X-Men: Mutant Academy 2

X-Men: Mutant Academy 2

15.10.2013 18:59:31
__ __ _ _ ____ _ _
\ \ / / | \ / || __|| \ | |
\ \/ / __ | \/ || |_ | \|_|______
\ / |__| | || _| | |_ _ _ _|
/ \ | |\/| || |__ | |\ | | | |
/ /\ \ |_| |_||____||_| \| | | |
/__/ \__\ MUTANT ACADEMY _| |_| |_

________ ______________
/ / | ____ ____ |
/ /\ / _ _ ____ |/ | | \|
| / \/ /\ / \ / \ | _ \ _ | |
| | / \ / \/ \ | |_| | | | | |
| | ______ / /\ \ / \ | / | | / \
\ \ \ / / /__\ \/ /\ /\ \| _ \ | | | |
\ \ | | / _____ / \ / \ |_| | | | | |
\ \| / /_/ \__/ \/ \_______/ |_| \ /
\ / \ /
\ / MOVE LIST \/
\ / For PlayStation
Version 1.1


Best viewed in a NotePad with Courier New.


- Standing Attacks
- Crouching Attacks
- Jumping Attacks
- Throws
- Counter
- Special Attacks
- Super Attacks
- Combos
- Air Combos
- Full Combos
- Standing Attacks
- Crouching Attacks
- Jumping Attacks
- Throws
- Counter
- Special Attacks
- Super Attacks
- Combos
- Air Combos
- Full Combos
- Special Moves
- Super Moves
- Combos, Air Combos and Full Combos



Always an outsider, Remy LeBeau was shunned as a youth because of his strange,
burning-red eyes. Eventually, he realized he was a mutant -- gifted with the
ability to charge inanimate objects with explosively released biokinetic
energy. A reformed thief and charming scoundrel, the ragin'Cajun always has
a card up his sleeve!

Real name: Remy LeBeau (LeBeau means The Handsome)
Occupation: Adventurer, reformed thief
Group affiliation: X-Men, Thieves Guild of New Orleans
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #266 (1990)

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye color: Burning red
Hair color: Brown

Powers: Through physical contact, Gambit can convert an object's potential
energy into kinetic energy.

Weapons: In Gambit's hands, even the most benign implement becomes an
exploding projectile. However,he most often relies on kinetically charged
playing cards.

History: Orphaned at birth, Remy LeBeau spent his early years fending for
himself on the hard, cold streets of New Orleans. He survived by picking
pockets -- teaching himself the tricks of the trade through trial and error,
and eking out a modest living. However, he had yet to learn an important
lesson: restraint. Remy unknowingly tried to pick the pocket of Jean-Luc
LeBeau, head of the legendary Thieves Guild of New Orleans.

Jean-Luc took the boy under his wing, adopting him. In time, Remy mastered the
ways of the guild -- as well as those of its chief rival, the New Orleans
Assassins Guild. To seal a peace pact between the organizations, Gambit
married Bella Donna Boudreaux, granddaughter of the assassins' patriarch. But
Bella Donna's brother, Julien, objected to the arranged union and challenged
Gambit to a duel. Severely wounding his opponent, Remy was forced to flee New
Orleans to prevent war between the guilds.

Gambit wandered the world and plied his skills as a master thief, aided by his
mutant ability to charge objects with explosive energy. During this period, he
worked as an operative for the master geneticist known as Mr. Sinister. Unable
to control his burgeoning talents, Gambit submitted to an operation whereby
Sinister siphoned off a considerable portion of his power. In return, Gambit
helped Sinister assemble a team of super-powered assassins -- unaware his
benefactor would dispatch the Marauders to annihilate the Morlocks, an
underground community of mutant outcasts. Ignorant of the true motive behind
Sinister's machinations, Gambit even led the Marauders into the Morlock
tunnels. The outlaw team of mutant adventurers known as the X-Men were able to
help some of the Morlocks to safety, and a considerable number managed to
escape the Marauders on their own -- but the majority perished.

Severing his ties to Sinister, Gambit partnered with the X-Men's weather
witch, Storm, who had turned to thievery after being transformed into an
amnesiac child. When Storm regained her memories and true age, she sponsored
Gambit's admission to the X-Men. Although technically married, he became
enamored of his teammate Rogue, blessed and cursed with the ability to absorb
other mutants' thoughts and abilities through skin-on-skin contact. The
feeling was mutual, but the two soulmates were condemned never to touch. After
sharing a forbidden kiss, Rogue learned Gambit's dark secret: his complicity
in the so-called "Mutant Massacre." At Rogue's request, the X-Men left Remy to
fend for himself in the frozen wasteland of Antarctica. Eventually, Gambit
rejoined the team and reconciled with Rogue.



POWER GRID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
INTELLIGENCE |_______________|
STRENGTH |__________|
SPEED |__________|
DURABILITY |__________|
HEALING |_____|
AGILITY |_______________|
REFLEXES |_______________|
FIGHTING SKILLS |_____________________|



This Cajun offers a different style of play. Gambit takes a more relaxed
approach to fights. He is a defensive character that likes to keep his
opponents away.

Gambit must study his special moves to be able to use them at will.

Keep the opponent away with his projectiles and practice big damage combos for
those in close battles.



First Costume: Use square button to select it.
Comments: Gambit original costume. A black and pink outfit with a brown

Second Costume: Use circle button to select it.
Comments: Same of Gambit's original costume, but with alternate colors.
A black and red outfit with a grey trenchcoat.

Third Costume: Press and hold R1, them press cross to select it.
Comments: A X-Men Movie style costume. Although Gambit wasn't in the
movie, he got a movie version of his costume. A Black outfit
with a grey trenchcoat.

Fourth Costume: First, finish Academy Mode to unlock it. To select, Press and
hold R1, them press square.
Comments: Joe Quesada's costume (Gambit's actual costume). A Blue
outfit with a red hankerchief and his brown trenchcoat.

Fifth Costume: Play with Gambit in versus mode on "Pool Party" Arena.
"Pool Party" is only available in versus mode. "Pool Party"
Arena appears just above "Random Select" in Versus Mode. To
unlock "Pool Party", play Survival Mode and Rank as 1st
with any character.
Comments: Gambit wears a black short and holds something used to clean
pool instead of his Cajun.



Bayou Hideout


_____ 12 _____ 14
_________| _________|
/ | / |
__/__ |_____ 11 ___/_ |_____ 13
/ \ / \
__/_______\__ __/_______\__
/ \ ____________________________/ \
/ ___ \ / ___ \
/ | 1 | \ / | 7 | \
/ |___| \ / |___| \
| ___ ___ | | ___ ___ |
| | 2 | | 3 | | | | 8 | | 9 | |
| |___| |___| | | |___| |___| |
| ___ | | ___ |
\ | 4 | / ___ ___ \ | 10| /
|\ |___| / |_5_| |_6_| \ |___| /|
| \ /___________________________\ / |
| \_____________/ / \ \_____________/ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
|______________/ \______________|

1 = UP (u)
2 = BACK (b)
3 = FORWARD (f)
4 = DOWN (d)
7 = triangle - medium punch
8 = square - weak punch
9 = circle - medium kick
10 = cross - weak kick
11 = L1 (same as triangle + circle) - counter
12 = L2 (same as square + cross) - throw
13 = R1 (same as square + triangle) - strong punch
14 = R2 (same as cross + circle) - strong kick



Just hit the opponent ^_^"!



Player 1:
square = SUPER energy bar
triangle = SMI super energy bar
circle = X-TREME super energy bar

Player 2:
circle = SUPER energy bar
triangle = SMI super energy bar
square - X-TREME super energy bar

First, press and hold the button that corresponds to the bar that has the
energy you want to drain and transfer.
Second, hold Left or Right.
Finally, press the button that corresponds to the bar that you wish to
transfer to.

Exemple: As player 1, to switch energy from SUPER bar to X-TREME bar, press:
square + right (or left) + circle.



IX.1. Standing Attacks:

Backhand - square
Staff Upper - triangle
Full Staff Slam - R1
Knee - cross
Side Kick - circle
Double Kick - R2
Overhead Hilt Smash - d + f + square

IX.2. Crouching Attacks:

Backhand - d + square
Low Cross - d + triangle
Staff Upper - d + R1 (or d + f + triangle)
Foot Slide - d + cross
Slide Back Kick - d + circle
Reverse Spin Kick - d + R2
Mini Upper - d (while standing up), square

IX.3. Jumping Attacks:

Air Chop - u + square
Double Palm Staff - u + triangle
Baseball Swing - u + R1
Pop Kick - u + cross
Roundhouse - u + circle
Power Roundhouse - u + R2

IX.4. Throws:

Unblockable attacks. Use near opponent.

Shoulder Butt - L2
Trip Slam - f + L2
Shove It - b + L2

IX.5. Counter:

Use it close to opponent just before he attacks. It not function against
projectile moves. Each counter move drains one of the yellow bars showed under
the life bar. So, you can perform this only three times in a match.

Counter - L1

IX.6. Special Attacks:

Insurance - d, b, square
Insurance 2 - d, b, triangle
Insurance 3 - d, b, R1
Blackjack - b, f + square
Blackjack 2 - b, f + triangle
Blackjack 3 - b, f + R1
Surging Staff - b, f + cross
Surging Staff 2 - b, f + circle
Surging Staff 3 - b, f + R2
Air Blackjack - (in air) d, f, square
Air Blackjack 2 - (in air) d, b, square

IX.7. Super Attacks:

SUPER Bar: Charged Staff - d, b, L2
SMI super bar: Card Trick - d, b, R2 (SMI Commands: Up, Left, Right, Up, Down)
X-TREME super bar: 52 Card Pickup - f, f + R1

IX.8. Combos:

String Combo 1 - square, cross, circle, R1
String Combo 2 - (d + cross), (d + triangle), (d + circle)
Special Combo 1 - square, cross, circle, (b, f + R1)
Special Combo 2 - (b, f + R2), (b, f + R1) *
Special Combo 3 - (d + triangle), (b, f + R2), (b, f + R1) *
Super Combo 1 - square, cross, triangle, R2, (d, b + L2)
Super Combo 2 - square, cross, triangle, R2, (d, b + R2)
Master Combo - cross, circle, (d + triangle), (b, f + R2), (f, f + R1) *

*time is tricky to perform it right

IX.9. Air Combos:

For Air Combos you just need to press the up button when you launch the
opponent into the air. The caracter jumps automatically into the opponents

String Combo 1 - (d + R1), u, square, triangle, triangle
String Combo 2 - (d + R1), u, cross, circle
Special Combo 1 - (b, f + R2), u, square, cross, triangle, circle,
(d, f + square)
Special Combo 2 - (d + circle), (b, f + R2), u, square, cross, triangle,
circle, R1
Master Combo - (d + triangle), (b, f + cross), (b, f + R2), (f, f + R1) *

*time is tricky to perform it right

IX.10. Full Combos:

Full Combos are a mix of Air and Ground Combos. You start the Combo in Ground
and finish it in air. They are the most powerfull combos in game. In this
kind of Combo, you hit the opponent 11, 12 times without using a Super Move.

11 Hit Combo - square, cross, circle, (d + triangle), (b, f + cross),
(b, f + R2), u, square, cross, triangle, circle,
(d, f + square)

12 Hit Combo - square, cross, triangle, R2, (b, f + cross), (b, f + R2), u,
square, cross, triangle, circle, (d, f + square)



X.1. Standing Attacks:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Backhand 1 3 3
Staff Upper 1 5 5
Full Staff Slam 1 7 7
Knee 1 3 3
Side Kick 1 5 5
Double Kick 2 3+3 6
Overhead Hilt Smash 1 5 5

X.2. Crouching Attacks:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Backhand 1 3 3
Low Cross 1 5 5
Staff Upper 1 7 7
Foot Slide 1 3 3
Slide Back Kick 1 5 5
Reverse Spin Kick 1 7 7
Mini Upper 1 5 5

X.3. Jumping Attacks:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Air Chop 1 3 3
Double Palm Staff 1 5 5
Baseball Swing 1 7 7
Pop Kick 1 3 3
Roundhouse 1 5 5
Power Roundhouse 1 7 7

X.4. Throws:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Shoulder Butt 1 15 15
Trip Slam 3 4+4+7 15
Shove It 2 5+12 17

X.5. Counter:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Counter 1 10 10

X.6. Special Attacks:
Number of Hits Damage Total
Insurance 1 8 8
Insurance 2 1 9 9
Insurance 3 1 10 10
Blackjack 1 8 8
Blackjack 2 1 9 9
Blackjack 3 1 10 10
Surging Staff 1 8 8
Surging Staff 2 1 9 9
Surging Staff 3 1 10 10
Air Blackjack 1 9 9
Air Blackjack 2 1 9 9

X.7. Super Attacks:
SMI Command Number of Hits Damage Total
Charged Staff - 1 25 25

Card Trick - 2 10+15 25
Up 2 12+15 27
Up, Left 2 14+15 29
Up, Left, Right 2 16+15 31
Up, Left, Right, Up 2 18+15 33
Up, Left, Right, Up, Down 2 20+15 35

52 Card Pickup - 16 6+7+6+6+4+4+2+2 45
X.8. Combos:
Number of Hits Damage Total
String Combo 1 4 3+3+5+6 17
String Combo 2 3 3+5+5 13
Special Combo 1 4 3+3+5+9 20
Special Combo 2 2 10+10 20
Special Combo 3 3 5+10+10 25
Super Combo 1 6 3+3+5+2+1+25 39
Super Combo 2 7 3+3+5+2+1+17+11 42
Master Combo 4+16 3+5+5+9+25 47

X.9. Air Combos:
Number of Hits Damage Total
String Combo 1 4 7+3+5+6 21
String Combo 2 3 7+3+5 15
Special Combo 1 6 10+3+3+4+3+6 29
Special Combo 2 7 5+10+3+2+3+2+3 28
Master Combo 3+16 5+8+10+25 48

X.10. Full Combos:
Number of Hits Damage Total
11 Hit Combo 11 3+3+5+4+6+7 33
12 Hit Combo 12 3+3+5+2+1+5+ 30


XI.1. Special Moves:

Name: Insurance
Comments: Its's not a good move at all. Gambit throws a kinetically charged
card on the ground. If hits the opponent, he's automatically
throwed into the air. The strength of punch tells the distance you
throw the opponent into the air. The card explodes after a few
seconds, or when Gambit throws other card (Insurance or Blackjack
card). It also explodes when the opponent walk or dash over it.
Most of times it doesn't work against flying opponents (it only
work's when they're very close to ground). I don't use this move
'cause nobody is so stupid to step on the card.

Name: Blackjack
Comments: This move is better than Insurance. Gambit throws a kinetically
charged card that acts like a Hadou-Ken. I personaly like to use
this move after throwing a enemy into air (special Combo 2).
Against projectile moves, like Cyclops Opitic Blast, don't use this
move or you'll get burned!

Name: Surging Staff
Comments: Maybe Gambit's best move. The strength of the punch tell how far
the opponent goes in the air. It's a good move to start a combo or
to make a "special Combo 2" by throwing a Blackjack. The problem in
this move is the recovery time. If you miss the attack it'll take a
few (and long) minutes to Gambit get back to his fighting position.
If you're fighting a opponent that knows how to make great Combos,
you better pray...

Name: Air Blackjack
Comments: This move must be done in air area (DUH!). It's a good move to use
against flying opponents that like to stay all time in the upper
part of the screen.

Name: Air Blackjack 2
Comments: Again, this move must be done in air area. It's a good move to use
against opponents that have projectile moves, like Cyclops Optic

XI.2. Super Moves:

Name: Charged Staff
Comments: To hit the opponent with this move you should be in a two step
distance from the opponent or closer.

Name: Card Trick
Comments: To perform this move you should be close to opponent. Always do it
with the complete SMI sequence to make it's real power.

Name: 52 Card Pickup
Comments: Gambit's most powerfull move. Although it's not a good move. It
takes a while to Gambit start throwing the cards. If you're
fighting against a opponent that has projectile moves (always
them?!), it's a good time to him use it to hit you and cancel your
X-TREME super move. It's hard to do it, your opponent must be very
good (time is very tricky), but it's possible.

XI.3. Combos:

First, to make Combos of anytype, you should be near your opponent. I'll just
comment the Combos that use Super Moves and Full Combos.

---------------------------------------------------- [ Ground Combos ]

Combos are very good to perform Super Moves. The only problem to preform a
Super move in a Combo is that the Super Move lost great part of his power.
Besides, when you use a Super Move on a Combo it always hit the opponent. I
like to use this kind of Combo to impress my opponents.

Name: Super Combo 1
Comments: The Super Move used in this Combo is Charged staff. This is the
only Super Move that doesn't have it's power reduced. It does a
good damage.

Name: Super Combo 2
Comments: My favorite Combo. Very easy to do and very powerful. Always do it
with the complete SMI Command.

Name: Master Combo
Comments: I don't like Combos that use 52 Card Pickup. The power of Super
Move in this case, reduces a lot, something near 20! And it's very
hard to make the Super Move hit the opponent. Time in this case is
very tricky. As I said before, it's a good way to make X-TREME
Super Move hit the opponent and impress him.

------------------------------------------------------- [ Air Combos ]

Name: Master Combo
Comments: Read above.

------------------------------------------------------ [ Full Combos ]

This Combos are funny. If you do the 11 Hit Combo, but without pressing the
first square button, it will become a 10 Hit Combo, but although the number of
hits reduce, the damage increases! I don't know why, but it increases! Check
it out. Something similiar happens in 12 Hit Combo. In this case, if you don't
press the first square button, it becomes a 11 Hit Combo, but the damage
remains the same. It doesn't increase or reduce. Still in 12 Combo Hit, if you
don't press the first square button and don't wait the second kick of R2
button hit the opponent (before the second kick hits the opponent you do a
Surging Staff), the move will become a 10 Hit Combo, but the damage now
will increase. Seems that 10 Hit Combos are stronger than 11 and 12.



Press SELECT, DOWN, R2, L1, R1, L2 on title screen to unlock everything.
To unlock "Pool Party" Arena read COSTUMES section (Fifth Costume).



This is my first FAQ, I made everything alone in a NotePad (it spent me 2
days!). I'm not american, that explains so many mistakes in writing.



Feel free to anything you want with this FAQ. You can download it, publish it,
anything. If you have questions, suggestions, anything, feel free to send me
a e-mail. I'll certainly reply it.

Writer: Windman
E-Mail: windman@ositemail.com.br



Version 1.0 - First Release of this FAQ (10/30/2001).

Version 1.1 - First update of this FAQ (11/10/2001). Updated Sections:

- Added Full Combos Section in MOVES, HIT DAMAGE and MOVE COMMENTS.
- Corrected the CODES section.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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