depth "Nick" 16-32
Team Dockland Paul "Pablo" Davidson 12-16
Turned Tables "pop2pop" 8-12
Glass Walk-Way "Straitface" 8-16
Crazyforts "Swie" 8-10
ConTek Tobi Cook 12-16
Sniper Alley "Ushipo" 4-6
The Vally William Hart 6-8
Compounds "ZiGgY113" 8-12
Crossfire (v2) "ZiGgY113" 12-24
Crossfire Alt.Ed. "ZiGgY113" 12-24
Hydro Arena "ZiGgY113" 16-32
Outpost "ZiGgY113" 6-8

MAP SITES (total: 2)
========= (news) (links)


I will explain here some chat "words" the are commonly used when playing
Red Faction, and many other games, and some are used in Internet overall.
They are sorted in alphabetical order.

Acronym Explanation

afaik As far as I know
ap Armor piercing (bullets)
ar Assault rifle
bbiaf Be back in a flash
brb Be right back
btw By the way
c u See you
cm Centimeter (1/100 of a meter)
ctf Capture the flag (play-mode)
dm Deathmatch (play-mode)
frl Fusion rocket launcher
gg Good game
hmg Heavy machine gun
imho In my humble opinion
imo In my opinion
irc Internet Relay Chat
lmao Laugh my ass off
lol Laughing out loud
mm Millimeter (1/1000 of a meter)
ms Millisecond (1/1000 of a second)
plrs Players
r Are
rf Red Faction (usually)
rl Rocket launcher
rotfl Rolling on the floor laughing
rtfm Read the f*ing manual
sg Automatic shotgun
smg Submachine gun
tdm Team deatmatch (play-mode)
u You
ur Our/Your
v[num or letter], ver Version
wassup What's new, what's going on (slang)
wtf What the f*ck
ya You (slang)
yrs Years, yours

1 "One" (ie. nice1, this 1)
2 "To" (ie. 2 you)
4 "For" (ie. 4 you)
8 "Ate" (ie. H8, Sk8)


Here are some general hints and tips that you should now.



This simply means that you never stand on the same spot. Even if you are
aiming with the rail gun on a open spot at the enemy, never stand still.
Of course, if you are camping, you will probably be standing still, but
even that once in a while move a bit so railers won't find you at the
same spot.

You probably already know that headshots cause the most damage. So,
if you have a HMG and the enemy a simple SMG, and you are trying to kill
the enemy for 4-5 seconds and he then turns around and kill you with
5 bullets, that probably means he shot you in the head. Of course, it
is not required that you score headshots with all weapons. With sniper-type
weapons, and most importantly the rail driver, I suggest that you do not
try to hit the head, because the torso is a lot easier to hit and you
will not score much less damage.
The tip mostly applies at the semi-automatics and automatics.

This is important. Strafing is actually walking sideways. It has an
big advantage to turning around and shooting, because you won't be
a "rubber duck" and taking hits while firing at the enemy.
Circle strafing is a term used when you are strafing around the enemy
and shooting at him. He will probably have difficulty aiming at you, and
you will have an easy target.

Always keep an eye at your HUD display. It can save your life. Because you
probably don't want to rush in a room with a player when you have 20-30
health and no armor, no matter do you have the HMG or whatever. And ALWAYS
keep an eye on the ammo display; you especially don't want to bump into
someone with 2 rounds remaining in your precision rifle.

When you jump, you are harder to hit. So, if you are ie. evading
rail-gun fire, just jump like mad. It greatly increases your "life span".
Also, if you are in a hallway and you think noone is near you, still jump.
Someone may be at a room next to you with the rail driver - and if you are
jumping, you will be a difficult target.


You will find here some often asked questions and of course, their

Q: What is the "Red Faction"?
A: The Red Faction term (in game) is the name of an athletic group whose
leader is Eos, the leader of the rebellion. Red signifies the planet
(Mars), and Faction ... well you probably read the story in your Red
Faction manual ^_^.

Q: What is considered "cheating"?
A: One of the definitions of "cheating" is altering the game in any way,
internally or externally. It includes altering the game's files. I.E.,
firing 6 rail gun slugs in 1 second is cheating, while hitting someone
with 1 slug and seeing he walks away isn't (usually, hehe). Note that
from version 1.20, it isn't possible to cheat, at least not via mods.
The only possible way, AFAIK, is trough !"#$%& trainers.

Q: I saw one player cheat and he told me how to do it. Is it OK to cheat?
A: Of course not! Cheating, in any form, will probably get you banned off
the server and probably no players will want to play a game with you
on any server in the future if they see you cheating. It even isn't OK
to use mods on the server while saying that you are cheating because
you are annoying people with that act. Cheating is simply immorale and
VERY stupid. When you come to a server with one or more player/s that
noticed you cheating before, they will probably mean/say "Oh here comes
the cheating loser/lamer/faggot/a*hole/sucker/etc." or something.

Q: I saw one player fire rockets/sniper bullets much faster than normal and
I am using version 1.20. He says he isn't cheating. Is he?
A: Maybe not. You see, there is a glitch in the weapon selection that
allows some semi automatic weapons (Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher,
Automatic Shotgun in primary fire, ...) to fire faster simply by
pressing 1,2,3 or 4 keys (or whatever your weapon selection keys are)
while holding down the "Fire" button. This can only be accomplished
if the weapon is on top of that weapon group (obviously). Some people
think this is cheating, some do not.

Q: What player is considered a "real" player?
A: IMO, a player that never cheats, doesn't change his nick often,
doesn't leave in the middle of a round because he is losing, in CTF that
he obeys to whatever the team leader is (if one exists), is a real

Q: What is ping?
A: Ping is the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) in which an internet
packet travels to the server and then back to your computer.
The lower the ping, the better.

Q: What is lag?
A: Lag is a verb used when some packets are missing so your game
temporarely freezes. When you experience lag the computers icon in the
upper left corner appears, and you can't move/aim/shoot, so you are a
VERY easy to kill. On non-dedicated (and some dedicated) servers where
the host has a slower computer, lag can appear when players deform the
terrain, using explosive weapons of course.

Q: Where can I download maps or mods?
A: Go to the bottom subsection of the Maps section.

Q: Why is the sky red?
A: Stop smoking that weird cigarettes :)


You can find some information about me, though you will probably find most
of the info boring :-)
Nickname: [EF]SeriousWorm
Real name: Find it on your own :)
Country: Croatia
Continent: Europe
Planet: Earth :)
Has MSN Messenger: Yes
ICQ: #128695048
Person. web site: Top Secret
[EF] clan website:


Red Faction copyrights:
Red Faction(TM) - © 2001 THQ Inc. Developed by Volition, Inc.
Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Red Faction, Geo-Mod(TM) Technology, Volition, THQ and their respective
logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc.

This FAQ's copyright:
This FAQ may be freely distrubuted over the Internet for free, as long as
it is not modified in ANY way, including modification of the text itself
and converting it to another format. If you want to put it on a CD or
other medium, you must first contact me for permission. If you want to put
it on your site, you must also contact me for permission. If you want
to put it anywhere, you must also contact me for permission. ;-)
(recommended by e-mail)

© Copyright Serious Worm (Croatia) 2001-2002.



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17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer FAQ by Serious Worm
Engl. FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Mit diesem Programm lassen sich die über 2600 verschiedenen Sounds aus dem Spiel speichern, so dass man sie anhören oder nachbearbeiten kann.

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NTSC zu PAL FIX für die US NTSC Version

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17.Oktober 2013

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Engl. Lösung

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Trainer für Waffen, lebens, Schutzschild und Munition (für v1.10)

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Trainer für Munition, Waffen, Leben und Energie

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Dt. Trainer (für Voll- und Demoversion, US + Dt.)

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