Total Eclipse Turbo

Total Eclipse Turbo

13.10.2013 12:11:10
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/________\ | |¯ | |¯¯| | | || () |\ \ | |¯
| By: | | ¯|| | | | | || __/ | \ | ¯¯|
|NeoGamer| | |¯ | |__| |__ | || | ___/ / | |¯
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|_| \_____/|_| \_|| () | \____/
{Ver 1.0}{}

This Faq/Walkthrough was written for the Crystal Dynamics game, Total Eclipse
Turbo. This Document is Copyrighted 2001 by NeoGamer. Any reproduction of this
document in part or in whole without the author's consent is strictly
forbidden. Any reader wishing to use the FAQ for their personal and private use
only may do so, and a printed copy may be made.

I was inspired to write this Faq(my first FAQ!) after seeing that there had not
been any attention given to this game. This old game can be pretty fun, and
challenging as well. Enjoy.

Table of Contents:\

II-------Getting Started



a-----Aqueous Major
b-----Magma Prime
c-----Solarius Centuria
d-----Polaris 5
e-----Sun Dagger

VI-------General Tips



SECTION I: Background\
FROM: Commander Orion
Squad Com
Stellar Command

TO: Firewing
Gamma Squadron


Starbase Bravo's been hit, hard. The Drak-sai came in lean and mean. Their
weapon of choice: the Sun Dagger. This is no squirt gun. When they pulled the
trigger, Omega Quadrant's sun went down. For good. Now the Drak-sai are
threatening Earth's sun. You don't need a physics lesson to figure that one

You're going into Omega Quadrant. The Drak-sai are waiting. There's a wolfpack
behind every mountain. They suck up your shield power. Burn 'em and recover
your shield strength. Get the picture?

The FireWing is your friend. Get a visual on a pack of these squid-heads and
lock on. Pull the stick over into a snap roll with all guns firing. Keep your
cool and FireWing will get 'em. Drak-sai are mean, nasty, and drop-dead ugly.
Except when they explode.

We have particulars on your mission orders, as follows:

A. Your patrol covers five planets. We'll contact you with mission specifics
for each world before you attack.

B. Shoot everything. The FireWing carries one weapon, the Stellar Guard
blaster. We'll deploy heavier armaments as they are developed. When you find
'em, pick 'em up and use 'em.

C. The Drak-sai drain your shield strength. Go after 'em hard. Every exploding
Drak-sai ship and ground installation means increased shield strength for you.

D. We can replace the FireWing four times, giving you five fighters total.
After that, you get a limited number of continues. Limited--got it?

One more thing. After burning Bravo, Lord Zodak, the Drak-sai Supreme Predator,
sent us a message: "Your sssspeciesss hasss been ssselected for the hunt".

Hope that makes you feel wanted, because you're gonna be ALONE. Sorry we can't
go with you. But we'll be watching. So get in there and kick some space-scum
tail. Stay tough.

Orion out.

SECTION II: Getting Started\
From the MAIN MENU, you have 4 options:

*PLAY-Begin combat in a new game, or resume a mission in a paused game.

*CONTROLS-Choose the button control settings you like best(see below).

*MUSIC/SOUND FX-Turn the game's music/sound FX ON/OFF.

*PASSWORD-Once you complete a mission, you'll receive a password. To use the
password, highlight PASSWORD from this menu and press the Start button. Enter
the password using the Direction Buttons. Then press the Start button to
continue your game.
NOTE: If you use a memory card, your progress is saved after each mission.
Only one saved game can be stored at a time.

SECTION III: Controls\
There are four control settings, and SIMULATION A is the Default.

Dive Roll Left Roll Right Plasma Bomb
\ / \ /
/\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/
/ |¯¯¯| \ / /\/ \
/ __| |__ \ / ¯¯ \
/ Left Right| Select/ | [] ()---Brake
| |__ __| | Start | / |
\ | | / \ / ><-----Fire
\ |___| /_____________\/ /
\____/______/ /\___________/
\ / / / \ /
\/ / / \ /
/\_____/ / \_____/
/ /
Climb Accelerate

NOTE: These feel best in my opinion. However, you are very welcome to change
to any of the other 3. ^_~

SECTION IV: Weapons/Power-Ups\
FIREWING WEAPONS: These are various Weapon Upgrades that you will find
throughout the levels:

--Stellar Guard Blaster--
Your stock weapon, shoots projectiles forward in three streams.

--Scatter Gun--
Launches a spray of bullets in all directions, like a shotgun blast.

--Photon Strafer--
Fires a central shot straight ahead and two outside shots to ground targets.

--Ion Whipgun--
Spreads deadly projectiles like hailstorms at Mach 5.

--Rotary Gun--
Shoots bullets in a figure-8 pattern.

--Plasma Bombs--
Damage everything in sight heavily. Press TRIANGLE to detonate a bomb. You can
only cary up to 3 Plasma Bombs at once. Your remaining supply is shown next to
the radar map on the heads-up display.

POWER-UPS: There are a few power-ups hidden throughout the levels which will
help you make it to the next level:

Deliver additional FireWing

Restore shield strength at random levels of 10%, 25%, and 100%

--Stunt Rings--
Adds points to your score when you fly through them.

SECTION V: Walkthrough\
This is a basic walkthrough for the next 4 levels. These missions are actually
very short. Each of the 5 primary missions is broken down into 4 rounds for a
total of 20 separate levels. Also, the names of the levels reflect those in
the US version of the game, not in the instruction book. For some reason
Crystal Dynamics changed the level names in the actual game.

You will notice that, while you are playing, your health automatically goes
down. The only way to keep your health up is to pick up shield power-ups or
simply shoot the enemies. This forces you to constantly be on the offensive,
and take out the alien scum.

Additionally, some game segments take place within the Drak-Sai Tunnels. While
in the tunnels, you may not barrel roll or see your radar map.

[a]-=Aqueous Major=-

>Mission Objective: Destroy Missile Silos

>Planetary Terrain: Swamp

>Hostiles/Obstacles: Poseidon, a scorpion-shaped combat flyer, carries an
invulnerable acid cannon and side props which it uses to create huge tidal
waves. Its auxiliary weapons: wave bombs.

>Promotion Potential: Captain

>Round 1:
Make your way through the first canyon, shooting as many enemy ships as
possible and collecting the weapon power-ups. In a few minutes, you will reach
a blue Tractor Beam. Fly through it to reach the first of the Drak-Sai
Tunnels. This one is easy. Once inside, carefully manuver your way through
the first few tunnels and shoot the two turret guns located at the top of the
elevation. Next you will see some yellow beams. Running into them is
unavoidable. They give you a huge speed boost, making it more difficult to
fly. Finally you will see some twisting tunnels, and several more enemies.
After making it through that area, you come out to a new set of tunnels, where
Round 1 ends.

>Round 2:
This round starts out in the same Drak-Sai tunnel you were just in, only it is
a bit tougher. Make you way through, again killing as many enemies as possible,
and navigating through the tight spaces. You will also have to go under moving
blocks that can crush you if your timing is not right. At the end of the
tunnel, you will emerge back into the open skies of Aqueous Major. Just be
careful not to hit the ocean floor. Continue through and you will see both a
shield power-up and a rotary gun weapons power up. You will come across a fork
in the path. Taking the right one will gain you another Shield power-up.
After a few more canyons, you'll see yet another blue Tractor Beam. Get used
to them because they are used quite a bit in the game. Go ahead and fly into
it. This one is much harder, with multiple paths and many enemies blocking
your way. There are also several trap doors that shut if you don't hurry.
Make it through the tunnel and you'll once again emerge in the open area on
Aqueous Major. There are 3 separate paths you may take in the open area. It
doesn't matter which one you choose, as they all lead to the same place, Round
3. Just be sure to fly high enough so that you do not hit the canyon.

>Round 3:
This round is very simple. Just fly above and around the canyons and pick up
the power-ups. Be sure to be in the middle near the end, as you will see a
1-Up power-up. Just as before, the path you take doesn't matter, as you will
end up in the same area. You flight straight into Round 4.

>Round 4:
This round starts out with an immediate change in elevation. You will notice
that you don't have very much room, vertically, to move around. Navigate
around the canyons this time(instead of over them) and when you reach the
elevation drop, be sure to bear left. If you don't bear left, you will run
into the dead-end cliff and die. Before you know it, you will see one of those
blue Tractor Beams again. You know what to do. Use precision braking and
acceleration to safely make your way through the moving blocks. Shoot the
enemies to regain health, and pick up the 1-Up found just around the corner.
When you see the orange closing doors, speed up so that you will not be
crushed. If you are crushed by one, you have already failed because you do not
have time to make it through the others. After passing through, the rest is
straight-forward. Exit the tunnel to find the final section of Round 4 and
Aqueous Major. You will see 3 Weapon Power-Ups ahead. Grab one and prepare to
right the first Boss.

He is very easy. He just flies and all you have to do is follow and
shoot. Dodge the occasional bomb that he sends at you, or shoot it to regain
health. Don't forget to shoot the other objects in the level for additional
health supply, as it will run dry. It only takes a minute of good shooting to
take down this spider looking guy. Accelerate to get closer to him to kill him
even quicker. After the fight, you are promoted to the rank of Captain!

[b]-=Magma Prime=-

>Mission Objective: Nullify Cyborg Labs

>Planetary Terrain: Lava

>Hostiles/Obstacles: Vulcanos, an earthbound giant, ruptures the ground with
volcanic fury. It launches lethal photon barrages from gun turrets that rise
from the quaking plain. Sustain your attacks on one eye at a time until this
monster is destroyed.

>Promotional Potential: Major

>Round 1:
You'll notice the ground is lava so be extra careful not to touch it! This
first segment is similar to the first level, only much harder. You must kill
quite a few enemies to keep your health at reasonable levels this time around.
Use your Plasma Bombs wisely. After a few minutes, of navigating the tunnels,
you will come up to another one of those blue Tractor Beams. Fly into it as
usual. At first you will need to keep up your speed to make it through the
trap doors. There are a few pesky enemies shooting at you, but only kill them
if its convenient. Ahead you may slow down for the moving blocks to ensure
that you make the pass safely. When you see the jagged doors closing from left
to right, be sure to hold the brakes. You will need to wait for the door to
start opening back up before you can pass through. After making your way
through these doors, try to stay centered as you run through the yellow speed
burst beam. You will exit the tunnel, and begin Round 2.

>Round 2:
In the open, you will face many more enemies at once. You will have to start
some barrel rolling to dodge many of the attacks. The path you take still
doesn't matter. Be sure to destroy any buildings you see along the way, as
they are your primary targets for this mission. You'll see another blue
Tractor Beam up ahead in the center. Through the first half of the tunnel, you
must use both your brakes and gas buttons wisely, to avoid being crushed by the
opening and closing doors. Once you see the row of orange doors, however, speed
it up if you want to make it through them. You will continue through a winding
path with the occasional enemy. The exit leads back out to the surface of Magma
Prime. When you regain control, pull up so that your ship will not hit the
mountain in front of you. Continue through destroying all enemies, but
concentrating on the Cyborg Labs, which are gray buildings. You will fly to
the end in no time, to go onto Round 3.

>Round 3:
The first section takes you through some rough terrain. You must navigate
through some very small canyons while dodging several shots. Try to shoot
everything in sight, especially the buildings. Be sure and pick up the weapon
Power-Ups as they are vital to destroying most of the enemies. Again, you'll
see another Tractor Beam. You had better keep up the speed for the first bit of
the tunnel. Again, those orange doors are not forgiving if you are going slow
through them. After those, you will run into red beams, which actually slow
you down. After killing the first set of enemies, pick the pace back up. More
orange doors await. After some twisted halls, you'll come back out to the
surface. Continue with the same strategy you used on the other 2 rounds. This
time, however, be extra careful of the red bombs that come at you from some of
the enemy ships because they take down your health with rapid speed. Cruise
into Round 4 after safely going through the canyons.

>Round 4:
You are still on the surface of Magma Prime. Carefully fly through the center
canyon to find a much needed weapon Power-Up. You will continue on the surface
for the remainder of the Round. This is not easy. The hardest parts are where
you must shoot two turrets and go through a skinny canyon. Both turrets can
kill you within a matter of seconds. You must constantly dodge and fire. Near
the end you will see a 1-Up. Grab it and prepare for the boss.

For this fight, you will not be able to move forward or backward, only
left, right, up, and down. This is also a tough fight because there is nothing
during the fight to regenerate your health. Since your health runs down
automatically, you need to finish him off quickly. Use any plasma bombs you
have and keep firing away. Dodge his shots and the rock looking freak should
die just before you do. So, how does it feel to be Major now?

[c]-=Solarius Centuria=-

>Mission Objective: Destroy Energy Refineries

>Planetary Terrain: Dessert

>Hostiles/Obstacles: Conundrum, a heavily armored battle tank, begins by firing
shatterballs. After this deadly overture, two sections split from the main
body, independently launching projectiles while the main pieces re-energize.
After making their circuit, the sections re-attach for recharging, and the main
body repeats its attack. Keep outside the pattern of shatterballs or you will
be penned in for the kill!

>Promotion Potential: Lieutenant Colonel

>Round 1:
Very short and to the point, Round 1 is also much easier than that of the
previous level. The entire round is outside on the surface, and the enemies
are much easier. The helicopter type enemies are slower, and do not take much
fire power to destroy. For the first half, the terrain is very flat with no
canyons to worry about. Near the end, however, be sure to keep a high altitude
so you will not collide with the wall for an instant death. Also, try to build
up your supply of Plasma bombs as there are dozens scattered across the area.
In no time you will be finished with Round 1.

>Round 2:
This round is significantly harder than the last, but shouldn't be too big of a
deal. Just keep destroying enemies as quick as possible and carefully
navigating the narrow tunnels. When your health is low, be sure to use a
Plasma Bomb on the first enemy you spot. There will probably be more behind
him and you will be guaranteed a health refill. Be cautious of the high
elevation in this one, meaning you may not drop to low altitudes without dying.
Bear left near the end and you will spot a 1-Up Power-Up so grab it and enter
the blue Tractor Beam ahead. For the first phase of the tunnel, there is no
need to go fast. You only need to change your altitude to dodge a few
platforms blocking your path. Once you see the closing doors, however, stay in
the very center because they do not completely close and you will be able to
escape danger. You will also need to use the brakes quite a bit for the sharp
door that does close from left to right. Just get your timing right and you
wont have a problem. The rest of the tunnel in Round 2 is a breeze, except for
the huge climb in altitude. If you do not pull up fast enough, you will surely
die. Round 2 is concluded after you pass those changes in altitude.

>Round 3:
This round starts off where Round 2 a tunnel. This time you will
have many more obstacles to dodge. You will also see blue beams of light
similar to the red and yellow ones that speed you up and slow you down.
Unfortunately the blue ones hurt you so try to avoid them. You will have to
speed through a few orange gates, and then keep your altitude as high as
possible as the narrow pathway is dangerously close. After what seems to be a
never-ending stream of obstacles, you will finally emerge back on the surface.
Just hang in there and pick up the Shield Power-Ups so that you will survive!
The outside area has a few tricky turns, but is pretty short.

>Round 4:
This starts outside where Round 3 left off. I found it easier to stay left when
you had the choice of paths, plus there are nicer Power-Ups. In no time you
will see that infamous blue Tractor Beam. This tunnel can be quite difficult if
you do not maintain control. It is recommended that you dodge the speed
bursts(yellow beams) so you can navigate easier and shoot the enemies for a
health refill. Also, use your brakes at the right time to keep from being
destroyed in the closing door. The rest of the tunnel is somewhat short, just
keep shooting enemies to regain health. You'll emerge from the tunnel, to find

This boss is a cool little ship, similar to yours. He is really simple
though. His fire-power is easy to dodge. Just stay in line with him and fire
away, and keep track of his health with the red bar in the upper-right corner
of the screen. You should have no trouble defeating him, Lt. Colonel.

[d]-=Polaris 5=-

>Mission Objective: Raid Drak-sai Headquarters

>Planetary Terrain: Ice

>Hostiles/Obstacles: Cobra's lateral silos launch warheads in a continuous
stream, its central hot zone fires spheroid energy blasts, and delayed-action
rotor blades shoot energy pellets and megaton plasma bolts.

>Promotion Potential: Colonel

>Round 1:
This first section is a piece of cake: There is only one path that you can
take, even though it is very small. There are not many enemies, so try to fly
fast enough to survive. You will soon meet up with our friend, the blue
Tractor Beam. In the first area of the tunnel, you are confronted with a
machine that spits out photons. Take it out...quickly! Then speed up to make
it through the orange doors ahead. You must dodge those types of machines and
try to eliminate them quick, as they can instantly kill you with a slew of
photons. The tunnel is hard, but fairly short. You emerge back to the surface
of this icy planet. Both the left and right paths will lead you to where you
need to go, but they are both hard to navigate. Continue on to reach Round 2.

>Round 2:
Again, your outside. Take any path, but be very careful when you reach the
top. The icebergs can be tricky to dodge, plus there are tons of enemies.
Actually, the entire Round is on the surface. Halfway through the level, you
will have to fly through some extremely high and skinny spaces, which proves to
be quite hard. Once you see the rolling water you will know you are about 9/10
of the way through the Round. Keep going like usual and you will be
transported to Round 3.

>Round 3:
Be very, very careful on this one. The game starts to punish you for not
taking the correct path. Since there are several dead-ends and several correct
paths, just go slower and use your map to navigate and decide which path to
take. As a general rule, try not to veer to far to the left or right sides, as
they always lead to dead end death traps. Near the end keep to the mid-right
section and for the first time in the game, be happy to see that blue Tractor
Beam because you just survived! Keep a steady pace once inside, so you don't
have too much or too little speed once you reach the closing doors. Then, use
the Plasma Bombs as you need them, there are several to be picked up along the
way. Navigating the tunnel can be tough because it twists and turns and there
are many enemies along the path. Nevertheless, if you stick to good maneuver
skills, you will make it through very soon. When you emerge, immediately
maximize your altitude, and take either the left or right path. The rest of
the round is short, and very straight-forward.

>Round 4:
Continuing outside, you will see another fork. The left path contains more
enemies, but is easier to navigate. After the paths meet back kup, prepare for
some tricky flying. At time it will look like your at a dead end, but on this
round, you usually are not. Just Keep it high and try to squeeze through those
tight places. After reach the open area, and see the rolling water, you must
get ready to fight the boss.

This guy is another big spaceship. The bad part? He takes forever to
kill. You don't have forever, trust me. Constantly blast away at him and take
advantage of the side enemies so that your health may refill. Keep up with the
dodging and shooting. A left to right tactic usually works fine, just don't
stand still! You will eventually finish off this learn some very
important news!

[e]-=Sun Dagger=-

>Earth is under attack! Some how the huge ship, Sun Dagger, bypassed the
defense and is headed our way!

>Round 1:
What appears to be another planet is actually the surface of the Sun Dagger.
There are tons of enemies, and they are all much harder. Use your map
carefully to traverse the strange crevices along the ship. If you bear right,
you will eventually see another one of those pesky blue Tractor Beams! The
enemies in this tunnel are very, very touch, and shoot endless streams of
photons at you. Take them out quick and dodge what you must. Navigation wise,
this tunnel is not bad. You see those little alcoves in the middle? Use them
to dodge the enemy fire, and save your life. The new type of closing doors is
tough to pass through. They are extra fast and take almost all of your health
if you run into them. Timing is key. It wont be long until your out of the
tunnel, and into Round 2.

>Round 2:
This round leaves that despicable tunnel and takes the action back to the
surface of the ship. Be very mindful of the Red enemy fire, as it will kill you
almost instantly. There is an optional blue Tractor Beam, but it is
recommended that you take it. Inside, you must use every yellow beam to give
you enough speed to make it through all of the orange doors, and there are
quite a few. Kill the enemy when convenient to ensure your health his high,
but never sacrifice hitting the yellow beam for them. Before you know it, you
will be back on the surface. There is another optional blue Tractor Beam ahead
on the left, do not take it. It is one of the hardest tunnels in the game, and
you are better off just staying outside. A few minutes after that one,
however, you will come to a dead end blue Tractor Beam. Obviously, take it.
You will love this one. It has nothing to do. It takes less that 10 seconds
to flight through and there are not any obstacles. You emerge back to the ship
after exiting the tunnel. Again, another optional blue Tractor Beam can be
seen near the beginning. Skip it unless you just want trouble. Up ahead,
there are two paths. Take the one on the right for the other optional blue
Tractor Beam. Go on and take it. Yay, another easy tunnel that only serves as
a transport. You will emerge back on the surface of the ship. This time,
don't take any of the optional Tractor Beams. Instead, make your way to the
end and take the one at the dead end in the very middle. This tunnel can be
hard, just dodge the enemy fire and use the ravines to take shelter while
flying. When you emerge back on the ship, continue your flight. Skip the
first optional blue Tractor Beam in the middle, and skip the first one on the
right. Instead, take the second one on the right(3rd one you see). Make your
way through this tunnel to come out in a new area, still in round 2 though.
Stay to the far left at all times in this area. Do NOT go in the first
optional blue Tractor Field that you see on the left, instead, take the far
most left path and you will go straight into Round 3....FINALLY.

>Round 3:
Round 3 takes place on the surface the entire time...yes! No blue Tractor
Beam. It doesn't matter which path you take, however, this level is extremely
hard. All of the paths are filled with hard enemies and even harder turns.
The flight will last for a good 5 minutes, then you will run straight into
round 4.

>Round 4:
The final excited? Don't be just yet. This last area is like a
maze, and the wrong turn will lead to death. Follow these general directions
when it comes to paths from the start: Right, Left, Left, Center, Left, Right,
Right. You will be in a larger area, however, you must bear Left to make the
way out. Ignoring the cubed alcoves on the left and right, take the next left
path. Keep to the left and you will fly over a wall that leads to a drop in
elevation. Just go straight for now. You will notice, you are at a boss!

What a freak he is! Go for the first row of Power-Ups when you see them.
Use a similar strafe tactic to kill him fairly easy. Use the plasma bombs to
destroy the enemies below for health refills. He should be dead within a few
minutes. But wait! You must now escape from the ship! Well, congratulations
Colonel, and may you wear your Stellar Guard Medal of Honor with pride!

SECTION VI: General Tips\
Still having trouble? Look no further:

*If you keep crashing into the deck, you may be a fast-action reflex intensive
flyer. Try switching to Arcade controls.

*Turn the FireWing over in a 360° barrel roll for high points. Hold down the
right or left roll button to roll continuously; release the button when the
fighter rights itself.

*Fly upside-down to take less damage from Drak-sai fire.

*Watch the radar map for safe passages. If you see a wall of white(impassable
area) on the map, scan for darker spots that indicate areas you can fly

*Beware high-flying Drak-sai that will attempt to ram you. Stay low when
encountering these devils.

*Watch out for red enemy fire!

*Don't forget to brake in tunnels.

*Fly as fast as possible for maximum points.

*Keep your eyes peeled for hidden power-ups.

Feel like taking the easy way out? Well read on friend!

-=Extra Continues, Planes, and Plasma Shots=-

Entering this code will gain you: 10 continues, 10 plans, and 10 plasma shots.
1)Begin a game and pause it. At the Continue/Options screen, select ''Options''
then press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, L1, L1+R1,
Select, Select. A skull will appear.

2)Then press Triangle, Square, L1, L1, L1, Square, Triangle.
This code may be entered as many times as you want later in the game.

-=Level Select=-

Go into the options screen and highlight Password. Hold Select and press:
Triangle, L1, Square. Then release Select and press Triangle, L1, Square,
Triangle, L1, Square.

-=Level Passwords=-

Level 1: Aqueous Major:

Level 2: Magma Prime:

Level 3: Solarius Centuria:

Level 4: Polaris 5:

Level 5: Sun Dagger: <-X-O-Triangle-X--Triangle-Triangle>

Section VIII: Acknowledgment\
*I would like to thank CjayC for hosting my FAQ on such a great site.

*I used the Total Eclipse Turbo instruction manual for some of the basic info.

*The codes can also be found at:

If you need to contact me for any reason, be it this FAQ or something else,
drop me a line at:

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