Titanic - Adventure out of Time

Titanic - Adventure out of Time

16.10.2013 04:11:45
Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time - Walkthrough 1.0
October 18, 2001
By Markus Kolic

Welcome. This walkthrough refers to the excellent game "Titanic: Adventure
Out of Time" by the now-defunct company Cyberflix. It does not have anything to
do with "Starship Titanic" or "Beyond the Titanic", nor any relation to the hit
The plot will be revealed during the game, but only if you look carefully.
In fact, that's the best part - the intricate plot, and all the little details
you can only get from exploring. The immersive detail. That's essentially the
reason I wrote this walkthrough - so you can skip those pesky puzzles and get
on into the scene and story.
Optional activities will be enclosed like so: {Option.} Many of these are
important for plot developments, so I recommend you do them. Some options will
merely say "Report to Pringle" - this means you head down to Penny's cabin on
F-Deck and talk to her. It's rarely necessary, as Penny (like Trask) is usually
nothing more than a hint mill. I will also assume that you are a fair navigator
and can understand a command such as "go to the wireless room" when you are on
D Deck.
And now, on with the meat of the matter!


Welcome to your London apartment, in 1944. Wander around and click on
everything possible, saving the desk and its numerous contents for last.
Nothing here is really important, but it backs up the plot. You can open up the
door and hear the landlord scream, which I find quite funny. Eventually, you'll
be nuked by a bomb and hurled back in time 30 years. Watch the credits and
relish the music.
You are now in your cabin on the Titanic - C-73. Ignore the knocking at
the door. Go to your bed and grab your bag, to the sink and grab the watch, and
open the middle dresser drawer to read Georgia's note. {Open your steamer trunk
using the key (in your bag) and click on the phonograph. Put the cone on the
top and turn the crank. Listen to your briefing and stop the crank. Open the
right drawer and put the phonograph reel in. Pick up the other one and play it;
you'll hear the radio music from your apartment. Open an upper drawer on the
left and read your secret briefing; it helps, but not much. Close that and open
the bottom drawer; give your decoding machine a once-over. Close up the steamer
trunk.} Answer the door.
You find yourself face-to-face with Smethells, your steward. It really
doesn't matter what you say, just listen carefully. When he's finished, go to
the gymnasium (boat deck, in case you're lazy). Talk to the lady standing here,
your contact.
Penny Pringle will finish talking and turn away. Now you know your
mission; well, part of it, anyway. Step straight outside and head for the
stern. Talk to Georgia, and ask about Sasha, not Charles. You might like to
know: that necklace she just gave you is a fake!
Forget about it for now. Go to the wireless and try to enter. Say the
following things to Morrow:

"The sea appears calm."
"It's a clear night, but dark."
"What uproar?"
"You don't care for bureaucrats?"
"What war was that?"
"No wonder moonless nights make you jumpy."
"Now, may I visit the wireless room?"

He'll say yes. Step in and look through the telegrams. There'll be one
headed for Germany in code. Pocket it and run back to your cabin. There, open
the bottom drawers and fire up your decoding machine. Connect the red and green
wires. The telegram is always the same. First flip the switch to DECODE. Then
set the dials to 8754. Then enter the code: ANHQSPPAIXWBFCXYAM. Finally, press
DECODE and watch the buttons bounce and the music sound weird. The paper comes
out; the Rubaiyat is in Boiler 3, coal chute 4. {Report to Pringle.}
{Alternately, although this takes time, try the following. Head for the
wireless room, but stop when a voice says "Come here." Step up and meet Max
Seidelmann. He'll offer to introduce you to Zeitel, his protégé, and the card
player in the smoking room. Say yes, time will pass, and you'll be in the café.
Talk to Zeitel and Haderlitz, saying whatever you like. You needn't agree
to go with Max to the smoking room, although you can if you like. Either way,
look at the table you were at - you should find Zeitel's pipe. Take it to Trask
on A-Deck, and he'll direct you to the Turkish Bath. Go there.
Once there, turn on the faucet. Back away and head for the mirror - it
should mist up, revealing a message - the Rubaiyat is in boiler 3, coal chute
At Penny's cabin on F-Deck, wander around until you find more stairs
leading down. Keep going right and forward until you reach the turbine room.
Hurry through to the control room and talk to the seaman. Say you'll try to fix
the engine.
{Give up, turn back to the seaman, and ask to see the manual. Read it,
then try again.}
Turn all three knobs as far to the left as they go. Then, slowly pull the
big lever upwards until the needle's just barely in the green. You'll know
because the background sound changes.
Now that you've fixed the boilers, you can march on through into the
engine room and all the way to Boiler 3. Vlad is here. Talk to him and agree to
do his favor. Then go past him and down the stairs. Turn around to see coal
chute 4; click on it. Open the box and take the Rubaiyat. Close it. Don't go up
the stairs yet or Vlad will shoot you. Instead, hide the book in coal chute 5.
{You can just leave the book for Vlad to take, but it makes things awfully
complicated.} {Talk to one of the coal shovelers, and keep insulting him until
you can call him a landlubber.} Then go up, through the boilers, engine room,
turbine room, and all the way out to the stairs.
Now you can jump. Go to A-14. Tell Barbicon you're from Vlad and he'll let
you in. Simply ask all the questions until all that's left is "Good night." Go
back to Boiler room 3. Give Vlad his package. Go down the stairs. Luckily, Vlad
was thickheaded enough not to realize you moved the Rubaiyat. Take it and go
back to Pringle. Tell her you've got it and all that you know.
Now take the book to the Purser. Check it in, and then ask about Thayer.
Offer to send the telegram. Go to the general vicinity of the wireless, and
you'll be stopped by Pringle. She says she's tracked Zeitel and Barbicon to the
stern. {Go there and try to eavesdrop, but they'll shoo you away.} To listen to
them, you have to head one floor down; to A Deck Promenade. Go to the stern.
You'll hear Zeitel talking eventually. Once he's finished, talk to Georgia.
(She's right there.)
Head back to the wireless again. Enter and read the instructions in the
bottom drawer. Click the instrument on the top right. Drag the lever at the
left all the way up. Do this slowly. Then the instrument on the top left. Pull
the switch all the way to the left. Turn the knob on the bottom right machine
until the red light flashes. Finally, click the left bottom thing and type the
message. Make sure you take the telegram slip out of your bag. (Incidentally,
you can put in any kind of mumbo jumbo; it still works. However, all that work
just to type "Bibbity bobbity boo" seems kind of futile.)
{Sometime during all this, there's a complex subplot you can do involving
the photographer Burns in C-78. Go there, and he should ask you to find his
wife. She'll be in the Grand Staircase there, wearing the blue hat. Go back and
let Burns know you've found her - he'll leave, allowing you to sneak into his
Read the instruction page on his desk, turn on the red lamp, then turn off
the room lights. Go back to the desk - you may need to brighten the screen
using F1. Click on one of the boxes, and get some undeveloped film. Place it
into tray 1. It should change slightly 3 times, then move it into tray 2. After
it changes slightly twice, click it and it'll be hung up to dry. Do this for
all the pictures, and you'll have some nice evidence for Penny.}
Go back to the Purser. Tell him you've sent the telegram. Offer to tell
Thayer, but he goes instead. Sneak a look at the cargo manifest. Find the name
Lemke and Buechner. {Report to Pringle.} Now, step outside and back in again.
Talk to the Purser and ask to get into the cargo hold. Tell him sure, you'll
find the cufflink.
You should know by now that the Strauses were on D Deck Reception. (The
Gorse-Joneses probably told you, or maybe the lift attendant. Possibly even
Seidelmann.) The cufflink is stuck in the left chair at the foot of the Grand
Staircase. You have to click it three times. {Talk to Seidelmann.} {You could
talk to Zeitel, also, though time will pass, probably ensuring you don't get
the painting.} Now, back to the Purser. (I told you he'd come in handy.)
Give the cufflink to him. Offer to tell the Strauses that you found it;
that self-centered jerk will rush off instead. "He'll be most pleased that I
found his cufflink." Luckily, now you can get revenge: click on his keys and
take the fancy one.
Go to A deck and take the forecastle stairs. When you come to stairs
leading up to the forecastle, instead turn slightly right and into the cargo
hold. It's the second door on the right. When the seaman sees the keys, he'll
let you through. {Look in some of the other cargo rooms - shame they're all the
same.} Three times ahead and through the door to your right. Turn on the lights
on the car, they'll shine on the right box. Zoom in and open it up. The
painting may or may not be there - if it is, take it. Go back out to the
Forecastle Deck. Report to Pringle. Then go to the Grand Staircase on B Deck
and Smethells will give you a message. (Haderlitz? The squash court? Fencing?)
{Head to the wireless, and steal another one of Zeitel's coded telegrams.
Translate it.}
{This whole section is optional, though if you do skip it, make sure that
you didn't let Vlad get the Rubaiyat. You'd also need to give the notebook to
It's now time to do Georgia's request. Go to the smoking room and find
Charles. Talk to him, then visit Georgia in B-70. Charles will come in, the two
will bicker and kick you out. Now go to the Smoking room again. Charles seems
to have reappeared there. Talk to him and he'll tell you what you already know;
Georgia's diamonds are fake. The real ones are in Barbicon's cabin. Go there
(A-14). A seaman will be there trying to fix the fuse box. Talk to him, open
the fuse box and flip the top switch. Barbicon will leave. When he's gone, flip
it back and go in. Click on the weird Chinese doll. Turn the combination to so:

0112 5374

You can now open it up and take the necklace. If you're a purist, place the
fake necklace in the doll and step outside to face Barbicon. Otherwise, keep it
and just jump out with the map. (Great loophole, eh?) Check the real necklace
with the Purser.}
Now, we fence with Haderlitz. On D Deck, just ask for directions from the
lift attendant. Follow them. When fencing, I find aiming for his bellybutton
works, but so does clicking madly anywhere. Of course, it doesn't matter
whether you win or lose, although it goes faster if you win. He'll give you his
ring; once he's done that, you can leave. {Report to Pringle. Take the ring to
Trask and ask him to do a reading of it. Then go to D Deck and talk to
Seidelmann (in the plaid jacket).} Go to the girl in D-19 (Willi's sweetheart).
Talk to her and give her keep the ring. Report again (you have to this time),
and you'll get a gas pen. Poor Willi! {At this point, Morrow will have left his
post, so you can sneak into the bridge and play with things.}
{Around this time, there's a large subplot that's necessary if you failed
to get the painting. Find Daisy Cashmore at the B-Deck Grand Staircase - she'll
ask a favor. Go to the purser, and get the name for the initials GQC. Tell
Daisy, and she'll let you know that Andrew Conkling wants to see you.
He'll be at the Scotland Road - it's accessible from the Second Class
Stairs on E-Deck. Talk to him, and he'll ask you to meet Shalaigh Hacker on the
poop deck. Go there, and talk to her and her brother. They'll ask money for the
letter. Go back to Conkling's cabin, B-59, and tell the news. If you like,
check in with Shalaigh at F-59 as well.}
Go to the Turkish bath. Ask Morrow if you can investigate; do so.
Haderlitz is in the electric bath, so go through the door next to the fountain
and into the near right door. Click on Haderlitz and take the note. {Show it to
Trask.} Go to Aft Scotland Road and find the axe and rope. Click it, then OK.
What do you know; Jack Hacker. He'll give you the note. {Take it, too, to
Go to the Cafe Parisian. At the side of one of the tables, you'll find a
pack of Old Reds cigarettes. Take them. {Show them to Trask.} Take them to
Seidelmann, who should now be in the smoking room. He'll mention that he saw
Willi atop the smokestack. Report back to Penny.
Penny may or may not accept this - you'll know if she does because she'll
mention the smokestack. If not, go find Reverend Troutt. He'll either be in the
Second Class Stairs or on the boat deck. Talk nice to him, listen to him, and
he should give you a prayer card. Take the card to Eric Burns in C-78 (he'll
seem to know you whether you did the photograph option or not). He'll show you
a picture of Willi atop the smokestack. Penny should accept this.
Head back to the engine room, and fix the boilers again. In the engine
room, there should be some stairs up, take them, and you'll eventually be
confronted by Vlad. Fight him, though it makes no difference whether you win or
lose. Go up the ladder, and begin the smokestack puzzle. My strategy is to look
to the right first - if the path is blocked and there's no route up, then look
left. You should get to the top without much difficulty.
Walk around the top, and find the notebook. Grab it, and Zeitel will
confront you. Talk to him (it matters not what you say), until you're
interrupted by an iceberg. He'll demand the notebook.
If you chose not to get either the Rubaiyat or the real diamonds, then
give Zeitel the notebook. He'll shoot you. Otherwise, give him the gas pen and
run away - Vlad will knock you out and steal the notebook.

Ship Sinking

By all means, save your game at this point under a different name. It's
fun to just wander around while the ship sinks and observe the people. Daisy is
particularly funny.
Answer your cabin door, and Penny will give you whatever you gave the
Purser. Map jumping is disabled, so you'll have a heck of a time getting around
There are four things you need to get in this sequence - the Rubaiyat, the
real necklace, the painting, and the notebook. You may be lucky enough to have
three, or you may have none - in which case you're screwed.
If you failed to get either the Rubaiyat or the necklace, or if you gassed
Zeitel and let Vlad steal the notebook, he'll have these things, and will be
down in the turbine room.
You'll need to head for the First Class Lounge - attempt to enter, and Claris
will stop you. She'll blather about Willi, then give you her shawl. Take the
Grand Staircase up to the boat deck, then take the Second Class Stairs down to
F-Deck and head for the turbines. (A seaman will stop you on the way - tell him
you'll take your chances.) There'll be a little stairway down, and you'll find
Vlad - along with Barbicon's dead body. Offer to get Vlad into first class by
disguising him as a woman - with the shawl. In exchange, ask for whatever you
need from him. (If he has more than one thing, you're screwed.) He'll say no,
but tell him that drowning won't help his cause. He'll agree, you'll get your
thing, and he'll disappear.
The painting, if you didn't get it, will be in the hands of Shalaigh and
Jack Hacker (in the Second Class Stairs). Talk to them, and they'll give you
Conkling's letter. Take it upstairs to Mrs. Conkling, and she'll give you
Shalaigh's baby. Take it back down, and they'll give you the painting.
The notebook, if Vlad doesn't have it, will be in the hands of Zeitel in
his cabin: C-59. He'll lock you inside with the notebook - and a suitcase bomb.
Luckily, if you screw up the bomb puzzle, you get a help screen and another
chance. (The blow-up animation is mildly entertaining.) Open the suitcase, and
set the middle switch to 3. You now have one minute. Set the left switch to 2,
disabling timer explosion. Wait for the minute to expire, then set the left
switch to 3 and open the key box. Take the key. Finally, set the right switch
to 3, and you can back away. Take the notebook from the bed, and you can go.
That's it for the objects - you now must get off the ship. There are three
ways to go, and you only have a small amount of time. The easiest is only for
the lucky - you may bump into the Gorse-Joneses on the deck, and they will
offer to take you with them into their lifeboat. If you've got everything, say
Or, you can head for the Smoking Room (it can be hard to get at) and play
cards with Riviera. You'll have to bet something valuable (one of your objects)
so make sure you have one and save your game. If you win, you'll get a tarot
card - La Morte - which you can then show to Morrow or one of the seamen for a
spot in a boat.
Finally, you can ask Morrow what you can do to help. If you've done that,
near the end, when there's only two boats left, he'll offer you a space. If you
don't have all your objects by then, forget it and just go. Better incomplete
than dead.
And that's it. There are numerous endings, so make sure to experience most
of them. Experiment. Play around. That's what the game is for.


Smethells, your steward

Smethells is not only the first character you meet, but one of the most
obnoxious. Penny is right when she tells you to "kick him smartly in the
shins". Self-centered and bossy, he's really of no importance. Good thing he
goes down with the ship. He can be found on C or B Deck's Grand Staircase.

The Purser

The Purser is the most important of the staff. You'll be talking to him many
times. His passenger list, cargo manifest, and keys will be of great help. (I
actually compared him to a real photo of the ship's purser; a good likeness.
Short, and a puffy face.) His office is on C Deck, near the Grand Staircase.

The Lift Attendant

There is one of these behind the Grand Staircase on A, B, C, and D Decks. He's
a chap who gives directions and takes you from place to place. (Of course,
since you can jump everywhere he goes, and the lifts are shut down during the
sinking, why bother?) Each one on each floor is a different person, though they
look and speak the same.

Third Officer Morrow

Morrow is a heroic, loyal veteran of the Boer War who hates alcohol, smoking,
whiners, and apologizers. He patrols outside the wireless room on the Boat
Deck, starboard side. You have to say the right things in the right order to
him to get into the wireless room, a crucial part of the game.

Seamen One, Two and Three

There are three seamen in this game, and they have no names, just numbers. One
is in the boiler control room, one guards the bridge, and one the cargo hold.
Unimportant characters, although they can be mildly entertaining during the

Coal Shoveler

There are lots of coal shovelers down in the boiler rooms, but they're all the
same person. If you talk a lot, he'll get really mad at you, and then you have
the chance to call him a landlubber. By doing this, you make friends. This has
no impact on the game - I suspect Cyberflix may have intended to program
something here (probably involving the Rubaiyat), but decided against it.

Penny Pringle, your contact

Penny is basically a hint voyeur for those who are stuck. You only have to
report to her a few times, but you have the chance to many others. She's bossy,
but a good spy. She can be found in the gymnasium at the beginning, and in her
cabin, F-34 second class, after that.

Leyland Sachum Trask, American psychic

Leyland is another optional character. He does readings of objects and then
tells you to go someplace or do something (the Turkish bath, find a rope, the
Cafe Parisian, etc.) I recommend you try everything you have on him -
occasionally you'll be surprised. He never leaves the A Deck Grand Staircase
until the ship starts to sink, at which time he moves to the smoking room.

Lady Georgia Lambeth

Georgia is an old friend of yours who lost track of you many years before. It's
important to get your hands on her diamonds. Beware, though; the ones she wear
are fake! Georgia is found on the stern of the boat deck first, then the stern
on A Deck, and then in her cabin, B-70.

Lord Charles Lambeth

Georgia's husband. She married him for his title and his fortune. Charles is a
drinker, so his fortune is depleted and the novelty of being a Lord has worn
off. Charles can be found in the Smoking Room at times, and will drop in on you
talking to Georgia in her cabin.

Sasha Barbicon, crooked London art dealer

Barbicon is an extremely important character. He's of Serbian ancestry, and
part of the Black Hand group. He's supposedly shepherding paintings to New
York; you need to get one of them (secret English troop deployment plans). He
cares strongly about money, money, and... er... money. He's a good friend of
both Colonel Zeitel and Vlad Demonic, who eventually kills him. He can be found
in his cabin, A-14.

Vlad Demonic, Serbian stowaway

Vlad is a spiteful character that nobody likes. He refused Barbicon's offer to
pay his ticket and stowed away instead. Careful; he's looking for the Rubaiyat,
and willing to kill for it. He's at first in Engine Room Three, then near the
ladder to the smokestack (where you get into a fistfight with him) and, as the
ship sinks, in the turbine room.

Colonel E. E. Zeitel, German "embassy inspector"

Zeitel is another evil man. A German spy, he's your chief opponent. He's
willing to take any of your precious items, and to kill for them. He divides
his time between the Cafe Parisian and his cabin, C-59.

Willi Von Haderlitz, Austrian intellectual and junior professor

Haderlitz is one of the most popular characters. He's working for the Russians,
and means to give his notebook to them. Unfortunately, he never gets off the
ship; he never even sees it go down. Haderlitz is electrocuted in the Turkish
Bath shortly after your fencing match with him (yes, fencing!) He can be found
in the Café Parisian on occasion, but not often.

Claris Limehouse, Haderlitz's girlfriend

Claris is a pretty girl who fell in love with Willi on the ship. Her parents
disapproved of him. (Sound familiar? Kate Winslet, here we come.) Her cabin is

Henry and Ribeena Gorse-Jones, British couple

The Gorse-Jones' are one of my personal favorites. Henry's rapier wit and
Ribeena's... uh... presence make for an unusual couple. They get tiresome
quickly, though. A funny thing; you never see their actual bodies, just their
heads. They will magically appear as you jump to various areas of the Grand
Staircase. They also come in handy late in the game if you're lucky.

Max Seidelmann, buyer for Haymaker's Department Store

Max is a social, self-centered American who smokes. He's important mainly in
the information-giving ring, but this time it's vital. Max is on the starboard
side of the boat deck calling to you at the beginning, then can be found in the
smoking room or D-Deck Reception.

Eric Burns, American photographer

Eric is a devoted photographer who never gives up the chance for a photo - even
on his honeymoon. He's really a non-character unless you opt for one of the
side plots. His cabin is C-78; close to yours. His wife, Stephanie, can never
actually be talked to, but you can't miss her blue hat.

Daisy Cashmore, American society woman

Daisy represents all things social. She, like Burns, is a non-character. She's
found at the foot of the Grand Staircase on B Deck, with gossip and a favour.

Andrew Conkling, wealthy steel baron

Conkling is the only other person on the ship besides Pringle who knows you're
a secret agent. He's nowhere to be found unless you do Daisy's favour. Once you
do, he's at Aft Scotland Road and then his cabin, B 59. (Incidentally, if you
want to wander around the boat deck as the ship sinks, you can watch Officer
Morrow shoot him.)

Beatrix Conkling, wife of Andrew

Beatrix is the arrogant wife of Andrew who believes in, shockingly enough,
SMOKING FOR WOMEN! She wears a humongous feathered hat. She'll be seen in the
Smoking Room, but refuses to chat.

Shailagh Hacker, former maid to the Conklings

Shailagh, traveling third class, was transferred from the Olympic because of a
coal strike. When she quit her job, she stole an important document from the
Conklings. It told of bad steel (which they put in the Titanic). She just
wanted it to protect her new baby, Eddie. She didn't know it was important. She
can be found with her brother on the Poop Deck once you've talked to Andrew and
then in her cabin, F 59.

Jack Hacker, Shailagh's brother

Jack will go to no end to stand up for Shailagh. He has possession of
Conkling's letter; and wants $5000 for it! He can be found on the Poop Deck
with his sister and then can be seen after you've acquired the note from the
Electric Bath at the Scotland Road.

Reverend Edgar Troutt, a minister returning from a mission in Africa

Troutt is a devout yet bossy minister whose wife was lost in Africa. He's
returning to his home in New Hampshire. Troutt can be seen in the Second Class
Stairs on E-Deck and then on the Boat Deck, spewing faith. I do hope he's not
an accurate representation of the 1912 preaching society.

Buick Riviera, French cardsharp, gambler, and marketing director for Cyberflix

I felt it fitting to leave Buick until last because he also had an appearance
in another of Cyberflix's adventures, Dust: A Tale of the Wired West. (Great
game.) You'll note that one of the places he mentions when he asks if you've
met before is Diamondback, New Mexico. That's the scene of Dust, and the Hard
Drive Saloon is a location there. He's in the Smoking Room, just waiting to
play some hands of blackjack.


At any time, you can try to receive messages in the wireless room. They
change periodically, and there are 3 frequencies.
Titanic has a weird timing system. The body of the game is event-driven.
Whenever you finish doing a certain thing, you'll see an animation of the ship.
Each time you see one of these, time has passed. This only becomes important in
one instance; obtaining the painting. There are several optional things you can
do which pass time, including talking to Seidelmann the first time and talking
to Zeitel on D-Deck.
The 3-D animation was a rip-off. Yes, the sinking was absorbing (get it?)
but watch carefully next time you see you and Zeitel atop the smokestack.
Zeitel has the build of a football player wearing shoulder pads all over his
body. So do all the other 3-D characters. Luckily, there are few. The only ones
I've ever seen are Zeitel (in two instances), you (a generic person wearing a
black suit), Morrow, and Conkling.
We could've stood to see a little more variety in the generic people
wandering the ship. I count maybe five different types, total. They create a
good effect standing by the lifeboats, but they're useless scattered around the
By all means, save a game once you've switched CDs again. Once you've beat
the game, it's great to just wander the boat deck. There are lots of animations
you don't see otherwise, including an excellent one of the Turkish Bath. You
can also talk to the various passengers and crew scattered about the decks and
speak with them. In many cases, responses change from time to time, and they're
almost always amusing.
And lastly, explore. I can't possibly have discovered all the ways to do
this. If you find any faults in these walkthroughs, or any new side plots or
even ways to win, please let me know. I could put out an updated version.
(Titanic Walkthrough 2.0.) My email address is markusrtk@hotmail.com. Please
excuse me for using a Hotmail account - I'd rather not divulge my personal
Again, thank you. I hope I've provided due service. And now, may I close
with a quote from Trask:

"You've changed the past. Now change the future."

This document copyright 2001 Markus Kolic. You may reproduce any portion or all
of this walkthrough wherever you wish, as long as full credit is given to the
author (me).

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